New York Clipper (Sep 1862)

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^i^f'^O BK CLIP PEBJ i taking th« -in to a v ItW,tl*;iremMnDer«jl thtt KuiVftH In this oome . part, od w *°™ *3 ^(SSk both m regard scenery - w • ^' j-s,onlmo»tof » 0 ^ r h^d^tC«^l«oT'»n4 admirable manner ^ullho^arU a^^omrt by Mocm. Wallookond Ad- * * „.it. i ft receives, the highest commendation. Jo PS Z^i£**SEt$™« feSolng.or anytblnjrof the BS* more D^allT™*"™*. iht » ^L* 4 f b f^.° ffiJuHIt^aonooflKo feoturee of the play. The third act, too, feftound^AM^^ w^auaok*. Indeed, we do not often see him toenobadvan- DyWaUook. »»"^- tr?oUTe ul eioltog t drama^Uio^ngh her .powers me of the inrth set. [fumes' he to a little too mmdutiant, but It f noiJtoyfrom the tot act to the last obsorTMtt••.'SSJJfii 3 ! «ew oio, Mto Batsman's line acting thronghont eliciting the iaftestapplouBe. • Nsorly every ohorooter »^J7i£^ S& P €ut we -especially no&oed1ft. £*Xd broanccs of tho leadtog aotors. alttongh "y Mr. Byor, as was his rival Bpag^by Mr. Hagan ; _ EoTattor'made us think of on. of the £*J&ffi£ffi,$£i Era. Howard, as the Norse, was oxodtontbutMrj ^oore was r-otwollupii>he.■part, an0«S5^^&^A£S^i, keeper.'^Jght find a better repre»on«i.i«= ^ ^ tii(ill(irnpm hm _ £4 o£cK& ItoSKSTon the vloltoceUo by the Brothers ffiSlin^nr^The boos, was weU filled, despite, the rain atom £"pwatodTThS^rit Improvements" ln^e house, and the XnoMO\mtiay" made to rent It was, osusuaL oUon tt» bOJs- ■hntUtUe of It being Been elsewhere. True, the old srttflotol .hove been removed, and the place has been oleaned, and ^TUUudle^oontoQetohelp Ool. B. W.Batler to square the circle on triangular principles at441 "^-W^i^JKEJ relldenta and strangors are sure to be pleased with the nightly Srtety and continual excellonoe of the performances. This -mok begins with Miss Fanny Forrest proving her olaUn to the «Un oP'Qaoon of 8ong." The ballet troupe Is made up of ^lalWSrm^lnthflrllne of biz,, and foul. Brillont has a iood oasnoe to aee ballets brilllontly produoed. As for Tony -laetor. Oharloy White, and the other oomloal geniuses, they iiislbe seen to have their fun understood. Good order, fxoeb, *ir. and Jolly times, prevail more than ever ot ***.. Our nolghbors in Brooklyn have their Christy -Minstrels, the manager being W. A. Ohrlsty, son of the late Z. P.,Ohristy. It h utcnded to make the Brooklyn Ohrtotys a permanent Institu- tion Their hall to at the ooraer of Court and Bemsen streets, ind the company Is composed of W. A. Ohrlsty, Herman, Groy, Biynor, Hunnymon, Wilson, Eastmead, OampbeU, Bohaus, Brie-berg, Wood, Waddleton, Oldflfcld, Converse, Master*£ddle, Xlttle Bobby, and Japanese Tommy. The party were well pat- ron Irod last week. _ '.""11 „ J.- Mr. B. R. Maglnlcy, stage manager of the New Memphis ■Theatre, Is In town. He Is engaged in getting a company together Shi the fall campaign. Mr. Maglnley Is also the low comedian .or the New Memphis. - OBJUOAT10, Since the close of Emily Thorne'sr engagement at the,Hetro- !Dillon, Buffalo, and J. "0. Morrison has gone -with W. Carter to ostnlla, some changes, have been made by Manager. Sidney Smith, and the company now stands as follows:—Messrs, J. H. Bogars, J. B.Fisher, 0. J. Heartwell, John Ward, M. Balnford, 3. H. Pike, J.'Boneaur, L. B. Bow, J. Montague, W. H. Briggs, eta, with Mesdames H. F. Nichols, B. Smith, Louise McGowan, J. H. Pike, Fillmore, Baohel Noah, Ida Wilson, eto. -Manager Smith took a benefit on the 1st Sept Pauline, Ouahman and XmQyTupinoweie among the volunteers. From flt. Louis we continue to have assurance that "our flag ii still there," and "8eneca"thus writes on the 3d:—Mr.Conldook ind daughter openod a two week's engagement last night at the St Louis Theatre, to a fine house,'in '(The Willow. Copse." -It la of conrae unnecessary to eay bowunapproaohably Mr. Couldook rendered the part he has made so peculiarly his own—Luke Fielding—and I can only say now, as I often have before, that in my poor Judgment he has no compeer In the line of obaraoters he adopts. He hai evldontly studled'human nature deeply, as well aa to good purpose, and in the simplest portrayals of domestlo woe, he grasps our heart ohords with a master band, and plays upon then! as he win.. Dora Shaw played a short engagement of three nights last week, to vory good houses. She «losedwltha benefit on.the 80th Aug., as Mrs. Haller, in "The Stranger," and was very enthusiastically encored, and called before the ourtaln. Mr. Connor did the Stranger, .with bis usual attention to the wishes of the author, and the usual gratification ofthe'andlenoe, with whom he Is a favorite. < : Considering the short-sighted selfishness and Impenetrable Ignorance of many of the partieB who undertake to conduct trav- eling companies, we often wonder that audiences are so lenient And patronizing, -when suoh companies "snook" their, re- spective towns without having been properly announced. These remarks - have a special appuoatlon to Panada, and the Britten Provinces generally. A new company has been started In To- ronto, rlslung.Oakvllle and other places with tolerable success. When, last at Oakvllle, the bill was "The Momentous Question" and "Hunting a Turtle." F. D. James to manager, and B. B. Bntland atage manager. "The Charcoal Burner" and "Bough Diamond" seem to make another favorite bill.. "OodVBave the •IJueon." J, 0. Kelley's Dramatlo Troupe are doing fairly In Panada West and opened at London on the 1st Bept. with Eotzebue's ''Stranger," a musical Interlude, and. "Family Jars." W. 8. Torrent is stage manager. Among the company are Messrs. H. W. Oossln, E. B. Coleman, W. H. xoung, J. Collins, J. E. Wolfo, Geo. Femberton, eto., with Meadamee E. W. Young. Emma Ouahman, Annie Douglas, eto. From many 1 signs lately under -our observation, we think that onr Canadian fi-Iends ore general- ly disposed to do the, handsome thing by nearly aO amassment 1 roTiaers who may visit them-reomecmea oomlng "like a clap 4fthunder.outof a olearsky." - The Metropolitan, Rochester, N. T., commences biz. for the <tH season, on the aid. Among the regulars already engaged ore J. B. Fisher, J. H. Bogors, Johnny .Ward, James Charles, eto., 'With Mesdames A. J. Perry, J. Ward, Ada Bind air, Emma Rey- nolds, Rachel Noah, eto. Some more new people are' anxious to wis "the Boohester brand." ' ' Manager Hough's dramatlo company have been lately In Syra- «ra*e, N. T., and open at St Catharine's, C. W.', on the 8th. The Front Street Theatre, Baltimore, oompienoeaT the fall «euon on the 6th Inst . The following to a obmplete list of the ioicea engaged:—George Eunkel, lessee 'and tnonagor; Samuel W. Olonn, stage manager; T. L'Moiley. actlhg manager; 0, 8., Oetz, sconlo artist; Wm. Foster, master, maohlntot; Prof. Ia Winter, leader of orohoatra; Misses Mary Aim Mitchell, Ella -fackson, Mollle Williams, Mrs.. J. Dunn, Mrs.' Monell, Misses F. Monell, WelnzeV Weston, Carter,' J. Monell;'Messrs: H. W. Oossln, J. H. Ward, James Dunn, W. H. Bokee, W; P. Sheldon, F. L. Keller, O.'B. Dond, J. Goodman, W. E, Alexander, W. T. Johnson, F. Gerald, Mrs. 8. W. Glenn, and the danseuse, Kate -Pennoyer. . . ■ , The Continental, Philadelphia, under the management of Mr. B. Bandall, will be open on the 15th Inst Prof Smith, ballot master, has secured the services of. M'UesVQalettl, Helene, Au- .gnsla, and Marie; the groat oontrolto. Mme. D'Onny, and there- soprano, Mme. Ton Berkel, have also beenlehgojged. Extrai — nary efforts are being made to give effect to the pteoes to be pro- 4uoedhere.. .' . . • , . Miss Alice Placldo closed her seoond weekat Toronto, 0. W., -on the Oth. On tile 19th ult, on the ooasslon of. her benefit she -appeared as Joannle Beans, Mrs. Mann sustaining the part of •<JueonCaroline. ' 1 < , - '~' ■: : Fox's Ravel Troupe are making an unmistakable hit 1 wherever vey appear. Last week they olosed their performonoes at the ;Acadentf of Muelo, Providence, their, buslnoss being Immense, - x ney could have played there for some time longer with euaooas. jrat engagements already made, procluded the possibility of Jttolr slaying bayond-th. Oth; .They are.atWorcosler.'Mas... ^week, opening on tbe 8th. When this obmpany was first or- Jf™.^'t was predlotod that an. early failure Vould bo the on i5 ho "> prognostications havo not bold good, the troupo mwMngwIlhsuocossfrom'the sUrt, and bolng obmpeUod, by BWiona engagements, to leave-some cities whllo tholr houses " ™. i*?^ The tronpo now oonwrtees Jas. Pilgrim, business JWi™ T i to ".ballotmaster; lE.Braham,mueloal dlroctor; ^™V™ , 1 ' n »n*ez.Mons. E, Volorde, Mdlloa. Ooraldlno,MaHe, prised to find out here our UWeMend Merto.lUlnforth—that was—now Mrs. Irwin, formerly.- among the nivprites pf. the Boston Museum. I remembered this lady asJtvefy agreeable Juvenile actress some five years ago, but'time; experience, and devotion to her profession, have placed her at the head of it and it would Indeed be hard to find a leading mdy 'IrJ any stock oompany In the oountry to surpass her. Mr. A..L. flooding, a vory eieellent lightoomodlan, la hero; also Mr. George Pardey /son of the veteran aotor H. 0. Pardy, of Providence, B. I., now deceased). Miss .Florence Bell, a very pretty and fascinating little lady, does the singing ohambermalds. - Muoh praise to due Mr. Hunter, the gentlomanly stage director, for the exoouent manner In whloh tho plocos havo been put upon the stage. Taking it for all in oil, it to by far the best company I have seen in the western oountry. I will give you a list of (heir names, that you may Judge for yoursolf. Messrs. Selden Irwin, Thos. Tyrrel, Sam Hunter, H. B. Norman, A. L, Goofing, George Pardey, Ohas. Irving, Harry Collins, John H. Jack. J. 0. WhytoU, D. B. Alexander, Howard, and Belt. Among the ladles, are Mesdames Irwin, Lynde, Florence BelVMarietta, and Evelyn. This troupe are to divide their time between Central and Denver oltles, In which places there are good theatre buildings, that hold at the prices of $800 each, and the patronage they.have thus far received proves beyond a doubt that first class talent will be supported here. .All crodlt to due Mr. Harrison, the lessee; for bis exertions in bringing to those western wilds so good'.a company. Truly yours, ' LTHrmm-i,' . From Washington, D. 0., our correspondent "Fltx" give* us the following:—"Ford's new theatre, acknowledged, to be the first class theatre of the olty, la 'doing unquestionably an excel- lent business. In faot-ever since the Initial nlgjit of the season, large and fashionable atidlonces havo crowded the^udltorlum, evincing every mark of satisfaction with the theatre endthe dra- matlo company now regularly engaged thero. Whllementfonlng the. company, we have merely to state that a majority'of them ore from the Holllday Street Theatre, Baltimore, whlohla suffl- otont endorsement that they are all entitled to a fair share of publlo approval, whloh has been generously tendored them since-they have, publloly appeared In Washington City. 'The reigning star that has been, to, and will be for a "few nights" longer, Is thai Justly successful comedian, Mr. J. 8. Clarke; the' favorite of Philadelphia, and the popular New York 1 actor. All' the prominent newspapers of the "Capital City" are load' in his Sraise. The ApuMuan, Intdligenur, and Burning Star have all evoted much space to critical remarks on his genius as an actor, and his great success in the dramatlo profession. We all know how artistically he renders Asa Trenohard, Tilly Slowboj 1 , Farmer Ashfleld, and a score of other comedy parts; but we do not really appreciate how unapproachably he personates Bob Tyke, in the "School of Reform," whloh is certainly his greatest dramatl6 effort This to Clarke's first engagement since his. re- turn from Europe. Recalled to this side of the water by the de- cease of an-esteemed parent whose obsequies woro over ere he reached his home, Mr? Clarke was advised .not to immediately return to Europe, and consequently, Manager Ford, always on the guiviu for the best native and foreign talent offered Clarke "sn (opening." It was accepted, and he made his first appear- ance since hito return in Washington Olty, Aug. 38, '63, at Ford's new theatre, where his engagement will continue, as we before remarked; "a few nights longer." Washington will have a greater array of dramatlo celebrities this season, and at this the- atre", than has ever been seen here before. John T. Ford, - the lessee and director, being also manager of the "Holllday Street Theatre," Baltimore, to enabled to arrange with all the best the- atrical performers, both atook and star, that : are now beforo the enbllo The Clipfbb circulates very genorally In Washing- >n; and, as it espouses the cause of the drama in America, all are glad of its "winning its way" as the theatrical organ of our oountry Horry Ford to the treasurer of the. theatre here, and as many of his' Baltimore and other "acting friends" may wish to learn of his whereabouts, we append this to show his presentlocatlon." . • ■ A farce company has been engaged to keep the Gabriel Ravel Troupe in countenance while at the Boston .Theatre, commenc- ing on the 18th. The ever-Juvenile Tom.Plaalde and G. 0. (pro- fanely called Old) Spear are among the number. "People" say that "The Maearthy" to in course of preparation: at the Boston Museum. .Letthe girls get out the dumb Bells. * We stated last week that the "star system" was boldly avowed Jor the season at the Howard, Boston. Well, talk is oheap. The se&eon commenced on the 1st, and Miss Coombs was pnt forward (Indian fashion) to "meet the enemy." The trick to stale, how- ever, end business is already shaky at the Howard. We claim to be seoond to none in true gallantry, and yet we also claim the right of pointing out the fact that pretty women and famous names will not mako the Howard what It bos been and ought to be—aye, and might be. Biz. this week begins with "The Wife's Secret," and tho afterpiece of "Burled Alive," in which Wm. Scalion makes his first appearance there as BowhliL . v - This week's biz. at the Boston Museum begins with Stirling Coyne's "Blaok Sheep" and "Dunducketty's Plonlo." Lathe former, Kate Belgnolds has the character of Ethel- Maynard, while W. Warren, E. F. Keoch,-J. A. Smith, and L. J. Mestayer, are on the masoullne list, with F. Hardenburgh for Jacob Mort- main, tbe "black sheep" lawyer himself. No new appearances fhto week;'but the absence of Walter Bonn's name from the casts begins to look like a disappearance. William Warren as Peter Dunduoketty needs no comment from us: In fact we can hardly think of It without giving our pen' St Vltua's danoe, or risking tbe "mutability of human affaire" in our printing oOcei .... Professionals ore undecided In regard to affairs in the Western oountry. - The Oindnnatl - scare has made people ooutibci, and they dont like to venture on any debatabls'gTonnd. The company now at arover/s Theatre, Washington, D. 0., Is composed of the following 'performers : Ben Rogers, Charles Barron, D. Sotohell, T. H. Knight Harry Clifford, S. H. Bokoe, H. Wall; Bokee. Farr, Kelley, etc., with Misses Kato Denin, G. C. Gennon, Isabella Freeman, Jane Do Lacoy. Sophy. Glmber ; Mrs. H. Williams, Mrs. Betty Lee, E. Jones,'eto.'; A. W. Fenno. stage- manager; Shirley France,' prompter. John 'Owens to the star. ' -Professionals who happen to be snuff-takers win regret to learn iht death of- Mrs. Grace Dunlap, who made a fortune as tobacco- nist in Theatre Alley, Boston. Her little shop was much fre- quented by all classes, her memory,-fine taste, and good Ju'dg- ment in theatrical matters, rendennr " " slrable. Messrs, Edward Berry, T. Oony>-Wm. It Dorr, W. My Beeve, E. W. Slooum, J. OonUln, P. Contain,-Barney, Geo. Kermlne. J. Jerome; ballet master. Big, 0; Oottotantlne; leader of orchestra, Martin Freberthysor; soenlp artist T.-Noxon; manager, Geo. J. Deagle; stage manager, Edward Berry., j... The Melodeon still flourishes, with Kato Taylor, La Belle Velarde, Little Flora, and Little Mary, as tho principal attractions. Little Flora,, tho daughter of Bailie Thayor -(Mrs, Oony), Is a perfeot prodigy of talent in singing and dancing. When I say a child of six years of age can do the whole, and oorreotly, too, of the song of "Mrs. Watklns' Evening party," It to enough to show she to possessed of uncommon talent Qua Peters still manages tbe ballot and W. D. Storey the stage......Bowory.Thoatre, as Esher calls it, has a strong company, oomprialng, as the leading ones, Nlok Foster, Frank Sprang, Ed. OrpenTSbarley Lewis, Bailie Mason, Julia Clifford, M'lle Leonora.. and Nellie Clifford. Clara Butler Is, engsgod, to 'appear shortly. Biz. very considerably "above par," Motions are bolng made for tho winter meetings of onr monster Phllhannonlo Soototy; and In spite of war.'oonsorip- tlon, dull times, and alt our people seem determined to be mer- ry, patronizing amusements freely as ever. Certain circumstances have lately oomblned to'make Buffalo one of the most "high-horse" places this side of tfohnny Gilpin's Bide to Brentford" (not Brentford,' 0. W.) Manager Oarr, observing those signs of the times. Intends to open his Melodeon on the 18th, with sn attractive company, suoh as must ; ilease tho Bunalonlans, whatever maybe the.state of > "forward- ng." Let tho flour trade flourish, and all the oars'run pros- perously. A apodal edlot . . '* Harrlsbnrg does rejoice, as we- expected, with, the prospect now presented by Bob Edwards at his Qayety Musio Hall there. His advertlsoments In our columns may give the general reader some Ides of the array of talent Bobort has contlnuod to collect at his establishment In Walnut street, Harrlsbnrg. J. H. Donnell leads the orchestra. On the stage are.Bdwln Hyde, Kate and Lizzie Francis, Tom Murrey, Kate Archer, .Jake Budd, Mollle Fielding, Master Edwards, Don 'Howard, Julia Edwards, T. H. Hollto, Dick Berthelon, eto., throwing in Bob himself, who Is a whole , team when he gets going, while Prof. Tanzant plays the lano and tho publlo pay the trifle required forodmlsaion. Butler's Melodeon, Philadelphia;, re-opened on^the 6th Inst, llltallMA«n-.M— W II fill'lT'll, II ll ,!■ Ill,I ■lllll Iiiwihii 5-j>n t^Y. « mun "' "« 'euros, auuios. uonuuino, marie, W iiw?'»1 U8tU ' Mon »- Bavel; A, Grossl, P. Berger, Braham, Th^wJL^S?! Dnl4n9 y and o fun anyt Ot oalWT Mr ™j "t*yiadolphio, did a fair business last week with i^TrS: *■ Bavenport, who remain there tho present week, wk kSSP f low comedian at the Walnut «K.ntVi5?£*"!!*■"»• R ManhaU to to have the Serbia. tto >»™. theatre nowin coureo of ereotlonln The pride and man- Phil i Items we cotSi'*<er°^5 e } ,W0 * nkon ia P™««nllng whatever AuUfuut S?.S? a Colorado Territory aro.nowbooming out WflXauh.oonaipondohoefrom that region Is bocomlng torn Don^e^S'tJ'n!? 81 ! 4 tno lowing ••speolmon nugget 15 «Lrwra"l hii^V 001 ^* 4 ? Tonltory. AugSth, '8a:-KuB ioto In ftos? < 5^A M ,i b * T ^« 8Mn *" th »»«» *°»' "oflhy of •ablotoirtvdvSu^i5™.» tlM0 '? ie Hooky mountains, I may^bo "'And will £^! me ' lt * tM of mterost partloularly theatSoal.. ^frlondlr,. 'Sff * m *?„ a " H^e* ™ay do', to.exprtss his love 1shoaTtouV&^ T ^^ to 8 ,e ^ not'tabk." I nave Just fin- iobov n SMi;:i OU8 jL tho mountains, whore oyorythhig appears ™oM JSSL^r- Th<™ to no doubt about thto beiSgTi groat ?old onn n <„y , i, . ,ore 18 no uouot auout this being a aroot hwT^ c 5t , 2S?t J1 5 ? nl y tht i. mon idmu « to*oS it TreaUli^T«S? i m S° k aristocraoy here yon wUI find plontyof Creek DhwSrnT.^f 8 B »<**Jn '<»> Frying-pan dutch, Clem ^to^entS ffli"* T Sr ral °P! T m P ««Joa places, I • toSw bTS? Here I found a theatre, and, to toy eur> frwbl who» t l*J funU l 4f '*•««. *mon 9 "horn Was MrvSWen liaffiiMS.JS.L 11 * 4 K- M - bnt » fow months previous: doing to» IS^f S-SS? J'. Wood, •.-Onelnnatl. Mr. L to a vory p^rnto- to ad B aaSS^ , ^ 4M-aln « many of those quaUUes so neoetsary Mk^M^*^*^ 1 ** 8«ntt.numresemWe?v1r. nT~KfJ2 »Wf»«*<ie. action, and gesture, the late lamented £^J™"£ «<11« detdnad at no very distant day to mike hto naxktmong theintlnhis protoaaloi I wu toil tomaur. ig her - conversation very de- She died on tbe 1th, in her seventy-fourth year, leaving a large property. When she removed from Theatre Alley to Province street a few years since, many persons thought that she would retire and "go into society," as it is called; but the old lady knew very well that there could be no better "society" than that every day around her cosy little parlor and theatrical pic- tures. . ," i> Garry Hough gives Oswego the benefit of a short season, com- mencing 4hls "week. Harry Clayton and J. G. Lester ore his right and left bowers, In addition to the other trumps of the oompany. Bee advertisement Mr.'and Miss Blohlngs are at the Metropolitan, Bdffalo; this week. The saooess Mtos Caroline Rlohlngs and her "father, met with during their long engagement at Nlblo's,. in this city, proves that they are artists of real merit-v While here, they produced several operatla speotoeles in great splendor, and the same novelties will be brought out during their Buffalo engage- ment, and at all those theatres for wh|oh they have been secured. The New-York critics were very'fires In their praise of Mtos Blohlngs' slnging^and certainly it was all well deserved; Let onr Buffalo friends loeir opinion of: the'lady's abOitles. ; Mr,' and Mrs, Florence commence an engagement et'Graver's theatre, Washington, D. 0., on tbe Utb inst •:, - / All amusements have been squelohod in Cincinnati, by order of the marshal, the threatened first appearance of the rebels In that olty' making It necessary to confine all business operations to a proper defence of the city. B. Jones had Just completed his oompany tor Pike's Opera House, and the' troupe were ■ to havo "massed'' there last wook; but heeto presto, the rebels, whether real' or Imaginary, upset all theatrical calculations, and the people remain In ttatti quo. Mr. B. E. J. Miles was to have commenoed asorlesof equestrian dramas at Wood's on tho 8th, but on his arrival there he found theatres, hbtols, stores, and an plaoes, olosod, "and all for martial glory;" Evorybody was turnod Into soldiors or laborers on trenohos bsok of Covington. Squads woro manning the streots in all dlrections.arrostlug all atragijlers. A correspondent writes us that a squad had Just turned up a dry loods box In front of his window, disclosing four Teutonics under t - High bid times in the Queen Olty. -■ - . Mr, Proctor has olosod his engagement at the Adolphi, Troy, N, Y. Ho was to loavo on the 8th to fulfil engagements olsewhere. Miss E. Phillips remains at the Adelphl; also, Mr. Nlokensou. Miss Bella Nlokenson, we aro Informed, has seooded from tho stage entirely. Miss Thompson arrived at Troy+on the 2d, and Mrs. Frank Drew left about tho same time for New York. Mr. and Mrs..-F. B. Conway eommeneean engagement at the Troy Adelphl,-4n the 8th, whore thoy axe to bring out "Poop o' Day."' HoYloker's Theatre, Chicago, whloh re-openod some three weeks slnoo, muoh Improved In aU respeots t -havlng been painted anddocorated entirely In a different-style, to doing well Tho "Soven Sisters" has been on tho boards for a couple of weeks, and draws'full houses. A correspondent says that tho "loos bits" .aro rather too severe and pointed, and will keep a good many away, for all do not agreejwlth the manager, Mr. MoVloker, in political sentiment Instead of a faroo, tho evening oloaes with the splendid soono of "Tho Birth of tho Butterfly." Miss Jennie Hoamer, Is Captain of the Zouaves. by our oorrespond. KITSIO IIAIiLS. - Bt Louis seems as gay as usual, Judglni ent "Soneca'e;" letter of tho 3d:—"Tho Varieties was opened lost night, after bejng olosod only flvo nights, to an immense house, and the performanoa passod off with tho eclai, -due to the oooaeton. The main feature of the evonlng was the'blppo- dramatlo play, "Buok Bison," In which Hiss Louisa Wells made bor first appooranoe, and mot with a very oxeoUont reception. The pleoo was put upon the stage with all tho oaro and attention to details usual at Iho Varieties, while th« soenery, from the brush of Ton) Noion,' was, as usual, a strong' foatore. TU,e trained, horso, Don Juan, made the "runs" in,tho most dashing style, under the guldanoo of hto fearless rider,- Miss Wells. The opening was a suooess, an ovation rally due to tho untiring ef- forts o! Beagle to please the publlo. The ballet inoreased In number, under the dlreotion orSlg. Constantino, Is a deservedly, leading feature. Where Ul aro good, it is Impossible to speak specially of saoh one's merits, so t say oolleotlvcly, thoy are one of the beat oompalos In the eountry. Tho members ore as follows :— Miss Ij«niM Wells, Mtos M> Drew, Hiss 0. Horley, Fanny Thomp- son, Ltosi. Walby, Lids Hlbbord, Bom De Lfloe, Mlnnto Lonnler, with a large company, and manager. - The Continental, Philadelphia, olosed as a musid hall on the 4th Inst Millie Fowler sailed for Europe on the'30th nit, thereby put- ting an end to her Washington and other engagements. . Charlie Cannon, the winner of the silver cup at Dobson's re- cent benefit In Philadelphia, to residing In that olty, and Intends entering the minstrel profession. The hut was a gay week at Uncle Bon Trimble's Varieties, Pittsburgh. The place had quite a dramatlo olr with Fanny Den- bam as MlUy, in "The Mold with the Milldno pall," and'W. A. Bouse as Dlccon the comical. These two artists gave great satis- faction, especially when on subsequently appearing as Fanny Curry and Dabster In the afterpiece of "Tho Eton Boy." Per- haps we might say that It was a "rousing" week. Tommy Jofferson also made his first appearance there, and was cordially received in Ethiopian and banjo biz. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wat- Hns (Addlo Johnson,) F. F. Maokay, H. Williams, etc, remain with the company. ■ . . They have a concert Saloon, on the New York plan, In Bio Ja- neiro; bat they have not yet introduced the "pretty waiter girl" system.' The Canterbury, In Washington, to doing a snug business. Msrletta Havel and Jennie Allen are the principal dancers; and the following-named artistes are also performing there:—Misses Olara Butler, Amelia Wells, Kate Harris, TlDy Forbes; Bob Hart, Lew Simmons, Willis Armstrong, Bob Butler, eto. Mtos Ada Laurent danseuse, opened at Blake & Hayes'Opera House. Toledo; Ohio, on the' 3d Inst She seems to have met with muoh mvor, the Toledo blades being sharp enough to out the saloons to see the graceful Ada dance. Thto week she dan- ces the Volunteer Rifle Dance, which she danced in Detroit every night for two weeks. In this dance she Introduces the Enfield Bine praotioe. The "Young American Jig Dancer," Johnny Spencer, was en- gaged to appear at the Bowery, St Louhvlost week. ' "Grand Sacred Concerts", are the feature at the Melodeon, Bt Louis, on Sunday evenings; omCTJSElS. Spalding & Rogers' Ocean Circus to meeting with great success In South America. We have already made mention of the favora- ble reception of the company In Pernambuco, and now we hear equally favorable intelligence of their appearance and reception In Bio Janero. The rainy season commenced at Pernambuco while the concern was in the midst of Its triumphs, and "sail hoi" was made for Bio. Letters of Introduction to the most noted officials and others In Bio were given to the manager. The advance agent preceded .the company, the latter going In their brig, while the former proceeded by steamer, and when the corn- reached the port, there was a perfect jurort to witness the as of the horses. Black Bees fell overboard, but was res- cued without injury. Permission was obtained to erect the can- vas In the Great Square, or Campo Santa Anna, with tbe Benate House, National Museum, and Opera House surrounding. In addition to the already excellent fit out of the concern, the man- ager expended about $2000 in fitting up the four entrances, offi- ces, ana Emperor's reception, room. The letter before us to dated Bio, July 10, and up to that time the company had per- formed nine dasB to. crowded houses, the prices of .admission being for boxes holding six, nine dollarsjturquet II50; gallery, 78 cents. Th. boxeTEadbsen nltod lightly wlttf the-rwhilltyC The previous two-weeks had been a gay, sou on ibr the American* resident-* In Bio: In the first place, a fw days before* the circus opened, the American Ferry Companyoenunenccd rnmnlng their three new steamers, and a great holiday-was made of it; next the American Circus opened; keoplng nptho excitement; and then tbe magnificent American steamer Constitution appeared in- the harbor, oompletoly casting In the shade all English, Frenoh, and other steamers ever seen there. From four to five thousand persons visited her dally. Bhe left on the 14th. July for Califor- nia. She made the run from New York to Bio In seventeen days, whloh to sold to be the quickest passage on record. Bio to making great headway In improvements. It to not many years since they were without vohlcles, ota Now they have hocks, carriages, tilburys, carts, wagons, gss, finely paved streets, an opera house, four theatres, a wooden circus building, eto. Our olrous frionde ore well liked in their performances: onr Utile friend, Kate Ormond, receives a fall share of applause, and Du- vbrnyto likewise a favorite. Ferdinand Tournolre was riding splendidly, and Little Charley Fish was doing bare-back business very olovorlf. The horse Hiram brfd - created quite a sensation by his performances. Altogether, tbe conoero was s great suc- cess, end we hope good fortune may attend It throughout St Goodwin & Wilder's Circus Company, Including Mis. Don Sloe's Great Show, are to visit Qnebeo on the 16th, 10th, 17th, and lBth Sept They bave contrived to do a good biz'. In New Brunswlok and Nova Scotto, and aro now working their way by a somewhat novel route through Canada East After showing In Qnebeo, "homeward" to the watchword, by way of Montreal and-the towns on Lake Ontario, where we hope they may not meet/with a financial Interpretation of the last line In tbe follow- ing "Owed to Lake Ontary:" . ' . . "Green ar' thy,waters, green as bottle-glass— Bohold 'em stretoht tbor I Fine muakolonges and Oswego bass Is oft'n katohed thar.'. Thar the red InJIn onoe took hto delights); Ftohet fit and bled; ' Now most of the inhabitants to vhltesi ■ ■' • And nary red I" > "• -Manager Lent is doing the preliminary biz; for hto Hip-Over- Thomas through the prfnolpal towns in Canada East, and Intends to show the real critter (neither borrowed nor lent) in Qaobeo,' on th4 two last days In September, and .the two first days in October. Manager Lent to ollowod to be the actual owner of a "hippo," and yet ho "shows" no sign of melancholy. Bartholomew's Olrous Company made a triumphal entry into Stockton, CaL, on the 1st Aug., and seemed likely to stay tri- umphant Thero to somo talk of a new style of California orltter, whfoh can bo "depended on" as a successful rival to tbe live and swimming hippopotamus.' We have dates from Oallao, In Pern; 8. A., (by way of Panama,) as late as the 12th Aug., from whloh wa obtain some Interesting; advices as to the movom'snta of the Aymar Family, George 06n- etablo, Dr. 0. H. Bassett, 'etc, In oonnootlon wlth.the where- abouts-of tho old C. 8. Olrous. It appears that since the oonoem ohanged hands, about five months ago, from Dr. Bassett to Wal- ter and Wm. T. Aymar, the treasury has had very uncertain levols and .prospects. Sometimes it seemed a menagerie ele- phant to a toy horse that there was no use In trying to "gat along' so:"-! Thto mad. eight months of "bod times" in Peru, and con- sequently, about tho middle of Auguit, the oompany. was to b* dlvldod into two parties. The old party (so oallcd) was to have tho two Aymara, Mrs, Maggie Aymar, Little Lottie Aymar, and tho other oblldren. Miss Batcbolor, of California/ (one of tho oompany,) having married Wm. T. Aymar Just previously to her death (by consumption,) he found tho money she left him very ueeful In "running tho show." So bod-had affairs become that one of the most valuablo horses-had to be sold, andonoof Onr : correspondents makes the following commentary—"We have been here long enough to sell a horse, and if wo Btay bore muoh longer, wo shall not have a horse to sou." To proceed. The othor party to composed of Wm. Painter, John* Bees, Ed. Bowie (tho French performer,) Alexander Montorg (thelivlngSkoleton.) and Geo. Constable (one of tbe old bossoe.) Tho last party has employed Dr. Bassett In his old bis. as agent and would prooeed to Guayaquil, and thence to New Granada, so as not to Interfere with the Aymar party. By-the-way, the MartlnetU Troupe de- clared their independence about the Fourth of July, and left Cal- ico for Chill. Tbe steamer thoy wont in struck on a rook, and became a total wreok, but the Maranettls managed to savo them- selves and traps. Altogether, wo mav oome to the conclusion that Oallao must have a Gallons population for circus affairs, and that gold and silver are not easily ploked up in Peru, Loo Powell, of Thayor, Noyes & Oo.'s Olrous, was lately In Pittsburgh, and roporls theblz. thus far met with, as Up top, So muoh for thoir notoo. ^ - - William Armstrong, ono of New-York's olrous boys, to -now lil Dantzio, G^r-many, having loft Russia. Wo understand Out Billy to about to marry a tody of that oountry. He to with Car- riers Olrous, Bomal Runnels is with the somo oompany. ' B. Sands'Grand Hulttoeral Combination Olrous and Homo- hlppodeol Amphitheatre/ shone forthlstttw Haven, Cons,, Sept yfwonedaycoJyj • \f£ ■ , ' . ''' .« '•' » ' • ' \i' i!i " . .'.v. ■ ■ ■ - - j ','' ^'.'•''.■BOBO mXBTBBUT. - Mumpfcsjfcw&.stirff^ Pro^n^R^L.X^lhe »2l Inonin*Ww»^yprt.bably give allatof the iwwmpiayT^ The Hopper Brolhen are forming-a. new party f or miniSeliT. whloh may somewhat temporarily weaken Yankee Miner's Parlor Drama Oompany, at present In Mtohlgon,, a. o. Miner to first violinist Hopper holds the banjo, and Louis Heat''dent bones," Fou» others, suitable for minstrelsy, are nearly en- gaged. Con Packard la, likely to be tho new agent The nartr soon mako a hop, skip, and Jump. r—t ■ Johnny Booker's Minstrels open at Cleveland, Ohio on the - 10th, and will slay the week out, on account of the state Four Thoy have beou doing very woll-in Wheeling, Vs., and reoeuliv gavo a benofit there to the."Soldiers' Aid Fund," whlcb--uUed flOO dear of all expenses. - John B. Hartal to the leader, and h. Is arranging anew company for a winter campaign through the Western States. Sam Pond, who has already been six years with Johnny Booker's parly, to to go with the new conoern, and a brass band to to do tho ditto. - Mrs. Hsrtel has some Uttls folks In training for theblz., and Johnny Booker continues to talk like a book. He has with him Mossr-a. Glendinalng, Morsn, Billy Vaughn, O'Neal, James Owosny, Master J. Beck, eto. Morris Brothers, Pell k Trowbridge's - Minstrels seem to keep on "taking tho odd trick," so long as there to "anything lei over In Boston." They give suoh plentiful programmes that we almost despair of noticing all the tempting Items;' but, this week, they give old Joslah Porham a hard knock, with "Per- horn's Excursion to the 01am Bake, or the Railroad Smash Up." Of course this to a smasher, like "The Prize .Fighters," "The Re turnod Volunteers," etc., and everybody that to anybody must go and see how Perham perambulates'. Our Boston read- ers wul please take notice that the hour of ootnmenoement to now ohanged to suit tho season. Sam Sharpley, one of tho most witty man In the .minstrel busv in ess, Is about closing hto season ot engagements' in Hew York- Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, and win soon beat liberty to accept starring engagements In oQ the loyal States. See edvefttoement , ...>'• Buckley's Serenade™ had a good house at'TroyyTj, Y>, on the) 6th, where they also appeared on the Oth. They leave this week for the west - -v' Professor Jabxt H. Anderson has turned up in and threatens again to return to Europe. Gen> Tom Thumb and Com. Nutt are in Boston this week, trot we have not heard whether they Intend to folio* P. T, Barnum'ay example In regard to claiming "exemption papers." .. ■; : : > ' .< AJttATKUlU "Vapid," In Philadelphia, sends a few items whloh may be ac- ceptable to onr Amateur friends. The old Boothenloas ota oh the 21st Aug., and expeot to resume operations about the Is*' Oct The Wheatley D. A. have made some improvements In- their hall, and propose to open on the 10th September, with, "The Lady of Lyons" and "Cool as a Cucumber," although two.- of their best performers have "gone to tbe wars." The Trova- torla have also furnished many volunteers for Pennsylvania'* contribution to the national defences, and'this D. A. has not yet appointed a day for resuming publlo performances this season. Gor-io to the Wab.— Cortland FolweU, manager of the Avon- ite Club, and two other members of the association, have Joined the 9th Regiment, Hawkins' Zouaves, and will leave this week for the seat of war.. . mSCEliliAATEOCS. Manager (W. H. Sedley) Smith now teaches fencing in addition, to his usual Instruction In elocution and other branches in dra- motloart "Gftfcious knowB''It was about time we had soma) such publicly avowed instructor. We are tired of seeing so manx (real) mock dukes as we have been compelled to see On the stags. What is a sword for? To be used—properly. . ; . : vj Peter Punever has returned to'Denver from his trlp to ths* Gregory Mines, and to soon to give hto lecture on "KingSham.", among the Southern Mines. - In this classification we may now place marriages, and report*, has It that Mr. Henry A. Longdon and Mrs. Annie Senter have) been "clove together." ' Mr. and Mrs. De Lave were advsrttoed to perform at Oohoesv N.T,, lost week. Mr. DeLare was to walk a rope L00O feet long, "over the awful ohasm," with a woman on his back. These per> Yonnances ore previous to the rope-walker's.' 'departure for Sorai America."' ' ' 1 The trial dance between Dick Bonds and T. M. Hayes, In conie- duenoe of the ohsllenge ef the latter, (published' In our last Issue), to now expected to take place In Boston. Gabriel Ravel's one-Ravel troupe will unravel their peonltorttt* at the Boston Theatre on the 16th Bept, and at the Philodelphlm Academy of Musio on the Oth Oct ; Here's a chance for those who wUh to embark in the line at maglo with the most complete apparatus ever Invented. The ex- tent of the cabinet may be learned when we state that the appa- ratus fills seventy coses; and all thto win be disposed of for less- than one-third its original cost Full description. With the sell- ing price, wUI be sent at once. See advertisement- - ■ Barret's paintings of the Southern Rebellion are being ex-- hlblted thto week at Lebanon, N. H., opening on the 8th at Towni HslL .»...-' John W. Wfitoton, the American Humorist, was at Blngliejav ton on tho 3d and *th, at Waverly on the 6th and 6th, and con>- mences thto week at Elmlra on tho 8th and 9th. The Hutchinson Family gave one of their gra^te-dlsouaslnjc. entertainments at Buffalo, on the 8d, tor the benefit ot "the vof: ■*untee«C".'*V''t; ;:*v'' "-. -'- ; . "\ v .*''.- v *'-."-'' ; -' : - • ' '•Par4vS*«ne, ana.hIs talentedUtUe^eon,a»lnBalflmoire. ; 1 sonxton DBABUTio and 'Bndw'mwti'li The new Royal Haymarket, Melbourne, Australia, built by the*-. Hon. George Coffin, manager, member af parliament eto.; Is-to be oponed about the middle of Bept, with Manager Blmmonds*> for its first lessee. ;-.' J. H. Ogden, the "bashful Irish Ambassador," to now engaged", to sing In tho musical Interlude, at the Britannia Theatre, Lon- don, In addition to his engagements at the Winchester, '°*B 1 rn.' and other music halls. "There's another vorse." .. -'-r. Crockett, "the Lion Conqueror," now boasts that no antnrsxa have been received to hto unlvorsal ohollenge. Whew I Any re-. - lotion to the departed Davy? , A new piece at one of the London, theatres has a obaractor- named Mr. Kerr Mudgeon. What win our "Orpheus 0. Ken" say to this? Perhaps our readers would like to know what sort of "com-' pony" our Joo Jefferson to-In when, oast for Salem Souddtt, away off In Melbourne. From what we know of the_peru'es, WW think that Manager SImmonds has got a pretty goof group 4«>: cost "Tho Octoroon" with, at the '•Prijioe»»'s,;and th»t Jos mast feel "Just abeont East" while there. Miss Rosa Dunn is the I5oe». Mra. A. PblUlp the Mrs. Peyton, Mr, Heir the.George Peyton, Fitzgerald the McOloaky, Holt the Indian, Stewart the Peto.'Lom- bert tho Sunnynido, eto. Altogether,'.Joe is weU taken core of, and can resume bis California engagements in February, or not, according to olroumstonces.' We shall see. • . -> London has o Prince of Wizards Just'now, and hto nonw'la' Robin—Monsieur Robin at that He to very snccessfol, and ths English folks are not likely to inquire—"Who Wiled Cock Bobin 1". Notwithstanding the great popularity of "Mateppa" at Astleye, London, Walter Edwin and his black mare Gypsey ore equally, succcssral with tho same equestrian drama at the Grecian Theatre) In the same olty. Let the profound philosophers account for this. , Tho Marsh Troupe of Juveniles hove been doing "Uncle Tom's Cabin," "The Sea of Ice,'.' eto., with tolerable biz. at theLyceum, Melbourne, Our latest news from Australia comes by way of England this ' ' week, andwehave aatos from Melbourne as lato at the Mth June.. Jefferson had not left tho Princess's, nor did he seem likely to leave; for hto Salem Soudder and, "Tho Octoroon" continued in great demaiid.. Thto pieoe was'announced for three nights of ths) following week,;to alternate with "The Poor GopUemon" for* ths. other threo nights. The nextweok was to be ocoupled In a simi- lar manner with- "Nicholas Ntokleby" and "The Yankee Team-: ater," Jefferson appoarlng in all the oasts. As the lease of thsr Princess's waa to' oxplre In August and a new theatre has been offered to him as managor,\no doubt ho might answer the nv. mors of his leaving Aust-ralloby Binglng—"Dont hellovelt Jos;" - Mrs/Jordan and Mtos Sara Stevons remain with Mdme. Oelestsn la the oast for "TBJie Colleen Bawn" at Drurv-Lane, They vriH also appoar in the new spootaculor drama that Bouroiooultln- . tends produolng on the IStb Sept. Harry Watklns and Rose Howard, continue , at the Standard, London, being now re-engaged for a second month as stars, antl. - are even more aucooeaful than whon at the Lyceum a few seasonal ago. • . ■',■ '.- ■ --JAii's The lirepresslble Joey Gougenhelm was at Launoetton, Tea- , manja, in June, and had becomo 'a favorite, being on a seoonoi onmgemcnt for four woeks. . ,.. '„ l.'. •' The statemont that "Mr. JohnT. Power" to a sen of the lament--!' od Tyrone Power, has now been contradicted by the relatives) of the latter. In England, By the way, why has.not JohnT. oom*- to tea yet i People who come here "all tho way from Australia" do not find us vory green. 'No doubt John T.- Is a very nice young man for a small tea party, but Harold L. Power, in' behalf i of the. other relatives, writes to deny "that he to In- anyway related to tho lata Irish comedian of that namo." JohnT. nmrmi to have "gone In" wrongway, llko.a subsided Tycoon. Manager Cavo, at the Marylebono, London, shows no stop of / caring in. He has produced a now drama of the "JackBhsp- * ' pard" style, called "Handsomo Jack, tho Highwayman," and It. has now been added to that branch of the classics. Our Bowery. ? managers must turn up this Jook, and Count him soon. Ths afterpiece was T. D. Rloo's "Llfo In'Alabama," and Adah Cosh-', man seems vory useful generally, ss woll as in Zeb Dnckahlns. Tho Harylobono is not hid in a cave: "Old Joo Morton," the woll-known mountebank and oonjuror, died, In his sixty-fourth yoar, on the 20th Aug., at Dawabuiy, i -Yorkshire, and was burlod in a cemetery thoie. Joe was a no- - Uve of Floakton, and a colllor by trado, but ho "donned1 the BOK'^- loy" moro than forty years ago, and was a prominent feature no. •■■ publloUfoaU ovor .the north of. England.- HowMperformlna* two days* before he-died. Our Englleh frionle, trio may bav» seen him, wUI readily repeat the mrun line of his epitaph— "Pdo*;. • Joel" '• .. ■ ■ _••» -.i^.'*- • The Italian opera season at Covont Garden -J?»«*S; SUi Sk ' Aug.,afld that at Her Maieety's.Tliealro on the 80th, Ond th*. Londoners' seem oontentod. . . ,_. _ Mr. and-Mrs. Howard Paul are at Dlrmlngtim,.dolng "Tia> Old Folks" and "Bluebeard" among thalr pleasing enti monts. For ooatiAuatlon of Theatrical Bccoid see pagt'lfb'