New York Clipper (Aug 1862)

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^iiVmySv ; Ai arcr lim'd to M ;.;^:VK)jJ^^.;T(l^^►:; .:1 I - ■ ■ . -nf c' tnO'lAMlft* toim hid Tmnd to daftal. ; ^'.^ ^li^lwin br Uia lUn ud bm ha'd vflr fim t TukM.4B((Vj. ..V.' inioi)adan<«otaiiUhUmtutt&«j' dnifminnMdK UutsoTiiifcaeid(T»4oa]dWiab • Valid boiti 4 Mora, (U Koaiid itaiMw ji^ov ,1K :.v r.. • ■.. 1 c.'l ■jiiiV?.'• -j^idltDiUntqMiiQtoNMU - ' llntba>tb»qoudai& ;-. V'' I,' " .■ •;: ■..:! ...•i.'r>V.'/'''!.'i' iMVd gfOut mni \\ i;'. :.'U, .i- ..^ dPwntot^iiraNiidtdi;!,.^.'. .< > Vil>^ l^MwtiO^angoMidrttiia. - : a!v^-al-^ nij n wy « fl «WlWli^tlialr*c>>£-.'- >■; '< '• ■ - - .. '^Vf r.-v I.. ,,.;.^v. illSfitc'Apitaaf'eMtd.-.'. .,-ll'!!e»Idk«; ■•..o,,,,. _ .';:«idJ«Tdli«iiU8d.'>.v ..i-.-;-q'In«wre(mld.b»».ttto»u:Pbitte< .^f^bMotaOr when a Jerrad tofl^ '^tMKi^.^ni'M'tojukitonnMBtar:? ^'-1 .■ /. •Vndgon rov'n rlgbL" Blr' IkRunt mid. r-Porter ihi^ fix to T«ar iMtd. aJjBMlAttVe'dTi^^ > , ^ )0^)defni] XUllg to 806, • ' • '.■ x)jKl!Woll'a Ulisim Wnght toitold^ l&iue n>{t>iit«dM redi't«dJio«4 iJoujetBnnner.. ■. ^ ^. cotnpiwsBP.''' titt wUak'iBMte ait' knktr Mat 'Hu^^MniiitiufkUtfi Jlnadoufi; ttktlipainaadmtot jomttiirlhMuUi* •laaqutoA: cnr old an* MUtihtd taMtrtbtr nauM ImAa b^fluM MMMSdiopipuiaiita (B«t>7'» Aidmlne) iIept(«ciiU*ilr«TCi7. 8iMi7a.thB auna|,aMtlA'lu>aB6, asd «ha niboA jiiad to ob-: te^ •'9mp.tU(*ffaT\r«idi«itdfotMloya alrl"., I^vm sn)!- Hmtlahtln tba tpiliiaor ibamr, toieaoar MMtal inBUiva (B4t^^dato•)l(li£)halrgowp^pln'lllp■otb*tthaxoonlda't ■Qa'm; lAcdivnit^ bUlag aoM togttlior li Aomh tlie niboto, Aluol litakBtM Intaiuidr aiwr the.clOeak ot tny affaokabvml!, I dtoaent ttaldir or ilie Vf* ttiUirt« i«)ln to m/maolT BQiiT;iik I'd ttr to do K.btit aylOU #onId kerwanop op aotoUia loofbf mj moni^lcWok ttfiCVkS deitb to a deoeaad ifillunat ifUmir tPB l>a tm »itart6 Ma ttfflM; irbtlf ffifhartmoAed' agto. mrrlM lit* a oU-lMblontd vhtatflala i«to a Im floor. , ^. - Twask'oam'atfflnltain'fooi^ .,A]liut«(\rMlkaaht,'andDtr7 1^ dlMntbel^aaertea alleii^. I aotirithBets7Jtiie'QD'th» Anae l)t tier (htlier'a Mitar. Wd bin I'omphi tbrow tha wooda, ftmuB aiid.dnvto'tbe \7aadohuck'.from hliiHatlv Liis.(ao 'i) iritblODgatuls.' Wen wo aot llier« .oa tte'tnts, • onrleattwoandtto, UoilUn.u radastheBaUli^gnilla. bODia wUen It ^ts fqit.ptlntad (tod looUn Te^'^to>pI^ I ^ •ao doubt rH7leftanii',wa»"okeirpled to' baUnito nywilt .onthB,ftBiM,.wbIlo ibyrlteinMwonhdldiintolrrpaodlieTififta. , roIeAred iDy ttodfit and ini«bltol7 aed—, vastiy, yon»fl»i«ue..".: . rthmigbt that air v*8 puttj fine. IiralU rthmig] it i^onld bar on her, vpfeod'aed-T ' - .'(Zbn'reftaheopl"' puttyflne, I-walled .to a«e .wbit eflpot It eTldontlf: didn't fotoh bar, tejiba TU ,".v>Jftii|y;fthaATaryinlicU^,ofy6U.''. ■ .->■•...] ' • /WP9'*: '«l'eT.e »'onli 'you av-T«p,Uie(«noir.oimil".irttk nbub 'oNirroaliTih alio btjpb^ V ... 'g-vridi tba^piarwaa;^i^dav&,n78Sll''.ieill; "totbaCyon aewd H9 «9iiiBfadlQ«v,!Xbeia'a wa ennir to. heia," sol VaU- KA»™fci ii»v _y "to bllfi aB tbe ooiiLbeef aitd tdnh 'enoonoB uid the Cntter.ato'tadmmli- tbaatttogiot - _ — .— . , tbrew -with atS jait adc6ai^.bow Tfnleib«9j<dted'toba attiaattTtoti>«,;Aha« ar'waabta,a)iridik.api:TOii woijlda't^dowt-me. /Oaal on tUs :irB^'toiDUdth«g8 eraaTnitaaabeaka--i\' ... . ' .i. r.clabonld hiia oonttoned po to t)ils itranapioblrfar anm Ume; jjnlj nofiftfanlt^f I Io«t. tat, ballanae and fan over totoUitopaatar ^~*^TDfdi> ief^foj close and sevarly H»^«.giii mTieUgtoaMIy. itt^JanenunonAtoniy aeiBlstance to donblaqiilok time and ggd ma "H. ,.33w> drawto henelt np tobertaU-hlta, aba .,t .irpn'tuate>!to''7onnonc«nto no longer.' Jea rite Mrala out jf^tj»w,( Ifyoaine&ngettobltolied,rB»<ii;'.'i. . ^ pouiaimd tnat air ennff f or all praotloal ponnaala. and wo mo Mfi /l^ , I ff Tn jOltly to tbe panon'a, and ma made one tbat raty HB^ -f ;;i.f : * ; ..^r- 3 ., ■ . ... Tbe VViSTSsa, Tubs.— Dnitog the operatloni of the tlUes to (be ^CrtoiMytt waa reaolved to cany the thter to flom' 'If be^a*' ttfpl aprlng of the finest idnd, to tbe camp; £eatosRI plpei, or t(Mf, f^nre employed, wUoh vera laid ott tbe giMmd.' Obe jnoEnltag while (bs water waa being nppUedf the it3nai«t aoond- .'ed to prayer, ondtae of the TnrUgb aoldltra immediately want flopio^bii taioee to praise Allah I 'Unfoitimately; be wUitdown right np0D^tb«:boco, and 'hliwetobt oonaeiiaentlt stopped the irorrent of;tbat "flnt of eblnenta,'^ i» Ftodar, Jbh,, caua water. tahlatotOlympladi'.' .-. . > ' '. • . .' .. ' liOetDp,' aried_aD£nglIabaddler^. "Vmlaxbiuma la tont^ -.,,0ha'l)4ired|i(ir,bed down andoomoianat cihawto h«^nfa>jbpa>i, ".,>,-^ ili'JU^'.oonl^'yoB'kjiow tbe aleepleu nttea I woiry'l '.jJ^li;-..-.. .X^SiXtSS TSVlk:mQOISB. ild> HTH r wiTTji , . l»Agilill'«toeji;,rttif(^^ Idie^thna.TlTldbil .^toaatftw aterrttlo-lbit iSaffie ells^lb seemltwraLl^toa I Bpon.ttbapeotatotB:— ■ r . v > .■• /~" wiBaOuHl anitrr, alrlaaa afterabon, wbanlt aeemed'aa'tf ' one WBi«>walladIh byabladnfflro; ode'of tbdae days wbltdrat* iDDndnanhaie.elseaaTeUIndIa; .Tbetotasae beat bad allenoed freiyadngalae except aplnot,wbo wM«Ubiyobattertog'»talx- tare ot broken Dngllab andorlobtal^-to toedel^bt of aome hew- V antttd xeamltg. A srpnp.of ns wen'lytog'undor tbe palma' to ftontpf.qoatton, canTsBslng the proa)peota of a ftubugh and letnnLto £uland, when onr.attontton was attracted by the ttok- ilng ot^a1)eD,'aiid tbe nextmtoute a natlvfjoggler came toto the aqnarcJeadtos a little girl eome flvo or alx yean'old, ot very pte- poueaatogappetrance. TbeJnggUir's ooatomswas pletnroeaae to ttaetstienie. l His loins were enveloped to cotton cloth fan- tog graoeAiUy bebtod, and Over this a robe of blue moBlln. His corba^waa pf scarlet aUk,-wrapped'to gnu:efal'snd heirey folds. «nd dODnnted to front with mystorloDs Brabmbi symbols. His aandal») pontraty to the onstom of tooseftom tbe northem prof- jQQ^fv^MVl A« 1fl>4>i<k*> fiiiM|-|1 111 ■ «. r.m-« _ toMa,«n of leather, from the.cnklste of whiob bong little dlrar MlIa,wblabomltt«damnsloalttokUnga8bBWBlked. Rnbydrose hong form bis eats. - His bars arms woiesncl^ea nitb heavy nuu *«tt^geej(fao|d: miMlve br»fa^*!i8sileart5rnpra bis flSnra to«»v Jpon bis Uagreed tdpo were: trtltteb variou* mystlb. ohartigmtrom' tbe Cbhldato'aild Anblo.' Tb« sbild woM^weet Utflo Wfottflraof light flgnw and as 'gracaftil ta a fawn, bui from "rtWmplexlOD, evljbmtlyw»Btiohtoto:tta»wsrtbyJUKolor, .Heamnfched naand.after'a^ptofonbd atUaim nnggastSl bli' Stfira^.petfl|nn a featV^'^'^Axwnif eontrlbatlan todlai^ tt, .;'«aiinl-mW4Sjiotal6wtoappiealate;V Befbrecifaim . alrtdiUOlBonof thedaytofilnilsI^blistfi'AtBri from ti^,tK>fdab«ady,AtIierto£]u ibf'reat^be was sbon(t», porfdipajrii'artery Uaiarddda aof)."9Q^o,'trnaMt.lraar«adlIy.'gnUfr^ ed, and stAba'touid to i ctrcJev ™> puy articles ho med yrtti a boakfit pfdMied troto tlie: quartera'and a' swoird borrowed ibomi anolB|ef.'' Eelhen noke'iiov^wordsto the cbljdln an nnknowu tongnv,'prbased hertoblinielf aSMttonately as.if taking a'SnoL leave f^ndf.'kad eeattoglier npon tbe ground, placed the bmket . .over lull. "Hs.iUen steppod'baok «bd ooattog his oyoa iowud . beamnnifiUfi^dapparenaytoprayer.; ^nddetpy bis whole mm-: ner obanged. His ey es se emed to flMflto." Hla whnlo'frame ■'QBtrered., Slakes ot IBhiu owtd ' tiuto bet we eir Mg' set tootb. 'UtoavteUaof Aw^'stfodnpon^'blsifotebead. :>IMwlne'lIk» IWOialtiU'tbe -t^iabbaia/ be aprnng iorwaird' wlto 'a.''tlgeir Itte leap, ud'.wllbtbe'rapldlty of Ugbtntog, iMfore any oha-wie«Ware ot Us porpoae, be plonged the keen blad^ tbrongh- the ^basket'. A crxjf honorplerqeditbrongb the air, and aeemcd.^to. everytttet^. Agtto.beJiIanged tba'^awnrd toto the baskertod tHto*<Ct»»aktog.W)Ki.bUMd,,.wbl,ab;jof^ •Bdr4idawftbl««)mto»ghiuUy))lream;' Again that tetrlb^'itry plei«*aa» air, <W*.time tooi!». h^rHbb.tbaa.btfolo.-.aeomto^ ' Son AperBontothe death agony. It'«s well the Juggler bad <ake£<A9IltftMQt(qQ.topn>vlaap^a<d,'fbratslghtof tbebtopd' Still tbeploos Mossnlman went on wito bis devotions. "I'll, make blm stir bla ^tunpe, V aald on. Aiglisbman, Uii ls.>markably smart ^efc. /To the wonder of all. atlU the niitti>^n.ed, well^Woked foltowar of toe Fropbet, wentpnvlna on astbongbbewas'.atoitv.hMse.parson. • «Hoofaw^, moA—I'll ahow yo-bow we serve oMtoato folk, a aaIdBeekee,;'qnleflyobaerveda8cotobnian. He was: bowerar. prtvented, for. the Tnrk, bavtog flnlabed hla "AttalKb en AOalL''- rino and began to take off his ooat and roll np htoafaem—and then to-]>ed«w bis palms with saliva, and then put blmaelt to the nostapptof ed boxing atUtade, a la Tankee SUllvaD. _fiettona«vMieedto,troe Tom Hyer style to too B»fl««>>-».n 'nitO'tiaa UckeaJun'on toe lumbar region. ""Artogt a rlngl" abonted theaoldlera and aaitora. pofecUr astDniabedtoaeea^TDrkBiiohanadspttotbeflBttoart.^ Tbe Bngllsbman, nothtog lotb to have a -bit of ton wltb a Turk of 'TOcka tonly.Jolm BnU atoto. of nOnd, ]Bot to wodt;-bB» ftonnd bfrkad met his master; in five mlnotea he had received bis «iia». hua'suff-. As the- Turk lywUy replaced his coat and ttttbi, be tontedroand and aaidtotof:<idmlrlilg. by]standers,:totbsnue broBOe. ^.'. , . ■.. v.,,." . .■ ^•Bad .taokjo. ye, ye ap%cenB, when' ye'w:aftbM ktoking a Tail[;l''d adVlao ye .the nekt time tojlat,bo aore be'anot an Irlaluuant'.' j':' . .. ' ^.^ . . Xbenijrft^rjr!'W|OBOIviid--onr liirkwB^a :' , ,,, . .,,»HnnK..pB','TB(i|.ir,.4fQW..i..' .^.-. < :.' .'- An old •otdlar, now to eamPr (Ma*. Ut .th<' Ibllowtog Uttte 3nib, slvtog'aimdry Ittaaona why onFytfimx totai kbotiU'ttUit!' Rot beoi to the warl Noraoto^f Vow/Bob, Jobt think M the oonaoqa<<iM(. RooBe winiookat jroaibiitrfnnrtnrMpeol ^yon: and nine ont of ten will napeot that ydd'to* i^' coward, fit' dnir toragrogahop mnis or to .b«Ma'womalt,.'lpst Imagtoe what yonr d(nation will be'wbes tbU WW It oralis griat and mortifleatlan that will meet yon at every obang» of Mens. Tou -win ba pottoto toe abade by any fellow tbat hm 'bten to toe war. MomatterhowioperlOr yon maybe'In.oth^ respeota, people wUl look only at Che man wbo bas been-in'a real battle, tve man who has been to tbewarwlll get tbe flnt drink, ood Will leoBivg toe oboloe onto at dlnner.^tud yov 'will luin to bnsb bp' atinytlma as soon as bebeglitotoneak. Ton'%in be oast off toer ropo-on gotog toaar^ W make room'fbrinian that baa' been to toe'War. Thtok,too,«i a daligbthlbieakdowni lianey jabber at the ifi.., _ iflth jammy Uiah6T0 ibf a)ftddlerj''uiu nuo^ jiiuouer wo tambortoe. TTbat will yowr aUU'and odlande^t dtnetog avallyon tf thate abonld be a man therb' who bid been to' toe wort' 'why, no^ne wopld notlao.'yoii) aeueely tny woiild ileeejrt a treat at yodi' baoda; and toes, sappOse yon abonld bato formed a ktod ot Uktog for Nanoy, and to otttmea drtoklnA her good health abonld baveliecome tight, and- slip and fall, why Kanoy wonld take no more notice of yon than abe would ot aObtoaman; she would >Vs'youto toe police. But if yod,bod boon,to toe war, how forent Then; abe wtfnld see yoit oarofullv taken up-and oon- veyedhome; have yon pat oomfortably'to.Ded, and makb yoq fed aa obeerttal and fresh as a nun oan loeL TbJnk bftbat, now, 'before it la too late; Ou>6ots'ikBtNOAiip. .,, I ■ ' ■ ■ I ■ ' ■ ■ ■' '.' , Koz Oehebaut, )EM«wir.'^Uartto Van -Buren was . toe .only man who held toe ofilc|»of President, 'Vice President^ Uinlsler to England, QovarpQr of bis own. State, and^meinber - ot boto Sousesot.CoDgress.; .. , . • • • > ' Xbotots H..Bcntoawas toe. only man who. Jieb) ft,aMt. ii). toe' fnltftl Stales Bontto for thirty oonseoutlve TearRr - ': The only Instance.Qf btoerand i^s to the-Dnited'Stotes Sen- ate at toe same lime, is that of Bon.- Henry Podge,'Senator ttom ^Isconato, and bla sob, Angustos 0. Jtodgo, Senator fryn Iowa. Oenerd Jomea Shields la-toe only man wUo ever: represented two Slates to toe, Vnlted SUtea Senate. . At ohe time he was Ben: stoT from IlUnoIs„.andsilbeequently.Senater ftomilinnesota,. .. JobP>4ntocy Adams held poslUsnundac the Oovemfflent during everyiMmin(Btiatiob.:|lEom tbat of 'Witthlngton to that of Bolk, dnitog.whl(Wf dledi : He had been,lilnlster to England, mem>; .berorbotbHouses ot Congress, Beoteta^ of State, andPrealdent oftoe HnltedBlates. ' Handled while a maniber of. too House of Bepr«fentotivfs,. . ■./ . ■ - , ,' v.'";, .-• J The only instance where throe biotoer* oooopled aeato to too bwer House at toe aamo time, .was wbei>:EUhn B. Waabbnme re- presented'toe' First Blstrlot of EUUialB, laracl 'Vashbunie, Jr., toe .Third District of ^(otoe, and.Oadwatoder 'Waabbnme, the Tblrililatrtot of'Wubonato.;^ k y;,.y BwnnaMai—It is as seoeaaary that a boy .qbould learn to swim as that he abonld be vaccinated; for .toonsanda of boys and men are more frequently to peril of drowning than of the small-pox. And yet, erven, to our maritime oltlea, one-fourto, probably.'.of the male'population, are Ignorant.of tbe. oaaily acquired on ot sostalngtoemselves to toe water. The teaobtog of this art ought to bo embraced to all systems of physical cduoatlon. It would, at any Tate; promote toe- olBanHneas^ and toerelbie toe healto of tberulng generation. Oiuf Umna—A ooncspondent writes—"^ere yon ever at a Darkey CtmpUeeting?: TfeD, toey.'bdier' some. One old darkey of my acqnalntanoe. was reproved one day by hla master for shont. tog so at his 'jteiTate devoaons,'" Pompey, wlto avery gravetiae, said, "IguoasIIaaaa don't read de Senpten wld much 'tsntlon." ■■Ahl bow's tbatr' aald toemaatan. ' r>Wby," aald Pomp,wito a knowlDgIoQk^."don'tdeScriptBraay,-'B'QDacdbefhynamer" The maatwgavetoaadTompeynadhuAoQeTin'itomoleated.' .. AOLOwn'sfOEH.—Opcrow was once tesohlngaboytogotlirivi a 4i^cult aot of hoTsamanahlp to toe charabtor of a page, and the boy being timid, his master applied the wUp to.bim unmeni- fully. JoeepbOitmaIdlwtastiadtogby,.andlookedveiy aertous, conaldorlng bis vocaUos. "Ton aeev" remarked Jtoorow to Joey, "tbat It is quite necessary to mak»an ta^navro on toeae yosng fdlows." ''Very likely," answered Gilmaldl, "but Itcan haidty be necessary to mako tb» wAacis s(r hard." Biiurno OvF.-rOne of our soIdleiB who waa to' the Pittsburg TandlTig battle; happened to be to(adtoa1o]y fond of card idivtoy. During too flght be hod three of his flngeis sbot . o£ Holdlog up his mangled member, bo gazed at It wlto intfflabla'florToW: and exclaimed, as a big tear stole into tbe comer of bla ey»~"X abill never be ahto to hold a/uU Aand agato I" Cbiozet at DoBomam, M»ia.—On Saturday, 2S imif.V'iilie return match between toe Ailantlp and Dorobeftek arteket oluba, botoot I>oich^atar,'was played on.the grounds of .tne.'Uteri After a stent conttet, in wnlcli both parHea exhlbUeA eooaldont- bib akni, toe Atlaatlcs wore fer toe aecond time viotonensi by.s majority of .twenty-two runs,' ■ •■, ■ ^ I i1 ,f' ''W ■lit •;'>V1 " 'M :...). , aiuDrQTTBOT-^<]AincDzp:nD. . . 'Theaaaf hiiiraotiniely'iietll^^^^ '.y;'' '■•■■<' :;; ' 'In'ei«ai(Dtii, devoid of feeltotfotms ' .. V . . , :'^; 'Andatri4p«oufonbanof herPitteilSt ' >■ _In'^elii^gnspfi^'«idmenjaatf6tUnaaa..'' BbeWaafttana left stand or bni But,'tbbndH poor Hiuui had a fragile ttama. '' Heroerwfl'wemateel-iand BO aho toolr, witoloy. •OhepUoeof teaBbertoslittlobby. ' It certainly requires "nesvea ot eleel" towllbitond the inL '^' tuiei of mtod.ofnieqnfqt on- a bonribly tanned, fre^Iai uST^,, pled, aalUlt'i'qr annbumt ftoe; many^a .'widow toua'affllotedS'- given betMJf up to hopeless melanoboly, unoonsclona of I niat tut thatdOURAUD'S wonderful ITALUK MEDIOAlS - BOAP afforded a sure and wonderfQl remedy for all tbaoe evS, i' and fDrtoennoK possessing thn.power of maktog tbe dailnL:^ and-nugbeat aku beautlAilly. white, emooto and peUuoUl^ Egnally woadorfut In Ite way la OODRAXTD'S POUDBB sSS,-i TuiS, for the co mplete extirpation ot hair, aOORAUD'S EAn- REBTOBAnVE will poslUvofy foroe hair to grow on bald plugT -' prevent ito iitUins and turntog piematuraly gray; amS'vt dandruff,besides imparttog to barab hair,:a rich eUkmuatal I oloas. .aOITBAtTD'S LILt. WHITE is a-d^oato propin5oS>i. for instantly-wbltentog and smoothing sallow and roughsS^ QOUBAIID'S UQDID ^RO'DaB is.ajnperb artlolefar'toiiiiui^' ^ to pale cheeks and Upe a dolloate roseate ttoge, defrtogdeMSoK' and absolutely ImmoYoable except by wiablng with soap udin^*! ter. CK)TiBAtD'SLIQTl[IDmiBDTEtostant]y.abangand»^^^^ gray bair to a beauUfal brown or bla bk, wl toout attdnjng the aUg.:-' ■ . ' ., BEWABE OF OOUNTHBIBITS,. : ;. -■: ^T.'i The genntoe^preporationB and cosmetics of 'SR.' FELIX QOXf^''' ^in> can only Jbe had genutob at bis Depot,<M3 Broadway. Utai'i at67Walkerslrfot, > . . . .' - .^;', . .AgentBr>4aIlendar & Co./Tblrd and Watout etreete, PMIad^ .'- ShU; 1. B. Batof,:U9 Wasbtogton street, Boston; Bliss, gpttw,'v'^ eld.iio., ; r I $17-^ Bicrwitsir.JBuia>UEir.—A few dijB stoecL-a pbar.bUnd man,, bavtog on his Bat a placard-etatisg hia-lntomite, A,rf fti,. ,rj1nflb;ho».wlto'c«ntBotlon8^^ onthSoonarofBrqadway .and Bjoor. strae^ .At toe.eametiineanbtbar bltod nauwito the words "I.afa'bllnd" OD hls. hat; was oomtog'doim the jerpet toanotoerdlrectten.' A llttie case ccntoiptog oakes and co^tteiiary bung: inspended from his nook, 'Suddenly a ory 4f,dlattess. arrested the.pasaers-by, ^ tonJiiK, they bebeU toe two Jilind mpn on theground,stniggllngui'amlxtareof candies, cakes, and bonbons. To add to the cosfiasloo, the two mto,; exasperated at 'toe dlsaater,'were'hurltog at each other e^tosts pioro forolUe toon poUtep.and>had it-not been tor toe Imeifersnco.of some gentlemen, they-would bavo'aoms to blowa. '!You blodtooad,''said; one, .Vwhy.dltoH you Iwki o^ toe I Aeftoniledapi pleased' fqfwiud.' ibo yqnetskepttheniatbayl brtoeywouH'ba^ rssemtog mu'rdorek'to nieces upon ua spot ft Wjown' feoltogs. ; The tMiHbl4',orle«,'tob ) baafceb '.too.iipjiajtotly lnmne'Jnggle]f,''tob ^pf the niin'pi)thb<lln'bl6o'd,'Ai'd the aanguinat^ ^Nih^y.frbm'.lMileBto th'a basket, tob 'thf' lofatSbBtotroclouBbuteneiT.' Tberew'orenoboles, so oa'^Stts^' tm)'ihrth;-and too enotd'wore auhounding the Juggler. How bod tod child escapedf I sat Uko one'stopeflodi ; could not cbnvtoce myself that It was a delusion, '-"Mine eyos -'were ^iadbrtoe'<toO]8o''thoo^eiBensos.'; I wasocoustomed'to ' Bast Indian fisate of jnaglo; and bad'witnessed Obtooss JUgiHer)^ oMhe-nloat'mysteMopB oharoeter, bpt never iwforo such a sccnft' a».thi«f-i'l.'.r .-.v.' ;:i..'.(;:,: ■ 'r; : ■ ' -. ■: '• . .. ' .-, ., '■•' -'. ., In tnt'meanilmo.-toe juggleT', murmnrlngasortotwelrdmtoor Ohant'sonnltng like a waU oVor- toe dead, couttoued to tortist his sirora:ihr6ugltto'o basket.' The orlos wblob.had been so Ur, rlblewinerndnbtbetoisfoarfDl,'but'grow lower. -Tbo obild-'waa evideatl^/.^to'tbsUaa'bf'blood, ftktlostogBtnineto. Lowerand > lowertbey gttw/nitU toey changed'into arapidifioatatog. :?atoter,- Issa ftflijpiBiit<andmore todlsttnot toe moans and fewer toe awbrd atrokesj^ .'lliejtaggler stepped'up to^'to'e basket,- plunged .toe BwordiA'.oneienuars^wlto-ooto'bands-OUnohedto'Uio ulit-and leaned itrfr«l^dllpoA It wlto bis whole weight, bis ear oloke to toe bosket 170 Jlalened tolenly. A fitot Bighllbe one gasptop^tor hreato. a slightly percapUble-motion'of toe baakst; and all was stllL tllieJullU&'Witoartw.hiA awMrd andbioke dtittoto aHto- doo abnj» <i JnoUatloii, daholng rapidly round tbS boabet- At its 'oIoBe'^ie(amoved-toe'bisket, and we osgeiily spmng.torward, onaei^;gtiai;ds;'.popu]aoe aod all, expsotiog to soo tbe mutilated oorpst'iOI tluyllttla girb ' Judge our BUipnse' to tiebold 'dolhlnk toereil -Tb^^ baikot Aas; pierced - tbtougn and "throu'db;' bnt no child. The ground was not oven wot. Where, couln she have disappeared to? Tho ground was Arm-and-solid. There woe no oppottonlty fdr- trftps or hidden springs.: She oould hot have- emerged flcom toe badcet wltoout betogseen. - - We looked anxlbuB- ly to tfaa \Jo^ertbr an explanation, who stood among'the orowd '. coo]Iy,wlplng bla swordJ He returned toe weapon, stamjped Up, on thaigioiindilinlclapped bis tutods thrloe,:wiienlol-tbelllue. Slrl BpriDgCnffl.too rear of tho crowd, and come to bonndlng abd> iaaghlngt>MrlfL'from play, shahtog her curls gleefully and-bUs- ' tog tha hand of the Juggler, who petted bar toamost offeoUouote, . mannari.vAnqtoarlponmbntlon of annaa was made ap for the ohlld,iiindtbeimyatbrious coupldeft tboaquaro, leavtognato-a ntoze ofiVewUdenntot, and fomiabtog us wlto abunddncsubjodt fbr dlsousalbh'dilrlng many humdrum days of barraoks lifei'Vj,: ' I.' ( i i .-' ','.I-:.'-.;.!'.!.- -! T«MTBT . B 8roBTB.—The dgys of oblvalty wero iron days. When '• prinM llke Baward'toe tltat would go to a foi-diatant and ho*;: tvia.'dMnitJr.on a MiUoua crusade, bis gentlo Eleanor mustnsedj llpMolMliKblm.'. Wboq ho would flgbt:a battle; as at Falklrk,'he . Jil^t iOf tojt.pievlous night„ wlto his ablold fof bla plUow, on a - - .Thevetjr-sportaof tooaa daysiwere terrtoIej>::Blr —Hi ^'8oota^b-klllalt,, tumtog to.hlm, conrteotmly, 1 j^ftp nniwlto blm thne oourses. - Next moratog; to too itt^arabltol strucb-toe &igUtb' knight tbroushrlbe hir- iltb.ato«rul wound, so thoThe died on the spot Snob lite' laroe patttmca of tooaa daya. And, naturally enough, inan dl4>ll4tflrink«(|the muUlatlonof staumon body.-io or after death^ffltK^tblNM,«fltoga of'Jioott.witb-whloh< m. B«b«*afto%!mjto dying, ord tobe takei»oul'of llU bMy.'MdtotmedjtojtoeSoIy jMa.oU ever 4 Mtiik'A&Mly&wStdUvMl hUElstltbri -Tetbis dlreottonsoltei - I(erdagtbtrar(c|6iplatohtt'&^ -Id tha^chnrdi-flf'Me Hlinkfriara,.Lond«a,' and the.'raatf bf.Jer . ';tdoodf!bMa?o7ai^Bii^ ■ '■ *Bt,t4;|iV|^B of a; nobMlaJj ^;^)>-.''v"-iV niara,.umoon, ana the.rsat'O fc^VAftrt toe Wttt6,«| ^hfm teetr could ' "And-you, why didn't you get out of my 'way?' I.wbenlam bllnd?'' "Yon bltod;—so am X''-- your 'How. In short; tbls^lahation wos.foUowed by a good undorstandlna between botoporUevand toei good understanding by atoudiln nitlon.: "lifbat is'yonr, nanifl?" asked one.' ."OtHs -Bnih^^nd JovfV. '.JTbeobalA Heney.'.'. .'•Xhebbaldl" "OtUsI" -''Ife .dev comrsdO I'.' "M^ old friend IV'. And toe two oompanions to jusfortunft. warmls'. embraced each btoer.: Their story la abort. .Tbe men'.were naUves of Ixeland—had come togethar. to Amerloa —andwerecompOntons'.Jharms:in Mexico, 'Onebad tost bla dgbt by a wound, and the otobr tw' an explbelon-to a mine. They bod been sbparat4<dfor'alobg'whlle,aiid after toe lapse Of years, met to the aingular manner abov^ related.' ^ iJiliB FaiiLns.-T-Totoink tbAt .tiiqmore a man laats the flittw and btnmgeths.'wm.heoojiio, ".;., '.j . .• j /To'beUeye that toe inDre:bouiB children stody at iwhool. Uts isterSieyleim. . '. ' ,:, -T^. , ' To ima^no that every hour taken tram slsen to Mhbnr galnad. Toiaoton t^'o^picesupipllon that toe smallaat loom to toehoosa Is large bhbngh to Bleep to.' - / To aiiiue that whatever, remedy banses o;|e to feet Inunedlateli' bettei', is "good for" too system, wltoout regard tomore nlteriSr emoeta. ) ,. .-.. ■{ <-'-p-,|" . .•.. .- . To, compilt an act wbleb islfelt to itself tobe pre|udloliL<boi>. log tost Boinebow ot otoer it may bo donis to jjDnr!«aBe,wltli im-. punlty. I 1. ■ " - --■ r - .- ' TCodvUe another to tale a remedy which yon have not trliid yourself/or Wltoout maktog spoolol toqulry .'wbetbaralltoeoon* ditibns orealtke.• ., , ,.', , To eat wltoout an'apY>etlte, or conUnuea'ioeat after Itnasbeen eatlriled,meh)lv^to'gTaUiytoetasto. « ,, , , v^.^^ : To oat a hwrty supper for toe> pleasure experlenoed djotoi the trief time Itisposalng down toethrool^attSeeiSenaerfawhoto night of disturbed sleep, and awetry.'waktogto Ihomomtoa, ./ ■:. v''^ . i .-"I --rr" . :, .' . ' ''D^ioma.TnzmlUoBOTT,—Two unsopkistlcatedootmiiylasses Tlslted Ntblo's to.-New Tork durtog toe oallet asaoon..: When tha diort-Bklrted, gossamer clad nymphs made toelr appearance on toe stage toey became restlqas-andfldeety.' -' f iQhi'Annlet'-'.eiobtimed one '4H(a vto. : "WeHMvy?'.' . ,-oi ■ .. : ,■ ■ "It ato't nice—I don't like it.'-'- ,-.,-.•,„> '• "HoBb.'' ■ • <.'I| don't CMO, it ato't nite, and;!'wonder, annt.brougbt na to aacha place." .u ^,t , .,~{ ^ ' "Hush; Uoryi'theftUtb will Uu^h at yOiL•^ ' ^tor-one OT^d'fltojjt; tod- a^rtto toe bliik^ Moi^ ' -"Ob, ' ' "" '.-■-''. - "Do: ,'AnnlB, let'sgfr-itain'tnld*, andtdbn't feel wwfiiortabto'." hMb; U4ry,r'ri6puyd toe Msteir, %io*e own' S5!^w^ • A ''Hl;^■«r;^to•BLT.-I>e»<OT•Johiiibhta'a«eattemp^ man; tBd sjto a good eia^nplo of tol^Stbsltoenco as far'ae bo W tinttonkto Ua itoloj.onf to ' JJTS "•'»5^" »»»OTo'tbe wainscoaW^ toj, I -dlBOoVeiy waa mado:tfiat'48toni*biid VonbodyTT. towo lofid lOaotors; a tumblSr and apltobor,-*«M co»Sy^fllii3i,tS^ 'as lf(ttby had etood there ^rort too bQgtor^g.vtS^Kiwu rodiiQOIt*d, end M.ho behold i&o blUiSng »o\il6B. boeSoed^ 'Offdl, IMbdare, that Ik ourlouB, kuto enough, it toiiBt ftottlat' old:Bains Idft thsmwhenrbo.wsnt odt of thla'iM bodse' tblrSvi mA ago.". "Psrhaps be dld,"retaraod toe botpents?: "SX- I>et<lon,'toeice' In too pltohef mnst-hav^beon -IHa nlahlr haM toBtay-allthisUme." t ." i; .. 1 . :,\ r :.r.;, , "r'',??^. . > AinwjftMh, ot irn Ets^aABx.-l-AiBoldierita'india was'ia-tilb baWt of givlng,to,aB elephant, whenever hft received Us pay. :a'«*taln .qu«Ut7..of >rtac^. l Onoe, bobig>to»ioated, ^ soldier Gommlttod some oioesfes,-for-wUch, Mingpniaued br 'toeguard, be .took retoge under.toe body.ol toe elephant, whan hfl l^d Jtonaplf down qnl.eUy.andTfln afleep. la votoLtoaguatd jgttiptod to^BoUo^lpon hlm,4ild draw.'hEn ltoa hla place of. '[Bi^fpr the SrntefW elephant dofendrfi bimjjito h|s t^unk. too B|)ldler iwohe'toe fielt ho Tfas Vary-'iddbh al ^^B^^^iJr^tiB Bls'.drUnkio IW</8*iTe. \ oil ■ Kiii£oa{(;ijBE.—AJonydoctoraaidthatpeoplewbowerapmmpt in their paymonte ahraya recovered in their aiokniaie,! as toey ware good. ouatomeiB. and pbyalclans aonid not aSbidtoloaa A good hint and a senoibla doctor. A BfawAosB^—^Aabowman'exhlbitlngw^iciore, aald^ " Fi^h t and gentlemen, thei»is.DanloI in tbe den oillona. Ibesaaratoe' lions and that la Dantol, wboiD yon wlB easily distingalsb ftom the lions by his having a blue cotton nmtaella under Us an " iLsau. ELoquzsoB.—A Western lawyer perorated thna: ."Hay it pleoao the Ccnrt, I smell a rat;. I bear ite daccitfol mnalo brew». tog to the gale, aad by toe help otjuatlae 111 nip it to: tha bud."- Ooimia'T Flat.— Home Toots being aaksd by George m. wbetoer he played at cards, replied, "Mo. your BaJesty. toe ttot is. I'oannot bell a king from akBave."">'.: Adion.—'Most tiagtoactois, however anitoUs to mike'a senaa^ tlon; wonldratoer see tbe tiers toll of-eye» than toe eyea fun ot tears., - ' ' ■ ' ■ ■•■ ■'' ''-■■ n ', .BuALU FilifiTiTi'R—MaltouB' vadtba i nsi-'in great concern of mtod, to know what la meant brtoe Bigo wUia he sees-tovail- 'piu parte pf.thsdty::**I'<uniliesaup01ra oy the qnarkT: '. ' - '..:Hii>jnH iszBB,-^ oomedlanon being'adied why be .played the fool, replied, vFVir the aams reason that you dor-out ofwant.: 'Tou^db. It for the want ef. wit, and I d.o it fbt.toe'want .of money." '','bAiiiCD(.-^WIvit: can be moiv fbollsh than to. toisk-tbat.SU thla nrefkbrte pf heaven and-earth could oome by chance, whsn-aU toeakUlotartlanotabletomakeanoystert .: : Dirr;UiULT Ttoas.T-Notbtog la mora easy tbto to do misobief; nothing IB mora dilBouU than tosnfl^ wltbont oobipUntog. A FaicooiorpB TODTB being aaked to bis ga( toey raised to Souto Oatolliija,'replled; "They gers^ and cotton, but now toey . an ralstog toe 'devlL' blaaawbat raise nig. Wpzn ouB our noss ovKB, we let otoera drbbk tbe drops that fiall, 'ba't not a drop'trom wllhto-toerim; tod we ooiUphMMihtly Golltblaoharlty;'^ . '■ '." ..-.'- . : . aanr knlte two hearts to etoses bbndv'ibto Jdy ever ctoi tod oonmion sufferings ato ikrS|ropgey tbto itbmmm -' r^ iMB POWIS FOB 8Aia);-i^ainSthBn Dofworf,' XJT Ltooaster. Pa., Importer tbd!Breedorof GAME FOWLS. OltimiMKG tS ALL ITS BRAN0HE3.^Mr, OBOnaB'.a fWWkut.-bsTiiig' gont to toer War, lanr'prs-' V during bis absonce, to buUdi every description of boate, ft thirty pound race boattosbUp's lbng boat' t'havcsB^' cbredtoe servlcos of JAS. MAOKAT, toe oclebteted rooe boat bulldar. Ifyouwtota ibstbbat sond your.'ordbrs to toe oSee; 868 Souto street. .Boat -bulUtog estobllabment, foot ot luth at, HorJamBlvor.- Spoon oars made. : - '■ ' , : ■ '' .*Mf.,,; ■' !.,::' . ■'.. BTBPHEt^'BOBEBm'- .-li^-i-LI:-—: • ■ '.■-•-■'•■ -■ ■■ ■■■■■■ „TU8T PDBLIBHBD—Price 6 oentor^A New EdlHoi iJ of UULVEUWELL'S celobrated'XeUture bn'toe'Errora of Tobto; toebr Oonsoqaenocs, Treatment tod OuM,'''Malled, peat- ~)>ldi,on receipt of price. Alao, "Onlverwbll'f Oreeh Bboki on' :(iandUarrlodlJib.'.> VMpe as dents. Addrte - ' - . > im*, OH. EldNE ft Co., m Bowery, N. T., Pest box 4(86. "MldBbSCbPIO -JSOARPr PINi.-43oatalnIair views IVx .taken flcom Nator^Fronob importotiont.'': Sentto'setled envelbpes. PrloetXtO-^tfarseforte. P.O.Bo(ia«,it.T. e-ltf B A 0 t," .. XV - >':: Bays tbe 6 cent Monthly, dt ' I ,., ■.:.-.,,/ ..KATB -VAOGH;"- ': '.■■.■•;:.-. "■;-, / ' .. -, .' .'oa );;: -I-' - ■■■■■•':>■ iV ,■ 'i.-i'> ',. 8PIDEB8, W£B9:Ain>'9IiIS8.'-' "-'<i> "'! ' -Tbs Baiisatlon Novelette,-s«nt-by mkU.toi TWi aant'by--::-r. . : DAT, Tbe AntooKrallsber,'MewBav»o, Obfi]>,'i. '','19*Agentswtoted.' ■.-. . ^- /S'flHAT,:]g06pi; FAN<)t'fljj JJr UgAe, now-ready,, sen*.«te«i ,-fltot-ft4e. da,appUbatlon. BcndJbr ac(lmtl«toOaulq^el^. Addr«a*.>i.'-:.i)'r.' .''.- >'. -, mte,, \, .-. ':{-;-.•'. o»>»iiiKisa'*:oo:,-iipdi;'iaoir. ■ - i^.-tum ' ,(.';-j;[:'(.i;<w^f«ai',sB''Utfir(uJ9V'(!/A,t^v'jiu)JiU B 1 BIL L ooMBiKATioN cnamoNB, 'Protected by Letters Patent dated Feb. IS, ISM; Oct SB, 1 .'Dbb. 9, UtT: Ju. la, 18W; Hpv. U, 18n:Maioh». WitM r-f . BeptemberM, 1880. . . . ,:'' : Thb'retent Improvpatote to these TabUs moke them naait./' passed to'toe world. now offered liiiiiiliji^lllii Timiwl players aa combtotog speed wlto troto nere^ befbraobtatosdl^.v: inyBIQlard tobls, . AIbo^ ■.. '; . :• - ''(r PHELAN'S:NEW. BOOK—"The Game of Bini«agL» 'v; <to edition, enlarged,!revised, fflustiated with addlthnial A^ 'V grama tod a portrait on steal ot toe autoor. Price, one ddU''--'' elegantly bound,. Stot' by mall; postade' flree, on receipt of nkK'' - Addreiq,: PBELAN OOLLENDEB, 63l6#67,ud680iPaby'stra» -—~— .. —-— . V „. . — . Q. ^a^.B■A T - B O 'O K, SIl^^ . . . ; JIEW' :BO0EBI NEW.i BOOEBrtV.' DOni VAIL 10 BBNP.'I^^B A- 0A T,A:L,0O :! OTIB lUnr OAIAXiClaui) HOW BKADT. ' - .J ,' ,-, ', EfeHT ranit^lfOBXAOB PAJi>-oiT.iAnLioAnqs^«> fBZ t)!^ igjABUpHEb'Ain). OJlijr BELUBIfit^^ "'' '. : '. icsD mvi^a^^^ -., Addnia.'^OBQimbumBT,, Var^^ .1' , ■r'- :'--' ■■^■v;;.'^:,'iMHasMnflta^WTo^,V^ ■■ ' ..^ I? Off' 7kTO:W3fIiLINa UPWARDS OF-lOeO OOPlES 1^ JJN' :'! ., '-.' . ■ ;: '::''^V , WBBK.;, ''■ : r- . - -. .v '' f'-»rT-*- '*v.;.!',::;.-i: .'^;:'■ :■ ■ ■'■ V .. ^.^.'I^^'O^AO'y.:; '■ :'.*''.4^B^'fi^p^Jd'i^'^^ ;■ I ' '.'.^'HJi .. . ■ ' ,v; i ,'■; B.B X J?'A.'L '.y;? B O A-H I S'U.' ^ .,■,"'.; :....:.•, ..JAMEq-a',jAaK36Ni'M.J). ''.'.!. •<^'£Ktttssk'.&tUs vplnme.afe upon subjeots of-toe'tdiadtt. % lapoitanoe to a physlclpgical potot of vlew.-,^^^33ieae sultfeets aifr' v handled ;to, an able laanner. Tbe avtoora .ara medical men pf:' ' lam exDsrlaue; and-the -advice which toey give la Maud, and:'''', rateable.'alike to the. gnldtoce ot .parento tod to toe banatt of. toe young. A peruaal' of toe work will do mnbh 'to' aecns ^' hsaltbymania^todbodilyftinotlonp;.«bl]e tosnllbrtoghunuilyp'-' itoObtsludlalana odvlce. wUoh may sato many ftom cpnpBs^'^ ting toeir Bufferings by resorting to quoi^ doctora and bmpmctf' treatraehf-BoetonJonnud. ; ■■ ,• '.-i. "Should be rood by all pld enough to understtod tt"-^Walar<^ .Cure JoumaL , - . . : " It will be. tbe source ot much good; being preparedwltoeare^^V and ftomatandut knowledge."—Boston Traveller, ' ^ > '->'--' : -' "iria a book for the times, ud should be to' every jkmny."-^-- WorU'bOnjtoCBoaton...-' - ■.. -. •. V V^.. '^'AnhdnestpfforttodUrDso.usefUlinrormation. Uostfiopidap-''^ /wods dn this kn'blbot' iiie toe ravene of this, and^artf'tomS^"^-' veriiiemanteof quacks.''—^^ymoutoBobkr^. .. .T; ":-;r -<A, valnabto aAdltipn to medkal Utertture.'.'-^Bostan Tkuft.'' VBlMUetook'for'tobafmcted,'todtoranwbowi)nldBOtT)«; Itsc<ra5Bfi(s,»)(e.of peat import(mce toalL''—Borton<Jon8iBtt,.'. ,'tlonaUsL -,,(-■ • ■ : / "Pontaiiv itirapdca informatloi^tbat ehpuld'be known and act' -*'' by «lther.» professional or non-prpfesslpnal reader.. we are; tojdvocating a senenu reform of our aoolal :habls »^ opportailtlef Ibr physical improvomenf, we hail wlto deUobt anr suggestive, influences: toat may be brought to bear npOn vginrS-- .yortte ltoe of action, (ome from what quarter it may. Wetoere- ton take great plaasnre to recommending toe above volnae to a fair tod ctodld consfdoratloh among all olassoe. Eveiy chaDter - ia-valuable, tod aB thosubjcctoof toose ohapterBarewebchCMm. ppjton Iswrtttt to' aU giod works.' "-N. Y. CUpper.* "^l™ pOLtABB. Bent to onv addr££ SendordeiS .tothe jnbllshtr, . . .. B. LEvSlBTT EMEE80N, ' '__'..! 130 Wasbtogten strceb Boston, Mass. -.lOrV-K^a Axr OTBEB Boos, this will teaob the reader'bow ' to preyent, tod perjp'toently Com, .nvsar vobk of sexual dl^'' ease ton derangement, wltoont feeing or consulting toydoete* -' whatever. Ijp otter mod^ book has evor received suoh conti'- mtodanons. trooi fbe Preaq, Get tbs Best. , - . : 15. if BO 0 E Bl . B O O K Sll 'B 0 O K 8Hl BPOETIMO ABTI0LE8, OABDS AMDjlPRnnS ' , ; «• • i.^!^ '•'FABBHia,; Bbokaellor. 16Aim Btreet, K.T. -■ ■ «**?.*'„**'y'»rlely,'eltoer Foi'olgnnr Domestlo.lbrriehed' - on applioattcn. ParUea dealrlni booSa'ot toy dS2riSto.T .„' Bondlwaddiw.poetjold,willrtoplveImpiediate aiSbn8on, tL r Sj^sSfS'S?^*"^??^'^" inayBbo ad»^rtIaad„w«,.. 1 T J?'H!5,^?i5i"*«'' .OeWogues sent on »ppliatloil7 Addiesb^ JtaSt,?H^^;'^^^"-*°^^'^?^^^ ^W". oSbb^ of 'W).v&t and B?yiSi)<^afEre, k. r.' 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