New York Clipper (Apr 1862)

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|j>««nHO B8TAmi8H»!Tl»B^ Inm k 00., pin Porten, W: J*22Pf 4B<PB OFBiA AOVBB, . (TaEBaPrMrletoM. JOHMsnffMH,Wtoaer. _ _ uOBUOBAIWT,Oiheti. " t,??25|iSSEii» 1BAB OF THE OBIOINAI WOBLD-BDMJWHKp . _ THE EtOBMOB taOtmE^fflyWJTOWtD i» miM otnpaaT i« coiMioted of the mawbg^^^^tiA:^Ua:~ c»H«6B»" ■ - T. J. fKEL.. 5- ?-^S2J& ■5 ^ mLrSk. ' E. H. JioBEKCR T. aBiTiKag; HKIL BBTAKT,- I>AH1«TA»T. vm »-i>«w wte^ of Bongi, Iw«"^^??S*lJf^: A** nJs^iM«' AMBBIOAH MVBip ItAIiL. wl^'r^ *U. BBo£)WAT/ /^H^ • Ktyifl l Ul ft OF THB aPBMO CAlgAIgK. • ■. " : ■ ' ■ tJsT oStT .-T^ --eEOBIOW OOHOBHTBATIOH OP NOTELflTIS. .*rbai'.T if fmm.<tm LIST OF AU^'WIO ZIOHI<LEHaE. - isirrtiM : . iA'8nUlW.TBE FIB8I ltA<»(r|'Ui>E. - oniiii .i^ Mt.T.a ilf AMIMTA' BAVm .-. ' ■'■HieotmgBtoaBpMilB hBtMnM e, .■ •: .ti.Tv' i^'TOHr-yAgro B.'' ' o haklet wmyii,' ! .-. •. ' -HIBS ntHJBTINB-DE FAIBBB,- ' ; •nti tatUOKBi ■ CB ABVm eABDNER, BOB BABT, iF*« , irnw T,^EIB BETOI/fgB. ' MBS MHIJE JI OBA,' irtUUtT 'SEBUX,'' ' ' JOBSKT WILDS; ■ - UABTEB'TOUUT, .<! i : J HIBS ElOU OABBBSB.' UIBS ABIOBTXE, - mvfUjurtLDA'BOaUVtZB, EAIE HABBIBOH, ''ISA BOBS, nr,o!)7\lia8FBAMKltONSLL, JOBSAmnEHABBIBON, M?ir-.< : ■ i- .l 1-OOBM OE BALtBT, OUtt 'fbc'diMetlon «f the nootrned HaltN d» BtDet HONB PATJL BBILLAMT, r • K'.T rrn r. ASpHHX BEST 0B0BE8TBA IN THE OITT, .'!if)',KHi i.,t- '.. . ■ " Xedlr P>V'FBSD'TON AIiKEB. riih or'ArboatofNoTdtlBalB'MtlTepnparktlon. ' ' ^r^tMA-lbt&lM «T«tyB*tiiid*7 AfteTDOog, «t3H<>'dock.. InliTiiaD:! r ';><i i' ' inmBOR. ■^'fo^i >baha< 90cii: OtUny, 10 oU: OicbaMM Ctaia, U da. nwipSvs'"-i . . PriTitoBoi w,ti. -lU a;:'v : '.' j BOBEBT W. BUTUS, Bale PNpiletOT, IE. fitaoeHuiMtr. ' '. » «(U , - - - itoi maau brothxirb, pbij> a toowbridob'b •«r.rv i>J .'iif.. ■' 'i OPERA HOOBR BOSTON. ■ ■ ■ Rj«ttIai08T'HAaNIFI0ENT UINBTBEL tEUFLE IN THE ft t.ta >jv nil 1.,-. j:,. WOBU). •lU^ottlA BetBtiy. ntfa, 'Propoitla, QisTlitiiea,- Eettliig An>^ ''i tgjxtfml !VantUttlsa,'irlIl Tie (oceea^taUyvltli pa' Ttaettn lo ^(Wremai^liiiid la trowded nlalitly tbtdite lUa IkaUoiL; ' 'D>iooa(lslaotthBlUlo«iDgirtn-kBOwnATtlsta: B. BOTOBft . KAOT.HON, '. ■ ; J. B-'DONNIBjEB, E.' RgfiTiT, os^HNNTPELL,' J. PiENDEBS, AUQUBT BOHNEIDEB, '-> A. LUDWi a,. .•■.».».,- - s^.h^aii-mi^^^, O. J. UAaUiMMJB, l>'>l>ttiwtbaitfrs aoatat'the gnatert amT of BUnl eTer befofe oon- . I<QWMOBM% ^aBUnRlIOBBlB, ' niUX aiTBOWBBIDaB, E. W. PBEBCOIT, - .fl\yj>inT.T.TAim ;: F, ^nUUBlS, l>'>l>>^<baitfrs aoatat'the gi Uoucla^.r; . .. ' . .' < ' ION U0BBI9, Iffauger.- /cd; .OAYBTY jrtlSIO lUWti, - ■ __ -_. • (late ,eATEXr THEATBE:) • •TnSBHEN'BtntEEl^ v t[ir> ! ■ ■ BETWEEN BEA'VEB AMD HUDSON 8TBEET8, ■fihri rr: ■ ..■ ■ -r ■ m ■ ALBAST, N . T. r. .o i/ TEE ONLY PLACE OF AHUSEUENT IN THE OTTTI Tbla model Hollo Hall, eondnoted on the Btjie of the Oieat ■'.'iWaattrlmi; and UdodaaD^ New York, la oow open for lhe aeaaon. :i<i<]|iinooea8 la impmiedairted, for the leaaon that we challeiige 'i.~<aDmpMltlOD, ibd-nlghttr prodnoe Speelaclea, Tttdaau, Pasto- IddUmee^ Negro Mlnstnlsy, Faroea; Blnglsg, Danalng, Borleiqaea, Ao. tRTZPATBtOE, EOWABD &llKORiaH, FTOprl^n. iit0tKeIlanag«r....Oharle7Lewia. I Leader Oicheitra.,L,UDdeineT lyjXntaiiiier..-:...'.....Jamee EalL |lIaaUiilBt....€eaiW. WlUlama (■i^atiiit olaaa aitlils iriablng engagamenti ivOI addrta. i<>;ti"il-lt»s<.; HA&BT EOWABD, Boi MS. /jti^S lVABlETIXIS MUBIO HAUi, . :-LATE ST. LODIB OPERA HODBE, !ai mow/la Ihsfnlltlde afeacccaafal bnatneaa; <(7 t:<IBE>LABaEBT, HANDSOUBST/ AMD HOSTCOUPLEtE 6-9-.u^7 :< - : : > HU8I0 HALL IN THE 'WOBU>. - ^^rl.TMOompanyatpieaantcanBlBlaef .... <rfB0 1|[ CON Y, :. UinuuutF.v fi:. tmML. jniB PHT, ft-A-PDBDET, 'W.ltBEETES,' ' OLABA BUlIiiat, J. IK COBOOBAB; ^ JTLIA ha mlto k; Si UVEL ZSB, • • MT.T.TfJTT T.IHn 'l'H_ ' G.PETEBS,. ULLB'VELABDE, WSSGELIAUaBUT.LlZZr WAfOT, iiga man y minor memb ma,. > ' . : . TOQETBEB'WITH ALABeEBALLBITBOUPB.' ' ' )31.-SIQNOR OONftTASTIME, Ballet Haater: Irr. '.'i oOtcbestra—Fleherthjaei^GonietandBtiliigBaid. '.■^^I'lvtlea of known eioellenoe dealrlng engagementa, mar ■■v-:. < Addieaa GEO. J. DEAOLE, TarletUs ModnaB, BLLonla,'lIlaM>QTi. BBIiIiER'B CONCBRT HAU., •/!.- :...■'' I. - , DETBOIT, BOOmaAM. . . la ^addlllm to ttte legnli} atandara and Ahdant Company at tUa .•■„,..'' .-POPULAB PLACE OF AMCBEIIENT, " ' an extaa array of talent taaa been aDgaged, ao that the following ',>,.'. 4aUn«at ami TeiaatlleATtlata winidmtly appear in lb lanka: ,r.-, , , ^ ' UIB8 KimBLAHSaABKr^ XPSBOSADDTAL.. UlfiS EATE WALTEBB, ,: ,. /.. ..;1IIB8 MIOHOLLB, lOBBOLABABUBTON. . . . ; KMB MONTANABI, " T. B. 8Z0LL0ST, ' M I'..r^ ^ PBOF, HONTANABL BILLTBOrD, :.\iiit» . LBWDONELLT, OHABI£S COVELLL "..V.J^PXtBBIZ A'OBIIEIN'B (....OHiaiHAL, NEW ORLEANS AND UEIBOPOCITAN BUB- J JM. Jj. ,LE8QUE OPEBA TBOUPE AND BBa£ BAND. Having' Jnat t«rmli)ited a moat aneceaafnl tour In the Brltlah .,t^M);incea and Eaatem Btatea, Willi lit ? ON OB ABOUT APBIL 7, START OH A . OBANDWBSTEBNTODBi .. '/ .n ,,..,.^ glye A aerlea of their' muiTABLEPEBFOBlIANOES, - ut.^to &f .pdBdpal Oltlea and Towna. .H-</:llf'19.i» . . DDPBEZbaBEEMi'Praplletoie. . . ^ .. BALTniOBE,lID. ■ ■'fii jf'ii'i . QIDE ON.t 00 jTT.Pioprletor and Manager. ■nsH jlJ':-^ -<IHB OHLT CONOEBI HAU. IN THE OIT^ «it i>iIi<V.ln (oD tide of aqoceaafnl bnalneaa. Noreltlea erery week.' ^1)0^. BOMaS, DANCBB, PABTOHIUEB, Ao., 'TMoea of admlialon-^-OrdieBiia Chain, 80 eta; PanlUet, 30 ota. jlI^^Jiarj^'.lDota. ..,'.■.'•. ■ ■arnjF0i>Pf>'*'<>' t^'s pioteitlOBTMUog engaoementa wlB please ii^mf)^ ! ,: . . OIDBOH « CO., Uanagera. iivt ilft-^iV'J? .:;.' .. • ■ . ■ '. '. •• Late "ALHAMBBA," ia.i.(»..«f.... omayi . f|u . i . , ABOVE SIXTH STBEBa-. , ' HAAO BDETIB Proprietor ud Uanager, ' .. 4 ,r„L.- B ,' PA()RABn.i '.Scatanrer. . . . - •'TteWFAOESr', NEWiAOiBII ..EraOTTHDIO SSWIII 'We itm adhere ti6 the old Ho«»-FDN WITHOnT.TCLOABlTY, lea ^en week.,- Boofi, Danoea, Operatlo Bsrleiqnes, ' ' /yditili i l on, 10, cya^}' Orcheatra Beato, 80 centa, — ■ - . Jii5L?^ro80O, OALiyOBMIA.- . . . w. H. LEIQBTON. BoIoLeeaeeagdUuiager.' .SHEBIDAN'COBBrN .Acting llanaier.> , .,^7; >• ■ 'OBEATEST C6MBINATldN'6F ' ' ^2'li;';j:L'::r OPERATIC. AND iSSSAnoTiJ^ ■, ' ''"SMmBbontraied In an? Theatre In thla State, inoladlna r'- ,.im&,w. B. LEioacoN, ,uuauzzm jujweb: . ■^'Tlniyf. B. Baundera, H'me SchwaEnle, , ■, iT^ ? i . fllJil'^ HlaBMowbrm,. '. - . Mis,31)1x111,.■ ,')•,. . . -ftankMaso; . »: VuouM ,1.. . . j,_ fy Andeiaon, ;.. . . E..N. TiayeR i ■ a.B.Loake, ' 0. L. flraTM/ i T-^-^i--. . ■-. . W. Sohranbstadter,' Big. Boncoreil. QWEBFDL CHOBTIS AND OBCHEBTBA.^ ' > ' ---lltinajlall&rnla ahonld yfi^t. tUa magnUoent Dn- ,,,o,^.,,.■>^¥M2?o|g^»•BHrittT10^ B. FBOW Ma nager. Timm km lAST WEEE PO BlTlVEL Ti THIBD AND LAST WEEE PO MlTlVKL y, .XBIBD AND LAST'WEEK.POamVXLT, Of the laroMt eoUaetlonof living wild anlmalalnAmerlot, asd ■the new PaT iaoct he la rgeat In the wotld no* tnTdUng, LAST wm OF rm wobu>'B fas. Id 17th Btreet, near 6th Aventie. LAHT ymtk OF TEE 'ffOBXD'B FAIR; In ITth Street,-near «th Avenne. AlaotobtaeeDthe Oreat Eaitaili on dry land, theSfxMiMed Mammoth Knt, gaily deoeiatedwlth SeTenty-irix Hagi of an Nationa. i ■ " VAN ambcbob trnix lives.. , . , ' HAlWIBIkLBtnXLIVBa^^^^^^ : TIPPO BAIB BTQX UVE8. And eaa be eeea thiiiee ttmee every day mitU Batwday, the l»th Inat, rain or ahlne, eold orwarm, with npwarda ot one hsndred and fifty me, valsable, and cnilona anlipals, from the Fopr OBtttewof thaOto be, aBtortheamaUanm ot ' TWEN'1'li -rrVB CBHTB; TWENTT- BiyE CENT8 . • TWHRTT-FrV^ CENTS. . •• flhndiea nsder nine yean of age, Fifteen Oenls, TUa MatahUa Zodooloal OoUectlon may be oondddred the . ^'^^TiotSbhowof AjmiOA. . model show of AMEBIOA. '' model show of auebica. II>Drlnb the pait week It baa been vlaltedbT ni TWBNTI-TWO THOBBAND PI TWBNTT-TWO IHOTJHAND PEBBONBI TWEHTI-TWOTOOlJSANDPEHSqNSI Andprasoonoed by. the Clergy, the Praae, ahd^ ttie ««• CttTiiia be the moat complete coUecUon of animals ever exhltnled In the Unltad'Btatea. il _ The Golden Charlef Is the only one now tfavalllng. The Tana and Sens ue.the Sioat coatty oTei boUt, .and .the spring waggons areaUnew. Thki'horsea, ' ' ' ' ' ONE ECMSBED AND FIFlXrai. Arereany wirthseeing. T.*H T WEEE I LABT WEEKI ': . . BOWBRT THELATBS AND CONCBRT BAXiL, ST, LOUI& HO. 1. S. E8HEB,......Pnqcletor. fJAMIl6BILE7,lBtasibl|Ian*g« JOHN BENABD Hoalcal Dlieetor. ASHISBION 10 AND 2t CENTS. rtt foOowlsir aitlata are now pertraming at thW eetaUjument: lOBB BAUiIE MABON, Mms UZZIE SAVIS, MIB8LB0N0BA, HISS FBAME CBBIBTIE, ' THEODOHE THOMPSON,' ^SU^^YSSwt JOHN NSABD, ' ' JOHNNH OAMPBET i T i, ' X.'D>B1)B0EB, J. OOLE, ■a H. 00I2OT8, ' J. 0. (lAMPBBT.T.. ' ' Ladlea and Oanlemen of known aUUtrean always seenrd an engagement by addieiiing.'J. H EBHEB, Proprietor. . 47 . TO BHO'WBIEIVf—FOB BAUIl 40 LIFE SIZE WAX FIQVBEB, ConeotUkeneaaea ot the'moatpKmlhentMeD and Women, u waUaisirotarionsIndlvldnalBv^Afio, ,\. FOBB FADOBAMAa . 8iiBnon-Kane'aAictlcTojage;ODba; Whaling Voyage; Five Plctorea of Scotland, painted by Bartholomew. . ' Thei aUove win be add very loir for cash, or exchanged for per- sonal pi«a>erty..Addreat or aprirto ■ ._ .* GEO. S. GOOSwE!!, l.Wanen Square, Beaton. BVRTI8'VABIBTliS, BHQOKIiTH,_ OOBNEE OF FDLION ANS PINEAPPLE 8TBEBT8. J. Il DAVIS,.. ...M anager. - nCMENSEATIBAgnON THIS 'WBE I ' .NEW.FACES! - NEWAOIBII EVmiTHINGNEWII! We stUl adhere to the old Motio—FUN WITHOUT TDLGABITr. . Novelties every week. Songs, Sanees, Operatlo Bnrlea^nes, te., Aa.. Admission, 10 eta.; Orchestra Beats, 30 ota. - tOtf BRAIHARVB HAU,, (lite MELODEONO ' CLEVELAND, OHIO. Olie best asd most pcipnlarBatlls the olty. Tor - CON C EB T B," • ' LBOTCBES,' And Exhibitions of an kinds. Beats eaafly, UOO persons—wen aopplled with scenery, Ao. Ad^ess, or apply to l-lt* ^ ' 8. BBAINABD A Co., Proprietoia. GOBIHTHIAH HAXil^, ■ ■■: I' BIBAODBB,H.T.' Thla Han la 110 fay^feet, ca(pd>le of aeatlng eaaily from 1300 to UOO pekaons. Beeent Improvementa reader It enperlor to any Hanin-the Interior of the State for Concerts,'Lectaies, and Ex- hibitions of every deeorlptlao, ta,600worihafiaenerylsattached tottiestage. Apply or direct to ^ . . OHABLES B.'WEIGHT, Agent, 1.3t Office No 1, Hall Building. OSBIAir B. DODOB, - ■ ' ASSISTED BT TEE EMIHENT BALLASIST, . ■WILLIAM HATWABD, ' .■ . Is now entertaining his old Mew England friends with hla SOCIAL CONOeSTS. IWvmEaateD, lock oat ftn - , ' - . OSaiAH E. DODGE and WILLIAM HATWABD. y Sldl^ OLbVbLABD AOADBlrr OF M17BI0; "dLEVELASD, OHIO.'' This bentUU Theatn will 'cmd for the Bpt^g and Slimmer seaaan.onEtaterMond^tAprUai.UeS. Ladlea and Gentlemen of piofeaakmdrepntatioii wMhlna^MSftamentai.wlU {>leasead- OSBAT OAHTBBBVBT HCSIO BUU<Ii. :■ ■■ naEB sE ABat T of TAiranr. . .TEE BBAnUFTIi ZAHFIUEIXA, , ma Ot«^eh Female VtrloiAut oa the Tight Bope la the World. ' THE OABLO FAULT, . ' utT.T.T BIBOH and BEN (XyTKin, . 'SATBUEEN OUEIL, .. OUSTAVE BtPiAPI. IBS aasTom bistebs, Mim ADELA IDE PBIOB, and the ' . ' ' OANIBBBpHT MniBXBELB, In an entire change et ProgiaBBe, intaodnoinR keveral new fea> tnrea. ^ BOBEBT FQX, Agent OTBIB. NOBBIfl,Trea«uer.' • .■' ' W. ^ GBOVBB'B TBEATBB, . (iheNewNatlonU.) 6eat4UghtaenHimdredFersons. Newtebnlltand-lttted in thebigbett st^Ieof decorative art, winflntopen'tottejrabllbthenlthtdf . ' and a COMEDZ Ot^BIMA«ONr^^the ' ' BABEBT EXUEEiIiEKCE. LOntEOUGH, SAU'LBETOHELL, '- UIB8 JENNp: PABKEB, E. L. .ULJOS, 'Asditedbya ..' ..v ' LABO^ DBAMATid COMPAKT, . Of the nnt^itlBts before the PaUlo. ' ■ ■ ja> Arttrtaengaaedwin pleaae bepreaent at ibe Theatre the momlsg of April IBOl - 'LBOKABD OBOTER, Mt» ■.. .1.-,: :-/WaAhington,D.0. ''loSXlIB'TBlAtBASoiHL^ >'vN/^^ • .. MAT«H,PQB UOO. . r . ■• " , xheDandag Match:betwaea :'- ' .. T.7. PEEL AMD.%M. CAMOLL.:FOB WO, , irui yiaoe. at Maiy. Pnmt't. raeatie, Broadway, near Brcomastre et, CP■■ ■ . -. . WIDNESDAT AFTEBNOON, Vth inst. / In a4ditloa to the Match Dance; then will be a variety of other peifimnaacea, which win commence at a o'olock, P.M. l-lt THE BBCOND BIOHT HVBTBRT BX^BEDI AfaO eipoisitloa of thla.wonderful peiformanoe has Jnatbeen pnpUahed In a pamphlet of tweaty-fooF pages. Bent free by mall on receipt «f Frvx 6 cent stamp a.. A ddreaa. l-3t* > W. 0. SMITH, Box 4a{, Pittsburgh,'P*. . .TBB ItABOBBT. SHOW BIUi PRIMTING ESTABUBHMENT IN THE WOBLDl , oa.ABBT h. BEILLET, (SneoeascTs to John E. Bacon,) PBINTBBS AMD ENOBAVEB8, . la and 14 Spmoe Street, New Fork, Pay partlonlar attention to getting im all klnda of rANOT SHOW BILXB F6r iliiTelUiiMampanlaa, and have oa hand a large and splendid , Wr ' assortment of large and aman . - WOOD OUTS Bott|iils for Oieiiasea, Menageries, SthioplaB Performers, Gym- aaata, Magidans, Ac,' &o., which can t>e printed in one or more colon, to BDlt oostomers. ^> A deposit reqnired cnaU work ordered. _ dreas, IS-tf. .deyeland, Ohio.; 'WYBLAR'S UAUjAND B^IiBirDID BIUBBVBI, AIiF. BUBNEIT. Laesee and Manager. BT. LOUIS, MO. Engageimenta aiade with eD fliabalass peifbrmeis, either on salar^^rshares. Addiees as above. i The beat aiid moet popnlar HaB la the City. l.Jta. nple ^tfibre eifgijgliig Alsewhere, aa it la. by fkr the laig- n^st oomtaiodloas'Tha^t^.' The Manaaement ot thls i.als0 the ootatrol of tl(e prla«lpal Tbeafiva in Stockton [SStO. ... . ■ 'B3-tf I^FWASjSBimBAn^ SBPOOL ENGLAND. I iheAtre la kept open dur- ant and ver^. the year.. : AMEBICAN —WW ■■ ■ tMMiUon ^d tUont negotiated wiUii forlong or fa. as.antii4int ews^ my w yiiie,,; ma- ^ j QoIe^LqMse anj'Rrpiifie' t q r . i TO CIB01IS KANAOORB OR STARS. COL, T. ALLSfTON BBOWN, At p ies e at Treasnrer and Advertising Agent for Tom King's Ciroas, now poforming in Baltimore, vnU be disengeged on and after the 16m last Olrcne Managers wldilng a^reasnrtr or "wiltar,"'or Stars wanting a Bnalness Agent—one that has trav- ded and''liad consldeiable experience, win address me at 818 Ottharlne stoeet, Philadelphia. ... {j '.'dUINIiAN'B TARIBTISiB.- OU) OENTBE STREET THEATBE, CLEVELAND, 0. Memlwrs of the profession wishin g engagements wlU pleaie address ^OS. J. QinNLfiT,-BiiBlness Mi^er, P. 0. Drawer, 8M.' 3*-tt. Cleveland, Ohio.' CAIalFORNIA TUBATRIOAI, A6BIIOV.-8HBBI. DAN OOBBTN would resMctfdlte inform members of the dra- matic, Mnakal, or EqvestrlaD proleaaloas, that he has eatabUahed an Agenoy In Ban Rranolsoo, and Is prepared to negotiate engage- ments and transact all other bnsmeaa pertaining to the pio- feeaion. Address ' BHEBIDAH COBBTN, San Fraoolsco, Cal. N. R—All letters reqnlrlng aniweta most contain a etamp to pre-pay the aame. 4<M)m TO STARS,—The nndenlgned, having leased theSyraoDie asd Oswego theatres for the spnng and anmmer aeaaons, is now prepared to negotiate with flnt dasa stan on Uberal terms. The apring season oomme nces at BTracnse, 3Iar^ Slet Addreae l-lt _ D. BANpHETT,'Voorheea Honse, Syrscilse, N. T. THB "NORPARBIIi" DRAMATIC AfiSOCUnoirme^ every Thursday evening (tt- Bo, Tt Varlfik street. AB commnal' oatlons.shoTild be addressed to 311 Sth Avenne. . 4S-8ni ' " . ' .' ^..BOLPH, Prealdent. 'WANTBD,—A few first olaas Clrciis'i>eifoitters-^ymji>s<8 preferred. Also.afewBtarMlastrels. None but of acknowledged ability need apply. Address, . , G. W. DxHAVBN, I-?** ..- ! ., . 1 Freeport, HI, ,. l^HOTOORAFHB .of Mr. asd Mis, Barney wiuioms, (k enie and together.) Joseph Proctor, Mad. Ponlsl, Geo. Chrln;, Saa Brsant and Eph Han, (In group and seperate,) Geo, Christy in il .obaracten, Japanese,Tommy, an4 In 7 obaracteis, Belen Weatem, Isabel Cabas, ImoUle Western. Susan Denln, Fansv Davenport, Emma Taylor, Mis. Barren, Mary MlUer, Lllte Field. lng,'Mlss Bennet, Ohoa.! Halo, Charley White, Barton Hill, Tom Pfiolde, Don Juan Xlmlaea, L, B, Shewell, J. Hi Hookett, J g Clarke aa Toodles ond.TUlv Blowboy, Nell Biyaot, Mrs. Walcot! BoaaWood, AnneWllkoa, "-•••.—. m-^ t.... •? Fanny Mcrant, Mrs, Anna Bishop, Edwin _ _ Mark Smith, Golettl, Marietta, Adah Isaacs Menken) b, Setobd' Mrs. J. B.' Allen, Mrs. Wheatley, W. Wheatley, Harry Peahos' DeLave and Wife, MatlldaHeron as OamUlo, John ColUna, Un' John-Wood, Mrs. Vlniog, Caroline ntohlngs, Peter RIcIUdiib' Laura Seene, J. T. BtTmonl, Mis. Ohaufrau, Loity Hough, Bui Binl, Hinckley, J. W. Wallack, Jr., Cepiwo Vandenhoff, MoiT Saaw Mrs. lYAmps, Bare Stevens, Julio B. Barrow, Fanny Brown a' H. Davenport, F.'B, Chantraii, GcDgenhelm Sisters, J, 8. Olatke' Mlsa Bfinrlques, Agnea Bobeitgon, Mi«. Geo. Bkorrett,iLMter WanaokMlssEaUoggiXate Hayes, E.A. Bothen, John BraiBh. am, Viola Oiocker,-Horn, Vn. Leighton, Mrs. J, B. Scott P. T.'Bamdm, Commodore Bntt, JoeJefnison, Plccdomlnl e 0. Oamfibep, George HoIIand,3tai7 Gannon, Charlotte Ouahmin' Oba|b'^ber,kba.Boey,andbandreda of others. PrIoeStoenta ea«h; «r ,b«aatiAilly, oolined, SO cents eachj and' aent post paid ,aUA(6gawMatloanTaddr^ont&oetptofaBtafflp, by , . (Tm^, / 0TZ3MB?A0B, uaHMMBStTHwrlort., order* addressed to «aLABBT A BEILLET,"'Bacon Print- ing and Engraving eatabllahment, 13 and 14 Bprace street, New TOrk, wiU be promptly attended to. gi HABR'V BVOKIiBV'B addreos, la^uiredibr In coilast Is Delavan, Wlaoonain. OUR IiETTBR BOB. _ We hive letters for' Monsieur Alexandre Zanfrttta (Paris letter), O. W. Lewis, Boiry BalL Uin Ernestine de Faiber, Al- fred NelBos, Susan Senin, T. M. l^rren, Bollln Howard, Add Weaver, Geo. B. Cole (California letter), J. B. Bogen, and E; W. Buggies. • ^ ' . CITY BOMHARV. MONDiT, April 14, '63, The ireek was made .up of sunshine, snow storms (think of that, in April), rsln, blustering winds, and moonlight It was, truly, "all sorts of a week," and tfken In connection with Lent, was not at all Iktorable for theatrical epcoulattoos. The excite- ment created by tiie news of the terrible battle at Pittsburgh Landing—In which the rebels had us whipped on the first day, but wero'compelled to' beata rttraat on the aecbod—coupled with tiie polnfm anxle^ manifested in regard to our oimybennre Tork- town, and the Monitor and Mirrlmao In Bampton Iloada, tended to operate against aU places of amusement In the early part of the week, and as Mar; Provost sold the other night while ploylsg NellGwyniieat herihettteinBroodwsyjeverythlngseemed "as coIdoa aNewTorkaudleaceln Lent" we ore now In Passion Week, which doees the term'of Ikstlag and abstinence, and vith the ^condna of next week ire may reasonably look for brighter pros- pectaand warmer audiences. It wlll lM seen by looking over this department of the OuFpm' that we hove made a few changes In the eloaelficatlon of our news ItemSi In ordor that the reader niay ooU out, with more ease, thoae which interesthim or her the most, Thus, we have dramatic items under an sppioprtate heading; olreuaea under another; moale 1i«iia onder aaothef, and eo on. Our record <d amusementa has become so extensive that we feel It neoeaaafy ft 'adopt this plan for the benelt of our readers, who may now seek under the dlf- tsreut appropriate headings whatever, or wbomaoever, they may be In aearth of, instead of having to run over five or six columna of nutter to get at what they are after. We trust thla change may meet the approval of our fiienda. ' ~ One «f the Bnnday papers takes exception to- our.exposnrts of those Northern aetora, actresses, minstrels, and others who, while In the South', gave "aid and comfort" to the enemies of our country, and in the North take the "baok track," and attempt to make us beUeve that whiat they did was "all a Joke," aB fun, done f«r '"pecuniit7Interests," as "an adverUalng dodge,"eto., etc Enowlsg that few people see our Sabbath contemporary, we give an extract from an aitlde we find in that paper of laatSimlay. Bays oar <'ne«k and lowly" nelgbbor:—"The war on the poor 'devils ot actors, who haVe been trying to get their bread andbetr by doing axacUy what their audiences demanded of them down South, In' the Wieat, and elsewhen, exactly as they do or would do here, Is continued by the /ouUlca Faun; Ood AlmigU^. who does the dramatics tor the Ourm. Be has been ropUed to pretty extanalvely this week, however, and his fkUbllity proven in not afewvrays. Mies Usggle MItcheU, who Is In town, haa pretty weU retoved some of the lies told sbout her, asd taken the ground In regard to other charges uponvhloh' we have always stoo4 in regaid to the matter, and whfoh'ls also taken by George Chrlsty'a party who were, as well, assailed in the some colnmnsy asd who answered the attack In a utter which was refused a place IntheJournolthatdeoimlaUedthepolsoa." , That's rather ••rough talk," coming ih>m one who la supposed to be in "good etandmgln the ehnron;" and did we not suppose • " "aU a Joke," an'-'advertising dodge," having idbnlarlea," etc., we should get our "mod up," cur pious friend a "Ood^forsaken devil;" but •'.tt9»'*»ni«rs, and .their own S!Siiiv=LS.?i" '*?Xl'«nM8«crijicpttelrUvcabelSii»v„. those jounHda S(^v^^^\^t?T, h.??L^I™i ^.°.,^'?.S*?*iPI*"««« »t the theatre hearing her own name, on the 7th Inkt; and waa mii i^^Joa kTv^ large number of friends. Wo haVe brl2^bSSi w?^'™SS when ahe appearod as »eU GwynneTandTSSa fa^iS^rS f? •■Orlat (» ttoMlU." BhewasSS^ in iSth? brt toSS toS^J gooxdeUed; and we were muoh pleased, not oSS^rttJ^her^ »onnance«.but also with the Jieriwnrt if the ftSISiT iJiJ!^ "■S H actresses i™ J^SSST, ud, 1^ Ae has eonslderabb originality about her,ltnd poeeeaaw rthm advantage which go to make up the elements of^pS! luity, die may, to time, be more snocasrial thao she waa durine the paet week. Bbe gives evidence of having played to provin- cial au^enoea mora thab to metropolitan,' and this eomewhat marred her to the eyea ot the Broadway theatrical habUua. She Is taB, has a handsome tace, and apioftislon of Veautlfal bolr, which she fixes up In the most tantiUztog manner; shBla foU of Uf*,and "lMghs tokUl." Reeldsnt wl& nsawhiienkoionS improve to her style of acting, and become a general:<tevorite, ' She would become a valuable acqoiiltton to any oompanh biit to "go it done, ' under present clrcnmstaDces, ahe wU not niooeed. lie bustoesa througfiout the week woe very bad, we are SMirto aay, and,'altheragh the lady was announced to appear tbU'«ve- ntog aa OamlBe. ahe made her last appearance on the IStta. ta conaequenoe, it Is said, of "todispoiition;" but in reality, owltiA no doubt to allm and "cold audiencea." The etock ocmuSv with few exceptions, waa lacktog to attractive dements ani9t&» Krfotmers were as eold as their audiences. To-nlaht lothrod Falrolougb, tngedlan,.openB the theatre for •4ne time only," appeaitog aa Sir Giles Overreach, Iliere ore severd rumen afloat to regard to the fnture of Marr Provost's Theatre, one of which Is, that Mr. G. L. FoiTlate of tho Now Bowery, la to be associated to the management aal that it wiUahortlybe opened'with a company sdeoted by him. It was also siven out during the week that Mr. Fox was about lo 6Mn the Old Bowen; but as the agreement of dissolution of narlaSr^ ship between Mesaia. Fox b Llagard speoUes that Mr: Fox dan sekher manage -nor perform east of Broadway, the Idea of his opentog the old theatre eotdd not ft>r a moment, be' entertotoed. It is noit likely, however, that each an actor as Mr. Fox wlU long remain idle, aad wepreramethatto a short time we shall see his nam« on "tbsBrosdway." Since the above waa written, we have been informed that a new stage is betog put down at the old Bowery, and that aome'cfMaryPTOvcst's "people" are having an eye on oertato dteratlons and Improvementa gotog on at the dd house. Beportslaoconneots the nameof an acmsa.vrllh the management, and aays that shewinopen-the old theatre at 'an early dav. Theae mmors may be true, or they may'sot''- We have endeavored to get at tht ledfkots, but experience mtieh difflonlty to the task. With Fox at Mary Provost's Theatre,- asd acme one dae at the old Bowery, whM'a np between them, asd what la the object to teourlng theae "Strategic potots;" as they saytothearmy? la then aay combination here, and tsLtogard and the New Bowery to have a masked batten opened upon themf WeehaUaee. Pendtog the solution of aUtheeemmon, we "return to our muttons," as John Frenchman would eaf. we have Btoce learned that 0. L. Fox opens Maiy ProvosfsAeatre onthe31at The suTvivtog olBoers and crews of the "Ill-ftted" frigates Cumberland and Congress, had poisesslon of the Academy ot Mudo on Thtirsday eventog, leiu tost., and audi a crowd aa greeted them boa notbeen.aeen inside ef that place fbrlnany a Jong day.' Every seat was fined long betDre the proceedugs com- menced; and staKdtog room was at premium. The occotlon that drew together this vast assemblage was a benefit to aid of the fkmiUes of those who hod perished In the destruction of. the ves- sels above named. As it vnU be a remarkable event to the hlstor7 of the war^now ragtog between the two sections of our glorious Union, we give an account of the proceedings. Tho cuilato "was drawn up, and on the stage a nuiober of dhairs were arxanged to a semi-circle. In lh>nt of the chain waa a table at which the chairman, Mr. PdetUhPerit, 'was seated. AtS o'clock the or- chestra performed a notiond air, at the conoludon of which the expeoted guests, about two hundred saUbra and marines, marched on the stage. Their appearance was the signal for unbounded enthuaiaam. Men cheered and appUraded, the ladles rose, and waved their handkerchief, and for searb five mtoutes- the most deafening hurrahs resounded throughout the house, TlieolBc>ers of Iwth vessels entered first then came the crew of the Oamlier^ land, foUowedby the crow of the OoiigTeas,andthemailnesfote- ed a rear guard; While the men were lahlag their beats, a luge flag waa raised and suspended over their heads. 'When alienee had iMen restored, Mr, Perit wdcomed the men, and to afcwap- proprtateremarkspreaentedthemtotheaudlenae. TheBoolswua. then soundsd bis oaU| which was echoed firom below the stage as If on shipboard, and a ven Impressive prayer was dddrtsscd to- the Throne of -orace by Ohanoellir Fern, after which Rev, Dr. Hitchoook delivered an oddroaa rdaUve to the war and its causes. Be paaaM an eloquent eulogtomon CKmerd Andenoi, wheee eSbrta he claimed had not l>een snflldently approdatcd by the government Be remarked^at then was also a mli;h^ big Foots to the Navy, snfllclentTo cover aU retwidom, (Xauohter end cheen.) Foote had hdd a conference meetlsg at IdanaNo. 10,:but the rebels had departed before the benediction, and ifllh such haste that Foote bad to send boats after them to bring them baok. Miss Maria Bratoeid. attired to tri-colored dress, then sang "Vive 1'America," whicb was weB received and encored. Mr. Perit read the foUowtog note from Geherd Scott:—"Iwobld be most happy to meet with you asd Joto to fdldtating oar noble tars, officenandmen of the frigates Oamberland and Congress, but for my lameneaa and tho fear that the exdtement wenld be stlUmorehurtfdtome. Bespectfollyyaun, WnmzLS Scon, A similar letter from Gen. Anderson regretted hie Inability to- be present; and a letter ftom Capt Radford p«aid a high ccrapll- aient to Lieut Morris, who was to command of the Oumberlaad when shs went dovn. The characterisUo exercises of the even- ing then cotnmsnoed. George Marlciw,'a aallor of the Cumber- land, gave a deeoripUon of the attack by the Merrlniac, to an «x- ceedlnig'ly grapblo maimer. There were no new fkets to .'his ilar- rative, but the wav to which he tolJ It and th'e energy he dl»- giyed to the redul, drew down thonders of applause. One ot eOnmberlasd's crew sang the "Bed, 'White, and Blue," the crew jolntog to the dioruB. The »<ma wta' receifved with vodferaus applause. Three cheen were given for the "Bed, White, aind Blue,'' and between parts flMt and second of the performance, the band played a adectlon firom Bobert le DiAble. Wm, Evarls next made a patriotic addreae, and read an extract ftom a Southern that Its "dl ton, an eye tothe* and perhaps c we shall do nothtog of Uie htod. No, weshan oaBhtoinoharsh nomee, nor even expose hiai to mortldcation by glvtog the name of his paper. ' We pity, end forgive him. The letter which our neighbor say) vre refused to imlulsh as an answer to our charges agdnat George Christy's Minstrels, was retasod because It illd not ccntradla what ire stated. .Bere Is an extract from it, by which It will be seen that sD we add is borne out by this very letter. Here is the extra^:—"We did play at Beceedon Ball— we had so power to ohange the aame—Mr, Perry, the moat tabid abonuanjjstl oversaw, dldepmpoaethePolka whioh was dedicated to the Palmetto Men of.South Carolina, as an odvertlalsg dodge, asd nothing else, W<t 'md-dag at the request of the landlord of the MIUiBonBe before 3,000 ;eeceadonlats, but we did not wear their badges, cb^aorotlierwlseveiftUateoursympathies for the South." That win do, Mr. Tryon, ot the Christy's. Tou oiay try on your advertising'dodge to the South, bat youwUl find that the Seopleisthe^irthwill dod^ yoU. We gave Maggie MltoheU leluieat of OUT oolnmns, peeause ahe did contradict what hod been uhied acalnat her. We may yet hear farther upon that eub- Ject uidthe"faallleAyoung OodAlmlghtv"'irill "deolmate" the troth, whether It Is to 'support of Miss Mltotadl, or agatoat her, or to Ikvor or against anyof those who have bees diorged with eecestlos' proolIviUes.' We are todeifendent to an euohmatten, asd'extesa vasHxmorolkvon, thonwireedve at the basds of the profesalos.' The Sunday paper above dluded to endeavored, laMweeiiaiider the guise of "frlondshlp," to revive those un- pleaaant recoUectlonB 'with which the name of Mr. A. B. Daven- port la aaa6ciat«d, and thas to iqlnre him to his benefit, then to t^e place- we eaw the drift, howevir, and let the thlsa pass um- soUced, because we bellete Mr. DaveSport has "made hie peace" with his New TorktMends, and etocerdy repented ot the error whIoh led him to -take part to the formation of the "OooktaU Guards " We were among the first to condemn him, but as he has dnce proted himself to be at present a Union inan, it glvea us muoh more plsasnre to support him; but let hlm,'and an olhen, elsillarlT dtoatad, beware of uose toadies who "pat them on the back " lust so long as thoy have a dollar to bestow. Cut upon aU au<^'<<Qod-foraaken creatures;" A .great ded Is idd about tho necesdtr that prompted Noiitheniers to the South to astlSt to' tho propagation of soceadon principles; that they were to a tlnht nUce, and bad to getoutof Ittoeomtway.' 'Whatwould be thouuBbt and add of the gallant Co), Corcoran and his oompat- riols In arms, now prlsonen of war to the South, werelAqfto take part to secession demopstrationa, for the sake of gaining their liberty? 'What if Owahf old proclaim themsdvessectsdon men and thereby have thelr-llberty restored to them. Would M(v 'be conddered "smartr'' And yet there was leas danger whoa onr show people espoused the seoesslon cause thaa then Is now. Not 'were Col, Corcoroa and hla companlosa to Iw niU^ of Buoh degrodtog conduct he and they would forfeit the rHpect and esteem of - oil men, both North and South. There they are, prtaonen among their enemies, subjected to oH sorts of todlsnltlesi'atthe hands cf a rebd.r4bble. <Oo (K<y fitooh? Do (kcvorouch the knee? Do lh<yrenounce their loyd principle*, and old to the fonnaUoa of rebd vbltnteer bomponles, or aoalsl at'stowilra denoastratlon*, «i do «B7thtog .iube«oi|iijiig atrae eper, which pdd a high trilrote to the heroism of the Oumbor- id'sorew. ("Three-cheersfbr'em.") Hr^S. 0. aampben,'of Brjanta' Minstrels, ssn^ the "White BquaU," after which a sailor firom the Congress, named Wlllard, waa'totroduced, and gave his verdon as follows:—< 'We had no chance' at all. We wore on ^e spar deck, most of us; the other eteamen firing attu, aad.we doddng the ahot; no chance down bdow, because you conUnt see the shot tin they vrere lndde the ahlip. We had no- chance, and we surrendered,' The rebd officers—welmowed 'em all—all old'playmatea, ahlpmates-^-came home'to the Oemuntown. with them; all old playmates, but raacals now. She left us and ahe want towards Norfolk to get out of the way. She returatd to the momtog to have what I'd can a fkndango with the Mtoneao'ta,. and the first thtog she ksowed, the little bnmblo bee, the Moni- tor, was there, and she went back. I have no'more to say, people. and Bos. George Bancroft followed wiui an appropriate address. Mr. Kearsey, of the Congrest, then sang a humorous song'to- honor of the vacht America, with a chorus for tho CTOw,trnlch threw the audkiloe Into a Jeny state of enthusiasm. Tho loulck- Uktor was reooUed, and song the fint' 'verso of "Unco Bam Id Rich Enough to Give us An a'Farm." Be was wansl7 applauded. Wm, E. Dodge ihade the condudtog address, after wbloh the Chairman announced-that the Oommittee, whoso mmes )iad al- ready been published, would be glad to reoolvo contributlona for the benefit of the saUors, and for Uie widows and orphans of ihoeo who hod bean killed or drowned during the actios. Bcsdntions- wero offered by Oapt. Uanhan, calltog on' Congress to present medals to the survlvtoa offlcen and men of the Congress and Cumberland, to.honor of the struggle to whioh they had borne so conspicuous apart, and passed, and the meeting aulbumcd to a high atate of delight having partlolpited to one of tLo moet orig- tod and aucceaaful estertainmenta ever given to New Torfc. Bo- lt win be Been that the Academy of Moslo has bees put to somn good nee, after all. It was truly a novd entertotomoiit and quite a large sum'Was redleed for the worthy oUeot to view. Borne very fine perlbrmances were given at NIblo's Oorden lost wei^ among which woe the "Rivals" on the 7th, totrodudsg Mr. T. Plodde aa Bob Aores, and Mr. John (Hlbert as 8U Astbony Absdute.' Both gestlemea received a most hearty wdcome. The aome comedy was-f)rodncM at Wellaok's, durtog the week, and aa matter fbr future nference we aive ibd oast of each theAtro,. adfoUowe:-- -» . HUM'S diaoER, Blr Anthony Absolute,, Gilbert. Osptato Absolute,, W. Wheatley. Bob Aores T.' Plaoide. Faulkkmd,... J. W. WaUack, Jr. SlrLuoluse'Trigger,, E. L. Davefiport OetilatoAbsdute., ..LWdlOck. BlrAntbony Absolute,,, ,Btako.- Aotes.,..,- Charles FUh6r. B^olkland B6rton.. Sir Luolus O'Trigger.,, .Floyd.- Savld.'.:' .TQeo. Holland. Julia..' Mre«Boioy. Lydla Langulah.UlEi M-Oasnon Mrs; Malaprop.... Mn, 'Vernon. LUoy Ultt Orookottf Davlcl w. Sca^. Julia .Miss Emma Taylor. bdlBLangulab,.Mr. Glads&ne. Im. Malaprop,, Hiss H, WeUs. Luoy,...' .Mn,Bkerretti ■ , In what other dty can ybu see two casts to equal those? We sbaU not undertake to say'wMdi - gave the most satialkotion, for the ploce waa rendered "axcdlaiit vreH" at both thealr<ea, and such "rivalrT" caniiot be pMduotlve of 'anything bdt tjjMA. At NIblo's, as u addlUond attraction, the drama of Black B^ed Buaan wak olveii with the Biyals, Mr: E,' Ii. Saveapnt atipeArtog as WnilaiD, nod Mi*, eurrett.** (huafi., By tho wb7,.iblj) Mt Uoks