New York Clipper (Nov 1862)

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niou - ,»-ai»ynnn.»«»P«M _ Bt; iL^ims' firlondi rolmown uTd'toM^ thli'ianoli beforo he "jn* ^; Po»«U »ftd Wb frlsbd* did dot m«*l*l»« '?<»£LS? noraoeooflostngthalrmonoy., Ifidinu and^Ui Wen*"/"*™ »fSRSK be. goYonwdV the deoWon of «5«.»f^j2le •jMtoSiyM JudBM,tbeyalioDld tBte uld m Jjffi?? I. If Sen irtil nm r»o«» Mud iJ^'^ft"*?; . after igreetog io be, goTiTO»* b7^W nm Uld uia dooislon feoderad. looki eitremeljr 1}»d,' ' ttliM boon rondered. [iidg«.ii*c«andt)ito 1iTot1^end7«dto-«BirB5tto^^^ ^ orul of jadge.. TheT 0^^!^"^^ *h<m>^i bj doing It. If '*^i!!S'?™rfT^SS3;"'B*pt 8«h tf»B:-"l£r. Adam., tie • ^rJoa^^iSiraeX.^ bo (Idam.) win run PoweU, inT^JTioTneit Baturtajr (OA^im), • race of flfty^Aye TimU to*><«ke of two tboaBipd.deUua aside. Adamsstya ie li sow ready to' pnt up a forfeit of Ave hundi<ed .'dollars. He iuil Insists that be was unfiiirly dealt wltb In tbe flnt rsde, and ShMt bs can beat Powell Ida own distance (flfty-flTo yards); and tbatlnadlalancaof serenty-flTe yards be can beat mm badly. Kow if Powell did beat Adams on SatnrdaTi fkirly and saiiar^, lie oan' beat him again; and Powell's Mends' shdtild nave no jitsllation in ao ceptlng the banter thrown ont to tham by Adams. TBOTTinO . ABD BAOUTO UI COWJHADO. " There's so mnob sprt^tUoess and dash about eTeirtblng tbky undertake bard by the XookyJIoantains, that we make room Ibr tbe following raoes as an olTset to the sharp pnoUoes of oertaln ^gambling "managers" of ,|ifrse fnee^g^ in onr part of tfie . fstSfrmdAu'DtiiTm Om.'—A large ynfpo'Aton of tha'sport- ing oommunlty assembled at the Seqrer ra4e tijut on the 18th' inlt., to witness the'rabee adTerUsedj^'and Invest a little 'of 4he "retorled" or a "neon-bsok" or two on the results.' Bst- ; eid Uidles also -graMd the grounds with their - presenpe, The Arat raoe on the progrfcmmeMhe trot between Greer's. . '3lMk Oalj^b'i and'Uann's UlU Boy—did not oom^ off, £>r. aomo reason, and the second'olass nsgs'were oalled np, ibllows: J. UoNassar'a s.- Tonng Amerlos; J. A. Oook's b. mi Xady Page; & A. a H^n's g^ g. areySlmger;>and:lIr. —-'s 1>, g, SUellbark—Aille' two In three, to go as they -pleased. », , • • FirU Aut-t-The horses 'got olT Irregularly, Tonng Amerioa laUogthe lead, and keening ttsU the wayaroond, ooming np In Sil; UOt Pag^nex^ and the giejr third. Shelibark dis- tanced. ' Smni Beat,— Ob the se<)ond heat ^'good start was obtained, •Tonng America soon taUng the lead as before, trotting beantl- fBllf, passing the score In 8:19, and winning' the parse. Hie .I«dy Pageaoted badly.thls htat, breaUng'MTeral times, and ' .onoe passing the black horse atlfiill gallop, reaching tbo'stand ., .abonf fonr aeoonds^ behind.^ The. grey horse got along daring .ihe aflsTnoon. Next came the trial between Dorsett's Bod Sqairrd and Oook's ' Pan, of SenTer; stakes tfM a aide, alngle dash ^iSO yards, ' <niera was considerable.hetUng on'tiie.reanlt of Wsraoe, the . 'knowing onea taking odds on the mare, notwithstanding her de- .fsatthe day before, and . those who looked merely to the merits . ofthsbeaat, backing Bed BqairreL Itwaa vlslble to the naked '. -eye that a ledZe more pbyslqal exertion on the part of the rider of Bed Bqnlrrel would uvo saved the pwe fof hun, and prerented -many expreaslons of ill feeling towards the managers of the ' 4onrae for participating in snph JookeTlng, That tne horse Is ihe best runner, seemed to be the general, opinion, as a by- stander said: "Put a lariat aroand the mare's neck, hiloh it 10 Bed Squirrel, and he will ohokeher to death in are minutes." Be it as Itmayabout.tbe "throw off," the Judges dedded In favor of the mare, whloh came in a few feet ahead, and that settled IL "Ton payq your money and you takes your ohoioa." An Impromptu mule race was now gotten up, between,Uld- 'daugh's soixel and a large, handsome blaok one, to go around .thetraokonce. ThisaUklr crested oonBlderable.^fun,tho black mule bolting the truck, a- la Ollpln, for an adjacent com field, .and thereby losing Ihe race. Another trial was had after most of the people had. left, between the same anlmtiles, with a like result, and thus ended.the seoond day of the Fall Baoes. - . Ths Baoio.— The.flrat of the Fall races over the Denver Olty ^)oarae oocnired on WAtnesday, Oolober aad, and drewJarsely ^oth In people and "green backs." The first race was advertised to be a single dash of a mile, between Beynold's b g Bally, and Hann'a s g Btraoger, for $130 a side. Neither horao was in good oondiUon, "and in consideration of $£0 to him in hsnapatd," .Ur. Bcynolds agreed to change the race to half a mile, and re- .dace the stakes In like proportion, whloh was done. There was oonalderable betting on this race, the Stranger seeming to be the favorite at first. At the start. Bally was In advance, and the gap gradndly widened, until the .little bay came in proudly, some fifty feet ahead. Time, 54 eeeonds. Unoh disappointment was exhibited at the running of the Stranger, and hu character as a running hone was eeveroly handled, next came the half mile nee for a parse of $100, for which the following were entered:— Donett's Bed, Bird, MoNallor's Mountain,Uald, Oook's Fan of '.' Denver, Maloney's Blackbird, and Rocky Thomas's Bally. Dor- ■sett's horse and Oook's maro.were the favorites, several gentle- men betting the more against the field, A very good start was had, and ths hones came out in this order:—Dorsott's horse .first, the Uountaln Maid second, (about fifteen foot behind,) .Bally third, Bbokblrd fourth. Cook's mar«. bringing up the rear. _i oiaim of foul was put in by the rldor of Uountaln Maid, on the .ground that the black mate loft her pooltlon on the track and got £1 his way; but it was not allowed, as it was proven that the black .more generally files the track, and beoomes unmanageable. A maUh was made on tho ground for a trial to-day between Dorsett's hone and the Oook mare, dlalonoe 130 yards. Everything passed off plgosantly, and, strange to say, no fighting ocoilrred.. Unoh •credit is due Ur. Dauell, and others, connected with the coarse, for the management of the affair. - . to the fartanata host of that antlqastM toadstd* uvam. - w» the geatsurii|se^( ahostortbatantIaB*tsa» ^.^ of the.many, no Oom Ms.ttaere, and the ebett be-. ilieoi7was,l>Jeinr»ra to lit<)hflaU,"*)nia.sight , , ™ race-ooune df-&at *BUsn» «itir being nanwd fiif tfi(i battle^leU; it Mai'tiiaittHfitmteliatt Ocu wooUv^Mblr Pntin an ap|i«tMno«{b<ii«^ A'tiir ortbelmdw- Intf «nea,'aiiapeotln« somethlaA wrongi dAAngdaftft'ooa halt, and 'rstraoed their steps homeinu<U,' .vrliiU^^ gnin .bulk, whose faltti Was of an andnrlng Und, aod'Whb 'w iini iff s p^sd vis In tke nndertsklng. proceeded in the track, only to be jaUt the dnpes of this foolish plot, as the secret n«nr oanu bsavy haarts and. dotgaiod visages, thits4 pUasnre^eeklntf Toy- agera letnmed only to receive the rldlouTof th«l»^ei)ds at home, who had timely got ii) "the hnoiw." ' We jnust^ as In dnty. bonna<«xoninte aass&om.sDypaiUo(patlon-ln thl4 rUlonloaa aflklrt I OS ws ftol confideat'he.vonll not lenSihlmssIf to. anytbln g so dsMPtlr* toward his frtendsT U(iregvar,'.<isr odrrenondent fbq^d ttiat, while all thlssras goingCKtss.was4»nuclleaat aiado«st«r, superintending a boothlt the rabeii.' ,."., ;. DEmlsooif, a^'AUKBi'dAif .i^iiijf,::., ■ ■ ■)■ ' • • ' r-MB, : ■■" ' ' . JAOESON, .TBS AUHBIOAH DXEB,:'. ' TBB PEDESrSiAtf 'BWINVLS^ SZPitSlSii. An action tried at the WhndkftoTth Ooanty Ochtt, on 33rarsday. Oct. 23, '.'woke np'rthe 'ortlnary vlsttotsTCf s4«h pikaes', where SPOBTS A OAD. THB RtNO. ■\ THE OHAtaPIONBHI*. Jeu Uacb txD Tom Ento.—iUO im TBBrOBaupioM's Belt, —The great match for the OhomplonBhlp of England, progresses lavortbly, and both men are doing as well as their roupaotlve ' bafdcerscandoBlro. Mace la still actively prooeedlng with' bis •training, and is, im d>(, shortly to have the asslstanco of Bob Ful- •Isr to superintend bis. gallops. King is now in active work and making ap fiTr any loat.umo oy themost assiduous application to . .any melhi>ds for gittlng into'condition. ' PaisxT Hill aitd Touro Ukltok (Paor's Pkt), iob £10,— 'Theso novices mot on- Thnrsday, Oct, 33, to aottlo their dlffer- 'tnoea, but, as will he found below, got intorrnpted. The ploCe named was Ash Oonunon, near Aldershott, and Frid Oliver, with' ' 'the ropes and stakes, was got down over-night, so as, if possible, ' to keop things quiet. The meet was at Ur. John Tapper's; be- fore daybreak, irithin a mile of whose hostelry the ring was «llol^d; but Milton did not arrive at the seat of action for some ' nlme, and then, ore they oonld get to buelneea, the polloeput their veto on ftartbor proceedings. A move was at onoe made, >evtr7 available vehlole Ming called into requisition, some seven .'miles were got ovier, across conntry, ontU Orooksbnry Hin,- near ' Waverly, was reached, as^ here, thinking tho police were off the -scant, the ring was again formed, and the lads prepared fqr ' work, HUl, who was bsokcd from Tuppor's, and had been looked ' •after bv Johnny Walker, of Btoney Btratford, was seooh^od by . .Ustrolnnand old Pogi»,'wblle uolton, who was baoUod from '' Ur, Paget's, was oSqalrod by Bootty Rogers (an old oppobent of t ouiunr,^ BsUey. Fred Oliver undertook tne olBcei of ' refeteo. Both looked well and confident, .and vrolghed about Bet 41b or est 131b. On ocmmendng the fight, Uelfon; who was de- ■ rMtOj the' olsverest, took a strong feod, and'gained ths first ' blood In the sooond round, which Hill balanced in the t«hth :ionnd, by gettlnn the flnt knock-dowh' blow. Thus the fight 'oentlnaednp to the nlnotoonth roiuid. Melton repeatedly plant 'rMl^n. his adversary, who fought ^ry gamely, when, after they . ■ had been fighting thlrfy-two minutes, anoin the cry of "PoUcle" ' . raised,'and a snporlntondent and his men wero Seenip- " ^liroaohing, and hostlLtlos hod to be again suspended, Bovoral : .>oth<r places wore triad, but it was of no avail, for tilt police, ;< wbo bad a itart, followed until darkness oame on, and the uildes ' HMxa so loosely drawn ap that the referoo had no poweil of naming another day, the matter waa' Uft for the trlonds of the Ban to come to some agrooment ' .Foan Paidii Ano Joa Qoss.—A DnonAosini. Hoax.— In refer -enoe to the hiatch between those men,'a){aln have thp sporting treit, not alone to thc'partleig more especially ihtOi'ekU^bnt to the'gen'eral public; who like k Joke; and 'ore more able to enjoy it when anything transpires by whloh the "secrets of the prison hOuie'^ are brought to Ugbt-l-how races are ran and won—how the nobleet of out sports may be made to pander tcT the gew-gavr. speculation of any who may venta(»—and sncoessfully-to gull the thoasands who will, in their inherent feeling and goOd dealre to suptiort manly exeroleesb Sive their support The scane'ihat oocnrred at'Wandsworth waa a paltry "oonnW oonrt" allhir, and ths evidence addaoedj the remarks of the Judge, the ooohse), and ihs'Brltlsh public, irill best speak for itself In ths following. rouiM of the proceedings:—' The plaintiff ooed in his proper naihe to recover a itim for wages dns^ WUllam Hewitt Is better known ini'the spntlhg world as Jackson, the "Amerlcsn Seer." It appeared that the defendant, Martin, had engaged the .'■Psar''^ to go wltb the "human drous," as likely "fo draw; firdm-'Os great name thit Jackson bod ocqulnd. Frokn the'evldesoe'adduSed. the speoolo- lorongb, the ' B part of . . , . .paatds- flolences. .•./ ".• ■.■ 1. -. ;.; The-«Uintlffw«l>efimlned by Ur.'Haynes, and sold that hehadOMeu'ln- tha sporting world foe' many year^ sind was engaged by the dafendant,,«no hid agreed to pjfi him si bertaln sum. •.■■■ .-.t 1.1. .\ .'i..'; I By the Judge:' Whatlsjtmr name? .'i:' C. Plaintiff: lambetierknoirnu'Jadksoo. '.-1.: I Bis Honor: I know;' v Ton are gteeraUy oalled the "Alnerloan Deer.'f..-. .,• ■ Plaintiff: Just'SO, yWiT<hdnoF;>'The'pIaintifl than went Into a mlnale history of hIs.angagement,.vrltfi.Martfn,'the proprietor of the'drons; howst Peterborough the'basinass 'had 'lieetl so tnd that defendant sald hemtist leave tho balance'due tni ihOte prosperous times) and this, .with otdy fXpaid out of £4; for'eqe week's salary,'mads up the flalm of ifl* for whUh the fkinsd "Deer" sought to recover. .. .„ v I Ur, George Martin, the'defendant, was next, eisinlned, add flatly denied that he owed the plaintiff anyUtlng, Hfedld nf>t remember anything, had no memorandniti'of unhlfig,' and had be been forced to bring his papers, it Would havete^nSied a sack toholdthem. -i . . • Thus fkr the aflUr had only assumed a mm matter Of anangs- ment as between the employer and the eknployed: and the case mertly rested as to the oredibllty to be attached -to the plaintiff or defendant, when a "sensation"scene la oross- eiominaUon by U^ Eayhea, who appeartd for the pUlhtiff, and elicited that men who could give ueerfoot long 'starts v^ere to run In certain posltionBi that the "Indlua" was to'win, to keep up the eicltement;.that, .by a preconcerted move of his book, Uortln, while' apparently keeping the rounds; was'to glvathe oSlce to the men whether to go "dower or luter," ss' ttie case might be: tafast,' that at an hazards "Deerfoof most win. ' The Judge: Why, here is an end of the affair; It is ail illegal concern, and discreditable to all parties concerned. Ur. Haynes said that he was atraid.the^numtlaiting.of the^e facts would militate against, the fair, chance of his cllentrbi}t it would be OS well to proceed if his honor would allow him to do sO. . • '. ; ■ ■ . < ■ . Thejudge: Then go on, Mr. Haynes. Ur. Haynes (to Jackson): ' WiA yon the "Olown" of the circusT. ' •■ .,j T'.i •' ...l..7*. Jackson: J was. Ur. Haynes: Did yon run to ordsrat 'o - Jackson':. I did—I was to ran f'^'^z to.wliat Ur. Martin ordered me to do; second, third, foorth, or filth, as the case might be. .' . . Hr. Eaynes: Were the'rest'df Hie..troupe under the same orders? jiokson:. loanonly. veak>po(tlivaly'fUr:;mynlf;imtvi Im- agine that all ware the aame, as they oonld. have glvsn'ktarls to the Indian. ..The evidence went to show that the Indian was to win to keep up the exollament; that by a move of his book, preconcerted, Usrtlq, whlls apparently keeping the rounds, was to g^^^theolBoe whether , to go -rviow^jor lBiter,"'SS 'the case "i^bn'Brighton, the celebrated ranaer, and ^SaiaSrtsstia, nve their: evidence, the latter especially being complimented For bis straightforward - manner, r Their evidence did not, how- ever, in any v^ay affect the fiierlts of ths case: only Brighton, in answer toUr.- Haynei, aald, "What .else.could Jackapn be but the down, as he can't run against each young'una as OS," Ur. Haynes then addressed the coiirt on bebalf of his cllont, th<| "Amertcan Deer," and strongly denounoed thO oondnot of Ur, UarUn for endeavoring to gM oat of a fair arrimgement ' ' Hit Honor: The siblr is dto^ther lllegsl, and'this exposure ought to open the eyes of the publlo. ' Ur. Hajnes:, I waa aflroid, and told my dlent so, that the taot of his ssKeing to run eecond, third, or fourth, as the case might be, would act against him. But be:fe is an Implied oontraot oo- tween master.and servant, and I must hope for your honor's fa- vorable,dealslon. His RoQorsUd: I have heard the statement of .Jackson, the flolntlff, and, notwithstanding the defendant and. hls witnesses, am iMund to believe what the "American Deer',' has said; and my duty would be at once to order that the defendant pay over the £6 olalmed. Here is an agreement made by. the defendant to nm false races, and men like Jpokaon are allow the .-Indian" ioviln. ....... .,1 ..j . The Judge (addressing'Jackson): I would at once order this money to be paid to you,'.whidi I am certain Is yoar'dae,and much regret that a man of your fame as a pedestrian should lend yourself tosadi a dishonorable. transaction., .'I will take time to consider the decision I will ultimately give; but all your expenses will be allowed, and shoOld my decision be adverse to our.getting the money, you will then have an opportunity Of oUng It to another triDunal.' "The 'Judge, again rising, asked; "Are-there any reporters here Y' and oemg answered in the afBrmktlve,'' added the follow- ing remarks:—•■Uy avocations irlll not .allow ms .to see suoh sports As pedestrianlsmi bM I like to hear and read 'of the oUItte, and maoh regret that these unseemly proceedings have taken place..:What—is honcrt^ and'ths down,- who runs fourth to-day, Istobeflistto^motrow? I trutt that yoa.(ad< dreaalhg the reporters) will convey my strong opinion Of suoh disgtsoeful affUrs; I mnsttsketlme to oonalaer my decision." As is usual on such'oocasioni, and when the (reupe was de. feated, there were the usual windy threats made, which tho. Judge at.onoe set at rest, by remarking, "I nnderatand,-Jaakaon that you have been threatened by the defendant.' If any onr molests yon I wil] commit him for a month, and the Offlcar sT ' see you safe to the station." Suoh was the termination of the trid. The part played b; Jackson and therest,lBofa nattire to call forth thd highest indli nation. We. trusf: never to sec any branch of sport again so dl gteded by saoh,dlsgraoefal shams and firauds upon the publfa. If pedestrianism hu flailed to lake any laatlsg hold spcctablo portlon.of tho public, it. Is torn there Justly boiii| a suspicion that many pretended matchea are not on a much belter .footing thin those revealed to us by the proceedings In the cage of Howttt V. Uartin; If Deerfoot can do what .Oeorge Martin |ro- tcdds he Oan, the.sooner. he is allowed to do it, the better tco^the credit ctt everybody conoorhed. . .., 1 . eambanallan, of High street, BlrmlnghkUi'/o'fi^aged i^pallShone break, accompanledby'eeveral well-known membeiii bt the P,R, •od exhibited Uastor Posh, ths ''hero of el^te^^Va ~ , — ''hero of eiahteett,batUel.' Jtaaif wrapped np ib blankeU^ td keep his' ooortgt) fWm'qoOl inft.and to givs the affair an appearance pf gohuilaaet/' b< «eU did. the nut tak^ that' Mary available vAlele inuWonci picked np and brtAight lato.Mthlaltlco, knd 'Ik(m(^(dt,|)^^ ^ ''''' • '!i' '.■■i'L>i\. ;!' .11 ;i ".■.t- .i,..ll4 i:» T H B A T R1.0 A L RECORD. ' '' ' ' ' ' donttnne^ltompag'eSlTi ,. lisdRO MMSTIMlIiBT. Ileynolds, Ourgesa, Thomas b Newoomb's Uln^trds,.hod' a gay week ending on'the 8th A Bdllk]o,'.Ohvley Reynolds, Cool Bar- Igoss and other boyt In the bandaro i^M perfotm'ers^anl give people the vrorth of their money. UDIB, UIU HITS rano-venmlo- qulsm of Mens, OharlsSaaresomswbat quesUonableforpioprie- tj in this conneetlou. - The '•fiee gift" bU.'might aa' wtt be omitted diogether. ' .' ' At Simford's Opera House, Pblladdphla, this wsdl, a ntW sons is to be introduced. It Is entitled, "01 OIvsus aNav^oflron," and la tho produotioii Of Ur. WUllamton, of the Itumrtr. Ban- ford'e verdon of Unde Tom's OsUn is also annonnced; in addition to a burlesque on Romoo and bullet. Ur, Bontord is QD for a benedt 'on the 18th. Wo hope he will be remembeiod on the 00- '^e'takethe following from the Toronto. £<ader of.iSiWdav, Nov. 4th':—"Evwm* OoHOBBii-r-The building known aabuab's Hotel; on King street, haa been tented by Tumet tt Davist' Uln* strels. It Is tho Ihtenllon 0} the managers to Inaognrate a series of evening oonoerte at alowflgore, andlf those entertain- ments prove td Be Of idhlgh anOMer as pMuUed. Ibe oomiMM' " " xi* well «ipp9rt»d. UproporlyooaduoUd,tlwoowk*. la Vold In'o^ oif.iMinwantivUoti IMS kna..M& :.,U'!4 /:f,v ;"ff in'I commodate all ^ho sought iRbnittanoel. The ooaqMU.oerfbhn- IngatlUshouseeomprfieaawUssea OIsniB«a)ra',N'dlI» Hunt- Jay, Xmnia Whiting, FanSlei^iwL Eltgrl^erM'l^ HUUs Thompson; Uessn. (IeQ..Warteo;^aghIk)wd^^ Uackayi J. WilsOn,(ftank Zhfprdptfn^^ ■M^imMitaiznniiaKV.aa.*.:.'i^^Vr. .... . 'AndrewSt.Mid'''' iomi T, P, . ib^et cores.'''W. 0.- Bmyths is thele^'aiiil Tnanaaer.aad he bids fiir to ms^e his haU^e poptiai'resort foe nttsburgtiars, . Whitney, formerly with 'Spwddlng Bogers'Olroas, Charles .., _^ sad afterwards in tiie'U. it. Army,.viilch'h« wis obliged to Isave on account of in healthy If, how ihe tnajarerctTthe Baltimore .Udodeon, under:the management of VrrOeo..Cea., Tjiere are nov performing the Uclodeoh,'Andy.Leayltt, Uulllgan, .dalla- Shw, Foster, Winnie. Sargent, Block, Oei^lngs; Misses Etnostlno e Father, Lonlse, the J%male Srammer, eto,' Johnny Pierce has alio been engaged.. ...'11 Eatli)eeb O'jreQ, who hit fem-so harf at Mml^Ie's -VarletUs, nttaburgh, will probably aroear at rj^cx'sOaalno, Phlladdp'hia, 'S* '"'.S^'^'i tTndiir Tfii, Fox's qutnagameut, at th«<]ahterhary. New-Tork, Mlsj 0'H^U madeJior fliat appearance la. thlacona- oy, and no# Sh'O is about to plajr another engagement vrith, her first managor, In another ol^. UajMson Unslc HslI< Bt'£ouis, la doing a fair ttQalneia, under the management of Joe OibM. "' A company from Btk louls give -perfonnahoes evAiySuDday night at Oazpildolet The event .of .the 3d 'was a trial dance for a sllveir cup.' ,. , ■ ^ , ■ Woshhigtol pr(«ilsWto 'begajrar..'tban ever this, seo^iin, and one of the most promising signs is tho opening of .the Washing- ion Yorietlos by /flbert .fiimblln & Oo. on the X>d. It has been fitted nil in admlrabM style fb^bOthaiidlehce and performers. A flrstoloas comp^ is t»Ing' fbniked; A:' U,' 'Hernandez is acting manager and JamOS'PllgThh'ttsgd msntger—a good team at drawing, and'Osn play oh any ln4trument;,ftOBi a French bom ^or, any other' kind of Ii0m1 tii'aflenny whistle. Professionals m various brsnohos would do wdl to examine the adverllsament Of this concern; and moke theh: oTeotlon snre for a s^i in that congress, if not otherwise engaigedi Wsablngtbn audiences will govern themsdvea sccMdlnigqr. ' ■ ' The Davd Sisters. hsve,made. a "chinge of base;".Instead of going to Washington, they opened at the Udodeon, Milwaukee. Oct 28lh. Bosahas playsdu' deveh month's engagemontiat Seller's, Detroit,' and 'gained many adihlren fbr her talent, 'beautyandniodesty.''BosaysUbhavA.'/' ' ' The Misses Emma'Marsh and Ida BO(s have ;eft thS'Taristles, Detroit, and opened'at Carr's Uilodeon.-Bnflido. 'l^sDora Dawion,the double toiced dnger. Is creating quite'A se'Osatlon at the same place. lIohawk8aysB)ieopeasttthe'Vtrietis,I)tiitrolli Nov. 10. The Laseelle Brotheis'71'^gl^'apeze) sndUlss Louise (slack- wire) made their fiitt boW at tte'VariettA, Detroit, Nov.A and were well received. . . - . w.. .' Mr. Charles CoveOl, late /ftsge maoagar at Seller's, Detroit, has gene to Milwaukee, and opened at the Mdodeon. Signer Bliaaand sonopsnjdat Bauer's, Detroit, lost-wedc; also, Ulle; Flora (danseuse). i : k ', ( ; Waihlngton is not to be left out in Uia oold this wlnter.'In the way of amutementA. 'Theatres andttnslo halU'Wlll mak'e the c(ty.imn«[a4)lyjlve\y.' {Oanterbury. pall ISi one of thf prominent plaoes now open, and a good company has b^en engaged by Its proprietor*. Uessrs, 0^. Perdval kCo. We give a nw of the names of the most piominsnt pmrmen, (vIs:-«Uis8 Eate Pennoyer.'Mllss Juliarlfortlmer, aaH Miss Agnes-Butherland^ three most excellent artists. They'have'a Fox anda Wolf in.ib'e.mnslchan'buBlnassIn Pblladdphla, botb:caonlng andahrewdIn their operatlciis. Concerning muda halls In Phllodd^hla, "U^tls," socrresr pendent, sends as the following iteios:—"At Butler's Mdodeon, things ran sloiig; smoothly, for a place to'br up-town. M'lle Bavd, tightrope and Bpanlsh danKute,is here: Miss Nelllo Tky- Icr, vocdJst, is also at the Udodeon; but I believe she leaves for Washington, accompanled'by a certain young Isdv in the Terpd- choraan art On Monday, 10th., the vscanoy'will be'filled by Miss Clara Harrington, formerly of your dty, J. S, MoIBtt Is stin at tho MelOdeon, and does the pantomime bia. Fox's Casino stUl boasts of having the two best dancers in Ihe world; they are Mile Oallettl and Hons. Telardej and who ever donbts It had better step Into the Casino and Judge for themadves. The Casino's patrons are dally Increasiog, a result of the admir- able 'Way in which Manager Fox carries on business In Phllad^- pblo. There are two things thst are sadly needed'at the Otslno —one is a good 'stage manager, the other a vocalist of the femi- nine gender. Fattie Btewart and other nigs do the burnt cork biz. Kathleen O'Nell and P. W. Ward we underlined for the Casino Ihe Continental gats along exbemely wdl for suoh a huge place. Although MUs Ravd baa left this place, it still retains U'lle Hd^e, end the siistora Augnsta and Marie, who are great favorites here. The two Bud worths do the nigger biz^, assisted by Brown and Baymond, and osmetlmea by Harry Xes^ lie. a. H. Mortste, gymnast and Frauklin, dp the mueole biz. BArry Leslie's pantomime of "lone, or the Maiden's Dream," 'was produced here last Monday. It speaks a little for Harry, and gives him a ohance to show his paniomlmlo abilities Annie ^ush had a llberd offer from Ur. Seller, for an engagemtat of two months. I have not heard whether she has accepted it or not .The Canterbury, Wray'a, aod other minor plocea of pubjlc amusement eannct complain of boslness." , on the .msoBUJuiBjOtla^, Miss NeUle U. 'White gave a conceit In Lebancni.lf >1^, 4th lust. Hough's Comet Bsnd-asUstM. rrr^t Donaldson, ue rope walker^ and Hony Gilbert, pantcmlmlst, 'wars ln.'Cdumbns, Ohio, at last accounts. Since leaving New Torfc, thsy.hoVe performed ^'Pittsburgh, Olsvdand, Indianapo- lis oinolnn'ati; and Oolombu^ On the. ITth of November they omn In Louisville, then to Indianapolis sgaln, and backtoOtn- omnati, for the holidays. Donddson is a daring rope wslker,fnd iimif ii«Mt wall! remlvedi' wLat at m he -laaaBBee w lu ion the rope walk; so also vrith regard to Harry GUben, the young unei^ Icui pantomlmist Among their perfcrmauces is the impalement feat Draaldson throwing the kiuvee,'Whiile'ailt>ert Is made the ^^tUo Dolile Dutton woimd ap a oloeilay wonder of an eiilbi- tlon at Montreal, oh the.llth Inst, and seems to be very popular among our Canadian friends. Afternoon and evening Dollle wss In demand. ' < ' ~ The'oold weather has already "arrtV'.ln Uonlz«al,'with mow and duah a foot deep. 'When .Willie Bunesmore Psjle gave his Ikrewell performance &i that dty, two or three weeks ago; it was "on sucn anlgbt as this." 'However, Uasier Wlllle'a friends mustered to the'number , of a hundred: and fortr-seven^ Ulss Oameron's readings had only ten auditors: while Frcfesscr. An- derson's "second alght'^ could only coillit fU in quarters I Quite. time to "tak yer auld dook al^oot ye."' ' ' .' People do say that Heller has a "lighting 'manBger.^a 'sortof Pet Chicken, Sykesy, stc, who "rans with'the moOhlne.'' Our Clnblnnatl contemporaries tslkssif theyhsid seen the artlde. For Our part, "we ■don'tsee It" Do yonj.' "Stree-yangOr ?'! • Artemus Ward is announced to "speak a piece," in Morgan Hall, Ueridan, Co'nn., on the 11th Inst Uorgan Han will be a merry den' when the great' showman. lots out for if he can't makethe laugh come. It 'will be because there U no laofeh' there. nev. A. L. Stone, of Boston, who Uased all the young, girls wheh he set Sail tor Europe; and left the dd ones for the deacons to kiss, leotured at Uorgan Hall, Uerideo, Conn., on the 9d Inst Does this roniug^Btone gather any moaa ?. Uaater 'V7Ulle^mesmcre Pape has made the grand tour of the irlnolpal tbwnsln'Canada, and given' bis farewell octacert in Jontred/ At the latter dty. our voung countryman had the mtronage ot Lord Fi<ederick Paulet, 4ho haa given the youthful pianist a letter to Queen Ylctorla's Lord Chamberlain, in order to obtain an IntrodnoUon' at the British court ofter -the royd family are ont of mourning, in case Master WUllo shonld. go to England Juet to lot our couslnB over theio learn whether AmorU cons have any boys who.oan ."play the planner." We take much wham the traoed. pTiII,:ori in othar;woito, ii* mnfig « '■ OhorlottO TtMpJlMll seMnk to solvlviB ttte ttrteateusS 1 lately leveled'at h«F; V.O;l,;lsaMbg tho Uetitaoutni Lottyls fbOnrea ^BUua-^aUOr.UabeV Ontu afiS Md JoBoph Prootor, etc. Managers count Lotty aa "a ttiod us '>- ..BUlwaakee ha* its IfaMsoo'as wdl as otfaet olUaa, and^e ara gtadtobearthalencou^agingbaalnesvlsdoinKthst*:' VkJdo Selgenon Is ths> liroprietar, and J. OUrk Wells tha stage tnaaaoM' MIseLlBleDelmarlsthestsgtfattraoUoh. AfknUlasadZSIeuM is wanted. See advertUement . ^Tho BUckSirai),.dlH»ed,l4tP the,IIaslp HfUlftwHaven, Pearson A'Oo^'reikdiiedt^m^livB'iofigfirthjul antldpatedlait week, in Brewster's'Hall,: NiW'Havthy Ot"°' Mens. aUbauIt in UonlTeal,'who now isiJoloea In the title Of "ths Bamnm of the Cahadas;" la thiS'vear maklBg ftssh addl- ttons tohlagardens, andopenB'-a:newbnlIdiag on his account asa hippodrome and. amphitheatre on tbeUtlu. .This new hsl Is iabout two.bundred feet long, by a' hundred in .iri4th- . A cip- cus company has been engaged, and a dramatlo oomiikiiy la now performln'g. T.'B. Toole Is Ui4 general nunagsr';','. .., ProC Anderson's recent farewell visit to Motatrsal has oaussd ns to "rscknl"!hU career of perfOrmanoes: IfiitSbgland, Scot- land, and Ireland, 8,131 tlmes,-< on the Suroitean Continent* 893: In the Oriental provinces, 837;. In AustrsIU. and Tasmania,. 40}; in tho islands of the Pacific; 13; lii CaUfOmla, 30ff;'lathe'1T. B. oa the Atlantic 1,307; in the Oanadas, 141-^tot^' 0^4O«titd«t.^ - Tl^ shows that ths Professor has been a •4scht'gnl(l'']iatie in Ita time, doing the'rctro-remlnisoent-oIslrvoyant4tfd-i|Mdtl8aMli- troviatooafter "theslller.*' • ' :;•■■■■.'.viis'ii The Hanlon Brothers, with theiragent,'a&r.-note, UilMSat Tdparaisow Sooth America, ttom Ban Francisco, on Ihe Stih SOp> tember; after having been at sea fifty-one days. We have al- ready given notice of their sucoees in OalifinnlL .. At ttwdoariC their engagement there, .they were about to istum to ^w-Torli; bM Jiist before making arrangem'imta ibr their dOparotrey-lte Torrence.((ormerly stage carpenter at.tbe! old.BowttVrJgit.JioW' one of the monled men pf ^on Etandsco) offered ^m terms fov a series of exhlbiUOnain Boutb Amerlca. His offe^nso maoh for .each performance, and all expenses—was aocepted, and onAw«- 4th they embarked on board the clipper ship "Wild Pigeon;" fSr Tdparalso, .where'Iheyarrived.'se above stated, after •:oa(!fctf>- .sloq of adYerse.and baffling gdes, and having sailed npwHdf .'tf eight thousand miles, vrithont once catching a glimpse of lancL jOn the passsge, TOm HSnlofi eadghtwith Kookand pork iHiB»' mtBi measuring,.from tip to tip/ deven faot' three inohes;^bti bill was nins Inches, and whole length I of .head, fourteeai. .The boys had great sport" vrith him'. The 'Haiilona arc'engaged'(!> give etgh^-four exhibitions in South Anieriba, the first of wbiolt waa to have taken place IS Tdparalso, ObUl, on the'Sd'-Tif OptO' ber. From Vdparaiso they go to Santiago, and from thence t» Collao and Lima, Peru, and mteimedlata minor towns. The Dobeon Brothers, Ohos, E.'ahd Geo. 0. Dobsonv hive beea engaged by P. T. Bamum, and. make, thair first ap{«aranca faK* night at the Aquarid Gardens, Boston.' ^' The Holmnn Troupe, after showing in Springfield, HL, went U> Jacksonville for three nights, then' returnid'. to' SraUigfidd for three nights, end aftcrwares went north by way of Bleomlngte^ '' MasterP4pe, the youthfol pianist,' gave afaiewdlcOnOerfm UontreU last week. He will revldt the western porttan.df tho provlnoe previous to leaving for EuropeL' - i'. j'i The Zanlketta-Seagrlst-Bsrvd Troupe axe performing IaQso* beoto iklr biz. r ,The first of OQmore's Series of Grand Concerts at ihe.BoatMl Uudo^Sall has been postponed until the Uth. . . Manager Oattlsg now expects tvcpenthaJTewAvuitaiaily dens, in Boston, as early as the 17th. - A Ur. Geo, Henry Bo^dl Is; ezhlblUng some pancTamb scenes .of the war, at UechanlcsV Hall, Hamilton, 0. W, HjUsaB aays his panorama' exhiblla ,wlth "wcadetfal aoOuaor,,'^. | " SeniOiem sicfmia. nnder Stonewall Jackson, ^m, VB^pi' etci etc.". This may answer for the Oanadas, but dOiaf 'L.^.^. BUBsell give the victories to the North vrhen hs exhlblt^hls p«&> oramalntheloydBtotea?. We shall watcb Ur. Bnssall ahil^hLi panorama. ■ ,::'.':'.:i AHULTWdVU ^ '' "■ '' .'',"'": PbilasklfsiaAssooutioks.— The Trovatorla D.' A.' did'noi ^orm "Lo'ndon Assurance," as had been annoaneed for tiielr lenefit on the '4th, but snbstltutad "The 'While Hone of ttls Peppers," an old favorite In whlOh the raembeM.'asasUy feel pasy. Theyalso gave "Bobert'Macalre." ^pon'the wtaole.s very fair performance On the Sth, the 'Wneotley'D. A^ gave "The Toodles," Mr. Weir personatii^ Toodles for the lint mfortunately, he mode a nmJlToodlsis, but there need'' doUbt that he wW toodle Toodles better nex^ time It U ......OnthsUth, ths WheaUeyD. A.Intend giving s^wlth T. p. KeUeyaa e1j!«A,V,M-1;^sSJ: E and oonfldenOe. Sride in Master Willie, and he has doubllsss found oat that tho f. T, Clitpeb has "some InfiuenOe at court" if .we>.may Judge by tho eagerness with whloh British officers usually patronize this paper and send it over to their eportiog and theatried triends in Europe, Lord Monok, Eo^l Uulgrave; and other provlnold Rovemon, gave their most liberal patronage. The olQoen of tho 47th Begt., 10th Bogt, and other gorrfion reglmentsj also wdcomed tho young Southerner with their infiuence. Thus Madter WllUo may team that whenever a tme artist has the voice of Ue people, he may dways be welcome among the highest dlg- nilorios in any land, because tho hitter vrall know tho Mtoraiz- lotf dleglonce which all of ns owe to tho great republloof art, Buihs Uld protcnden never can nadonland this. They and their "awfully respectable" papers should thcrelbre bo avoided bvanrislnavouug.arUata, < . - .. I?om Oanada,'wo have a fowltems from.thp "Old Man,"whcse epUUe is dated Quoboo, Nov. 6th:--nunro Qdebm: There is nothing very interesting tO figure up IhK *oek. ■ The Un, W, B. English's Groat Orlgind Bavd TJqnbe (mJoUjr on the^ great) have been perfonning hero since Wednesday of last wtek-tley SrawttsttTwdl, abd give vary good satIsflcUctt.....,UQntTDd haa bosn,hl«h on the shew Ua, Prof, Andenon, (ye Worlds re- ilng themselves the Dupi .— . Nlaoan last wook-get big pdfflng-Uhe boy» are doing very fdr. - Linden ha* a roBO' hand! Juet now at Toronto, and I boUeve bii' is aotUng up—it prter, fbr Harry is deiervlng of belter treat- mant than So has xooelvod, Tho Uaier appean to have oiSS«t-Umo,.....'.'.Bpoaklngof Toronto,whatwUl the b'hoy Johnny do now, to fiU u»-«Inoe T, ft has been conalgned te the tomb-not of the Capnlols In Oueb^o we have been for the but few days-no, not exactly In QuobOo-but In snow, lato, hall. 5ud. and durti. .Weather devUIsb dbiagrooaWo. BMpring pret^ much cleaned out; Xtio Acladfae (3«)-^ mon, is in the pSSsiddons; ■with his boaulkll and! wfcomi^ daujhlen,^ .aieMpreaentstopning i* Detroit andinteS^glvlngasoiiesof ^Z^^iX^i^il^^^S^ tio' eW toleam that tha^iScTcSwIe Is how tMf forolwupKllb^TMa mai bo en- Ma^SXa^ byaddrS-toTBobt iSathgrt'there Jit has m£»rS:oS5ciidaUon.. MieSr.-f «»?WMf^°^^ SSlsiSdiscentbaUdlngjbnt.ct IWatSftitand to™*?^"^ bvaTcTuAiMtlo cIsaneB and mnAoil Mofianoc The (teat taHar,"fi»i»s''ai«d«spribed.Wsjwnfl,tt^ *" K6iV^<h»adv(«is^frtai*taHattW^- U I^ORBUQB DBAM&TIO AIID.SPO'W BB'WB. . Isltso7 ..doitls, DlonBoudcaulttaksspossesdonof Astley's Amphltheatie, and William Batty steps out to ralae oarrotS:and feea hie favorite horses ;pn, his own ttia. A voIums!ihlght be- written -on thia< suh)eat^-4he careen- of AsUer, Ducibw,. and VlUlam Batty. FOr nearly 'thlrfy-fonr yaaia. nas, fins, lynft Hone of Tartary" Imn aolng.hls sMotacnlar sooeit'^'d how.— well, well, the sacred old temple In the lAoAetn Boad;Was mads over to Brother BoudoauU on ths 1st Nor.', and the roshof LOn*' 'Ounen-.for a, ''last chapce" with "Mazetma'"'-waa Impiansifc KeltherSiitleynorDDorow could tdl whstner thoyheld. thalr prayer-books updds down ox qot, and have left seme' ^awfOIIy traditionary ouises on any literary man who might . prestunO .to touch the old temple, especially th9 arena. ' However, Brolhtr Batty haa done wdl, and we hope to see Brother Boudcanlt do bet* ter,lf!aiiy difference. The prlndpd difference, In'oui gueeq. l]s, that Bonoicault will-want to make a fortune (or lose, pne) Ins sesson or'two, while'Wllllain Batty retires not onlyhonpri^luit bdoved by all^whoever knew him. . Comlcauy enough, Balfe's ,"3ohemIsA'Girl.'' a flvrprito^ibr Sore than twen? yean, was never.'prcduoed at the BoyalEng- ih Onen Bouse, London, until the 18th Oot, 1883. '. SduuUi Pyjie was the Gypsy Queen, H. Oorrl the Davllshoot'ahd w. Bartlso& thsThaddeaa. U|ny bets havlag been made on'thls snbleot, pa this dde of tho AOanUc, we now fix the date of .."the i—■— Pure." • . J. ■ ., There ore four flnt-dass theatres now. open'in'St FeleMbu] —the Marie, the Russian, the Italian Operm and' the!. Comedy. All doing well. . , . , '. '< , .' , - .' ^ George Owen, the tragedian, having brotea one.ot lus Mffii.Vf. aserions accident his wlfO very.naturally came forward to.'^a . him a bdping hand when getting VfoD, and the two oOriiinf jfrod an engagement at South Bhldds on the,20lh Oct From Tasmania, we loam that,the Theatre Boyal,'Ho1)arl Town, did a fair biz, allihrcugh July. In "Medea" ihp^ nsrplfas of Urs-FoOle and thOTotonof H. N. Warner'were mofih'Ap- plauded, I . . .f't A Urs. Eendonon has not gene to Southampton, aa statsd by Plltsbuj ■ ■ ■ ■ - erpool, fromheragenti Liverpool, out since It wi^ written, thp lady has been indacea.t» extend her engagement- , q ' Bam Cowell has. met with or tumbled into a severe aecIdBBL It appears that while traveling on his tour In.Sooth Wdes, ha wah obUged to "take tho etage" between Newtown dnd Abpiy8t> with, A wheel broke, Sam was thro'wn out as if plckUg. w "Ilopts at ths Swan," and one of Ills logs so moch InJUMd/.timt he had to UvO on a cow-hod diet for about three weeks, tat coin- menccdbiz, again at Free nado Hdl, Uanohaaiei; .on Ihe . lqllt October. •.'■-■"«,■»■ Borry Sullivan arrived safdy at Helhoume,. an* opened . M Homlot at tho Theatre Boyd, on the Sth Aug. He snbsa^UOnW JIayod Blbhdlon and BIchard UI., the latter takingdoy^lt'cpc' ustrallan firiends with the moat onthuilaaUc effect' , .Joey.jGton- aonhelm was the (tohclla to his Hamlet The ,|iOUi^ei|'jrais crammed, but great bull was found 'with the stock epqipaid^ Inquiries an being made somewhat penlatenlly now ivU^ land as to whether, the charoctenof lord DundroanraitaASA Trenchard should be considered as fdr types of their rOspcMlttvs olasses and nations. Thus tho monkey locks behind tu l0pk)14c> "'whlls Boudcault has been dramattibig "The Bdgo cifil, now" we now have the lucktolnfoifiitpur'ieadontaati ami^nrs in London have been fOtmlu^ an assoelatlon.callsdlv Union Olnb, and gave,their first poribrmance in pnb)IO,'ip)x V 91et Aug, Then was a prologue, bi^t,, nnfolftttliotejyi'BBiW ^e (Uke Dcbby Miles) broke dOwn with ths Wdgbi ofUkib^ eratemplaUons. The bill was "the Mamtay," "HUntliiiO^ tie." and "The Fcartol Tragedy of the Seven Dliil^."-.' AltuMtl the ptrformances wtfe.pralspwortbyandpromlslHg.'/TBeoflU iburgh cQirespondont, but was etlll at the New Adelphl. Uv- ol. Eng., where she bad been re-engaged.' The 'last lat^ 1 her agent stated that she would only, remain two wedts In cmtemplaUons. The bUlwos "The Mumtay/* "Hunting'. SfTpp- tic" and "The Fearful Tragedy oCths Seven 1)1%."'.'AltoBSthpr» the Dtrformances were , praiseworthy and proiiilslHg.';'TBe oiB- can and band of the Britbh 48th Begt conbibatad. pleasnre of the evening. T1i»' lady omatcun' wen. ik^tltniUrly Jromldng;^.As_.oondj»iftrnm^ ,_ '•DinnaycVoarthodoAau"'of (rp^pMsf . . We now loam that it woe not Walter Ciosby wndtlSyod Iin> ugweek, we nov. —. dry at UieNewAdoli*!, Liverpoof, to BtUeBfcdMstffaPMtMtt when'^PancKeh"vraBrecesllyprodafced sli'ltlatkOnse,ikutWa]-. tcrBaiOB.whO'thnamadeBfiiniappearaupti.' .'WaUs»aiOd*ywas notfhr off; ' ' '''■■■''.' ' ■ ■'» ■ "' Wss Eleanor Ward; the basdsoBo aaA brUManI ymna'Plut- {s<e,'ha» been Iplaylag vrith hiun<nsosiieoas»atOnenwMa Ma etaewhero^ onthaOthOotobeifehepieiterJDedatagHnAsOTaej* bvnarUoalarreqoest of tin oBoetaor the Towes BaiMX* -^ir ^nteos, an arlatooVatfo milMMy: OrgaaloUon her engsgemenle for the tmstrinfl'seaaeD ar»oonils» SLtK* ttft fast WeshaD fromittoffo time keep «»isadsis Al- pibod of thi>iid«stM.cMU«>kB^^ T?ANOT PlQBONBr-'Wtwno D tone 0,, VALUABMS ARTTOLE3 fer wwy Gs Blj«ia>*;» <aly ,