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JL TO .71 •V ••;•«/«; n't <w. . '■: Autt>. ".yl.r.-:i : .'-.. -DHrF'Atrtp;^ ,.OTviVi;i*<ittf<VV ,«r.*/'T r./i ^WtefiiAv.-.K'rfi til 1u liifini .117 *a ic-tta ;fL-.'i-uvjv ew«/,a nilltv as e pretty one. .It i. ii op ar in r ii»ir ,r,u«l arVpWthrOOtfttfce^. ttfM,idtfigtt«rtreet, : V|...' ijrfcwa mud end «p«;, lajeatyoneee' .V ' ■■ npm the walk,,'.' , - • '-^mingle/•'•'- , ' 1 stroked iSffffffegottont-Bellfe to them^lk, Jerome- Bon* frMht lend lower point liI* Belle ilUaneS-Kmoleon ^Emeiflaw-ttflt point wherette.oreas of the A meets ,>te>Ve, : ,lB La.Hale'&into. At the middle. tpreoUe point where Iheflnal battle word was ieHg*ter4e^,.tneipvd^'tary symbol of Mum ' -tltons forest in tonUiced.'theiri ttheimporiil Qwtqut. , i(W,it,the.ton'.of Ui^lshTeen, the! two 1» ^he'plaUau of. Mont $t. Jean,. ,'The 1 armies >itoded'.t<}.Uie';rlght-»nd left Ownapoe and from./NlyeUes; D.'Erlon ime opposite Hill. ... .'.-.'i... e, A, behihidjlhe ptafeau of Motif- 81 Jean, 'We tnu& uzieghie'*,'.Tiit nndulirflng _ . imnundlng the next, ''tnd these undula- -ferwBra^Hoiit St. : Jean, and tbsre boundSd bythe _Two" hostile arnn^ upon i nelJ of b»ttle\re two wrestlers, a hull auna -arrlockod; each aeeke to throw the other.' They •twijMMr;»thicket Is a. point'Of • support; :a corner [«H1» O'braoe for the shoulder; , for lack of • few sheds j)rpop,.e regiment loses lla footing; a degression of the ' njoyetnentof the soil,' a' convenient .'orosmath,Vwood, ' ' catch the . heel of .this colossus which U called prevent him from fallliittJi He who ltiTee the ,.'.1 Hence, for the •reeponelble chieft'thd necessity . .i.ttae. smallest tuft of trees, and.apfireclailng the 4e$Ui fit contour.. ■ ■ ,■: : - ; . . .. iMadi had. carefully stndledtheplain of Mont Btl Jean, 4tWjMUedi'itaeiSlaiii of Waterloo. Already In-the'trrefledliur year,'WeUlngton, with the sagacity of prescience, 'had- et&m- »M it as a possible site for a, gitatiDatUe. On this ground, and forJ^uXMntest^elllngfon had the faTorabto,Bee.-Na- '^.'^SS'oraWc.;. The.Engllah aijny wae- sbore, the 10S MtnJMlOW. ,- t s ( ; ! • vvvu-v •'•'•.ui .r.- UfacBon.. .. .. .;-j... i .*MVW.» e, » *J: sppearance of.Hdppleon on;honebaok, upon the. heights on, Bosspijime, at dawn, on the wii— ■ -z^- 1' ■ ■ tme ' :1 " u, > 'Of". I*. almost 1 inperfluonB. ^L^-^^^fe^ *TW*9drh«a)»»tn:hlin( : .Thl»eslm W?5 e . ™?«r the VWe cWa V of the. sohooljof, Briense; this ^^.^orm, the while Ijiclflge, concealing the^paaletts, the f"." 4 . ^ ™a«r tte;w.alstcoat the leather. Jmeohes; the: •*.?'"»•. with his hoostngs of porple velvet.crowned .'with ~W» on; .(W.' Poniofr Jhet Eesstaa boots oTerisllk is surer spurs, tne.llarengo sword, the whole ~.-.^Pj^.. i ? a >f*,^Jt B all toagtasUons,.applan4ed by the world, reprohaiedpy. th, o,resL.. 1 ejrtaH'attionnl'.bf tempest always mingles,w^th'a- battle.- Vdiixeuhmiipia ivjlmftk. .-^aoji historian traoee-tii'epartlon- rlmeament'which pleases-Mm la this haily-buHy. Whit rer may b^'the-comWnaJlbns of the generals, 'the shock of med«Bmeshu:lnealonlable recoils In actlon,,'the tw6 plans (the-two leaders ent^r intb> eafli other, and are disarranged Other, finch a joint if ;the battle neU: swallows np- atotfV-thasi-rtith ;snother, as ,the "more or lees Jlrlnks. water;'thrown npon It faster or alowerv' are obHged to'pOox out more soldiers there than yon jl'SS^'iSi^SSf?*^ wpendlrore. The TlDe Of ba^Ue i^i^S2S*&Si? S* 311 !^ <* r « In > B .of blopdflow,regar4. JJJs oT I6glo< .thefronts of the armies Undulate;' regiments «"»«wng or retiring make capes and gulfs; all these ehoaleare inally-swaying -back'and forth- before each otter; where *H *^ B i^°Wery cornel;, where artillery was, cavalry l^^^ff? 101 ^** 0 moU - wu somethtogthSK WM( fcj.M;' It is gone'- thevW« ^ auS^. • ^e eom«5e tSSL^S^^L^ 60 '' sepulchral wivd pusEs tto**ii)'*ai>*a» back, swelM and dlspenes' these^ tratrto-Jnnttt- todes. .What Is a haid-to-baird fight? euv oiffllarion:-A^ffld' aemaacal plan tells, the story of o nunute, and not a day. ■ ■■■Wlntri Mirtle needa those mighty painte rs who-have chaoa .^<i{VaUt«fsWmAiiTa«i a««s. s>1.m u . ~ft-^~ZT~^." — -.—= — : r J rT ¥ t C r '^cr?/^-'<i^!li' i is>^ ' ■\\.,.yr \ r w\ •■. - 1..-i- .vit \rVi|.' 1 jf." ■• • watoa 1: > i ll -i;*f•».•>!• i.i «1 ft r..i t'A-CBl>tB* POT. •A OAJISUMa TBIAL W-aitlTOBHlA, • : - ^qBji'ls'fnch s> place as/geaJwood' anVt In lefoffl' ■one ttnw since. ■ trial oame off before the law,^^.jrobzarly (xdUd a Jiisttoeof ,the Peace., i wai "Hanks t*. Breeae," and thenu>ta were:— .That th«parties badvtohUadthelawby pUytnAiipoker 1 ^bbath. ;^ m ta,'perhaps, proper to sWeT^atth* good «MW9Miie4.not Been, the Surpreme Oonrt deidalonii V :-yrhat B«e»e-played very "low down,"., or, li-other uated plain tlfti -»T<fl^f ' .. -mt.tfyame broke-npta^^arow. thejpertieJibelDg arrested by Ths Justice, who happond to be present. - It was an tmportant oase. Both parties were well known, and had hosts of fflends. The. defendant,- through bisi attorney, a sharp, Utile. man, - demanded a Jury, The people of Deadwood uevcxgo.-io.trlidwlthautajury., . .The legal preliminaries having been-properly arrangadi the ease was called. Twelve of tho best mon in the locality formed the Jury. The. attorneys were big with the event of tho .hour. At length an oddrlookjng genua, nam.ed Stephen Uoi.'was placed ontheetandby.theprosecution. The caseprooeeded. . . ~ the parries ' "?ou said you were preeentdurii Did ws so understand you, Mr. Lloii" The w)tgess nodded In the affirmative. "Did yon observe the progress of tho game with any Interest?" - "I reckon I dldiJlcker was pendln* on It";,-- . .. i- . "What was the amount at stake,-at the time the row ooanrredl'' "Well, the ante was .two-bits, and Ldm. Hanks bet a half on bis llttjepar. Then.BOl he went In—■—" i% "Mover mind the detalls,"uterropted the lawyer, Impatiently, "answer my question." . ., . ' "Ihafs what I'm goln'to do," replied the witness, drawings large black plug-of . tobacco from his pocket-; 1 ., vjTou see when Lem dropped his half In the pot BID ktvered It. with:* big dollar; 'cause I stood Just whar I oonld see'toat he belt a little par, too.. I^m he then rack a drink and 't>eared sort CfcwtleM ... g: !.;r--: 1 - "Come, come," again Interrupted the lawyer, "tell qa the amount of money at stake at the time the quarrel commenced." ■Steve," said the Judge, familiarly, " you aay that when Bill Breese aboved up his dollar, Lem Hanks took a snifter and 'oeared sorto^keerless. W\ttdiihtdt>.tkcnV ™-.' "Why, he seed Bin and lifted him two scads. BUI he peered i Utile nneasy, but raised Lem a five. Lem he took another drink- and eald the game was getUn* lnterestln', at the same-time shak- ing a ten-dollar piece ont on the same pot BUI he: then eald, jLem, yon Undr suite me,' and celled ont 'twenty better." feiidetmeulen. exact *t:aoon,ilJes at three o'doca-.- 'JOcomeitry' « J^yw:Jhe i hurrlcane,slone Is.'trne. Tods Is whit gives Fo- .the .right.to.contradict PolyMna.. We must add that there .^J5 W .*J' -a-certain moment when the batUo degenerates Into a ^n^.r^pularteea. itself, scatters itself into. mnbrncMble *W». .Wgh. tp borrow the erprcaslon of. Napoleon himself, to .the biography of ,the reglmeSta thaiTttS S^i W ^^ti J l5<,:h J st0 J lm ' ' 111 this case, evMehUy ^J5fi rt Sf,* <,, a ^^y« nl0Dt ,Hb c*n.only sel2e'upon- the WMUW.qulUnea.of .the etruggle;. and it la given-to ho nar- ZSS«^7. , I?iSf WI , en 5 0U, t. Jl ? P 0 ? W- : *o.Ji abselutely'the sann'of this horrible cloud, whioh Is caUed a battle. ISjt.'L. . ■' v .-WELLINOTOM. ,W in, anxious, but Impassable, was on horseback, and flSP'- 1 ^S ,J ?K^f , -' n - u t e i s *me,att(t V de;*UlUe:,in W-^ot 8t - 'can, which,1s at57^dlng,inder m entajatasHc vandal, hae since ?*.»***4.flWJ a «d francs, cut. down, and, carried .sway, The.lawyers here prolested against this manner.'of giving' evidence, but they were overruled by the Court, who asked the witness whattheparties dldlaeik,'. . . . , Then we all tuck a small drink, and Lem spread bliheel£ 1 see that matter of twentydollare,' said he, and go you thirty bettor.'" "Will the constable please keep order in the Court-room,, so that the jury Hn ketch aU'the wbrdal" cried one of the Jurors. . The wiDess'procceded: "Bin he got .down'to scratch his feet,' and when he got np he lifted Lem twenty more. .Their Lem be- gan to look distressed, end pushed his shirtsleeve Hp to keep it from* gettin''dirty, Ie'poee,- but oum up hlme by Uke a man with ■ ( "Stop, atop; stop," shouted one of the lawyers, whose patience was exhausted, "We do not care about so much dotalL but desire simply to know what amount of money la In dispute." ' "IIr.OcauUible,"bolloaedthe Judge,whowasjceplyintereeted; In the witness' story,"do your doty." Ihennxlng his eyes npon. she witness, he asked: "Steve, my boy, when Bui blunged bis thirty better, what did Lem come up with ?' '.'Wliy Lem he lifted him a cool nRy.'l* ',' " The Judge collapsed.; ■ M . ■ "Oentlemen of {he Jnry, that's so, for I was thar. and seen Lam dOlt" , ' «.,«uu~«u*«uii, By.aheoftheJnry:''WhatdidBJlld6thenf'." ' "Bill he tuck another look at his hand, , and then got down and scratched his foot agin. . When, he came up; he said to me, said he, <8teve.lend me a hundred doUare." Says' I, 'whatmr?' Ho said, 'to cleih out Lem Hanks.' I said, .'It'can't be dldfon your par of Jnccfl, far io's got bully sixes.' 'Good thing,' says'he, giving me a wink, liver his pUe, and>I'Ucall him.' I~'<,'" "Kevor mind whit you did, 1 ', said the lawyer for defendant "that has nothing to do with the merits of the case." The Judge gave the lawyer a terrible look. Then, turning to the witnesB.Tie said, "Steve, If the Cdurt r«> collects herself, then you came np with the spondulicks, and Bill Breeae tuck down Lem's pile." This announcement wss followed by murmurs of dissatisfaction. The attorney for. the plaintiff was the firs f to speak. ''Now, if your Honor, pleases," said he, "I would Uke to ask on6 inesUon. How comes It that the defendant got that money., if he only had a pair of deuces against my client's eties?". '*¥ea,".eald several .members of the Jury, "how could that happen}" , , -j.,," r - . . VBI11 did have luces fast—I'll swear to that," resumed the wit- I ncoj. 'J>ut somehow when It come to the last, he was stronger.,' . The lawyers, thinking lie was about to continue the story to air 1 endless length, requested him to be brief." Taking a fresh •'chaw." iSteveeald: ' , ... •the war of It was this. When I kfyered the pile; BUI called paysh?, ^IejKi'ha'^oypufnryoujselff' 'I have three — *"" 'Thar they Lf4fim;' .... ■ ;ii.-' j.'. t.a chuu.'I. , ■ > 11 A FMHG AT DRBSSraCMJOWhTB. ' My-Ba)n*li'alb**In«; l;Wan' e^ve.b^os^.marrlel inii,^ls, weda*;toTlr». l FUnS, and riarried to buslneam.' I had the tflsfortnne, some time sine*, to break a log, and befdxe H was mended, sfadanr TOng, hoping' to soothe toy hours of oon- valesoenoe, oaused to. be made for me a dresiing-gown, whloh. cn due resection, I believed was modeled after the latest' style of straight Jacket This b«Uef Is conned by'tho'faotthatwhen'I put It on,' r am at once odnflned to the house, "get m*),'' and soberly convinced that If any of my friends were to see me walk- ing In the street, olad In this apparel, they would instantly en- tefiata ldeak of my Insanity. I nave three several times, while wearing this gown, been mis- taken fot 'Hadam Bmg, by people coming to ttejionse. The first time I was shaving' In my chamber; Jn 'oameHlseX, Who beUeved, as it was rather lite, that J had gone down town. ', She threw up her hahto, exclaiming:— "Otjod graclods, Fanny I doyou ahavof" N. B.—Fannyls by wife's first ifame. - TheBeoofld tiino I had brought the wood saw and torse up, from the cellar, and was exercising myself aawing up my wlnterTl wood in the summer kitchen,' acoordlngto Dr. Howl's advice, when the Irishman, from the grocery entered, bearing a bundle. My backwsato hhnVMdonly seemg the gay, flowery gown, he exclaimed in an awfully audible whisper toTthe oook:— '' "Share, yet mistreat hss'the ipower In her Anns, Jlst I" t T^"' m /^i™W^O;?aiiny,:having it shouted round the neighborhood, that her "brute of a husband made her saw ^ J he T, w i n, 5£? fr 00 ^* 8 " 1 an*.split'it, and pUeit, too, and make aU the f^. and so on, and etcetera; andohl I am glad my husband isn't suoh a mons ter I"- I turned oh the Irishman, and when he saw my whiskers, he quallsdl. ^ ^The twnl ttme'Ivrae blacking' my bootf, according to Dr. Howl's .advice,.'.'whioh expands, the detold muscles. Is of benefit tottj'metooarp'ls.-streiahes the larynx; openTthe oiophg/ers. apd facTUUtes.exneo.toratlon 1" I, had' ohosen Wbai-FannyoaUs her conservatory for my Held of opsratlon^the conservatory has two dried nsh-^geianlums, and a dead dog-role in It, besides a bad^elUiig cat-nip bdsh-^hen, who efiould comexunningin but tite identical Ml^a X, who caught me shaving. -' "Poor Fanny I," eald she, before I could rarn round; "do sob have to black the bootn of ttat^ous btuteir ™ •'mas'X,"'said.I,turning toward her,andfolding'mVarms' over my.orassing-gown, splte.of having a damp unpolished hoot on one arm, and a wet blacking brush in the other hand, for 1 wished to strike a position of awe at the same time. "Hiss X. tarn that odious brute mys«lf I" If you had observed her wUt, droop," stutter, fly 1 My wife went to the .seashore last eummet; I kept the house ? p ^ n '^J* 4 i"™ town; .cause, business.' When she re- turned, Miss X, who Uvea opposite, called to aee her. In less than five mlnu^,mywlfowaeasad, moaning, desolate. Injured, disconsolate, amlcted, eject woman. • , "How-ow-ow o-ceuld you d-do it Al-lal-bert?" she ejaoulated. flooding every word' as It came out, with tears. "Dowhatr .. ■■ • "Oh-woht'oh-woohl wa-ahl" • ' Kiss X here thought proper to leave, casting from her eyes a small hardware shop in the way of daggers atme, as muoh as to say,' "lou are vicious, and I hate cheese I" (Theatrical for bite yej ' .'Fanny. left, to herself, revealed what Hiss X, through the Ve- netian blinds, had seen—a 001m in my room, ait at hunt " •'iHis-tootruo."saldI, "too.tootme.!; " - "Al-lal-al-bertt you win b-b-break my h-heart -, I froould 'tear the d-d-destroy-oy-yer of my p->peace.b p-p.pleces |»,.- . "Comeon,".sald I; "you ehffi behold the4es^yer,of you Seace. Ton shall tear-her to pieces, or-'m- bed—daahad If I on't I am.tired of the blasted thing." '. . T^r-W:" * I grasped her band, and led her to the back chamber. :/ " •'Thereragalnstthewalll" . ^ «""»«•.■-■.■■ "Is It-" eald she. ' ' . "Itls/'eiidl, "my dressing-gown 1 IvriUnerer.saam nut'lt onmyshonldeiB;never. Hereitgoesl" • . , ■ ■ Rip it went, from the tafls up the back, to the heck." "Hold, Albartl. IwlUsendit to.thewounded.eoldlere." .' ^NeverlI theyvare.,men. tricks, warriors. 6uoh femalefrip-' 17 *S ft^ de«rado them. Into the rag bag with ft aid seu It to.the Jews for a pair of ohlna sheep, or a oiookery dog." k 1 ••': '—■ . A SHBIflFF DORB BROWS. There Is a sheriff In Illinois wlo vraa rather "taken in" la that region on'one occasion'and "done for."- He had made it a prominent part of-his duty to ferret out and punish all-peddlers ravelling, through the State without ehlcenee, but one morning he met his mitoh In a "genuine" Yankee peddler. "What have you got to Ben—anything!" asked the sheriff. "Teas, sartin'; whaVd ye Uke to.bev? Qot razors fust-rate—that's an article that yon want, too. I should say by the looks o' your balrd. (Jot good bleckln'; it'll make them old cowhide boots o' yourn shine sa'tyou^pan shavp into 'em; Balm olHlomby. tew, only a dollar a bottle; good for.the ha'r, snd assSln' poor human natur, as the poet, says." The sheriff bongoVa bottle of the "Balm of Columbia," and in reply to the' question .whether-he wanted ••anything else?" that functionary said he did—he wanted to eee the Yankee's Ucense for peddling tn Illinois, that being his duty as high sheriff of the State. The .peddler showedhLn a docu- ment "Axed up good, In black and white," whioh the officer Pronounced "au correct" and handing it back to the peddler; h< added, "I don't know, now .that I have bought this stuff, that I care anything about It I reckon I may as well teU It to you -"'ln^.Wiat'U; you givo for,K?'.',;.yOh, I don't know, as the <t°°. » any use to me, but seeln' it's yeon, sheriff, I'U •benmhlrtyrseven and a half oento*for itSosnUy rrrrr 7 .TT-.7 I.T/i «K>vrBATjJ ."•■■'» : .!: "•'"f If ' 7T" and hand. tohtf.JfS^lS**^, • She eyes, broad forehead, Ed a Uttle mduth! : *'" -'- vl --.:aBi rosy, farood for loveVoWsiWK?' «s4»1i IliV W 41. _ " '■Walk - r » m rAcobi ■J® _ W 1 * Ute life blood of the many sonlh 1 Fair akinped. eprighUyboy. ax^foSofSS, ' -■ Was-Helen'spupttTutUeVBosyP™^ g 7 N> . ' ■:S^-^SS* lf^ottj» pcortTAlt from life, and not h»"i" oveTdrawn.; The mother of the chad has washed m! 1 other than GOTiBATJiVB deUoJooa KAfjArTamDiS^ f^«tt«P«rlod ofJustlrtM' and the oone^^ oMld'Sikln is a model of beauty "and purity 'looim,?.* to the son and air as th»;aversge of ol5^te*n,not7v^• , freckles, sunburn, salloWness, eruptions, rooirtinSm ■ ringworm, have ever deformed his almost divine {£.'„< rot&ees-of Us sweet little Hps can Xet wtttno^S ^tteSfgn"lce°t crimson of OOTJBATJD'8 pernMheafi HgUaB;p;We ma^ Uf, In addition, that his fcienh«Ii _. ^ - ;ioi r ^ WHITE Is it doUcate preparation for- lnalanbueoudv rough and saUow hands, arms and neck, into a most I white. .. BEWARE. OF COtlNTEBFETTS. The geffuMenreparatlonflind cosuetiosbf t>& pert*. BATJD can onlfhe had genuine at his Depot 463 fcSi 1 onlft at 67 Walker stfeet Agents—OaUendar k Co, Bio»oW thla.'ff.'B, field.' fee. Bates, lar * Co,. Third and Walnut streeis. 1,1»Washington street, Boston; fflSaJi 'Ml-hi TA Ji D TA3LBS • am -. ,1... ; COMBINATION 0TJSHI0NB. ftOsBOtedby letters Patent dated Feb. 19, Use; Oct »Ai ,Ths Mcent lmproveinsnte la these .Tables, sake thai' 1 ' passed hi the worloV. They are W w offered to sMenUs?l_ a^B^Sou^Asr ■ ^ mw PHELAN»S NEW BOOK—"Tie Game of BU» tth edition, enlarged, revlsW,'illustrated with adolttaSl gramsend.^flton'^crfthe SSor. Prtoa^bnali .;'V.':V:.'. . ■.' , v «8;«*V!»T. and t» orosbyjlw- B S A T B 0 O K Sll . .•.""/ : ; r *? , y. H-ii'ir Bo'ox«ii:] *>?XX. »/&" ; $8VsniD ibi• a-. : '6 a.x.a. l oodi ora-Hrw^^aiA^r^DB!^^ : .BBITT FBXB-iPOBTAQB PAID—OF ';',]' .'ASI' SPOBTiHa (XKIBB la Whereorden arepron»t>l^ and tallhlnDy ejeoated, . -. •.^'ii'Aild^ata^'i TB^jklAS O&lfflBT, Marble BuOdlnpv ' Hv^.';.''!:.';:.;".• ifmn wtwi;aawl^'J f'reS u We h pedl«r' Jayfng'hljllalondeiabhey. ,'Show W,'says BUl •xnarthev 1 T'«« nnt .«..^M»">.rTr — ' — said, "I say, yeon-gueas ?» 7 yoou-got a,peddler's ^oy^ven'tanynsejor the "**"' " * " guess d tho -,.The Igwyer for Uie plaintiff intended to have made a good" inhalation to Uie manner in which defendant's handset ?2jSS^ft9?' horoJ<i - TOob^'r&edlo^TS&ei* tttrTon; Ekd JttBt faUen at the side of Lord OTjttdthe '^.lorfTwhatare »ii,'~v —■l""'»t the side of Lord vpont . UUHliXM B01X).. deal c^tobldehee—twehbr-Hi tiattaUons were to . s5£ - i T. -fentytslx'.squadrons. Behind the crest of the feeVtt^thirteen squares, two batiaUons to theequue,and 1 two Unes-seven on Uie first and six on the secoD^-iffih ^25E! ^e'aileyeupou their alghta'waUtaVcafi? aad immoyable,-,! They could not see their oulnselen rtrU^r^r 00 * 4 ^' Be ? lhem '. They listened tq^the Sfte,ft'!;5 d w oJt me S:" ™>y heard the increasing sound of S«SS?^^ 0 i!'^? e slt ? nla to and measured B^Wktug of Sr^Sm^** 0 '' ft! 01 cuirasses, tho^dnng •ss&JfW*" And. a. sort .of fierce roar of me-comtoghost SwSSi?^' 'J.^* 01 »?^> ^n suddens lSi .Hue of raised arms brandishing sabrca apnearefl aboveUie crest - SSSSn^ 1143 "' IS* B % d »r , ». andthree thousand tees istt^^astaohes.'crylng^u, v Bmptrairl ■ <Ail this cavaty 4»b«Mhed «n:the plateau/ and it was like the beginning ofan sHttcxnaawT^-*:'.^.t, "i ■■ .. . ■ ^Jiliif&PiW 0 .™ 1 !* 16 - M - 4,18 "'»« <>f »he English, and on 4 *SiS^^ ie ^ "l 6 ^l"™ 11 . 0 ' «ol«salorB reared with a THghtrnlvaanwu. Arrived at the onlmlnatlng nolntof thn arMt" jnjnan^blsvfull of fury, and bent en t&^xtern^tfon^l ^^C^*?/ 1 ^^onhrassiere saw between themselves and iBm SngUab* a dltch-o grave. ■ It was the sunkenTladof VMIIIU 1 '*'--' V "mi \i 1 .; *^«2i?hS^?'"""JPi- .™<*<> was the ravine'unlooksd third pushed b the sec The second rank' pnshod In the first the ■ocojd; the horses reared, threw themselves SffiSSSSrtl^Sfeff IheEnglishorushed the French. The -S2«^S^?h I ?; ,,0 ?, yltl f. n " t11 fwasflUed; riders and ^'S5S!J^hta ! 3S U '5 r ^m^'grmolng each otherj^aUni • •if^^^^M d " RdfQl BoUs andwlienthegnlf wasful ■'■ : -«AS^»^^^^!^ od ' OTOr '»ne» and^assed'oT , , -Ataort a thhtlof the Dubois brigade sank into this abyss. s^rtffil^S5^Sil lB<Ie Jf ruoUon to » »»ala anroranueiy saw Diana and her attendants balhln>-n7kr , '. attendants bathllw A£» Mii ^«£*2, Btooi . cd Ul ? . cnfls to goddess,' that she ''ex- Sfifci^S;? 1 ^??^! 011 ^ d P^led hie tcmorlly,by causmg dog,, f . rhnntomonl whb,.elasl became ■- i tt S O^Ver-bearlDg qaeen.' DtMc^JMpsto^on'MiMniggers W- 'ItSfc&jJfJSP JjW^«Warore,I saw ♦we'a i| atarf^ saWd i\; jueddy rot iontm^^' " ■ — — , _ , case ienedIton.: lltUe palrof "•yu'ceB'^to fourates ;'butto ^reT^spfSs^ been caUed on to explain how^em W Judge saw ttrougi'the case at once..; He charged the Jra ms-'hi iW*pught there was anythmiiri^ B inT2anacratofc SL^JK l , dnri ; 8 » 8«me of poker, ffiSy^ould sofl^.TuHf 1 they thought suoh amoyament..waa on the square. ,ttev would also.be hiely to pass over the acl'of fojnbllng^sS? aleeves h.wkln' f and peddihT' ^"^^0^^^^! J^JS? 1 ™ c £ y ? )nt 1,u,be dame* of I donTr!^SShM Yi a £3^•'?}? 'V**** was as. good; as his word, and Tthe^ ;fcv5^"i med tor peddUnf without a Ucense. He^aneaM.' Li»™ve^ank"?''' 3 * ,tInJ *' "weUtry to hold a ^e4eel PnXR'rkii's T^rrairr.—From want' from maidens old, by sharper* "sc- _.».„,„„, deu^r^P**"■ me ""' a ^»?*pneers, and woman's tears:^ throwing up hats, tsot ' w-^—■ ---j- l- —ij.i-.'. *■ - Buch&s'y eUIn i _ i^^STt*^ ^1??* lost threeitomutes, brought-lnl ! a verdict to the effcot that It was a I'dxaw game." and the JrXa thereupon dismlasedlhe case. ^""H™".. ana ine J.wge ii ?!J A ^ wn,l » A <hmsrujjt m. A Mwwinr»>.A friend has a it- ?f.e lr1 *? 0 ' TO •» will make a arroni^Mwpnianone| ^From'Bee^ opate, p)toiieste^ r notes,''snd lesky.:boats-^pwteot JErohi loreakm'g -doors, Awlfe.t sMteioodsBtore^protoctui,,. . .. ^Froni shabby hats, and tornorayatojapdflymg'Drlok-ba^aye at . snores, confounded bores, 2! ? 80 1?! 8 ^ a^Utted^el^m»tTf~e! 0 a profound . OUows. She surveyed the collection SM^SS»J^?!« .her, made s profound I lmpres,ipn upon her mind, as wlU b? seen b^hlt MowV S^ < ^«Mf°? , ?, , ?? ls ?jSl'. wl,ore "hTs^eyXC coUecnon with tofuate delight nntil it came to that portion of theloerlorm. ajcep where the man entered the den of Sons and tigeiTwhen %&^AlV^&F a V*' a - "pon™turnlr« g h^e*th; BrariatoVorf°^.- 00kP,Ml>9tWe,m : ffa y<™gTi7»d , har l%&J^>*Jrt'*toT<n. »ee at Uie menagerie?" ..?SA grandma.. I saw twogleat./oue (the ele- — and the runniest suoh Utile mon- ciit?' tt0 " u ™^^^~^ . . "I dld, grandma. They put. a tristian Into the cage with ttn anhuata, snd the Uons and tigers began to JumpTu hS knd oSS I got bto . lw f a »^.and&°5o^hto3L 1 and shut my eyes Just as tight as I could tin the mualo^jlooncd Harlem iBTEPHEN BOBEBTB. eSm. 'Jm'^T«fe i J* 09 28 e^to. AddreuT-:^ , Mm» ,OH.KLINBsiCo„ 137 Bowery,. N. X. PW.boi im XTPW^SBLLJNQ UPW ABDS Off IMP COPIES F] ■Jt V . ' • WIEX ■ 1 '' . ."p A'^*H OLOGT _•' or tax B H'J'.R O^.p T'l.V' B' . 0 EGA N 8J| ,-: .* :V V .. i',^bSflBLL T. TBALL, HJ>. " ' ' ' 1 ' " '"thW " BEfOW oBOAKIBH. VThe'treakses In this volume are'npon subjects of the 1 Importance In a physiological polnt.of. view.. These subjec- h a ndle d in. ah able manner. - The authors are medical nsis large experjehoo; and.ttte.advice which they give Is sound,« applicable alike,to the guidance of parents and to ueheai of- the young„ r A perusal, of the work will-40 nraoB-'to haalthymehwandhodUyfunctlona; while to snfferlnghu itofTers Jildlolous advice,.whlch.may save many from ecu., ting their aufferlngs by resorting to quack doctors and emu '«USSPXf und'ers"taid it^Wit Cure-Jourual. ^It^riUbetl and ' World's Crisis, Boston.. ., .vAn. honest effort to. dOruseuaefallnforiaanon.' Mostt™ works on this subject, ere.thoj reverse of this, and are marts vertisemen.ts of quacts.' '-Plymouth IloiiT7 . ■ 7 ^A^.-valuahle addlUon'.tq'.mecUial UteratnreV.'-BoiW.! t*t££2!&- *«*'to»'ir«»WeJ, and for all whowoUnotwl ti^iaut^''^ 81841 ^^ toatt-'-Bostontonp? 1 : £*$££&*- a**^ fytomttian tilat should bo hnowh anlili Bdnpon.te.narontoanTchfldria,3e married and bumuTS chajUra devoted to childre^anTttelr ml^Ueit t» »e?i*Xevew inotoer.'fr-Nunda, (m!t?N^ T ■ m , k KSSsSn* 1 ^^ 8 . 8 SfneraJ reform of our social hw«-. SK^W^^^^veroont, we haU wlto dS3L snggssUTC lnfluencii8..th»<i rnay.be bronght toloei up^"io"| . WeUstl volum»ki| (uuuug sji oiasseB. heeuhjooteof those chapters are 11 goodworke,'"—NJXOUpnar. LCAB8. Sent to any rtdrSE •, .; 1JB. LEVEBETT EMU d^-' : 131 Washington street BosU-. *sr tHirs? an othbb Book, this wlU toaoh U^lreaduilil fore tako.great pleasure In rewmmendlng theabovo voiu fair and candid consideration impng sll alas!!. &en^chsw! " ' "'-N..Y.OUpper. . vPrioe THBEE to the publisher, Boston to Jgxeat In aU good^worke.' "-N^OUnper. DOLLABS. Sent to any address. JB. LEVEBETT EHEB60N,.. I 199 Washington street Boston, U«a — .—r , B Boox, this will toaoh the readarkl d " 4n «a men '. rtthc-ut feolng ,or. «naulUng en7d># whatever... No other medical book has ever recelveS snc¥es» Rations from the Press,. Get ran Bwr. It*- P '0 K'S\ A :: , Thb' T^b^^^^yt^jo^Ji ht&^SSS'Sl tJ?"J^n *ft ^ n /M^tf a "^»8ih'sno^reao whlakey thtoforenooni but si theyspo* mi^^m^^\ ^^LJM toaobings, fri#hrai^«Bi . «L„"»?5»I«* DBEN 'Wk&ESP&S 'SLS?' W6«fEN. : ahd : 6Hiri «SS;'St$ tan * M 'P" »~I!!?Sferofthe Ea.e^ V C^n> ^atrength'sbtfulor^ Uowed, will restowftSi u2tiE&Sr u \,?"«» ,4t «; •»«?*« wis ii' better^ SSfflfliJ affd'was horrlfled'to find Sam lying nls full 1 ohconsoldUB of all around, "Oh,.Sam I" " ^.^''» B J^^j^qrm(idinthe^ yot-ltn^reitore-you^-^ ^^™^Mto|^lo.W 1 4j^^LK Ta^rm^cffu^Sf ' Bam, homing loth, took the glass from the n,tnl.w. * ^ Inexhaustible^uroe of entertainment ^ ■ C0 an akdtaving'en^lcd/vsald™ ^■ - ^ ffl » ntoter '" nana, ■ Bend Ow'>l^>otl,e^nwS^ and tfcey will send voi "fi-ph,air. thfi Is the thirteenth glass I've ta'en. but I'm „.L '^*™fi*>t^<&"l^M!ZZ V - l»n&.rou '..V..;/.:(, --. ■ . I IBB Wash ington street! ^stoa.irass,, up and go down to Mr, •Arris'*'Khi islet hoik-to make a 'aimqer''ahi lenber'something about is' **£g?5«S$K!r*i> w^^ushe* n yi\ ^^S^^^i^&^m^ *~f.*»?* B - . . .. I JO. graerallj.-rLow priced;^Watohes snd oltap Jewetrofttl •^bte,var^es.;.TradeLtoUsentfres7.1 , T 7 ^.*? HPBBABD BBOa, 65 NsssaWsf, NewTork. •^' p l^!^ tt «>"owtagme<ch:- vnuuBn ™''" ';' »'plOH('llABB, AND BAOt," eari'thl'«F1wi'r.tf» HMrHbiSl »M{hM5TTo Mvohli'owa'aUd^r^-su,, L^W "tf J**^ rum&»i eMoiTOtte.' -'-"-wide off his own sofi-rh^d."^' fflSS^^ttS!^ '• 'Wl&V* » oenfliJ^toijo^Jff^ AuttttwJhtWIsjier, New BAT^CoanT bjr IA » T ! reUbU.consented toWioot an ^ttlaator'tajockkd abotatU^ JJ^TeU-ucoiuented to luuil» W jXoa'Tholm^ B ^Books'c , 2j."JfP* U€ SS 0,i '' p a^»»'deslrhig : Dbcks 'of any deaoH»t/oi>l send^^dms,poBtpald, wlUwcelve ImmedUto atonfion/UI H^^rUfB.and JUoy Artioles you rnay^io^rttsei Tfll ab^tNe^S a ^ erta ^ to «a^Ar n ole^Ho.U»] ■Jrh. 11 v '■ ' .. . . ' '. ' ' . r I n^ w I? F 11 AT OARDS.—Send your addrets'iti l &4rM^S t W!y?F9 WAB,VM ' 0B AVEB, NewTorkOWl ^fcC^,and u< he,wUl labm.you^ a aTJBE merthodof *1 Try it, and get an answer kj;| W ' n.i' . >s a ningat ALL tho various games, return malL somWX^d^' 8 'oontand wta^host Sfato**. However' taKE f!E? ffi,'* •» *° '«*! W »dverU«eor 1 * However, Imthls•niohh,.., naiT m. -fa.^f Siyyciu , myS " ' Is.tho only thing WV t^ny.Ongueat Is.tho only t ?,grow, and.vfJll.neither slain or* 'jOf.the ooantry, froo of P* ■wtt- Mo, 10tiNMwau.strs4t/)(>i \ ,I<I< GAT AND. PESTIVB B01 1 "loess sena »'csnf-ttr-^' bully 1 .(JEOKOE,Boston, r Sti*». 1 .~ " Llj. ■ ' ■■.'" ' ■ ^'AND .GAl« : i ^aU.resdlCA' », *, TYIiHUt, PaUHTaUl, M AIM Wt,. 4th FJi**