The Cine Technician (1953-1956)

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September 1956 CINE TECHNICIAN 141 General Council (continued) members of the T.U.C. Social Insurance Committee to discuss further the position arising from the resolution moved by A.C.T.T. at the 1954 T.U.C, following the Ministry of Labour's refusal to pay unemployment benefit to those members dismissed during the Laboratory Dispute. The T.U.C. spokesmen said that, whilst they continued to be very concerned about the matter, they could not suggest any concrete solution. The Government had been pressed to amend the Act so that, where an employer had breached an agreement and a stoppage ensued, the workers would be entitled to unemployment benefit. The Government had not agreed to such an amendment. The Executive decided that the General Secretary should consult H. Samuels, who took the Test Case on Appeal, as to whether he could suggest a suitable amendment to the Act in which case such a proposal would be forwarded to the T.U.C. GRANADA TV: At the request of our Manchester members, employed by Granada, Harry Middleton held a meeting there on payment for meal breaks. Following the threat by A.C.T.T. members of an overtime ban the company agreed to pay for the second meal break, which means that 44 hours per week are worked, but they include the second meal break; overtime, of course, is payable if the meal break is not taken. JOBS ON OUR BOOKS The following vacancies have been notified to us: — HUMPHRIES FILM LABORATORIES. Two 35mm. Black and White Printers One Positive Synchroniser (Nights) One Positive Synchroniser (Days) One Solutions Control 11 Operatoi One 35mm. Projectionist One Negative Assembler (Days) One Draughtsman One Foreign Titles Assistant PATHE LABORATORIES (Wardour Street). Vacancy in office for General Clerk Will anybody interested in any of these vacancies please contact Biinnv Garner at Head Office. Mental Deficiency A number of people detained in mental deficiency institutions were being exploited as cheap labour, says a report from A.C.T.T.'s delegate to a recent conference on mental deficiency, organised by the National Council for Civil Liberties. All the cases successfully fought by the N.C.C.L. had remained mentally sound after release. Miss Elizabeth A. Allan, N.C.C.L. Secretary, urged delegates to raise with the Ministry of Health the need for proper rehabilitation of mental deficients; she said that those who performed useful work should be paid T.U. rates and should get insurance stamps. WANTED WANTED : Newman Sinclair in good condition (similar camera considered). Please air mail replies to Robert Hawkins, Elstree Studios, Central Africa. P.O. Box 1517 Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia. SOUND QUALITY IN COLOUR PRINTS is not quite so easy to ensure as in black-and-white. The finest equipment — the careful testing of each batch of stock — the selection of appropriate printing filters — regular densitometric tests: all are essentials. STILL ONE THING MORE is needed to maintain the consistently high quality of our prints: the skill of the Industry's most experienced colour technicians. Give us first-class recording, and we will guarantee perfect results. The only Independent Laboratory undertaking exclusively Colour Processing hit C\ 89/91, WARDOUR ST., LONDON, W.l.ry Telephone: GERrard S7I6-8935