New York Clipper (Aug 1862)

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..'7 jisw?*:'" Ml BBOASWAT, . ' ' , . tbe BtMWiolMHotA ... .Sole PioDrtetar and wmgu. ... ranmpHAirr Buooffla - _ ::: \.; m AMDF^OKABU ATOWEHCBtt:'. y ■ gD AMD FAflHIOKABia .- . - e InlmlUble Bnt«rt»l5£jM*gl»«»''>y' UODXIi TBOOTB OEiTHE PBOnSSBMl.; -1 HIOKPAT, Aoacar Uj^r^ |jnT>oape,lpi>««A^ ;~ .- t-'' • I ■: ■ /-, i(.s r-. o&KAT' usfxs naovn, 'I Aitfafii& a&aSotaBt'OnliMtni'SBdar th* I i^^*^' 'orHBA ao^Ht BwjroK 0. ...... ■.mxi . ^! - ' -Ml I .-1. ntymrp , D/W.:IPABP1|A9«. ... . -r .til , ... v.. B. J. J Hn.TiTAHn.:' 9. J. HAonnnos; <Mlat7,iaetatt*;:''Piniattt«;'S0o«iit>'; Oioli«rti»Oti&In,'a0otii' .1-.':■^wttBoioi.W.'- -. i-;'' ■■ ■■'in : Soon <<p«n ktfi TttttacatSDtt ootaiin«noei M So'oloBk, pMoUtl/. i -i , i.',.-. ^. . ' -IBOBEBIT .W; BDTIJ3i)<**~—^-"^ j.^MOMft LA'.IHOBItE, Stage Huuggt. ■ ■ f ». 'uaw.':;..:;. , 1 ^. III 80mW HOWABP, '< 4> 'W<-H . OM l^Ff^i' DAvSBEED,' ^, J T<U, HATES, ' - . /ii;:it B|ibt>Hi.lJ°.;.'j' B,', Treunrer... fhUHL SBm,tSM,JMfi. J,. KBTAST, Proiierty.Miii,;., i;,. .,iT°ftf. <i>-.W:": Pi?v,-u..v;«v.,,< °sl4IE Bl.'ljoma OPB&A HOUSE, > toll ildft otmiotegsfnl buiineai,;" T, HiMPSOMEST, AMP Ml ^ ,,.,^JSIOHAJl-nf 1HEWC~" ^'06]BpU7.kt]UB*ant'cot>alsta'6f'. ' : - , ^ '^XATH^^tVNeiL, NED B&BB7, •• SAIE'JPfflmOTEBt '■ fSSNT'TBOMBSOF, >"UmWAtBT, , ... .<^i< ■. OELIA' HOBIiEir,''.'', ■-'■ 3nuA'HiMmtoH, ■ slmPABTIMaTOH, . UZZ^ .HABDIMO, , . UT TIiB JX QBA; TOU OOMT. LESLIE itiX' E. M. ;.BiiiT 1 "OTJSPE. . -.jOE-teDBPHT, •.ft-; If^iWiV^*- ;^^ TBOOTE OP.teV ENTy/; ■■ ■ > . i' , 'iif.T.rl.i.jiyiP-^, '.; ,;, ■ . aiOMOB OOMBTAMTDm-BaUet Mwto. ■ ■ -MBOBi-vrtoiif-BetDioAraBi: '' i^-. ■ i--; ■ - 't.^^ , ,-. : " UABTIM'TItEBERTHTSEB, LeadWQfOltokiuM. - :Jiia•wholeOomianyco nalgU ngof - • ' '• '• ■'; EJOHTT MEMBERS. . " i- ^ flntlsa of known exoelleneo dealMng enmgoments, may ' >' -"^ AiddieM' OEO. J. DEAOLE, TAriedes Moilo Hall,' . . .v.,■ ■: - -i^uii iHt! EAHOEBT ■ ■ • ' ■ - ■■BCF^'BIIX'PBIMTIMO ESTABUSHMENT IM'THB'WOBItDI 1- OLABBT ■i BEII.LBy; ' ' ■ ....... ' I <; " (BaccoaaoTs to John E. Btoon,) ' p.Bi.u-5EB(r"AlJD EMOSAVSBS, --MfildliSprnoe Street, MeWTotk,' •. Bv pMttenlir ittMitloii to flettlsff ap all Usda'6f- P AN-O-'X -tHO W- BlttB ' ■ ■■ Vac tnTening conpliUeai yfii hnv on hond'a luge and splendid '■ usortmatit of large and smiill ' ■;" '• zr-\ WOOD CUTS i . vfv|(iltiriila (or Olnaases, Menagetles," Ethiopian-Pertorme^^ ."^.j <nuli, Hagiolana, &a, bo., -which can t» printed In one or more W'^IWii-'to »olt onatomen. . •' ■ t - ■ ^;<'v:74^A'd<poaltreqQliedonilt'warl(OT4ered. , .-AB'otdaa addroaaeii to '>aLABBT>ft'BI3LLEr,".Badon Print- tag and EngraTtng.MtatMhnuroti U and U Sprooe atree^ Heit TofVljrill.bepio^piljattoDdcd to. ^-.^5 -AaUBIoWlHtirMO'IliUiti,'- J V I -,:- ■\; - U- . >r:v;0>jBl > ' XT. Wl'lw't'llK ;Tr4iBAiy^- ^ - '^y>&(jd tfo (joyfellaUph aaitoffl .:.;,.;":!'r.;'V,-. XIB8 SBNBStHtS ;DB VAIBEB! ■■-])EK. ■. ^ —t-^— - Onheiltni' udM the aJp w ulit o aef I ilV:> l xFBBD'TON OIjda|.. sA't^ethel^; land eihIUtad-iuid«f;'.'. '™ ■, 'oi«tMAiaio!rH ?Ayna( , , '.Fba oin EOtBivt va^d> o» ^ ,", r'O. smiPABD'B OBIUS^ ~ ..;: 0^' p.] (f5l!^*» .HIPl ; U 1,1 land , OtBOllj I'theAth^nnnm, BAMDB, HAT HAH8 Mr OO:'8 OBEAT PESTOBUINO ELEPHABTS, TiotoilA(ai''AUIeH,-~Aii<IAm7 and Cleopatra, . „!"■ . FromCook'aBoialAmphltheatret-Iipndon: Wlll;nhlbl4^at WMT^EAL, QTmBEoTaod A^tihelpitn^ T6vMln<>nii(df|Jtist^.>!>.Bepte^ ■:. IS-u -. -■ BOBmW-iinMailJM.- --- ■ - - ■ i.-;.-,'':'-t<< . J';;-.-.-:-;-;'' .i-i'rVidI'^in';:/'.- TOM:-'. ,i:y.'-'.• ■•. '-^--A ;■>•■ -i^- r-■. L-.' iB.A;TB-L ^TBO VPB; - o; - Vow parformlng wltlitiimianae edcoesa'at thla eafabtiahnmnt. ; ifEhO'XioaBe (jomsrUa the foUowlngdnt daaa'ArtMai":-' V. - ■ ,-AMMBTOA OAIJBlTIj 0 . Ai It HERNAMDS~ ' UOMe-^ UONSlLBHUAM. JIONS A. IBBO^T. : UOHS P.^SAVEIm'-' ' , MOOT F.'BBBOmr UOHS DSTSBm. !.:-'. 4.- .1 ■ ■ .,1 '.-aMtgomar; ■tteet,'between'Waahlngton:and:7MkiaakMreetg, ... aAM FBAMOIBCO,'OAL. --N: .■ -i...;. JOHHTOBBENOB,^ i. J-™P??JW» W : ;.\V> ^i'".-LI'"---.'^•-■•^' '-"J. B..-B00THi'8tliie''BMagBP...'. v> tomBltt,:Mu«loalDlr«otor. - . v-,-^: TTT"? i - .'.^>^V..-. THE BIAS-OOUPAMT-OF'0AUrOBMIA,'-'jv :' ..■■■'>.■-{ . "'-PBCES o)r *onunoH.-•'••->•'. "-'.i;,- , , ■iVSf-Onm Oliela v. .(11 Oicheatn Beata'.; : j'; j..-jflMilat,.. cCOds I Second .Clrole ...hiSBfm •:';!--PrtTateBoieB....$B andJlO. . ■ ■ : > ai.\ iyJlwt oato» gp«B A<om'10 A. H. .to a p. M. .. Seats ■■aoond thkta, ' - V jLrJI^r^ilVtag CaUfomla'ghoold remembet.that Mr. Vii^ ■ B ^^itfmA'. WVPVfif.if^ th^.Yvletlee an4HVM'-P»rk>San ,-.-.t-V.ytagj< jWooiJ fr,e.|l^^ Ihjsatre, BaorapientofAn^XtMMtrea ■■'^/■yih " """ "r'.i . . . _ _Uf FEAIJO: •IW.aitEIOpTOK,... >>fiHt!Ba>Al{OOBBXM, lt>, OAUFO^n^A. Sole XieB8e9eg4:' ••■.(; . -^'fiU tmiit are leipeotfDUjr bA^hhe^ .that £ia .h«^l Ol^fisTjgOMBIMympK^^^^ ■ .■■■'■■biiSsHiS.AMD'DBAMATib^^^iire ■ ^lUu Mncratrated In an; Thaatro In this stale, inoladliig ' Upm. V. A IlEI.Ct.HIOM,. UIBS UZZm PA^EB, ' ia(i.i». BiSanndeie,' _H'ine So'hwaznle; • - ■ - i Mn.'-Bi ■jjrB. -■11 litt." ' V- W. Sehranbatadter, .Slg.Bosaoreal • • -,'-«rf»POW]aiFBt' CHOBUS AMD. OBOHESTBA. i -, . *^' ■'J ijiuti' ^rUttttf; Oalltemla: ,'BboaJd - ViAlt .ihla hugnUlceiit: Dra- '" ii 'ttktU<I^eIet>«nre en8«glM elsewhere, ai'li Is bjrfar.thelarg- ' „ -Akt'-Vad- fiott'ooiiunodlonB -nia(lTe.'".'Th'e' Management of thu '.If iBbttM KbM aUo'tUe'dbntzdl'ofpHnolpalTbilkMa-ln-Stockton .;!f-jt*»i^Stt»ttttto;.--'^ --., ;■. I:;.,..'... ., r'''; BMMghatJiiat'fllilahBd B.TEirniccisital TI - ala lia, -ahdnabO: - at; BUUmoif, '1^ aboiit sj '■«a-tf. flN i^:w5BIiD, 'uneat'lii-niU. ■ ' ^Irtpflh therWertam fltatea. ' on'ktbur j-.-.u. I -• SJi'.JftSSa"'"/i.'SjS .^^^ formerljbe. IP^S'™*"^ nVSSv oi?S^T^?^t?^f^ "ongftd to BOBBto HEIXEElcontolnlng more modem eiperL \.^lttJ:¥^,\ -.. ■ . . SABBr.OII;pi»T^Agentrer_ , „,5t,thim«n»tMr«Dliflni»ll«8vorBllilblfcd.aU)ni>arfeBloSlftr '.OII>|3EBT, MTTSBtRClH THSlVmti.. ■ - - OHB'AHOTE THEATRE IS NOW OPHH. ., ."^e Fan Season wUl.opeU on or aboat the first of September: XadM^d: Oantlciman wlahtog eogagments' will dlieot to the .UWm^ Theatre eailjr aspOaglblo;. gtars will floe) .•dT'aiiim'te. iiMnge for time. Liberal .terms offered^! , S4f;' !' ■ ■ . WM. HENDIMOM.'Bolo^I^ 1. OOBBIH. .voald reapeoUtilW Iqtottn mombeis of the Bra- ^'KnalcA ar.BqaeatilimipToft>elonS( that be hns esta^Uahed ■'Sf.VJSadflo. _ 'JTUL. V.3.wA]llet(era:t(qalrlhg «nsff»ia muaticohtaifk a stamp'to <-.'i|jte»paf.tha same.. ' ■■ • / ■■<'. iHBiStti ■ ■■ iitJBAOmir-' OF 'MUSIO—MillWADKEB, ^;.Jiho Fall < ."ff- VBtnUfiii ft this ieautlfiil>Ih«stro.wUl' open.aboot the Isth otAn- ' •' >'<«fl4Ku J«dles and OfintUtnea wishing eogagomenle, wlU addieas r.'NrV .ai»VUuMW U«o«o as posslblo. STABS can arrange for time, , ^ff^'fiAir-tddfeaflng a DBAPBb, SoIe:I.e«s<io.a«d Htnager4 IS-dt* :.'K iiMUiE UABIA-ZOE, M0M8:A. OB033I, > .' vUOMB F. BBSBIST, ; MB..B.^TATE8, ^ ■ . .... jHB. 7AHB8 PILOBOr, . ;,. . MB£wW.;DDLAMI, ■ • ; '...M,iv:OBAIID'0OBPS DE BALLET.! i;"iT6»oel«ta«trt-. ; . i - i';-'.- ::vr;.-;| :. ■,: ■:■,:[' v.; li'.HAVEL-PAMTOMIMEe.' ■"■ " ■ ■• - A MZW^AMD'SFIiBMDID ATTBAOnONB'.'.•''■• -'•; -riiL.- . ■-.-.i -.-o^' ■-:'.;iir;;:*-. :.f.'; ■ ' ,1.^, , EXTBAO&DINABT BBILLIAHdr " ' /" ■ • ..V -I- -.WTHB ; . ■:; ;'I- .V. : !>!, • : .. - .OOKBIHATIOH OF STABS, ' ■ ' Wlw watknowledged to b o the » ■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■' ■ • -VEST;BEST ABTISTB OT-THE AOH. •' ■ ' -'It ••.":->-• • :v< ;■ ■ UMEB PaABIM.'BnsihilM'J&uaagsr. 'ffikxinittoiiB.itnisktilt'W Mbed and ofotially loooted place of ainiisemsnt l&to Ia't,.b j the polgUt, weeK'ormonth, forjini daa exhOnlimsonls, .The udbeum I8'loc^don.^ni4r of CalTertandBalUmore streets. In the liome- dUte-vlohiltT- of all the principal hotels, aind Is'capable of seating 800 penons,- .Ttie place Is well stooked with soener;, and la now ofadectolng a thorongh repairing,' .Uahagoris or fgents of first ft^ftnq 4tyli<hl^l,>nll l Ha<Hn^ WftlHiti nm^'^ll fl^t^ H tOUeir Interest t^ engage the Moaeom, as It can be had'foB a very cheap rent, ^nd la the best located place of amosement In EalUmore. )Iln- str^. Magicians, Fanoramaa, fca, vpHX receive Ilbeiol sharing tetUa by addi^alng. ALBEBT LEE, or.JOHM P. BUITH, : .,!.' . ■; Melodeon. Bait.', Hd,': . •}Sr,^.^PToprletors of .Smart Awsu neM hot apply, as the Mo,- sem w,be lwq,tadto/M<Jaaak{UM«^ .. ,14-8t hBOWkkr THiGATBB iHB OoiilOBaT HAUL, ,1- ■ - . . ■ -„-,-.. -OT. LODIflt'-MO. ' J,. E. ESHEB,..... . Proprietor. I 'AMES BILE;,- ^age Manager. : ^,-,..-fOHN<BEMABD,j.i.,....;^.....,l.MnsloalSbe(toil>-°l : ADMISSIOM 10 AMD=.2S OENIIBj '. -The fonowlng aitlsta are now performing, at this eetabUShUent: ■ Mina nkx.ix p. rBowSDgigodat'- J OF TOt BBBT lM/l^, *^^ifeplbynoseooi■^^ratoASPttol^^^n^t'a_., . the highest 9i^e. > >to eip»ilWta,hMnld;r^aJt4.o^^ if: oTor)t>okrfMsoonp«frt<hn4YidtT : ,r Tlie aott renowdbd and pijfiitt nt^ustonal^ sie seoQied.f9r; ottt'jatpons. , . ^..'i^,^- 1 . •..'•.■•!'. ' 'ThegreatestanamostAitttMoof'' ' „. , I*- •%m8TBEM^oauiiiW8,.ooitEDiAs6, . •' ; .■, • ^ ' DANfmRB,, PAllTDHnUBtirAOHOBATS, , ,: - and PeMtnnen yt f^f^^^j^t^^^ s^etUhd.mMlt, "-• lOAMTEB^DBT H^UV,'W'.j ' ■■■ ' f '; 'IJBB&T7 WAT.r., >T..- "lidles i(sd'g«i>Ue^iAiiot.aotD'(rtd( Biismentcfbr'Qie Fall SUMni'VMI it ■ • oBo. PEBorvAi,,*od.;yi ■«<ato lowest «en3i<,-tlil«^*.'-ji^ f-^ T^- GEO. mowA^t Oo:', Pnmrletors bt. .. •;i'fto(eAnryHaU,WMhlngt9a,.0;o., ll^ -ifidklng eai- UABOH,- MIBS LEOMOBA. t- : .TBZODOBB.XHOMISOMi .,roEMBEHABD<> . Zt . DlBaBOEB.' . COLLINS unan . LIZZIE DATIB, 2098 FBAMK OHBIBTI^ ' HEBB SPBTTMO, '- JOHMMY OAMPBWLT). I : r. COI^ij^l^ .51; "•■■'d '. ..-J. - 0.1OAMPBSLL! LtdlM aaa.Gentlemsn of known ability oan. alwa^ seonie ah' engagement by addressing, J. E. E8HEB, Pnipttetor. - ■ •■ ij':' AiTijlioRS!. .iTDsiiinii: -gbleIjessee..V.''....• nun.nux um,. . "' ThaaboTe^laoie'of Amnsefflentlsnowop^ 'fn.praautiopat^ poses' alone: - L>fdIos asid- Qentlemen of aeknowlsdged ability wishing eligagements for the Fall and Wlattr Biasdnj -dlreotas above. .FntolaasBtm.lIbenUrbealedwItU''''' ..' i •;-i7mi.--..'':;'• -o. HEjra(i,'B^go.iia»aget. . TbSs hewahdCommodlona Hall, Just oomplstedi la -nnampaas- ^ for 'E4iit4Uoq9, Concsi^la,. Leomras, Foln^ Partleg, ka., and Isthela^estBaBjn W(>sfeirpMeW;Tork. Ithascopneoted with; it, Bnltsof Boonia :for':dreulngand dln^ pmlMses, together Sthi other modern ImjproTenients; and rented s^ prices it-wUllndnce t|ie pnoUo to prpT» ltB,ao6i!BtUi.propertleB, which arig 'piDnoiiacedQnnvaUed. , Address '■■ - I, .. . I i ■.:: '... JABEZ COU^gS, Booheet«r,.N. Tl, • ■ '■/..,,..r. ■■ . . ,.cornerlHalnand. OUnl on etneets, y.lMm. ,',. .' :~ or B,.FULLEB, AgeoL.. ^ '::PBJH<nB bF''WAUS8 VHB^TBSI,'. ;ir:; irri;.-.' LITEBFOOL, EI7QtiAMD.' '. ,.; niis'traiy'degant and very besntUnl theatre Is kept open dnr- lag the whole or .tha year. ■ i " . - >'..;(. AMERICAN STABS, lOt aohnomedged poiWon.and tdant negotiated with,-to long or short enRagemenbt as mntosl lntenuta.ia»'reaalre,' - ' ■ '.. A£lro*s, - ' V - ALEX. HEMDEBSON, : ;. .46tf, . ' ,- ;■ •. BobLesMSMdProprietor. FOIL . .SAIiB«~TheLease, FixtareB,and'ao6d Will of the Continental Hotel and.Open Home, Baltimore, (adjoining the Holllday Btrcet'-Thealrey with all their Bppnrtenancee.' The posttlon Is central, and In a good looality.. - The Hotel and Opera Bonsawere planned by the Proprietor,-, ondvtbey are. boated, -througbont-by steam. . Besides being adapted fbr both nnrposes, great care was taken to have them comfortabK and to contain an the neceisary convenlenoes. ■ Any person wishing' to engage in the aboTe'.bnalneu, will find It to thelr adrantago to call upon the proprietor, Wm, ELLIMOEB, who la necessarily cftillgea to dispose of It, on acconnt of being engaged In another bOBlnoSs, rhloh requites oil his att"- er cent on the annoal <i whloh requires all bis attention, ' Tho ra^t Is paid by paying ten St cent on the annoal 'Omonnt of the -receipts aoomlng from 0'place, -i—, • ,■• ■ ,. I .- 173l« . ,TO ilAOIOIAlVS, RBOROMAKOXlRSt AND WIZ^ ments than anyparaphemalla ever eihlblud, all In perfect order, packed In enngoases; oonrenlfot for trAvelUng—Tnlltje- aold to psr ohirges. The (rice for the whole oablnet la twelvo hnndrod doUurs, which Is only one-fifth of the origlnali oost A visit to Mow Orleans will-repay parties-dealrons'of purohoilog, eaithe cabinet Is of afuricher.iand.bdatller description than maybe Imagined from a atngle adre^tlaement. ' ' Apply to-. D. BIDWELL, •17i^l< . Academy oTHnslo,' New Orleans, La. -THBAilltlOAli SIA-I7AOS)lil9^-4AM OAMTr, Esq., the well hntfwi^Vntbor of sorersl of oor most popular dramas, baring Jost complotsd the pa^otlo sketch entitled, "Tho Traitor's Drcam>\AvLTbi).llouol6n.ot thc'Morth and South)'.', consisting of a Borite of Aispes and Tableaax, with 1000 Idtbographs repre-' soiitlng the,dlvoroiit Tsbleacx,'la, now prepared,,with his enOre -~ ' engsgbmcuts for six or twelve nights, . Manogors Troupe, to wlsbing to to JA8, CO] e the OANTT TBODPEI ran. dq so by. applying ;, Theatrical Agent, OHX .Bcoodiray. : ' it-U ' _ . (LAM JfdtWBS.)'. ,.. ., .. L. M. BAyta as ;.;.....-.'.:;.;;'.-^prleto^' - ' ■ iJ. B; WHITa<.'.,.'.'...'.'^,Vi.;..'.V,'i'.';Btlg4Mi^iiiter^ XBE ONIi? FIB8T OLASS PLACE OF ^AMV^^Slt ■ IN I'.-.-il i-* ,.yjii. rHTBOIT. >• ' ;>^*7i- - THE LABOEBT AND BEST OOHPANT IN THB'WEST.- , ,. .. THB.Mm-OBpffiBTBA IN.THE^WBST. > ^ THB^tlOSt'XfOMBliEIB 8TA0B AMD.:qOEMBBT. All .t^» nromlnsnti Btfn t>t :the C<ntccrt.Halls treated wlth'on JlbtraJjfiiu.., .CopmnuUbaAons front the Profession solicited. ^Address L. mTbatLESS, . - . t .. Mf tropoUtan.'irarieUss. Dot^lt.-.Hlch: ' Ndw;etf*loiitb'for.Mew mtiovpil u.s6mpMqd'of.th4 iCoDowlng'.^enilbdwn Artists: ; ..' w-woptEBpE. ■;'',, -XiH; M$iiOLDB, . ; '• - • ' /.lE- SAJMra;; {.. ;.: «lpK 'WESTON, , ■} a.D. ABBOTT,, ,, ft, feAIJtEB,. . ,;, '^^tt.E. DATOp5^■.^./'.W^£*1^WM(Jte^, .,, ■ . ■: .. Mastor'H^BBH.TraLLfl. . 11st of September. vmalBiA'VtttOAI. IlilAAOBnSWOBM V. P01VER, the oolebiated IrleH Comedian nnd Tocallst, son of the late Tvrone Power, Is now dp his way.'from Australia. Mancgors wishing to engage'the iaticve Artist for nlghla,;obnmenclo(( on .or about Anguat 1, will aibly to JAMBS OONMEB, ThUtrical Agent,'OUK AdTortlalng Agont\fos Nlxoi^'a Oromome Oardon, Is detlions of on engagomonlsS'^dTertlsto;.Agent or TroasOrer, for any Star This nlLmdld dew EstalUahmeat irill o'l . ' ' viT-, . ■'&NTOW piSfoembL or'firstcIaB^'AitlBtslnlthe'.Cdniiiert or Bvrles^ l^usl- ' .; nes^; both StOr'and Stock','ofA 0^4 good engagefflent& ' °None.bntl)is(claSsn«ed appl^, itatlng tarmsand prices. . . ' , ;. V'*PPtf W'i i ™08.,O:iySft.Manager,,'T^ llWt* ,',:';,., ■ .jMewAr,cadeBpdlog,Bnflao,,N, cSsss^usTiAir' This ling ^s^tilihied and -poptilar ploce'Of Amassment,'con- tinues tfnder the same Management that for 13 years of ossldaoas attention to't^oomfort ahdconTeqlence of Its patrons, has won iorlt,.theTei)atationof belng.omot.theihostpopnlar and best cotfdacled puses of Apusement m' tl;e'Stitte. '.■''Apply personally, or by letter, to' ' . ..'W; A.'^BEIMOtD£L'. W-ate, :. . , :,, «9Aroa4e,).Bpoh'ester,M.T, TO HAlTAOBRS,->Besposslble.Managers of Shows, Con- cert Halls,-&a, will please -bear' In mlndthat-Q. W.'KIBBYE & BOM, who are.vnlvncsally admitted by the pibllo andxreas to be the most versAtlls. performers on record, are prepared to negoti- ate upon liberal-terms. The following < coiistltute a few Of fiielr. leading acta: Oenaral OymnasUcs and Feais of StrengU, MSgle, '7entrUoqalsm; also, Qtllll7 business, snoh as Pantomime, Farce, :andEtbloplan,^&c.. Terms easy. ^Address'the above. No: UU Division street, Philadelphia, Pa., or care'bf N. T. Cufpxb. 48-1^ BALTTBIOiUB HBIiODEON.T^Flrst elaes Performers of an kinds can secnra good engagements, by applying to ' ALBEBT LEA, Moifager and Proprietor Mdodeon, ' ' ■ Baltimore.'. • M, B. I-wlll pay more salary to good Performers than any 'other Concert Saloon In America. ig-tf OAJElD.iTOn and alter the 3Tth of August, all commonloaUons can be< addressed, to me, at' my residence. No. 81 Clarke street, eomer of Sirring street, Mew York... KATE PENNOIEB.' 18-lt :: -< .'0^'I.E1TB1II'B0X: 4^'We havA letters for Messrs. H. BlnolBlf, Oharile White, Oeo, 7. D,eagM,'Wm. Arlington, Bbody Magblrt, Bobt Butler, (oOmedlan,) ahd the Misses AdaU Isaacs Menken,''and Eva Brent onpr'scBmunYr "' '., ■ MoiiBlT,Aug.-ll,'l8«J.- - Thsvreek has been one of mnoh excitement, much talk,'and much nnneoessary alarm; oaused, for the most part, by the order fw drafting,'and which affected nearly-every class of BOdety. It was the talk In the street. In the private-residence. In the inut of trade, andln thepnbllc places of aid«vement Everybody seemed to have someUung to say about drafting, and many bethought tbemsdves of the moat potent means for evading the draft nie theatresi which have been do^.Uttle or nothing since the news 9f the 'seven daya' fighting near' Bichmond, reoelv$id another knolik-dowhfKim the draft Actbra and actresses gagged at it on ..the stage, and audiences gagged atlt, ofL It seemed impalatablc .-to'fai^e,,a])d.yctltwas tne.general opinion that abmethlng of the Und Is real^ necessary, if the ■■great repnbllo" Is to be pre- served Intact ■■Exempts" thought that everybody should be rd- Jolccd St the draft '■Non-exempta." suggested that If one class >Df people were exempted, oil classes shoaldbe. "Able-bodied men'.' have become very scarce, and dnq might linaglne that ah .epldemio w>s raging, so "alokly" has our nsnaUrrobuat popnU- 'tfon suddenly become. People were looking about In isU qnar- te'ia for phyalelanS,'who at once assumed an, nnnsnal'degiee of Importance, and gavel out '■preaoriptions" for •'disability" as&st as thfv.couldi^le them, 'Very tew pefsons thought of the theatr^ or other publlo places of amusement^ and the resnlt was a,mbxs thanheggarly account of empty seats, and, consoquenQy, nty bosh-bOxos. . Manyi>f the pisyer people begin to think It would pay hotter to'Join the army than to "act upon the Stage," for in the <VW they are euro of their, pork. an4 boans, lodging, and k change of clothes; while,in the ■■profesaloui" uotmng Is'berlalil but bard times. Managers arc calculating' how mudi ttieywlU lose next season. Instead of how much they wlll,m/)ke.' .^ecTtblng Is topay turvy, and no ope knows how to trim the Balls to c^toh whatever favorable breeze may spring up. . The charitable' (ij^Umonlal for the benefit of JProfbssor Ander- son, the mBglc|an, took place according to announcement, on Monday evening,. Aug.'4fh, thet' receipts, ,wo uhderst^d, being about fOOOt which!Is much.loss than.'was jgenerally enected would be realized., This sum WIU go huts little waytowards re- Uovlng the Profosa<ir, for his loBses,4nring his recent managerial career, aro ropresehted to have been very heavy. 'There were a great many mgh-soundliig names attached to the complimentary under, but the owners of them, did network very hard to inoko the affair a financial success, or. they would have turned up a better deal than $000; but big niamos djon't appear to be of much account In theae war times, Imda m^h stands. Just as good a chante'wlth BUI Green, Jack -Bntts,,or .Jake Peters tacked on to a comp^mentary testimonial, os he does with the name of the Bon. Peletlah Palmerston, .Judge Vesoy, Brigadlot Oen. SlmpSoh Tra- vers/endOoI. Lauhdnr.' Big people. Are so Very-'pleAty'how-a- days that they are a glut In the market, and . you con get d whole string of them on a ■■COmipUmentaryoommltteb" for a very small cost' Titled people are reaUy'more.plen^now'than rongtis,and we don't Uow but It would bo bitter to let 'em'eUdo,-for all tho ecod they dd. ■- Pedple think It about time'to let'the oomblUnefi-' tries slide, too; and we thlnli'"the people" are'aboutright: ' 4U It Is.- Tho'llth It Is,. JuBteo; -^es, nomUtako-abbutlt The Abierican Mnslo- HAU;'-M4' BtoadTri>y,'o'p^B'"thb'ivenlng (Uth), the plcty.of the Folleo Departm'ent.permlttlha: if Friend Kenneiy and ' the Boord'of Oommlsslo'ners,'would Just attend, some evening, In their offlolal''capabltr,'os we. have nb dbtibt thoy have often done as Indlvldool memnerS.ora taughior-lovln'g community, v^o have no doubt that they woiUd draw iip (and unonlmbualy pto] the meet ontkuslostlo resolutions to the ef- fect-that the American Music HoU, Ui Broodwoyi is "the'music hall of the masses" by general acclamation. Eoerls "theides- Ment" from hcadqnartera in Broome street to Mi Broadway, and easy would be the oxprcasloh Of gtatlfied pleasure at wit' t'esslng such artists .is Tony Pastor; Bami R^on, Charley inilte,' Bob Ilort/'H, Engoa, J. Ptefee, F.,£oe, L.Blmmoas,and Mone, LaThome; andthtin thete ore the^etty girls, not dact- 'ly "waiter dlils" to' be sure, bat waiting for a friendly hand to. applaud tlielr exertions to please ui their seloral lines of artistic AxoeUbncoisuohdsMdne,-B|ildee, Julia Christine,Emestlnode FAlber; Mnilo Inora, Frank UonnU, Helena Oburlos, Jennie En- gle, Kate Harrlsoo; and all the other Katos otld Sues who catpr ond Buc for tpopular apt)lauaoto help theiil in obtaining ah hon- Mt living from ilianagors-^thoed hftrd .Indlvldtlals who become mots hardened hy contratrts and confilcts with the 'money-Uak-. Ingworid.--'BoWover, B. W, Butlbr and Mong.'UIXotllb ars ^^jhe boys to "l^ve and.Iet 'Uvo," so let us tOl.gtVe; theaa A mixed up concern, ciUodiho BaVol Troupe, mad'o thblr^apn pearsnce on the i(h Inst, at Mlblo's Garden, and although Con-, elderable piallmlnary puffing was Indnlged In, yst the robelpis did not foot up more than $000, whloh is not ,bp toiths 'Bavol Btandard.. The attendance through the, week has been lklr to I . - 'tniah ai,aM" oanae suOoIent i» .warrant sspdlng tue manaaer Stli taln|^lbntfew>4(^anathMeH0^^^ "Tbt'^ Flying <lWipeie'' feai'. proved, however, a redeemleR fkS? It wai eMcnletf hy .Young Avterica, a has ~ tw»lTeTaa^of;Bgo,andthe moalierfect mQsoiua^'sym^ecTithat we Be -was rap . .. . - -1 on appearing, and.n^ore 00 on retiring. feat Itself Is conceited. It Is not. In our opUlon, so dugtrni Eanlon'i,.as .parformed at the Academy of Muslo. TheaSI! ,^ere.not so h&h from the platform, nor were they so fki neverthslciu, the yoathfol athlete performed his twelvs^CS with'a dexterity and conaiminwte oonfidenoe truly satnil«!r and his somersaults were'gracefully executed. TakhigtUatI years Into consIderaUoh, he Is a vronder,'and Is fnllv enUu^? be/ail«d.wllh«HaDlon't>r ABIohdln. >'.' !' i. ^» That "liOuncUon" to restrain O. L. Fox from perfotmiu,i thepUUBoweiy has had the desired, efteet; whethet- ''stnedno, nol^ forMr. Pot has not-performed since, The pubUcaUbiiS the vcontnok'': Ut- last week's OupnB .has changed .the outm of Aftiifa somewhat, and.many of those who were prevlnS. dlsposAd tor'"sysfpablie" wl&'llr: Fdx;now look upcTS afUr'ln a'different-light, and eympathlse with,Mr. Goim who, throtlghont this unpleasant btslheasi has a<ited with ftlmeis ofid llbarallb to Mr, Fox. In addition to the thcuuS doUan patd^to Mr. F. by the terms of ths bontraot Hr. LIUm TOlimtarlly gave him ^ benefit, the result of which was wS. sentatton to Mr. Fox, .an the morning after, of a check fcrMM Mr. Fox also had. the privilege of playing three or font>lSu engagements at the New Bowery, yearly, which would yieliltbi -a goodjlvlng. ThUB It will be seen, that Instead of maulfesttu the allghteat desire to deprive Mr. Fox of the means of etrbhl aUTlna/.heaotnaUysnggcsted-the'means by which thatlHS^ ml4^t.Dejnade, and for whloh-good action Mr, Llngard^ihjgU 'beoomaiendsd:. Thcr aisaqlutlonof partnershlpwasafUtBu, neMfttaHsaotion.'' Mr. Ungard was wllUsg' to seU er buy/^ gare)tr»Fox the choice. The latter'preferred to BeUitUtogh Bacti.waB made, signed and sealed,'and Mr..Fox was paUlb .ocniUeiitton'rnumey hi foil.. .' Mr. Ungard Is entitled to'tti syaiMby pf the pubUo, and we pre glad to find that the'Mm. )iaT« now a better nnderstanding In regard to the taetsoithi oaie.' '-i.-- I,' (In.^hui-. days of passive stagnation and active stupllUr i giandjoiaahofielectrioltylS'qiilte reftasbing. The "mtatn ment" ap at theFIorence-WaUackestabllsbment, haaseelitrit withdraw the-"privileges" of deadhoadlsmfrom one of the'tfu, ly, ','eriakete|,".ons of the resnltd Is that the .particular "crlofat" oonpamed, has taken the liberty to expose the snbeeqnsM'fttt thAt;,on.theGloslhg9f ':the aforesaid house lastWednesdayn^ ning,.(ln.' oonseqaence of a domestto' afUction which cauMi foaqiosemeqtof the performances), the said (Orsuppoiedrho, perloimancea-were described In certain-morning papers of lui Ihntsday as."reoelved by one of the finest audlen'cea of the il» SOD, with, peals of ilaugbtor, general hilarity, and every dssioi, stratlon of deUght" Pretty lUr for a retort, ir< pay our «>;, Oneof-our friends was.present end he yet holds the ticket^ which he Is.entUled to mtness a performance on some other bi» nlng In .-place of the periormanco that was omitted In fkct, il thhugh so boastlngly pulTed'laat Thursday morning. '.Tlx audlenoe vras very sum, and muet have been astonished to'-'fliij o«t about' those "peals of. laughter, general hilarity, andeveij deqsnistration of delight" BomeUung new every moralit now-'i^ays. A Uttie truth once a -week comes quite acc«ptibk Speaking obont withdrawing the "pri\rllcges of the press'! Ata tbenarty la question, we might remark that ths theatre win l< the loser, for the press confers more: benefit upon the tbtalia than it receives ftom them; and we think a manager matt b| somewhat deranged when he-withdraws -the" "privileges of Us press" fromi a criUc-merely bbcsose the latter may have been b denndent enough to utter some truth whlbh might not tw ioa slaered "aU praise" bythe manager. The Me'wTork press ehOoU refbse to acknowledge the ttieatre or Its manager until an apden la-tendered the disfranchised critic. That Is theway theyS such things In Paris. In consequence of the death of Mlas Josephine Pray, ibi yotmgest slater of 'Mrs.'Florence, the periomiances of Ur. ail Mrs. Florence at Wallack's New Theatre, at the condosloi^tttt first piece, were temporarily postponed on the 6th Aug,, anllhi audience dismissed vrlth tickets entitling them to admisslcs a some other evening. The departed young lady was soucd; .Jinown In the profession, and certainly not to the publlc bebt M Invalid, but Hrs. Florence could not rally from tho Bbookfl ^letcaused by tho euddenbereavement ahehad Jnatexperlsnod Among thf pleasant feUowB who "looked ln"uponas.Torka and aronnd Broadway, last week, was Mr. Jos. D. Murphy, tti aocompllshed business agent and treasurer for Mrs. John Drsrii Arch Street Theatre, Philadelphia. Joseph sesmsto belnil' mlrable preservpUon, and made Us''dectlon sure" as afindv out of other pleasant fellows. , Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Dj^venport were the stars of attractloi il the Mew Bowery last week, openlng'pn.lhe 4th Inst, to a fiilr td not large house, Thby'temain there this week." It Is somewhat remarkable that "llrewojikB" have fomiti one of the principal attractions at Nixon's, since the hot wtallia set In. Tho.WInter Oarden.has ag^ olosed, dlaastroualy to thi'mia- agement weshonldjodga .jThevompllmentarytothemaiiiffl', Mr, Fleming, has been postponed, for the present.' TWfH epeU has left everybody In a state of collapse, and few t> .take a vrom bath in a theatre,-Just now. < '''^ ■ That."aome thlngs.may fas done as weU as others" Is nlfktf proved at Wood's Mlnstftl Ball, SU Broadway, where, (eircti as the announcement may torn to the uninitiated,) ptofiiM go to "cool ott."- Those high Trlnlty-Ohnioh windows on Mii aide, and around about with their various appliances for tnUA' ficatlon, are Jnat the things ibr the present exalted state of :lti thermometer. Another thing, being right opposite the St lU olaa Hotel, strangers never need'any ether guide than ggtUf into Broadwar. After that, popping Into Wood's la a sursw The .fan that gets going when ^h Bom,-Charley Fox,-na White, and the otheri coo]-geniuses, as they get on the rfi|i, causes as ordinary mortals to laugh off our caloric,'ail go.home quite cool and phfioeophlool. That's so. Bully tttu evening In Che Woods I where the - Cool manager manages thlis cool enough. . i, • ' • . Wo leam that It Is the Intention of-an enterprising memlwid the theatrical profession, now ocouphig a prominent poelHea h the United States. Army, to raise a regiment officered nl filled, OS far as.prsotlool, with members of the profeaalon, see by the Philadelphia papen that a regiment now fombi there Is oSlcered'.ibrseveral of them, and they weald bo tri» ferrsd to the Aotors''Beglment Any of our readera who matk dealrouB of Joining this new regiment eon obtain further paw Ulan hy odOretalng Lieut Alex Fisher, N, W. comer of iQthhl Ooates street PhlladoIphla.' The attonilon of our lanie oltUil requested. Well done, Philadelphia! ■< ■■ At the Old Bowerr we do not.flnd saeh hoflsea as nsuslly M the.performancos there.. J. H. Allen was very, euccessfmwli starring about the country lately, with Lanra Eoens's verstoi' "The Peep o'Day,/'.'iand we. ape: somewhat sarprlsed-thUtt Bowery boys should go back and "cool off" upon It PerM Laun> Scene's performances have mnthcTiIeoe into the grcml OS far as this city is concerned. Fanny Herring, MIbs OIUM and Harry Chapman, try their best tO 'plesse, as asuaL'D' afterplooes are genenUly .well selected, and given with jtd spirit Why can't we be treated to another mluncUon ' Junction?",' - >-:..'.. - , Reynolds & Pierce's Oampbell Hlnstrels are on the mora as may be seen In our olassiacatton of their department InlU week's no*s. Bfily Pierce, brother of Alf, may or may notbrn found ^.brotber.Johhla^rinqulred foil by iis Isstweek; bain had the pleasure of sb^lng J. H. Roynolds tho other day, Inf B^ctum, end (sly rogue) he has boon on hero and narrlil) lady belonging to one of our mosl'^omiectable fSmUes. J. B. B' looks as if ^e. could "paes tbo doctof'^for either enUaUDglDlU war, or insuring his life on ^e moet fi«vorable tornis. ■'Yoang LoeUnvar, hecambfrbm the West," and nowretpK toErle, Pa,, torcOolnhlaoomtadeslnblz. See'■Mlhetrtli(f,''>i anotheroolomn. ., m, ■ Squire Bland—Bumplirey himself—Is In town, and talks abod oponing hle.nttie box—Canisl'B old aland—In-Washlsgt^c the let Sept Oo in, Humphrey. I, : ' WUUam WaUls, glorious In second old mon. fontaerly at I" ,Aroh, PhUadp]phla;has been engaged by Manager-ffheatltyi'' tbe next season at Nlblo's Garden. Veil done, VlUlams I .3:hcre if'somothlngi'iBtapIdlyT sleep In Baying'ibat aocl>> "°J?,",»,?'"t''f " ^' WaUack.-Jr., has been o£gagodtoV£J port.''.MIss pi)toman^at'the';.Wlntor.Oardsn,'bilt the «««5f serves to show the ackening sycqjihanay.'Wlth which olbertf weJI-lnformed nowspapors may sometimes be gulled.' Faol- „ One of tha lateat-Jokesof 'the season'If 'that Manager w-*; Flemlns has taken 'Wa^ok'a old stond.'ln order to IfifiiielliW aomeofhls.recenisucMSBosli:, ,■ : .'J' ' , ' : -t\l'i ' ', ■ ■ '/Irl, ThO'theatreslniPhlladMphlaare llke^b Wlaotis if olosod to all except thoso who havo bualnesSttere. Mii;» *; Garrettson.of tho Walnut, Is ,qulto IndttptWed, 'ThU lhe»W» nottobeopepe^.tUllalfllnSoptomber,.-.,'. .r-' SILa Amqufl thoseeMoged by Manager Hendsison Of thePltMhwP iSalroi for appevonce there, is Mist AUoo PtoOlde, whb opta"" leOtt^fOotobor.fcrtwowoaks.'; ■ . ' "[[.^ . Pfke's Opera House, OlnolnnaU, will be opened by its •C'S proprietor, about the Uth Sept' RobortJoneshksbeen as stage manager.. Emily iSome la to be tho fttst etan'ije" may pertamiy expect to, find our OlnolnnaU friends tile gadng.qoItepoturaU^... ... .r ' 1^ ■ J^i>9^ JopoiL the versatile author as weU ns actor; hMJS .byMljs Ellse.De Courcy, (the lady managMwr recent moTe^nenlsin England were, mentioned In ourj^cK*; liomaof last wook). in ordar to spcure the nrivlleieot pantitD;^