The Cine Technician (1953-1956)

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March 1956 CINE TECHNICIAN 43 A.G.M. (Dermatitis) (Continued) so that everyone knows what precautions are necessary. If a joint committee was set up it would have to operate under an agreement of secrecy in that way, but that still did not absolve the employer from telling responsible people, both in the trade unions and on the medical side, what the constituents of that chemical were so that full precautions could be taken. Alf Cooper, in the course of the debate, stressed the fact that laboratories would need the help of all members of A.C.T. on this problem. " We are determined to work together to make the employers foot the bill," he said. The resolution was carried. GEORGE ELVIN'S LAMP The lampshade bears the signatures of members at Kodak CAMERA COLUMN We regret that owing to pressure on space as a result of the A.G.M. Report it has not been possible to publish the camera column this month. The column will be resumed in the next issue. OFFICERS ELECTED FOR THE YEAR President: Anthony Asquith Vice-Presidents : Max Anderson Alf Cooper Kenneth Gordon Terry O'Brien Charles Wheeler Treasurer: Frank Fuller Trustees: Colin Bell Geoffrey Bell General Council (other than Laboratory) : Ralph Bond Christopher Brunei Sidney Cole Desmond Davis Desmond Dickinson Sash Fisher Muriel Herd Ivor Montagu Fred Swann General Council (Laboratory) : Sydney Bremson George Irons Kenneth Roberts Len Runkel Ray Sharpe Monica Toye A. C. T. TO CHANGE ITS NAME The effect of the rapid growth of television was in evidence at the Rules Revision Conference held the week before the main Annual General Meeting. Alterations of rule were passed to enable the necessary procedure to be put in motion for changing A.C.T.'s name to The Association of Cinematograph, Television and allied technicians, thus recognising the increasing part that television is playing in the industry. Provision was also made to provide for members employed in both B.B.C. and commercial television being represented in future through their own Vice-President and on the Executive Committee. Shorts & Documentary Section Steve Cox writes : Now that the Annual General Meeting is over — and incidentally it was one of the most interesting meetings I have had the pleasure of attending — I would like to remind members of our section that the Shorts A.G.M. will be held on the 22nd March at 7 p.m. at Crown Theatre, Wardour Street. Shorts members might also like to know that our section will again be represented with two VicePresidents, this time by Ken Gordon and Max Anderson. Our section secretary, Cliff Parris, of World Wide Pictures, is back from Malaya and he tells me that while he was there he visited the Malayan Film Unit and met Production Manager Jimmy Davidson who, I am sure many members will remember, was with C.O.I, for some years. I understand, too, that he is due back in England in the summer. While with the World Wide Unit I heard that Miss Morag MacLennan, Assistant Producer, was responsible for wedding bells ringing at St. Martins-in-the-Fields on Saturday, 3rd March. Congratulations Morag and very best wishes to you and your husband. Other news includes information received from Chris Brunei, which (Continued on page 44) FOR SALE VINTEN LIGHT GYRO TRIPOD, including tall and short legs, top hat, two canvas carrying cases. Immaculate condition, gyro movement as new. — Write Box 174, Charles Sell, Advtg., 5/6 Red Lion Square, London, W.C.I. Camera Hire NEWMAN-SINCLAIR, Model 'N' (Mirror Shutter) COOKE LENSES, PLUS 24 'mm. ANGENIEUX RETROFOCUS KINGSTON TUBULAR TRIPOD VINTEN LIGHT GYRO TRIPOD Available fully modified for CINEMASCOPE S. W. SAMUELSON FINchley 1595