New York Clipper (Sep 1862)

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»jraw*~po» rnwijjHJev *^e»ith*bod7.ti»d. J£^ih*«^J»d.«l» ^br.apoUcaflfneejr, d, end!( jnld B 41ed;tam.Mn«e«lipn.«f ri'i uV'iV : ,;'.'V- • -BO BCBiT B-O Jfc A<K8'BM? " flnt?itWe»r»THft oWflie Atf BrTointttoi fcenlbBcVSer* iof 'ths'.suaiouoe,, -Bbs wtft '■•/j'<; .-<! !-.;-"•£ .JAMES' ro. Wotd.fiolr&^a.dno. nod' mMaa^'^BW^.M! .■ioii£.;i alii JesUMiari £bo/-2itb; mm , pwn plajr of'?'! lea to' <?Tdrfl*' ;>r::j .Viit T.) mi o-j u\v H. /*. ATONE. ™'.M':f.!:> .i-rK f>r i'- .%rl ) ~'>'.v-:i . r i v.I-.mi( 07/ ,i ;..:| .'i/zifWIiO . '.'ST A'^'J'O'II PI - ; ' ; ■ . . • • " i A', ill; in >.-.)i'.\i:<l c. „■■ ... ... ,,..H»JB. i ,;AI»P,4ft% :,,V:ui, : -;:.T.,.v... . ii barflrat appearanoe in ; PhIlade]pbia, July : 9tth,vlSto> at ffilnstaStheMother'ilnjthe faamaMc: sketch; 1-TheiVol- ;", ~- " ;.": -,< '.I, < f WM.<-/;) {'-.'I - ''' 1 jl(//h:-: <!i': juiiBUhviTSB^ -Made his fi^a«p<iai9De&on.thtf>l>{d»tt IxJuadj 'England'.'. -.First appe'arodalri Ldndon- Ottolei TSa, ( itSrury E»n»Thsotr«,iaB'iHe4^.iyi/ ... - -Jiil^ ; •.:«•.> ■ ; ab Us Bat appearance ontfleuAmertt^pfatagu' In lB27r-st the a^utt^'.N6«-Itek,iasiUchuiV.the>Tnltdj)'iOli''t&ei80Ui ipePUO.haapenad.thfeAroliattSbtThcialreJ'PlilUdalplila, UnnbuoiLwUfrMessrB^Maywood'uidWalton! 1 > Beiirnidto lonywhdro ha died to M»jr, i84&j • '. v: .:!> " -':v ' ■ i,.:, ; ;i.v.i; :. .. jr..- i.; . :.' - . L ■ : )■. '. .'.i-.ii! ..,: jjj'i unu'u:.... ■ ..■ Ji 'i . :.;,l....n , «B.:.»I'H aii.-lll-i.:.-. fl : ^7= .J •-■:-)■ ...■to., . J.iola oil \ SO.^ob'jaoss oHi Josh Prlie^iBlK tfsldp, »tfd&id'olifctit. at^t^&boiB' lg&4 W. Boifon'a sfo*^j5Jfl[f fytiafSfft JO.-Fred' PiRber tad Room's .KoTlc«i-£2()Valde; it tet • iflfc/Wfldlaria drctilt.' f',■'"] , 30.—Ulck Rf^ilidBiU Uttf^bhn^iUla^dey'FQl'nTmiiaUi, " .90.— P»(s«r.:MBrlqf-.and-tet^7^;;V/i|dB;.jUjr^i|oo| : "'T,—Hall' an'd BlUljjrd-iJO a 8fde, 'aC "6st "jAW^&i ' lefienli'-'. "', • ..•(...;•..•...•.•.••..•. •;<• ••.«••.•.•»•• :• ;,: ^ DtHuniiKD OtoK Emd.-£*00 ijrtiilrtaimabate^svSttTH Id tta« .d*s*a' on for thlB lniportaht.TBuaairtftiltiMKi < In tt and bmtoBity .greatly Inmost .^Thow 1ft i»'Uilng?»<iBt< «iwi)t*ha».bitIi.inoD.'.aUhou*n teave^rithb'^S|1**1U ilfaamtlon" olicn^'iittlsaTlng jjo;«tonc'nntain«tfttWe ittieinBolTBS fm^e forth aoihlnRiocait6it;«&d tpeotlstldn'^)! n&ittogliiSitoosBumg dmpDiianc&!i.!Eh'«>iioit' depotlt >of aUds irai tn.lM Hindis st-Haity 'Btntitofala 1 oil'.^eineBfli-: Jug, $epi 10,'Wheo-no donbt Uuie wfllbaa lafgtfnmsto^ot Uokknof — > ........ .. — .y- Madera .wll btoUn of tatb. aiid'nKnt JlSely. vfe.akall be able to lumbal rltboomtt lntctttttog neVa ol'awln'ani'thalidetngs t»nlate.ol'Uiab9ttlilt[J.", ,.^..,!|..-,V. ^ ic- ■ hii».»-w .'IT ~ ,i:,i-.r, -i! i-.Vil.vtMj: ' flPnttTpib-MlLi, !fqr isip',' JOHN BATNESiAND PAT8ET OLEAEK.^-i--l iMesW, fioipt. i totao-IaaiiiGt itoWttlo'^tieti! Wfcmjei IWtid:.,.Tli6iii iQftir&oanfica ln.thi. . ^l^ifronfleqbentlythovhia^'fi'dtb'emntcatilb'-Wfdab't, niilof the toHojrtng *1U slibw; TlToWarigoraMtitf'Sa] tetotd HiBnY tq mret at a woll-knoWn MruilfiuV V - ' ,r:T ~ iij;' eUbWdsoUB ntibd nilllln'g mUltle ttaltlr Arlenda 'defermli)<id'lo flva jHii §i i la pleaBabt'TOjOBeby'tViitot, Iha'rl and Co.; tjb,tto lddhttcAl nifot,itbOft .sIferaWp'bTrallilhda Jrtfcnedbyyrtdbnvor jtattflH.Satoconiinonceatb6lrnnhtthop^rovlbus »»»'<5»»for itoiioiis; , .TWiB'w411<;a"on WSMCoiUftA- \Ww, and BaTnca was tiaqnlrod bT'Xouag fia&Ulglon ffi Hj?f n, ? y -' J i A:™** 48 bobg'npporhtoa,;ft^ciii, j^liai jm-: Ji'-. ... >' ' TBE'Mdnt.- " '. '.:.••••,'•:!••;•(. «M 1.; On'puWh'ft ttomnolTca Into atHtudS, tt'Was ei'eli Uinl ! , JStt*Ai£f v, i l . r and yonngor maji;:(iiill'llKftVrts6 stood In al ....... j«*g;_. ob on^tliBjmiiulh qui} loflj oVe. £apl to«SSwSB ^^w'Uio mouth of oaohniatfa^ wradiat.tto ecrtUhiftbroroto'tbatpiJlnt WasSoFt una biintintiiilnrt'^^f^*"''^*! Jfrttlorto^lSWW^BsTtti:- , ... xra*the tm^^olirt!oftbd.fignt^o»ilalso(R^«bTe'|Ae lads-bl^ta««>^^ :D ^^n%ey^ on/iby Bi^ 1 * and reoeiyod lar ts tar p fld ,.. — _ _ olr O0TUM8 and dalonnlnatlOD. ■ Tbua for eome-minoioaUhay (.T.i i'.y •.' j;Ktv*'A «ff(^of'thikiiooWoim- ia^bejist iound, 0OM already tbore.' Bp.anytblnghat>ll»6ly; ' Jblfl Baynea's Jd.hM> to'golnJylileii he did. flnittnie k'w^.teUlng.effftaton'tho nb» wd ( — '- -" ltage A w.§tty/walj rfdub. io^l!^iW's*araTm9«i'»ltfbu l laM^ ... . , Aged oyei. Besplto<tI«*«Uh'of -Hit tfetohds and baokore, Uw gam PatflSy-P^fWtfldiJn flgbtlng on after all ohanco yras gono, i;q^ar^ngtb,Je»iB)jaQq L -i)yr.lalwtng;to.W<^n» imnfi faan.-ugelcaaly pnnlabad* Umnr.uplba svoMSjiaftectlm iSMWMQsbtlMI b.lSrmln. ;>0tot;iur«.o^wMfit>i:and'4ttn. fjJSf, born** by vdOT of .ttwrrfniwi iharflaffr.ttfcrtJig.'tbd bmfl al;qw 1 ^|*dbis,.'w»y-<piti»> rqpw^got Ontad«,"tads*Uodotl*im: Minaj >tepomB.oniandiluv» «not£ar : roubd. dr.Wo'i and^t vs> P ISMns; tlia> tb»t he, oeuld -be, persuaded' io ha^ biar.etotUt Jng q^.altiqpgb h9:»dml^«J(Uiat i0r the last ,tlut$ <tbnnlda.-ha |MMtiH^W44<>^tlngnl*h'Baynaa4tan tbo.seaomU.> When MlajtfAe.rwfe^jmUttlraina to dress, the poor fello»r.fl}i«irntt« fym,plUWrtwoattq n ,)to stop wbloh; Mqulred'all : Uiosftnwlng afld pwwM.Kif btobaoiawttat.Ue should flgUt4galir.i. ,i<r.ini'.v '.V5l5K«':jiJ.:ioH'.-ltriliVvjui'/aMaBaVi'f •..." k./hS :;i!i!>wrui\ n'Wwt. both Are >«n<!nosUonably «ame and joodladSi none sthO ,tMfl:enoouot*r dm for a moment ^dcohfan&rettlbj.'ciiubt t<>lli?V;Pf .'i()8mat»fotur8tlme.. Both >iiv«mucblo ta4xtL,4r« fiw.boeomeprofwlanto In the art, etui tath:haa jhHsntiTrttlalii Ht *fli«t-r»te mattrTjiu youth, Maragtt,.-ttd.ateadUiBssaa /flftth*, WAUl ..VS.- DM)! aaleJy atato tlut a gamer,;mora ,nnjllnooin» trttirf »»ffifteTOT doffed, ahlrtin* ring; and jjtrlth a lltuB.fatOoit,o*iU E^'i^doqbtadls. ebJsa jnafih brighter than Uimtmnt-^'BiB MjavlW*ndigpatog;«»a » bencnti ,aad be dlcbirp^esei«ss,s ^Xwr'XIin'qinnejfia* vfjfy cautions; i^etlibVaBenb'lngtt' 'be isdFlce.of/ihlf; swands;'addJKi well laa:Jia acgflJttAd^mms'oB hat, Is ,o*rt»lo' to>bei4nlcld;.mailta^agilliig andtra"*ra Btfro Aat/JiB .TrtU.nwiletiihls -first aucceBeithrofr hhjimllilsrguata a«d^ue'.bim i <b > aldibJs.opponent:too;chelapJy ^o.4n^ttar4iig:at4o-flgbt.foraUngJqm. ■'■.•/_ ; .f.-.-l' OHAJD OHflHIP MILEi ') ~ *'^.;'.^k*. : cstrlanfiiri ;ls)i not'on t&siMaj^'siul fhat' le6bnttod,ithe'pnbUo^pBtronliethem,. tora' asMmMiMi aKHlfcltney Wlokron Hon- ioss UM>UUKr'W.T«nltbilas,'betnbon the ro- od theinb le*saslebrated<WllUun Lang, for UMon's'MipifoB tb^VoVUtamne-f :AC«pS«arb srottte'bemn^'.UstiifelaKpttn'd this wou and all aoaaripVonB of teUoles were WtfnSlrt- the oodaah>n;Hh&r&u/tod7a<Ued lta ffuota' lUnlrods br-ottli trilb, iidwch a 6ton'» otMA eett wltnoaaed la ttiim nalehborhoofl' since 'the> memorable'.elgll miles raaaOietvdeh JkiorToot andlltttsliddy/ to December, baf .which' ended)Id. a dead.Ueat. SoAw Wr treskal bBhki'Uag indH»tiorvdotit«d«d tot.' this' tnlp'by/iand, efjer al ajp. splendid ,Btiort 1 dt:*as^onlbyJta»mlko.iwaa' dtaectqr'dbil- lengod by MlUaTihonee tho present matob. ^DlUMbe/tts.'tnan^ ager of the grot|(b,-had made^rary-preparatton commennmtn wfyhttio ovent,[ As-a proof tha «hs^gooUmmtel opwarda-of 4,00 dayfBept; 1st, I no-wnodTeddg: tHi a side apd t houjUttta'arte r into reqnlaltloi ' bypofcririginl cltement haarnol hd the,coi Johniony'ofjj attendea^yai and appoint! and all eyes S outl left foot) look lay 5 to ion,' only by the. while be coj] to be trave: whan the dashodto about a strli bntUllls, .ttM^l°Uto>«e;'iBllhJ dehuyrunn Dgwihln.hlma, lip, he put n with Teddj at; %>ob*lll6aea Ii- dg^whloa were In a> iewU bat;aangtfln«,/6f Toddrs ^pboil^btfwae lnvUfi , sUlMfg^aLtbties to com] , HohadiTtewBets-tp nlUi^, ,__,.„ ttt&i Ho's^anda a deal of p^b^'(7,.'l)Ut^t'^as qdll don't that'HeenaTfa-'enormous atretoh Of arm, 'and power 01 strike, could, knock, blnvout of'the combat any moment. The fletlcufl Tvaa'Me^duy,-bbirevor, and although: fhdrttwero some "plaguey kno^b*,'.' ffleyVent awny 'smninff, 'faydtf«d with the applause orabo'fitatfoupand epectattfrs.. ! ,-.7 t '! . i( Caunt.— On I^4ai.e,5)enlhg, August 29, " iBiCaunJwn hlfl own) A8aA.uia;p)». Tpuvp a despo/iteiat^a^^waeiaiade on Y< house, me Caaoh'aud#prseB, St. ITartln/srl Boardm and |Qpu/c<ccoiapanlcd by their .tlie paiJoT'fOT^tte.purposo of obtalDlng. r the con'versa(Jqftijiat,o«urTed, things, were , a (jauscd^to^pldBj/ttta led to bl^fSuajido be removed to.|| On Monday mfc him over, Bimai answer thoflj^arjgft ,., J r J; : .v en before^ and two ip/Itrarpcorethot W, Ward, entered! meats- Baring: ingty up which the boat of tbt rtthittonlctec .unt, who bed tc appoa^C Job. QiJa»>/MD/PoteiPBi'o».—For thlailntereadntf fieht, ,th< —-me downonilfondajliBep. 8, Botl ife ontb< slnewB of war must I again come down on iMonaajMRp. men are ujf aoHve<:tra£nliig, and BpeculaUon'Is'frerWrlfi event. ,vi..-i '( .il. . * .n-.jjolf .ill • THE Tnff^njj'ffffi; LESSEE Al^|.l^Sl)'lJ|LlST. , ..'.-;•!<•.(.!« .fltnialsTf; .;K .. This was an BOttSS.'trollflht by the weU'WonJilfjiSi Hloks, the pugilist, agamsVwXatfcrice Levy, the:fle<#M qtjhe Oarric) Theatre, 0ood^]^ v a'TleTd8, Lsman street; 1 -WnlM otapel. to re- cover the rtm'OTj'fllo! fir; loss and damag es ana iAThed bythe Slalnrlff on th'e'WttiBng'of .Julyils^ ^t,^n"c^g^enc«of the efendant's negUWlijjiWa'bTeWh cJ;con^'c^,WeftorJVHaW and a band for tha bmlUi too plaihtiff, 'at'ttid G^df?ThcslK_ %'WlliWW'B. 1 J. 1 Abbitt;'v^biqMoTMki -- ^oWattonded fir thodtfcndanF*' S """P the^rpceMltjy, plaintiff; In' M fqlifcfrMedbytlii blfoToL,.- _ ^abtAfnl g'thohlll : li'" ', lying erzectlon; iTl- [eyep'th »y ■e Mills again k>?utoi3ihe a»er iB,'tbe)vpeota- IjgtMlrapprb- . ggl^jaras kept lorethan tflaji hfldbwn paced I nineteenth lap, I*ng 'ottiltied sevontcentl him, an**' torsboUgt] .. bstlon'^yldud upatthVsatni over, wBsPi rlsug' thS Wadlitot, «*, •rW't'd'afiBs ag^^haaian'gVd'— ^ ault, ending to tang taking theleadi HilU; even at .this period of the ra4syto«Ma«UelresB'Ni-iU^ io'neorc'r'wlth' out the^OMerW>ruhntog beio'^ cbaBged, nntfl; L) rounding the favor, to .hSlaV'l^lbngVfpr in toe-'Bucojedibg '^neuenged^m.'and^ there- „ Jng tt'i (di8treWed;-' Wp after lap was ib'ni mT^^steu^SfiAitfo^'vimTe'Qfo May--May wonIWrtcWJ imVMt tfwaywltlftheleadT totB&E fUMWau. s wu w it h b±Brand tearrylerol —rmnir Tlislsj " * gotaway for 300 yeidtafheri .'Sbratfbrd «am» «p again. i loepctttersce -went o$ between'. tllB^lI;.lto^ , noM.•ihs.cSrt►x BMttf tegoLnr »m. eaWJ»WOT^irten7i| S tr a tftgd' daahaA 'ahm - — wM^itaperats taoe x 'ahmgeldei-Wd^aljaougly.Jto^tawawj aoesriUi.'tham^tlll »wH»mmeiaml&t_ where Hay led by a length-i' irftar [toftcBtratfbrd came up andtheiiigain,>thelaat epo^.belO*jr ejIeDdld.'niis, aom thatallBrbeing twolengW bebJiiB*n»pa*erighbpi»T,iai stern. spurt/hawevm%.Fas too.nnohjftir/BUB. and weht. right away, at COjlsBlokr and w > 0KQr«Btoj01y.Lbrttai'«r i ted langtba»i 1 ■ j. ■ i .u ,>iwj>.-/:i'4 A '-i l '. •■' :.;-:;c:s.a .: ;i. v.* .a ■ .«*■'.«>« .,t .Tt ■,y.o.\-HA ,KTmw.:if :j ■. ,?')■■'•■'.w->.;. .o ot|Mco«sMmln either, i 'iuiaber6? Hrnea thli naa^oiufKd^i^esVbB'Istr Vbs wo have bad o«*don'toT%maii[- more than once. ?3& able, as wo have bad o«a»lon'toT%maik-more than once. t7o a^oiiirtheBTmnnarles:— - —•i>^-.~^'v^ with 100 adde^tacJtwojreatscu^ricWtSjfletlOJbj nfilas, Bstnb; certain penaltlea and anowaoceai.fiaU,jtxsils. I'JaaoMloij tlUT Mr John WhlttakeyaEmg^iBtopla,rby-JUua of Trump* : -Utopia, Mem,'(tocsmwhi)-/....' Hcato|3i0eak's Bttamsi^^TediltogtonMMc^gs tTgJo^ - Lord Portsmoutti'j MrVTrtome'r (late Tota^ru^Vblflnjt-rr ■ piles—Aamefl Tickflrtd, Sat 71b i.s^iMYte&Mtett lb Baxon,'a£onnt«n, Rft.Tlb. M£rs/.$£lW&'+ Betting:—Ereny os.^tog of Utopia;-and7 toftajpvBatinniftL-. King of B^OllaxxpJdvvnost of the runnmgrsndiwuniwlbu* lengths; twa'tougthj^ibotwwin seoond u^^hirt; the;sjBne be- tween thlr*saJJonrth,\. , .1 '' WtD!Jjp4uij8«pt.». T %T3» Ooun^Onp,:*pieoe'.of ptat* 300 sovs,>Wrtptten. of 10 sots eiob; d ft wtthvIOO' tim^tmlV.iiW3W(M^rt:lWUit<>VCt, °et;-nTSi■ . aged, 9st nb; m and g allowed 81b| v/tonerBe5crra,,Ao,; the ner to ba soldjfer lieQ)S<iv».rto f ),^p mOas^ndaialt 20subs.' Ujpt'AaUerfs idtheratpue,'pj Tcmcnsfone—Lady Harriett •: (nottobesold),ayre,9et81b. ' MrTai'M'BneoK'I'Q '"* ^ Lord tmMalS^i iyra, 9rt... L.Newmann'B' i. mi,... t Adams 1 '5 ^^*^ S '^>^ 1 -£lri,^ ,f OTuIllIB 3 i-^VeJlsda, -- - 4.,*' bottom of the eburs^ln'th; falf ty-elgbtb lap; Lang stepped out, and mado-i'gep'of eome tbn oV twelve yardsbetvfeen thorn;- but Mills, In cocaUg ddwn ; Oief stralthY-lo.fmiah'ilhe'mp, resunjed hie former pjalUttDV'-"--*-''' - r -* - soonor did Lmg find agalA'desMaJbina'Hills; uvLumg ^^. .p. » uuu.-, a mile did't|«y keep : up'HHb -paw machinery, aid rcpeate'a b'drats^ aptfta'use eroetod thenVfro: aU.(paris of 1 *© ground.- "KiIb 1 (me*liUr>liie:waS%6 oKthe faeteBt. durus. U10 match.' Burlnir'the beventh mile, the pace, although a llfie' sltclttrntd,fia'a'atin-htet ikte/IAng trying his ixstl*^«tie»t"dowh'MlIlB': who/bn-his 'par^'cU'dnfl'>dtmtlsSto stick nVhTfltfab.'' At length, in the forty&ghth K)UhoV(th\e fmisb of 010' ssvenjh mile); the efforts made by Mills bjBgan to tell fipon hJm>/end Lang drew-away*om hmi, and-dorlng- the ncrt-^wo laps led by brty yards; and in rpojutog;the;pae«d>^nrgrt tt '.Uie fiYty-8«ondlap^ ^^,was ,pvmpe|lpd to-rery^t&bugh," leaving YW.i(kV'WMmM iTKk !>lT/.«a , 10 Sam 1 'Sat ma wbshas for anottes^tr]ntt<thS'/Ied:HuWCli<Bi- ploattlpW a.wUl*uhiIiang for ia^'aw; a^rdlni to the con-! ditlons of tie cup. .■i.'n.-.av^-j^ oij'K : t ,viil- (..,3r.)i ......viK ) T y.:zi:i>\ Aril ..vvijiwlj! . V J£ : —j(pa« .EroiAM, nt .^g(lj£«in).j-A ; grand! Hat tho Oj^inareline g^opjidsvOlasgow.l (fsnras offered for tho] |flo"'of moment, un< loader com; afterwards' Vinegar lahed blose ufy' " ftraiUrt fdr home, where BreeoV h^ratonl weM to the hint was never *uPk^B^ Sed.'and Wrovery cleVeTlyby a length aids thlr^'Byeeoldoader/wlft> vfir^l^A.^I iVOh . -■i .ff./ 3.;.. 4.... ■.wii J!itll-A!**..*ft .**^:'.--Ki:>KWl.';-.':W. ■hr,;-:5•,!:>;• S.-.A L:-.g- .1! {,,..;.. svv ..-M^M-..iT« Dbeufck r, pedestrian on Uonda, first 33 WHasT.ttB4MTtl It.taether, the ,«olr« fflBTdr»tUdi, traveling, It often happena^ctiW-.ewed^Qefl ^£^2^ when an 0] at'famous cl< Itnesslng the! - i m • Joerfoot, who! a., handicap with tho colebratcdj , . idtTrtOt-VAliV.^.. _ „ — )'er/6rmance of tte r^noprripd Indian, Deerfoot, whqg bers^Bdghtijn, («,e^r- A — rge,'. ft be) ne^er-e, uijfl'n.the;. ground,,", jjnfnjr cbijteslfj.tpoa^pl "- post about sLi frou ., . m ..„..i.t?.'*5bm»<I ^tooln4tog_:». on^mHei ^Amtev^Mtsm a race tho men we^.handjoappfldj J^h^n at ecxatch; .an^.'AncuqiyjjB, 1 € MbI^ * AvetTatilllei 1 ghl ffe si atlonj lion vy,„- .he'UsnaT den^p^nM-bf.ttho afoirie^^Ve^r'Bliyarda'ln'tront ettb 3vX«p3.™,_ |]Utthl»-unIc3 mile. Much surprise atftBe'publkiiiilntteV of the "Deerfoot Farci Benecan Mmff'tfiSious'l . . finish. Each of the met ran'to'the- most pluoky manner, and twers loudb cheered.''TDeerfoxit's' time to oompletLtlg tbi eUvenl u mile's was 06intoa;'Wafe».; tmTenrrujffttely' -for blm- OS -kees>«bo Ions, ss, we undettta'uB, 42ad- he/'dbne'Uei'tllstance within thel Chbbr it'-was the'lnfentten'bf several. tfailUemSB to 'preiett-nlml with a massive sllvor goblet. On the following WedneadaV Doer- 4o6t'«tBH«d T Beum^on^me^^e<rrrltt2' bontbBtitooS place txlw«eil hinir^ioasoa. 11 Brlgnttilii MoWeir, AntUews inet others. The atteiasnc^warfLflrgei, anfftt'e-pi«i}ramtoo;wnHbWas rtthirl oiiVarled one, Included attraotlons'Jftlr . ainaWarij: aUd'-'-ottelrs ambitions to--teat tbelr^pbyaleal powers, In tho fonn- of eaoii "■.If appiartd. froft"the eyldehco that'ihb^Ja^dtf' wlio' is rqarcnedro'fl'gKt (^flher ror;!£2M^^ th^qofondant'for tbouaq ofhla' theatTolbi 1 - tho atfttW fO.'anflJ pftld udWoslt of £l, ag«otog to pay over 1 tho balnib.e'po^ra fflej cmaln'roao,' wnlch'was'abcordlngly done by the 'p^atoU& n wln), upon hle/arrlval atthe'catablikhmeiotiat ^lx'o'c}oJX%4Ee'iveH nlug,' iti,' dt/e'stion,'fbunda Utfgb ctbTrd af ;th'o''aoprt,'a<id''upbl! notoe to the theatre, hb ascertained that there,was n'ccgtai'aiid; &iBtaWot cpu1d;hot :bb : llghtod up'. Thb'iihf td'tho lUetj SSolomDn.'JacbbsVwas.rusbltig ,ueout,' and,.Wged sf BJcUtd otbln tMrVlaltors uh'Hllblght'o'ilbok..' Bbme. tliuo.'iiras .d'elhyod] but thb-porBdns' otltsldb were' becoming ,bplB|erbus;.,AUci, Xpd .|ipwd blijcked^jp tbe^thorou^hfijre In. lr^ntof,tbp | aoo^,,'^li'o'n raolng, ball gathorlni leaping (to whloh J variotxQtvthBrflpnrta, Seerfoot aq,d thaohamplbn, y about tweatyiyardsy' Xtjeil ng, a 220.yar^'rso©,A.-QnBiinJlii'iweij61o| ktusfrrcr/ei'ithe ;obanijlon, appeared), and aj '^"-Tup.Tntb>/oTU>n)ilqrjwJbetwe«n- cbwsuJ^dUithetaaiAnwlnDtog; o^nmlediwaqQl rnlaa. 40 eeca.i i_t.'.:-:-.ii jmiu • ,ISr.: --cj • n , itfT. ^ia^ Tirti'^'''" Utw a.i»:a: ?-a?.'< (>iutiT(Baiiiijknn 'aliTOH.-^The billiard rendezvous at Bavlllo Houso, LeiSoater Squaro, vfaa/ OB-Bjonday, £ugij|5,^i£FS<wnp of; another ofitftoee oxcltlng.conteBla-whloh havo alroadv rendered; it -so AmojWcjTUe ^ajch.-waa betwejen,^hr ) ,,Bol)«rtsHthol ohamplon) and John Smith, (of Livorpool) the bmt.of tweutyJ one gomes of AOCKnp, MrJtt. to give Mr. 8. thirty-five points Jni oaoh gamo." * * - - tho wholaot WM . ohamplon) and John Smith, (of Livorpool) the best.of tweut; of 400-,np,MrJtt. to give Mr. S. thiity-ave points i ." Tho pUy. ; etobt 1 o. , clook..,]?uilDg: it tho.tlmo-tola'match occupied; tafl groat rdom' InJ La o^tos^d-ffaafavored by'a-namerb^.gatherlng of each' Iwlti dd, $ und, rnore. they -rfarfc ololnicd.ror M nl ^.KV^^rJttmpodup: Jots ^' W ^vicfa J totorf?r f .t'« tS lnuon^flUi>iW^uai"S°™ B ,9Sl Jd^iot Bpar.ou 'thb'nott.mumlhatlonof the'tubntrc'." 1 ^plalhriffhifl> - < tb« > i)i»ie')i, ;t^.^uilij|ijoo; b^aad 1 VKS&L JttdipodTnp,' MM VlBhild tti'.ro'liL^hbi ^"^V.^rfQtFa/Bhd |«ok';,ffl6Tadi|to their, ghtlW. wo're.p'hlpng and: W'muornuaS^ffi* 10 "^^afthd vlsagebTOlearewab «W V n»arto"ortw^ M f noblf,lm4>f?8)d,o'bfhjs.hoad, \ttMo^^^J'^i^A^ -\^i sonw con-' MtaanslTn tha'K^'^ n ^ "MndthU^SH^^^fl^ 4 n&lPt.p.L,bAOh .comtteicuiivby' ' c i* h^cr J] iftol&Bnm'Uobttnjii getting dprk whin 'the :6nnd arrived'and .playtid a. feVtincol n'catodplecifs it music.'',Thb pIln^tlpTsoitout'&r.hal^.Mt'oWi worth of bhadles/arii put.themVrtuhd' ttd.'iitbMbr.of At'Ob atM.'' 'Orowds'of perabns cbnttoued.fb arrjve),' bul'bs, they Xomld tho 'eiltameo. ih'total' tlaifkrfesEl, the a^'pp)ttlJih 'wont.,bt»i , it ,djkaulatlng,'."0h', it ie nil a hoar." ,The gas. yah 'Buppllei. „ half-past Urn o'dbbk, whoj" tho p' erform'ancq' .cojinmenccd j wlti 1 the celobratod drama of. <'Tom etpd 'Jbrry. w Xlfd in'. Ubdo&k 1 'it Wae,"'vfblch lntroddcod thb WoD-known Bcbilo of Tom Crlb^' 1 parlor, in which al) ohldf portion were "ibnou-mumlhatli: oonslderable portion red; and would hotwl, Mr.B^fc V^PJAli) ifhlchttMs dAn,V*f«)'d,waafavotea by' flie? patrons Of tho' nrlhcoly science!, w] with courageous ardor, tax whloh olroumaianct playbrs woll exertbd themsel thst, excollent as,.was the tho game enables ua-to forj merits of a playor wnoSi , ndssed, wo'failed to discover 1 parlor,' in whloh al) tho colebrMooLpuglllats yfcrb'Jo, appohrl./Th 1 _• ^^rblhahedaanceVBut'bouldlfiot rtfar/ itlbri of th'*'* , ' l ''' Klt ' %1 ' \»n ^ mMhIi ftoonaiaemuie portion ol tlrcd;.aii|).'.yrpuld.Uotwall lob'gi(r; >y'the t ('.Of apveral ho.plRlntiff Z^aik BlckeVwM.exalplbed, .1 had, PW4' the fOllp.wiiig.'oib^Daoi. indiipendo] th'o'JaOuse:-idyomon?itots,.liy.;' Maid tot'Bci bona; .with Vitt apa tStqvHorsos 1 , *1; ,Uk oheqk- 'lbg' and'a^ld^^.'rpqUc^c^a^ljlc, Ce.' plaintiff oxpr^ ^ »- sttulgloJdr; st; v ,T>eiitjj, m in iwspmeVijrywl 1' Ips.t^YWM* 0 .^' ^,ppiU61ort,%w,tal . ... „' >uibp, and.lhe imfi'J^en: ,-I ,; 1 "'''' "" n ' 1 "'-iv-'-'ii'ifii''* i v.,i.<i" i.ey i'' -! 1 v, ncs'to.spar. £1 itsl; ... 1 antf,cond'|jqtor >1 oe^ ^$MWaMtovmi; tJojrtencioUi ttiV-t^iWimti'ff.^ Wm& .ffiqflMitiCo 6t the. inouoy;th^b.fats^oreffi'. lt, aTtno lalb'.c^tublor'bf Ibo.theotiolind to:,MBaa,pn.' ;d6ho'.attb>t l -™ r ,w., ., , " ,T Mr!'Wbi/.JcifttoJJiftqi'daBt;' b0ptonao4i that out. cTtho lalb'cibublor of ibo tbcotiobfid, left'th^gi paid., ,T^o<oMon0b'if,tne'gas'vfa9.l}B. li|gh(iy, end .Uio bans wore ,p'ntd ttWarroi" l -~ " "* .fcgrupllqnJ^dWo 1 " ^l^rXn ^fcb)S?»ol (Off, tindit hadbebh „k Y ^-, - " cr - 1 laTk'„v/bllDi.twcS^toui tiff was puq'oupdod by.ii un, bbfblts: hjf appartuie, i namorbtu^.gi > wttohed- its proi the extraordlu'ary; and, attention. Bothl U- 1 1 gjy! havo] 6mato, : wQ ^VRobortB, I.'. <Jt ajt)Dpp{rdeait,4t will unsFer: dough our prattical -kj)pffedgt),of: iuwto Jui bf thYart Tet'soi redgq.o t of tho ,wlti Bd'moJ our nUnd.'in'arka an'awon^llahcd.nlaBl --,—, of his strokes \vero' r oie'ont«aJwl(&'idialwM9tprWlelcM,'.tMd nowWd''then^hls l puypilghteveubadonomlnatcd brilliant' It) WtllibO'«e«li thathfcb4athis bppihent :>.Hot ttuoh WolldelKlattaif all. .85 points but of 1001s ''aconaldorkttbD/<Ssbai'st.bmilkrlBVs ■very wojg^bn^^oi^we'apj^u^ttlitollowing tabular statoj at a meat, .tu-m ;m w Ths^BuJab.Sp^feT^fis a hone mp^afo fcta»J,. ana when blB .)*WMi^ cot off. w^Amfoi* deadly TeslBtaDWjiDonttifldiDft to the .last moment for the rlght.of life, uifiI'dtttJtitliBeB dealt?-tiath' Ky wh'el*ale to hto caDlne'esMtem%§p)h^e. | lB in"tht( air or 8^mjpiqg,tftJ«p)h\oSQ%.M?it»fck) , w y :t' m o A-iraTelkr lu" tho*e r*gion» -eaye: "I • hav e -eeyew l tines oome eorosa jnahaf angof thefle Bfl lmMaW tOsBid- lng an old or a wouided IKiH.'Svhers lt.wOTld «eem froat appeawl^'ltiA'tbeT -hac) been for Befer^V-flWln at- tendaj^ aniM' W^#i&»WtWj>. immmc** effort to take his file. -.'SnU'A-ubort time alnoe. as one or m^'ntite^(«fct?BM6^,^ oar eriwnjpm^t^ti^rlr/^ we SnvmtA :&'AMfam> »> hqge .butt. «D,c3lroIe<li ^ - wbloh we rode op _ancl, (^^B^giSrt t4^^t- vfcwariyi* ,or. rdx^ rode, when:we£4l*rirtJto ■Bte' igrert'^wrrftleerWit" to^'aiilrrfal' ^d'lttMOefr WM^mim.sf\r*^. (f* nw.^B mcwtiy.Bwlj" tongue,was half eatenolf,'And the Bkltt*ud flethoot -MB legsv^ttrfelu^t lJt^J'In'i^stHiigs. In this %amfM^n^^Wt(d^i^'o(a old veteran stoo^-tow-' IbgrlpJa tbejnldat w bTadevourera,^who had jnet cduiisl. hostilities forjflrfe>7 iiAlpnJg8,:^ i «^pf;aJort/ic^vp»j|»»f r<Kwverlog-nl^Kth,.aDd.TiKparJn|r-ta'NB^ to a-Tew momenta. ■ Id tbteg wop were etome r^ttpjt,to - gSffl:*re'aiL.,^whlUr'offleTB 1 werie i tMmi i mftmW& lug.their chops. .Ift^piletty for e^renewaLofiMWitiawf; or^WapbtMB'ttetolIowlng tabul gSmes'i^- '^'' ;: ' n .'iii'W,'''.';<li:'l'*.ii ' "Odmi .Gamo ment of Qamt,' .i'•t•;^:l^|.^-r•^^l'' , ~fv.:.v.vvivv,< pirxm >J.vilJ.'|q >;v.i<:t8'i '-'Oeane' ■VMfiith-A.-Mx-'-i 'flsrpe •HT^WM^jtli)** &.'-»i«JB«ia»j»- 1 8^W. !V. J.-Ji'rthilne* : ' ,? fl8' ; 'u, •>.). .• l '?i4:,','ri;i.aaitbo''>'fl-'et;' 10^wncfV^^Wame)W"•• ^Oamb llWA,...,...,Oamo »••••. lpllth''w'ai'ft^oUTlarlysp'leridia gur.bVi'dr'wh'i IWWIVMoborV'wk'^up WMnlhft'' al ^ _ *W ttUS' »xcWbg g'ame''Wliil-Ut«f^ IsHpalC ltAr»se't l v«a,'"r«t6Tit»a■appliuse'.' 'JBjr^Ar'dffillh^. trattoi the 1 obllbilo«' r ti*" whloh-'ta*' R»m»: o^-bllUt^s'' (Ulcpj 'all b^rsi-'ftfr'thaf'ta'atter) 'Is BUbJeBt) tbB' veryl fttwr'.triaV waUwaa'tls'«OBu1prly'kiowri is a < 4ovo''<gafh». i !We thought It, ^otnu««drthit/»t;or(e^tt'6fit('tha'vrtnbB^offorrt lii ( tb'"u(ujl« 'ie wouldlbo.«^'loVe''-gVmry.'^W(>^fldetlceirrt>t4 a loV.Wayi '.ntim'thls' •instanoo, M''aeWtui,-it *ab( ndt nflsplacbd. Nbns' WWe'ttlrtr tratties noed mere' that* - the' 'genbralwmtme^it wwHa^.WtteadV gfien/ 'ThWo'obaadmtfObb'Watl.ttfo<mM«to»y. •exOltftuftlKn'' •;°! "|"i' t -'"Cr fiii-'.^i " ■.; Tooni x>;l: p- Mhn I ' W .., ;. ) iu.,1, - ' - had better be 6ff."'' Th'6tigh Ulnj<mdi-Atari/«Brttinrii<V ttfefe^eetted' evIdeStly Wbe a recognition of a frletuftai me, ag-lte^traTabteoed np: and: trf-abllog -with enM*^: exoltement, dMhed«ffatfflr«rie« v^oh tR^rUrieyffl ft etralghtllne. : .., y6} ., n m MvLoto^ii^ ' . _ We turned oor norseii, aad .rjsenjoijea onr maroh: ancl when we had adrancerl )a'!mllo-i*:ni0re we looked nek, ; and on oar let), whete.^e. .saw egairi T6r (11-flatea aidinal UyihejMqpiiiitoaabliiMori a vloUriv!. «• , - •.'•u<i :.;wii;.uv--* t jjiYM>:'.i : :0 ti<i/V .■■m-i. i.^'.o .■■.i*.;* ., pODND:."jP3»TBIT/.mni'. BOLDIBBS. . . ., ) .:;.' M»jor v W,i^throp'a advlocl to yolonttere on the Mbjecfr tial'ana ^irj»^»e^n»ll-4he1 arnilee of the Stotee. A/ I',v:.' Jigf»t. '<6;0^. f.iKeV'"'-w^ r i«iv^-.WftVA.<aihs l '.-'» 5»" . •HWJ". .'I'fti'.l i .8*"^'" »'jO»nie, aff/.'rt:i1. i '.''.\: , . 1 <lBine 7 hi 4 . , .-*8'* ■lBWj'/i. I;Qbm» •ltf.i>;U^ • v =t i ie*"'- : -■••■' i Sa*iB. 3l<euifllBSt) .'ITll!' -•" -Oamb Smith thus wmntof by llgamej. Jen Smith'ha 1 aid •'Wirri^ H$ t 80ldler : n^r;.b«il«^ tiUl6W<^^Ur^! a «I "8. A good RMrnacn..' ., :t ^ -, ->:':s , „ .. <>oS^Aad4tUi: ttaB oomes the good bead^ndifc»j|o«l; heart. • 1 ii.-m- ••- w-i* "vw-i >. j«.»»ti-.w itbemv 70acannot getitft yaurido.ty.ja.-.qomjian^,)}! horse, efleiMng frt . 1C .. , hKs?5wed A nd! tUstfllfl ttnppuout In a.muoU ■; _ died.but few raeos; but thosri aao.omploto "»Hvher,!' Jbdsphj Vo6urdo',tb. &^T^c^e^'bo*rd,atoOT «wm inqfi !Hl(fV<iJi»'. fi 'iHnlMiH o((T «9cli» ytui'til ■1 astetlilvi <xa.4<|dinr tuiiiV • ,J tberJi yooeannot getib yciurid^ty<',.'ll a^^SfeaKja' horse, dr a locomotive, takeej yononyita owteipi th s ) mm, J^foVod Bboea aod plenty )rtw.aJldng^mVe_ man -who-pretends to-beloog to an Infantry. conpaST ought always to keep hlriMlf,fl^^ evemtbe deolmatlon ofutha army whorxuenjd) "A oapt&lti of. ijiwtD^anj who will llitlini march wl'tt euoh ahtjei;as 'iv have seen on the feet of eoaej*ooc fallow* ia this ouaht to^ ba gwoi^wJA-BtoeV. e*rinilfi ;, <*'■at'leaBt,b«)io6Bt>ellea -i»y»le»-«o*a;(:aiia, hlRBi' l or ; h1l soles too-narrow or too tblu^.m hls -»bpe. jj , nbTuaiK etrilglit 0jS tn^iwrderwihat the^t^jresa Stora* Deaeftti and Pralrios -at, iiome;,J - r Jm.liWfceJij^s^w'^ ItjeHoas «f ,the,.»u^dngs tW i4 4r»«> <[> .W iwant slbful •slUi««<a^iaaiy,V« ■• ,',.' I.-. .i--.. ■'-. - -'■.' '.'' v.''..*,'''v