New York Clipper (Nov 1862)

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BATDBDAT, NOYBMBBS 20, 18B2. 'Anwui TO ooBBX0Fonmnnit' ' "" ■■ I (oDowlsg Fens hui- D.B.B.. J~di^Ud ra ihe Mli Init, Md to oua Ha U dnftad on f.'J.'lCwlllflia Urn* lubtUtattior goln hli plwe, Btgnad . a. K. . _Wtoffir<Sy. How,tt»t thwiuu no to^.hw* i?«M^^MuM(oBtT* npthe BoneT.UM moneybelDB now r^^MHtWawhlohtdeathenu>ner.'L.....&i<iiir o^bloD, t^Stdihtt* being no dnft lenden the ignenent naU ud --XLHid tht dnft ukon pImo on tba dty mentlonsd, tnd M ' S1£ dnftod, J. U, by fonUhlng a rabatltate, or gdilg •Jl&SiSiteS.TCi'oiild'liTa oliTU»& •ft'"*"" ^'K? t,S«s.S. balsa drafted. Aiittanow.abonld another call be ISSa."iiSlHortSid. D. E. R, liaklliable. ItianotJnBt. DI^^U«ittat D. B. B., ahonld be made to pay twice tor one Soi'll k'Bnn(»>B*>BptoBBoad8.—1.1Iaoe to a bigger nun than a'fltaaaiTen- 8«e ov reBiarlta.OT the coming flght XDan SomeUrwu narer cbaniplon cf England; neither waa JaA ;8. O'Bonrkeand Deaf Bnrke fonghtlnthla oonntry. edi^ianged Burke to fight on the Onnagh of Elldan, hd. but Burke daclioed to fight Um ont of Sn^di Hn- eliallengaa paaaed and repamed between Bnrke and ulWibnt thayconUI not oometoterma aa to the plaoe. „ howerer, oiirod to fight O'Bonrka. In Irdand, but the r dldtot aeoept, and aoon after, "the OlIOTUke" aaOad f»r v. W. P.-There la no regnlar and weU^dlmrted code ot bwi .'I'ilK aftmnaa at bagatelU, knd, indaedi Itwonid be next to Impca- ..dOatofiane anoh a eoda,iMcanaeof theTtirmanydllArent ' SntM ilajadlaTery room or locality having Ita own game, and ,.tOT«ned moatlyby ltaownmlea. Moreorer, ttSJSfi'jSJ? J<«WWbaBateIla,"lthaaeTidenUynotbeen oonalderedof anfll- {..i^aBtbopoxtanoatohaTeaflxadoMe. ItlaoDito]naTT,howeTer, ^wirt£^ to play at thered or apotted ball flrat. and u«b .£n1£rtninMto1beW«noffthetAb aa a loatbalL Unlaa 9(S!'p*ittevUr game to apeolfied, we ahonld adrtoa "a draw." "'^ * VMtm, wimii.—1. Iba lady nanally called EmOy ' '>*'ttania to a natlTe of England, and haa not bean a long time in nxwaiaemtoT.' X Oan. Bykea aroaa to Ua preaent poatoon by taiS«mXr£ ^ i^^^j. & Ed Mm. we b£e7^ Ja in "l^^^i^Srttt?M^ J.*%o."«. Ho"reorad waa kepV^ andlwonldUke. mant of what I wrote to yon more hnrrledly." With thaaa aentlmenta of Oeneial Kearney made known to me, IthLiknooneeanpraanme thatlwlll now olTatoIhe pnbUoa idanoe oonflded to a Mend, eiprenly Intended only for ii Piloe would, we think, « n ■«iy^rBMm««tona-n^ with unknown mm. 7. Oplnlona Taiy -'^<ISare ar«hardly enough of thadlAirentwstghto yon apeak ot lo make ooiapailBona at all, and IhoaahaToaelaom bean proper- f, iiDBaaBwn, Trenton, H. J.-l. Appealing to onr fean tode- " wadty rloh, and glraa the deml-aaml-qnaTer lo onr nerrona aya- ^ ^GiL^WTOOona." 3.'WahaTCpntoanalreaenfoonaldatably S^%nt yoa In" poaaeaaion of the trntb, bnt the teatlmony aoflu .UiMwioaagetalLtooonfllatlng. Sam*,who dioold know,ear ' Snow are ammoyed at the Onatom Honae here aa teas fit t''5S«, white othan, who alio thouU know, aay theyare not, Int •dylnaanhordlnaiec^aclty. -^ftarmararelnihe malorlfy. .'><:.gijBCHBn,IMt]ana.—The laattheatre erected In thto dtyto %allaak'a new theatre, oomar of IBIh atreet and Broadway. The ' dd theatre, callad 'WaUaok'a, In Broadway below Broome atieet, ->«ii]iot bnUtbythat gintlaman, bnt waa erected tor Ur. John .■n|tiMM rfiWm . It aflerwaida waa leaaad to Ur. Wallaak; who oo- ' ao^Slltantnhlanewtheatnwaa erected. m 'Wit. JL, Phnadalphla.—Addreaa the atage manager or the v^anmptar. :Bend yonrname, addreaa. andr«?eranoM,aB to any ^Sber miiiarof boatoeaa. Ton may have a "oaB." bnt If not. ''-''yoa luTaihe aatliliutton of knowing that yon did Tonr beat to }oeUatoli''We hare already given a daaotiptloncf the nav ea> nir- A OoaanroTOB, Hcntraal. 0. E.—The eardAwhtatmoatbe «ealt from left to right, deliberately, detaohcd by the oentr^ and dlatrlbntadaneatatlme. Sealing from right to lafli or to an li<|Begiilar manner, to not proper. ' ' V.H.—Tonrqaeatlonamlght be aniwered, perhapa, by the (i'i)auidaet heraalf; bot^ really, allow na to aak yon, are not vonr <) fnaattona altogelher too Imparttoint? Boppoae yon "hnnther \;^"yoniaaIt 'i ^7 jiapiB, LonlBTlDe, Ey.—L One potot ahonld be added to the '^^gkma'af yinir adveiaary, aa a penalty for yonr neglaot to follow '' nit;'' s. Two pototo can only be acored for a manm. " W. 8. BoflUo.—The height of mnltyOhnrah aptre. Hew Tork, -VknaflMt; lhatof BtPanl'a,London,8T0; andthatof SaUabory, •iidio.. •> 1& 7., Waahlngton, D. 0.—taron Jonea never fonght apilza ' 'fiwt^.thto country; he aeoonded Beenan to hto Dghtwith jUoi- jfiMy,,iand thatwaama only appearance to tharing hare.' ' ' & 0, Envldenoe, & I.'^lxtaen woo the Urd, the tie tol the !• (^••ftjmww pnf^i iiirfiniH. . The fonrlsan thrown to daddlag the ««, wonld not albot the let, and No. I "rakaa the pot" < - ■ Of «i» 'wtm, Aiimi HI—1. Twelvo conto per Una foreaiDh and ' .^Toy Inaartlon. 3. zcnr hand on 11^ and onr "Catato Boy" re- ','aiprocataa. ' B.'a, Beaton.—L WehavenoCuFFlBSprevlonato lhatdata. 5L Ton oan procnn the work, donbtlZu, of W. 0. Wemyaa, 571 Broadway, hTt. <'.' J. B. &, Haw TorL—The* dome of the Otty Ball waa bnmed .'«aAmmatl7,US8; and the EoapUal building, Statea laland, "ahontVpt 39^1888. H,f. Woonwup, Horfolk, Va.—Paparwaaaantjbnttoanbther ^.gOdreaafiromyonrlaat Oneaait'a all right now. The "awapV "^If agreieaUe on onr part a.—Thefirat«neatlonwe anawar to the negatlva; the S'*eaond to the afBimaUve. Die annhlthaatre, alone, at tha Hew . t Xcntay, boUa more than yoa aay tor the whole honae. .V: >T. B.i-riilaikl.£-Sae Oeo. 0. Dobaon'aadvarttoamenttoihtatiir "^v -'js- 9., j>iinklrk.—Ve are nnaUa to locaia tha llUIa lady, at .^IfBiiifjit., *- FikoHoir, St lionla.—1 Aak for Epea Bargant'a "Beadar," Beaton edition.' a. AddreA Br, Oonrand, iSi Broadway. r<' Bta ViooL ananouB.—TOm Taddook fonght Bandigo'Jane S, lUo^ andany.FDnlBoi) fieptas, UU. IdBDLHOBir.StLonto.—Oladtohear firom yen. Xhto weak, : ;^kinreTar, fu ftland "Seneca" to ahead of yon. V t& T.rBaUitoore.—Diamond, the jig danoar, died Mma yean ISO. ' ■ i> .'-rA.O. BL—Hake the oalonlailon yoniadC and yoa hays ibp ear- _IM nawer to your ^neitlon. '^''' °Ji H.O.;HaaBra Str.—alt comot»l" Omtoaton attended tethtoveek.' ' "^'^'liiqDnni'Borton:—High Jack, wlna; game do«« not oonntnn- W tl^e other potota have been Bcored.' ■ ■ tu P.—foble and UorrUaey did not fight a priae fight; It waa .'«f :tlMirosgh and tamb)e order, and Honiaiey waa whipped. /AMIteDi^ Brooklynv—Barry Orlbbto to to Ban Franotooo. SiBT, Ohleago,—She waa dlvoioed from Mr. Cooka. i j riT-Hnr'.' '.If ' ■ •' » ■ ■ ■ ''..i<y-\ ■ .1 '■ ' ■'' . ■ .. Bomb Ciaai.—n«m HewOrleana wehaverepelvBd iptelU-. '/seBoe that • man named ElUa, proprietor 'Teople'a' Bacf hal been tarred and feathered \jf a mob of Mwdtea, be- «aaie.aatbeyatated,he waa "an abollttontot and • Cniontot" The man aaeBBia to have been very badly need. It appears that*. ;.'ifaeina to<progreaa at the tlm^ when a oonpl^ot rtogleadere of ;;tts mob ordared ElUa to irtpp the.aport TUa he refoaed t6 do; .iae dtoobeylig, he waa at once aeiaed, and treated aa before meai' '^osed. Thei^rlnclpdofrenderBbadbeenarTeated,andwanbdng tOti by a military eommlsalon at kew'Orleaniu' Thla to one aide of "^Hib'Hlafi. ThttoveattgaUoamaydaveiopOaoi^fkgtowhlohiuy. '''(ife''tiieeMaan'ontlraly dliTerent look ITe'aay wahave aa yet ' ' ^MkrA ibnt one aide of the gneatlon; If thia ia the tnie aide, then ' iHb jp«tpetntois ot the ontiage will no donbt meet with that pan- ''idiia^t which their oondnot entltlea them 'to. Some of the : .'liopriatoia of Sonther^' race 'eonraea, or' parttea totareated to- r,tlitait m.dlir^piilablacharaoteta, and "piofeaaienal blacUega," ,/a^ /lcae no eppoitanlty to detraad the onwarypalrona of the ^e hne liad'ona or two of the'acampanp thto way, trying ! uapoae open the Hoithem people; tint they have bean pototed -.'fjit po anmtotaktbly, that itetr, apeonlatlona have entailed loaa«a jlj^fpn thamatlvaa, Inatead—aa theybad hoped-of pntttogmonqr r;jfi||-j(balr.podketo at tha.expenaaof BwtodIed "mndalDa.'jV„I)lij : JlSfjl^dr poaalUe that BOto may have bean golUy of aoma ptraaM . it^Mk^elwn-. at the time to the anthorltlea. However, the mlltiary . |t'iitii|M*'l<><>> ^* V'**<toie, win give OS the fkota to detalL '^T !ibo(uim,^aanoBx,—llr^ Bpaythhaa tlieooolneia to makaUia ,j'iiipUoitlntl,f^^«ment in areoeat number <)t, a. oontemporaiyi ilffff^ti V'fi'f^ ia nndonbtadiy.tho champion player Of Hew' \t'^(ll^iF.'Olirt bnikcy iBpaylh to the aoknowladged ilr*n<ht oham- fijfin ti^.'A.rtir*'"lb* proof-Ur. Spaytlfhaa liad the £onor of '' {.tteaUagiaiid pliVlBg • matoh of sa ipmea ioTbta tba boaiii witl| UMr. jDrya^' »nd..tha tbltowlng .to, tta aoorei Dryaiato M, ^iBl^aytb^ at)!: AravhlS. 0plandld:playfi>ra Aaatplaa/towlB i*<i«iatMMt4t(MH|MMpltgrad. -; ; ',, TBM OHABtPIOH) 'mUi HAOE BEIAII(.3iB';{Erat Vemlbeeiathe pbaaeaurotlha Ohmph»'Balt«tXa(Iaad. Toa Elngaiplreatothe honor otMlBg . the enatodton of tha (Mpby. Heeadaavoradoncabeforiftia^^mtltfraiB Ihapoaaea- aion'of ibce, botha waansaaooeaiAilraabMghltwianotwlth- ontaatoatoentaatihatUacewaienablf^totiialKff Uaeppcnent In fkct, on that oooaaton, Uaoe held 'hto. aatagonlat too. llglilly, anddldnotpreparawlthhtonraaloarefbz tha battle; the, con. aeqaence of which waa, that King came "wlthto one" ot taking thetriak. Mice doaa not mean to throw a ohanoa away thto time. Ea haa bean working hard to throw oS all aaperSocw lleeh and imporltlea of the ayitem, and it to aald that to la aa good con- dition aa It to poaalble for each men to be la. i» to be aaalit ed.totha rlsgbyona,lf not both, of Tom HiriaiiB' aaoonda to the great toiamattonal fight; aoltlatiaartad. " Ttom Itog, who dhallangea Uaoe for the Chailq^loiiahlp, to a likely ycang Mlowt—a yoong giant; aa it were. Be oommenoed Ua career boUUy, and aonght the higheat game. Be lua already Ibnghtonebatttofortheahamplonihlpi-with M aea b nt bad to ory<<hold tfK>agh,"ln'eon«efnence,lttothonghl,«f not being taken to hand In aeaion, and proper^ tialnad in tbe important event Hto eOOrta, however, even nndar the moat dlaoouiglng dronmaUDoea, opented greatly tohto favor, and made him many frianda, even to hto defeat Be now entera the anna nnder tet- ter aoiploea, and to repreaonted aa being "fit to fight for a man'a life." 'Vlth two Boeh aplendld apedmena of manhooci oonfroat- tog'eaoh olher,ittotmtnataraltolook fbraapUted and 4e8- perato atnggle. UaoCa taeUoa-or 'Wlntegy." If yoa ptaiae- ahonld baaaperiar tothoae of Klsgibnt wbU tha latter may Iiok to thto arm of the aarvlce.may be mala op for to the atrcagthof htoblewi.whlohan aaldtobe'Ukeahaiaa hlok." The celebrated Tack H""^*"! generally admitted to be the t>eat aeoond to an England, had Etog to charge tor hto laat battle, bnt too Ute to'prepare him properly; andaweek ortwo before the fight he wrote to oa that he did not eipeot that Elog ooald win. aahe waa not well; batthathewonldmakaagooifight; and lo the reiolt proved. TblM time, better thing* aria looked for, li- thonghthafiutmastnotbeloat.alghto^ thfctUMe wfll prore lean vnhuiable than he waa on the former'nccaalnn. If Xing la aa strong aa lepraaanted, and hto blows poaaeaa tbat Immanie power attrlbnted to tham,Uace may ponlldy gat •'ikaered,' and ont It, aa ha has been do before. Althongh a aplendld boier, and a good oard to bet on when he la to the vein, hetonotataU timeatobe tiuted. He haa mostly been snr- roimded bypeiaons, who win make'money, "hoaeatlylf thty aui,"biitwho win make money by other meant, if neoeaaaiy. Eemayhaveentthaacfnalntancecf tbeae gentryatoce he be- ounecAampUia, bnt wean not pcaltlTe that theyhavaent blm toUaprarpoity. Efforta an being made to bave the aSUr eome off qnletly, and witbont magtotarlal toterferenoe. Tliepreaite day had not been pBbllelyinneanced.bntittothonght that tha event win have beeodeddedbefbrethto reaoheatheeyeaof^^nadanL Taea- diy.Rovimber 95, would be the day, It was thoaght, dthoogh the 3Mh and BMfa, had alao been named, a fixed data having been avoided, to throw tha police oS the toent, doabileai. Tba Oinraa ezpeota to have early totenigence of the resolt Da a piivato letter reoelved laat vreek from a wdl-known trainer toliondoii, wefindthe foUowlng renlarksto retorenoetollaoe and EIng, and other'matten:— NzwuAinr, Oot 9t, 18U. Fbdid Qobdi— Thto to Newmarket radng week, and the flnlah of theTadng year. The town haa been aU aUve with the boya on their muele. Jem Uaca and Jem Uyera. with their drooi, have iMen here, and had orowda to eee them. Jem Ilyen' apeacb, however, takea aU down bnt the "donkey ehow," Be aays—"When J. 0. Heenan beard of the teiormons aire of the illaleybtidgelnlknt,he appUedforthe£3f whloh had been put down, and qalt the EngUah ahorea for America; bat Mice met and fongbt the Intent and to a ehort time thellttleman ddetted the Ug one." Bo aays Jem Uyeis. /think it wis a good Job for the Intknt that Heenan d<d leave, for he wonid bate done the same with him aa he will do with Usee ahonld they ever come to- 8ether Uaca to bard at work, and looka wdl in health; al- longta tomy mtod he ii (oo/iu drawn, eipeatoUy when the d^ of lighting to aoma time ahead yet -Et looto ea>ji KOd wkcn ilrip- pd, ,Ha**aacleveraiacatwlthlhegIovea,)ratIdanotllkehlm u e champion. If we had any big weight, yon may depend tha belt woold not fit Uaater Jemmy Uace long The laat Ume I. aawKtoghewaalooktogwell. bnt had not at that time,'gone toto training.' Ea waa very oonSdent and ip<Ae of J^iay vtotory. Be. to now Iratolog at 'Woodford, about four miles tnm my plioe. t have not been to see him yet He to a nice, dvll young fellow, and Iwlah^ilmweU, Uace trains at Newmarket, with Jack Hloks .1 hove not aeon Heenan for some time, but I hear that he to looUng well, and maUng money. ^ The drooa he to with, attnots large orowda wherever It appeaisL He to mneh le- speotad, and haa plenty of frlenda to EDgland.' Teats; — — . In thto cconectlan, we might mention that Joe Oobura haa re- ceived a latter from Beenan, and that the Utiar olbntoladk Joe If Oosi win fight to thto oomitty. As Ocas haa already made known hto readtoeas to ooine over here to meet Cobnm, It to probaUa that there wlU be a Utile affiiir on thto ddsof tha "gooaa pond." Ooaa betog mltched with Posh Priee, we piaanme' that nothlpg wlU be done imtB that event to dedded, OBiBKoira ur mmiLV voms. The gbeala an atUI ooaanmtog, pleoe-maal, the remains of the late flea. Xeainey. Tlieaemonaten to human ahape, not 'satls- fisd with the InJnry they have already dose to tha memory of theonoe brave Eeamey, ocntlnae to their work of deaaoratlan, and-drag from the grave aU that to left of the dead, toftarther aomeprttJeetby which they oan deatroy the UvingHoOleUan. A man to New Jersey haa seen pnperto publish tothe world a letter witttan by the late Oen. Eeamey, and whiah the latter pr» snmsd would be' treated confidentially. In trying to ii^nre HcOUnaa, thto man haa dragged. forth the dead Eearaey, and theatokaningexpcsnre liaaso^togasted alltrae fHendi of the late'aoldleri aatoooiBpelthem;to attow ap (ho reaotreotlontot to Us'troe aharaoter.'Ithavtog^entotlfflate.d that other letten written by Oen. Eeamey, derogatory to Oan. UoClallan, wen to theiMaaeasIon of Oortlandt'Parker, Eeq,, of Newark, H. J,, (who waa the legal adviser'-and oonfldeotial friend of the lamented Eeamey). thatgentlsman thought propertopubUshacomnnnl- cation on the aulOeot It was intimated that Hr. Parker bad permitted .c^rtato partlaa to pernso those letters, and that Ihoae parttea bad imparted thelnfomutlon they oontatoed to certain enemiesotaen-UcOIdlan. To thto Ur. Parker npUesaa fol- lowi:— It to tna that'dartog Oenerel Eeamey'a Ufa f made no secret of posseiatoir letten from him, dtoonealog, to aomehxtent, the nunjbot mlUtarymovementa,and that to mm muRtalJriind'i, wkmlbeHeeallmtd Irudaimnqf Smiir,l "made no leoral" of parto of some of them. Bntl.beg leavs toaaythatit tonot "to be presumed" that I win at any time "give thom to the pub- lib." Nobody who knows me win ever so preenme. !'Hr. OoitlindtParkarfiasaeenblB mistake to permllUog meh •men of honor" to puose hto private corraapondenoe, 'We pr»- auaa be win never give iham another sudh opportunity. Oea; Eeamey bads great objection to aeatog himaelfto print; and dIaiQproved even of havtogpnbltohedoartoto letten oontalning snggestloBS that might be of great public nlUltyi he was wllllig the coantay ahonld have them, but he did not wtoh them to ooms through the preak. '•!<;" conttoueaUr. Parker, "snah were my hereto firiand'a aenttmeataon the propriety of naming him aa tha author cf abstract military optotons,iB<IJiwka( korgraadiii- d^noNn* wosU b fid kim r<pa>4led M«piilI<caMo» 4f Uoi CMlafR- <i^^Mi(yMDMf«9e(t<M0 iaiUditiiali,brdAo'qjleov,isiported to a /HeRd,wllhtbaconfldenoeof amannttsttotf aa Inaudible loll- toiuyl" ■ What* rebuke to HaUtasA and thoa^ conneoted with him la kba'ptibllcatlon of Xeamey's private oomapovdenee. Oetieral Eaamey even canUoinM Hatolead againat makUg publlo hto ieiiero. Ob thto jpotol^Ur. Parker aays:— "Bat I have stIU inore pototed taatlmoby aa to Oen, Eeamsv'a sentlraento onthtofiiatter. Knowtog htopesollar tenpertmeiit and hto ptOTOoatlona, and havtog been enoouraged by hlniMU tooounael him, I took tbo Ubertyof oautlontog hln, in tj„ ISnagdnatiaUdng too freely, and espeolaUy wrlttog hto odIs- Idnsutothewartoooaralosslyandoonfldlosly. Under dataot ■ay IT laat. he npUea thua:—"I meet nn^ubtadly have not re- mtned. aa a dilaen general, from wrltlni aeveral Indignant let- ten to frionda. I, however, only remember throe lett«is-one aniafonnti one, to yon; another to Pet Hatotead, and tbtoi labsequenllir nquested him to forward to yon. I aiked him. aa repraaantaltre of many good flrlends at home, aa even • friend of tptoa; Mdpaa who more Imnedtotely bnaled himself at Wasb- lyiftOA It iu Uqi* «f my sppoilntmant.-to manly ahow It to aac^ Sfrieads eirmtoaaa followed me'atlil with tat^ralt i toaodotog.- I subSMiuentlyraquested blmto sandltto-yoo, - —v. -y^^ obtain it tromblm. It la aclear atate- trlend^ eyes, and whose writer entertained an abadoto horror of Ito geWng toto print Uj/frtendMp/orOi^deodi/orMixBUui, wmia^MwmiaatdfoT Aii mmary (and no man'a private coirea- pondenoe could fkll to tojnn him, if publlahed while the persona and toploa deaoanted npoh were yet the aublecto of pnbUo ex- oltement), my aenae ofJaiUce to him and thoae of wbem he speaks, forbid me anch a conrse. Were these motlvee wanting or tosufildent, my regard for hto widow and family would prevent The pabUo ought to know- It to but Just to Uv. Kearney and the reutlTea of the deoeaaed— that they not only dlaapproved the pabUcatlon which has takea plioe, bat alisolutaly, and previously, in tka tbmged lemt, n- quaUi a contrary eovrte. I am authorued to Incorpciato to thto oommunloatlon, the foUowtog letter, whloh was ddlvered toto the hands ot Ur. Hatotead aeveral days, I undentand, before the regretted pubUcatlon ;— Sbib Bb— I aaw Uia. H stotead yesterday, as ao doubt she hu explatoed to you, and impranoi upon tier my urpoU nmeU (oyou OatntfiMleaiimbe givmton;/ late kuitatufs letter. It was adr dresseatoyoa 4nooioldaice, uns ntner itOeniel fiir eulKdfy,and yoa are aware that 'the Ganeral had reqneated Ur. Ooitlandt Paikertogetthe tottor outof your poasesslon. Uyhuabaad'a relatives are extremely anxlooa that no farther dlacutdon upon the matter should take place, and would deem any pnbUd^ of the Oeneral'a letter a breach of fUth on your part Beelde my earnest desire that the letter be no more mentioned, to the toot that at present the pubUcatlon ot the Oeneral'a atrioturea against UoCleUan would lie lU-Judged, not palilotlo. To end thto appeal I must say I ahonld deemlto refusal annngentlomanlyaot 1 believe I am correct to oonaldering you tocapable of any such. With the foU aaaoranoa that yoa will grant myrequeat, oeUeva me ycnis, stocerely, . . A. E. The wldow'a entoeatiea, however, were of no avail, and the private and confidential letten of Eeamey were pnbUabed for the purpose of kining off UcOlellan, Those who were Inatm- mental to their pubUoatloa are certainly waloome to aU the eclot they have gatoed by the opeatlon,at the expanae of tha memory and reputation of the dead. Poor Eeamey—the ^uUbaved^ voored him. A uBUBBLB) BBtP," OR •»PVT>VP JOB." Aooxlona oaae his juat been brongbt to Ugbt to London, wbldi plaoaa a few ot the-aristooratlo tarftnea ot that place on a par with some of the tort swtodlen to this ooontry. Thefkcto, aa we find them recorded In, the London Joomato, reveal the mode by whUh a "bubble bet"wiis made, the oltject being tit TCbathlrdparty of theiam of 1500. The oonspintcrs, aeoord- ingtotheevtdeaoe before ua, are Oaptato Stewart and Colonel Bamaby, both heretofore bxAed upon as hononble men, and both, we beUeve, memben In good etaadlng ot tha Jockey dab. Tbevlotlmtotheoaaa, to cuown eountiyman, B. Ten Broeok. Elf. VewlU ststo the oaae to aa simple a manner aa posdble, Oaptato Stewart and Coloael Bumaby are theownanof 'a race hona oalled ."Palm OIL" Not: liking the name, it was proposed to obaage i^ and "Batodeex" -was enggealed as a auballtate. Here commences tha difiloulty that led to the subsequent ques- tionable tianaaetlon. In tn.>vi»fl down to hto tiock tha new name for the horse, Bumaby spelt It thua: "Batodeer,"npon Khtoh Stewart chaffed him about hto mlaspelUng; be, Stewart, claimtog that the proper way to speU the word to with an <; thua "Bdndeer.'.' Each matolalned that hto own epdltog waa tha oorreet mode, and finally a bet ottai a side was made 00 it AU seems flir enough, thua fkr. It most be kept to mtod that Stewart bete on. apelUng the word with ane. The day paases, and wa are left In the dark is to whether the proper auttaoritlea wen oonanlted. The sequel, however, would lead to the auppo- altlon that Johnson's dlctlonaiy had bean referred to. The next day. Oaptato Stewart. Colonel Bamaby, Ur, Ten Brotok, and a number of other sporUng gentlemen, attended cerlato races, and while on the course, the anbject ot obangtog Paha OU'a name waa broadied. Hera, aocordtog to cu^ idea of it to where the praotloal part of the triokery commencea. The consplraton wen to ipparent doubt as to the proper speUtog of the name Batodeer, and appealed to thoee around -them, the m^orlty of whom aatd the correct way to speU It was with an e. Thla, it wQl be remembered, was tha way Stewart originally' bet 'with Bumaby, It waa spelt But now, Stewart changes hto base; Ur. TanBtpeokoffentotoytlOO totZSthat the word to apdt with ana., Btewu:taccapte the odds, and bete that It to apeltwlth an 0. Stewart olalma that to ao betttog he ."hedged." that 1% putttog both bete together, hto list bet would make blm stand .aa tutUnt to <T5. Well, the day paaied, and to tha evening the partlea'met at dinner, and the subject agato came np^ andhera'a where Ur. Ten Broeck was agato vlotliDtoed< Stewart, who had to the fint place atoutly matotatoed that the was eorreot, now, onoe more, insisted that the a waa correct Ur. Tan Broeok waa so positive that e waa proper, that he offered to bet Oaptato Stewart flvt Jkuadraldoaare to fin doUan that the word was spelt with an e. Oaptato Stewart took the bet, but seems to have made it a condition that Johnson's dictionary ahonld dedde It The dob's Johnaon waa brought, and in It the word waa found apdt with aa o-the only work of the Und, by theway.thatBoapeni'it Sabsaqnently, the Honorable Bobert Lawlay oomea forward, and testUea to writing, it appean, that Oaptato Stewart told him that the original bet of |25 between Stewart and Bumaby was a "babble bat," orbogua. Ur. Ten Broeok; before paying the five hundred doUan, walte to asoertato whether thsaiblrwaa a fair or fraudulent tranaactlon. Teati- moay, pro and eon, to takef, the different parties miktog different statemeata, and the Bononble Ur. Lawley repudtottog hto fomer ititomant Admiral Boas, Steward ot the Jookey Olnb, makes a statement; and totlmatce that thiud baa been oommltted. Thto (toptato. Stewart and Oolond Buibaby deny, and thus the oaae s£ood at laat advices, the affair having oreated much exdtemant to London, uid, to fiiot, aU over England, Trom our tariff aland potot, the evldeuoe laada na to auppoie that Oaptato Stewart and Oolond Bamaby "put up a job" to make money out of somebody, not Ur, Ten Broeok to putlonlar, Theae two, being at variance about theapeUingof a word, no donbt examtoedthe proper authority before aeparatlng; fbrlt waa bitt proper that, to renaming theto hone, the spelUng of the name ahould be correct A bet to' made, and thto bet, Eon, Ur. bwley states, waa a bubble, or bogus bet, acoordtog to the ad- mtoalon of one of the parties, nito bogna bet paved the way for future opetatlona. Oapt Steirart, beyond doubt, beUeves to tbto moment that the oorxeot spslllng of the word to 'with aa ind (hattothsopInlonotW ont of every 100. Butbehad, inbaequeat to the dispute, examined Johnson's dictionary, fbund the word apelt with an a, much to hto futonishmenl, and here offen the diaaae fbr a apponlatten. AcayIt wlU be seen, he bete oa the a, Inatead cf the e;.as to the Vbunle." Tan Broeok, without'con- aoUlag Johaion, lays very .hea^y odda oa thee. In taking that bet, andoonflnlag' the deotoloEkto Johnion, whloh Stewart, or hto frtoad Bonaby had undoubtedly examined, Oaptato Stewart, la onr opinion, perpetrated a friid, and when aU the &oto *i>'n bave been'developed, we' think It wlU ao appear to ereryUa- btoned mtod. We do not beUeve It waa totanded to entnp Ur, Tui'Broee^ especlally;'btit'as he Was among the fint to nibble at the bait, the conaplntots hookedfilm, and got tor their smart- ness, five bundred dollars,' but with tt^ expoann whloh twenty times five hundred wlU never efCue. ' There to one tiitog abont thto matter wblol( redonnda to tbe endlt otBDglaad, and that to tbo ikotuat tha high poaltloB oo- oupled by the auapeoted parties Ua nM shielded them from ex- posure. Ih thto relpeot, Justloe'iii tton\ven-IiandM to England than it to to thto country.^ There, the bbheit to the land. If be begailtyof orinie.has.b'atUttte'better Uumoe of escape than the meat obsonre'.creatun to the meteciJblla. Here, influence, tflaes^ and .money, will pnteot the gentleimnly awtodler, whUe the fdendlesa offender is harried to punUhnient withsoaroely theabowota trlaL Some of the onoe moat Wminentbaoken and othen, of Engtond, are now atoning tor Uielr crimes, to the Ikr-away penal oolonlaa of Qreat Britato. OanWe say tha same ot onr thlavtogimoney-klngsi of Swartwontoa, ot our poUtloal plaadennt Mo, no; iMr crimes seem to gl^ them anaddl<. Uonal paasport to the best loolety, and inalaad ol being ealled great thieves and robben, they an . merely il^oked upon h "datkullen,". or laboring imder aoma "tempotuy embamas- ^ the oaaa under noUoe, ihe.lnpllattal partiM are ttnai, moTinfta ti^e jklgliMtqlidaiigt MolMy, |uiAt*M- '.••iiti.-; r ;•...'■•'!'!vi.'' .',■•.•;•>;•/ ;.'.; ... \ . '•, ■ j-,',, tcAve oonildMtd among the most lumonUa en i;„ podtloa does not protect them. >*wevari ind ihw J?* bythemlgbttestjournato toaiiSaglaad. Sa hara men to tbto country ten tlmea more gulJty-:ct' ftinf?"*! Btewart and Col. Bumaby. They get up what bL * maetlags-get a ahtog ot boreaa togelher.'»iid «T*' racea." and "hiibWaKrf." to matoh thea. - ■ '* ow up iheae "profesdonal bla4klagv'sadi**' i bave been aac<)eaafai to totoifcrtoi i. Some of the daUy Jonmato ?l>l racea," and "bubble beto" beat to ahow up Iheae ■ extant we : laid ptona. Some of the daUy Jonmato are vervZH?'* demnfiraudito trottlngi bnt they have veryutitr''* radng frauds, and yet there aw plenty of the uu.'"* never aUnded to. It to probable that a series of "ri«^ asay be attempted next aeaaon. to thto violnltj b ' and etoewhere. If misn ot Oharaoter are totereitid h ahaU give themonraupport.butlf the same old ■■S.u*''" ters"and 'fpwfeadonal blacklegs" an to have with them, we ahaU put the pnbUo on their guard.^^**^ bkatuvq. Uiere bidi lUr to be a perfMt/teion thto winter la thto aport; the ladles espedaUyhiittogenl^ latouT'*''! It In a manner that to quite enoodragtog to thoae irtr2!!i aee healthy exerdaM ud. ontdoor ttiaieatloiis note aSl among thefemlntoe porttoaof tbeoommonlty Uua ^" bean. Of coune, where the ladlaa go, and whit Uieru then the men will congregate, and that they wQ em atoe. Already,ondl ddea,have prepanUona beeon!?*' the grand akattog carnival thatto tomark theatiim^*^' mentoof thevrtntercf I861-& ' In order topoatourreadenup tor^aid tethenthB n]ar*IoeaUUes where thto sport can be eojoyed have beeaat aome patoa to asoertato the ptedie notT good akattog to Ukdy to be obtatoed thto season, ud tu^ Ing to the result ot our toqulrtes. We ahiD ant lUg^t free akattog ponds, and then to those under private codni:' OXRTBiL PIBX. , .although there «u« find fliult with toen; but the leasons experience his imAiZ not tieen thrown away, and therefore everylhlng tlut tSiZ haa auggeated as an Improvement haa been adopted, nf? the new pond, at the upper end of the park, wul be UuemZ. to the public, beildea wtUob, there to aome tiUi o( inoiiHL new reservoir to be used for akattog puipoees, as (hue btLri tie water to II; not even an average of two feet on a Isvil MOBBISOilfaii. Tht Uorrto Oanal Company, at the reqneit ot the dllMi J Jeney Olty, have consented to aUow the wit«r to remalaha canal thto seaaoi, thus aUowtog the skating frstomltyttia lege of havtog about eight mllea'length of iksllDcnrikttM wSl be Jost the tUng for the friends ot sUU in tut aksttu TBI num poDDs or bbooxi.tii, Brooklyn abounda with smaU ponds, sufflclenttea fifty or a hundred penons at a um^ the most ot th_. the wooda of the Oowanus hills, Bnt then are other v plaoea, among which to tha wdl-known FOFUa rOKD, dtuated on 6th avenae, near let atreet; the Blh Atom d Oreenwood ears, from Fulton, WaU and Sooth fteria • withto a blook of the place. This pond la Iho meet eita tha free ponds, and la very prettily located. There b ■ locality reached by the Pulton avenue cars, known u SELLAB'S FOMS, which to muon frequented, end atiout haU a mlleb«)Md|l much larger aheet ot water, cdled SUHBtBIOM'S FOKD, which to reached by the Uyrtle avenue cars, the e of wBoh wlU put paseengen ont within a few rodi e place. AdJototogthe endoeed pond on SthATenat,B an aeveral apacea of water, madoby thotldofromllier the ekattog la nther nncertato, as the faU of the tide s. breaks up the Ice, and a enow storm pUys the mlicUtfiiaS ponds, there being no one to dean them off. Italvblai ownen ot severd of the ehontles that have been endetiii vlolni^, undertook to dean off the enow two or three ttu^l) they found that It did not pay. When a heavy ftorta good rato storm to wtoter, then there Is always good i a had on theae free ponOa; but otherwise, aftor Uie storm that coven them, the skating to aeldom good. THX DtOUWID FOMDS. We now come to the only places where akattog cm bee faDy, ootolde of the Central Park. Pint and fonmostforthefsdUllosltairord«,the» congngatea upon it, and tho ezcdlonoe of Its nuniroail thaodSbrated —-a—ig mnox roHS, altuated on tho comer of Uaray Avenue and BcUeto* among the vacant loto that sepanto tbe Esatern udM Dtotrioto of Brooklyn. The Snenpolnt care from VvUia I take yea to withto a short dtotaneeof the pool,lain takea yon tbe nmatoder for two cento. SubwtlMn lii payt3 for soason tickete, and none othere are admUtde menda of tho same, who hive to pay iS cento euh t visit the pond. Ladles' Uckete are bslf price. The next pond to npatetlon to tbe WASBDIOTOII Mini, on Ith Avenae, the charge for lubscrlptlon tickets b whldi also admlto two todies. No friends admitted, s subscriben having the privilege. Thto pond to resodl by the Qnenwood can on Cth Avenue. THB OAprrouiiB Foxn to a now akitlng looaUty, situated on Noitnnd end 1 nuea, near Fulton. Thto to an endoeed epaoo, covii' acres, and to espedaUy designed for family use. L tickete are t5,00, no friends being admitted, and theUiMa limited. It to reiched direct by tbe Fulton Ave. ctif. IBB Misaao roini. Thto to another endoeed poiid, looated near tbe PUttmlli pUce road, aocass to whloh is had by the Flatboih Atoaa from Pulton Feny, fkre ten oento. Subscriben' titUil'' thto season, aa the pond haa been endoeed; list teamli free. Ur. Chichester, who was last season oonnecMiul Union Pond, has tiken charge of a ptoca near Coopet f"" to the Eaatem Dlitriat whloh to known as COOFBB'6 POUD. The Grand-atnet can from the WUlIomsborgh tenia p* the grounds. We have not yet lesrned the prica ot idBla* So much for the Brooklyn ponds. In Jeney,thliiiIitK* are sotog to have a bully time to ekattog. At Hobotn,!* 8ond has lieen nude of thirteen acrea in oxtent, osvunl ermana totend hddlug their wtotor festlrals. Tbliiw' called tbe siiivanLua, and to looated near tha cricket grounds. . Another locaUty, on Bergen UoJebts, has thto BeiaoiH*P paredfortheospodaluseofaubgcriben. It to called and waa a very popular ptoca laat wtoter, the admlMlw a** betog ten oonte. • .^.^ But the neplutuUraof ponds onUanhattan lBland,«u»" new nXTE-AVXHUB POIfll, which win be under the charge of President Oatmm,dlM«q ington Pond, Brooklyn. Tho Uokoto to thla place vUM'S to dealoned tor tho use of the upper ten of tho adJolauf It WlU be looated on Hth street and 4th avenue, and oan r by theSd-avonneobsnadUy. The above are the majority ot akattog poods that bin I"" prepared for use thtowlnter. Tbb DoarooT ExioeE.—In our foreign dopirtiM'''^* found another -ohapter of tbe Deerioot Uirtto, i pedeslfian awtodUag, by whloh it appears tbnt the oUif < Uartta, haa had to "pony up." The Judgo glroe tte**' particular fita. Barves 'em right, wlU be echoed bjillf thinking people. Had the BriUahen heeded the "^'''''^^ OurriB, however, they would not have been so iag^ and done for. The times are not hedlby for "pUoti" dde of the Ug fiah pond now, as the people are gattliigC^ tUomlnated. Bubbto bete, ped, awtodles, filppod'on'' and the Uke, moat teke a badi seat hereafter, and Ix""" ducted sports take their ptoce. Bo says pnbUo optoM^I says t|i» organ of tha honest porUonot the aportliig'**'^! Naw ToBX OUFRB, Who dares say nay t - , — ■■ ■ • —^ j^l UoOLaUiiHiaTowir.—Oen. UoOIeUan arrired on the Ifith, to snob a quiet manner that very fe* ?j|g^ A of .hto prssenoe among us until tha next day, On ^^^1 was aerenaded,at the Fifth Avenue Hotd,and nude to acknowledgomeotof theoompUmentpdd '>'''' 7*. g M apubUo reoeptlOB. Oen. UoOleUan has a lirgo P"" affoottona of the people of New Tork. : • —■ --i*! Tm Baoioa Pooxsn thi Do»r,-On SatnrWi» ^1 tost day of the Newmarket Houghton Mooting. v>^_^f I Modvod afbrfdt ot 50 aova, aa toUows:-Uatoh 1»< «• ' cash I tost half of Ab,U. ^ Ur. Ten Broeok'a Batauan, by Toddlngton • V|,., Ur. Onven'aAlmack.. .. TATioBVfc yanom-^shooUBg matoh for }»J,S53J5lt'l Twlor, of . Jersey Olty, and Arlliur Vanoe, M fvu"^ i Wled ibint to spattlBg,alnIas.