New York Clipper (Nov 1862)

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t .mS'OF THB OBIOQfAL VOBIB^SKNOWUXD 10. ^^OTnCT.T. , BOUJW H OWABD , '' ON HHMOUB, . ^(glCTTO. L O. S. FOWIEB, J. H, BTVOBL- ' fl^dSrirT^ mra laSi* ' uAptub MAO. • :*3:.;v*^V ;■ OBAllD,BB;0PEHIH.a.- : ' • WW TUletr of Sana), Jtaiwea, Bndasqata, £)aDtotlo» Ttoktta at Mat*. 8(Mt,. miMbDtiKVM HBW OPBIti: HOVf B,'' < : f ' BBOOELTN, Cor.OOUBT^.BBltBBN'PTBEErS. . ri^- J. .& IL'HOOLKT.t .,661« Praprietor khd, Uinsgtr :'trt-9'''T;SwisiilDXMiBS. .^taet UtniieT ': '>}i;«iniATirs PEBoi^..:, :.vocti'i>iii»etor ernor«<ffrBAOB.i >.'..'.;.Pi>iilstuia'IiistniliiantaI'DlzeetoT ■'Hoo.i.Bi;tf: mim b.tbe lb!T ^ O'.j! ;( T. a'PBKRDHtOAlBr,''"; >' -'. • T. IL ■HATO, ,eU8XAVTJ8^PEOT>'. ; :J, BTtBS'^Vii,' .-' '■' V- or; 8TBACIB.' ■ ■ J.' W. HILTOH, >OB0.-WBiaHTVAH, , g.-ycHAUiT, J.'HEUPB, ' Y. SALAUAin, . J. BBTAJW. -. i ...... .*rii: _ '"SC'^^^'.XyjPl'iWHBNIO, ^ ■ '■ TBAHK HDWABD8, ' ^ Wm1i« in ihftt tea b« iiidadad In th». Mllurtolie of Bthloidu .IrdPaitUir, 7oTS«ttUa]Aa,aMprognmm«B. aS4r bojirfll ;tpse«r Bl^ttf tu Biit)<iloT>.iit<ttaliunent, am. ■u ,« JHP'M Ithop pbi. , .lU90BBBnnn? STBBBT, PHILADELPHIA.., , r:,,,da.n'»<.>'><|[ji^^ntBB r^VAHED BANFOBD-^^ > .bi a^ri --{jri'ti 2\j . 'OompriBliig ths Bi-a mcrgp hirsibd. tbot);fe W THX.PBormios, yii: -■. : - -1 r. A itt. TOBKEB. .th». Prlhoe'.of YoiiaUBta.. " "^im^p^-Waskimi the OUumlog {rraofiZflid ainser. ' W.I'Wi''BAT0HELOB, 4h*De»oripUT8Bong»t«r.' '■■ !) ' • ''en'rffl^ jyjflu■ Jj.--HALL, ttia l^l«onBwo. • • .v i ■ ; ."• I i i fflgEBB,tnajmnlnttlngAlto. .. ri ri i- E-^llPWltaL,'the Prime Ttollnirt. ;. .Ol f!« ; .fcHtVKlf, thiaemofBarltoseeuidBtnJolsi' " <'tVl4l :!>>tAi'J..TALBOT; the Onat "All;OtheiUui." tuA''^( j.iJ.-J I«AKB , i^f^Elog of Song and Since, i ' •Kati'^B^iA, BAin^D, the School of Negro Ddlantbn-Btaa^ -maS niLIABAKPOBD, thePetotPUIadelphK . Utril 9rl^V:Jt'' . SAUUBL & BANPOED/'^oprletor. 1'-' •' V-^T^. OPHBA' HOUSE, BOSTON, UAfiS. ' ' oojamos xHxis anxH BiaTii.ui BiiBon i' UONSAY EVEtIINa,AUa..Mh. . 1, PELL k TBOWBfin)0E'6 MIHBIBKU9 of thefollonliig Oeatlemsn: '■ E; BOTOiBS. : , N. LOTHIAK, . B. M. ^ LBPIX> J. J. HlTiTiTARI). J>. I. UAODINina, L. • A.' ZWiBSLBB. , . Oo; tOHUO! BJLLTHOl JQENOT PL I.' a. XBO\fBBlDa% .. , , B. W.'PBESOOXX. i2< Ir.^vr/ > J., L. QILBEBT,- J. P. ENSm^ BOi ■Dia .liiiugeaeiit oill putlaiilki'noUoe to thetbdrt Altttn. '^'^'■iilMiieim ufrriiiuL.' '.n-tf: :eta as oenta; Beaarred Sesti DO oenla. . , LOM UOBBIS. U>Bager. ,'<'AHPBB1LI. J)IIRSTIUSI.B. ' ° I ^ '^"■y.'^Tfmie.'ai Ui^w:...qHAB^ A^HOBRIItaeTAB. .COM MDBPH7. The Oompaiur conaliia of the ftDowlng taleatedAittsta:— . & B. PDBD7, - -JOB MAIBe, Vui.J.-W.iSHITH,'. V' • J. H. STODT, .,. fBAKK AKOELO. . . .DAN It HOLT, - ■ J.: B; TASSEBELLL ; 'W. H.i<JBIinN, ,lB-tt' yr. E. uANimro, COM MUBPHT, ISANK U. BEBOEB, ' . OHAS. BANPORD, : : . BiaNOB^aSLO, . BIOHASS ABKOLD, :ALPH BI8H0P, flONOB BUBBONI, ' ■ IUSS FBANE (jEMSn^ , . ; , . ' aEO.,E.'BQrrLE7, Badneia AgenC, WJi atTTO BlATIUfflj ST. LOUIfl, HO. V. .H. JguiEl M>'.'.'. i.'V-'-ii'..-.'.;rj.'.;,PiPBri«te. VJflp ftgiHIOT.KEWlH,'. (^<v'.,.; ;, ,'BI(8<I MmiMga. >■''' >jtPiUn3?*^ 'LmIh and Qentlemen are dot pe^lbipiliig at ,«» t< • •'tC^I'T'-* B. PUBDT<>j ii - '■".'. •^i.''.';; -ODB FEEEBB.' ■ >.i?;a;WraED.8HAW, .BBP.BIL ET, EDJrABDOBPER, ■ •;rJ«!y^.>43HABLBr LEWIB, MlfS OLABA' BDTLHB, UBS AUaUSTA WALBT. ' UIB8 SOPHIA ITAUIOH, UIBS BALUE UABON, 'laBS'MELUE OUFFOBD, SULLB LEONOBA, UIBS LirOIE OLHTBTOP, r UIBS 8ALLIE OUNHCOP, .ILOILBINN, w. obehnieb; ' UABTEB TOUUT, and .v/,. .r » OBEBNIBB'8 PLYEB OOENET BAND. J-ij;S:Wt ^ r : ^ E. ESHEB; Btl Lonli, A iLVftJomroABiBio, Uo. '-"^f-iTtf lltflfifXMUX BTBEE]\ ABOYE SIXTH, PHILADHLPHIA. rjt-X\.<~yi,ir OPENfOB THE BEABOH.^ , /. . HBST CLASS OOKPAOT; > ■ - ' ';1?'.'f^'-'virf!'Vi' ? i'.. '> r !'■ In olnfllng ■■'!» ' . .■ : > vT.f;;-''r iAin^lTA GAIiLJfflTl, •. ATAITIE.BTEITABT, '■ ■ ^' " f'-ivHtWBi JfcvVELMtDE, J. H. BCD.WOBTH. • . '¥(t B.>^iC^T't*. l'' - The ElNOOAID BBOTBEBB,' ' ■ .'ilO^j'AndVBortot Tal«ntad<Ai41ila, TThoHrlU atppear InBkSeia, '''I'^^^tfitao4Qk9a, BttUojlan Aots, Ao. * . .. : "i; ' i/Vr''. n) iVi ' > :t , .'WH. J, LOimiEL AottojMaiugaP.. ,. J,>k nMM^ , ,,0 OHBBNOBBIS, T^etamwr^ -.'Aitlita]qf adknowlelged. ability sddtesa aa above. ; 3»>tt : ibBTBioPoiiiTAir TAitmTisis, ' ■r<'f^->;.^ i"-Ll M. BATEB SS .Proprietor. ;.. . . i^V 'c 'K WHITE; '.: Stage Ukneger. -A^i^pfi'-^'sm'omx TiBST'OLABs PLACE OP osmumT vx ' V: - ' • . ■ "'DETBOIT,' ;, . ■ , v' -vjIEH L ABgE BT AND BEST COMPA NY, I N THE .\?E8T. iwii - THE BBBT OB0HE8TBA IN THE WEST. " W;^'^TIIB HOST OOUPL^X BTAOE AND BOENEBT. ' • ;<;'f2^^-An thfi^romliieiit stars of •tbeConcert HiUa treated with on an'<ilb«fl t^nna..)-. Oonmnuiloattoiuflrain the,PiQfeaalon aoUdted. ';—,f i .- . A4d«)M . ; j 1 ■, L. U.BATLE6S,. • •:: . .■ ■,MetropoUtanVarip^M,rotro.It,Mlflh-. • IBOW.BIIIi'PBINTINa ESTASLIBHIIENT IN THE WOBLDI .. , OlABBT BBILLE.Y.v. < ■ :, :' ; " /Bnaceasors to John E. Baeoa;) ■'.. , . TSINT'EBB • AND ENORAVEEB, ' .:"<'■ ''' ' Hand'U Splmeo Street, Now To A, ' '^V'iyvputlanlir attention to gettlMiip all Unds of . ' T A N.OrT ■ S HO W B 1 L.L:B .•■ . |l' ' ,»<',fdr traTeUlsg companlee, and hare on band a laige andgplendld ' ; ! ' astortment of! large and snlAll . . .'-lii.ilv ••.WOOD OUTB - -H'AUtaUe'fipr OInmase*,' Uenuerlea, Ethiopian. Pmformeis; Ojin. ' y . /^a^ ^iMlotana, ta, fto,, wfiloh oan \e printed in one oi^more i.V'owi', to enltonatoinete, . ''<'4VA.deposltreqnlredon.aUworkordorod. . . " ) : :[':ifMt>t&0 tddreaaed ti "OLABBY'M^BEIUiSri" BkeoH Prlht- ■')•,•■ Ug j»a<t.3btghnlng eatabllahment, UandUQpmoflstreet;'New . •,■ .If lif^-.'t- .BOOHEBXKB, H.T.' •-• . .> . '.■ ":. Thli long eatabllabed and papular place of Amnaeiaent eon' .: ' tlnaea under the same Maaagsment thai, f pi; )8 yean of aasldnons , ,,,kttentlon to the comfbrt aii'd oonvanlenoo of Its nitione, haa won ■ tl>;ttritthe r*pntatlon'4i'f'T>alfig ohe'M'themoat pbpolariild beat '-itiMiftSnttedplaoea of Amnstitientln'theBtatig, .' 0 1 ••■vvWli-i;l'*5Pl^peraonallyroibylottjuy.Jto^ : r- ■• i-:^,::!.- ..W.^BBYHOLDS. :,. . .; .•■a*II*4Wtti» ■■•n4>WMl*,Bo<)lioeter.S.T. ':"\^Mvilil^I^Bin& THHAHilOAii'A6Bllrov.uJteB^ ' '" 'PJBBYN. woTild reneotfnlly infbnn DBmboltof the dta-< V^mIimL or Eqnkslilan profeaalfoa, Hut he baa aatabUahed Mja Ban'jmnotaeo, and'la prspan^ ^ nVAtla^ VVH*^ 'iM.trAiMaet all ot her bounoai pertaining fo thefpro- iiAddiea* SHEBiDAltOOBBCnr, Banzffiiolao«;<}d, ' :K<:^^AIlJl!^9n''<4<>''li>< anawert oinH "eonltatn • ttam^ to .. at • MOADWAX. ' 814 .tagCard DBOADWAX. _ ODnktwOOD. v;:'.v.8dienmMetor|uiaitiiiairer. ■ • ; T ' HoHo»-i<]h»iige:«-njaer-'; DoonopntteM. ParfarnuoeirtoiDineiMatTJjo'doek. BBQiUAi* A*' U C/0OB88* V (. ,•>,:'.■ :■ r KmnED to pubuo fa.vob.'. . ' (rai OBBAT COHBIHATIOK OKBTABa i V.I :.! feW OOD'fl: >IIMBTBB,nB,.:. .■ . .' .1' aiOirm. naBTIiT, EX OBOWSaD ROVaUL WITH . ..TUMmMronB APPLAUBH. ■ < .1 . . HONDAT, NOVBHBEB U, ^ v.i ..Aad ereiT •▼tnlng doilns the'Week,.'. > . The laUenBnrleaqnf, Happy .UnoleToa),.-.! The Stnsgar. BoblnaonOnuoe,'Bird Hantesr/toi by .OHABLEtrSOX, ;." IBANK W>VXB, HZNBT, . . ' FLOKBHOB, SOBmOABDL . ISAAOBBBOIHEBS, HASLAH, ,LEK8, tSSmBike. .''.Admliaton.:.v..ti...SIcenIa, k' .' No.oogDBeetlon with any other'Tranpe- liaiiiiilim the same of Wood'alUnaiTCla. ,. .--^T;'.-. 81.) . na HOBS, i v; COOLWHOXv GLENN. QABAXAOTA. OONTUCKllVAli mrSIO BAIiIj, .:■,,^" 'jpjnnt street; abere T" PfilLADBLPHIA. . ■S oleLewee...' •....'WM.'WOLF/ THE UAUHOTH HUSIO HALL OF AUEBIOA. The Largest and moit Artlstlo Company ever aaaembled together ; InoneBatabllahoent UraiS HELENK ' JfK W. B. BXIDWOBTH,; U'LLB ADaHSTA and UABIE; UB. H, H0BE8TB, ' MTan BtlSIB BDHUEBFIELD, Mit, HABBY IJSIJB, UIBS JDLIA PBIOE, . UIBS ADA TB8IIAN, UIBS BOSA SUITH, UIBS LTJCI HAHDEN, .. UIBS UAO<UE NICHOLS, UIBS LUOT BOBINBON, UB^ SBOBOE SUITH, UB. a. E, BBOWME,' UB. FBANEUN, UB. <B. & BAYUOND, UB. SOL. DATIE8, UB. AUaUGflUB.PIPEB, And the Celebrated CONTINENTAL: OOBFS DB BALLET. , With a'anmeronaCorpeof AoxUIaries, farming the greatest omnblniatlon 'Of nsBan»sMd eieellenoe, erer oongregated to- gether within ^» walls of a Unalo HaU. 0.-HolQCJiAKi Stage Uanager. 4r Flr«telaaa Parformeit dealrlng engagements, will please addiesa as abgre. Stars llbeiallytreaUd Witt). ' 36-U • OATBTT iniBIO'HAI^L, ALBANY;* ' Bole Leaaee and Proprietor.. OOL HABBY HOTUBD. ■i StageUtaager ...JAUES CAUPBELI?. ' ' Soenlo Artist OEOBaB WILLIAH& .; I ■ PropertyUaker...' JOHN B0BBBT8. ' ■'' LeaderofOreheatTS.........J; a; OBEBHAU.' ; . . . . The only plaoe of AmnsementU^e City. The following Lsdfea and Gentlemen are 'now performing at thlaBrtabllahment: ■ ■■ . um JE PBAMOEa , BEN BTEVENB;' " < ' " LA PETTIE STELLA, JAUE8 CAUPBELL; ' UIBS JENNIE JOHNSON, UAST. DELEHANTY, LIZZIE OBEY,: hast; DIAMOND, 'I .' UINNIB B0BEBT8, ' T. PENNINaTON, ' iSIG. ABIJAH, J. BOBEBTS, - ' , T. G. BIGGS, UB. UO BAN, ■ . . i V BAUDBL CHEBTNIfT.' ' ' Ladles and Gentlemah andTlng will pliiaae'address as- ' ' OOL. HAJUT BOWABD,BoxM«,P.O.,Albany. . BOB BDWABOS^ OATBITT BhrSIQ JBAUi, • 'HABBIBBUBGiPA. OPEN FOB THE F AIL A ND WINTEB SEASON. . ' • WITH A BUrBBB OO^AKT. , ' HbUBES OBOWDED NIGHTLY. ' . UOSa fAUL OANE AND HIS WONDEBPUL SON, . YODNO AMEEIOA, . In oonneotlon with the Qayety Star Troupe. . UIBB KAIE FBAMCIS, ' UBS. JtllA EDWABDS. yTBH UQLUE FIELDING, MISS KAT E ABOHEB, '■ ,'V . . ''MT.T.B FLOBA UINEBETTA, TOU rabOKFIZLD, HABBY TALBOTT, BILLY WEBE B, OHABLEY TOLUER, JOSEPH FIEST. MICE BOWEBB, .' BEBUAN' NEWUIBE, end B0B1EDWABD& ' , " AdmlBalon. .' .'...25oentB. '. • UONB, PAITL CANE, Stage Itanager. . . BOB EDWABDS, Bole Proprietor. .vStivca treaty with on liberal terms. Addieas Box 131. 30-lt* BnU AIID BiRS. B&SNKT'W'ILUAUS, XHE CHLEBBAXED lUEEBSONAIOBiB ' IBIBH AND YANKEE ; nooLUBinia, ■■ > Are Performing In Boston. They win appear at^e. v ■. .. WmTEB^GABDEN . 38-tf ' • • •. Uonday, No^pmber; 17. mSB OABOIiUIBS BIOHIBGB, . ■■■ ■ am . r •■ ■ - ■ II. .. . UR; PETER BIOHINaS, SavinroonoladU highly snooeaafol engagements In BofUo and Boonester, wUl-it erform at ■ ■ EIJ£XKB*8 TBBATBB^'. CLEVELAND, OHIO. .- ooinmaiiUotf-Uonday, Nor.'Sd; " and a t- * jutsm ^^aArax, wAamNOToir,;]). o., Obmmenoing Uonday.-NoT^'Ktb.- ' ' •' 30. A. S.\PENNOYEB; Agailt amTBOFOIalTAH THBATRB, UontgomeiT street,'BAN FBANOIBCO,'OAL. ' THOUAS UAGDIBE..Proprletota and Uanager*. ' J. B. BOOTH.t.'.v; ;....StageUanag8r.'-v'' GEO. G. EVANS.'., .Uosloal Oondnotor. >'i " raiois o> aDunaids. - " Dress Olrole...,. V;.|l | OrohestnSeata^ ..,,tl Parqaet.'..'../..,'.>......COels|Beoond drela^..^. 36ots ..PriTataBaxea....tSandtlO. ' BoxOffloeopenfromlOA.U,to4 P,U. Seaia seoored ihree days in advance. ■Stan Tlattng Oalllbnila shonld remember that Ur. Uagnire la tiao proprietor of Uagnlre'a Opora House,. and Eayea' Puk, San FranolBOo;. the Iletiopolltan'Xheatre,' Saoruhanw and Uarya- •vlUe. - ICtf NOnOBI' TO THB WABHINGTON POBLIO.-rBe- ware of Tbieres.—Certain nnprinolpled Negro' performers In this city/baTS^latelylntiMnoed a series of my.Otlglnal Ethiopian Sketches. Unees, so.; And have bad thb snqaolty and braaa to repieaent said material as original with themaatTes; . At present thlaiasiyonly method of redress; giving this notice to a gene- TbDS pnulo merely to show np snob acts of thieving^and trespass aa nngentlemanly, cohtempttble, and calonlated to' InJnre my hard-earned'reputation. ' 0HABLE8 WHITE, ' ■ ■ ' U4 Broadway. The Bketohee, Faroes, above alloded to, are aa follows:— Black Ohemlst, Blsok Statae, Old Hat at Home, TmUna and Di- nah, Portrait Patater, Fisherman's Lnok, Skating Carnival, Coopers; Bival Brothers, UlBohlevons'Nigger, Uncle Jeff, Uaglo _ . i . , Darkey, Tbe Haunted House, 80«i» • Penny, Bnrlea<iae Olrous, Jealous ] and sereral oth^. PHOTOORAPHS.of Ed. Booth, LanraEeene, Ed. Forrest, Ad(i Uenken, J. W. Wollaok, Jr., Kate Bateman, Ed, Adams, Oar- oltae Blcbings, Uaggle UllcheU, and aB other oelebrlUes. aS ctsl eaob, or S for 11. .OiitaloBn eB or Photogrsphaand Playe sent on receipt of a stamp, by W. 0. WEUYSB, e7S Broadway, New York, ■'* ■' '' ■ ■ " '' 81-ltf . TO UAlVAOHlItS,—A yoona la^ of admowledged ability; who has made the drama a jUfe sndy, is now prepared to offer her'services'fkif the highest walks of tbe Dnuna, amtfng them' Shylook and Blchellen," Thbse two ohataotieta 'hare been highly commended by competent lodges. Adlrees, by btter, , Sq-at* LAnBA SmTH, au Sere;)ilt avenne, N. .Y. mstroly denntandVery beanUfDl theatre is kipt open dor. burthe.wholeof the year. •.''- -i . . , .„,'., I . ..AUEBIOAH STABS, . Of scimowleagodpoBitloiiAhd talent negotiated with, furlong or llhoUengigemen^asDataallntei'estA'niMlreqi^^ '~ ' ' . Aureal,';.! ' i l AIiE&'y^ENDEBSON.'.'c "i v-. >' 4Bit ..■ •. v \, : yy '.-..ii, i-'ij.'.fi flo^;j:,e8sl>e*nd£roprietorl . r';-- .)•■ ..^(XiLTOBW, OHIO. "'. '' . This Hieatre has tmdergone extensive alteraUona and Im. Jirovemsnts, .All dntjolaas perfomane^ Oonce^is^ -Iffi,, can r^i bfornlghtt.orplay.onshares,by.addieeetag i' ^^'.'^jaiiHi.aiJuoiSB, Academy of riuelo. ' , ,r. y . ',;. . i o .. ii'i.i^' ' ■ 'i' ;i ■clev^laBd; Ohlo,'' ,,',TbaJ>r^tla' Season 'WlU' comaencf on tbe 1st of Januaiy, Star* will please.address Hk]>ovey . .■ ....:> ,, r,..- . ' • fiif&idlali' :0 AuhaAiax QDm-^Dew SlR^Sy pnUliliing-tbrftnrtri' Cards In.oontraiuctlan of two pottces tbitt appeared in the. JVBs'of renrpapaf (wlihont yonr'knowIedgAot ttal*r''"~" one on the 18th, and the other on the ISth of October, rta tllS "AMa*of my leaving'pike's OtieraHotiae; Ton will Yonti ' Ann Sloan, Annie Porter, oUige, Tbe oadeislg^ed, membeit of the' Dramatlo Oolnpaiiy'st'Plke'if dtm Honse, enatged by, and leeently undv thaifliuiagement of Ur. WluuM Bimis, ao fkr IMm rejoicing aifw tlf^thdrawal' item the management of - said House (as baa (Men stated ta the Momnsof this New. Yonk'Outr^B,) deem It otir dqtrto state that the matter was regarded by one and all with protonbdre-' giet, and also that dorlnsltls intttoourse with os, hn'bondiloit tbrcnigbentwas exemplary, kldd, liberiL and hlgUrhonorable, ' IC V. Llibabaih, JohhNloUnton, trTx.^tggtili, Geo. L.'Aiken', T.B.Pitrter, Edwin Orois, 0.'B,Eriklne, 'J. B-BVers/' - CbarleaHale, .:' OtorgeBn^ ' .BennB. PhUllpe, Sim. B. Bncher, ' Peter 0; Byrne, " J. t;'U. Culn, M. A, Farren, , E. J.'PhUllpe, ObrlB. ZailstowiU, ■Agnes V.Bnrt. '■ , CABD., The'imderklgned, member^ of the Dramatla Company at the KaticnalTheene,begteUkncwIdge'otir'gieat gralUloatfon^at the return otUr. Wi^ Btlilbts to'the'inanageinent of aald .eatabi' llahment, and a)so to expreta onK untnallflM approbatlan of bis conduct aa a tiianager and a nentleman. J.B.Stodley, ' Geo. filoddart, D.'A. Bansedas,-(Treaa,) ° U. W.Flsk,nankJ.Fiayne, OUs, Ulewls, . :' ' F.B. Plere^ Annie Btoddart, Ulas Uary Baadlffe, :' NatHjoms, ' ; Carrie Naverre; Mrs. D. A-Baizedaa. Aa to VU real cause of my leaving Pike's Oners House, I win state thitt,' in the'flrstplaee I made a very hard barsaln' 'with ita piopiletor, aod,'^>h my arrival in New York: found Ibat a atroni. piejudlct existed against said insUtotloii on aecoont of the fill. ureof k 'premus manager; that In con'seqaence, '! would be compdlM to pay much higher s^arleS -than l expeotcd; on dls- coverlni(wh4oh,I'toldMyrPae t Would be unable to cany tbe entertiruf through. In reply, be desired me to go at, engage a company, and ta%wOuld make the matter entirely sitiifkctoiT to me, Iwenton, engaged people, opened on the^ld'September, and although bustaeas was excellent, I found myself coming out of the little end of the bom, while Ur. Pike was miking money band over list; and on his refttsal to comply with bla promlae to alter our aRi^ngement ao as to give me some ehow, I rerased to go on, and npon Us aasomins all responsibility to the company, I traaaAtrred th'^ entire matter to hlin. Aa to tbe buslnesa being in prop<nrtloa to the honse since my Iwlthdriswal, the only way to rteoncUe such a statement the truth, ifill be'to reduce the C^era House to one third lis present size; wUlo tbe business at the National Theatre {wbleh prevtdua to my return was very poor) Is now moetucceuent: in fkot, the house, large as it la, has upon'several occa^obs been too small tAhold the people, and many'have been oempelled to go away. There are otherciicum. atancea connected with' fhis'matter whlcb l,' will not'tiouble you with at'presant, and regret the' necessUy for sayliigf thus mnob, In JusUoe'to myself. ' - Yours very truly,' ' . U-lie ■WM.SEIMfJ. AOABBMT, OB*' StCaib, ST. 0EABL E3 BTREBT, NEW OBLEANB. THE EIGHTEEN BBILLIANX BTASa . ,. THE GIGANTIC UINBTBEL TBOUPB OF THE ,PBOFE8SI0N, . .ENLABGED AND IMP^VBD FORUSa AND '63. ., Win'sall from New York on the 10th .Inst., .for New Orleans, where they! intend wintering this season.. . I . StageUanager J. E- GREEN.,, , ■ Vocal Director GVSTAVE BIDATRL . . . ., Unsloal Director... ;.J. EELE. Leader of Braas Band C'LATALLEfi. EviiBT UBnxB A Stab IM HIS Fx(nn.iAB LiNi or BoannM. ^ NINTH ANNUAL .TOTO. ,. OF THA FAMOUS ;ANDW0BLD-BEN0WNED SUPBEZijt QBEEK'B OBiojRAL NEW OBLEANS AND UETBOPOLITAN UINBTBHLS ., AND BRABS BAND OF. TWELVE PIECES COUBINED, Pronounced by the Press and the Publlo, to bo the UOBICOMFLKB ADD ElTSltaiVB TbAVZUNO BlBD » EHBSROS, . a-Koiiing and fkr raperior to all other Companies. Observe the great Oorpa of distlngalshed Artists; bM UA^'th« laSimTit U^Sottt'^' dorJagwhiob, ' -• ■ ~- ;..'V;/ AJSA^ CpAJaACntos, en * ' ■ .^tbhUMIa1)rttMlm^uiH^ ^ Bowlea' VlBCcpn^S, ' lyABMIROTOR VABIBTIBS. , . .ALBBBT HAVBUH ACO.i..... : A. H. HBBNANOBZ.,.j ^ . ^AUEB PILGBIU. 'Ilils<aew.and beantlfal temple ofamnaement pletedand". .-.u.^. :""!™'» OPENED FOB THE SEASON, BATUBDAY, NOVEUBEB aad, im. gUSTAVE BIDAVX, ■ U. AIN8LY SCOTT, 0. LA'VALLEE. J. H. KELLOGG, BIG. LEWIS, I A. B. PBENTIBS, JOHNNY CAUPBELL, F. ADAUS. Jr^ . GEO. DUEBAU. ' J. E. G'.,^2i 0. E. DUPBEZ, HABRY slate; J, , G. POND, E. HOLUES, A. CONNAIB. UABI..FLOBENOE. •ffU. D. BENNOIT. . All nnder the Direction of . , ^ DUPBEZ OBEEN, Uanagers and Proprietors. - : The above Talented Troupe will oommonce their Ntath Annu- al Tour, by first visiting all the prinolpal Oltles in the New Eng- land States, introduotag the very .. ..CBEAUOF UINSTBELSY, . . . Embracing a variety of New Bnrlesqnee, Tragedies, New Over^ tures, Operatle Ohomsas, New Eceentnoltles, Laughable Sayings, New Plintatlou Bongs and Dances, Uualo, Fun, Pnilio, Superior Singing, Ulrth, Fanoy Danotag, and Irrliltlble Oomlo Ethiopian Delineation, to suit the mlUlon lovera of the burnt Cork Instlta. tlon. :.'. ..OHAB, H..DUPBEZ,:Uaaager.. i:ai-W> : :.'4gentaadBasineaa IMreotor,.A a PBENTIBS.' ' TAKlHTmiS TRIDATIUL,' *' ' LATE ST. LOUIS OPEBA HOUSE, Allei a meat successful season of overEIeTen iftinths, is now open with the following Company:' UIS8 LouisA^wmiu, mss lizzy walkeb, UIBS C. UOBLEY, UIBS BOSE DE LUCE. ', UIB8FANNY THOUPSON.UISSUIinnE LANIEB, " MT.T.B ADA LAUBENT. ' ULLE JULIETTE, ULLB THEODOBA, ULLE OABOLIBTA, ■ 'UISS UDA HIBBABD, ULLE FLORA, ULLE LOUIBE WALBY: ' BDWABD BEBBT, , ■ WU. U. BEEVB. ' T. H.'JEFFERSON. rOU CONY, ' GEO, P. JAQDES, NICK F08TEB, WU. B. DEBS, JOHN OONEIJN. P. CONELIN, L BABNEY, : J. JEBO UE. LESLIE MAY, I ' FBANK STEELE, , A LABGE BALLET TBOUPe.' ' BaUetUlster ..SIONOB CONBTASTINE, .'' Leader of Orobestrs,....'. B. VOGEU' .' BcenioArtlet;....TH08.NOXON. ' "OostoSer.... HERR OBUAN, GEO, J. DEAGLE, Lessee. ' EDWABD BERRY; Stage Uanager. 'Ibese, with many minor members oonsUtute - A M0N8TEB OOUPANY, Wbo are'nlghtly drswlng oiowded bous'B to Witness their CHASTE ANP BBIIJJA NT PE BFORUANOES. .'..•.''• i*FTfW ' VATtllff l' l va ' va THE LABGI^, HANDS0UE8T, BEST APPOINTED, '■■I ' Ain> U08I COHVOTABia MUSIC HALL IN THE COUNTBY. ' Parties of acknowledged excellence desiilag engagements, may- Address .GEO. J. D«AGIiE, Varieties &estie, .. 31^ .. SL Louis, UlasonrL . 'i'rSKuBlSJfvAB ^''W~r>~ ' PITTSBURGH, PA '' . . W. 0. SMli'i'itE .,.. .'.Bole Lessee and Manager.'' ■"'., OONTntUED.'BUOOESS, No abatement in'.th^. crowds.that 'nightly thrcng this Varieties. Xhe following Ladles pud Qebtlemen comprise the Company: - KATHLEEN O'NEIL, ' ' KATHLEEN O-NEIL, , ..OLABA BHBGEB, ' • ' GEO. WABBEN. • PAMNIE BLLISON, '- HUGH DOUGHEBTY, - KITTY LEE, II i ... . M. A. HABDY,.-. . , . . EUMA WHITmG, . .. T. F. UAOEAY, .. UDLLE EDITH, , J. 'WILSON,, iUILLlE TOUPSON, , , JBANE TOUP^OK, . ' i NELLIE.HUNTLEY, E. ANDBEWS. ' ! • , AND COBPS DE BALLET. ' ' . LadlU and Gentlemen of acknowledged ability are requested to«ddress the aianagement, 4»-.Btan,UbeiAlly treated with. . . 8Mi* , I .PLAX Oir.'TBB BAUH iri'^'- SwnlnB. Sov. la. ™' 'TJnwasyEvening,NovTu:' , . Fri day Evening. Hot, n, « U' « FShBKST M JACK 6adB: Kr. Wbeatley a^ announce ihii^'' • ., ; . aATp4>AHEB0N ; will nuke bw .;..: . T^. "' ■ \;: ,: : "Fgitf r ApP EABiNOE m bbookltb ' ., CNiTOEBDAY.EvjntoonJOTi^ <aber Intensely, interesting cbaiaoter of ' fl AMU.T.g . The rabllc are reapeotfully Informed that none m rest'a oharactera oan by any poaslbill^ be repeatedwu.*!' the present season. ' .'.'.I '■'I ■ ''). ■'■""41 •^"priatets. , ..AotlngUuiM Acts, Singing, Dancing, tM, Ao., will be given. L.^. ementi n POST 0FFI08 BOX, t»,' fint 0U88 artists desiring engagements mi^^addieii' WASHDiaiOM, D. 0., Not, 18S1 ' lu I ^1 UASOnO TEMPIiB. L0DI8VILL1, n.-ThTSTr >wopen for the scocmmodaUon of FIBST OLAfla tritStL*' 3UPANIES: has Stage, Dressing Booms, and^ u« nowopen OOUPANIESl improvements necoaaary for a First Clias HaU. W1Um7I (oitably UOO persons. -For terms, &e., apply (o ™ I 81.3m B0BEBT,C. UATHETO ' Agent UasonloiygBL. Loulnll^ kUBLUDBON BWSIO HAXI,. UILWAUKIEi 'WiaCONBtN, JOHNi SIGBRSON. J. OLABK WELLS.. Proprittor. ' 'i Stage Hiaigir.i . WAinKD--<aFIBST CLASS DAMSEUBE—noneethmiiMiJ ply. Addreeaaa above, statins tenna, Ao. Tooielhat^ril a permanent e)lgsgement will be glTen. . NATIUNAIi VUBATAB, BOSTON, WILLIAUB, ENGLISH , mss KATE FIBHEB, la now pisytag tbe Ntath week of her BBILLIANT ENGAGEUENT, Appeartngnigbtly before orowded houses, ta her _ list of varied and Interesting chanoten,' and never-ei et7 of Bongs and Dances. Uanager. unptniii^l ^nlla^l Natlouin^l Boston, for upwards of three weeks, to overflow tag hoanTSI has' alao the best trick. Hoise In the country, the oekhMl Alexanderi also seTeial new Eqnestrlan Dramas, witttatal pressly for her. All letters addreased to the careotluiil QUEEN,'OuprasOmai, will be attended to. .^1 BANJO TAUGHT, PBOFIOIENT, IN TWELVE ImmI forSStaadvanoe,br tbe D0B80N BBOB., 189 Wocstaft^P DOBSON'S aUPEBIOB BANJOS, Price «10. tl-V Om LEOTBR BOX. . Wei have letters for Geo. HUl, BUly Boyd, Ohas. A, I Wattle Busher, W. H-Grlffln, Sidney Wllklns, J. T. Bamail Borce,B,'HUler (CaUfomia letter), E. EeUv, a. H. O'Hi&hI AUston Brown, Ulss Emily ThoniM and Wally Thomas, Amusement is now open for the Season, with Odmpany. BTABS wlshldgNUhts will Dlesse aidrsM' •, . ,. .' —: -I ii .1,.'.'0, T. PAB8L0B,'NewYQrk, or F. A. TANNEBILL. Acting Uanager, ionted ' ,1 AOADBanr: dF.< JKOBiqi> v.i, PaOVIDESJCB. TUB GLADIATOR AlVD BIBO UBRRILIBS.— Theoeatestcarioa^itres of thaage. Every cglleotoy of .Cartea de' VUte'ebouId have! one.. Moe35oenll,; W..0. wEIfXBS,.E7B rstraoljjfMto WNrt. ' OA^ PHOTOORAPHftsAilii'pasaBitaioaB. sent post • ^,^^^1^ .' ' ' ' ;.' I ■ .'. . ....T... BAi,wupBE,'MD. ■• '' Tbe abore EMsbllshinbnt; oamed on by the former PtAprieior of the ■ , t " ■ ,.' K'l',..'.- ■: , NBW'YOBK UHLODEON,. ■ ■■■ ■ ■.' A : <'' Is now in the fall tide'of 'sneeessi engagtog none bnt th^moet' uuwiu uio luu uus ui 'BuixnaB, lu TALENTED PBBFOBUEBS IN' PB0PE8SION/> .. gtrsngers, visitors to Baltimore, :must not forget to .pay visit when tbeypiss this way, es they wUl be sue to meet •> . . IfflBW YOBK FOLKS,'' ' pAformenoftalent (and none otheis) oan get.lsir^ Sab aild'liietti^ EAitbiiments' at )hls. EstAellshiment,,tbita at 'Iny Oonbefrt Hsil In the United Slates. Fate' and' trivelihg expentes pegdfrom'fmji'pIace.lntheOnitedBtates, . ' ' Apply by'Utter to Balttmore UelodimA^ Ud.,'.or at 816 Broad- way, New'York City. "'• - . ■ ,j'.....i ' Td/'LBTi^Tbetoaltlmoye Uuseum, fitted up in tf magnifloent s^Ie|^^r^e jUght, week, month; oryeor, altuatod on the.^rinol- ' ■1. . . - —. . ' TSd UopttL ppl^CERT BALL OF TBB WO^. ' abdOompanjTaoi^ragWedVt^ib^ " ": ^ OTH OF THp am m AifloacA.' ' ; ia'-Ladlis'an'iaentlkmefi.tlf Ackn(twla4b«d ablUtrwishtag ': AIIbniilieitfett«tt . I vl^ii iil'i i'T 'xriti c OITT SOBHHARY. MoMDAT, Nov. H1 ' Election la over, and once more New York Is aafe., In Ite s of amusements, nobody was hurt by the election, for on 1 night the theatres'were better attended than they have t any election night for many yean. This week oflr f '\riu thin off a llnle, a neat many ndlcals havloK aln their passages for Bait River and a market Our l... have great cause of rejoldnn In consequence ot the I , poelponement of tbe draft. Many show acton will now Ulsta uielr beads, and return to their boardtag bonaee,fln)mildl they have been absent ever Stace tbe enrollment commutl rot maUng no draft on oar theatrlsal stock. Gen. Anthon lilkl duly remembered.' I '' BuUta^ ebnttaued good nntll Friday, when the gnat mI stonn put an eisbargo on the theatres, and lessened uie UMl the treasnren for the balance of tbe week. ' BIr. Fcnest dosed'at NIblo's on the 7th, for a com during.wbloh time he will appear at the Academy, L . This has been one of the moetancceasfDl engagements t 'ed by .the great tragedUp, His own pieces, the "Oltdli "Jack Cade," never fall him. When the public tire of Oit^l Se, Cade and Spartacus will fill the house to overfioiiliB, 1k| sdy of the "Gladlalor" yiu 'written by^. Bltd, forHt^l , 'With a view to a proper display of tho poweia Ual of that actor. It bos now been performed upward o(lllit| yesi^th'e first representation being given at tbe Arch itm<ft»l atre;PhUadelphla, October a4,1631. It has retataed llin»| lari^ to tbe present time. ','Oralaoia," attagedy foundtdallil cruelties of'tne Bpkalaids in Peru, was also written brDrMl forUr. Forrest, ehortly alter the production of the "CHtdlitK'l bnt It never became popular, and lus not beenperibiwltrl many years. The "Broker of Bogota" followed, bnt It ilabHril to please the maaaes, although It la conceded to twsnperitt'stl apedmen of dramatlo act.'"Jack Cade" was written toAl 'Fcnest'by Bobert T. Ooniad, now deceased. In when'ifcl (the Piaad^skiaOutfe) the writer of this arUoIewu'tDeibl ployed as "ae^" The tragedy was produced luder Its iH I of "Jack- Oade;7'su1ise|n(intl^, however, Ur. Fonfist saflol some alterations in It, and In its new shape It was'bnqlB^ I at the Arch Street, Philadelphia,'June 18, lUl, under U« )&■ I "AyUnere, or the Eentlsh Bebelilon." It met wlth|lMl(»l cess, '.-Some ytars elapsed, and the tragedy was agtln bmp I out under lis original title,. "Jack Osdei^'whloh ItMliliinl day. -Ur. ForreK,'anzlons to euconrage-naUve t^wliMwl oftreda'prlsa of WeOforthebest'Indlsji tragedy. J. AmiMI Stone's "Uetamora" took the prise. There were seTtnTi* I peUtorS, among them one, who. being a New Yoik^r, I peoted to win and wearthe laurels. Betag dlsapidlntM,bi> I fered his tragedy to. Hr. Wm. B. Wood, then mihigv <'r I Ohesnutstreettheatre, Philadelphia, The foUowligW|lwn I reader an Idea of the author's peculiar "style:" New You, DecenberttlV., . BlieUr I'writeto yonto.letyon now tlatlhinWI Posed a new peace otlled EankBoe or the Eangian ObiwJ^ I f6nt ofoied 600 Dollars for a'Eangean Peace 1 OoH on Unn* I be.pameftomPhllada and he Told me he DldiferHUnVI bnt. be was not the Perlsen .that wss td Pay foii it H^IMS I gone to Boston and Lett me to find out how la. t) Fay f('nI flh^hed ta the .tadene aUl now Ur. i Myon iw<" I flatery that this Pease Is worth Taken notes of bdI It Haw* I with you to In Cbrege Tradged RItten and i ban a nolhaO'* I .the Damden Butey or the gearle he loved 1 bavi Bom asft** I Pay on thla BIten and If you want them you Till hen I nie ten or twenty Dollars and if thes Peases ear iot >plor4f°'S Oharg you ngth for them If yon say Rlt to mf and 1 *■> •>■ them By the Steam bot oarch Street 1 bavo a tfilher Biles Put it outieaoOolod the Triumpe of smeriaapinlPiMW'g Pease 1 ShaU BrtagitW Self and Take apcarUn <t wBf^'^ I be under tbe.necesetyof Belen It heare If /on do .aotNS" i .DiriokleylBemata your friend J . i k I DWok your later Chapel Street oomerof Witen •'"•^'''IS We never learned what tHicame ot "Bank Boe or the C*"^ | (Jb^^e/' but .no doubt the "Camden Bnj IV" and lerlalsheU^. Dbeate"are rosttag together on some mora was, atone time, as popular as the 01 so now..,, Stone died some years tgo.and nmonuinent over his remains. Ur. ForT« and woa never so popular as bo la U tbe pi . .Tbe' jnnslo ball and concert tatoiest ta ' out thie radicals In the recent olecllon. publicans—call thpm what yon wlU—passi lata class .of amusements, which threw thi JndVfslrious people out of employment, (.tucso f-'v-y^^ poor, had no remedy, except that affordodthem througa jot box. BUenUy, but offoohially, they wit to work, »?* °^ to swoU the vote wbloh burls their opprieois from power. II is s triumph of right ana Jujloo over tli* of the money power. It le the bcgtantagiand the ei>> °' 1^ preaelTodjniaty. We hope soon to bo«r that *»f'*„!5h cur cheap pUqes of'.amusement bos bein repeaMa;_<'^j( repealed. Thla law Is a atepptag stono t» a Uk«^'<v<^r^ other of our amusements. Let those talerested, loox n>» ^ A ioonoert In aid of the tastlluUon eitebUghed to'^^'^ enu ""Til i7<i bslOT.bjtms'* improieswunip ■sent tint. tBI*tebiJpril»«; a law tg'lu'it' lands of hon*^ lese pooplj- j anoe and eduoatlon of children of deceased *Bi:a'''''r^ZM IKto b» given at the Academy of Mualo, <»».T'""Sta Mhdi" Hov. aO*. A dhoTUa of BOOohUdron firom toy>?"l?JirlMt» tl(el8lh ward wlU assist. Let all who oan aff( jiUka'ifaieefibertasniideta.' ' ^ . Hoeley's Ulnstrels lu« tsktag BrooUrn by atonn< bkri piMagk atampM Utm as gMst perfcmeia. UconlrlW" The)* isponagesumpeauemaBgn»p«n«nu.»-< . ,1 1 .WpoAVlUnstfelsMfowV; gbsvtttVMk 0' \ Hi .'J I'l I'