New York Clipper (Nov 1862)

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ii nil ! ) iu,ii,i i u..\tui jr='ag=^ irionoftbsflate.. IbCimiD'^VM ) BKrora.«( aw (mt P(. • BSowf ■ ---wBRfl.xo..,ooaBri^8WHi>.Hir3C(»,. .•; btnitiomai a«MnlZ>^IeL.Ut.BporttB«'IUtoM OoH«ipoii<<iiHiitini»i«aiiw< eCopwie. ^ taloMmtttiimimprataiiuittaftlu ' ' - MO* auramW* oniBXiHa^Am, ii vitt. .lM|IH!i|ill»ii>lii "il* 'I 'I)"'!"' ^""ijlil "H !■ luTliid M - ' ijc- --: j,,niihMO<» Hnnn ). i»)Ba!iHa iirmoBinr, > • ; in,'-! ,!ti.:;.';m.' ■ 'ABI>IS IBB'-'''' ^ -I'-■' WlMij iIi'ImIi nniilw irinti miti ni iinn ti nil ili moiiiliii fgrMnWi 'Qbibot tnnfl pos winuiit.clQb;of tight, (18 rjin:«f'(««lT%tUrM«uiaB--,iB<'«n.oMM In. mnlMinentB, u oonfi mc -'Ha* to atoh ntenrt nAKC QTIEEHTKUtar liidfinilatoF; V < -> I- BO.ttAimktiMt,)IewToA.:' ,|rtiis<'00U ', torln- rUnd. Sl. rf I'/i' .1.'.''' OLIPPEB; lift ' ..i.i'vn.M r^i.v" .III. , • >Al^''i!l6y£iMBliB;'lfi,' 1662.. rritA * l|Ma46qUEig Mlli^ (like B(MUa>AM<l' ^ftSSttttdBS'lh« oiS'ftd ajd' ttont: if fliMt, iM eiMtjM kloftf tttODi iODM libera' r - -• -m vomin to nat lifter 1i^;li«<ti tomaUttM idoltary'wltli h«r 'al' t&drlBhlBhvirb" V ttut'a so; 014 Fentrt'liu 4 ItMp'of faD' tgtaan aliM touinreor far;'iUia ao htre 7K) lU,' BiMh'an iMMhor and Onele; Inolxided.. U'e no »«trying to Iwok <mt of.tbla/or —kiM diBUnd your nortrOs MVTery ' ' Annrtt m» tint, 70 dlw/ma i-xa HOJiuw. TT«ui| •» u^o'tfoor fellcnf. f0|Tot) diod^'lfiiii tbe moniiaitbt ttOl teoklns, tnd li (o thU dWeaUod PMiQt^a Mr - - ^' .; . • • : . - Hoiii.—'Vlicin going ,ooiutln', tlUi)k of poor Parrot, ind If aoVolt iha '^r don't aoem to Uko yoa; pt«tly good, "Ut. her wenV'-r-yM, vlatbenr^nt*' it • tima. iDiuStr 1p tal6^ » gUmpiib ^ bil'Uk} u i^idok Kg: •How.'Tm totWerJr'wall p«ateifli"8iSdpt4»;'ta^ t'tbctro'bi uixt totbe-eUet tbkt^'Hotbat looketb njlab;* THE GAME OF OHEIsS; ■Ths ITnltcd Btatoa do not lblil'MTt;ot'Wtdii 'al for on ilu)'lth\c|f t|iariat.tiieCUln|rtandiipotvi^^ anda000jorti00(t,wi|^ I lii ona Ihctuaai, .. 1 v.-I }S111' ..-.It. I.. !:. ■■ ■.. ■ • I . ■ -. ■ 'i- 1-'! ■f-waanitummaai aod VHnres in raiG&Airi^ ,:'.<^.</'-tl: -if-":: : ' : '• ' ■ "-»- -^'■■-'^■"Ji'' iisf gijiB oA«te-iBo^ ■ ^; j ^H<kfiEDE:1)I>-'IIiBA FOB 'fBSE. LUNOHEB, iBIOiHTBia J: jimnnBs-nTKE<'aoao bbekk'— □nEBiULBBUftEsia) • JOB THE "Kira'.'. ,ov : ../„■ , . , • ,.,./.„ , i ^^^MlXs^T'iMttkUy,' or MtbJn •> ftnr 7**n> 'Uie coi'P"' '<»li> ~ ' a. nil of tbe clomaieat fonn ImaginaUe in 'oontnlt U> SiioutoK'iKD OHxas.-^0nis £hi glTaa ti(efoiloiring Itaiqot Nnoleoa'a oheas, remirUng tbit U miylM nevto itsre^an. It u ireU known uut inai^ srei^ Xmderor'a Oeqarali, and moatof Ua .^larabila ;iraTS. obcis-playera; Itdn^ Bartbler, Ea- .g6]M,andaoinddfbcira^baingainongtbeinoatiunorti,^ Booirlena asya:. •H9 pUyad alao atr Olifeaa, bat Tery rudy. Moaiia« in^or- 'ondy; and llkad not being bfaun at tUa game,\rlilcb 'ptaaea. pno knom notirallwby, fwspTeteDdedlmiUUonpftbe greatgamo of war. At Ibat, Bonaparte feared no one.. I requvilier, at JUan- tna, his kalng a gaDie.t»aeB.B«atiTo|j^reokoDed'{9naaf thebelt ^ayan'ln Europe,'wbo etTe Um oddi. 'Beaavolr itqprated Bo-' nwirie to'point ontaqy Pawn with wblcb tjbeckmate iuioiild be Sren, dM]«rlng the game loat U tbe'. P. were taken. Bonaparte aeleoted the laal on bu'.adver8ary'a rlgbt, linS wtibttaftPBeai- yolraetoiUygaTeblmobieaknuto. Bonaparte waa anytblng bit .wall pleiB<4.',Be liked ftry well iQilay.wltb'nie,.hbweTer,be-' .'oaiu)e tbosjgh tbe anpeilor, I was not. ao iniiob. ao. aa to. gain- al- waya. wben ^ooewfgl. be wonUglTo'orer .^jrl^'toreat on hiaUareia/' ' ,(.■...v Mnm Sa,'i Lffi. . ■ »li<lB7,"'K8, (jiti; -Qllk KV; KBB, J. <-f I. (/.ii :' iruUto'^Oi^i'aMiltateat* IpnlseinonrM.'''' -1 X —.' ■ . ... ..: ;■ f" ! ■ • ■ .;iPllO'B'IiSIS S0«'.. a54« : " .'-'.''awoK. bow tbey go In' for au tbey can get at Bmall^pTlceel "tf'^MMiik.' rre'UMnnento Jaw fdr'.filf.^ad _eV tar^wonfinwodldn'l'blowibettotb'bffa'plntol 'fWii9^!r'ab'^!an^Da''itewltb'tbe>#IpM>'Wl>lle'.tb^ ■>i« MMiA Winif> to wirtwi ttuin- fogp Cents.' tfoit faDa ft'Bi^'gn^Unb' over a tUng like tbls I 'W&yj ^ou J'l tUed' io nmble with, after a certain'l>aa8, U wai Je'cfttlier Wy; wteTeaa, If a man caOod for a.««itiall ato'l Iiei« tbeyVltblnk blm 4.<<1>loady^l"—tbat'a Instwbat'lbej^ would tUnk, If tbelr Ibo'D^tairerereipretael in tbe Qaeen'a' ~ " 'YnmnderwUli you win call for bis brandy,gin,oil '^1 ^ be'abdablo, and ellng -it orer bls'ebonlder 04 Ir'tbaadrUikIt' If yon did aoytbliig llki^tbat bi; B'bibged'.lt T don't tblnk tiiey would get a fellow (iak''any mah'-wlio ever tn^eled.tbts way abont \of-gUiUreo ba'pelbaof nun,and peoDetbaof . im«b.'k|OiieV^U tell y()il aa, tbnlnnlesaltla rm«4ixire,.j(re8aed down and ehaken toggtber,'* tJ) 1>a'a e^nau.niea again, when I told tbe pretty; rwimanaged: iblilga bylettiiig every .iajai belp; ,__iLilMtateT,'tbey.r8l^ thatl.waa axing i^mm^ wm . .^ ^^i^ajmghei me to teom: it wonld IwfareaBitt to make tbm beUeTOtniiTings nj-Tn-orna-^1,1^^ ■win), .tjuu). to .get. Ibem to. ayr'allbw this, or anything else from Xa^ee Undf tThlaVmnbtai; woold -nftver 'asswer bere^ tbour" . U might in k Hrstolliae hotel, llki the' A^ei: iMtrtt^llf'o^lIanager Hendeiion's bar-room, oonneoted yUMuoeof Waleaxh^trif: (ni)iton Square, and aconple " ' ^'yiiAA 'iiD>arI<sUiB,nii)at-do oongregate/'-batwoe ~ i Tfotti/dleff'who starts a hotel-op'e^oh' j^rlnolt Mhan^^UandhtBt^r, orlondon-' Ton can'f mi.'lfn^-lonob' pIaoes,'Oa]^laIn—wby,4lunn AlKe'altogethe^'Mr tIree/ltmoheB and twQ pUralfcib,,aotft tbbyilbw? jqit.'aiik -onUIey' i'ortb^VnatyAle VaU/HaS eee if it abi^trao', _ t'bdy,'" aus'ybn.- Don't think thit'was'eTeFitiy j.ftgfml, amy<w^an an Individ, la^dotng nothing r 'al»el|(-(iri not binnectlan with •■street w^ers," I'l 'imll that 'i^ahBS* i<ta dry about eVory boor, a'boVl "Uiii^ 4r' 61am'(dicnraet'Wouldn't' be bid to take either 'r-ittbIblng;,'DO, tlree. I'fi talkod thla'matter oveb wsltto 'giriBi"'and only got blaok'gu^ed for .nugeat inch a piece of monatrosliyi 'They.don't aeem Uie ^ny.ide&a'atall,' abl gseas you'll have to get- Tom '",'<l(dbrae"Werden,aiid afewmore of'tne same Vhereand nq>brliileiit forl''epelL It is a diffi- sywhittuff tbe thing woidd go doitn. or not, or 48 therbad a bl« algn out, f'OottemlDDgets and * "ont^not admitted mider any circamstancea I" 'hose fellows wonld eat all the grub Joseph had 'Siiit'three daya—indeed would, thiiy).. ttbiMUg pennleat" Keep your under'gar* .maDta 09, toya and gala, and yon ehallbe poffed aa about them, ^!&UtQs'rmy,oqt''4f pinal^ are the BohO'Woriu, in conned p jUjiir frith whloh there la a Mint for the mibnliiatiire of allgovem- ''jnennu'coiiperfisietiey.'' Before onr tlm<,'"0U Vatt,'"ad he la ■ aallad, ttie genloi'wbo flist applied eteam as a motive power on^ ;' uU'of .'iettettteaj t)wned' 'theia works-^in troth, he fliat - started ' -«ti«;m'4A'my.irnin«lnii'4i<th .« wjlnn ii»Tn|J -RnH/m It camO'tO pOaa ''4hnWAt'1Ued,'wu btirled: and BoltAFrelgned In bis etead.' In- "■^^.had to weigh an oonce, hapennlos, half an' ozi , a qnirter. They were regular ■ woppeta," ae you Igliieiiind answered' a double purpose, ae enrrenoy and Bow should you Ukb to carry two ihllllig's worth of jlfetflnyonr "trOwserloons" aU^d«y? Hot over mnol); 'modern jMtonB.' Thoy Ucked against tbep-pennles, .govt^nunpnttosubstltuto copper eiinsor'aboiit 'a oallbre, much to the doUght or lozrhousowives; who id of pending their hobby's pockets. If not of spend- I df^nduHca. The Grown octaally condeeeende to . cant, ftf r. all tbe old Bolton pennies, ont of mere phi-' M^uie hy so dilng they can only moke .tbelr tot ofjme of their, old ones; Ainttheycun^g? The ttdtior Instltntton any way yon tike ft.- Only iiihoy. ivesjof thieo.goneratlons alh worklng.ln o'nd shop— ,',',fatbcr, ond sonl <Oan these things be? . Th^cfn,' »na will be, (br'-all ybuior 'I can aay or do tb:the <io4' 'T«a,'.atti^e Sonp Works nearly orrorvboclylilrehited, and " 'id6w|aont«ldaaitthp ''Soh()Bniod.'' :Myhe'yeal What ittmt' Talk abo)it your gTRndfather being in the revb- id lyi iiotfitUsi'tt'Sfmril con'trace beyond that old sport,) l.^ydnr sonl^'hore' yoa can' nscoHoln who's who for half 'gji^eiratlbusl"' TUe evU elTeots of this amalgamallon are' -"itb'bft'p'alnfnlly snsoopUble on the olLspring ofpareAt;, iatttnUonhaving btjen 'oollod to tbs'iact,'lt letobo tbla breed >7U1 bemnde mix np with other breeds,'and JaTO'tbow,wh&areto<o'rao—yonnasters' vrtll come; yon ittlr,'ia'li]^le of .t.^e d^ylL Uadame BeatO'I, Sr. TumbUly, or any '^OQlat, May the dsvsbbn dawA.wHohtheSotaO'Bread Jr It sneer aid a Dyo^woTd ph th'b tM^ Of tl^o etrtb, monh'ialils. 80 mote if be.: ' ' qie I've satlsfUtorUy exitlitned this copper etnomore.aboiitltnow,tbonelk' iBy.Im^rs Ion ^ve almost forgotton wbit'spaole Ibbks pijleallBtit 70U {lankorlng after it, coy rettiiHol are Sbmp^, 'njttallsd, In thla'brimint eaaay on the pni>n*<tJ crials.' j*«l-UngDage'fcl:4'Cabln''Ili>yJ remarks the Cabtoln of - tUo (Mnce&).. WheiM'« xbtar Olooroa and Bemoa theneaes now? •«n'ji,u^J».'iytf,i(f(iickea.' ' \ . •• bX&Di[lK':iaUJ0MAiBE-U6iniUENT 1X> F£Blto ..rilT.)U<lB(lU>T.^1I>0 TQD.-BB&IiLV THINE HE filBI'f . >tiawf|wUj^tk*:sUly «p«cMnena fit jniMin-strifok quacuUnlty/ Uon : «uru {errot boats the wholo'paok. I oan appreblale'a fouer.who '<tltin*MCptlr nromasi and all that sort oftlipbgi whether she bo' am aalUftor.'»<lngls angel, so long «s he 'don't ,isako on as* of dllilliifclftlDwnthls dried up oldTooater.'^Xlie^.anahuhdrcd' i^dtttUMagajlif.ahowlngjrour feelings wtthonViMn'g pbnozlous <b .tiaBi|M4n<W getting itoi'Ugbtgqiooked throw your bmards by' jfflt&4n0A*bd(<msband, Bo.:uiuant4i4id g>yv fqirot. might •<j[|iamtaanwthis«a iwoU-aa wo doi and Ixieh ooutent iopleoao his AdortblelAalnda AMbella. Pink aanoeri)>j:a-pr|»er,aphsro bt .MtlytU ii»*ftA Pf tlw/'P'^'nt «!ontBe iie adopted.. Bnt,"heAr '*IBe~7lir*iai^ttnne.'**^Ouoo npbn a-ttme-therb-wosa rloh-niah 0Slt9Vi>flpll'fiJ^^fi'fPV'rf^^. Urge fpitane (n ■ «llret and si^^l'iJtSTi^l?^'^^ jaleA^rtlfalFhli 1*2? i^^HSl aJSaUnffa. Unlttei nieet fll«r #hQ, .would >» iBow lMr tt»t M iWf tyilmanf ataiqr tinny whether .».A.. longoTi,--^ ^ weloomethantp 90'OOBimfflpRDBllTft:. . . it'BrobUjn, K.:*-*iank»'toir •'WH"^" aM oomiig vpon n*i and to no olaa* .are.they Wft ag^lMlt" '' • '■■ i' ' »_ ' 1j tt -lixBn'Boibnry, Jf»M>^We never for » moment rappoaad thatto?S»mW«o«b5weon the poaitlonBwaa m jttingmore San a cS^anoei aa we bave jePto t)la«« a plagiartsm to tte aSoonnt* an original djiugbk;piWfl«miat of any n9t5^: :Jbo J^dntoMEnoomSer with »b«hnt8terg»8/' isnot aop«^ to nfatwlient ihneitwMk'eOu^piBTrewiUfonvardthelnfor- natl(£ i«que*t«d'. To* BoalUonatpeor* this week. .,Thanks.: .. A. B.'li., Baltiaiore,lU.<^niulktfo'r recent &'Tbn.,]Me ««• nurkabelow. ' - »lathe Ounn otVo^ W^I*si> tbb Podtlon by A X. admlSofa dbubleiotatloti. Wb found this to be the case;, and also received a notice bom Ur. E. to the aame elTeot, acoom>. banied with a <*evlied«ony,'; bntunlntentlonaUythe "original"' ma substituted. Ve wiUlU^ the''olmon pnre^'b^fbre onr read- ersaoon. . ' '''"''." . . ,'.' . ' . ' DBAtraRTB nr THBl ABBTT. , TBsfoBowJnijgamevW;playedbetvs^n?. B^.Se.Objfc'il'i'* mbrooireipoaauit) a^'munberof OoTi, Mh Begt.If..T.S.T., and lb., Ben^civ'• m^ber of the wme tlleWdnnt rftrerf Xhbatri;' ■ -~:r!rJ«r'p DwJSW,^ Dledat e P.H.,bhUie llthnf.i iW., Bhe; waa piettj; Uid'talbnted, and had. B^Sbed^m'tf"^-*'''*"'-'^ her manderl'by Ifr. aud'in 'sllenbod the de*ili!™TOtby.«''the'pnbUo aft£i"!S5!'« ber*kvement,Ul4t.n(Tt sslnglebn>bf the'andlenoiSiPJ** vlted,.oalled A the ttbaanry fSr thjto nloney; ^Wlv IBADOBA..EAKBOS, This lidv waa bom in Philadelphia. B«> blher 1^ wah \ td' the older dtirens as. having formerly^e«n » „ mnsloUn there, and active in the estabUsbment of arm.. itrat MoidfleB dealgntd to oniavite musical teste omoh^h^!>» phlaha. luring a long'rcsldence in the Wtetlndleali.. Sisidnona Inalruotorofhls daughter.' '• Sanabnls tall and elegantly formed,-with'a'&ie UonldnJ expfossiva lUie, which llghtnp 'with the enthuslktm andUM* tlon of her beautiful art; In bravuras;and cavstlnos her iKC!!! exeoiition is florid; while her pe^ormanoe of ballads and airs is delicate, fedlng, and impresslvb Elaeki- DeOon. l..« to }6 ..«to;}5. 8 18 iWte.. .'BeDSon,. ; , aa to i> ,,971 ./as 8.. t *..» S..» e.. 9 7.. s 8..n 16 .u M li 11 30 38. . «;. n -38 35 :,ie/ .sa .37. 33 -,«.; a ■.I7- 19. .31 •/•■.»; 38' U ■U, 94. Blaoki .. Ha Con.' .ia..,.7 ...u U..17.^'.' l»..Ui . 17..,8r.-.-. 'I8.;i7 38. U 18 .7- IS - 'White, .Benson. 10 to 10, 38 n ao.-. t-i,\- » ai.. li ,. B, ii.v-.t ....andwlM. 93 M 90 U 93 18 IS ' BLIM B ZOL D nD B a'o d B T 8; ■ .BRsik obMiii;'';.'.'•» ;. krV 7. L Sb Oon.^|l7ii '<Uliid5ild^'{'gl|Ttiig^^^ ^tagosilstl Ur. }, K.'the tint ttbve.' . ^Blaek,, : loll to. IS. 9..U 8.. 8 4..10 S..;.» 6.. 6 T.'.-8.'. 8.. .1 ».. 8 .> 10.-l« < U..:f.-. 39 u 16 JB.' » '.White,';' 'Be 0. . • .33toU,. 3S 18 ■ 9S',.<1 . a» i -,': .90 0- f), .■0 . I-17; ••■.-<Blaek,x' ' ■ .; ; . j;h.'i -y- ^ U.^Uito 18(/) 14..18 97 is,,u.-..-;'.sf-' .•"'. 16.. ai.' i' 0. 17..37-.V..' 83 : 18.. 8 U wfait^ Dec. : 17 to 18(( 18 97 18 and-White Wins. A-'DbOon. n.vU- 31..U 33.;1B 33..U 10 3t 18 « 80. 91 90 36 81 9 . 1 6; 96: 17 16> 98 IS 4' 39 ^98. ■83 •33' .97 18 91 .38 , ., . .. ^TptMbyX ^ WlUibieidea.a|:))lMklnf.:. , . CUvinghlmac^uuioetoaoIt. I AbkA mo've; I.dldnbt expeotit ..,. ' tbbksHkecToslng bis ports. . . . ' . Iflxa'towwitbaahawofaomefallUardi.. .^.1 , ) EefkDabtolt' ' . , „; This conclusively ahoi^ithe adyantages wbloh la. 1 man possesses bvqr a Uack man.. JA) Settles blahaah.addiogmore evidence of advantages. . Thunder and lM)ther*no'n| do jos.m^ that .move I ed. B^ replied, I do. rhfte (fc) Then 111 flnlsli yon. W 31;tolls at this polqt would have been the: proper road to vlctbry,'irwe mistake .not;.for afterwards 'White .captures the other j)lece,'thns winningUdean man. . Thoeojiing is eettalnly very prat^.—[En. D. D.],,. . ,Z.. Boi<inioii ov, POBinoir iro. Sk-VOL. . V.v W ». H: BUBSHAM, j.l. 'jlSr A Blobk man omittod on 37 In the Diagram. Sblntlon nextweek. .-'.•'. BOIiUnON OF'BXTRQBB' Blaok. 1..11, to^lS 9.'.H' • ' », . ' • ■ -8..3*' 30; and Wins. ■ 1; «etb POBITlOIf. ^ . White. "','. Vl* *<>■ '.* " ^ 6 IS —Wbito/ to plarand giso mate in four moves, Played at the "Horphy Chess Booms" between our oonldbg ibr Jobh^<daeamgctt'sn&&'HrBtkU«yi'B>4 ' i-.'-^^lr "-^ -| Attack, Boblasinger. I. .PtoK«. 3..K>Et-B8,, 8..EB-BA,' l;.P4qEt 4 . V6..P-^B8 . fl^.Oastles... T.-P-4J4 ~ 8..BPXP: e..QKt-B8 10; ;E B-Et 8 II. IP'S 6 13.;QBtEt8 IS.JQB'BI I Ui-QB-Rt8.^ 16..EB-K84^ Befence, Stonleyi-r . PloEt - .QEt-B8' . K BrB4 aX'Kt'P B^-Bi . . EtX'P«; (•'E<iB«t'3" ..'QBrStSrr ', PrE.B'8„ ■P-KE**.. . :QKt^hane(a> . QBXB lli^k,' Behleemger. .' U..QE»XB . lT..Q.Et-B8 ie..PrK6(M 10..K.BXP 30..()-her8,: ,ai..aTEti8'+. , 93..Q-^.Be. :33.,.QIU-EBq. 94.,S^Kt-E.8 9J,.QBXKt7v 3<..B>rQBsq 97..QBXB V. 38.'.B-KEt 8 , 3V..QB-E8 Defence^ Stanley. PtoQBS P-^4 BPXP Q Et-B 8 (c) .Q^hv3 . EE-Ew ; P-EWT SEtxEt B-B4. . EBXKV QB-Beq ihasnoiurther resource. andtheBetbnce (a) A favorite mwe ofUr.' Stuley's at this ptoge otil^e gome'. .' (6): From this MlAt^ whether .the Defenoe tsk? this P or .not, the attack is most harrassing—if att already of mtal foroe. . This wholr Attack is nbatly handled. (c) Be would better have Oiet played Q,t«tiar 3d. ; . t ■■ (d)!"Baateningidefeat; )>uthis ganie'iBf already past redeQip- tlom." Tea, but considering the . terrible "spasms of cramp to wtdch he bos 1ieen'subJeOted,.oflate,iwe suppose he'wanted: tb give bis Qneenia llttle ohance to stretidi her lege—If Qns«ns bkve ■legs.;'. ■ :;;.'■■. :. v.i ■ ■ \. ' '' ■■■■■ . ' ■ ■ ' ' ..• .,1 ) . ., , ... t,' Bsrdbattle'd/iand 'SOlentUlb oitMi, SIgnor.Dnbols oontendlog against BerrDuBceane 4nd/the Ohevallor dAflt, Benin consnll|k' tlou:~()itt) IHASpoittivK'U'^:' ' • . Y' | S, JiSV B. .:■ ,PtbK4 ;, i...KP.XP...'„ ..E^trBS ... K'B-Bll. Big. Dubois.. l..l>tott4.. 9.;P-EB,4 , 8;.E.B-B4;„ 4<,Q|Et-B8 . S;.E;EtjB 8 (») 5-9 8 (•)•, QBxICt.,. B-QEtfl , QEt-Bac/) Mm si \0..P-Q»8 7..P-g,4 8..2tP XB 9..QB;XP, ia..QB-K3 U.<Q-ber9^' ll..qB-B3: 18..CasUes,()B. 14..EB-.B.SI1.' ,0_,__, 16..P-KB4^ KB-lSsa U.rP-KBS.(A) P-EStl 17. EtTQBi EKt-B5 lB;.Et'XB.(- BPXEt;. EEML6 - ESt-BS ,, - EtPX.B EtXBP 10.;AB-B4.. 30i.Q.EEt 9 31..Q B-Et 8 31..QaX'Et 38..Q^her3 34..EPXP 3S..BXB3dP(<)QKt-E3 2e.'.P-q0 . QBX.^ 88:.EB^8 84..B-EB7 85,.^XBP' SO.,'»Jila S . D.«et.B. ..EEXB mi: P-QEt4. EtXQP(l) ^ "ilATCH <»AJIB. " : BiniWEItlf'.OBEEN: VODITCUK BOIf ABD'AdOEPTAKOE. r (I :£liokH-a:,li:. Si '.';' " ''•.<- ''Whltbl^Aeoe'ptaaM.' . .■tg..-8 • ■ .11' ■C: ■ :■ .-,..' ■ ■ • Ii9- "" 38 '- •:r.4;;-4- ■ . 8- ■■■■ ■■ ■ = FOBITIDV.Bo. atir^WMi'X,' ■■]> THBI ertii FOBlITipSr. , ., pt'. BTUBaES.'. ' • ■-.. ■'. BliCE.:'."' -■ ;'■ •' '^HITIS.- '. 'Wjilte to mibYeuawln. 'WHITE. ■ ' White to move 'and .win. GDM mode tier dt^Ntfvember Uth, I847„ln'ber n>tli'«',4ii ^bUnt odnoert of thbFbUhumonlq Society. In penki^^^lli '•"•Mil' f, H, U'TIOEEB. Born 'in' Kew Tdrk Febmary lttb, 1839. Hale his Iniu. ga^eethesiageatAb BtiPhM-les Thealrb,NewOrio^ Htlirfiervuitin ■■Ihe Boobfifoon;" mode h^ ddut^i],'^ •The People's^ndldals,"^ Tbrkat,theObatham Theatre, in . . Oh the 9;st of July, 1881/he lint appeared InPhnaddiblL,. a TiihkM'pbmedian, making bis debut at the Arch Street ThoSir asBbintgronb!m7DuUfol,in"TheWbolOrower." vT^ . This gentleman'is natural, eaa^ond au fa<l in the tmsliiihw the stage; he'avbtds the tricks of the art ^ud the slang otlf ohar1a|an. .At present he is manager of the Chloago ^mIi^ SPORTS ABBOAD. S7',,By,EklBtPP-^EtS B4 tO.'.ArSEt 4i..»Si4,-+-: 43..B-EB8. 4;..KB-Q 8 .' 46..t'-Q',it' 47..KtPRP(n '4S..P-QB8 4»..E-Ktsq ■ 1, SKt-EO 7QB8 :B;^'B7 ' ItS'sfmlj QEtiE 4 ' :Et.;QB'8: ' •:p-QB8.'. : $*-Bt6,(b) ftX^P, U..Q,B^E »l..>tSxB , 0^1 the gotile lll'd;;(^ini,^ HbiiSi'byBerrEllUg.'. ;,,■>/,.,. . slgflbbfDbf^oe'maylte'biiariotfrlted'asglvlng'bp ili6t,l>hks»vligthe«ami1- ■••,"■•.' . • ■ • | hyjUnih. piefcrafiQ. b; 'P (b 4 4th; becouke, had that move been nladb; tbe alllbs'^bnld reply <)'a tb EtStfa,'ahd Big. D. could not avoid the losa of a,P,,or aubmlltlng to the dlaodvon. tagbof'idonbMP.' 'T;;' .: ''•• ., ' (/)' If 9 W U>« Attack would :imme4latdy obtain k iuporlbr gome by. Si jub^il could nbi^^^eU be vbntnrbd. to donbla E Et P.ty MM"? ^ B to K^di'' Q would inrolve the Msh brlh« exehaage; ' io. milnt^l^ th|.^i^jtlo4. (rfthe Blsl)bp. 'OKAa!8LTlf}'"Aini dTBUli bkx^bbib. ' '.■■■^E'w '>a'BRlE^ : WMrtp inFiimhr.T tob'thb w»w tom omrgB, ■ ' ■ . ■ Bt;Wit;TyArMl6H'B!8bwH. ' / HBfl; T Ht) M A.8 L . B A. H B li IN. 'Kow known OS,Urv. Shaw.- Bom In England. Uodis her first appearance stage at Dmry Lane Theatre, London, In .••LUUput,".. I i .' , . Made her d(^( on the American stage, February 38th, 1836, at the Park TheatrSi Mew.Tork, as Marianne, In "The Wife." ' . I ; In: .'86, Mrs. Wamblln retired Ibromtiie stage, making her last appearance December 33d< atthe Walnut Street Thsa&e, PUla* dehhla, .aa ,Widow Oheerly, Inr.'Ohe Soldier's Daugbter,",on which oooaairai Mr. Oborles made his first and' only appearance mthat.blty,(appearing.OS.FrankUeartaU. Atthedoaeof the first piece, 3Irs.^. delivered a farewell address.. After a retirement of twenly-one years, she reappeared nilo'n tbe boards under the name of Uts. Shaw, at the National :Thoa- ,tre,,0hlcag9, .Ifay 4tb, 1847. When ehe retired from the :profes- slon, she was one of the greatest £kvorites upon the American stage.-. .. • , . B EB SlIB a AMBLI N. '' BoBNiivEngland, Made her fltstappoarnncbon thsAmerioan ttage June 37,1888, at thb Walnut Street Thtotro, PhiladelphUI, Us'Julia]ls,in"lhe HoDey'Moon." In May, 1887, was at Stn pran'olsco. This Udy gained considerable notoriety by belns trrestod for kllUng her husband In the'Mobile Theatre. She ,ir«s, however, honorably acquitted. If'tholre. Is s fault in her iibfssslotaal tabors, it b' that she does 'hot, st all times, take it Accessary mterest In the scene in whieh she pferforms. It Is Ion ^r. easily remedied; and, though not mentioned to detrbot' trim her estimation with the publlb, it is necessary to notice a bUmlsh,- With a view to remove It, as' well for her' own advantage at the satlsfictloa it gives sn audience, to see a performer anp- p«ft tho bye-play of a oharooter with effect. ♦ iLLlAtt- a. BfAKBLIM. ' , BK ih Kew. Tbrk. Mbde his, first appeanujob on any s Jumtry 18th. 1810, at>M«mphl8, Tenn, aS'Edward - Evelyn, m "*-nes d^ Vm,". Jiret appeared in tJew lorki in AprilPsO.'oa Ifnatain, at the Chatham ^eatee.. 0n the °14th of Auoual, }, appeared as Murray, m ''The Jaoobile," at the Aroh Blreei .Theatre, PhUadf^hla. . ,• • ■ ■ • ; ■'r '■'.■o!.-Fi';HAao'Hii»'T.' .; V: 'Bon in Weafanlnster, Iioiilbn,' Ebglond.'' Made' bis fttst Ai^ petriooe on the etige afe'bnvmateur «t the'Pontheon, alid ahbii Words at the Surrey Thoa'tre, Londbn; " ■■'■■■^ ' ■ ■ | Made his d(t>u( on tho Amerloan stage, September, 1801, a^ Don feU^'in' "The'Wdnler,'' 4t' tUeBMidway Thektre, KewTo&j nude his dsMit in Philodelpbla'at the Wahiui ak Frank Beartoll, in' "The Soldlei!'* Daugh< r33,lB|U, .1 .HBB/'a.,^F. .Haliwn'am'b'^tteime BayUi 111 Uh», 'lldli'''Hide«bir'BtM' at Whitehaven, England. .HAB'OiBAItiS. „ , Vb«d k«ebii>tlU»-| Hade hecbliM on thoAmerleiii itage In Jime, 18(1, at the ririm Ike ^apcribig 'Uft, OcUbir 19. , •'■FfOBTB TO 06KB. No?..:> 4.-tJ. Fox and Freeman (Tonky}.<10a tide, at Brt. 'BlN ,. minaham. . 35.—Jabk Hicks and James OolIagher-AlOO a Biae,.it'||L , .. Homeolronit.. ' ^ .r ■■ . 3S,<-AilaeT.Beardon.andJemI>lllon-^00 aside, ttuw .., 3lb, Borne Olwult. . m-rJemH(ae and^om Elng—£400 and thaiOliiBilaK , .,ahip, London.'; • . •( ... .-V^ bllLBAT PBIZB) BATTtB IH %VVTSUUA. ' --i •' '-'"rob -$'60o'oV" ' ■ ■ .-^ Cight'Weigiit.ChamplbiiBblp, BETWBER . , DA VB WBITB AlfD JACK SUILIVAS, Thb LiREB Ah Ou^ OproHxin ov ,. OBAai£r LTMOB, ™g AMEBIOAB., Bdri Ufe in Tictorii. of Aug. 10, contalns'fnil details of a Ited mlB b^een Tonog Jack-'BulHvan, who fought ObatL Lynch the America4 some time back, in England, and BtT» WhlMi fitr the mqtlest stake of £500 a tide, and the OhaDnte> Bbill'bf|ke Australian Light Weights. - Dave White halls from London, and wis bom about IB31,la tbe nelghborhoodof the Mew^nt, Lambeth. He arrived 11. Hv hart Town at a very early age, and made his first appesraiioela. the prlie ring in- Ikamonla, where he fotight BUgh of Norbkk fbr a purse, and won in 28 minutes, Henext foughttnlbeit Jack uie Butcher for a purse in BydnejrJ On theBockyBlnr 'diggmgs he-hod two engagements, both of which he won; 1^ flrat wfth Jemmy H'Ctrthy, and 'the 'second with Patsy BDty- the tost-mentloned being for £C01 side) and lasting tbreo ban and a hoU He next beat Jock Loveday, atNew England, focflf. 0 alda, and Tom Black (the Shearer) for £10. At Qneessludht boot Jacky the Jew for £10; but lost, .tbroueh a foul blow,'Ui fight with Cook's Blver Poddy, for £S0 a side. . The loiter, hov' ever, gave him his revenge; in twb months afterwards they mt for £300,and after fighting one hour and two minutes, tbe Cobkt River Pet oried enough. Bis next mntoh was at Becchwo'tHi, *here be fou'gbt Dick Boll of Birmingham, for iSOOasidv'sol after a long mill of over three houiia, Dick Hall gave in, frlgbttgl- W punished. The fight was recorded in oil the 'local paptli of the time, and oreated great excitement. Be was soon Iflar matched agalnst'Jemmy Kolan of Llverpoo], for £300 a eldt,'biit as both parties w>re bound over, the fight did not come off. Hs thoii lay by fbr a year or two, and after wlnnlne a purse wAa Welsh novice (Eddy,) he was matched to fight Frtd Smltb^tr £100 a Bids. '■ This event came olf In the Ctstlcmslne district, oa the37th'otAug., 1841. After fighUog one hour andfoi^mln. utea,' Fred Smith was onlte blind, and bis soconds threw up lli» 4>Mige. prom that time Dave has repeatedly cfaallenged uy one In'Victoria at nine stonoend a bal^ foi^trom .*.200 toffDOt. side, but without acceptance. Soon after his meeting with Fnl Smith, he Joined a portv In a trip to the Lachlon, and has hidi» reason to regret bis visit to that gold field, inasmuch as he fouil an bis friends "dead on the gutter." OOld digging was,hra- ever, too slow for one of bis duposiUon, and ho bailed as a boo ttejpoulbUlty of a match with the renowned Jack SuUItbs, tr Jack BnlUvan, or, as he was flmllisriy 'known. In Losdoa, , "Toung SulllTan," was bom in 1899, in tbe east end of Loelot, aud like many of the stus of the London school, claims to be of Irish decent Living in the neighborhood of public' bouM kept by Joe Rowe, Harry Brnnton, and George Brown, all of them celebrities In tho art of boxing, many opportunities wot afforded Toung Jack of gratifying his ardent desire to acqnini knowledge of (he use of "naturo'swekpon." ''Being of awell-kidl ftame and possessed of daring beyond bis years, he never oIh Jepted to a bout with tbe gloves with any one, however superior In inches his opponeut might have been. We may here slolt, par parenMoe, and in order to gWe our i<eadere an idea of Ui size, that his-mateheain Enghmd wert -always madeatBsii weight at wbloh monv stars of brlUlancy were then rising, m 'first mUl was with Charley Lynch, who staked £30 to £2S, airf who defeated Sullivan in 19 rounds, after a desperate battle. 1 week after this fight, so satisfied were the friends of our im nlle herb,that at ^ahenefit, at the Britionla Circus, BatoUff-Uak- way.'.a'challesge^wblventbat . ho should fight any one In tM world at 8st This, after repeated nibbles, led to a match wllb Tom :^]er (Boss Tyler's brother), which came off on March iW, I860, for £3» a side. - Sullivan weighed Set Sib, and was not then out of his teens. Tyler had all the advont/^o In length, weight, and reaoh; but, after fightmg S8 rounds, wbloh occuded 2h. GOmln, tbe police came on the gnrand, and the fight haO to be- suspended.'. An attempt was made to get the mill off on anolber occasion, but it resulted eventually in a draw. Folliug to get 1 suitable customer in England, BulIlVon was ijiduccd to visit AUi- trllla, where he hoped to find a more favorable field for the dlt- ploy of bis talent Arriving In Sydney early in 1861, he issubd t bhollenge to fight any one at 9st, and eventually found 'a'ouato- ,msrin Tom Bporkes/to whomi however, he gavo twostooeli weight The fight came off onthe 2Bth of April, 1801, In lb» vicinity of Blaoktown, and was won by Sulllvsn without a mtrk. In seven rounds, the mill lasting nearly an hour. The solsaoe he displayed in this contest, added to fats known courage w proved i^ his fights in England, inoroasod tbe number of U» .bobkere, and by their tssletance. he mode the natch forone thbuaand pounds, which we are about torooord. Before clodig bur sketch of Bulllvani we may. odd that since he become'the hbstoftbe Sportsman's Arms in Sydney, bis oonduot has'bttu suoh aa greatly to Increase the number of his frlonda and mH .wishen. After further piiellmlnary remarks, our contemporary soyi^— "As soon OS everything waa In readine8S~-half-past cloron—ScI- Uyon threw in his osstor; andwas cheered by bis Irionda; was accompanied by Tom Cnrron and Bob M'Laren. Bis eitO' pie was shortly alter Dave White,'whoaa appoannco was also greeted by a cheer... Be.bad for bis esquires attendul, BUl deghon and BUI Branch. 'After the usual prellminory gilP' of thfmawleys between tbe prlnolpals, showing the totolfb- son(eof iU-feeUng between them, the umpires and refoieo wore appointed. . On examination by the aeconds.lof 'Whits, ottk» boots of Sullivan, ft was objected that tiiougb iho vplkes were 01 the:right length—three^lgbtbs ef an inch—they were,too pointed, and thoy insisted that thoy should bo filed down till (her agreed with the law, whloh provldos that they sholl be one elghth.of an .Inch, broad jit, the point Tbls was aocoidlsgV done.. We may heremenlon that when the match was mad^ , there was a bye-bot of £100 laid between Sullivan andTnilUi| bookers sn tbe first knock.down blow, and £10 a side wos stikM at the time, the remainder I0 be made good at. tho fight yap now offered tombko good the bet, which was dccltaod.'onl .the £30 was given to hlm.lhe party who forfeited It olleglng tb« It.would poy him better to ley out the £00 on tboflgK*''" pquldmtsand 0 to.4, In proof of which ho ehorllyotter sntK ooeded In getting 20 to U three or four times over. Alter shot of £30 avenbetwoen.tho combatants, thoy throw off tholr.uppv girtiients, and at holf.past ono were loft at the scratch to <^n' nx6m)o ^ Bound l^ough It was Msi-rtSf by t)is. baokors of the ison that Dove White won Ost and SnlUvan'Sat Blb.'there was cridonur mtfoh mora tbot (lib dlffcroniie in..'thblr'.wolght Bulllvon stood ks Biralgbt upright as a dart, while his opponent, though ■' -nplnibbl^asitwoM,"* dlifcrbqbe )n i — —^--o"^ as a dart, Wwulf .toller nan, aoemod Itt sorew himself uj. m •-;--^.-i v. to stoob to b*tog Mmself to a level with Jack, ind but that b» left, foot ll^lTFbmhidsd one of Bondlgo, of MoUlngb^ 15 >bdlt(bn,.;wb-never sow Davoitq groator .adviinlago^btf brtiiiM„m(ig Bhowbd the Ijiddy giowof hoollh.trk'l'^' jS .musoMt.stood promUiently o'ut,:,BulUvan,thaugI( ho abofr» •f thought'' Then) was neverUieloss a calm—almost sMatt-