New York Clipper (Aug 1862)

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iltjJutymotymtAofW. J. B, ^^viuik Cbr^Iumi the T0P87, IUm I HouafeA'b's Slmoa legiM, F. Bo<ihe ^iptf Qn^uioi tba Deacon Ferry. The etof-'- ' 2aUi Pntnnm V"? "T'' jfS?ed gpoWi; X wet' wygtf..,0|. the ab^ the fSSJfSl Aw<>«»BlUt^■^•|?^■^« piortUB,diking ttfo .■(partUnilM '^»«*ltImoTe' Bortnin le-now 'to fun biz., and theMiBMny .. TKmSlea VP .iMlflJy from: the Aroh snd the -WalflOti PUJt Ite itaSe howbuHesan. W. Wnlll*, 8. Bhinple, D. SnE5?0 HOTrlTaw. WaUls, Labrenlaqd ton. KlUi Meaduhie S^^'^rsrenti Helens Smith, lAulae mller, Uiido Pribe/ I J^eroooD ptrfonoiincea are given on Batardftya/imd this to- be jralioceesftil place of oiiinaftmtint S^OKdl leaoa the'orohestr*. Albert Lea is the aolo'Ieiisee. qIfiiilI«MPlece«»8"Wh3r Bon'tBhe Marryf" or, "ThoBlage- SbSciTall&i"oeem snltablo for the seaaon. ' ^iem7 or no enemy, New York's Own Serenth keeps np a fire nf ftmwbUa lepoalng In perfdot elSolenoy at IJprt Federal Bill, nit^BalUmore. On the 2d, they hod another good Satorday ninht tlnsi delighting the oltlzens and ladles wno came over Slnm Ihe olty to witness the perfonnoiiees. The proaramme ^^^AKRed xrtlh' some fine seleotlone for,the regimental band, ifJSr iSTlcAdenhlp of Profeasor OrMtillk. Then the Instlgo- Snnuens from "Othello," Next, alorcBsndTarledlnterlndttof ^^cff mDiloi|l 80>iiB: oonoladlng with the flrat act of "London no of fire, the boys have also improvlaed a vocal 0 flra°oompany, tbe BoTtlmoro Anthorltles having loaned them a doable doSer, No. 9.'-/HierB ore flf^ mombeis. They hAve tnlstat'do. hose,' The hose'ls a Jatnper, and reqnlries ten men'. ^ makes the N. T. B. M. Tth show ont com^etely as a "No- UooalOnard." ■ .. Syta understand that Miss Charlotte Thompson Is having a new. Uyltranslated from the a«rnian, lnd'Intends jiroduoint It' nrlna her engagement at tho Wolnnt, Fhlladalphla, In Ootober. \ra hose that little Ifttty may do well with this artlstlo effort. Ur. LoralneRoaetalshsF'blE. Mont, wabeUeve. . . .'i That Heniandoi aftklr at Botfain'basnpw' got Into ilik'Police Ooart, criminal pioieeedMga having beettcoiqpieinbedbyWBnager W. B. English. The "Bif^ wpearanco'' ot t^e parties there, (so (kraa wtfknow), or, Ationy.rate.'lh telaUim to thlii>'mdteT, took place on the tth, and Jnttloo Bogeis ordered tlie examination for Sggtb, requiring8900ball in themeim time.' Thdre'Seelned to to be a "fox" somewhere, nndor cover, but whoUier.on English foi or not, remained to be nn-rsvel-od. ffe have for a lAng tlnja advocated the necessity of s fl^stHilass theatrein Phlladelpnla, and we are now given to onderstandthaf' anew edifice Is about to bo, erected. In that dty, which .Mil aor- pawuly. place of the kind ever buUt there/ .Cie new theatre ;ls iooijoupy a Urge plot of gronnd on Chestnnl 'street, above'IMb, adjoining what Is known as Concert HalL . It la the same koo} wbsre Uis. D. P. Bowen made a commeniement Swords ue jgiectlan of a new theatre a year or two ago| but whloh had-to be' abandoned for tbo want of tho neceasary capltaL ThebnlldlngB (landing uiub the ground when Urs. Bowers took the lot, were almost entirely demolished at the time, so tttat-Jbnt little tearing down will bo required now. Mr. Cochrane, owner of ^the prop- «rly, la said to b; the asntlenu%who undertakes the erection of the new establlsmnenc^ and tho plans ore rop/esented to be of a- superior character for comfort, elegance, and every other requi-, alio. The thentro will be different from the ottier' FhUAdefpnla. honees, and wUI possess advantages over those establishments which cannot fkU to make' It the theatre of i^the Quaker City. Such a flrst^class house bos long been needed, for the Wa^ut, Aich-street, and Continental Thcatrop, are vary' Inferior houaes, not one of them Iwlonglng to thaprt^entaAS.' And now, while a good theatre la to be erected, let on equally good com- E>ny.^jeleoted to perform In'lt, with a capable stage manager ) direct them,. Let eveiythlijg be of a first-lass ebamcter, mth fair but not high prices of admission, and we think Phliiidelphla will give Uie concern a liberal support.' . - Urs. ^ohn Draw's Arch ttroot Theatre, Philadelphia, la to be opened on tho 30th, with a'goodly'arrsy of sterling ottroctlonB, which show that this eetUnablo lady bos not been Idle jn her en- deavorttf sustain the charaoter'of a "manager."' Among the alars we are raomlsed. In the following order. Hiss Haggle Ultoheli; I{lss^t«man, Edwin Adorns, J.-'V7. WaUaok,-and Hiss niching;, Among the new faces. In addition to the usual stook company, are Barton Hill, ■ Albert Bradle^,- Urs. Lawes,'Uln BUI, and "a few more of the same sort," which have already made the Arch tunoos, and must draw-now mfre than ever they drewpfcvlouBly. .-.y ■ ' Major aeorge 'W. QUe, of HqI;ea&''D BSth.Beigment Pennsyl- vania 'Voluntoen, (whieli' has been acting as Provoat Qaard, at Alexandria, 'Vn., for a long time), was the reolplont of a splendid (word, of moat elaborate workmonahip, and valued at $800. Tho Bword beaiB tho following Inscription;—"Presented to Major Ooo. W. aile,°8Sth Beat Penno. Tola.,by the ofllcers othls oommsnd, ondthe'mttcuiants.of thb ilty of Alexandria,'7a., as a teatlmontal of tbel^ esteem, as an officer and a gentleman. Alex- andria, To., April, llthi 1663." HiOor Oils'was formerly con- Bcotod wlth the Arch Street Theatre, PhUodupUo, ond'^ss received the Iilgheat ehcomidms from the'War I><»5tmeut, for ilge mafaner in whloh he performed the dnUes attached to Us commission, and the Union citizens of Alexandria have'-bo«n loud In their praise of bis strlot attention and- ^fflolcn'oy.' Itis niitiored. he 'Will bo appointed to the colonelcy of one of the now Pennsylvania Regiments. OurgaUant Seventh tempt the'kvQlans ahd ladles' of. DalQmoreoTertoPort Federal HUl: The perfoiinanoes on the^th were the trial scene from "The Merchant of Tenice," a mosicsl and vocal interlude, and "Bombones Fnrioao." Tb6 tisteful BKtlMhctlon created by the first two items, buret forth lUo roars of laughter at th& "burlesque troglo opera" of tho coil- chifibg pteco. According to an accountai- the fan 'moat have be<ln protty Bteop. I Artaxomlnius was given by 0. S.V^'Norden; FbVbos, by'W. T.Famham; Bombastes, by J. a; BIM^ !Ab for The'Army, of course that was great; the tailed map'rQ'nlUard, < ft.-8 in.,) and the shortest (Gregory, S ft i in.,) rtj^resttkUng that atiny of Bombaates, with such oomlogenlasea ais Debenham, Hill, and Manuel, as their water beareis. Distoffinawasthqirown- Ing character, by E. F. Boberls, with the old of oniiilinense'expan- ilon of crinoline. The drum corps then gave "the tattoo," and all wont merrily, eto. Uanager Henderson will' open hla PlHsbnrgh' Tlca^'oiithe 30Ui Aug., with the following talented copipony:—Meadames iaj Troet, Llzde flillet Anna Hyatt Fanny Bu'H;<Momy, .U'lle Hoisa, D. Myron, Ablemon, A. - Hardy, L|' HaidiF',' Westmon, ai Cereta; with Messrs: O. D. 0hat)116, J, Boftdn;/. Mordaunt, Cblppendnio, D. Myron, H. B. Hudtoh,- J, ^ei. Stringer, U. Ward, J.:Johnston;Ogdeoi Thomtdb; Morrla: andFIomini.' Have we a star Thbre. is 'an-Englilh porfdtiner, named Lyn 'Terh, now recruiting e;t Sel Air, Hartford Co,: Md. o'hsparty oUudod to nude'a flrstappakAnceat the FriileiSs';' London, on the-Tlh 'Sspt, 18Se, londod in this connti7onihe CthJoly, 1863, and expects to moke a first afapeatanceuAiner;' lea at'New 'York on the 10th of - nextliiohth. :Lbok ontforLim verHj I. . ' Uanagor DhiDerlntends opening the Acadomy ^t] ilttiato'. liil, 4wsukee, ontho^tfa; ' ■ ' • , ' ' ;• ' . J'Hehesgo Carter, ivlth the Carter Sisters/som'ettoM billed ue Zcuavo Star Blstets;'are doing welLandextendinBtheljr fiune In Wisconsin.' Full houios and'enthualastio applause'con^i]e''to'gt<li^t'FQ!i'8 BavalTronpe, at the Boston Musenm: Wliatiath^iUn'muiVdra- maUoseason, Mr. Eeaob,s.a-yr '' '' '-'^ •'■^•'Tn* OT"^ . Thp; Oonwftjs, R. R. Maginley,-and othte lavMtMllare'sUll mnnlng the Falconer version Of "Peep'o" Dtar," ^d'Vrlimlnli Cih nadUn laurels at Toronto. ■ . ..'V.'. v, .,_ .» yfr 0. W. Conldook and £(lss Couldook cottmendtd attheBcmrd,. Boalon.onrthb llth.. . ' ; , ,: -, .. : (> rO:';'Vj. Hfipsoohnaetts, managemant - of fn»,r.^ 1,,:,.i.eadBSb;forO»llri romla very soon, ' . . \ • . . , ,, ,...1. ■. _'''.jPjoap a^ythatEato.Pdrtin(/tonha»)«tttli«)}j(;Utei(*^«Ul^' ""Chicago.',' ,.,'. . ■.,, •, ji, . . -I I, ifci^iJvT'K i'^V appearmcois at'(he p6w»rjj( B<Mtoj»,'oni h„? ^1^;;^'!?* *i* illBB b: ATninckley, oT that ilty-as W. ?in;-^'.P'"<"'''*''»y^" Eqnlvoo2tlUo..oneuohan,ocoa. Shn'hnrt . ^J^!'"*" ^^^f^ »trs. J.Fi,Noyes,a'Wo»ten»Udy. rSvo5'i^^ lSlh?»!if>!£!?'«>*<'*^ CK>rtr^lde,,ln' 'The LoanV*. ^^Mlaa Emily ThOTi, 6oi)»toen4cd h.«r Dnjaido eiigag^ijd^ pn'thp ft for parts unknowti': >v,A .^j'^irb?rh?5S?»,rfAt^sh6i?.i5^^^ leartbd.■' Humors are exjmtthirtSd P.ifiK'^i AJSS^S'.^S' and that tho Dobaon Bft>rar* wish everything, for the pr^t KnTS^t *Sl* -' '^koyTjiifever ,.ynpthSg-cS.t«banfo/.rj^^^^ 18ft - ' tnmoa to 1(4 fomer. atatn?, sndi-MVody hurt.' The grand Juiy ' KTn^§;e^™;s°freft5S,'te have not Hs yet fonnd'4 trlio bm, althk, "bills'! .'in the hUl'£ few days kgo.' B61 tor, Bob.Hart, OharUo White,, and IMfr Blihi^'iS^il^ on tho 9th. Mfgtflo Bowers, loft on th'e Ott. UUo.]S?J^ m4 Mr. J. L. Davis, iSmn Albany, bopin omih« «Ui° j^^gg^ JBd Miss Atinlfl Bpsh ore engogod for next wo«k., 'PnjtTNlohoU JSJflpjj wlU soon j:cwf(j for>fl^ngton,'. Il|5 ien^J Wmti Smme containlng'k'^i^d'miAiij)« of ^oi^dU^ af various a«',)v.<,Qn ,Vtt^ l*V'Aug<,.Fanoy Thompson had'<baD4iUng' beftel^&'BlUy.-Reevela np forasimHaB^thing. Yon iriu jp«,;|rcna.!'<!gna of the times," that the saason Is draw- ing t^a.opp^i.-lflAIOta^d on..lhe 30th Inst, tho .'Tailetiea.wlll otos^ foy one .we«lH4<^b« rejnvenated, and open with soma new olalioAnts tor,tatoyef f^vor, .'Many of the.old fkvoritet will re- iliatp/for npnf (Miiar, can be had. 1 Oelia.](orIi9y, Miss Pennoyer, Miss T(iotnptt9n, UIob Walby, Ed. Berry, Miss O'NoU, Tom^ny, tt id opuuf gtnerp, itlll grow In tnot nightly;.... .At the Boi^erj boslnessls vjiry good, ond at Vw Melodeon Ills iSi|lr kZoolOt logical-Oai'den rlioarlst^es, but. w^^ve a hlatna .'in .the .way.of bonctrts," 4o. ,• • : • '. iv' .. ' Manage^ Thomas Carr, being one ojtthe IrrepraisiblKS)intends bisTUng a mnslo taal],on an oxtcnstv's scale in BufUo. : He has ill the-requisite permits item the authorities, etc,.andlt sow remains to be attfi whether be can make.the patty stick between his "jieople'' and the people at large, Thomas Carr knows how. to conduct a 0^ safely out or 'Ipto .the zeqolted - depot, and has had much experiei)oe In "going oo 'a tr'aloi" The kicatlon is on' that of hla old stand at the Eagle Street Theatre, which. was. burned down while Lola Montez played th^e. In Jna«,'1669, and itgaln in Jan., 1861, This ond tho sdjolnlnt lot are now.appior prlatod, and Bt James's Hall is tho nanie of the anyt edifice, .to. open on iho Ist Sept Our profeselanalB will see Manager Catr's. advertiaemebt in another column. > 1 r ' ' • The Metropolitan 'Varieties, Detroit, nndor L. M. Baylsss, pro- duced ^ new piece on the 4th, caUcd "The Sons of Malta," and another called '.•'Who's The Father!" The first Is said to be by "a prominent member of <^e order," and the latteriby Alfted Stewart. These pieces were on the blOs for thre; ^ghts, we be- lieve. . '■■ The Varieties, at Toledo, Ohio,'under Blake ft'Lascelles, bad to' part 'With Billy Qnlnn uid Mary Blnke on the Oth, 'as they then prepared to toddle- from Toledo to lead tho way to this city, ar- riving abont the 18th. Bomethlngls "qp" In BO^ Quinn's ob-' servatoiyt and we should not wouder if he'enllsta under £l8 old favorite manager, "Bob Butler," (as BlDy Irreverently caUaCol^ onel B.':W. Bntler) at'iU Broadway, in this cita'. We shall's'to;-; .' Corinthian EaU, Bochesler, K. Y., is not'only a JodAl fSsvorlte with the suifounding inhabitants, but a desirable stopping place for dompanles or peifonnera who' may be on the moye out that way; It remains/ as' for the past thirteen years, nndw the per-- nanentUsseeshlp of W: A. Beynelds, one of theltest represen- tative men in 'that public spirited d^, and we^point- with illea- sureto hls tdvertisemeiit in another column.' 'W.-'Al B/s voice, la still for peace, plenty, and prcsperi^, evon if 'War 'famstnil^-' veldablyexist '■ ' '■■ ■ '■ ■.■•'■•." ■ •" Millie Fowler and Jollk Mortimer are atosiie May, reanitlilg' ^ot for the army of coarse, CI nol). Carrie.Edgar has left the' CbMntitfitreat Lyceum, and ^ne to BoItimCire.;.. .'IThe D'obaod Bros; were In Baltimore on the 7lh, forashortstay; on their %by to St Louis.;... .Emma Gardner Is among the- "new hands" at the Philadelphia Continental.... Mary Florence,; Ed. Wray, and B.'' Murray are playing at the Metropolitan, {Fa^yQllmorelrf there alsl). So says "Wattle Rusher,'' In PhUaaelpbia. ', The Melodeon, Baltimore, onderthe managenMntond proprle- ;(orsblpof Albert Loa,'lsnnder a continnal headway of success, whatavermay become of Albert's experiment at the Baltimore Mnseam. John P. Smith's ban. at the formerlionse, on the 1st is said to have baen the biggest hamper ever known at the Melo- deon.. Albert teems to be a very'splrlted manager, and he'gels up attractive companies. ' • Canterbury Hall, Washington, D. C'rOeems -bonsd tO'blaze-Ui' the right kind of glory. It has been successfully Carried on since the'Uth Oct, 1861, and Oeorge'Perctval ^ Cff. seem to perceive the interest of their long pttrseln contiitding'to keep it ahead of any similar eatablishnient,'^'They also cdnduct Llber^ HaD, Aloxondrla, '7a.;' and betweeh theae two' of bperatlbn," they cany on a sucteeasftil wair against duB'(Imds, biqe'devljs, and postage-stamp delays. . .W. H. Harrison, is stage mansger. Among the company are FoiniiyForritat'J. H: H<idvnirth;'WDlIe Emerson, NeDy Taylor, Willis AmuitrDDg, Jenpie Allen; J.' S'. Clarke, Mens. Sol, the.Delavante Brothers, Ellen CoBeeil, Mtater Johnny, Denny Qallagher,'MaDBle'7emoo,''Lizzie Frances, M. Morris, eto.: Thls'is a'protiyeiteep aiTfty'of professional talent, and we xmdentand that the spirited proprietors are looking .oat. for ."more."'' ^e their advertisement ■ • . ' ..According to the exposures made by correspondents, iind now odnfirmed by aome'of the Detroit newspapers, we ore.led to be^: llevb that a vocalist named Mary Walton and her business agent, although well paid at a respectable mnal'iball, have been neglect- ing to observe the legal and moral difference between mdim and duim, and that they havo left one hotel keeper, at least, Iq that koapltable'clty, a sadder If not a richer mfu than they found him;' id say nothlni of his larder. Borrytoaaylt Vocalenoogb/bat nolhariaonlous. .' ' T^etasaallyattraoUve company at Baylees' Metropolitan 7p- rleU«B, Detroit-wlll'be' gracefully recroftcd in a feWdays, bjlthe arrtval of Miss Lizzie Bcnnltze, the gracettl danseilfle, and' her slstirMatilda. .. " ■ — ■ BnBORO miTBTIUSLST. The Hiahtlngale Minstrels ware 'at Eeoktik,'lowa, on the 30th andSlst Jalyi and met with enthaslaistlo°i(access. - Th^^' areFeid. Smith and JenyO'Leary.' The Duprez <: Qreen Minstrels wound np their season with a couple of blazing hot days in Providence; B. I., and thought they mlghtoawell keep ohady for a fewweeka.' They.performedtiters on the 1st and ad, and now adjoum'nntil the lUhof neixtmbnth. Charles H: Dnprez, J. E. Oieen, and Onstave Bldeaox,'wen to Btndy the shores of Naragansett BayHtt'a fo'lrdays; ■ aiT. D. then goes to his "mountain home" at Booksett, N. H., and J. E. O, goea to'Lowell, Mass., while O.A an'dthtrolhtt'boys-aB'scatter lemaslvoa promlsouonsly In searoh of ivouperattve sports and pleasures. People who can "take an evetiln^' whenever they please may not know whAt a' luxury it Is to popular performeifs who'.'cam't get eout" Boynold's & Pierce's Campbell'Minstrels'are On 'themote again this week,' .They leave Erie, Pa„'shorUy sifter'the arrival ot'J. H.. Reynolds, who left New'Yorkonthe9tb, to njolnthtfn. They next visit 'Weslfield, Dunkirk, and Bufblo. The ladles will all'wont to see ;J.' H.' Reynolds, .' the' now '(confirmed) Benodiot .;; V. ■'.■.;:.'.1. :• . ■ ■ ■■ 'If ever the Bosto^i folks gave aa weBias took-gted "scrlpter measure," it must have been last weeki uponihs return of their old iMendf,Mords Brothers, Pell ftltowfaridge'BMliistielBr The only Ibpg-fbced Bopple.about were.'those who;could.not get In. Mr. Fredericks is dtilte an acquisition, even to that well-sdected. troape, and we nnderstandtbat th^ triz. do^e la tip t<^, _ ..:>r ■■■OIHCHJBBB. .'•■ ''""\''''" ' A right troaty'imd'WeU 'Moved correspondent'writing from' CoInmbtiB, 0., on the 9th, says:—Van AmbnrRb & Co's Menagerie it in this State (Ohio) now, i^d wUI take all the'pililolpal towns; It exhlbita at Columbus, Au'^. 18th; Eirkersvl]le,'10th; Newkrk,' '2(Hh; Dresden,21st; Cosh0cton,'32d; Newcomerstown: iSdj New Philadelphia, Stth. Their business has beei^ very luge until within a vlaek or iwoi but harvests and the War excUtihtat baVe' had ithelT effect oflate in reducing the reoeipta: - Still busl-' jiess is very fair. Ohio Is fnU of shows juBtpow,-Dlkn'Rlce, Bai- ley k Co., and Van Amburgh k Co. all had their bills up at Moor- field, where thelattcr showed on the 7th. Tliayer, Noyesft Co. are- In the same vlolnlty—thoy showed at Buoyrason tfaeCth. All' ■eem to be break^ to get out of the State with the exception of 704 Ambunh. - Tlete oRs been five or sixoircnses Inths Stata 'Idrdady, andUlS showed out Van Amburgh & Co.,'havlbg no birous, but a rognlor old.fashioned menagerie, each as has not b<^ through here for years, may do better, Dan Rice shows In Colpmbus 14th aqdlSth Inst- . ' '.: -.. .j-.; t Lontj.wlth his HIppozoonomadon Aaleolymplmantheom and' Hlppbpdtamds, spread out In Brontford, C. W;, on, Tuesday,' Ith August; 2,800 tickets were sold for the afternoon- exhibition, andaUttle' over that npmber, for .the: evening, being a'neater nnmber than the pr^vioys plrouses drew both-tog^Wi '!k see the; Hlppopotaoitas was worth the price of admission. Old Carey's Olrous was at Eeoknk,' Iowa, on ih'e 4th., 0^M.' Millet Is th9 olown,.and ^e tonr lif Iowa soenis likely to'flo^i^l|lr. '],. '' ;'.''/.■ ■ ^ ..'.A ]\.. '■' ; .-;,.i^:;-.v ... .. ...'HIBCBLI.ANBOV8. ' •: - A-now series of pictorial illustrationtof theSonthemBebeUlon la nbw open at thexremoni Temple, Boston. It is colled Stanley AOonanfaPblemottdMiM : - ' ' ' - i-ii,';.:■,. - .'-More .^'eatttDg'.'.'work for tho lawyers, and more sensatlint^tiflb that oost nothing. Mr. James A. Cutting, formerly of . tho Aqua.^ 'r(aiaardan,;Boeton,.haS'leased the former PostOffloafiuildhig In Summer street there; and Intends opening it in about a month, as. "The Ho'ston Aquarlaland .Eoologloal Oardens.*' As P. T. Bamum nowas^ tho title of ^iBamunrs Anoarlal Oarden'/' 'for ; the former place, some "cutting" paragraphs may be duly .txpeotf d. ^Weinndorstahd that Manager Cutting intends to havtf a regular ata((o and dramatic company, so we . can bat wish him. goodlaok. . . . . ^ '.,.;.'. \ vOor hopes'arc mUnly with the yoilng, and'Braoklyii is one 6f .the places where wo .find "onr hopes woU justified,', At A reMnt' bxhlbltlon,Df nte Bohool ottho Assumption, nnder'the charsi of 'theBev,-wm,JSeegan, pastor of tho Onurch..of the Assnmpuon,'' the: pupils gave prools of maslool. and dromoUo powers whieta' mnittahame .the li^sbioni\bIo Inanity of the Academy (tt MuBltf; woiUilpors, All tho snosmodlo Jerks of fhsbionable patronage never oin Induce tho right appreciation of saoh mAttersamong Amorloan ftmlUesi but oAr sohool gIrU, ^toperly instructsd itnd galled, will foster tho muses for a ronowcdllfe on this continent, The fomolc d^portmont of the school now montloned hiis John Budkloy for moslosl director, with Miss Mary OaUaghor at .the plaao; Miss A^es O'Neill Is tho princlBal, with Miss Annie Be^ildS: as vtoo-^Unolpal. Wo cannot fay that "two^thtrd'S of theolorgy" were proaont.bvt several of the most llloetrlouB of tho Oathollo olorgy attondod. .'About ISO young hidlca sung "Tho Flag of tho Free." Then came tho English version of "Clnde^ reUa," with tho following ,caat:-Clnderolla, Mary A. Sblel; OIo- rlnda, Eliza Moonoy; Thlab«,:MaryWlnt«r; F<Jry Queen, Aiiale Kampmani Prlnco, SUzaBumolda; Fedio, Sarah aeary; Baron, EUenqotuhiutyi Alldoro, Oatharlno Gordon; and 'snob k lot of fairies as XIabrlello .Waldroa, Mary J. Yates, Ellen Cardln, Mary. SUearan, Margaret Aickey, Eeto, Burns, Annlo Buiiib.- Katie MoGuUs, Margaret Gosbo, taotarfettn MoBtldft, Bate Hanaoab',' Margaret Jdr^,i Annie Qninn, Hat« LMkey,'Margaret Mah^r, MArgarat Hogan. After some songs and dancetf, next'came the drama of'•.•F^blola," thos c<ist:—Fabiola, Sarah Gooiy; Agnes,' Ahnla Eampman; AfTa, GralA, Byra (alavos), Ellon O'Brien, '•Benecall' <rriUnrffrom'Bt.£Quls on th^»tb, sayii^eoeiU •now ttalaesBhareU'godd,consideringUiefoarfbl hotw« " . ......—. — ^ ft 'tt SQckey/Sar^ Htean, U^'ra«n,:Mjarg4ret - .. ^ ^T=. .A.'Mo<tady, /osephliie. Cloodhiles, Xiatle FUnlMii, Catharine Buijia, Blen McOlosky, EllraMoSfloyTAnal*. JordS,. Annie Pvirail;' Henrietta MoOolre, Mttry A. Bheerafi, Mejla Han^mu,^RatieM«aaUnlss^^ ll^mtOtmj^Vi^ iJ^^mon caat as Geary; Mary' and tUswas completelyeatialkctory., 'AUedd Mlo wi&linfent^ assures na'lhat Mlas'Gcary's Bridget 'remlnafld''hlm'^f poor B10U64while atWaBack's, and that SOasMooSiey'sTiihiMy^u ani^tMrraninder of the great m?rit of Mary Qanjlofi's.' .'Atihe, .coqclutlon'oftbe force, lUss Mooneysung John Mahon's song of "A Soldlor Is My Dean," in the stylo of Fanny Hetrtog at the.old Bow4ry. tit, this U not all; for, Men an oKBrcwas'lhslstM .npon, she changed her'eintire taanner, and gave (in pure.Tnlic^ dialect) the' Bilndlsl, or; as Borranl wooM aay,' "Oti brandy- song;" so well known among opera goers, Tho most dnaUoyMl: aatlsfactlon.wai expressed by the entire audience. WeO, well., what'it Brooklyn coming to? Verily, there are gldricut .lii': nnencoa at'work whloh our snobs knoir not of. -, Kelly's Dninatio TTonpe bava.bcen well received at StCith- .arlne's/Oanada West, and seem likely to stay "until further ad- vised,'as they haveafalr company;amongwhotn:ar(i Mr,and Mis. BImcoe.Lee, Mesers. Hany Gossin, Yoahg, WoUa, etc.' Chas.B,Beynolds and party,Incladlng Little LdiaTssemlto Sroaper with their Varieties exhibition, and were last noticed at luhuvlDo, (Canada West Of coarse, Anne B..Dllllngham re- mains with the company. Emerson fcFrsyne's Parlor Entertainment Company are now on the move in Ohio. They left CinoiiAiatl on the'4th, and played at Hamllton on tiie4thand 6th, next looking in at Mid- dletown, Morlghts, tens, Columbns,' CIrcleviDe, Lancaster, Evanavllle, Newark, OlevAind; eto., whence their return in time, to open at the National, Cincinnati. . They bave' Vf. T. Melville, stage manager; Mrs. do., walking lady; Mrs. Hogui, Topsye and chambermaids; E. A, Emerson, jnvenllesr'J.'^arUn, leadlnA olds; Mrs. Watt PoweU, nUUty; W. F. Beed, walking gents; E. A, Martin, heavies; Vlninla Melvflle, dansense; Alice Hogan, do.; La Belle do laM, eldorlles; Misa Loads, utility;,V^ H. Griffin, champion medley dancer, etc. Thus they go, wllb '"life on the O-hl-o." Griffin can dance without "comlnft to grief.'" ' During the benefit of Charlie Dobeott in 'PhfladelphLa; on the 4tb, the following Jig dancer* couteeted'for a silver gobls^^^ohn Began, Charles Cumon, and Maater Tommy (Bob Hart's bupll). The dresa of Began was very much against bun; whenwul'per- formeta Isam that Judges look at the general contoor as well as at this "shoe movement?" Charlie Cannon,' who m^iqh resem- blee Ohrls; Spike, dressed, neatly, with short breeches, and looss white linen shirt, with a ftmcy neck-tio. Master Tommy was also *'arrayed" in neat linen and unmentionables. Bogan made, no breaka, but exhibited no atyle whatever In dan'cIng,,ei6tQig°a8 though it were a foregone oonolusion that he would be th'eWin-' ner. -. Master Tommy made.a sad break, which was syini^Bthet^- IcaDy applauded by the audience. In Jnetice to Tommy, we may eay-tbat the mlsa-step was not hla fault; but that of the boy who attempted to clear the stage, and left a great pile'of sand; near one of the files (Of fljs). 'Charlie Cannon made one bi^; bat- showed a enperlor s^le of dancing, mlnna a great deal of prac^ .tice. If Cannon would "ply his pins" more, he would be op omom^ to. the profissi)lon. The latter was the wihntt of the cup,... .." .'.■ ■• '-• . ;•..':• The Dolwon-Brothers gave:a banjo'dOnoert at the Ob'estnat' Street. Lyceum) Philadelphia, on < the 4th, 1 ^ The house' was crowded, showing the poprdarity.of "the 'brothers" in :that'eity. Charley played the following, Itbelnghls only appearance tiiere: The' Bnoppard'Quickstep (In a minor key)';-the Anvil Chorus; andjthe Oamival.of Venice. The names of the pieces need only be mentioned,.to attest the superiority of playing. By the Bteamer which arrived here on the 4th, we hate ad- vices ITom jCallfcmla to the lllh. "Bay View;" writing at Ban Francisco, says:—The American was re-opened lost'week by W. ' H. Lelghton ondhis codipany, which has been traveUina through' (he country. The bustness has been bad, and the thoa^ closes on Saturday nldit and Mr. Lelghton tries the country again. ' A' Mlas Davis (or Donna La Senorlta Maria) has made h»fint Ap^' peorance, with some success, at this theatre, as a dansense. Bae dances some Spanish dances quite prettily, but falls to come up' to the laudatory notices which have Vmu put forth......The Henlons have retumod from the country after a succcssfol tour. A few more fkrewell entertainments at the Uetropolilon Theatre, and they will depart for New York The MetrcpoUtan has been closed slnco July 3d; the last opera performed was Lucretla Borgia. Doling the past season, of two months, there have been twenty-eight opera nights, and' nine operas. Miss Parker bos continued to sing with increased succecs, and may now fairly 'take rank as a full fledged pWsia' donna. A new season of opera oommsncee on Wednesday, July lOth, under the management of Big. Bianchl, he having secured a lease of the Metropolitan for tlx months. The company comprlaea Blgnora Bianchl and Mlas Parker, vrtma dontiot; Big. BUnchl - and Herr Bchaubetadter, tenors; Mr. John Gregg and Mr. 8. W. Leach, baritones; Sig. Enrico Grosl and Big. Roncovlen; bassos; Vad. Schwergerlie and Mad.Xlebbs, contaaltos. ' Orchestra of twenty-fooirt B; Herald conductor; Ohoras of twenty-two. Rlgoletto is the first opera, .wltli Madame Bianchl as Glide, Big. Bianchl, th'd Duke;- Emanl the second, with Miss Parkor as Elvira, and Slg. Bianchl as Emanl. ;'..''.. JQiiiMcals'aie reported In a floarlshlng cobdltibh at, Wa- Wioe. - dua. Pope'and company are there, alsoMoEeanBachanan and daugbiar.':.,.;Ma8Ulre's Opera'House—boslntss good. 'It is mmorsd that-this place is shortly to be closed, indr^deoo^ rated, and opened with a first-lass dramatic oompany,- the pitt- dpals of whloh are to pome from the Eaatera Stateol ' Mr. Ma- gulrewill holdtho ribbons, and the' Old Opera'wlD shine forth In pristine brightness..... .Business Is dull at the Molodeons, of wUch there is a legion here, and-will not probably revive until the'ralny season seta in, and tho nsuol Influx of miners from the mountains. The Washington Variety nbnpe gave one of their amusing en: tertalnments at Harlem, on the 4th Inst, conslstlni^ of "Psrlor Scenes," "Baoltattone," "Singing,"' "Dancing,'^ "Ventrilo- qnlsm," etc.' Miia Louisa Hawthorne delivered an ode on ••Washington','' which f^lv electrified her hearers. Miss Hate Andiraon-and Lttnlae Breckenrtdge'sang very prettily, and were loiidly-lencoied.' "The Star Brothers," Mesar? T: Wallace and R . Stevens' Keens, In .their Scenes from SbialieRpeare, were all that could be dealred. Messrs. Geo.. Andersen, Kake Anderson, John M'Ksy, Tom Hughes, and 'Drury, delighted their audiiorti in'nnmeroms'glees, eto. Messrs. Geo.'Gordon, Wdl C. Milder, H.J. Conro^,and Owens,are deserving of credit Frofee'sor T. 0, Wlttenburff, the ventiiloqnist gave some voty'good imita- tions, as also did J. Ohafifrau, Jr;; assisted. by.Miss Ballle Bnmett :■ ' ' ■ ' ' " ■ '. " An Indian Troupe billed Brentford, 0. W., for an exhibition to take place on tho Slst July, followed by two more on the. let and 3d August 'Arrivlng at the Kerby House at 11 A. M., they took dinner. Immediately after which some roianndenlandlng arose between'the manager ot the troupe (H. Corvey) and Mr. Kerby. The formor decided net to show, and proceeded to pack up t^.. leave, when"Mr. Serby pounced on theliasgago; and; for want 'of' fpnda, the company could not release It, and cojiaoquenuy smashed op, Mr. Corvey leaving for New York, where he ^aa at onetlmea wood-engraver.' Aquarrel after dinner is always a badslgn. '• ' Bordwell & Leslie's Parlor Troape ware at Comhag, N. Y., on the Bth'Bhd>i9th; 'ahd seom t6 be more and more In request amopg-thobowns of'the western part of this State, as the time draws near for the compapy to make its trip toCallfomla. Thaj have Madame'Anna Bordwell, prlmA donna; Barry Leslie, tight-- rope perfondei^; Warren Bordwell, negro oomedlan; Arthur poleon, the pIanlat,eto. The slngUg dog, Dick, Is one of the vocal wonden. ■ Muk Smith U tho biz. agent, mark' that - 'A re- markable party, take It altogothtr. BambuJcv has boon trying to«kill that Iwv" at thiTBailroad -Park, MUwawkee, but the people there don't look upon'It as an mrUstiotrick. Theyoonslderlt'atrick6f'anotherkind: ■ ■■ ■ ' '- Moro big words and InoompaUblo phrases. Thf htest touch ls'«eqaest7lo hlstriohe;" -We are not aahamod toeonfeadlhat we can neither ten nor gaesa any meaning for th(s—whatever It may ba. , ' ' . ■ "' '•' ' ' i !W-h-o-r>>t7 Commodore Nuttiand Gep; Tom Tlmmb "com'eto- g^ther" this week In Boston. -They aifetb'have a towing matob on the Central Tank, put on the gloves for n set-to, etc. Myl Brother Daraum has much to answer for. '",'., 'i '^Ths BooTBBHiut DnuuTio AssocuxiOH' of ndlodolphla,: 'gav4 a pabllo exhibition of their powers at the .Melodeon on the '«th,|uid Tarn aony to say that it was a fUInro. A fkUare not in point 'Of. ntimben, for they hod a go«d house,tmt in polnVof ibmtT.;, The pieces performed were "Douglas,!'and "Boogh 'DUmpiid." " In the formor piece tho only passable charaoter W4b, fliif.ot Lady BandoIph^Mrs. H. Bvner).,- Mr. W. B: But 'aa'AIenatVota, Inatoad of maUng the audience feel the wqjgbt of lUseuea And sorrowis, kept them in aroaiof laaghter at his '^kwardness. Miss A. H. Voohe bad a severe fit of stage,iMght, and .was apparently much emtunassod at tho sight or to large 'an andlDnce. Mr. B. Vincent seemed to wish tne.kudlonoeto jknow that he had h throat, for one hand was conUnnally grasp- ing It, ai though bo woq about to take tpeiasuros to shuffle outhls mortal ooU.', I noHced .ln the audience many of tho'thealrioal Jrofesslon; and they showed much sympathy for the'amatours; at thore biit ono expressed opinion, and that trttt that the, BooUienlafis should atudy with unceasing vigor to motntaUrtlis- ropiflatlon thoy once onjfiyed." Thus asyolh "Wattlo Rusher.' PtjanBsr D.-Ai/ISt. Loms.—This osaootatiOn gave a performance at Wynon's Hall,. Bt Lcnis, on the ISth July, commencing with tThbAlanlao Lover,"'cast as follows:—Ulchaol Erie, J. 8. Ove> um;rPhlllp D'Arvllle,W. W. EaytStephonGlraud, B.L.Htoliett| Dmi GilUflowcr, 0. HawUni Miles Molvllle, B. Morris; Andrew Adc4,,f,tE;'Burden;^Danie Btapleton, Mrs. StewM; Mary Wood- wardrMlss Nellie Watson; JnUa Bpilng, Miss Orosvenor. Noit 'came ''The Iriah Tlger," with tho-AilIowlpg oost:—Paddy Byan, ;o.;'Ha'wtin) iair,OhUloa Lavender, J. B. Ovterloil; Alderman Martowftt B- Morris; Mr. BUbenr.'i E. Bordeh; John, W; W. Kay) BUss MtfroWfkt Mrs. Stewart] Nanty, Mlss'Nellle Watson. ^0 whole aa>it> appears to have bean very tulwetaftiL' , - TaB' HoirpiliBllL Oldii wair orgahlzed, ono yeor'preiioiis to 'Jtfiyi9tB;]M3, ahd 'boh given Mveraljperformantes with great ffcMlt to ths i&embffie, espccUlr to (be worthy President, Mr. tt.':BoIph;>*hii»ii8plroyed himseU tj^ te, a piiflb-laltini om^^ Mtot'iMitJM iitsiest'to pleijtUk^tnUenos. Mr.^^hM IWtoteered hta itortlo« IflMadta^ct-jfi^^ "OBldA*' mdnarhtvtBliranlim ttitlMftb-flfHM MIiMdvatiitlw former is smong the Welch to>tas. The latter is'dolng"opth»- Laricashlra districts' 'While recently performing at Maqohestar, Helnan had a set-to with^BlllB;^, orBlnnlngham,'and a^dtber with a big'un called the Lancashire Olont 'ifi we expectjrd, Messrs. Btolnway k Bens, of this dtyilin*'' obt^ned a mediU of the highest class for grand and nprlglifc pianos at the recent International ExhlUUon In Londob. Aut- ao;jandsojust. > ■ '^■'' " '■■ . . - ' V- '.'; [LLianns iM OAXikokiaA.iT-Blnce the 'veteran Phelan's sbjesrv. lallfomla, no IltUe Interest hoi t>een manifested in refereneif lie game, and discussion on the . respective merits of th*- nl prominent plsiyers there, in the amatcur as well 'as pro— ionu ranks, has been of frequent occurrence in the plaesF- whe^e lovers of- bOUards niost do cdngregate. Mr. Fhelait'* ^rti'freas baa been the theme of admilraticn, and the way he har pollihed off many of their leading players has be«n."a caution to- .{be Inarines.'^ On tbe afternoon or JuneSTthhebadkcae-rlons- set-mwith Mr. A. 'Vf. Jamison, in a gam* of 600 points, which h» woiTln a canter, the'figures at the close being I03vsl7T, Mr, Phuon ma^g runs of 121! and 98; Mr. JamlSttn s highest belne 19; lit was dailmed by tho friends of the latter that he .was sick; tlA'whlch the California Spiniiflhe ISma remarks that, "with all due {courtesy to that dever young mad, we must be'allowedto express our ballef that Mr. PheUn-willmske a'^oodmanybllllarA. I>layBr8 sick l>efore he quits playln'g the Itoolnating gamei" (mUie evening of tlie^, aJarge nnmher.of persons' soiepibled to witnessuo encounter, of the .some number «1' points, between Messrs. Chelan eakd Daniel Lynch, whloh, in Iss* Uiani an hour,..the former add^d to. his long list of vicfdries'lr mHiUng out ivhlle his opponent stood at 961—149 points bebtn)^ Th^MOre of these two gomes efsjhere appended:-^' JAinSOM vs. PBELAM. Jamison. Shot.CounLJUal. 6ot^:iirbo ioBSr i sii^^o'BUhiwA tat it great loj^, iml na- --v.i.A-jr-t'-tA. ly^^ r- ^Jhox In Honstont We wUb41m a safe retiun. to f'viSi 'York," ttte dlty- of juoatmrs. We. shoold alsorMarra f«v- WfTds about th6 'worthy^Ar?Ir. J. ^^:,^o''^ ' hand in hand with Mr. Bolph. HoV,tl5i»r^''- '■- the field; therefore, ihls..dn)^,. owing tq t^ peddi)erformingnntll'6eptes;ibor, _'. .:l|as J. B. ScoiT DnaiUTio Club 'will give Ihelr next «nieTtaE»- me|it on Tharsd*)ieyiUilSg,'Angns( 14th, at 'tUS Btadt ISeatIv, ' No; SO Bowery. Tho promnvne selected ccnilsts of "Damoa and Pythias'' and '.•Tbe.M&ec'of Bhoredltch. .,' 'FORBIOIV DRASIATIO AND SHOW inwi. The Eoyal Mosld BaUj^Muila^ni, Is now Ilcdiaed fortheat-- rical representations. ..>,''«" '- "-,',.' '. John Henry Cooke/ havlifgMnCladed a viryauccesseAsn.agB.. Dentin London for Charles Hengler,'has^ taow left'ioi^ Madrid to Join Tom Price's Circus Company., J, B. 0. takes Ua fkvailt», ring horee, Bellm, with hlik; •' '''''^■' '"-"^ '' '-■ ' F. W. Bridgman, otter a retlremedt'of three years, win asm resnme his amusing and nluslcfI'enielriaUim''ents. '' Charley Eelth, having nearly conolndod hlit f<inrth engagement;;, of Qighteen months each, with CtoiseUi's Grand.Itallan Cirque Spain, Is aboutrelumlngtO'Ettgland/Knd'givllighU'attentlSB westwards. . -".t-: i - 'i ■ •■:>■■ ■■ '-' William Stanton Moulton, fbrmerly wUI known tmbng ikectrl- cdclroles, died in Guy's Hospltal,--London, oi the'18th July. The Fancy Fair for the Boyol Dramatic CoBege was a compM*- success. Mrs. Howard Pours'Stall wss enrtCDsd' vMth coDtribB- < tio^s from seventy private friends residing In ted of .tiia EngUob.. connUes. Among the unmarried ladles; Miss Lydlar.ThompsoB - seemed to attract the meet attention. Dion Boucicault continues having good tlme^ at Dmry Lans.- 'With "Tho CoUeen Bawn." As Myles-na-OoppsItai his popolari Ir la even moreoaed. The friends of Miss Bora StevsnS wul be (lad to loam that she is'rapidly becoming a greoli fiavOrite in teaaon, and Is evldenUy popular oa EUy O'CGmnor. As Msdame CelHta is ine Mrs. Oregon at that bouse, both San Steyens and. Jessie SioLl^aiLlUdl. a..< b;.:,.. o a..10.. 3..19... 4.-.; 8.., 8..-4.. t ,7. 8.. 8. 9.. S. 10.. a. 11.. 0. 13.. 6. 18..n. 14.. 7. 16..:a 16.. 0 ..10 . . 39 •isa- . 36 . 40 . 46 . 63 . E6 : 68 . 68. 64- . 81 ..'88'. ,..80, ..90 '. ]^elan. CatnLTalat, ,U..p,.M . ,13.;-;.!'OT- 16:';..:t8 .9..... 63 8.... .70 14.;,.'84 36-..;.. 109 . -38:..aa? 10....147 0...;147 a. a. 0. 0 17.. 0. 18..18 19..'8 30.. 8 21.. 0 3a.. 0 33..U 34.. a 26.. 2S.. 27. 3a: 29; Phelani SlwLOimt.Mll, 1.. 7;.'..' 7 9.'. 4..;; 11'-. 8.. 6....: }6 . 4.. O..'-.-; 16 149 181 161 161 B.;..167 <;...161 ■.-.mi. •.;1U'! • ...UA-. ' ..lU ..114 ..129 ..181 ,.139 a....148 6:...161 6....160 0;..'.16O- Phelan;--' Count-JiMi-' 0..:.1C» I 0:;'.v]t» 3...''.J»' 23....m 8 31. .la.. .172 .173 31*' .4M.- -' :i» ■: .4g»'' ia'.:..'6p-'-r la 16;,; ■ On. 126,.. la.. ao;;< 1- 13 ,7.;14.>; 8..' 0:. 9. : 0.-, i«.:sa.. 11..; i .,:.6a I'.'-M. .'.I06, 106 13.. 3....108 13.. 7....116 14;.16.::;UQ 16,.1'4:.;:U4 i6..3|):;.'.i«4' . -«:... 128 o,...i2a 60....1B7 14....30; .I6..:.aie 30...late . 10....p68, , .PheUn. ' .. Shoe.Oount,Totdl, I7..16.'.;;i80 ■ I8;.ii.;..m,,. 19;:, 6..,.196 . . 3o:.'a.'.,'.io8'.. ai.. f\i,.mr'. aa.v.€,^;.9ii',' ;aS'.';ia..-.i928-;';- 94;:i9,-.',i215.;;' 38.,-«.,.:28«:,^' 36..13....39S 27.. 8....301 28..: 3....304 a9..-8.-..80T» . 3i..a8.:..3si.. Jiynoh. -' Cbunt. JbfoC: 4:...380 a....aaE QnoniHOArPoEiEi^ni.-On^Tbnrsday, Jtiyll*'♦ matAj*;;, :.-j qnolts-wssplAytdatPortEIginiO^W., between fpBrpIayerBQfj|aiK,p.^u KIglii and four of Southampton. ■< The dlBt>noeplaysdwa«ll,Z»-." The foUcmlng is the result o,tthegame^-^.- M-i;; ; ;,) . - .-'/_.-''■ ^-'^'-'i '■ ... -.1 ..' ->i-.'.' MuiHUtproK. B.O; Fitarey..'.:;;;..'.''; Geo. 'Prinze DiCampbdl. J;0qnway.... Total •J'l.-.;ai .V.7:'.91 ;v;;.;i4 .;;v'.'.ai IrtJsr'iEQiir. j.'Wfld-;.-;'....;.',•..., j.'Bmith.-';!.'...'/..'.'..; S. Boether.'. 'F.'StalRnd.. ;;...i'^'.i..;A"i'ji': 'U>il .J',; .'4k^5il;'f ■1 ■ '.V. ::.^—;.J/J^ ' ■'..lit: ■ Total..... ;'.;:.:•...'. i; y.-T) ■ Total;-. ;■; ^r. .';..v:;_;: This albovsL'.soore sho'ira.'tiitt .Boulhamptgiiwdn'-bTAtt trpon th^'whole; the playln/. Mta snpe^r ob both Baea^„f greats 'snxl^ was manifested by thl) .inliab(t#nl* .tUi;, 1 villages' when the phiying' became dose: and;^«n'thai*~~ was over, the competitors and their friends retdrnedtd'iS ^ known (md eatabUahed Inn kept by Mr, Stafford, where they |^ar<-". took of an excellent dinner; and afterwards .'separated wnhtht'..' .' understanding'that a retuni inatcbwlUbepbyedttt Banthii^ytr'-., ■ il tondurlng theisummer., i . .— - ■ ■ . . ' " '- . '/.•:'1, . ,'.', CooHiKa. IB CiKina,—MotmBOL vs. QTisBSo.,>-We leam tKotn - - Quebec; that on Monday, July 14th, amain of ten battleswMi4 :, fODgtitln the Bt Louis SuburbSrQnebeo. The spdter slid, fts^-; Vi ly, Quebeo taking tho boap. The batties throughout were prettyu'' ■". Sood gome, with but one exception, the last, uponvrizldiiittvi., [onmalers thought to replenuh their empty shot bogs, nd .'' -■ the talking was so toU that some of the . Qnebeo boyb fdt rather shy;:however, the Montreal bird turned tall on the third, daaiir '.. and Quebec made the pit ring with cook-anloodls-doo.': Atib». - ', final closo; Quobeo had won seven battles, leaving three to tfael^ : opponents'. Good, and orderly, management was kept thzongb- ou^andanpassodoff OBltaboqld. The pltls not quite sa^oo^.v:.', ular1n,Quobeoa8ltwassome f%wvean'ago;then, of aSnndiv,;' ''11 m the'suburbs, every second hablton yoa would meet, ha^*; - .M 000kunder.his arm.' .'''..'.., ;'■' ■' ■ '. - .'"<-. -I '. J . - . '' .J,IL' 'I -. '. . , ' ' .?''6'-:-|' .iFooT RMS aT'WooDEiooz,iC..W.—A .foot race of 100 yarSk-.:'''r oame off.there on (Friday,r 1st. Inst, between .Oed, Yoang'a«*t.": 'i Johd Pasooe^for tSO, whloh wias won .by. Pascae,after avaa|r':<''- o^:rMe;by IBiinohes. Thesis were quite.a.'numberof4Wv>'>t'.^> ^rtS'-on the ifround, but not much betUng,.the odda -balo{K->::,'< 3 andd to 1 on Pasooe, but n* lakers, although 'Ur> Tonng'temn-jrfl. quitA c<mfident of winning. - . .'<:j ■ . f.l ' .'^■U'^'> .'■ . I. ' ' .":'- ':..j I :-"^'i:<.;i. ' Bwnmnni MaioH.-^A swimming match'took :plac» «a'tb«« ' .'t iPctomto river, on the 4th Inst, between-the member^ of CouD^". ■ TlatBeg't Thedlatanceswsmwas 600-iyirds,«aainst'thaoBrw>j .1 rent and very good time waa made; considering, the strong ttte^.o' , running. Twenty-five entered, bnt only abont'Sor lOoametn^'i thereat backing oat at difforent .stages of the race, vibe flrttr n'V: in 'was Capt D. 0. Meabhutf dotely.followed by Sergeant'-Dom^'::>' M beUy, Private Buchanan,-Cori^ral'iBogart^Bedelli and>'<nic>'i v-i maurice. After the race, the oompanT was put>throughr.ihalr - facings,'and made some very good fronts in.'the'wturir Btm' > ' • ground. Hiacaptalh Intends oonUnuing'the swimming. diOla, -'< and hopes to'make his -man-so .perfect that they-iioan icns*- " 'J streama without the aid of bridges. .— .— - ^ ' tA.xiro OM WiiiiaHO.—A rival to Private Smith, ot.thb P.O.Ou 'f Blflo Brigade, Hamilton, 0. W., has turned up in London; O.W. 'B-^- '' < having bean announced thatMr. Smith wasMpetfoVm'S Uttvt': -n fourteen miles in two houtS'ih that city, Private Junnloq, of ik* ' <'- - eSd Regiment, Blgnified his irilllngness io-walk'flileen mUos.tK-' '"-'! tho suSetlmo.' ' AsMr. Smith is soid^tO have ah«ady chaUengad !>,'>.'>- any num in America to waUc with-'bim, -w* snppobe' there wUTIbte - 1 no dUIUinlty in making a matob betwoan'blm . and Mr. JsnnltK:-. r What do the London boys say? .', ' ; . .-. ■",.''-■;,';:■','• .'.-,'"- ■. ■ .. .' -,!: f. 'i'.- ' QtTorrnrd iv Tosobto.O. W;--iAn Ihterestingigamerfjpel^''^'* gtanTni; ^won 1hort(>5i by i B ^hoteTmoUng^Lse's (UL :> jiPK., rgST IHPORTEDr^^.Lai'ge sIes Utbi aj' B^dtftfrfnt'UnAr, prlos 36c«nls.«ach. L'Hew York;; 'i.'f''