New York Clipper (Apr 1862)

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16 >dif'r> j»!iitoiTi farrr-.- it c>' > " Ui)yW(dn<>8tllcMUdB«imTOn«r:' ' ^(^'fotaaBtlMasitanttKinr'ai,'" And Bnun fkt 08 bitter, ..n.WaiNi*»iw .f'1- •• ■ ■ ' ^ Ivi^Aad utttibev irt'Ud ahalled ttiA ooro. 'iriv«CBdMIk«dof<diagi«atklDdsof eui. . . . Wit bAnd-hUotaedthUroliiln op aignar. sWlhmBauasbattaerpoppwiluwi ;. Then John baibookmiwif' ,,, ' .nl'-TUl'MtUttidrftert '^nir israd . / (4'i<.iAa«ino«$uitiiiadeot MPP^- . ^K-JaX tii«o th«7 ibellel'iind jMgra*A'^<>d oi.'^tAndUnkioffima-pokliiSi ' ' ;: .•>.>utADd>dialMi0b«ditlti(JoUn((. ' . ■ ■■ a.;,vt-,V.)t ni- ■ ' iad'itQI (boT poopMi iuul «tlll ib«7 at*;' - «(to'«>nona*i»Itte»hoj»«.),. -cifiBdattanfttha flte cndnrlidlled'stlt," . ^.(T. Aild'itiMk ind (hook thb popper.' 1o jil' t .1/ : -"^ ■•■ '■ Iifi'Ihe'dMk Btroek Bine, ihe dock itrnok ten, P dnd aim the oorii kept ptfpptng; Sl> II ttnak eUnn end tiien raiiok tirelTe, . i.::Aind «tlU no siflna ot atoj^ping. ;i»sv- v.;v ■■■■ ^- ' ': r.-^dVoba be «ti, and Bne>]te thoosht— ,'.Mi)nw'«oni dldpap andp«iter.'' John orled ooL'• •the oorii'i allre I .. ^Wby Siaail, what"*!!!* mUfei'r' (i-i'-'-*''-•■ ' ' ';" ■ i^i-Ml lb*, "John BtDee,'It's one o'elook; ^tT^H dl«'of ItldlgMttte: : v.iM'ilek <tt eU tUa pdmbift oora; >>'iay don't ytm popttia qaesthnif' ^.Q} -.--.-..,!!,..!.' I. r ■ . ~ ■ ., , VKJ^IjBXiJi AD.VKNTURB. . IHBfltitp.ftTaH^^^^ TIOTIK XttaaoKal^Hind-tiTen^ ywit afto, Uat NoTember, on the I8ih -dajrrf'tha.BwntbvtbattbeeTentsocaniNdwUohlamabout to iibt*. XnitjMKTeui-koo^Teel onthelSthdijofNoTember, '«natbonamd'A{tbthnndnaandtirentr. laball iemembarthii 'Me tin ncdjlna-dajr.- Vrbioitawdl had gone to epenaoorTMi«tlon,attb» Imitation '«f anold'tdendi inaaoantUr'papnUlsddJatrlotof HinfbTdahlie, Jb* the pnQOBa^teoraUlng onr health and abooting orer bla ex- i(inilTe«(t^ta«i: HlmaeU \ras away, so ire pieArnd taking np r qokitan fn • anog lodge in the pirk, to IMng In the obeeileaa dlloeBce of annnooonpled nummon, buaiira.'biosgbtadog; Itbadbeen aoatOTer from Spain a Urn mohthi .pte^looalr aa a preieint to my bnther. He waa -« Uoodhojnul/ and'thonngh-bted, atandlng folly fbrty Inohea ~ i'lrithitqiering mniralaT llmb8iaad«iuaeoimb))ianee .80 Ijmdbmnaninltaexpnoloo, tfaat^vbenatreatiitap- seued aa tbangh It Trera woiUng ont aome rut problem for the ntoiebenelltofitaraca. Fornuiel4JabaUnsTarlielieTebatthat Aoi dog vaa a deep thinker. It ma onrlona to wstob bla eye, ■ow tnmednpwaida thaugbtfDlly,Bilf ItweieaeaUngforaome ■»f1iri'^<itdf*«*"**^''t»''^'y''"'"TT '^B''*«"'"a re- •alt became plalnar and plainer—now shooting ont a blight ray of Itahtiaattaragbtheloig'.ekpected IDunlnatlon bad bust npon vm, and Uien alowly dnkug down again, to'biood npon and •Djuify hla^newly^oqiilred theoiy; ' Biidolplqrlbrtlutwaablaname,wisagnnddos,andotimmenae '«tMngthi tmt bla alender lega, hla bead, and, let me add, bla aenaltU^iuiae, gate him somewhat the apjieuance of an ef- giant Sren we. did not folly tppreolate hla enonnoos jwwer tilL'aid day, on botnlng home, we fraud the Iron ohaln '9iatbonndhtm,anapped,andaIargenustur, that had dared to foeatkm bla right to a bone, atreisbed dead at bla fieet Upon goMtuDing onr aerrant, he said he aaw the maatiff Jomp '«Terthe£nriMIofUieyard,andti7totskepo88ea8lanofthebone; ttat Bndo)^ did Jlttls at fliet, bat, with a atroke of hla paw, lost -^.^ ... V — ^ anaUe to oondnar my faaia,' I deter- Mnar my faan, a > 'tm'rhadaeantbe doaakfely Chaibednip In - - ymg'iluSl ■■" -rrr-j::^.- |-an%'-wtien l aawit ml^^ T w milil Tin^fi—^- _ — hlakennerathome! andeo,boniedlyaaylngihia I dldnetftel wdL- and-MUwi thetansr to nake«nrexoiiseatohlawifbiI wUkedawar with my brother, calling Bodolph after ma.. ITben im^eSih»rh^ aerrant to ohaln np ■toadog.I.wenttnandthrewinyBelfonflie^eoh. - v'l - ^!2nspoMlt^muthav^ rartffttadlh>m«alsap that forced Itadt nponmcbymybro- iliar'e^atoe:—"Hallol" ha aald; "wake npl yihtk nonsense Ton're lalklnai •ometblng abont—'otar leapTor a dog like him'— mrltwplgaW.'—<open.wlndow.' Ideolare,yono^titrlgbten- wed me, when yon filed out in an awfnl.Toioe :-'Tho oblTd, the ohlldl', Ton'reeatentoomnohanckingplg.'' IbUamoatdieadfoldi^km. Idieamedthatlwaalntbel»m ywdHatwahadUtelyqnltled, and that I aaw Bodolph in the alstaBoe,'oaiTylni off aomothlng white, and the gionnd waa coT- eredwUiiBiow. TDien I heard a abzlek, and tomlng towards tte nlaoa whence It aeemed to proceed, 1 aaw the fumor'a wife at tte mSiaw, pointed ont as that of the taby'a room, md which w»a oiien.BasfionUtlnswfldly. Tbenlnnuonberedoalcnlatlng^t Iw^lt wSild b? for a dogjlke nndoSpb, on to the win; dSw^ and then I heud a voloe crying ont, "BaTe Ut aave ttl" and then I waa awakened. — ■ ~ ■" «a «*iit mmnmn BUBi room. Presently "Tha tuA thins I aald.was, >1a Bndt^h'aafb?" aappoee ao,*^ aald my brother, leanngthen beorled,''"Comehetel" • , .v. ...Irmdownatalra, and aaw—an empty kennel. Tbeeerronthad chained the dog carelessly, and be bad allpped hla collar and ■r?".,....-.* . . • • A ataange thing Is mental elsctrlaUy. Ve both gazed for a m> mant atlhe empty oollar; thenwebothatuted, aalf byBinn- toalinpnlBe, andlooked itoetofiusa; and then, wltbont a word. I knew that he bad obsemd the onnoaaionrfUie. do^a eye, that be bad aaoarefolly concealed bla feaiaaaIh«d,and thatbeMt with tnyaalf th^M the &rm hona% and nowbeie else, bad the doggone. He was the fliat to apeak. „ ;T?fJ,^tonotlmetobeloat;iw<miiBteetoirimmedlatelyr . •■ .ili twomlnntaaweweioononrwaytothe Ittm bonse, he ta- ^oSahovawaa abont two milea dlatant, and we aet off nunlng. So eogroaaed were onr thonghta, that »e »iaa^«<>'»^"2"'Lit tancebetoie we fbond cot aometbing that made na both anddeniy ''ifwaa awnrfng, and the gionnd waa olunged from bliok to white. "Dream oomlng«ae," we both motteied^ Whan we had got within a atone's throw of opr desttnaUon, we aawa large animal bounding away tooungnt, aaaltBongnt i aaw aomething white in lla month. •■BadoI^"webothBald In abreatb. "Old ^on not aee aomething white in hla month," leaked. . "No.''aaldhet"ltmnBtbaTebeentheBnow." This seemed so leaaonsble an explanation,' that I aaaeued to it at once, and hastened onwards. ^. » ., . . .-We agreed to go:to the fum yard first, not wishing to dlstorb the home needlessly. All aeemed still enongh tm, looking np to the often-mentlonea window, we aaw the brmer'a wife In her ht dress, gestlonlating wlblly. We heard her ejacniata:— ive Itl save lu" and wlthont waiting a m<qnest, baak to the road* ■ ■ . It had left off snowing. The footatepa of the dog, thanks to the snow that bad mien, wero plalnly peieaptlble, and theytnmed off throogh a gap In the hedge, we followed. Straight across the fleldanowed ue track, now lighted fbr a mlnnte by the moon peeping oot ftam a olond, now loet again in the darknesa. Orer Oiree fields we passed thns, when I saw, with terror hardly poe- albls to deadlbe, that the track became dotted, occasionally at first, and afterwards thicker and thicker, with amall blook dots. I stooped, and my woret fears were reallied—It was blood] Bow that dlBcorery apnned os onl Over field, and hedge, and dltoh we went, following that dreadful trail, whlob became more hideously apparent at eiery step. Over fences thiongh dykes, teartngTleapIng, Jumping, we went, cadng not how, so that we only sped on; with onr heads pressed forward, onr tongoea hot In onr months, and onr hearts beating audibly. At last, to oor sur- prise, we caught eight of Bodolph teaiUjgawaybelbre ns; then be leaped a low waUTand was lost How conid we possibly hare eaoght him up? We, liiced conUnnaUr' to dsTiate &om the stidgbt path, now In order to find a gap in some hedge through which «e oonld crawl, now to discover a oanower part of some : the bone ttom the mastiff as soon as be laid hold _ that at lastlUa mastu; by slerk, tossed It out of the leaohof Badolpb'ahdbaln, and was fonowliig It when, with a yell, he ■prang to bla 'fe^ took a huge leap, snapped his chain, seized the mastUtby the throat, and befoie he, the serrant oonld come njthe Ug.bmte was. dead. TSa fknnai to whom the mastiff had belonged called next day. SMOgh greatly grieved at the lose of bla dog, whloh bad bew a «ieat£>Torits; he nerertbolesa refosed all offers on onr part to aiakereatitntlan,' and'-deolared that his only motlTe for oalllng waatomakv the^aoinalntancaof adog powertnl enoogh tokul Budolpbwas produced, and behaved so well, and looked so liandaomsithat'the farmer declared he bad never seen such a 4og;^:and reqnestad,: "if it wasn't making too bold," that we . ahopld com* and lunch with him some day that week, to see his 'tem, anOifaring Bodolph with ns,' Enonng that we could de- ' mnd on hUl as long aa be was within sight, and loth to reftaae ao 'Und a retaim tor ah inlury, not the'IeesrealbeoaaBe unlnten- '4 lonal, 'we tattxtny accepted the tnvlttUon for aU three. . A ttwdava afterwards, then, in aeccrdancewjth this Invltatlan, 'we pieaentsd'Auraalves'at the'fiiiAer'a door. Jhe honse was a long, rambUng'SthiotD^/'nowheri' iiiore than one stoir.bbb, andstrotobfld Its shapeloas length roond three sides of a large ' ftrm yard, containing the nsoal medley of pigs, docks, manure, . Ohiakena, ODWki'and^Btraw.' Our boat recelvediia Undly, Intro- duced na to his wife; a coinfottable-lookliig body win» »fr m«»ir •ohBdraD, two in her arms, and the others peeping timidly ont of . dlilsrent ftalda of her gown, Uke little eblckens. They were nice, elean-Iodking Saxon children,'with white hair and blue eyes. Hie Tonngeit« pretty-looking girl of about two years old, was so . dreadfolly fngbtened at the sight of onr big dog, that the mother was'obllged to cany her off to bed, weeping plteously with terror, aggravated, - perhaps, tiy the pain caused by the advent of sharp little teeth.,. We werenahered Into a Isrge, low room, with a great f^got la- ' ii)y amouldeting on the hearth, and a long table spread with a ■howy, homa-epun cloth, and covered'wlth substantial flue—cold •nAUng nig, roast beef, and fowls. Presently the good wife «ame back, saying that her pretty darling had gone to sleep. The tumer produced a Jug of sonnd old home-brewed, with an extra atieakcf maltln lt; and what'with that and the rest of the good 4)heer, anditbe good humor, and pressing hospitality of odr host ..■■tiA hostess^itDe first partof ttaedaypaased as pleasantly and .merrily aa/OonU: be. Presently, however, wa were startled by . hearing aoreama losolng ftom a distant port of the boose; ' then they were boshed fOr a moment, and thon they arose again, 'loader thaa.More. "The ohjjdl the oblldl" cried the mother, androahedontbtthe seem. -"Where's Bodolph?" said my brother. <'0h, don'tworrft yonnelveel" said the firmer, with his month tvn; "the dawg'si found iu way to the oblld's room, and she's ;aqaaallog..',Tbat'san.". ■ And so it proved, for presently Master Budolnh made his ap- pearance, walking, or crawling, rather, with his belly close to the , Bound, and bis .tal> between his lege, dosely followed by the mo- Bar,'whowa8 sooldlngbim sharply, and beating him wltti a stick. «ni tsaohfoa to goa ftlghtcnlng onr poor Lttle Uary, that I villi; ' yea, and yon killed poor Ifowser, tool" How, whether It wab at this 'Zemlnlacenoe; or with anger bronght to a pitch, as woman's an- Sn often la, by the nnlnterropted sound of her own Voice, it mat* irs little, bntperlalnly tho stick came down with greater vlolsnoe i&an evsr,'.and, fbta would have it, on the dog's head. He ■tnmed aa It toleap at her, hot seeing 'that I was looUsg at him, lie retreated, but with bis eye gUrlog 'with a pastlon which L oonld not bwleve a dog oonld febf or exprees. Therewas no mis- taking It: 1^ waa a look of unmltlnted hate. lookediionnd.^t the feces at the tabie,'to see If any one had takennotlqeafthlaextraordlnanloohibDtappareoUynoonehad. 'Vhlnking that they would only laugh at me, I resolved to say no- thing abont it determined, however, never again to 1st the dog ea- «apa my eyn* J-I tried to reason'with nyself, and toptovei how ab-, «iird it w«8-r-that I most be mistaken—that if I was not, the olr-' «amstanoe«oiiIdatlITbe'of nomoiflMt' But'dcwbatlwoold, I .«coId not ahake off the vague apprehinslon that weighed heavily OBmy mlndUkeleadi. nid'wordabfBliylodk occurred again anil Agalntome:—"Hateaanymanthethlsghewonldnotklln" Tee, "any man," twaatmo enough of man; but it was absuidtoapply 1!*?iA^!J?liSH'^^'*''"°?«i"^ Nonsensel Abenrdr Snt stm that d6ta[s face hawed mo. I was ^roBiedbom my morbid reveries by the voice of our hoet 4ddng na to. come for a attoll over the arm. I immediately Jumped nppoUlM.Budolphid follow, and ont we went . Nothing ^ooniiedlii'oor walk'--"-^^ _•—-» «ome gigantic' tunl] «nd were mniA^dlfieapT along lecture at each gateT upon what aUh and raolf '*. field had pioduced Uat year, the qaanU^ of ^fli«tthatrart\.wwthorjrteiaedteUie aore,andataUstlcaof the ^aittldges hrbad onoe klllod in mi day among "them turnips." Whan we oatae back again, the fhrmor gave ni over to bis wife, to be ahown the farm yard. From the peculiar straoture of the . Bbuss befbre mentioned, eraiy room In It overlooked tho yard. '^Chat room," btgan onr show-woman, "ovas there, la me and , aygoodmkn'sioomtJuslabdvathoshedwlthUteBtiawbeiiycalf. . Ob, yon mnit oome and look U my calf—he's such a pet of ndnel nerellsntheabeantyt lAndto&dnkbe'BgottobeklUedt Why ',', mren't yen a cow, Voo slUyf And tlut,wln£w there, gentlsmML , -am llttts wlhdowv lost above the tig sfy, next to ours, that's my •west darling Babys Uttte room.' oh, you must oemo and see onr sty, ^tb «iir poor! dear sow, wltli her last little white plggy- . ita'Tt Jnat eaten its eldest brother, alri that Is, we calledItUK SkUolt'ontH'Mitree, 'sir; y<ni know sir, (here the poor woman feUi^Ud.nil'-tO'her merry eyes,) that tbey weren't none of 'em ' «Uw<IatiihbmUer.'''Andtbehrstbshcahouise.andjnstabove'e tllijBN HaryVeepe; and there's the B(ablsst and that's poor old •igmlIar>.:Uit-tolrty years old, and at sound asra rotohi and— .. .'^yWhdrt thail" tnls the baby oiytog again; idd'the mottier, begging na to iii her, mataed off to oomfort her poor little darUog, 'When ertkoeMadt Z.becamp awoJP?-* growling nolse^ Uke low V tHt-flWniea to proceed Mm somelhlog behind me. I ditch over wbiob to Jump, now on account of the darkness, losing fiow could we have caught blm op? stories like that before. Tbl^ ain't the first time awln^lus has > yon .ai*)!*, don't knowinrthto;? "They was ell they get there," Mth,:^ hla eyes ilxed ^ <9l thalUUa window the track altogether. . We soon came to the canae—^ pool of blood. Here, then, he must havest&pped to make an end to the stmggles of his poor victim; bore, then, ho must have etoyed to regale bla brotai ap- petltal Bevenge, however, woold not wait for tears, and without stopping a moment we hurried to the wall over which the beast haddlaappeared. To onr stirprlse, we found It waa the wall of our own yard, and leaping over it, we discovered, alaal that we were too—too late; for there, with a lamp in bla hand, aheddlog a dim Ught over the dreadfol scene, stood our servant Jamesi-and there, in a oomer, crouching like a guilty thing, lay Bndolpb, and by bis side' the maoglsd remslns of the poor little—4U(fcui0pl^ .THE THBBB TBJCWL^SSti BAGS. OHAPTEB I. .' '. There vrere three of them, an of Shining Uack leather; on the top of the pile ottroDhs; one on the ground;' one In the owner's Ii^d;—all going to PhOadelphla; all walling to be obecked, .Tbe last Ddl rang.- baggageman bnstled, fuming from onspllsof baggaieto/another.'dlapanslng chalk to the bnnkL obsobto the paaseogen. and onrses to the porten/tnanirevea ''i^Se'^^hnadelphlal" cried 'i afoot'mllttaryJo^king, man, vrith enormona WhlBkers aind a red ftoe, erowdlng fsrwnrd, as the ure laid hla hand on the flnt bag. „&'t yon please to gtve me a cheek for this, now?" entering a pde, slender, carefdlly-dTessed yotmg man, for the ninth time, 'hol^gont'bigNo.a. <a have a ladT to look alter." "Say 1 be yon agotai' to gtve me a uieck for that 'are, or not t* growled the proprietor of bag No. 3, a ehort podked-marked enow In ft shabby overcoat . ' "All right geu'l'mea. Here yonare, saya the fonotlonaty, rapidly ifistrlbniiiig the three obecka. «FhlIadeIiy, this} Tee, air,—lOM—1740. 11—102a Allrlgbt" ' "All aboard 1" shonted the condootor. "Whoo-whew?" responded the locomotive, and the train moved slowly ont of tiu statlon-honse. — - omanmedltattvelywatchedlt, aslteped'awaylnthe distance, and then, oa if a thought suddenly atmnaWm, slapping bis thlgb, he exclaimed, •Bleat UI don't beUeve-" •What?" exclaimed the si^tchman.' ■That I'.ve gone and' gov theifi three last fslleis the wrong, checks! The oussedllttle'blaGkthlngs waa all. alike, and they botheredme." \ , Ll.. •Telegraph,' sogatatsd the swltobinani "Never yon jaiai," replied the baggai going to Philadelfy. Theyll find It ont wl They did. ''" ■' ' '.' ' • ,'. OH^PTEB IL The scene shifts to the Continental Hotel, FhUadelphb. Front parlor, up ataln. Occopsnla, the young gentleman alluded to In I Jbaptex L, and a yoruglady. In accordBnce wlththffbit usages of the tlmea, the twain nadbeen made one in holy matrimony at 7:80 A. U.; dnlyUaaed and congiatolated tm-StlB; put aboard theexpreaa twn at 8:4S, and dq^tedat the Oontlnenfadi.bag and l>aggage, by ia:M. They were eeated on the sola,'the blaok broadcloth eoat-aleeve endrcUng the slender waist of the gray traveUng-dreas; and the Jottr. moustache In equally laiteotlonato proxlmUr to the gloety cune. - ,. ' • '•'; ■ "Axe yon tired, dearest?" - ,'' "No, love, not much. Bnt yon ore, ain't yon)" ' "No,darUng." .. Eiss, andapauae. i "Don't It seem funny 7" aald the lady. "Whattovef" ' . ■ : : • :^- ■ - •••Thatwe ahould be married.''- - iflea,darling.!' ■!, ' ' "Won'ttheybegladtoaeeuaatOeorge'ef" " ' "Ofcooyse they win.'?. • •Tm sure I shall enjoy it ao much. Shall we get thA're to-night)' ■<.Tes.tove,if-'.':' :^'- .:••'-.•■.'•■ -t; ■I(ap-rai>-rap,attbe.door.'.•'.:■.'■'• 1 •'•' ;' -■'■''' ■ ' ~A hasty, sepanilon took place between man and'^rll^to op- posttoendsofthesofki anatheB->^> ~ ' ' TOomeln."- • •■':' ■> ' ; •Avyaplazs, it'sanlLP.'tawaltlogtoaMyes;'^ ' "Toaeome?. ApoUcemabf ■ : . ■ ;. "7ea,ail^," . 'fThere must be some mistake." ' "Se, smr, Its yourself; and he'a-wailllig'ltt'thehall, Vmnt' "Wen, I'llgo to^nctuihiih to coaebele.;' "Sorry to dlstmb yon, aliy" aald the' Hi P., MtU a hoge brass atar cn'hls.bieast 'Wbo aweaisd'With'gnat'alaM^ at the waller'a elbow,^ ••BUevetblBlayourblAolivtUtet" "Tea, that is oun, certainly. ■ ft haa. Jilllia'a-4be'lady'a things in It." T .- . .', ■ • I' Suapldons aarctinslanoea abont thit'eie valUe, air.' Telo-' graph come thla morning that a burglar started on the 8:tf Phil-: adelphla trains vrith a lot of stolenspoonk, ina blaokvallae. Bporas marked T. B. - Watched at the ferry—law theUiwkvs^ Use—ibUowed it np here—took a peek Inside. Sure 'enoogb, therovns'the spoons, -Marked T. B., too. Bald it t««e yonrs, BhiU'have to take you In charge." - ' '' ' - . •■Take'me In oharget" echoed the'dismayed bridegroom. ••ButI eskure yon, my dear elr, there is some strange nustake: It'sanamlatako."' ' "S'lMMeyou'll be able to acoount for Che apeons being in yoax vallae, then." • ' '"Why, I—I—It lan't mine. It mnet be . somebody dse'a. Somebody's put them there.' Itlaaome'vlllainonsoottsplriOy,' ' '•Hope you'll be able to teU a simlghter stoiy betotfi'the magls^ trate, yoong man; canso If yon don't, jrott stand fc smttt'eblnitf of being a^nt np for alx montha," "Ob, Oharieat this Is horrid I Do send him away t Oh,deart I wish I wEb home," sobbed the little bride. " '' ■"I tall yon, sli','' Slid the -bridegroom, tnislllag np vrlth tndlg« nation;: "thla Is all a vUe plot 'What would to tbji litattm- J b*7eto%oT' . eddisg-nlght in Uie Blatfon'honsel l>o send for aom^twdy. . Send .ftr the landr lord to explain it ' ■ ■ • -'J<m^ The landlord ma sent for, and came; the'porters were sent for andoomei thewalters,'andohambeinia!da,and bai*.room loung- ers oame wlthont being eent' for, and filled the room ind adjnn- Ing ban—some to laugh, some to soy they vrouldn't hs^ve be- Uaved It, but nearly all to exult that tne nnhapy pair bifd >>«^ "found ont" No eipIanaUon 'oould be given; and Ihenpahi^' was, thatln aplto of tears, threats, kntreaUes, rsge, and «xp<M- tolations, the onfoitnnato newly-ibarrled p^ were' taken id' charge by tho relsntlea polloeman, and marahed down stairs, en nmto for the police office. ■ ' ■• ' ' ' . , And herelet'tha curtain drop on themelanoholy scene, while, we follow the fortunes of tdaok valise No. 2. , . ■ ' OHAPTEB m. • ' When! the train stopped at Oomdeo. fonr gentlemen got off, and-walked-arm-ln-trm. rapidly and silently, np toons of the by-atreets, and atmek off into a foot-path leading to a eeoluded orove outside of the town.' Of the first two, oho was our 'i»lll- tary Mend in a blue post, apparently the leader of the par^. Of the second two,one was a smiling, rosy Utile man, carrvlng a black valise, ^elr respective oomponions wslkuur with hasty, jrn^nlar strides, were 'abstracted, and apparently .111 at ease, •'liirisL'epSof,"''said Captain Jonei., '..' •Tee," said Boolor Smith. ■ The Oaplain and the Doctor oonferred together; the olhsr two Btudlonaly kept apart - "Tory well; I'U measure the 8ronna,and doyon plaoeyoiu man," Itwas done, ••Now for the' pistols," trtilspered th^. Osptaln to hla feSow aecond. . • ■, > •They are an ready, in the v^Uwi," (cpUed the Doctor. . i' Thepradpala were plaeed/ten jMoeaaput, and 'ifearing that dsoldedly nniomfottable all a man UvwnO la' In mommttiy ex- pectation of being shoti •Ton win fixe, gentlsaien, siffionaDeoaaly, when: I me the word," aald the Oaptaln, Then in an' «Mer tona^'^>9etor,' "Qulok, the pistols." >•':...'. The Doctor, stooping over and fombllng at th» 'nU•^^pe•I•a foflndsometldngtBatsnTprlsedblm. ' . .. "Why, what the devU-" ••What's the matter?" asked thn Captain, striding up. "Otat yon find the cape?" "Denoe a pistol or a cap but thla." He held np—a lady's nightcap. ' * •'look here—and here and here!" holding np enoceadVely • hair brush, a long white nlghtgownj a oolojpie bottle, and a comb. ; ■ 1 They were greeted with a long wlilstle to: tb^aptala, and • Uankstareby the twoprlnoipals. - ••flontound the Inok,^' «)aonIatod. the Captalnll^ w» haveat made a mistake and brought the mrong valise V' The principals looked at the aeoondsi the teosnda locked at the prlnalpals. Nobody ventured a snggeatl6n... .At laat the Doctor inquired— ■Wen, what'a to be done?" •S—d nnlnckyi" again ejaculated the Captain. . "Iha duel can't go on." . "Evidently not" leaponded the Doetor, "nnlaas.they brain eachotherwlth thelulr-bruab, or take^pi^'ot'eachoiner with the cologne-bottle." . . " . "Ton are quite sure there are no piatola In the . valise," said one of the prlnolpala, with suppreaaed eagerhesa; and drawinga longbreath of evident rdlet ' "We might go over to' the dty and get pistols," propoaed tho Captain. •And by that time It will be dark," aald the Doctor. '•D—d nnluc]^," aald the Captain again. "We ahan t>e the laughing atook oflhe town," eonaoUngly re- maned the Dootcr, ••if thla gets'wind." •■One word'With yon. Doctor," here intorpoaed his i^rlnpipal. They conferred. At the end of the oonfarence with his principal, the Doetor ad- vanced to the Captain, and conferredwith him. liien the Captain conferred with his prindpal: Then the seconds oonferred with each other. Finally, it was formallT agreed between the contend- ing partlea that a statement should be drawn 'np iin writing, whereby irlndpal No. 1 tendered the assurances that the offen- sive words "Yoa are a liar" were not used by him in any personal sense, but soldy as an abetract propodtton, in a general way. In regard to the matter of fkct under dispute. To whloh Prindpal No. 9 appended bin statement of his high gratification at thlsean- did and nonorable explanatton, and nnqualifiedly withdrew the offensive words, "Ton are a scoundrel," they having been used by him under a mlsapprehendon of the Intentand purpose of the remark which preceded them. There being no longer a oause of quanel, the dud was of course ended. The prlndpols shook hands 'flret 'with each other, and next with the aeoonds, and were evidently very glad to get ont of It "And now that this Is so bappUy settled," sdd the-Doctor, chuckling and rubUng his hand, "it proves to have l>een a lucky mistake;: after all, thatwe brought the wrong vallae.' 'wonder what the lady that owns It win aay whan she opens con and finds '^•^tn^raUtbr-yoii tolan^i abont'lt" gtowled Uie.biplaini' ••tmtlt'atiojokeforntetolose my pistols. .Bair trtgge n. I wrt English make,' and'gold, monnted. There am't a liDiaF pair iii America." ' . . •■Oh,<weHflnd'em. ' We'U go on a pilgrimage bomhonseto' bouse, saUnglf any lady there has lost a night-cap and fbnnda. palrofdoelllngplstola." ' _ ' OHAFTEB IT. lA yatf' good spirits, the party crossed the river, and Inqolred ; the baggage room In re&renoe to eoeh and aU blaok Jeather vallaes arrived that day, and took notes ofwheie they were sent, aind set cnt to ttallow them np. In due time they reached the Con- tinental, and, aa lock would nave Iti metthe unhappybrldalpair Jnat coming down stairs In-charse of the pbUteman. ••What's sU thla f" inquired the Captain. •Ob, a couple of bnrglan; oaogbt-wlth a vallae fOB of stolon wjoa.'-'f''' ■I, espofliany if htf ddn is dozaliag whlt^ soft andp- qn?i. v."!',"^ aOTJBADD'TeiqaBlto SaUAH " WAP. which Is weU kngwn tobave the power of ] deckles, sonbnm, saUowiieas, plifiplee. linnrorm. >te&. reibiuf jongbness and other dUflg,i5me&ttol?iVXS^^ll^^ dj^jraa ahavjw compound; ind ftoi its sooS^ qudlSa£- espadally adapted to the nursery. ■ h<— OOIIBA'QD'S POUDBB SDBIUB is des!aa( .extirpation of soperflhoue hair: and ihdseiwn hair enongh, will find a perfect remedy % BAUD'S wonderful Hedloatod HAIB bSto" makes wliyv ooarse, stubborn hair, soft, prevents It ttom tnrning prematurely gray, '■' 't-"" " ^1 OOTIBADiys UQDmHOUOI! Is a mperb'artliiJbr atalninal ^diea' oheekj andllps' adeUd ous rose color. ^-T '""'!^! ■ OOpBADD'SULT WHITE is an innocent ooetuttdJnwbi&l lug th e akin ..i . -;Ti. ■: > • ■ i| DB..FELIX'OODBADD'SpTeparatlonoanonly1)el' ' j^ljPMfomaryDepot«Wa^ streetllnrtstoief Ageats-loanendar * Co.', Third and Walnnt km : |Wa;-J|j^a'B«tea,;l»,Wa*^^ atieot,^OBton;J , r COMBINATION OUSHIONS.. Protected by letters Patent dated Fet>. It, lSM;0((t 98.18H., Deo.8,18S7;^aa.U, 1888; Nov. 16, ISU; Uuth », uAiiSi September 39; 1860. ' . , * . .. The'reoent 'imprbvaments in'theae Table* make than nnaniul pMaed In-the irorld. They are liow offered to •r'^ H*'^ BOBardl players aammbining'speed with truth never befbreobtatnedial any Billiard table. Also, | PHELAira NEW BOOK—"The Game of .BQUardk,"! 4th editibn, enlarged, revlaed; Uuitiated'wltb tddUtonal dkl giama and a portrait on steel of the'anther. Price, one dollar,! elegantly l)ound, sent by man, posiage iiee, on teodpt of price, I Address, PHELAN A OOLLENDES, I . 83> 65. 67; and 89 Ctoaby street <3r NEW- -BO OK SI DON!T FAIL 10 SEND FOB NBW BOOSSIt ' A 0 A T AX 0 « V a; ODB NEW CATALOatlEiNO'W BEAST. SENT FBEE-POBIAOE f AID-ON APPUOATIOR; | TEE 0U> EBTABUSHED AND ONIiT BEUABCB BOOK, \ ; AND BPOBTINa OOODB AOBNCT^ Wliere orders are promptly and ftilbfolly exeouted, . i Address., THdHAS0BM8BT. Marble Bnlldin^.. ? 1 , 86 Nasaan Street New Tork ' >OOKSI BOOESIt BOOKStll 3 BPOBTINQ ABTIOLES, CABPS AND PBINTB,' ' H; FABBELL, BookseUer, 15 Ann atteet'N.'T. Books of every variety, dther Foreign or Domestic, fundahad I on application. Parties desiring boois of any dascriptloil, byil sending sddrea, poet paid, win receive Immediate attanoon.' All Books, Sporting and Fancy Articles yoD may see adveittsed; will I be ftanlalied to order. Catalogues senton appllcatioa. Ad d t e si^.l J, H. FABBELL, dealer In Books and Fanoy Artloles, Ho: U'Aim I street WewTork.. . ■ 1 ' . be. doing wiOt g;in.Fi«£ Av». your pBltnr spoons? I 'wm married thla moralng; ntle,-and am on my wedding tow. '■ I have lilghooniisMioni la New TMk; '. Tonll repsnt ll^alr. if you daie to aneat ma."; ' - I'ioont) sow," aald th* Inoiedtiloti* OIBotal, "Vn tmtk _ valise I—what Und of a valise ?" ••A black leather valise. Thafs It there." ^ ' •fHerel—StopI—Eallol—PoUcemanI—lAhdlordl IfsaDrldit ton're aU wrong. -That's my valise. Ifs aB a mistake.' Tner >ot changed at the depot This lady and genthiman'are Innocent lore's .thelr vaUse with a night cap in it^' ; : , . (heat was the langhter, multUuums the oommenta, and deep the Interest of the crowd in aU thla dltlogne, which thev appeared to regard aaa delightful entertainment-gotnpexpreaalyfor t^eii' ff^m amusement ' ' , e •■Then yon aay tbla 'ere la yonrn?''said the policeman, tdaiiing hla hold on thebrldegroom, and confimnUhg the eaptdn.'". " ■Tes,it'spiine," ■And how did you come by the spoono?" ' ''' ' l i "Spoons, yoajaoknaped"addtheoiaptaln, -"Platolsr-fdielllng nlstolsl" ■ ■' 1 .' . "Do yon call these plstola?" said the polldeman, holdlag ^pone of thoBllverapoonBmarked'•!. B;"- ''.'.■ ' The captain, aatonlahed^ goaped, < "It'a the wrong vallae again, alteralU'^ ■ ,■ ■ '■ • •■BtepI Not BO bail "said the poUoe functionary, now Invested with great dlniity by the Importance of the affair, he tomd him?' self wgaged'in. "H ao be as how you've got thU 'ere lady's va- Use.'ehe?an right, and con go. But In that case, thla la youm, and it cornea on yon to ocoonnt for them 'ere atdlen apoouB. Have to take yon in charge, all fbur of ye. -'•Wh; yon impudent acrotmdrell" roared tWcaptaln;"IllBee TOO in —— J vriah I had my platol hire; I'd teich yoa how to iDSdlt a Kentlenianl" ehaidng his fist at tho polloeman. The dfisuto woxod fast and fbrlous. The optdders Vegas to. take oartult and there la notsliing'how it would bove.ended. hod not an exploalon, fonoTredby.ahoavyfUltaid a acieamqf pdn, been hoard In an adjoining room. ' \^ . ^he crowd rushed to the scene of the new attraction. The doer waa fiist, It was aeon burst Open; add the mystery exDlalned. - Thcthleb who had carried off the captain's T<lUae by inbtake for bis owni bsd token It up to bis room, and opened it to gloatover the booty he supMeed It to cratato.jtteuitlng Ui band Salter the spoons. In eo doing ho bad touched one of the hair. trliuters.andUie platol bad gone bff; the buUet msUog niouhd hole thioog^the aide of the vallsei and a' oorrc^nding '''Thewotnded r'tseal was taken in obargo first bv the poUcenian, and thenbythe.dootor; andtbedueUlsfa and the wedded pa> Bfavck no a Mendablp on the aeoroof their mutud mishaps, which cubiSnatod to a suraer, where the fun was abundatt, ond whara It would be hard to aay whloh were in the host aplrita, toe Mptato tor recoveringblsplstols. the bride for getUng her SgbtcMTttie bridegroom for escaping tho staton bpna*. or tte ddMU^ for escaplna eaoh other. AU resolved to "mark that dSllritt a wUtoAoM,' and henoeforth to mark their black, trav- alUaB bags in white lettole, : * ^ Uu^ZoothoU anddollkowlae. r^ UWit SU60BSS "WITH HAGIO CARDS. More of t T th»M Oarda add In a week than any other kUd'ln dbtlble iSHttae!; Everybody likes them-noonedlslikea them, Bcopl- QTwndotftlSe them: yon can have yonrmpnevblek. fflSlepJSolSoecentaJnatinieiJi^^ wit|^dlr»Atlons, ^Si^.~AddlBBS la in atamps; 4 packs K, wltb dlmdloD OHAB.'H. WELLS, Ann-Albor, Uich. ANEW AND SURE MOTHOD OF :TyiNiaN6'.'AT vjABDB. "Playing Oarda," wWob, upon holding,llv?Qjf. oiaTntovooThand.yOO'can changett<icolor isnS taltwithout ?,SSuSi^todos4Vc«ntoinoasfi,and address ttFASKLW fc'tt) i IWxeS, Lookpbrt Ni T.,,and rooelvo a.'paOkfge of thm Oarda t»y return matt, .. . ^ . »-2t* , FVff. to For wdknt of It, Everrbody winta It.tlon't M send for it Free to olL Box 19/St Johns, Mloh. Mt* . BEAUTMrti JOOBOSOdPB • Magnliying ,. 'times, tor 3»cenli, (diver.); B of dlffomtpow^^ aJubM; Adtesaai } >-i'. .-' F. Xi'BOWSBS, ■''" . i.-'^.^'/.iHKiair^olf TBOtfi^AKtci iii£'' 'AntUkliaUi^edUight'^lSAdifM : ■•;-^WhomightbelIkiWfc'j^TwilSyi^^ ; Antearaandamnia.'aa'eeiifiniMtlui^^ Bytlmeaahe lecture would, aadthei^aWanl 1 'a*™ ahe had a most amuaing Way or mhulad iatire, repartee and paihoe, . _I!!SI~''x'»*'f von eloquence and bitho I rattediUig- to ■ the soul to meet a qulok-wll 'tte eomipleiei . wbo.havenct'l I'etrU in aaSl "> *£ahswi B B A B GO E Sll B T . T H E B E 8 T I " _ THE BDBNSIDE 8TATI0NABT PAOEACO. ' Each Paokue Oontains ' '" ' < > < ■ 1 »egant and Life Like-Engraving of-Mn.- BorniUa^ I - 13 Sheela of Extra fine Ooameroialnoto Paper,' 12 Envelopes, • 1 Penholder, I- ' ': ' ■ ■ a Fine Steel Sans; > - ' - 1 L4adPendl,-^ . 1 Bottle of Ink,' ■ ' ' " 1 BlankBook, ' . Jl.Bhaet ef Blotting Paper, 1 TalaablaaeMlptBoa:,'' . ImpartaMBeedpti BoSjtenliiniiig'fr^ AQoftheAboreaMoleawenpnt np inane4IBe^udRealnj any address treonrecdpt of 95 oents, -Agentewaniedj'For nrmsjaends cent etamp. " 9^ .< Addreas E. J.PEBBT, LockBoxS69, ProT., B. L W-piO YOU \^AHT, .traiBKEHiS OB ■MOOSTA- OHESr-In;9531 flnt aaed this question. Itwaaan- Bwered by nnmeronk people; and I aah if any of them everknstr my Ongnent,tofiaUln.d^ng«U I.dalmed for It; namely': that it would compel .the Beard' or Moustache to grow upon the smooth- est taeeVwttnln six wqekafkvm the flnt apiaioal>o& '.Ukeanaue- cessfol inventors; I have.bad to contend with a host of Imltaiort; some of whom et'en go SQ far as to ocpyniyadvertlaemenls. However, tmtt is mighty, and vrin prevalli and youj my liearfr leak Menda, win find that my Ongnent is the only thingUist wiO reallyforce tte Beard to. grow, and'Win. ndther ataln Or In^are the ekin.. I aend it to anyport ,of ths ooontry, ft«e of pcsMe, fortl. - [9-lt*] a.a£iUM,No.lO»NaasBUBtreetN.r T>ATHOL0GT OF THE BEPRODIJCTITE 0BG4NS, X • . BY B, T; TBALIih M. D. , This Book gives tte Pathology and correct H^gttne tnatment ofandiaeasesof tte __" ' ' BEPBODUOTITE OBSAMS, Including ' Tinereal Diseases, Spermatorrhcaa, and Female Diseases. It treatt of - aU stages, 'ph^ 'and varletlee of these difllcnlties; and ahows a better way to treat ttem than to deatroy.tte oouati- tntlcn by tte nae of ppiaona. If Introdooed into every faioily,' it would'aave-many a Doctor's'foo, and.'prevent, ibouiaBda ttom lUilngvlOtlma to tte disease it BO ably .fi«ats. Price 11,(0. '-. 3-lt* Addreaa TBAIi fcMUXEB, U MIgUai, N.T. Bflw^^So'frtUdpriictia^d; I9«nx«. iOTE, AS. USUAL.—Oatalofraes lent : JOHN ATOmBON, es Doane street New Torlb THE 6lJ> ESTABLISHED BOO^ iOENCT.- Orderaietpectfolly BoUdted. Send for a Circular,. M-tf. ,HiaiB7BTEPHENS, 86 Mss^ street Hew Tork.' '♦rpffE BIGGEST. THING 6UT,»-Sena iwenty-flye . JL cents, and pnonreOnnOreat BIJoq'Pibtage/.ecntalsiiig Sketdiea. Songs, and a cloh Plate,, whloh alone Is '-vmtt'.thxee tiqiea tte money i togetter wltt onr Oataloguea of Oay Bookt fbr. .Clay BoiB, . Bemember that our Prioes Can't Be Beat Oar lat;ge deacripaveCalalogneaaentOnapplloatton'to " ' _' - B. IeDQAB, MOBPHT & Oo.,llo, 81 .Nassau St., New Tork. JAHB3 GOOP\Vm, OoiDiinlBsIon{.Paper Dealer,' No. ■ JW JOriK STtffiET, near Ollff, New Tork. » ' ' New*' and Frlntiog Paper, mansCaetured to order at w« eboHest notice. ' . , .. ,'....:, . " • ' A9-tf TXTANTBD.^0lli3Xtinta.NEW.l- BMPLOYMENTU . VV EMPLQTMENlTll-^Male and FemAle AinhU'wanted b every Town an^d City in tte .United SUteili «ao toUOt** tnpqth can bo mads, and no humbug. - Business' easy, reepeetablo JUMl oO done at home. It, requires. no Oapltal; > and wiU not intwfaj* wltt othoT estploymont -'This la no book agepoy.^&or bumUug.n, any kind. No person wiUregretbavlMsotltfW tola lllforigatros,, let hls'omplpymont be what It may.- FullpiarttbllUra given to iO, 'who endose^Bt oans, and address, ■ < -.~ - HABVEI,BBOWNjcOo,;AnosketgiN. S. n-4t* HOW TO WIN, At CABDSi^^eiidi yonr aadrcBi andtworod'stamM to HOWABl>'u. OBAraS, New Teik' City Post OSloe, and hevrllflnlonnjrouol a BUBB matted of winning at ALL ttevotlous games, byreturnmaU, i^ll, and get an answer ^ 'Ul'TLB .WOftA giving Information which'to J\. wortt kiiowing.. A simple perosal of Its ilneo, and mete 'ttan half of the human suffeiua mlabt be prevented. . Sent.fina by addresalng, ; T. a FAHOTOT,- Box 89 Broadway P. O. pO-tfK'," Core B."Lockwood, New Tofki 'toOLDIERSI «6r (toy'6lUdf:)(nKH!' oaii'lewn a SDfRB k3 WAT TO WIS at biirds,jby,SMaiM their addr«« and ons three etetstalnli to'W: tTCOi.] tryil, yonvriUWttlre'to'lilreil iap>'VfasUiagten,'S<0.. Boys l*8mO CTEREOSOOPIO iPlOlOBES IN EVERT • 8TYLK-. Wholeaals and t^Wi. Oidetii'itniiotaBlly atUa^ to- J. J. HUBBAT, I«WaUsttMt,H«WTork. ,.,1 ,. -:. 'MI» „