The Cine Technician (1939)

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20!) \ i . t !■: ( \ I (' I A N March-April, L938 FILM INDUSTRY EMPlOVICi <OUHCIL untmPLOYED riLm WORKERS j aTECHniCIAnS DEMAND YfOWUVtodES I T/.'' plai'crm :> c n'crt forbidden to mount. Sedition and the Films Bill By GEORGE H. ELVIN, AXIS. IT was onl\ a l'\\ quoted at tin time tin Seditious Meetings Act ot 1817 years ago thai a Film Technicians were tin other day victims oi this 121 well-known trade years' old piece oi legislation. The Film Industry Employees' Council arranged to lobby members ot the Standing Committee considering the Films Hill, and over •-(in unemployed film workers accordingly visited the Houses of Parliament. Afterwards a meeting, for which the police had pre viousl \ given their consent, had been arranged at the toot of the Irving Statue in Charing Cioss lioad. At the last moment, bowever, Scotland Yard forbade it under tins act oi L817 which intei alia Lorbids meetings within a mile ot the House while Parliament Is III session. "Tatler of The Uaily Film Renter was present. This months imprison is what he wrote : "I must sa\ | Was amused at the scene round the Irving Statue. You'd realK think a most dan unionist was prosei uted under a Statute o] Edward 111. passed in the year 1300. No amount of dim itest and t here prevent the prosecution or rescind the sentence of t WO iiient . Another Aid ot Parliament was also Technicians entering the House of Commons to lobby members. In foreground : 7 . O'Brien, /en: Williams. M.l'., and C. 11. Elvin.