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.1- -.v-. E m k: o ii i p p E . , wit «s.>A n.r. A t-WiiftipiV')*WP^ '<^x»oifiit:isx.sB.oiBau jjtf,.\>fi^ . THU'BECOONIZED; • ''. v v^t^.y:''^^^vu .iiiyo'flATi OF':-: . fcOTTB, tti« KotuSliun Orioieto! "flopg of the ftU," jlUi Of Ita exuUnco, hu ta InuBenM.d rnmillo ii, ex- ttia fonrqauten of tba globe. TbeCRiU^PEB^Tea ADTimmo BEXO&I^ of fTOT fref^ of »:p^ortlilg Obite,- niiy,' SiApghta, itloft: F«4atbUiilmi, a«noB«djigi pogfllmi Ve(U of Btrength, Bowinff, ■. 'BUI» Shoottng, . Wn«Uiiig,,:niitole]iQotlsg, ■ THttlDg. Ftmon BaooUd^ - Oam* torn, to,, ici &o. - . iQcin^iliodnotoiwBildentiU'ipaaetv - .. rs^S TO ooasBfiPoiroBnTB, iftiifgngutlDn bnjaenanl IViFlaa^ but BpoTting Kattai '-177aoRMioiidaAtiaiii$V«i;ttA tno of «xp«D*e. - - .PS&li thaorgio of no puticqur eliai, bnt darotesj i'IbI Infloaaoeu ttetaptoyamentof tiii>. .'^SHO^OUi USD VBStU^COVOTnOV Of TBE VZOVLE, ■ »imocaM «f tbe dUPraS,- M » BFOBTIHa PAPER, la wUh- ' Pedant Id tUi or any ^Umt oooilWy. Itia liAUadaa " ' 4i;i|)BtBFOBni(<}JOI}BHAI.)lbWFDBIJBHSDINAlIEaiOA. ' «,^fiBi^^^^UflRo«p1aa,4'eanttaa«lL 'Bymail^tlfoTalzaiontlii: '4i|aron«j«ar.'"Olab <4fMii tT pet annua; dnb of .algbt, f 18 • MM iiiiiiiiiii <ti(b of twetreutlB peracnnm—In.all ei)Bea In ad- '.■«iBiM> 'AlTarUiamenti;^!! eenb per lino fAr-teadt 'anlefiai; SotfpnbUsattoB, T&eMw of eacUiraek ! < VBAMK QinEENi EdlUi'aidPtopiIetoi', V • »«.'»Annatreet,ifawTorit, -TOitK Oii IP PE it. ill." ■ .>i.'i,i'i vbiTORDAT, MAY,17, 1862, ■■i^^^fM-hySa'tm sriut'iiniiRuir. •' ''. BY EDWIN Jiias. imM'^y'Viw- aBsixa—KVMgKB rirt. BBfiiiyit!r'p ■■' ■ ^ V I-.- . ••■•I. p^iSBBBOOL nniimtErOirLD ^jlTs BKtipBzroua Injq'iioBBldanittai Uie IwMfhwftWatTOTgbaTriTnadd Unjr fiwpi«wM of.'ohil 0.'Heenan, and the who!*- 'WmdUp (jrloood ■ iomttda anj body oomlng from ' - Jimtoa, It Mema Uke alighting the to only And time now— ::4flir. atx Inbntba iWdenee'hM—fbrl word or-two abont the ■gMir JMUibnun that'ever 'lloKod< Tom SayeiK Nothing has tiMi fli'iTtinrffimi mj ttiooghta, bnt when lint In London, Nat ' mi anlil onli'and .waa aportlng sronnd on the^mKeeds of tThe, ■O0 il l ll an"ynbllo honae, Oaatto etreet—oonaeqaently tha oppor' MMtr dUn'i ooedr at that time: now, hoWerer, that ne la In boal-. 9Mii^ataln,-tIien la something to write abont Iiangbam'aliMel •fifittlbttln'aljane, ootmore than a bandied yards (Mm hla f'imbllo^" And abont the aams distance betwson Itaikd' {BoiOaantra hooae: BL Uaitln'a Lane l^onoof flToatreeta' J at a ndnt—Long Aore, Newport, St Andrews and Cian- ■IpMtabelng the otheia; -It la a good street for bnalneas,' jiM In' Infugar Sonore, where the National Gallery, Bt . j'lBatnoU, Nelson Honnment, and statnes of Oeorgo in,' p Ir, Dir. Xennei, HAvelock, and Sir Obarlea.NapIar may bei I'.llha.lioaae Itself, or "druni,"aa thoy call It, la perhaps, 'mlnat In ih'e neighborhood for tasty decorations ontalde^' ';wlu a pale green, and the.wlndow-firamea painted red and allhmately; between the seoond and third stories we And' igtairt's narni;; also, In the bar window, handsomely designed on lit hla (kVimte oolon as above; there an two entrances, one^ "fftlMadd'Jnga, the othei a pabUo. bar, and between these! f la lliedanugnlllcent lamp designed like a bishop's cei<6J •lliead-oOTar, navlnB the -(lOTd "Ultro" on both udes, the' I of Mat*t hotel, for It Is a betel In tuA, an newly flnmlsbed' ■tiUpatlpn'Of'the mah thU yeSr to tho dreatEibll^lUon' onng Hay 1st mslde, the flxinfes are eqnaUr first elaas, and, •irhoIe'eoneemfrom'ceUar to attio la Jnst snou a plaoe«s yoa -•r^'or tny'other man, Vronid lUo to own abont EihloltlOn tlmeJ rwlth, iwiu! . . . . I nylorJ jBiq., a elerar writer, brat* soldier, and gentlemanly spoitananJ s'Wie<8Vt,lnTf<ad to the-bar parlor and IntrpdncedlonadlUIy^ . li^ttt^criakeit odllor of ArUTxjre. who.maKet'Ue "UUn^'hU ^iafiiIV*port: Bob ItaTers also happened In "allghtaally India-' j mA'jjfn tbsj talk atarted. abont lemlnlscAnoes atFambor- «iub: boI) aOoved Heenan won It • dozen tlmea—he didn't oon-i jUacBaran nth e very wondeifol man—wouldn't mlndatnm laoneoftfii'&OTBBpletorialB; Mlragtt ph^omphi« JWn inlarm&stidj XomOribb,Jeni Ward>Bob Bi«V, "ifiio Lover Come too BatlT," showing an old lady push- ing the door to keep Ur. OomAofsoon oat, wbUe Ua awoet-! heart la acamporing aorosa tbe room for dear life, sans even- thing bat sleeping atUre; beantlfol llfMlzeoU-palntlnnpf ur, uidlin. Nat Langbam. In wtaloh the aiUst has done fidl Jostfoe to the Udy's youth and oetuty; three photogispha of Bayonon' <me Bhcet, In private dreaa, flgliHng paraphemaUa, and seated on. ateond'sknea-^eseogmprise.neaily allln Ur. Lansbam'snne-. Analled Portrait Oallety, and^ onljrregrot Is thatttoae Inter- eiited who tfiad'tnU can nbt enjoy tho pleasnie of a ttroU throagbthlspeeallareoIlecUonofohaiaetersandbiddonttr. ' IIM oooadon onoe before to desoribe tha JUtre'e hos^ ahd at that time gavo hla peiformanoes, therefore nothing remains toi besaldonthatteore. At'present be Is too bnsy fixing np tm the axUbltlon to give bis nsnal attention to ring mattars, bnt tIJ ter that cloata, yon may dtpeqd^at will be armmd hnnuig on sdmo yonng untried giant to have a go with Ur. Haee, lulosj some other man abonld spring np between How and then; aaa4 preaent nobody aeenia anxlona tobeeome Champion of Engla nd Dy wrwtlng It ftom Uaater fern amonK hla own counfemnen,' what says Nod Prloe, Joe Cobum, Hlok Norton, or Tim Heenaq to oomlng over and ahowtoths BriUshen a little Tankeo gamq andsaleqeeF; Tom Elng becoming affeaUosately attaohed to the Ohamplon for.somecaoseor other beat bownto himself, and John'& Heena^ being ^gagad ta bU nonths'at a aalary bigger than an the sunii pat t(tgelber lor bhamplon battles, th:9 chances are poad^Iethat ltaMmay beal)awed,toWBlkovi)rth^ coiitsC|' nnlesa'somo of thoVhoys come over and '^blmehe better:'! any of the fonr mentlontd might earn a brlQlant noma by elgnl' l^ing t^elr intanttons and glTlng Nat thb office at onoe; who's to b^ue'nanf The nimor abbot a •youag man Mi^tho coun- ty* going to settle the Olpsy wais^'bosh. Invented Wdzaweus- tomento oertafai pabUo houiosb sa liifiKtaremoBtadTeitls» mania of this kln'd, and ondentood aa an'oh here, althcngh they read mighty big In the English Bi>ortIng joamals. Lot us have something gei^nln'e, and If ierei^bodyln England la oftald to tackle Peganlnl tho Second, why, lust show ue world a bit of Federal llstl.aatb, after the nyle of your nsnal pluck and vl» laty-41iafs the Idea, boys I Toa-wlll find Nat Laaghami though rather blnn^ and outspoken, a Jolly good fellow, am) one oft! a'rl^t BOit; his Vdmm" la the best patronized lighting houae. In London, vlalted. by all olasses f^dm tbe lords to me: obanlcs, for whom Nat always has si 'Joke or a poke, meet geneiv ally the former, and where eva^body Is enio to.be treated iu gentlemen while they behove aa snob. A month or two ago Nai eijpected to Icee hia spirit license, bnt I Am happy to state oveiyf, thing la now serene, the Bnm Pom Pahs enjoy their chop or sherry, the Goose CInb their JovlU songs and redtsUoDS, and Nat looks ten years yonnger as he spina oat Uunohansen stories In-hls ninal queer way of talking. Snoh la a very Imperftet de»- oriptlon, or Intended dcaoriptlon of tho "Ultre," Sl. Uaztlnit Lanei kept by Nat lAngham, the Mend of John a Heenan,and tbe only man who ever did Uclr Tom Bayers, although Gentleman John.ooald now perform the ppeiatloawUh case Lboatonoea monttc—Indeed ooold he I OHEQUERS or DKi^TUGHTSl . TO COBBXIBFOIIDBRTS. YBBRi^IMOki^,' H.'X.--Eoaltlon received. Thanks. J.'A. l>Bao*, ,Braakljii,-H.,T,-^)ii« ef ttiais "Mlrid'foia'^ gamaa.soon,.;: .. , 'tr.8.'S.,NawToik.—Aild yen tool . Aornrprtwm aidi.'Blrbb— OenCsaiaii, what if loiif fUrthe^ plsasuref ■ ' ' -', a'Aam;]fo. 8—'▼6i<;x. . ' J Ajtotssa OoBBionaii or chb A. D. P.—Sew ToA, Uar 0, lBt& DnatfoHsED. Outtss—DearBir: Tbe Oame below la ocqi ttie A.D. P., H.^ayth,.Oompller: . | OLAtaaw'. „nt4.afianoe' to put n word In edgeways, he demurred fjohnVortlasey, because the hljtsute Trojan had' ololma^ 'atba hadn't ought to, and Rod.had to pay or "do the ilhSi": this wais his stotemeot but as there are always two JOVqUMIlbB,'peruana Soenan's ilrst opponent may have ladUnrentstory to.tell-^"]eastwlae,"Ihopeso. OuldNat td itlUT'lilstdry of'most of his proteges, San Thomas, Tom V'IM'TtaVeis, eta, and remembered Usee when be used to WPe^Cntaifbcallvlngbyiaklng up the fiddle and tbe bovf MdUg'thti mesalo to orowds of terpslchoies; sit that Jem vraa ' n:J# Very olevcr,'frequently playing brilliant operatlo .B'a*:hla.glD-mni.ln Holywell Lane—eo If'fighting no]| r^aSowlpg dom'tppy, he has only to engage himself 'to A lidlos atkome concert room or theatre to create a sensa^ 1 anywhere. In answer to a query, our worthy boat of the le told how eamestly and toanblly Tom Sayera iikd bogged fo j CDjstlMrighlwllh hlib, but It waa good for n&: ••Yon know I've . teat yea once, Tom,'and It's too inuoh trouble to do It again, eo I , -ttatft; «ar» abont It," waa Nat's happy njolnder whenever'Sir . A9tau»,btoaehed the sabjeot-a ropfy that, for. loglb, Is worthy ,.'of tmwird; Brou^m, or Palmoreton. Snowing I woa slightly ' 'MWlnted.wlth San Bryant. Ur. L, requested his brother^ >,*Malat4yrin'lafaolal rescmblanco—to bring Dai^e portrait out ii;«rfit«i«n:;pazlorip]go Dan Bryant'a Uousa. The Ukenesfi sf rO(%!A'Iareeqaarto1nillIength, Is a magnificent speaking porf . v.-tuB^sftnllja.to that at Czy Lazarus', and dedicated to Nat In jMtp'inbnltahla silhstrel's own hand-write; bearing date Decern- '' ; MrttUtO; of tho Uouao—woU, he's Indescribolle, but If yod 'ZtlMMIMttJwUiaa Tommy, who used to qleotrliy tho tut ton of' ^n'-l^roaaway, flight after sight without tholr being able to .mfte Wm nal,;thls latho. Idontlc^ Hoke, and he'a tokon atripi v:' ■pis, Bghtfng Aahloq,.wlth a look vIgIous enough to scan Beelz«'- Mbhlmselr-andemoathlstho fbllowlng snperseriptlon: "The .:,.-Jf«ii«e|.hslgbt,S9 In.; age, 89 years; beat Bobl?theQongen XIV.Kdfir. Uium." It's o: rare ;thlng to own, although heit ' ttayflon'tseethe point, notknoiringwlia(a goodJokelaintanA '■j ■ adf.Wlien I menUonod the profesalon of Darkey, Nat nearly went Into Bis laughing, and values It a thoueand times more now *>■«'' iMfinK. A fanny Inoldant happoncd tho other nlghtt-mys^ ani ' ; YaiBaa.Heenan went there on business, ondloaludhlsattentla '.'v'taBiytint'aHoole) the^owere three policemen-In-at'thetlmi ..;. ad avlng.me the wtu>, Jim sold, • I wonder who the deuoe ' ' -lBK'l.*'Dont yon know hlmt" slobbered'out ono of the tt ' .**illiytitiat'*'Joe Bowe's House, who fought Jenimy Uaddon, J( v ggBea tana several mo^'.!' Thls-wotf too mneh for Jim, wht .:;MBtt. 9hl;Iaaghlng, Joined |n ohoms by the subscriber, to thl ' «fN*MonlshmentanddlBgnstoftheU. P.'s, "fortheykruuWe : .V»iatWd<lld|^'tBeewhatwo to moke fbnof;" lonlrwlsb .'^^BjtKj^^i^^a amij^iiioto Joln'ln tho laaghloglihnui. enjoyed ouisdves ratlonally^ler'biddingadlenM^) *SiWlfB0M5jwh«o,tt^ Bamblor, Jenf Dillon, Job 06b- AMrj^J'?SSf»'9*-J?'^ othors.Wb* oamelnwhflowe weJte ,^fpfl U^^ ' i ^ wlttafeitragrlpfrom OcH Natr-IsauntarM ttwudi l-VQgS fik. In t lit f .y^^fSBillto iuia stiMrid one Utao'pl'o^re-^afi'pi. ..„„, rlBb.. uaeppbudjparto group photographs firbm 'y<lna6o,batapoorIlkenoas;>DeafBarke, Ton2a HAnntfii and Dlok OalSi all In poslsh and ool, Utha; T, bOtse elaaghtenr to Her Uijasty, seated In a cart .pnottiedpony,and oanylng'boms adeodrborse onths [Uc'between Aloo Beod and iBIabop Bharp.'ihowlng AIoo Uh'AthwaoklBgapper^ul, and tbenrowd Indulging In a itUidlaarimlnately—this Is a f err soaroe print, and onlte tnbtogrsph of JaB.Edward aodftbna as seoondi Frank ■m leetnring a darkey; Bishop Sharp's battle with Street ' Street Is represented wllh hla feet'whore hU hatd - and eitaii term, )flth the following Iotte^preas: '"And rise np ^ the air oil In engraving;'! eveiT body la ;.^a^nlah^i>fl,,as no doubt thw wer»;yt #ai' to Slroetand caoslngSbarpto bo imp thoy nicknamed tho Bold Smngglori print of t they wer»^t #at fMbiif be imprisoned D lb amtnl6,~pbotbl Iltboi |^.the UtterLiia ^ boito^'dni^ m ttiUer aany Holt, old IsTa glais^otoe tonlalnUg a atnlfed whit* ,. ISO ooL lltha. of Uafaey, lailghjiiB'/ and~ ^.tbe.laattr^ poorly donejpriht oallM, osEBwaten lif/* same' ail Barry Grlbbln uaed to'have, a droa* ' itMdBag * jiBDp tud SO forth;. eolond llth9> 1, % B..U di.U Bi.1 t:: 8 7.. 7 a:. 9^ •9;. » 10.. s u.. 4 13.10 18, : a u.:i- w.. 7 16., IS BlaAk. U to 18 8 U .»'^ .It 1« 18 16 7 18 .1*' a ■■■» ■;» .u •'7-' -•'«■- 10 19 • ■H' . M ' White. 13 to U M 17 M 17 W rl5 •la' IS -IS' •'» 80 30 11 U aa 18; 9 IT St 36 31 ai » 16 IB 19 ■a IS 3T.;a8 ' « 38,.16(<) IB u, Blatt,' lB..iate IB' ao..io n ai:;<« la.: 8 38..10 ai..l» : as..» 9S..U aT:.16(l} a» 38..34 — a9..i9 90..3> an.-iar 8i;(8> - as>.i8 8«..sa 8S..a7 8a..ai M ■11 U IS 1» '19' 3i a? •■ ar '■ ft 'm ■ 8S "Whas. 17toU M .9 6, 1 r « 38 ai iff: ' Ur aa IB 11 • U .18 U u . - -i» wias «(»).!»- ■ IB ■ U. ^ IB '>10 10.' « 6 1 Drawn.' M A TCa- ttUMB. _V BBZWJIBB AflOBRtliai'AKD 8L1TB&^2.;> ■ ' SIaofc-A4)oqrtanee,''.i;V;..''' '' Vbtte-^StyOM; ^aTiU IB ':;• .A'.. L.'.:.v.' . . . ; js .t....aa ,17..19 . 3S*i I f.! i;,-.■■ • ■ 16 la.aa ' 37 . . . , • Hoti9iba3; whliftirtasig|p«^n|jUM tR«(.> - . Blook-Uaiy. < ■■ i . : ■ TOilta-rW. B. K. ;i».. «. .. ::.a S r.^r.]A Bi ■ . . ,•.■.».•.»-;"■"■ ';-.V'. ■>-<-\A.- :.• • . •al..l7 'tt ■ ■ , .... : *• ' , .-.lit ssxwaai obbbn xODmni .box isd.,7. il eabwicp, Black-O.UB. .Vhlt»-P.lLa . .' 8..16 . .38 ■.•.M. ->..''v- ,',';,">i'.'>, '. '»T - MB-'.' . 6.. T M..i i:.'.) I-:.,- ■■.■■.'■.:■.'>■ ' THE Q:AWI1 :QE OHESS. TO GOBRSIBPOHDBJPrs. i. w. Bmin.v-Tpnr'aaadraple "malh-aall," andViilaniiiions packageof good'thlngi,'aemandsnfkrmoreappredal(ve answer {ban we hare space .fin Here, and. vre ahaU writs yon at ° oar lelsors. '■'■_,■ • . , .v'. • •, P, BpaBaBamriinitt' ^noept our thaakt for letter and en- clonufes; they shall be honored la tdm. Bn)ly for yon and' the Paulsen r Got any "Oroton pipes" at yqpr.bpaaejretf, . JopH BonLEBiiiasB.—Tlianks for so promptly abterdlng to oui request; youroplntonof.theuBltlonlseiactlyourown. ]bi two or three weeks. We apprem^ tUe (chess) dUftonltles of year poslUon, still hope to hsikr fhun y6a« 9PW and then. See Iteqis used. O,B.Ui0B2iiB.—Blghl gladbftowdhall,the 'retom of year name to tbe arena ef some real Uva Oheanoqntesls. 8aco4sia to yon and yonr club In Its nndartaklng. Let nsbave some of your contests, wllhyour own notes and ina]yala. E; Uo Odtohzon,— Thank yon' fbr games fbrwarded by «ar mntaalMendE.W.B. Thejrjibalhappciarlnturii. P. BionaBSSON.—Ihelt^ ^ [Hinst 'something piquaM la yovt original concoctions, whetbir play bt iproblem—always some' amusement In 'em. For'these'Iaat' apedmens In botb kinds be assured'wa thank yoo. f 0. A. GiLBEBO.—Tour first 4 move (No. J) is radlosKy fknUy— mate lnMi'€(,lnbo(h'7ars. The twalast aentshalllia'va due at- tention. Please number fntme oontilbatlona contlnaouBly bom these. ' Jont HaLuM.—Tour lost latter obmea tn the aane eateoors aa B.W.B.'8. Vidt. ■ ^ a. 0. B., CauOoharie.—Anovraied aa ieq:aeatad; the oontrflm- dons wDl be most aoceptaUe..' a. PbUad'a.—There la no sncbi VdL, bound,. The best and obeapest way Is to send.to tbe Ounas office for as manyof "Mlron's Blank Diagrams" a^ y«n xieqain, and then get them hqnndlnatyle losultyoaiself. . ::.,^..■ B^. Q. DzBBidiaoN.—We heartily sympatblza witb yoa In yom affliction, In loslng ao good and eo premising a brother aa Qeo.H. ■ TatniD or TBB Fjoou.—H'ext week. Panmn.BEBU'vuizii^.—DiedalnNew York City, April 181b.' lesa, GecR DeirloksoD^tnthe IBtta yeai of bis age.- Els re- mains were taken to Fblladelpbla,'ain'd loterred from the honso ofUsUendDr. N.O. Bald. An obltuai7notloe has been sent OS which we shall give next week, with some remarks of oar own. 'Aautuu Obmsb BKEBaTBansT.—^Notfar fhmi'tbe demise of the youthful Darrickson, Ualtln IbAtin, Esq., Aotoary of the Bew York. Ohess anb^ departed this Hfeat tbe ripe age of 73 yean. Of this gentleman-we intend alaoto wrlteafev words -next'veek. ■• « ■ ' • j. BvioHA' If o. 898; Onr vdued oorrssposdent E. W. Bryanl) In sending ns Qur iMaent gams and a huge package of other Interesting matter, all of which In due time, says:—<'A sort of melancholy tntorost at- ■" atheebd-gamedf the played wlu me at tbe . „ He hail given meQ Kt thegamewas a"HuzIo^" andbadbeaonuredadbdlothefol- lowing}— Bnan. a9..u 37 a ■ »■■ inute OojTeoUon^ by^^ Ueicar.' n(cl) 98 ' | <4..81 aT> : 18 33 ; 88.;a7; Vr V 1 17 "; 18 r ''ffhUawina. M IB ' ■■••' 17 : ..(■) llie"aflopean d.tendsa oy"<rftliliflaeiiofeitlie OaopOer nevecthought oL'a [Kapr mm.) ■ ; (•) -I a8..a7- si . ..i> .^ai.., .' 39..83 31 Bbok-wina., ' ."Things mear to biaie taken.f,.f8inB.'';... ■ . '■ («)■''■;. ,■ ■ a4.. ' wty u ■. ■ ■, -.^.oo ■. a5,.38(/)ai''. .'. , (e). Ibis is the strongest moTSi tM'.'P. 'O.'i (/) ThlslaPMltlonNo..«,ifiAlls^^ '''•''■ Toma tealy,'-''■ •.- " wt*. 1..10 i,.i»- 8..18 - ■ ,4..1» . 8..U 8 7;.an ■■■7 •6 as .'. M ' . 7 . :. 34 91, sBdwlaa. j.' I I.'' :8' •-.I-!-. :.ai.' u ...a 30 10 !• 18 18 ar While. ,rj'::.r:.i r. -.: i,.ai 17 , 3'..is>- :u,-aii4iiins,;l',. 7iat posmov. 14 .31 BOLPllltiil^dF.lpiWtTiioS 1^0;' tiiS-Vol. Btadb' -J ' 1..81to 37 a..37 34' B..34 19 4';.10(e(> U B;,16 10 6..39 38 ' 7..10 -14 ■ 8..1B . 4il,ai.''''*i".' V'e'^i'Ji--- . nB..i9 '16 10 6," -o;'. 6..a6 81 6 - a 10, T.ilB 11' 14: 10. , n>r thb vazlaQra (a) t ui tfidtbted to jiu H. Hener, of Wdk .^^e abdvie lis slao iha^eeireot'tMaUoil of End^Jame Vo. 18: k D.F.;|vhertfUr..apayth oIalma.thatBla«keUiwhi.. Ashe<fi?< fKrtaoeepfrm^'dtbllenge to pt»,' bs has, ■» doubt eom'e to t£e oonoluafott'lhal' heeaa .be'tau^ thb Oaaia' of Orau8hl«,b7a third (ttfoulrth rate )(Uytf,llha • TOfuiTto. ^^"'^ -Ji.'Whlle.'.'i Mtoao » 6 10., 6 1 9' «, .' ;;.'Atfes.'>,.'i'.,/r; e..i4tou lO.'.Oll U.:a7 U,.38 18,. 31 14.. 18 lB..la a. ft a • ,19.. 38. ■18 r, ., .. 19 ■ ; ,'' ..DriwB. 'While, BtoU 2^1 10 '4 5 OriwB. POBIirOH H6. 6—Tel. ' ■ 8t.«^lPB«aB.''. ',■-.,' t . . ;! -iind-Qaine,'* , ■I'. ■ '■ .'• .BLACK." '' ' Vna TBd FOBITIOB ' ,. , OFSVUBOES, ' BIiAdK. "W^UTB. White to more and win.' ., .,, ,. WliDTB,: „J<').Xbls loses two P's to, 'ciiM»Di:]lk.P.<.WM 1 *>udaBtta>,«btt flW«it BO trMdm ooBsUaratlfls, ',:vWA^''"'<*"'""'""bn<.tt»;«aT«no^a faeblad P.f "^f^Hfimt^Btm leada tbaiSoesoftte Defence to {' ;, g>nSr^r*«:»* tti? 6i?bangels lost l> Xhreat«Bli|g mate in tbMk moves. - Aparf(j^.>poonllaily Inteieatlsg on between Ur. Oi^lor, P^ea't Norwloh ' nuauuia onntra. J. 0. H. TIArIor,. Rerr SUur. l..P{o()b8< PtoKKta S..P-Q4 P-4)Kt8 Bi.P-QB4 -.EB-Rta 4..QKUBa QB-Kta, B..P-K'8 • P-K.8 ■ e<«KBt-B8 KSt-Sa ' 7,'.K'B-Qa . Oastlea 8..aiatles - P-QB. e,.P-()KtS P-EB4.- 10..Q»-Kta P-E4 ll..KKMilsS~ Q-bera< 19..P-QB P-K8 ' I 18..SB-Ba ! K'B.Ka4 . acoenntof ltat_ (Eng.) 0,0,', BsdT J. 0. B. Taylor^ U'.'.KEttoEO 16..P.KB8/A) 16..KBXP 17..XB-bls8 ia..iS Et-bU 6 19.1X B -f P 30.;QEt^8 ai..Q-EBS. 33.'.Q-S B8 38..B-E8'4- S<..«^jE74- a8l.QXKi + -'and Ur. Taylor I Of this kind'no/ules are laid down hi the student how tocarry.on At^n (A)Iiian Eandbooka tcTgoldi. _ tmco. Tbs'AlibokIs UerecradncM'iritbconBld'iwaUe Ur.T. having sUll a dlgbt'siiperiority In position. -J W 5??iP"^KllngplaTadaO.'.QB takes Bt, tbe folL Hops baU of piky would nave given bis antagonist the> S"55.^5 .. KtohlsBs* |3S..QXKKt-|- EXi; ";;9,^ . K Kt-home 3i. .E B-h<8 B, mate. ■ ,, • W Mr. Taylor, j*obsbly, flalouUtod upon the followtoa: 1 |33..BtoEB7 Bxi I ^y^i^ ^J^ ■ X Ht the Attack mates lia I ((; A eorions resource to saye tbe game.' The Attack 1 have entirely ovariooked the <orco of this move; It coi ^emtes hla dealgns, and tarns the tables In bvor of ■ PiinnBC T8 New TobkOlub.— A very Interesting ' If on the tapis between the above young organization ladl veterans. It voeo ftom a Isauod'by the'yonngstcn. I champions on oach side appear In the UstitodobatUstr ttfutee for tbe honor of his own club, each to' play, one game I or won) with every antagonist making a lotalof 2$ games^ A gcdng for notbbig, and the club wboee ohamplons sna| minority, takes tbe palm. - Tbe champions are:— f PiuiaxN SoaioB 'OLun. N..T., Oaiss Ci«k! James Thompson. J. P, Bamett . Thomas Loyd, CarlBcbnltz. — Zarcga. E, Qhamler* — Borch. John Scbleslngor. 0thoE.UlchiU8. F. Eugene Brenzlnger. na eoore, atoor lut advices, stood, Drami. 3; N. 7., 018 Paulsen Club, 8, QwA for tbe young club I One of our ca pendents (J. a) sends us some Interesting points; he sayex remarkable fiiot Is that In tho flist nine gomoa the 'N.T.,(L gained Me Koix." Again:—"The Paulsen players have thai rtfplledPtoE4Ul,to all oomera; while Thompson, at leaill variably gives us l.'.P to Q B 41b." And again:—"Uostdl •Panlsens' are over 33 years of. ago; Ues^ Thomp Zeiteaaroold men, Ueaars. Bamett, Behnltz, and Loyd sayirtaSO." nie match Is oosteetcd at the N. T„alu1^| oreatea a great deal of Interest Another correspondent p that the PonlBens will ^ at the rate of U to 10.' That'al tohaTeohetsQourlsb. 1 OaAiiATIO Airp UTHESR BKSrCBtEB. ITSV BBRIBS.—KVMBBB FITB. WlU'i'l'lilf i I PHFiWlff rOB THE mw TOU OLlPm, BY OOL. T. AUSION BROWN. at hom^QBBg, TL% Q 4. .EB8, ^K4, EBSd. . 3, i. UOHaSD. pti^iiM-H .,,1:... . . ftbiiBSk ' ' EBB,' EEtsQ,. KBdIh. .'WhU^ having to play, abouU foroe mate la Meat inoTM. „ aotoally playing It out, I UoadenA at tha tblrd nova of tho nio- per Bomtton, and fcirtf In PBOBI.B1I jr.o. '8S8. BT OHll. -a. OniWM.. SLAQS. ' ' '^WUl'l'a. • '. ' White to ^y antt glre mate in five novai,' :•'■''."'.'.,'..' ■", "O.AMBi Wo.:. '8as'.' ^ bin of tlie beat booteated wUet pf th'e late anfinUbed m al«h ai the "Brooklyn Ohess ainb,'f between F. Perrlni Bsqj,PiBs'<^'Bnd Jos. A. LeoDard, wlt^ notes ftom Ur, L'a own hand. -...'''''MOfOH OilOIIT.'' 'Seflan'cs, ' ' AttMk, llr. Leoflard. . ' Mr. Perru. . PtoK4 SEt^BB PXP ..KB-B4 •P-Q8 q3dPXP Kt-EJ l,.ff>toE4 - 9..SEt^Ba 8..F-Q4' 4,.EB-B4 , 6..0astlss(a) e..pTOBB 7;.QKtX* EM2B(t) Ofstlte.^ QB-StS P-QB8 U..KBXB ia..p^st4 1S..QB-Bsa i4:,QxEra . IB..QS-Ea . 18..Kfr:Qs4 17..KPXQ 18..QB-B4 10.,P-QB4 10..gBXB' ll..iB-QBsq n.lKBXB 33..P-EEt8(il} 9t..^B-Q4 ' QiB-Sa QBXW • 0-her3 ' B-QKt8' EEtXB vQ-E8 ' pr KB-Ssa Eb-ED« BPXB ; BXB Et-K3 tXQ? E(4}D8 Sefeoee, ' Ifr. Leonard.; ».^B4^ 38. .B X,QF 38..EB^7 a7;.KEt-EB ^ _ S8..EtXB-p(«) BP V P 39..EBt-Qe P-Q?t8 81..BtXK I3..P-EB4 83..En-Q4 B-4)Et4 P-4Et7 E-hlsBa I Bt-OBB ' .BXEtadPR-blaB ,E-hlsBa E-bl43 ' 88..B-KEi8 89.,E-q8 40.,P-KB4 . 41..E-QB8 41.:E-Et4 48..B-QB8-I- 44k.B'iEtS 48;,R.«B8 4l)..S-QBd , 4T..K-4)B7 . 4g..E-Et8 : E-QB8 P-QEt4 P-ESt8 : KB-Esq i 8 <; »-Et8-f . Kt-QB¥+ B-RO-f I Ri^KtS^ ai^a Y KADAUE .ANNA IHILLOII, Bobs In Caloutta, In 1813, of BigUsh parents, and was 1 tod In England. . At the age of fourteen she went to FraioM at fifteen woa married to. H. TUlloo, a F^onch eentlemsn. idiMt was mode at Olermont, abont the year 1844, In the C "Le BosalaQal"—an English version of which 'she afl produced tn London, u "Jean de Paria" she sang olsoij great effeet and for six months she performed night after with suob sneccss, that the Parisian Uansgera aoonbocain] qnalsted with the history of the new star that had arleenoil dramaUq horizon. Uodesty .'^d reserve, however, hidi Uad. TlBon not to hsf ard an appearance before a Parialin ( enee^ 'vtthout a tarthef trial of bor abUltlte, and she accord engaged for a year and a half to perform at tho prindpn! < Honie, atNantea. She was then engaged by the'great a' Antevcr Jolp, for the Uieatre de la Benolaaanoe, In Paris. BetnmlngioLondon, ehe appeared at DmryLane In theO of "The Bnohantnas," written cxpmsaly for fier by U. dari Geoisee, and composed by M. Balfe, alter which ahe 1 the Hitjinarkot, and Auber's "Domino Uolr" waa thero • ifarbor. She aang tho mnslo obarmlngly, andwaathoa arehnesa and piquancy In another Opora oalltd "Tbe Woudd Water Onra," also adapted for her ih>m tbe French. After i| starriag In the Ftenob provinces, she re-appeared at tie I oasB' Ibeotre, London, In "Tbe Daughter of the Beglment"4 her snceass was most triumphant, many prefsrrlng her to Ja Uod. ■ Hade her dfhil on the American stage, September IBth, 18 .NlUo's Theatre, New York, as La Oatarlna. In "Onnm I mends." First appeared In Philadelphia, October 33d, 181 theOheatnut, aa "La'Catarlna." First appeared In Ban] (dico, Oallfomla, Jannary 18th, 1884, as "La Oatarlna" ~ fbr Bagland, August Otb, 1884. - am . In private life, Uad.TVls a most domestinnfe and affei mother, preferring the slmplldty of a rural life to the l and amosements of the town. She Is most amiable In t and charitalile In disposition. To a soprano of great cdn and Bweelpcss, ahe unites the most eiqolslte'. finish and brlL, flexibility, combining mneh of tbe taste of Jenny Und wltk] exeouUon of that alogar, added to a style and pathos poonll her own, which we have never mot with In any other artlRt Is artlsUo, graoefUl, and yet playa irith an abandon of spirit j esse of expression that ohaiins bcoauae'lt la ao \ay naturals onaflbctod. . '^ ' , 'MBB.. TBBH'O^.. Bout In Brighton, Sossex, England'. Ualdoo nemo , Uorobant Fisher 1 made her first appearance on tbe etoge In 1B17, at Dmry Lane .Tb'eabe, as "Lllllppt" Ha L, In^unerica waa at tbq Bowery Tbeatro, New Tprb, In 1887, ail dly Homespun, In "Tbe Bclr at Law;" was 'amemberot.il Park Theatre, New York, for a loatf time, Urs, 'Tomon Is aiil lady-Ilke and woll'dreased wonun, off an'd on ttie stage; akil tall, and berfignro la good—rather youthful for her age, thsf presslon of her Ikce la phasant, tho contonr Is thoroughly V oUsb, and what In England would t>e oalled "old faehlont oom Its Identity with tbe fkoea ao often found In ancient plot gallerlea. As- tbe nmreientatlve of wbatare tecbnleUly ctQed "Old^ men,". Uie. 'Vernon has fow equals on the American staae. 1 peioeptlon of character seems to be Intuitive, and thofllnM bon of a Urs. Oandor, to be as much Mthln her soopo, ss thil| Ulss Betty Trotwoodr Old orynong—tho antlqaated aplnittl thepertchambermald; or tbe lodyoitiublon, we havenothtai|| Ourboardsllke Urs Tenon.' Bheutrulyoneofonraotressti^r when tamr powen fall; she will leave a vacancy upon onr stags H easlly.tobe supplied; thero Is a buoyancy, an ease ondrfd abont hex performances so like, to nature, that art la ImlL golabablo. It Is tbe very porfFOllon of art In the 'aonocalmmt| all study, and the rigldl^ of Us Hues. She makes no sactl&ai| applausetand In all bor personatlans seems wholly unoon of the -eiieota nbe Is produdbg, Urs.-Tomon, It Is well k Is tbe sister <;f Urs. Uaeder, mors celebrated as .Olara Flibp unlike that lady, Urs. Tcmon discovered no precocity of lai In eorlyvouthi on the'contranr, her talents were oUeltedbyt and stnoy, and have bc^n mscnrod bypraoUoo. Tbey aroof'^ sterllpB a onallty to loono their foroe, natU that porlodwV time wltb lis decaying bond ahall have stripped her of tbe t AatoibnUat^ " I ' . OHABLEB UXfZZJ. ' ' . Dbd at Anbum, N. T., January tib, tSSL ' Ur. UaqywMt free-hearted, nobls-mfalded mtn,'S good scholar, and fine' viriw «7o remember having read many of bis poems whloh were a' " the' average. For many yiars Ur. Uuizy wu a popular t through fbr a time be was In Uorcantl)a business ni New Ycitl ' Three dayabeltire his death his companions Uoghed at himb* narebia what they deenled a fooUata lllaslon, But £ls fbrebo41(l were oil verified. Hlsbody waa'token to Buffkto, and bnrio^iil Uts. Uuzzylnamannsrthat honored her affcoUon. The.!". Intimation of the death stroko wis convoyed to hie wlft i<1 singular mannor. She waa awakened from a quiet sisopb;! tandedcalL' Opening her eyes, sbo ImoglnDd ahe saw herb*' band by ber bed-sMe, Sloop camo bo more to bor tbat t!' Karly |n tbe morning, she taTd to her sister, "I must go to C lea—bo Is dying. Tb^same day atdogrom oamo telnng bw • hasten to Aubiim. > - Ur. Perrin resigned, (a) We oonsldor It now demoriatrated that this i&ove f t tnfsrior „(I..PioQB8d; which would, atleaatre^ tbogaibbltP. la theUn<i of play adopted byUr. FerrlD,'tbo Defanoe can (tastle. Iritb aInwn advantage and a goodposltton. . ' , ' (tv A fkvorilo move oi"Ur. P. ^be mova adepiea/tCTtbe D» fbnoq Is the only dorroot reply. ' ' ' (c) It la nndonbtedly .the ootraot pouoy of the Defout' to U. ,obango k«lpe»dUy asposalblei but badlieovar-lotibaa tbtf cb. &%S^Sfe?2?''!'*''^''^^ ,^.9^ l»I..9BX.B-^!irPx6'^^' IB.. IB.iSPXQ .wUiDoo "«on« togrlMl" |BXB 'Jbpy B^,7, tia the Oefebot .UBS. HELEX iUtrZ.ZTi Oun ImpnwBlon Is, that thla lady waa .bom In Boaton, thovi wo ore ignorant of h6r early life, and'even ot her maiden nnr Bpwover, we know that ahe oame ftom an oxobllent fiuullyi^ member of whloh was Judge Onrtl^ fbrmerly one of tho Ja of the Unltod States Bapremo Oonri I Judge Ourtis was strenuously opposed to her being 00 ' stage, and freqnontly vrrolotober eolloltlng her ronunulatlonj the pntsssloni butbor lot was easl^ and sbo remained steolr* to the eause of the drama,' When quite you|ig she married ) Ohatles Unisy of New York, the companlon an^ sohool-maf«<j Eon. Jubn UoKean. (laie U. B.i Dlstricl; At^mey), and of mar* othsr. oQlaont men.wboso• names nnw.bno'passed from(0 memory, w. and Urs. Muzzy were oaoo nvorito membo(i<] the Old Tremont Tbeatro, Boston, where they playod'seven r aeautlTa soasons. Tb«7i^p«ribnn»aatthD Boaton Uunom, wharo tberi