New York Clipper (Sep 1862)

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... V , i -... . > v.-.*' ■ft'. ^^ftEATRlcj-iLi; be doRD.; terntyam smnnttj Akd nomnit o» rax iHSiniaii, cbctjb, ■■'.i..;v'r/S)iM:'- ..<*,. V«rV iff. It), the 8t Nicholas Hotel .... .Bole Proprietor and Manager, , ^tjivooal success. , ■ «•«<.. :oubb obowded nightly, and fashion of the city. . , i VERDIOT OF THE PUBLIC .; j. T • Ha* be«l»Tirianimously declared In faror of • ^WkfiJMw .:-Vl.'•};■ MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, ■ . .W^. -!: *j, AaS wvery evening during the wedf '., yaw*-. ; . Mew Act* : .. .,n,V:'.i; ;: ^ '•A'ti 8ftuD«er. The-Bird Hunters, ■ J?W:£ ! \ '■)-•■■ ■Hippy Uncle'Tom, The Old Maid's Lament, fto.Cj , OH THB MOVBl—HOMBWAHD BOOWD. ,-• .. ■ ■. i ,.-. ■ ■ ,i, ... . . ■ ■ FOX'S .-■'».. ■' BAVEL TBOU.PE," W "Whose', nett success at the Boston Huaeum for the part four ■week*, ttdto one jreekat the Howard'Athewenm. imputed fiato*• toyArtiste ever known In Boston daring.the Summer Season, at* now on thsirweybeok to Hew York, and wfll : per- > HBW EAVBN, Sept Uth end 16th. The Troupe comprise the fo llowing firstolaas Artiste i ■ £■> .,.- . '<•'. .■.'..'■ • ANNETTA GAIXETTI,' ■ 'T' r>' - A.M. HERNANDEZ, v- ■. V.VwtaVtr Bnvtf'' 0HABEB7FCX, FR ANK: " B. ABECCO, 0. HENRY, E. H. FLORENCE, J.O ABATA QUA, K. HASLAM, - M.LEW1B, ■.'■■".. NOTICE—OHANOE OF TIME, • ■ ■ . fDoors open at 6X; oommeuee at 7X o'clock. Admission SBoents. Wo connection with any other Troupe assuming the name of ■■Wood'eliinetreU. • • » TTtH HOB CO OL W HITE,; BVPEBOY, • T.B. ISAACS, BBTABT T B OPHRA. HOUSE, ....Mechani cs' He ll, 473 Broadway, above Grand street- \. ■BYANT.BBOTBEB^'Proprietor*. JOHN SIMPSON, Treasurer. > ■ WIHANB and pPC HAKA Sj.Ushers. A. BOBS. Oft ctf. 1 ■KVKNIrl THAB Ot THE .0B1GINAL WORLD-BENOWWED ti. .. BBYANT/BMIN8TRHL8. THE EX0EL8I0B'TBOTJFB OF THE WORLD. She Company is- composed of the following talented Artists:— t"..... DAN BBTANT, ^ '■NEIL BBYANT. • flHEBO. OAMPBELL, ■ BOIUN H OWABD , . ■ ■ n .. KELSON eEYMOUB,' - O. W. H. GBIFFIN, . ■W.H H0BB8,. .' O. flrtOWLEB, J. H. 8TTOBI, *<O.A.CONNEB0,<- ' '' ft W. CHABLES, . J. HILT ON, D. D. EMMETT, \. i 3: MORBIBON, T. GETTINQS, : S.J.2EEL, -. - 'FBANK LESLIE, LITTLE HAO, OB AND BE-OPENING, ; In * new. variety-of Songs, Dances, Bnrlesqnes, Plantation Beenea, *c, be,*. Tor Partlonlkra see bills of the day. ■ • ■ • •',-'^•■;lfr-.;,-Tll<*ete 21 cents. ■ • ' ao-tf . JIOBBIB BltOTHfilHS, PEIX (SCTKOWBBJDOll'B . ' OPEBA HOUSE; BOSTON, 1IASS. ; • This popular establlahnient win 1 n ■ oomoaox thebsuthbeohlabkeasoh MONDAY EVENING, AUG. VOBBIS BBOTBBB8, PELL & TBOWBBTDGE'S MTN8TEELB Ocaislflt of the following Gentlemen; ' LON UOBBIB, BILLY MOBBIS, '( JOHNNY FELL, ' J. a TBOWBBIDGE, .'X.W..PBE8C0TT. ■ J. L. OILBEBT, J. P. END RE?, ■ ■ AUGUST 80HNETDBB, V. W. BOAHDMAN, B. BOWEBS,' N. IX)TB1AN. . . & M. OAB BOIX; X QUEEN, ' ' : F. 'WrLMABTH, B. FBEDEBIOKB, J. J. HTLLIABD. • D. J. MAGUTNOTB, ■ LA. ZWISSLEB.. ; t'.The. M&nagemeut ■ call particuUr notice to. the store'disHa .■ulsed amyjfjf Talent :>. . Tioketa 311 centa; Beserred Beats (0 cents. ' 31-tf ' • '.. ,K>N MOBBIS, Manager. - thh anew thouph of stars, 1. , -i'ABUNGTON 6 DONNIKIB'S WNBTBELS. This Trohpe oonslstsj of the very belt - " » ETHIOPIAN PEBFOBMEEB, ' ► Jkndin-iritrodhdng theirBirteriatnnlsnts, the Managers beg to eusrare the Publlo that every energy will be used to make it -mrihy the patronage of their friends end all lovers of :' i ■ ABTIBTIO MIN6TBEL8Y, • ' tmd thAtXo expense has been or win be. spared to make this the .-V. .. !. . . __:NE PLUB TTLTBA ■ OF ETHIOPIAN ENTEBTAINMENT8, .IDke Ooniparbicompriaes the following Gentlemen:— m. ATtfjNOTON. „B KELTiY,.' '< A. JONES, . ' ■-. TO, H. BBOCBTWAY, ■VM. H. BUTLEB, ■•.VB/raiOE, Vnti -O. DAVIE, ■riv- 3. B. DONNIKEB, MABTEB LEON, > mi. 8PAULDING, ' O. H. OABTEB, FEED 8POBB, MASTEB DUMONT, CHAB. 8. WOOD. Wat. 0. DAVIE, Treasurer, ..CHAB. 8, WOOD,' Agent and Business Manager. a-tf . 41 *Hfl» M lBI.f, MUlBTBEtlaB. . Xesseeand Manager....CHAB. A. MOBNDJGSTAB. ■ .: < Stage Manager CON MURPHY. ;>.' Musical Director FRANK BEBGEB, -.The Oompany conelsts of the following talented Artists:— B; a pubdy, ;- JOE MAIB9, ; .v:.'I.J.>W. wMPPtr/ „. J. H. STOUT, , FRANK ANGELO, .'■'■ DAN M. HOLT, •' J. B. PAB 8EBEL II, W. H. GBIFFDSI, ■a^t».tf : ' W. E. MANNING, ' CON MUEPHY, ■ ;' FRANK MT aHRGEB, : '■.''"' OHAfl. BANFOBD, HIGNOB ANGELO, BIOHABD ARNOLD, '■' ALPH BISHOP, • fflQNOB SUR^ONI, . M3BB FRANK 0EB1BTIE, *•***"' GEO. E. BENTLEY, Business Agent 'HmTBOPOIilTAS VAREBTIXIs', " ^.C. (LiZS THKAZBB.) ■ M. BAYLEB 8 ..Proprietor. r '\CJ. B. WHITE ,.BtageManager.; ■ . ', SKB ONLV FIRST, CLASS PLACE OF'AMUBEMENT JB : '' ■ '.'■■. . :'■ . DETBOIT. . :■*»■'' "- ;3!HE' ti ABgE 8T AND BEST-COMPANY IN THE: WEST. y i, ,. .... :XHB BEST 0B0HE8TBA IN THE-WEST. ' ' .■ 4 . ' \'j.' -'TBE|MOBT<COMPLETBSTAGE AND BOENEBT. :*~. : ■ In the imminent. Stars .of, the Concert Halls, treated, with on . ttberal terms, communications from the Profession soHdted. . ■ Address "JL M. BAYLESS, ]iB- . ; Metropolitan Varieties, Detroit, Uloh. ; ' WASBnrTGTOl? HAlili, " : ; '''. .' ': ; Mt ' ROOHESTEB. N; 7. ■ "" ,1Thla new and Commodlons Hall, just completed, Is unsurpass- • aid for. Exhibitions, Concerts, Leotare*,. Faire' Fartlee, Ac, and is the largest Hall In Western New York,:. It has connected with M, Bulta of Booms' tat dresstng and dining purposes, together «lth other modern improvements; , and wai be rented at prices 4hat will induce the piibllo to prove Its acoustlD properties, which «ne pronounced unrivalled. . Address • -. .: JABEZ COTJJNB, Boohester.K. Y.; . .':'.:' .•' .'.-', ' . comer Main and Clint on streets, '■ , ;tMin " ■.' or A. E, FULLEB, Agent ■ ■ BOWE RY TH EATKB1,.'ST, LQUIfl 1 , MO. .J. E. EBHE B,.... ...Proprietor. v.-.' CHARLEY LEWIS.... ..•'..BfageManager. _,The foIlowfcg Ladles and Gentlemen are now r^ormtagat ■tfis Eetanrlahmenti' '' . - JOBS SAIXIB MASON,' : ' : ,J. T. BOYOE,, ! . : ', :: vKIBS THBO.'THOMPSON, CHARLEY LEWIS,- ^•■ IPiE E-XJONOBA; ■ -■ J.O.CAMPBELL. : ;.;NELIJB'0LIFFOBD, - EDWABD ORFEN, ' >' .'''iJTJLIA OLP TOBD, and 1 v '• - '. •' : . - > <: -t.' '. ; ■ OBEBRTEB'S SILVEB COBNETBAND.. v '. l*dlaS and Gentlemen applying will address . iSSr .. .. . •■ *f*;;. 0 j e, ESHEB.'Bt Louts, lio, Amu uonvon' SOW BHX PBINTING ESTABLISHMENT 1 IN THE WOBLD I .1;-'- OLABBY 4 BHIL'LBY,v~'" ^ ■ >i YSaooessorsto'Jdhn E. Bacon,) P B I.N T EB S AUTD ENGBAVEB8, ; • - 13 anfUSprooe Street, Sew York,' '' Caypartlonlar attention to Betting up aU kinds of ' _ F, AN OY B.HO W BIX E S ■•"■•;' ''V SUitnTeDug oompahlas, and have en hand a large and splendid : > >./.':.; . :h .assortmentof large and small : ■■••„!■..,.■'.„.•;■. WOOD CUTS - ■■' ■' ■ . '■oHablefbiOlrousaes, Menageries, Ethiopian Performerel Gym- ■- MMs, Maglol a iis , 4a, Ao., which can be printed in one or'morfe ■ : ,taua»i to suit oustomers. , ' "^"-A deposit required on all work ordered. - ; ■ orders addreued to '.'OLABBY * BETLLEY," BaoonPrtnt- _ and Engraving establishment, 13 and 11 Spruce street " Too, will be promptly attended to. v'ilfo tag an . |l< wm apply to JAMES CONNEB, Theatrical Agent, l> — "• 1QSS. CAROLINE BICBTNl ■-, , ..v V.JlTX/ED BT BZB.riTUEBT ■ " ' V/ ■ '■ . MB. PETER BICHING1 CottBD4 np6& t jt the "" METBOPOL FTAN TH EATRE BUFFALO, ■ ■ -Iv;'. 9(0TOAY.ETENING, SEPT. 8, 1883. Shirigg-tteW ellgarfemeflt ih that City, they will prodoOe their i'rXlEmCi'OPERATICLlAND DBAMATIO NOVELTIES, '' ■n-i ''■;■ ' '■. ■' v/:^.0>> ; : -^-aCT. : BYBEN ( ' A ■ ' ■■."'- :> .'• .•• ' '•''•■?..-••.• ''ASD • ' T " • '' : -I,.--, .. ■.'•■. . LA 0TB0AB8IENNE, ', -'An ietterl or burties»,to be addressed for the next four Weil *•*'.''.; '''' 1VQ, BiXSMROYEB, Bttsinesj Agtot, : ~ &9I : - . Ket»r^U|«nIhMtw,Buaik 1 > fTT.T.n MABIA ZOEy '- MONB VELARDE, ' VMONS A. -OBOSSr ., . ' MONS LEHMAN. ,' ■' MONB F. BBCSUST, • ■ MONB A. BEGBIST, ,V, •■. MB. B. YATES; MONB-P. RAVEL,' < V us. JAMES, PTLOBBfj MONB P. BERGER, ■ ' * MB. W. DUIiANY, - " MONB DEVEBNI. ' • M. JA0EBOS HAINES. » ■ ' GBAND/OOBP8 DE BALLET. • ■ The'oa]«hratad> , c ■■ * i;j> ^^BAYETj PANTOMIMES. • •''.'■ -NEW AND SPLENDID ATTRACTIONS •■ - or .. . • :<(.;'? EXTBAOBDINABY BBILLIANOY "-■'■>T COMBINATION OF STABS, • • ; . ■ Who are acknowledged' to be the . • VEBY BEST ABTIST8 OF THE AGE, lMf,,.-' ■ -JAMES PILGBIM, BusinessManager. f! y2^umTnBB^TBVATH^ LATE ST. LOUIS OPEBA HOUSE, ' Aftei amoet suocesaftd eeasofl of eight and a half,months, is now open with the following Company: .-_ _ ■ '.'' : . ' MISS LOUDJA WELLS, JOBS LIZZ Y WAL BY, . MIS81L DBEW;' ' MISSLTDA HTBBABD, ' MIBS O.'.MOBLBY, MISS ROSE DE L UCE,' ' •. ■ MIB8 FANNY THOMPSON, HISS MINNIE LAIJTEB, EDWABD BEBRY, S. N. BLOOUM, J. BARNEY , TOM CONY, J. CONEUN, GEO. K ERMINE, TO. B. DEBB, P. OONBXTN, J. JEROME. A LARGE BALLET TROUPE . ; ' BaBetMaster.. ./■-BIQNOB O.CONBT XNTIH E, 4 ■ ' Leader of Ordhestra.t... .MARTIN FREBEBTHY8EB, • Boenio Artist. ..i'..... .:.THOB. NOXON. ... GEO. J. DEAGLE, Lessee. ■ ' ' EDWABD BEBBY, SHge Manager.. '•'These, with many minor members constitute * A MONSTER COMPANY. . .., Who sre nightly drawing crowded housFS to witness their . . OHABTE AND BMLLIA NT PEBFOBMAN0E8. >■ THE VABTETrES, ■ ' . IS THE liABGEST, HANDSOMEST, BEST APPOINTED, .!. ■; ■ im nosr comtotabix ■ . : '. •'. HUSIO HALL W THE COUNTBY. Parties of acknowledged excellence desiring engagements, may Address GEO. J. DEAGLE, Varieties Theatre, <ttjt> Bt Louis; Missouri »wmnn «iTTinatTim. v.. SAN FBANOIBCO, CALIFORNIA. ' ,W.'E.'l!BIGHTON, Sole Lessee and Manager., , ■ '^HBEBTDAN COBBYN, ... Acting Manager. , " They/nbllo are respectfully Informed that this beautuol Thea- ' has been opened with the 1 u,-: ■ _ ' GBEATEST COMBrNATTWOF . ' - ' OPEBATIO AND DRAMATIC TALENT - Ever concentrated In any Theatre in thle State, including MBS, W. H. LFJGHTON, MJRfl LIZZIE PABKHS, <> Mrs. 3. R. Saunders, M*me Sohwazule, ■ Hiss Mqwbray, .-.'.-Mrs. BurriD, .- Miss J. Lend, . ','i'V' Mre. G. ELooke, Mf.'A. B. Phehje, ' ' Frank Mayo, ' John Wood,- ■ & W. Leaolv '.' D. 0. Anderson, E.N.Thayer, . ' ■ ■ G. E. Locke, - 0. L. Graves, 'jHL_' W. Sohrau bstsd ter, Big. BonooiesL and aPOWaKFUL CHOBUS AND ORCHESTRA. Artists visiting California should visit this magnificent Dra- matic Temple tiefpre engaging elsewhere, as it is by far the larg- est and most oommodlous Theatre. The Management of this House have also the control of the principal Theatres In Stockton and Sacramento. , - 82-tf BtEJTROPOIiITAH THEATRE, ■ Montgomery street between Washington and Jaakson streets, . . i SAN FBANOIBCO, OAL. ■ ' I - KS' ""^Proprietors and A^ers. , J.B. BOOTH, Btage Manager. . 7. X. SOHMTDT, Musical Director. - THE STAR OOMPANY OF OAUFOBNIA. > - . raoxs or aDMrssion. Dress Circle *A I Orchestra'Seats (1 Parquet.. BO eta | Second Circle....IB oU „ - Private Boxes.... tSsndflO. Box Office open from 10 A.M. to A P.M. Seats secured three due in advance. " ' % . JN.'B. Stars visiting California should remember thaUIr. Ma- gTilre, Is,'also proprietor of the Varieties and Hayes' Hrk, San Franin^; the Metropolitan Theatre, Saaramento; and Theatres to, Harysvllle and Stockton.. ' , 10-tf rOAeiOUBB AUID SHOWMBlf, THEATBIOAL, MU8I0 HALL PBOFBTETORS, - ■ .-.. a.''. ■ AND PBOFESSMWALB, 7" — ' ^ • Win note this mot^thst a rare opportunity now offers to those who desire to engage in the most deceptive, intricate, original, and attractive triole in the Art of Maglo, In alt its varied phases, a.professloh in which Hermann has acquired a fortune, while Anderson, Jacobs, Blitz, Heller, and a host of others have all gained wealth and fame. . ' 1 -.Theundersigned, havingobtalnedpossessionof THE GREAT SECO ND S IGHT GENIUS, . _BOBEBT HELLER'S, ENTIRE CABINET OF WONDERS, :, Whioh Is oapable in any hands of performing an endless i number of new Tricks and Deloslons—y*t not being Profession- als, win dispose of the same at less than one third or its original ooet, to any person or persons who desire to enter the profitable profession of a Magician. The extent of the Cabinet may be imagined when we state that U nils SEVENTY OASES, all elaborate in design and finish, and splendidly arranged for traveling. An entire' newspaper column could not contain a fair description o f It, b ut any man or compa- ny with this Apparatus would be a "SURE CARD" at any The- atre,.MireloHoU, or pUoe of Amusement In the country. Managers of suoh places might profitably purchase the same, and engage a person with it, or perform themselves, Aifuu description serit, together with t he moderate price re- quired, by addressing ' D- BEOWELL, New Orleans, £l3-3t* Or-JAMES E. O3RY0N, Jr.,'Washington, D, ; OARTBHBVRY HALI,, . . WASHINGTON, D. 0. . THE MODEL OONOERT HALL OF THE WOBLD. V The Company now engaged at this popular place Is .)'. . ONE OF THE BEST IN AMERICA. ' tO" Ladles and Gentlemen of acknowledged ability wishing engagements will address . i . .. , / GEO. PEBCTVA*L A- Co., Washington, D, a ' LIBERTY HALL, Alsxandrls, Vs.; . Under the same Management. AE business letters forboth places must be directed to Wash- ington, D. 0. * 204t , .RBW BOWERY THBATRII. Manager... .J. W. LDfGARD.. i ,The Management takes pleasure in announcing to thePdbllo that .._ ■ THE GREAT ARTIST, . : MISS ADAH IflAAOB MENKEN, W^U make her re-entre oh " 1 ■ MONDAY. SEPTEMBER loth, In a new SENSATION SPECIALITY, written expressly for her, entittedthe . . • ' •• ■ ' WABBIOB SHEPHERD 1 • A Grand Historical Drama, in 8 Adts. , ' 32-it PRIRCB OF WAIiHB THKATBB; '. , LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND, •' -This truly elegant'and very beautiful theatre Is kept open dur- ing the wholeif the year. , AMERICAN STABS, - J of acknowledged position and talent-negotiated with, for long or *" ~~* a, as mutual Interests rsj^reotilre. jf »ACTORB OBHBB OF FRIBHnBiTte."|^.An. fimal Beotlon of Officers occurred atthj^Igdgei Boom, jn Wday *Btpt. cth, when.toe foUowlng Members wire elected to «erve for :one year from October, lMJj '„: ._£'«" ' : ' 'President..... '•»«>• ™£}j1!2S£3!l ..: VlcePrfM«e»*-;--> f^SIGSPSw • TreasupS....... • " JOHN PATJL BMrTH, • £SeSn% " HENBYiL. BA8C0MB. ^^fr • ', ACTTVM MHCB13U. 'V ' -,'.'. Bros. 0. X. Aiken, Cyrus Oarson,' ■"' • J. P. Porter, - • •Thos.A'Beoket, • John EUsler; ^rH. 0. Bynor,' i'EdwinAdams, O.W.Gfle, > r» ~ W.H. Bailey, T. O. Greene, • J.L. Baker, . O. W. Johnsonj ^ O.V. Bowers, Jos. Jefferson, ■> - i j.l. Barrett, Wm.Naylor, *''F, Chippendale, Jos, Parker, ' Members deceased during the past year; D. B, BeUly, - B. 0. Rogers,, J. B. Roberts, »£. B. BheweU, Wm.Whe»tley, Wm. Wajlett . >?' Bros. John Drew,'J. B. Phillips, VnvA. Wood, snd Jerry Merrl- field. •. ■• '■■' " Brothers desirous of communicating with the'Secretary, or Members of the Profession\rtshlng any information, will please address.. 1 HENRY L. BABOOMB, Beo. A. 0. 0. F., ..';' 1613 North Seventh street, Philadelphia. " NOTioB^o^rimn»ii^ -Wanted immediately, the following talent for the coming sesson: two good End Men, (Bones and Tamborlnlst, those who can play brass instruments preferred); one smart E flat Cornet player, who'can play second violin; one excellent snd powerful Tenor, who can aing to B flat and lead the "Orown of the Tempest;" one extra Flutist who can play a good piccolo and a brass lustra- ment; and one heavy Alto singer, who-can play a'good Bust Cornet No high salary paid—moderate, but sure, every week. High salary Is the cause or so many fallows snd disasters every year, among traveling Minstrel TronpeaSpo person need apply unless they are of good moral and temperate habits, and are competent to ful the place. Address, until Oct 1st to Provi- dence, B. L, stating abilities and lowest terms. Persons apply- ing lor any of the above situations, wdl take "silent" for an an- swer U their lettero are not answered within a week. ' OHAS. H. DUPBEZ, Manager, and Acting Agent of Dnpres ft'Green's New Orleans and Metropolitan Minstrels ■". and Brass Band. Wasted, also, a second hand (one hundred and twenty-five feet) round top Canvass. Address as above, stating all,particu- lars and lowest terms. . '.^ . ' 38-3t» corintblSjiha S^! This long established and popular place of Amusement con- tinues under the same Management that for 18 years of assiduous attention to the comfort and convenience of its patrons, has won for It the reputation of being one of the most popular and best conducted places of Amusement In the SUte. '' ' '' Apply personally, or by letter, to'" '. w. aVbeynolds. ; . 314m* - ; ' B9 Arcade, Rochester, N. Y. tf. ZAyiSTOWBKl, having Jost returned from the West' Indies, Js prepared to negotiate witn_Managem for engagements for the Fall and Winter Campaign. He canoe engaged alone, or with those celebrated Danseuses,' MUes Christine, Alice, and Emetine. .'Address M. ZAVIBTOWBKI, 23-Jt* 171 Bleeoker street N.Y. WANTED 'DIME1DIATXXY, for the Fall and Winter Season, an Old Man, a Heavy Man, andt Juvenile Man; None but those of acknowledged'ability " heed apply. State lowest terms. Address D. HANOHETT, Theatre, ' JWt" ' • ^ Oobourg, 0. W. TO MANAGERS.—Mr. and Mrs. Bhody Msgulre, the great versatile performers, have Just returned from a long tour among the western cities, snd are now open for engagements.' Man- agers desiring their services, will please address care of Nsw Yobi Oliffkb, or No. 371 Seventh Avenue; N. Y. MAGUntE. 33-3t» 'short engagemenl Address, . «tf s ALEX. HENDERflON,' ' Bole Lessee and Proprietor. THEATRICAL MANAGERS.—S^AM CANTY, Esq., the well known' author of several of our most popular dramas, fisvlng iost' completed thekpatriotio sketch entitled, "The Traltort )Nam; 'or, The Beumoh of the North and South," consisting of h series of Scenes snd Tableaux, with 1000 Lithographs repre- senting the different Tableaux, Is now prepared, with his entire Tronpe/to take engagements for six or twelvo nights. Managers wishing to engage the CANTY TROUPE, con do so by applvini to JAS. CONNEB; Theatrical Agent, 81*X Broadway.'... IS-uT OAtilFORlflA. THBATRIOAIj AGHNOY^-flHEaT- DAN OOBBYN would respectfully inform members of the dra- mallc, Musical, or Equestrian professions, that he has established an Agency in San Francisco, and Is prepared to negotiate engage, ments and transact all other business pertaining to tbo pro- fession.. Address SHERIDAN COBBYN, San Francisco, Csl N. B.—All letters requiring answera must oontain a stamp to pre-pay the same. ■. 4&0m BAXiTUIORE MKLODEON.—First class Performers of all kinds can secure good engagements, by applying to -. ALBERT LEA, Manager and Proprietor Uolodeon, . . 1 Baltimore, ! N. B. Twin pay more salary to good Performen than any other ff«u"i)ert Saloon in America, " ■., pj-tf PHOTOGRAPHS of all the principal Actors, Actresses, Opera Singers, Ballet Dancers, Minstrels, etc. Price 3D cents each, or 8 for tl.OO, and se nt po st paid. Catalogues sent on re- ceipt of a stamp, by W. 0. WEMY8B, 878 Broadway, N. Y. P.O. BoxStlO.* OUR LETTER BOX. ' 43" We have letters for Messrs. 8. H. M. Han, S. B. Sawln, 0. W. Bales, F. A. Tsmrehin, Wattle Bueher, 0. ForweU, J. H. Bey- nolds, Edward Ellis, B. B. Maglnly, Bobt Armstrong, and Miss Ida Grey. CITY 8CUMARY. Mokdat, Sept IB, 1863. The "rub-a-dub-dub" of war, and the multiplicity of "extrys," have~not been able to interfere with the aggregate of showbiz, lit this city, as yet as is usual in all countries where a war ex- ists, biz. takes new channels and manifestations, but the general result Is. rather Increased than diminished. Such lathe teaohing of experience, we believe, In nearly an communities, especially large cities. The publlo mind, all day on the full stretch of ex- dternent naturally relapses into repose as evening comes on, and the matronly teachings of the Drama or her attendant muses are cordially welcomed. As the evenings become longer or cooler, and as our managers are beginning to lead out their trump cards, so our items in this department, (no matter whether we can spare much or Uttle space for their discussion,) become more and more interesting, for Manager Humbug dies harder Peter Funk. Behold the signs. Talk about generalship, springing mines, pit falls, cat leaps, etc. don't our theatrical and operatic managers" go it strong on the strategetlcal 1 Here are UUman and Palmer, De Forest snd Nixon, playing at hide-and-go-seek all summer about the "who shall" for oddtrlcks at the Academy of Muslo; and, just ss nearly all the trumps are gone home or the remainder easily guessed at along come Messrs. Harrison A- Co.—great operator, that "Co."—who have been keeping dark ever ,80100 June, and now talk of opening Irving Hall "right fominsf* the old Academy shop, on the Irving Place side. A new stage takes' the place of the old hum-drum' platform, Garibaldi (not he of the red shirt) has painted some beautiful scenery. Guldldnl baa given one of his glorious ceilings. Oh the 18th we shall have the first per- formance of the new season, under the direction of Theodore Thomas. The programme has some rich musical treats. Having stated last week that WaUaok's old stand had both a dusty and a thirsty look, we are now happy in being able to state that a "season" of German Opera" commences this day (15th), with'S very fair company, under the dlreotlon of Carl Anschutz. They have Messrs Quint, Budolphson, Lottl, Graff, Hartmsnn, Welnllch, eta, withMesdames Jobannsen, Berkel, Rotter, Mauve, etc In this way, the sacred-words of the German oharscter in John Brougham's "Pocahontas" may yet be illustrated— "Dere Is hotting in ter vorld so sice, As ter bully lager-bier." M. Zavlstowakl, with his celebrated troupe of danoers, has Jnst returned to New York from the West Indies, after an' absence of three years in various parts of North snd South America. M. Zavlstowski Is prepared Tor business st once, and managers wish- ing the services of himself and troupe, or any of them separately, have now a ohance to negotiate. Bee advertisement Managers on the look out for talent of a versatile order, win aot allow the advertisement of Mr. and Mrs. Bhody Msgulre, In these columns, to remain long unanswered, wo presume. Artists having such established reputations as the above, are always In great demand. -How "about".'that English Opera Company we have been promised should commence '.'about" this tlmef Some of our critics urfR keep on comparing, lady performers. .Now, when we find Hiss Bsteman rated as being nearly as "great" as Matilda< Heron—in "Geraldlne," for eiample—what most we think of "the 'greatest' sotress of the' age" after that 9 Here Is a touch of the "ultra-passional," "Jack, lend us yer handkeher." - ' ■ <■. . * ' ' The way that "young rawskhll" our "Young Amelias," at Nlb- lo's, steps into the^hoei of Gabriel Ravel, while personating the letter's celebrated gymnastic part in the pantomime of "Vol-au- Vent," Is, or should be, a "caution" to all vain-glorious perform.1 en. .Whether the blockheads, can be penetrated wlth|k reason- able amount df Yankee caution, remains to be seen. According to Sam Patch's - English—"Some things can be done as well si others." • .' ■ -- One of the latest "real eaftte rumors'' runs to the effect that we are tf have a sort of theatrical Crystal Palace- built upon the site of the former glass affair on the Sixth Avenue. • "Glass pud- din—glass puddlnP-' - ■■■<>• Our Brooklyn-friends win be glad to learn .'that Manager Hooley la making arrangements for lnttoduolng his minstrel party st some available hall in their muslosl olty, Lot the young man and maidens look out for Hooley's Minstrels.' ' .We understand that George Christy has been "relieved from duty" in Broadway, and win soon tske his party to Washington, although we do not remember any flattering success of his in the "city of magnificent distances." However, sometimes any kind of "distance lends enchantment to the vlow." The present arrangements for double-headed starring at Nlblo's may be all very pleasant for the publlo, bat, unless Manager Wbestle'y has a swceter.temper than Manager Nixon, somebody will be very spt to Dad out somothlng somo of these days. Tho first week of tho dramatlo season at BSrnum's Haseum mast bo recorded as' quite successful; and tho new plAy of "Claudo Marcel, or The Idiot of Tsrbss," has been favorably re- ceived. James Pilgrim has evidently spread himself on that now piece at the New Bowery, called "The Warrior Shepherd," written for Adah Isaacs Menken. A slice or two of Hebrew literature would do our artlstlo folio no harm. Ask. Adah, or the divinity stu- dents at the May anniversaries. Can't Father Bateman ourse when heplays the old Weloh Bird, In "Geraldlne?"; Some people think that "Be' the powers, he botes the ould Piper of Donerolle." ' . «V\ That awfully long wort they have on the bills at Wood's Minstrels, 81* Broadway, does not seem to scare our folks at alL for perhaps tho most enthuelsstlo and fashionable audlonces ever seen In this city congregate there—and weU they may, In view of the delldotiBiyBentunentfllandlrreslstlblyo<mcial treats given by the admlfable portbrmors.' Not only, our courllry oouHnf/jbut all the old reBldonU who are related to the "oldest LuisblWht," lore to step in and enjoy the we know, how to, describe.' In Irish phrase, "the Bryan J BMtBh'er," • " ' ■■• ■ ■ ■ ^antstajj . ■ Weare'wamed by lack of, space, to sum up our city as]tammarUy as posalble:•.. ,G. L. Fox appears (will oanweny..nrouer samum js -saia" to bsve"«nlit ic dlrl." between General .Torn, Thumb and Commodore Nun u giving to each 1780 "in a plgs's"-skln purse, snd now both tS Bttle coves take a state-room for Europe, making their last»: pcarance here In publlo on the 28th..... ."Oilman snd U'lle dler are <•sertlnly' , ex'peoted In the "next" steamer from EimST ,.'... .Laura Eeene is "said" to have Messrs. W. R. Blake H T Daly, Levick, Stuart Robson, Peters, J. H. Stoddart, with M^' dames Blake, J. H, Allen, lone Burke, Bedley Brown, and ii bella'Wilkinson Manager Llngard now acconmodatta "up stairs" 'gods at ten cents each .James Msedet hS. * opening a sort of concert room among the palsUnT Of and statuary at 628 Broadway, and this would bs had rsuC for Laura Eeene's, opposite The Veteran Wallack lit* open at his New Theatre on the 18th, and has about the isnl company'as hut season, with the eicoption of W. B, Blaktflnl W. H. Norton, who now seem like departed heroes......jC LouIbs Brown makes a first appearance to-night (16th), at t2 Old Bowery......Irving Hall is to open on the simenlglittA Wallack commences his foU and winter sesson. Managers vffl do such things...... Forrest.opens as Hamlet on the 16th, am Hackett as Bit John Falataff on the 16th, and thus the qnssttoi of "off nights" Is supposed to be settled. Actors will do tuck things Fanny Donham remains at the New Bowery..,.-. The Myers Sisters have returned to this city. DRAMATIC. Mr. Couldoch bos been drawing most excellent houoes - durfot the past week, says our Bt Louis correspondent Seneca, wrihu on the 9tb', and his benefit, on. the Sth, was s perfect ovatE? "He hos-metwith a more decided success, considering meats, son snd the times, than during any former engagement—a n& cess, .too, richly., deserved for his talent, and always perfect naturalness in every oharscter portrayal he undertakes, Tat Republican, in a late editorial (no oyster house criticism) gfa, him his due meed of praise, and more than endorses slilhtrt ssld'of him....-. .On Monday, the 16th, will be produced for the first time in this city, "The Seven Sisters," Mr. McDonoughfgr-' nlshlng all the muslo, wardrobe, properties, and trappings, waitt sided to make.the piece so successful in New York. "TbeYotmi ladles" are engaged, and we are promised a spectacle of "goj. geoua magnificence/'v * It having been stated that the late Jerry Merrill eld was a mea- ner u good standing of the "Aotors* Order of Friendship," Ur. H. L. Boscomb, Secretary of the Lodge, has been Instructed la say that Mr. Merrlfield was not In good standing, being verr much in arrears, and for some years had not communicated whk -the Lodge, although repeatedly written to. It bos been thought proper to make this statement In ordor to correct any Impiesoaa of indifference regardlng-hls decease, on the port of the Order. ' Messrs. Langrlshe and Dougherty have not been idle this mm. mei 1 —although not operating In Denver. They have,JUBt coo- pleted.a pretty Utile theatre out at Montgomery, and lntsaj opening it about the 10th Sept, keep It open about four wtekt, and then return to Denver. We hope they may got "tho retort" Perhaps we should explain that "the retort" means, in Colorado ' style, gold dust or metallic currency., What relationship it mir have with '■the retort courteous" wo cannot say; but mostpsopls' think "the retort" quite sufBoient. "The Innocent Convict" Is the name of the new play soon to be expected in Boston. Miss Annie Waite, who was to have gone to the Optra Hosee, Cincinnati, but who could not wait for the enemy's movements, is now engaged to do the leading business at the Metropolitan, Buffalo. Hanchett's company were in Peterborough, 0. W., last week, and afterwards proceeded to Whitby. Minn Fanny B. Pries, tragedienne, Is' in the company. They do the "Colleen Bawn," -among other pieces; Mr. and Mrs. Slmcoe Lee, and Lizde Irving, seceded front KeUy^s dramatic troupe in Dun das, Canada West, snd are nor golng-lt alone. Reynolds' company were st Gault and Paris, Canada Weat, last week, and will be at Brentford on the 16th, 10th, and 171a. Mr. J. 0. Levick Is how attached to Reynolds' varieties. Hiss Kate Perm oyer met with a favorable reception at tht ' Front Street Theatre, Baltimore, where she is now dancing. It is said that in the Philadelphia almshouse is a man who, from constantly playing female parts in an amateur dramatis association, came at last to believe himself a woman, and Is nor crazed. Mrs. Cedle Rush, of Philadelphia, is studying a new. domestic drama, from the pen of George Marlow, entitled "Ida Lee," also- a local comedy. In one act by the' same author, entitled "Tot Belle of Washington." A sort of dramatlo show was opened a week or so ago on til- i Fairfax Road, near Alexandria, Va. We here a programme- before us, but It does not give a list of the company. Tho bill for the 8th comprised "A Day After the Wedding," song by Mr. Williams, and the farce of "A Kiss in the Dark," Mr. Boscoe, an actor, who wss recently arrested in Chicago oik a charge of being a rebel spy, has boen discharged from custody by order of the war department Mr. Boscoe, we believe, ww one of the company attached to the St. Louis Varieties last season, sevcrsl of whom were charged with being secessionists. - We regret to hear, from Cairo,' HI., of the death, by drowning, of Mr. Frank Graham, He had taken passage on the steamer Belle of Memphis, for Memphis, and on the 1st inst fell over- board, and was drowned. Hewa) lnthe33d year of his sga He leaves a wife and two children, one three years of ago, and- the other eighteen months old. Mr. Oraham was a good, kind husband, and one of the best of fathers. He was beloved slat' In his publlo snd private life, and his loss win be severely felt "Peace be wim nim." A very good answer to all the absurd stories about Immorality or lack orpatriotism among stage performers may be seen in the- noble conduct Of James E. Murdoch lately, In Cincinnati. Al- though he has two sons already in the army of theJInlted States, and might be "able" to claim exemption in otheBtespecbi. the only idea remaining on his mind was ss to bis^bekag "able"' bodied. He came Into the city, gun on shoulder, frotRlB beau- tiful country residence. Joined a company, and reported himself at Gen. Lew Wallace's headquarters with this laconic speech—',1 saw in the papers .that you would take aU- the able-bodied men, with their gnus, and here I am." ' Thus this accomplished soholsr, splendid swordsman, and ready linguist in nearlr on the modem languages, falls into rank at onco as a private soldier; Of course eo valuable a man la not likely to remala without being placed where his accomplishments might be mado moat serviceable, as his friends, Buohanan Bsld, the poet-artist and Beard, the painter, are already among the officers on the staff of Gen. Lew Wallace. V Hartford Is not lighted up with dramatlo illumination now, there muet be a sorew loose eomowhere, and "the house closed to repair the gas works." Tom Hampton's recent experiment at the People's Theatre. In American Hall, at Hartford, furnishes us suoh items ss we like to publish, Interest or no Interest in the matter, but from pure lqve for the Drama, Tho house opened on the Sth, as previously announced by ns, and shows both els' Sanoe and utility. ThebUl was "The Stranger," a characteristla- anse by Miss qannie RoBaUe, concluding with •'The New Foot- man." Miss Anna Levering and Mr. Sydney Wlndns led off u stars, Among the stock are G. E Wilson, E. B. Williams, E. W. Watson, 0. S. GoodseU, L. E Barker, G. E. Andrews, 0. CoUlna, W. H. Ryder, H. F. Pennies, etc, with Mesdames Agnes Hamp*' ton, Lois Burbank, Ella Willis, Fannie Rosalie, Conner, Chester, Delforet De Lane, etc. not omitting to montlon the redoubtable Tom Hampton himself, who came out as BobbyBreakwindoir,- ln the farce, and won a star's share of the applause, On the 9tb r < the bin was "Tho Lady of Lyons" snd "Rough Diamond." On the 10th, Sydney WlUdns having been (as the clorgy soy) "trans- lated" to New-Yorkr^L. P^Boys, the "knight of the dark, muzzle," took the place of Wilklns, and opened in "La Tour d» Nesle," The house is an elegant proofof the merit of New England mechanics. The now local act-drop, painted by D. A. Strong, gives great satisfaction. The new candidates for publlo favor stand well among the old favorites. E B. Williams Is per- fectly "at home" as a stage manager, and Tom Hampton never allows hinuelf to be hamporod - with "ihcapsbles. Joseph Proctor commences in "Damon and Pythias" on the ltth. According to oil the elans we can gather from Cincinnati, ths> Drama and the "Tuneful Nlpe" muet be In a queer sort of flx- out there .about theso days—the ball of war making "a straight gut" through all the usual ten pins of amuBsmont Suoh us-- sentimental knocks come with peculiar severity among the-, disciples of the Book and buskin—male or female—whoespeolslly'' need fostering care or klndness-'sueh as some princely Hamlet-, would endeavor to present whllo offering a kind "welcome to- Elslnore," and making the friendly inquiry—"How chances It;' they travel*" In this country of sovereign Individuality, we can- all Indulge our share of kingly generosity, according to the means at onr command, wheneverperfbrmera "come along," fotr they are "the very age and body of the tlmo," and In benelUDf them we honor ourselves, as is well attested by both Olcero and- - Shakespeare. The latter has put Into the mouth of Himlot that, sublime sentiment with whioh the juBtloe of a orltlolsm' m*7?* attempered with thomeroyof artlslio fraternity, when Hunuot- tells Polonlus-"aood my lord, win you seethe playerswoB.- wstowed T - Do you hear, let thorn bo wdU uscdi for they ore- , the abstract, and brief ohronloloe of the time. After your dMU you were bettor have a bad epitaph, thsn their Ul report YthUO' you live." To whioh Polonlus roplies-"My lord, I will uje them according to tholr desert" But the princely magusnlmity. • of Hamlet rejoins—"Ode bodlkln, man, muoh bettor, useovery mahsJterbiBdeeertandwhosriaU.'soapowhippingf Usettsm after your own honor and dignity: the Jess they deserve, tw more merit Is in your bounly. ,f Am tatolligent reader wui . readily understand that no premium is thus held out for incom- petehoyi'but, that tho true ropuMlo of artlovole aUtomporarj v distinctions into one grand and ovorlastlng brotherhood oi , kindly consideration. As Hamlet says—"He that plays the un*,-* shan be welcome; hlsginajeety ahall have tribute of me. adventurous kiughtshoYuso' sfolhi and target ,-Tholov.errtaU . —' —'- Thelramort as man shaU end hi/part - - - - .Whoso lungs aretiohlo4w«! , nj| sigh gratis, TBeolovi ■ ■ere, lown ihaU'make those lannOTHioso lungs orc^oU- And tho lady ahall say her mind fxeabn or the blank verw ■''•:.;•> 't- I