New York Clipper (Aug 1862)

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.(/.iVi'l-^iri.':*/ 'j;(>itl;Wi:.i."'-'*;!j;|j 1 bjvf "/i.j jl r.\t3 ax , vtlf>.'-V-'> ; .| , ■ . -I ' "'|i'„j: . ■■ .i.^'f>:; ^^:^i^^v^■/fv'^y:lJ^■vr »^ am., .Highlit? be jr«em»*.«4t,*>rt M :|- (V.iP. ' o. b.'.sinwrtT; Kw; S4ti tod. we, a n»)«t peiMiuu , , Itomi) eaob nieleim orSKrti^.,/'. j, s TiiiSxtt in AuDg«bn wall*. ~ !1 rftkf((Tireo46r|lbrtghV- ' i6SBt:,'imiiiintf „ .tr orafnca tlwn, m yoii-i»T,^ -^^„ . Wof; iDisttriible «nrai^'-fH^ol BUl'la|tU«sr; ''i Attlt-ltapwlUoir tqlonUs ■tBtmvulUItotlob.iLWaUr apa hononbly Ton the affooHonB ot,& yonng'.g^l t ■<ttair'*bont;'an'd lliin regjtnted toiL; Iniiau.l^rk. dom, xoa eooiiaer iho-dlMir^ Dibiigt^ otcnc oU viBilnons lhtrlgae,<«n(l In Din abaenot, too, get"' ~ fiimT/ Bat nlnd what I tell yoa, be Baa heBou Ml^,|^Uif ngb. the >U«ntio ocean dlTldea.ionrbl Ton lealt exv<>M It; tod' then 7onr ^giil . ka6irtt)«tfI'lra«i)i«Mmton«.nI||h(inthe<%A<T»^ ., jon bc^ mbkahook haiid«; nidp npibifrUttlH durrel, Oii sou, tat theAraiil^T^nc^irM^.<mnDllr> tb th6^p^ng."<5ri<Wv,',j*lfea lifit^t^at ttthiTadto be,' «ti )fJll be^aeen, im Mnifti9,of. .•nil ,-.J'-.." r-; iTcTaJUhe^tlndB'of'bATen'tbrdWj. ^ .'"JI^btlUibibiloandBWOTd— -<-> ''>>B»mh-fhM')ii6^titS(igeiaili . 'Li:'jiijl''d^ttthelrhlrelUiifborde.': '' '.- -DMfrby tbohbsta that ravage beie; >'<'J '.' i^i ■ihittach tUuinib;' aiS, ' liAkb«U&UooavQtantftar ' .; . '^'> Frtedom'e'HtnbntlTeJuma; - ', ' 0'lj(Mmaaa^raldto'tbe)>^ . owFttUlMilnglBVoras'aniteabI -. ■ ' Ii7taU^>rH}ei;t)i^r Jiiber(7. 1;^f^t.^;;n:.:. oft,- ,tr.H)B< ^1 r>.n-- tt^a^ theaespoi iV.i^g f ;i|ls1it .of boon<cbninB and opnx' lerrbnent. andiw^to toferkagei.. panj- a roogli dMi; Aid "l^ 'itiii titca^ oiiiiitL iifBtf-^^ ap6rtliig>lioaae In the .»iitiei7°Mme ^yaan agoi Tore Bea^g^pgether, tire.well'jmoVn gaiiii^Ieiaoft'-'' " panl6iiatt^pi ■ adTentart,;,J—^ . . » ■ ■ '. TWin^'anyiri'iftf^l'"**^^ uidoiipMIfotlng yontb bad.been the ' TloUniM waU'i)ebrl6ns.irii«tloca.' One of tbese, haweyw, cir; ",Tted ft g«D^nMrmd>je>;eaTB:^i)on, his shonlden than did the o^)(r, cotiai^antvb^liad beppmoeopuwbatiamiriU]^: his wild' , bablts; and usjasgiuga aasom^ mere ot a moral tone.... , ' "•TTo'Justtalked neacly all I'm going to talk to job," laid SUl ' '^Barlly,''<abd it '70a don'i take my adylco, I'll bet: yon a grab of ' little naok otsms that yioi^^- be sprry for It one/ of those fine aOrnlngs.. I'loii may oall-me 9ld morality, or.^batevoryontrlan; ' ' but I JiUtMow.boir far to'go VlUhit Job, ^d If I think It's gointf tboomos^nBtme too hard, 14{«n6rslly 4rop .it like a child ' 'woXdd potato.' That's my,nay-of,dqlng those thilsge.' ' t'Ob. that be a—d d^^r-^" exololmed Joe Wlldtako, ^Uins ' '' * '' ' ]tovraidthe])iantalplece;(orheAad .preTlous Alght's debaacS,«nd the . -. Jl oooUails, to eettle his nerves, iud f pgicepbtlle mtnnei:' ".lStn° are always —' ■'— -->,■ Tou ^ Boaelllttes *oirs« '.>:;tl^ 4'Sgtftalf», ^ ty ffl i g WW'W?SWA.b«pilas badaalamyoiir-'. hfVtiibMbilke, ]4li4$'b^' |i>t)wc4(af»: Wfi^: ipis.^.r'xqn. wnen his baok is tnrnodr-yon Dtly," *afd Joe, irith a Ikdnt anl um'wUL I've beeji> tciti-H t^bafr I teU>y«n,.if trgit. I "Ohl" exoUlmed Ha^Iey, "twocSL , . tnom.. Tfli>H ha»»te>te^p*ghitp Uok DUt, for if bpld.of 7pa« tllore viU be. no tins Jeft .t^'PoU. tbif 'tVo^ Wataste 6t the soiiV>t'lie»r»;honLan4.y.oa knowas .vtl(itt''tilo^oipUe'ctii hit and'throw people wbeff )iQ.beglns, I^juaafdietytiilna.tlght n>(>t,eTanlf ydbbaTealdo'ZenBQeh u ypn are to ndp ypu, they,will all Wiont pt.Uift-moat ' ' iiiiidow; but T«Q will UaVe'tb 'Mmalh; aiitll:^faars; > u If yoil don't d&'irUt la light b/hlm,. tWoanintavtold'meithaMii'ttT' ' tieX)ed,Udtlitt hft Innn«st:dwn> *>''lln« , ; befbW a tart; and V» .fflrefttae,,t)t(»n«tgHn'h:UhflBironltf^iia>a^anlnialstlfr»and. imM him for UgbL.gpuefttl The eamo bhy8l«^A(ul, Liwlolil8tni& man:UUtlpg,gceat welBhta af^tirii&'iSi anwUlWvy ioildB iSi^^ Po.&r.from'ifa)i'4j]0dy.b^ngan;ejueptlA]i to-flils.lsw, li.bean' withpenillarfoioe.'Djipn.bipi., .Moyiu.fli^iTretu'''t)>l^<^' ^R>^,.qwc|Ugnto%now; A' slow, 'liielaatlc;_ liiBexlbl4;inai).':,/}.a (ioinpai)y;aMCS andbevlllbiioct elai^oi&ec^l^ 'DeeodiB Bii Inoasl Ifitbeamig^^ sonal not slttt>ly<(:iu folio Uili .'p09Slb|m^ 'Ml"""' i^oksadBti^orpse, that andiiian7BosaUe,asIhaTeadvlted.yicm.''. .^..w ' " qodi" exclaimed the Inooirlgible Wlldnlke,spring- Ibf'(6''bli-feet Impetnousiy; "fbavef detlpalnMVflpon.ipy cotttBe;and^golDg toM«lt<mt; '' IM-ybU4^tlc oirftna fightsr come, and if I'm .not.sblsXoi; .ttliamtlUDy tftsbl; 111- try sohieoth^ means." * . l ">il .;'■■■■* * w~'>T«ry veil," said Eartler, Hsing ahd'tAtDg.fis'bat, (;rmem-. b«r my words to yon; yott'll find. they'lLall comi'tne." and .he leltfhDroonL. .. • . TfrelT» months elapsed between ths-Uipe of the convsmtlon above given, and the arrival of Henry' Olenroy at pMe.- He had Jtete abaent ftioiA his naUvo dty ior throe years,' add dorliig that ijn» he bad bean oneoftbSD^ast: taiocaUfal actpbatt' that - bad vlslteil Soropefor years, He had tha,.repatatloii. pjT belnglone of theiaost''anilableinI Moceable' of men; bvt ^li|n tuj w«s< 'faldynmsedi heirUBa peifedt'whlflwiiil-of passion A'd VtSeSl- ment^'Mo man.e'ter<dw^ to insbltihlm with impanlty, and so 'pg^etm wts.he.ln. body, and soIentUo-in..the; lose .of. b)s stnntth, that even the most noted l^xen we(e Velry'oarefnl' . :abonuniaanlng Us-onger. He was a'mSn 'ln«v«ty sense of.the word, and an ornament to Jhl)> :pratesdonj .lilsctefrfrom. his, flcbmlim-duty.bnt before '—^ f dander think, and wtaatt'hisnre I Imow. Bad as. I have I>een in my day, I deiy any man',that ever. lived to come np to my foes and say, Bill Haruy, tola man or that man was your fkstesl Ubild, ' and yon t^ted hlra in rotnm vorae .than a common thief. Even among tblsvea, .they say there Is some honor, bat vop have hod yonrf^p^Min some littlo-arrangiimenta thatl wobld not be ' gollq'of for all. the money yoorrloh dad over was worth;" .•'jouoanlt'Droteitto'saveyaarUfSI" eiolaimed.Joe, excited- . ly, his eyes UgnUsg op with anger, and hla broathlng becoming .quicker. , . , ■ ■. . v • ' I'Tte.I can;" rapidly answered Hsrtly, looking his exollsd friend full'In the .'fao^ . vHav^'abtnt Abel Qlenioy. .To'u know you bave wTohged that tenlly worse than h 11, and the reason why ydiir dirty copdnct anjigyarme so mnob Is, because I was the means of Introdfclng yon'.uto It ta a-respectable 'man. lou know tiUt the oharaoter ot that ttimlly'has always b«4n beyond x«)iTMOh. 'and that a spot of.dlsgrsoe has never fallen npon It, ontl^^ifpnrinaliiQaled yourself .into their confidence and ikvor: ' Bttertf is anythibe on Ood'g eartb I despise more thin another, ''|B'lngzaUtude.| ypa went to the. Olenroy's hou^ and jon ;wb^ dined andwin^ there; and your friends wore, In a man- Li''i'.-'iser,'aB!ihnoh'we](V>me to tbolrtaUe as ypn were yoQiself. How ;' .did'yoin.thank,them for all this)..:Ton've sedpoed their dangb- ':t«r throiigli a'falie marriagscoremony, and left he^ parents a \-'', tMk^n-baarted.asd ^nined old couple. , If-yon were Henry dlen- ' f. ;xoy,'*nd bad p^d so much ooi^dence u aman as he plaoed . <,, .it4;yoa, how woitfd you feel .toTiuds:the'.vlllaln that had so ,,.'.'t^e^oroudy deceived tou? thope tbat.I.may fall dead thie -'n(iment,'.'.'obnt^afd\Blll Hartley, springiag to his feetpasAlon. .''I aUly,tad brlhglhg hla olehched.ast<down with auoh aforce ' :i4K>n thai old wooden, table as to make it jump' olC lis legni "If ' ,'i - ^ would be guilty pt suoh an act for all ttaa-gold ill the Indies 1" , ..^-'tlow,'. ^otd on, i^ifellow, I«t up a littleibltj win yont ' j. ToVTd had your eay,1iow it's my turn,'.'replied Wlieirake, going : to the' mantle piece, and pouring from a bottle outumbler half- .'fUll'ofUiiiaorahdpourlngltdownatoneanught. ••Now,'yoa've 'talked, to ifie about the Olenros family oltem^uBb. aiid Ina ; ' •)aanher, to&,'that I'don't have any'man talk to me. I ,-,,, ii .luvtf;tiia.yoQ several times that I was playing a g^e In tint ;;.."liouao; and that I jdways held a flush baud; of conree I won b ;';i.:;?.',aice;iitUeiitako. .Kosolle Qlonroyts a pretty little bird, and be- l^>- .. ',<llausel yasthe<iulbkest to oage her, all. you disappointed Bo- . xnsos'feel ralhersorb about IL" At this point of his speech, V'..' ^Udrake burst into alforced but maUolooshiugb. .''That party," ' ," Ilit'oohUnaed,' "m4 nevor bavo any furtuor conneotlon with nie .i.'i'Lthfk^theyhavenow) so they oon make .the it,. Ton talk .v^pa^lBetry Qlen'iuy placing conlldonca In^e .and: liking tilo: I' .. loot f66ir ho throw hla good nature away;ifor now mark tbg dlf- '. ferenoe.. X IviTe hated him for years wo>se thaik^have hatM . ; hall: :&hdif ' know the reason; I wlU'tellyoutho " •Whole:atety,'„'/.. • . .< ■.■ ■ ';■ • ..V'WhenLwa^itt'OInobinaU^uatwaB,I think,oboutfourteen ,. y&ars (lg<|^i was a clerk in a drr goods store, gettin'g a good sal- [,«t7> »bo(..iny pnspc'cta of bccoqjlng one Of the first men in thd ,..-„.e>tab]UbmonClh'Coutso .of somo time, wero. brilliant It'was' •-»v>W?''^AMt' saw; Mr.. Henry Qlanroy. Ha.woa on a visit to bis ..\Vf SS.^Sl^? "t*" ""o o'f"> smartest '»U9irain.ihA first gymnaeluip there. Ono flight i^e were at a {there I was tntroduced'to h ladT'by,one of my ' ltd'danced'throngb a coupio of seat when Hu^ I up, and Joined:us, X thought' my ihir parb- ErgaUeas shortly afterwards/ond sherequesUd' tJ(to,tomyfriend. Idid so, but'ltwaaagtlhst • X :ttiought they exehsnged'.'vsry antloutt .i..plh«r,)but I .kept; sbady;> > I' badilntradikoed' "fiQ^lMt Ifonadin^short time that thoyliBd HWln.eaohothoTlB company, tbAltwas nlmost "'mem' saparated, .Eairy.aiaUaMms swcot «J.'.'i. °" *'J^ fromhe the only Mated In »By,h»jm. : Toba-Buro horleanty and ho l^StHBji i»,W(rtino£iinNavL 'btrllhaftitad. vl ji "f;ni«ht-iiteviat«-i me np-. ti lij^^amll '.heaU";. Mmijre.^ T-,ll)v''-'ll~J'!- Ic/U ml attemptslqljft^^ botae. Ask'hltf(blnidtliji'llbiitt.W^ r.Oneot.'thai , . - 1(1, >r t<fo or Sine .years, . idiae.' H(> 'inat(ai;.)i(>w . .'ihi> ;wrt, be'wUl soon . (ietbre'the hfrrl^e, ' hWconcshlr' UgKri'g^' but'irshonld be 11iaT6iaSa!Ud:'.to strengtli'af n'ttftat ttiegynnasticspfthedii?is. LotanwhoaragortiniBinMgudto lhepolntra)fidlMasftlng,'»Blt'lt:^enttlt''m^^ .tentlon to ilhree:pa:tfmn»n:'to1he mho Ahollfts-thi oaunon; to the IndliVQjbber mai), tknd to.ths ooneial perfi>nnet i' Ibe lifter and the ]fflla:rnbUe» im'mstitdte.tbti two mlu^ traUes.;' It Is Impo^ble that In altht^ thori ah'auld M the' ,050, bsL'tttrabkitee, me 10,% of tha;WI^;t|^i mother samm oped..blni-flrbm lunduty, but before dorehobed' home.UiSTgraTB had olps^d apon.)ila sister Rosalie'-IOir^vea'.' fiBe.'had'.dled;durtng htV oonilhoment,'ahdare«nwapd«9hr^ heronasyl^.^omfierearthlyearffi. .:Tlie<tUth<dnthqinslter being'disolaaed.t6 qlm, hssooghtbls s|st«^'|i iMt .restmg place',' ahd swore above Iter irrAve that his head pbonla neva^TatupOtf a pUtow 'on'tU he had-Moh VVodged forber'd^ath;'iuid tb^jodsum thathad'beencostnpoqhia.ii^rallybyherdCBtroyai'.I A fetr mpnths had passed after, hor death, an^ Jop >«I)df«Lke,' Wallowing in dUaipatlon and -vlci',' ttai sought the gaminB t^bU,- plnqglng headlong, step by step,- Intii the«byss of def^thiWhh^' wassootiloengnlf.hlm. Us.«v(ntua]lyfleduieoIty,ia(tdHehry, Olonroy, like a blood-hound, (oUomdjilatnok. ' I l ■ ■ .-Oai yiili, boisterous winter night, w^o the rain .waSt^Aiiitllsi^ leaily pelting tho frail panea ot tbo windows of'a'licphtay't&T.eni in Maasaohnsetts, and the thunderbolts' threaieh'M to^uproot the atqrdy trees which aurronndodlt, about half a doi»h 'efulrp- tte, 'pf<H>mpanled by ^a fSvir verdant countrymoo, wen belted abonts wooden table, playug bltUf.' ' It'was lhd^> Wve^^for the professionals, for. tho bnneis wcm bleedlng'.v'eiyl profiiaely,. wd Joe..\lIldEaknbeing boss-of the Job, he "raked th& pot," and the oUisra.weresatlafi^'With. their share of tho nlndlalUi' ■ Tho'drea^y, lazy bid tayorn .clock, had stmok twelrt. s^dthei; greedy looking old lahdldrd,^thinking ft tlmeU'shut up shop, npttdid tht\'gBmhteQot;Us_lht<nttou;.i'Aar hd ~ , ^ ^ ^SuttJ^'^lee^^ TDibo<aU- upon him to open tho'dbor: <rhe'Old*BoblfaEo, havliu always displayed the greatost sympathy with the woy-'wbrn tad storm-beaten traveller, admltted hls strongs gn'OsC Be was olsd in a rough beaver .overcoat, wltb4t alf pched hat, tightly drawn over his «yea. Entering the iayirn^ be t4^ h^ soat byailarge and brilliantly lighted grato; tad calling for a gill of nre whls- ksy, began to dlscfsa its merits with the landlord. While be lis- tened attentively to whatever might be other parts of tho house...-. j . . . A.fiiirst of'i^d merriment rang throagh the house from the' floor above, and boisterous calls of ."Landlord!" seemed to drown the storm without "Mote whiskey," was the demand, and It was promptly eerred by the Individual'Who Kiolced. In the name ahovb mentioned. Aa he opened the 4oor. pf the apart-' mont In which his lolly, companlona were seated, thblr voices heoame 'mors audlblhle to Us myateiloni) guest bqlow, and as he descended the elolrs to the tap-room,'be heard blm ekololm in % sort of muffled voloe-:"By. heavens Las I'm a living man, I have him daged at last, and Just where I wont hlpi, tool' '-• . The gamestersfrocecdod with theli rlotoua.hilarity, until the clock stmok one, and the old Itadlord had fUUn sound asleep In alargearmoholr. ' . jL>' ' "Now then," soliloquisedHenrtQlenroy, "Ur. WlMfake, your game will soon be spoiled." * ■ "■ • ~1 , ; .'iv .'. Rising from his scat, he stepped llghtlr toward the Brant door, and quietly locking It, put the^ey Inibia pocket -He ascended the sta|ri on tip-toe,and unceremoniona^^cnteredithe apart- ment in which were oosDy quati^redhis.oUracqUalntanee Joe WUdrtke, and hla filthfol touowen.'.' . ^ . A frightful ehock's'oemed to pervade'poor Joe's system, and springing to bis feet, he .grasped "the money. WhlchUjr before' him on the table, and putting (t.lnto his pocket, enlkiiiud.with all tho energy he could command .' > .'< "What do you'mean by oomlng into this ropmwltljout knock- ing I Who are you, anyhow, and what do yon Wont here ?" . . ,' '.ItotBWordspoketheetranger, batlocUng the door, and Iralslhg tlie window, on the oppoelte.slda ot the room, he pnued ofT.hls hUgo overcoat and elouoh hat, and throwing, thepiacross the baSi of a shalr. folded his arms, and .stood the cefitnl ot the floAr gbrlng'athls Interrogator with clenched teeth,< And eyes blazing with revengeful fire. Wlldrake's associates, wore almoat trasafiied with minglod surprise tad terror, and thepoor-farmers became as eloquent In their protestations of inil609n<)e',"as'lf th6 ooraroylog sngol had descended lition them. It'was a fti^rfnl moment of suspense. At last the mysterious introder Asked with a blsalng vehemence:. *' ■ ' ' , ■ . . ;i . "I)on',:Joe'WIldfakoT lam the mtatowhdm S'mprdmlged everlaatlng friendship before I went toEngltad.^ on't yonhnowi me now?- If not, your memory mpst: bo very bad., 'Why, I am Henry aienroy-r-Bosallo.Olenioy'a.bother— Ku kn.ew her, didn't you? Ob, yon eaorileglouathltrl- 'Tbu veklllbd her, and now I'm going to kill Ton I" . ''. - . "Boy^l" shoulod Joe WUamke, the:blood almost bursting through the v^e ot his forehead, "lot us pitob thla famned Im' Jwetir out the window." . ' Sbttr or Ave bravoa started to their feet, tad at once precooded. lo' put thjs 'oHer Into oitocutlon, when the "Impostor' ^Iced a ihxt^bggod atbol, whlehhad stood olose brhlm, and tnlesa than thrdo mln^utes .evory man,o(' them was- lying senSijlteg' on the floDr..' themneoyeruigfrom a bbnr, aeusdllla adIAgoUat arienad tho waIst,aa Iflnlant upon thidwlos hlmilbntwltha 'pttddta luogo, tho anfbrtunate,man .waaforcca thrbttgh the.opm window,'tad eentnp a long and; dying'groan'from tho'vud; Then the grand final tableau ensued. ' Joe'XrUdrake; Sotllhry' and lUone, otbu'ohed Intoa comer of the roomidre^ his lovolver; tad'awalted the near approach: of his ImplaoabU sitomy. .The Acrobat pulled himself up to the .btahest.tension 0^ his body, tad alailng upon bis rosoloto too, solu:. , ' ' ' : ■•Uayeteriieloursesdainny.on,'yonBo\irvy,ld!W-brod^unlNl; Why did yoU bring dishonor into my family, and forfeit yonr own life? 'You ore not my '<yiual, you: bi^uerod.i dissipated sconndroi; and I would not quarrel with yon. BatlniUHarlly told you I would OAtch you 'whta you least oxpeotod It, ond'hetM I am. I have oomo -to kill you. For sbveb conaeouUve qlgbts % have' not laldmy hood upon a pillow, aud I bavo tfabkod yob trc;n Ueioor sleeet to. this spot. Now, thefi, nih your plslol;'PU use the-wsapans that God gave me^thtNe 'twd naiads. .It-yaa (Up.throQflh them, it will bo youtt^tbl tad not jQU^tb^la MaiUUodtothe,otedlt . • ■ ■ ■•;•'};■ .'■ ^ ! . "'.' . : In the twmUIng ot an eye, tho gamblot fltcd, but the AAt shot pilaihtgtthe Acrobat Jomnedat'blm.>Udbeare haooiOditaka ianptheLsln, be stmakttpbIsplstoUildtolE«{lhlmb: the throat.' v^hoapsttkaiAdtogrtaresat'thB thnriib^a'dtewbdver ipproaohM' deKDi terror whloh Joe WUdroke aiUritrod thaVnli hf. Bond-' iF-,...^-^^.... . ^^jjy,^ avenger"itodjed ttiW*," _ich by tnah, he nusod Into the At)-:, ie^fmrtol romlnlsMnce of ihla post^lto, aatphyslologlc)^ cjndltl«na;;;tantih.^f .^ersbw.' of Us,', nrothera, jrhp are gtaerll perfonnors, are found the model gym- 'BsMi.' VhoycoB neither m'Jtot'.we^hi^nbr tie Ithb'mselvies' Into' lniot3,:but thoy obcn^y:» ^poUtlOn between tb^e iwq ax- toames. .The^y.posscs».bpthsteenjth«qd;fla^hlllty, tad>^ pie fine, aoiive, agile. .ylgQrtmi ■caiilagerhoncSriw]ach''tafiind intetmedlate betweeu'ihe slow^i^hQisS ta'l' 'the Jong-legg^ loos'e-Jolntidaiilmhi: . • " •: ■ ;■>r". v'i,-a-;:.'i | l ■ ■j^''-j. ^'Steength Is health" has beoome'A fkyotUe'phtsseL But like nitaj ibmm'bn s»wb. It Is an.error..-Jlalt tte.flrstl half-dbita circuses that may Mme't6'tonii,tadiwue'ihta^ Up cannon-lifter or thegemetal MMM^baa'thb bettpi Jiealth. you will fli^d In every caw>tjI«,ti[ftattptsi.-Aflk'«lio doctors whether tho c<rtmen,.who are ,tli(.atnvget^t .men.' in^tl^e-clty/ imve better-health thon'olher 0lM6s;''Wh6, like'thdm, work in. the opmair, but wiihUgbtond varied labor.' 'Yrfu^riU:'not find' that.tbemeasure.Qf strength Is the meaanro of healtlL Cleiab&- ItyUoafhr'^'o'ie'todo'wKhlt'' ' ', , ' . , Suppose we un dertake tho ^algJsg ct two'psrtoiu, of^veMie condtnoa. Thoy;iiRe eqHttl ilrength: con lltt>four'°honmd' .pb&nds.' ''£ach has the usual stiff shouldersrback, 1 ii&'d'llinM.' Qne-;llfl8' heavy welglito nntll'hecan raise ' bltht-''>hhdiWd ppqndE^ joavjtablyJis.has become.stfU.mpreiliSeilblB': >Tha other cngagesjn such exercises as'wfUi;einpYe aD aUlCiieM.'fraan! tejbrypatt of flM body; atfalntng not ohVr the gifakitti^^ fiut the mpat cpmpleto Sptt<lty.'..']>'i)e8' aoyJAMlUgeiii -jpjhyialoUy<. gist doubt that tho latter will have done the mbstim tbe-pcojaib*' tlon of hla health? that he'will'have eeoiued-thejnoat equable tad cothpletb hlrculatloil'of the'flnIds',VhlchM'd''ci«nitlaIIy'ivhai ye me^ by health, tad'hava addedmoet 10 the '^blA$^ and e^. iwoB MHOb'iDianrib ^ ""'1 r-'rrr Wdl, a(m,''rfsiddMt1>Mtlta'^'<^t»tumiM;<>what hAni yOU' tb say. nA«.'«bMtt Mim!Mtt' illi*Ut^rilta> wHh nor UgUdamb4>olUir«coiD«aMWtftM<IM^tUUupotlian tme<»"..( ;.l .•j:!,.'<si'il T^'M.'1 t:: t. rJ . ?i>- •: tiTj ' ■ » i-.'IrepUedby tUUngUlniUtjtterainMttfri/ 'I'mH.* - ."Do you pretondib dtay^IlM* nwA votf dMvil yMr borse ten mUea wllhld^ta'.hottr,^,Jb<«)ial«lB8U'i««fi0«l''IeIsnwreei. haustadthan bydiatringAJe*d4*oinms(ah1iatttt' "ThafatnydoitilnebxaitttnnihattKb .'ivi-ou^uE ...Thonla^k^..,. .-...fJI^l^^^^: ~ twFifrisnd. limyniBd—that tha aotf* ypn always driV/ •• wbuiilall ., Idld.not'ssyaloud ,daiiger.;to bis ptUanta pi' :geste9 that men,ias,^ .rllbwl^loh Involved the nei!SBsU» japhS^.ta'djaiarwetrtSi tf^iw-' evaiy phase of humah Jlte, >fpt^ to j ^g^bied; but ! &UnUii"iih"i .aqtlSTJifV^^ix;, spfr-pMpi^ bl^n' •heavy •»Mfl'-«'»«n: him. Just so with a ortegtftirnailsfwi' Ing; buMfiUs.lif'- ahlnso'fbi k byldtlvi '^ntJEtidi dntlea hi insmo< adopted, auccees^ ihpiaof* 'that th* tathoea ,'yeii wsnUt '^bafpraa' haidwlttt of sugar. . llmltod,' - - - „- — liecortes-' pondhagly «o,. This is a,polnt'oe naat Smporltate.^- Tho limbs, and indeed the entire body, should ihavB the jvtdesti tad': freest! itage of tno.tldii: .'It Is only thus that.onr .performtaeesintao' busineaiB cir^pleaiiurea'of llib becbmo mbsl effecHw. ".••'Hiim i'^.. .Aoomjiltp, equable :clh)nlatlon of the blood iliatebriiuHt- perfectly ,sbcnred. . An^ this, I may re)naik, la-J»^siu[i^isp^bt.the physiological purpose" ft all exercise. The. i|lfe:lunse' haaiik imuh;.'inore vlgordna'' olxMiMon than thb'i;krt4wneL. I( is a |wtiBpt.:unfaniillBr io^fanrigimian; that whon'a<Wn^ b' trona-' Jvftf?, 'from. slow, heavy, work^ to tt« cofi^ge, Jli^mrlaco-Tel^B the aeCk'ond; legs "be'gui' 'jiV once toenlame: .whta' tbir Alstiodetrom' the ooniago'tb'thepart, ^e^rby^'^'''^ '^n.wp opiujdw)h«t the^rin^PflObJectotsUpbyii^ enwvous systemls-.&efundanenlal'ikctbt'ou/earQJyllfo. All other parts .bftbeorganlam exlst.^d work for ,'ljt Tit con- trols all, and Is tH'SSat'of pain oQd pleasure. The imj^rebslbns' upon tbostomaoorfor example, resiutlng In 'a~bett4r Or Wot^ digesti on , m t u t -tje-'msde tnrongh'the nerves. ThU suniieme control/of \ the .nervous. jystom Is "forcibly'lllustra^''& the chtago made by.'JoyfUl-or pod'tidings. Th.pjOTC!idue'ahlpls believed to have gone down with her valuable, nnlnsnred cargo. Her owner pacbs the whArf, eallpw and wta-^ppetlte and dlges- tUm-gons. .She heaves Inialghti: Bhs'lles:at'aLewhiiffl^The happyman goes abqupd, bears ifl Is ssfb, and(taklng,the offioeis 'to a hotel, devours ^tU th^m ft dozen in'onsfrbus qompounds. With the ketaest appetite, tad without atabsequent ptag: '. I am confident that the loyal people of thlk'countiy have eatbn tad idlgested, akice. Boanoke and DoneUoui as they biad tioi libfore Blnoo 8nmte». *'' ' ;^Oould ire have an unbrbkon' snobeeilloii of goPd newB.'m should allhave gppd:dlgeetlpn without a gynliiacrlum. Bnt in a wbrld'of vexation and disappointment, we . are driven to the necesdfy-of stndfed tad tmusnhl muacIs-otiltaTO, and other hyglBn^o expadlenis) tb give the horvous system tnat support ana vitality whloh our^tinl Buixptadlnga deny; 1: i . '. : :>::. If we would make our mugols-traInl|ig oontributlve in the highest degree to the l^ealthnd elasticity of our nervpa. tho pxar- olsea must be tach as win bring Into varied combinations and If , , .on; he'slaj^lM'toafaielt by hoavr uft- ^ _ - . SequlrhaJthe-kVBBittflr.'hottnty and frea motlgaa.MDuman odcnjiaucos,^thta, uaiSv'tbar'llasls af.Uv jiearr:<Bk>Vttblnlng, h^'wlll find'htosalf in:lotttd>'llfe Ini tb» MnAtlot^ofithsdtw-honewhols pdahed befoivthe llghtoa»> riag«aialilghJpeed.> '..'.' -.Parhapattianot Imptoper tp. add that OH thl^ talk abont ez- pendlhirp of.TltaUty Afp4(rDpbIstTy. I^ecttire writat* taeok of .'0^'alook:of.,VlUllfy, aa If. it wei«:a vaul^flf gold^pda .THilph.' ybn'cUina't ^fx-wuhoutlessenhu the qpantlty. Whji*-' C9ruls nthbt like the nilnd'br.;hp)u«tbi|latglng by^ictlpn, gai^ j'i&tab ts'itfMiciyrhls IntoUe^' fih«j dtdft, Blor; hsa^ character, '.TAvI^.i^e. spqal'gtlmDlns, bis pip'ihat'tn'ilme heliaA ln£2>y pxpendltms^ '■ , tool biUdses ii^tifidt Othwvi'hlU m'en'Molnl tUhiUA^beoannriibye come to write v{gbrously::and £i' '%p^'iii!'thb<m(At eloquent. ;brll]l■nb[aA]tper;^a«e« tayfins' ImaglnathM he-i^oald have lost* inniienW \rlgot .by:tho:' prDcass7-<^^ouia not thelraln, whlcta ,^ftlioplxah>wiexercIsaiji-bs'to^tcd nfb, becom'b'beld,brlllIanl^ - ..^<hiznJ>py^aliM^)iefv7iznudea>'.'Bpli4s4)mn^accust4)miC to.heavy ex^slses,'i',He 'is 'truiarpirei'.to.rtha,algous, and per< fon^e.'.ulAr a few.yem'^alninsra. tit^idjrect.oeawtsl, splendid fbatK^'huigiLnL^ip8 tho mab^hless-fiamppiiKrostatlon of 'William HanlbbT l)o«8 tay"bne think..t]^ msTbody hsa lost po'wer iii this l>rflBtati48u6atlbitf ',".'" ' ,•I■ "'Itfit'triib, eltherln'lnf^lIeqtnalarphyBiaSl'tM^^ great bIertlottd,'ubd«rm(lrp6^ conditions'tad UmutlpidCxxhausc tha poiwors or life 7 Oh^e'bbtatt«i7,'lif It nbTtrnb' tlut we find la vlgonnwbpU. 4aS&lnft,-WllllanteiIUlS,-thetinMtt>ntceotvlgoiw onB,.l>pld,sdaBhlng,and'brailaDtpowers?: -i-.^^':': r. ,Injtltl4.dIscnaslonIhllrb:noiticonaideT«d'-tho'tteMinent lu' VNidSi ,1110 princtp1ea,preae|ptg4;we.«pplical^.<p the training tif.ohlidfpQ tad(>dn}ta'brjaye'iwe.vlu4|iy<'i::i. .1} it:<cr - *. r, lirill r«at upp9«t« giin«rtf',s^tpjEttht, tqat alfnRfpns, of Mill ^'S^.'i*?? -?i *W7ig«ij^3V5 :P?Mj>««^ 'Pf-trnge vltalltoj shoUld, ih the dbnarcoDpntlM.phi^cat.^dncatlpti, employ light apbaratttB,''taa'<exUutb'^A';gMU'V« reqnlra . skulj'aoobfaejV'bbtMge;.presence ot' itund,^ qotpknM of eye and band-40]>fler,><whlcb demand a Ugaiilai and' cfjopttte exsrclaa of . all the powers and facuIUea with whlob'thb Creator has en- 'flows^d OS t .7talle'4ofbMsd'and d&eastfd perso&l4l&bnld be troat- iP^jln ooiwontaee wlth theJahlloabpby of the BwadMrUorement we, Inwhlchitheimovetnkrtr.otBslowand'IliAUed.'' ' In th«nawaittlmordnibt>'beU.ozBn>laBs;'thit pVpO, asaamlnr jarlons posltlon^t^lsthf^mf... In e^h'twisflng, tho enda of .the duthbrbblls jiib()ald',ltj.pi^bbU'J^>exaatlyieT.ei»ed. Great ptecialoa'willbuatidn))ii'mt<vtoBttiix^ yttthls or any oth'br e'terclse. rThe 'ot^ettlp thaw.ins'^''' daes is to. break up all rig Qkb6ut&e.shouI^nfj|jhF<>' 5v«.' •-;» fv.'.M 'i- <L.''i'i'+'>.t...vS'i\: r».iilf.s,;>. •;•_'r;,.-;'/i in^ififfias Riving out and tbb opld lagowos Citdttwion" play, all our muscles and nerves. Those exerolses' wh^ require' [tetf acofariioy, skill, and dsab, aro Jn^t those which secfuM this ispp/tad'completa Intermarriage of nerve tad muscle. If any oni>.doubta that lioxing and smsll-sword Will dcrmbre to give elaattoity and toiip-to the norvoua stysem than Uftlngvkegs of nails', then I will alye.blm over to the ^eavy-lUters.; . ' ' Another point ItUte tho liberty to urgbl mUiohi acouraoy >ln..theperfprmaDce of:tbl>foAtd,tho'lnterieat must'bo transient Thla prinolple Is strikingly exemplified in mllltafy training. Those who have studied our inftat^ drill have been stmokiwith' Its simplicity, and ..havo wondered that men could gotbrbngh with its deteil«v!ery 'day'tor years without disgust If the'drllf maetat .penult parelessness; then^ authority talone can force the men through U^epvolutlops: but if he insist on the greatest pror olslon, they retute to their taak every morning, for twta^ yoais, with fresh and Ihbreashig interest I What prooislon, ppmlt me to ask; la pbsslblo In "pntUng up' a heavy dumb.bell} But in the new dumb-bell sxerdsee thorp Is opportunltrandnepeasltyipitall theacooracy and' akUIiarhlch life found In tho most eUbtft'EU &llJtiiix'drUlB. "' ' ' -'' ll havehadexporitaca'ln' lxndligand fbuoln^i'an^ J[:^wlth oonfldenoo, that^.nclther,por'I)othia.thtaretaoh.afleUl forflqo posturing, wide, grobetal acUon, and studied aecuiacy.aa is to De'found in tho tow series of dumb-bell cxofplses. ; :.But, 'lt Is Bsld,. If yon nee dnmb-helU weighing only two Sounds, yoq. must .work an. hous .to obtain tho exetclso whloh lb heavy ones would furnish in. five minutes. I need not infonn thosowhohava praotlcbd the UbW series with the light dumb-bells that-thla objection Is made in IgnoranbS;' If you timply 'fput np" the light ImpIemoQt, It la tmo; But If you uso It aa^in the new system, ,It Is not true. On. the contrary. In h>s8 than 'five minutes,' legs, hlpa, bapk,'arms, ahoulden, ncofc, lunge, and ho(iTt williotch >tad all'make the'meet .emphatlo remomatranoe agalnatieTon: a qoaitcr ot an hour's 'praoince of such feats.' ' ' I ■ 'At thU point it may bb trgod uat those exercises'which 3utQken theaoUon of the thoracto viscera, to any'cdnslderabla egreOf are aUnply oxhauftlye. Thls.,ls anpthor.'bltador pf.tbe "blg-mluMlo" men;. They seem to.thlnh yoq.,aan:detoiihliio eveiytalkiI'abonMItiitlbn'tad'-h<)olth>y thb tkne.llnO: tad that all exeiPlsoB whose leinlls tiH not detetmUablb oy moasurement, I 'S^SS'^rcbiy 'siiV, thore/'oN f oitaln .'conditio^ 'of bi^^, musoleiand ovoiy'iMier'tlsiiad! far mble ImpoHtat than slzo; b.ut\rtiM I dpslre to targemOMpaitltalarlyin tUU'connactlDn, la the lmportance,jtha great'Shysiologtcal adnntade8, .ot Just thos e exe rolses in wblbh.^lxftlnogaand-heart oro brought into. actlvCTinay.' Thcs'o'"o'rgans aro no oicepUone to the law that fX«tola»)lB, tho 'brihUpBl-ebndition' 'df devbTa'pmimt: Their - [oj:aus,trpii^ng|uldf>mot>iit<tthestookor,titkUtythan thetof other Plgtaa, A man mpy ^tan^ stUl and ,11ft koga.of tlUlB oiid 'heavyldttm1>bblU tlhtU' ma ahouldbhitadayibaro Somsonlan; tbnt lt.wIllco^tribntathr laBt toihU'bOkllband loneev(U|tataa dally,mn,of an^o.ortwo.! <'; •! , n .-ii.!. .'i'I. w . - SpoaKlng inagpiieyalway,thosoexerolsefl.inwhIoiLtbeIuoga and iL'Mt airo mads'to^b'ktai VlttOMUA pace, are t6'%e'rtaked ampnfrthbfnostQ8afia.'i3ttb'"doubl*-P'([rok''6f thlfabtdler con tributes .more In.-fi'vp mlputba to ma dlgusHph^wid^^ndnranr' tHta'ihb'adlhaty'drmi^ '-IhBWBBKnin^laSHb.^- OloMoai liuir^bf'dIphyUi svph ;pu :miysisi i vftniu & Mhi At^^m aUd IfavfgoiiiM «Kloltp|MMtembfb'>dfi^iay oouldhiAla „ But finally, iRs idd. IdlJ^ ot .tiip^ muscles .taa llgamenla obJe<tdfi'<gyittdlBt)o<teUlIiig:''^^^%i We-UdEolned the inpacles pf thCk'ttlpAir halfof, th« b«dyjWthmt«eI%Bt^^ the toot that nparlyall of them diverge' from the'thtalder like • which thblr mbtlbns 'are derived. As every one obilB tun train-. Ing has Inflexibility ot the parts about the. ahpulder-joint, thla IbPUldbb the Qiat object br'attopK^Thateltwl^Uogs aro wall oalodated'toaffbPl th'e'dbalred tesnltV^WW8:ti#^ theov 'tha 'twsltlbiu sh°oilld'' be'' b''goPd DnB^nBaa,s]ioiill^e», and hips ^lawhfkrjiack.'-•..-<; on; ".j''n i . •.". :..■• .':/i''". ':''.-. : Inonr.atteimptBtoootTeclEtPold]igshouldm>,'0>lb.<(oodaerle« of exercises Is found in thrusting the dUUb-bells 'olreot^ up> wards. 'While poi^fprmlng this varied. . . ■. , ...-T^ 1 . , 'I , * .1 I l^-W ■ TOBACCO AND ITS AJDlTLTfiltATibN. A r<ithtn liu(oenilssned, byoid'er'ot the ^ilna'^ of .Commons; of 'the several sblxures mado, and of tlibptpMPUtlpnd'for breach of tho laws-rdatUg'to tobaoco,'between the'BlhJknnary, tWO, and Sth January, lU3,dlBUngnlshlngubse'lharelitSiltalnfroia. those in l^reland: spooibing tho plaeea ai^d the patties proeccuted. or troihwho'ni'tlieseinres werpmade; ^aUndof isoods, and tha results.ot tho efapiinaHoU/When.seized'.for, aidnlteratlon; tha JndlclU prbeebdlngs'taken'In (otdi.oaS'e, tpgothhi jri^ (he amount of fine pahl or'^lmprlsoDment suffered.' Some of. the fiots em^ ? ibodled In thdietnriiaro of a ^sry enfibus Uardolbfvand speold- ly worthy tho attention of tho connibbn''Of';"the%sed." Wa find, foc,exami4e, that>ln;the JtaobasterOBxDlsgdi^riot, Heniy TheobBld,'ln the year ended January 5, ie8I.;baditbinilafortnn» to have (Mlbs. of le<^ tobacco, 1391ha. of Oavond^ji^lbs. of negrobead; and^bit ot toW tobacco seize)], bb' hallw. charged with having adultoratod tobacco in bb posSoAIpn! thkl on being analysed, ItwasfPnnd tofn-^adallatstedwilhs^etre, ^aom salt, common salt, and alun;.". In the sama .Tear; XMlbs. of leaf tobtcbbi'bdonglnR to,Emannd. John, Matbaqle^ and DavlA Jonas,' ot High Holbon; Vras delzad, ta'd the pkt%s pioaeonted. on the gitmnd of having adulterated tobacco In thdr mtanfko,' tbiy,'thkdrtlAU being SMuatod with sweit OIL In the first case,' Ur. TJieob^ offeptM a compromlae for:£W< the'_goodB beln^ condeninod. Thei Jonas firm were morp fortunate);, jor, thongn the 'Srtlcle was c'ohdemn'ed, we find tib'aecbuot of, buy fine being Infllbled 6r paymtafmade: AnnBogeis, BlghsUMt, Bt OUea... Is also on the list of those in whose posse^atOB^ adulterated to- baocp, to' the'extont ot ITQlhs. was found;, the. odniltoratloa oon- slating bf a toloiably largo pbruntagb ot odmmon 'salt In water. AtBuibst, Andrew^oLanghlln hadlOlbs'.'ot snnlftadlOlbs.of tobacco seized on the ground ot Ddulterat^on. the; first sample ot snuff being toundto contain be r)t mould and ground wood, and no tobacco ataU.'Another samraocontHtiiedplnewobd, common salt, tad 'i^d olAyi'but was equally ghllUosa:of tobabbb;-while In* tobacco solzad,wis a pien ltattttlonof'rollitobacDD,jaade up of burdock 'and cbltsfpot ond.pthor leaves.. . At HaUM* scoordlng ■to the retum,'Bomuel WBhiuVaa lined'.178Wf Uddl^'or mWng with :tobaccoi!"rUubarVleaves.'* '-Two:buier'''d6alelrs at Uallfiix had todlsbnrso the'same sum slsn for an admlxtataiof rhubarb leavia..'. In Sh^el<l, Wlllliuh Qroham was oharged^^tb vending cigaia niadb of paper and coVorbd wlthtobaceo. "In Btet London, Robert Claik tad Bntltff Adam's ate bh^nlbUd ta'mWng tobacco In thDlr ppssossloo. <;adultoro4»dwltbffUting;'1:aail In.South Londba, Thomas Olfoneiy, and .WllUam, PtaP Wl'I»^?'">'^™» ^ hawking tobadco'sliiilIarlyaduIlorliiAd, Throe glhring cases ara mentlobod of. clguts idadb of cabbage^leaves, exo«pt>the ontaldo. covering. In Inland, far.,1601-6!l, a whole, batch ofradultonos aro Included in'tbbxpturn.Jn,whlch,tl|e.artlblft»laod wa« allogbd'to tontaln' "formbhtaoM'tnigisr, bbllev&d to M.liqnoriea," .. —•—oentof'the'grbund'aeowniupaof tha andinbno case f'aot .'Vralpnia.pak," a' fhvpr^t^.admixturowIth'MIierulantdealets, aa thbro aro'sU other cases spcclnod of .the„tFlnp* f"'"^ '£3toi20wba bip'pacd'brthb'lhagtsbatba iP-'qibitthanatora ot thaPffonos. - A'fugo praportlatfOF'the ihsttaceS'Btwen an In- cluded under tMMtegoi3.ot'."h»wUng.olgotaA«>d'tobacco,'' ■vil- ' lllorato(lofcour9opnd,otthf| 'Ulubnaly oduU icco,' ', tho pta'* _ _ ___r5oaBd,ofthqyllest'C, Uhf in audi Instainliba IxTlSg fsY^e'flfat jl^a bHot'tenn of im- .pruonmantlnUoaibf flnb, .tAt'AscotandMouUoySabea, twoof. fondeis of this olfus w^ro.oaijght in JABO, and/thsJryduItarattS 8oods confiscated. The prosecutions in (dmoat all, OMOS ajppeae I'havo faoeuinatttiltjd bn good'groundi smce'wa imd.only two acquittals' Intthp-wholo TctetnraiPugh"ln %okhW4dstanees "no prosecution'f,i8 roopf(li;d,,[ SU jnontlja Ja-the lOMprttohn of Im- priiionmont, an^'iVSlSe blgho«t.flup,lntlloti!d; .h>)t We obeena that tbo goods eolsettliave'bebn sWaJ'4>'.'b6hdt*ffl6<l," saveui twoinstanbbl,^ESpBi)le8bt' losUmoay oS'toltha'taStot adnltaia* , A^AihnsW'aakghtiei'^rti'Vltot^WA lDgltdlfflcftUtokomiiptb«ooW*W*Jtai t,. . -LbssweHUB «[lg»^^<*'l[^';(*^ 'ertedt aa thqltMk