New York Clipper (Apr 1862)

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=i9 «f(kfA|la«ftlB!M^ BXJIB O>1.0«l, B ZX BjO ZB Bt' a ^ "Hm^^m f^m^mu:< • ton itmmu 'Baatmaniu tern m '• •' { a(0ANap0BtiM(» woBHAir5o#;^.»ii» ut of lV'4iitttli<)«; lit' iin ImiataM <gnnltfbq^ ^ iimrgWRvftltPnitTB of areg erantof » awrtBgi Hating nob w— — - Wokat. ObMS,'Fii«lUiii( Fe«ts of Stnagth, •n nr^g , ■■ ojmeFojl, .,JiD.,,*c., ko. I tlio Aetotoa eoniMmU* tpaae'to .fviir'-^iiriswBBB TO OQBBBBPpMSBKTB, i Uftenutlon <m OsBtTd tofiet, bnt Bpoitlsg ,'ll»lt«n , W OetTMpoiidantKiwtradnMotexiMOMt . 'iir.TP PBit ii ih« orgu ot no ptrUnilir «UUi but dtrotM ~'■ and isflnno* t« tti* Imprartmant of the IraxaoiL and uemtai> ooiibinoli of ths pboilb; • TSka imiwiiif llinfffT° I * BPOBTINa PAPBB, U «Ull' Brt|(«eada^lB<Ui(v*i>7ou*ieoBii(tr. UUttSMiM ■ iti) ,'■ >'.'' XEB BBOPOinZED BtOSmSSt AVTBOBIft, :■ ■>)■ ^ ■ .AVP jit Tirt " tsPOBiiHa/oinHALHowpuBui^^ |Ia'eoplea,4l9«ntiaMh. Bym*ll,|l<brilx'manitii, fM»'n«r, Olab tf 'tBiir.tT-peruufnin; otob otelgliKtlS '1,'diib bf twdre, lis Mruunmi—la tU ouai In' td- "aasuAti. U e«n^. Mt line for-efoh •ad^Twr Pti^MlettlpB ,Ta«td »rpfenhywfc. - .^ " ' 116. Minn (faMt,N6w Tork. o<NEl^ YORK Oli I P P E R. '^ATtpibAT,'APttIL 19, 1962; i ttffM ii-r'' -,11 AMli^.l: jTHB lATB BnifiTARD BUTOH ii*adS'V4WlE|BB'F0t^T AND KA'V&HAaB. ' '''^'poijivM^ «f tte Ut« bmlud miteli ti«tw^n i ;W i«dA«Dr)toaajint» tlutUwM*aaa,iadW8 loiat: • tt*t It dU b«8 ■asinrhkt tbat tppeannes at fintdgbt,; Mri^ thoM whe'li^Va btit> llmlM knowledge pt ih» . ^^^.Ito.ilioM'I'wiie *n''pp'''tn Ui»'iiiMi,Uia ({ootniy, w«] ISm^ Wis ^pear.' V« an mamn Ubit mra It a Mt magbt' iCit>&Mtfi'1pUf»t''ym'tiit^ tha Urt partUi ttiat woTiUbelstinb),' fte mtiMi becnua of onr oeuiant and taqoant aqMsaraa of fibril' in tha apoiilng irotld. ThaieSjn, It iboald not appaar. partUI If wa ^ka tka KMoad ihM tbe aatdi WM lUr and atnar^ SMoi^-la • napedabla janng manln bOUaidclnlaabdolngj MMMi<:in Fnltion itraat; on,Ui rapatatlon ta bonartTi Uaa'hla IMiM mm Aa be dafaatad Polar Oareland ao eaiOr, odda: MtB^<p;i vqv aaked bf Iba Isttor-i Manda; ao tbat it la doobted kar ttoy. von mora than |S0O ontaida of iba main, atakaa. /ttoB liidiieiaiTinnnetioii^ heweTar, bt «a look at tbo ■ of^^e game. . Folaj (iattad idtb tha laad, whlob by jiwil atui tKaTanigh took tnm Urn. Ifb^KaTanagb,intanded j^lfi^ovUii patch, yoaldia not rather baTaatloirad lia oppo- ji^fa' rrtala It, ao aa to glTe iba game an np-till appaatan net In-, altliaaf that, howarer. athemh timbewaa 100polnta ahead, iMtohFdajaadenpoii.blanextoonnt It'maybaaald.iniaplr, tiiat' ^' Jnat where ha 1st up; not ao, in oor opinion, ,tn ha' .Mid bare done tbitlnaleaa ctimiaj manner, and laaaerltt- 'fid'jwililQn, and wrtalnljr. he wonld not bare been eo aOIr aa to ^^^ptl'tdgiUn the'lead after Uiattthe wanted toW ifjUn tdnlng 1000 ma: again 100 pointa ahead, andmaagala lllM;~^iriiffi two-thirds of the gune waa plajad, for at the Ulat jjj^p^jiianl(ie^ iOof wUob.wualhr.baalneaaif tiepieaiittaldae. Adh«^'lliiTe.«tm a atnnger argnment, agalnat the opinion that 4bterii4r;bfl;ywbljpb Ilea In-t^e fact that he made so leaa than |fj aflctfgitol jwcfatf, whlth aoored tar hia opponent OTorTO inMk^twica aa nanjr points aa be waa beaten b7, to aay nothing laMflM lto tttg^ be not podutad his.ball in that P^rthe'aivm| b^ bait iw tl^rna JM mads In ,the gamfrr-aOr-ware an braogbt to a 'lUOA'-In Valibllar war. Aalde Crom tiiii, we are of the [rttiat.hla'.itfiponent will agree with na in li^rlng that t^.thegwii«.(tnwhlGb.Fplsr.dts^Tedmo6toon- nmaiate abrewdaeaa, as well as nerra ot the utmost atardlnaa,) IifnirvitMgb to defeat aar n^ Vebata WHttea tbos mnob to ^^|||^4.tlie;'ollaMDter ot f jpvag man rising in the world, Ctom '.'(i>w;7«'aaw>ider; aa nnisst aospleloa. - It by Qo'meana foUowa, . u|UMrn|r/.tbat we are abaohi)eIr oorraet in ow opinion, aithongh ^^^inji.of 'argnment ;wa' ^haye.adopted bears' as .^nt: in It; bat .ak(nU inat any fntoie time llnd'thabwa are mlaUkea, ;iieahall tM tiUa bastah' to adake smenda. In refarenoe to FAley** nerra^ ^jj^iiji^'i^ato'no lMttor aaa^^ than John Uonisseyi'wlie re^ xaa&ed on feailng the bail, f/lf .that isn't a pln^ yoong siiaTer nX.-dOO'nBow oa«i'f -There ahopid be aoma motiTe for a trwA, it Xf^irmriatmiai^i and. v^t motiTo there'eoiddbTe been tai'|<4^°°|>^^|'^^ ^:|^'^e'in^bsTsyattoi9tn,^for,wesn.^^ '" ' "~ " ''" .gllM fanr bat botsUa of.ike stakeadldnot readb tWO,-so that no- Bay eaUd not have been the motim fioine of ESTans^'s ■atwnnhest irtaada ofisredto^betSto), andaaoh odds,batwere iiMtyMatA'getonto amy trifling.amonni ''-KaTBaaglLW« "'^1 iBd' tUyM,' at times, reiy badly jndee^C bnt'iiot1ntan< >,iBaM>t'iifnB«Uiagrr OniBtfnnc.-^Tbaiada9; AprlLlSlh, Ifr.'ifiilMi"BL Bndy wat CiTonM with ■'onnpliO«iit^ eilifU- ttia'SyAlji'ni^Mrii Mbia eiiUdisbmeht, iinA .«a Iba'Wrabllig of ttat'dky 'hi»'o^teated gymnkslaavraa .aUieaded by'qsite a, lrinlft^fw'«iidfubteaable astenblsge^ to Mtn^ tha' -niiooa ii^jHleMiarrisaa peiftinned by the skilled gymnasia of tiia sfbooL; |B eoBisqaaaoa of the drill of the right wing of iba Ttb regiment, Hr, Bc^y .iras.depriTed of the serrlcas of many of Ida well t^(id papils, who wonld'otiierwlse bavo been in attendaaee; as' It waB,:howsTar( there ware qnlta a talented troupo ptasent, the. dyniUala of 9Sd street and Bayard atieet having able'ra^naen- tattTsa" there,, lbs namoa ot tboaa who performed 'are u Ital- lo«a:.i>lIsasrs..X 8. Brady, J. Brady,.a Brady, Connor, St. John B(ott)ersi OKell, Swift, BeO, Ladd, sad Vontaeae. There were one er tjrb.oUM^ whoso 'uwnea we were aaaUa to proonre. Of those who perfotmad, the Ueean.-Bndy, oneU and Oonaor, meatdtfttngnlahedUnmiMlTaa, 'ThefoUowtogiittupriigramme of th'eaiaiolaaas— . . B14g% T. FlylnA Bii 81 TmnnUagi ». PegPola, - 10. laddenL 11, DoaUa napeia, 1; ■ia«lsasontbeVaaltlagBon4 t.'l>nmb Bells,! - . S; Parallel Bsn, 4. ladiaa anba, 0, Slnjila Bar, . .•;FSEtai«li^ IXBaokBaia. Of the aVore, tbeperfMmanoeoB ihedoabletrapeia.byIf< La^ and Bdl,.wine aipaolslly ptalaeworlby, and tharalalDg of Ibabody byoae tan, back and firont, boAonlally, by KssBt. 017011 aa'd Conner, wis a tmly sarptislng fsat of.'^iaasoalar aboigth. . indeed we regarded this exeidse as Uieflntara of ihk eitalUtlon.. ^W* notloed tha Bsnlon Brathsn wm pr ataat, as wdlaa.the leadiiig'gyinaasti ftom Bambam's ,Oym^ BioQklya. the oioao of the r«B<ilar ezeioiaes, all fraient were iavlied to Jda in tha "bop" that eooelnded the entertainment of tha eraslnt.' The vrellmlnary .addieas was nude bj'Ur. Ten rac^ntly^ i)aniaa<iied..wlth tha Baa FMnditao gymnaaiqm, 'irtio'in Us intiodaolory remarks stated, that tha antartalnment 'pMrtded' tbr'the gnesta of the- ereiidag wbnld Coaslst o^^ a little ihib iioiq^ in the way of a.speeoh; a snbatsatU repiBt, sn^ M tha gynnastlp .exeidsea; aadia desert la- the form of m daaee, in wbloh the ladlM woold form tlie tempting dishes. Lotnxar Qomir.—Ftrem iAs Clfyfo'i CemqiMdatf.—Tonsg Ben Oaunt baa had his spirit Uoeaso renewed, and la in ecstaoiea otw it I hopethe boDBewm bel^tter eondnoted in fn^M. Beit aeemaaoIaTerfellaw, andoogfat topioaper. ^Hawaa married • few months sgo Harry Biaome'a hoese ia dtat op, ud a oatald^ "dosed for reipalia," which looka aaspiolons^ I'm afraid he's "gone in," altogether...., .PioiiMsoi Earriaon advettlsed to show a-big'on (en the aid) at hia dram, who . wania to flght Usee; bat It waa btmeom^M^ as are aB tnih balls, to get the Tor- daalsto go thereto iHoker" ToeagLead, tha boxer, waa "aeat ap" for nine moatha, for robbing a aian of bia wcloh, two weeks ago. He picked np the Ibt at Kaoe> honae, hot look hlm° to another beer ahop to glTebiia a lesson ia.apaning. Leidled off at Mr. Oardaer's Test pooket, seised bia guard, bit it eft the watch, eoOared .the latter, and beat a tetieat back to M'a^ wtiate ho was sinssted.'. He waa- senWneod Fab. 16, at the Ulddleaea Seaatoaa: . Saryad blm right. - I knew him to be.a .despeiato.little, cnss^ bat Berer thoagbt be waa profMonal thief. By the liibamiaa,'which aalla to- momw from Uvarpool, I send wtth 'thi^ Oeorge Eing and Fatay Baardoa'a f^bt,' which waa a'dlsgnstlag afEkir thraaghoat There'a'a great deal of bambog m •■baraey" about the fights In this conntry. - It's bard to aay whloh. Terlly, the P. B. la going to the dogs... i;.By-the-way, I've Just hesrd that Usee and Tom zing h*Te hail afdllng oa^ and don't go in doable-haraeaa now. If Iba tBBiaT be tiBe, it'a no more tbaa I aatloipated in my recent report of |belr eihibitloa. I don't see' bow they caa STOid a freab matoh. ll^a an Teryllaefor a champion to aquare It with the verylnan meet likely to flax him oat, to aaTe bis own bacon, aa'd keep tlU bait on easy terms. It's not bsrd to ten a "hawk from a herashaw," aad daspito aU the load talk of Uaee'a prowess, be Is a loog way behind Tom Bayers Also Seeneiatoprodnoe a man to light j;oe Goes at ItT Iba.; (he aeeting ta aet down for the STth. Aleo'a'iaan'lii Bob njrareri, so the knowing onea say To-nioiTOw, I go tobear lbs debates In Parllamaat; harlag J^M- oelTed an atdarfrom BlchaiaOobdea... i. .By nextsteanier, I^ fend acobnnt.of miy interrlaw.with Jack MoDwiilili - I. "Patholoot o* na BsnoBvottnT'Osoairt," by T. Buseen Tran, K'D., •■TBx8sIVAL0■^uisM,alls'rI<HuSHIVLUaitaaK- lCBlT," by Janaa a JaoUfon,' U. D.,- and "Bixaa,' Aicb How To TazB Tarns," by Harriet B. AtBtln,'U. D., in one Tolume, pub- llAed by B.'LeTei«tt Bmatson,'Boston, Utl. \7e have thepre- anmptton to hotioe-tliiB saggeattte yolomebecsase we fMqnentiy reoelre '..letters from onr sportiiig friends, andi other cone^peo- dents,.who may be "a Utile'oat of coadltlon," and vary anxioua to be able to aay ••Dat'a what*a die matter." That this Is' a sag- gesttre TOhime must be admitted, we think, by.'eltber sproibs- aional or a aon-piofiMaloaal reader. Any orltlolsin from as, we expect^ la net likely to be qnoted among'tUe orthodox (or hetoro- dox) medical' rsrlewa, and theieTore we feel at liberty to stito oar ;^l!^^li^',^,;'>M,,lirpiw.lalgmeBt gees.' iet^a^'Bot.attaaiet to viaiiii>.tbe:proapeclaof a rlaiagyonagmaa,janlaaslheN isB^ tgrt of artdence to^ooBvlct him of a wiUol wNBg.. iktv*-; . ■.. —^rrr.-.v r_ , T HB OAMB OF^^^ ~ ' ^B nitii tiuuiioui of'aay ponalt' ia best'estlmsted by its -■kMiq^MBeea 'to'lndiTildali, tad Itai aO^ npon aoeiety.- 'ttiut' ^tlp^s.wblldi, b tbvfr Aitnre.-'aBd .operattoB, him a dlirect tea- . amff. of aooletjr olpaer tpgether by ftieaOly waMa; which snbatltato IhafiBata ot the man fOr the freaks #161)) ]uil^ood)to'r ejfeminaoy; deiteilty for laxarloin in- ''^'..ifhidtarei^ traia the tahit of scUahneaa, nnelty aod , Vi.A'irhloh may be pnouedwllhoat ahaaie, eompuBO- ' , an eiitltlM to eapeotsl-eacoaia^emebt 1,','^va Biiaiter ao important u that pf.'the adapUoin.ef a ' qjpMTb- adieaoe - tin the people. .'SeeiBg uiat the generality of -TMBaklBd hsTV tha aatiU of labor aa tha lot of their liriierltaaoe, ><1^tp>«liiiau]y u'eeesBUy ibat then shoald bo some ndlerlng ■'jAMW 'to'.the siaj^ of booaaloBsl dlTerstoa, if iia macbinaiy of . :'jiiili)^Ak boib meatti aiid pbyaloal, U to be' kept in work- tegror der.' Tiie mental btialtisa an rarely aUe to deretope -ftttaHdveranlsn-thebody, byneeeesary ittptorement, whole-' ?«ttl alri'lBd proper exenlie, be in a healthy tUta. Belaxatl6a, ^.V^cn^ atlBd as oU U to the'sleam ea- , Tkitt fliot being'granted, the 4uesUon aris«s,.what la the B eat. w a n a H oB to OBjoy, or.what exerdse isthenthatwecu' ..'Mftoti that at Ihfe asma'tlBie It alTords us sH the sdraatsges of V T^baaHMll nlireatloB/ to also freb from any otijeotloaable ftatoreaT " ' y, we'bog to'state thst the gameofOrldret'comes Bearer "f cf tha "dealderstuip reqalnd, thia. any'ether', sport' iweaipe'abqci^ledwith. Erery Orlotioteroiight.tofae: ' of the'position his tiTotlte gangs'has iallained. It has • i^aoeiTed the epllheia of vigorous, nobis, healthy, ':'>iinwHri»B< rational. The ohJeiUons whloh nsed to be'taijied , epif^Uortthe pabllo praotlce'of sports, vis.: that tha amtiaeaients ' ■ , ifirpetnateA by,Qlhers of i^arger. grbiiiii, oan< l!lw applied to'tfrloket. Uanliaeaa'is 'one of its prlmaqr cl^ ^an<^ lBitB,piaottoaian.t|>o«e qnalifleaUoaa.whicb'Caa ihtiiftxr in 'time of need, an adminbiy wrolyed. <Hoket Bj^wedanoe aiaoagat existlag Ipertt, from lis adapta- '^'mMim uid wahta of aU; the rillh,-lhe'poor,"thteId,' t,ue<kreak aad strong. 'Bnllke the great Bti^jorllyef .^«f,fi^,oe„7fbeiw exollement,' often prej^dldal to health, t^tilir. fdXHUi gives: a salnluy tone to the whole «yst^, \iMiiilh«niiig at oai and (ho same time an the fOaettoBs both of, ^3VWi^^ S4Sr.:iIotaU^ slenier sort, who Trelgb the . . mU^^'iB tb batanoe,>Te Bfver dhMrrsMd' ia Igt^ ybrjwdiMflKtcM tra ns g ra ai ln B of the decttogae, bayimd, ' ''^ ^ Us b«lag worshipped wl<h'«Mt'titMh ardor/iAd this) , ia stoned Ar by the spirit cifobearftilnesf it adooaf. * Bngaged, as 'ws an, in advocating ageneral refonn of oor toclsl luAiia aad opportnalUesTor physics], improvenieat, wohdil irtlh dellgfat any aaggeaUve.laflaeacea that may bebron^itto bear npea oarikTorlte line of aetioa, come from what qosrler it may, the; dergy. the inedleal proreaata,, or'the •calilde bubariaaa" of. the aporting world. -We therefiin take great pleasan ia reioonmiending the above volmne to a ftlr and iswdl^ coBstderatloa ainoBg an classes. Bvery diaplerls valn- d>le,.^alitheaabJeotaotthoaeohaptananwaUohosen. '^e 'proper stndy of aisnkiad Is msa," SBd we an need to know mon of odipelves, oar orgaaa, oaf pjuwlnna, bar' oondltiona, ale., than we generanjr do. This' book Is ititn adapted for such a ooaraa ot 'readlBg, and, like the "Mew BaglaBd Family Uedlelne," written by Dn. Oiyron' and Bladk, of ProvldslBoa, B. I, abont flfieea' irean ago, has ita languiagie so popBlarlsed aa to be nsefDl in every hoose. . BortoB is "gnat iB an good works." Taa LaziBillubi) TouBaaion.—This eveat, irhloh ooeppled the atteattcB of the pubUo so muoh la the lint week of the pfes- ent Binitb,.dld,Bot, .we sn sorry (6 say,'eqoAeipec(atlOBs, the play to an the ofliitaslsbelBg stow, and bat few brilliant sbots,to praporttoB, having beea aitde, Agoodroandsumwaareallied for.lhebeBelltefthe%I4owandi>iiBly of the late JToseph'White, affloantlaig.lB .aU, .we are informed, to npwsrda«ttT00. This is waU, aad as "an la w«l that eada waU," we doabt aot the paUlo wlUbe aatiiiled; and aa this wu tbe flist dventof the sort that waf sv«r gotten ap hen oa so extended a acaH we doabt not the ooadooton wU improve oa it to fkitnn biniard exhlbltlona, Fc- ley's aykrage ia bis match with Eavaaa^' wis bnt 01-3, aad Eav- aaagii'a a little over 9 l-t; la the 1000 politta with'Deeiy, however, Foley iBlpTored mattan by making en average of 11 aad 21 over, Bteiya beiaA bat half of that la the 31 games, Foley woa tha shbttest game, wlBBlBg ths ilth to three coaato of 08, as, and M, while Deery made the highest eoaat to the 8th game, 7B, whlab, h^ttooonned to the 1000 points game, orhadtheartloles of .Mgrcemeat beea ftrlotly sdheted to, woald. have wta for blm thebetott3S0,.which-htaopponenttecnredbyarunof84, Kav- anagh'slOe;to hisUOIh tnm,toUs match with Foley, wuthe higheat ot the whole play, whloh would have been tooreaaed bat/or an acddental pooket on puking a 8 shot FoIei"sMaad 04 was bto heavlesl siilUery. Btoae'a W, aad Fox's SO aad 8t, ca the flret Bight's play, .wen also big.fltftares. JUiatao few long *Bna wen made Is a marvel, but goes to ahow the "glorious un- oertatoty" of the game, bnt for which it would lose half llaiater- .^'aad malchM'wpulfl be of aeldom ooAurreaca..' \ OoB TaBimoii, B(00Bn.-:4>aT theitrlcal summary of the movemeata anjl bastoess of the {irofesstoa has growa so exton- aive, that, wa flad 4t aeoesssry to olaasliy the dUT^reat branchea aader >appr«priato heads, so that soy ptttioaUt performtaee or business diat. the reader.may U .'to, search. oi;'can ndi* be fonitd 'mdn readily .than nadei our-late qfatanu. We have thU ireek to- aognnlad our aew polfoy uader.tha varldua hea^ of.Thealrlc«ls. ^WalMlllr,Olx(ttah,Uii^ aad UIk eiaVwaohs. : Ohare!ta'aapaper la the iooimlry liiat g^vaa ao eomL tJ ato », maaiaHf tt m mOraiatBtt Wtiia jftdtimlM tk at OUVflB* Bo«iao.-Sh« afbik ofjIbsKaattaman iatoreattA in tftOag ap a holding dub,'have, aotkri baea attended witti'iileeta^' Uid the prospeoto of iaat|t^tion an good.' Tbey hoii U'iU' Josnied meeUng at iCr. Jaa^a HowaU's, The Honae df Lordsl to BodistoB sliMt; JAst east of Broadway, oa (be avaaing of Wsdnea. day. 9Sd Inst,, whaa.(tw orgtjqisatlop win,' witbont • doabtj be oompieted. Their playlag-grvaails will be to toe centre of (he HerwTork Oriekei OtaV greonds,' wUoh an beiag pat to exr oelleat eoadlilon, hikvlag'nBdergone a praoeiaoirjModling, rowing, watering, eto. t.The necessary balls an being maaafictared tirom flnt«Wnodela fbrtdahad by a geBUetoaa whokabwa "the how' of toe game to aD ita d^toUs, aad who intends^ if e MUeve, to ttk» »lund la. TOs to a ihvorito reoreatlon, aa well u one of the old; est games ot Old Snglaad,'aail tUay, to all lateBts and j^arposes, Jbe tenned a g<jitletBJih'( game. For those adyuiaed to years, or who an, from the Baton of their baalneas, aaaccnstomedtoez' azerolie, or who.'have arrlyiri^ at Al'denaaaid pripilrtloas, it is smlaaatiy adapted., Fw thM reasons, we expect it'wiU become popular wlto aa anMag raea of an alaes, weight aad ages. ■■Howiam.iovOmiaaii Buaa^aaaBl"—BpU Boa cannot be repeated. Oenenl Beaongard has feirfony ekperleaoed (his fkot to the defeat of himself and army at Pittsbnrgh Laadtog, when toe nbela.had • "ncrptlMt party" pispsrad for toe beaallt of (he ThiloB fon«^ but whm (he- firmer, to tara, wen aw- prised at toe toviaslble eharactsr of ear fasten aoldlers. Tbo nbela bagtotose* things to a dUTerent l]gh(,B0W;»da}a. It aaed to be that one nbel was • match tbr Ave Taakeea. That bubble has bunt what (he Hempbis Avalanobe tun ••»■>- "We must rejmdlato the duBand laggtogayatemefibe past: the banging on to entrenohmeato; toe walling for asMult,and above aU. Us <die cmtud ^ AuMaw imilncraMSy and Fontee eow- ardict, When we sbaU have done thto we Shan have made a be- glBBtog tbat proBilses sBbettt^lal results." If toe nbels eaanot flght behind entranohmeats, we caaaot see.what chance toey have to toe open field.' Tn.—Hen we are, to new rig. the Haw Toas Ouma entan upon Ms 't^to vohime,.wlto thla lanw,.irito favorable prcigpeota tor a lapoeasfbl Voyage. ' We aball make ao promises,' bat let toe paper apeak for Itself u it progresses oaward. Then has Barer beep a aporting aad theatrloal'paper pnbUshad oa'thls ooattoeat that haa beea ao extaaiively pataoaised aad encouraged aa the OumB.' Ke other papa of ito'class baa ever equalled it in drofilatioa, aad prabably aerrer .wlli; fbrwe have toe laslde track, and toe'stamlBa to carry as through to altagracefor popularity,:^ Biabe the OuFfo started, aitay attempts have been Blade to competo wlto Bs, but aU have proved dlaaa^aa to toose engaged to aaoh #nitteas 4||leipTlses: and whUe aome have de- creaaad, oiiben.funage to exist through ths Mti,iti««« of friends ratoer than throngb aay merit of toelr own. Ben'atheCuma, the only Uve apottiag and toeatiicel lodrnai to toe eouatry. PxloeAoeBts. ^ ■ OxmaanoR.—It las very essythlag, flora aiaa who "alps It" to tot tight, or tipsy, u the saytog is, whaa.' aothing ot toe ktod is totsBdsd. The haUt almost ImpercapUbly growa opioa toose who todolge la toe Bse of "splrltusl" beveiagea, aad al- Biost bet on toey an awan of It, auay ot toom beeome eealltmed draikarda. Any (hl^ (hat iias a taadaaey to aUevlatotbe suffer- ings of this olasi «f paisoaa to ablasaiag, aad should be triad. We have aadentood that • Dr. wnUaai*, of BuOile, R. T., pra. pares a powder, hamilnss in ito oomipasltloa, iriiich obviates aU those dlstreaalag aeaaaiiigBa arlatogfromaalBjudloiona nse«t stroag drink, aad oaasestbe drinker to give op toe cup almoat to spite ot himself We an told that this is ao. hambug, aad for thlaraasoa we eaU attoBUoatolt, that tooae aulferiBg may try thla meana of reUat OoB Bauxna.—On the oecaston cf toe annender of Fort Sum. tar, toe CoBowtog lines appeared to aomeottoe Sonthsm papen :— 'fWlto Biortar. Paixhan, and.petaxd, I'Wa trader Old Abe our Beao-regard." Things havliig chaaged aoniewbat, and toe nbels catching It ttoBt aad rear, eaniiag tosm to flee from toe .wrato to come, our Westan frieBds bow retain toe nlxl'a poetio ooartealea to (his .Wlae^r-;. , - " '- 'Witii'toig'teb^'aPrantedaadflyiDgifltiifear, ... .-.WeteBderJeft.S^^'oBrFoototoblarear." A HiiTT HiBB onCiana.—Whatdoyoathiahof tweaty ceata apaok ioB playiag carder Such la toe tax impoaed totoebm BOW beftort Coagreas. Batoer. heavy, iaa'tlt I . Ooasldering that a great proportion of toe eaida-to nse an of an inflnlor qniJtfy,rangtog to price from'lO ceits up to 38, (hia impooltlon ot 20eaals, aaataz'oa each pack, aeema like ringtog to a "cold deck" oa toe boys; aow dont it? The playen wlU have,to be a Utile mon "ketrlBl" of toe "papen" to totun. TiaBiBU.—We And the toUowlng atartltog paragraph to toe La Orosse, Wis., Dmeent. Somebody baa evidently beea agato hoaxlag Pomerqy:— "Teiiibie Oardaer aad BlU Tovee, two old prlze-flghters, i>ad a terrible flght to a bar-ioom it New York, Baturday alght Tbey an boto over eevaatv yean ot ag^ aad after ten rounda wen atopped by toe police.", No otoer paper haa toe aews, . ' - Dura or A PznxRuaa.—George Bnwa, a pedestriaa .wen kaowato Boatoa and vicinity, dleil:to Charlestown, Hess,* few weeks dace, of tamer to toe bowels. .-Some tew yesn ago, when foot-radng .was so popular to Uassachoaetto, Brown wa» sonte- wbat noted for hia rnaalBg, espedaUy to loBg dlstaaocs. CUA8. CldOPrOJI TO NED JMSXB. New ToBK, April 8, 1883. ' Dbib an,—Tour nply (to my letltr of February Uto) which is vubllsbed to the Ounxa ot April Sto, has beea read by me with gnat plaaauxei because I am glad to see that you received my remarks to toe same friendly spirit that aalmated mo i^ea tbey were written; and lam r^furtoer delighted to hear yea apeakottoegreatBilddtoclaases'of Bnglaod aa possessing not feelings otenvy and hatred towards thisoonatry, ss some people delight and insist on asserting, toey do', bat u being SBiaiated ey iMtogs otktodness and syapatov for toe people of (his countiy, aad admiratioB and pride for its laatitotions and greatoeaa— which toey look opoa aa a trlnmphsnt place of archltactun (not Dorlo, or OreolaB, or Italian, bat Baxon) erected by their own blood. .1 reltente most cordially toe wish, Uataooatoe people of eltlier nation may leam to know each otoer better; toenltwlU be out ot toe power ot demagogues, newspaper cdilon, or mongral pcUtldana to mlalead and inflame toem against each other tor toelr own aelflsh enlarlhat, todoed, aa Hamletsays, "Is aconsnm- Butioa devoutly to be wished." Well, Ita not past pnyiag for yet Bu( about those blue ooat boys, and the long and short (homed, I'd like to have put It) baiiedsyatem; yon sllll seem an- willlng to own up that potot, aod only "hope it is as I said," Mow, why to toe name of aU toe satots, do you, Med, above aU otoen, eitoer hope or doabt toe subleot; you ear you have seen toematplAyabui^redtlmes. Otn't yon moralise on toelr top- knots, aa toe prtoce above named did on that of Toriok'a,and satisfy yonnelf at once whetoer it ia so or act Bat aaougb ft this, lla dry now. And now, Med, I moat pay yon • compliment ("nay do not think I flatter"). It Is that I tbtok your nport of: toe eparring at Jerry Moon's beseflt, as pnbUshod la toe Ouma, is the very best I have yet wn to toe oolumns of (hat, or any other aporttog paper to Amoiloa. That's so; but what to toe name ot wonder did Tom I^lar mean by saying bia lUindiiMrtnAenf It's a queer flsce to have such symptoms show toemaelvea, to eay toe leaal. never saw or heard of suob a thing before, toongh I have walfcU some hoepltalSf.bntwby, lamnorgoingto discuss, aawe weU knowtoatTomisB"raTaavlatoterrls". Ah,Modi lagreewito you entlnlyrthat it is most dlsgattlDg to see boxen at eparring exhlbltlans go arcnnd with the fiat io get money tor "Insfi," It is true, toen an some tost an reaUy In need ot funds for otoer puiposas. I have a soggestlon to make whloh, if adopted, would procun fbr toe men to queatloa tar moro asslstanoe than toey get by toepresont'doloetablasyBlem, (Ben, let's drink. Bon's to yon, Ned, and mayyoursbadownevergrowlsas.} -It Is this—that any of toe men wbo an to set>to, and' wish to got a Utile money on toe occasion, ataonld band to tholr names to toe Hester of toe OAemonles, and toen let blm make an appeal on toelr behalf, (befon toe final s«(-to), gstoerontoa needftil himself as it la throwa on toe stage, aBd make an ouol distribution. I ftol cer- tain the aporttog mea would tovarlably respond freely and Ubo^ ally, tbo men would get more money, and not dlsgraco thom- aelvoaby beggtog. lathe Ideafoselblo? WbatdayouMhifcr If toera'a anytntog to' my aoribbUng toen ought not to be, Ur, Queen vrlU act is-censor of toe pnta, and tup-press it. I'd write aome moio, but I know too above mentloded gentleman wonidn't frint It. Be'a grawUng, now, I know, kt toe tangto of thla letter, ahan be mcetbappy to bear that you apend ybpr time agreeably to the old country.jondlf yon aUowme, I ahall ti moat happy to ,jMBd y«B tone lettan of totroduction. : , YaUH'mUtutdlauBttbiMrale. OBUi Outioit, DBAMATIO AND OTHBB wBRm BxnBHiar ycK.SBa ntw. . BF OOU Tr AUBIOK BBO^ MVraiCR OMB. i.-:i!. BBNOBA IBABEL «naiA''6; In tnrdUBg from Uadrid iato the souto ot bpain. tha v eroaaea toe Mn aad . desolate helahto of tlB^u«^v» wujo, Uk. thHwrte or toe HoXt^SUSa, tteoBgh the oouBtry, • noge ot wildTSnbiS^i^xSneS ne^. Be thea readies (he most deUgbtfal^lovinoTofl PynaasB nealBsutap-beautlful AadslueU/TholMds^ Uke aa Bdra anuad, the proud^Gutdaloffvra : dlvaraifled byuadnlattog hmi, which* an wJS{d%^i gd lamsn trMa. The ena sheds a glowliJi wamS oveTti beanteouaooantry„whUattetotensehMtIs «nS^ bytosi Belghboring oceaaVN^wfien dU SlS!^ blood torpbvrito a wtmirifoWirthe vSS^iSSl g2*«»4oBswomanish beauty attato nearer, totoeld«a to u^.^*S!I!i2L'"J£? *"<>»ln»l«n wopsB. Ultemoetpt tooee lAtoe lualonato force is so weU expressed ta ttS moUons of iSSii*!^*! apparent'The AnaSSSn iSiSssei SSr'JhlJS'JJS'^ »» tacUnaUon towaAsmSu which subdues and tompen herwonted vlvad^wl Ira^ *• * whoei'.i^bei have CBloyod for nuar yean an extended fkmeto toSxmSi SL^'S^lS" P«i~ Cabas, waTlf wo^ jSJ from raUable Informattca, one ot toe beet o^ a(^wUS Spato has ever produced. For a space of «leven ySnrhe w eogsgM at toe royal toeatn of nidrid, cBloylng toTf^ the pnhUo, as weU as that of toe Court ApiiSjels of. ttofa almcat deprived toeutistottoe eoBttouanSrfa<SwirltS uausl suocess, when toe Queen eipresaod a wlah to see him sc onoe mon, A poet waa fooad who wrote a piece to which Pedv Opbaa was mrie to sopear to aa auy.cha&j and he eostston the obatactor wlto aooh Impressive sbengto and abUlty ih^ ma ream anaiwaios piayea several or nia ISvoriM parts sitons wito extraordiianr success. The great taleat ofthe Stoe seemed to descend to toe soa, John Cnbas, Isabd's bther. who is coBsldered, Dvea to this day, one ot toe flnt scion ot Boato Ha married a iaiatutt of too royal toeatn of kitdrid r,SZu Fepa AUaro, a lady celobnted for her nmaikable abllliy attainments to her protessloa. Isabel was born in Cadiz, to 1631, when her parenta wan « that time engaged. Ibe cblia pcaaesied aU lbs troe *«^i.1ti'tIv warmto, toe animation and restless vigor whloh charaoterlae al toe daughton of tbat beautlAil cooatiy, and gave alona, even ii early youto, of most extraordinary talent for toe duoe,torwbtel her motoSr proved a moat able and finished tetcbei. The technical dUBoultleB wen soon mastered by Isabel; and si fkr aa toe grace, toe fin and toe abandon ot toe art wen con- cerned, ber own genial natore proved to Im her best laachsr, When scarcely thirteen ehe was engsged ss a solo danoer to Ha drid; and after dindng to some oftoe first toettna of Bpato, to* nturned to BItdrid, where she concluded aneDsaoamentof tvi yean. The greater toe success which toe young danieuae met wlto la Uadrid, toe mon she found henelf confined wHbto limits whkb she longed to extend. The young Andaluaian had lotAed on (hi deep blue sea, and bad dreamed of worlda beyond. Ibe eager desln of every troe artist to extend toe srea of success, impressed her deeply, and led her to long for travel; and to Movembei', ISHs we ltodlaal>el at Turin, when abe made her (Uu( at Cariquu Tbeatn, to company wlto a Bpanlah troupe of daneen. Aom Turin ehe went to Hllan, when she sppeand to December ofthe same year; and to January, ISte, wltii toe eame troupe, at the CanObuno and CucanoTheatres. The succeaswiiichshe achiev- ed at UlliB was tos mon signal because of the preienoe of (ba Emperor Francis Joseph, and the ditt of Ulan eoeiety, who vrK- aesaed toe Senorlta's performance- Hero she was dsnctog dpos the oft nlghte of toe opera, but eo complete was her triumph, tiul Helpomeaevras obUged to give way to Terpsicborv, who ruled supreme. OnrBpaolehbeaufy was compellod to dance alznighli ta the week, and ibis vrss not enough, for hundreda wen tuinel nightly from toe doonot toe toeatn. Issbel began a aeries e( pertonnancea at toe OaUo aad Baa Benedetto Theatns, to Tenlc^^l wlto tacreaatog Buccass. She aroused great entooxlaara to the months of Hay and June foUowlng, at Buchuest, when shs at traoted toe particular notice of Prince Ghlka and hia lady, to whom ahe waa tovlled to dance toe Prinoe'a favorite dances, H Ole aad Hadrilent, at hia eouatry aost, befton toe Prtooe's hous» hold aad guests. In December of toe same year ehe appeared at toe Odi_ nieatn, aad altoough toen wen no dramaUo perfbrmaaees at the time, toe boaie waa fiUed for five months, every evealng that ahe wipeared. Fnm Odeaaa she ntoraed fbr a while to%alB, aad toea 'went upon her second artlstlo tour, which extemed to Oonslantlnople. She arrived toen to Seotmber, IBST, and n- malaed tin Hsy,18Sai The odd-blooded UoBlems,aa waU h stiangen toere, wen fired by toe beauty and grace of Benon Cabas. She-danced npeatealyto toe Bultsn'sprivate toestre, sad slso cB'the ooesslon of toe two dsagbten of Abdol Uedschid; and she reoelvad numerous tovltatlons ftam toe TurUsh nobles, such aa OsmanBey, UahomedAU.toeBulton's btotoei^to-law, and Ismael Pasha. After eighteen mdntbs st Oonitanttoople, laabef visited Alexsndria and Cain, and took paasage to August, 1819, for Ualte, when ahe .appearod at (he Boyal Theatre^] Thanoe ebe vrent to Tunla, and etarted on hor third tOnr, which led her fint to Iiondon, when she danced from December, 1880, to Uarob, 1880. From I«ndon she went to Paris, when she s^ peered at toe Varieties; to Brussels to Uay; Berlin to Jnne; Dres- den to July, and Breslau ta August During tola tour she ap- peared ta sU toe cities H Northern and Middle OerinoBy, and met everywheria the eame warm,appre^tloB tMm toe publlo and critics. Even to 'Vienna, where the recollections of PeplU eould not be forgotten, and when evervtotog toat was Spanish bad ataee met wlto todlffennce, leabel Cnbas obtained a 'oomplsl* triumph, which waa toe mon nmarkable stoce Bhs bad been able to overthrow toe pr^udloes which had rematoed ta regard to her ooun(rywomaB, From VleBaa 8liewen( to Perth, Uonlob, and otoer dtlasct Centra^ Europe i to OopenhagMi, Stockholm and Ooleuaa, In Jahuary, February and Uarob, 1881, and to April abe waaal Hamburg. Ptom toe lost named place she proceeded to Uver pool, when she took toe stesmer tor America. She arrived tl Maw Fork ta Kay, 1881, havtag been engsged by Mr. Jtnut Nixon. Owtag to a variety ot dreamstancas, a postponement of her dcMit ta thla country untU September, was nndered neceeaar For one;week she performed at toe Wtoter Garden, Mew TorL. and when to too very midst of triumphs, she wss harried to Boston to appear opon' toe "off nighte'^of Ur. Edwto Forreat'i aeaaon at toe Mew Boeton Thealn. In toe "Atoens of America" also did she excite toe gnatest entouslssm, and toe boautital dameiut must derive neat satisfaction from the knowlodge that to leaa than'one month she obtatoodto this country laurels u bright ss even toe meet entouslastio patron of toe dance' to tot Old World ever iMetowed. On toe Bto of Deoember, 1881, ah* made her ddiul in Philadelphia, at toe Academy of Uueio, and conUnued upon too off algbia ot too engagement of Mr. FOnest at toat place of amusotnent At toe oloeo ot toe PhlladUpbla engsgoment toe autoor of this aketch was engaged by Uanager Nixon to travel wito Senorils Oubaa oa a stwrlngtour, ss buslseta agent Balllmora was toe next oity visited, toe beantltul Cnbas opening at toe Front Stnel Theotn; on Monday eventog, January 6lh, to a very crbirded house. She rematoed throughout toe week, tos bnsinses to- oroastog each night up toelostog, when hundreds won tniaed away unable to oblaln oven etaadtog room. The foUowtog Itoaday this gnat artist was aaBonBoedto appear at Waihtogton. but to consequence ot an accident havtog befaUen her, ahe was ObUged to forego that engagement for awhile. TUa wis a great dlsappototment to toe Washington pnbUo, a^ quite on excltemrai had been created by too announcement cf hor appooronoe. 'Boa ntarnod to Philadelphia, when aha rematoed two weeks, MtM expiration of which time sho-tUUy recovond from ber mdispoai. Uoa, shdwas sble to resamo ber engagement to WaibtagtoB, when she made ber Mut, Uonday evening, January a7to, te a house crowded ta every part—hundreds wen tuned away untUs to obtain a sight of tte atago. Bustaess oontlnuod immonie each night of hor appearance. On toe occasion ot hor benefit, every seat to toe house was sold ta loss than one hour after toe box- offloe opened ta toe morntag—ta fact too orowd was bo gnii that an additional oDce for the aeourtog of acato was openod st Uelxeroot's Mualo Store. Never etaco the building was erected has toore been soon such Immense torongs ot people u poured to during toe enganemont of this srtlst On hor closing night too excitement to gam admittance wss greater if poaslblo than oa any previous occasions. Daring her engagement bon she was nightly the recipient of many very l>iiMuUniiand oostly preaents. Bbe was pronounced by toe prose bt boto olUes—Belamon and WssUngton—to be toe most boautifal woman end most flnlahod artist ever seen to toose dUes. From Wosbtogtou she ntorned OBce moro to New York. 8ho ro-sppeond at the Wtater Garden Theatre, Uonday evcnlDg, February 8d, toen under toe manage- mentor Johns. Clarke, the vory popular low comedian. Previous to her opening, buitocss at tola popular place ot amusement lad fUlea offooBBldersbly for a week or so, bntou her mi^gher rmlre she wss grootod wito an overfiowtag honeo, and for three MagUlor. Tho donoo was arrongod under toe dlrecUou of Mbns. PaidBriUant The boUot proved a great hit and she oonttoned toappoarlnltthrongbouttoeweok. . ... ' Alter cloalng in Mow York she was ennged for a weatom tour. Uiss Cabas, is a dancor ot toe school of BIgnora SOto. whO ajsw yean slnoe created a great/i|«rjta this oountjy, »>y^e* ''Wring style." Bha has too atmo wild abandon ondqnthusustlo devotion of every Umband feotor* to toe effocte ot tob tonilb. She dknces wlto a fin and piaaloB whloh aeem itoealstlblej, Bbe la ttey gracattil, has agood'flgun', and a fwe which »J»»^J?ESS** U saSsSbtOTT* ^lObuBcter daaocs, ahe is exOaUe&ti- abd t^her profasslonal samostncsa should become a great tovorito to this OOBBtiy. . *