New York Clipper (Sep 1862)

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: H>1 tat: to inqpam«]oKao)itl«i^ J —oF•^«^<tt»B|^^^ltag- .. ;,:'iv .V.i:'.-.-^Mi,i^r* ' ; (Bom Basing, L Irotttog, - pigBto Sttotlnjfct'o In. rm (kinaralToptosi; butBpomnb Matters; QKMMontajtraimatad trae of cx$ens4V:>' '> < !> '' >ko tttt m*an .o< ap. puttoaUr aUsa; bo* devotes f awKra&iAtiTBOBiTr,■:. PWABBBIO*;, i^«iiH)Utc«ntk«(dii -Byn^taforsUsionthii —*Df aonfl«r<Sto-*nn«iij;:«lnblrt alghVfls .perillne.for eedi and every ■BASK 4JBXBK,SditDr'aaq Proprietor,: •dM .iMBiW.vto J^l-i :>u ate att aint lIllH, <M» Hcwb--' m <.... ■ ; . r i ■■ ■ ■• i'- ■ -7 n . '■■ ■ -^..,.11..^- IIHI :.^i^,v; rfyi ■'.,;.. r.-.-.TiT Tl^;- ,-.<cf" o' ./in. . < >.-'f.:!.»j..--.'iit..t/>a:-.?.-«i'iu» l /- fer .>'f..,v> .}• !•;;!• .'{Vll^15);Ji| |^Jph>$POSES(TOO W i-TflEBB.OBBOBIBED.v i .jera;Bndsr.-4he.fflajfaewrtj<if BHMjftS. St, who, being the meet imporUntjSan In the ib<ar<4"Ui i»ulaiis^*8^a5SifiSr fusioi. ra'atuVt 1 get, S-teat- ruQrb tM acuity'pr tflte ol ^ttana ByarijexJoonjbflbe kind .•■'I'o'r, slzo^tmy don't ■ ftoomvbutjf should 'fl^cKorbbpftt Ball. r $atyat#tm$<)iirftitptc4, tWVFitnTif**^ '- --,*v,r»vfil UiVVebM* bcgair.ttr i". jme la thick nnd' ,. I'tttt^jmeWtfdft^hS' «M^ l pf3rt4fefal(iniil' dahPmi ii|^^^dr'^l^^^^^p^g^9Ht .»V _ w JlrvoTaanctland joyous -'Bobbe' »'f first, I 'sat? dcfwn 'td& MUtUTit Y *«4W'W> infl'^ 'Inerry Wo" enjoythd _tlllpf. , Ul' «3rtt; To* yop. muit^owltoiidon 1« Blwiyll ] pl^'aWt^i^sJnio^in^olrbT.ttoin;^ ib^Fdotiia MllqVe niy.tmU oVcb, ^ethoOhts.TO?W ■.■.. : .'/ i /r*-' v: ' ' t£«y'tfo1tvl : h^ob1dWbi f «ir^^tr«(rtvi^ rolgar.-.Mdlos'inp to ''Ihe'TOinui^ln' Pr^*^^.™!^..^ 'th'.UdUf'in to "the 'woinui' In' whltOi" pr TYlateWr'■ _ .Vfe.ottjtt^alfioripir^r/pTOwttoaadAricB/an'ait's^i^ ^lK ; fi&.lSpnhe4 k ^Ulb;W2iij&o (blnel rtn«T (UlyW^nd 80 ihtfrkpilght After nlght/fliiiaftyB oicepWd, oll.tho year'toapd. lhi?nrinVao^-to^/lf ? ih7j.&^ IotIbb »Wtn3S, Ur«alihBtt"'g»zo; : uia- perfect ^»dim'oXthes«ffBllo.n»ng41ai*o '6»r?nothl£h T iho<it' oteto . (»»d' dirty,:<ooVjttr Uiat.'inatterV etoM^'&b^ored' stirto. .pliltty anilcs;■ undTho-.«rt)i-T ehiMdSt-haT0 l too6ght."of'thiJso last-named ,bnt,for HyBuntf drl a^b rfy lSMoh of another' dltl's undetrBtahdlngai and " ' ^-'^SeVft, reaUr^cWdn'tnelplt; «Ml 4Sfl*lt! iV : ntf meetihftf tha BSpe party tnr'de dafa after.' Wens', wheulbe : Md 1 turgnineM was' je^mMP j Bit fldimBTeryyonng lady iu:"wjiat ehf BlOuldn-l. be," JbMimAc Wthe n«rre W go, ece; aid Jadgi fbr bo(-. nir&aralMiiffhero^tUt'e played o4; tUuwa BplnSthlng'aW ie"4nbJobtyba'BteHadWith.OT diynpI'')^rnaps aomeW «ib. •Doyajwlil say, and I shouldn't wonder, but the crinolined dlrlnl- Ues'jrW lllo ajrlerlng Uke-BenOinentt, only,la language more pbUW: If these tblogs be qo, raiber thafl rkk argulnent WtB the Ke'avenJ^c^tnres/.whoBe'bplalon'lB Valued more ttari an'arniy, ATrtrriortLX Wrnblo.add obey.' .''Then prooeedl'' (lotto wt«V Xftet. £^-.dantO, Mr.Man-.Vexpected to stand lobafere' abd .. SsfliMpalnoehlnKBtrQee »etranger hart monrorolblythah'tb'e " ^r»j*^naUri>aW4rI'!oaBltoB,7':ofwhliA<h^>Tei dorenoT JnOTK"*™!^ 'In oharaoter to-Unit jeWtM'ibf t*Tkln'g obontIn "lltjTWoirrrtlyMlre^rgyle Boom*,' WlmtolU BtteeV-mTrAaTSat- blveutaoivpnt: Hayoarkot/'dlirangnleh this -ttiia IftEtit rinfflri&MDlets. Aaoause,' Is Londorr r If .youHoppen to Be looking Ibm qmafa'itrWtmnaihawn'trgot ^Somo'othtfrolna'eiceptlts 'iisa41*l»a<>itb'eonase«s ire'thnt yOn mlght:tfaverfor|T-e'lgbt liodBvaald.lbateba'oalarofr'aB evei," these little: ottabobto'orii So 1 latttSctbvtat down tUesam»of somb'great ^thbro^gbfars'near - |>;sdni(addlttda to -the street Itself,-** yon' 'win ; haTe : .'fqtmd onttotoWrtd WrecttogOiifpiBitomy-Tarlbni irtopplngpltoos ■ in fflflfiiDaff*ttd.;tha*s.#hy >tbeiHaymirket Is BrbBiht : Wh3r£ : «oft«j&»'»»g*tanld«»Bbdtttwhere«ls'«Jtnitod.'' ■ .-.Wtipui ofJZdhdotf HcciUed tho'West End, la' o6nhadlatui(t tioBHoiWEasfEnAiwhore talnfg.'are' ttoie domocratlc-aBclthe' IhhaWlhiitHtoioofitet <)tilte'so floslfas at the West: Jem Mace. yo»l(rs*TOitasp*tW befit Eastward,''- whereas' -Hot' lapghatn IuinBlstelrinU«'m«M'WehlodableiWeat|^h!t' adconnts forNst bAT^!nttr»r*ilE4»CTWo'patioiiJ thani Jem/'althongh' If the latter, aft*rib»Kiii»TtfOj fllrig-,?lf US ever doeal-were to Blart^i'droni" so a ^ ^ ia^qeorgeBr^er^ (Tom toyer T afaTorlteh6tuebf «aS)Uni OUiotldn lstreet,Ohe<'nilght,~ by- attenrlon to' bos'liless, soda gttifabbttirt'oUiBi'of custonieTa: lhab> &lnnel Jackets and oostermongere. Now, friend Mace, "don't go for to get mad" at thl»nriigt(eWl(m / ;buttak(j 16 isglvon—all In good nart.'*' •a like yonrstyl6i"'aB th« Btr'aiid'SVck ^7ellte'0D«j^e'e-when'any of Torh^lBon^tetronsdsk bimto drlbS-iiand Mllove ; you,'haYn' thitftoetaw^lreal'g'enUemanIn'-yooU' oompodlHontMiJok'at JoSif Heeiftnv ZdiiRrlcei 'BOl 'HasUngsi-Oh'arley Ottootf/and on*i4hWd generalty—Ih'eV-ftreM'lbtlltlRie wltu American Btates-' mrt-etaiy'dttt'are'wlth^tee'ilrban'o'Moia Pblllbs, or Phirley Woilt' r gain' .. „—.-.—.-, .- . —,. cbnrse'bf haattn J *Tebte;<e , rtr, hav* poaastOn to "dfcfes the- big eay 1 ,:'' All' i trJ*1aW > 4«tfoa^'dtfWlth--'k3siIqW/'tnift t^MoJitaH^onswoutd hi eVe^htord'oittofV,^-,, lt->*'are taWigabbot fast tlfetk^d raqt'pli^/an^Trd' _h«W''f ikKottfelf-elftiJert has more right tob¥lntroanl)od _» msfbmm-tMtJ^-^wtiMimst.* 1 ''' ■<■ "■' v,1> - ■*Wfflmb(^KBrSeti > wiai i your pernilBkdtfJ ahliOier' . Jnttpttom «ltf'tnjbje6t -Hi 'band ehall 'M'fa'etf.^'Onttl' ''"WA Ve'rV-'centi*' ot 'LObdorii'lbey bid-'aKay tnaiket - ^.■^a',rtit' ; bo-nwa»alw»yrfBd;-'foV;tb«t , « wlntt SarMe¥u« nkll^'frbml-althbdgU Wwlay'lt it anything' e.t for hay, at least, you'd thJnlf jo^dw»lk'awiiB these swells^hbfl talking to their own trite; Thns and'so the. tWe flies' aplco, ditto the money, and ditto tb? lives of these poor bptiieta.''The wky.thsy draes, thongb, beats' all for pxtraYa- gahoe anil ilyle! Xnever saw' snob jHj^jieU before—regular coal, BkdlUeA 'cbmiBg out shorp at the top; with a whole flower garden. l^ye^KheMivtbe'Bamo fobllah " *" ' maiiti la evinced for . .trailing: atreet-swebping- machines': there's;.anotherwrjnkle' hbb^ Wtesipparelh'i^,'and .that 14, attached to tho inanUHa JhoyTiayo,'*lcmg ellp'of narrow blad| ribbon; like a/c hi n aman 's jlg-^fli oiuy twice the lehgth;' maybo some pf jny readers have B^-an'lUfasttAtion In London fWof a rnlsohlevoilfl nrqhln tying a lamp-post ond.woitlhg aniloualy to see tie lidy.^OnVto a dead holt, altpn losing the aforesaid .omunent— jfeo.-tbeyoinnow seewpere, the laugh oomes lb. .'.Whit'Bays, ab'dsmep'embrest to Introducing the slip of ribbon atlaohmetlt? AnytbidgHet! 1 , Bb rnatfer bftw ridiculous it may appear'at flrat. Idols nnt-rato when In'.tho/faailon—for instance, square-toed b'ople,andXdon' l tsee l w^y!am'e>le^IadIes can't have this comet AtWfKji^ 'A»ti^A^i^^ait»'$ everynaUon In Cbru-. ' indom ^b'reieiteaj and'eohtequently a variety of ooshunee, but rsJns i t'M^^^:.diaHng^lsb'a-drawUn' Mb' hmlns, aa.a nJggor:'who-hAe,- all 'the privile' danilng (1th white 'girls. If ^ot'tae 'preferencb ;'a I^ndon'8peU affeo'ta;im- ien^e sld^whlajters a la pikdreOT,,«yc-gbi3e^8,,rldl4(il6ualj;. ehprt ooa^,'very.'brpi)d troosers, small-rlmmcd liats,, lfta^.ktda-r-,; 6^¥^«ttS.&>e'dut.^fhls^Ha^W'TuBfl fttftet to'Tan 'kaUl'/noWd 'foV'itJ'plub-hbtises), wJMtfWftlobliBof our^^'dlsl^cb';'Heai:flill-MaU ^art;'nptwltn• , fanore'ln'thb ~ie»tt»;lfr.' bbmpaby" , .„ . . . regards re* lU'hotttCbf^melit: arid' artlffld'sblllty ; 5 J thBy ' m .i^; aJ iai.^4 .Bensa'«0n . , J/only tahmg ,a-&r^ .ftir a theatrical auileaco. iltliouab .qulta Joug..oiioutth for toom- ' ^ " aftjoin palaces, Turkish Divans, flshmongers, - r - -J Aff-BlgntiKoWeiiriBsttW UtUb else'to attt'ait rfd»li^yllghtit' isn't ■half a- Btroefc-'bit'afrnii SoBrtMe' _ lbanM(''-lh'« part of'-Her •MaJesty%-.The»ti l »; iMIBai^katUlbws, with their'"great donblA bbmpa "" T[^Y,-m'>mtmg- out' bray^sb'in ragardi Blaok. .1 35l'.-.n-'.tol5:/i-. £ B.iie e^afl-..' i3i:-'a. ,lrl "i W. ; -.« .'iM&«-■■■-'-. -.aa ■• U / ->i8 19. JO.' 11- S' > » •:tt-r-:. ■.ui;iA'-.-'.aB&->at-;.' V. -., •.:.-:'.'» ' 4Wmi>»MlDM)>ti ipii«. ' , .... v-*»ii:-'LLl-: 1 ':if ! 'ir.7. :'-i i9tt|a j;'.rta6^i^' - ■''' , »in "f ' •9ft:|fr-itai ; ri.'.-...'»(■.< ivi^. m-.V »vi.-4j» ■ : : li'Jt'v ''Mi ■33A'.'6- '.,i.ttS ;. * i- ai'. i -177 ;.- ■43,'vaj;vi.:,80f - ey;* ,1 a s»v,85;'' ; :.ito^-^:'V8^ jr ; < v«;-r^')i- ^•Ywio^taiU-i Ar/,'.Y.':V$V--'iii|->i: • ! Br BaiaBirli^ajiraa,'; : Tti..;.Bt ; WuW.pmiioi.woiiflnai', gameplhua:— . . • , . iv, • 1 -, ^<!lr>ir-X BWf.irv?ouldhave ttifd'a Miab'teof diswfij Pjiby-flrsttaMpg-B-w IthB (oi)i'ftUbwedby<>UkespJ3ff A\ playeal K4W-K Baj'«ua a-veryloifferedt ? o'p'enlni 'r presentteknlteai tro^i wbloh thb Attilok-'almoaV at onto o-j easier gamo.'witb abr idUma'to wlnrrTog posllon. 1 - -WelobS^ tbe snaOlng "Slbfliaii" ar bovr 'idbnbly Winned/-'^anoV* thatthlfl «Plancbeho''-iof Mri.l'auWon'<s,'an Ides a*ktifcSniiL„ excellent as t r U novoU Inth'l<:o4hnoollon.iwillb6c4ni6 *t%!3£. method of pnreirtntf-the Atthok' against the dodge of 1 £i£i?t, *t»7 TUs^togetbetwith'the^thoriweU'hidwn way of 'dAfSi!?- b^bta-t [anrtt-jy,, "■ ' «-f _ . , . eoonioanso-itiofan-into'merited boWemSSSl BeBUetade, 1 .AUtionw to Morpby" And Paulson ibrbTinibSii^ and tmltlTotlnB i hlgh'tone of ohlvolry lb. ourilearlo II.L'in.-? 1 .-. 1 !--,. ')>■!■ .k 1 ■■<■• • T7ftI7t'i .»• c 'oftajf,;' fl"? " ii|!« • : -7 WHl'lJi.; ''ii-': ■•(>• : Wte to moVe'anol draw; 11 . V ''\' fi: I!i'./ '.' r. A ;;. •» .-.V1B/!'A ft .:1 ■ J s WHITE. ,: Wblt»1o move, and'win. ■ %ls is'v^outbiceptiohon^of ^e^e^^tlons.Ttehaye ., ' •' !,:„•-,•#»•• Man.. . THE 'GAME^Oia : Joii SoHLDiH8«B,rT-iou jqolBS ;«urprl»ed us iyaaying that your beautiful and elaborate problem, nrbs8*B,'hidriSot'been in,' the Ouiieb— But .ifs there'now.i 'Waatnara'.ndtiabmeerror In itaacwpledmthefra.r.i'Wodon'tdospiliJof'ypui: "' Lota'afatfW^iW/Varo b^mbBt'^baatii' ;ContribtftionB safe 'to.'ban^;'tbey'shall bave/s 'thank yofl.' - That ''lhst letter," oV-wT^ " rived. wUih ydu r /{ . ■■' : . iaW* o'm'a ly,9.^8.4T'i 1 ' .; AWM'II* 'fUjfc- j°. Bt lbBB daBDITEa. !•• ^, otectried ly-jitte'ntlbn; ike,»n»ver ar- .if. - yi, ■ i O^U^iTld, AND i,c> '. i>.^;r...J^ «1>:i '.■ ■!.".'. H -'.-I. ■ ■"■■'•*"■ ''I'-n; ,<|- l ,-iu .':::) J-i.o ..^rJ^ •'•'• :•• <•'■ ' '-'yt''' '.■: '■• '»'* - -' '' : ' > In W . -v '■ 'xi M&uut''■tuxBSBtt&t -voif irjtat'irxv Toatt. OLkppibii'i'rurvti 1 '■■'' v'.;' ' M;*:|p'i' A^L'e'^P'P:' v " : ; Qook in I^n'^,.Iingyan4;' .waB'fw',i3i»ughter'of the < Mrs. Jordan, rfefqrb' '«)!•: btoamo ,t£p ;mtstfas> 6t-\ plareilcb; n>4'debar,l)rstapbe»*anoa bnany.sttg' " 1816, aroovent.qarijoi, .ffietoi^"^rtob, as, 3d Vou Wke Itj'.'lmye her debut pd^^merloaii stage MS, 1820, efl BDnna yiol»3tei I? '/•ttelr'bnaer,';'; And' Uai I'TBeAjtrbss.of AH Work," at tbo Anth'oijy streetTheatre York. 1 . First appeared'.lh. rhiladAlpbuV;at .the QboEut I Tbiatfe,Janu& 21st!aIvi'olIntC?,. '',. \J-?T*.. ■■ filed ui Ifejv Tork, June.ptn'. IBM. from an bverdoee of linl totoV.' Bhe rjaldea in Oreenwiilhetrsei, near,,t)ey.,''Angolal tnlbd wroutfhtthe vf'o^k '.'of dutrbqubb:'. ^ha.,vfas aji^ealgj alav^ to. opium..and,'ether; taklji&.'them ta aiiobVananaUestt it lyodld W unpoaafble for bar to a^lsh,her'p«Hbrraan^[Ma • T «pfe'!BT : ,' *.., . .:;v,. : : ,7 .:;:- .'i.:.'M^f, Born lnthe <rityof New JTbrk/ln-Dooemnor; 1776;. made to flrat appearano^on.the stage in 178T, at the bid f obn Street BU* 4rre,-NewTork|!as oneof thoinoenee boys.'intbe'dirge sotoeefi VBomao and-Vnllet.'.' Betired from tho'stagdssan'aotar.iif, Deoame ofiutumer, in >whloh. aapaolty he-travelled witb'Mr. Bd«W ' Forrest tbrpughobt the United Btatoo. - Mil- . I He. shortly .after^carried on.buslneas In'tho iBowery.'Ktwi York, astbeatrioal coatumer. • - -;' ;-'••'•.:.'.• ' Died In Mew York, October 39th, IMS.::' >.';•'.•.-• ^-vi "fJtilt-I t /tw. .1 ,\ i',n: i'^iu! ■* f I^Q'jS-nil . o jnutji to p)ay and give njate lp flvejinpyep, a,Cbckhey BT/ell.- It wouldn' wbrtli'whlle to criUctee. other. natybiiaUliea, thoir dress, mannerhVand customs, so, a^q som^. (moral reroaiks about these f'Oaslnoa,'. If will be, blgb\ JUxhe'to.. brhlgtblsfear,fu^y-rambllnjgle,tteitoacloee.' /Tnat'B.eo^ohnny Boehf.i);.,.:, . ', ■.. / . . .. ■.'..'".'■-'.'.".,.'.: ■ | It is a matter of great 'surprise tb^af among so many people. In ' such a disreputable, nlaca (H may consldorod bo b^th^'eV who go, and I cannot Bay,any^hlj)g m'nbb oi^t bf '.tbe.way oconra ;thero, bill'let "th'ose'whb think" otherwise tell me whotnor thesf wonld take a femalo relative, or any respectable Jady tberoi-ftna If there oro,any,SQoh, I'ltglve ln.beat;)rpne. ,ecarcoly oversee* a "Imuss," and my "mby therlngB" at the time were .vjaathqr a ball-, room on thla free and easy, pun. could.evor prbve as .successful,, quiet, .and. orderly .as tbla one; I feor it is dbubttul frpm ft.yarlety qr-oauses.: This Is bf EoMojn^ So^jhowoj ibtber a man feaipafei^j a'hirfpla^ho^fetha^^B'lDjto dne tiling, «■'»■« jwmAyp «Wp^.Tii«j. p"]["« A'r* 'r-^ai'Tdmi»- «di and Ii dperebn fo'ela ugly pr ofb^mmno^'aaByMM^snow It, or bu^'ycVg^ 'Tfi^is jj6"nue^^anioM/l^ dan'soe tho Lion in all lis phases' bare, but If peppermint, shrub, or sweet gin get tho upper hand/J wouldn't give muoh on what suoh'eaonBtmdflin rJapockets'.tor dii his b*eli tdther,.the-wtt morning..!. Why, hardly a month ago,' three .collier's wives mint fromfitafford to.«ee the £xblblUoni got^rmklng;.together/iwaiie: 1 qqnoed-..upon ibya gang 'of. the vary. ; worat kind, stripped''of 1 very r»g. and left, ia a room- nude'as Mother Eva,.-, 1 itevtbey raised analarm,' olothing was.sent Omnft and;.' at.'goti rnment expense wen: dlBpatohedhomaiWithout s^elng.itholnt. ernatloaal Sthlbmon,ialthougb! they must have-been:arnaxhib-r : tlon themselves lnvtheeyeaottbepobceraanwhonntdlsooTered hem—eb, boyaZ-. This basnft.been beat in thsfitatasil-gueijs^ indfiotato sbow:I>or)( on.baBi -brntea i capable of ; a&ythlngi pro-; 'idea they.oatch; .either men or women.'out. la to.-under, the ill' luenoe:Qfllo.nor/ 6o touch byrwayof comparison..',' - i .r . Another good feature la/'douslng.the,glim" otive. minutes, to. :welvb| regular as olook work; the Argyle BiE. Ult.aad if: rou are fond of good muelo-witHout going In for dancing, It Can >e enjoyed a good fonrbouls fon ono.sbilllng. <-. I Went prlaolpaUy a ■-. hear .tho, ntusla (don't'.you beUevolt?) and.enjoyed mjeelf there nrst-ratoi u At twelve lvs quits n sight to seo the Btrlnge.ot ibB ah along-'Wmdn^!a1iefiWnciar 1 alI orwhlch :Eet;ap£ilr <if atea "homeward bDund," who never.-aaw. eaoh other.-betore,- d that's where; the trouble lies. < YJimixAquiTruHy pout I" ^QEtS, KB, - .. UIAI.'K i;...PT. JP9?loinmnca.i, 0 yf. »T.a : (Tir )■ i) » „..i; ' ii ..,i.i : i. t .. • J..H- r*Ubehtfl l lhe'wb6le'oi(!htb'wari: fir "ebolale 1 _ ''•as they delight to' can :thom*i)lve3|' ib fact, yb'ti ttt-a; «Utn" null or navigate' the ' StreeK without' aerobs' thoSO pbbr; unfortunate; frail- women Tj^ tho " ei#terme A npeak In si'mbral' sonse, 1 for-tb' dhtward- * iy'are'belter looking, snfarterdressed;an9 : Boera mire'.M' 1 one : bight- thuli ''bYdbiAry'roadeetablo m a^earr of cburse, : thcy.are alwayU "in llnuof,'" br , bbuian't liit, tthd Wlo-18 there 'bnt'Wbflt'feoTB'bbhi^ b : fbl l .thoBD'jnlBerablB outcasts, niado ab;'ln''moib oostrs,' 1 ' ^irfldy of'-some heartleaB' llbertlhe, wbd' barrl*s a eworldjartd considers hmlself a' perfect oentle- 'aj'ltfs ialledl'doeBri't'ctlmtnupoo^^.rn^ndOri'tUl s b'olottb, abd not till day'.dilwh'do tHesJbiti and dens''1b'aVbrd' < thb T Vght : of Ood's BunBhinO?'by , ibVUke i- Wcttitoi bat'ln'dayllnht 'bear rnbre'. TO- ^W'BattidMiVthtohumab'belbnl''' •: ' ~"i :.-;:« fec'Um'b we wlllliave 'a long chat abbnt Havrnarket ,tfaW > 'Wtbr, , Wheo : ''rIohana'-«fcy;dbva^ i'*bu , B*ap'ar3'«iay Be ki^otca.''..; 86nio jroBgbV'thluk ^»*ioffibucn'«ild 'slr*ady; buBth^imi'Sco/Ibad'tb „ J* ttturt^rtfcr"pbiirt(irans nnn-W^^fce, iu ;, Aii''fiffc6t't« the Gaslnob/bebause they/arb matfiy iMp^oftcff by Hsymirket beannoa, or, rttheA-tlia..'-'f4endB.".. thiiy. mnet .with on tholr ronnds..,>Wth thla explanation, lot us -proceed jit oiico to where S^a^%aU'acol'ninUbgoX ^^tm^imii^^6^^■ •>'■'.',• *• \-■ - ..» t >i'l3rW9hod m'v^amul'strebt utl'quletDio 16* of^Thlity- . BlWbfeTlomj ,'gbtn'g 'to a flee in thb eeventu dlstrlotV algdlftary j9 3B?t after; 'drop'Binq: downWd'fops>t'the , do>r,^'*en'd-I i wai'fortltiw subJ«bls'to'floecoY!th6 ^enUeinan ln''l)fuV , i *tfanB abwn-wiUiBtatoIy- tread, like 1 Barnnht'9 W4sHou-i u "^-"'" 1 -H'B6rji»y;a6vbu^flhbma''aby , >5u^ 'flfje : uoges.V : Hark |=- dost' heafrlnt'souiffof r- TO. CORRBS»?01«DBST8* ' , H.; l , l Baltim'ore, : 'Hd.—BscblVed: foil wnlqb'' iceept bur .- •:!• .;•' thAnks;.- .... - ,....'.,• j 1 ! AccOTiifCE. .^anldlii^^ andyfioeihgjblf cl men, moves II. to.15,,. The gampw In due.fofm as soon as your roply raaohea us.' ,;,;„.. ' G.M.Boi,PalMvUle,7t^Proiieli?-) 1 '&iij^, v K^ r Yo^ '■' ■ r/,0'13' ifl abwn-wiUiBtatoly- tre r -, i'wB6m'n6rji»y;a6vbu^bhbmQ''a^ Wtfflffl/W'ltip. Sages.V : Hark l :; dost hi« „ , IN; mtrth. and revelry f ba I It UWlt lh tb'd : Ipt'tf-IObted f;:C-V\ <w Oaalno/'and Velarii-'wlU'yet'bo freo I 1 (HOw's thaVforttfttit '.' itUempt« the. ..ropUow-dranjatlo, Frank?).- YeBj. we're herb at . ^el; so;vrtthout further parlei-yous, excopt by etolno the tJckct- v^tofb»a''enimng,''lttasrfde'joO.'»firv/lth me IrisWthe' Mdl. ', <)K»mrlf-;the .thing'la' rbaalble—I <bnbw-somo felhiwB; harejhb >^mamn»bltin of a horee^ by the way: ('war news'' is m annfnotnxcdj 1 ! shbe*,;redplueb brebOhec; Wipm Mid yost; ffll (lbu^tons, whito^hoker, and wopX=pMrted; !n,thpmldi_ yifpe yellawart John's tbTe waj|er^prtiilnlyj'tq do .John, I found, but./ew^.yjfllrt.rp^Jiwjftg. tq 11 By rloh gill frame-Worl ^ . >i .»^? e £i''!' 1 ^. n ^ f a: 'iwou bro'ttflviooWredWut tfbnbrlianirffitgTttn flags atitvuaff .W irhjia orbSrOer - th e re ar e also fbnf smeller candelabraa.of-veryioliaato'dbBlgn ^COIiao'n^h^Xa'Urgetn^hmeAlMdoB, olegah'tiyr np with marble.t<>jijj)Ublos,.|(md'; brlU^uHr ll^ui ' ~ mtKV.»om,<vp vt ' 1 ,' ;nMj^mas8iye'c m jibprftsro not«s,to spnieipf. thp.sejgara»6..;. &Hi a'.<<bltadfbid gapb't^cujlpslty of a high order, ;.'J'i .-.I.' i. ir)ainly-jsjer jpiqaUUr; iii.i" ARAbYBIB OF'MATCI^'teAMB/. Whtesl^bj^l^^Ui aiaf^: '<BiabkV •i:l! • Trtiltei ■a:/io > M"-'f\ .raB' "do") !8.; 8 r ' "il-i-'ii -i^<2fr- 4w<A ..,r.-« i'n;«s s • (\ao i| t -^iBlaolt:;^" ^Mary E.'M;|^ aft,a-I ■ 8' 12 • 1.. 4 B..10, 8..10- ?e?.il- -19 10. .11 : ; " ST. ■jr. I- •p-'-ie U..18 19 20 • 24 ' 20- '• .i'll^M.* ■' •■'•2T'-, ; ai'|'' . 81; ,• - if . t*. .ijB'to'ioWsfe).'.' li„-tb»M(a) ■lev. :1J -'- — 17. v 8 -:tO ".'.-.aaMw. W.1O:',-.1018 12 , 1 ie.V'r^' : ''.9 ri: , >" h 8: 1 -"' JO.. :tW' 14 Vil'-W !'«»<.<! 4 ■lici il : • ai k ■■« M i " v vQ' s ■iitiif- 1 --ai •'■•<>'<"> ►'•'•« «;t|6^^2a'''•■''•- ? <«^ IB i- ■ ; :W ; .6a - .34 ao tlS»..'9 .r. ; '..n.y .«;/; (.«a l l V37i ', of40i'i96)'A>. 81m (I «*<,38M <tdf ■ Uuiui.'.- Mtt ." -ijii l!n '«•!' v-ArtjU;; >o a^sa^.a- ■;'•;>' ^llto-j I ' " ' . Notes—by W. 0. B". ■*::>:.l>uVj;in r,i.^ .r>ka>.ahUqKrreoOTtotaall.Vi0Moks^a^^ . (b) 2a to 18 only draws, as does a8,tb'>19v,bnt>24>tpKl9 «Ms, ai 'tD«Mipw>jto^iu^M«<vV<>:i<->r?.'.il.M-r-ii«ri<,7/.-,.» ■ ;Wnito> i Bbok k -i>^ r,.r ii,v?lUteiii-'.Iiyr;.-<aiiflki . »",i /W:<n.i»o.:;c .».»• -i34. ;!>i js -v.!*.. .•..-.u'tur .jjairt) ••> 8 15. ' 34 i- l38V,- j rwliUirr.1.18;.;ilQa2? :18^-.laSfrj. •\28 32 ' ':. ■. .j|.o':„;i r.i(eTisa,to»%MilA ldte/brffliito making} 13 to«,i»tol9,lan( ■|ia-td\3l7 rt'l' UAii. O'i't- .!>:-.ii-.-.t( >>t: y.U '.Vi.-r T .i'it'Xod'.Y.I'i'.i 1'^' f> .'irir f .:ti i,M;. |iiJ l ii.llA'.'l .''- 0 ':i'.J'':'rii -,'M il'l-.A gOIiVTIOlT OB 1 POHrnOrT Np> »«—VOIi^ X, :„ ;lf '^lW IV^t ^(^;J<lTl^^lllltB^:<^'AXS^:,;w^l 'ii.'Jf./wlir r«»;,Hf •;,ii-> jf-.-i' 1 :)"' .Vji'f-^-^WBxte^ iM r o:f-t'ir>'--r:'.r M»J;'JBlsiolliW;'.'.. >.r.,, „». ia I;to.-::llir .. .-14>TI (fjiUr.'-l . ,'yAoS wt'A .tV-' /.Vij.. rV&ttlMtfM .e.^*>?ii5t««). /.'i.if'.-nfi ^itio.Mi,-. s.j-utjlj-.fp ._ '(ftv).;t/f,'.,«•#'».-I(«'.l( ■•.■:::V..iV,.,' 1 i;; '(■pi20l'f«,tlll, > j;»Ji»St ,ifcin'J'^fcl--!p",J» T vl",7"'.'"' ''* 1'iJW okioSO i:|(-nw "'•••:s^iKa<A8»rt»-ijlils\.'Ml4>*l« (I^'iI'iit' iuiwiril, " «*••>*>:•< o^lV-T-aWJWt'"'"!' / 0 ff-' il'iV'KOhfc .-il.Ii/^W^^tt'j'lilt . . 'Wll.fK''/? 1 ct ' : ' a * f* l■•^^'>'^■ , ''^Si■'J>i'*<'5 •' •• - , ii>. , W' iik'.'.'i' '■''*'".'••' :»* . Wlilte to play^and give ma^.|n,.three moves.:. - ! '.V :.: ; .! '.•::..■;:. : ■■ ittabk;" - ' : • :: Leoilart. »■' •.'^v C nj JU ai 6r ii ■: a. , ;B'Ht>B'8-'" l '<J'KtiB'8'''-i' 'i.'.-ItQ*?'- *•- '"KTXPS v;' 'I6i.'<J^ : B adOPiJ- Q Btb'Q 2'"' •li'-ox Q tt-K-B* ■ ■•" 17[.P- r n*'(e)'"--; 'O B-Br'"'": ^K'^BHT ' - - KB-Kt ( 5 : '4*t-?6 Q!.li'erB4'' 1 t' , *il3-B7''. B-B8 '*KB-B'8 • BX Kt+'^tP-X B • 'Eebnardi'.''' [i-ll. . </,[ ''. ■ .' "Defebce;'- ' r^ianiierV 1 ' ;'• OjL A B.I.8,S;A..: A I/.L JJ fj , ., . y Formerly MTs.:La Coomb;-made' her first: appearanoe on arte.' stage in 1816, at the. Anthony'Street'Theatre, NewYork.'S Boeina,ta tte opera of •Oiat namo.' .-'i ' < ■ '■■ ■' '•WedtoThlladelphla.iieSliM:- '<••« ."•'•r'--.: •<• ■• .••.'•-. ■■■m Bhe patoMd many frieods in thatolty during her stiy there i tlsf was b'lady icf «xoaUent dlsposH ion, of'groat prdprldtf of ax^j arrf^bw eased, mfmtal'oblUttac^noOrdliary kind . . '. . .at- <; n; v ■ ■ ;■ na'l -A ---I' :Ji A;oPi..; .-'A D -A-JC ■'■ '<"> .0 f'-i*- Yankee Coiaedlah'! ' -Ma4ei^fti^»ppea>anrt-tt"'PhlladeJplu^ Novqnfbir Uth JlBtfl; at the Aroh Slr^t Theatre, ^ ''8ani"Patch : ba'fPraricel''Was' married to: Hiss Rowefls aroatca; In BabriU' -rfento.-Cat',' Marcbl'lBOS. TM* Bi-actor and , 'cc(»nWo'g«nlu»; 1 rho-'bad'tried'blB hana at ebndry otAplbymenls; preaoblngl* mong-'othera, wai, rn ■ Augus'^iaJtl, acoordlng to tho Chicago^ ^urnalia leader Of the Mormon colony,'pf'about GOO, ~WhlohhadV taken':posSoiaIon of the .'Beaver^slandernear the foot of tal? ' M|oblgan'. :; ItlB followera are oonetraptlng a termple; whibhli.-H.' kpr^are. Btifflcioutly advanoea-tb be'iieed as a theatre, wherb Btf. rt ii;ln"week-days, holds forth'in 'the tSxt'of "OUbde Memottejw ■Bldhard' tha m.'' A-o'., -oxpccUbg; by arid b/J wheri It'lsfbh-) shed, to play a dlfferont character on Bundayo."' '• 1 V 1 1 - ' "■ ■> X-'U:-: .-.-■;.-:■ ! i '.-.' '—^- L - : .: •-: . ,|uc HI 8 B HEN E I E T:T A! > B E IB SSS.i '■ "TheTo^R Bji/erlcan Vocallet.'!.' Hrode bor flnt nppearancei Ob any. stage, May 6th, '1858,'at the Academy of Uus1a| paw VoriC ta'AdeljltaJta the opera of "N , orma lV ?,'^'•' ■ " . ; •' Qnthe'Btb of March, )869,'was,aiufbtfncod to' make'h'exflrst JpeaSfancb as Madame-Henrietta' Eben, at the Imperial Opera' ouso in-Ttennai in Jlotart's vMagto' Plnte,""but otfthe' mom- igof that day.was attacked with typhus-feverV; and died In a 1 few'dayr — <■*«-' .j.«i^. "-....i. fiuHatj? burg 1 Bnd ^,mu vu,Oi gctmu uvioo. bi^ia iiu auvi m w, ,u hju j fcears'alb to'-Vlenna; 'made' BO' favorable, an Impression, that al waswM6bmed;totheHof-OfemTheatre.' '* '- ' '" '- > l .■ VISS OCEANA TI8HBRJ ■' ,H -,'..! Ml' -'.l.i.W ,'j 1 Uadob^'nis^tvr^^nci'bri : 'tht(s% 'til, .' (r.(7 -' 0 H A R'L E 8"T 18 H EB, 1 '). , '.'iKMS'8' •■^■'"KKt-EBy , . B '6" SJt.'0-'KB4"^ W-steB&t-* , . WAK'BX'Et -U-^b p;y- B J8..QXEP+.KjSa, . OTi.-^er B -ft'and" ''-" '• 'pjpeqhig,''^e4th! - Ohoas .Instruc-j (b), For an inlbiiee'tlng 'cbhtm'udtIOn'bf | -tMs',( and 5th moves, bnly b'olntf rbversoa.'see l.'Blnlo torV^-p. 81, "Vajp5Bo'n.' ,, - q '' V " " ':'„»",;.',- i (B),Commlttl^g'htmseIf.' In'-^owOf th'ipBobabpity ot.'theat-: tackaotually brpughitb' bear ubOh-hlm, he'ehould have wayeO PteQSd. " ■' ^rSSt^iTlv'. . (cXJTe halve apw'U'feaUl^.an'Evan^T^ambit'Ui'a added to the faati that the position of the Defence, Is now con- etrslnedandamoult•;••••'• ■-•.^v:-.------7«. ,. tA\' Va«*YuttA*- Hit iftta- ^liAn '■* hum' ♦n^lv.w Y^-W♦- /*».V.-*v^-r\_ !I.3AIMI.»/|J;10 0,rill '«ii 9.iQ'k.Qj;t lOi.P-KBB 7 ' 13.-.<J-her8'/"'''-Q-'li«r'a'j'-l 18.'VP-Q•Kt■4 ! '' l '> l r^i(}!Kt8''::i , I 14-.-.-P-QB4- ■■'f-^BABsl'I'J ! H.-.f-Q-Wi"" '-■'PAjKtt '1. ■ M.-.-P-i^'ft)"' ^ WB»Bf».<t : : I 17-.vK-B^omb''' -Mt-B 8il>r, lB.-.T-E B«F''iM' 5*»»fcfcic!VV f W.-.Q-B-K-8 (*)•"(» RtKtWtt''-' 23.-.-&B-hlB. m ^PMJl'fOf ^ '••(S) WsM^B'tois M(^-> •i-.W, (e) I loWohl^tK-sq. .v.WAaNs.Wveiv^,^ <' L- , :;:-T ,fiU<)Wilt. J.. ,«.UU.I,'.-»>i . ii-iii"' 1 .oil* ra -riiTii..-;, Tho fourth porMi of' the matoh between 'Profe^^'Andetwet Ud<)ftl^ajgj)*s|V9r^.!^^ -ri\4'* ' ir.-i .siM on: fo'S'ftpnilfHBWiptyW&toMviM "■/■< -i ■•!.'■'• j-1" 1 iiJ^+^Wi'-WtAndoraion. *vj'j ... Js:. ft ?'f^*r -beHKtB'. %bp •B-K so ' "K'B-ihbmb' '9s.'iP*rJ »>7c- l "Q-KTjjk'ir 84..B-K««'(i(0'i iBJtyB X---'- Sfli ;Rifi *»q! l ' l '<' 1 'Hjfils B-'2 AO. .Q?h)St Kf8' : 'S'B^B^ ' ■' 8f;'JQ-H! Jjld ^'''Q^hefiS- ' 89.-.-K •X-K'B''i'-'IQ.Q *P r 40../Q~E-B'8 ■-•''■"iQ^Ut T-'i '41AEJ-Etsdt <| I':SB'X'6'-''I 42, ,B X- <* I). Il! "ttam- ' ,v r.WBWes 1 ^^ r| Sfovod J J[ered*woak,^Smtst JfentualJf be lost. ^> ■ • '^^ . (W' Plsiypd, wUb conBuminate skJQr tho position Is of rt .ablelnteWflt/woU'dCBervInB the stuMnt's cJoitOBt atteftttbd. * (I)'HofJ tho Dofencehoreplayed fll) toQsifHomuflthav'OBU i inlrted to the loss of apie^;e.V,;^,i:c'J|l(';TV,' .H---i.-i:'..i-i;r 20.; ' , ' ,KB-QSo] |22,..En>:Q QB XB ^.lUOtMv^IOfllVA'PMPaiiii:',-)!! /.■iifamill' ono .iiroT t wrrf ' ■ f 4 - |cbu-fv:ot> Jifl jm iuo rtl unUnlU ...V ' 4*:^ V- ho re-vislted his native country for j mat^laatpresant attached to tho 1 KoW-York theatres., and iaa. gr^jaVorito.wlth'.thbonublib, ■; ". : " ' ■ ■ .IBs belopgalo a'4pjhbbj;which'cannot'be tob' nighvvadjnjie4 and eniourlffed, but one in. whloh, unfortunately, thori to6,-fbw.g^4upteB.,. At aU.t^'ia.dlgnmed^dad.'Malplo,.. at,- the "«oXp';pf. thb duty ; aSa|gliod, the' abtoroo'mrhadda : ahd',eat4'e)n, vfbUe the beauty and /riaco wltR'WJpVhe flnlahea th^'xtlcture ewltes .adnuratlon whloh lfl alone at .the cbnnnand bi 1 tTbla celebrated- prima donna aang ln ltaly stall the«rincrfpal theatwei and. anafly; in.;18S3, made her.doM:before a Parisian audience.•.':;..:,,-,n. •:%•{'.: »• • i i, ' .i,;.: --. .Hade her flam!in AmerlPa September 7to,il8S7, atthe Aflejatni : p of MUslo'; New-York, as Arabia, In "La.Scofnambdla:" :--.,v -rj ■ vM'lle Freziollnl laimoet charming.j Horace, lfinot.poaltiveiy beautiful, is faeolnatmg ln-Ua exprosslbn of intaHlgeaoe; reflno- ment,'.and.passlonl iiHer«yes oncdga2od lirWxian.novBxb6 forr gotten, Her form is woll devoloped,- aod~ every motion la in- Htlnot with'grace.; 1 Bor mannor Is courUy.'.and'bcsrtrthe impress of a high-bred: lady In iltaitperfoot ease; softnoas,.and geuUe-'' nass. :'■.■' 'i, '■• -j .->: '■:■<::•■ •• '.{.ivi'i:: • .• c i .':.-.-,,- ...i, •• ' iM'lle- PYezzoUnl is-a Tuscan, ■ of (good family.: Her father. WaSa .baaBo, ands. rivol of Labloobe. -Her stidcesa in Italy was' Immediate. • 'Ma alnger of late years hoa created so muoh.entha- ' siaam upon her own ground as,:Fro2Eollnl., .H-Is' proper to say that bier r^onal popolarity in as great as box artlsUcrenawni.'' ':: Her debut ih Hew.York Was one of<tho most -decided' rmpncnrini - ever achieved on a first night In any:of our theatres.' ■ Her voice, 1 If notphooftho'mpat powerful,'was. one,of tho-mosthlghly oul- tivated end exqnslte ia tone: that We have- as yet hoard..,, It Is as round.abd> softi as;a flute, and' there aoems to'bono dlffleulty of execution whloh' It does not leeom- bompotent/to -ftw method bears aoloae reaambhuieo to that of Bontagle, anftabeii - In no respsct Inferior to that lamented artist ■ i ;-.i... . .<,'■: .i mbs. w'i i i-t4 ! iX:.^b^B , 8 : d»v'' ; ' •'.iMaiden name Miss Buphomla. JeffmcTj/ 'BoraibI>hilado]phli; was the old cat daughter of Joseph J«lfarion,'&.v'aridithnwif«of iwflllanl 'Atfdereou,- with whom: ehb-slope'd in 181S; and!was 1 ifanV' 'vately nSorrled. ^.Her/<irfeiwas'ithe idghor lange of-oorfledy. Her-todyTeaale >was one!bf<her llbest porformancOB. -Her mar- riage • with'' Abdenbn<tfoi-•againsther iparents' -wishes,'sal'tber Tfantedhor todndrryiCapt.HookJ of-the 4tl>- Innmtry, of)the V. 'e.''Afmy. Her'morriaito provei'a very unhappy raoi'! HheBepar- ' ataafromhe^huebanj.anilr^ased'the laat-fo*'v«^ life 'yrlth'hertwo-danghtew. • >■ i.'.-.,wj. ; .!~ i )' ;.-. ,- •l.-M.l..- ■;■ ,', ■.;■:. : 11 ft 1 >."ii-...u:. : .. | iH j-,;, ',., a..,; ,i - '■ ' ;n tf-BB.;' 'J:OBHTji;.iA'MlBB'B l (B'0rTv ' filator to 1 :dam< do^nAel%: 7 ,.tfalien namp Ofo/ifo PA&'.'.lBoiiiin .Wisr- ■■-■•■»-" _.^tappwanpean any,;laip. ln;)8lK, at-ffip,ffi^WSK' • 'n .,',(■.- t J.:-nM aiipl ..'-.'.''i n m\ ,', -„i ,-,,:'. Ihij:; ..■.;■• >'i/.'y....■M.T.^ai ynxs-ak mti »n ih« stagb.ui iWhr*, fa'iPSarroj" m^aa"™ Wl aWT-iMBoaiorVP *i)jmul) l(iJM -Ml) /jiciJiiul it-'C MlJ