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:vi.>-MJ<.«V.-^!yyi**:." ■* I — - ■ ' '' 1 f diiiiiji fb» «M tc*w josx amo, ' ■) yiss^^tixaai^ .btabb-haubibt.;-' ' Bsiiiicn'pUT^^ TO JOHN .'a' j^mihr Ma'uut VtmaitToUilM'. '; Unamd ndktoi a^attidnrtiMti^'--''' Hark tils bueibiiYil/natnin Boltsoe, iibUkileM, goMUt-flghtUift k'l Mrtli-bwtigiK - :r, r,-;. in '■UOVolunnsl and nqrttlo dnbi ;-'In:tti« *«ttt]r-fo^'.fiot>iiig.;: . Id^htlagi'e'crlwlnTttiidininir,' ;: <^ .Bhik«Sintet)«un, then "go^"' °' " l)ot*Ml>«i*,l)raTegUdI»toi*, . ' • • '.' And.'tMyi "mirUiebeitiunwtar' '■■ '.''4trQjDj^nBgiin ''tfiekno<iMoimtilo*,"'' ^ BMIii.iDaaoraTn—tnlDd 701ft tMtlai,' .^ •■ FlgMtooonqa«j(lnrlw»T« fo^. ■ " " -lbnr«pniid*ndetlUBttiox«i:r' ' - OtwhdMi'&lna nobarddothMiig, . '. . Vonbli Umdi, lune, inhk, tildiiabM, J-"-'.-, .. loUutwanty-fonrfootring.; ,■,; .ni. ' Ib&tjTMKoolonl flglttbeiiMth'ttttinl' ■ Ti4«'tti» mTUla, alow "the ftndy" '.' '"^ '' Tlutjon'n'ipade'of TorklttQlt 'OUtdras, MaiMiknaWMosdi, '■'. - BpMtahm, all, idU giva blr.pliir, :' Sloh aat ««u 70W meial piib,'nN;' " ' Letthobaatmanirlnttia'dar; ' ' lpLD7»tiiaT» and gallant txnar," X>f wboaa daadano poeta tlsg, ' . BnVaIr dltd whUa braralr t^Usf ; " '^'(oa'tirantj-foai footrlog. ;; •' ■ '■ • IT. . Han'rToarbuItb, in; gallant boxer, Bare a jmt baalth in rnbr. wtne;... iial-naT all'the boona and :w'<^tUi«»a^Ufebe.tiilne. ' ■' Katan'a abblenan—bnre atblata^ ' '"■' UodBm HaiDOleil oll balll ' .. Jor''lli»BeU,"aatll9 ".Wojld'aOhalBploiii": 8lrtT»^"thert'a ni wieh'^id la • ' UpAaUnaal—fcoetiamTialo!—• • ' •' '. . ■ ooin.biiij'iingiUBtii y':-;- -" : ' I 'ZIgbti-miaMtTTer-tnlad joQittotlal,''' —iB(*tta**n tjia aiown; ^" ■ . ^^aheml'taol mak^hlallaarttlilin tll«if«»r— ;«H).'aw*'. . S'er tw mithir^k Tonr ttewd Baitraa atad apotlcM one;' : 'Xarka^'tli^PiUaBiDa'agT' ' qptlaaa at the ana. ij^nezad, » priia.rtng-aU era tw 'flome aio obinwraMiMMIvjM Bnt di,-iBffi{flii^ aa^^ 1 Death I ablliKalttBetiainploaboxat: O'arAUtbabo^msiof tblBsatlht .' ' Snt etan Daalh, we eaob thall aoncj;ne^; . .'Wh«iWBWl»a'Hear«nlTblilh. ■• .' Uuj H'br**** afad galbmt boxer, 1 ' TTofvUbaaadeoda nobenae'erwritij' : VonhimMendi, andftm^pandriohaa . inaptaglUstloagbi .' .lU the tnulllit'i eljmliim, '. Then ne'a prondaitban aWng; .- IbthebhumedaBdtnjitlodicla,' - ' - .In'thBtwent^-ronr footrlng.'' ■'■ -'■ •■ ■ ■• ■ ■ ■■ ■" . :.THEV FAST'.YOUNa i.-MANv 1 P A S Bin 6 . HI ft € B | 0 I E B|> <v. ■ :• .■ .^ ■ :A THBTTJiTWO BTOST GW Hm purtioilarly iathtOitlnvr irewTorkaadBrooUjn,' "; 'glTiiiK ai Tivld tia^iitm tf Beinfet Intrl(niH'itt 'S|«li,';Jt.Ut;, m ',bf: XldnlgU Oigiai tn - WMtr itrtet, sadKlndndloMUtlMk ' ' - ' I, ... . > . ■ . .... .. ■ . • . . wmi^m.'m vnjifnit roB tbb new lou ouvm*' VaSol Hie," aal(l be, for It ma otu old aoqiaalnianoe,^iav, ' ,batl'mone<ooiiiaiij/oi' '•yi. . ■ ' „ Silcer,,bat yott vas frighten ma^ery madi ..--luuui ue, ui^ CO, iQr n ynm our .<wtr gomeot yogr did trloki again, bat I'm one l|o^t^a.<U^e^,^po?^( %ojo\i'i« goi tocome along. ^^»ni«hu-^ay wlthyerofatutUsgpeoplah; bet.hel goM jjotehMnatinan." -,'^Hore, tli4t'eteetiutwbnU'ao;bnt c«ne in here, I want < "Ut.tojrott a ollnnto..". .And Ibey eatoiod a aaloontogetber, wi *oi«»oon*ottfturtabl|(eateainapttval« boi,' . .. ,•• being roppUod Trilh letreabnieDts, Siker 4iew oloee to Ike wa wnlniietpd. •■Sorf, ike,:p(irhapa I oan do yoti a good tum and ^R,'^? S'Ji '{J^^ <iire*«n)utlt win only boon ona oonilUon." todrtSSaLS""'^' ^ would do anything io obllgo moh brat in»,I0r I'm U eameat' .Ton know that Dowi anynontenie Downy Jim baa es- tnol add ___Ji«»':w^ii4 hava, W WMt8,>gatarf.the nUl bjaTOtamed into irtiat',-. fctobably ngrer wlU. Tt'e' thei^oie laava .to, lOB tWi^, Dlouore, and enter thobnlUlng, wheie,'D«]iitfd tlttr baani/ar.-in ud aeUed'A- yootu BliI^f-aiipajMntlyjwt4ala«a'«t-/eIgM«an roan of .tge;, bat-a^ejiaa-pol t^e ptqmpaMior,tMabnaa<9f rotilh. tier obsekB^eie thln^ndpaiQ, andAsr »Tm;flvi;vg(ena4. rithdla^ua.' 8dltwu,'(0riuth»'Uaoklng«i^n:atiid8parklltig IJA it waaeiCT to:dlBaaat]iU oanadmtitlon,-Willi t^ldatH^ea; :.:.;iCijiAirviiUT« '..' -'V' :iia) wen'kaew that he waa nerer aate ao'jona (W Oeom pnwaaallTeand at Urge, and,boning .i^tti.bataaB^ bf determined,'by a foable attoka of poUoy, »Jmoe to with ^ ample anpply of money, and «> rldbunr _ ontor. For thla porpoaa he took MftmaeJ wn il«;ohiiia,lllo6d|}Biirke.bnt aa It waa toMalnotatlTeaawidl ii;'»:huweroiia .de«d,'ba did not insieaii< ihe.i}tunberbf hla, Ba oonld nat, how*eTer,'dUpe4M'wltii Hogan,bn^ n of ibe plana of the ooiHpiratois m» limited to Ton that bis aeoret deti waa about to iMolve. fn extra , > abort time, tn wb'oae oonody.be .waato be well paid. _„.j<na flied upon #hen U was-kiuwA thai HariingtoD, who ...^ UMmately'fona of the opera, would tettr lfl^Jy ba thwe, ioii artaoged thkt on tbja oooadon'HOinftira^ to keep.hla. littOta o^'ofnalton, Kid hold blmaeirin..>Badlneaa',for bla junr ott^^err ' Abetternlgbt than the one.rMeeted obuld not 'Jiim Mb 6libi4tL The enow bad OhangU intoi dilnllng ralnj itlvi mMM. Mbn oofflpletaly deaert^ and nothing totdd be ^ wi bU Wi dAtolng water (ram the eaiea'^t the honsea, aa it. iglad thrnii^ Qulron ban of the onlrMta,;lnto the aewert.. I onwaUUt of nflh Arenue might hare been aeen laiklng,,.^ U «4 iMm «))a«mtl6b. two men, wrapped 'uPla'large o^eriioata, —-"^ —-gjj ^ jjijjj f,^^ erl^enw fltrltlng to avpid . .w«u».u^ It, Jim," exclalihed oneVwbo was so.oiher'.tii^' Bai&a,'"lt«naatbeneartwelTe o'olo^ b^thla tline,'and about •piehawMhere." ... . ' ■ • tTea, ourta hlin, but he must needs luTe bis oystsi!) before ne obmaaboma. Be bad better eat his belly full , to-night, for It'a Vkejy.to be'a good whUe eie eata another stew, in. this world atleaat." • • . . .<Bat.^lm,irheabowaflgbt,\rhatarewetodo-llblBh bln»t once f**' ' /••Kgadi no, not If I oan help It J teUy(>a Iwa4t blm allr« U pe*dbl4.. U we kin Urn et oDde, where in thunder Is our mone^ looomeftomT Ton won't get a r^oent; and I shall be aa bad eff; half of our rerenge wlU be loet, aha,we shall, have nothing bealdea forour troabl$." <ir«n, wdl, we most do our best, but I don't half like the JA." D«admen't«II bo tales, and I thibk U's:thesafeatwayot getting ibe Udng done, with no rlak of bia eacape ^nerwAida."^. '•■Eaeapet' Sal hal rn see to that; onoe In mycare, dl the derllstn bell won't get him from me. Hogan dare not peaoh; hno^ IVa as maoh as bis life is worth. .As foryon. I would ^Jfi you with anyttiing'j and we oan' manage to keep Ike-ia. ignorance of the wnole aflklr without muob trouble." ' "BtHU" eulalffled Burke, "there's a'.tiikn passing under titat Urge laib^'at' the other end of the Uoek, on ti^e oppoalte afit, ■ • ■. - ••Ilikt'gou nub, rn beta dctOar; let's nUet bim and make itoeir; •. • .: ■ " ■ ag their drcas anew qo as to bide their tiMs as muob as ,.., they aMsrdlngly erossedoTer, and proceeded at k rapid Mqk;towaida''thepenwnappr<)iuiblng .thein. .Xbey saased, one 0^ fadialds, but scarcaly.a at«p, when. Burke wbieeled rapl< ranidi'ttm throwldg blaarm xoiind the atranger's n^, hi «B-in a.Tlce, tuT the relaxing limbs of bis vlotUa warned that he wu Usanslble and poweilKa. In the meantime, . by a pennllar,whistle, had summonetl a carriage which had Men' itiTiillnj almost hidden under the shade of borne treet^' into which the scarcely breathing man Was tiow lUled.' and the Tfbiole drlran npllly away. These ooburrences took place with ^ teMdltyand sUence whleb preTieti^ anr alarm In .the nelgh< porhoo di and w ith the departure dtthe'actors In the scene; A^anue returned Its soUtuda. ' .. ' On oomlas to hla senses, Oeon^ Harrington iOund hlmsolf la the aaaret oEamber of Hogan'a den in Water street, and Jim and Burke atandlng over him baihina bia temples, and applying brandy to bia 1^ .Bia first Impobe waa .tii spring up andoon- ftont the villains, but be found the one with a btacs of pistols gj i an t e fl at bia baad,.and th» other with a huge fcnUe leiidy.lOr ,*^Whl|l[ means'thla dastardly ontraga, aeonndrds,": Blury '.do win mean to n^urder me*!'• v^,' as'sliest<^pedcrrtu.rthe aeam.shewUst, KteajrMIIed'OTer. brlmof bar eyelids, fell gptm.hax 1)nrn)ng ban<L Blif! jpedhprwork, andf^Ut^nluslng illtb 'an.i^.orAbstra^lon, fhen presently the door opisned; aal with ab exomnatlon of joy ibe started up, and thw* hittaeifdntd the aftu dfa tkn-wodam who had Just enteored.. ..>• '.■ .r,.. i - J "Uy dear BiaU<^" she'eieialm'ed, '<'howXhaTe^eatled for your coming, 'I thbuutyoa 'were neter c<>mlj6g,'''aod watUuid tor ^oa lU yesterday; OhLLwaito'sad Whan iby aiattrdia-notaDnlei'/ "Ah, ltebeacoa,.ia7'OhUd,'>. replied Jolla.Itelanoy ttw:i)s she), llfUta her Veil and kuslng, her sisters dheetaL "yoii.wpre not moi« dlBappoiiifea'flmn-Iwas,'biiirooud mot 'gef hwea moment sooner; but bfM Is a bottle of l)ne .Kins' and aou^ sweet cake I hare brought yoQp-ltwlUdO;yoa good. Bow do yonfUl '■ "lam'treaiy, JoUa, ! am'welry. -I fkl larii A>li& itftst'i'Qky bough beopoet erery daymote palnfoc n I canilM lartlong, and lt lsbettertobesooni>Ter.. :Iam .bntabnrdemon youand my, J^otter." ■ ■. '• ■■ . ■-. ■ ■: ;'.i*Ohl apeaknotwSiny'Bebeoot,''yon'linotrtlut'wb VotjiklOTe yonmuoh." .. .■• :,■ • • <1 know it wen, but .why ara,.jou. ao kmg.away from mat Barely yoor mistress would Jst.yon oome home oOener. did. she butknowaU." ■ • • •■■ ; ■ ■■TT'T'.^ 'Bebecea,'ImaatIee yoiilbtaaaeer«i, I hi«6 Itll t^tUiia^' tiansndnowfiUadiffersntons." , •K- i.> "And'does Ike know of this} "Tee, add ippreras of It' It was neMsaary tai '^sj 't^ that I should be Where lam."'- • ' • ■ - ■But, Jalla,'whyh(detht9from.ffle.".,< ,-, . "Because thne is a blstoiy connected wlta ttie change that none but three know—myigeli; Ike,' and another." ' ' '^.' .'"indwboisthBtotlierr* . ' •' •' '■• ' ■;'■•'■ "ATiUalnoitliedeepestdye."':. , . i-' "Ohl.Uater,'yauiniuomelninbIe;,hemust baVea poiferfo} InfltaenceoTeryou, tokeep'yousomuqhtoblinMU;" ' '. ' . "Ea bat, be has, and one wbleh win only end With' hla ndn or death;, and ftow, Bebeeca, tp ahowyon Jiow,mnahI.-am. conr atialnedtb'remAlnawayfromyoil.IshaUtenyoaan. Although, my dear child, it may add to your anguish, I know I abaU'liaTe your sympathy," , . . . ■ ( "Ton must remember how, many manthsago, a tnan named Boward -need to fregaent put storeV and'-pDHduae 'thi^ finest' cigars tha^ could beobtalned, paring.moat liberal piloes wllbaut' a grudge., Tou must also recoUeot tho Interest he.tooklnns, Ji',f.'^:'.'.'roii*'_ ,:->\f. ■•ymaaswoi, Behad-b<all«t,mgatfb>tlMdsy, a^'r«a(AvedWl«ltiaiA^ 'om .tliat.watlhyihaf hiiiiiaadnot.firauble htmaeUto^ctiltfiS'^^ Iflht as hewo3dfindiilie)|IAtf-«hm. .. As 'Ikehad ansaffS initwlth hlaaUtariathbB)(^:thls''didn6t oonwrn bbnmgeKfr mtnow.aa hesat ntbatno-krlt himself, |t'«tniak'hlm asiathS'J ''"gaUr tfaatBogan ahmd'adt'tlmss hs i£ersr,'|lB''alfhla lboK-i i na l n t a noe, having bean ik^owa to be' abaand ind^ha.alndSl that aomfi traoiaotlon was on bMM -■- h«,,'Wasjfxduded., .Tbls.ha.ooki.i i,on;the. part of' hl«:palN M(i» toeathtenaVoftho n the,knowledge of *ldered_ • breaoli of oonBC . fr"'?ri?M<*»**'»»fi«n taokto bis B(m,jU4 wlto i^'dark ftown'.oni hi?, brow, he mentaUs^resoIrrt .n li m hlmseU doTO toT5SS Sii^^tW .' At Ibo .corner of Bioadway and -r-rv stoeei; sta^ hn&tu bratad milUner in^«w-Tor^^ml3?nntS*-^) from the a^pearanoer of the bSuing, bnr^rtttu^s^ baAT Uiow rooms; Uwhlch-were dl^ilmii materlala W rait " fcaUdloustarte, and, rarely was tteto an abMuoei ' Hagtsfrcnitfae d6br." The bnalbses of the dv and (weteiBoi^ orerv and'ln'a spacious ohambei^'411a .~ l^doh JnUa Delanoy bad bmn ao vilely rendertd ImIbL- before a mirror, stood Uadame Onbam, dlTeaUnir b'enUf aW^JE^'"**"*?^£? «i8«l«ht. Bha waa'no('ii«ft thirty-fireyMis of age, but her f— -- - - - ■ - - ^Ihe'room^waBwarned^'•-'*-^T^^rt|i!yn£ibiil ^ ■ ■ " " imenk'dlaooTered 'ami u'erei^iieapeat; and, aa wUh trnX'a ana b(>w,'6y blalntereal, be''obtaLlned mi a fliat-rato altnatlon in that Broadway .milliners store. Ton. know,, also, that my en- gagement rendered It neceasary that I shonld board at her house, and eo'fir It was wall.. Bbe was a woman of apparently reSned tastej and two or three Uincs'a week wonld give select parties to a small number :of iheT friends; 1>ut this was a ioure n^askfbrTllepurpoees.. Isoondlsooversd that most of.thegtm- itloiAen word wealthy'merUiants, and thoU|^ married, each one would select a particular MquOlntance from among the :hla appxehenslob, and 1 want it bad, iuatubw.'" . X Ua vera Jlmlbo» I We jeeb him for ^vor so I6ng a time. I aheiild Uke to see mine Btend.weii. 'i J ■■' - , ' ■ . •'..'•Whettwasyoua'tHogim'simr'r.' bh'i5?iiin'^^fo^'^ '''' ^f >^'>0..7>i>:;t«ig. ««. • "Vtat: vw» minute,- mine good .Wend, Jnitxonmlnnli Vak TttUj.a^ponlUi bad, andyouvanta Jinj w.^ sSSitaero* ''i.Uyouhave: .tMtooaredf ."..,A«dao ionen,miitt^' ^»WdV, ..^yqu^iirqlnlgiit ba'done Oiatnoilg iH dor gams; We'ain't.qultBao bod aa that VWidl, why ami brought beret' What do you want of me t!' "Ah^ now you talk lue a seneible coye, and reaeonablei eo now hero's myplan, that my pal here is -witness to, and whkh la all,we Tbere'e two thinas we^ant; fast that youH sign Ik^ paper deolarin' as how your charge agin me was an a mistake, aniaiwasthewrongman; thatls one thing.- TheotHer is, that you wlUfork OTsr to ua KOOO to help us to go to another country toUreinpieace. Yen theee two conditions be compiled iHth, .then yoqjrtll .1)0 let onto'this. Them's our tfprpoaldons.": ^fUy sentiments dlaacUy," sentontlously ^aoiuated fiutke.. i'<And am I to underatand that' these are the only terms on .Khlab my release le to be obtained 7" .' (■niem's the only terms." , "Then I ahaU remain where lam at present for nerer shaUI, even to save my life, sully my name by appending it to a talse- h<)6d; andfoither, not even by bribery would I be free,' .Ton ahan niVar finger a oent of my money by my wllL " '' "Teiy weO, my hearty, here youshan remain; but not long, I can tell you.. Toa must make up yermlnd to come to aor tema ^ three 'dajs at most or, by all the derlla In hell, you'll find ybniiMltin a damned algbt moro uhoomfortaUei place' than this, aild te'te ypu'U want huther.meat'drlnk, or money." - . 'in-6th^w4pds,yoa'Umakeaway with msj'" ■ '.' '.' .' "Ven,'ypuoan JUtftnoyit thatwayaa you like, or'ho't; but nilhd -you this; 'Jim, Ten he says a thing, means It As for eacape, yer needn't bother yer 'ead about It 'cause it can't be dld'nonowbat'throughme and'ihem documentstmenUoneda •whUeagc'v , . ..■ Batrlngtbn,'wb6bytblstlmewasoonTlnoedbowaseleBsltwa8 to argue with such men, now desired to be left alone, for he bad not yet-recOTered entirely from tho garrotting prooeta he had undergone, and waa anxloua to have a Uttle tlmeby Mmmif |o regatber hie partially soattand IMultles. On his intimating his wish, the tworafflona inade their exit by .the soorot doOr, point- ing out to tdu) aootwhere he could lie ddwn, but taking the light-with them, 'Left now In'darknees, his reflections, were none of the most plessanL' inadlemal dongeon, and an un- known place; bo bad no idea what port of the city bis prison lay. Be^ er<VoA round the walls, bat only BtambUqg now and theli agalnstabox or trunk, he could taake nothing out and at last laydownon theoouob, batnot to Sleep, for he oould not divest himsSlf of the stutllng idea that he was in the hands and atthe' mercy of :mon who would stick at nothing; and the- more > he tbotubt about the nature of . the men be bad to deal-with, the mote certain he became that the plunder they wished td' obtalni (Tomblmwaa bat part of their plan, and that in the .6nd,.ie-: venge would lead them, for tholr own security, to hinder blmi from getting fbrth Into the world egaiD. Bis only oomfortlngi reflocUon was; that his friends would isavo no stone untamed toi traoebimi and that the fact of Jim's oseape might point toblmj as the agent of. bis dlssppearahoe, and lead. to hla roacne.' But; how, Inthetedlooa eoluudoof that dismal night did momoty; vividly portray Uie anxiety of his frlonda—of Ihose who loved, hlm-and proud as his boKt was, he. felt it bard to die thtis ft the'handa of rufllans, even as a dog; but hope, that star 6( oom^ fort did not entirely desert bIm, and ho reaoWed at any late'not to .ylold up his life without a manly struggle if tho chanOo waa afforded bim,. . - ' * 1 Inthe morning, (Is prison door was opened, and Began apr peered with a light bearing on a tray a'breaklaat of coffee, bread, anidaraeberorbaoon; and, at, the same time, Harrington ob^' served another figure, as if kefeping guard outside. Bo, ondeay> ored to draw Hogan into conTereaUon, but that wortbyi^epUed briefly and gruflw— . . . * ''■'...' "Bere'a yer meal, you had better eat/that's aU I've got tp. aay to yer; Uyer wants to talk, it must be to Jim, and whoa yor.yiants him, I'lllethlmknow." ; , ^, _^ \. ' 'i^. L Bonlngton was in no mood for eating—his stomejm roTOltedat tho ooareo manner in whloh It was served up, and. indeed, Bo- ean's face waa enough to spoil .any man'a appetite^ iMoreovail. o was not altogether free from apprehenalon that his foodjns drugged; so, Bllboagh Began left Um, It remained untondh^d. .When, however, in tho afiernoon, a beefrteakwas brou^.to htm, he did not realat the craVlngs of hnnger, for it ttrnok hM that abstinence would only.depilve him ot etrength whlob mlght atandbim In need; and-that ftradoyortwo, atleettheneed not {ear for hla life. -' And so passed hii^ drat day of confinement j ladles of the estaUlshinent an^ pay her iiarked attenBoss. ; Howard attached himself to me, and at first I thought little of It; bntet«losg, certain hints hethrewoufwhlchlcouldnotmlsln;- toipret gave me an Insight into his base desims, and my first impulse was to fly, but not before I had ehown nlm snob incon- ;teaable signs of disgust at his proposals, that he at once apolo- iglzisd fornis'bebavlor/and aaBiuea me that'they ahoiild not be' ren.ewed. Indeed, he absented himself entirely from the^e.sol- re&, and I began to regain confidence that my peace vrasftee. from danger. But Uttle do we reckon, however, what la Defora us. One evening after - one «C'theee parties-, and when-aU had ivtlred,'.my mlstreaa.lntlmaled her deslre-.to lepeak io me alone.. I., accordingly foUowed her to her oym room, wharo I found al.suppor'lald; of which she alwayA.partook,' tfld' a' cover eet for 'mfiau. After' chatting together for a ttMe PP IndUIeront suljeots,, she. menUonW Boward.'* namoj I quickly learped she waa. cognUant of all that hod trans- plied'betweeh tts. Bhe upbraided me vrilh th« fblly, as she uhnedit of refosltiK sucfi- a splendid offer,'and displayed in' !owlng colors the advantages of mybeoomlng Boward'amls-: Nowthe es(les.&ll.frDmLjnyeyes, and ue stood before le.WoUIdpMteotmafraiu^hainK 'noTuatl.waatoh^"' love hei':W'bsr'^honied "words dfdthitfr :work wdl,''knd'I 'felt afanoiVsafe again; "Previous to-parting'for'the tiliht ilie iA- du):ed.me6> partake of asmaQ dassof wuie,and -aguitad and weak troifi conflicting emotions,! did not refuse. Ho sooner, however, had it paesed jnj lips, than I ^alt aa If the r4om' and evorythlng in it was taming round-with me, and Islldfrommy chair to the iOor.lhien^fi. . ■ : * .* •■-'■■»'■••'•'■ '»■''• «- a »- »---'-a '^ It waa-dayllgUt Bekt'morningwhui t caiha 'to n^aell; Vat'an- ladeeorlbablenorrgrseteed upon ma when I-dlsoowared Jlay In aslrangebedlnaatrange room, and .that I waa not alone; fbr beside me lay the villain, Boward. I obmpTehendadlt cube, and felt but too sure tUt'rwsB no longer th'e inbooent being of the night before, but a-polluted Tlotlm of this- monster's lun. -1 at- tempted to ejirlng from the.spot which atfi )>een the scene of my degradation, but he flaughtme in his arms, and -Mtb rapid artlo- nlatlon tdd ^e it-WIS now bis torn to tridiapb,'repeated bis of- f^otpr9teotion,and-threatened,lf I-refasea hb;requests^ to. turn me out in the .streets and proolalm my fallan. state to the world. As Ughtnlju darts from the heavens, so did my ihbnihta oouiae through my Drain, and in a second I was changed Into a devlL - Lost to sUhope of happiness, I resolved at.once.to accept his terms, but not to giillfymy amblUon. Ho, no; my purpose Is, that a fearfol retribution ahaU foU upon him. I HtuH yet se';. him s beggar; and by Iny'tolls. I ehall not leave-blm-tin his wealth flies from him,- and he la condemned to-pass the remain- der of bis llfit in mlaeiy. Even now fortune soems to favor mo, and the first mesh in tho not hss been woven. But enough of thUi BebeoM;. now you'mnst loathe her whom you oUoe called aister.". . -. ■ 1 ; '^d,' doore'st Julio, no, Oh | how fearfolly you have suffered, what wrongayoil havo'undergone; oh, I love you more than sver;>and howl wish yon womd'leave that awTDl'home, and come back to me,^' .1 .••itcBnnitbeB«beoca;'hotyet at least I bavie sworn by tho Ood of our lathoia and by the dnst'of our parents, that I wul be avonged, and tiU that is complete I must be as k stranger here." And now another visitor appeared. This was Ike, who greeted hls.two sisters trtth ah afllecUoh Which' is peculiar to this neoide among themsdvct. After-fin interchange of a few sentences, Ike and Julia desired to be aloniifbrafew minutes, ib'S-tetlred toatkackroom: .. i . '.'Zougot my note Ik«,^aU right, or of conrso yon vrould not be herel" --. ■ ■Tos, It cams sa^«'to band, and*I guess you must have toibethLlng Impbrlsnt'lo oommnnlnate or you wobld not be so nrgentlnyouriappolntment'.' . .- . , . "I have, at leaati have ^ susplolon.that ^ matter bos.occurred; .whidh will turn 'io bar advantage and Ud us obualderSbly In our, doilntapcnHoii^rd;" ^ '-I "ih, curse him a thousand-timast that is goodnowa. -.Wewfll- muc'hiia'fool It and ttbtleave him a cent or evoh his life If' wo' ban help It," .. ■ ■:■/'.•■■ Taryonrj^gotdemonlsb, and perbaps^e maa.Ui patlanoe. Bore is tomilaeUe pafeois vlohyouei tor me, and if you'see Uby ate right, I go abont Jli aavUg bo depbetted a sman roll of bUubefbrb the 1 poutan, and glided 4dtotl/ odtof tht roofai.''' DIker, who knew'hts man, ooonted them tip,.—, ....... |10 In'goodtatiney.' Be kheWhedld n.Qldleuri[^Vk,ta Chat ne wu awtyMet SIA, bat tatUfted t^t)iehad doM foreaoon'twtitk on blsown -heoX.be l&ujtMd oit.litto BM U the tdltor of thft jkMtgr JiqM»«w hi4 iritaMia tt« ib^ ' OHASTEB'TT. ' ^ -; IhiitmiSi-^ Italtif Tnaeiayant Suin-SuiryitoiH-^ . fxndAitPaU. V.., ■ AWA» up the Bowsry^ and'not tit from' the arsenal of cur owoik, TihBeglment may I)a noticed .a/imaU plgar stem.. Ita.shelv^ do.not apt>ear (0 M. suberaVilndiully.loade^ with stock, a gnol ■ ■ '^,elWferlM»»« ^^^•'^bthWdocr'todwlnaow.- ^. . i t&irtiM yaarijWlnlir and summer, to |ont her laxuilmt hair, her evorr moTomenk fresh obaim. Kow it-was ttie jplomp splendor dt her inflected In'tbeteU-talegUss;'or now the^gnotfol taper {Waist which gradually sweUed ,^to handsomie .ptoporflc^' aa IqierBeaiatd her ronn^ hlpe; pr, perbhanoe^' an-anUe and Ml :af aiegwould^ba'iSTaaledi'rlvan&ig' In 'wblteneiB'the °pin8n'' lalaliaater; and In shape, even tbeYenusde Uedlel itidf Bl)»^ bad'naaTly.oomjgleted;her,toUetwheilln theglakbeiarehtb 'ehe.aaw.r^ecte^raie.tlgnreDf aman. .'Wtth'ascteaindietinne^r |round,-anrws8 confronted by.Sloody Burke, from, whose teoU-t !slvs conntenanqeehereeoUed-^lth undisguised dltgust - ' - «0h I'Cloia, love, you are reany.lovely'tb-n&ht: X 'iimar ,saw von-Iooklnjg so'beiuUfta'ln aU.'my.lUs before. .Un'Ba devn^b-Aenrnflng. .Pve a mlBdt0havea kla4'*salftBi4ke;wlS. ihad evidently been drinking, and-wfabsa tUok TOlbe dsBOMr thatpatatonwaanotunmixe^OWtthlt .: , ■■^■■■-■r'- ..l'vT' I "Oood OOd, Burke, what bAogs you beret ~ Bat«t Bat.-k«^ imypijrtof the bargain well,.and supplied lomrttbaaill^iwun irbgnlarlyt ■ . ^. .,' ;',;.. . .'..., ,'.... ■ ■ u'-.l ! 'Damnation, yes, that's all lyell eno'uigb, bnt.f mln&iwl kaiC ;im imt now, and want an-ektim supply; and 1 ttUklt^'BanmeA- Udlculoua, when, my wife-Is living like a prinousMbr me tO bl" |golnaaboat.Uk• a Tagabbnd.!^- <: '. . : -- ..-TT ':nv""'l A I "WeU, name your snin but yon wUl get iton^ on eoiiaiti«k''> ^tyfib.le*va,Uits place,inatantly, and.sif^|ie:^itOi't(«oni tabwithyonrteseboeiiiore;';:'.., . . • ;■: -r. ,i --i-!; ' "Wen,-wattTn syearjaything yon like, an4.AldciaA.tB«b buil-want a thousand doliSriSt awfcy." , . "Athousand'doIIaisl why I uvn't anything llke"ilut In'ttji^ hOuse;..that'sinQretllan.I■Wfflisnbmittb.'^ - ' -fi-riiT : "Ah, ah, ihafs pretty.lfelkr.but you ^ah'i gammoa-UiiB- tldUP no way. ,1197.1.11 t^ .yon ^hat it is, tou'U just toik cut ihat rhino wilhout more adQ,.or by Obd ril help inyselt Md I, kqom irou've some nl^'Uttle diamonds vlcb nuy need, xe^tttai, M hand out the tbsj-ahd rnietthem aldnbtbiuitlme.''- -- ; Bis wife at Once Saw it was needless to argue thetaMt"*'-"* jprpoeedlog tOAprlvats reposltoiy, took from thenca'-a-'^ of notes and' goUU.and counting out the . raqnlstta amo bonded it 10 hlm.^ J . ..>-.^r - ' - "And n'6w;".«ald she, "that yonr demand Is-aatlsll^jl, jMtmMki but mark me; tils Is the lost tln)e I. sbaU eyez acMda, to 7MC 'extaraaDale;deBiluas,leta»4joneeqnenoesbewll>^^ ' I ''AU right, my hearty; bntl say;-give-US otieruartlUe^iteMar'^ and rusUng.forward -bcXtteahaliadtlme'toeiQdeuygraiiKlw clasped her In his anna and Uiaed her wUdly On herfkcaailB^ boeomj^d noil.hl8rblood-l>oflsd-within him;.. Lons^alia^.bcif 8h'e':ftDUggled;'but at last'b'ecaime exhausted, soia-.])*' ' iber on the condh and Bloody Burks the buq|]ar,'f " ' lobartos OP her; nritrtio^'fikTontafcrdi^nt pi toss frtghr-ths'MtwhaSvit tfflAahrE'ad'aof „ rhis marltel lights, and shudderlna at the recblleotlanB of tL embraoeash'shad been oompelud'to aufl^/ proaeeded^t bath room, and after a thotongh tblutlon, completed hBrtbiliil^ ,andprepuedfo^the,usual bnslneas>or;the'day.'..8he--aidi tSi make any Ih'qulnee or'her bouBebold as to their tuning htenf anything peculiar during the,qlght.for she knew.bu ^a||ban<l too wen iODeUevehe would- expoaenlnisielf to any. cnanoe 'qt de- tection . HehsidSeasonsweUh^and sufBOIenteaoughtoaVoU that; so,'comforttM.heiself wltl^'iheassuranca-aiafftir soaie time to oome at'least ahe w^ fireo tlrbm.flirtber'lntaiislan,.flM went sboat her ailUn to aU aipeaiances as',Ii hol)\Ing'fiad,luip< pened to disturb her eqaaunUlTi aiid'as-oiiHomex-after eiiai tomer' came and went, her good humor, and oomplaoenbywBKl restored and she ftit herself again. ■. \ t . About three o'clock a visitor arrived'with whom stieatotiH ToUred to a private-toom, and In'whom was rebognlzed at one* the.mysterlqus.lUT.,whoae ahorms.hadcso oapttvatsax'<]<eaiie Barrlngtea'lnti^eflmchaptwoicurstbiy. .. f<Hadamarahain,<''Ahb'begin,am hei^U ihil^l'thjiU^ parl^iof my bargain.-^-.Tonr plans,'80;claYabrsllggei9ted, ifbNif. eminently sncoeasflijC and the m'oroso-aiFaocldentarclrcuinft)!^ ces combined tbslinjillfy^the poitl uhdertopk.to i>erfonil,7Ud, saved me from -advancea on'my part' from' v^hich my shrank< In thlspacketyDUWOlfindwhatlpromlsed." ' ' '."Uany thanks.. IBnt had.your husband npsa^ddntaBl'.HbW;- oaine you to elude hU'vlgllancel" .' . . ■■. . ."On a plea of indisposition I Instated upon bQCbpTlng a iisgpl ■ rate apartment (or that night j>nd thais.<inanaged » Mtalb isf> bWcc^V. ... -. , : , . '.M.':;-! - "T}ien what took jplaok.tooldyou.ln your designs rr . The'lady then tir&eeded to give a history 'bf how she hidlMeH' atta<;kcd: her inaone iby.Eatrmgton, and'snbMlqueiit pMMSM* Ings, andthenwonnd up l)yremarklng:—- , - - , : vj:.l .'ai and my bdabantt prnioae returning ta Europe next wsfk;, butlMiosiared; that Uthbmheinet have been engtgbd In biliiy the fruit IJhfy%Bo:ant<atisly longed'for,: I shaU-not^finget'W able assistance youliaverendered mei". and wilhi th^'^ratdft the interview closed, and she took ho^ If ^VQ. . v--->.u <-fbarcely hsd she left-'the'hbnse, wben a domsstla-lbnnoea Uadame .Qrshsm - that .,Uc.'.- Howard. - deslrod -toisee <heK 8he was In t)is bahltof rfoolvlng visitors^ boU^sexes at.iB tlines, OS there ttas a private entrance , on B.,stroet andaccocd: inglyhaaleDed.tO'a'm6re.dlstant partof the house, wherOBhe^ In. an elegantly-famished boudoir, fotand-AneuBowaid 'watthV for her. Ibey gteoted each other with tho warmth of scmethlnc mo're then mere aoqualntanoesr and Eb, dra-wlag her nponjbw . kneoj declared < she (Was.'gettiag younger .and'mbmbspitOnI '^°<^f%n flaUerDr;'-'^bu think so, beblb^ , ^ . _ it he was seen,' at Bowaid's.'tibd remained tiU moiidng ks my com. panlon. - Be had au Immense snni with him In hbtes,'and shortly after X left blm; Howard Intimated to me that he had left the houBs, But I have noticed over since, that there IS A rOsUessnosa about Boward which I cannot aooonut lOr. Be atpeanocften abatrabted, and win suddenlr start up: and walk about' Re-has uade mo sbnro bis bed for (helast two nights, audi have been frequently wakened by bis'restless moans and fburmbrliifist I am poeltlfe be knows more about Morton's disappoaianoblhan he Is Trilling to aol^owledgo.". ' ' - ' ■ - T I ."obot goot" exoUlmbdIke, robbing hlsnands, "If veoan'bu( find it out vot a nish thing for us It-would be, and our fortune made. Ah I Jnllaj yon must vatoh close, vatch close, and do all yoa oan.". . , . . ., - - • '.'So I WlU Ike, depend tipbn li, but It wlU nOed aU oul ciutloii topnivent his snkpfclons from being oxeltcd, andine'more so fes frmn-hls present thood .he appears 'doubly. iUrb to every tblng iaUngplaoe oToand him.'!, '^ . -, - . ■ ^ • - ' , . • ...tfyeU, so ;be it But l-rish:l vbs'sottlod. Tiii'Viary of BO* titlmng Ufd',! have be«q! leading, and-ir ;v^ aUc tbuld glvt It 1^ khd lea'vo the 0II7, Tl bad it n^w esc^MAgaink &ir agOjBnd? had to fork orce 1*06 gbt'oB,!' jTT. , • . '<.'Th<p:n[e, vrJiy'don'tyba accepti^hii.loffer;.! hkrOj^lont^ I am afraid tt wOl sbobbe aU over with her." iTMl tili laUnostfeelthsnktalit la so;she at. HCM frbtii the temptations of thoworld; but Lmustt I may be missed- ,Qopd. byeIke,IaVaJl'c' '00 Ijl th« Bambl'wAy t, did' US '-"•■ ' - 'BAU.»inj^.^M(t-<n4prtMflii'gk^ i thaaameiMin vrH long^ abeent: but I cannot bbme'toti, thef lovely Jullachaye ^peed me for atlme.'' a^*jen|. _ .. , . 't3f..'V> - "Sho la Indeed, a pxiff worth having, but ^he ls.fl^^t^*M•,K<^ tnre'.'' I eann'ot account fot her sudden'chapgki sns apnarenlfir reUshss bacnaw postUoiL and 1^I oan jbdge frbiiiHhb'WiMli'n'' 'lU, nj^9ri},.:lr,tieUovo.etie.,eImoBt'lovDSimb now.'t 'Woolniraill ;"And'wSfvi?'mky be, for wehav* e(&^iieiiRatur»a ?»'.''?«„ With; bat.to whkt freak of fortune alb'I'mdiDbfed t6 the honors avlsltfromJJr. llotrardtfrdMl." :.: ..-..V ' "It Is simply.this. {IbaTSASmanfikVOT toaA..- IftthlstMCikaili Is cbntalnea a nnmber'cf 'paptitd of value, which for pamoolw nasoha lam diBSlronS'td'pUeb' ln' the 'bonds of a-r&penibp until I^haU requlro.them, Knowlna yoatotiealadjrM' aoaudladgmeot pnd.prudence, 1 bnoled I.oonld.not;(|l(|at.|fl.. more dlscieit oUBcbdlan: WlU you a,aobpt tbe tmstt" , ... ^ , "WUUng^,'tD obUge an old fHciia; depend unbn' it,- they wU . be aa eafo wltblme.as my llfo, ..and shan.bo roady for yon on do* maud." .....J.. •'AthoueA^ thanln; and now at a fuHhOr.prbbr of'no-esteem for you, and as bomereoompenso ft>rtbo'Jew01'>y6iL'obtained' fbt;. mbui Julia, aooept'thuburfor|S00i.nay<,<,not:iat|i«i4.tf^ iaTwBobin(iuayrtrdebtor.*; ■:, .^ii ■ AUdlhon Ihero enaned a irOtpttltf: ih iht mldsCoT -fflniili w*'' shSUlaaTe them to thypselvys, andcuja ethe'thsptfr;'''"!'"^'--'' " ■ ' :^^^aowfmu^, ; ;,v -.(j _. . ■^ ■ ■ iVj. i y.i./ i ^ ■ ../ Ji'-r-O'XvttV ::, :TB.-r^e o(,thai«'vrit«ikeis.1bB'saU#t»'UQ^' * a monater s^forfqip(ht.4r- fodbs aararad the kole-ooa'AutAirtKik'thtit'abe bi spbtlwAne becMild baTSthr«uB1>fh^ to*)'sb*'Ma .. Kmobxthl Di*iB.-rOPO' dbfrS?*a»n. hid Obsofjed foding samred Che hole tiod spbtlSiAm)b'e<*UdbWi;^ ™^ Inhaud;)bol obs«rvin|r.'hkr'ta«reinenM,'ttie, hMdlABmomentaadltiiudk MuM Ukt'^p .Eaaulmata baatsned utiAnd phiTigidthe dr •M^ tut nnlOrllniatdJrbe bad'Jtut flnlebed bbim, yriththa dart'firmlf. flxMlnhU biae.''''rii>'aet (kn ihe pobr creattra had no'titte Vlo h«r«aM<hna.-ina dnMv,'*cniia' the i(c«lthat^2iste9^abat)MI vipiu U.'