New York Clipper (Jul 1862)

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•;-.)■. FBABK JP>oprlet«V< / NEW YOBK, SAl'majA:¥, JULY 19, 1862. ' la aoonnliT pbc« not in ttota here, AH Inddent luppened wltUn k yeu .. ;ro BoiAe yoang/ain; It Memi to be my lot to ten Tnit'tb theM duDBola did befell— Tlut erenlng. Tbe bow atrlTBd wben {oU(b retln From atelalohAt and eTenlbg flte, Tottketnlglit'arepoaei ' A momeBt piaud, we beud • loreaoh, '.XwM'in » place we could sot teiob— ',. Tbelriooml .It obueed that wbere these nutdeos ilept, ' au Bil(ie bad under ah'Stter orept' To 'icape tbe wlnta^'i ooldi ' Uke other glrla, they jnmpad In bed, And 'neath the coren went each head,' ■ . Forsloep/ ; But, abl for them no aleep wai foond; Aa ooe'began to fed aroonl,. ' , She oiled, Vwhat'i here ?" Qnlok'off-the bed dothes they did lllhg, And ont of bed they made a apxlng . Upon tbo 4oor.' ' . Then they, wttb lighted lainpa aorreyed, And Kibn the great dlaoorery made, .;;0f all unan mice |. Tbea'e "fklr onaa," ready for a plot, lii each one't tall ihey tted a knot; '. - Tot Bport.' _; . The mlpe aronnd did ran, BnntJ^ for holea, but finding none nieyoooldgetthiongh; ' ', At laat tbe door waa opened wide,,. Tbe mice ran ont, behind them tied— ' - , ' These knota, A ST^iEPLE CHASE DT lEELAin); ■ ■ _••• -OB,■' ■•: • -l^ . LO-VE, liVOK,. AND HOBBEBIANSl^i^. BT ONE OF THE JOOK^, . It waa the flnt week In Joly, when, having taken the honoia' ofa graduate, after a fire yearasolooro within theolaaalcalooarts of eu Alma Hater, I atiolled Into the repoeltory in Stephen'a Qieen, to.bld adlen to' old-B—^ who for tnli^ years had horsed Da of Trlnlfcr... It wia a sale^dey; and a. blank one too; tbe worjd ms oat of town.. .TUere were few to sell, and fewer yet to boy. i hack not worth a bay-band, waa knocked down to an aaplring ilnan-diaper, who wanted "sometUng amart" whereon to daai klmsalf occoalonally. I aaw him reaalarly Jookeyed with Inflnlla lattafuUoD, aa he bad once' dnnnaa me, even onto payment, for 'a beggaily .accoont" of gloraa and pooket bmdkerohleA. AI- hoagb bedld not Tantore to Invite me to-be of the maltltnde of ila coonaeDoii, aa I bad liMkanlila windows upon tbevrenlniil jadT-naULhU ,UII, that did not prevail mo'ftiHn tMntltig out MCtam beantlealn tbeqaadrniMd then beneath'(he. himmer, irhloh even had eacaned the aneUoneerbimBel^ Indeed, accord- ing to my ahowlngi.the rardlnal vlrtiea of horse-flesh were con- ieDtrated In that matcbleea animal. Tet bninin Judgment Is Ullble, and the ateed did not realize the qnallAcatlona asorlbed to him by tbe puffer end myaelf; for, as tbe Etming PM aoon ilterwaida announced, Hr. Lawrence Luteetrlng-waa ran away irilb upon the rooky road, and the eiolted coarser, not oontent itlh demolishing sundry riba of the nnfortunate cavalier, bad, bom u\ InSrmlty of vision, come In contact with a loaded Jaunt-, and the cononaalon waa so awful, that the company were liposited In a wet ditch, and the vehlole rendered hon du ecmiai, I waa about to le^yo the yard, when old Fhll, prlme-mlnlstar to Ihe repository. Jogged me on tbe elbow. "Btopa mlnnto—It's loith while, sir. There's a queer one oomlng oat—he's the levU, to be sure. Ocb, If be bad bnt temper; but here be Is." While he epoke, a rattling high-bred dark bay hoise Issued from ike stables. He waa In the loweat condition] Imaglnablet but| notwithstanding bis poverty, be waa. the rqln of a noble animal —be was far from being handaomefthe head .was coarse; tbe tbooUer thick; bat he embodied some good points, and, though croes-mide, t'o an experienced eye his "enssmble" vras excellent iicby, my beat man—as honest a groom as ever won a living, vhlspend, "If ho had not tbe ga In him, he was the biggest villain under the canopy," and before the animal bad made the third turn down tbe ran, t hid come to a similar oonolualon. Ibe groom stopped when be bad gained the .vantage grouhd, "There, gentlomen," said the auctioneer, ."there's whaTl call josth and beauty; there's the maker jof s fortune, and no misr liko. The lady whp could reftiae any thing to a man with each s daisy cutter under blm, would be hard to please Indeed—run kim dotvn, Lonty-rUiat's action and elegance—come, elr,"toa UU, raw-boned young grocer—"that bone was foaled for yoor-a nnlleman of yonr figure should never cross any thing but UMd-tMs here hoise la young Bellm;. he's own brother to iloaa»catoher; cousin to Morgtaiia, and up to. fourteen stone ilUi soy fox-hounds In the kingdom"—bnt Bellm appeued likely viDroStUtUeby had'arnlooh, t blemlehGd knee,'was nred behind, and., bad killed a man Ihto ue bargain; for bo bad run off with a drunken helper, and broke ue ilder'e nt<ik against tbe tramerWork of theataUe-door. Now, .is comprny of sober alts, reqabing "steady roadsters," and "DSetDlfSmlly horses,"'Bellm fbnnd little fiivor; and tUb young inoer, even to become a lady-klller, would not bid a slxpeiioe. '.'Oentlomen, I put him up at Jlf^y," sald'be of tbe hanunsr^ 'loroserre In this osso—none; unpn honor—owsdr gone to the le&lnsiils, and orders for sbI^ aDeolute< Bellnl Is a beautiful uuger; steady with arina," and here he oddreaacd'a corpulent Panonsge, who, as It appeared, waf.ln tbe yeomanry; •■he would eun you ulion parade delightfully,; bis courage Is only equalled .a; Us training; bla late master would ride him to a battery," A lattiry—rnKj boAven forgive, him I .Sellm 'bad never seen a , Miporal's guord- Irellevod In Ms life; a cracker would raise him tty-Uab, and .a sqalb send' blm Across tbe broadest part of cMMlle BitiA. Still, not a wblspsr firou the company, and the noUoneer proooeded—''gentlemen, we must saorlBoe blm— ~ ■ /or(y for the beautlfal and gonUe animal;" > grecer, "and that alterkmlng a ^om." ,—• uomoi hit—the auctioneer oougbod—'.'hem— . J^-rather unfortunate, but piere aootdent after all—eay Utriy, .msUemen-twenty-tejk—dpglvo me abld.'^."Flve,"roareda jtttfe 0OTer-..''tai,'v said ficby-"JV'<an'' ahoated thepuffor- JK«uy orlod I—the hammer fell—and tbe brother of House Wohor was mine. . . i ■ . ^ow, I verily b6Uevo tbat the,whole history of Sellm was apo- gjph^i except tiio aolltaiyHA.'of bla having flnlthed aslabla- ffli. ^v''^*'^8i>?V*v!er,.Archy and I were nnanlmous- SiJu ?*SL*!» 'orU" the-money, provldea be Jjda carry the baskets. We BKougbt him to the eoGntry-blod, W, blliterod; and pbyBlAedlOm, "Miundum orteni," tatned him culnpon a fine solt marsh; and left blm "to fulfil bla destinies." .^t thiB memorable period otwUfsi tho north of Ireland was jelebralea for Ite sporting BSsooUUonsj The Boyne, the Donob •g* Newtonbreda lunta, woro .aU.ln.f^ *g«rt0TOB wonted their oTO partlonlar olub. Uany private InUenibn were also Aasterk of hounds, and kent thMr^bbUsh- »«ta.m)bly. .ThenlJtfgloryof "The iaBgwI^Vw S ifel^^ ^jhslrxoantryand*iembe)r«wor»'dllkeMi«natV6i andnoaaiS ■Jtoan attaobod to field sports wltblto tblrh^SiVXa. r& «dfcrhmc.wouldautborfioWa idmlMlon,\ral.;SieSroUedlS ™l celebrated olub. The members ifiM annnally In the oonhtv 5!*iii attended^ by a pack of fox bound*; «!nd^a,u»nt'£liew. TheyUve^llk? "Irish ktogj'' pUyjd-hi J, d^'S ■worn went to bod, gave dashing balls, and set £e ^tHr ih d weeks, before, , and months afterwards, Alas I all this la °n>l tbe olub Is no more; tho pack is soatteiedi the kinnel a 'TbaHMgersflUthe narrow bodse;" and whetein.In: "Bi ectdd rank, and wealth; and influence be congregated now r '/joto '.TheBaiigert'.' I bad been recently admltledi their m4et-' ^ «Ba fixed for the middle of October, and the cnp( with other '!^b]eplntfui, wefwtheu to be oonlestsd. The oup hadexolted ?°*osl Intcreat, and bad been cballenged by a doien membm, — and'tK'e, Vhd etob having, or believing he hid, an ox< •noe ot wlnnliitt It.- The race wu. thrte miles, over a spottlfigi-it^tM B break-neek, oonhtit'-the ^eights •tone. Then .nkt^ ilieady eight oanildKtee In 1 prepaniloil. Slxdependedonthelrowu^onee—good, Xtt, hon- est ireigbMarlei*—but two hsd gofi'e'tbwnsldenble elpenat, anahaSaeoinred/'at."alargeflgaie,".oelebnUed nuttng-hailten fprthenonc^," ' ■ . • "Whet will not young ambition ?'.' In spite of this ml^iy fcr- ray,'lDolil]y'adde4 thy name to the Ust of cUalWngers. I had a fonr^year«ld-maN, whose stiilde and action'were enra^ ordinary,'. Aa tfiare was no sllowanoefor age or.MX, the welBt>t>. were'oertamly against her; but I was not the one io deapair, and even id ^^ime her In the maloh was an honbr mote thaii- worth theentrana»money. ' . , August camei Miranda was In beautlfal condition;: and Archy exhAosted upon her training all the arcana of the.radng stable, and the experience of a life i while I dreamed of nothing bat cape and 'oonquest, Alas I these youthful visions' \rete' rnddly du* palled, lor, one morning, Miranda waa foond bsller-cast In tbe stable.. She wa^ dead lame, and lame she cbnUnaed for many a montli afterwaid. To ma and my master of the hoiee this was a aad dlsappobitmeni I took myself to grouse shooting, and Aroby to whisky and religion. Poor Anby, In the hours of bOal- ness, 'waa an indifferent OathoUo, as the priest deolared that from the moment a horse was put In training, he never "darken- ed a ohaich door." August passed, and I would have willingly contlnaed abeeni To vnrness the downlhU of my ambition waa painfuL as Miranda vnslnodiet>]y1ame. Otherfeelingswereparamoant; Iwaadeep in love, and at twenty-one that is a desperate concern.; ': ' . Boss lived near 'me. I would have forgotten her, bnt thitt Trai Impoealbls. - Bhs ina an heiress, gentle, and timid to a dense, cnd'Zearfal of hearing she vras bsloved. Yet Oiet^ were flmes w^en^ if my advancae were not enoonraged, at leaat my auit waa listened io, and an ill-coneealed aatiiCictlon told tbatshe vres hot indifferent to my suit Her coldness piqued me for the moment and yetlleft her, persuaded that .of all bir sex she wat'l^st worthy of being wooed and won. *: . ; I arrived home for a late dinner, dlsoniaed some.old port, listened to a long story, and woe musing over the misfortune of my. mare, when Archy pon>ed In bis bead to ask "If I would look Into the stables," I followed blm, and ons.glance .told pie that Miranda waa not to figure In the field. My eyes psased over the stills, and rested on a stranger In the corner, sheeted vritb my own covers. Aroby, with a knowing look; stripped the new comer, and the brother of Uonse Oatcberwas before me; and oould this be be? Tbe rakish, tattered, rejected man-killer of the Beposltoiy, changed Into as fine a horse as ever followed,a foi-houndl The mysten was quickly solved—Aroby bad visited the aalt marsh—found Bellm so sltered as scaroely to be recod- nlied; took him up and got him through jpbnlo,; and readyfor training. For this, lndeed,'theie was but little Ume; bat Archy swore ."slight training was best for a haU-breeid," and Archy,waa rlrfit. For my own part, I conid scarosly believe my eyes, and exam. Ined eellm carefidly, to asanre myself of bla Identify. Every sctatob npqn his legs had disappeared; the blemish on his knee was- hardly visible; he was now a sporting looking borss, and Aroby fwore,. "belter than he looked."'. '. Time^ew, and eveir thing In the cousin .of Uorglada. His speed.was esally ascertained, but of his fendng quallneswe knew nothing. Anything we to<A him at he ezeontea well, , and Intricate, leaps were, for obvious nasons, avoided. I bad secnred ride for me, whq In steeple-cbsalng HA coTereablmself with glory, and; vritba reas-, enable hope orsuiicesa, waited the result ' ' \ And yet I never caused my competitors a thought With the< lameness of Ulrand^ It had pleased them \f> conclnde my xaolng history. Tbey beard, acddentaDy, that I had pnrchased a hone In town.'and all they knew of blm was, that he nad killed a man, and.been bought for a song, Wttb this Informatlon'tbey rteted satlffied, and - decided that myself and man-klller.were .of '-no consldeiatlon." I kept my own counsel, and Men It was neces- sary to nmove to the vlclnltr of the raoe-groond, I procured ac- commodation for my establishment at an obscure Caim-house, and onr inoogblld was as perfect as if Te bad never left our stables. • . • . . . But there was one to whom, my proceedings were not indiffer- ent and that one was na gentle B^sa. Wiu all a woman'a ten- deness, she had sympauilzed In' my disappointment; she knew my seont 'for.onrs were- young beaito, and what sigitated one breast could not but interest tl^e otber.i . :.: The evening before the eventful dayy-I stole ftom.the dub- room to excbange'the Jargon of tbe field- for a tete-|t-tete with my pretty mistress.' vBot with the ^Tuscan grape," I unred my paaslon with more than oommon ardor, and Boea UstenecL Just then her maid, and brought me a letter that bad been forwarded by express, "Vbroke the seal^eath to my hopes I Uy rider bad been thrown from a cclaoh-boz, and lay, with a brokan ywn, at n ftnnn^iy.l ^ p, mrmtk fam 'ynUflM ,* ^ t»f^^, Boearemarkednff.agitatlon- .i ,.,'-.'.. ...■ ,-' , i '- •Os there kny<hfi3'1nj«5, 4ilfiaiH^''-' -... .. .-• ''.- .• !-.• "Tee, deanat l am indeed a Inokleas'cavalier; K ' " has' met with an.acoldent, and Sellm la'Conseqi(ant]y:irithaut a rider." '.' ^. \ , . . "Andwinhenotrun,then?" ' ' Half a minute determines, freqnenily, as wen as the consider-/ atlon of half a year, and In that brief space J. Jiad formed my res- olution, . . . . 'Ht wm run. Boss; but with me upon hlk back, what ohanca can he have; with the beet rider4 In the Ungfiom.oppoeed}" "But the danger, dear Arlhort" "Is not greater than fox-hunters encounter thijae aweek." ."And Is there really no morel" I assured her there vras not and shortly aflerwarda bade her n~ night Ibis trifling occurrence elldted more from Rosa an my studied efforts; and when I left her, for the first time I pressed her to my bosom, and heard her murmnr a prayer for my safety..' > •, ; .•:..'.'.■.■;.! : Whether it wu that nnforseen events caU fortb.the latent ener- gies of the mind, or the consciousness that. I was beloved by her for whom I vroiild sacrifice a world, that roaaed the ardor of my spirit I knew not bnt I entered the crowded , dob-room ^witn buoyant and and-exdted feelings.- -The aoeldent to my rider had transpired, and flram some I received euieeie; bom othenr Ironi- cal condolence.. , ■. ; . ..,.. .'i . . . "I hope, notwithstanding, that the konieide wlU ran," said tbepreeldent ■ ~ ■ ' • - "The Homicide, as yea arepleased to tetm him, vriU nm; and, forwent of a better horseman, his owner will r4de,»nd.wln-^ *eoan."' Hy. tone and -nianner were' not - unmarked; and while some were recommending me to effect a lite Insurance, I vras'eoolly booking heavy.odds,.and so.ixinUnaed tlU-every^entleman In* ellned to bet them bad been heartily satli|fled. Tbe Joking at my'eipe^ie su'lxilded futH^eopIe looksdsploloualy, and 3emmy Joyfe whirred his next neighbor, that the so^ne'r S™^l^»S5'fl£i^-?!j;^''°=°.?* Firebrand oceupied the itlon bt toe cr»*d. VUIe .BeUip wss. stripped and saddled -*-!i/.v.**!?*.^?*^5^' •? "V «'7 o»P*nd doff my otafems ths biubiee* of »,inlnut«; my compeWomwerb already mannied,.and.twae.Impatiently called for, when from behind tbt^tsnt at dasUlng borso. and gallant rider Issued. Our ao- pdttttde excited » murmnr of applause; the owners of Comet a^.Flrebraod. looked.blankenoagh; and fkllhthey had ddod reason, , ' . 'As We drew up In line; t thought the English racer appeared not: to be in foil fnce;' bnt the determined ionntenance orthe InlmllableJoekey, dressed In bis black and buff stripes,-looked a l s nnln g; nor was Firebrand without his friends: and theor'eai oojtwasolbredfdlly against every thing but Comet; aatome, lie aeemed afraid to back or t>et agalnat me; and tboae who he hedged .the,- better) ^ tbe xaot vrak.not qnlte<°ae sum, I-belng; aboordlng id his-parlance, VvetylUie^.lad.who.wanld.-taia^^'a spoon or spoil t horn^" Hevln^ balanced 'my book, I bdhoweil an old blue Jacket ttoni'thb-buntsm'sn, left'the elub,'-vlalted the Btable, andjqnt,qulatly to rest to beready for tbe monowt ' Horning came, and I felt rather queer; I began to dlaoover that It la no Joke for nervov gentlemen, to riae'eteeple-ohi^ea for .Ihe.first time, Under tho critical examination ot thirty,thoa- aand apeotatore, but an incident reetcred. my harditae. . 'At breiAlkat a aesled'parcel was banded-mo by the waiter; it con- tained a beautUU plnjk and yellow Jacket . .'No'note acoompanled It but to the cap ascroU was attached, bearing, in a female hand, tbe motto, "Jfay lAii be firmoHl" Whose might tho fairy favor be? My heart whispered the name, and I was not mistaken.' The ground selected for-the race was chosen with excellent Judgment' as It afforded to tbe mighty multitude an unlntir-- rapled view ot the race, from Its commoncement to Its doSe; from a oltcnlor vaney the surtkco ui^lulatod gently, and . the' course, nearly ellpUdal, stretched across -tbe'TUIng nonhdl' In the same fidd the atartlqg aad winning posts wore placed. This was tbe favorite stand; a long line of carriages of every descrip- tion occupied It LsdJes vcera Uiere ."thick as loaves In Tall'am- broea," for everything aiitingue and beautiful for counties rouhd .wasonthegTonnd* ^ ' :.'i ■ . At twdvf, o'elpckji warning bogle vras heard, and - from their respective oahtdnments the hones 'dowly approached the seme point. Each he entered the field, wds scrutinised by a crowd of bonemen, wlio.were sssembled for that purposo at tbe gate. With short In'teiVBis, a grey, a brown, and two'bays passed In re- view; they had their reepootlve admirers, but caused no .neat sensation, and-expectation "was stUl on tiptoei" presenQy a bUES was beard; a bono appeared, and Firebrand, a ao^d radnghunterfltOm-Roscommon, appeared."Helooked to.beIn capital condlUcn, and from having won fouT 'Cupe already* his character waa deaerrodlyfitst-rate.' . '' .1 "But Idndor yet the clamor grew," as thopet of the day, the tnr-temod BogUah bone. Comet appeared.' He was a splendid; thoTOUgb-bred abOB<nat,faU sixteen bands; high, and loi^g every mob a racer. I fdl my ch«ek.blanch as loxamlnedjhtm; ho was: Indeed a formidable opponent; and as his late„07ftaer, Osptalh M—, reputed Jdstly to be the best fidd horsomah iln the fclngdolD, .waa to ride Um;-uo woinder that I begin to dread the contest , .:; • v- '''l.i -1i Be was led off, and my forlorn cbargor was Impatwnuy ex- pected.. Jn tho few mlnuteawhlqh .elapsed bofore,.hla onttea, I. and my mon^ntter -were sutiJoctM to many a sodrtlng Jest; at length tho brother ot Honse^oatoher ikppeare<t end on he came wltba carDloss toss of .the head, as if he bad n(vor i^beda stable-boy; dotelt ifc<eled''as he Irai, his apjpeirknce.was voij different from what had been anUdpatod; tbe knowing once looked mere knowing; .end. Jemmy Joyce exclaimed with a gnn thatheBurned;,'inlghfy:llke^iJ^^ i.ji_'_iA;i t ™iii«»d an what .spell ii jdver .Iioaat. iJow'yott.Ttte' seowt .that. robs her :of betloiiefr', 'fSbiU k wekore tbeml" I »epUod, and undostoS wt'^itidayed my handsome Jacket! When It met her oh^ wen ^ with Uuabes, and left me at no Idas r-.-^i.a;! II' ■(Ki'.-V'f.'itf'■' I""'' "'■■ . ■ ■ laid the odda lest nlgbt pretty heavily, were hedglng now aa olst aa tbey could meet with oustomers. Off we went la abtmdiythe bays, brown, and gray making the nmnlnr,. leaw atonoouat the pace, though eeverafor them, was nothing to Comet Firebrand, and my Mend the Man-kOkr. After a mile we tailed them off, and had tbe race to onrsdves. One moiety of the ground mi broken'into tinage Adds and endosnres; the othai tree open meadow, affording exoeneni' gd- loplng, and Intenpened with stiff fences. Hero, iiAvlng deared the pfddooka, we Increased ttie speed, and came on at a kltUng pecj. On«Dtaina the graaif-lands, ! found my rivals could not con- veniently go lister, and.that I was up to it weU; the-race was In- deed beauUfo;; for the next mile a sheet would cover' us;, the fenees were taken in-Une; and none could tell whether blad, yeUow, or green, wMfoiemost . -.' JtalfamUe from home then was a. fence of tremendous tlize; It -was a ditch with a drain at dther 'side, and the place that we approadied wsa'sttaxided tHth stumped' tbcms. ' It was, Inirnlh a "regular rasper,'' and vras distinguished by the coimtiy people poroceUenee,as the.t^fJeap;.a8 we neared it myoompanlons gathered the energies of their horses for the trial, and Sdldi looked aa if he were half-IncUned todechnelt; md yetvrltha SlariCna effort be deared thia fonUdable barrier In a (tyle that rew down from tbe multltade a thunder of applauae: npt so iny rivala; Firebrand fell and staked blmadf: wnile Comet by bis rider's hoiBenunsblp, wsa indifferently brought aordas, but stag- gering, be came down on luidlbg', and in the mistake; lost ground he could nevfr recover; during the rn> homoi be did make a wonderftil abrnggle to pull up; it was in'yain, tbr after we crdesed'thebreA-nbck fence, I bad the race faolltfw. ' Amld-deefenlnit'Oheen, Iwas carried from the'acalealntri- nmpb; Iwaa dedared, even by Jemmy JoT'oe, a.yqutbofroro- mlae,, and my man-Mler the best welgbtcarrier in the klngdonL Bvvry tale has its moral, so baa mine. Never condemn a home.'oniried; Ibr.msiny a good one has thus been saorlficed, : I aawA Sellm fr^ slavey and a Jingle; and bewon me four eqps, and carried me foi^ seasons, as I was never carried, afterword: nay-more, I bwe nycdnnubid-happiness mainly to "my bonny bay;"; Bcealwasan'.belress/bnd l a younger son; anobrival was encouraged -by her guardian, and in a few days be was ex- pected to m'akabls addresses In form. I was flasned with :vlcto^ ry,' arid she'llattered to see her tairy favorlte/ornnojt In the field. At the ball that nlgbt .'my eloquence was Irresistible; ehe smiled upon my salt; and, to end uncertainty, and Bfve her guardian fatdre trouble, doped with'me to Ontna the next mornug,. Tear* of happiness ha've proved how fortunate our tmion was; and If •omereminlacences of ^ear^ Indlaontlon win som'etbnse Intrude upon my memory, on two eraa I-otnlook back with on- alloyed deughtr-the morning when I rode iny first sieeple-cbas'e, and the evenlng^hat made BcSsa-mine,'' i:;i'!.xa' A CHAPrkxi. OH ANGiilBrO. . 'I'BK FULH. ■ .•'AU these are cereet e'ntertalningikdta," Svery triie fisherman vrlaheis to know something of ^e hlatoiy,- habUa, aqd characteristics of his »crt Every faot howcjver' trUUng, U wekomed by blm ae a VBlnable'addiQon to bisatook of kflmrledge, and In tblawaT,hegoea on acquiring information; whleb. at some time or another. Is sore to oe of use. V^ej or ixf to be a patorillat; if not for lb'own sake, do it for the aake ot ToarepAM,' it wmenhance lts plsasure tsntbld, besiabs addfng toyquisuooeas. If yea knew but a UtQe more .pf the habile and nanin of tbe fish yon seek, depend open it yon would nofretun home so frequently -with an empty oreeL ' There' are Influences at woAfh ammated^iatnre which yon ebouldeeekto Investigate; and;thete are many olnumstancee which at timea oomUne to render ,(atlle tbe efforts of even .the most ezperienoed angler.. Thggkg^nwTiena aro not yet explained, and yon diqold esi^'fox 'Thajitkels ainost'iaCerdstlng 'flsli, ani worthy of tbocanfiil istod^af^all who seek <br blm; abd, by way of stlmalatliu^tar; readeMl we devote 'this artlds te a gantnl-armmarr of bU hlstoor and habits. l " ■ ■ •; Jack aro common to nearly aU tbe lane Iskea of Earope, and are found In neat abimdance In the Umted States. We are In- formed that Jack were Introduced Into Engumd In tbe nlgn of Henry Tm., and for the especld grattflcaUon of the "merrie monarch." It Is quite possible that tbe great Blue Beard was partlaltothlsflsh.liutavery emaUtoct npseta the theory ot Ita Introduction at this jMrtod-nunely, that the Jack is menUdned in the hMk.,pf"BtAlbkns,"'printed In tbe year of grace, 1498. Flke are .called Jsok when under, twentr-four Inobes in length. This dlatlilptlpn Is not very generally followed; many anglera nee the termseynonymously; The hesd of the pike is flattened, and tbe upper jaw.broadt It la also ahorter than the lower one, which la allghtJiy torned up. Tbe eyes are ot a poculiar yelldw, golden tinge, and'thb' teeth, which'are very small and sharp, are foond not only In front In-fhe upper Jaw, but also on both sides of the lower.. The body It long, and when In season, the back U rather square, cf a greenish color, with bright yellow epoia. Tbe belly is white, and when In season the gtlls are of a very bright red.' Whenoutofseasantheflshpreaent8avei7peduIIarappear- ance,. They ere. poor and thin, with seemingly, large neads- TUs Is' no doubt due to the comparative fhlimfSH and length of the body. The bsok'be'comes grey in hue, aid the apota lose tiSi their brmiataoy. The colon of pike are aald to be affected by the vrater In which tbey arc found. It iatrue tbat in most Instances the flab feund in, riven are handsomer and brighter than those taken In .stagnant ponds; Ferhapa a difference 'of food. Has Bomethlhg to do V(tth it'also.' Bvery.angler knows that the hues ot flidi vary In'ihany parts of the same stream. We . have, in' "whlpplng''-a small river, taken trout ot half-a-dozen different shades,' It is. an- interesllng aubject besides- sffecUng the. gourmand, ,who bos a dedded preference -for pike token out of npid rivers. Plscator in Wdton's "Oompleat .Angler," |s mads to expreerblmselfaa fallows: " ' .: Mil is not to be doiibted thit some are bred 1^ beheraUon and somo not- as n^niely of;B.'weeiI.called':plokerdl veod, onless letroed Oesner bo much, mistaken, for be. eays, 'This weed and dther glatlnous nlatter, -with tbe hdp of the ^'s, beat In some partldnln months; and some ponds adapted fe'r It'by'natliN; do beiMime pike. .Bnt«idonbtJeaa,.dlven;plke are bred after this manner, or aro brought Into some ponda in some such other.wny' as la past man'eflndlnB^ut of whioh we have dally teaUmbny.f' Iheaeareetningeoplllons, butnot atranger thin aome emer- talned In the present day; in..whleh'.vi9boaat'of the; marebof Intellect' Fiscalor was wise In hla generation, hut tnoistwofidly' Igdorantofnaturalpboiomena. Helnfonna na; on theiinthon& of the aforesaid "learned" Oesner; .that.'"the liir-b9nee,'lmd' hearts, and galls ot pikes are very' medldnable nir',severaidls- eases—to stop blood, to abate teven, or. to cure egnes, to oppose or exnd the Infection of the plague, and to'be many ways medldnable and useful for tbe good of man." The lltemed Oesner waeevldontly a poor leech. ;'"•.■-.>'•- ! . Althoua.h tho pike hoe tlye reputation of voradty, be Is often * veiv daUMv feeder. When bis buMer Is appeased, he vrlU plky with the bait, and at last blow It from blm. Buf ask general rule, everything comes allketo'blm,'ana goallnM, yoimg dncks, water rata, and kittens, bedde^ every kind of oesb .wfiter. fish, have been found in Uie boUy of the pike. , Their yorAOltT la so Etat ttiat - well autbenUoated instances are en'ncdid.of their ring seized one another..; We -were Just about to wtlte'swidlow- ed one enother, bates we do not wldi to dim the glory of the ta- moos Kiljienny cats, we have adhered to facta, Intbe'iVatufiil Blstory of Flab" we read.^"The 'voradty of tho pike Is showii by a olnumstance of no treqiieut occurrence In Sweden. lAige perch ottmx ewallow the baited hooke of atatlonaiy nlgbt Unfa; and then , enormoua plko gorge the. booked pereb In .their turn. In thla case, though tue pike hlmsAlf ta'seldom oil never actaallV. hookedi yet on the flaherman'a drawing In blS'line, the perch acta so. ftet in tho greedy, throat of the fimpy tjrant ,'Uiet he has been undblo to getrld of It, and both are', taken. O'Qarman gives Bome eaamplea ot the-same raTeneus -'appetite. One wbtob he killed .with a- roach fdr •' Ualt Had tm liu maw • trout of four poqnrta weight evidently'J&f I taken;- and another ae)^d a tzdnl of more Intn s)x pounds. But those examples yield to what he Said he wltnosied on' SromOn.' A latgD (like bavlog been hMkcd ai|d aearly.exhauated, waa suddenly seiaed In the water and tar- ried to the bottom. Every ellbrt was made tdr nearly half an hour Wbtlng tble'enohncme flab'to shore, but to ho vurpose; at length, however, by making a botse with the oan and puUlog at (he'llile, the anglefs stiteeeded, - On gotUfig njp'the pike . 'WhUe the hones were'.leadlng to the atartlng-poei, I nUopei up the .bill'to the place my pnt^ nlstresa.oocuplea In ai open darrlago. ■■Tell jqe, ,pny yoa," eald. her .cousin, "wha wtUob tbey bad been playing,' it wae all torn aa if by a luge dt., but really, doubtleaa by another flab 0/ the .eam^ apodea; and, aathej^Uedb lll-trpat«d vreUhed aeventecn. pounds, the rapa- dogs iSah that bad add It so long must have been Indeed a mon- ster I" vA^ ^ooount may be Ibund in the "'Salmonli'^ ot Sir Btim- phxey Jbavy ot a pike taking a belt with ■ fUghief fom books In 'his mouth; 'whlc^ hi had Jost before broken,iCrom the line, Tbeee Is K oiae on robord Of two ladsjvho wobt u » ^ibnd to wash their hands; when a pike seized hou of the bfnd of obe. He wits ;i • I, dram out of the water, but their uttatlon prevfntefl them from keeplbg tfie flthcn UntjlnM. . The fauaitlni is vottehed Ut, afiff appeaAd lil lbs ^ OflMealaH'i jr(ijmMa.<-^"A Istige plke^ tna oMghtlattia tlva Obae «Idch ■inilghed twenty'Miki ptoads;' •f.dTO|Md.(f |t.fot]<B^^ .■I|a*.e«ekfeS9AI»,th« flsha waloh'iritli a; (iae^ edition and keyi; jna^er^ename^jSnO* flBMrjtr. Bumham.. .ITpqa- In.aufry,. ii was dlsopveied.lw tta ^nuimbeensoj4'to<« geiijueman'e eervant vbOiMd^iOi'dF'; tum^been drowned."., (',/; '.'.,•..':.:■..■(■ .'^i . Flkegraw id alarige »l8enip(jimorerapiaTla. i i wu)f(l oP!tti« uiy other flab. At {he end of ibf (ret year, we-. &i .ilim^adt eightmebeslong; inthesecond^ea^twelvAorfoqrtBent.'MMln tbe ^IM year from twenty loobe*. iD-a fonditbat ''?fvT?c.** ™ once In every ftvei peers wo have «eea jUuiitakea of thirty pounds weight In .'flJodsleyfe Beglsier;'fprliTto Bian« non Is made ot a pike weighing 470 pounds Ming tawvlQ iitfeir- Ingoutapond. .. .. , i, i,,(,> Mo doubt plko Uve to a gr«at age, but we oannot beUenilhat J**^** ??e are.aseured tbat»plke:Iii»>e«ii kepttmUlbewasleOyitnold. ,.. . .- - ^ ^ • IV "^3^ ^»nota all things, notbln««ui.deny, eangthe poet, but we mutt take aQ'endi Ur'-'— —■ tatU. Some onrions stories extstT' FsssoA WTOiea 'i'Hanpei daFecheur," gives'the'fol Siuotisltonthe autbori^of an eminent ~ <9r,-aperaon', lalseidauten, n<« which waa nineteen (I) feet long, and whlab' dred aod'fifty poundatll).' "His akdetou'ka^' time at Mannheim (when la It now?). Hi'™ neck a rlhg of glMed braaa,'Which ocald enlnge iis^lqri and whliA had been attached to Um by order of tbb'' Frederick of Btrbameaa two hondred and ali^ a^vaa' fore" (III). Thenarrafor moralizes—"What a trembndMitf4liaft> Hty of animals men weak and foollah' than blriiself h«>itidiH(havs devouzed In order to ilourlata bla enormous bulk dBflod'KMiiniF' yeare." -We should think so. ^ ;^t> ' '■ ■ " .' ,, ■ ' ' -—i. '. '^.Vf./' ■ BAniif siqivs. OF coNginiiPTibHr.',''^ Ths anlrefesqUye. remedy for thle fital diseaae ta n kiierrtsdc» of the^ aymBtoinsQt-tto approach, and the adoptlon^rwlM and prompt measures to ertdlcafe Ita first getma. OKSmwm, A qofu'polte and a abort breath continuing for'%e^ tiv 8ether, an'the great alarm beU df forming conaumpUdlL lieae ayippioms are attended with a^ jgradool fiUUigoA. in fleeh. In the c4iIiBe ot months, there is no rational gromd Or'ddubb dthobgh thstaackvf.a-codg'h may never haveMett'bekrdr,UB- der such clrcnmetances, then doght not to be tii hbUr'rdelir ia takingcompetentmearcdadvloeT ^ The vast mass of eonaumpUves die not br from ibe ake of .twen^-&ve:.and tblBj In ceiyieetlon'wlthanotliertkotthrtcoB- sumption la several yean in running Ua eonne; suggisSone of the moet important pnctlcd oonduslons yet annoanced. to Witfr—; . , ,. ,; ... r> In Cbieurgs. majority of cases, tbe seeds of oonsumptlim era sown iMitwsen tbe ages of .'sixteen and twen^Kme yem^arlieii tho .steadily .excited poise and the easily oeoderated ,7 may be resdlly detected bjT'an IntOlliteniend obed ' and thould be regarded.a8 a knendf death If net arresteif; _ yet It' Is eaelly and Uniformly done, for the' spirometer wfll de- monstrate the early dabger, and ttie educated' phyddift HOL ba at no'loes to ioark out'tbe remedy. - ■''. Ibequlck jmlse end ebortbreath go together; nther'ViksOjr put ont of breath" is tbe more oommon and 'approprime eiuiee - don. Ordinailly, persons bteath'e once while tiie -poise' eeato- four times; this ^ an approximate average,* general Msnlt A pereon mheuth.breathes seTsnteea: times aounute, aad.-dflrlag .H?.^°n>e't;ie:pula$,nnmbWB sixty-eight strokes. A denoB de- cidedly coneOmptlve, breathes.Aom twen^ to twsntymir.ilmea In a inlnDte,.the.pnls0 being proportloni^«ly.rapid. -A ma« whose pn^e la among the ^etles, with a. breatblng whiih cor- responds, laeHng for weeks; inay with great nnlfiinnlfylie'.'pio- Sbnnced to.hive tmmlstaken consnmptlofi. 'Atad' eVeh h^ tha pertninebt' Brresf dt the disease Is quite a ^irobable SiQg> zaen could .only be. Induced to aot wisely, promptly, and'enex- geticany, .U'-u ,Bulriinfortnnately,euch)«notthe'case; nine out ot' tbnaia lid away with tbe hope that it may be something eite, thaClt la only bronchitis, and this ls<onflnned In.thelr own indgment by two tkcta: tbey hove no paiir^ tha breast and tpbymumph- antly strike upon It with 'tfaefr whole forde, ae /i demo|ietif^U6n at the soundness of thelihigs;'and this dther'tbelln^ednany tUla- dous, comes to their aid; the promlnant trouUiliamrtipUck> ling atthe bottom of the nech,ft>th.ei41ttIe:Ivilloi*>th«re(,'- Ther should remember that ho bronobls Is then; It»wln4plpe, and Ijt begins to.dlvldelnta brtndwe, bdow that.epot .That&t- tle bellow place is thetelsgnphlpstattcb, si wen tbrtbe dliHncfe lungs as the bronchia. The news comes from afif;'fhi!t ta the point of .tnunsUtldn only. It lathe ikews of the lungs,. tbat.MmetUntf.U ,ttat« wblih''rM:nIv which la woikUgliann: aiA may braea^eatin''ffid it' death ; That very tickllmi ot.the llttla boUqw, exdHig oei saMliB (ugether, ItLibe'mreranner ofoonsnmptloii In. j aiV'modeiale ealoaiatlofa, ft>erHmea ofat, of Ave: JtiA. oonld be amased at snob a soribm< 8ymptem;'the^bydalan woold Jbe, at lhe.:nry :indlfferenl; nnocoevhed air, 4ms, geetnre with which the:patlent often amKAmies bls a ymflta i. ■■Doctor, I have bionohltis, I believe; a- titfllng- llttte tickling at the bottom of the throat here; I vrlsh ypn would give ne aftn^ thing to tske ^t away. I am not elck at' aU; I feel as-wdl as I ever did In my life. aU except this kind of itching^erlk'^ Vsm adose crosMoeetlonlng, alargsamonht ot nhducovered, Snth wlU- be ellolfed, fat almost every Instance, of syniplome dated many months, and even yean before. If then, ■ paUent for him- self, or for bla child, has any.apprahendon. of tUe disease) let tha family physician be requested to notice the. poise vrliltoiN and accnracy at different hours of the day, not wlQiln half an hour of active exerolse, or irithin-twe-honn attar erregular meal, and if the, preteniatanil,..ex<dtsment .than ia groand fbr alarm in proportloii to thelntendty df tharecdt^ merits ' . ' »■ 'i • '-' .. ..' ■;■ .■ ._f..', j.. J V ..1 I » .. ■ ' I :>•.■/ !i . 'Al.-KQUTUWATK.' KIBS. .' .: '.':'';'-i The (dHowtng vretty.Ilttle sttHy la narratod^^'by SMdritaSia- mer, who vouchesIbr.lta.trnthfninesa: r ,1.', - . ' IntbeCtalverdl^ot.'Oi^^'iriSweden.M're^aydp for >peb ion ■ .y.-i}-: a noble'ybntb.wldi greaflbve for studies, bnt wltbontthi m«ana otpnrsnlJiB thesk Hawai.poar.wlthoutcotantotloaa,! .4flnha studied, Unng ingreat.poveriy,.but,keepfaig a (ibeerfolilMarl; and trying' to lAok at the ftitnre, which looked ao Brim to,hlm. Bis good bnmor and excellent qtialiilos made him belotidliy bla young comiadea. Ond day. be via atondlng on .theiqaw»4ritb some of lhem,.prattling away an; hour o^ lelsnrei wfaen.;^ al- tentloh of ,the,yonnE men .bocamearrested by ayoniu andele- gant lady,, who, at tne dde df en elder one, was sldW^vralking oyer thepUce. IfrWes the dHughtar of tbe Oovirilor of tTpiala, Uvlng. in the djty, arid the. elder lady,waa hergoyerness^aSha was geniraUy known for bar g'oodneea and gentleneas of cbaa. aetor,and looked at vrith'admihittbn byall lbeetnde^tK Aa the young, mea-stood gailn^: it her as she passed'dn'Ukeft graceful vldoi), one ot them suddenly exdi&mfa:' .' .,. .' r ■■Wen, It would be worth eomelhlng to heve.a kiss troiri sdbb • tndnthi'' - "-• ' .. . ■ • •■ - ■•■ ■■ " . The poor etn^ent, the hero df dnrXatory, who 'lodkad^mi' libafr pure angellc fice, exdalmed,as if byinspliatlon— - - '*Wdl,ItMniloo,nldbaveUI" . . ' : '. . '"Whalt"''o'ilod.' tu friends'In a ohordi;'>'are ytra drttyt^ II* yeaknowHer?''.: •; ;';. i.';.:; .; ' ;.'.'•.,.'(..',..i ■ ; .'. rus . at olL-'he answered, .'■hnl I tUiik she would^ poa tf K 'MlfedMr,^ •" •'.',' "VV,, ,:-.^.\. ■ "WhatI .m thla'plaot befcrt iU'diir etast" -o • i . .t) - 'J- "In this pl«c»ri>eforeyoUr eyeay': 's:> ;:oc; -/;;'; i->::li ISJH'S-.-! .• •: .r.: ..;:.-".o- ■); >»-. U K :■> f «* '■FTeelyt .... ... "WeU; If die will give ydii aUa la 'biat^'iniiliher^ 1 wUf'jlTtt yona'thouBsnd doUursI" etdafariedone'df .thOFirty* \'>r.jUj. ."And, It" end l-l'.' .exdalmed Ihreo'-or four.oltteiaStAr It sobappenM that , several itcb young mm wen In .tneniiip^ aind uitr bets ran high on iolniph>Dabhi-'an event''TkrimaL Unge was mkde and received id leas tlnii itaam we take to4 ^ Our hero (my auUiority.tella not whether; he v*ta,b^d||f' plainv lllave my peeullarldeaa for believing thatnewia : plain, but eingnltrly good looking at'tKesM«tMi> 'f^ ateiy walked up to the yonnglady and eald:- ."iOne bpnldn, my fortune Is now in yctir. bandar*'' " She looked atblffl with astenifbmoQt, but wrdstad. Vi' stepa, Heproceeded testatebta name'and '«oadltldhjUa''aspllaflaiiiB end related almidy and truly whkt had Jost liov paaaad' batweea him and bis coDuades. '.. t >..■'., : ..'> '->.: froi^ ■ The ydurig lady llstinbd attentively, arid at his eeitdnAvia epeBk,aheaald,blaahln^,butiritli%^awielneB«r ' '■'• "'T. •■If by so little a ^hing:so mu^ good can beeflbotedVll.iNbU befodllthforme torefUee your nqueat;''.a9d pu^llcl]|.|i^jUia opensqaareabeklaBed-hlU, ' '., . .. ,' _ ITeit day Ibi Mndeht was sent fbr ty the Q<M«Motl\<Ba wanted to a«e the man who dared te seek a UsaMa htkMltb- ter In tbat way, and Whom she contented to Ufayto. ■„,( • .> i < HereceWed-him<v(lth keorntlal£lng Jm^ki^^^ , ronVonallon, vras M pleased with Mm. Uiat>be'«Mei»A bUfl t» dine at his table during hlsstadlcaatlliiealAiiit j'li'iiri ir!:,-.t Ourlyonng friend piinnod his eta^te% ^»,maDB^ soon madeHm TOgdrdedaa tho meet pr^itUbif atudiriil' ODlvenlly, ■ ■ • '•' '•• •■•^•-'v-».r Tbreoyeanwere sow peaaed elnoetheaaydf.iba ftirtrUiik when tiieyoung manvraa allowed togtvoastaOBd ktaatolte . daughter ot the Oovemer. _ -i—i.- Be became, later, one of the gnetest aeholare In SwedtBt iatf- aa mdcb' leapeetsd lOr Us toqulremefat* be f*' bft dliitettr. Hla woikB will endue while time. Itato' among'.ttn'-WTCMlcCfal- enoe; end from thla happy .onton sprang a bmlly .weltkaaTO m Swedari, even at the preaent^time, arid wEbie.vMVb kftajw podtloia In aodety are le^arM as trifles In eoihti^^ goodn«s<,andlovei . ,;■.,■■) .r:A ;jD .■.'^oiti^',... *. 7 ,.„-v/;/,:|.v;i(5il)'j;..nlisifjii ;/■