New York Clipper (Nov 1862)

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'•'a ' Iwtlk«wlSirwoTd*niffloei 1 ■Brfta«.li«eTBrwMb»ptlted, '■■ V ;' ih«r <^'<< daoe or twloe.' ifriB'TlalttDgtiie Wblte.yulag8,IhBa agreed to aOh " ;«oii]iwo7 fiiaodenoo to a place'oalled ilie Little Ytllage, ' wbloii belonged to the wlaowed lady who had obtained' ; frotfihe'Vtllte vlllagen m^nn for'being mtitolfaL Ihe V nwliraiut of thla ;^BtaM,'mbliidtDg a;]arge'jMkw inlU, '«Msiiia9l>^Md sogar mlU, wu onder the oontrol of the lDttIUgttt'«entIeman whoee ecqaalotatioa Iliad made '^t '.fhilftixi!! ib^ dlstanoe was afiout: thiltty mUeB,.aDd; ', Ih^D^ we obnld havja gone by a more- ojlenaind safe natei we deolded on the foieet traok aa the neaiest, and aa aflbtdlbg the beet chance of spoH bj the way. Daring tw6;p;itebedliig nlghta the frost Lad eaarpened, until the snow wag orlsp: and Szm, and formed. m any direoUon thn>ngh;the wood a magnificent hard icad, witboat a track on It' Instead of ehnnnlog the wolves, which abijbd^. In.iha foreet, we t<Bolved to conrt Uielroon- paqyt'wl Ibr^uilB pnrpoEe carried^th as a decoy, In the«ha^ ofva' yonng pig, carefally tied np In ei strong oa^to'i»oK BIflcs, hnWeer, ammaDlUon, brandy-flasVe, . anS^iiandmphes, hdvlog been pnt bto onr well-appointed slcilgbi'.wiei set off, passed the obaroh, orosstd the bridge, . wetainp'the bin a little,' then Btrlhiog the forest, were ;'.Ia.',I(gi-labyrinths. Our driver was the.slarMt's flODia'n&n of aboqt five-imd-thirty, who had established himself ,a4' Ooaohman on all my ezoorelons.. Two of Sansderson's wolf-honnds and the conIlt'B'Neff(annd' laiD) aojgs,^lay at onr. feet, perfectly alive to the posslblU- tIeB,'<>|,sp«6pt. : ■ ■ Blelgh'drlvlng Is the one grand unapproachable nnal- loyM pleMnie to be; enjoyed In Bossls. . There Is noth- b^jto oompare with a long farloos'sweep. In a good Bos- alanelelBh over hard orlsp clean snow, wrapp^ la good fbiBi':- With a gTMt bear-akin banging over the hack of thejlelgh, and Its apron another bear^skla, covering ydor legK with your feet encased In tat goloshes, resting on a doiibled-ap black Siberian oarly sheepskin, with a fbr oap.'on yonr heed as tall and straight and ronnd as a veHr large Eogllsh.liat without the rim, with yonr hands borlsd.fotir inch deep amongst the sable sleeves of year ooat; as .jon He easily back, tbos comforted, under a dto. frosty bright sky, the horses. In gracefol sllver- monnted barness, tossing their heads, the bells at theb neoU tingling merrily, the driver in hlgh.woK-skln cap --and'sheepskin coat, over which he has drawn a handsome Uoe.Mftsn, trimmed below the arms with ellver plated lOud bnltons as large as little eggs, and with a la<"'e pvtl-ooloied sash bonnd roand bu waist—a fellow AX «xpltemeDit,'bat coolly managtog three wild horsee, who tear.'on-at whirling speed, flsenlng the crisp snow In ■ho'wsrs.frbm their hoofs, sonetlmeB for a moment or two IibU bllndlDg yon with the fleest, cleanest, and whitest piMrderlh the worldt-wlththete appliances, and' as yoo se«:end feel them iBll, .yoa know the loznr^ of tleigh- drivlog.''I; am not spealil^g of a drive throngh the Btreeta of Petersbnrgh, bnt of a drive of thirty or forty,miles over untrodden virgin snow throngh the '{'when the tress are clothed in adenee fantastic foU- ^ar frost, festooned with nillloos of stalactite^ nthe pnre bradog air as yionmdithroDgnIt| Topeiru-ifr van (mt,-ir« flto]%M'HiA"C«t-'4^ t&e slUghtte watch the lesnltr iakug mti atatibB 'about iwo< htUMTfft yudi from the pig, bebud »ttea^Mth <mr eyes M tM plae'a'^lian we bjdlast'te^ thetfoiir'olvM/ Ths. pffpMMitltlia, Ondlitg hlBiMir^.a newpoiUloWp^ now iMs'loto hit mnslo. The wolv:ga left tU|..eover, with fpilBgruid Jampi, and soon approached the i>por plj, wii6waa'lo greatft.duger thin gt^Klves. Aa tbeVwere on ttte.ROlni of springing qd the bag—In faot, one 61 them had made the jamp—• sign cansed tHb. driver to move on with bis horses, thas pnlluw the'prey bnt of thefr reaoh, and betting them' botb wondering what this coald,:msBn. Th.e.wcipaer dldnot last )ong, for the wolves distinctly had smelt pork, and meant to dine on It. '■ Thef)r^1n approBbhedtbe bag, and the bag again re- ceded, w'hile'tne most voolferons and reeonnding shrieks proceeded frAn the pig Inside. The wolves made a iiii;rloas nin, and again the driver gave the reins to the hbraeB, till lie bad pidled the pig nearly on a line with the 'plaoa where Sannderson and I were standing, the wolves lollowlog with tongues out add glaring eyes. Both rifles went otT at the same moment, and, strange to say, only one wolf rolled over. We had both fired Into one. . The otiier wolf sprang for cover, bnt was stopped and brought to bay by the three dogs, who very soon mtdd an end of bio, receiving In the Btmggle a lew sharp bltes'bbjn his ngly teeth. . This method of decoying the wolves Is opmmon In that part of the conntrv, and It Is not nnattended with dftnger, for. In case of a Iwge pack bebifr'attracted, notbtpg bnt fleet horsee can save the hontars. We bad this advan- tage, besides rlfles^and dogs, and were prepared for as many wolves as might show themBelves. "Do yon bear' tSatt" sdd Sannderson, as an nnmls- takable bowling yelp was boms to ns on the wind.: "We have only killed the advance guard: the Is In fhll cry. Be quick; fetch In the pig, and let na: drag these two behind the delgb." We tied the rope round the neck of each wolf, and dragged both aa fast as possible, seonred the do^ In the sleigh, and jnmped In oorselvea. ' Tbeii off we sped again,' wolves by this time visible on each side of ns and behind 08. We soon fonnd we could sostain a pace of three feet to their two, and this cleared ns of risk. Ail we had to do was to prevent their getting ahead of as. Having reloaded onr empty barrels and lighted onr cigars, we kept watch on eltner side tor a fiOod shot; but It Is not easy to get a good ehot In a running sleigh, nh- lesslhSobleot be.slatlonary, large, and near. ' - '.'Hatttflo, go aiowar, keep your eye on the horses, and pull up very gradaallywhen,'rory''Btop."' "Ihear."' . A detachment behind were now coming tip in fine style. •'Slower, Mattivlo." "Ihear." We got on our knees on the seat of the sleigh, with onr faces to the approaching wolves, about fifteen In number; we rested car rifles on the back, and as the. wolves oame np, Saunderson said:— "Now, take one on th(» left bnd Fll take one on the right, and as soon as yon see their teeth, Ore.'* s ! "Stop, MstUvic" •'Ihear." ■' : ■ Gradnallythe elelgh ouhei to a stand. The wolves were by tms tbna. within twenty yards-of ns, and we could see their grinning and aharp grinders,'their .tongues lapping, and the light In their flery eyea "Are yon ready! Fire I Two down. Again 1 The other barrel Beady! Ffrel Other two down. Drive on, Hattlvlo, dowly; It will take them sometime to con- sider of that" The wolves all stopped, and seemed to gather ronnd their fallen .friends. A turn In the wood hid them from view. Even our enemies on the right, and left .flanks paused at the uneipeoted reports of onr guns, and allow- ns to proceed without molestation. We went more and more slowlyj and at length stopped. altogether and wait- ed; but no more wolves oame np. ."lam afraid,?'said Sannderson, "onr wolf-hnntlng Is. over for tonday. Drive on, HattlVIc) we can't help it." "Listen, barons," said Mattivlo. "We can trap them aa Til be ibepfe." «*Traptham«Sow!". • ' "" '^on( In th^iiallsade ms dasbsd ~bpai,-'and'-lIattIvio, followed In! half a minote by the whdaipaok; msbed lit The haU ttIntit«:waB lost snfflolsnt-to enable Mattivlo toyBnlafi thibngh the ontor door htto tl|B tr^p., Theii, »a the last ptesanre ob the dboir was reipoved, it olosed mth a loud aUarp sonnd, and soma 'flve-and-twenty wclt'M wero snared in a sptoe not larger than twelve feet by twsnty. W« did hot at first bloee tqa Inner gate, bnt levelllog onr Jileoes at the mass of wolves now huddllog tbemaelves np a a oomeriponred 4ntwo vtfleys In rapid saoeesslbtti then closed the gate, and reloaded for another obarge. The change from the air of feroolons savage daring which tbe wolves had dlspbkved in pursuit of a slagle horse- man, tD'abJeot terror when they fonnd themselrds banght in the narrow trap, was Instantaneons. They were like sheep In a pen, crashing up in a corner, riding on top of one another, lying down on thafr bellies, oronohlng and eblverlng Tfltix fear. It Is' dor,Deoessary to describe the ooene of mere daughter. Two staves were chojpned out- of the gateway, that we might fire through. Toe drop panels were opened, and two or^hree were admitted at a tine to the nezt division; there, dogs were let la oh them throngh the adjoining trap, or .they were killed by men witli great bars of wood or axes, and at length, when only dz or seven - remained, three of the men went in anosget them, and with perfect safety, dispatohed them. They asy that a worm will turn on the beel that treads on It, bnt wolves, oanght In a trap like this, from which there is no escape, bava leea courage than a worm.,, They oronoh, shiver, and die, as I saw, withont one effort, at sell-defence, or one snap of retaliation. 'HttTO'OT'taOTri^lAS^O'XLt^-^', -^oli;*»t04ltI»P^lM 'Tla done, mA Bowud monnti apon hli hSSyv Awtr he fliM opcm Ui lightning boom, ^' , . LMniigs(ln«mof,raa^Tipoii,ldabiAl'' H» toMohe* In .TalB-ttan poiheA te M»w (852! •A«re»mof«pu«"lnTirt»T)IytoUowlBUi» ItiIk!/' bat whtn, M It oftan btpptiu, Um sUabMomM^- Tan, FNOUis. nmiMt,^tmni, SiUowa^ the worW wia reitorelha beanty bnt ■ (toe ipnlS&J!°J5« BAUD'S ITALIAN MEDICATED SOAP, whloV^l SL''*"--- oretmy lathtr, even irhen tuod In bird or salt \nt«r maT^t^v beat eharlngOoinpoand ever naed. .CK)nR\ro'Bii5u,l''*»:I LIQUID HAIR DTK la wamntad to color red orln^kT^ J IniaUmt It la appUed, wlttaoat aolUng the akin, Snfn^ ll UEDIOATED £US BBSTORATIVE 8nppUraTdefl!^^?V. 1 felt—It not onlj leatorea hair to plaoea whtoh have bun? '^.il aatarebr danaded, bnt It also Imparta to every nartiHS? n^aaandgloaa. <K)imAUD-SPOUDRBB(mTIUiQraMU»^ flaona hair trom any part of the hnman t>odT,' uitnLSt!^' M a daUcate Ufellko \?blteneM ud" ULT WHITE eUdb toaallov, red, andtonghaUns., BEWARB OF OOUinSBFEITB. 'I The gonnlne preparations and coamttlca of DB. Seui iu. ^ I SAITD «an only be had gennlne at hla Depot Ui BtSSSi^ ' I ateT.Walkeratoeet . ; Agent»-OaIIendaif A Oo., Third andWtlnnl alreela i>m.>..''I ^Ua^ J^B. Bataa, 1» Washington sltiaet, Boston; B]lii,^^Sfl 'MiWhin.u'>t...ii.._-Vv°. ~i: o-r-i '<Itis" easilyTlone. Abbnt tbne versts frpm this Is' m^mOBeV'xsfbrou^jontyobia.^ . _ jTimofey.Evanofrage.thewbodmsi^hnt Totthaveonly Mpref^e bad qnlte left auT evidences of trafflo, we nearavthe'Boiiiid of men shontlDg and laueblng at some distance. ' Determined to see what was going on, we left ua delgD, trndtaUog our rifles, made towards the noise. Boands travel far In a wood through clear cold air, and ve bad farther to go than wc expeoted before we fonnd .oeveral m«n who, in felling trees, bad unearthed a bear. 'Therelie stood on bis hind legs, la front of what bed '-^beeti, .Ills ..hibernating place—a.large hole nnder an oak wUob had been jnst pulled down. He stood with ble 'bSj&.M^tnst th^fruok, and bis fore feet beating tiie air, . .'ana"tDe''Ined wae amnelng themselves with ms antics. Asfeansned-to want eometblog to hng, they stepped np -'Ol^ to^httn,'and pnt a lump of wood covered with mat ■beitwe^; his arms. He closed them with a growl, and '£^v9;I.t,>;hag, and tore the mat to pieces. I was aston- !8hed->-'onIy fora moment—to see the men so close .to hlfiii' MadDg bim withont fear for tbemselves.' There wu'Ab:QaQie for astonishment;! poor Bmlolhadhot yet come to Ms Benses. He was quite blind, tbln,'Bnd gaunt, his'blde hanging on him like a loose garment, and'bls fnr like that of a mangy dog. In the be^onina of winter, be had prepared bis hole, and crept into it. There, he had lain on oiie elde, snoklng one paw. There he had turned on hla other side, and was fast ezhansting the other paw, wheb'bls dwelling was broken open by an evil chance, addhe wasforbsd to 'get'up and collect bis bennmbed aDdr. dormant faculties) among wbloh sight seemed slow to'retam. He had a dim and repnlBlve aspect, as bei atbbd or advanced on hlB.hlod legs, a little way'from ■ hifl..fnpporl, and retreated to It growling and ansry. 'Toj>revent the men from torturing' the poor creators -to'oeatb/we put B bnllu Into the right place, and left the'lUen'bnd the bear together. Thb bullet saved hjm a npr^crnel'dealh; whlon Is onr only ezouse for havhig ehbt that poor, blind, sleepy, betrildered Brain. A^n whfrling over the snbw, throngh the wood, the fltten'and bold magnlBcenoe of the soene passed all pow- of description; Jt was evident froA the division of 0 trees, that we were following some known track, thoogb It .Wtis BometlmeBBO narrow and olronitons that we were often III danger of. oolllslons with the trunks of old oaks and their branches. Now and then we emerged from the -beeslntoa wide open, of perhaps one or twb hundred aot:^ wlth;''nere and there: a msgnlflcent OBk,.ooVered' with >hbary. foliage, to.wering In solitary grandeur. In •ummsr these openlnge present the appearance of parks artlflblally bid .out, sarronnded liv dark forest on all ■Ides, ' .The driven: was never'at a loss. .''I know these trees, baron. There Is no danger wlth^aoh angels of horses; Noolnool Step ont,,my dears. Weehallsoon get aniong the wolves., 1 think I see their marks,?' ••Shall we try the pig, as adecby f" I said to Saunder- , Mn.^ ■' . . ' . ■ 'iBy all means, let u^'have, a shpit at something that Is . nofbUnd and helpless. I'oannoi get.the old bear off my ObM)lenoe, poor wretebi" 'neplgwaa dragged from under the seaf, where be had laia::)r,^ qnlet, and, by dlatiof pinbliing bis tall, was nisfli- ,tO .perform a solo of pig moslcrwith variations, whibh resounded for miles through tt^O BtillnSBS of the forest' For some tlmewe oould discern n.p'wolves, hat at (Bh^th;iW0 <iadght dabtiof two, skalWag among the iind9Cn!($od,'lB,B parallel line with onr palb» but at a re- ■peotnii'dlitanoe. 'Althoaghwekeptupthedgobymnslc ther'wtteilfby bf bilptoachrng wltbfa ehot One end bl a lonr^vhlib bottbn rbp^ was then attached to month of tn'e 'plg'B bM>' the otiier end to the back of the sleigh, and as we slomy tunilM el bend In ths tra6k,the bag was dropped' MblM, Wi'ju.ii^ltbned ]>aoa,Abd, aa the>rope ""■.Itl^V'&flplglwoiuiM^rooi^ slaUonary.; Wheq the ■''■>i^';"i<'.''^ • to make one turn to'the right, and keep straight on, and you will reach It He has a wolf-trap. Qet all readyi and I will firing on the wolves. Ne^or /ear. ^Only yon must' give me ibe little horse; he Is strift and sure; I have bunted wolves before with him." After a slight hedtation aboat the man's safety, which he thoiight in no peril of .any sort bis' plan wea adopted. The little horse was get put and given to Mattivlo; Ssnn- derson mounted the dlokey, and on we went abeadL Our man, screaming like a plg. rode back to Invite the wolves to follow bIm Into Timorey's trap. Aronnd Tlmofsy's bouse was a strong high palisade; through this there was only one entrance, by a door opening inward and bung' by a pulley and heavy balance weight, so when a 'wolf puBhed biinBelf through tbe door, it closed, and shut him'. Into the space between the palisade and the honee. The space ^as again divided off by cross-partitions ronnd the premises, in eaoh of which was fixed a sliding panel, or a drop panel, that bonld' be jtulled np or let down from within the honse. By these means the inmates could separate the wolves, and hill them with dogs, guns, or batohets, at their leisure. I bad heard of one man trapping In this manner as many ss fifty wolves In a win ter, beddes other-game, the skins of -which were worth to bIm at least one handred. and fifty roubles. \ As we approached the hut, we fonnd It of larger dl menslons tnan we had expected, and the palisade seemed to talce In a larger olrcnmferenoe thaii one bat reqiilred. We shouted, bnt no one answered; all was as still and quiet as If the plaoe were nnlohablted. On our entering tne door through the psUssde, it closed with a .bang, and we fonnd onrselves in a small enclosare with a gateway oppodto, leading to the back premises; bat It was made faat After thundering at it .10^ minute or two, a small i ioot. in the gateway opsned, and there emerged can-! tiodsly the figure of a man rubbing bis eyes.and staring through his hair. He reminded me of the blind be&r. His hair, like a great mass of tangled tow, was matted; over bis bead and face: he wore a poarse gray ragged^ overbpat over a gray cotton or Backlog shirt and trou- sers, and.long felt boote completed Els costume. He made many excnies,'and asked pard.oii many tlnies for keeping ns waiting, bnt seemed to be 'in no harry to ad- mit US, nnlll we told him that a pack of wolves might bs expeoted, and that onr horses and oonveyaiice most be put In a place'of safety, The information eioted on bIm like a galvanic shook, and be was off into the house with a spring, through a side door Inside the gateway. We follo,wed,Btbop1ng all tbb time, and were.Jn tbe hoane. It was a man xeimel, twenty or thlrty.feetsqnare.Bgreat stove In the cenfre, dogs abouta score lyinic on.^l>s door, and men 'snoriog on the top of the pack. The' heat was euffooatiog, the stench pouonoQe. Tlmofeysoon roused the deepers, pulling them off their perch by the lege, ponring water over their beads, . cnfBng the men, and kicking the,dogs. "WolvesI wolvcsl yon plgs.'and yon all sleeplag t Be qiilet, dogs. No barking, ^van, toke the baroos'horses and dogs ronnd by the back entrance, to the shed. Qalckl Andrea, Bte'nd by the big gate, and hi ready to shut It after Hattlvlo gete throngh,' Pot the dpgslnthe third division, iwd get iout thaguosi Ah, thank God aad these barons for brioglog ns the wolves I" We had no intention of being pooped op iu the but while the fray went on, and there/Are took on^statton be- side the man at the gateway, which now stood wide open for the admlsdon of Mattivlo and bis little bofve. In a short time all was qnlet and every necessA!^ prepara- tion made. Then came the howling, of wplvcB, end the Boreaming aBof a pig, the gallop ct a hoiae over the hard orlsp snow, the rdsh of many email feet "Shi bnter door A Biaa Sibhor.— A sermoii npon the word malt, preaobed in the stamp of a. hollow tree by tbe Reverend EUsba Dodd, at the request ot a number of students who lltuponMr. Dodd In the woods and compelled him to preach:—"Beloved, I am a little man, come at a shc^t waridng, to preach a short sermon, to a thin congrega tlon, and from an nnworthy pulpit Beloved, my text is M-A-L-T, which, belug but one word, I cannot ^vlde it into setitenoes'or words; nor Into ^Uables, the whole being but a monosyllable. Neoesdiy enforces me to divide It into letters, which I find to be thessi H-AL'T. H, my beloved, Is moral. A Is allegorioal, L Is literal, and T Is theologloaL Beloved, the mpreil la well set forth!to teach ynu drunkards Rood mannera. Therefore, H my masters,' A all of you. L listen, T to my text. Tbe allegorioal is when one thing is spoben and another meant; the thing meant Is tbe oil of maU, or strong beer, whlbhypilbacchanahima^eM your meat A your apparel, L yonr Uberty, T your text The literal Is acocrding to the letter M. M mach, A ale, L little,.T thrift: mnob ale, little thrift The theological Is according to the effect It produces, whieb I find to be of two kinds—the first re speotlng this world, and tbe second that which la to come, The effeots It prodncee In this'world are in some M mur- der, In others A aduKery, in all L licentiousness, and in many T treaf on. The effecte oonseqaent in tbe world to come are: H misery. A anguish, L lamentetlon, and T torment : ThUB, sirs, having briefly opened and e^lained my Short teXt give me a leave to make a little dsa and iinprbvement of the following. And first by way of ex bortatlon, M my msstors, A allof^oa, L look oat for T tor- ment: now, to Bftm np the whole, and draw to a conblu- slon, oy way of a caution take this with yoo. Tne obsr- aoterlBtloB of a drankard—a draokard Is the annoyance of modesty, the spoil of wealth, the destruction of reason, the brewer's agent ^n ale-house man's benefactor, the devil's dmdge, the beggar's companion, the conatable'B trouble^ his wife's woe, hla children's sorrow; his neigh- bor's (Coff, bis own sha'me, a walking Bwlll.tnb, a plotara of a beast and a monster bf a man—Amen i" By this time, the stndsnts being mnch heated with llqnor, grew deepy, which Mr. Dodd peroeiving, he left them to take their nap. ' VABSHiL Bluoohb ON GiHiHO.—Marshal Binoher, tbongh a very fine fellow, was a rough diamond, with the mannera of a common, soldier. On his arrival at Paris, he went every day. to the &lon des fsfrorM^eri (a noted gambllngboase),and-played the highest stake at rcugt itnctr.'i'Tte saloon,dorlog the time that.'the Marshal renialhed In' Paris^ was crowded with persons wlfo oame to Bee him plsy. His manner of playing was. anything bnt gentlemanlike, and when he lost he used to iwear In German at everything that was French, looking daggers at 'the oronpler.. He generally niahsged to loss Ml he had about him, also all the mousy bis ssrvant who was waitlDg In the ante-chamber, carried. I recolleotlookinf: attentively at the manner in which he played; he'woulc put bis right band Into bis pocket, and bring out several roulesoB of'Napoleons, and throw them on the nd or black. If he won the first ooup, he would allow It to're- main; 'but when the oonpler steted that the table was'not responsible for more tnani,ten thonsand franca,.then .'Blbcber would roar like a lIon,'and rap out oaths Id ble native language, which would doubtlen have metwKh great isaooees atBUllngsgata If duly translated; fortnnate- ly, they were not heeded, as they were not understood by the lookers Ota.—Cbpf: Oronow^a Bminiatmcei. u # OF THE CIRCUS," 60 cente: "Fast Life," 26 cents "Lorea of PailB," Mo; "Flrat Falae Step,". 60o; "lam o I<oTe."3So: "B«UeoftheBowei7,"aSo; "Orphan Seamatreaa," 2£o; "OUollne Traoy," aSo;- "Boilng made Eaay," ISo; "Ufa in London," tl; "Uysterlea of San Franolaoo,"SOo; "Clifford and the Aotieas." SOc; "The Opera'Dancer,!' tOo; "Memolra, of an Ac- treaa," SOo; "Arta otBeanty," SOo; "Coortahlp Uade Ea^." ISo; "AnecdotSaofLove,"fl; "Qamblera Trloka withOwds Explain, ed," SlOi "Kate Vangb." lOo; "Jolllette Uoore," 'The Ao- tis88,"S0o. Bend annned prlcea to OHAS. H.DAT, . , 80-2t Hew Haven, Ooni). TUST PDBLISHEO-Price 6 cent»-A New Edition of OULVEBWEUi'S oelebrated Leotnie on the Errors of ^onth) their OonsegnenoeS, Treatment and Onre. Hailed, poat- lald, on receipt of price. Also, "OolTerwell'a Oteen Boot, on leaaidUanledLue." Fnoe US oehti. Addreaa'" ' »«n* .OH. ELINB h UT At^ery, N. T., Post box 11186. "T)I0H,' BABB, AND BAOT," says the'f.wive.Oent X\ Monthly," of "•KAiBTitioHi" the SmmaTioH >»njigtt«, by Ohaa. Henry Day. Single coplea 10 cents; '10 for 70 oenik. -. ''Jtruzm HooBS; or Passion and Bealltyi'' by 'Willie Wbk. the Adlhor and Actor, known to bnrleaqne as; "Sweat WlUlam,*' •Wooden Ware," eto,' Single copies 15 oenta; 10 for (1.90. Bllher of above Fau by mall on receipt of price, by DAT, The .Autbo^Xabllaher, Maw Haven, Oonn. ' ' 914m TABLBB BI LL I A B D ma OODSBHSkTVm OUBBIOKa Ftetsetad by letters Patent dated Feb. IS, ISUi OcL B. IM Deo. 6, USTi Jan. U, UtS; Hov. 16,1816: Uaroh9«, uSS Beplaaiber9»,U«a •«"l«S, The reoent wpioTemanla In these Tables nake them ptiaed In the vrorld. The/ are now offered to aclentUo BfliB playe^a aa tomblnlng apeed with tiath nsTec bdiiaa oUuoSS* any Bffllariltablai. Alio, PHELAN'S NEW BOOK—"Tbe Game of BDUir&s : I llh' edition, enlarged, revtaed, lllnstmted with addlttoui ' grama anit a portrait on ateel of the aathor. Price, oai daS I 68, 6S, STi and e« OrotbyitiM BOOK Sll QBE A T nS'W BOOEBI MBW BOOKBII DOITT VAIIi TO SEin) BOB A 0AXAL0,C|VB, OUB HEW OATALOaTIB HOW BBADT. ' 8EIIT iBEB-foenAeB PAiD-oH tssusoasii XBB OLD IbxABUBEED ]UflD OHIT hct.taht.w BOtoi'' iHD BPOBimra GOODS Kttl^ fliaie oideia an pioi^tlr and ftithtnUy eieciited, jLddfMS^ IHOHAB 0BIIBB7, UarbU BslUli^' 1 'SIHaaaanBtiMt^HewTiii':; NOW SELUNQ UPWARDS OF 1000 COPIES Filial WEEK. . ' V-^ I PATH o i< e a T B B F B O D U 0 T I y E 0 B G A N S, FV ■ BUSSELL T. TBALL, MJ). ■< • THE '4 BEZTTAL OBaAlKIBH. jtassa 0. lAOESoN, u. d. v Hie treatlies In thla Tolnme are npcn'snbJecta of the TrtmM ,\ lmportan6t In a pbyalologlcal point of view, Tbaae (Dbjeda ni' handled in an able manner. The anthora are medical mta it '; large eipeilenoa; and the' advice wbloh they give la aonnd, at' appUoaDle alike to the guidance, of parenia and to the bentil' or the yonng,. A peruaal of the work vrlll do mnch to aecaa'' healtl^mentalandbodUyfunctlona; while to snflerlnghTuninH^,', II offen Jndlcloaa advice, wbloh may aave many £rom coo^* ting their aofferinga by reaortlng to quook doctors and emiUttt H treatment."—Boston Jonmal. \ ■ "Bboold be taad by an old' enongh to nnderatand lU"—Wilw J Onre JonmaL'. ."i ' i 'It will be the asaioe of mnch good; iMlng preparedwlUi'en^: and firomabimdaiitknowledge."—Boston naveUer, ' "It l84 book for the tlmea, and should Im In every tkoiDy.*'^ . I World's Orlsla, Beaton. . "An honeat effort to dlflOae naefnl Information. KoBtpopda. works on thla enbject are the reverse of thla, and' are men 'li'' vertlaements of qnaoka,"-Plymouth Rock. ' - . 'A valnable^addlUoi^ to medical literatore.'.'-BosUn Tm / valoable book for the afflicted, and for all who wonld netia1 Its connaels are of great importance to all."—Beaton Congnft-. j UonallBt . ."" •K^intalnapraictlcal information that ahonld be known and iii^ ' ed npon by parenia and ohlldren, the married and alngle: Ol: cbaiiters devoted to ohlldren and their management ought tA Is' read by every mother."—Hnnda, (N. Y.) Mews. • -That this is a snggeatlve volnme mnit be admitted) we iU4' by either a profesalonal or non-profesalonal reader. £ng>«4,J we are, in advocatlog a general reform of onr scolal habUaiM' ojppcrtnnitleafor phyaloalImprovement, we hall with dell^iqi. auggeatlve Inflnencea that may bs bronght to bear npon oiraj vorila Una of action, come trom what ODOiter it may. WathaN fore take great pleasnie In recommenolng the alwve Tolume Iti fair and candid consideration among all- olaasea. Every dupl' la valnable, and all the aubjceta of those chapters arewallchcM Boston la jgreat in all good works.'"—N, T. Ollpper. ■ Price THREE DOULABS. Sent to any addreaa. Bendcgria to the publlaher, B. LEVEKEIT BUERSOH, ' 199Wa8hlngton atreet, Boston, For aale In New 0. 8. F£LT, 36 'Walker street, tnJ I f BIHOIiAIB T01IBE7,191 Maasau atreet 4^ Omubx am oxaza Boon, this wtn (each the readerbM to prevent, And'permonebtly Gobi, zvxbt tobu of aonti ease and derangement, without feeing or consulting any lodv whatever. No other medical book h'aa ever received anch 'oCD mendotlons from'the Press. Oei thz Best. 1^ I B t l^n BTERGOSOOPB, and 12 Fancy Colored, yiewi, gonttree, bymaIl,',forjOoents...Adaeas >.., . .\. A ■ Im* ^FBED FABmXJ9 &BBO., Box.a0U P. O.i H. Jl. 0^t_ Send for a Priced List ofjhe ' Crain this pity'.' 'Ad.diess 9Mnl» on may wa FEED. FABSISJA & b|0.; Pf*908SP.O.,lt.Y.Olljr. SEI<n> POB A .M^MMOTH^tRlciKAOK FoiiifanaT .ATtloIea:rpil()a>3Sc«ilta.t<AIao, Bnbber OoodS fbrQentlemen's.nse.'' Addieu. J, H.FABBBLL,' IBAnnstiteeti n9ar.Bloadvray,H..T.'.. .', ••!■ "•,:'' • '' OOKSI BOOKBII BOOESIII BFOBTINa ABTIOIiES, OABDB.AHD PBIKI8, J ' J. H. FARBEIX, Bookseller, U Ann street, Kl]^ Boohs of every variety, either Foreign or Domoatld, finlaU; on application. Fartlsa dealrlng books of any deacniilOD, sending address, poatpald; will receive Immediate attenWO. ~ - ' and Fancy. Aitlolea yon may aeoadverlfiA Books, 8l-_-_^ , , , befoinlahedto order.. Oatalogaeaaenton application. 'AdaiW }. .H. FARBKTiTt daalsx In Books and Faacy Artlcdas, Ho. U ^ • ■*reet, Hew York. ' . HO^r^O WIN AT .dABDS.-Send your adlress ^ ;3o.r<a«tainpBtoiH0WABD M. QEATOS, NeWlortW *,<»tOJ5%.«"a iwwUl inform you of aBOBBmeabdof** .ningat ALL the vadons games. Try it, andgetaiaisvsiT return malL j 19-ttP' W-'O B D D N B. 0 U OOBHEB 07 BOWEBT AHD BATArI Qnesta can be aiownmodated with Booms by'ttie; ^th or 'wlihbnt board. GEO. P. WOBDEN, Pro] BOOEB ON .LQVB, Afl 'freS. Ho fraud']' 28-fnuc*'' let. sent' :jobha' ~. . 98 Dnons street, Hew Tork. M H.'H-.Ii 'S 0' N . . ■■■•''. Kanniiotarer and Dealer.ln ... ''P''L>^'Y"I''H O ' O A a t 'B'J., Aud'aUartlolesnaedln aAHEB OF AU0BEU'BH,T' AHD OHANOB. ■ ■ 491 Broadway,HewTork.' JT- 'i '- < f' •■ ' i ''' ' I" " m ' FAKOY Pldjb!bM,'BablamB, Huscova Ducks^ Aa.i for ■ale. Addreu Box 9606, P. O., Boaloo, Haas. ;fN4t ' ■ ■■'. ' : ' , ',.'1'' ' .vv/ ' :) ' ....j^v^:.....^:.;':.^.:. ■ 'A)STJElD> 'a .pair., of FBtllBtiiS. "Addreiia >Sdltcr Ourm, BtaHng prlot, etc.' ■ ' i i. ' ' tO-dt* ' GOODWIN, Commission Paper Mo. llO'JOHNi BTREET, near Ollff, New York. News andiiPrlntlng .Paper aiSnn&atiired to order at. ] lortest ndtUw' -*■ OU WAjiT TOBKHtifi OR M0nBTA;> t^'-^Inlsniflntaiked thlsqnortlos; It*1!LS ' by nimwM peoplei and I ask If any of them «t«,»??5 OngnSnttoMindoingoll I.olaimed for it; namely! Itn", *'* 0^ Moiulache to grow upon the Mooiw ^ttWnsliwoeks from the fast appUoaaoa. fJtiSSi .. JnVHpri,|Ihavfl had to contend with a host of .tailtoWJ adiBB of r However, leas friends, really theaL forll. ■ ^KoTaa ■ go ,so. f»r aa to copy my ad«rUaome|»>i5f^)ghty, and will prevallt and yon. oT ^ -lends, ^^«^p,/ong„£,t i, the only tUf g„%™ iFiMoe the BearSXS'JfowTindi^ »e'"'"»'*?5'iibSI. S^r.L'^^^^i^J^^ of »be country, free ol PC«W* |I. pMt»] R. O. OBsqAU, No. 100Neaaauatreot^HJi^ ;i''<''.''i'''|'.<^' '■''^''-'•''"'■''' ■''"''"''•"''^''•'•''' Y L'NT..^Kedtiotloni' In Pries. Our Famous Bijw FanoyPaoWAe, with/.'aa4IUonilat»raoUonS.''conl»u^ . Sletohes, Bongs, Jokes, totku, FIVB BOOI^ omOtLABS aas • OOtiOBm) ENOBA-VIHO./lMiit ti any addreaa on locoipl ol m OsntS. HO HUUBVa. / >SDaAB, HORPBY a CO.. V 9»4t' ' ' ; ' , ■/ .". ' 81 Aaeaan Streeli.Hawlorfc