New York Clipper (Aug 1862)

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m t o vi:tr.'BPOBint''IMIHTM' - Bia-iioiBir-«xi.a'oi|iii' axiiozsii nosBm.£nii^^lliraiaui iaiiBRii> ot Aimuai; Vl'i|i(=!,'_4l) T .0 0XIi ,;of■ ■;.' titttli-Mitaaot, hif ta imm^ dtatnLMm^ ll^SMonartMlofUitglaba. Tli«Oi:^nat|Mi 1BSP0BI8oferMT«nnto< ftB||aillii( il*>.i-$Mttt^SDlnB,'''^u%ti PWoIBhoottDg,.. " HbfMBMlSA notUoff, PlMOD'Bhobtliig', '"' n nyllng ^ OUMIOwI. «:, &«,, fa). ^ ■illlllltli llhll iiiillin' in .Otaanl Tofloii bot SpoiAa^ lUttcit EMiVanW., JOon«noDdinti<iinr«nd t(MM exptoM,. sMOUmBU th(OiBui«f no puttoalii du),.bat itnoita |ilM(giBt«oAlatnaiM!t»tti«lmpioTMtoatottiM: i-. 'fBSnOiX-ASD HBHTAL OOKSmOS <iV'TEm TBOFIi^ . MtnBHbittklUuiiiinitt.bonartb; foriis'propilttor. n* tascLiibfoi* OLOrra, iu • SPOBTIHa FAIPBB; ii wlih- MlpM0«d#(U'aU6^ia/olnu'ooni>tr7. ftUbidlgilM.', . T'Bidbcurizim iraaa^ AirrHOBiix; i . : .• Ain>]BTBE :; , iU>BnBMBXIRfffOimRiLII077PtlBU6l^IMii3lSBf()A. Timi nniitnti < rnntt'ninti' ByiBilI,tirortlxBoiitfaf^ — t iMT. Osb of four, t7 par •anami dab it tlabi, fl3 mrcBlb'flflwUt^'^l ]pauaiiB-rlil tll 'oiMS In aide iMmtols, U Mn& pu Unefob'.a^^^.eToir rttVabUAttoft-TnaAaroteiiebvoek. ■••■■n&MKQiiXEH, BdltMuaFMtlTlgior,.'l'..' NEW YORK OLI3PPER* J S^TXTBDAT, AUGUST, 2, 1862.; AB BSEH BY iS AUSOmkll^ ■■ rff..-. .- I ■ iT IDS ipi BCir. loss ALinn, i jT KDWIH'JiJ£EB.',v , ffiif' :ij««.rBS-Jf'irJffl*« 'sixTBsy.. '. ; .M jn ■( J i... ■ - :'V r : . ( •■. VAUmiB .nBBAinyB'l FAMOUS COLLEOnON-OF VAX- . : naUBSS, IB0FHIB3, BEUOB,'Bia • . HsM'a "•'•aUtoiat ia'afnl»c4" tomltoa^iit If'70x1 Uke— aotooly i^'to^a tblsga be aten at Vadama.Tiuaaild'B, but ■omeaeoDf 'tt^UtU; bo4r betiidA ivboiris certalilr one.of the jaoti noM ^xp^'ptlieTdtr. ' It la baird 'to tbliik irbere ta ■iait, vbetliel SjMb'tAe iontk locaUos, or atyle of bnUdlsg, or late tigbt lold.'nid''ai^1rbtt r:taw tbere. Howeve^ aa ;od ue Tret^ vdfnie4^1^"isy etrle of gettliig tblngi Mr my mind, vhetber oonnected irith tbe oaln object or not, I gneaa Tce may M wen baT«a little dlaaeitaUonflnt - :> To find Baker ttitet (irbere tbe abow la) ilrom my lenderrona In tbe Uaiibbono'diatTlc^ftmoiia for 'icii(Um ibh gnat Q. 0. to repreaeat Uln.tbe BrlUab Farllimen^it lAMoeaaaty iltst to get Into tbtPEaton-Boad, vblcb paiUynma pAralld with BegVnla' Iuk,and then keep on atnlghtalfing to Haiylebinb BoM to VrperBaUrstreet, and-UadrTotaaiid'a la aoont'UiefoQrtbef a amie doiRi/' b-*ue tbtre abooldn't le anotbcr oppertnnlty. bow ' ibatTreait'W-ieir Begenta'Park, tmayea'vcll'b^tog In PMm- zoaeHlIL 4Uaapotlai»)proai3i<d by going thrOagb the paik, SaaalnK onVnif-way the Zodlogloal Oudens, a magnlflcent newly exeotel drbkloa-foTrntaln, tbe'ataild- bnllt for the military band toiJay errtry-Bonday evening from C toSP. M., anderogalng . Begenta' CaaaL-- Diverging to the lelt—or tnralngj lf more Blnpl^it la but a conple of mlnntea' walk to Frtmrbee Hill. Don't think that, after ao long a walk, It'a -(ha eaaleet thing In ike world 'tinn up the Bill, becanae It la anything -elae-bot «uy—regular np-hlll work, and no mlitake; To prove this, I've tmly to aay that at ejeiy fifty yarda or ao tbere are aeata to reat apoBjPlaoed here and there per necesalty; to keep people from bugdo«>o,i|l^ght Hotwlthatandlng men llkeluy Idisarug, aemTalabaUAafoirothetemlgbtproteitagalneteiicl " una as tmVK.ibelr bellowa too much, I . fancy < Indlffarent a^nKM: Pf BAtorc .wonld go Into ecatadea Jnat to be SB top otVilnime Sin aj>me.tine morning to.see the mm rlu, ssd to obatiTf.tiH ]brUUant effect it haa on the.dew-dmpa .bang- . iag pend^t.oqm ereiy twig and flower. Talk abont yonr dla- . aionda—tIwy/KsUk»Aomcb paata Incontraatwllh thesparh- ' Ung tnflUBiiiy.of tbeee dftw^driva aa the ann flrat deaeenda opon ikoL It u not often I and many people ebJqrlng<ttala tuAot zatDie, b^anae Xosdesan aaldom get .ap feefius mea, tuea In ■Ammar time, bnt.xrhat few. do corner tall m« they.wonldn't mlaa Ihalr pIlgflmage;for a ponnd a week. Byom thla point an nnln- termpted^panorama meeta tbe eye for miles and mllea In all dlrecBonuja.thqwsd different objedo—cbnrcbea; toweis, etc.; ^looking dDM enough together to make a fellow Imagine he eonld Inmp from one to the other) rear their lofty bcadi, while BL Fanl'a .Catb^ral cannot be seen from anywhere else to balf tbe advadtagf^'U la here. Tbe view from other monomenta aad iowen Ian' dUtanoff lend sreaant: Ibelr way Ihe.attemc daadsg, mi liaaai ' I oompatlson, and well la the trite uvlogl'"Ha enofiantment to the view," applRablo In' the Towarda mld^day, peddiets of all aorta find J then ooinca the man with tbe telescope, and ^ and evening la devoted to gamea, singfii'g, and do being BDppiled by an enterprlalng Brllon who Uient pavlUon at the the hllL A &pe gym- aaalnm la alao aoaobed to the pavllldn. Ferhipa my worthy eoIIeagIl^ "Bite," haant forgotten tbe laat Sunday we apent •n the BorsK^fUgbta In'conpany with Walt Whitman, of poetfd Ikme: walJ,,'lf' wait gets Inspiration ITom tbat' epAt, what' ^anidn't he 'get by a ramble {bribe a week on Primrose Bill? Sh,fUIows4ireglant (Fred and I graduated at PnblloBobool IT—where dU yon, old boy} If nAt at Tale, there'a ah error In lh« word, eofleclan, and' the pnbllo would like to bear' all about It, no donbt) But enOQgb of thla, and now for a few worda MBoenlngue Ute>lUdame Tniiaand'a history. A sJiaP BidOBAFBIOAL BEJTCH 01^ THE LAST. Thla lady, maiden name Groaaholtc, waa bom at Berne, flwl tier- land, In 1760. At the ago at all years was aept to Parts to be placed ander the <me of |;er nnole,- Uons. Curtlss, ^Tti^^ and modellor to Prlso«<0|)nd'and ibe Parla nobllltyi bbre .ebo acquired great taste andiiai fflleq^ Jp the art for young, and was blgbly «ODpllm<)iiiea by Boaaaau, Ub'abeau, Lafayette, .and BeAlamln iriM llniiiaftUjpinate frtends of the Prince. .Tjie slater ofXouls XVI,,lIaaame EBiabeth, hearing of UlssiOrosshoIU'a fknie,Bent for and emu<4.1^V.<M. tutor In drawing and moddllng In the yalaoe, wbere us rodded, and woa employed by that amiable nrlncM* nntll 1780. During tbe French BevolaUon cf 17M, jUdameJXaaaoad was almost Incessantly employed In taking oasts of ue'headB and preparlne modehi Immediately after the gnOlotlns of rerohitlonlsla; by Order qt the -French Assembly. This parrot-hwcareer has atampodbor name flmoua for all ftitnre ttm^m sxtiaordlnary, determined, or veneold-hearted wvw«^ ,<.«v»atcahlnugInedyonngIadToperadn'g,handllng, mi mampnlatlng' on the severed heods of hundieds of her fd- Iow-oraattrw,°«ll gory and rooUng from tho scaffold, will be pre- pared to,,enloglce-aiiob a person? I for one daro not do so, and not knowldg-wliather she-waa compelled ^or'hor own safety In ihoae penlooi tUnea; or -whether done for worldly gain. It la a qaesUonxbatniistremalnundeolded. Abangman's taaik lada- void of otaw-hslf the horrors Had. Tnssand's oconpatlon had, and her nervM muat have been of sterner stntC than most of ns, to be aUe to Idoknt^ anOh scenes, to aay nothlnfl'pf'taking the atlU warmaDdbloodybeadaop as'they fell Into the boxoi sawdust near tbe guillotine, and tnere and then handling them aashe Irould a block «f wood I Vgb I 'nobody can envy snob an one, •Bd for a woman above all ouen, I scarcely know what to tlilnk; ')t makea one-'s blood curdle. J fioonaflWtraMaWa&ndBhe'had(brmedacoIle6UOttofwaxflg urea, and In U09 left Franco for this country, wherashe exhibited tham, tranlUna. in tbe prlndpal dUes and towns of Great BrltaJn, and Irelaiidvl'Uwlll thoabe aeon theflgnnshavsbean exhibited fer sixty yaaM'lik saooeaiton—for twenty-six years in London, and tweoMbar at the present ball in Baker street The old lady died Atrll UL 18Mt aoed ninety yean, leovlog two sons and •everalgisndoUldren. Thonghovoradoienyeanhas'hilledby' la atUI called UodameTnssaud'a, and moat lUudy always-wlllbesolonaaait Isian.eihlblttdn',for to change tbe name woSIdMblt dftbe pemfllar sttractlona supposed todlng to tht origialMr;' At present her sons are the prop^otors, I bollove, Ttis amount of money expanded on the same at different tlmoa * '"uwhUonoexpenae^ spared .even now. Cnllkeall X8howa,ttlB.roa]ly;.4n oxtraordlnarr, wonderAiIi ImirtvaQed collocUon^ worth twenty timea the ad> L Md a place never to be 'mlased .abonld any one who nadiiUil'^at'<aome to London',! .Frlhco Albert, Tletma, and on- the royaQUmll); kavo fluently-been. there, and it la under the' lrof,')myaItr and (he noblUlyof all Boropo. Indeed, I tt' a*, gorgeooa and oOatly that a poor man fecla out of kappfbs lo, which would aeem >to tx) rare Ipdeed, f bjr the nnmla^keable style and liiii ton of the visit- bFlttday. July4, '(Olorlona old F«frtht> Vbother I jro^ ttavolUng a long way tb.aec^ yon will de- Ulyes as^ proceed to date srbft I saw, % your Thele^. 4>f things'* «lght of- "spons"J «de.aBi2tia jrantspeSitai hfrism pSTsamBincjioov- '; . " K^ioooivled as a Baaoar Xn the a^e lit fD^orts, ^.boateiT,iewelry,aiidfaafyUnee,andia abort '^ftOM im.ttfjumiUm.. riady.takM: and to tM Oe check 06»lnmH are odr- ■^^^^'"iat'ftal abd' tike car& oir stleks, nnriweUaa, or omtohea, fbr' ispttta slnenoairtien yon come'onL' Having piaaed :e,'' yon' are at -perfeM liberty to look aK)nnd,.:bnt It rerbe'sttemptsdwlthontlnvesUng another "tanner" in for they take preolons good oAre'nottotmi the namea itobaractsis, and one oan. go nowhere herewith- IndeneBdent of the admission; it's i»rare' place ipla, leanaaanra yoo. ia London. Baoh tgii^ta loilgh (bey are arranged In everything bnt'the Fuuiwoild expeotf -and alongalde No. 0, very likely wlU b« MolltO^ UMilg lots of trouble to'"get the xuh of 'em.'* I got It tlwiigh, 'aowbln mymlnd's eye, every figure Jntt as it issltnated; therefor^ "good pecpls all give ear I pray, and list to what I have tosay." jFust, to the right, la awaz modol of Houqua, In bis owl) Identical dothea, and-ornaments; be-is seated at a table; IdoUng aa happy as a clam: It la pieaumed to have been modelled In'Canbii expreaaly for thla ealaoUshment, Second, the godlike Vadilngton,-taken fromabuat executed from life; a capital re- a conaptcbous part of the halL Third, Prlnoesa Boyal and Prince of Walea, as infants, in their splendid cot, a faicimOt of the the original a^ BncUngUam Palace, taken .when tboiPrlnce was one year old and tbe Princess two years; I couldn't get a ohance to take a squint owing to the rush of cclno- line oeatlnually around there, (Oacu]atingwhataweet,jpret^dar- lings they must have been in days of yore. Fourth, Wm, Penn, Qnaker'Sostome. Fifth, King and Queen of Ban6ver, lln their regal Bonday finery,. Sixth, Blchard m, in a magnificent suit of aimoi of ^e period; It was copied from an orlguu^l painting in poaseastoii of theSukaof Notfolk; Dlok seems a nico aort ot lookiiig. ypung fellow, only requiring a big moustache to be taken for "Sandreuy," aa the everywhere popular Ur. Southern algns :hlffisdf iiithia eedntry; one ulng, however, has boon left off en- tirate^ and that is hla hump, but "for why," the snbacriboris notlntormed; I was always of opinion Blchard had a big com on hla back-fdldn't you think ao T Seventh, Ducbesa B'Angooleme. dlughlerl of Lonls XTI, and not much kno'wn among Ftank Queen's body guard, or the Cuppeb patrons. Eighth, Louis ^71, UaiU Antoinette, and the Dauphin;'^''V2ry fine group in- deed, mtesenUng Lonls as a noble-looking fellow in the St. Es- prit cd^^ome, sealed beside Us 'wifb,'Uaria, while the Junior Lonla la jleerlng Into bis mother'a bee; both ttie Ung and queen were (-rlctlma to the Belgn of Terror, and pubUoIy exeouMd in 17M;itlie)r son Usnpposed to have been poisoned a year later. Mln^ ^oan of Aro,- Senry IT, and Fronds I, sD natives of nanpSi'ph'one platmrm; Joan on raised pedestal. In a.snlt of atmw,'With her head uncovered; King Benry and Ftands en- ctaaf.ifi larmor^'WiUi vldus on, all ready for a muss,"<.'as It ware.1! i .^ehth,Vamea Ii of England, and TI of Scotland, orea^ed acodralngtohlBtime;thesonofHaryQueenofScolsi Eleventh, ttifi'Pap9,Ardlnal'Wiseman, and Cardmel Antoualll, seated'Jnst asiiatnra) as Ufb In their Soman gowns' and llxlns, apparently dlaousslng the' demerits of Napoleon and Tlotor MnonuS Twdlth, JjcuA Brougham apd Daniel O'ConnoD, engaged In ttnaginary arguaieiit^ Dan sticking out for the rights of mankind genuiUy, BroughAfai truckling to the aristocracy; they'are In similar ccetomes; large doaks-with capes, butwould certainly not be taken ^r twlna, "not any," as the sporta say, for whereas the Uberatoribas a larae, magnificently grand, intellectual head and faatarea^ John's nob is all aorts of shapes,- anytiilng but degant, and more-like a bmlaer than an ariatooratia lord; hla mug was t^ken'ta^.^fisa, and If he looked so much like a Dead BabblUhen, what miiat he do iiow t - Oood-bye, John. O'Connell'a my nian, worth A hundred Brougbam'a of the present time; he was tbe ortginalcnf of Cathdllo emancipation in Ireland, yon wfll remenl-' b«r, but AnfortnnAtely didn't live 'to see the fruits thereof; tU death occUROd at Genoa, while on a visit to the tombs' or tbie Apostles; in hla siventy-second ')rear, and' it was. his wish for hb heart! to'- be sent to Bonle, and h^ body to Irdabd,'. Thlrteentb, Shakespeare on a -pedestal, his left elbow resting on some books, from an authenadstatne; I didn't Ukethls atall, but Imdcid it the worst in the colIectla|(; one thing abont It seems like burleaqui; they've got hlm wltb a atanding collar Awy over' hiaeani'probably tobedlfferentfrom^cthiar'BhakespeareB; pass along WiUlam.-' Fcnrteenth, Havelock, Sir John Lawrence, and Lord Clyde, lately Sir Colin Oampbell, aB celebrated In conneo- ilon with Ithe wars in India; Bavdock and O^de are In- Bittldi Genoral's uniform, Lawrence in that of a-Knlght of the Bath, not Lady Oodlra Ashlon, ^obgh. Fifteenth, Tdlaira and'Uadaabb Sapps; bo^ in dresses a la mode; neither one have the least pre-, tensions to beauty or shape, and probably for thla reaaon uey have been! placed ta hUUatile, Toltaire being in the act'of ghietf. fully llftUg his Eossutb to the withered old crone, whA seems tickled (4 ideath at bis gallantry; the castof Toltalie'S'beaa Is- speclall)! initereaUng, as it was taken two montha before- hla death,' Biiteentb, Sir Franda Burdett, a pleasant looking old gcmt, dxeased in pig akin breechea, Ug boots, blue dress Wt, and friUai a wltneas to the French xevolnUoa' Seventeenth, Father Kattbew, preaching, dressed In tbe dothes he usually wotei and hla fuse taken eipreasly for this showln 1636. Eigh- teenth, Paganlnl, engaged vrith fiddle in hand, Just about aroiy- ing a longbow, or make-believe, as I guess he haa both hands m the some position all the time; he is "a sight for a fkthar," if there evex was one, and didn't aeem as if he got half enough to eat; hlsjulr, too, stands out "sevenwairitfar Btdida;," while Us legs, arms, bands, and fingers, are nOtbhg but sUn And bone; it wouldn't -take long to train him for a prize, tight; however, all good fiddlers are not such scar»<XQvt,'fat thete'a niy friend Sir Winiam Clarke, ot the. Gem, for lnBtane»-he aint no bean pole, labeT Ko, sir, bell be a second Peter Crawley one ot Utoee daya, see if he don't .Nlnatcenth, Gen. WOUsmiL of . Nova'Sco- tia, hero of Ears, In a military undress, wltfallfltu dothes on. Twentieth, O. T. Brooke, tragedian; taken from Ufo to ISSi, In the garb of a Boman; the man of Dublin ought to feel flatlared Indeed Mmaelt whlah he no donbt la.. -TWan- .^firat, tfaribaldJ; Oavmir, Baron neilo, and the Kiogof Haples, having ad Interview to further Italian liberty;-the King, FTands n. and Qony: Baldy aro dressed sdjeif ftabloD, Ctvour . and Poo-, rio like shy other man. Ono word here ^nt Poerio, whom yon may not txow ao well aa the rest: be is called the Neapolitan ex- ile, and when the revolution broke out, be and olhers.were Im- prisonedj^nd treated most cruelly in a dungeon nea^ Naples; Poerlo and bis companions were at length liberated on condition of going to America, bnt on the voyage, they compelled the cap- tain to steer for Inland, and Lmded at Cork, where they were re- ceived elithuBlastlcdly—a gay boy Is Poerio I Bore a space In- tervenes snehtranceto Boom a, but the contents of lhatandthe other rooms wUl WPear to my next^-thla time there will be enough mr ono dose after Boom 1 Is'got through with. Twenty- Second, mclng room % la Lonahkin'(be'.ca^ul to get the "h" rigtat) the Bnsalan Giant, and talleat man goliig, or gone rather; his helK&t waa 6 feet 6 Inches I Wonder what chance he'd-have with ye Boy of Bentah—there's no telling, is there? LonabklnlB Jn bis mtUtaiTcostume as dmm-m%|6rof tbe Impcslal Oqard; in one hand he holds Tom Thumb, In the.other 1%m'e'aword, and It looks ao Bigger than a pin .in comparison. Twenty-third, Abe Unpoln,'Mason, and BUdell; our worthy, honest, and upright President ia placed to a very appropriate position to suit people here' (althougb It rHed me to aee him In auch bad company), and made, toappear as if to earnest oohfab with the traitors, who look aassuoyjaatwobackmonorcoetermongers; Abe'sllkenesslsvety poor, ihk others m>ear to be excellent rqpreeentatlons of tltese would-be ambaasadoni' Twenty-fourth; Hocready, as Oorlola- nuB, to iliemost splendid costume ever seen to England; it may have been a good ukeneas when taken, twenty years ago, bnt ft doeant na<Smble him now a bit' Twentyrfllth, Liston, as 'Paul Pry; tlj^tcp to poUUoh' and- dress. 'Twenty-alxth, Ktog and Queen of Greece, to the pic tures que' coetnm'e of their country. Twenty-aevontb, Henry the Tin. and bis six wives, Catherine of Arrag(m| Jane Seymour, Anne of Clovos, pathertoo Howard, Anne Boleyn, and Catherine Panv throe of whom tho bloody, hesUd, besotted bmbedle had beheaded, and I have hod the moianoholy satiafaatlon of standing on the exact spot where one of them, Anne Bbloyn, was executed. Twenty.olghth, Edward TI,, a boy of dixteen, I6r six ye^s Eing of England—what a fkrcel Twanty-slnth, Princess Boyal anil Prtooe ot Wales to private dross. JThlrtleth, Bev. John Wedcy, preocUng, from a picture when he was seventy. Thlrty-fifet,Commissioner Lto andfkvor- Ite conaort, modelled expressly for Tusaaud's, to Canton; they give hUn credit of otiglnatlng the laat Chtoese war, Thirty- second, Iiord Uacauloy, the groat historian, to hb scarlet ofBclsl robes, phlrty-thlrd, those two epeclmon brloks; John Bright and Blopard, Cobden, Esqs., to affectionate proximity; John B's is first rMe,'Blchard O's only so so; selahforthe both of 'em, and herd's their Jolly good health. Thlrfy-fonrth, Count Uonta- lembertl well known on the conttoont ason advocate for rellglos; he Is made as though addressing an assembly. Thirty-fifth, Uortto Luther, John Cdvin; John Knox, Cardtoal Woolsey, Uary Queen ofBoots, and her husband. Lord Dainley, all on one plat, form, being, oonnocted by historical fkcts. - Tblrty-elxth, Un. SlddonsJ as.Queen Cathertoe, takon from' life, and a splendid modeL I Thlrty-eeventh, Uohemet All, in Tnrklsh costnmo. Thirty-eighth, Sir Walter Scott, dressed saa-HlgblAidor, from llfo. Tltirty-Jitolh, J.'J.Boberts, ei-PresldentofUboria, ofthe colored persuaalon. Fortieth^ J, P. Eemble, as Hamlet, from the origlnal^cture to the National GoUeiy of Portraits, which I hav6 alao seen.' Forty-flret Ohorlea Keen, aa Uaobetb, toomuoh dJ»> gnlaed to-warrant an oplnlou.i "For^-eecond, BeiOamto -Frank- Un, the phUosophor, a atrlUng fao'slmlle of that tdented Ameil- cangentoa... . ■ . This jnerdy oomprisea a list of those personages near tbe walls,'add numbers being given to tbe exabt order tooyaie sta- tlonedvjln the present letter I have, already gone beyond my tothor,(tod am oompellad to defer a description of the other rooms fdr ne^t mail; to.toe meanUma. rest assured the basthalf toyot to oome, and t tiy .to make the same more toterosttog, when von are informed .that tbere are some 400 figures to all. I liopeth^ others will meet.yoiR approbation. .. ■ OECEQUERS OB; pBAUGHT^. TO coBB&knraDsntTBi.... (J R w—Weeongratglateroal..One of yonr posltloBa ha* re-appeaied to tbe MA 4i«r<i«9 ■''inM, He. Benton; Fsnn.—Tona posltloii admlti of a dooble solbtton —toe'vaiiallon eotirdy deatroying ]roiir'»vlew cf the matter," and nuking "dneks and drakes" (A the whole <flUi. fty again. ' iTua, Bnrllagtob, Iowa.—See this wdak'alaBae.'Sban be bappy to hear firom yon again. A, L. B., Baltimore, Ud.—Good boy I That's the style. laua SFOBTDtd Taai, Dablln.-^'We !ows yon one, brotber "Tipes." Bxrsis, New Tork.—See remarks of "Tltah" this week.—' ."Thore'a a good time oomlng—wait a little longer." —' .1 ■ ■( ••A VOIOB FROH.CTAH." BvsLncoTOR, Iowa, July 14, lUl DairaBT 'Es, N. T. Ouim—£<r.-—AUowmetototrodnoemy- aelf to you as a draught player who has notbeen beaten for five or six years paat—who never atadled authors on the game, and who ison^an oecaslsnal reader ot the OunsaOames, .A:iookat "matehbetweeta Dublin andDundoe," and "QamelHo, 8 ToL 10," Sibllsbed Jnne T, IMl, a copy of wbloh paper I proouxed for e purpose of examining the two games mentioned, baa result- ed to the followtog convlotlon on my part, vis.: Hut the fourth move in "Fife" opening. Is faulty on uie part of Blai^ and that It to 10 Is tbe best reply, as followed to the latter game,-fix.: BladL . l..U,to It 9 U 8.. « » 4..M 18 S.,11 It 'White. 38 to ID aa 17 17 18 ■ 19 18 M as Black. «..19 to9« 7..15 18 8. .18 37 t..lp 14 It.. Tot8 anywhere, as White. 80to 8 a7. aS(a) 88 : 38 34 U(b) > there was a . Dauti Of Tq.Oi-AT.Muix,—A few months suit biuhght to.the Brooklyn Oourta byIlr, .Nodlne,to testtba owneslflp of. a yabMble trotter known as the Clay mare, and wbloh at I the. tNo created- do little toterest and exoltemeni to .mottind qlrdpa, 'IJte qneatton, so fiu as the hone Is concerned, haa JuaGbaen settled and most summarily, by tho hand of death. Xba ibare^ It .rieeins, for Bpms.ilffle paat has been kept to the ats- Ue«<^llr. Snedeker, and on Uonday aflemoon, lllh, waa driven out by.HTr Howard, to whoaepoaseaaioBahe was. Bhewaadriv- en.modA r alnly. and walked hrane^ and then walked op and down as nno) to,.oo<^ her oS After that ohe was put to. tbe stable, .pothinf nauitaalbelngnolised aiMuther. Ur.B.uwbarathaU past U b'clock at nlsht, whonaU apparently was well with her, and a^ five oUock the next raomlnig he was Infomed that abe nw.i^lB^ .;^.body o(.tbe animal waa at once opened, and toe " antfaeted and taken to Dr. Ohllion, .ihe ohemiat, for m\ ffh as nd d en death of tosiaie haa exalted no little 'Vmi ^<Mm pm.V and saotolouian anteitaiaad ilUillwHaBMd^tnililj^. ^* White wtos eaaliy. . (a) Whining move—it la now ont of Blaok'a power to recover .the lost man. (Bee aeoond colamn.) (t>) 14 to.l7 by Black wlU bean even exchange and lostgame, and equally so after Whlto'a 10th move, at to 33. Whlte'a Uth move, 33 to IS, la necessary to oomplete hla advantega. Shoold Ithe above induce, your .oontaribntora, "Onreaa" and otoen, to'spend less time and labor on nnimpertant detalla of a fkulty game, and dreate a more llvdy toterestto the game on ac- count of a new rival entering the fidd, who la ready to play the 'champion of any country—my object wlfl be aocompUstaed. Toors, ko., BxiB. INSTRVCTTVSl SPEOIHBUr OF TBB ■■ ■ "FIFE" OPENlRa.,'.' nvm Oe ItithSpaHninma. :, I. Tbe ending Is neat - White. , Black. '^tolt>a3..10.ti>U -.33 ' 37 '.83 '*S1'-. . aa* ai IS .17 ■ i»':' ■9:' 38, 38;.U' ,10 24:. 10 14 25.. 4 " . 17 38..17' a7..30' 38.. 81 ' 29.. 38 SO.. 13 SI..17 S3..33;; S4.:aB'.' 87..30 88..SI 89..37 40..35 4a..iT 1 >■ 38 38 30 n 33 3S 27 34' 31 17 14 and Black -wins. AHOTHEB OOBB^CmON OF TBB Au D, P. ' ' New TOBZ, July, 1883. ' DaauoBr KDnoa^Deor Sir: Tbe game bdow is to be found to the A. D, ■ Black,! li.U to IS: 3.. 8 8.. 4 4:.15 t.. 8 6.,11 7..10 8-. 5 t.ia n.. 9 13.. 8 18.. 18 14.. 7 IBV 9 I8?:U ' !l 18 18 1B> 14 tl 87 11 18 QAItB Ne.'.ld—Toil, Z, .' ,' "-HEw 'Toi^*. , ., Black. !l7..14toI8 White. 38 to IB . 38 ; 38 36 ■ ■If IB IB as 94 30 18 .13 33 IS ■--7 '. 33 17 32 It 34 as 24 30 16 37 33 16 36 .:aa 36.. 38..IB 39..16 S0..88 1..28 a. .33 Oorreetion by George Kugrldge, BufiUo, H: T. ^83.il7 84..S0 85..35 18., 9 IB.. 8 20,.18 91..11 38,,14 2a.,a3 34.. 18 a6..a8 a7..35 38..IS 39..1t 80..aa. 81..U 83..10 14 11 as 15 18 38 35 at 35 33 10 34 18 15 White. 17 to IS 13 6 3S at 33 17 31 14 8 33 33 » 14 38 10 6 6(1) 8 3 6 8 6 9- IS 18 -9 t 6 11 Blackwlas, 86..31 87..17 88..14 14 25 81 17 18 . t Drawn. •■■> a 6. ■6 a .- -.'a ) 8 8 ' a 3 6 7 3 (a) There la notbtog like knowtog when to move the right man at the right Ume. Tbe compiler don't seem to nndeiituid the deepand beantlfol adenoe of draught playing. •^Ibia dpenlngwas nanied.tiy an dd oontribntor ot the Out- res'(Uarnn, of Boston,) many years ago. I tbtok thename tOr more approprlato than 'Inegafar," as styled by Bpayth' to,his compQedjwork; Touts, be; ' Bxt^um. soiiirnoN OF voamoit no. io»'voii, z^. ,' Position reserved till next week, ; BOIiUTIOB OF STVROES' 81st F08ITI0B. ; ^ie. ■ - • Black, ; 1..10 8 - , 1 10 3...14 ; 7 ■-- - 8 10 • S-,17 , 14, andwtas. . SOIiOtlOjl QF BTVRGBiB'.SjM P08ITI01I. < ! -White... : Black, .,; 1,-138 .' 38. . ■ 17 38 . a. ,It 16, and wins, - -- FOBIT^OB No. .17—Vol. Z. Bi A. .L, A,,'otBaItimoreJ.' A "Tip Topper. "-^Ed. D. D. BLACE. THB 88d F08ITI01I 01* STCBaZS. BLAOH. ' . , ITEITB. Blajik to mo^e and yrin. WBITB,. 'White to move; and i^n. 'I BETWEEN MABXiS. U. AMD W. 8. K.: ' BJacfc-Mary. . ... ;.-;vri 1 'White—W.8,K, 881, T 1. -11: ... i-::.'r..'ii ; aa- is" a4',,18 ., laS! ... r.-.r: 1 .I IS' I It I' • atv.aa .36 ■ •' THE' G-AME .OF-'iOtlfiSfe. L.' p. jB., l^lgiUonilvlilei, 0, V.-i.4lianks'fdr'yonr courtesy, of wbloh ybuTsea b)t,toe.pi;f^t lsaii*;ire b^ye avaVsd cuiselro*. AnytUngdfSt^fromydurdubvreahaU.i- ' ' receive.' W< Torantora' always be happy to thln^ toeDefeaopto,ihlS:gafflezepresents Force. V .., ,, , . ■ »..;.. .1. • -. , L. QOLDeHiD, N. T.—We-aaw the-erroiiilhe moment''twas laaaed, Jbut know not how It oama.'<'In eottiplimUit to your patience and good temper to the igatler/and to a new oontribntor, we repnbUshthe 3-moTe,. WlU<yoa. now.oTerbaql,.cnos more, that t-inove with tomd'aUlAil friend-(liri Brendpger, for to- atanee)udltatlUpronounoedoorr«ctwa*rlBsBeU,' Inpersonal appearanc4,yonr last la among ihepeateat contilbnUoas we ever reeelved..;. ,,, ,■„ : : c... "Aaaii(in;"iAIIe8banyaity,Fi>>Too bave aaktaa qabsUon we have|Ipng expected from somebody... Wedropped'toe system long atone,las we irot« totoleiably anndyid'^ymany who had not the (Obtoa) ability o« toterest to solve tni# probl4ma themselves, JO the soUilloais,"and'then, to diowtoelr amattodsawaauppote,'flooded uAvMU errors—of'their bwn fllppanti caaal<islcasr>aBd flata-i^hldii, dldnl «xiai^ A true proUsu iolTat turn loeb ol a aelUM; ihd-tfae oeoivatloa of «ueh ss^weluvt d«aoilbedb'gMMi-daail0<tbalt<.b«a«flt thd'oor ztiltC NoihlBCgtna 01 greater pleuue than to we tba toterest iT h le h poinip ontirttti true iai>niieb»a£ ■! dttteois, if .really aa4 propetly ftSrS'l Mginner to give the.nsolsttoa. saw iS'^l too dean tttr him alnn* <n.f>«..>^ £.*<hl tnevoprrfappBdeoUwhtehi of o«rptr«tis«iM-^ dafkol than to. tatoqolrtog beginner ws"" >uo.nNiBiioa.Basiu'1 tten^ naatabtlet too dem for him alone to-tktbOBi. 9h2tl ,the tree plMaure to be derived torn our problems aad utouT^I agraat miJorUy of thamahonldbe polvad without asdaSr-'L Aniwl>«n srtyed thsT lequhre no "telling," far it U amlHri*! nathawatloal certato^y. . ^' /I BHIOU'Ai'irie.'Baf. ' A competitor to toe BriUahTonni^ent BT Btonir, (, xtDSOR,', ",. ;^ athUBsq, SKta, QB8,. -,Q5, Q^^f, KB8d. * jl Jl iM-i. -i atblaB4, E8, kB8, SB8, S.-Bt, .EKtt, SBti: White to play and give matoto five moves. FROBLBH No. 389. (Corrected,) ' Vt MDIS 00LD81O9. . BLACK. 'WHITE. White to play and mate to twotooVes, OAUB 17o. 33 9^' ' yed by cdrrespondonee between the BgmdU^vllIs the •.'Uechanlcs' Institote 0.0.,'" of Torosid, Attack, Egmondwle. 'l..PtoE4 . .i.K Et-B 3 :8..KB-B4 4.,P-4Et4 5..P-QB8 6..P-Q4 1. Castles 8..QB-B8 »..P-E8 1»..KB-St5 ll..BPX'P 13..Q-herK4 1S..E;B-BS4 14..K B XSt li.,P-K« U..QBXP Defence, Toronto, PtoK4 QKi-BS EB-B4 BXKtP B-qB4 KPXP SEi-B3 P-Q8 P-Q4 EKt-KB rher a (a' r - zviKB OAimrr. Attack, Egmondvllle.' lf,.QBXQ-f 16.,QrberEt4 19.,QEt-Q8 aO..B-QB sq ai..QB-Et3 3a..Q Et-bis 8: 33..Q Et-B B 34..QXEB 36..Q-herB7 8e..EBXEt 87..Q-Et6-|- 28..BXBP 39..E8t-Et . S0..QB-B3 81..KBXB 83..QBXB Defeaee, Toronto, BP XB Oaatfas,QB QB-Et4 . KB-K sq EKt-Q8 . Kt-QBB SBXEt QB-Q9 P-Q B 4 E-hls4. X-talsBsa QB-K3 X-Uaq . BPXB:. P-KB3, and B-Et3^ P-:qB3(c; StPXB mi the Atlapk umonnced mate to eight moves, ' .Notes, by "Egmondvllle."' 'a) nis Is not a good move. 'n.The Deface must lose at least a piece. '.'. 'e). Tbay must now lose their Queen. ;d) Ought to have moved B P. [Ought to hava'xedgned.] A Dsaterl; straggle by toe greatest masters,—Aa. / liviia aiia'iT, Ban Aaderssen. Mr. Paulaen. 1 l,iPtoE4 3,.K 8 8,.KB-Bi 4,.P-4)Et4 B..P-QB8. 6..aaatlea . T..F-<14 . 8..BPkF 9.,P-SB8(e) 10..KB-Q8 U..P-^B 13;.QEt-B8 ia.,qBt-B4 14,.QKtXB 15..QB-Eta 16.,KKt-Qa 17,.EB-Ka 1S..P-EB4 PtoE4 2Eit-Ba.:,,., B-B4^ BXKtP,.. B-QH P-^JB KPXP ZB-St3 ' QEt-B 4 ' ; KEt-K3 Oaatlet ' " EEt-blaS ' P-K B 8 KEt-K4 H(W Andemen. -Ur, PaaJasa^ 19,.EBtoQ8 PtoQEt4 ao,:3.KB8" - ai..K-hl8Bao as-.KB-'Ba 35.. P-K 5 2e..P-E6 a7..QBXadQ :QxKitt' '' ■ 28..B-EBS .QB-Ksq , 29..QB^KBsq uQEt-B6. S0..iB-Q8 .3-berKt7 -. 81,.B-ESt3 QBxP(i) 83'xQB-B8 .QEt-Q7 8S.'.P-E7 S-W8 + M,lK-ilsB8 ; ' iixOB-f lltSis- iSiilx^B* i?V^P^t andHerr Anderas^resigns.' (m)' ■ ^ (e) Ttie Attack, as Is well known, has i^ral modes of oontia- ntog the game, vis.;—9..Q Et to B.8d (favored by HorpbTj)^ B. toKtad; Q'BtoBSd; QtoherKtSd; Q-herB4to; AidP toQ itth, patMUised by toe ohainplons La Bourddnnals and MdDon- neU, and, Uter, bj many 14adtog playors, toolndlsk Uorpby. We beUeve 9, K (to','a move lately brought totolbshion, open to doubt on account of toe very telling rqjotoder P to Q 4th. ' (/) Thetotroduottonof this excellent move into praottoeii due to Mr. Paulaen. > . " T ' . (0) From'thlanotot toe'game abtmndi 'tototdrestlhgaiiato- structtvepdsltloba. We strongly recommend iFtotoecmful perusal of our readers.' | • - '(A) ItjaptiearB'to ua. that 'Uri Paulson At tlils junotriro idlaht have ventured to take K B P with. Et bat toe move to toe Isxl la preparatory to a more powerftil attack. •! ,(0 At first eight this appears to be a sbong move, As It seen- togly wins toe advancedBf; toeretort howevor, 34,.'Q to X-7lk, completely.conntoraded, and HeirAi ottuldn'otto toispodUra, have taken f witoB. forit would have coat hla <)ueen by the reply Et X K B.P—threateiito« matoJ i> ' 1 -"^^ PieventlngtosabovementlQnedloasME'BP, " Inbenlously.playedlj .. . . .. .-| AUthlsisfirsViatopIaytodeed...: <> <■ hi.' i. (ml [^s, throughont, is one of those flneiweU-fdngbt 'deinoB- etrative battlest lost ibnno.blundar.bnt' toe imareAotaM of ika- monlng; which wlU take a place to tbe dame high ntOt bdd by U'e first Uan>byvBAnderaaeni-t-Bn:] '| r, ^ ! T i. . ,...1 |if ,111-, . . ...J i' ■ , - . THB'WORLD'S GONQIUDBB,.''';' ,'\, Tbs lattles in both 'ironrneya' are gotog ipn in . the utmost, barmen^ and wlto a spirlt. and promptttade to toe. highest de"> See commendablo. Ais.^vary.body wUlbe eagef.totoow "hor- ayetofid," wo will at otace give toe reoo;^ July «to '' .; ! .1 : woAXAar. Harr_Ai)derasen 10 1 8 8' Ur, BorlisB Ur. Bla^bume, Ur, Deacon Bl0idtpubols,., ur. Green Wi* . VTaiitiaTi a: 3 a ...1. , 0 *. •<.o r 8-.', 8 ..4 tl Herr Lowenthal., 'Ur, UdDoweU,-;;,.', ,:. 8 " 8' Ur.Uongredleh;',.'...'0 '■' 8 ■ BoviUr, Owen. •.1;,,,-B' 3' Ur,< Paulsen t;,^,,/,''.i-'l Ulf.Bdby.,i,l-.'.,,.,l„ J : 7- HerrStelnltz 8 his foretkthiue. By toe above toble It would'aeefl t£at U. de mVlere.' Hi HerrF^beer,hadwltodniwn.I..;') ;. ■ 1:, r. .'■.■..i imotia mmyotoorexoeUentobservaltoa* upon tola memorable epoih to Chess, Here I^ewenlSal, saya!-"fia Amsricon Oca-.- Sf^S^^K'^^f^P^ o/toi^fieWw^,^?ri£fver Be mefajorible fortoetottbduoUdn of KBobdOI.'^i tcindn^ «f whlob lsbostatt4stedby>toeox(!elleiidiof 'lts Id^Siyi&toal: members, Uorpby and Paulsen, to;'e^i7debaffinoSfOt Oklis*'. tuld HI become those who have Beeh nsedto dwtU upon toe UlnBle veailge of \» nodstn dhossr w— ■ ™ ... legendary Aory- of let, in'aplteot tola hoaost rovetonoo, ie'.Ktf' dtepoaedto tblidtlhat toe-promeotaitf Oheselin 1808arebottdt, toon thsy havaMen bltottfo. his much to 'toe puiptjothat, upon this oooodott aU 6UeM olrdds have bdrdidly nnlted Udlr, efforts toprodioting tot odmmon caussi'tbat tadt for a, slsgla moment has mt PUalng ojond of Jealousy betwean rivU dubs ot amblUotas epi&bt«antsbeen tllowodtortistnpon toeundortiklag. tostesdjot hos.tllo, or at Any rate unfrloldily odrro^ponddnoe,, there h4a been oomiflnnlty of sentiment aoMlutianytDg opessesa., of desl^,,:...Oue ttosedf meUnohoIy, as to letl.toeM^haia bm-Oiti doato of Ur; fiuokls, at toe Yery.'eve df toe assemblMS of toe AssodiUon, reffltoded tis df -Bibttisto's dedesse ndob ine . former :ocdMI6n,'-Th¥M)vdty totxodtfcMto toe chief To^»- menlatthstinHntttesiiiig, by Ifhlobatetynlajor shall ooatetf,, oneffuie'wp.Mry (ttMnent^'liV'^^ wlnaen among them, the eauant sutler ot tbe (*a«, wk»