The Cine Technician (1939)

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THE CINE-TECHNICIAN FORMERLY The Journal of the Association of Cine-Technicians Editorial and Publishing Office : 30 PICCADILLY MANSIONS, 17 SHAFTESBURY AVENUE, LONDON, W.1. Telephone: GERRARD 2366 Advertisement Office : 5 and 6 RED LION SQUARE, LONDON, W.C.1. Telephone HOLBORN 4972 Volume Three : Number Nine. APRIL-MAY, 1937. Price Ninepence. Filming the Sahara T. A. GLOVER, F.R.G.S., A.R.P.S. (Leader and Cameraman of the Capitol Films' Sahara Expedition) Africa's eleven million, five-hundred-thousand square miles To give an indication of light values at the beginning contain such a wealth of photogenic material that British of this article will save me referring to them again in the Producers would be well advised to utilise it more to their text, and be of help to any photographer who may visit advantage. For, while the journey there may be expen these parts. sive, crowds are cheap, and locations plentiful, favourably Using Kodak Super X stock, operating at normal comparing in cash and production value with many loca speed, and using filters 5 N 5 and 3 N 5, our exposures tions nearer home. Photographically, weather conditions were fS and 111 respectively for normal development and are perfect if the humid zones are avoided ; but even these work. are good if the right season is chosen. The Capitol Films' Saharan Expedition left England SUNRISE ON THE DESERT