New York Clipper (Sep 1862)

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T '.- ' y.ii. n Pli| oaai ....... ttiiuw; ; :t)>i?;,Ww'«^'U: , —jti •«tritt?i|..C>ifijv.->'i.W!i,<>rft <>»:>••«<» 1.7.1;"' -rtU(<- .,)'■ ■mil _ A'l»fliilW :, ' l,: '-"" ; •'• 1 i--fvM.rt j ( 0 Tfar,)i[-:r.',riT,.| ", ^ .:<;^^■•,v■/^♦?r, icJ*a^^v«r<St^Ka^^ "fllorliniilhilDirprfy" it.vodi .Viiil ifitfccCX ■■■*•---«iV-'» pifi'B.i$ewtt' ,,. .inatgavethara/tain* IBtttotitroaeoriWjmedW .^'•.•ti \i;:r j,jd nj-iiyrf: '^e.'titarm^.hearia.aiillfloyar,',! ■■' MitiMirf r. 7'l MMfaitabuOto dfjrl »'/wi'«bV '••••tfl'l** »v>ivwi ^f'MiBhdiooaqnataeUoiirasilg^t.'M'' v: >»(<•'eylttbKr j i i ^.. ,.-Jfifi'a'nif' t ;i v -'i,''IT M ,; 'rT '- f'', o'. »>iW..--WV-; ■.HVSifvV I ^,|Sil^'-IUWt-'^''.i»W.«>. | l-ii. .J.fJ • ..^-■ • ■■ ■ ■i vu. -Itv; iiiM-i ..f.ftoi.i ' ipghqut the. qlftasYapd ,4he 1*5 , ... t . -. w*r?;«wr those .who were exposed'*!*. tbVwEd beast* 1 ■itl'OT hllT"). >\hltfai»a^Wn. " ''p;Tnq>bnll Uiffet) but |ht,.a javelin a 'jmbfdde'd y for. bb reiki Syrian, hie ;p>pd; but ' iVlng'made » vibe-aid Hde' of hie oli his /inches ma it'.about a'Wa.hdne 10'fore hl.m IMipm>tluAb«a wpariited ttojcmog Christian) «h» at her te*^^^n^«r^?hol6sWp^hhe»«e, |b*b1i JiWfW*: ,^ '•n4to»taailjrn.. iT .'advtetiteg; tepidly'towards ,ew,. steps (towards .jhlmjt i>A,.ananagi dWHQftM^'iiy^Bed^ B' Bprlbg> '< stnibW^ *pHHaifi8nkv/.T^aiataai. stopped,-tier" .^apSe^Wr^.and1 SR>UklM|MiA^B^hirl«lDa^ - ' o;, T . "Wen't'-'tbrioe^rodad 'theFBUphltbeatre, the fHit #rt?attfr' e»f 6tffiih:«m&, ttbd'' Ifeslffi gWurid with •pidaiiyr^i^'iird; , 1 -„-.,.inipedkteJj-,raIialg,ililiiiself, , 'he. itftteTpeds* terrible* Mar, rtd, as if toe had IWNU'hope of' !lWB^£J^'n»a^t^ he .O^^Mi^^re^oth^r r vlotlm;pn^en.t .bisTpg'e", :u.eht't*^W*hetherv'flhe wH8«n flDlmatei being, su,eb' »5||a^:{t.^^.T$/,'tf^ft nope. Aeisnmettha alrowhwh cime from'Jifir-plflcf oC>coafltie- mant;, Jnrtanflf Ra1berltfff':elfet)g11i,"h\)ruftei3 direotly ; 3)'dt:Bna8'We8 'watoblrig over her.' It'was flow his torn ,tp rneh fifeo u the bu lh-wbjch madt for flight; Utori, who hli prepftrtd •to-olip 'thelr iprnier rofetrf*; ( ,-i.t thwiinMpeflted .<Mb ilrted^ote'opeBed^hdr'<ie«,'andreco^ Iffl^Vdrlte' ■'6t^«f«VW»»»^i!ft»M?ff on thlfl /gtatltaae of (the tigressas a eplrediu ♦he ftoifl ressCT^tlw BlaedPh' <'MeTpj5l;._ -themalmai *«rf'Bi ; .. slooe' we „ ip.h-It.p/thl extremeiorpleteeiBby.' ••;»•V/- 1 '.' ! ;^;:V " ■' :> .v;' - : • Tfreltfp'i^ e'Jadleei't$elrypl>apl.eJi8,-,9f! ffi>T7ei-a; : «U. roefr. bpon.the etepS:'CMltAg;fn^th6elareB<l9j^ people'bpeded- before betv' leaving *; fre*passage.'. 8 hdrrted-to^eiW^ffon^lan^^dpy^;^ bn'e; ^ti'e^'plflefB, apd^MnijJ wes'piDg.op'^^ She '6J: otlie»thiU» QOTJBiCO'B deUoddttS ITAlIAHMffl dUM'e eklfflB attdael'Of bWntytoSpffifc^Ai, to tteeuhajaWaiWiVoMgiif eh^dwai'itot roefiiwiiljf' hl^ ^eorBttio UrfeBtf mttt irtffl ltt to*magnlflcont crim«op>if OOimiTO'B'SeSi •BpOOEII Vfo mi«r «oy; In addition;; ttat MA IgSj muoh of ttfoIr'Hoh eUklnela and rIObiJ Wool Gotmu JIE8TOBATIV?, which. be8ld<w., l)o B ltlT«iyforcrtTiffi ob;bald plaits; prb7«nt» ft tirflljli. pretoi>tod»«*»i ;h«8ll, etubboWl hair, qoftTgllty fad nWssy. AgS*',' .WHTTE/Ib a idcUeate'prbiartaott for 'll48huit»6rt56 rttiah and-iaUovf'handB, ahdB'jana 'nock. Utto'VoS ; ifhlte..-- •••'••'•••.<»"-':.•»- '.'T-i.-'J i ;■■ T...-. •■^BEffAllB.Olf COfJ H ' l ' MUmiT B-''-' - ,: '^eiotittlhep"r«ria«tlbBB tort comoHdBW — HATTD'baH'tmlj' be had senulhe at lis Dtrtofe •atW^attersWe^" 1 '." -.• '' ■' • «S5 ; ,,! Ajeate^Canshdalr ft'btf.-.'Tftlrd and frafhU sWul^ :X.V.;..'.tllfe'l ■aoreei>toithatt>Crttae .ball,;aiid t wl . •ooivth.e'buok'of ale leiuwith ibis left 1 arm the [9. whatever was J tKe Impatleaoebf.tlieoibwdi HbrofldCto! wait ontllttealav'es had drawtt'their . heatre. AtleDgth.tbftBlaves.wltM^w,theaift ^•WMlo^»"DioiBeiSt empty; lahd'thb iahltltnde were all ri^itnM'towaidii4^';j^;vl«Upi / dMnit to make their '^ittnafe enteredif-elad ilo. a!white robe, and oovereS "|flW -^'".''BJ'e: wihJe4'tODhe''ofjhe-p'ftle,tb ^WWifcPi^1&&Wii^. Ofle of en tore off her T«ll t when,theepwtatora he- t la beaaty, and. tbtmgh pUe, 1 yet i& Jad'engaged thajnlnda-uf thlitoeowd so Hapresaibly.and JMttweh^ flhaage; thatotteyeb wefe'rlvettd^pi^ her; IHrw«i|tejnaryvthnB to exiV4MiM#0.lMttls A-qfarMan! ■*i«toli.'BBK r vgMng to the o^tallihe oietjtu of idefenoe; 1 UUli ooipildI^^,;^e.waBiie<^ttUA to iSee]Vellher -a' r,.or.a biotherj to glvftthlm.fwBhvoanrBae to pro-i f'»}iBopbaf^The' Ohilrt\at»\almoet l 'alw4y8'r«ir8M; ltV.pM:beaniigi for. bfn .a sword/and two Javellnee; -ttMDWr leaaingAiNomldlanodoieer.' Hedldi.i6"Ot *p'pe&i ftp.baed t6;all6f.. the -jedBle/ fr:Bpe'6 tofe' : dl *the! ataronnd'hlm ailook oalm and undaaatedt theoj I ^fi >lth : bis hand 'IhSt the-'horse'aiid arm^ Wra|4?d' UlB>y^ «b : |^itt.^eavej^'.:fill'0i . i JMM,.;W>d/oflere4.up : e<prayeft. -At ^Dla-lnatapt.the pUjidedetved In; their eipeotatloflg; began-to'threatei Ibraoj^'eTrtalm'tog:^;;*. s\ , ■; \p;'r« ■■ j^liW.tob'S^atjd pot 'a^'.mar^rij^.th'ai'weioo^ftto rtoiAiidhiibw. the- or/was htard^fiTo the erosa'i l,iq i-\ .W * W/$ iiiV*-S\ ^ >-i-';'v«i>'■ ■ ■ ■ ••• ■>«* : v-t, s Mw JA'He'.'fl^WHBrlog^rolght. ba more pro: Oted A ray of Ineffable joy shone In thb eVee ol 'the Bejoavlogr.maaehujapotheoale.iiArthlB moment ... iii&iiftei^^^^ i : :< '•■Br#AeMJ!l<jolaImed; the yqatb'<aa r he hastened towarda v ;JNP[Mi'jH>aAlipp» eprang,npln myrheart ><i<xoa^6 oonrl l.Blrofa^^dpniMtb'.combW I^,lnaIryrdom.f < ^jnterraptedl81to^:.v!(! avis never iean ioo r.l^eJfromthe'mo^lhb+'iHImforwhdnlwe'are W nay.' Perhaps I might iave ooarageifer vdoe/aoq Tan emperor.1//> vl\ wjft- *>«<>•! vmi. - - .. e.nwa adarened Uw/ohnrser 4n « eira^ige tent : i^MjwnWIitf ahewcV^llasiobVfrbm' f1|b-.Tw«l*W Wli'ti ^#W???lop. ,the;,.e8^le..,flW,.lK unpoeed ,a8i.a badge of ela*eryi and th 1^ * nd . *Wptbg apout, hla left: 1$\ a * { Z^^to*WrttotA m hir sjfbra. Jength ftom Aete; bat ebe had oloaed her/eye* awaiting Ideath. '-'ThB'i atfplaiiBe of the olrcne 1 alone abtcued 'her WMmitifajt:^ ■'■ : : :[ - iffhree siavea now enUreo iibe btrbaii W,o>' odndacting eiob-a horse-'which 'they bitobedtothe ball foothe tur-i )am afaBtfag 'bfoftW of ■ the athphltheatrA; Jhe third .p^ring.'aibifp andampbb'raL: He flU'e.d' ^e.onpVnd pre- seutejl it to 'fh^ yduiig: Syrian, wi>lch»be barely .'tasted, bat demanded other arms. - They bVffneht him a tow, ar- r^we^ijd :Bpear.'- Helttab^.'alVi^e tp'.eitty, flrtb, for: Wneathjthe thrppe, w>lct ; the;^fapei;pr had- ;ie(MvbldJ i: grate was lifted, and a -lIon 'Of -iAtl8j,. ooiniiig.3orth'lroni Us:^ms|t(|k»ll} tttettd^ke-plAoe.''-"" • 1 • ■ -, - ; > : .; £1&}!l;WtMw*'rt b>B.9ts / , 1 fofwk:e>c,wJth!B;'Tbtt'tl, l P^.^lll.Kd :theday r all.tbe epeolatftrsitremhkd; aiid (he ooareer hlmself.'intetrastlng,>: for i the first time. the. niu- bleness^of : hfrfeeti'''a'nswered with "a 'aelgh; of. aftlgHr. Silas alone ; wae .this awfal yoIoe.,f9r, haying inpre.than on'oe heard It 'iet'ouDding- tbrciugbi the desert whioh extended'from Lake Asphalae to theBoarpe of the! .WW|ng,Wm8elf Jbefilad a ; ,post very .hea^tbat to which > Aofe woe bound, end made,ready the best aiid kcenestof his arrowB.' 1. Dorlllg Ihls lime iila noble aiie pulwant eit, .fl<5» #'»Ml7.topM:fa©e,.anfa HdLr .ijj— >■.■/ .,>..'.: ■ .0 ■ Bed ,^ilh htreamers .of ^ffertnt/cdlQrs^ligiffle,.(mpasfflfe *nd-grave^oontlnnIng,to advuiicev: not' dlcqaleting him- self with theBe'oontr\vBnoeB, when sttddeply, Bmii the In JflendyO ■WBtfd.B,. ft' Bharp/*nd h|silng';aiiow passed like lightnjqg Jo n»«elf lii.ohe pf hlsehoulders. .°Qe ead- danjy . stopped/ with -'mora astonishment than pain, and 'asfyidflpJi&iiot comprehend .that a: hamsn' be^ingl^bnld .^.avfftfi^:'^^^^' w Witiiak;..' lilna; he' yi&t. floab ted .'dot ; .cerb'fpg his wonnd; bnt coon oils glaring-eyes gdeesed it'jl Ms- jawi»: opened; ft roar, heavy and prolonged, like the 1 .fpnibUng of thnnder,'esob'ped as bnt of a oavero from the' fleptW'.pfWB'bReapt.. He%etzeot:it l he;.orrow flxed''ln the 1 iW/pn^Bdvand^orniied U b^twesn.ile teath^ easting arban'd! '"* «-"■*-•■•••»—■ ■■ whloh. 'ptoteotedi ^le aought fQt;«n. •*-4r~r\r~- •'^■-^y*1.;•'^« , iHi^uu:fall. AVtblB.mCh' anent he:peroeived the courser, trembling, as If. he were ;stftndlng: dfl 1 loe/'tpodg^ h'd: wis ;oo'vered with- sweat attfl 1 •?^i^.T^\|?'«»#ip'iw ntMkg:^-^6rt;oiy; : Sp(to and reiterated,ke msde. a .bouDd wbiohi bronghi 'hlm| ■.withln.twenty: paces of thIs, ! tBb 'arst vlotlm' of bis choice; NdW oommenced ;a.'.B(!bond. d6aree;' mbre'.W6'nderrili ,eyen than the flrsli'for. tk'erftla. not mnoh. of Mmi Xtaelf In maato mar the instinot of animals. .Fo'roe and .ewllt- ;ttesB^were promptly pat forth la all thelf^Bavdge energy] .and/.'the eyes of. twb hupdrediibbbBahrl Bpto'latora.wer.d {urned io>/.a ume'.lromthe.twoCllriatlfttif.'to folibwroapd the amphitheatre .thlsfontaetlo chase,. tbo more agreeable to.ihe- efrptfd that U'was the ;, le'8s'e»pected^''A^e'co£id leap, probght tne;.llpn','tp ,the;,horBe, wbloh, bronzing;ad the baok part of the clrcrifl", obiild flee'neltner to the right dorleft-i He'eprar/g'dyer tke'head- of infe whqm! hevhaff'Biat BIniBVlf to pursn tea;bl?-li. tt lri;Bnd,qtteri9g fgo'm •.tjme'.fei tlaashhirplgrnwH IngSi-whlohithfliagltlve- answered- by-nelghtdgs -of 'terroW ' r Bodn;the-;/i|l-fated\dodr«eK ; .;faeolb^ straggled, eAdioUed'.iapon.thesa^.m.tto oomba. -/■ v :A;.|p^S*;';*p»;:^pi^ Bory.'O'Kore. WM> v wK^N«W'hex'id^sltet<~Ar<aidt went always by- edntrarleB; Inasditibh a»,Iri thfa jflstii'BCfii a'.%:cilfatt:^ 'fiWh one.nigh'tin.tha'Wlnteroi ISM.'.dreamed adream. The ;laot waiBOt an , -QncomrD6none,for''ttiany.-lBdle9 1 i if6 doubt^ld-'the'Ukra'e img; '.Bbf iOaShif m^6M^ she. eaw.the, by„a Jbay,horse, .w'h(ise''ijopkey Iwpr^.a, brown ^ddy/orJpB^hVBteeveB.BD^Ifeen ^ap,«nd -,wanted:to back 4(Vfor/'£ll};io''£^0.;^^fiaT^^laebdnd;:llkel :-m\ vJ. >-/n nr. he -hadi-been fajfored. 1 , .LooMbg' in-, the HM 'df oolore; he cpqld. flnd',iQLe : -like itfioee' Vhldh iB 1 d''bpfce' life BpouBfl.ia her' rbtdqlght.vrslen; 'and he thought theinatlei ended.. But n\ot iflo r forthe-lady drearpedrasecond- and third; time lo encpesalon; that'the' Derby was wba 'by a, horse'ridden"ai she had seen before. .There .was. no^fth-. Btapdihg- this treble.' event.'and llr-.'Clifton promised tq .take: hie lady 1 to Epsom, and"see Whether'- she conld be •right in her -cpujecfure.- . ■.Hq'-'was.'.as gpod.'fla.hlB ■ word.i ^Hd. etrange to eay. between the. pdliUcalloniqf the. Booh Dalettdpriand the Derby Day, Mr. GratwJcke-bad changed! bis-^olprBfroDiarabwllhgreen sleeves', to ohMolateBnd] crltpifln; which appeared far;the flrittlme.'pii DolerUl.'the; fav<irjte: '; TJp6i 1 .,,ihlB'. bfllpg..plated .<idt*to her/she was asked if •Bhe!wanted/to 1 bBOBrbim; , .'NO,' she-replied;, 'my hbre'e'B jockey httd a gree'n'ca^ tirl'd f shall atrek to him.' Scarcely-had Bue'lutfe'red''. lhe wi^js' befpre '.The. Merry : Mpnarqb; went -by lrtr with'Ebster Hell In a green oap; to dIstlngalBh hiDi : ftom his bi^therf -'-^There he Isl' she ex- claimed, in a' : .8tate : of ffa&tlo, '"exdrteniebf J. and'; Bending her husband; into.(he ring,'he ^ot'2,000. to 20 apqn'^fiel Merry. Monarch for her In less time tbati he ooold wfite'' itdoi^nj'imd .balf'att hflplf 1 afterwards saw the rnoneT 1 labafd and'the %ffe'B,d,rf tititverlBtd^. : h, :i i.i'.i : the good «ia--otyB of'^nrn>flpg,by;. amopj th'e : p$er)|er.B frbm^^'do'gster.'qtf 'fi-the a heavy.; doctor and .a sharp [0 canal eayat/weEe at,, home. rdr/'/At tbls moment a aeoond arrow.lefe-the-'borf of 'SI ie-f eotot lmrrOTdmeaU In tt'oae Tables 1 .any Bllllaitf .table. -Mao. ■ OtTB NEW OaTAloaira'Mb^BKAOTii' -'-i so.-' ;.'•>.:•,■ thb oij) mipijato^^ "" .i-,. ; ;i-:V;::, v>. • AOT BPOTTrKO C(00tt|;Ai o'rd^.'im.p^ttp^.'^lV^ ' _; ■ Addtei*,.' roq^ OBIlkBr,'' Martte.Bjil t{v : . : -^%,. {.■■: .'..■',...Mflaaaaa'strtet'seV! ' 11 V 1 . 1 ' ■■ i ' i ii . ■ ■ i - r ' '■ r T - ■ I-, t.*_ "■ /•■■•■,.l:- : 'J.OP THB* V. 'R 1PR..O.D U.O.T.I V-/E OR G A H»' ' : - : '/ :•'•-'' "' •;:••'-''B¥ .'■■"■ '..-.";■ ■ ;? vj . 1 1 > * ^BUSSELL T. TKALL, M.S.' -1.^ .-|.'-i/. ' ■ '■' ■■: r v .•• ' • • ;• th6 ; ' ■'■ ■- , ■ .v , !«B,B-I tJA I.0 B 0 A S l 8 II. 1 >< -V-M ,:-:•.,••!<.. w \ i.' i,. . • ru ; .•:"'• :l " i V ! '-'{;»«ttllBB 0. JAOKSOHi-B. D.; ;-'. .'•TUB treatascDJ £rj tills tolnme are'nptn Babiectsl'o/ tlit k Uai»rt»ne* lh'B pbTBibloglcil point bl .View. Theie roWS ■Jundled ' td jan abli 1 manaor. Tb,e authAn in medical t 1 laiB6«ilrtetlan96;''atia'Uio Advico which they girela'r bad'a'.bai'fqll otVpa'pen on hiskesdi WM.playlogckeokeri with the-oapfefn-we-'dcoior 'Sbbatea BoddehlT:' ■■"■'■' :: - "Bridgel:lqyr,brldgel" ',: ■ ;'■'<:$? ■The lawyer dropped bto headj bfriwent, biS;-hat, with all his i papers fly log fcto -the water. All enjoyed -tht •joke 'greatly, a<( the- bare-headed'; lalwyqif had : to jurfjf abhqre, aM a bbat-bq'ok fish hie', .dopnbjents qnt .b [\h(r : , canal;,and ,ih'en pahae' .the'iget aboard ai ; well as be oonld.. s-He owed-the dodtofqiitfand felt Bouiii In-law/jtopaybltn.- -' " " '■ ;•' •',' /' *•'•• , •• '. . WBtterflpbn ^Midbotor,:^^ .wanted tO:VBtreUjtLhlB'legB":on the tow>patb.:/. Thebbat was-'s teered' flear the shore;-Be mdde ai'desper'cite leip; •6na^nffea OT'.all-fonjjtf,''' ^ptffl'^Mmip great'' 'ffift .pe,ieaid:he;Wo.qW'^e^'.td l Albany rafer'thaq aUempVtd jump- aboard.' Whetwas;to be done"? - Tbe-' oa'ptefa toU g^ahead, .and^wlhg'd6>n' froin the drat' 1 bridge 1^.^00.1^.glve.t^'^ did se be. was,toldiM-Tna boatoameinnderi• .\ •.. >.'v'•. | i Ult'eirt lbe orowdP'-' : ::f '• •>■: •° -;>- - c - : - ;.•>«: ^ .ifBJowJy /thetiboafc.moved^ Under.vth'e ^BttspeHded•: man "Dou't. drop; (ill we give the word," drlect'the 1 tbptaln JTqstaipthe Doatjolffaretf^Ibli VN6w' : dfori!"'Bbrtated ; '-i : tbi i-.Like ,a, blppopotamnB,-.' thei heavy.-man .Of'i/Jnedffllni i^TSf? JAdlclona aiMce^ which may aave m«ny.flfnm < nig thMr sttfferingB by reiortlng to anack doctors axd'u tnaimemi''—Boston JOuMiai: ■ - ■ '■■■■■■" '.'BJiould bor«aa,bjrall,iIS onongh to nndnrs'laiia l&'-tii Otrt'Jtmrnal. ■■ p-° - - ..- ■■ •■•Wl ;■■ "K Will be the eburcb of •mritb-cobd: baliBpfepaniTWa ^ndfrbm Bltttadtttallmowkd^'?—BMtbn MiTeUor?.' 'TT, 1 ' "It la * book for the times, and' klloiira'Bo in dvory'liilil 'World's OrlslB^BOBton. 1 ' ^■■■■■•^P:- ■ •. .'.TTrfl ; ''An-honesttflbTttOdlffasetpiernlinfomatfo^ w6rie on' thla'*noJect aie:th6 rcTe'rsp of this, and are bl ■Vtrtlsbmonte orauaoks:"—Pljnimfb. Bock: "• [^^naas^-tldiaqli 'W;^^»B«t|ra^; u -rXe^B't T "A v »l^Mo book /or tr«affllete(l)tridrpil«n nhowoBH^ trttSSlrt! ^ .^I', 6 '}*"* 0 ' <° .aU'/.'-flwtorprt -^'.'Contataa prtcncwjnforniaUbn'tKllitfl'hojad bo kjtewd^l •JS.fc^2;-5L I ' l l r ?i i . , 5'-*5S> h,1 ^ n ' 018 marrica and slnjk f meeBenger.of-palo . . 0 r The }ionflptapg.''appn thB-man^wbo-. re^elved^hltn upon'bli spBsr: l*ba''fflaii.j^^oa'j!^ r j[j^bejf^^ ■to-,> flesh,.'. Maqyfof .thftiipeoliitors'iwefa.Bp'rluklcd with showerepof blood. Aote/ btfrsred a' ory'.of .-adleu,,lc' kei?.(0hH8tlah;y brbther. 'Stfe^b•lonbjW'hjd-a defender, ■^•hji>o;4ooga¥;. , )Ma ;'|ho.'.oXe'nij!.'. ,The';il6'n : .eufwlvcc only/lpngI enough Jfos vengeanoo; the agon'yrof thei exoou .ttojiBr-commence* wbem'that ;of-the'vlotlmtcrriiinkted gMdP*wW'^: I-.:/.;.'!..'' -M'-ll >■//'•.. .•/.■ :.:-i:.', /iO '.,,'. : ' 'l / •' How.aJli'OV^es were dlreotedj_to Aote/,wBom ! 'the/doall oreltaBkaa^eWHefe^ flI|dow^l!j,,w»Asard*ibr at;tt ofthdda rj^hl ^!* f ^? : ^''»eQVBnl!^trjbulalJ i:Wi ^:-^!^ 4 ^^:^'<>^ .^e^amanfty q|,the ohristlao; i ''i ' Btuwed by the-noblo/anlmal whahadpiepeded her in the qlroue. . At Wnitb,flhciqamHto wbloh iM dog, roaring,*od;.ragbg: .Ini/pTppontloh-aj Bhe.drank; Whetf she had fldfthedii'snbi lookedisrodndafreshed with ont daring to at6>it bojnei ■ ?. .<o?i:i'.:. i: .;v.«''>(.'■•"•■■•: ..:/.' .v.-v ....... ..^ v.- - J-•>:?■:•<•■-.•■:.-. v.- :■ »}W'.<J.«W». losfog from her, Bhe rqie, ~ . .. l.'J '.iiS.J .■. .. .,.-.! . . , 11 J , J <3BLAl/I;ENGEAThe''Proprletor'of-''Wild a - .nr -„ -u- Wihaia'-'tfih™ to'mhtohhta-agoJaiHaSdy Boni 6n.tto'Gonanent'cf aS eHed i$*<ki)to^&l6towQim)™l ■DA8H<oUwo mlleiover eight hurdles, fftr^Wt-'iluTttriibar^"on OT«^Mo : milea aoroBS /cotant^ at (^TTA'WA'. Wmo Wid?aa T? 1 !;? iI ' < ? t S! U ,f 8tw ^ la C^P'tnore;- Welihts lnbofiiinaSioa H. stone,* . 01iUlergo'ol»an for eight days.' iddrcSs, ' "T^F. ! * ;'i« 'Aj*LBAij^,,BtXt'wtelicaHa1L'Moiltr^ : i: fleptt 1 !; 18(0.'; ■ '■■■' ••. n: •:.. .TT>,™| ',"SSJ; i yft arej-ta adYoca^g 'a generaf reform of our^ BcTclal -r- --iportunluesfoiftihyBlcsi lmprovcnlbnt»iiro ball With Qei '"S^VJ* ^ft^i.ttatmaybotttpnght'tb bearupSi irltolllio'Of hbtlon, como fromwhatqUartcrltmay.^lr fore takei great. slcaaui-o in recommending tho abc-Yo Wi f^-»BUlarfdld-cto41dbraUonainongairaasfle rScrtioj •.^.^ B; , 1E Y E1 f ET * iaiErsu... '.^ui -js**- ?*^ nB blngt9'n i(troot,'Boatoij,lW t &yW^'^£P^ ¥P°Ii ™«*U1 teadh tlio reift* to prevent; ana nohnnitcutly. Cube, EVEiit'jronu of Bt*3» «™?,^ ni deralagMnen^ Without feeing or cbneulliugatro* whatever;;'' Mb othoJf nicdlcal bbok lina over received W* m^j|oak.^BVtStj.^;.'^'•rnft, Br«.■ :™ ^ B.'o o k Si ..,' & o;6: : k-6iV';; : i\6'b K'Siii^ /,.-. SPORlTJfO ABTI0LE8, OAKDB AND rRrKIR' ,; . 'i. : J.-: Jf.-FABBilLL, Booksollet, IB Ana «trW,'-t Books otievery..varlety) oiUior Boroign-Or/Domoitlc, tm* on appUoatlon..:(ParUes.desiring uoola.ibf any dwaip*^ eondJug addrw, post paid, wUItoobIvs lbunadlat»aUarai>l' Bookfl, Sporting and Fancy Articles- yon /may boo «lwrH«*» t 5 u ^ e ii?nr 0r ^ cr '," Ont «l08u<fl senton appllcttltn." H», ■J. H./FAKBBLL,:dcalaran Books and FanoyArtlolcs.'KttUU ■Btreet, Newlorlt,.; '... ;: ,-,. 0 :- ,v.r;.-,i s-Tai '■ - " ' 1 - 1 '•■- - ■'■■■■• ,,- ■ ■■ .-^ Ship's:. ana boat, out ,i,. t «^u,wani*totboatBftnd./yoni;"orL „ <nh 8^J«^:Poat.ibuUdlng:eattblUhment,ifodto(liith It r IJbaTeee. t i.. ... . M .--'shratod-raaoiboal wania-tfaatboatBend./yonr; orabrstothtfiofflooi iQU.reiibp;eetTi.oe( ,'ot, JAB, MAOHAT, the NiQdfU)^ Jf ypi 'erarfl' taail .{mSljer, #f .-y.y ' .ill ui. Spoon oars :made. . STEPHEN ROBEBTS, ',i"-l>.U, i .| ,Jj^TJ^J^J^Mce.j conts-A New'Edltlbn "0. •. R^D'i^E;,N;.;;;:;';fl' ;'o;.--o. .a' 'e-, hn«.£ 0BN ?'' OP B WBB*Ar») BATABD BTBBEI8/J •ot»Wta oan (beaocommodated with Booms by theday wiui.or wltho.nt aboard. ■ ?i :OKOi'.ft TVOBDEN, Proprlolor. ;• TAMr3' '.GOODWIN, ■'•it >)»siii*;.l AU ilf i,i) f. 'AddroBa' W^a.MRg^ .R^CW'sayB; lhe «tlve Cent by Oha8.Jt>oriry,Pfr.:,SJ ( igle^opjea 10 cents; 10 for 70 cents. ,T tyru^rrB IfopweiiOriBaaslpn andBoality;". by Wllllo .Ware elampB,. T Vll)/, ' Ud;..! ' .... ' . ' . i i .. 'i ! .. i . i ■ —■ i- , ,', I,- ; ■ ^••STrror»80OPE, ttnd' 12 Pnnqy fJolpreli' Viiiwk : •Ui' Mo,:,'M'iBfirrTBjIfB^^aSr^ Xoi m ., ... 'W^??'"'^*-'WfllSKHRS; OR ln 18821 apt-asked this tjncirtlon;. ■S^V^?S?.W.'! , *^P Io i wdl ; asklf sny-of tnom'-f^ffl .ray Ongneat to faU ln dolhg all -I claUnda for it;' nanwlTl^i '^'W^^rt '»^*lB^fp'«W upon'^W s«*- '^^w? 1 ^ 1 . 11 B<1 * o6k8 ««m'th6 first appUcatlo^ WJ» f ,SS2 r!U -lr V ?. n!<n1 ?' 1 hB V<> hatVto oohtond flitha lio*tWiiBj S?^; dP '^om; (IMtt go so - far ns to' oOpyTny iM* u >5Z ! im 5^*^^ M 6%/»4dWU prevail; and y«jo, or 1 ^ ioMiriend«,»iu^«aaiaf«yo° ttallyforce'tho BoardHd'groW, ' f ortlr [l»U»]v B. gi'GBAHAAI,' 1 $0R A - JIA>I»6rB' PAOKAGte .c'?^ 1 !Wa|m S«rJdf.-%r.^i«jced; uii^^'Wb'ddS yoq'^i ao ftomittilll.elry.'; Address';- FRBD. PAB8ELL8 * ^ ^^p^^-'/ ■>-^^f?^^ :