New York Clipper (Aug 1862)

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1 • r—TT i (■ jaOKLfflOE TBOBM OFJBE WOBtD.- ^ , ''GytSSsBlte, i O. W. 0HAKLK8, J. W. HILTON, • ., ;:x/3S^ FHAMKLE8LIB, - laTII^B UAO. OB.AND BB.QPBJMHa,:,,. . ■ " ' ,tt' i -.aBW„Tiri«tT of BongB, Dbbcbb, Bprleeqne*, Jl«n<itlo)» 'ttmib.'to.«. ItoFiitl(nilu8B««t)Ulaottbs.d*T. ..■•.•.■r>-.VHDIIffW( \••.^;^.1!.■'e'(.;■l■•; r • 'iJiCv :.t'/y .V-VI." ..J'w;-:-' ,r(OBtij' > >-■ '■■'f IL'IUIiIi. ' f:tS'Ul» BL KlttholuHotd.' D': >'-SoI< Propiletor ind Kanimr;' . 'imiEKSB BUCCBSB. OTEBixo^vnia BOUSES. MOBBKOTBWIES. WONDAT, AOOUBT 25, Ani <TBi7 jertnliuf dnrlnff ihe ireek.'- WOOD'S KIMBTBELB, »,T^i.»<(lHBi(0SKL'TBOTJFE OF THE PBOFBaalO H: - . unB-SOBR.'CTiBISTFOX.I'BAllKBBOVEB.'OOOLWEtTE, 6i',vrXUSMaaO;:0.'' HENBT, H. PEBOT, Yl. (OSSS, ' 'm-B. noBEiroB,tB. bohwioabdi, p. B. IBAAOS,' b. ibaaob, .' ■QAirit:<uajaK<iVk,n. eablau. j. lewis, H/ismfl,"' ■ .at/i:^-::" - Ct- TOMBBIOgS, Jr., &o.. AO; , te thdr • pji'J,.'-'- I'-i'SBAWTNO BOOM ENTEBTAlRUEim. ' ' tSDMii T;- Oomfienea At 8 o'olooK Adialrtton 31 cAnf ';: tO'iKocomMeUMiriUi tny other nonpe tanunliieUe nttb^of •!'<liMiifin«iU>«HBRB, VBWJa Tiio-wBBiDQaits Vs^^S^Tl HOCBB, BOBTTpN, MAPS,.; ■ . . : j Jii^ eatabllBbmeiit irill ,,; „ ooiodsn TBBB miTH BianuB suaoii 1 .; ,/... . jfffgjj^Y EVEHINO, AUQ. oil BB^'IHBBS, PEIX & TBOWB^IOa^'B. UIHI ' " ' '<toilBl(f;of tlie lbllowliiA Oentlemen itOBBia, MESOOXT.'. inSEBT;, . "D BE^, ' .„ . .—,—BOULNKIDEB, jJO ■(<■• • re •^.■.^AEDBAII, ^^E. BOWEBS,': . : H. LOTHIAK,. '. ., . .' B. M.-OAB BOHi, J. QUEEN,' : .F.WILMABTH,- . B. FBEDEBICK8, J. 3. BILUABD, ■ -. xi:;j. uAamnns, X,'A. .ZWISSLJBS. • Si. '■ii^irliiiiufimfiDt call p^cnUr notlc«.ii> the ibdre.dlstlii- '•■JM* ' '•'^V'-, ■ • • • • Ion HOBB|0,,ilbBiger. nAVP BBT.T. tmia fg:ir.eiM(mta fbr New Toik Stite and i ■'•*?' T apja toeom i ->Tii> . !,,.;W^ »i PIEBcnk ■■•iiS.-.-M'.Til^.S. iHABTEL," . O; E. DAnSON, KfT01fPZIN&: 1 of the followi ng we ll iBHnmAtMitoi XtiBEINOLDS,' ' -v. .D./EAIMBB,,-:-; ! ■ WU..II0CBAOBBN, ' - : UutarHABBT.WELU.1 .' 3. T. BAmOND,'Agant ■HCtii rtpii '^VHEVA1l3b .'BOSIOH,; . JOI'8. . , o ■ r.i'oi. 1 ;f.v" B'AVBL- TBOITTB,' ^ . . - ;,, ■'VnoM' gie>i 'fD«ce«s tt mlfTuermfo^tUttftfnliTMte liu'iarptSed (B <)thir Atiliti erU knows Idrffiitcib do^g.fhe SonmietBAiaoii,wffl ootnmtece an-eogi^ettiiait;^!tttli.''<MW UOHSAT EVBMINO, APOUST 18, 1863, ' " I udf^UowliiAniabta.. I The I^ve oomiMfti the foUoMnruat'oUsa Aitliti: ' ^■ ANHEITA.OAliEm; ■ • :-i,A. U: HEBNANSEZ, AT. Jl UBBTinO OP THID-u ACTOR'BZORDBIF OF FV;iEin)8HJP<". hell at. th4lr'jo«m,.PhlUd«lpU^ ipS^ lirlUt^lfiwtAgretoldUoilswiN.iiiuuilinoaalradopMa}^ I '' ■Whireaa. Ifhaa pJaa<*a an all-wieis PiOTitfenbe.ttj fimvye ■ InlaaLB^<^Ulo^W^J4iH A. WOOD,,anawl)?was.we iKoin'oTir : UONS VELABDB, . ... • j MONaLEEOIAN.i' '' UOSB A. BEOBIST,' :•, MOUB P. BAVKLi-;..- . ! .HONS P. BBBO^' - ' I. UOSB DEVEBNIiV'' >. ■I.. UUSUABIA ZOB, i'.'U0NeA.OB088I, ■ , . . UONflFi BEOBIBT, . . Si. B. TATE8. . ' HBL JAICB8 PILOBIU, , jnt w./Dxn;.AMT, . ■ ., .11. JAOKBON STEIMEB. ^ OBAND..00BP6 SaKALLET, The Cflebiatcd ' ■ » ■ ■ ' ' -■'' BAVEIi PANTOMIMES. I , " NEW AND SPLENDID ATIRAOIIONa' ', '. . ■ or- 1.. • I ■^^ SXTEAOBDINARY BBILLIANOT - . ■• ■ ■ . -Et TBB' • ■,':'>'■••'■ ... . . OOMBINAXION OF STABS, . Wh^aiaacknowlcdged'tobetha ' ■" ., VZBT BEST ABTWIS OF THE AGE. ' ,: . .IStC.. . . '. JiUBS PZLOBIII^ BnaineaalUnager, r<'AHBBIOAH'TnlBlA'FRB, - ! . ..BAN FBANOIBCO, OALIFbB]^ ■ ' W. It.LEIOBTON,...SoleLeaieeaadUanager. ' BHEBlDAN00BBTK,'..v.'vi'.'...'..AetUi8lIaiuger..' '. ' Xhe lAihUo ate T^Mfolly Ifafbimea'that'tblf beaiitUal Thea- ' ' haatieen'tiWneawlUl'th* '' ' " ' i ■ -^REATEarr OOMBINATIOH'Og . ' .. . . • OPHHATia AND DEAMATIO TAlfiNS;, . ' . ,' ■ BraroonoetitbtedInanrTheatraIn'tlilaetato.-indrfaing':-:.:;., ' - UBS; W. E.'LEiaBIDN; ' - HISS LIZZIE PABKlfB, , lta. J.'E.8»nnaert, ' BSne Soh^anile,. ;■ • : ■': V - Mi^aMBwhrtij, ■ V • MA-BrnrtD, -.V iMlas7;Lanl, ■ ' ' ■ Hre.0.'B.:Ii«ke,';' 'i.i ' '.]lr. A:B<PheIlii^ . ■ ' ' FwakMMO, •':, ■John Wood, ' B.'W.tiaoh, ■■ • iJ:-.- D.'O. Andends, "': . ■E.-H; Thayer,' • • ■ ■ O. B. Lodke, ';■ 0. L. Qravea, . •• -I-' ■' ■ ■ ■■ ' ■ W/SohranMadter, ' Big-BoniooreaL naaPOWEBTDL OBOttUB'^D ORGBESTRA. ' Artleta ^Mttes CaUfbTiila' ahbnld -rlalt thla magnlfleent Dnir Batto Temple before esgaglDg elaewbeie, as Itls far the bta- (it'addmoat oAmttodlona Tiieatre. -The Management of thu Home haTe ilao the odntrol of Uie principal Theatraa In Stbcktoil midBaotamanto.^'' . * '" ' ; , 53-tf ! BIBlTROPoiblTAn TBBATBE, UontgraaeBr street, between Washington and Jaefaon . : SAN FEANOIBCO, OAL. . . - lfX>^Qt "'-}'^^^'^'^'^- l": ■■ ' ■ J. B. BOOTH, stage Manager, L, BOEOnDT, MnalcalDlnotar.' ' ^ THE STAB COMPANY-OF OAUFOBNIA. "SBOtt OV AStOBSIOif. Dress 01r«Iei.i:^.;^ii;.-.^t<-n I^OrohsiMSMtat. Parana^ J...,.60 cts ] 8e(!ond^OlK)Ie.., . Box Offloeigpenteiln 10 A'M; tO'l P'.'H: ' Beats Meaiti three days In advance. ' Oalifond^ SbOPia T fynftTnt m^ \h*L y p. TJliL, itor of .<he:Tiirletles and BayjiA' Park, San ' AUan nieatre; Saanmianto; and Iheatnta . "'■ ■■. lo-tf i , , '.-^Mf^'S^L haVa al*#ys recpgnltid. 1". bln» a, goo4 MAi'.o^W.iPW'bL-. bodnd to us'by the' ties of Honor, Tinlon, and Jostlff, thereon Besolred„Ibat4n tho death ;of Brother WOOp «e,monm the loas of one Vfho,^by bl? pi^va^e worth and' pro(oaal,dnal excel- lence, bis madq binisolf^steeiaod and.-.beloved by.aU plfo fi^^e? him', ' '.. ''. .'.''-,.. ,' .' ■ ■ ','i'l-. ■'. • •' BeaolTed, That we tepder onrmoet'slncer^ avmpatby.and.con- dolence. to his beiiaved ^dow; ii^d family In ,t}ilalhelr 8T«*V*'' fllcHen. And flirther bo it,. , ,1, . Jtes.olTOd, That (her Biotbto of thja Order attend the fnneral In a body,' •wearing tho nsaal symbol of moamlng. / ^.: ■. me members or the theatrlciu profession, and members of the ''■Natloilaiaoard" aro,resj)eclfuliyJnTlted to co-opfratewlth fhla OlderIhtesUiying,their respect, and.reg^ towards themem- bty-of tl)elr deceased Brother and Assodata by attending , the fbntoral from bis late rosldtfacei.No.llIU .'Wornook street, Snndur afttnoon, Angast 3d, at 2 o.'dook, to proceed to Olenwood Com- 'eteiy. IHOUAS McKEON, President A. 0. of F • OEC""" °-'-'--' S.B.. Stan gfau«'Is'-llsa- ^^t»i UtUfll ' UI» ' BfPglO HAXJU, '" ^ '';':' < LATE BfT. Lotus OPEBA HODBE, ■ . I'^Snrio thla ton tide Of snceessftil bnalness. . % IBB LABOBST. BAITDSOMEST. AND MOST OOHPLBTV n . ■ . .( ..(mraia HALL IN THE WOBLD. ^'-nmrOMBt of the well-known - ;-l.'>l',.-lT- :.. .-511 . . LOUISE WELLS ■ • EQUE^IBIAK ABD DE AMATIO TBOOTB, ■. I'' •' ■ ' '•'-QO HBlBnWd OT LOmSB-'W^LLS, MBB. 'WH. SEBB, " '-' -' • . V.5. UdtftallStTidofHaius..'.'.' ' - •' ' t y.atpresen tconalBtB'of ' ■ - • ■' rKAfHLEBN OTtB II,, NED BEBBT, KATE PENNOIEB, ■ ' -:' ..'^. .« FAinTY THOMPSON, .. fi?l^iyv^;^'•r;t lIS5ZT WALBT, ■.'..ji;'^/ OEUAMOKLET/- .'.^a.t/o'-; ^''•^••^TOU••HAHILTON; • ■•'v jBEr*'!- i< '«AIB'PABTIHaTON; ■ - •'■ LIZZY HABDDra,,'. •tft-sinyj'■■rtXEmA^most-- ,l.r«7V.--.";..>jji-TE|trE0iaOIiEi ."<'V o^ii^ jaMbf-aSaiit Aiemlien. :. V JimtHOB BALLET TBODPB OF SEVESTY;' ' ilri,r . «.■> an rj , . . mGN0BOON8TANTmH, BaIletMaitar.' ' . . THOB.,HIXOH, Bcenio Artist, . ! -I .-1 ^^i )! : i'•■'' ■ ttE O.'OH U'i'OHglEIJ), 'ir«iil<ltifc t 1 V ,t j lanii ■> ■M-aw nw F8EBEBTBXBEB,'Leader of Otbhestn.'., ; wtmiatilftoieOompany e ttislstl n gof ' \ •'." '■ • ■"•-i'! ■,..,i{t.l>!ii i.;. 1: " .i laoHTY MEHBEBS. : .' 1" .''■:''■,"'*•• i . dBUas of known eioellenca desiring engagimenla, x!fn.'' ' ' f<Ic<Tl '44Udrtta ' "OEO.'J.DEASI^ Varieties Mdslo BaBj ' SfcLqnU,,Hlaao.nrt,' TOM CONY, LESLIE MAY, E. N. BLOOnH. S.'B. PpKQEYi' . ntOK F OSU'Eft V " Bnj,Y-BEEyi^"*'' • GOB pbeebb: job:mdbphy, : U'.J ';^->iiiBi^Fdi:jrrAB TARiDTiiteB, ■ WHITE...;.7.;... si ; ro"!" iCM BB PL ACE of ;-l^ '99BB 'ItiBGESI AND BEST COMPANY IN '.THE WEST. ' ■•^.yl^^-^i-^;. THE BEST 0B0HE8TBA IN THE-'ffEBT. - , • TfK^CVmi}'^^^^^^^'^ 8TAaE'AND>3SNEBY.:: .! '^enV Stan of the Copcert Halts treaty wlfh oa' '^'niinloatfons from the Profession solicited.' .■■■l.'m;bayle88, I .1'-.iir:'Matrop6UtanTarietles«'Ditroit,'Mloh. ! SB'HAUIi,.- • "''itV"-" ■ I! EOOHESTEB, H. Y. ■ :^j4!UaB«irand.Gonnn(idlonsEal], Jostoompletcd, isnnsnrpass-^ \i.MII(it BThlhltlona, Oonearts^. Leotures,^ Falra, Parties, tia:, and- Jiwa largest QalllaWostem New York. It has connected-with: '.'Jttftdtaof'.Booms for.dressing and dining..pDZposes;(ogathari J tidUt'loihar modem ^proTaments;. and will be todted at'pricee< . :Aiiat.villlndnas.ihe paDllo to prove Ua aoonatlo propMes, which' '''J«M)I*ononBCM,mirivs]lea. . . Addrass . .'a>>}';<'r:ii;t','<.(-' JABBZ OOLI,INB,-Bochester,N.Y.', - '<' ':<;V1^-. c.'.)k;^i.\ ; .comer Main and Clint on Stteeta. - ' '' orA. E. FULLEB^ Agent. lATBSBiBi. LotJl8,^Mo.v:;' ..'. ...'.'..-.;.'.'...',....'.,'. I ,Pr<i|)ilstbr,' . - ..StageMTthagsr. ., , _'Iddiu'iuta OfUtlemen lents' ■'"' i;y • . '■ ' . JB MASON. • " . X.T.-BOYODB. <TaTO:'TH0MP80N, OHA^LEI^ LEWIS, 'XBONO^Ai ' •■ ; Ji. 0, OAldtPBELL. t; "HEDUB OUF^BD,'.: ■: ' Btt'WABD OBPEN;'''''' "■'V. '^dma oliffobd;' ind-'":'-' '^" ■. - ' ■ ..^.v.^rTT'^OBEKI^niB'S BILVeB OOBlfET BANDi' '':' l''l<iifflU'imd<>intladkn appMsg wiU address IVJ^: ■■r,,.rj^ WT..- B,.'E8HEB, St IiOtllS, Kb. ■m^'^^iU'' SRiNTiNa^SiLuSffimmni ^inl ^jooB wobu> i . rfr*iik';' ;(..-QtABEY k .BEXLlBT, ,., ■'.■rttfrt X' P,^IX*BB B! .Arfb 7:e N OfiA'fa^.S, ' ,.19.andUSpnicaBtreat, New Yorh, . if^ attention to getUsg np all Idnda of,. VirAljOY..BH,5.* BIT- - ;3, . ,^ . .. ,LI,«„„ .., .. . , tjComp^ea, anaiiave on hand alarga aadqlaQdid lijlijij ^d.;.-.v),»<»b'taS,?t'Of laraoandanjaU v j'- '■!' :• lte>;wi.,jy ':>J[,0,OP OUTS'.; ; ./ .'.■-;.■.,.-..„ ~ ^^r01rpnssos,'£oSMorlea, EthloplanPertonfanifajm- S'Blf^'iUi-^'Vii):!)'!'^hloh can be pilniod in pne or mom ,.>o,aqlton4tomers. . -. < ,. i ' depositreq'nire4Qn an workordeiod. . .^ i 'sts.^ddrof Bed to "OLABEY, k BEILLHX," Won Prints Engraving Je^^btlshineot, 14 and U Spra^estieeti New ' promptly attended to, ' ,■ i f. ,ilS nanolsoo; lha.He iDMaijsvlJ^'ana,! IS THI EATK B,, t -UTEBPOdlH ENGLAND. Tl^ My.u^iut u^eiy bea^tlAiI theat^ Is kei{| open dar- of acknowledged position and talent negotlaied.Triiti, for long or dMirt atagagemeuB, as'mntnalj^rtsts may reonlre.' ' A^i^ ' ALBL HENDERSON, .iBtt ■ '' ' ■.' ■ . .'v Bole Lessee and Proprietor. . 'OAHTKIBBCBT.BALI,','' . , . : WABBINQTON, D. O... ^ . i ■ : \ TBE M0D£L, OONOEBT HALL OF THB.WOBLD. The Company now engssed at this popnlar place la ^.t.;.-. ... TONE.OP THE BEST IN AMEEIOA; . (IJ. ' 4^ Ladtas liul.'Gantlenfn of'acknowladged'abiUly wishing angagemaotswinaddrefa.. vj^"(: . . ' ..iv^-' . GE0.tPEBOIVAL.fc:Co.,".' . .■ u | r.. '.^ -■■ • , - Waahinglon, D.'O. '. < T.H>Hm 'v WAT.T.^ Alftianflrla,.ya,«. ' ' I tindisrthe same Management. ... A]],bnsinea Isttcn for: both placea mnst ba dlrected to Wish- lngton,D,|a.^ • *Mt '''BB'W-'iii^lUWIB'THBATRB.^jUdijss and OadOameB wlsUInt engigSiiieDisfar the FaU'end'Winter'Seasbif; tin fflak^ application by letlar, /addressed in care of N. Y. Oamn,). nntil 'Ad.'''25ifa^aftai'that'8atv. n^aalf b^ Adimt'w^ F, A. TANNEHUiL, Manager,. , ' " : i. ■ •:. ■. r:.- .:: 1 KewUjmiphla,Theatre. | -':',TflB'iiTItB AqiAX, 'QDEBEO.— XadUs. and Gentlemen in the Theatrical Piofekston desirous of engsgemenis for a shori aaasoi),.cana|ldrey,p(»tpatd,-., iBANH.MABDEN, - - I . . ■' ; .' .','TJieatraEoyal, Qnebeo,. j 1T..B. '.A gcod Dailaensa.T^ted; none but thbseof acknowl- aEpRQE W. JOSNBON, Seciotary^prp tern, iOADEUV OF KUSIO, . I CLEVELAND, OHIO, i The ladiea and, gentlemen of the company Mll please take no- tice that this theatre will open on the 8th of < Sapiember, and t>^ InreadlnessforreheArsalontheSthofsaldmontb.:''-' ' ; .. : JOHN A EIXSLEE, Manager and Proprietor. ! WAjntD iMVEnniBLT,—A yoong and attractive lady for cham- bermaids—must. sing. . Also, a'lstwalUng lady,'heavy man, Ist walking gent( 2d bid man, and prompter. ' / . gtaisUbenlly treated with. . ' ^O-tt , ' ill OALLQWHILL BTBEET.'PHIIADELPHIA, ' Will open on or about the 1st of Bept ' ' Ethiopian perftifmers, Dansensas,iVoosUBts, Comedians, Comlo Singers, OymnastSi Ladies of the BalleVfto., ic, wlihlng engage- ments, wlUappIy unmediatsly to - wiTiT.TAM anrf.BR, It': Uelodeon, 431 Oallowhlll st;, Phllad'a. adged iibUi^n'eefl'aiiidy. iX- ViSD^, Acting Manager." WAHWD'IimBDIATEIfT,'for the FaU: and .Winter Bfaspn,ranPldHi>n,: a Heavy Man, and * Jovenfle Man. / Nona but .thosa of "acknowledged: ablllty .n eedla pply.-, Blitte lowsst tannsk 'Address. . ' D. BANOHEIT,%eBtre,'' - .' ' .*.a(Mt..., !,..•.-, :'i -.1 '.:;.• ■Oobonrg.-O. W.'.; ' IjOUIBTIIiIiB inB'n'BBi-^e re^oUi'Fall and win. tsr Season of the above 'Establishment'will opth-'on MONDAY,' Sept, 1st Ladles and. Gentlemen of the Company will nieet In: theQHen'Boom,'Atg.'80lh;'at'l6M'o'bIock; A. U. '' - H :;'aO-lt* ' ,'',', Q^--F. FULLEB, Lesseieand>Iiuiager^. ' ■|lriI.'H.'VfBOBNT'(or'fidksbjf,J .'formifriy .of White's Oper^ H.bnse,:N(i^ York, ^d |nbw bejn California,' or any person knowing his whereabonta, will please send Us sd-i dressio FBANK'JACKSON, care FatMi Qpizir, audoonfers 'favor on bis fHends. ,. . . , suti ' -.OBOVBB'B 'I HKATRB, WABBINGTON, D.'C—The^ Season commences SATURDAY, Ang. SO, 1881, Lad ies an d Gen? tlemen engaged will please be present im rehearssl' TBURBDAY: NOON, Angnst 28. Each'person engaged'wUl-please oddrimf a letter immediately npon seeing thla Advetilsement,' to thb nn-' :derslgned. -Ballroad .Tlckels (or thiAie - reqnlrlog'will M' at' , AdamsH, B. Agen(7,iMetropolltan HoteL.N.'Y., on Wednesday,' Ang.2T. . LfiONABD'OBOVEB, Washington; D. O. 20-l(*j VnBATRIOAU iMANAGERS.-^AM'CANTY.'Esg,, tho' wen known anthor of several of odr most popslaF aramas.'navlng' last completed the patrlotlb sketch entitled, ^"The Traitor's Dreom; or, The Bonnlon of the North and'Bontb;" consisting of a sbrlesbf ScSnte sod Tabloanij wlth'lOOO IilthogTiil'hs ropro-i senting the dllNr^t Tableauxi la now pn)pared,'wlth hlseaUre Trbnpe,' to ta^e.engagements for six or twelre nlghti. MonagOtiB, wlshlng'lo eniaia the CANTY TROUPB, dm do sbby applylniri ;to JAA OONI^i Theab^'A^c^^^ fliv \ OAUIFORIVtA .THBATRICAli Adi$ltOTXsBISI-. DAN' OOBBYN would reSptetfulIy inform mebihentbf the dra- matio, Udslcid) or £()Aestrlan'p'roIbssions, thaf^tibas established ^ Aeehoy'in Ban Kandscbi add Is prepared u) negotiate esgago- tnimtsand-tMnsactjUotho^'btismess pertainlhg to tho pro- fession: Addrb|8 SHEBIDAN.<!ORBYN; San.Franolsco, Oal.' ' N.'B.—AB letters reqnlrlng ansWers 'bust'contain a stamp tO' pre-pay the'same. ' '. ■ ' - i^^m _^.aiAQICIANB, NECBOMABCBRS, AND IVIZ' '.I'JKIS^t^ snperb and Korgeons cablnet;%14oh'framerlyjbe- jOBERT HFTiTiFB wmtalnlng more modem oipjarl- any parapbornalU ovm'.ozhibUad,'all in perfeoj(Onler, la aniur cases, oonvonlant ;t6r lraTelUng-^vn4bo sold to 'nhargSA'.'.^a price for the whole cabinet fi ^Ive hundred >a9u4m;'wbloh,ts,bn;yone^flfthof the';or:lglnU'))o«^ rAvlelt to SmT' Orleans will repay parties dcslrons;^f pnnhtsing, as the ^Milii^t is of a tar richer, and cbttller desoilptloh . t^an may bo jgalMned 4opi a singleihdvertlsemont '.v^/^" ' '.'Applyto, 'D..BipWEE|L, ;;,'.;-. .'i;;,-.,:>/,; :„:) ^i.J^cademy.of Uu8lo,Kew'flylearie, La. /■XittL^Titia\Lniix\iivnn^Qm /r. ,pOwEB,.the ttoWhratad'IrlshQoitrttfUhibBd Vocalist, aoA of' Ihe.btd Sulpha . 'Xi»V8>V Issm o&ililsiW*y:f»on)'AI>atr*Ua.'. Manogor* ;;aa(aae ihe abdva Artln forvnighte.'OoiDtnenolnir on' Or abottt "*fiJ.)tf;-:i!ftii'':. '''il'/r .'.'". ill;),^:,'l^■Jili.'il.^■.•■^l•^'^l■l■■: •iiffTS.'it ^WOLF'S CONTtkENTAL MOSIO. EAI^L, lata- Continental, Theatre, phlUdelpbla. .First class ^e^^rmerS'treated with on Uberat .terms. Address WM.. WOLF; Contlneiital vMoalo Hall,' Philadelphia,.• •: .',. ,- / ■ ; ,,;-,-'i 14-tf- ieiujon,. co);aifeiuUhg .'oh .or'^about the-'8tfa oli'Be^tember, wui plaaae addr;^, post paid;.!. BT,Ti8TiKB, Jr.^-Uawflei.. ll-tf LtritB vovaL' ... ,. , ' . , <0HTBEAL| OAIfADA... , BTABS doslrons of visiting MontiesL canan ;e.8m» a. w< mob .'BOFiLB'Sv Tfl]BAfl'RB, HABtFOED.—ThlS' new and beau'tUhl Theatre wUl bo flnl«hed on or abont Ih'ii 1st of,Septem- ber. ' Ladiea and!ae'nlleffleq of ao]uiQwlc<1god i^nt, and 8nt class St«;s;' wuh]6g engagon).ehis ilbr the Fall and winter Season; WlU address the TihdoralaneduntDOcUately.. : f 19-at^., I' TB08, .BAAa>TQNt ,BoIa Leasca aQd,'Uansga>i':'i aIlklnascansoonreffOoaengMemoni4|.byspplylngto • ALBERT I£il, Manage; pn^ Pioprliitor Uolodoon, , . ■ , ... •! I-' . . Baltlffloce* 'ir.'B;'I will paymoro kalaiy to gooa^etfofmors'thah any otlior Ooiibelrt Saloon in Ambri^a.'.: ." , ';;' . .; nnil \ :,H ''OVRliBTt^ElR'dO£ !'''"' Wa have letteif. for Mbain. Charles '.B. Castle '(agent of Goodwin 'b Wliaer's- Clroas,)';'B.'Wlllard, Felix Vihcaht, W. 0. Thompson;PaidBerge^,'J.,P: 'Winters;'Joseph Procter, Fred. WlUlame,' A. J. Talbot, a E; Alfmstrong, J, H. Myon,.'and the Misses Ida Grey,'and Anna Diningham.' " ■ .CiTY SIIMMAkY.'• . ■■ ■'■ ... '., MoHDAT,. Ang. SO,'61. ' Time wears on apace," and before another lasne of the Cur- rzB,the summer win have been ended,-and onr absent friends will be pabUng np for home, to. resnme the cares of business, or, perchance, tO'M) drafted as "ball-atoppers'* in the "new levy.V The thbatrlcat professionhaa alrbady a]arg« representation in thb army of'the Union: men who gave np the tinsel show of mlmlo life io'epler bpon the stem realities of a patriot's dn^ to hU. country, when this rebolUbn.flret'aaw thellgbt Somahavegone to that bonme beyond the sea of life, never to return; some have ^tumed to their. fiunllJes maimed and mutilated fbr life, mere wrecks or humanity, but with hdarts etUl heating time to "ttie mnalo of the Union." Others, agaln,'are sttll in the ranks; en> daring, and stiU willing to bndure, every privation of a soldier's life so that the country may'bo restored .to its former glory, ana enviable poaltloh among the m'any nattonaof the earth. Yea, the actor has played well hlapart, and done a good ahais^ towarda snilpiesslng the reI>elllon—and doneitvoluqui^^tob.' Whatthe MmlDg draft mav do, a few days will suffice to inform us. En- g^emonts entared loto betwrtn manager and man may boat onbe'suHdered, and the hopes of both blighted; for the leading heavy, or the genteel, light comedian, or the desperata villain, on >vhom the manager may rest his hopes, may be among the number "chosen.** To be sure. In anon cases, money may be forthcoming to ."take on a sub." The' little people, those poor players who have not . the whorewlth to meet the demanda of sub. stifaites, and who gencraUy have the largest families—why, we cannot tell—will be the aafferers. If Ouy are drafted, they mtist go. Managers wm not miss Oai, grestly; I>eaides,'flMrplaces can be readily filled with, others, now Idle, but who ara hoping that such a "contingency", ibay arise. Some will profit by the draft, sbioe wUl be'rulned^ It comes upon the profession Justss the fall and winter campaign la opening, when the acter Is about to resume active 'operattona after a season of inactlTity. Hie hopes of many a young aspirant for •■hlstrlonlo fame" win be "nipped In the bud''J>y this chilling draft.. "01 that one might read the book of fatejlsnd see the revolution of,the times. • • « The bapplest youth,—vlewbig his progress through, what perils past, what, crosses to ensao,—would shut the book, and sit him down and die." And yet. If come It must^ the draft may touch us all more lightly than we anticipate, and the poor player be left to eke.ont his plttanee upon the mlmlo boards, <nirfa«y i bf' b^g made to perform In a part "altogether out of hla line,"' fbr the beggarly sahiry of thirteen dollars per month, with pork and beans, and "lodgings upon the cold, cold ground,'* thrown In, But "sufficient onto the day is the evil thoreof." .Very few^lacas of amusement have returned anything over expenses dar;iis:tha season Just closing. Probsbly, the "Oremoroe 0arden''r4 ItiSjcaUed—has done as wsU as any other concem. It was a nijw thing for .New Yorkers. It was brought to^publlo notlce.bya grtfat flourish of "printer's ink," adVoAslngIy,:and puiTatory; much was promised—a little was ftaUUled. A large number of per8ons.'Were at first einployed about the'establish' ment, and efforts made to Induca ihe belief that the "Oremorae" was an Immense concern; but the opening dispelled whatever large Ideas might have been entertained of the jplacaf' In soma rsspecte, it^as a novelty, and Introduced somepleaalng features; In others, It.revlvad some very old and very common-plabe per. formances. For some.weeks, bad,weathto operated against the placo, and money waa.lost Tbeb'the number of employeea -was reduced, and-, salsrles were also nduced, the speoolaUon hot proylng as successful as had bean Icoked for. Since the' dry and warm: season set in, however, the patronage haa betn 'more remuneratlva, andtha prollto more "visible.*'' On the whole, howisver, w.e do not think "greatexpeetatlons" have beeb realised.- :Far,a new «nterprlse:of this obaracter,'new people and new ptr.' ./omiances sbonld.have been combined to make a fresh and' attractive programme; Inatead'of this, the manager gave ue'very few novaltles, and-Very few people l^esh In this oity.' One of tho best festuies connected with the entertainments ofDared was the orchestra furnished by Mr: Thomas Baker, flie popular leader at Laura Eeene's. The idea of a "Oremome'Garden - in New York la a good one, and a place of the kind properly conducted by an energetlo ahdllbersl management, might be eatabUehed here on a very profitable and permanent'basis; but to accomplish this,' artists of rare talente and abilities should be engaged, and brought out: in quick-socoeasion.' There shbnld be nb penny-'wlse'and: ponnd-foollsh:polloy^abDat:the buslnees—no stele or wohi^ut performances—no failing, off ln energy or ablll^ when a good' thing Is once nhdertsken; 'Mr; Nixon nas some clever ideas, but he.lacks the stamina te oar^y thom out in the same aplrltihi whlch,they are'concelved;'he is not steady'enough; he has too' many.lnma in the.flre at ronce, and froquenUy buns his fingers In the .vain attempt to :liaa] them out anditrork them np atone and the ssmetlme.Be seems to plan things w«jl enough, to a oertoin extent,-but heneeds a good, enterprising, steady, and go- ahead man to "boas the Job,'* and him, teb, -'whether th'e '"Ore- mome" will bp revived next season or not we.are not advlsed. - Therb's nothing like the mUltair. "star".to fill a theatrenow-a- days. . Co]. Meagher dia good aarvica for.« whUe, andno'w Ool, Corcoran prbmisos to .be the great, luminary. - Already he is aii' nounced to. appear at several places, and no doubt tha preaeuca of (the returned .'pElaoner will attract liiimenae houses: His at.' teh^anco.attheNew.Bowory, towilneaathedrama ot the "Peep o'Day BQ7s"r-the original version-r-wlll prove an ovation, and Mr. LIngard will be able to test.the gapaoity of his theatib to the fullestbxtont' ' . • 1,'.;. As an evidence,of what Manager Butler means to do during the season Justopenlog, wa might rofer to one of hlsilaiest en- gocomshls, ^a( of tUt^s^gnes Bntherland, the ScottishtNlghtin. gale, whbae ohanhlng voice haa frequently been heaifd: in-the ca'uea bt 'cbarlty.'here and elsewhere. -Now, she is singing for her own benefit, dud the amusement and pleasure of horhearers, at the Anorib^ Muato Hall, No. M BroadwaT.-'.The' aeason has openod'sp^haidly, ths attondancabelogqaitolarge. Amongthe how this honsb Is.that of Bam Byan, the comedian; In the Ust of regulars webaw the ever^weloome.Tony Paalbr, Ohar- leyWhlte, L. Simmons, B. Hart) eto,,ete.,ii- ,' .There Is nothing new at WaUack's,' if we except ihe "Corcoran Qulcketep," which is thrown out as a Oqltio bait How strange that wo shonld have all.thesb VOorcoranimementoes" Just as the '."ITnlon martyr" rpaohes home, the.Und-was .thonght of .when the soldier was In confinement among the rebels. Anything for.a.«hBnge,:however;'SO,bqny^p tho'"Oorooran QuIcJlsUip." ,. , . r . ' ' , Wood's nciw.baU.ot minstrelsy will cot into thethsatita ihe coming s'oasori, for It Is one of tho. most onjoyableplacos we have .{n thls.clly; that such lu.tho'genoral imprcsslob, is avldontflrom .tbclargo avdf onces thai hsvo been in attendance ever slhbb the 8Uobo]>onc4, and that, too, through a soasob of general prostra- onbf'bvslnosa. Hie company is now one of the most oomplote land talented over organiz&d, ombradng three great comedians ih.the.persons ot.Eph Horn, Charley Fox,'asd FrankBrower;,B capital mlddlo man and gonoral performer in Oool .White; excel- lent slDgers4n Houry, AucccOf. and Percy; the beatof InatnUnea. .tallsin—comprising soloists of .a high order, vlz.,.P;;B. Isaaca on the vlqlini-Gaxategua on thocsmot; Easlom on ihe-flute;.ahd Abeoco on.fhe.horpi to say nothing of anumtwrof others. All good li^ tholr respeotlvo lines of -buslnoss.., The enteriainmente given' aro of a dollgbUhl oharaotpr, embracing fun, aentinleut, mirth', apd.musl0i.7rbe new company and the neW haU ara tireatly appreciated, and MrrWood: and his minstrels have at o;ica,cbmo into popular favor. ..!: - \- i::,:.,.! i m, : '. .Tho-tVtnter Garuon leads off in'oponlog the fhU and winter dramallbsoaaon, tlio first performance being :set down for this 'ev'onlngjAug.2C.. -Mr. A Wi. Jackson romalnatholoesso and man- ager, .vn|th'Mr. LowlH Bakbr aa stage manager. ' The manager an- hoiincea iliat •■tho house hns-boen thoroughly.refltled,'and tho bhsstb s.n4 boauilful auditorium newly decorated .and palnieA Thus refyoshod, :and -with- ite youth-'renoWed, the (manager obpQdently hopes to, <reteln ifor/< ths; Winter-aarden,i-%e Ugh„foinitatlon it has>>airways, held-: as./ihe- mott'<beauUl\)l d^amaVb. templo , In, New-i'York.!'' How.fool'nandi refitesh* Ing ^e- «uoh .aBnoniibtfnonlai'ta.'w*nn;>weather,'<tad',hDw )if^y4trl*.^4camain«g»r lonake n«b»••Ugb'npuiaitOBi'Vforj urw.i-riiHo laiti-.-ju i-D/, ,'iw»'X' i?.'l,ail"iU ^li'fll ,ii',7<iiil i-u-n I 'a^eaim,'.'''ln'a -hawtpaper'■'adTsiiflsoment;'' b'nt' mns^ Mvial,to^ pargenm. M^.!^ shtykp.of the pen?S5?'» their hOQMs the .oobleat in the fummer, and the warm3 ■m^i bSr the iamftrimpte process Uwy "renovate" ffiS llshments at will, and make each ,ih«atre "pat exo^ theatre of the city. Why ;hould we objeoi! Why a!„„ seek to dispel the swf at deluelon nnaer .which our ma^^M supposed to exlHtf 'Why polht'outthb really mostliS!! theatre, .when'alt are repnsentad so by fSumi in tSST We won't ' Tho Winter Garden intends to ^mn th« through on ihe star polloy, openlsg with a trio of atnT* KateBatoman, James W, Wnllnck, Jr., aqd Edwin Adain Intimated that negotiations are pending with Edwin FomV P the latest French sensation, Mr. Foohter. Vary goodr^*' Cfiasful in getting hold of thosa great tragedians, lei than' night and night about Hi yl I wonldu't that set the lonTB Try it on. General Jaokaon, and see how the recruila wiDtuI to the captain's office. - '"1 . Oubasjis.ln this city, dancing at the Oremomt.'KiJS been. so little noticed lately, thatvsome pf the nro vin«u5." lost track of heir. Nixon is dandng-.heT too long incSri' The onUldo world may forgot who she is before around again. ^ _ . . i Various mmors'aA In'olrbhlatlo'n relative'to the old Wtiiu, Theatre, but In ihe absence of ^Is, we let'-thott'pateHhS present . i , The renurks in our Usu'e of ihe Oth .insioiit, In relaUttbiL removal of ihe .rigmalna of WDliam J.. Bammond - ten! atnyvoaan^ Burying Ground (by, Bt. Mark'a ChurebLr By^grbeti Cemeiery, have not 6| course had tlaio te in— any reaponse from Bngland, .where the deceased actor erally known, and where,'his relstlvea resided. . Dndui required interval, however, our editorial assocktosMS nlshed ua with a few items whicn may somewhat IntcrMa, American public—always iiixlbfls to show Itself reaitdhfl propriety towarda aB fbrelgn artlits; William J. Hammo^ unuoabtsdly an artlsl; and, had cur community tinie,tootn his great merlte, nb obaourlty need rest over bis place rfihu. ment The Ughly, respected correspondent whose rou^ relation to Wlluaih J. Hamiaond itere- qnbtedIh ournSMj article, was mlttaken in Ideating hia first Sppcarancelaa county at the Park Theatre, Now York, and theroforfr^mi^ hasten to give some m'ore'partlculais. Mr. Hammond nik in London, England. - We cannot at present state thsdi he attained s decidedly dlstingulahod poaltion In his pro. Be was the original Bam Weller, and became almost aa 1, as Jbhn Listen in Paul Pry. Be married a alataroffi Jerrold; and,'4n 1813, . he waa lessee of ihe.Tbeabel, Liverpool ' Bavlng a great admiration for this couDiiyi'Mp over here, and made his first appearance on ihe Amerlosa aiNlblo's Garden, on the 8th Aug., 1818,'anddled on Than, evening, the 3tth of the'same month. "Deceased had heenji niiweU durme the time be was playing at Nlblo's, butisn less created a very favorable impression-as Paul,Pry,'aid'i a fair wayto become a-general-favorite-with'our aalk when he sunk under ihe debilitating Influences of the fl which hadlieen Induced by's (ftange of'cllmate; Wehni^ doubt that some of deceaaed'a friends or relatives in EnglaM J respond to onr preylous arUole, and we shall do whatevor n^ to forward their. commublcatlon B to ( he (artleaxohcariedbtal As thi Prologne to "King Benry VIIL" says:— | "Thinkiyesee ' ' The var^ persons of our noble story. As they.were living; think, yon see them great And followed with the general throng, and aweat - Of thouaand IHands; then, in a'mbment see , Bgw aoos this mlgbUneaB meete misery I" ' Something not on ihe bills took place at Wood's Minslitl I 611 Broa4way, pn ihe 1^ . A.prtaenteUon scene 'was inn In the moat impromptu manner. GoL Flank Brower becudst recipient of K pair of gold-mounted eyaglasass, bowed . It acL etce^le, and ondoeed in a neat case. TheColonal begaBl "seo it" in a momenti althongh aomewhat token by surprt end "fkaakly" expressed his sentlmente of gratitude fort honor conveyed by the present as well as for the present K Cool White, themanager, was siso middleman on iUa< snd stood between the present snd the redplent while g expressing. In a few words, the good wishes of the donon associates in that company of nunatrola. After a rejoinder I tiean warmly made by Oool White, who hoped that Mr; tei would always be able to aee himself surrounded by slmllariyti friends,' harmony and hilarity orcwnod the ceremonies of C happy occasion. we now have good reason to bcUeve that W. R. Blike "actllly" withdrawn tho weight of hla influence from " WaDack, and soon "goes to scale*' at Laura Eeenc*s. From various signs and .tokens, we infer that Adah Menken commoncea an engagement at the New Bowery the 15thSept' ' The "most, desartless" place of amosoment' in town,' haa.been thebeautiful theatre on the comer of Broadwa;; Thirteenth street ' "Faust and Marguerite" is in preparafion at'Nlblo's. Ui Hayea nnd Elwyn are doing the scenery. J. B. Robeits Is tol the.Faust and the Dr.,knawa how. TbotcompUmontarytoW.M.Fleming remains among tUnga whlou aro talked abont but not perliDrmod. ', Mrs. (Matilda Boron) 'Stoepel haa arrived in towmritb husband, and they are atprbsent siopptog atthS.Bt Denis tel. Mr. Stoepel u certainly to resame hla phice aa moakal, doctor at Wallaok's. The '.lady la. not ahflldently realqrti health for profesalonal IMsdom of mtod ,at preaont, dT' their tour lo 'the White Mouhtahis, Lake ,qcorge, and. abont ihe KatsHTlB, etc., has somewhat ttltlifated 'hbr' ~ griel- .•'-■: - ' ' ' ■ ' ■, ■ '-•■": . I Nearly all the nobodlea who undenakb to' write abbut cptnll matters now confbss that nobody seema to know what anjM la going to ;dp. That's so. . ThlmbUss are numerous, bnt-fti ars scarce. . < ■■■■>■■' Laura Eeene is said to be preparing aomethlng new fa opening piece. All right As;we:hava. previously obsenel,! Laura only playa her oard^trom the right lead this time, sbsl eafe SB a manager, If not not "'Laura ought to have her^ poet laureate. : - '•• --' •' Since John S..Clarke returned Imm Europe he has obliged to vlalt Baltimore on aecount of ihe death of hla a in that d^; but he will return home soon, and laaaldtobe gaged at winter Garden. . '» Mr.. G. McDonald is In town, to obtain recralls for Hlcklnson, St thb-AddpbJ, Troy. " ^' , •/, , , B.'W. Butler is calling for more troops in his "negro brlgadv brwhat might bea h& brigade. If all"muaterd and — without blacking u&. Joking apart, aee hia adverilsen be livdy in .'.'BhinnBg" to Ml Broadway, where good penu wjio may happen to l>e onemployed.wlll find'prompt en menu, .lull rations, and the usual extras of a determined 1l. , Mr. Cowoll is now the traveling tgontfor Mr. and Mrs. Wil Lyn Veme, the recently arrived actor from England;! ^ein NoW'York this week.- Address him at this offloe, fat .preseni. : ■-,.,';' ■ rjl| No doubt Gen. Corcoran has bsen iheredplent of an tnmia number of congratulatory letters, n>any,-it is true, of an ma Ish end really congratuUtory character; hnt some breaihUjB spirit of aelf-lnterest rsther .than offering a tmly hearty welto to the returned soldier. - Suoh is the case the World dvor, in we.Shonld not be surprised that New York oan furnish heiUI quote of men of ihsjatter stamp. There arelOthen whokil but 'for the seeming,"lntere8te'' of ths "public,*', who IQskl ,arallfr,thg,,"people.''^wiih'a sight of every celebrity, Anail>| itake.tlie earhest opportunity to .present suoh "novelties" lolk| noUCe of their patrons. Ono of tho oddeet trngmlvXalioiTi btul we haye heard of, te that sent to Gen. Corcoran by the pRi^l m'ahagerof Wallaok's theatre. Itiasuohadollcatefflinte«illa| .ire fed it our duty-to place it npon the theatrical record:—*, ' ,1 ; ^ . W.uj.aoK's THEaiBa,'Now.York, August ie,lM.| . Mx DniBiGsMEBU,—Yosterdt/.I'hsard.of your rdeass^ael hasten to offer my congratulatlODB,- Upon yonr rsturo ioV| dty lam Mixlous that you should vlalt ibis estabUabnaD^i'l your, earliest .convenience, thus affording ourcltliens thtlt#r sought^for opportunity to testily by tholr presonce and plsjidtt iholr gratitude for. your servicas on the field, and patioitdn*' ^6n while suffering in the prlsomhouses of tho South.-. ,, An.cayiy acknowledgement of your reception and aoaqflo* of ,this invltetlon will much oblige, 'truly yours,,.,. J'li '■ . . . W. J, PLOBES* . Oan: MifiHair, .Cobooejw, WlUord's Hotel, Waahlngton, D: 0. Considering that the publio have had a/res opdortumty tol* . their gratitude to ihe General for the sarvloes be: haa resW*'! the.oountry,.wa do not see that ihe demonatratlon of tho I ,verir wbll be Improved on within -the limlto of a ihoatie, h"! oonts,perhead(admlsslon. Do you?. - :'. ul There is nothing fresh at Bamum's, The two dwarfs isQi'f' I thore for the preaent < -^t Nlblo's has Deen doing well with Gabriel Eavol's troupe. ^ I ottepdancc hasboen/very Uvoly. - ,; / ■ ,. • ' ..j,tl J. W..Wallaok,;Jr.„and Edwin Adams will <(<o0'Operats'' Miss Bateman at the Winter Garden..: "Oomperate" Is gbo°{!r2.1 shows ihat Deacon Bateman' -a fair .way ,to-leam ■b:^''!^'! i>om UB, beoause the: idea: of,suoh, an ar&at' as .J-^- "'%r.l "aupportteg" any ether pe]tformer, naturally sbubcb ibo'ps"' ■ mind to Inquire into iheprofeeslonil standing of thoparty w*^i I he Is said to aapport '. i:. .(: .-.v. ' ;Jj;i,'ftS.I Blr. M, W. Fis&elott bore on the 224 to "Join l«i>e"w«ai" I ClndunallpnbUo, fbs.thefirst-tlmo,blTlng'boon engagedW^ t National. -■ ,. ' lillhri Bryant's Mlhetrds, after a tour through the nalfubo^J .Slates, .havoiretumed ,to. Now York, and wUI reaume ofi^r^ \ at thdr hall thla evening (Monday) Aug. 35.. Itwos sutvi^ tli»t,W. N^woomb, of Bumsey ft.-Newbomb'a Minstrels,' have been hero, to take "an endi'.Mn "conjunction" wiu.'^, i Dryanti bUt being detelned ln England, Ndso Synour bM^. .engaged for,the end business. .Among olhor addiuonsw^ troupe are G. W. H. Gilian, a good basso,, and Bo}lu Bon^ dellnoAtor of. female uharocter, libth late of Hooloy'a -With thoBo,performor8,addod, tho company will now oooe^ Dan ,Dryant..NeU Bryant, Shcr. Oamp6ell,.W. L. Hobbfctt^ Fowler, J. Sivori, Q. A Connors, G. W. Charles, J. w.Bn»Yi. D. Emmott Jamoa Morrison, F.-. OetUngs, T.-J. Psel, lio,.andLItUe:Mao,.. mie baU^ws. unOorstand, has been <»"W; refitted during • the reSes. We may be ablo to refer w ; ' provemente.made In'.our next _ kUghMr,.JMepnine, wuo is now on; »'Siiii^ favorites of tEo Habaneros. Miss Joabphlno U a •pl»J'*2aiir dlbims, aswUl asowltal dancer, andwe are gladtoreoon ^ :».(.. i-'ii •,-■(•') '..t.l :;■)- .I.'It-l • -1 ' " "