New York Clipper (Nov 1862)

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r »g<i end, off Ihetoni , to "DtOTlda W iUi govenvnsqt 4nft. Af *PM«P<)B6 yonr UUUoiu of medlodlmoif lodge; ^ • il^s ■tnidr'm«oliinlO'> •<Ki>>g-armed ind (taut hasdtd, Si'•ngintW«ohlli8oto^ljnn.aen,,aerigi(»?. '' . TnJT^^jBtstgs, on piper, base, dol^mn.vua shaft; :;r''>j JAM iii*d»teltida<>e^deil'tfUiid then weft; - nojtTtopeo^'iitDf efttt^'^hlleioloae'their eoffers-r' .(t^^j'VDWBimiitli'toti,'thealook ODtfor the dnAL '.: ^>J^;■/.:•;:■•i■ '' ■■ ■ - ' - ■ :;9i(TiMiMUeiiime yeatt^ In Eentao^^ u>4 hmrtot: I^Ui'^ oiiOdl^ivltneia'ofrlfle'■porta, I.vlll fttteat liitih tli'e t^t'pf my^p^erVii&oiu, how far rifle ahoot- j iiiiderstofidln ttiiat:8t&t& Several indivliaa]*, who JU.V9 ttejwelTea exiMat^Uk' the manBgement of a ran, rdfl«'R;ie«n|tpt^eetrartIiepaTtK)8a ofdlipIaylDg their l^j WBcerug.a' tmall'ro^ pot op a target, In the <xihtn"pf.''w)ilofi a oiommOB slzea nail fB hammared for alSodttvO-thlrdsof Its length. The marlnoien make a ^jUploi^'; w](a,t'fh^.oonelder a proper distaooe, Which vSif -Mi !(qrj^ pa^ea-' |!aoh man Oleans the Interior of hia tidM;%hlbh'Is called wlploglt, places a ball ia the palm oflUi t>~3Qltog'as' mnoD powder from hU horn upon I^tt'ii^ ocrvw'tt* This qaantlty IsBoppoeed tohesof- flnsnt for any.dlatande wi^ln a hondred yards. A ehot vhlCh 'doihee'Tery cloee to the nail Is sontldered that 'of ^IiidltTdreht marksoaaD; the bending of the nail Is soma- MiiaVbettar, int piithlog less than bitting the natl right oiii'aie heu la :8atl8faotory. One oat of throe shots nhitMUy hite, the'haU,'tuidehoaIdtho'shoot«rB amonnt .i^al(:;it'dozenV'tvo iians are frequently needed before CMli'wIiii hai^i a shot Thoae.Tvbo drive the nail, have a f&ttb>ttlal among themselves, and the two best shotsof th^jg^herally deolde the effalr, whfin all the aporttmen •d]^ii^n':to. Bomb 'honse, .'and.'Bpehd an boor or two In fijeoAly Interoonrse, appohitlng, before they part, a day fox another trIaL Tfala ia t^tiblcally'termed "driving t^ejfitkll" Barbing off sqoirrela Is dellghtfal epbr't, and, lif.niy opinion^ requires a greater degree of abonraoy then a^yjoiher.' I flnt iwltoessed this manner of prooming tafela whilst near thd town of Frankfort, theperformer n aC<j6lebrated rifle shot /V7e/ wa1hed, oat together, nulowed th; .^ooky the Eenlncliy River, ' mitu lie reached a piece of fl^t leind thldkly covered with Ue(i)kwa1oatB, oahs,'and hickories. As the general mast ^ a good one this year,' equinels were seen gamboUog oti eycty.trea aron'nd. na. Hy companion was-a atont, hole, and athletic maofdRsaed in a home-epan banting thbtybare^legged, and fflpc<)asiaed,carr;li)'g a long and ){9jt%/itflc)Vwl^oh,; as'she-was I'oadtng It, he eald had noveaeffeotiaal In all former nndortaHogs, hnd'wblthhe aifoi iMidd not fall on this occasion, as ha felt proud to Sow me. his. skill,' The gnn was wl^ed, 'tbe'powder ae^ilred,';t)>^ b^l pat,oh'ed/.w].th 6(10 thread linen, and the bbugeieent bome.'wUb a-blokory rod. •.'We movedaot ' asteBfroto^eplacejior'theeqalrrelsWeresoni^^ lt;|n^|DOt'nedeuafy itci'go at|;er,tbenl., Uy.compsnlon pnll|£^.'0X>qe-of,the'tieijaoImalB.tbatbad obasrved na^^ warOronobed dna'branoh about fifty'pabes 'distant, and it9d8ate!iifarft;W0llwhere'tbe ball'shduld'bl^ Efehiliied I)ibiljiri^j^;8Ty4o^''7 (that Is the name given ItyiK^ntamb^slo the eight) .of tbs:barrelwaBb to ,«'.Uiie''wlibi^ei spot-hp. Intended to'hit The^wblp- ;;.lmTepwt')fettfti the wd'oda; ,and.: along the ' ' Ull^iVreoeat^^ my 'sdroriro when I ->pfir6eivea that the! ball hadibit the piece of' bark bnmedl- . atelj[beneath th'e tqolrrel, and bad eblyered It Into eplln- ■■■ '%iu;;the'6oncili°eM6n ^irodocad by'which lad killed the ■a(uUAar,'tiiidBent It'whirlfdg tbrongb the air, as if It bad Hivbl.Owniip by. tbe exploBlon of a. powder nageislne, ioa tbttt'adveniore, I have seen miiny other Indlyldaals ^tl^S'saitt(i;f6{tt.;^ of .a dasdla^' with ^^j^flHt.ii^9,'aa'dppoxVanIty of seeingnear the Hanks wjj^lMiD'.BIvflr. not far. from a lares pigeon roost,' to - Mdoh'T^Uad pravipdBly made a visit I heard many i^|i!lit',($f.gntte';dwipg'.the, early, part of a dark night, .Yi^^'fKiiAfi^ig'iU'tQjtM'thoea'of rifles,.! wedt'tovarda the, '. nbiitai.aBaertaln-^the.'oaaee'. Oa r^Sohlng the place, '' EtnH^ welcbmed. 'by a di^zen tall, slont. men,' who told f[fh;djl,,'Welr.^'.°$teiCl^Ibg; jTor the . purpose of enabling !ji.,.to,; ^hoot' by night, ,.at. the reflr.oted light from ,eyes>'Of > deer, or w61f,"b7. torobyght'. , A Ore was ..l>laBlq^''De.&r,'j(he .timoke' Cf wbich.'^^^^ oorling among tUa.'imcIcit^llrfge'b^ At a distance that render^' ' eal£iNatbaly.dlsUDgolsbable, etoodabnrtilog candle, as . Iflintend.ed' aB'Bn .bffeflqg to. tha'goddess of. itlgbt, but : ,:^tdb'|''ijt^i;'ffipt',/w^ o'niy' fifty, yards from ;tba spot on ';'>'i^S(pE;,.w|i;etdbd,' One man waa'wltbla a'few yards of It, y^iQiiratdhithe.effeota of the shots, eis Well as .to light the :' oan^Oj shpuId-U ohanba to go oqt,, or replace It,.Bhoald . ffifA{||)fc^ EdOh markaman shot in his tarn. .{^^.i^6'irerr^lilt. even the. sanff or '.the oandle, .and were '''Oooihra^lated with. a''10ild laagh,'while'ott^erd 'aolnally fllk'aflM^the.'jBli&'dJle'wlthoqt patting It:.but,.'and were reo- odjbqUlM^forttheir.'d'^'zterlty by namerpas btarrahs.'. Ope TipilM^iii, who'waa partloalarly expert; ^da veiy fortunate, 'j.'m taigired theraandle',tbt^ed times pat of seven, whilst all th H ^'^"^'^"^ ^lejoandle, or oat It Immedlateljr ;'. .'SM'tibes.—For tbe/perforttance'or the;t^lojc:bbreea'. at the Obloagb Mr, a .spe^al .'nog. waa formed in front of ..4h|'itand; ;The..arB't Intrbdpoed. wosiBlr'.Hdnry'of the El$j[)^ wd.Dnrbc' stock.He was pttrbba^ed when only - «Ix mb.aUu^ol.d:by Haoilltpn for. $16f).' Ttie <iobiiBlon of blL'gp^g pfP '«6, obeaply^ 'was' from the faot' that bis Pi^er, oblilda^t'managa'bim. -Hamilton. hoWe'ver,' ,iasl,ly co^aeredhlmfadd now has bIm'redPced iWd eduoet<$d .io a degree almost .marvellonB, and.a.shopt time Bfooe ', ..',-;' ' ■*'. j 'BT OCik^H .VlBBDIHOPif..'. .,'ri'.,'... I .' ',■' „ ■ ■.irMve 'irti'ik low opmedlan ftiml^uiy .PtUeA'. PIbk aotUni, 'Wkbp I (NowoaaUT enopnntpred At ieV^I of: tt^Ttawl oowblnr tht^trei in thanorth of Boglandi.and who waa aD'UTaterate and praodoal Joker on the stage:; Ha wu always Tery well behaved with me, bdt when ne came in' Wtsp^ with a lragedfan for whoaa'taleniB be entertained a contempt,, or whose person or mainneira die- jleaaed Iila,>Wo» to the unhappy anbJeQt of bla fan. All ila tra^dywas tamed'into farce when Dick «^>,ln(thi hnmoroaaTeln. Thns, he played ^ave digger oavAlgbi: at, I think, the Boohdale Theatre, In Lanoashlr4^ Hamlet of a Mr. C , a most solemn afid nymioas tragedian of the oloak and dagger echooL' TblMiratle- man'stoegedy waa, ut Dluk's eve, mnob morelAkMy pomlb than his own broadeststrOkes of farce;'aca(|v|i)^ Dlok held no terma with It,.and showed the dnfoftahate object of bts merriment no quarteis on the stage.,' l^hen,; therefore,'Hamlet approached the* grave to.holjl'his' dlalogne with Dick In It, the latter began faLi antl(ts, .and extemporized all sorta of absard latorpolallosf In the tox^whlph he spoke in hl| own broadLanoaBhlredlaleot. 'There was not. a;good bbaBe,'and'-Dlok Allowed blbself lull lloensa : Mr. C eoowled fearfully, but Dlokfwa? anabashed. At lest he pot a climax on hla andaof ty thaf'topped the Inflnlte of Insult" Tbe ibeatre was built oti the site of an old Dfteeritlng Ohapel, which bod formerly stood there. In wVPh a preacher named Banks had held forth, and In 'thessEiall grave-yard' attached to which, the doctor—for be wbs popolarly dabbed Dr. Banka-^had been boried twenty yeara before; and 'hla name waa famlUar yet, So, after answering Hamlet'a qaesHoii— "How lobg will a man Ue In the eaHh. ere he rot I" Dlok proceeded In dae ODurae to Ulnatrate bis anawer by Totlok'a akoll; and taking It ap,.ba aald. In the words ofthetext:— ■ ''' .'..'.,..'■■'■'..'.:'.' ' •'.' ".. n.:-;' 'Now here'aa skall that haih jabi yoir In.the earth three and twenty yeara. Whose dP yoa think It wasT" ' "Nay, I know not," replied Hamlet, in IiV).Repi;]lf])tal tragedyione'.' . ■'.■.•''. .....,..•:'■■;'■'• .■ ■ :■■•': «Thls eknll, air," raid INok,parrfaIiig ihe.text thna far, and then matdng^ a sadden and most onlookPd-fpr tlUt- adon— .'.."•,''..':''.''•.'•"'•. "Tbla waa Dr. Banks'akall 1" '- , . ' And the word skull he prbnonnoed like ball. Of oonrae the house Was In sin uproar of laqghter anc oonfaslon." ThP viptlmlzed tragedian stamppd ind fumed about the stage, aii well he mlgoit, ezblalmlog, '■toriok'H, slr.Torlok'sl" • ■ ■■ No," said Dlok, booUyi when the tumnlt had inbalded, evatybbdy h'iai lieardAbe whiob ■ vMra ttayaoj „ apube^ommAnqug^i aubsilttateafrom'^tt.^, TtK idbldol)^'t>«r( taking up another akqll, and reanmlng the t^^-rr expiessloO) to bp as Mld«M;^>l>^pi^ .w^^^ o^Qrif^iftpuittion, it may fie well to " 'M>ow they oay'pbtiln potent Ja^uy'aatoreB, ^ ^btiva In ia eiuBgemBnt with ienipa AyTeaaervToe:— : ^"tft aslifd thP firat Ueatenalttt abou^f^ri^d, grape, oalillttet, pBiying knUe in tiding to odt - OS TBot-casmi nv. • . IW love fte'Hdiin WW'Msuiitio, , ^—M.sigbVud mraed With tender bu«. ■ • a«Man)£r(lkdperll(Df thebrtiadAtluitla'^ - . „^^B»bad'«al)<Rmtereafor hU'iOadye feyie"— Anaaat'.hli greet grief made him elmoat ftantlo. ' ' JWa he .agrrlted and fonnd ihe wu net there V 1'^'" ^ Bonth I''ibis vae hU aols Tignt aiB.. BpBottthjnMher*«olTejdtotr»tel,too. ihb'hassrtlPh thi^tigU:.'^',' i^gt«|. brosa. examination, which mHiht'Ueiy^'ho&ored nlaoy a biped.' Hebogged and hle^ed jU£f)i^^i placed hla hoots la hlaniastcr's fiipe: as gently .'^ika.E-featbet would fall, plpkd^^jo^'a'hodieKeat.mAii.'In i ..I' "HbP'etailrdi'bnd identified bliii some timeafter,ohoBe brandy 'Yp|VM;(ltink,,and.took it fron^ a tumbler, dapbed Qerm^b " WUfpflSS 'nOld''^'' a(*n.v A^''mnafiikt'a'W/.flfr ThldM^A . slpnuft' 'axi' oldlng by the etrap oflils maste|r'8';|^i^t, pl^j.ed ^iiiei afj a terrlblp tairO, and went toploep aia'd m/ T. ■'..' . -;- '^ ;-;: O^ifi^ibo fbllpwing, sure euro for.tho gont, Is 4'.6)d; i^ork;-.''The pefsbn 'a/Blbted mbat liiiidkekbblef Item the pookot 6f a:'tn^d of.fifty «rhl9'h(trhever htkdja.wUh'to.ohange her oondlUpn, [lAirwfiiti l|;|ii[:titii>;llpn^ pond.'. He .mlist ^n'k''paiKn'a.liedge who nPver w'a^ pbv'dMns: '.Hp ^,»aend U h> B'dMtor^a'^hop SfhP'baa noVpt lUuedi MilraVt' Atid;ibh'Bt'^tt^' if «llh a lawyei'a tnk^wbP te'etiadtP»'i'dV«Of|^ply Ittp the .part af ' ' 'aii^jflptfl'^W'^^MdllyfollPWS' '■'■' ' " ■■' la Toriok'a skull, the Eiog^a jesterf bat!'—gblog off again—''t'bthar's Doctor Bianka', aa I tola yon I" TbiB waa too much; this was the last atra^ on the tra- gedian's ba:okl He jumped Into the- grave, seized the (very) low bomedlan by the throat, and a moat fearfal contest, never befor&^or since, I hope—InlrOdnced Into the play, ensued, In whioh Dick leld . hla 9wa ,:bravely, and succeeded, at .length, in: overpowering, In a doable aeose, the worsted tragedian, whom bs' held ' dPwn in the grave with one band, while he floailahed' Doctor Banks' eknll" In trinmph above his he^ 1,, .;<-.''' The bartaln waa drPpped, amidst roara and':thrlekaof langhter; In which King, Queen, Honk, and Ccortlera— who. In the vain hope of arresting the row, bad been sent off wlth Opbella's empty cpffin—were, compelled to, join, forming a tableaa wUoh finished the'plaiy for that night. . ; ■' . : ■■■ ^ ■ ": ''' ' • A JE'WBli'QF A.WIFB^ If any of: the boys want to get ''spllcid right off" and "settle down,"-we womd advise'to go.^ay:oS' io Persia and take a rib.' .Talk aboufthe preolbna metaleia Ibese day's of 'poor: man'a plaatets, why yon^'ban gef'eip' and a:preciOBS little wife In'tbe bisrgalu, In tlieihdlgalnt,. of cotme>yon can, br'eliB,e the foUowiog goes for notlung; "A Feialan bride, .wb.efn first: bongbt, Is a qneer little body, fattened, Bp with rice and s^eetmeat^ fpr the oopa- elon, and sadly. besqearid ^wltb. 'cosinetloa..'. Oollyrlpm has'been ^ii|t IjntA.heirsypij'td .mute them, dark- and lon- giiIs'bIii^,.anid..Qiey are also elongated by: some means so' that they may have tha sbapeot almonda;': Her'halrie dyed of acoal-blaokby IndIgo,'pr bf a reddieh.brown by in- digo and benna mixed wltblt, according toher own fancy or that of the broker. Hereyebrowsareplastered and paint- ed BO thickly, that th'ey look like a large piece of oourt-^Iae- ter cut Into arches and 'stuck upon her face. l aay a large piece, bebaqBe they are joined artifiolally across the noae. Her .obeekB are painted in. excessively bright colbrB, and two shiny locka'of'bairfgomni.ed together, aire, stuck flat on eapb eide of .the shfipb! of number sixes placed the Wrong wayi Her bands and feet, floger-nalls and toe-nails, are'dyed a light m'ahoganypolor with beqija. She baa no more' ehape of fl^dre thEUi a bolster. Poor. UtUe thlogl. abe plays'snch trloks wlth'heraelf generally, that at 'twenty she Is an old women', with her akin ail ebrlvpr.ed and bnt;nt by oaaBtl^a and poisoned by, pricks of needles. This Odd, undefd^.edcreatare, waddles abont the;apar'tnient bf her new lord la the finest ai>d largest trooaers iioBBlble. She i)ata on a' great many paira of them, and Is ap proud of the.slze of her le^ aa a fashiona- ble damsel la bf the size, of her, brinollue. Shewoora a smart Pmbtotd'ered jacket,.wlth'short sleeves, and a pret^ (heniiidUi ot; acme light allk' material,' embroidered with B'. Id tbreedo-^bat her arms, and neck, legs are bare. She hangs upon :her little person as man; jewels; gold coins, and .UiDket3,aa Ae can-possibly get at She Is pBpeclally fond of pearls '.and diamonds—but is not pa^ tipalar .ai) to their .beaufy or. value-a diamond , is a diamond with her, whatever flaw It may have^a pearl is a pearl, whatever shape, or; cplor.. She Is vefy flue, b'at never elegant. Her mln^'Is .entirely.ancnltivated. She' haa nelthei: edticaUon. uor .acbbmpliebmenta—but she has a good deaf of flonrery talk about rosea and nightingales, with an UDder-ourrent of - atoange round-about wlc. abd drollery. There Is an utter want of delloacy and modesty in her cqqversation. She knows a' great many things she ought not to know, and child as she iq In year8,e^P would, oatfriti the wlBest mad who ever, wore a gfej. ieatil " . '■ H&BD 'on Game Fowu-^the agents of two rival Iron safemannfacturerawere recently p):esentlng:the olalms of .their r^specttvPi artlbl«s.^ne. waa'ia Yankee—the othsr waan't.. Be that wpan'told his atory. A gatne oockh'ad been shut np Iq"one of'hIs''Bafea| and |hon .jt wasezposedthrecdays to the rbPst'lbtediib hiat .Wtien the door ppeped, the cook stalked out flapped hiaiwloga and crowed loudly, as,lf nothlpg had happened.'? It'.WSs now the TaPkee's turn. A Pbok kad'also. been.')|hu(, jap, in one of hla sales with a.ppund.'bf freSb b'utter, and the eafe was submitted to the.trial.ot a tremendous beat for mora than a week. The'Uge'of the.eafe wpre meltpd pff, and the'dbo'r'its'elf'.ab fetfitu^ed reqaire the use ofi.a obld«h|iiel to gbtlt open.'. When U was openedi tta»pooh waa'found fruzin'deU; and the batter ao ablld; tbiita m^n who bnbbkied off a plcop .of It .irltb a hiainmer' Itad hia eya'pqk'pnt by a frpzep itntier *pilnter. t.. '..;:' •!. . ' •; • A-KmUHO fiPITiUf E. ■ ':,'..''..';",', I I .1. ■ • ,"<^p.a^.iiIiy'MoI^dBI.bl4■*iJlra^ .'. •' '.' I • ■' • A.^iioro sudden denlh.yop nerep biow; .. •. ' I . ' ' ',' As.I'WM leiidlDg the oldnuro to drlnlt' ', I .. <,.< .. I. . BhildokoaiuidUUoainetalokeme 'A'nakiiT MctiiDBD!—Th'rare la. a .wbman'^'pnt.'Wesli' vhd fa^((o Bbaent-mbided, that one wMl>^^^^^ all' ."j^'vMaiTaidai "Wehaa'a&--f<llian^>bpeie,a^oana, Ddtph'one, for dld&n^flay; doipu raplmbert" asked Doe. I ought to; tRolAnb 'It, air." . . " , ' ' . "Ardtheft any mfirpaboardJ". "About dk dozen, we took 'em from Drogher." "Will they £0 Up tUelgbteeifponnderBt" ■' "By.thundef, oomt^orpl bat that's thb Idpa. I'll try 'em,''5ri«thofl«i:idft'' a ■ ■■■^t^' k And 0) a few mlnntea after, the fire of old Spnta HuHa (Coe'^p,) whicb had ceased , entirely, vaa ra^bpeni^, a^d Adnilnl Brown fonnd more shot flying over bts head. Direotly one of them stmok hla ,maInniBBt} and as It did ao, shattered and flew In eiery. direction. ' "Whatlhed-—1 la.tbat they are firing 1" aaked Brown, But nobody could telL , ' .; Direotly Bupther oametbfoagb a port and killed two men who stood near blm, then atrlkln^ the oppo8l^ baV wark,.bnntIntofllndera. ■ ■*ByJovel thia Is too mnoh—tua la some new*fsngle« Potxban or other; I'don't like'em at alll'^ cried Brown; and then, aa four a: flve more of thorn came alap t^dgh, hla sails, bP'gave the prdpr to *>BU away 1"^ and adtnally:' 1)dpked put of the fight, receiving a. puting broadside of' Irob-bard Datch cheese as she retired. Thatvfaathe "olleeM,|' and no qlatake. . ."' ; fivn. .Effeois 6f Di^wa.--:Tlie foUpwiiiij;''tile(i^te la relat^ Pf a tnbt dlstribatorat the hospital'in Naih* vuie:-^.::: • ■ • ;■■ ■■' •'i'^;.-^i •, A soldier whose'legabkd:been ptirned away above the kueea bi a cannon ball, itnd.wbo bad.been long a patient in the hoapltal, one .day, while Jdtting op In bed, said to the nurse: . .. . , . "When wilt those tract dhttlttdtors be^reand egalnf^', "T<hdBy," aha repUedi ;,:>',.. "When ibe« pome; Itwoold UkS somellibg to read," be added. • , ■'■■. . ■ A oolportenr dame In the aflemobn, and made a hasty dlstribatlob of trabts, giving one;to eaoh .bed without stop'piog to readvthe tltlep, or to eee the fltPeas of selec- tion. Tbe.poPr'felloW who'had lost his. lege'received a little four pagb mMsage, and began to read with eage^. neas. The nnrse,. noticing bis interest, stole up behind blm to see thb snbjeot of the traot, when,' to her astonish- ment, abe read the following title: "The Eivll,£ffeota ot Modern Dancing." Repressing her langhter, die said to the'man:' :..■: (•.■■■• ' ' "That trapt is hardly aulted io ypnr condition." . "Well, madadi," he replied, I'tp tPll yoo the truth, I think my dancing daya are aboatover." ing the poly certain remedy knoTm' for all theat.ud omaneooa evlls^-tnd this remedy, of conno, la OODnAnnE' ITALIAN UBPIOATXD f|OAP, 'whloh vUl poalUToly t^n* ^ darkest and roughest bUo beaatltaUT white, amooth'ati? iSt' traniparent,—The oaao with whloh tlila soap ralaea a lalh»h - either hard or aalt water, maliea It peonlluly usefnl for tuiuS - or Bbarera. OOUBAUD'S iDBtantoncoua UQinD HUB Bv??''' 'warranted to ohange .the color of red, gtpj, or white hair u ' heantlfDl brown or black tbo.lnstant It la applied, wlthoiii MS' ItiaihAjiMn ammATTTk'a WiTD 1>VAT/\nlfpnrc. ..ill !! Ing thaaUn. qOURAUS'S HAIB BESTOIkATITE wUl not' to places whero It luia fallen off, but It wUl alao n^: rea tore hair t the batshcat hair Bplondldi^ aoft and glosay, POUpBE SUBTILE will completely aproot anporflaoua hair ' y part of thonuman body, oorBA^;-; upper lips, brows, or any i . BEWABB OP COtrNTEBFEnS. -The genqlne prepamtlQiia and cosmotloa ot DB. FElQ gin, iJftACD. oan only be had genolne at his I)epot,'4lia BroadwariX' 067Walkeratreet ■ . "'^ : Agents—Oallendar b Go,, Third and Walnat atrceta, Plin,>^ ■ phUi J. B. Batea, 139 'Wublnglon street, Boeton; Bllae, sSi,' leJl &a..., , . BILLIARD 'uio -. . !. OOMBINATIOH (JDBHIO*a Fntsotea by Letters Patent dated Feb. IP, lS5a;Qot ML 101 ' Deo.8,185Tj}an. U, UW; Nov, 16,18(6:Uanb».uniiS. BaptemberSS.lMO. The iteent Improvementa In theaa TkUss laake theai ^ibi ptiaed'ln'the world. They are now offerM td adentUoB^B' play MBMX jom'blnln^iyeel wllh truth never beforeohtaiatt|| iPHTTiAN'S NEW BOOK-^"The Ganae'"of-Billl»riL» 4th edition, enlarged,' reriaed, Uhutratad wlth addlUonil^ grama and a portrait on ateol of the author. Frloa, one ddlK < elegantly bound, aent by mall, jsoatage firee, on'rtoelpt of m5 . AddreSI, FHELAB A OOLLENDEK; T cs, as; ST, and ay oroahyatn* GBTTiNd Sfltokd Tr Borneo.— Har'rtsge,. which geuer ally .succeeds a lengthcnedrontlne of enignaatloal court- ship ppoullar to those people, la celebrated with great pomp and considerable originality, ^he.bride and bride- groom are obndnoted. from opposltb ends of the .village to the spot where the ceremony is performed. They are seated on two bare .'of iron;'symbolical of the vlgoroua and lasting bleealngs In store for them. A segar and beteVleaf, carefally.pTeparcd.:with areca: not|'are pat into the hands of each. One of the offlolatlpg priests advances, wavee two towla over the headapt .the.faetro'tb- ed, and Inalougaddresatothe Supreme Belbg.'.and t ehottqnp. to the couple, calls down etemU bleaelngs on tbem,.lmpIoreB that peace and baplnesa may atten^ the uolanj' .and gives, some,tem'pPral advice.'sometlmeaof a' cbarab'tef more'medtoal.tb'an splntly. Tnt aplritnal part being thas.conbladed.:tbe material succeeds;.. The hPads of the affianced are knocked against each other three o^ four tlnica;. then the bridegroom pnts hla betel . leaf and segar InVatbe modtb'pf the bride, and she pnts her betel leaf and bet segar Intotbe mouth of'the bridegTOom;:an'd thus they are ackaowledge^ a wedded bonple wlt|i the saPCr tiPn of their rbliglbii. At' a later 'period pt the naptnal evening,'fowls,are killed, the:blood caught In'two oupa,- and Crom Its color, the prieat foretells the futnre happi- ness or inteefy 6f the newly, married. Tba ceremony is' olo|ud,by a fpsat, mnoh danolngj add noisy nnslo. -' '',' ' ' . • ~ , .,'«•■ ' ■ ':•. .- Mmnn HinPti Uaohin?.— The Bmallest watch In the ](joiidbn Exhibition ia a minnte affair, amaller than a pea,' set Ina ring for a'lady's "finger; It goes ..for'.' slx iiouta, and diaybe pdrpha^ed fpir the pretty little sum of $2!jO, lejldthPmbp Iq the bradle, and.'wubed the^wr.wlih'Ji: MtQrredd dldnotdlaQoVbr'tbamtflUke. ilUBhe'^^ wring It oai '::''..iv:;. ;l)^^' '•• .-•••i'J:I. 'fy-.-.i, « TITST PDBLISHKD—Pripe 6 cents-^A New Edition (J of OULVBBWZLL'S celebnlad 'Leotnre 'on.'ihe'ErMis of 'fbath; their.Conseaaences,. Treatment and CfueJ llajledj'post- paid, on receipt of .piicei Alao, "Oulverwell'a'<lreenBbo&,'on Single and Harried litfe." Price 3S cents. Addrfs/' 9-Pm* OH. 'ELIinB k 06,, 137 Bowery, N. T.| Poet box iSiO. "t>IOH, BAMJ, AND' EAOT," aaya the "Five Cent XX jionlhly.'.'i of' "Eatb 'Vavqb,' ' the Snmttipit Novelette, byOtaoi. Henry Bay. Single ooplea IP oenta; 10 for 70 cenls.'.' "JnuEnz-UooBE] or'Poaslon and Beollty;" by-Willie .'WarP, the Antborand Aotor, known to borleeqae as/ "Sw^et WUU^,'' "Wooden.Ware,"etc. SinglecopleaUcentaj'lO tittlM^ Either of aboTaVBB by mall on receipt Of prltei by BAT, The Aathor-PubIlsher,.Kew Haven,'Oonn. . ' ll^Sm ' ., ' ■ I • ' . ASTEEEOSdOPB,; and 12 Fancy. Colored 'VlewB,! eentfree,bymail,:for 80 oenta. Addreia 33*ti* FBED FABSBLL8 &; BBC., Bos 3065 F, O., B. T. Olty. end for' a Prfoed List of the'Goods yon may want FAED, FABfflaiB fiBBO., '. Box 308l>>.O.,lf.T. pity. firam this olty."' -Addnas rpo PANOIEBiS .OP tkE GAllE FOWL and POUL- 1 TIlT.BBEElbXBS OENERAIiLT.—I have aoi«r <l^ hand'for Bale abont thirty palrg of two year old oooka and- hens,' sonle of which are.Tery lorge; and abobt one hnndred aUd'OftylthM-bf' early Uanh ohlckeos, stogi: and tmllets,'with fifty paua'raised celebrated bine-rod Berkley cook and Derby and'Bef- ton.t^ei)S< .jl hare alao a few Irish greys.. .'• . " " T1)p whole have.been ralied'-from my Imported etook, conaist- ing pf .Baftosa, Perby's, Fauleta, and Betklen, and 'are guoran' tacdtobogameandseaondto.nanaln"Am«Ma: -■'''. . :,: •>' ." '' JNO; B.'\ASEFOBt>; (07 CoIlowhlUai Philadelphia,Oct 0,1863.' ■' .■ . 'j . • I ' - . j^t SEND' FOR'.A' MAM?IOTfl.;pAQKAGB,', oinlilnlng ' FoP'r Ttjuff; istlclMi. prlc« 3f. oenis;,.Alao,.' Bnbbor QooS (oraonUotPbfLrs use. . Aiidrew i^.'H, FABBSUt' IS'Ann street, near DroadwAy, Jf.T.,',' . i. •• ;flo-tt free..>M»'fta«d'pra«tta()a.' LOVE,'>'AS: 1JSUAL.^atslb{tfne<: BPi '.P3,|hune streeti.Kew York, riAlJIi 'tfOWt'S -r:A ■'otoloV lot of lOiippers; Dhrblsi; .\Lr'.0«iinterf«l{>,..Whli<|.BB^de*i Strnante, ens'trUh. ftir sale cneni. Address with atampiilL A, LB<3aETT/8tratoga''Bi'rlagS, V-X- : .'i ..'l'-,:'•.:.'..' •■!-.•••■■>"■"■ •' ' i.(i;.'' .'.K'St* j(tf..anaiMaIar.ln.„, :-: . i-^-'ft-'J 'i'?'>'* '•''' ■'»• d'fliaraoluiiacdln. > [tr'S'iji ^V;T:Ai(j> ,o.h A no'e .yroW.^. .Me'7.y°r>'i ■ v .■ iW? 'IOl!!Ol|$j.'lPantams,Mdsobvailnoka,.£o;«'fbr |reps.3ox.M00rF.O,, Boaton, Hoii.' -".aMt' - A B L EB G B: B .A T B O 0 K SII. il'BW B boss I HB'W ^BOOKBII : pOira FAIL TO BEND FOB A 0 A T A L 0 0 01,: OUB SEW OAXALOODE MOW BEAST. ffiMI FBX&-P0SXAaB.PAID-6R APHJOAHOK THB OLD B8XABLIBHED Ain> OMLT BELIABLE BOOI^ . Ain> BPO&TINa 000D8 AaSHOt', tniSM arOsis are promptly and tuthfollj exeented, ' < ' < Address^ THOUAS OBHSbT, Uarbls BaOdlnn i . . MHaaaan Btnet,HewTcdL': NOW SELUNQ UFWAADS OF lOpO CQFIES PS WEEK. . , . ; • PAT Hoi4 o <i y . V , OV.THS ■ ' EBP RODUOTIVE 0 EG A N 8 ,. i DT . ■_. ■. '^; B08SELL T. TBALL, UD. " . THE SEXUAL OBSAKISU. ■ " ■ HI ■ ■ ■ . JAUES 0. JACKSON, H. B. The treatlaea In thla TOlnme are upon enbjecta ot the vtiMlt, Importanee In a physiological point of view, Hxae anltjccta ' handled'In an «Dle'sianner. The anthors are medical men'Pt, large oiperlencs; and the advice which thoy give la sound, uH' appUcable alike to the guidance of paionta and to Uu boDcU. ct.the'young. Apemaal of the work will do much tc'tecun: healtbymentalandbodllyfanctlonB; while to safforinghnmaiilt;,, ICotTersJudlclona advice, which may aave many from coavVn^ ting Ihelr aafferlngg by teaortliig to iitiaok doctors and ompilisil, treatment."—Boston JoumaL "Shonld be read by ail old-enough to understand IL"—Witac OnroJonmaL . , 'It will be the eanrce of'mfibhgoo^; "being prepored.wltlicin^ and from abundant knowledge."—Boeton TeiyWet, "It laabookfortbe times, and shonld be In oroiy {unity "-^ World'eOrlals, Boston. '■ ' ' "An honesteffortto'dUraaeniettillnrortDatlon. Hoatpopila. works on'this subject are the ^erse of thla, and aire mere'id- j yertlaeHents orqaaoka;"—Plymouth Bock. . ' "A valuable addltioil ttf medical' lltetetnre."—Boston 1m,: . Flag. ' ■ ■ •• . .:,.: • : . . , . ■ , ' VA valuable book fbr the afiUttef ,'and for eU who would DOtts., Ita coanaals are of great lmpottane^ to alL"—Boston Congnia'. tlonallBt ' •Oontains proctloal InfoAnatltn that shonld b°b known ait . eduppn by parents and ohlldrw, the married and single. TU' ohaptera'devoted to children and their management ought to ibe. read by every mother.'l-^Kunda, (N. T.) Mows. v ' '■ThBtthlalsa'suggesttvevoloaemust beadipltted,'weflili|l,, by either a professional or non-profeaslonol reader. Engaged, ■, we are; In advocating a general reform of our eoclal tublU iM .' opportoniUes for phjsloal Improvement, we hall with dellgUIn suggestive IsBuencea that may be brought to bear upon mtw. vorile llnP of iictlon,' come from what'qnOrter it may. 'We Ihov. fore take greU pleasure In recommending the above Tolunt bs. Uiz and candid coutldemtlon' among all olasecs, Erotr oktpW,. la valuable, and all the erublectsof thoao chapters aroweholuisak Boeton la ■great In all good works.'"—M.' T. Clipper. Prioe THBEE D0I£AB6. Bent'to any oddross. Send oidtB, to the publisher, B. LEVEBETT EMEB60K,.' . . ' : .lie Washington atreot, Beaton, Miaii; For salo In Maw Tork by 0. S. FEITB, 36 Walker street, aid V BIMOLAIB T0U8E7,131 Nassau sbraet. . >, i •49* 'Druke iHT OTHsn Book, this wlQ tbaeb 'the. reader tin. .: to prevent,.and permanently CudbT etzbt TonM of Boioile»-.i e4se and derangement, wllhant fceliig or oosaultlng any whatever. No bthor medical book has ever received such ct», mendoUons from the Preoai 'Qsr the Best. . U-, >m B O O t SI B O O K Bll B 0 0 KSni BPQRTINa ABTIOLES, 0ABD8 AND PBINia ' ' ' , . - > J, U. FABBELL, Bookaeller, 111 Ann efmi, N.T Bopka of every yorfety, .either Foreign or BomeaUc, fttnalM on application. .Parties desiring booka of any di!scrIpUci>,,J| sendlnig addrossi postpaid, will receive Immediate attaniioi^ u, Books, Sporting ^nd Fonoy Artlolas you may see sdvirHi w,*? -be tnimaned to order. Oatalogneasenton application, AdMJ ; f: H. FABBELL, dealer In Books and Fancy Artlolas, Ko, K in street,,NowYork. ' < :":■:■ HOW TO WIN AT 0AIlD3.:^endyonraaaree;ajl '. two rod stomps ioSOWABD M. QBAyEg, New Yodi W • FoelfOfBce, ond^he wUl IPforPi yon of. a BUI^motbodeFvn;' nlng'at ALL the varidns games, it, andgetonaiufftf^'V' rohSm'inall.'..' . ■.,' .•.. - ■ , ■ ^ V^^ ., 0 E D OOBNBB'OF i 'Guests can be'sccoto 'With or without'bosM; H , 0 F . 8 'B_ iWEBT'AND bATABO B^pt^'^ ' lOdAto'd with Booins by thb day ot «*. ' ' ' t, Sropriofor. ' OEO.P.'WOItDSN, 'fl'. 'AUBB; dCSeaUlWi', "'.-dom^tm' ■ paper"' P«lflf:' No. ,110. JOHN :BIBEHr,; near Oll^ mw York. ' . . ,. 'eyra .and .Printing Paper. toaiAifaotursd 'to orlW f,^,. riiortcstppttoa..; . ■ .i / . . • ■ —I—I ■ ■ I I ■ II . 1 I I I I i"— „, WiOT .'WHIBKBlip Oii MO! '5?E8 ?,"-M MM I first aaXed thla queaUop..» ^f^rl '•i-r\p Tou ' • Jl/ OiusSV'rrin .iw^jnniaaua tnu queaupp.,»• ^-r^ iJ^reredTiy numerous pooillei'iuidliiBk if afay.of, them evor JJ"! . :>,.. . . .. ,a;^itj;n«mely!tt''J^ my OilBnent to fhll In doing All I olalmed l .would cdmpol'thA Board orMousUohe'togroi 'qat flioP wKhU six weoks frotn the first eppuoAtioii, oessful Inventors, I have hod i JoIn5_of .whom oven go ao », 'Boweter,,tnith la mighty! and \iu» tiv""* j,---;' -^/(..i-a' Ifiss IHesds, wlU find that my Oinwt Is the only lUng t"?],^ roUl* fores' the' lloatd"t5^7rii?S5r^'SdthS elain ottagj • r-Is4tidlttoanVmrt of he oouhtiy,fwo ot P,9-lt»] ' .B, ft Q^miJfi KP- 10? NaesauaircotJI^,. wptihiit*.,'. „ ■■JihifiBBkn'BIBSl 'AdSNSMBxaBum t-N Tvr-Reiaotlon .In Price/ :Ont Famona A., Bandy Package, with "a ddition al attraotlone,''o™»J?JS :etoheA Songs, JoSee, Toasts, PIVB BOOK OIHOULAM sjo., OOLOmi -mlOBAVINa, sent tfilSf sddross on reMlpt oi «■ o»b\$,,\ KO BomvQ. '^ .-yjDam- mobpht * ooj ^ ■ 3Mt< . . iin:.- ..<-'■!■. SllfAaaaji Btteit^V^w^^ m, T.'.tfrndiiiij-Ma^^