New York Clipper (Nov 1862)

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JJE^t ir OIlK OI^IP PBB^J b» toIliiiriM .m*>t ^t^b; vpon ifk cooks AghtliiftiiM jan by Br. B.' WO J;- moN'ttun one bimlnd jtua •«<>• |2* ltiMa>irhloh we'ttakattte ortnol U cdl«d <1lw OonpM} i'. (ih^'^ X'Boii jMi tiaikiitiBtBtti na thtiin» •oui^'' - >- •■ , Aiidwbffla«o«nnt*ai)«,Co<JMot<h»0«n«,^^ ' vil/a^'.^A" Xh»tSi'(»W«W»ipT» to ihowlbr-J, •n4«" UfklMMpliimeaMjrour'a, — h[Mk.;Uk» laat tb traal Tonr oooksHoo. —Uh» tlut meuu to til' l)ft to eipioM thslr fiAt,' fi.iii;-j.)TM/^Kfcrt>i*.VA hia lok the UoM vbloh Oitr Hi asUI, (tf/K'-: WSftodltei thdi dying wtoga BMt tdw hli qallL hAinitoti nude up, and sU that would bid btt; '^'*'^^ts30'>^<Snnuht forth tbalr ahaip-heal'd winlon, andtliar ^'i'^'^*^-^fWewKtUiJnUnan bags, m If 'twor;meet. . ■■ . Betorotlierdi'd, to h»TO their.winding •!»«*■ , ;V''^i^W»»;^r-.< Into tha plttherra brongtat, and bel^ ■ v.- XTmu the elago, the Norfolk (Butotlotoar,^^^ ' 'Mi' iiaie'i^iltiy «iXooka atootly at hla ne'er before a«ea toe, - •^^^f<j^itJ<f■.•'v •AnaUkoaohaUangerbegintoorow, ^■ '>' •■ 'Aiiaiti.: .-.i Mni olap bis wing, aa U lie would dlsp]» ^£•;v^>■ i". Blswar&kaeoloisi whleh'were .Uaok and gray. - " — ^* —5Qi^r ■..01^^^'' . Meantime the wary Wlsblohwalka and bieal I'..'Bis aotfve body; and In'(Uy wnathea, Bis comdy oieat, and oltan looking down, . V, Be whets bis angry beak ttpon tha groimd. ' .OUs done, they meeti' tiot like the coward breed ' Cf Aop; theie oan better fight than feed:. :tTh*r'llcom the dunghill, Hli their only piite, . To dig for pearls within esob other's raes. ' They foaghtao nimbly, that'twaa hard to know, ; - ''. To in'skOfol, whether, they did fightr or DO; If that the blood which dyM the fatal floor, ;Sid not bore witness Oft Tetfonght they mote; •■v .'As if ea«h woond wore bnt a epnr to priok ' ^'iffr^i.^f^'/rTbalTiluyfaivird. Ugfitnlng'anotmoieqnlck. ' :t^^>l'').';•^'.Ormdt-tbinwarafbelreyas;'twashardtofinow, . rv ' : \7hsthar'twas blood or anger made them BO. .' ' i:)^<<'.,^.A <i'-I^ar«thsyliadbeanoat^hadtboynotstood i-M ' . ,>'Jl' ..•matiti, by being fenced In with blood. 1/M A ::,-;3]tas'theyTrd blows, bnt yet (alas) a\ length, «vfAll'><- : ^./.tAJtUdr^elr oonrage were full 07'd, their strength, .'.iJbtdUoodbegantoebb. TontnatbaTeseen . tiKV!'-7r.i'i,>:.<i'A]nl'rysomDat on the sea« between - ,. :'TifO angry, roaring, boiling billows, how<; ' ' . They inanih,-8Dd meet, amd dash their oorled brow ^ . : ' BweulbgJlke graves, as tho'.they did Intend \ '': t T'ehfomb'easn other e'er the quarrel end; rnn «tr '^fi '3(it whenthe wind is down, and blnst'rlgg weather; • aiiEis;. r,^vjiTBe)rtreaikde trltads, and sweetly ran together; . . <<ir> .l^^!r<l^'.r'IIiifr thUktheaeohamplonsenoh; their blotd grows low, -5» '"^d tbtf^trtilob leap'd before, now soarce oan go; ol.i'iVIv^s ? 11 -• Thetf w'fiigs,-which lately at each Wow they olapp'd, . , ttM. U fi!: yi.' (As If -they did appland fiiemselTea,) now flapped. MC:v.ti\v;Ya.i]id having loet til'adTontage of the heel,' ■ V/'Iln>il'^;C/ ^ i^niik with each other's blood they only reel; , nT*V 'f;'J.^i'w--From'e|ther eyes each drops of blood did fall, ■•.k'>>.''.7r..K/.';"i.>;.- • - — -—__. Unqtonmtmti^, He bu dnoe bna Ibond, ft mligrsble Injjprnlpg ont oOMaDoan Ayty, Leloeiter ,^ SaraTcnr tMn^nserttifl foUdwtncr aatbmitlo upddote beMimt>^H«iiiurwofi'aftw>dilUliigi,lie pdrohsMd • nimp^tMk, anlielt It In a mlaenble ooftoihop In tbe ogoit 4Uq4e'd to; to be oooked la a abort tto^C apeolOed. ;> He went baok to tbe "Bag and Pamlab," alid loet all h« b^ prefloiiBly won, ^tb tbeezgisptton of «bat be bi4 paid for'tbereteak.. After )ie bad toat hla laat sou, be battened to the ooffee-boQBe, and eagerly Ibqalied it tbey bVl oooked tbe steak. Upon being antwered In tbe negatlr^, be atked for It back; aa;^lDg he wanted to take li loiaeffbere'elae. HIb Intention, however, wai eos-. neoted, and be vaa watobnd to a bntober'a : In- Newport Market, Where he dtepoaed of It for half what be bad Riven, BOd telvned to the gnmlng room to riek the pltl- All prodnoe on the hazard of the die. This truly wcetohed manaeldom took reet; bh nigbta and daya were epent In tbe Indnlgenoe of hla baoefal and ralnouB panlon.' ftbm a peoolltiHty In ploolog the .dice |n the box, he obtained the oognomen of "Jommy Nipper." Even the table-beepere tbenieelveg, In vain endeavored, to prevail gpdn blm, knowing bla former recpeotabllliy and present olrounitaDoea, to abandon phy, and have fre qnently retoroU him the trifle be baa venlared. npon bis t)l«dgenoi toohaooe it again; but aocompletely lost had be'beoome to every, sense or moral degradation, that (I'o Booner^ad he pledged bis word moat eolemnly to that «ffeot, than he hu gone to the neareat gambling boiAe, iAd: riaktd the very money they had, In the spirit of 'As if they wept them for their foneraL Itld yiit they lain wonld light; they came so near,, ~- "{ht they meant into each clher's ear isr woonds; and when they conld not rise,. ''.'iniayuy and look'd blo^into each other's eyas. , 'But nowlhetri^o part I' After this at, ' . XS6/nif(V; ,.;^Tj^ lJirfolkcookWgotthbbeatof it, • 'And Wlabloh lay a dying, so that none, ' The'>aober, bat might Tentnre sev'n to one; Oohtnietlng, like a dying taper, an .'Bis strength. Intending'With the blow to fkll, ' ".Hestmgglee np, and having taken wind, '"Ventures a blow, and atrlkea the other bUnd:'. And now, poor Norfolk, having lost Us eyes,' ' ••• Jl^pitaon^jnldedbyantlpathlesi- _, > eonqn'ror's wings bis feather bedi. 'Wlimre lying sick, his friends were very chary >'.it'/i-..'.It;':. ' Of blm; and fetcVd In baste a potheoary; ' ' Bnt all In vain, his body did ao blister, \f:,ii': :\ Thatf wasnncapabla it any glyster; - Wherefore, at length, opening hls^fUntlagbm, - ' ''He'eall'daacrlv'ner, andthnsmadehlsiilll. ;!; v; ; ':7 ;.'.Yr-.'KimpTlmls, let It never be forgot,- ■ ; body ftoely I beqneath to th'. Pot, ^ ' ' Deoentlytobeboll'a,andforltstomb.. '. . bet'lt be boried'ln some hongry wbtnb; - k.'.o:r; ! . -. Item—EuoQtbrs I will have none, : ■ Bnt he tbaton my aide laid eev'n to one;.> And, bke a gentleman that he may Uve, - .:Xo him, ana to his helis, my comb I give, . Together wlOt my brains, that an may know,. That oftentlmee his brains did nso to (now. Item—It Is my-Witt to the weaker ones, 'W- >> 'Whose'wlfesoomplaln of them, I give my atones; '. :.<.r)'iT6hint that's dnllldo niyspnts Impart; .. ''Hf'i(''"A '''<I to the oowardlbMneatn iny heart; . Tlo ladlaa that are right, U la my wUi; >:■ * <^ featfaen ahaU be gives, and for my bill' -: «uJrlty, retnnied to'him. Owii«8iND.His AFFBbiRioi.--John was pli^Inffu'en- . _ . . ' iBoBtoWaatanm- pwfiMJipfora n HaaiB0hn> I'd give a Taylor, but It is so abort, ■Itui I'm afraid he'll rather corse me fort; And for th' apothecarle's tee, who meant > To. give inea glystor, let my mmp be aent, ''. Liatly, becsnse I feel my life decay, .'l ytidd and give to WlaUoIi cook the day, eUandla shop of work, and Ita aocamnlallog popnIa^ Jl^.-and proSta^prodnoed maoyotberettabllshmenta on ia'j|aai»'ac|le: In fact, tbe weetend abonnded with ieio^ V Nb' gentleman ooold enter one of these plaoes wltUbnt ninnlDg tbe risk of uef ting hla tailor there, probably aeated next to him, and puraolog the eame laodabie amaaenant I waa one night ooaing ont of Aokland'B.on the arm ,ot a lTleod, when we met a gen tleman golog op ataifSi who at that time filled the retpon' .Bible Bitnation of olerkor oashler at Prammond'&. Hy friend,,who was a lacenian in Bond atreet, knew him well, uom the fact that they were both meobersof a whbt olnb, held at the. Orown Tavern, Old^ Oavendish street' '';■■.•'' What do yon do beret" eald my ficlend t6,,thebank- er'aolerk. "l am jost going to try my Inok for a five-poqnd note," hereaponded.'.". - ■':' '<■ 'Don't, for God's aakel" aatd the honest and good' beacted Utianan. in ajtikqplorlbg'tonei. "Why not T" waa the next qneeUon. "Beoailae," said my fHend, "it may be the nin of von^ some ona.may aee yon, ud if iDiammoDd'a'people bear <tf yoor beiog here, yon will not be kept in their estab- lishment an boor." ' "Oh, nonsenaef' sald the olerk; "I shall only ventnre a few ponnda,'and come away direotly j. sind with that be throat blmself past ns, and we departed. Not ao the (dark; that Bight be won£l,60O. Elated with bla sno- oeat, be again repaired to the hell theniezt evening; won again from rix to aeven bondred poiindik - A few days alter these fortnnate, or 1 shonld say nnfortonate events, one of the partners called blm.aside, and In an all Impor tant whisper requested hbn to; make np bla acconnts In prepariktlon for biB Immediate dlsmleeal. /When hebad done BO, he Inquired "wby t" Bow saperflaoos was tbe question t As bla friend tbe laotiman had anticipated, so. ft bad tomed oat, "Tqa are known to frequent a gam- log-boute, sir," said tbe gentleman of the firm. The derk wished to explain bow great a winner he bad been. He waa stopped short with these most appropriate re- marks : "We have nothing to do with yoor winnings or. lorioga; the clronmstance ot yonr ylittlng sncb a place U quite BofBclent to jnetlty na In'' Informing yon' tiiat our confldenoe is withdrawn from y6a,'andyba are no longer in our Bervloe." He pursued gaming, and earned adver^ sltr. It Is many years einoe I aaw blm, in an abject po- eltion, beggloK a feW ehllllnge of those who had known blm In proaperity. Long since I have jointed htm ont to another who bad once known him. "There Is poor— r, who waa In Drammood'B; he Is aboelpss, ablrtless, and starving." eooh Is example dally paid as pen^- alty to the baneful passion of the play-table. Tbe bet-' ting propensity la about Uiasame In Ita'tennloation. SIspenoy, fonrpenny, and even penny bella ancoeeded Harding Ackland'a prosperoog ehlliing adventnre.' '^.•a.v.).. smLLoro OB, ''lO i> -VJ '.• . . -.,;-;T1'i:iftJi^;:lV-|.*: il'!^'.^'of thesHnoIpal arlsto- ' ioj(ic-^^((^tib^mbUnghoiueB i'P 'Loiiddn.' This week we obange' .'"^ra^ai and desorlbe another phase Of aooletir don- ■"^^^S'iiSitWyiththe''piav table."': - . .. a'V>i;'J.':<:Ja'qnlUlog for.a time tbe high Ufa of the play-ring, I C>vx(j,\;jtantt not omit to mention that' John Aldridge and hla I'^^.V'.? W^Bt^'beoame proprietors of the Hertford omb, Ploda- Is; , JUljr.;' The Earl of Belfast' waa tbe ohalrman, atd the '.'X \a'.-t09fflmltteawa8 oompbeed'of.n^en of the highest families '.D.-;^ »In.'the kingdom, iooludlng members of both honses of the i' !;''^'V.yeftrtlatn're. The bouse waa originally bnllt.for the Mar- U Hertford.; alooe', the , club waa dlsadlVediit has - i'V V/been oodverted Into obambers. The^proprletora of the '■ . .;olab'disagreed' among - themselves^ "I'lmpertall.Bome: l;V,':;,;\*hen.;'torn' br-'facilon/f and so did the Hertford a^v7 J'. '>IJitil>'> or gamlog hone^ wbloh yon will ; in those days . lov^lr >:-4he.ietms were Ryoonymous. \ . ■. • ' ... <.~i, • the year 1831 or 1832, play^iat became com iii.'i •ful 'j|nb!h. Harding AbiilaDd, a man of great fame at. that .':',^'.'.:".i-/tiiliai ah inveterate and pplrlted, player at anything, i'u<iS.-listtom marbles to manslaughter," as the saying Is, openwl '^^/<''' first abllling'h in the metropolis, (that is to say, S^^ii''*-WPag •takear:No. 6^^^ h'-i'i .-.'.oiayebnlatldoi waa' euiweBsrul beyond all oaldnlatloii. He ■a' ■'•f .t :''-^tnt^% ii»w aohool'of' playere. No longer was gating 'rrit^'^^^ to the arletocratrp circle; the shilling hell em- |vli|twaa\evai7 order .61 ir^eaman ahd commercial oMtk, i'livV.'/.; y.«Dd hence ita dire iudoeaca.dn a.portion of socioty quite. .:M5r. 'i(||iisble honestly to etrug^e under its preeabre;' Few ^'^r/r.'\'f.°j)^<t<''PB<>plB .cad be aware of thedatmqilye'lkBplna- oniof thpgambllngivlpd.. -'; ■ I -.!ir.i.'£'ij,iiii^Tha Ufa-of a gambler- 'pnaeBsea more'.excitement 'f^';'.''?V»Hlah.'Biiy other. The gbnerallsslmo of the army,- tbe 'n^v'i'mii^''Jlarliamenti the mlntster hlmnelf, feele nothing :W:'^ ^if agltwon and exdltenieDt when ooDipaTM with the In-. ' iii.-i./-::rvaferate gembler; he feeds, he lives,'he eojoye nothing ; :[' ;:imt that.whloh the playitable .affoifld. TheTTqtk may . j,f.j'i.)/fv«af opioin. Ih'e.driin^Brd may. ilpp1is,.iha .smoker may "r-iioiit ;:it;ci\)dy bls'tdbaoooi but their eensea fall short (n dell^l^t to ' u>><rc'. tliDekoltlog stimulant of him iwhorUks hla all npon the 'if,;,,,... jjhrdw.of a dieot hsWd, or'tbetnm of acardat migt ' iri-'l-iUwflofr J end;.llke unto thedruDkard, it la aeldom Indeed '- " ' that hueyeolog'adlycrelon will bear the mornlbg'B re-' '-■.^');<'« '^Ifltelldn. The real gambler In heart will saorifloe any- jT/^t'.^^B and everything ^V.the shrine of the floble gdddesa ;>iW Atfeilds and tams.afe prostrated by bis excesses;, be is Otoapable of tbC ordinary feelings of man ; be! blasts 'i|;|-hoj)e8, and with tberni . bis better Intentions. Hen, ' ^basly orbaUieOte to ir&dlety„llva bat to degrade It; il'dbUgatlon. formerly Tevered, dies'' within them as '^idrtane dwindles. 'Hen of talent, tneteora inorea ii$flbnl6 outoaeta'and wanderers, aolely from 'the " 1^. lufli^enoe of their tmdbqqtlerable i^'aBelqn for .■will olCe an Instance^ the tmth Of which Is iBd'CAn' be proved by'nlaoy,-Tety tnaniy, Ilvlag ' ^Tidewalf:-:■-,.' • ■ ■ ' '" ''' ^•-.' ■ 'A. naib^.ciiBM'a respectable solloltor, oommanced bis ''fj|.»*? i>rOi,: St*-!/!-.' , .»','a.;.iJifa] ?.ii.'tlrt;;'i'.:\^'-)i'-i'j, fiilB.M.'ii(i(;l'),'.^l:;' fei.'H".) I'lf 'i..r-v. ^0r^^mmr*fm9 yean.staijitjto x|alll|u^^ txu' aort .nshlonable heUa ^lfi. tae^ neliopolH, A PbUohis Ham lit a Fix.— An odd-looking person jolned'the pataeDgere^on the New-Tork and Brie railroad the other day, at a distant Western'station. When be entered tbe epaolons oar he looked round In otter amaze: moot at Its extent, and the comfort and eleganoe of Ite .accommodations. And now he began to talk to blmself, which haoontInned "bytbeway"nntll the care arrived at Plermbnt; "Wal," be o'onmeoced, "tbia Is what th^ caU 'acu'i'ehl- Wal, It's the biggest blldln I OTer eee on wheelsl Thunder a-n d llghtnlnl how we do skit awayl" . > , In this .way he ran 00, staring around, and tilUng at everybody, and finding nobody to talk to. At length he saw his man. - A eolemn-vuaged penidn, with a >'ohoke".tled at that, exact po{nt'where "drnamant la only not atrangnlallon,'' a. stralgbt-bonued boat, and a flat, broad- brimmed bat, sitting on a distant seat, ^'oangbt the speaker'a eye,'.'. "Hello, Dominie I Be yon theref - Qda down to 'Torkf How dp.they do.down ' td L-^t How's Ur. Wllllama gitlin on nowt, Pobty fore-handed, ain't bat Where be yoa goln't Goln' to preach in '7ork t; Ain't goin' to Oallforoy, he yont Didn't ktiow bat yoa might bo ; almost everybody aeema'to be goln'there now." As soon aa there was snlBolent pause in this avalanohe of unanswered queries, the grave patsepger replied, "Tea, I em on my way to-'darifomta." "Lord-a-ma^My, you ain't,, tbpugb; be yet ton aln't. gtn np preaobin', bev yet 'Pears tome I wouldn't. I was to oamp-meetin' when yon telled your'xperlenoe and stmgglln'. Ton had the dreadroUent bard time gtttla"Ug<oa'at ever I aea In, my llfel Seems' tome, arter ao mnob trouble, 1 wouldn't give 11 np so. None 0' my bnslness, though, 0' conrae.' 80, goln'to gat gold, eht" ' Ab soon aa the roars of laaghtef, which now filled the bar, had subsided, the grave gentleman explained that, deeming Oallfomla a fruitful field for missionary labor, he had determined to go forth aa a pioneer In' tbe good work, and be was .therefore tii, sail from New-Tork In three daya for San Francisco, ■. ■ ' AHiBS'FioBT ni^wilti aHaiTaiid a Hosn,—The Norfolk J?f/'omwr relates the following dngalar oocnr- rence aa bavlpg taken place In the townshlp.of Walslng- ham,.Oanade:—"Hr, Abram Brandow had a very narrow eeoape 'one day last week from being" killed by a horse. He went Into a field to oalch hla horte, and as soon as be got near the animal 1^ pitched atliliil la, a dslermlned and savage manner, biting Brandow fearfally< Btandow la a strong, able man, and a good honemBn,andhefooaht tbe hofse as long as ha could witb.tbe bridle, but flndlog that It did not heed that weapon, he throw h(s arms around the horse's neOk, and bla feet around Ita fore legs. While In this position/ be threw the borso down. This, of oourso brbho bis hold, and the borae siion got dp'BRelo end con- tTaued the fliht with renewed severity. Finally, Brait dow threw himself flat upon the ground, giving up all bona, tbe horse oontlnrilhg to blie blm for some tlmb Mwr helaldperfcotlyattll, 'llt^an alter the animal had left and done eomei dleta«ice, it,reiuraad and bit Brandow, sevhrel times. . Stranaetosay, the borso did not strike (ii"alteiiipttoatamptbeman;but trlnd and dld koeel on bim, as If tryinK to crush blm with his knees... Brandow had.hla'oldtheBaltdbst'antlieljialfjit'y^^^ and ,^oa,,ese of his arms, the flesh.' ,;>-'. '..'..i ir.'. t , - 1 i>.■■;■'/.v.^"; K '") :>•> . ■ ■ .ts m-'.'.; .1, .-. ' '. •;. ■ ■' .. .'!: • .1 .." I : ' '"..'l l.'JIi.'l , '"^<.;'t /(.'>!) 1- ■•■' )•': '■:.'•.' V."... , 'l•^.^,■ , .'-i,' wfts;—«ne-day, while Bojooi(»te| thrf«, |!rt natured son of the soil came np'to-blmi Utta waa udpyr Ing'hla after breakfast segar, and addressed hlm'thnsl-- ~ "I say, 'Squire, alc't yoa tha p.layer pbap that I siie In the Iheayter, last night, aolldg 'but the niaoy feller to 'cote." The part aOaded to waa Solon Shingle, in 'The People's Lawyer.".- ... '.v "■ «Well,'^ replied John, with that bland smile of Us, "I gnesslam." ■ ' ■• •'. ? '■ ■ ■' "I thought wV «ald the; farmbir,' "NoW, I'm bden a good many times .to the tiieayter,, when I've been dbwa to Boston, and eeen a ht^Ulot of fblksplaylngall^BortBot funny parts, but I neyer sebh'any.of em whoconl;4'o°<be any where as neat 7oa,'6(|alrer Tm, yeou'dety take the tag off '0 the baeh,.actbg oat a fanny feller, and no mls- tskal" The comedian evinced his deep sense of the'oonipll- nentpald htin by agraoefiil tonph of his. hat; and Ub flew friend prdoeedea:— ' :. "I never dfd'Urf so mnob. tn all my bom days; aud ao did my Wife, and as to my darter, Hetllda Jane,Itl\ougbt she would have burst, t woiidsr, 'Sqaire, if you could Isrs our Sam.' He'd a 'outo; sort of a ohap,^nd Is up to all sorts .of'queer goings on. Ain't nobody sis don't snioker right eont eveiy timethey Bee him in bla tan trnma. I gness he'd make a fanny actor, jest like yoa, 'Squire, if he only had a chanoe. 'Spose you oouldi|,|t. .gtye him a chance, oooldoftyoat If yoa only let ISA try bla band awhile,ahonldn'tmind blndln' him eont aa'a 'prentice to the play acting biislness, not obarge you much; ndther; only tue care on him, and dou't let him Into talscblef. Fact Is'dgolre, ! think that boT'd Jest suit yon, for he's aUndot'anaturald—-dfoolepny^iow." Bnrna Woosooexs.—Iwaa ledoyarlng fromsloknass lately, and needed something'to tempt = my appetite. I thought woodcock,' well cooked and.served, would move my dormant palate. Hy Irish servant was told to go down and purchase a pair, r Hra.' p., said to blmir^ "I Bdppoaejoa know ilhaif tUdy aie^(hose' birds with very.lcnftblUst" • "Teamem, I do." Then turning to the oook, ehe gaye dtreotions for their preparation on tbe tabla' , vwell, Jim,' did yon get the .wooddodkst'* Inquired .Hi&'E'. "I did, mem." , . ,, . "Bnthowmiiobfithls-fhow mudh change'have yon brought t What did tbeyboBtt" "Sixteen oents, mem." • "What, sixteen cents for the pair 1" "Tesmeni" • . . " . ^'Why. that Is extremely cheap." He Stood Id a hesitating way . for a moment, and . then asked Mr8.''B., If aha would not step down'and .see them. She walked down to the bttohen, and Jim stepped 'up to the table, took ap a small package which he unfolded, and banded ont a couple of tne longest; kln<^ of ^doden fanoets. •.,'.;.' "Why, bless yon,' man, these are not woodcocks. . Didn't yon bear me give dlrcdUons about cooking them t" 'IdlJ.mem." • , ' "But dOh't yoa see that l ooaldvot cook one of these t I might have then in the pot an hour, and they would not be oooked.','• "I see, mem; I made a mistake. Shall I take 'em hack memt" . H4LTEB Bbbakino ToQN'a Coi,T3.--The're Is as much advantaEe In beginning eaily with a colt as With a boy. It Is seiTouB business to most faroera to. break a stout lonr-yearold to the halter, and' tb handUdg; bat begin with asncklbg .o.olt, and yon have an easy.tdsk. He takea gentle handling kindly, may,aoon be made IMnilllar with the halter, and do your blddldg. After a little training, the bovs can lead blm to toepaatare; andto water, which will be a good lesson for them, aa well the colt Obbat PDBFDro E^oi^.-The qnafatihr of water pumped upjdaily for the 'olfy of Condon'.Is 1AO q66,OOQ of gallons. Of t]iI«.,enormOna.qaan(lty 79,000.000 -of. gdUoos bi'e pumped by sbgle sothig steam engine). OoS of these engines when working at fall power throwf 9,pOD gallons per minute te a height of 140 feet The. water thuK raised ie conveyod into .London by oast Iron pipes SB Incbea In dlametsr. The cylluder of thia engine- Is 112 inches in diameter, and welghe SO tons. PRO'VIilUnAIj PHtliOSPPHT. When a man tonuds his own trnmpet, be soie^there's a crackbilt. . .■. 1 ■• :•..>, Tbere'are mbds, aa wdlaa streets, that vrant drsilnlog, Uany fall In loye eathby/all asleei^—with their eyes shut. . There are those who,neyer "take the waivln paislojr ttroughlife. c ■• ■ . There Is nothlog'^iiore ohDertato .jthah "a certain age." . Tbe.beat'word In many ;bboke la "Flnla'' . ' Ha that odnfesses to onsfarticolar weakness has many more In'r^erv^e.'r' • Uammdni ties as mtuiykinairrlage kudis' a^ Oupld. A heart once glVen ahoald be '-not tramrfefable," 'He Uiat says "I know a secret," will tell It If ' pressed, 1%nb;»*I*T«?.tt«g<)Ws»snnwuahlntaa . JnAfflaent splendor—bnt hla heart waa Wo : .W5Ui2BartaeM,j«dMidn«fM^ 4B«ioJie'took « walk iqjon-the levSTS Thelordly.TiTMaadthe.breeie.ooaibUUao " "' ^*o««««Ua^t; w.lieilaBiongabavy ' > ,>,> Of girlahaaaw-Heavea'al hlabMtt Wwiui; . ' < . Hla loagtest Himm. with a fair voimg nMiji" .^v What oan be more lovely than a •.■bevy of Bitk« ^'1 ^ ( ^eilont, fipom the frequent appUoatlon of OOVbaiid??? «% ■TAllAH MEIDIOA^ SOaIp, have aoqntod fdiSlS^^ aesa, pnritr, strftoess and smoottmessl. NelthwtS? sonbnm, aallownesa, pimples, rashes, redness. -*--' ' '-Ui - - ■ , .rt , wen,adaptod totho nnraery as Uis toilet—and thkitfoi^ ohafes, cracks, or any slmOardeformity, can withlS^"3^*^^ I of this eunlslto Soap; which, from Its Soothlng.oSSiSi??* ■ l"t-'«'dfiKStenr£il'il maiden, wife or mother, abonld. for a moment ti* u!,.'"^ r OOUBAUD'S HAIR BB^RATIVE commends Itaelr i?!!' H' sonswhObAVebecOmepermntarelybald ;sndltnolniU ' h^iSbntim^keirwliThAlrallky. and rlc^i^ouyl - OODbSS!!!''! nnimnn a T> _il< j,—^ ^ . brown or black tfie Instant It la sraUed,'wltb~o'ntrialnin>^!?^i QOTmATm-eUQIlID ROUaElsaauMrbarUcleittirM^ beaatifql nae-tint, pale cheeka and lips, poBlttvolr IrmuL"' 4 eicept by washing ft with soap and water. OOnilAl^aTS'' I WHITE Instantly dispels flashes, redness, saUowaeas ind^if I neM." ■ ■ ' ■ ■ f BEWABB OF'OOnNTEBSZrrS, . 1 The gennlnb preporationB and coametlce of mn.nn, i BAin>'Can only be bad gennlne at his Depot; 4t$ BrnStlLvr at «7 Walker afreet 'i ^"V'"* 1 AgenlaMJallendar ft Oo,, Third andWalnnt etrt^ pm.,^ I lUa; J^B. Bates; 1» Washlagton street, Boaton;^Ji|^{^ j JUST FOBIilSHBD—Price, e bents—A New Edition f) of .OU.LVifltWELt'S celebrated. Iieotnro on' the Errors 'of/ toath;'thal)^ Oonieanences; Treatment and Onre. paid. on'riMelpt. of price. Also, "Onlverwell's an Single and Uarrled Ufe." Price aa cents, Address f4m* ' OH. EUKE b Co., UT Bowisiy, N. 7., Poet Imz 4086. "■piOH, RABH, AND RAOT," says the " Five Cent Xv Monthly," of "Kin Vaoob," 'the ScMia'nan Ifoveletto, by Okas. Henry Bay. - Single copies 10 oents; 10 for 70 cents. '.'JouKrlTC HooBC; or Paaalon and BeSllty;" by WllUe Ware, the Author and Actor,'known to btfrlesqhe as, ''.>Bweet William," "WoodNi Ware;" etc Single copies IS cento; 10 for 11.20. Either of above Fbbb by mall on receipt of price, by DAT, Tha Aatbor-PaUIlsher, Kew Haven, Oona. ' ■ , ; 31.3m A,STEREQSCOPtl, 'and 12 Fancy Oplpred .Ylewa, sent IreeL by maiL for 80 ceats. Address \ . ^ jS4|m* :bBEI>. PiBSEI^S b BBO., Box 3«8S f . Oi, K, % Olty. end for a Priced List of the Goods you may want I from this city: Addreta BBBD. PABSms b BBO,, ' • . Box ao8»p.,o.,;((,Trj City. 984m*^ SEND FOR A UAMMOTH PAOEAiQEl.odlltalnlnB TOnrFanw: AAcIes; cents.' Also, Bnbbbr Oooda for Gentlemen's ns*.' Addres*:. J.'H. FABBBIXk U'Afan street- near Broadfray, N. T. '1. ..'.'... DB-tf BOOKS ON LOVE, _fl(e*./poflraad aS-Smjc* AS:UBpAL,--^ata1ogties sent ...m.DiuiieBla^et, Newitork.. JAMES' (Goodwin, OommtasloA'>Paperi Ddoler. ■N6. llO JOBS 8TBEET, bear OIUT. Newlorlt. ! '' News and PMhtlng Paper aiaimfkotarM'to ordsr kt tha ahortostnotice. ' . ' -"^■'.■. '■ i"' • '•' . ',: jHf . M. N:r::t\i&::6';>{;-.; p X AAUES OF UanniiMtaTer and Dealer. In ■A>Y .Ii.H, O i ■ '0!a B; D .8 , And nil'articles osed la AMC8BHBHT .AHD |.0 BIAR OE:, *M Broadway, Hew Torfci . FANi:r7 PIGEiONB, Banb sale. .AddreasBokSftCP, ifnecovy Diibksl Ab/,' ^d^ )4ton,';)aass.V. ", .9Ml ' TT^'ANTED, a pair' of > FBRBETTS. :'!Addr6eS Editor : yV.' Otopia, aUtaJpride, etot ' '\ ", ' f '. ; .90-6l» !-'-~' l": •' .■;' • ■' ift'HAflttAJ'BntHHl'/ •■ ; •.;OB!rBBAIi iO)DtX'FI>B''l!HB;inil7 B:I^ LI AIl'D T Kttjit am . oovBuanoH ODsmoHa. Ftolaeted by Letteia Patent dated Feb. IS, UtS: Oei la. im Deo.8. lan;Jan,U,UN; Hov. 10^ 1818;Marc^i^iSS September 9», 1640, . .. . «.»wia| .Thia recent improvemsnla in these TWbles t«.fc^ 'titim'aM I . issed tn the worid.. They are now offered tosolntiieimS I players aa.comblnlne q>eed with troth never beftee^ISuak 'I my BUllMd table, - Alaok. , ""^""a j PHELAN'S new BOOK—"The Game of BD11iri>i ] Ith edition, ehlarged, revised, flhistrated with A. I gfame and a portrait on sted of the author; PrlcerfflsAiaB I deg^t^a. aent brnu^e ggg^^-tSI V, ' 63, as, ST, and 6» Oneby stiw HB W BOOKBII A OATAL^0|,| E B A T - B- O 0 K 811 HBW ' b'ooesi DOHT FAfiCi TO SENS FOB ODB HSW OATALOaUE ROW BBibT, BERT FBEB-POSIAOB PAII>--OR APPtiuoil IBB OU) EBZABUBHED iSp ORLT aw.vmt^k bqq^ ARD BFOBTIRa OOOM AODK -1 . ..' :•. ■ r - , 11.;, WbeMortasatapiaiBptlyaDdAUhftinyfaaeiited, ..' ' Addm; .TBOlCAB.'dBHIEBt;: itiibleBndabA i ' 'MRaaMW'Street'HsvTtA OWSELUMG. UPWARDS OF 1060 COFOSFal PATHOIiOGT ... ..'.'■. or xaa- RBPBODTTOTiy E ORGANS, •■.'■•• • m BUBSELL T. .TBAIX, U.D. ' . , SEX VAL OBOANISU. .. ST JAMES 0, lACESON, M. D. Hie treatlaes In Ihla volmne are upon sniijeola of t|ie otaal Importance in a pbyalologtcal point of .view.. Iheie aahjecliaj bandied In an able manner.' The anthers arc nedlcal i large experience; and the advice which they glra ls.doiuid,sl| applicable alike to the goldante ot parehta and ,to the boll of the yoosg. ° A pemaal of the work will do nnuJi tb nas healthy mehulannbodllyfanotlons; whllstoanlEgrlnghiDi^l itoffenjndldona advice, irhioh mayaava many from eoi~*' ting theu solTerlnga by qnask doctors aid treatment"—Boston JonmaL Should be read by all old enongh to imderstand If-^atl Core JonmaL ... • * I It win be the senrce of mudhgood; belngptepuMvUkatl and from abundant knowledge."—Boston traveller; . I "It is a book for the times, and shonld be in/Cfiruy ftnllr.'*! World's Crisis, Boeton. . 1 ' "An honest effort to dlirase nsefnl InformatloD. UoStpoiiltl works on tbia snlOect are the roveise of this, and an nmi^l gVetHsenients of qoacks."—Plymouth Book. - I "A valuable addlUon to medlool. Ularatare."-Bosloa Dal Flag. . A valnable book for the afflicted, and for all'who wooU mIm | Ite connaels tit of great tnkportanco to all."—Boeton Coifi^l Hdballat . .. \J "Contetna practical information that shonld beknovntidvl ednpon byparentoand children, the carried aid atnglt. >j|| ohapters devoted to chlldreil and tholr managomenl eii(bt US I xead'by eVoy mother,"—Munda, (M. T.) News. I ■That this la a enggestlve vohune muet be odmllteo, veQM I by cither a professional or ncn-profc^slonal reader, Edom* I we are. in advocating a general reform of onr ecolal b>w-^, opportunltlea for physical Improvement, we ball with ddlgUal anggeative inflnences that may bo brought to bear opto Mitl voriutline of action, come from what qaorter it may. ^"'"^^1 fore take great pleasnre'ln reconi'monuuig the abcre Tdliin>|l fair and candliTcbnalderaUon among all daasea, ET«iT»r*| la valuable, and all theanbjectoot those obaptereaieTul(i(B| Boeton la 'great in all good works.'"—N. Y. Clipper. . , , Price TBiaE DOLLABS. Bont to any addreai. Bondeii- to the publisher, B. I,EVEHETI EUEBSOH, .. 129 Waahlngton atreet; 3oeU)n.«« I 'For sale In RewTork by 0. 8. FECr, 30 Walker atreel, wal SIHOLAIBTOUBET,'131 Nassanstreet. -' . ul '■ VuiiEZ iMT'OTBEB Boox, tbls wIH teach UiS to prevent, and pormanenUy Otms, evsbt fobu of hi')'^! ease and derangemunt^ vrithont foolng 01 conaolUag aDr<<^l whatever. Ro other medical book has ovorre(!elTCdpia«'i mondaUons trom the Press, On laa Best. BOOKS! BOOKSIl B 0 O^lX , BPOBTINO ABTIOLEB, OABDS ARD PDINm ^ J. H: FABBELL, Bookseller, II AnnsbeASjKL Books of every variety, either Foreign or.DomMtl«,>J^| on aptillcalton.. Parties desiring'books of any dooiiw^ sending address, postpaid, wUl'teoelvo Immedlite tw«» Books, Sporting and nnoy Alftlolea yoa ma/see ulnf<^SUl be furnished to order. 'OalalogtfessedtonsFpUcaUol>. ^1 J, H.'FABBELL,dealerInBboksandFanoyArtloles.fl<''''!fl street. Raw Tork. ' HOW ,TO. WIN AT OAfiD3.-Sondyoui'a4(li»S| twored'stomps to HOWABD M. ORA'Via, l'e'J»<!U Post Office, jmd'. he wiU Inform yon of a BUBE netliMOiJJP nUigat AJjL^ Tiylt,andg«taaai(^''J return maU.^ ■^:.",^';, , (. .OOHHBR' ■pI'-apWEBT ARB BATABP fp^«fl*l '- OneaU can be'aOconifaiodated with Booms byuajjlr mI with or wiUiont boanlTT: iiOEO. P. WOBDIW,J^l Ttr '0 ;r:;:I)I B. N K 0 4t DO .YOU .WANT WBfekBRS, OR .OBOffl tV-rln 18ka I iVret asked this quwH^ 1^1 £cored by nokorona people; and I aek if any of ^'Sj^^tf yOn«neatto'fauin,doliuaU,Io|al«ied forlti <uo^iJ5tl TOOld cpinDel the Peard of Monatacto to grow eatfaoe vrKhln' all weeks Own tbe £rst appUoabon.. ff,^jM besfflil Inventpis,.!have bad to contend with aboatoi^^l some of whfrn^.eT*n go so flir. as |b coBymy«d™^Jij| However truth Ui3gfity. and m pteini; w*'>SJi?tl'!l leea Wenfll'will Und ttat jby Onguent Is the only 'W^l k^foToTlhe Board, to giowTandwlU "^t^'iTef f<^l thaskli. I tebd It to any part .oflhe oonsto "^jVft 11 fortl^. [M^lt*] ^, 6,.(|B^[HAM, Mo,108 MaBiaBrtt«w;^ ■ Li'T.-RadtioHon In Price. On^.^lKiLa '.A: IlanoyPaekage,wltb-"MdlUosMaUrad^a>>°^tflil fti&b*^ songs, JoSli, Toasts, FIVB BOOK <«5J^«<»I OOLOara) HSflBAyroO, sent to any »ddrt»s oa rewr ■ Oenti», HO HCMBUQ.. -BDOA^ MOBPHT f W^fiH'J S041'" ■■' ■' ■■■ ''81 Riiaeaa81ri«l.5^ ^ ■'j.: ', • .i-'flj.'/' i." ''l" "■■tVif