New York Clipper (Jul 1862)

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/KiMii^Ub taolIMUK Baouixton ra «aa "Ofi^ , I hfci* w diiBgeA In H«g Merrlllw. Ui»t toT73^»«»?SJ» *?• • Icnat'sU'MoaiipUilitd Mt in' tfonn WMiMtepU u iua. ' HtS'IiidllliolMttiA certainly douuidi m^'MMnUoii tbu l «n AeTote to U »Vpifi«nt. It i« » pifruntaoBt-p^onnuice; moM aUitlie 'oxcdIent pononalloi* of Ujta ixpHlenoe 1 c»n flUUnguleh tbU uplendfl eml«d|ment S»i8 »eentr*tBiup«<*l><> oUMctar irltb »n.nii(i«w>^i that Ped«(tzlulna, fggOtia, FMtaDtBtNngib, \lniahts, PlitolBlKMtlliSi ' nottlM. nmon Bhootug,' >SB°ibo d6T«t(* ooDfUanbU iptot jib VrbIvsbs.xo oobsbbpohsskss, '^^■ebclntomAtloB an Oaatrd TOpleaJrat BpoitiBB lf»tt«n ■fiaOUPPKRli tba onu of no ptrUoolir dua. bst d«TOt«i ImSiUIHW »n< tefliwneaVUi* Impmtment o f Ui« MkmoedeatlnttiliOTiBrotiiuMimtrr. UlaluUedu ' XHl BWXXUnZED BFOIVriMa. AUTHOBIIV, jy jfi ^ miftiirnra jbllBNAIiHU\> JfDBLIHHBDlH AMEBIOA. «^M_41i]a]«,ceplM,4canta.«ulu BymiUitlfoiilzmonfiiai dub of four, |7 unTim; dub of elgbt, US i/dab of twdTji, tU .dm umtm—In (11 oiMi-in id* tetlMmsiitii.U eenu pb UnafW«iok'tnAveir 1)0 •tpnbUetUon.'TmiUy oteidi wMk:''', tTT. ~'vraRK QimK;^^Bdltot anaFMptleUtf, 3 ■.Ho.:>»Aiinrtwet,«MrTrtrlL !2mp»^M^rtthU75Si«bMrBnw^^ btmlmoa, ihd la gWen^Ui ths'Tiut Btr(sng»b wfl gjjnj^g;M btortgtnii;' 8he 1b newdefldebtInMtlpD.^BttJpnbrmiwltt. ieBToatartcortalntr and power.: ...•■!?•.-' , QiTtbe «har»ot«P of UipWheM of Maid noising mumo*^ MiiH.'Willer, notevMionr owntakagtoaUonaa •»« read mjm< ThrooBbout iha entlro place her icUna Ifl extraotdlnjjy, PM we dro^B portion of her acting fa Ui?lcaUi acone. lira. -WaUer la apparently atrangled on the eligo i ibt rope placed ronnd ber icSfand Se falla In front of thi atago, not ta a ataae aWtnde. rat In tho cramped, dtetorted atUtnde.of reality; her tongue jrotPudlDB, her oyea ataiUng. her banda drawn np aa In m SeSetruggle Of that terrible ieatb.. There la but oneoiMon of hi way In which Mra. ■ffaUorlictB thla acene. Her great genlaa le an MtlBt, her rani aa one of the greateat tragio actreaaea of the lay. la cohcededby all; but IqueetfonwhetherrerroaentoUonflio uHowing u that of the etrangUng a«bn« ai« within th^ian^e of egltlinateart • ■' ' ..v Tttra. ■Waller'a Ia((o la a great, a wonderfol onatlon, one ol ttte neateat oreatlona.a woman haa ever achieved on the n»g». it fa too, perfectly original, recalling nothing erer Been before. The BoUIoaulea ao numerona are all apoken aa thoogh they were hot apoton at aU, bnt rather aa thouflh tho audience were read- tog ttethonghta at work in lago'abraba.: Mn. Writo'a bearing la lull of dignity and thoroTwhlyimaacullne. in watt, .dreaa, ana manner.' Shethrowa offaUttiefemininegraccaahepoaaenesin ao high • degrae, and la nothingbn* a aoldler and a caviar of VMilce. kn. Wallar too, haa 6thormoWU than tte aotUigof If BlW. YQBK; OLilPPEB. li. BAtUBpAJ. JpLY 6. 1862. ihem liilhe orier InVhU* Ihey, ^«Pl* rt-.,™^^ uifi «i^«rn7JS^«^il^ Sd"i^«^^^ . flSond Wriaioni fll^okbtitri^attbeeT, DiaWn and ittdiey.; •■ '<'-v,'," •■ , rlaaal nntl)frlal0h; HannUi,V.Oreen.LordyOremo^ lu&enit»»-; ' ■ .■. ■ . geoond Sivlaton> Oolo, Touag, 8o1onani,,8aIt«r, B.. WlIaonandFnllar. ..V ■ J- , " aiaaa'S. Ohlnnery, Eeathcote, J. 8; Qreen, B^rla, I*mb, Lord • IijtteltonandPeataon.-■ ■ . ' .,~ ^ ' i ' TEB BDUa OF TBB BiatliOAPElKO. . v ^ . OlaaaL FintdlTielongiTeambretq'flntOlaaayaMip&dlTiilonj jp and moTO to aecond tiaaa, ilntd^vlalbn; * aad two to teoond | daaa. B«conddlTi«ion;.Kt,tothiBlolaa8. ■ • Olaaa 1. Second dlrlaiotf gives move to aeoojid claja, <Mt divis- ion; p add mov^to aecond ojaaa, a«o6nd divialon; P and'two to thli^elaBa. '•• ' ' I Olaaa 1 Pint dtvlxlon sitea diove to aeooad- daaa, aeoond dl- vlalon; R*nd move to third olau.,1.' ■ Olaaa ifiecond dlviilon givea move to t)4N dM—Av, ;Aifu It. men'of'-tht ttyl«;jot ttte |>woiiil i>f■> o)i»ailn} .tt oar dikiS But tons.—Jnpuiningt^etubjeot, ><Stad7T« PNotioe" (two Weeki alnoe) onr oontrlbntor a*y4:-"Aflarma. (KideHahop'a Connter-Oamblt) havtng:ilv»movO'i^0i«ltlpr«<>Mdedwlthmy favorite 5ii»-'mdlag«atln«B«L..^«aPanlMorphValate^[pr». tended) Seqntary termed it, in fOm^ - jwd nunnei. heraunto ap- pended. 1 i. 8;.U «..1B J.. 7 d.i a 7.. 7 8.. • i 9..U 10..'4 •11., BlMk. U to U 8 ...II M .' 16. .7.. 16 U It' 8 n 36. 10.: ^.11. 17 . U 'at .-94" .90 91 17 iat;n^tol5 U..W 18 IB,. 8 U..18 i7,:ia 18..10 U..U :90..81 99.. e. 98.. 9 » 99 16 \M 81 94 ■ U "■ 9 8 ■;wuia.;. S8to9B' 89(1) W ■ n. ■ 96'DI u u 41 7 . t 6 94.. 17a).'6,9Uckwlnf. eaohaeparate acane; that la, the perfect harmony of the whole bhanotor. <• . ■ J uii f^VSeB BA&K BAIjC: TOOtUBTB. %£^viai(:of tfie.bAeb<^pIayerBOf BrooU}n to Philadelphia, Jjra iho^oelaior club of the aame Jo '^'«"8 ^ nouiAbwea 'aa Important eventa in the 4hnala of our national gmtii^ri^tTim tUa advulUgea dertred-froqilhe Men^ in- "'i^4f^'if)w\'mem1>era'«t''tlie tr^^ Uie .two. ^^nita^om-.theu vialta, they have'« great InHiepoe g-tbe'ipbpU^ty of the game tbitnghout the oonntry; /'ne^eaaary to'aee tot olaaa jUyera contend together ;tf5! ^^ rif!iUii. ball,, to induce aB who are admlreiB of healthy •nd aottve outdoor'eierdaee and .«dting ■gimea,.,to didie r^jllpatit in atanilar game* themaelveai ani.. the Bhit resnlt ttMjmmliatlan of new doba in plaoea where none eiiated before. ly'^Mnl^inim; bail dnbe fiemihnown, it la dilBoalt io talk fli^ffigiMi.'intn'gutting np a dub; but once.Iet ^ ioiiOorlty wlto44t.».fli*t«Iasa match, and the deiire ia y«te -inthe<ela( thatattadiea-to akOfol play,land meaanre* are ■dpstodrtoorganize a'dub right away> aqd.wheo one chib la ■ ■'• itii not long brfomK haa a rival, and in thlaiway.U^ ,.jJnJfa'-pcpularily.-. v '-',.' __aj^^^!ei!x()d^rdab.'of Bio0klyb.tlirpn8li.tlie MBlijft t ijii'oit* state; In I6a«i and their vfalt toPUlad*>phl^ai4^ Baltimore, did more to popularize the game in the dUeethey' Vl^[tod,!.thln>ould -year* ob ordinary puy of the lo«aI elsba; Mdiite ke^t trip ofthe Philaddphla jSsjeti Hew fork; mid tt^'^rt«Uti^ no^ the gamea they played, bai imparted ad- AUttta^ lmpetna to the game In that 'dty.^d wbi(^ be eOB flBMi«r'a;]iah<»t|d )>y thie return viaU.; of the Brooklyn B^ijiidiii:;-' .■■ 1ta»ionr of the. Bxoelaior dub thla July, through ^e Easteni fl^(^lwtttaot !>£^'We the effe^ of populiulElng the game of ttif jbafi, ^t'(^,an]^tlinting the more manly .and. exdtlng game Hw irtii-.M tha'Wrtlanai (^e.fbr .the ■.eoniparattvelT elmpte style ' cTlla^ Inown u the'liaa^ilotanaetts' guoe.-' Thelatter/of oourae 'lijiiv]a[?wmn)endai^ but the B^oelalon wUl prove to SM'Beatonliimi'^at aa a manly'and invlgonttig exerdae, and ^i fa*t« j gutte at ball, the National game exeoeda all others by fhr. a/ we Mfbre remarked, one of the featnrea pf theae vldta, ia th* tfendly totaioonrae.that rO^olta ;from the visit, ^^memben c^iii^:l^fia<i'ii*'fi^!^'i:l^ or imoiher^andthe.i|Ddlyfeelliig iM 14 thai tadoeed between reddenta pf dlfferen^artoof our 1bden.^''^ciM<ie ■toiin iprambto that fading of brolherhbod which ' rtwuld adat among bdl players throughoot the oonntiy, and it .\rt[lnotbelonger«kibe~oertlflcateot niembershlp-7-whlch,bythe inv," eadi dnb afionid have for lis members—of a baae ball dub i , . iU.QI»8TUfl I4., :A0AH8. • : BOBH at Beaton, Uasa; made his flfst appearance on aiffdsge to 1(08,- at tho Tremont Theatr*. In hi» native dty;-Frat ap- peared in Phlladdphia March Slat, ISSl, aa -ffUlIam TeB; made Ua llrst appearance in. Hew-Tork«t the Park Iheatre, April 2d, Ifflff aa Damon. ■> ' . ' L ■ ' r Judge Conrad wrote the tragedy of "Jaok Cade!' expreaaly for jir Aoaina. It waa announced to be produced for the first time, on the eVenlnt of Becamber 7th, 183f,'at the Walnut Street tChaatre, Plilladdphia; but'in oonqeouence df Mr. Adams being very in (I) it was. placed In the handa of Ur. Ingeisoll, but brenty-fonr bonis i^revlons to his performance of it, which took pUce on the 0th, being Ita first repreaentatioh. r'on the let of February, 1836, llr. Adama -essayed the ohar- kotorfor the first Umcand made a complete failure of it .Ur. Al.whB of the Forrest eohool; natiue had bestowed on .him a good manly figure, an excellent stage face, and an expiesdve eye, which are no trilling oonalderstions (for one who means to tread the boards of a theatre in pureult of />me and fortune. . Sled In-Olnolnnatl, Ohio, March ietb,.1861. ' lb person he wsa of middle' stature. His features were ktronuy diswn, and capable of Iho.most varied or oontraoted InflecSon.' In those, and the fordble expreadon of his eye,. his superior «xodlenc« in a grtotmeaanre consisted. i He Is the only actor who ever had a chance' of ahaUng Forrest In his pbdtioni and snake him tremble for hls' title of the "par excellende" American tragedian. 1^: ? 8 (a) Holding baokP to KB 6tk to let htoi Oaatle.wlth Sltr-lf hewonld. ' "...■■■•iik' ., :■• ' , Speaking of the iiiiyZo j wi don't yon think it one of th»flneat opemings in Chess t pndeedwe doj and.waBld olaaa the ••Lopei Qsmblt" with it as one of the most ttantlM and entertaining forma of dehit (t is i>osdbIe to sn]oy.>>jBD.]—noUe, strong, and indnring to atuiak ? And now, thatthe 'Evans'ia ao wdl known. md ao«umner<rh,whynot g«.baok three hundred years and thlhk of the old Bpanlsk Padre u we essay Us deM r . THE GAME. plF CHESS. ■TO COBRXBFOHDBUn'B. I OHia.^ A. OiLanol—We have. two'«f your proble^. yet in the' handa'of our ptoblom eritio;ion their istoia, it alljoght, they Sdl tie imtoedlatdy need. : •.. : i;'. , , rJ:'A.D.—We should be ver^tappyto recdve some further speefinens of your ingenuity. r-y.,- F.EookiniBaDiziiaik.—WhMOfthePauIaen—H.TlTi^^ j L, Obu>aiiiD.—The le-if vision, is . at band and shsBhave Jns- i^ce'ta.'due season.', .. .•','', '\ }jinEOB,BTaoklyiL—Ton.'WTots your letter.'drew a blank dia- gram, and—forgottoputthepodtionyouoritidBei'aponit Attack, E. W. R l..PtoK4 3..EKt-B8 S..EB-Kt6 4.,P-<)4 >. ,QPXP .Castles .KBXKt ,KKt-Q4 . ,P-EB4 * -Dofenos,'1}; Practitionsr. .P.toK4- . §KtrB.8 ■ W-BSr K KtXP Et-QB4 P-QBS. ^tPXB Slxt-K3 EtXKEt Deftaee, - ICOXKEt U..^-I— Antt-ThN^ Attack, E. W. B. PtoQ EB6 EB>S9 19..QEt-Ba(a) CasUea W..P-EB6 ; .KtPXP. ]6..B^E.Be S-UlBsq I6.v££»4 'QB-E8 17..Q-SXt5;«nd the Defence oriedeqough' ' (a) Tht atopHtt'tukes a oond'derabla.fknqypUyaftet iii^I nthmoT»,bnt'ltd|>B'tproveto bafow>'d.''-' . ^1 OoneotlOB by A I. Smliip, M. T. . 117,.18 M • 93 W'C. |l8vJa\ 19_ . 90(^)11.^5 97 IS •81 89 17. 96 98 lOi. Dravn. (b) A. J. D. says, when he can't win ke always tries to din thegame. j < Tonr8,4o.i " . ■ —- 11 BETWZQt UABT k. W. 8. X. „ 99.. 9 , 7- ..... . ■ ■ .. 96 ■ ' '98 ' 98,. 7 U ; . ■ ' ■.. .v99 . ' 18. . ■94..16, ... 99: .... . ..: . i,,;8, , {BETWEEN OBEEN. H0U1ITAIN BOT Ain>sP..K. BABWIQt I •Blaak-O.M.B. ^ • ,Whlte-S.M, hT™ ' 6'..16 ■ 98:. . .91 •; 18 8.: 7 -16; ■ . •■ SPORTS ABROAD. ' BiriQH^'Ifo.^ '33S...... ' BiooHD nuB PBOBunisBr 'Ooiiin'Aio^oiD Pohobub. atEBI, SB8, QB7, . .. ".TBtB: BIHG.. riaHTS .TO OOME, 16.—B. naveig and Patajr Bearion-iUOO a aide, at U^li 08. QKt.l and a White Pi ##1 at EB 6, ^ Xt6, 4zt4,'Q B 3, z:B7, EB9, 14,.: Q6, EEtso, qB4, b9,ZB-6,and'EBM. and Black Fawns at'E 4, E White to play and give' niai<°)n five movei. jruLT Aoa. J?ov.' 9Ib,'Home olionH. , - . ' .. i 91. —Dan Oretdhley. aad iMn Alias—X9t a side; at 9at IBk ■ Midland dlstilot. : . . ' i ;( 92. —^leorge leadi and Jem Paul—CIS a dde, at tit A^' .. . oQidtenham. ...• '. ' ^'.'y 9«.—H. Bargees and Patsy UMl4y-itO a aids, I4ver.^ , 6.-^aok .un)okes.and Tiny TBni—CaSaslde, ataetlU^' .'Hdmednmit -i 18.—Young Dove and. I. Jone»-£lS a aide. Sat 8ni, Bone ■ ' . .■ . ^Orcalt ..':■':. 96.-^Peter UoiTlaand Toong Holden—Home drenit 96.—laok Hicks and'James OollaghSF-AlOO a dde, at H' Horn* drenit '■ . > FROBiiSM Ho. aa.s^. B¥ l.omB OOUMMID. ! BIACE. 7 win ^''ii^[iff^«d as a paaspfrt to the hospltdity and .att«htiQu of eiMi]F.put]r.Of^bdl'playeis to tiiy~town to the country. . . . THE OBEAI IMTEBHA'nOMAI. CHESS COMaBESS. . A vrell attended meetins waa' held last evening to. St James' HsB to inangurate the Inteinatlonal Oheaa' Congi^fss, and to ar- range the numerous proceedings ot,the Congieas, "whose dttlnga .win extond over a lieriod of nearly'aimonth. liOrd'Xyttleton. 'was to the chair, ana waa Supported by I,oid Cremome; Meesis. Uongredlen, Panlaea. Andeissen, Loewenthal, Fdkbeer, Barnes, Hampton,- Medlra, Uackende; Oteen, Sloh, w.ntiKh, ffliroeder,. Stewart, .Woniuad,.-Lane, Mnndell. Slons, Puller,. Heathooto.' BieSi Lloyd, Da Blvlere, UaoDonneii; Perceval,.Deacon; Harris, Wilson, Ae.,Ao.. . . ■ ' ' The cbainnan havtog expreased his sense of - Uie honor con. {erred on bim by betog dected chairman of the Chess Aasoda- tlon,' and his regret at not beliig sbl»to attend'the Bristol Meet^ lag of last year, proceeded to observe'that though Ibekqtfwledge andpradtoaof. ohess'had bedt'extended 'greatly of- lato/lt was atlllconflned .to only a tew, bntiprooeedtogs sush as thiose of the- preaent Congress were emtoently calculated to dUhise a taste for Uie gamo, and extend It to dliecUons to whlchit.had not pene- trated, Qreat potos had been taken by the Cheas Assodstion to ^der perfect all the arrangements for this Coagrese, and he fiadno doubt that the etforls nude would result .to.maktog the proceedtogs extremely toteresttog. One. of the first objects of . 1 ^e'Meettog at Bristol bad been to re-organlze the Cheas Asso- Vhase'nanieiisenroIIeion'theboaksof.theSatlond'Assodatlon, elation, with a vlow to place it on a firm dssIb. The IHiutralei I«iuim JfoM, In a recent'article, eaid that there was a doubt whether the Aasoolatlon might not tKoome a mockery, and had also expreased an opinion that the Asaoolatlon' had made Itself remarked by Its want of entouiagomeat of British players. He thought that this Meettog and Cosgresa would prove that the Association was not what uat paper represonted it to be, and he conld.anawerfor It that eveiy entoursgement to this had been and wdnld be given by tho British player, of conrss oiviiig a due degree of. attention on the pies'cnt. occadon to tnbso llatto- gnubed.fordgneis.whose presence there, established ^tuefSot uiat.ths GongreaSiWaa really IntamaUonsl; and beartog to mtod fliatthe wish of the Assodatloa was to dd to dllMatog the game ft chess through the whole world. It was todeed remarkable to oliserve Uie spread of Ohess to eveiy part of the globe, for he be- lieved that every dvllized country to the world.bad adapted the game, and practiced It as a recreatloa .'As to the finances, he was dad to observe that oondderably more than the sum which had.been origtoally named—SSOO-T-had already Iwen sulisialbed, and there waa everyrreason to bdleve that more subscriptions would still be recdvedbefore the dose of the Congress. Besides the Tonmamenta, Haadlcaas, BUadfold gaaies, aa^ other pro- ceedings, Itjrastobo hoped that the Congress would result to considerable materid advantage to the game, by'estsblUhlng an authorized code of latrs that should be generally accepted by chess players throughout the world. This was redly one of the most Important objecta of the Congress. At preseat there'was nothtogapproximattogto an authoritative.code of bws. The laws had been improved <by some of the reguUUoas made at the Binntogham Meettog, Hr. IVeeman havtog labored advantage- ously to that direction, and Mr. Staunton in his Prsiia had pub- lished an amended code of laws, but still there was great aeces- dty for an authoritative code, and that matter would be taken to hand by the CoDgress, aad If the residt waa au'eccesfnl, the Coa- gress would have coaferred a great aad jpormanent advantage on the game. Tbt chairman, after re'feiring to feoltog and appro- priate terms to the death of Mr. Buckle, whose profldenoy as a ohess player was beyond doubt, conduded by movtog the adop- tion of the report : Lord Cremorae briefly seconded the adoption of the Beport After some'Conveisatioa and dlsonsdon, the Chairman read the Programme of the proceedtogs of the Congress, which wis as follows:— . - • •■...' ! The grand Tournament of alxteen players, who will ctthtsnd on. even tvmsi'aad 'will play each one game, exdudve of "draws," with , every .Qther combatanti. nie-prizes will be as. follows>^ first, £100; second, fOO; third,. £80; fourth,. £U> flfthi «10 dith, £6.: The names of the payers: glven to .wereBlaokbmi Paulsen, 'Andetssen, Stetoltz, Falkbeer, Deacon, Oreea/Haanah Owen, Barnes, Boby, Maodonald, Uoagrodlen, Du. Bola, LOewen- tfad^ and De Blvlere. ... TBI OHAUPIOHSB-tP. VUAOi'iin) Eno.—Theproq>ectot afteab match between these men ia 'now reduced to a certatoty, aa Mace's friend haa left li all£2Stobtod the affair, and this we believe haa been at one* ooveritd on behalf of Etog. Mace Is moat bitter agatostEtogftt. I the remarks he has made, and Nat Landiam Is also highly todlg. nant at some use havtng been made of Us name by the aspUtit to the ohamplonahip.v In our next we ehdl ba Iq a podtlon Is. - j?,*'''yffrif^8'H':iTfr;iifflT[T'F;^ lin uw 'tobs '< '.|&'^liHfar'^' Kn*tiTB.of NewTork.^and made his flistnpear^ tM»<'X)»vuui American.stage* October lMh,'I8t7,at:th'e'watout . 'BlMnThe•fre,,Pbila4dphia,aaHamUt^ First'appeaied'to New ':X0i»A^pillBth.ie68,at ue Broadway .Theatre, as^erdlnand, to .|r!OMtei?B thrilling play of ••The Dncheaa ot'MallL:" ' : ' ■ .' .'. llr.'^allei ia a.very.dever aotor, and u Hamlet, hia readtoga ' HAualVMS Judldona aadto accordanee'with^tlie spirit of the llBM^cffiS'gesticulation Is easy, natural, and'well considered. ' B^.Midiits. . are tooeaaant, and auny of them strikingly origlnd. 'Hr.ijwler baa been a careful student, and la thoroughly posted to.the buatoessof the etags. His'appearance is un;oamionly fln».^rtakndaoaie, totdllgent/ftee, and a graceful figure. Els Totealii fan; dear and flexible;; to the lower register, stogulorly . mdodlbifud poweifd. - He epesks the words as they were to- tended—'ftfl,fotdhle, and as a piofotmd student of the Shakee- ' ipetnan.uhobl shonld speak thorn. There St no attempt at ". nsi^nidtoBSi'orgraatitogforetrect. .. . ' HMgiwat.beaunrof Mr. Waller's deltoeaUon of Hamlet ta ite .''' rtrathfiuaess.. This U shown to his porfeot knowledge of what be hMIto.pnfonn. His'.totorvtew.'with hismothortoworthyof a .-. Xeibb]e-^harsh, both; by word aad action, lio awes'her toto ''iHaaoe.'.'There:is no brutality to his maimers; , it is the totense '; d«jlre:^'.'dreot a great gOod.,by first exdttog the fears of his ' Vmhar> :and then ..reasoning her toto the ossumtog a virtue . though, ."sh0 has It a'ot" His toterriows'with OphoUa are pH' . / thftttoi'aa'd.sevare as the one of the author foralahes; during all .'~ Ihdt^ienel; whureto he has to malnfa^ln the obaraoter of betog . sniti'he'acts inoKa to "sorrow than to anger." The scene where h«tdlsMrto:"gotoanunnery"tathebestIhave'evarwitaessed, .aad'the'nelings of the'octor are worked up to ik potot that acts- . ..'aDy, aeemSiboidertog on reality. Although I am very mtidi SMsid^wlih Mr. Waller's .Haailet yetUere' kre some faults^ ' ' Adisthatare merely of a oritlcd oharaeter, aad do aot lessen , Its axlteiDs.beanty and deganoe ofthe pictiue. •X'i'";;''''"'^J,;vy,;•.'/■ ■ '. ' '• " ''''■%%i\'K':**'B|J.> BkttA. W'AIiLBB. .tEuilna'trdler was bath to Engian'd; and made her* first 'noO^'PhUaddpUa October IMh, 1887, at the Watont, as i to <^7anilet" First appearM to New Tcrk-April 6th, 'Aih»Bra4din4l s».Uarlaa, to' ••The Duchess of HaU;". ' Bw; wUsnibblldhood'.oonneoted with the drains, she U9.jnaif[e a8.a«rofeBslon, married to'London A aotor of cfDi anaiivo Af New York,and after some profesdonal ex- t^MheiLondon atage, weht to California, and there, un. IrasMmd's management, commenced to good earnest her *■' theatricd; career. . They then went to Aus^aUa . where ahei.'acquired the hlghost rsnowa as a tra- oomedlepne, and vocalist while bep amiability, of ohar- ' epgagug manners toprivsto llfe, have won for her, he haa beenttheaffecUons of large diolos of friends. ^'^"^ hu greatoess does not sriae from that Of bntoonslsUto.h«r manner of pdrtraytogU. She the demenu whlohmake upaoharooter, and mlos IS-On an, dthongh ahs is an adopt to us mysteries. .iWtToln of Mttve. genhis to co^)perato with it and '(ffli»i<H>ncon. ..Hm ambltlon.was to soar above medi- 1^ this centre potot she hnsw -wdl her dalm irtrolfld.sbon .beejtabllihed.. That devatlon she *j4 beauty of her acting is (hat ^e dways the ba<*gtoundwhanplaotog her.c^aotors j; attention to oostunu. . : - kP*. ^•^«J.'^i««JM«u Hordeltoeitlonfl* igi.' JSher olTes It ap of .Oharlotto Gnslf' bat blanded with afedUg and iwtbos „ •j.--'^?**rt**StS'!2!£!*'^*We»toe»bf .Ar "make an" is a ^eifwt Cloture. . ^Attbo^b * 'w«Il,ft)nc|M'Wii>»w>-<ipI(iidid lif 'ihape,' anas' I Tie Handlcap.V(>umament'of-twenty-four pKyon,who wOl ' id among .th'emsdves according to a acde of 6ddB detlaed by the Handicap Committee. The prizes .will be. as follows--^ First^eOi second, £80; third, £20; fourth, £15; fifth, £10; sixth, £6.. The.playere to this Toomambntiandthe palrs to wb&ih they play are as follows:— 7 BladLbnm v Solomans, Hanaah V Toong, Uedley r Uaokeade. tord Lyttdton v J. B. Croen, Harris v Pufler, Chtonerr v Oreen. Anderssen v Plerson, Bhroeder v tomb. Cole y. Sdter, Heathcote + Wilson, Deacon v Lord OremOrno, Faikbeer v XdewenthaL iThO ohalmun then-briefly reooriltalated tho nature of thS pre- oediags. The touraomente would boaumeboe'oa Moaday. June 0th,, and wotUd be conducted at the'various dubs. 'On the SOlh 6f Juno St James's Hall would be thrown open for a week and (he whole of tho gamea to prpgreaa. would be there played Durtog that, week Ur. Paulaoa aad Ur. Blaokbnm would both ploy ten.players bltodfold, aad tho proceedtogs would be graced by the presoaco of ladles. .Theprlsos for proUoms amouated to £69, ^d he was happy to ssyihe was not on the Problem Com- ihlttee. for no less than 460 problems bad been seat to for tho oompoUtlon.^ A matoh wlU ba phiyod by tdegrsph with tho Barla Club, the tdegrsph wires betog brouabl toto the ball for that, purpose., There would be other matches, anddtosether the.meottog would unnueaUonably be the most Important and toteresttog that had ever boojp recorded to the annola of Ohesi I After a short dolay to oomplettocr the arrangements, and'to ifaakiilig up the llsta of players, Lord Cromotno propoaod a vota of tbftOl"' ■ »— —— — ae_ _■ i_ - r . .'""V thanks to the obdnnan, oonmienttog on the faof of hia loid- talp betog one. of tho. most dlBttogulshod English players, and ioUolng ttie de0p totefest he had ever taken to the progress and elftMofilhsgame. • ;. . Ur.:Koaareden havtog seconded the reaolotlon, which wai'ear- ibyaodamaUoo, LoALyttloton repUM, and the pnbUo.pio- . ,of tho meeting termUatedi-but >the various nlni ti^ere,engaged, considerably latec to' UDidlcapptog I 'WHITE. White to pif y and give mato to two moves. OABISl No. 335. Between oar cbntribntota Jas. A Leonard and E. Ohamler, zvisi oaioin svissD. * Defence,' Chamlei. Attack. . .' Leonard. l..PtoE4 )9..E Kt-B 3 .3..EB-B4 4.;P-41Et4 jB-.EPXP ,6..Castles (b) Et X E P PtoE4 QEt-B8 EB-B4 .P-414X") EtXStP '8..P-^4(c) QB'StB Q-EB8 19..QEt-Q9 18,.EB-ES4 -|4..EBXB S..QBXEt i 16..QX<)Bt-{- E-Et8 E Et-B 8 QEtXQ9d? SB-ga EXKEt. Q&-K8 ; Q-E9 S B-E9 > O^her 9 Q>9B.. . Att»«k. . Leonard. 17..SBtoE9. I8..Q.E4 + 19..P-KBi 90..P-EB6 91..QB-EBB4 99..PXP 98..QXStP'. 24..KB-QS .' 2e..QE(-k4' , 96..B-B6+. 97..Q-hBr6l 28.,B-EB7 ' 99jP-SEt8 80..EtXEB , 81.:E-St9 ; .B-Ep 9, and Defence, Ohamier. QtoEEt4 E.hisB8 Q-EEtS Q-KB8 P-EEtS QXP SB-QS ' Q-St4 . . QrEd ■ K-Xt9 ' H-hlsBso Q-EBS Q-EB8 .B-E8-)- Q-her7 + impedlment mar arise to the present negotUtions, \lktlieBlilorqf IMSportiny Lm:— Sir;—I am sony to be obliged thus to treapsss on your val- nable space, bnti cannot allow the venomous acandd croaked out by King to pass without mahtog a remark on the sabject I pity the fSeblenesaofhtabrato, otherwtaebe might have gdnedhla potot by pursutog a different conise. By his weak cndeavouisto. darken my ohoractor, I find he bos blackened his own fingais. Be ; says ho does aot wish for psper warUre: perhaps it does aot sdt him. I abdl aot agato trouble you to this matter; but I with to inform Etog and the publio that I 'will give Brettle £36, so Khu can reckon that he's "on;" and I think, when all'a over, he will 'wlah he had bean ••ofr."Thefk<!tthatIamold, oa Eing eay|i. Is really a aonica of onxi^ to me, and I must say that among my pnpcnaitles, running U predominant: bnt as Etog thlnki these are much to his favour, I hope ho will tooroase (he atakea to £600 or £1,000 aside. Uy booker will be prepared, on Fridv next to draw up orUdes ana stake anv anm Jot me to fight Elji| for any amount,-I am, air, your, obedient aervaat Jaua Miav Champion of England.—Old King John, Holywell lane, Jane t, ieoj.- BINaONDITS. . Bob Tuvna im Buason, £100 m an>z, 10st'9Ib., Hou OiaboiT.—The next deposit of £8 a aide waa to be ataked at Altf Eeene'B, on Wednesday, June 11. Jxu QoLLidBn sup Jxos Hicis, £100 a hbb, at Sst-j-Thi next deposit of U a'dde was to be staked on 'Wednesday eTei- tog, Jnner 11, at Hr. Ward's, Oiean-wiob. ' PITEB ItoBBIB jS^ EOIDSH, OF WAISILI, £100 A DDI, AT Sst, Apo, 28.—*ip a nor down. Boater aud Btdt 'Uii.—The Btiif Un hu staked (he whok of hia money, and Boater hod to stoke another £6 nn JoAeU. . OHABim LivoB Aira Edwabbs, of Nswoastu.-a depodtet it9 lOs. 0 Bide bos been staked with Mr. I«wls; aocordtog to aid- des, and another waa -to .be deposited daring the weuendisi Janel4,.atataouieto'be'iiamedbyEdwaids.' ' 'Yotmo Dovs ADD. J. JoiiBS, £26 A smE, AT 8st. 61b, Are. M' Hoia dBODTT.—These'lads have signed artldes and staked ti :10s. a dde;.to fight as above. . , .FioBis iM TBs Hoia Omonn.—On June 18, a coaplcof pilsa battlea took place to the home dronltlbr parses sabaaril)ed by several patrfolan Bunporters of the P. B. who have for aome time past pitted men togethor to that manner to preference to taUsg Qie ohanoe of aeeuig a mill for a large amount - The flist an- 'counter was between. Jerry Hawkes and Eany Morris, for a ' £16. . Hawkea was sooonded by Mr. W. Ward, and Ua Mother, Dan Hawkes. Morris was esquired by EarryUoon .'and Fuggy'White.. A rattling good fight took place, aad .alter liflghttog: tweaty.dght'ronndB in 1 hour 20 mto., Bawkeswu idedared the wiaaer. .The second event was between James I'Svana (a novice) and J. Benaon, for a puree of £10. Evans ihadtheBamesecoqdsag Morris, and Beason had the services ot the Defence resigns. (a) Thourh technically an ceoded gamut this,,a worthy, com- paaioa for the'Falkbeer^Lederer, is a counter asaault giving one I I'Ward and Hawkes.. Aquiok fight of twen^-four rounds/which otthemoBtdaahtog opentogs,MAi<(ie(«OBddered, known to the lastedvtwenty-fivemtontes, was coadudedby Evaaa betog do' Bdeace. ' . I lolaredthb wiaaer, Beaaon havtog hart both uahlads, eDndonbtodl*.the best move. , - ■ PuoiiisnoSraBvoiiHTAaBOoiATOSBnoirrr.—OnWhlt-Mo» TS^^rf^S'.^iM^ .«./,fc _v;„v i,il,.i„i.,iii»ldaytheopen.alTbenefltannounoedtoddofth»Pngillstio I Theltostdaahof asplrited attack .wMdt ha waln ta iii stt- |gyntAsaoolatlon took place at Mr. Boberto'enclosed grounJi thoveryend, . . ■-' — liWest Brempton. The spaiTtog took place-on a ocamiodlogB letage, aad the ceremonies wen conducted by the well-knotm » ■rt-n t -wT^-r-rrw^r^ .1 Inspeotor'Duncau. The flist pair together wen Miokey Gannon OHEOXJERS OR DRAUQ'HTS.ranf JobOobley.who had a" tidy bout which ended to aglow ^ ....... . . . ,' . .- ... ' I :fight The next couple were. Fred Dlokto'son and BondoffiWlw badaroughenooonteref about MnriMdi'n^Hj; Dan Tbomaaasl Bill a}llamrfought their battlea over agato, and were mnoh ap- plauded.' Mate's BUok'(the WolQ and BUI Btebbtogs, hadt Itough-and-tumble bout of four rounds, all fighting. Theneit waa a vBiy pretty apar betweea Touag Oollagher aad Billy Bba*,' to which the art of; edf-defence was thonagbly exempUfied ca bothddesi Yondg Hartley aad Jaok Harrtogtoa also ploaaedtlit 'vnbltc Immeaaely Dy.thdr display. Mike Cooklto aad Jem DD' .'TO^ o6kEta(lPoin9iDnTii. A B. L., .Balfto)9W..;^e taO^ left' ' Eusms, New Toi£—'' . . certdaly very.flj84Trdtd.iif-we It a puzzler,,. Sf.SV^i.'-'.- .-;;^'' .'- J. H. BtmMuii; uliBliii1j4r8hi a this week. It is] ror readers win find ; Oimi itolnCifltR %<iT.'Fanesvillej Vt—H^ 'aboat your gaiae | Ion had four nuada'of more tjiaa play, which met wltE the >^ irithP.M:tf'p^iSt '•.-;..•..,•■■ £c: - -'' - -- ^ICo* A • MB a.! ^^l*™- .Jif —.VV-— "I F , .. ! Mabt B. Jt,'%inoo«kl,.j't,,^Witlii«,'.'«^^ POBiTibig N(i(.''l3-iiV6i. X. {ipHii i'lHii't'bBrrioii' i. .BiJ.B-T-fl5J»Aii,m«.'^- . ' ' ' [From a Soottlah paper.], '' . v; . ' ■BLAOB. I,.', ,'sv'; /jOF'BTpitaES.' -BLAOE. H"r.V-" probattoa of the assembled crowd. Oeorgo Brown, and OeorM jOrodiott had A,very dovor aad Meadly'spar, to which muob td* ept was.dlsplayedonbothaldeB. Tooag Show and Tonag Ile«4 were much applauded to their sdoatlflo bout. Tho next pait oi the pet^onaaacea was the exhlblUoa of tho trophies bdoaglngto JemMace;'after which .the Ohomploa aad NatXaagham.nanel for throe rouads, aad both were much cheered and aiipundel OS they made tb'olr bow to the jinblio. . Tom Etog was abseit from the benefit on ocoonnt. or iltoeas. Beverd'. of the uppe^ pruat ofthe pnfessloa Were preseat but did aot spar, to cona^ queace of there not t>etog a matoh to don the nxlttens with. I HAna^ Baootn's Bunnr.-Hanr Breome aaaouaoes that It is his totontloa to takes boaeflt at Ilr. Baum'a eadosed gnuad,; Hacknoy Wiok, on Monday, Jolv 7. He has rcOolred the proni' iso of attendance from the' followtog profcsslonsls, viz.:—Jeni Mace (the Champion), Dan CoUtoB, Tom Paddock, Jem Wan/ W. Dnncnn, Toung Beed, Oallogban, Jem Oollagher, Jaminy Welch, JohnnyWaue^ Ned Adams, Bll^ Bhaw, J?How«id (the 'oat Jumper), Horry Ome, J. Bowe, Jack Hldu, Bill Oillomi'v- okott, and Jaok Oiant ' Ore ' . 'WHITE. 'White to move oild wto. The above is C very flne^^podtlon. ' "WHITri. Block to move and dra#, L_ ^ . -' :- .' ). I z. tOLOTIOR OF POBITION^o. lll^OL. , ,:BIf«k.. irTao. ■ White. i..98. 1} 9..10./ A ' -8.118 '-fd- - ,4..19'.'... '8- «..;Tj,'.'M,»n4^sjib!i<.|.f FEDBBTBIANIBM. v . 1 1 FouBT^ Mius Wiixnta Matob ybB.£00, BprwMK ^ffn; UAH BrooHU ANP Jaub Mius, Bvoorbb Oivi^a.Oifs ViKvn BiJito.TiMr. Oafratt'B rJce-gronnd waA. denBdy. crowded hMonday, June 4, notwithetondtog the coontoraliraotlanB euer .hwhere, to wltoeu the fourteen mllea walking matoh botween iWUllom Bpooner, of Tamham Oreen, (the champion) and Janw LmHsb, of Brixten, for £16 /t dde, tho olamplon dlowlng MUe« • . Latart of one mtoote. Botb have been before the pedeewu Iworia for somd-time, bat comparatively, to potot of pecnrD- ' . laaoea, the Brixten youth is a men novlcs to tho Tumhom orea> ' Irepresentativo, William Bpooner was bom at Hadley, to Bniwui !f tijy 94,1889: is 6ffc OHln. In hdght and on the present oooadoB iwu about t«t 21b. BUS flnt appearance as a pedeatrlan wu WW Bfeora,' of EamnAsmlth, whom he defeated. . Stooe th» time he hoi [met and defeated all the beat men of the day, nia < .i