New York Clipper (Nov 1862)

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]Sr E W Y O B K C L IP I* E ; 26r i>I''^'%th c^teixirh«n Hr.ToinBtersoted i Bwu Interred — jotedBTerytuml- gJ,J2^15rBionnin«nl to fte mmory of John Anguitns Stone, I ^Jf'fltoM^w^ ^JVm writor, and wu th* wthor of tte PrUo -i£;4r«Smor»," written ozpranljr for the grett trwe<U«n, g^Foiwit. OHBIBTOFHSB XUOinS BTOHB •■Bomeo KIBB JAKX IBBBBIFF. ia UnSm, Englud, tad mid* Ii«r ddiat, Seoemtier 1, im!^ the Ooient Oef danlheitre. London, u Mindene, in the ^ti^A»ba*S^'oa ih* Imerioen atiae, OotoberIS, 18S8, *t JtSSmmI Thoitre, Ohnioh street, New Tort m Amllle, In the lELnTar ihitnuie. First sppeired la Phlladelphli, JtniuiT *7?erit theCbestnat street Theetoe, ta Amine, In "LeSon- SitaSL" BttnmodtoEDgUnd, (ndDurledablgUrrespeot- M.nalMsui'nemed'ValMt.end letlied ftom the stage. At £rifiu(tfher<2itatln England, she was oonaldered one of tte mMt Interesting nsTloea that bad appeared for WILLIAM B. KTBBB. Bani la miadelpbla, ma gentleman was Intended for a S'^ridiB, and was sent to ooUeae, where be received an excel- I edaottlon, and gradoited with all the honors. The road to ika'Dnma being open to eveir one,'OTir horo soon embraced that !Sdf«iSai. mSSng bis dchK November 27, ISM, at the Olty Un- CdirFhlUdelphla, as Uaater Wllford, la "The Honobbaok." Vkal wan a few oharaoters that this gentleman dlatlngnlBbed khouUln, parUonlarly In Heur, In "Speed the Plongh," bat In SmUiir ehanotete he did not dlqplay almllar merit ^Bantiredfrom theprotesslon In 18S8,asd tookm>hlareal. taca In Philadelphia. In 18M be went to If empbls, Tenn., and UB. NBLLIB. "BOBM wBBOtn aaiii." Bern in fobnslown, Uoatgomeir conatr. New Tork, Uaroh 111817. Be Is sngall In atatore, bla belghnelng feet, and {felghliigabont lltiba. He Is of oheerfol disposition, and when mugedln his nneqoalled eihlbltlonj hla happy hmnor always tddaasert'to hlaentertalnmahts. lb. NelUs has travelled ex- lenalTely In the United States, Brltlab Provinces, West Indlts, lonlh ABeilaa,-and in Snrepe. The following are among the mnderfol aobleveinents of Ur. Nellii: he will out beanUfDl ntebpapen, valentines and proAIes, opanandwlndnpawateb, load ana dlaoharge a pistol, aboot with a bow and arrow, and ■eilbnn on vailooa moslcal Instmrnanta with great taste and pieolsloB. He eieoates many other thing with his feet, whlob a vut majorlfy of mankind cannot with their bands, wllhoTit long and ardnoaa practice. In him we have an Instance of what oan be aoosmpUahed by a strong mind, aided by Indomitable pena- varanoe and untiring Indoatiy, without the common appliances by whloh'lt nsnally manifests lis creative ^aklU and power of aoaptitlon. a. A, AHHBBBT. Ben in London In 1776. Waa Olreetor of Astley's Amphithe- atre for a long time, and made hla fliat appearance on the atage, July li, 1817, at the^aymarket Theatre, In "The Bine Devllt." Otae to the Unltod^lates as general director of Cooke's Eqnes- talan Oomi,any, and made hla dctvl in Philadelphia, Ajltll 3,1838, aa Itae Oaatallan of Laorenskl, In "Hazeppv " He died In the Philadelphia Almsfaonae, Angnat 13,1881, and was bnrled from the residence of Edmond B. Conner, in Bace rtreet, below Eighth, by the Aotor'a' Order of Friendship. He wu ainiotsd with vailons diseases, which rendered hla exutenca dmoat inanpportable to hlmsal( and, oonaclons of their Incnia- bOi^, he. In a letter to the Actor's Order, altar thanking its mem- bers for the kindness of whlob he bad been a recipient, reqneat- ad to be aeut back to the Almshonse, from wblu place he bad been taken by the Order a short time before bis death. His re- «aest waa eompUed with; the Order not yet "wcarr of wall do- iig," appropriated a farther sum to anpply him with hooka and writing mattriaU. Thoa it will be seen that he did not die neg- lected or feiaakan. SPO.RTS ABROAD. Xtr. 38. THE BOrO. *m M« ajportlnff Lift, tTocaiAer 8. ^ PIOHTB TO 00MB. Hloka and Jamea aoUa«har-£lM a side, at tat. Home elrcnit. 38.—Cntaey Beardon and Jem Dillon—£100 a aide, at lOst aib.Home OlnmlL —.—Jam Uaee and Tom Xing—MM and the Champion- Bhlp, London. THE OBAHPIONSBIP. JB( Hum an> Ton Kmo.—£400 axs ibb Ohamfioh'b Bii«,— nedepoalt dnewaa atakad atAIeaKeene'aonWedneaday,Nov. i. In presanea of a good master, and the final, of £38 a-alde, baa to go dowB at Ur. W. Blohardaon's, Shoredltoh (Ur. B. having won the toaa for choice of plaoe), on Wednesday, November IV. Ihelataataaoonnts from the head'^aarteta of both men are high- ly aatlaliutoiy. They are doing thdr ntmoet to bring themselvM into the finest posalble condition, and are reported "eager for the Iny." Che interest taken In the forthcoming eonteat.contlnaea iiSif to Inoreaae, aa a proof of whlob, the ooTois of the men are applied for by scores. Jack Hloka (who meets flollagber on the •ame day) la taking hla work with Uace, and Is aa fine aa a atar. Por the ohamplonahlp, we can now atata that the pteoise day hia been named, and arrangementa oompleted to bring It to a iattifaotory abnolusion. Bnaeavoma have been made to dter Uie day of fighting between DlUon and Beardon, but the backen of the flnt-mestloned will not listen to this prapoalUon. QAUE AND BEflOLTJTB PIOHT BBTWUH JBK FOX AND TOUNO FBBEKAN (TONSBT,) Fob £10 A Bisc, in thb BmimaHaii Disibiot. ' This enooonter, which baa been eagerly looked forward to for a length of time, was bronght to a deolslon on Tuesday, Nov, ^, In the mldat of a goodly number of the "right aort" Neither of toeae light welgbta la knovmtoflsUofkme. Jem'a laat battle, ptevlooa to the present,.was with tbe game and adentlilo lltUa wonder, Peter Uorrla, at whose hands, after a "lengthened de- f«no^" he safferod defeat, on Jan. 93,1801, at Hedneaford Oom- ■on,thlrty.iix rounOa having been fought in 50 mln.,a sufflolent proof of the warmth of Ihe engagementl About Freeman there appetia to bo acme Und of fatality, as the rosolt of three engage- peatg shows him "worsted;" first with Young Orntchley, at Bal- by Oak, July 10,1880, after flgbtlBg forty-five rounds, ocoupylBg ase hour and SO mln., when he had to lower his oolots; and aub- aeqaently, Aug. 30,1881, Uoran (oNui Ulck the Qreoian) alao •HUged him to diaplay the flag of trace, after a sterling fight of nrty ronndi, fought moat gam^y. For the present tourney he "same cut" under the aueplcea of Bodger Orutohley, while Fox waa "uaearthod" from Prof. Uorrla Roberta' ostabllahment, and >a aa fiqa a apeolea of the Hibernian fox (and there are none Bore onnnlng) aa need be seen; being, withal, • amart lad. Of ^1 **y aeldom have wa aoen a more beautl- mlly'develoMd miniature fl«htlng man, and hla "action" In the Hngis aqoaltohlsmake. The bds soaled at the domicile of ^>^7 on Uonday altMnoon, when both were well within the wught. llSlbs, and a favorite apot, near the Beesom House, some unanoa beyond Button Coldfldd, and the scene of Price and Tom a late meeting, was mntu^ agreed on. At an early hour 2J"i",Mdth6"ao( HM/' netman In hotpnraui^ being very eangulneof "bagglog «! onlving at the desUnaUon, very Uttle time was SSr.!SJ'"'S'.{""^P"'''»«'"8»tonoo accepted aa an Impartial MfafSSl *^ ^* being In roadlneu, the combatanta at once S^"*,™, aamo, Jem Bttanded by Nobby HaU and Jem Hodg- jMVHi."*??"'.?'''*^"*™ and the clever but eccentric emi\!» .v*5*£ "dlaolalmer" of hoatUofeelings, ex- tS£iiuJ?*'1?''"'o'»'» «» "l^* »* toau^theyaetUed ■''■■NivaiiaBdaammenoed manl*' #>i_u- v i iS! ^.^f it', "naoy, aner a lew mo- Sffir.Vi?''?!' l«4wlth hie left, but WM short. Fox oloverlj frtUngatttofSanger. AnothertHalofakm,MdTonkeyland(^ SSh^JS.'ff"?"'' •» tte ieftilde of ie^wS^ ting ^M^TWK.St%MXivi style, the flabting being of the uoat brllllanl. nidns their banda with flie rapidity of Usbtnlng, and getting all overIha fudal regions of each other. Aey fought In tUa atyla aU over the ring, until aloaing at the ropes, where Fox want down, aaidat olbra of s to 1 on Dritamaa, who appeared muck the atrongerman. ' a. Ob coming up, both were fiuahed, putlonlarlyFox. who ahowed on the rlba and left eye algna of Fieeman^a firequent vlal- tatlonf. Dreeman'a neck also beu>kened aad usage, vnth wbloh excapttoB there waa little amies, and the amlle upon hla oonn- ^fsa ao Indisx to his determination 'of onaraotar, and, from th» atyla In which he went rattling with both banda at bla antagenlat, fUly carried out the troth of our obaervatioBa, aa he got on (notwithstanding Fex'a mode °of defence) with mnoh ae- varlty. FOz, at the aama time, waa well employed, and miised no o p uo rt nnity of plaalog hlauialf on equal terms. Haj now cloaed, when Fox was fought down In the middle of the ring. ^ 4. Tonker, en getUng is hla man, daahed in a tarrlflolaft- hatader on the tlbs, and for hiatemerity caught it awaetly, right and left, an the rlba and left ear, when Fox went down rather atrangaly, amldat loud crlea of "Stand np and fight," and "Teui've get him right, Tonkey." 5. A akort round,' but very aplrilad, both fibbing away In downright earnest; Fox again down at the finlah. 8. nusboutwaaof amost obaraoter,as noieoaer MA the lade face each other than they went at it,'Tonkey'a dsllv* Ifiea appearing the more effective, aa ha put on aome atlngan with the left on the frontispiece, little to the satisfaoUon of Foi, aa ha ahlfled poaltion; Fox, however, followed, and administered a terrlfio rlb-raister with the right, which made Uaater Tonkey retreat After some fine exohuges, left and right, they dosed, Tonkey getting the loop an with the right, firam whlob Fox olar< erly cot down, amidst great cheering. T. Na soonsr had the lada came up than they (aa In the pr^ vleus round) went in in the most determined manner, flgbong left and right In all parta of the ring. ARer aome little Hedging for an apenlng. Fox led off on the head, getting well hom^ and being wen oountered, In the way of a balance of accounts, on tha rlba and ehln, when he went down In the middle of the ring, ' 8. After aame good twobanded fighting, the lada doaed, and aome good naif-arm fibbing ensued, muoh In fkvor of Freeman. Fox went down to avoid. ., Owaaot averyalmllar desorlptlon. Fozagaln down at tha dose. 18. Fox, although bleeding profUely from the nose, cams up vei7 atrong, and evidently Iwnt on mischief, and In the moat de- termined manner made play with both weapona, and with good effsot, retreating with aoarce any return (hla partisans in eosta- dea). Nevertheless, as usnaL ha waa down at the finlah. 11 was gamely conteated, without much advantage to either. Fox, who was evidently on the aavlag suit, getting down at tha finlah, after rscelylng a terrific right-hander on the ribs. IX It waa evident, on Tonkey coming up, that be had sustained an InJuiT to ihe right hand, aa It began to puff most fearfully; Fsx'a ribs also bore evidence of fiie severity of the blow ad- ministered In the last round. After very alight exobanges. Fox got down, 18. After epairing, breaking, and again and again weaving to distance, and going through ttis aama antics, they got well together, but after aome fine and rapid fighting at long ahota, by some inadvertence, both their crsnlumi came in contact vrith ter- rific force, and bod they been atmck by a thtmderbolt they conld not have gone down more qnlckly, Thep aeemed dead aa If by deetridty, aa they lay proalrate until picked up by their aeoonda, completely atnnned, and It required all the attention of their mentors to bring them up to "ttme" for 14. Both exceedingly ahi^, and very cautious; indeed, it waa truly wondarfOI now they came np at all. Freeman at laat got allghtly on the temple, receiving on the ribs; Fox down, very short and very tame; Fox down again. 10. A repetition of'the laat round. IT. After a few exchangea, both down dde by side. w 18. Strange to aay, at tnla period, the douds, which prevloaa]^ bad been bright aaaumed a threatening aspect, and a provoking rain began to deaeend, wbloh forbade expectants to Indolge In fond hopea. Thla acamed to have a prejualclal effecton Tonkey, while it only appeared to invigorate Fox, aa, from this point, ka began to "turn the tablea" on his advenary, aa he got on with renewed 'Vigor, and landed a bot-'on on hla opponent a right ear, and for the flret time during the battle, Tonkey waa down. 10. Fox, following np bis advantage, got on with both banda on the n/mitit, receiving on the rlbe and nose, and going down. 10. On the call of time, Fex left hla second's knee with alao- rlty, and having determined on a change of tactics, now aa- aumed ttie offenalve, and webt direct toTonkey's comer, and the lada wero soon at bnslneaa. The exchangee were deddedly In Foi'a livor, who, acoordlngto hla old game, went down. 3L BioeedlBgly abort Fox landed a tenlfle right-hander en Tonkey'a left eye, which Immedlatdy ahowed eigne of taking a last fond view of passing events, From the allppory state of tne ground, and the force of hla own blow, Fox felL 33. Tonkey'a pnce«mlllng and good-temnered countenance showed a marked change. Be came np with! hla nose dlstUllng somewhat freely, and, being nettled, went in rather unguard- edly, and got a dose which was not In the least calculated to Im- prove bis nervea. Bapid exchangee to the ropes. Fox dews. Forty minutes had now elapeed. 38 to 37 wero contested In the most determined maimer, neither flincMng from bls woTk, and although Fox waa down at the finlah ef each of theae rounda. It was evident that he waa Improving his podtion, 28. ThlswaBaverysplrltedIy-fenghtnand,aBdendedbybolh going down on the ropes. Fox under. 39 to 84, Qamoly fought. Fox, now much the stronger, got en heavily en the Jaw, and aent Freeman down In hla own oeniar. On coming up for the S8th round. Fox at once went to n«e- man'a comer, and, muoh to the sniprise of thb apectaiotsb TntoMik at once put ont hla hand without an exchange of tilaws, and yielded the palm, and thus ended a thoroughly game battle, totally at variance with the pieconodved notions of the result Time occupied, 57 mln. BTlfilllS It la only just to both lads to aay that they are smart fdlow*. We aaarlbe the defeat ef Fneman more to the good generalihlp of FOX, who, from the first preaerved-hla strength 07 the now much-recognised system of nnng down. Be It said of Fyeeman, thathe la not dlagraoed, and it la bopedhls friends wlUraDy round him and not desert him In the hour of need. BINtt ON DITS. .Jacz Hion am Jmi GouAaaxB, £100 a ami, ax Osi, Hon dunnr.-The next depodt of £10 a aide, for the match between the abova metropolitan stars, has to be staked on Wednesday, Nov. 13, at Jem Uace'a. Patisi Bbobdoh m> Jot Dnxoir, £100 a tarn, 11 I0bt3u, Hon Odouit.- The depodt due thla week baa been posted accordlag to the artldea, and another instalment of £5 a aide is due OB niday, Nov. 14. TQina Bsoon did the TTnihowr, £60 a. ems, at Oiioa- wnoBT, Hon Ojbodit,— The depodt due at Harry Bmnion's, on Thursday evening laat was duly posted, and the next of £8 a dde has to be staked at Alee Eeeqe's, on Thursday, Nov. la Flood Donovak aim Quia, £35 a ame, at CAion.imoBT, Hon OiaooiT.-A depodt of £3 a dde waa made at Ur. Tnpper'a, on Wednesday, Nov. 16. ' SiKOX FmaHTX A>D Jack Bisnsr, £25 a sun, ax 7n ISis, Hon OnoinT.—The second depodt of £3 lOs. a ' dde waa mode OB Wednesday, Nov. 8. ° ^ - QBOBea Bbblktaxd Jaob Ltkoh, £26 a sids, JmoB to as 9sT 4u AMD Bbdlbt Oatoh-wkiqbx, Bon Omourr.—He de- posit of £310a, a dde, due en Wednesday, Novi 6, wu mode good at Ur. Berry's, Botherblthe. Lotus AMD B wakMBi .—This match Is off, by Sweeney sot slaUng Bp last Tneaday, according to art)dea. Obob«bBiohab]« andJohB Tjonaaro matobed to fight, at catch-weight for £16 a dde, en Wedneeday, Dec lO.wiOiin thirty mlTea of Uanchester. Dab Lokab having recdved forfdt from Pat Sweeney, inftans Tom Kelly, of Bradford, that u he doea not want to dlaappoint him, be oan be en for £35, open for £60 a dde, to fight In the Liverpool or Blrfnlngham dlstrtcta; or, If that will not suit hla, Lomas will kgibe to fight fifty milea'ftbm eaoh man's heme, Btia or Tom f^Tsaa's Onunn.—A few days aincet a publlo an- nounoamentwaa made that Tom Bayers, the ex-Ohampion, had oommlsdoned Ur. Abrahams, auotloneer, of Twickenham, to submit to sale thf whole of the property eomprlaed in hla travd- llng olrons, Indndlng thirty-three horses,- the celebrated pei^ forming mules Pete and Barney, the mammoth tent capable of holding 3,600 apectators, the grand maatlff dog Uon, fie, Iba ade waa oommenoed on Thuraday, Nov. 8, at the Lower Wdah Harp, Hendon, Ulddleaex, and, denlte Ihe extremely untkvora- ble weather, attracted aome fOO or 800 spectaton, who stood on- dauntedly in a contlnnaualy-pcnrlng run to see the atad and oinus paraphernalia brought to the hammer. The sale oom- menoed soon after one o'dook, and did not terminate until past four, Ur. Abrahama expatiated fblly upon the vdne which vraa setupon this spedes of property. The cairiagea were first sold. Five ont of twelve lots only found oustomers. Ur. Ackwrlght; of London, gave £3117a for the band and advertising oarrlagea; the pbaewn and donnatt fetching respcotivdy 31 and Ml^ gulneaa. The hameaa brought £34. Tha fiOft tent waa put up at 3a guineas, and knocked down to Ur. Wood, aaotloneer, of Eounafow, for tOU guineas. The tent paraphernalia fetched verr indifferent sums, ur. Beeves, Tom Bners's scoietary, boagb't in the nognlflccnt mastlS dog Lion, for 31 gulneaa; aad the horaea then only remained for dlaposd, Ur. Batty (Astlay'a) bought Wallace (a cream carriage), toi 20 gulneaa, and Tonkee, one of the ring atad, for 7 gUneaai Ur. Van Hare took Tike and Bmma at 20 gulneMi Ur. Alfred waa tbe purahaaer of Baby, far 38 •gulneaa: and Jemmy Wdob bought Jem for 14 gulneaa; the mulea. Fete and Barney, orlglsaUy Imported into England by Howes and Ooaklng, wero bought la for 100 gulneaa; Hero, for 86 gulneaa; Lady, lOX golneas; UtUo Slss, lOx giUneaa: Tonmiy, 81 gnlneu; Tiger, 16ki gulneaa; and twp ethera far lO'M guineas, Ur. Warner, the host bongbl Warner,' for 30 nlnaaa; and Nbrihallerton fell to Ur,Swabyfcr UK golneaau The ether lota fatohed £113. Itwaa evident that,the areata ef the stock did not ohuge ban'ds. Xbe extent of bnyan iBsinohaesmpAnywas of oouiM Vmlted. Sayenwu pi«a«at •a^afiUtwhoUtlffle. ./;,. FBDBlBTfUAmlH. THE "DXEBFOOT" EZP08DBE. WSXIAIt HOWm (JAOBSOV, in AUBIOiS DiO) VB. Qw i UABSM. ' On Thursday, Noveifiber 8, Ur. J. F. Fracsr, the Judge at the Wandsworth Coanty Oonrt gav« Judgment In thla case. It will probably be within Ihe recoUectton of onr readers, that on Ootober 38, William Howltt, better known by hla profeadond cognomen of "the Amerlean Deer," sued Oeorge iSirtin for the sum of £8, being the balance dne for wagea, made m of tbe two several amna of £3 owing out of £4, one week's salary, and £4 foripne week'a salary in Ilea of notice. Tbe "American Deer" had been engaged by the defendant Uartin, to go with Deerfoot; (the Beiieca Indian) John Brighton, and others in the olrons, yrhleh travded from place to pUoe, where running Butohea and otku aports of anathletlo character wen performed. In the mldat of a provlnold tonr, Uartin sammarlly dlamlased the entln tronpe, aa he brand the apeoulation waa a bllnre, and he promised to pay the balancea then dne for aervloea ren- dered, and alao to make up all defldanblea. Thla WH at Petar- borougb, at which town the whole conoem came to a dsad look. Ibe line of defbnoe adapted by tbe ddendant, Uartin, who denied that he owed the "Deer" anything, elicited a fDB opoM of the ao-oaHed pedestrian oonteats, it appearing that men whs ooiold give "Deerfoot" lona starts, were settled to ran in certain pod- eni, and that Uartin, the time-keeper. Judge, 60,, waa to give "the office" by a preoonearted move of hla book, when logo 4alok or slow, bnt In all cases the Indian was to be allowed to win. The "Deer" ran under orders at different placea at differ- ent times, third, fourth, or fifth, aa Uartin Isatrncted him, Tbe "Deer" alao acted as. down in tha drous, andaceordlng to hla statement thero wen aeveral In the tronpe who eooM have given atarta to the Indian and beaten blm. At the hearing of M case, the Judge poataoned hla declalon, Ur. A. Baynes, the selldtor for the plalniUf, nlying on the (act that then waa an implied contract Mtween the parttca aa maaler and servant and his Honor commenting In unmeasured terms on the dishonor- able character of the entire transaction. Blnce that hearing, a one hour'a race has taken place, in which the Bed Indian bos runllmlleaTSOyardalnthebour, at the West London Cricket Oroond, Bnmpton, against White, Brighton, Androwa, Uower, and othen fieet of fbot, but the aobul meaanrement and timing Buy well be accepted with much reaerve, after thoatatemaat given in evidence In thecaae mon immediately under notloe. Then ires a condderable gathering of the pedeatrlan fraternity present and at the dtting of the court Bis Honor (Ur. J. F. Raaer) add: Ur. Eaynea, I have looked over my notea, and it doea not sulBciently appear on tha evi- dence whether it was part of theorigind contract that Jaekson waa to run acoordhig to orders. Perhaps yes would not Ilka to offer any farther mdence. Ur. Baynes sdd that he fdt ihe dUEloultT at the time of ihe hearing of the aununeni, but be would prefer taking the Judg- ment of tbe court on the evidence aa it stood, Bis Boner, sdd: I ain ready to give my Jndgment, and upon reading the whole of the evidenoeln thla case, I am of opinion that then waa the sum of £4foriragaa left nnpdd to the plain- tiff at tbe time of the breaking up of the company at Peterbor- ough; but with respect to the aum of £3 claimed for aervlcee in Ireland, I think the we^ly contract bad bean readnded, and a freah agreement had been oome to, that the plaintiff should re- odve £3 for hla laat two daya' seivicea, and which now, it is ad- mitted, was pdd to him. A question has, however, arisen, whether in point of law, Ihe defendant is entitled to recover at alL From the evidence, it appeara that the pabllo was induced by the defendant to pay thdr money for admlsdon to see cer- tain foot races, nnder the npreaentatlon that th^F would be honesUy ran aa a fdr trial of the speed and endurance of the partlea engaged in the contest, Uie defendant'a intention being that in many, if net in all casea, Uie result should bo precisely aucbaa he should dictate to Ihe competitors. Thla waa a fraud upon the pnbllo, and If fiie plaintiff, wiUi the full knowledge of tola faot and with the view of farthering tbe dedgna of the de- fendant had made it a port of hla contract with blm to run, not according to bis red powers, but according to tbe order of the defendant I should have bad no dlfBcalty in deciding that auoh a contract waa void; bat dthcugh I am sattafled that many of these races, if nbt all, wen run not honestly, but according to a pre-arranged plan, yet as the evidence does not go the length of eatabllahJng that was in consequence of a BUpulanon in the con- tract between the partlea, bnt rather that it. was a compliance on the part of the plaintiff with tbe improper inalrnctlons of the defendant I am of the opinion that highly nprehenalbls as the conduct of the plaintiff waa, he la not olBenllued from suing for the amount due U) him, and tbe Judgment of the court will tber» foro be for the plaintiff, for £4, to be pdd in a week. BALL PLAiY. THE AHANTIO OLDB A^BAOES OF 1883. The following an tbe averages of those memben of the dub who have token part in flnt nine matohea dnring the year:— , t ,; WVm 0^ A XUBiauppi ITHABaiB. '' ' ' ; ^S5?l*^^7Sf'"/l?/'*'>e*oL«U«n left her loTee at. L&Oro^ for BL PmI, «4ih u oholoe » lot of ptaseDmna that evldenoed hj Ita tiUari^ thai It felt It wu Bettlns •way Irom.the theatre of war, and fart nearlug the reiUma of peaoe aod freeh air. only to be found In tbe oooaenlal ollmei and ftloiioug aoenes north of Ualdea'a Book and Lake Pepin. Onoe nnder w»7, aa to wnal on anoh oooa*' Blons, and with saoh orowdi, the paMtogeiB went at the work of kllllog ttme In more wavg than oan here be ont- venlently told. Eaohre, whlat, old dedge, oheoken, baok- gammon-overythlDg bnt poker, had Ita devoteeg, while Billy at the bar waa kept partloalarly boay "mliliiK" and; "diipeDBlng." It waa while thao engaged that fmell oommenoed bla pranks. He had prepared a unaU blaok- ened oork, to resemble a greiat blaok aplder, atuohed It to one end of a long hair, wbibb, by means of a imaU ttlok, be wonld oanse to drop down In front of some semi* drowsy player, atartlng him to his feet In deadly (right, ot perhaps oaating him to olntoh or elap at hla unwelocme lntrader,wlth a Tengeanoe only to be witnessed when one la startled ont of Us wita by some barrible apparition. Soores af passengers had been "sold" by the dodge, aod a neff-rlotlm was about behig tried on, when tall at onoa.a. ory oame np from below, olear end dIsUnot—a ory that' always wlll.starUe all on shipboard—honrible In oontem-. platlon and fearfnl In reality:— ^ "StoptheboatI—atoptheboatl Hah overboard I—man OTerboardl" In an InatantthecaUnwas oleared—men dropped thdr-. cards and elaeaes; women tamed pale wltii fright; and the .bartender left hla lager ronotog to weate, tiie captain let fall hl8 pen. and 'nrrell, for the nonce, rabdded ftoih his sport, and all nuhed In promlsoaons eonflstlon to thA' goarda and lower decks, to see and render help to'the poor wight who waa supposed to have taken so oooere- monlooB a bath In the father of waters. Of allthafr)ghf> ened ones, no one was more so than onr Mend l^fnelL He went throngb the dlolng hall. Into tha ladles' oabln, oat on the stem, down'beIow,and np Into the pilot hoose, with a velocity of movement that wonld have done honor to Stewart's 'Virginia Oavaliy, and In less time than it takes to tellit Batwhatoi thevoioet None had heard the terrible ory save those who were In the oabln. The darkles below were aa Innocent of any knowledge of tlie oaneeof thehnb-bnb as hnman beings ooold be, while the deok hands swore that the whole Insa was raised 19- Tyrrell, who had mshed down below In a state of nlnd bordering on Insanity, and insisted on getting ont the life boat, in whtoh to reooiuoltre the cook's galley for the missing man, or open doing other as strange and Inoom- prehensible things, In order to fathom the mystery. Bat the crowd soon became co^ivlnced that ihey had been sold, and an Investigation was entered Into In order to Bsoerttdn who was the vender. The heaviest pniohaaer had evidently been poor TvrrelL They oame back Into, the caMn and resnmed their avocations—all bnt TyireU, who waa afterwards foond sitting abaft the hen coop, fan- ning himself with a bottle. We had almost forgotten to explain the joke. It aeems that among the passengers on board who had wltnesaed the "spider trick," waa "a reliable war correspondent," a wag, by-the-way, and a ventrlloqnlst of tbe flret water, who thought It waa most too bad to let Tyrrell have aU the ftan to himself, so he went In op his "vooaL" ADDrnoBOL SEmmos.-The first nine of tbe Atlantio dub have played four games thla seaaon, via.: three with ^e Eckford and one with the Uutaal, beddea taking part in three gamea with the Philadelphia dutu. Of the four dub gamea playedi they lost three, two with the Bokford and one with ihe Uatud. . The told number of innings played in the above four games vraa 88, and the total mns obtained, 66; giving an average of one run td.on Innings and 80 over—nearly two—or 14 to a much. The total linmber of mnabytbdropponenia in the same innings was48,an average only of one run to an innings with 13 over, or 13 to a matdu Of the innings played, then wen 14 in runs wen made, an average of 3 to a match and 3 over; their opponenia being diarged with 11) in ita^ aame innings. The greuest number of innings in a matdi in which no mas wenmade was 6, that of their opponents being tbe same. In no game on dther dde, wen runs made In an thai played, and ndther dde obtained double figures in any of mnlngs; the higheetfigareaon the Atlanao aide being?,and on their opponiiits' dde 7. The highest aooro obtained In a match was 89, the highest en their opponents' dde being 20; the lowest scores being respeo- tlvdy 8 and 6. . " The totd number of fly oaidies made In tha above Butdiea „ 81, and of bound datobes, 86; the nnmber-of the former mlaiMd being 13, and of the latter e. Tbe totd number of fonl balla on which they wen put ont in ihe above gamea waa 31^ thdr opponenta being aimllaMy put ont 37 times. Hlne innings ware pla^ in every game. The totd number of pasaed balla on which bases wen run was 33, the number on the port of their opponenta being 10. ' The longest game oooapied 8 honn in playing, and ihe abort- eab 3 honn and 16 minutes, nie flnt match was played July lltb, and the last Sept'r 33d. Stob Olub Ubiuho.— At ihe annud meeting of . the Star base bsll dub, held at their rooma on Uonday evmug 17tfa, the fd- lowing elBcen wen dscted for the enBulna year:—I^eddant James L. Ultdidl; Vice ]toeddent Qe cr^ejj '. Wbeelright; Bee- ntorr. Brace A. 01iilton:.Treasarer, Wil I H. Bunter; Board ef Directors, 0, A. Savags, Bamud Unmby, Q, A. Obappd; Oap- tain flnt nine, Jamea L. Uitcnall; Oaplaln second nine, W.-W. Bkaats; Oaptaln third nine, J. U. Bobblna; Delegates to Conven- tion, J. h. Uitchell, Thomaa Jones. How THB Bin OF Enoumd WIS BBOKm Into, ikd WHaT Oahb of it.— Tlie direotora of the Bank of England had a terrible fright a few weeks ago, <fi account of the summary Invasion of the bullion room'of the baink. It appeara that the direotora reoelved an anonymous letter, stating that the writer had the means Of acoesa to Uielr balllon room. They treated the matter as a hoax, and took no notice of the letter. Another ipore'urgent and speolflo letter failed to roase them. At length the writer uffered to meet them In the balllon room at any hour they pleased to name. They then oommunioated with tiielr oorrespondent throngh the channel he had indicated, ap pointing "some dark and midnight hour*? for the rendea voas. A depatatlon from the Ixiaid lantern In band, re- paired to the bnUlod room, looked tbemselves In, and awaited tbe arrivsl of the mysterious oorrespondent Panof aal to tbe hour, a noise waa heard below. Some boards In the floor were without muoh trouble displaced, and in a few mhntes the day Fawkes of tbe bask stood In tbe midst of this astonlshra dlreotorh. His etoiy was le and straightforward. Ap old drain ran nnder. veiyslmpl the bnlllo known to him, and by means of whioh he might have car' rled off large enms. Inquiry was made. . Nothing had been abftraoted, and the direoton, rewarded Ihe honesty aod ingannl^ of their anonymons correspondent, a work- ing ipan, who had Men employed in repwri^g theaewirsi' byapreMator<eeoa. CAVED nr. A Pomeranean workman, named Uaacoh, hu lately been detected, by accident, In ihe coarse of a mnrderons career closely resembUng that of the notorious French- man, Dnmollard. • He has, together with his accomplloee, of whom his mother la one, committed thirteen murders. On one ocoaaion, he murdered at Onrsdorf, a miller and his family, conslstlog in all of six persons. He baffled- all tbe researches or tbe poUoe, and was detected at last by mere chance. A Borlln corrtapondent, describing the facts revealed on the trial, says: "Two farm laborers ot the village of Warslii, near Stsrgardt, were one momv Ing together on their way to thdr work in the fields, when It came on to ndn. For the sake of greater shelttt against the wet, one of them proposed that they shonld proceed to their destination for the rest of the. way by a path leading throngh the woods. Thb being agreed on, the peaisants had not been ten minutes In tbe forest when one of them espied at some dlstaooe, through the trees, the upper half of tbe body of a man sticking up out of the ground. Their hearts leaped to thehr mouths. One Immediately started off with all the speed he conld put forth, while tbe other, more self-possessed, retreated more" Blowly, keeping his eyes fixed on the object In question, wbloh gradually sank out of sight into the earth. The peasants Instantly made known to the owner of the estate the strange thing they had witnessed. The police were sent for, and a number of persons, with all dltpatth, pro- ■ oeeded to the mysterious spot wUob was pointed ont by the laborers. At flrqt it seemed as though thimen most have deceived, tiiemselves, or were carry log, on a pisotl- cal joke; for, at the spot Indloated, there appeared to be nothing like a hole In the earth, aa the grass covered the - .gronnd all roond about On closer loveattgatlon, how- ever, a slit was found In the grass In the fbrm of a sqoare. 'It was bnt the work of an Ipstaot to disoover that thls- Vaa the top of a (np door, covered wlOi tort: On 'fordog this open and desoisndlng, a large cavity waa dla covered, firom which, however, the late ooonplers had fled. The hole Itself, which was roofed with trees covered with turf, was divided into two rooms, the walls lined with boardfr—a stove, two or three beda, a ladder, viotnals, and oooUng utensils behig present, and m'aUng a very snug underground dwelling. In addition to usee' artldea, there were present great quantities of objeota IdenUQed aa liavlog been stolen tram various houaeg In the neighboring country, In wbloh borglarlons robberies and murders had been committed. Tbls cave waa found to be the home of tho wretoh Haasoh, who has bees condemned to death, together with four others. Tbb FioDBra ON Dbiss PiBiDE—Assumhig an aniT of 90,000 men formed Into line, single rank, they would show a fh>nt of 23 miles, allowing two feet :to a man, which la rather oloae paoUng for free movemsnt*.. ,We will oonntermtroh one half-the right wing—and >puo« t them as a rear rank, (the'osual formaUon) and we nave " a front of 111 miles, wbloh distance they wonld rtqalia when marching a oolnnm of platoooB. Should the gen- erallsslmo wish to make a rapid lnfpectIon,'If he had the eppllanoe of a parallel railroad traok and a fast looomo- tire, he may mn down the front of the line In si quu>- ter of an hour, and make a hasty review, If moanted-> on a charger, it would require otei' an hour. This respectable army, formed in a hollow square, (In donblO ^ raakWonld be nearly three miles .from side to ride, Bhowlog on eaoh flront a fhtotlon ooder three Dilea. 'Tha-i endoeore wodld contain abont fi,760 aorei an UM^iul^ to some Immense Indian corn-flslda In lUlnols. ffMO marehing In column. It wonld require a whole de^, taUng the thing easy, for the extreme left wing totetth the >' point'left by the right wing In tbe early atari Wheo,^ we add the oommbsariat, artillery, ammunition, and other whed transports, we must give the arnytwo whole days before the left wing dehmuA from the stsrtlQg pdnt of the right wing. „ ^21; .ti If this Immense army,were formed In lowing about four feet square for ft'iiiao.tb,qr.fW9> cover abont 16» aofeB,tod formablookof bwwe» » fraoUoD nndera quartelf.of amlle sqnafe. "iBm^M each man aaoarfylng a weight of naiket,s4WKn^2i rations, to., at flf^ poonds, this anM^U 'JKSSiSt along with 10,000 Um 'waB^ti^iif^**^J^^^ of provisions per diem fbr^h mun ^ff^^^^ tons per .day.atid V thvoynjutts cpe quart 0^ perdav. whioii Is tfieW drigk ftiSJSM same»180!00(>:rgtiion«i-ivl!M'' i*««"«Tt^ r somey lOOKlOO: rmiionii..iiy l!l oleveNlaed sh^ktad eaoh d^y. lilt