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c, i/.;. i.;>... .J. .): 2sr':E'§^' '^'T' 6 R K ■ o l i- p 'P-e "r; 111 tltogtaBe*,'' »Bil P»;lJig the nun ot $*,», he WM escorted to the Usee, and ■ilowel » depirt. ■ ■ _ _ , , ... ;. «_( go, on the 4th of July, Wright k OTBue's portable boit compttjr veie gteetedirith tiiU houiee nfteniooii end eTeoiof. In the •Iternoon, the pleoeewere "TheToodlee," end the'IJmerioli Boy." wllh a boHr bjrUr. Fatkei, and dancee bj BIlu Sella ■ WrightandMdDa Wright. IntheerenlngtheplaTwaijrneHid- den Band," with the oaat I have noticed prevloualy.^^ Oft theia, the ooDptoT played at Ovwego Falla, o^podtfttbe TOlaae of Fnl- ton, wheie eome kind of Mogul, who, aa ptwldent of the yUlage •of Fulton, oomblnee In hU alngolai^ paiton the cong^Ul onar- aolen of Hawworm, Amlntdab Bleek, and Dootor OantwaU, aatr fltto refaaetheonitamarylloense. Howwellhaa the Immortal bard eioUtitied— , ' - vUan, prondman, Dreasedlnalltttlebrlef anthority, ' „- • • « « Flaya raoh fUtaitlo trioka before high heaven Ai make the angela weep." ' , ^ , . To "Uie poor player" the only prlTUege that remalna le to write hUtf down "an a/a" In the colimina of the Ourara. Thla Oreat Hogul, or whatever he may be, oould not hlndek the people from attending the peiformanee, which gave the peatest aatb&oOon. The Wty of Bnlblo la now bonad on an exonrnonaronnd Oneida Lakt, and her p«8songor» aotKUpate • dollghtful trlp._. . .. Ulu Hate HelmdS li now In the aacond weA of h'r engage- ment at theThitie Boyil, Montreal. She hjwi'a benefit on Qie llth.pUjlng PegWofflngton-ln TomTaylor'a comedy of that name, and Oanem, In "The Slave of Love." 'In Phlladtlpbla, Hue Jnlla doeed her engagement at the Walnut on tbe lath, and ,F. 8. Chanfhia broDgbt hla porfirm- ano^ to a dose on the Bame 'otvinlng. Both eatabllahmehta, we believe, are now oloaed.' "The Mew Opera Bouffee" being announced for performance at New Eaven on the ISth and 16th, one of the dty "locale" gTog "ao opinion aa la an opinion," that It will awaken an teTeat"botti among dramoiiou and mualcaloriflcB." Shouldn't wonder. ■ i. .■ • ' . • L B. PhllUjpe, well known for the paat-ten years as a stage manager In Baltimore and Blcbmond theatree, died at the former dty about^aqaartar.betoredeVen.o'dock on' Saturday (IMh) evening, of typhoid fever.:, Hla wife, and his .brothers Jonas and Heni7, were proaant when he expired. In< his delirious mo- ments, Uewonld'aome'dmea.apfi^ as'lf direotlng a rehearsal, and dimmed many an ey« by iitfing certain members of the profession. ' With a Und heart, and an Irreproachable character, the lo'ss of Bach a man moat eanae a pang of grief oa soon aa known to any person that ever knew him.' Adah laaacs Ueaken eeema to have goton the rlgtit side of the Boston aalnis,' as we "or any other man" "might a knowed afore," because her style of acting has nothing to do with set . aohools, tmt la the spontaneous creatton of an original genlna, tempered only by her tact In pleasing ttie andlence of any dty, wherever ber lot may be "cast" Managers know thla well enongh, If the hlghlklutln philosopher^ do not Senee, all Adah has to do la to out a dash for two or tfane, or may 1^ four weeks, og^d then "out her luoky" to the next engagement on her«gent's programme. - By the way, E. B. WUllams niows how to "oat and come ualn" as Adah's dashing business agent W. H. EoOand and J. P. Wnters seem to enjoyj)rofit and jfleaaars awt7 oiT there In the "mountlDgs" of Mew Hampahlre, with their Tableaa and Concert Troupe, and are giving dramatized versions of operas. Mrs. Oeo. Tyrrell la with them, but they want another good leading lady. See their advertlsameiit - Among tbe lively places towards the North - Pole,. at thla time of year, Is the fine dly of Toronto, where theatrical mat- ters are very spicy, but we have not room - for many recent par- ttoolars sent by kind correspondents. BnOORO nHISTRBLST. In a leceot noUoe of a Negro Minstrel performance In Pltts- bargb, our oorrtsiiondent "Now and Then'^^made some reference to colored people being Invited to take firont seats In assemblages of white people, etc, Another correspondent, "Argos," denied this, and said some rather harsh things about "Now and Then." Thla week we have an answer to "Argus," In whloh the latter Is handled "rough." Aa we gave "Argus" a good ahow, we extend the same courtesy to "Now and Then," and this la what he says: ' Plttsbargh, luly 7,180!i«Eas Olifpeb:— I notice thata person who says he Is well kiMito the sporting frateml^ here, and who signs himself "ArAs," takes occaalon to write yon tbat I have been guilty of telling a wilful falsehood when I wrote that "the genuine darkey has been Invited to afinnt seat In an aasem- blage of whites, and that he la allowed to ride on our passenger railway cars.'! It Is an easy matter for a "sporting man," or any well known character, to make nse of the term "wl&Ulfiaeebood,'' but it Is not quite so eaay at all Umes to prove that the term Is wen applied. I have seen ere now "ye Dogua vile pretending sporting man" make use of similar terms, but I have noticed In- variably that he always takes care to be In a secure place, or managed to be soirotmded by his friends at the time. However, be this as It may. It Is my purpose now to fteten the wild asser- tion of "wlUaifUsehood" upon the "Flttsbmgh Eiporter," who . BQfms to have taken ofTonce at me because I stated facta.- Mow ibeii for tliA proof; I Iiave aian oolbred men and women dttlna ., on th'« seoond.and third settees at Lafayette Hall dnrlngthe past winter, atan operi troupe entertalnmenii which entertalnineht was attmded by thedtoof Htteburgh; people whose minions . are worth something, and who do not attend a thektre on ac- count aa they say, of Its Immorality. The colored men and wo- men to wk6m I allude were Invited to those front seats by white gentlemen, attended by ladles, who actually got up ftom the set- tee when "Mr. Darkee" entered, and beckoned him to the va- cated seats. If "ye well known sporting man" bas any doubts of the truth of this statement, he can have my affidavit In your next number. :In reference to people of color'ridlng in 'paasen- rrdlway cars, Ihave seen them In the cars of the Manchester ger ' . Sr t iMwu uiBm in uie caia oi uie aiancneaier and East Liberty railways, and I doubt not but they ride In the Penn street line also. If ";e sporting man" has any misgivings' on this'point Just tdl him to come out In an article In any'of our. dallies, over hla own dgnature, against the privilege, and if he don't get alck of the Job before he getsthibugh bravlng'publlo opinion, he will have more back bone than I think he has now. Sut to make the thing oondse, allow me to say, Mr. Editor, that whenever yon detoct me in a "wllfaf falsehood," then Just give' me orders to "stop" writing. Until that time, however, I think it rather unfUx that suoh statements should be allowed to appear m the columns of the Ousw ss were inserted last wetk in re- ference to the veradty of the onderslgned. Hy whole statement was one of troth, and one In which I could have no Interest to lie about Perhaps "yo sporting man" Is Interested In a certain miscellaneous show oh Pehn street, and it may be that the Im- Sense business which the troupes of "Sanford'' and "Camoross Blxey" did the fore part of the vreek,and in &u:t the-whole week, htirt his feelings, and consequent^ he would Uke all min-' atrdpartlea to ^vePlttaborah a wide berth hereafter. If this is the cause of his bad humor, I cannot hdp it I have nothing to do with hla or "any other man's business." Whfii 1 glvo you a opireot statement of things theatrical, together vrith any other Items Which I believe will be a beacon light to showmerr, serving theniaaseftil purpose, my duty is done Oamoross t IHxey's mlnslrel troupe remain at Concert Holl.untU next Saturday.- pey did a splendid business daring the past alx nights, imd wUl ftdonbUes8 do wdl for dx to come........ Banford'sSoupe, which >a been performing here to fdll'hous'es, at Maaonlo HdL for a- ^^^^^eiar at SteabenvUle to-night, and go bom thence to UoRls Brothdia, Pell k Trowbridge's >UlnstreIs opened for "one bight only," at Portsmouth, N. H., on the 1st July, uid havB since been "doing" Portland, and other, towns In Maine, more at their lelauro. Nlok Bowers, their "heavy" middle man jeems a dedded favorite with the Down -Easters. . Crowded houses have been the rule, wherever they go. Xhe Morris -Minstrels went ahnost unheralded Into Tioy, H. Y., on .the eth, Had "tie-world" known they wer« oomine. thdrhcoso would have been Crowded. They continued on the ™ jto a better honse. In Albany, on the 8lh and «h, they did ^e euocess of Duorea is Oreafi's New Orleans Serenaders has 5?'S'" tl'e most flattering desoripUonat the Boaton Haseum. SJ^^?.'"P*^<«'*'y»nnoun(!ed In cur advertising colomna. this result ndght eadly have been foretold of so talented a party. fil.S»'i?*'v't.'''* performers thus announced were on land; BAatn^ V "If"' "J""*'". OUB 01 lUB most piOUS of thTlSSSiS" Signified its approbaUon, no doubt "two Di we Clergy" ^oufd "go one eyoV, on thla llvdy'affair. !<>Orc«n'e Beronaderi takes us to task for tiaUe A fMend of si hartna aaiert««7« hi ""x9.." oerenaaera taxes us to task for tuSs thebtii'^frr^m♦v*^/*''*'-Bryants' Minstrels«took the the M Jn?v; ^ow wk.^^ ^S" P"*^ Haven on lively times, andTiumt cork tf ati»r<5^ii^ **' *'"*' Bnant'a UlnatrelB appaarod, lii n - « ,' '^i. . and loth, with euocoss, tS>l^on^^^f^S^'{i^,'^i^ ,'•■■'■•■ MUSIC HALMi--'I..' -- Astonishing how the Fourth of July sets nebnla kV^.d ii. • ..S?!™-. ''flinV'' who usually wriUsfjDm'fifff^ "Mlastweok fltom Chicago;and therefore-weifiS^AUfM"" , froto our old (Mng time) friend, »erry^MiiiB^**5S,-^iff: : nitBs on lha sili ftom tho Helodeon Suidmer o<ad&' rltI^? ftUMD Qosxs:-I am stlllat the MolodeonSnSSeJoJlSii -SK " not very good; the timea are rstKhakT^'"' Jtr, Beohther Is In Memphis, abd -doing a great bl& I v%V v,' - onFriday, 4lh, Mona. Que, ?cter. and L lXviLd,"',MS ■ ftWet, making in dl cloven ladieai thlS7e<l**St ??™ MempUs. Mr. Bechtner his left me In oharne of his plJSS ' Pfl^foto'heto'daythathohas'Ukailth* New MaruhU 85ff 1*1*^"""*°"^''■<i''8»80»drainatlo company, .'WA want le comedian, died undor-dlstroealng drounulanoe^ at MUwau. *>«, Wis., on <n about tho 7th June. Thla 1 know tote true; poor ' eaiaouenments closed, while a number of others are enu way, trying to worry the seaaon through. We presume the opening of next season, several new places :wlllt>e d,-witn tdented companies. fellow, he waa an excellent low-comedian and good comic singer: In each parts aa "Paul Pry," "Toodles," vOraok," io., he whs qolle equal to Burton la some of the scenes. Dick Onnnmgham, whose death,yon mentioned In the Cixpnatwo weeks back,'ls sot dead. I read hla death on Thursday (that is the lay we here get the paper), and on Friday I took dinner wlth'hlm The Tarietles Mode Han is not doing muofa, although they are pay- Ingexpenses. EathleenO'NelHstbeoardthere.'asalsolsPnrdy. Bowery Concert Hall, Jake Esher, Is doing better than any of them. ETfd. Shaw Is blowing blmadf Inte fitvor. fohnny Boyce, Campbell, and Charley Lewis work well together,' Leon- ora and Sally Maaon are the attractlona there. All the big mudo halls hi Phlladdpbla ore dosed, for want of patronage. TheMdodeon first "went In," and soon after the Olympic dosed, dthough the latter had a most excdlent com- pany all the time It waa under Mr. Lea's management Several minor establishments closed, while a ntamber of others are atlll under way, '—■ with the opened.-with tdented companies. The two prindpal mode halls In Albany are thua spoken of by "Wattle Busher,'' writing on the Sth:—TheOayety have beei^di- viding their forces, part of them playing in North Adams, Maiss., and the remainder at the old homestead, in Albany. Manager Howard Is throwing this as a "feeler," Into the snbuxbs, and the fiah are reported to bite well. Harry nnderstasda the pnlse well. ana Clarke la a flrat-olaas etage manager At Smith's Concert Hall, a new pantotalme was brought cut for the 4th, arranged by Mr. B. S. Manuel, entitled "Monileur De Frisao," In' which the anther snstaina the principal part - Peppo, the Clown, la In good handa.when Mr. A. ulasaford "has the amir." Mrs. A. Qlassfbrd makes a buxom sailor lad. The piece contains severd fine dan- ces, and condudes with the celebrated Morrla dance, Detroit may well be proud of its Metropolitan Varieties, for- merly Detrdt Theatre. We have examined the returns made by theitreasurer £rom the Slsi of May to the Sth of of July, Iftdu- dve,-fh>m which It appears that the average number of vldtors was double that during the same number of days In any theat- rtcd management ever known there. L. M. Bayleas la the present lessee. J. B. White la the stage inanager. - Among the company are some of the most tdented performers that can be found in the Wertem diggings.. For iostance, Amelia Wells, Elolse Di 'Vernon, and Fanny Archer, as lady vocalists; Mary Blake, M'lle Clari, (Felldta) Ida Roes, Emma Boss, and Emhia Marsh, aa lady dancers. In the Ethiopian department are Add Weaver and. Master Barney. Frank Pell, (lately left Dan Bice's Circus) .has now opened his budget at . this .honae. X. C. Briinmer, as a banjo soloist la also a favorite. D. W.-(useful Dan) Collins Is anouer handy man - to have In -the house. Bob Butler, the pantomimist has latd/ brought out "Baoul,'.or The Magic Btar,^' and sustained hla favorite character of Coco, to Stage Manager White's Baron Tomaso, creating what promises to be "a long run" .(not at billiards) among our Detroit Mends> Then there Is Alfred Btuart; on Irlah comics and vocalism. Next, Professor Aibee (the Boneless Arab) and his son, who do up the gymnastlco-acrooatlco-Jugaleryo-maglco. No wonder the reddenVoflldals,Unde Sam's officers, and occasionally "two- thirds of tbe-dergy" look in, and pronounce the Metropolitan Varieties a big thing. Eorrlsburg, Pa., now has a Oayety Mudo Hon, and a gay place Bob Edwards seems likely to make of it. 'Helussdf, Dan How- ard, Jake Budd, U. Eincdde, P. Eincdde, J. H. Vonhom, and Tom Murray, with Miss Julia Edwards and Miss Hate Davenport Bob seems ludy to hold on, summer and 'Winter, and is "ahlp- plDff hands!' for the Interior of the-Eeystone State. See his ad- vertisement ,. . ■■ . - Parties prospecting for any Und of llrstdassblz. InBdtlmore, would find the Baltimore Museum conveniently available, as it Is now vacant and Albert Lea or John P. Smith, at the Mdodeon, in that dty, may be consulted on the subject The location of the Museum is very central, and the house can be had for a night week, or month. However, aee the advertisement Inserted bytheprointetora, . "Prettywdter girls" are to be blotted -oat of the concert sa- loons In waahlngton, D. O. Long's Varieties, PhUaddptala, Is progressing wery favorably -with thefoUowing tdent:—Adddde Miller, Boaa Volante, MeUn- da Nagle, Mary Newton, BUly Holmes, J. 0. Eeene, Wm. Lesher, Hen Muckle, and Biny Chambers, the latter being manager. Provoet-Manbd Some'body—has "granted" three days for the proprietors of concert sdoons in Waahlngton to dlamlas all their waiter girls. This lllastntes the inconvenience and nnproflta- bleness of a white akin, about these days. OIRCCSES. Our Canadian friends seem disposed to do the handsome thing by American circus companies general^, andiwe are very glad to observe that the venerable Samud P. Stlckney la so cordlally-re- cdved as he Is on his travels there - with L. B, Lent's iHlppozoo- nomadon. This gay party Is composed of Lent's Mammou Na- tlond CIreuB; 8. P. Stlckney's Great Western Olrcue; J. O. Shep- ard's Oreat Eastern Qlrcue; o; C Quick's Hippopotamus Com- pany; and Bands, Nathans & Co's Four Performmg Qepbanls £rom Cooke's Amphitheatre, London. These organizations' combined, have a "long string," notmerdy of horses, educated mules, etc,, but ladles and gentlemen; among whoniia Bamuel P. Stioknev, who most be popular In New York or any where else.- The principal downs ore William Eennedy, Osrry De SIptL and L. N. Burke. Thomas King is the flying vanUtr. wmSm Da- crow (be hurdle rider and elack-rope vanlter.' Mksler Bobert SUckney, a chip of the old bloek. Is wonderful with his tHukwud or fbrward'aomersaulla. Ibis week Li B. Lent's Show, with all those attractions, -will visit Peterboro',. Uth; Coborg loth- Port Hope.'ieth; Bowmahvllle, 17th;''Whitby, 18th; Uarkham' ISth. Next week the concern opens at Toronto for tbe first two days. ' In the language of tho advertisement we misht sav "re. ccflect tho day and date." , » ""Jf. re- Dlck Watkbis, comic vocalist, la now performing with Mrs Watkins, at Military Hell, Library sbeet, Philadelphia, and has left Mew York, to reside at 41S Harmony street in the former dty Dick has a brother-in-law. Master Hernandez, who Is traveUmi with L. B. Lent's Hlppozoonomadon, and many other Iriends who may. be glad to know of his address; but could not hear of his removd except by this mode of profesdonal communication An interesting account of bow L. B. Lent's hippopotamus took a scripturd-swim on the Sabbath, near Antwerp, N Y must "lie ovor" until next week, '' Md holdlDg a wheelbarTow so oS (o run on the rope, firom the Market House to the steeple of tba Noith ChuMh. !b the even- ing, Mmsib. John and Henri- gave a varied pertonnonoe of tsmauoa at the TempI^ In PortsmonUi. ?>^'>on's La PeUte Belle U up at Marysvl]l^ 0d„ and arcana about there. He now hu eosmoramlo vlevrs, war pan<v SP^i * Uttle concertidng, etc.. - U Petite Bdle remalna as ?,^T.^ *^ ^0'^ M loeliea high, and wdghlng U lbs. JartyVround niTaat week irilh two days at Coba, Mew York, and. oonunence this wedi with two days at riiwi O-»• B. has had soma new scenery painted by aTBus- T'7JrlI'">oraniio artist Two new pertbnners, L. Oregory and J. Bwink. have been added to the troupe. UttlaLoIaiBaauvely and lovely as ever. ■• -. ,,J^».Oovat(»i«:wt ittjbti) Johannes (are we rtghtt) seems uiely to go into the law boalneaa as a prweadon, having under- taken (are we right T) to prosecute tbe claM of some poor man n. the City of Boston, for some big alnotmt of -money, - Are -vre right? The profeadon vldtlng Nefw Haven,- Oonn.. will bO happy to learn that the Common CounoU of. tbat'dty have abollahed the wbolesde dead-headism prevalent there of late, and henceforth the dty officials must pay to see the ahow as yniSi as "any other man." Aa Domlne Sampson hath it "BfuUm^l" • The Alleghanlan: Vocallats and Swiss Bellilngers -have con- cluded to hang up the bell -and the dapper for a.few weeks. It Is true that they talk abont a tflp to Europe or Auetrslla, or perhaps both. - However, -we -shall see. Herr'Stbepel, the In- ventor of "the wood and straw piano," la to Join them in Septem- ber. .J,;. . * -.' . The remains of the lamented Isabella-HInhley Sudni arrived In Albany on the 6th, and were interred near that dty. The ser- vices were conducted by the Eev. Dr. HuTder, Eplscopd minister. The deceased had many friends in that dty, and thedr sorrowing sadness tdd, alas I too truly, that they had lost a dear IHend. The profession was well represented, and Joined in the solemn, obsetuies. ■ -. The Tremalne Family of vocalists gave a concert In TNy;M. Y., on the <th, to a crowded and 'appfedatlve audience. The com-' pany have gone to New York fbr a abort vacation, Loulae Ben- nett Is with them...'.. .Father Beed's Old F^lks troupe were en- gaged by the Young. Men's Asaodatlon of Albany, to give a con- cert In that dty on the 4th of July. The house was fair. The company have since disbanded, and leftfor parts unknown. Mr. Drastako, their agent,- is raising a oompanyforthewars...... EeOy & Bon'a Parlor Opera "showed up" in East Hampton, Mass., on the llh and 8th. . • - From PhfladdpUa "Jack Bover'< writes as follows:—At,a meeting of the "Whealley Dramatic AssodatUn," Jbly Stb, an dectlonfor officers was had with tbe following result >-Pred- dent, John Burke; Vice-Preddent D.T. Edley; Secretary,°Chas. Comber; Treasurer, L. Vincent; Stage Manager, D. W. Furoe; Prompter, 0. A. Lawson; Property Man, S, E. Hulfish, 'Jr. This dub are having their little theatre fitted up In fine style for the next season >0n account of the death (by drowiUng) of two of thdr members, the Trovatore have dosed for the season Tbe Boothenlan. gave a very good performance of-"Eatherlne and Petruchlo" on the evenlngof the 8d. niey gave the "Boagh Diamond" for an afterpiece, which came olTvery well, a lady being cast for tbe part of Cousin Joe. Miss AdUns should never a^ tempt another male part until she baa learned to walk Uf the gar- ments of the sterner sex.. Miss Boss as "Ibrgery," hod agood idea of the part and played it in a very spirited manner. Tbb AvomTEs.—At a recent meeting of the Dramatio Assoda- tlcn, the followlnc officers were elected:—Harry Eames. Presi- dent; C. H. Wheeler, Vlce-Preddent; 0. Oordon, Secretary: 0. Folwdl, Stage Manager; B. Harris, Aaalatant Muiageri J. 0. Handy, Treasurer; and J. Bcolt Property MmTThe pieces sdsctedfor the next performance are the'fOnn Maker of* Mos- cow," "Dead Bhot," and "Toodles." ^^U'^th^^.'tSS^^..^^^'^^^^^ Tom fl&T«ni muBi tiln ninma ^..^iv'TT-r'? ™1 »• !? ."eland. Tom S.yersropenshlsdrcus^iithVin'SSaHJ^ you aee the pngfliats, ^though not havS?SBda?t wortff'«i2 riiig,tnpi Ae& attention & another. JoeaS^wMta JoeCoSum; the Utter, If he comes over h^'2J,'?2„,*lMr aa we do not advise nlen to come over hare to flaht T H l^ TURF. mSOElI^LANEOVB. . Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Miller, with Mr. and: Mrs. A. 0. Miller are "areound In spots generally" In Michigan, with'.what are called "Yankee Miller's Parlor Dramas." The party also has Messrs B, C. Adams, Lake, Williams, Sylvester, \wllllaniB, Henry, °Jobhl son, and.W. Chapet They are able to fill a good ciutfbr such Sleces .as "The Days of'76," "The Yankee's First Vidt to New brk," etc. • Mead's Eupatorlan (whatever that may mean) Mlnstrds, did not appear at our Acadenu of Mudo' yet bat they havebeen around Newport Pawtucket, Providence, etc., in luSode Idand B, B, Mead is proprietor; W. 0. Buokley,'lcader; J. M.'Warriner' manager; andC.' E. Blohardson, bneiness agent ' Mr. and Mrs. O.T. Smith, with, that little wonder Marian-M Smith, ore giving parlor entertainments in Ohio. ~Tliey opened at Crestline on the Uth, and proceed to Shelby, Manafldd Woos- ter, MasUIon, etc. . Alf Burnett is to fill an engagement In -Boston, at the Aquarlal Qardeiis,.ander the management of the Immortd Phln- easT.. ' Foura<}erman sodettes of Worcester, Sprlogfleld, Hartford, and Wbstfldd, announce a. "Mammoth Combination Ooncert'^ nextweek. "Svrdlagerl'! Bullard'a Panorama of New York dty opened at Washbora Hall, Worcester, Mass., on the 10th. Boston seems to be In luck about these days, and we have a good mind to "get Jealous," aa the ladles and dly rivals some-i omes say.' Dupres & Qreen's Minstrels wind up the present week at the Boston Museum; and, on the list it wlUbe occupied with Fox's (our'Canterbury Fox) Bavd Troupe, and trick puto- mlmes,.with chaimlng lidlets, foi^ four weeis. There need be no doubt, that Fox will do well In Boston,>ir he can slhg "the fox Jumped over the parson's gate," and^ows bow to cater wdl for the publlo. Beddes his baUettroUpe led by Mdlles. Marietta Zanoeua and Maria Zee, he h^a^oh star penoimers as Messrs. A. M, Hernandez, Lehman, Ben Yates, James Pilgrim, A. Qroel Velarde, F. Seagrist A,.8eagiist Paul Bavsl, W. Dolany, DcvemI and Paul Berger. Hen are evident promises of a "'White Knight" somewhere in,siich a party, and knigbts of sU colors, "and pleasant nights will uildoubiedly come out of It James Pilgrim now sets "but on hispUgrlmage with this party as Itsgenerd business agent^ addlHbn to performing among Its brlUlant ptofeadonala. That Mr. Pilgrim will be wdcomed hi Boston maytM infarred ftom tbe'faot that Boston never foi^gets its old friends. Let Boston look out for Fox's Bavd Troupe, and ob- serve how amusing those light and pantomimic ballets are which have now became Identlfled with the name and tame of the Bavds. Ibe Union Tableau and Concert Troupe, Messrs. W. M. Holland and Jas. P. Xfluters, managers andproprietors, were at Littleton, N. H,,onthe6thinBti dolngup "TneDoomofI>evllle," on which oCoadon, Miss Kato M. Dunn, made her dttui as Master Deville. The company next appenrodat Lancaster, M. H., on the eth. Baslness, said to bo better than "middling." Mrs, Oeo. lynell and Mr. T. P. Eelley, are playing with this troupe. The Hanlons have made a great hit in Ban Francisco. As we have before stated, they arrived out there on the 18th of May, in twenty-eight days from MeW York, and opened on the 37tb of May, at tno Metropolitan, to. a densely crowded house. They have been playing on the off-nlgbls of BlanoU's Oport Troupe,' to Immense DOsIneas, Their engagement is sdd to tte the greatest suocess ever achieved by any person upon the Paolflo ooaat 'William Banlon's "Zamplllaeroetation" feat wfs extolled by the press and:people,while Qeorge.and Thomas, In thdr double Jarterre act came In for a share of approbation. On tho ISth of dne, Wm, Uaulon'a benoflt took plaoe, when the gross receipts reached the snug sum of ti871.60. It was not Improbable that the Hanlons would complete thdr entire engagement with Mr, Mtgulre In Ban Frandsco, In which case the party would take a run to Sacramento, MarysvUle, Stockton, etc, on thdr own hopk, The Metropolitan Ihoatre, whore the Hanlons were perfbimlng. Is under the managemont of Messrs, Hagulre b Torrence. , The Denier Brothers, John and Henri, were notftf out In their "gueaa" that they should return to "the Stales" about tho let of July. They have Bad a flattering and profitable tour In tho West udlas, South .'Alnerioa, etc, and returned at Portsmouth, N. B, ^ the Fourth of July, Hons, .Denier gave one of his "mld-alr npe ^erformanoes'.' In Market Square, at Portsmouth, The FORBIOirtDRAIUTIC AND SHOW IVB'WS. Howe's American Circus had four good days at Limerick the last week in June. John 0. Beenan waa, of course, the prindpal attraction. i6000 have dready been subscribed for the restoration of the Bath (Eng.) Theatre. The American performing bull, Don Juan, Is with an English Circu s Company, now travdlng la Oermany imder Mauger John Brougham hod three lively weeks at the Prince of Wdes, Liverpool, ending on the 28th June, and was succeeded by Mr. and Mrs. Wlgan. O. V. Brooke and MlasAvonla'Jones commenced a Joint en- ^unent for two weeks at the Theatre Boyal, Uanchaster, on the Mrs. Hudson Elrby is engaged for the summer seaaon at Car- diff, Wdes. Itidberg Is nslng his ten fingers on the piano to some poipose at the Hanover Square Booms, London, A guinea a pop for the public . The W. P. Colllna party of Christy's Hlnstrels were at Ldceater (Eng.) on the 1st July. The Handd FeaUvd was a dedded success this year In Lon- don. Four thousand voices filled'the choral parts, and the In- strunentallsts were as numerous ss the allotted nace in the Crystal Palace would allow. Each day's pertormonee Inmased in attraction and apprdvaL Mdlle. Tttlana bore off the soprano honora,; and-Madame Balnton-Solby (hose .of a eontrdto who coudalngtbat soorlng oa oriftlnoUywritteubyHandeL' Mme. BudersdOrffand -the other laiueawere In fine voice. Meears Sims Beeves, W. Weiss, and Signer Bellsltl, also fully maintained their high reputation, and this rich mudcd treat was enjoyed by thousands of dellgbted andlton firom all parts of the -world. Oardlner Coyne is at the Queen's, Edinburgh, with his Irish dramas. Dion Bondcault has been successfd In his opening of Drnry- Lane. "The Colleen Bawn" was the leading piece, and Bond- cadt the Myles-na-Coppdeen.' Madame'Odeste-was the Mis' Cregan. Miss Sara Stevens (onr Broadway Bora) was theEOy O'Connor. ' . "Our American Cousin" hasttowbeehplayedattheHaymarket nearly 200 tlmea, with Sothem's Dundreary. Messrs. Unsworth, "Or Any Other Uan,''^ and Master Eugene oonUnue among the most notable of the notabilities at the Ox- ford Mude Ball, London. / . Mrs. Shepherd, wife of the presditleraee of the Boyal Surrey, London, died In that dty on the Sid Jane. Deceased was de- servedly a great favorite at AsUey's Ampblthestre hi the days of Dncrow, and was then known tt Mrs, Susan Pope. In January, 1837, she married Mr. BIchard Bhepherd, mentioned above. Our English advices do not allude to her age. Mr. Boward, formerly with "the criglnd" Christy Minstrels, is a great fkvorite at Weston's Music Ball, London, where he ex- hibits the silver bdt presented him by the Christy Minstrels, and bearing the words "American-Prize Jig Bdt" Louisa Pyne has been engaged by Manager Maplescn for Ber Majesty's, London, and Is now singing there in Italian operas with Signer aolglinl. " " ' - Dave Fisher has snccessftilly started his ddest son, Benry, as a light comedian, and Wdter as a low comedian, st the Theatre Boyal, Manchester. • ° < ' -' "Wide Awake" sends ne the following, dated London, Jane 23: Fbiemd 'Fbosx:— London Is Uterally choked with people; the theatres, notwithstanding, arepoorlyattonded; the concert halls ore, however, crowded.' FatU at the opera continues to draw good houses. "Ths Colleen Bavm" excitement Is again revived, and is between Drury Lane and the Addphl. I do not know what the result will l>e with both these booses playing the same piece, but I think "The Colleen Bawn" is plkyed ouC and It vrill bea ruinous affair to Iwth parties, as you are probably aware there has lately been a law suit between these rivd managers. The Baymarket is flourishing, with Southern as Lord Dondreair. "ThePeep 0' Day" Is also turning stde here The burnt oork .business is oreaUna a great exdtementhere at present and the question Is now, which Is the crlglnd Christys t The rival com- panlea of Chrtstya have been playlDg In Oppcisltlon to each other In tbe Ohannd'Islandb fbr these laat two weeks, with disastrous reaultrto both partlea. While Wilacnft NIsh's company were playing In Jersey, Collins* company were In Ouemaey, eachpost- mgths other as Impoators. 'Wilson and NIsh of the former com- pimy, have dlssdved partnership. Twelve montha ago a company was organized and ready to start for the Englldi colonies, but owing to some pecuniary difficulties (a la Birch ti Cotton's Aus- tralians) were unable to start at that Hme. This company now starts and 'Win sail on July <th, per royd mall- steasior, for the .English Colonies, The company consists of the following tdcnt: A. Mish, muslod director! Joe Brown; champion Jig dancer and end man; T. BalnfoM, basso; J. H. Melmi, tenor and violinist; 0. Btede, vlallnoello; 0. Stewart, tepor; wash. Norton, end man and wench dadcer, ko,, be. These will be called "The Origlnd Ohrlstys," At present we have three Ohrtsty parties playing here, and thl^ company will make the fdnrth; besides, wo have a company of femde Ohrlstys. Mow the quesUon arises, which out of these companies are the husbainda of thelites in question, as they style themsdves the wivea of the origliid Ohrlstys T Ool- Una' party of Christys perform at Southampton to-nlghi Wam- bold, the tenor singer. Is not enjoying very good health at pres- ent Mert Sexton and Baaquin, of this company, after Joining the teetotd society, broke it at auerasey, drinking Ourocoa, and Ave a gratuitous entertainment at 8 o'dook in tho morning, on J?!*""??,' ^*'"? was disoovered doing the trapeze a la Leo- tard, while Basqitln was singing his great French opera; boys, boys, be oaroful and leave off your budge. Wilson at present Is In ljndon peomltlng the band, while they are performing to- night at Poole. O. W. Moore and old Tony ChrlsUan are sUll great favorites with WUnon's party. We understand he has en- Taged some of Bumaey it Mewcomb's men In plaoe of those who itraryi _ _ 5"« neata, best three'In five' to haraeasi for wuJTtheJS ?St^Sr^.?*^*'',^V' gpldlngMemncn namStoff AfS?^ hay mare, IjdySherman;^ Bay mare Bdle Brunlonl ^Sn,^ »mwMr(uiUble,ddayof an hour,Memnon andl^ SfSSlL.lf^5 -Bdle Brandon, as usual, be^ SSSff^i,*""'?] Sherman waa thefUoriS SlSwfn.' f?" ^* '*» ons- ^ O^sool bettlns, a speoles 3 SSS?n' '»Bne., In tfie flrrt Sat SSSit . wJt ti'^qowfer-pole; paMlng It in 88 sees. ^ SL J?*.?'',!** <" '''8 baymore, who followed dosS upon his box to the half, which he inade In 1 min. 17 sees anS SSSt^or ttBt:^^^.*^"?."" ne«esaai7 to iicompm i "*"J''F. eecond heat when Memnon kgaln, contrary ta ?SS?g%°in'tS^:*' " 1""^^ a^^o^ fa^Ali^wnJ??'*' betUnf'to'. veer ronnfl, in hU^ ho was forced to hwtopmoal speed, the flJirStt&We bdS M-lJe result chagrined the mar^y, and plwuedai4«»Twh«. I^oketoa targdy'OT: bit of equlJeTugSll^^|KJdt j^^nuLT, Jow U.-Pur»e $100, mile heat^ best three In flte, lit D^Ulman entered br g Memnon i i :'i DMaceentered bmLadySherman !!!!'.'.!.'.29:2 Beats. First..,. Second . Third. Quarter. ..0:88 ,..0:89« OMU Third l^^narter. 1:M UUe. '2:80 !2:8S- 2:8S< Half Mils, 1:17 1;I8 ^ 1:17 ...^ TBX Bbcohd Bacb waa a handicap, of which the foUowlna'la the result and summary:— »v,»uwuie im ^ FamAT, July IL-Pnrse and stake im, mile heats, beat 8 ia 6, to hamesB. . - ' Mr MoUughlln named bg Lofty, to harness. 1 1 1 "'•WbKeon named s g General HaUeck, 120 lbs wagon 8 3 9 .,a8» Mile. 2;*8 a3:ie Mr OsUey gamed blk g Boneat Whit IM lbs wagon. — • «lDt Heat QoartsrHlle. BalfHlle. First ; 0:13- --l:3t Second ......QM 1:23W Third 0:43K 1:22)2 After the above trot was conduded, Bonner, of deny' noto- riety, got Into the hands of "ye Immaculate torfltes," vnic^aina down heavily In the way of flattery on the speed of hla "flyers," and he waa Induced to allow Dan Mace to tool Lantern around the troolL with Ethan Allen as a running mate, to a 260 Ib9 wagon, when, according jto the three bat wdcAa in (Aedly/—» friend at onr elbow suggests that they lolght have been the three ftsteat and we don't know but that thiare is some truth In the suggestion—Lantern and Ethan made tbe half in 1 min. 7 sec, and the mile in 3 mliL 20 sec, which isddmed to bith» best time with neok weight on record. What with the clergy and turfites, Mr.'Bonner will soon be enabled to watoh and pray, if he be diligent ' ■ ■ , ' -. Taonnia ai Wobcesieb, Mass.—The patrons and loven of the turfin Worcester and-vicinity cdebraud the 1th by a cooplo of trotting races on the Full Moon TrotUng Pork.. -Below we ap> pend a summary of the heats:—. Purse of $100, (or double trotting teams, mile heats, best 8.1n IW- Oeo B Wesson's br s and mate .....0 111 < B Poole's r aBongb and Beady and mate....0 3 3 a > Time—3:11; 3:86; 3:65; 3:53t Purse of $100, mlle'heats, best 8 in 6 to harness. B Poole's gg Tom Byer 3 111 WmEagez's wg Chalk Line 12 3 9 ' . Tlme-3:38: 3:15; 3:M; 3:11. CKICKET. East WnxiunnDBO vs BiTEixiTE.'^nie return matcl( be^ tween these dubavros played on the 9th Inat, reaultlng InavlO' tory for the'former, .by nine wickets I We append tiie score:— SATQXITE. • - .J^^.i , Flrstlnnings. PallnbPlnk ; ,0 Till bPlnk..'.,........ 1 BurringcWIUshawbPink.. 3. FullerbPink.,: 0 WdtonbPink,; 1 WlhionbPink. 0 BennettoJHadflddbPink.. 8 Harrisbnnk.. 3 Bobleynot but 3 Brown bPlnk,...'. 1 Mitchdl 0 J Hadfldd b BavUls 3 Byes 1 Second Innings, -mn out...... .iV)... -.....<.. O b Finlc.^..'..^.i*.rri....i-.•.. X notout..-.;.....-.'. .....'r,.-..81 b Pink,-. e IbwbBavllla i.. S b Tribeck ;..10 b Pink 0 oB WillshawbSavllle....... 9 b Pink,. :.. a b Tribeck.. •^ bSaviUe 0> -Byes7, wldes7....; .IC Total:, ,.18 Total.. .81 EAST WI,UMSBUBa—Fifst Innings. Dumper oMltdidlbHnnlng.lT TMbMkbBunrlng'..'.;'.0" Ward 0 Palln' b Burring.'.'... 0 •' J Wright not but0 Byts'8, leg bye 1 ,! :>■,......, t toUl .91- [oln NIsh. Speaking of BttmHeyb.Newcomb,-thlsoompanyhave Dean very nnfarlunate since their orrivd In thla oountry: <hey are now disbanded, and Rumsey, Nowoomb, and little Bobby ore playing at the Oxford, while Eugene, Unsworth and Duly are at the Oonterbury, each playhig against the other; the remainder of tnecompany are doing nelhhig at present One of the Christy parttes, atyilng themsdves Charley Christy's Minstrels, areupon their latter legs; they have t>oen driven ont of severd towns as Imposters. Mr ' rtU^lng UsUsoie'Sam at theJsUnj^ih ,^.Tbere ore three! wu three hundredibot, and the ropo a hundred JjMt^aveltasupports, Herepoatedlh*eiperlin«ntblli ^ean Hlnatrds now traveling througb the Frovinces. Hai^ rj Temploton's troupe are playing at Plymouth to good business; so this shows yon how tho cork exdtement Is flourishing at pre- VI, A,,A M ^ this oountry there are over onbthonaand men who blade blindfolded, > up d«lly for halla, idrs, and the itiests Heeaan is lUU the J HIU 0 Eobley b Wdton..8 SavUIe c Walton b Burring., 1 Pink 0 Burring b Palln. 37 J Hadflddb Burring;...'.... 1 B Wlllshaw 0 Walton' b Bar- ring...- ..i.;v.-.'..'-....ie HHadiSeldoBobley b Palln. 3 WWrlghtb Wdton.: .:..ll In thdr second innings East Wllilamebug scored, BaiviHe' (hof out) 1, J. Wright (b Burring) 1, J. Btdfleld (not ont).0, bye I, leg bye 1. .Total 7. . If the score sent us is correct; as above, th» 'wulianiBbiirgh men'needed two more mns to.win. OaioEET nt CntoiBsin.—Up to the present .time thla aeasoDr we have heard but little from Porkopous oni the subject of crick- et and began to fear that the war and other caosea nad wiped It off the score-book, bnt the tdlowlng ccmmnhioatlon fromth* veteran orlcketer, Wm. Milton Bradshaw, under dato of - July 8, Sats a more favorable aspect on the condition of things there, lead it:—"It gives me pua^nre to be able to inform.you that wet are reviving oricket In good eameat Sliding, as we now do, -that - oridiet balls are moch more agreable than cannon baDs In'con- tentlon and strife, and not so cosily. We had a very Ihtertatlng and dosely contested game on the 4th of July, which wsa.wlt'- nessed by a large'concourie of delighted spectators, orinaUne h^ Ing more fully represtoted than on any former occasion. It'teN- ^linated In fhvor of tho side I had the honor of lisading. ..Th» playing throughout was 'first doss, aind exceeded expectaaon, tbla bdng tho first fan fidd day we have had thlsseason. Oar ground Is in fine order, and is awdting a vidt ftom itm^ of pur former antagonists, and I am autboiued to say hare, that- as our Western antagonists may have been more unfortan^to, or- fortunate; as the ease may be.'m losing sonfe of thdr mantbera' who have piefemd cannon bans to cricket balls, we propoaeto- play a maton, deven Of "dndnnatt vs. deven from Deorolt .Ohl> cago, and Bt Lcnls comblnM," to be .played' at dndnnaUj: where we win promise them a cricketer's recejptlon. 'Addres» Wm. H. CooUdge, President of the U. C. C, CmdiinatL 'l!h»>' foUowlDg Is the score of the gome played:— •. :. : BBADSHAWS SIDE. . , ' , . First Innhigs. Second Innings.: '' L Packhom 0 B Harvey b .' . CooUdge 7 mnont,.. ',..'.'.. S- 8BarvaybCrooks.....' 1. oBarvey'bBi'o«ks »;.'... ^ EUard oBoothbOr0ok8...10 ran put...'..;;..,...'... 19- T WhodSon 0 H Barvey b Crooks ). 9 W M Bradshawb Orook/d i'...' 0 WDeBockranont..^,B J WhitohonsebCrooks....'.. 0 Jones 0 Lewis b Crooks', FBarvey b Crooks...;: PUffstOraoks Pickles not out ...'. Byes 1, wldes 3 Totd.. Flntltinlni W CooUdge o and b: J Byron b Wheddon. W Orooka b 6 Barvey.. a Le'wls b Wheddon.. J Caaddy b Wheddon, B Harvey b 0 EUard 1 0 0 6 : 0; .li .ron'dnt..^.;... not.odt,'. 1>Crooks .; St Codldge oBytcn.D CooUdge.,. bCoolldge... ronent , b'CooUdge ...,,'.,'1.^:.,. „ Byes 8, wldies 3, ab bsU 1,; ••.Mt.* Band b wheddon...11 ...ra. Totoi;;..,....;,-.. OOOLIDOE'S SIDR t. . . .fieaondlaidngs. iradshawlS c B Hacvey b. Wheddon., . 0, 0 Bogdsn. b iBfadahaw., .'l'b-Dradsbuaw>.'; . a.'b Wh'uldon; ■-;a .b,.'WT ■-- ' notr ..IT .at .. » ,. I..' ,. a.- .. 8 .. 0 . 1 . • ..0' , a. 0- 0 nneeiaonv...,.- i..'!>' b .'WlieUdoav..... t" notnflt... .)...■....;.....)..- •• b,'Wheddon', ,•••••!■ , 'bBradshAi( '••if'tr atwheddol b ^rads^w-r U «>.'■ . W Booth b 8 Barvey. JEllardbBradshaw .7' JBogdenoBradshawb'ffhsU.i . . . . don .; :\;.;. 8 b TOeeldon, E Barvey not out0 b WKMldon. ,.■•,••! •.•-O • t • • Byls 9, leg byes 4, *Id64 4.. .17 'Byw 3, lag bjs t, wid* J.,,.,. Massiovdsris OBioniu's OciimaaiDV.—Thevariimciic^ ot dubs pf Vaisactkaaette.are rteuested.tA send ddMdM,' tiOk.- excfedlng Ave from.ony one club, toaiast^-OonvditBsi M ihi. Broomfidd Botise, B(Mon, 4t 19, M., off WedqesdayffTnly 38d>. : The object of thi Convention la to luke arrangeueaii, fu Jh* 1 match between the Stale and the Mew York dob—to be jdayed!» ' Boston,, s/nAKi Oaooicrr.Pfst.lMiOOAYtmci. Boston, July 11,1883. : . " • -