The Cine Technician (1943 - 1945)

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Jul v— August, 1944 THE CINE-TECHNICIAN 00 if you are in Britain at the time of the election you may yourself vote by post. Every member of the Forces who wishes to be on the new register of voters must make a declaration whether previously registered or not. Members of the Merchant Navy can obtain similar [eelaration cards (M.N. E.K.I.) at official offices at the ports. Bert Craik CORRESPONDENCE Newsreels for the Troops Sir, — I have just received my copy of the Jourlal covering period January to April, 1944. I ind it very, very interesting, and it keeps me in ouch with activities of fellow members of our Lssociation. I was particularly interested in the short article ' Fighting Troops Demand Newsreels." Although am engaged in the Technical Department ol an 5NSA Area, I share a billet with the N.C.O. i/c 11m Distribution for these areas, and we natur!ly discuss our various difficulties with ea< h ther. Although the Newsreel position has improved »nsiderably since that article was sent to the Kine \'eekly, it is not yet possible to arrange for Troops i all Areas to be supplied with up-to-the-minute ews. Occasionally, it has been necessary to approach ie Public Information Officer for the Area (Agent »r War Pictorial News) for an up-to-date copj >r Mobile Exhibition. Seldom can this be ranged, and at present we are showing Newsels from this source 14 weeks later than 1st run the Civilian theatres. I noted that two Newsreels are being made by e Troops themselves. This should have read Filmed by the Troops themselves." The N.C.O. c Film Distribution for Ensa in this area has a und argument when he says " The fighting men e contributing 95% towards all Newsreels in the ►rid today. Their news dwarfed the recent Erup>n of Vesuvius, which would have otherwise en headline news. They are making news every y all over the world. They deserve to see pre•ws instead of mere memory joggers, and cavalries of the campaigns already dimmed by the •sent events which are making the Newsreels \y, and in which they themselves form the tire action and design." Yours faithfully, D. J. GOLDSMITH, S/Sgt., M.F.F. tear i Suppose, for a moment, you found one of our wounded soldiers at your door — you wouldn't hesitate to give all the help you could, would you? Your help was never needed more than it is now. The calls on the many auxiliary services of the Red Cross and St. John become greater and greater as the fighting develops. Will you help to answer them ? PLEASE GIVE AN EXTRA PENNY A WEEK TO THE RED CROSS PENNY-A-WEEK FUND the Duke <i Glouc Kegistered unde