New York Clipper (Nov 1862)

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got Inmj',' and'Bheahook blm t woniaiiyfet' tobtftils "swal/ GOlilO t*. AND cbMlIfDOWlf* Mir on board •»«» drownde^ 7014 Hob ,V»n Siov.1 wm tounded, W«D. •om* woelu aftor, wlien ■ oonrt , ' WW held'bont this dlaiatoT, •XUtMawltntM, 0»tlT«n K«nt '06nTiilM4th»o«ii>tiriUi]*iigi>ur> - Th»y'Mk«d hla vim bs last litd imo Tba-otplalb of Uia boat; • nrtarb&atoTT.'iMbadbaen ;; <>Ia ^Ik" with Oaptaln Toqrt. BntneiUMPjndfte.aor lawyer ttaie. ThDOgh aore iheli braliia they tax«a, Oonld get Van Eroat to t«U them wbare E*aawiheoaptalnlaat>'.. , , foil ^an; a timebt sintoluid'hla head. As If In poiiled thought-; , Till all at ODoe, be aagacaaU. ' ' 'Til toll yon allmun Oott" . «Ta poQet btuled, andte amoke' Stntok me right tn ta groand' ;' TalMtlaawmmtieTentnp:' And met Eoa ooming down f" TEE FTFGILISIS ASTSi TBE iJEBJ/LAS', "oB, • . nBW TOBK AB IT WAS... A BOKAHCB OF KZAI IIPE AVODO THE FAHOT. ^nam zDSMLX roB TB> BEV Toax oLom,! !>•: . BI J48. a POPE. • ' CHAPrEB L . -The Bac« Oonm—Tht Fireman and the Ltttb Pnglllst^The Lottery Ticket—A (tame at Orab—A Bough Oaatomar^oae " .' . PoUUig anl a "Free Fight"—"Sail In; BoyBl"V-Baglllam ' Bampant-Jaok.ln'aDllemma^"LtveOak"—The. Beaooe-^' »ew-york—"Wliere'8 Tour Coat?" The Shj waa ptpiog hot Old Oenlnrllle B>(ra_ponrae -mi crowded wtib the adoIrarB of tnrf sporta. "TBDgle- footed Ned." a Mi KTeataoky' fl/er.*'and "DoBty Kate," « (peedj, sparaa', (ponhy'speolmen of Taokee hone fleah, were "op'for alive mile "go," to hardesai for a parse «nd gate moaey, and the tholtands that flooded aronnd were^BirelterlDK In their leathers beneath tlie Intenalty of Old SoI'b FOorohlDg raya. iltt the friendly abade, beneath the Jadgea' itaod, dl». .; /'Omulfig the iherlta of the two' nags, were coDgraggated a gibap of men, aod as three of the crowd ' are to Sgnre. !'extenalTely In our Darrattre, It ts but proper , thiat. we 'choald point then out ' i .'There «aa Uark'Blake, whi^e mpearaiioa indloated a ?'\tl;(pagb bied BpAirtJbg^.g^tk|Ba&^ ^ef^t ten laobea la hetgDVinulwopoc!^ fiune well kolt and comp^t Bis o'onpleidon was - lather florid, while his featnrea we^ strlno^ly hftndi 'tome. Br hln aide stood a man whose dreas .betrayed Urn as a New-York Fireman. He gloried In the name of Frank Olerkeon, whioh, sonoded In the ears of al certain olaas of men, airaok terror to their souls. Frank wa^ of the same personal calibre as bla friend Blake, excepting that his Vlcage wba dorkond Sffortby, to which waa added an Immeosa black noaatacbe giving a feroolona upeot to hla feainfee, whicb, otheiwlne, were oonMdered "good looklog.", Frank was not olassel as a pnglllBt, bat be fanew bow to employ his manlejs when reqalred,. : rod could bit oat as rapid as a fionderbolt. A abort ^taobe from the red ahlrt stood Jack Horeton, a light-, weight paglllst, and tbi proiege of Blake. Moreton was a good fighter, havlng.'earaed many laurela in the P. R. : Be stood Bve feet four Inohea, bat was rather, stoat, and loollned to corpulenoe wben not in' flghtlog ooi|dltlon. BIb face alwaya beamed with sanalilne, wnloh. waa a pret^ fair index of hie warm dlapoeltloD. i The trio, Uark, Frank, aDd.Jack, were fast friends, and . (worn to each other in fidelity daring life.' If dne was in dlffioalty, the remaining two atslated him o4t of It. Did Hark ran pot of the "oeMfal;" Olerkaon's pone was «pm to his neeeaeltles, and iKee virsa. • With thia brief ^poalilon of onr three friends, We will: "let 'em | Bllde,^ ■ togo oh with bur Btcry. , . .1 : .'' The betting oa the reealt of Ibe raoa'waif quite' lively, ud Horeton, feollog dlepohed to "take a Uaild )n," ex- .:<ilalmed:.... . ■ "I'll bet two to one on the Xentack horse,',' Qdjllog, as ijieBaarlshsd a few "blotUngpapers" bedrtea' hlji'aiglla, Blake, .'K -,- ."Who'll see me f . "No betting among friends, Jack," replied emUlng. . •, . "I n take, that, Moreton," cried Olek'kson,' advanOlng *OffardBthemiepuglliat • !lr ^ " ''Piaok yoar 'poaslblas,' then," reapondeid J40lf> , "Here yon are, my Domplbig," and the fliriBman pro- rdooed a fllmay bit of printed paper that looked like a J^teran baak note. As Horeton'seyescaoghl 'dght ot iwepaper, be Bald qulBzloRly; .'. 'I. . ,■■ "Borewlld cat,FrankJ!' •. . .v.. ■ \ - . ' 'Qood m^ojy," Bald Olerkion in responie^ <'on as. good :«n4ney-Bwe9,r to my hubilfll ain'tl"' ' ' - "OhI" Bald Blahe, who liad.besn examlnlilg tUedotitttr Ml note.' . )v • - ' "Ain't It gobdt" vociferated Frank. • ' j'' '' ' , ';Not w(rtl^*|enny; I Ffant Well, tBSyill^plngo>V,WbB lf Uikltt'tP ■ Oan't chok? U.feon me.'.KaSk.", ; . Jf "«\'lt,th8n.- Takoltf OnlyiouT dolli Ticket, HAvana LotUry. Priao, ,»66,( Btttor bnylt, Jnok." '9860.' '1 Sea .No. nnll ^J!"? *•* eerVe Mm bat the flriit time'you Lfit 1 ™;5«Jje]nBalt he.bffered lo h ladyiTrlend of youraJ" »™ owe blm a Wndge,'! anewered theifireman, i jogiy. "but ydu.Bee.^iako, this. morniD*, alter n vUlt to .WM?on, the Chlet.'I fell,aloai;of Andy' ffl|)|ie Park, who wM oa a'lay,'and as be saw nie .a,oibnilnnio turned paie. I oollared him, and be thought be was'going to got It Bure: having 'no 'swag' about blffl,'4» h6 balled it, ba btlhed me with this hure ticket. wblbb,he, BSld. he. , wok from He'blnwen," whb'kldded't a hl|h bloW!t;ittto *MlBtnas'crt im. ' ' t Ooaxed. V X AiNO.draiiedfliUaW.; Street—now Worth sM(iW^ber|he ihook blm dowh^the d^d fob^^' t , Wa "swag/ oven- if be'tetd any, b^f wbd)d ba^a .pnoohed his head,' bat bo w'as too shaky to; lay oat sol took this rag justfor greens-^tobBr to jlmUil quldk'ifrdldn'tl" . ■ .. . ... ■■.'7 At'this revelation of the ditpated paper, Hark oonsld- ered that there was, after all, some value attached tb'lt, and coaxing Morton aside, said to him;— 11 ' ■ .'HToa know my Wkllet.wu lost on the road. Xi cau't panbase. that tlckei oc J woa)d, Frank wants.lulme- diatatands tobet with ; you inqat. supply him with'the cafhrrglve blm bla ptloe for that ticket—perhaps f|i>ttnne will favor you wlth^ts pofsaesiilon," Iforetitq.only gave a smile In einsver to' the reqaest i"Jack,'? said BlB|(e. laying great strees npbp his wordB,' ."yoi^AO to wale io six daTs for your fight with Bllt B^er-, nan. Vfpn know bow much Is down tbwards the sttik »t" '■Then'H four hbodred down, and Benton Will maki i !the other biid hbtidred good on BQUbig day." ' • oJuBt' BO," replied Blake: <>bat soppose be deoUnea, and fbrfflltsl" ■ i "Wfiaitt"- ' ■ |- " <^Tbtf'wiUheOome branded a8 a«owud—yra vnlyiwlli: -^iBot my bsoker Is soiind." ■ . l ''DonH be too sure of Oak . 'Bob Oltfford hatei lynn, and l,'bting year.friend, he seeks to damage yourte^- tatlon asa priae-flghter." ij " : .'.'Whaihas that acoandrel to do with the nafoL??' - . "This-much.' Benton and Bob. have ..beep se^h to- gether. Yon may now see what, I am drifting at".; ,. ."A.t^put np jobl" .Bnd the game. Ultle,,ielIowl who neri^ qaidlwl: .Jbefore an advensij .igr%i .,P<de| and .nB^oos.1 .'. ' , . . ' ^ , . ; - , .■ ' "I antlolpate as mach," responded Blakel aSdfhg^ ."wa must endeavor to avert any oaaoilty that may threaten nil from that quarter. Should'Bentcm: go baot on us, we are done for;. but to be prepared for any each Emer- gency, I wil Bet my wils to work to prooore twlop the amodntreqalredi* > • • ■' - . ^ ■ "Thank yea,'' said Jaok, almost- oveNome j T^Itb emotion. .• •. ■ ''Now abont the ticket P "Thatleofnouaetome." . . r. , VJMk,if I. fiall to proonre means to cwr;,'..(m this matob, yon are done for. NoWf ln that ^vep.t, oppose this ticket ahonld. prove a hit—Imagine the power of gOld-wiU yoo bny ilt" ' .'. ' . . V:; .,.'! • . VPsbaw, ibrl^ Iban't throw four dollaia'awf^'On luoh «bar«rl»k,'' "'i ' "But you masi . See there, Jack 1" add Haidi )^ted bis fliaper at Olerksod, who was apparently driving ^ bar- gain with ak elderly-looUiiig gentleman fbr the^^ckfitt VFrank is selling that note. By h'eavens'lt^shall npt.hel Qilick, Jeok, or it la losti 'But Jaok jtUI hesitated to obey.' "By the thnnders, that man Bhall not have Itl" and Blake dBitbed forward into a throng that 'ludi^Bsem- bled'ar'odnd the('<>tradeBfflan," and aS'.Frank was abont to deliver the much-coveted paper to the .gentleman^ Blake snatohed it f^om bis hand, aaying, as £s bowed a 'graoefiil apology, to the aatonlshed purobaser:— } .»■■.: . "Beg.ypnr pardon, sbr, but my friend here, Ur. More- ton, posaeasea a prior claim to this" document," and-tb^n addretslcg Frfink, very coollyi.enqulred:-^- - . j . - ' '.'Hownuoh dld:yaa 'Bay,FrankT"., Blake's noncha- lance served to throw the flremaii offhia Ruard bat'Uttle,' and adiqlrlog his. "pal's'' impadenoe, repU^ with a whiik and* comical smile:—:. . . v • , . ■ I "Six dollars to yon;" a dollar more.than be ^aa to re- .oelvei|«'Pr«t-baTgain^and.t«om^re thanKeoHi^- rSKiS^to tho^fiW qbHe'dlegustb^^ k bearlog distance of the three Mendi "Tbat'.a tbe .wi^y.'Uoy. ImB it in Wall atreM cried dierkson, as he pocketed ihe alx dollars. "}. uU yoa what, Mark, I'm someon a speo.j stuff my nozzle if Taint I" Blake now gave the suppused representative of ^ sixty- five thoowd.dbllarsa mmote examliiauon, and. discov- ered that the drawing woold not take place for aimontfi hence; so It was left to blm to look after Moreton'^ Inte^ esls ae best he oould, In connection wltb the approaohbg Bght with Bin Kernsiiv As Jack stowed the tloket away Into the depths of his coat pocket, aeopinpanylDg the aoUba with.t^e remark, ■ I gu.eBs yba aint what my frlen^ jjlark proKnosticates," heprbposraatmallwager'to'.aBir.a'nger stadding near him. "Bet-on whatt" queried the man, In an angry tone, who wss'dressed In the very flash bOBtame of the days we treat of. ' : ■ ", "On the race," replied the Httle prize fighter, (trodno- Ing a few botes that-remained In his poasesalon. "I'm not a betting man." " .^ "Better menithan yon bet," pat la Oletkaon. "That's me'F echoed the fireman, drawing n^ the etrahgar.' > "Frknk Olerkson—" "Mb again," Interrupted Frank, who was alway s .ready to'jampln." :r, :■. "1 know you, so don't assume too much atmbsphete' aronnd me; I night spile your lips." I , . Tbl,B \nl8 b little too empbaiab In lia meanliigjfbr one df^ Frank's dlspoalttbd. and tweaking the apeaker'a nasal cr'namebt ''^twlxt hla finger and thumt>," he reoelvbd for; thboomplhift'iit a spanking one-two; On-the hnid'tnd neok.-that'graised hTm ontbespot.- • :' i- The "Btr&er-ont" was evidently not alone, for ithemo- ment'-Olerkson. went down/ several rowdlea cloted In on hlni;'BeparatIng him frtfi Blake and Moreton.' '•Aflceenght," shouted Moreton, throwing off hla coai '.'Take a hand, boys, and sell ln," v.yelled Blake to a party with whom he bad aellgbt aoqoajiatauce, .^d four able-bodied yoaths, that knew their ole., joined him and Moreton, and-they "sailed In '! . ] The first nan that inrned to amGront Jaok, was a giant of a fflllQW, who pat.up bis "flvee^' In a style that disgusted 4he dwflirf pnglllsi. Jack meaaared bla man at fbll length, and iTelntlog with bis left, sent home hla right on the atom- uhi baiulDg "big thing" to doable up like' a half-oloaed jaok-kblFbK'.Scdralngtohlck a foedawn,'Moreton|iatepped bvbr th«FrbBtrate tDai)', a((d tapped abotber "buffet" on tlia 'b'sok 'of the neck, 'l&ying blm out In goof order, lleadtlihs the fireman had regained bis footing, ^d was <<Blbshln'Bb6al" faarfally.BlBke and hta "vnlDDteers" not bjsing Idle in' the "good work under donalderatloil." ' -, A* thi Bght'bebttme general, Moreton discovered blm- Nit'hemmed la from the sido of hla friends, and almost exhauated-flrom bis vxertlons; in vain did he attempt to 1>reak the olrole of rowdies that seemed too eagef foi^ his blood. ■Wblle oBlanlatlng upon what course wab bept to pursue, he received a .blow f^om behind that felle^ him aeueelesa to the eBTtb;:,lt was administered by the stran- irer, who WBS-powerluHy built, and capable of WlUng an ordlnnry man with his "Bledge-hBmmor»'-llke fletl ' The row waa a holiday time with the "gonnofl)i."§ and "hnuoka," who "sailed lu" with their "bunohei of flveB,'t Id a lively and 'profitable manner, as race conrB^s-aie In- evitably atteuded'by'.blokes,''|| who bear In .their "cl jb" h "Ibbaey dummeya," to invest on their favorite "prads.''-tt ' ■'. ' I ■■ .'. ' ■iThtfiflreman engaged every man-that came in ibis path, and as he wu. abofit torpay,.off" a left-^^led^ .oompU> - t Thlittobia'ln tMrsrotaMtan. -.1 I Man.. X-fl^PJJIets,,:. ^) ><o <^ ntlomaVb'irabl^ patty "tinl .hi^^ih48"]rtji6^>Mehtiai^M^^ of )f"BwebtBionl^*':*ifla^^ ' ■'■ '■'> ■ 9 "'•^UveQatfl"'''- f'' ■ •->" .; •■I'-i '''Hello,'JlmI'' cHbd'F'raiA'-1a' ntur&-; ^»|n» jOt I'W -» ... .-. ...» ■iiraiwii.'.:,tt Hcrieaj f...-:i ; ttteiiow gohij[ to let oat,'' «nd Frank's bi«athIog;maoifeBted ttledlstresa.'': y- \, ■').•->'- : -. . ■:• i.:- < • ■ -ioq "What's ;the fowt'Moqulred ♦he-new comer.:- n "Grease my Bxlea tf:! oaa.tell JuBt'iiowr^ea.WHaall that's aU.'r.'Beentheu nooatera, wiU,.yert. .^A^^fr'sur- tonuded.'Jack-Xoreton; let'a into tt^em,';,apl Ole^o, fo||^ed by .!'^B,V atmok Into the crowd, ;hat the7.,wbn tOb^Ute; as Jwk-wwt down, ai bplpj^oirelateil.. I jiTolAed by . Blake, >!)e trlb.sw^pt eVary'tblng ^afora thcvn, daal)ng."pennader8V at.every step, until they-res^ oiifel t^ little .gladiator, .i^ho Jay upon t^'gropd, ilgg,and laqepslhle!. Iwtte ;rai,eedliimi.In ^Is strong armcl.and bor(j1iI'in.from '''owdt'lnto the:open sir-' An.appUcatlbn'of pold eatored the pn^Ust to. oonsctonshess, and being li wrlsge WBB bronglit. At-the' bagg^stlbn jqf tn^three.nien aoobmpanled Jack' frbm thet'bo ine -York, where his caae wka- promptly att«ild«a :to. ■be'thus beaten, t>rewhted a meagre prbspedtl tox , m'a bhaiioSB of flh'o«rfdg' to good' advantage: ifll ih« fi^boi^log "mill" with Kbman, and brooding ow tjbft mt, as he l^n})on a oonoh, he became freifd.' .•' >! '''>' -<Toa iaqst-oompoaa youiself. Jack/' remadted.BJa|t<v. aa Moreton expreBsefl doabta oa to hla condition; t'l q^. bring jyou' around in time., i Well> Jaoki l(ere'a)ft| gol' Where's your ooatt"- -. i, ■■. .•■..;! •. ... .!" ' • ..<;LoBt.Igne8a,JfyouaIn!tg((l,lt"i. ,: -.-r,!! •" :«fLOBtt". ::■ .. : :;i:f!iYe«,I SoppOBfsO- cowmenoed.'!,. . , •^Y}«r lottery tlcH^'i-;-i'--■ • :■■ gf^In the breastpockei'/ ,^ . b^'n the coat must'be^foand.'' . ..' " .'' ,,, ,.Vhat will be Imposdble If'any 'of'Hie'/oroai •yarWon'ii." : ■ ^ • . "T'shall rebbvsr It,,'nhvett^eless r'' 'exblaltd^ ^ikc.' IHitIng hla bit; -'If t'iyve fofirret'erve^brib In tftwn-V' apdlBavlagfdraeV;Mtb''th^laDaiidy td g^^^ fdl'attehtlDn; tb.Mbrefbnf, hadiuhed -from the boose but Into thb"MTeet, and with a rapid stridb'disappeared ato4nda(jbdrilei'leBdln^tb_^^ r.'r::j.., . CEfA^tlElft'-ri. ' '• ■ ' Uaik Blalce and th^ TW 'I^idles ■o('><Etay-.vmta(i"-Tll« [Orlap Banlo and What Happened^ Thtra-^A Flot—Th&iOolhiown ana .the B^nl^-I,oye and Antlon—BatOa's DlscoTflry—A . .Wpnuii'^l^irre Beboked—"StopThlef I'f—The Ladlea' Cham- '^lo^^a<&'DownH«etlDg-^'<81iedtddle'.'> ' .Unleclcled'ln hlf course, Mark himt^ned down Ejrosd- way uniU he arrived at 'Oanal sftbet; where' he Mba met ana aodosted ty two f^iifale bcttntlin, garbed- In the. most extravagant extremes of the fiablbta bf the' ijeatoif<' Oae of them was a dashing-Bpeolmen of her6ei,;^nd: thb envy of. one half of Uie dlnne oreatures that travel Broadway darlng.sbopplog hours. Her name waslLllly' g^pme, and notwltbetandlng hec "make, pp" an^ beauty, one obtild 'bbaerve by her deme^dof that hhejbe-. tbng^ to a oloss oharacteristla' of"iraay vlrtde."| .ftie lady' acobmp'an]fln(|;'her wais a perfect little piece' of w^ted beau^j -df "sweet Blxieen,"'or tbereabbulvfor when Nature gave to her a yenuB-llke form, witli a be- witching^ faoe, the old' Dame oommltthd-.aa legteglo'ns blbnder, and might have bestowed i the favors :4i one more woithy'of such envied aIfiai|;Thls=Civored'iemale was known "among men" as Miss Hettle Fletohei^ I It.mnst )iot bfi rapposed ;tbftt "our gals," being lost to a^KWUM', and parity,.'' ^re comnmn. coqitezati^, who ^v<^:.'BrflieuSway:jfo.j^^ ly, sbbraed. to Be; reoogulaed ab sooh "^ibw}., _.., . blpled'wretohes;'' they 'were Independent bharsdMi . as Buoh, ei^oyed the prfvllege bf 'Independent taoojDns, whIoh bSgot the Idea la their hea'ds that''they were but 'Female Adventdreri" _ j "Beautllnl evening, Mr. Blake," Bald I^, asthcjy met "'Very flue," replied Blake. ■-" . i ''Yon look pale, Mark," added Hettle; "been loslng.on the races, aa usdal t-' . •■ j "I did not bet," reeponded Slaka.-^ ''Which.wayjt" "To Madame: Crisp's, lb Wooster Btieetr-go with ne I" and Lilly cast'her. black eyes npon.Mark, .who, forgettlog bis errand; gave way to her destfek, and taking the arms of his captors, escorted them to Uadam^.iQrlap'di'a ren-' dezvouB.of that particular sfaftu that. is condenujed by those men who>pray and slng.paalffls at'homei.^ud .hug the devil behind :the door..... : ,.t. i ' Entering the Orisp "bagnio,'! Blake , and Us cbmpany were ushered Into a private parlor np. stairs; bpf as^e wasabont to qaoend the stairway, nia eye baa^bt sight of the I^entloal uidlvldual that we int|^)duced on the race oonne, as the, s^ger, wltb a fair, but fat, fallenj ragel stiuc dtttng at ease upon bla knees, anld playfully twfst- lng.hl8.moiiBlaohe.. v- . > . Blake wb^ld baVe turned Intb.uie iVbm and accosted blq, but remembering he had cpinpany'; he thought 1)bU' ter'ofIt, and conbeallng.'bla Burprise 'at aeelo«'tbe man,, he hastened up etafrSf tollbwed by Lilly and Hettle. "~ Wlhe was snpplled at the order of Lllly,-'and<|arter a drink or two she'^produced a Unnch of oigwnHu, anil smoking took the place of drinking; meantime,\Blake In- terested the ladles with a lull aocount of.i thel affair, not forgettbiit to touch upon bla sosplclons relative tb Moreton'sbacker. . •'• ' •; . „' Lilly possessed a warm InterMtior. Moretoq,. because the prize-fighter once rescued Hettle Crcm the haddsofa villain, at .Uie.rlak of his own life, a^d.the act. was never forgotten by either womanj and as Blake reclied bla doubts about the match going on, ah^sald:- "If I ban BsalBt the poor fbllow, I'm ready to do so; but yon see, Mark, Hettle and myself are, not fldah Just now; atlU'we may contrive to Jake 4. pile soma Ihow or other." ' \ I., . .Blake thanked the woman for her friendship! ^warda jUoreton,bnt declined her offer,aaying ;thBtit. Wotildbe, too .much for her, to. dispose o£. , ., ,' '..' ''Moreton may as well accept bur money," stud Hettle, 'Tor If we make ahaul, the ohanoeS..ate'|lt will f[)>!aa,easy as It may be eofbed.'!, ' * !'And If yon refuea, Mark, ril'beyer,i^(& tci^.y.^n .'again, nbvir," added Lilly. ' '' ''I ' '- ;./ .. As Mark Was a favored one Vlth LDlyj'he ooM^aed to Mjjr'no mbrb about thb. iiiatter|but .blloir the tiirp;,pi|dles to have their own way.' . ■• '! n>.i-.i..T::. ;-i ,■. "If Morton iB'wIlHng, I am sailsflMi'' ahld'het < and.the, sooner ho learns bt your kind ibmaDkbranoe.or.'blimi the better;'for In the eventof hls'tefasUiImnBtJook 6 other Bonrces."- ''- ■■ i'' -.'i-7 ' ■ "He won't tefUe na," exclaimed .Qe^tle. "I!tl, gb and eee blm myaeli; and - make him Moepti thb mbd ly. I'll seehlm-to-nlght;'^;." - ■ -.j nu- ■,.,„ : '*Tben.>eappaBe yon seek him now; yftn.know where to findhlmJ' said Blake, smiling..- . . ^ ;,»t - h ' _ '', ■ . "Yes, I know—you want i.lo b!9;Blone. ,jL.m But ! .woa|tremaln topreveptr-'!,;., ... . I I ■ . ."Well, r«dly,Jf yon eln^t smart,!! said Lilly, |wlth an .«ff»\odtt(SMit Hettle: "Just.e^ Jf we 5^ foy y;oM pre- •ence, «— wmi - ■.:| M I- '..(((,; ,l»w .• Ill -I'.nir-o/.iJi.' .:i.V>vl I i1''!;t9j//i(*'^; lit b'vsiii .:-1 I, M .'. ;■:,!;,,. v).--a mill; '■■':y: ["I l>'}u<ifr<:v•^■^r,^^■e^.:■. ; .■;.i .>u.c ■ i.'HA-i'.^vi /-■•• '>Nbt at all; but then, tllly, IlVbbtttf flat Ve r k> .a^ Mk ai onoe, and M neither of as two will rem di 'iby lejkth of '^m^''sh«) had alao better probee L fjmsmPittttliit inttttlew frith HbMtoa.": vjnu-/.'^'j',.!'.i.r- ■ i .i.jjU -..n • I.-,., .',.11 lu-{l!.l,i'i.-(i-li-;oj 0!; .! iw H'joillfiJt "r.jfj ■; ijl i.ii'ft->f tlo; oVfti :•M).^ "i^i.Tja-^ ,irtn»bi Hettti bndthi co# arniB aroi i%iat1i' 'T^tn™, here, Wu'.bet,'*- ragUeS f aff'cjDgbgement aisttenBsothwpttCla;'' .0 igbgementas «en aabthw b«_„. tb'b'ffint anif approBohed the doorT^nir ialf'Wi^BI'8hb'e'^lnle*,'ab4;ii»lnlng- her "Oh I He,"'Cried HUtIe," '<tbBt> IhiendM aslaiwrtlng .wlnte for nn=^wiBh yon« good timeio|pthet)-b}eHne,>' -Mii|l laughing lmmoderately< she Taoished. r-f,^ '' ''■Sbb tokiiStbo cue Well," hU Lilly, fnl^ ffiuk's ^ hair on hla jSrcbead- '/jlt's q'nite an igeyMa^ saw von lasii^ TheM'a'ailbther'i^tfanldl^^oU from me." ' Mark denied the eccnsatlott,-:noftihafthe«atad forJiUly, bat M tIw;|l^g»;mfkf^q,Qne;^^ flat denial. ■ Vfoa,pyM'e wanton wonuk'nglarM to hWiblf |n tUV^^|!9ptlC.lm8m^ held over hutrand then heap^qpoQum wlbciQjVl ihe words of ^eoralent that) wei^beUytM(Msike&<ir«cabii- Inm, "; ;-"^'^>c.''vi'j:.).-.'>rT..itn'..*»i' f. To Blain;^|)t.fcrdfl'Wd'boltoi^ Jera' winds of wmjter; be was too melaiibboly ind,w«plritea for.WaHtn «tdbrabe«,,and Lilly, obBervlng>:hlriBdUtteno» to her -attdttohit^uted and wlth^r^ to'i'ifiHiatt th9 other.ena-oiaeBpsrtmBat, disgusted;: ,- ./-.Svi^ ■ ' Afte^fsbjlhigber eyes'npon him wl&B:imi«alfl#in^ i!he:atBfflpd|'^ ojl the floor wlth-litbfbiwMt^ ;eIeyaferb«nUea^ her knees. Bhbwibg ri^mOvmlv wlth-w.UoD'Blake was.too well acqualnte^aM^twdtiut that hef 'thwljl-Understand her mbtlw • . .-.'..y, -'-^^ : ."yibttlf j|p;;yba mean t" the bifclalmed.. Bat BUf e aS' iswbred hep. .pqt,'BS he .was amaze^ at itii/jirifiMfi. ali» -never havlflg .evlnosd snohra dlBpbBltion<befo^'ni4!iWhafr '%>' you figftan V aUe repbated; .''uh P^|^M&|||.if4^^h^ TrVJostiiftoo-llke." .' Pl- mil^maflMH''.- '■ ... -,,5, . ■; '.rJA.<knbekiwas beard at uie:door,^to .wblohoBlake r^ 'ipblidedi-^It was-Hetties retam^;' 8b^>had not teft thb bfUBe; slj^jwd oaughtslght of the str^^bgentleioita bo- .bw, (M,]ie«Ing'Blake'8 name, pronbunped lq(.l)|in, bh» bld^berqalf bemud'a blotbes press^ in:thB> ball, hoping to :^ ''fbitiUer.p^TtIcularfr," .bat as th«'conversation was ba^l^^|(i';tojDl<i'ilr;^:tobe,'iihe .^a'jj'^tipb^t^ J<> ^ wom'anltytoarioslty that promptejdrOer to act- as jin.aave^ drb^Aar; 'she,: therefore, retbmed to the/'bndpy pair above'stW''' '" "l"'• ' • ■ ...'iThattathb sM^b mah'tha't cBii/|^-;ii£e the ttMk?!BaidMa^''^# '".Yooioao flodotDBlbatv^ry esall|!)i\xem««IiiMiwt 'Addl|A^|:'iif Bhe^^j^ted fben'drbsaieaB of Ull^^'H^'^ ,ta^^iibtbIng;i?.^,pVt. In, Blake; V suflhi^.^tb s. mdady-that she; wUl^oon recover .from.''-.; , "Yonare a" exclaimed Lillys i« ' !1 wva'a'i'deeifll^inoBieat'ago'' added Blakbi-'Jooosebr; atid'eifft^t]ng a B9iJ|[e[,.118' pbh\mued, f;,Yba waptbdj to ba roy>doe»:but faiwijiea tob: iavlgSly^7—»; rbbilie.'io her want of delloaoy, a virtue, which when dlaregatdad by » female, be a man'as base as bla natnrs'wlll allow* render! her A'bblng of obntempt to -lils') aedse bfl-wonuuUy pro- prfb>3^^''^-- - :' ■" :;;^';-;.™';,-.^''r ' FeelluK the forpe of his welVtiined ramaiks, Lilly le- malo^,Silent, and conld heiv'e wt^pt with morllScatlon had noiner prida before Hettle suateJued her.'v/Bloke felt that he was too severe wltb the girl, yetba wodld bot r^ tMbt ;bis words, 'as he was a man that ;iek|ed nbbe of his prrnbil>les to olr'cnmstances, but always ^awBSilU themi udd' bis' resofatTon' to maintain them' bfi^nj -proved ftBonrp^ of ao^pyance, If not;to bImBelf,,to<,t^^ nitb ' whoni he asBoplated. ; '■/.-.<-i;'. ;,. ;•!.. m-- ' ri;nf ■ '•Lilly," he.<teJd;-approaohIog ber, 'tybd ara lirtatstlble t6mDstiaenljV^ofirbiBndlabmfenta',aiidbytheeXeiciBeof 'tiW^^^"^-' . » ii was now Lilly's opportojitty toVlfe»jtiiSrr)j^bborD child, and her first woDgnt was-to deollna.-^^jio^e to the request; but as Mark might entreat'Hettle,'a jralbusj arose within her, and sooner than aee Ulas-Plbtclltif 'sapar' cede her, she conseiited. ■■"s ■ "Hbw' bhall I set' itbout' it I" cnl^iilried 'LOl^^^jicqaet- tiehly. •' A ■ r v:"That qneaUbii sbonld not be' .'prbjp^i^edl{<il,Be," re- plied Blake; ."yoti know-besbhow to entbraLa man." ''And if she don't, -! do/' added Hettle; '!at-ieast, I can astlat Lilly."-' -■; " ". J ''•" ' '■- ".'.' ■ •--::!'V"";;' !!l)eiter leave the whoW 'inuBgeEglbiit~df''thV affair- to Lllly,'!'.effl^ed Mar||(i:<'she' h^;^e^-mW'''elrj^onoe ln - Bu'chniBtien.ibaiivbn: 'Yba:mBy,uslat,,lf!^ ■ The .beantIfd;HettIe ponte^^.a UtK«, tMid..fgKdlalmed, ."Aminot aahandsomeaaLlllyltb entraprrtbidodnp ft dian to imy<w|abea-t Am.linotjdeened ,widn{ktlog— beautlMt" ■ ■■■ • i ■'.■'■■•■■!■> - \'iro. There Is no knowlog how far thegliU'woald have gone In the enumeratlona of "self," had LlUy'nbt'Intdrnpted b'pr'gently." ■•• '•'' .';■•'■ '' ■'' '• ■' ■ •'',^ ' ' "fem older i^tfan you; Hettlei'and'ailb'wiftg y,onr sane- rldr "i^ersonal 'advaniligei' though I banitbjC .afapoyer the Bqpailoilty,ybn do not yei understand lb(i'|mljBteriei - of a''wbm'an'e''arl-^^playlng the'vaned ' o^ti.anngiof out seXptooverpower: tbe..reasott of .man.'; I baveiiBd many campalgoB in tbefleld ofdupllollji and deoeltfiil love, uu I-Judgs that the man belbw stairs la no aUiy. cue, and net CMlly .to bcov^ womAu's.b^aDk^y.alon^," In this Blake obao.nrred, and leaving tnem to dlsouitl the matter .at .more lepgtb, we will turn our attention to 'the Individual tb be'butrapped. ' ■ '• '^<-'- , ."Do yra'knowthoBe liidle^ that wsVb esoortMvp state jast nbwt" he eoqulrtd of the girl slttlbg od hhilaes. "Tbey are slrangerato mb," was the reapooBS of tho loose breatnre,"bat'tbey ^It here '^eiy oflek 'S<iy, alnt you going to order the drlnkat" ■ ■' " '- •''• "Nbtnow. roeyfboe"—he was allading to the ronao that bedanbed-Uer ebln. would like to -gBt in with thb -youngbat one," he added; '.'wonder who ehe laT" -.-"Qet outt" exclaimed the glrlin a.huff;^..'<l(.-joa see more In her thau yon do in me, yon'd:be(ter sWvney np.-. to iier." Whereapon she left: him. «tttuptly„M^ meet ft', new.,oalleratiheaoor;..i,: , .,c -ii .i-^.: i.^.'-vg-. >ric Making enquiries of Madame and of all |l^<|Jnmate8 Bft to who the two glris were, he felt enraged that nona could foralsh blm-wlth«ny definite Infors^atM^ii oonoein- Ing Lllly and HttUe.!-.-i.iui. . . j -...; v-./' /.'/Determined to remain In the.bonqe.vp^lit^e m\» with- Blake departed, be.made nphls ."dog',!,jil^lrBtepft to dlBOOver,"If by ho oth^r peans,-where bis.)'|aiae".pa^ ,np,,and with.thlf deBlgnftfi.Beiated|^iWft;V?.i'fi!!!,"* ■*fnbbnnt twefity mtoatea a.wom^^^ the whole eetaWIalmeijt ,.'„;;: ;.:.^*''-^' ''Stop tUehv'^Bbouted the .voipBv/^^^ waa heard:dfscendtog the Btaira -.','Ston ^, stop hln; he's rofebed me 1" and Lilly, with, paly Jjaljevelled, Al- lowed Mark-down the atalrs.. All was bonrbalbn. The darkey doorkoeper utood ln; tbq ..Ifftlt^bv, gi!»»plDg the door knob, end grlonlDK with b1atln.'''BltprreBshlogtbft lait »t«p; was oppOBfd rri^lsp'Btthg'i ttf fhe'WHffidoOT^ "•iXm'e'," Mid IM attangV '■»&« I'B'ihi'oKfage t" - ru«»p. - llwkbt." bried Ht!tlle*;fi ^ "The ehargb la 1^1se'," exblBlinW'Bisks, » boW- oye 'on the strtntjer.VWrtblhklbg'to 'Worlr^lnto t^a . Aatfea-bf the'tWoJIHs, thr voldntwridg-aa'alislr oham-,;^ |lbii-iMnftirlted:',tO'Bla»e>^'.-; ' ''•'•';»-'-■-" ' "MiXm'e'," Bald Ihb iX^bagfji'; '>»hai I'B'i >'HbLbad rbhMd md of adfatnbttd'rlaB" '•'Afad rbbb^ ibb of b llt^kbt." bried Hfel i>Yba"<iyiiaiiff «M ft'tlilai;in4 it IIar,'M«S;tva«iijliiK. • ijVJ.'i-.'.'* "0 !i V/4ii (1 ,v..':i!A ]!'. --J •-T.^rnT snT>." - i-:>iln)i.'i f Ill ,fi-ji.-a,>( v( '--.:> ■.■> '^'.oaiA 9:0 flit; oioM ..'^-^ ;lfl^,M^.,-»J oj.i>,i ..- i-iij.--'.':;!.!! ;. *>iV.\