Cinema News and Property Gazette (1913)

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Mar< ii 26, 1913. INK CINEMA. 1 1 GERMAN SECTION. BOROID, LTD. To the exhibitor who desires to run a real noti-flam programme, by which we mean one in which the films are printed on a base which will satisfj the most severe h>i> as to non-dnflanimability, tl I ol the B< id Co. wild ess a fascination. I n thtii proj 1 utre the \ ■.. Film Co.'s exclusive " I he Indian Raid " on Boroid is l> ing projected. When we saj thai iis definition is both sharp and clear, and that the tight and shade is well defined, we have said sufficient to prove thai Boroid has a Future, I relieves its users ol vexatious restrictions. 'Nuf Sed! MESSRS. HUBSCH AND CO. The stand of Messrs. Hubsdi and Co. occupies an excellent central position in the Exhibition, and is a most artistic 1 rection. A splendidly arranged outer stand meets the eye with columns and a taking sign, also a very well an inner office, the whole handsomely furnished. A series ol special presentation photos of leading artistes was noted, also the first Messtor Co.'s arc lamp, made in lN^o, and their projector of same dale, also their latest models. Messrs. Hubsch and Co. have a number of good agencies, such names as Messtor Projection, Vesuvio, Dekage, B. B., Vitascope and Kxpress Films being a sufficient guarantee ol excellence. ["hey have the sole rights for features, with such fine artistes as Henny Porten, Wanda Trumann, Vigo Larsen, and in " Vitasoopes," the great actor Albert Bassermann, the '• Beerbohm Tree of Germany," the sole rights for his photo-plays having been acquired by the company. A fine series of interesting pictures, of which " Making Aeroplanes " is a good example, by Express Film Co., creates in all cases favourable comment. Such fine feature releases as " The Unwritten Law " and " Spectre of the Sea " are to be followed by equally worthy successors. Miss Hennv Porten 's latest appearance in " His Blind Wife " is .:, startling portrayal, while Wanda Truemann is shortly to appear in another bii^ feature. At the Exhibition Mr. Leslie Brittain is in charge, with Mr. Stanley Aulsebrooke a worths second in command. A goodly attendance of exhibitors was noted during our visit. JOHANNES NITZSCHE. Germany's best in the manufacture of projectors is here on view, and its exhibition has attracted the attention of all been showmen. Our Teutonic brothers make a bold bid in every sphere of trade for patronage, and in regard to projectors the\ c -rtainly turn out a good article. MALTHESER-MASCHiNENBAU. Here again a projector of the mosl approved kind i~ the chief exhibit, but the film producer as well as the film taker is also catered for. An inspection ol the exhibits will well the exp nditure ol linn . MULLER. Dr. Midler is a well-known authority on all that a tains to cinematography, What more need we sa) ol the accessories tube found al his firm's stand. Exhibitors of all grades would do well to give close inspection. RENTERS' SECTION. EXPRESS FILM SERVICE, LTD. Mr. Frank Newman's famous natural hisiorv film are the speciality at the stand of this company, who, it may be remarked, make a feature of catering for foreign and colonial buyers. Mr. Ernstein knows th, wants < ; . xhibitors, and his tact and judgment in this direction have won lor his firm an enviable reputation. FEATURE FILMS, LTD., BLACKBURN. Renters' Section. Ihre Mr. Henry Dixon was in cii and gave details ol the linn's business. The) specialise in features and general film hire; also supplies lor the t!i from a lii kel to a tip-up chair. KINEMATOGRAPH TRADING CO. Mr. Snape, Mr. Hughes, and Mr. Malcolm should b ■ indeed a happy trio, for shoals r>f exhibitors who have tested, triid, and proved the efficacy of the Kinematograph Trading Co.'s resources have renewed their acquaintance with the heads of departments. Promptitude and efficiency are the watchwords of the K.T.C., hence the good nam ■ they bear. Sisic Beatrix is the piece de resistance of the exhibition shown to the accompaniment of special music on Murdoch's Oichestriano. It has proved its ability to fill O'ympia to iii: extenl it seating capacity was taxed when Reip.hardt's spectacle was there. Verily the K.T.C. has reason to be proud of its prestige. MARTIN'S FEATURE FILMS. The firm of Martin's Feature Films has since opening at (ierrard Street gone merrily 0:1, and holds now quite a well-selected stock of all the latest features. At the stands the synopsi of these films are displayed, including such For an "IMMEDIATE" PROGRAMME apply to THE CROWN, who give a "HURRY" Service just when you want it. Feature Films. Ordinary Programmes. WRITE TO US FOR SUGGESTED PROGRAMMF. CROWN FILM HIRING CO., 52, Wardour Street, London, W. 'Phone : Gerrard 9313.