Cinema News and Property Gazette Technical Supplement (1924-1925, 1943, 1946)

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Supplement to THE CINEMA NEWS AND PROPERTY GAZETTE. January 8, 1925. Safeguard your patronssave your carpets by fitting FERODO STAIR TREADS. These treads throw up the edge of each step into bold relief — they provide a sure foothold for even careless feet. Ferodo Treads have the very best non-slip properties of any stair tread yet devised. They never become smooth or slippery with wear. Ferodo Treads show great savings. They take all the wear and protect the carpet — actually the wear of Ferodo Treads is three times that of cast iron. Now made in You can give your present carpet a new lease of life by fitting these treads on the edge of each step. Cut up the old carpet to cover the rest of the step, and you have a handsome, well-finished staircase. FERODO STAIR TREADS standard carpet lengths. Send for list. FERODO LTD., CHAPEL EN-LE-FRITH Dipots an I A%tncics Londm, Birmingbim. Leeds, Manchester, Bristol, Belfast, Newcastle, Burslem, Glasgow, Carlisle, Cardiff, Btighton, Swansea and Liverpool. A 53.