New York Clipper (Apr 1862)

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N Y b II O L I P P E H; 15 i/tad k\nifl bU the Bkoato •hooU hla tbe«krtotT. Anototf.anaHr.^oaploked L" ym» Otittoa took' • .mUmlouy ouitw ana glwhlB » «tart«; whlA ione, ha entarod 'tad Afon uid.' In the eommenotment of the ouioe, ininSUuTn "bo AnytUsg traeh-or remailuhle to hewJaToiiBNeorbadtaoa. wWdh he mto the to SStaitMid ho wta ftJly coc^iUaot ot A» he ■d ha mented some seemlngl; dUnonlt ateje. -iie to labor moro than Peal, and w»a apparenUr mow dto- omit the latter portion of the dance he roTivod by pe^ . aldo atep. going oloar "<>™4J?e;t»8e. ">»;»^ )?S (5*™, to ai5l out Thlfl wa« a aoit of reat for him, »d uS%ojn33 a moat capital ^d-iip, 1? jW^i* jfT, ■omo of tha.moatnoTiil, attrartlTe, h. BTjrpaaaiariil eieontlon the moat dIffloiilteihlMted Ijtoffi^&boeafcr, towaa loudly appUoded »t toe le time oocoplea .by blm In octoal danolng betog U n^-. imlnnteaotfmoftlongorthanPeel. Vt-ButOimi^ iojndgea andrJSreowooUretlie.andrenderjidwIa^ liatM^ It aewdod to be a conoeded thlna. lo'SIfihS lid be no dlffl<rtlt» in deciding In Peel'B "l^J^n^^^ sa appeared^rthe eiplratlon often or onnoSthat It would be topoeaibloto rtw adeoWra i then, much dlaaaUafacUon waa e^^f^^^/^ fertod that tt*aa a "aot *i^9."S^^l^S^^hS^ ^n.Ur.Harteiplalnlng *iSSn"f JhS^Tb2 leUbOTed in arrlvfii at too tree facta of caae, a oa^ g p^XS: BeiSi toatthore werepotote to(tanotog (SiidXirver might not bo able *• S aandn&ree had heen very nartoolM to noUng^^ pplauft of toe audlonce ahoufd have no «?f w{ decide toe match, for toey had their own S^'Mdertoem, and upon toeao aetaUa ttoyhoped poa w gmoe^ , a^on. The notea able rejtttatlaii of a deUberata fUalllar, tedStaUa ^. Should he vlBlt the Cnl- tke eiWiUahBunt Ulai Jennie Parker, the ^„ agilBi'lt ia to be hoped that ihla compliment to the leaTeaforWaihlngtononthe Slat. gjiHoiul aDBlgn ihaynot gounremembered by an appreolailTe — r. —.. — pnbUo.' BeapeottDlly, JAiaa LzaLn, Jb., at a iaea\^ read-for the people inalBted on » dooUlon to K. at onee-!and toe dMcnftloa that operated agalnit an to aetUoment'became more apparent It waa atated leaolt ehonld be made known on toe morrow, and wltn entandlna toe apeotators disponed, and toe honae waa In about htU an hour after, toe Jadgaa and r^Wie «en doaetod that length of Hme, a deoWon waa arrlvod 1 was, that T. J. Peel waa toe winner of toe match Mid nr, and we belleTe this was too verdlot of a large mAjorlty who wltoeaaed the trial. Boto men, altoongh dancgg teforo toe public, exhibited some nerronanesa when they ward before Buah a critical asMmblage of brotoer pro- J as greeted toem at Wallaok'a; and we have seen boto oelMtter on less important occaalona, notwithstandtoi rery weUln toematcIii Had a decision been rsndereil stage. It Is said that toe winner, would hare l>een chal- anartr nreaent on behalf of Mickey Warren. Mickey "Ban Oaolnthe," I do good," waajo Joke to tlie treaanw. But toe beat item of tte lot la toe fket that toe rent paid fottostoaotre lanomorethMi €nited Statea Consol at Klce. On Monday aVenlng.AprilUto, toeoperatloapactaelaof "The- Knohanireaa'' waa Pt^°P^'K^']>|°li ^^^i pefore one of toe Of toe toeataealn OalUbtnla, onr oonemendent, "Bhern Oer- that paid for the haU. 8o, anoeesa to toe NaahvUla braaoh of tba byn," sendana toe following, under date of San Franotaco, March 1 Bt LonU HelodeonI Bee anotoer pangraph about the pe»- ai, '(2-.^"Blnoe my laat thuga toeattloal hare been flourishing 1 fonnen. . - at the American Theatre, which has been open ten nights, and on I The Mdoeeon, 8t Louis, gave a bsneUt for alok and wooaded each occasion to toe aurprlse, and, I may add, to toe oonstsma- aoldlem, on toe 14to. - During toe day two ateamera had antred tlon of many, it has been Uterally crowded. The latest novelty from Pittsburgh Landing, Tenn., toe January and Oreaemt Olty, here waa toe production of toe borUsqueof toe 'Female Port7 contalntog men thanntoe hundred woonded aoldlen. Hail ThleTe8,'whlchwisadmlrablygottenup,andaftertoearstnlght andbloodeodduot atandaudia eight and no wonder toe be- waa wen played. It la aUn on the bUI>, and bids fUr to have a nsrolent Jerry Herrlfleld, and the whole compuiy of Minaaer 'ilrun, Thiaplecewillbefollowedbytoenaa- J. W. Ohapman,were immedlatdy"lmpre8aed"to aerreinft* largest audleneea ever aAembled toeie. It has been placed upon toe stage to magnificent atyle, wito new scenery, ooatnmea, me- ohonloal eOwta, eto., eto. The principal parts wero entrusted to Hlas Caroline Blchlngs, Mr. Wheatiey, Mr. Blohlsga, J. Dunn, 1 „^ we looked upon more aa a J«?f,^?<imai tban • reguM | gbo,jjSlothe wheel In right downeunesCtod eaya he moaua | _ Motirittatanding the bad news town Albanyj *onttoo 1^ tormanco, for there waa a |™« « dela» In changngjne to do or die: and as he holfij a aood hand, and has aot a fliet-rate latlTB Don Qulioles who try to oppeae (Initead of representing) scenes, <J"!l°B «he staw. and rad^ rtSe^ 1 thiS hTwUl d", md'dowSulS'^t ' ■ SS wiU of the peopleTilbSiy STa-'model concerTull (MmSb an hour eUpslng whUo the jmlW J5?_I«>! I rjSTWoIto^XM C cipaitn not been do«g world." Its nme la' Oayely Mnalo Hal Fltepatrlck, EpMrt n...; .VS e^rSit • anditwaaamuHpFnaiiriOni^in^^^AB tliA THe aarcmuan, ainoe tne co-paimennip, nasnotneen aowg wono.- »i» uamv u uayety jannoiuu si»i>Buui>,a>»ra ^iS^bU m toe 'flSSlo mi? JS^ra w J Ji^^ SrivS ^»'^ eic^^n toe occsslons of Cneo ben^t^ toe hurt of whldE k l^grtahe are toe pr(»rieton; Ohariey lewis ud J. P. Wke ounaln feu on tne muie. mus luoamn was warmly roceivea, .vimniiitimt <» «..»».i<.«h>,* mM«r »nWK« mtnUMnui. I tti* oiain maHam • mnX n,,ib> m. mimt of monlB farm the stock the stage mankgers; and quite a e^ony of people form the stock company. Of coarse, aome rerolTing alara are, all toe ttou. iSdlSii'r^ in one or two instances. ItaUng ifdiS rJlowanc^ I ™» S"^^f?iSt*t^U£S^i i^T«k ^iS^' Lear,'to-morrow, and may revlTO toe fcrtunea of tola beaQUfal I tAIeauz, , . eatre. I As Joe Maliu would aay, in one of his bnrlesqne orattons. The rarieUaJfdalam, formerly Uagulre's Opera House, has not ■■Thrt'a what'ajhe matter wito Hannah Juiel" Bq,noww<he- w^'.TinmmmHnff on It On Vriixr «viniir<r'*^,rtT iBUi 1 lon has been Mgagod'at this house, and wlU appear to -KIm 1 coming or gotog. Spe^dng of roTOlving things, toe revriring thtrScr^^rfiiSldWTto *^iJdId Lear/to.morrowfSdmayrevlyo toe fcrtmie.of tETbewiUfa| tableaux, Keller.Trou^e, oomen«i house, notaeeat to be had lower than toe upper tier of boxes, '"S^^ and but few toere. performance, mlrable vol throughout, voice nas ' evidently tp year to. A, bnt toe oerenonr ' Sqnire A. Youiig> the 1st April. also at toe American. I £ave not aa yat heard what toey do. I April Fool about this. Many persons cannot heUeve that co CAarlaPnieaRdkiieabiitedvfAareaboat starting on a profee- actreaa ahonid marry welL' Actresses often wear OA orange- slonal tour torough toe toterior. flowers' on toeir brow for otoen, and whT not once to llikfbF- From ▼arlorne quarters we now learn that aome of our most «x-1 toemadveaf Cupid ia said to be consldeii^le of a botaalstr ana. herMlss-EenoggorHlncklwtovocalpowore. «idis L,SSSedJim»SslL?S^^ "uie. uawid. O^t aiiWoti^^tr ^^.JlX^.J^^ni^.^.^^.'^ltJ^.^ iK^to'o^to^T'MS m,^?w.^,proJ«:ttoe_hajw »n;.lA.^^^^ pansyT^S. and La BlolUone, to toe latter of which she excoulad toe trill, oloslngwltoadellRhtfalpaaaageoiao nee, to a manner that we have not hoard eqnailod for years. We deem Miss Iliohings f»r above oltoer"" an actress ' . . three. The ehonues were unususUy exeellsnt and hamonlona, ahowlug evideneea " - ■ ■ • . . cspltally arranged ' dl^dualmerita Of toe leading artistes, we cannot Sdorse all too S. n«nl to tlfa lavish bcrtowedK^O^etta and Tophcff. True, the g>^t^^«i«^^^^«;f^lgi»^-J5^ former ra^utCB several dlffloult temlchorcan jWf, and oe> taeS?3 ofthe LuaS wSsXhS^hS beenHw^^^ '^f^'«*.ft^»P^!7_?l???^ii'!;.fi!?^5«P'«»^ I ".^^ioi Tak^tSietoS;^5iuipl^tiS!.?hasTjBn more uniformly sqeceasfDl than formerly. Manager John T. Ford la, of course, not entirely unacquainted wlto "the sweet uses of ad- snt thoughts, toe pasalon flower of rellgioui fervor, and toe e«il- Tl^^alwaya acoompaiy the lady known to 'a Troy (N. T.) Theotrela enjoying at to toe Trojan war. Capitol bula, partaUng largely ot the legM- of toe baUa she was Buipoaaed by MUeEolene, who received a hearty and well deserved enart. is for Monsieur Tophoff, we oonAiSS to a dislike to see a man perform toe dances he excels to. niescenlo and stage effects of toe spectacle are admirable, and toe dresses, for once, appropriate to toe piece. From present to- dlcatlons we should Juoge that toe Enchantreas is likely to.have mate, have drawn fair biz. On toe llln toe managoa { "Olande Snval" and "The Capture of Vonelson," whloh car ly was good old Bowery meoanre. "The White Terror," a Led- Ser drama, was to be produced .on toe 91at, and we have no- onbt will brtog the treasurer out 6afe on toe right aide of Us bntUsaif years o! probation have proved him a man I'ledger. How would a piece called "nie EandredSaysof Teiror i.i> Mi;i^x5S2.'^?t^?;^ IK« F^"l^' ?ii;rjS°LuX ^esSSTn her- t Peel waa toe winner, ao that toe referee was sd and moet ereditSly pres^ted drama of toe Mud that has 3Sef " t£S eeaiS. Sver flV^tooJiBand dollars. We \ been presented to a Keif York andlauoe for several aeaaona. BIr. Baton Stone left' (:0o.'8 0oncem. reed toat —^ .. Jed to.' Mr. Bcbert Hart -was judge for Carroll, Ur, Qdga for Peel, and Mr. John Landere, referee. Bowtog table; prepared by toe Judgea, will lend addition- 9t to this match. The mst column of figures dsnotss ber of steps mode, while toe second column shows toe of triple notes made wito each foot, oounUng double, to ilty. He haa no cintstandina obligaticns, his company are to Albany" go 7 We only ask to hnmUe simpliolty. :ly paid vritoout reductions, and (shades of Oonrad and "HaU to toe Chief I" cornea to ma ^d onflndtog that-Btt r aUfertI) he is "aU right'' wito his printer. Any how, De Bar "actilly did" appear as WilUbald, In "Bie Bottle Imp,** er Ford haa paid Mlu Lucille Western on ber "fair attoeSt Loula Theatre, on toe lith. Botanlcally apeaUn&OB . DRAMATIC. , _ , The deato by drowning of Mr. B. A. Eddy, agent for Miss ^4 nms. nie single dot between toe colums of figures joey Oongenhelm, is announced to San Etanolaco papen recelv- tstoestepashavtogbeenweIl.eieoated;whllstoedophIe ed by toe steamer Ariel, which arrived here on the 18th. Itwlll " " be remembered tb^t aome pecuniary difflcnlttea attended too toeatrical operaUona of Mr. Eddy to California, and various versity," of problt regularly I CharleyGL.V.*., » n.™. .» »————# -—, ^ — — - -• Manager Ford haa paid Mlsa Lucille Western on ber "fair at toe St Loula Theatre, on toe lith. Botanlcally apeaUn&OB shares," thiaseaion, over five toonsand dollars. We understand acoount of thla spring weatoer, we may.aay thatwe "iMhon"' that not a stogie obllaation remaina nnpald. Bo much for the I Ben De Bar among toe cedar trees of our affection, and, when ve- =: _-r>. . ^ ■ think of hia peculiar "fix" at Nsw Orleana, we may daas hta» ,1- -^ts^^ wut» ilfjv vary well executed, PZBL. 1 a. «• 4 S «: 7 e tf 1 a s i °^W»tirel9to-,tojitoThayar,No,.a ISSl°dS-B^«|r °,53f iSXw.Sir*"S5SSFo^ - ■ • I Adah ladles Menken opena at Oolnmbus, Ohio, on toe list, and next goea to Plttsbmrgb, succeedtog Onbaa. Adah still thinW of running over to England, to Hay. In Washington, toon la quite a "congress" of arttals and any variety of "housea." Qeorge Eunkel nas Us FNnt Street drt- matlo company, (from Baltimore) at toe Old Theatre. His mto- strds are at Odd Fellows HalL John T. Ford's Mew Atoenenm la dotog an immeuse bustoess wito Forrest, and tos house is and the entire cast waa wm filled. f3BUUBKB. Hr. J. U. Nixon ia to toe fieM wito a drona company, and wS atatements*erepibllahed as to his radd^de^Sturefrom San S^g^iSSSSe ^hT oS^rSe pSrtvA he if &"uS opin the aeason at Brooklyn, on the 2lBt tost. ^ nanXui, one having it that ho was carried off'tolreland^whlle | ^t^^^l^S^^ViiS^Tb^V^i^^^Si 1 ^binaon_k Lake's OlrcuBwiU start out from Ctoalnnatl to FcTOival opens wlto fawdays. F. H. Beamon, Tankee clown and Negro oomedlaa, '. luia been: engaged to accompany toe concern, togetoer with liHi wife and boy, having started tMm De Buyter on toe 14th, to Jolft toe company to Ctodnnatl. Tan Amburgh'a Great Exhibition win work its way throng Kew Jaraey tUs week, eii route to Philadelphia. MlaaOongenhetoi waa on her way to Australia. It now appears, i ^a formerly Elngs' Amphitheatre, by toe fttUowing article from toe San Frandsoo Jfomino Call, of j^^niMM hS (Satstar^^^^ March V that Eddy did not leave at toe toe stated, but qoleUv ^ j^^^^ Western's b^efits at toe HoUday-etreet, BaW. "S" ni6re, on the llto and Mto, were overflowing \mmpers, and ^ ^J*^ toUowinjle the account anudodto:- ^ ^ Baltimore bdlea much more flian nJght have "Mr.RjLEddy,whowBSBuppo^to havolaft^U^^^ eousidaring toe usual religions ebMrvanoss '^^ I*^^',''"'^.'"''°^*''*''S"*T*" among ch^ witoMlaa Joey Oongenhelm, was drowned near Ban Juan Mand. "ni?Orand Combtoatlon wen a\ toe Bo^ Aoademr of Mnalo Ohio, • a i> „. a British Columbia, on toe 34to of February, by the capaidna of (•n^S^oa^^Ayn&^'SwlSS^r Se^ hS Hp Canada. The company oonslsta of Mr. anH UIss ». Ktaode, pre. toe schooner. TOlo,.C.>t«aloney, ..Mr. Ediy if.'^Vrf^^^l'^^^ZlXlttanb^rt^vt^l^ " "^"^" — Bob Acres, John E. Owens; Sir Lnotas, L. B. BheweU; Fag, 0. | i","™?" v'^'.T-T^rv m^XX^Z^m.^^^.^^''^ iT^T BaironiDavid, E. Lamb; Lydia, Mre. W. 0. ah)dstanei Jnila, i2S°*^*'"^^^.Sl^?-'S*~-•,vn?^^ ^ ^ Emma Taylorj Mrs. Malapii>p, Maiy WeUa; Lu^ Mn. Geo. h^*T^'2!ilf5!?.'^lrw?S« fc m HtHtM 8<at<«a. Skerrett On too 22d, "MonSr to to be biought oat, and no I A« •H<»^^Ifl^?2'^ doubt money will come in. . CIroua have been repultlng at Oimd, Pa. They stttt on«e»» JmSSTtoorterto p^entany possibility of niisrenresita-M»y' ' B'S* clroumbendlbUB route among toe Western ii.„r!^ii"i iKlw--*?^--r"/--V States. Dr. Jim Thayer Is manager, down, orleeter, aa occadott the aventog before he waa toaall,and process fbr his 1 "^'aSrttoSa^dmlteSS? wtoci^^ CbMB.Vs^^ eqnestriin i»»g« and ring plooed to {h'e hands of offlcers. The latter v,ent on bo«rd at « "P^S^SuSiSrSid eulyhonr to toe morntog, where toey rematoaluntU the pilot J^I^'Jt'^^^^'^"^^^ 'l'^•'*'t/SS.'^!SS^S^!il!I left and toe vesad was wdloat to sea. Mr. Eddy was very nn- I^'.i". ^vSr^JSyn^™?.™ St nunSrvAorivM nnnouncament occasions. Jim Thayer can make hlawnnlomula* fortunate tohto.numj«^^ | S^SiiflSWev^ThS^SSSton toJ^SS drtS^. "aS | ^_'^^J^J^.±'^?L?rJ!3'^IS'L'?S!!^ ^^JH^- Time—U mto, U aeo. , *Bad break. fSnok. loet about tl,80O to two months. Enowlng that he would be to, tercepted by his creditors, he took a boat and proceeded down toe bay as for ss Fort Point where he expected to get on board. He toen became aware that he woulatw arrested U he went on board, and conduded to return to San Francisco. He rematoed here aboDt three weeks after Miss Ooagenhelm sailed, and toen took passage for Victoria on toe achooher Tolo, at which place he Intenoed to take'a vessel for Australia." Our own correspondent Ishef each aeparate dance wha the best ever made in I tnakca no mention of Mr. Bddy'a deato, dtooueh we received a ■■ • ™—n 'letter from him by toe steamer which brought this news. Mr. Eddy Is said to be an old reddont of Callfoinia, having been en- gaged to toe stationery budness to Maiyavllls. For the past five Al<ew .Tork,i4)rU17thriSta,otHr. J. Tan Tynet-fire years ha waa engaged as agent fbr thoMissea Oongenhdm, .aad IdsIIara (tMO), being the stskeadepodted by Oamu and took toem Ausnolla from Frandsoo. MeconU sottaave ■ ■ ■ . " — been overSayoais of uco. „ A high stage of vrater at Cairo, DL, does not seem to toterfen ^vor of Ihoe. J. Peel, I hereby acknowledge toe reodpt wito toe stage of toe Defiance Theatre toere. A bill for too even. Livjniii ftmimnt ' ' 1 Qiog of toe I3to,.ionoundng "The Octoroon," also slates, wlto diaraotBristlo sniphibtonsness, that—"The pnblio are respectfully . . notUled that toe ddowalks on Washtogton Avenue aqd at toe cor. Anderson, comedian, has a complimentary benefit atlnerofCommercidAvenneand Fourth atreet will be thorough^ Ion, Aslor Place Opera Honae,. on Tneadiay evening, I repaired and raised above toe vrater to time fbr too acoommoda- ,A —..•.i<i..'_ .. . . ' Hon of tooae wishing to avail toemsdves of this Isst opportunity o/wltoesstog the greatest domeetio drama of toe aga.'*^ Ihuawe nercdve that all toe memben of toe Bidewalk-Commlttee to ule Jig dancers an to have a ehanoe to ahow ent who is malro would require mlntog boots as a part of toelr ddlberallng L. Miss Hate Stanton, to our advertising department, I costume, OenQemen taUng a rampant attitude, while to toe ss to dance any danaeuse that may offer to dupute her I boxes, would be very llke^ to hear the cry of "Boot8l"t(oma toe championship. Mow, toen, girls, hen's adiance. Torker,or"Beutol"fromsBoBtonlan. However, toe Defiance de- d a right nice match tietween two of the Von, and toe I flea all competition or drawback, A. G. Williams is nianager. he—u mto. 4 sea. '•Break.. imoe of toe Judgea Hsnt D. Tonan, BoBsnHoXT, > a reodpt fbr the atakea awarded to Peel: Mai danoe,.,to oome off at Maiy novoat^a Theatre, obriier ot syoome Street The deoiaion being ren* Ped-Ihareb ' • • ■• readd ainount Faa]isB.OoBviBSBiD«odtorfbrTiioa. J. Pbl, i-^BBtT Hut; Tbos. J. PzEU .'AgoodblUlaoa, andwewonUadviaa all wishing ib salable evening, to hand todr qnartan Into the hsAds I lamey. toe hundreda who communicate wito ns. Hermann ia to follow toe German Opera Company at the Front street, Bdtlmore, opening on toe 28tn. Mlaa Lncille Western Is likely to remato to Balilmon during May, as toe Baltimoreana seem to have taken her prisoner to toelr affecUons, But onr previoiu annonncament of harper- forming lu Mew York, before detoiitog for California and Ans- trslla, will be fulfilled, so that Tonng Mew Tork may nuke Ita mtodean on that snhjeet . The venatillty and atady evtoced by Luolue Western's personations, seem to take a deep hold on toe publlo mtod, and dways aecnre for her a welcome reception to BalUmoie, -wal^ a sporang man would be very likely to oall lor The BalUmora ritijff, and look out ArXncUIe. idea of being left out to toe odd. Bee SsUe's ohd, lewhere. wlto J. B. uurran for stage manager. Biz. seems to conttoue good, and, if the streeta are muddy, the Defiance ia all tha mow oeflt for toe .widow and orphans of Thomas B. Morgan, desirable by contrast Bee otoer paragraphs to this issue. lookplaaesttoe Wtotor Garden on toe Uto, andwaa rowder. We are glad of it im's Lyceum, Wdlock'a Theatre, Broadway Mudo Hall, Mrs. J. B. Allen and Miss OUns nave been added to toe usually attractive company at toe Defiance, Cairo, HI. Dramatto ihanencas certainly are somewhat under a dond at k AtoencBum, Mary novoaf s Theabe; and lastly O. L. I Lafayette, ind,, but aome partToulaia were not qnlto ao bad as vplo. Is to be re-opened onMoqday evening, aist Inst, a direction of Mr. G, L: Fox, late ot toe ilew Bowery. Mdon of good houses rowardsd Mr. Wallack's efforts to 1 public, loft week, on one or two occasions toe toeatre ll-mied. : ; leene's bustoess conttones bad, and toe lady is prevent- ilaylngbysioknesB. . . , ileman opena at toe Winter Garden on toe aiat, ioa Julia, achbock, assisted by Henry Pladde, J. W. Wallaok, Jr., tama, A. H/Davenport, W.Davldgo, T:B.Monla, Mrs, stated by one of otir correspondents from that puce to onr Issue oftoe'dto.. Wo now learn toat Mrs. Ooleman Pope, after having lately announced some "Dramatlo Beadtogs," to he given at toe Melodoon,^to Lafkyetto, had not confronted rows of empty benches, whereupon she wltodnw and loft for parts unlmown;" It appeaiB that toe todemenoy of toe weatoor rendered toe at- tennatifie of an a\ldlence qnlto improbable, and toerefore toe Mdodeon was not opened at all on the occoalon referred to. ,_ .^^ -x™,.^. . -, Mrs. Pope'o otoer engagomontp could not allow a poe^nement lamv A. Davenport, W. Davidgo, T. B. Monia, Mre. until toe followtog eventog, and even If she haldone so, toe ke, Mrs. Ohjmfrau, Mn. Mark Smith,. Uessra. Qrosve- weatoer tamed out eauaUy nnpropiUoua. The lady did hot 1, Howard, Wall, &0. ■•' ■— ^ ..f r .- aoortSdoonBll], which was passed a week ago by toe re at Albany, waa signed by Gov. Morgan on tod IBtb, herefore a law.' We have undeiatood that it will be put n or abont toe 1st of May. Mow, it is pntty oertdn toat equally nnpropiUoua. leave "for parts nnknown,"butfor her own resldenceat Pleasant Bidge,'Ohio. Dnder toese olnumstanses we npeat, once more, our nsnd general aiid particular request that all our correspond, ents would keep to too iiacts ss toey are. .„ . . .—,—, , ThoNsttonal,Olndnnati, under Manager Shires, is BtUl oany. '""^ ,f? .'^ manage™ will test toe constitutionality of hig on bnatoesa bravely, but seems to tie somewhat like gotog tnd it la sdd that two er three.of cur most able lawyers "up stream," dtoough toe pricea are at a very "low stage S w£ 4v .V...... On too lOto he took a benefit, and had a bumper fortoe sake' of "Auld Lang Syne" wito John Bates. A new play, colled .. , . , , —, "Maude, or toe OUunney BiMep's Daughter,*'was tavoraUy re- match danco on too lOto, Is a greater. i«ttraotlon than oelved, and repeated on the llto and 13Ui,to&lr houaea.^The 0 that event He bean toe honon modestly. aatoorahlp is attributed to a lady formerly to toe atock company yrememborodthatshortlyaftortoenowaoftoeTrent atPike'adperaHonse. «wm«««wc«wmjaay nn. ,^€^'-r*?°^?'appeared to | Miss Kate Fisher and H. A. Weaver 'wonnd up an engagement -....^ ... .... ......1.... ^_ _ zoe and Mu^^i P^^SP^'^ diowored upon my m&tit- ffiL«fli^*"States, D.^OTOIOIWLT. . , Otoolnnatl, , where toey perform until the asto, and Mlaa Dora Shaw opena aa Mew Tbiatsb Boroi,, Adblpbt, ) Oamllle on uie SSto, for 4 stay of two weeks,. When Dora wois'at i . LoHDOH, Feb, 8, IMjt r Plke'sformerly,"Gaml]le"wastofiahlon,butwesnspebttoatonr ^.4T!^''^''^t*P^"R"'P'>>>"VPi>UMibTIUj^^ are like us Torken,,andbegtototlilnk'that ™T^Siii„^*^/'*>totoeeireotthatIhjaa''ilspUyed 'itoomuchonettogj^ o . vL «r fh! V^^Sil Addpht; to London, but That favorite little soubrette, Mn. Frank Orsham, is set down n"i°. „ °!!? I ^ displaced toe | as fnUy liable for a grand oompllmentary benefit at toe Defiance Theetre, Cairo. Let too deft be acoepted. We ahall expect to flgd Frank hlmaolf on hand—no, glove—aB< hot Uiamplon. .i..^-';;^'luouuw waicu una i Maggie MltohoU commences an engagement at Wood's, Oto- rdinilf?^^?^ me to toe Amerioan newspapers, olnnatl, on toe list foUowtog Adah Isaaos. Whose "Groat Ex- pecUtlons" hid to contend mto aome awfully wet vreathei^an, nlBtakably Ohio rdns—lait week. MeWark, Ohio, haa had quite a "nvlvd" to dramatlo amuse- ■ " - ■- ■• - ■■■ - — man- stage Among Hudson, :>. Keller, Wheder, ^ rtd,J.K. /oBfl wAAir »ffi«r ;«in .YiAiT rS'it"'!.'" «iD oa oi | nanei, Aunio WUliams, etc The benefit fortoe Beldlen' Aid hgUnd V whUonieiSr dom ihl mS S®?* v^"*™" 8od«ty was an entoudosUo d&lr. Performancaa are now given iffi of uTl?^ Itovd TdoiS,!^ m:''"'L' o^noi .on Saturday aftopibons. Budt is too red advance of a spfritod rtandSiB o?t SndSSC^^v*^ community toamord Improvement whldi creates no bigotry. Sited aSScf .fliSi w?2^SioSd^ S?? SdUo St Oldr doaodta Columbus, Ohio, April ISto. and i wun/?S ^^?nd «^^ flag toangnratte too toe Olevdand. AoadoSiy ofli ?rSr«rfra.]^^iStofoffU,uu?«°i.^ ""r •'?f° "'"T'Sf'&i^i'r".""'»'»nL'" , too deacrlbad! munn^l^rnf^^BMi^I^'^'^?^ wookej after vhloh she goes to BulIUo, to toaugurato the regular SitvTttSr^ir sSKr 5Si52i-^i"y.''j!'; N**""*?"' "e^on' of MelropoUUn TheatrS, May 6. In toe !f^s^e'reanasi."^si!^c£a^1 ^^^^^^^^ iAM^aialSAmot^m^i toiy*^ taSSf '^'^ John DtSw 7tt his Irish lardcs. Ae "Oroveeof aw it vrithSy^w^M, .TOetoo; It wLTntel 2^'^" Kjf' VS" "SS P'"" >" ""emd at this oatablldi- 7.5!i5?<'.'A^f•'(^k'ndon | Se'Sl ;i-ti!?S!:,?„n'S ^e7(8!.rsh'o1.SlW.Sl I aU Tonng America msko anots^ HVSIO HAULS. The AHumbra, or Bnrtta' Tariettea, as It haa lately been styled, to Philadelphia, seems to be an unfortunate establishment, for once more has it been dosed, and that to a very sudden manner. On' toe llto inst, with scarce a moment's warning, toe company learned, to toelr amazement, that no more entertainments would be given there under Mr. Burtts' management, and toe "people" were once more thrown upon toelrtwam ends. The AHumbra ia a snug little place, hut aa yet it doea not appear to have been a source ot mudi profit to anyone. Several dUferentmanagen have taken hold of it to toe short time that has elapsed stoce it -was fitted up as a concert sdoon, but for some leaaon best known to toemsdves, esdi and all of toem have left toe place, to a gieat hunr. Why toe place 'doea not succeed Is what we cannot un. derstand. Thelocatlon, Chestotit street above Sixth, ou;kt to be good for the bustoess. Perhaps a really first dsas oompsny, to aU toe departments, haa neveroeen tried at toe place. Who Is toe next customer ? Gilbert's Mdodeon, San Francisco, ia add to be doing a good bostoeto, notwithstanding toe oppoeiUon of otoer houses. Billy CMell has been outttog up didoes agato in Bia Frandsco. Eewaa'to have appeared at toe Bdia .Onion, bnt broke his en, aagement, to toe dlsappototment of toose who had aasembled to ^earhim. The place haa not suffered , much; however, by this oondoct of O'Mell'B, Hany Courtain being baAed up by a pretty good array of talent Bmy Worrdls among toe performen at Long's Tarietles, to Phihidetohla. Miss Annie West is also toere. At Caiitarbnry Hall, Phlladdphla, toere Is no greater attraction than the proprietor, Mr. Wray, who ia a company, almost to hlmsdf: Wrsy is nightly arrayed to nys of brightest radiance at hU haD, somer of Chestout and SIxto atreets. . At the Olympic, Phlladdphla, Mr. Lea Is gatoerlng a splendid company around him, and nis bustoess la represented as bolnj veryitoe.' Hr.Leals one of toe most energetto and go-oheai managers toon la to toe bustoess, and if talent can be had for money, his la dwaya ready to pay well to order to secure (he best At present he has engaged at tne Olympic, Fanny Forrest, Bate Fmnoyer, Augusta wdby, Ellen CoUene, Olara-Berger, Annie Edwards, Eoto Harrison, Mary Wolbert, Sally Wasner, Moggie Mdtshsn, Maria Wells, Mary Morton, Eliza Florence, Moos, Tdude, J. Midllgan,Leavltt Gallagher, McKenna, eto,, etc The People's Theatre, MashvUle, Tenn., Is now oconpled by toe company that waa detaUed off ftom toe St Lonls Mdodeon, and at first opened to toe Masonio Hall, MoshvUle. Malson Eneas, Joe Main, and. toe otoer boys, have tamed np as Campbell Mto- atrda, while toe publlo approbation is more and mora manifest Miss TIo(orla Howard, Mies Eate Warwick (ho matter whetoei muried er not) and toe otoer pret^ girls, have tuned down a' in °' memory for toe Nashville folks, aa each party nans ueotoer wito continued delight every evai^ng. Then is BCmemeahtoatotoeexpresdon "reserved seata" now at The Peo- ple s, Madivlue. See anotoer paragraph, about the change of lo^ cation fo^thla oompany. " Stodtad, The Bailor," eonttouea to draw like asteom tag at Manager Deagle's Tarietles, Bt Louis. Havtog already givsn a dNuAof toe piece and prtoolpd performcie, we need only add toat Tom pony'e stage management andT. 0. Moxon'e soenery: have rendered It quite a dramatlo triumph for a music halL A varied aeleotlon precedes "Stodbad" ontoesameeventogs, and Ibewonder ia how Deagle can find his eagles. ^^at Pioneer Company (as toey deserve to be called},whowent np the Ounberland Blvor to MashvUle, almost as aeon aa Dnde Bam a military performora arrived, are now add to totend leavlog tor Lon(svllle and otoer places, but toe Nashvillo folks seem to consider that toe companyought not to leave a place where they must ever, be considered wdcomo. Well, as toe Neshvllle people •f* now dotog. too generous thing, we think their llbordlty BboBld be idet in a oorrcspondtog siririt St Louis can afford to spare "ajeWmore of too samoBcm." Ask Manager Ohapmon :er. Merrifldd. Bnt, If the ploncere ahonid wish snow-white hone, named after good old Gen. Scott, alao a poay - ntmnA after Gen, Blegel, and tUs pony bos a monkey rider who-- lalght rank wito many homan periormere. We hardly know how to name all toe good ihtogstoihlsconoen, but have no doabt'> that Thayer and Moyes will make "some nolae" as well as money. ' TheyhaveJlmBohlnson,whoIa"bad[ed"foratooUBanddal]aiw - to perform more "fSute" on a horse's ban back than any otoer - performer can with a pad. Hovle and Bdsse, on toe gymnastle^' business, John Olenroy aa prinolpd rider, and A. F. Aymar a* |.^tng clown. John Ttiompaon is toe Isadliag "hacrebot" Ba» - , ton Stone (no novice) ia to ^ve the Camanohe stria ofliiiismnan dilp,andThuerandMayeshavea "flnelof'toaebatftvm. .UMi . tIia«ls<fiai1e7Beel7«,theIndlarnbbar man—bnt we have al- ' ready stretelied out this paragnph more than our spare space CM. wellaffoid.- Itwssmmored to Bsn Pyancfteo that John Wllaon had tAen toe Metropolitan Theatre, and that he intended to open it as a. oircus some time to April. to vidtMemphls, (or any similarly dnumatanoed dty), as soon as " droumstancas would permit," car mndo-hall boys and girls would nationally mtoglo toe pine and too palm to anyDolon aeonery wherever. they may itnd toemsdves placed. See otoer paragraphs. Thvtals something so eharactorisUc ot "onr fblka" aboat toe S^'t jT'^SI'^B (vritoout weakening) from toe Mdodeon, * ta^Ve and tdontod company, and todr prompt ••ntuing;' InMtahvllle as soon ss"dreumstancea wouhlpermit" that.weiMltoimiltedtonototoelrconttoual triumph. As stated opened atHaaonloBall, They had topay dt por night Ua a'oltylicenso. As bis. improved, and popnlority was secured, toe lioaonio Bdl could hot Moommodtte toe au- dience toot falpd to attend. The People's Theatre, being unoo- oMpled, and already licensed aa such for toe season, was offered, lu oU good feeUnv, ond aocoptod as oonrteoudy.. Let our poUU. clans trytd equ^ thla amount of reasona)>le condderatlon—If thryoui. - Mr: Ja«. F. Backney, toe formorlesaeeandmanagsr, his n^ dn the bills, and thus an amicaUe arrasgemenl meete aU ,toe- digtehltle« or "too dluaticn,".while toe city and the pubUe OM, in Ikct, the red adneie. To tolte.tW a w«ek fr<vn a -band orAnihlitto inlsslobArits, whUe trying to "go about and HEORO aOHBTBBLBT. Many UndacUona are performed by toe protbBslon whloh aerer ' find toelr way tote print Here Is one good deed, however, whloh the party benefited requeate na to make public We give the letter, -wlto toe name of toe -writer attached;—"Proridence, B. L, AprttU, lesa. Fbiehd QuHEir.—Dear ,S<r.—Enowtog that yoo take an interest to reooiding toe good deeds done by manUnd te- one anotoer, I wish to add a little testimony of toe good wU ahown to me by my profasdonal bntoen. I have been dek, and onaUe to do any thing for three months, vrito consumption; and most of toe time, OB I am now, oonfined to my bed. liy. heart - wis cheered by toe arrival of Dnprez & Groen's Oompsny ta ' : town, v^o are old associates of mtoe, and fellow tnvden for two. Tears. Onleamtog toe condition I vras to, toey made una niee-' "" UtUe purse for me, which come very acceptable; and aa the'.oato ' - ' reoompense that I can make toem. Is toe """"g known throiMn'i *. your columns toelr ktodness to me, I hope yon will do me toe - " " lavor to mske mention of It OBiBLis Bovn." nie ban in which SanfoM totends te perform wito his iiilii>' • atiels, to Phlladdphla, Is toe lower part of Ooncert Ball, and not ' toe large room up stain. It was formerly a carriage repodtorir> but te now being fitted np to a tasty manner, and will make awery'. good plaoe tor entertatomente of a minsttd diaraoter, We ore ■ not aware that Mr. Banford has taken toe place fOr an^lengtojr' poriod, bntwiUprobablytry it fora abort Beason, 'and, if su^- ' ceisfol, he may remain there. Bmford's Mlnstreli, and Cam- cross k DIxey 's party may have hot work of it to a Uttle whll^ tor - ' there te not a great ded of love existing between them just now. What's toe trouble f .■ ■ Duprezk Green's Minstrels are represented aa having done 4- blg bnsiness to Pncvldence, where their first night's reodpto- amounted to tSdO, and todr second to $348. Thla|svery finet6r-' a place like Ptovldence. - .. ' Ounoross fi DIxey's Minstrels gave toelr flist perfcrmanee,' at Banfoid's Open House, Phlladdphli, on toe 14tli, befine a large ' - audience, and toe bustoess te safd to have been quitegooddsrlng ■ toewe^ ' The company comprising toe of minstrels known as-. Csmcross&Duey'fi, now performtog St Banfcrd's Opera Honie,, to Philadelphia, embraces J. L. Oamcross. E. F. Dlxev, Frank Horah, Ohariea TlUlers, Charles Gibbons, Geor^ Ii.-Hall,'PKif.. M;-D.'Edmcnds, Ira Patoe, James La Mont I. P. Ambroal, A.'H,J : Beckett,T. P- Deverlll, Wm. Zlegler, T. A'Beckett, Jr., and-B. T.:-'< Simpson.; So ikr toey iore add to have met wito a good deal «<.''V,'> enooutagement "Ob',hnshl what te toe nseof trying to describethpse pa>>-^'^' formsnoea at'Hoiris Brotoers, Pen & Ttewbridge's Opera Honae, Boatoiif .We "givo It np," for once. Bnt ful houses all the . time tell the whole story.. mSOBCiLANKOOS, ' General Torn Thumb, who WIS at Coluinbna and Mewarh; OhlO'^ : laat wesk.'thte week appean to ZoneavlUe aad Stonben^e, and. . opsnstoPittebnrsh'on toeaito, for aahortieaaon,. ' ,:,,:> \ Bhddon'g Bebelnon was on oihlbiUon'at Daytoni Ohio, on the- Uto, Uto, and Uto. Itwasddngbettarthiiithe res^rebdUon. "Solomon's Temple" was erected to Dayton, Ohio, lastweek.-,-, Hie exhibition has not been dotog nnoh tmilneis. Sr. Bede's Panorama was onexhtoltton at Havana, Cuba,, ah- ;, .1 lastaccounte. Aeronauto are beginning to loom np 'Mtln. Mr. J. A, Light ^ ; fremises to moke sn ascension flrom Mount Etna, Berks Oounlr« a., en tor list Inst The balloon being Itehtandtoe aorooaut,. being Light a successful aseendon should be toe.reault v. ItoeTtainlytecomlcd—butnevertodess afkot—toataoqeeas- - respondents, who must snrelf have "a fine face for a grievance," to writing about some petty Inadvertence of anotoer .oorDsa--. pendent, wlU not toko toe trouble to mention what issue of our, Kper oontatos toe aupposed mtelake, but leave na to Itod It aa. St we may, whUo otoen Just aa coolly montloa toe vrrohg date. '' Oenordly speoking, thU leaves too subject matter aboat as. .. : dlfBcultto find on onr part as any reoa^ntlde ground of com-: > , datet on toelr part * Formerly, Unlan songs hod to bo kept on toe back shelf at wm*-: •<. eacss of amusement m St Louis, but Sbody MoOalre,. JarTy;i eirlfidd, and otoer good fellows there, haVe begtm to."let em".r rip" for tos list two or toree weeks. We do notperodve that Bt>.,' Loute loses anything byallttle of Dan Bryahfs or^fuy Pastor's^.: "Whack row de dow,' ' ^ I We're bound to aavatbcTIi^on, .. Whackrowdedow— ■;. ' ,', . ' ■ ' . : Popgoeatoe*ea*d,",e(o.', ,.'. ■■■"> t, ■ Frankeuitdn's-Panorama■of';'»lL«rt'op4nW?, nnrols^i ■■■fi^l^ Bmlto ADlbon's,Clndnn*ttitt(,the«iit'.,. ' ^oStoVDodgeand WluStan H»jWBM;>»tt,dlWj-^ keep dodging and "danoto| Iha' hey" aU'iirbinW Sotteqm*] .vl) Kyi.K(i .They are'uie Figaro, hejceTtfaoro,. and etaiywhsrft b9>..«^r*y»jn 1 .wanted. ■. ■ ' ■•- ■|,'.',):i ;..A.-.W c.(;-.iM fr ;! .V"-/;!- • ..):-'..•»>• '.•I.'.WW fQi donUanttlcn «f Thettrlotl lUeord, se« SH*