New York Clipper (Nov 1862)

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mfnUPTB OPBHA. ilOVBB, IfaehMl a' Hri l, 411 BKMd^, tbortanaAil ■SAirrVBOXBmai'Cmnrlaioi*. JOHN BDOSOM, BVHN ' IH imt^g. Tmt OBiaiNAL VOBU>-BKHOWni> B« aonptar l*Bompo«ed of the foltarina Wmted AtlMil- —^ n. nfVPBitT.T. w. W. OTW OOMB , o.s. FowiEB, J. anvoto 0. W. 0HABLB8, f. W^HOffigl, 1. HOBBiBON, T. Qg ri'moa, bqWahd. fbabk LJBUi; ••» '«*» :T»rirt)f of 8oiig«, ^JJ*I?** HmUUoii iHeHW ItePtrUciiUmwWihofttedv ■ •rar': ' ;';?.i ,i ; Tlototo M ««>••• ■ PiiLlDiiB-dF BIV8IO, 'rnm wiaat vn giBBBt, OOBNEB BIXTS tXeSVE. '.. OBEIT BPOOBBB. OB OWPE D HOVBKB. • il U - , OPDi ETEBT EVBHJHO-. jnui bMiitUol Htn Is anUnlJ! re-modtOtd and Iffiprand. A "TPOTT^ j - -^IrULt VIBW OF THE BflA0B. „„.^ I . '. BUX OF UinBTBELST. IA7 I' oAUPBBIiL'B UINBTBKLB H»TO bMB ulMted yiiOi gnat oirs tram iho bast poailblo waSim!BAnow eonprlM tbe fttUonlag well known petninun, .mStittedireotlonof ' ■■ . , U. 0. OAUPBELL,, . „ Tn'twii^ TU<i ooimeoted-wltti ths 7>Tfi|8T!rBOQPEtfINTBXPBOFEBSI0K. BintBiri:'i'BA9M0B," QBA,'ri' EDDIE, DAVIB, OUnOBD, ■latflOLOlIO Na. OB OTB,UmOBTOM, aiBB8, BOZZI, T^T^ imXZEO, HILL, JOBNBOH. to. -.r . " : .' A GBUn) HATIHEE, .l ETEBT mEDNISDAT AND SATCBDAT AFTEBMOOR, 'TOB LADIES Ain> OBHiDBEN, ; OommtnoUg at 8 o'olack. Dooiao^tthlntUaeTsslngata>j; oommenceat7X> ' ■ i Tlokfta SSoenla. 3>- I^UOa BBDTHBRB, raUjATBO'WBHIDOll'S , OPEBA house; BOSTON, UA88. Bta jfmnikt eifaUlihmmt win ' ; ' ' - ■' '■ MMipiTit TapB BirrH moplh mani '.' . ■ ' MON DAY KVKHINg, APCt. iih. HQBBIB'BBOZHEBS,' PIEIX ft TB0^TBBn)OE'8 HiAtfi'BEIB 1'',!-.::. ij. ^^9?^^'^ fbllowlag Omtlaman; WOOD*I HMBTABIi HAUm m BBOADWAT, OpMMtta tbe 8L NldbolM HotaL EXNBT WOOD. Sola PiopiletoT and lUoMtr. < ■ . O BAWD OAIA WEEK. STDPEHDOUB AnBiOnOM. ■OIIDAT, HOTEUBBB M, And OTeiT aranlng dnrlng the waaL WOOD'S UIMBTBBlTS, THE HODEL TBOUPE OF THE WOBLD. m A UAHUOTH EMTEETAINUEMT. ToTiga Hnalcala, Jnllen Barleaana, BroadwarPolka, Old Itald'i LanuDt,Othallo, A«if«IFUgbta,LaPaioha, - Don't Oat Wearr, to., to., Aa ■PH HOBH, OHABLET FOX, FBANE OOOLWHTOI, HENB I, PLOBENOB, LOOEWOOD, OLEHN, SOEWIOABDI, ISAACS BBOXHEBII, FBANEOOKVEBSE, QABATAGUA, EASLiU, LEIS, LEWIS, O. DoMtOMnateK; eoinin«no»at7)<o'olookTlakati98oenth THDBSDAT, NOV. 97—THAMESaiVIHa DAT, A GBAND UATIMZE, oommanoSng at IK o'oloek. - KooonnaeUanwlUi anrotbar IMapa aammlng the nana ot nrood'aKtautrala. BOOIiBT'a OPBBA HOVBB, BH OOBX TIf, ' OOT. OOUBT-i BEUBHH BTBEBIB. B, K, EOOLEI Sole Pioptlator and Uaaagar, T. B. FBENDEBOABT Stage Hanagei aUBCATUS PBBOT tTooil Dlieolor PBOF. BTBAUB ....v.PlaaMaDdlnitninantalDlMetar HOOLET'B UINBTBBLB. . Oonpiiilng the foUowlog wdl Imoini memban of thaptofeaalon, JSTHtTB BUaaES, JOBNMT BOOEEB,' E. N. BIiOOUU, T. B. PBSTOEBaAST, eVBTATUS PEBOr, }.:W. HILTON, W. H. LEWIS, T. H. HATB, T. HONESUAN, T. HoNAIXT, J. BILEY, PBOF. BTBAtJB, K HEUPE, . HABTEB EDDIE, J. BBTANT, and B. H. EOOLET. Who win appear nlattUy' la a npeitor enlertalnment, em- btaologall tliateanbe imflodedln tM lepartotia of BtUoplah Hlnattali}. Forpattloolan, aeapn>gTainnMi. Doon open at eX; to oosunenoe at 7X* Tlokata K oeaia. - • Sl'tf AOABBHT OF UVSIO, _ ST. OEAIOiBS STBEET, NEW OBLBANB. THE EiaHTEEN BBQXUNT BTAB3. THE OIOANTIO UINSIBEL TBODPE OF THE PB0FE8BI0N, ENLABaED AND IMPBOTED FOB U83 AND 'U. WOl aall from New Tork on the lOth Init; for New Otlaani, where thgy Intend wintering thia l eaaon . ' Biaga Hinager J . B. QBEEN. ToealDlreimr OUSTAVB BIDAVX. Unilcal Director. '..J. KELE. Leader of Bn8aBind...'.....0. IiATALLEE; Btsbt HSKBIB a tauiiH Bu PiouiuB Lm or Bnnoai. HIHTH ANNUAL TODB, OF THE FAMOUS AND WOBLD-BEHOWNED DUPBEZ ^ OBEEN'S ,.,"LON MOBBIB. t'U; ■mr.T.Y M OBBiB, -Jli> JOHHNT PELL, .r...'ri. 0. tbowbeidqe; B, W. PBESOOIT. 1.. L; OILBEBT, J. E ENDBE^ ':.'0VA'D0USI SOHNEIDBB, ,tP.'yr- BOABDMAN, LOTHIAN, B. U. OABBOU% /. QUEEN. F.WILBUBin, S, WR m > IT. HTflgf^ J. J. mT T.TAim, D. J, MAQUINNIB, L, A. ZWISSLEB. JAPANESE T0MM7. HIBIiO'B OARDBIir,—Leaaaaand Ktnager, Wta.Wbaat)«r, THB FIB8T NIOHT OF THB BB-ENaAOlEHEHT OF EDWm VOBBEST, who win on Ihls oooaalon appear for;Uia IIBST TIMB T HIB8H A- BON, In his great Shakapeatean Impenonatlon of MACBETH, In the powertaTand sublime tngedr of .the aama name, whloh wlU be plaoed upon the stage wlUi Now Dreasas, New Boeneiy, New AoDolntment*, a Complet e Oht ma, aa weU u a-Most FowarfDl tarns F0BBEBT..1IACBEBH | Banqno Mr. L. B. SheweU Mtodair....Mr. t. MoOnUangh | Lady Hsobeth.,MadamePonlsl MaslodDli«otor...j^^ Mr. Harrey B. Dodwoith. TUE8DAT EVENINO, NOT. 94ih, IMl MATILDA BBBON winmakeherre.appsaranoaatthlathaabetnherlhrlUJng ohar. (Oterof OAMITiTiH Nlshts of perfomunoe of EDWIN FOBBBST— MONDAT, WEDHESDAT, THUBSDAT, and FBIDAT. Nlahts of serfoitnanoe of MATILDA BEBON— * . TDE8DAT and BATUBDA7. Theperfonnanoawinoommenoeat7V: I>ooraopanat7o'oloek. With the exoaptlon of the prase, MO FBEE UBT. PBIOES—Admission, as oenta; Beonred Puqaat Stalls, 7( eta.; Family Olrolt, (entranoa on Oiosby street,) 9S oanta. Box office open dally tt<nn 8 A. M. tin S P. M. 444. >hs Kuugemant can partbnilar notice to thaaboradlaUn- flilBedairayofTMeni t - M TlokelaSS oenta; Beaerfed Seals iOoaats. •tfi LON MOBBIS, Uaaagar. CAKPBBILI, BniiaTBBLB. '. Lessee and Manager....OHAa A. HOBNINOBIAB. ' StageHsnsger.;.COM MUBPHT. " '• l(aalesII>lreetor........FBAHK BEBOEB. ' .^kaOompanyoonslstBOfthsfiillowlngtaleDtsdArtlBla:— . .. aa^UBDF, wrKUAHNINa, JOB MAIBB, CON MUBPBT, J. w. smith; fbane m. bbbosb, J. H. STOUT, OHAB. BANFOBD. FBANX ANOEIiO, BIONOB anoelo, DAN M. HOI/r, BIOHABD ABNOLD, .. J. B. P^ mUBETi TiT, ALPH BISHOP, W. H..aBIFFIN, SIONOB BUBBONL < V: MISS FBANIT O BBIB TIE. K-tf i); OEO. E. BENTLET, Bnslness Agent IikA*B BmiiODBOIT, BALTIHOBE, MD, The above Eetsbllahment, carried on by the fanner Prsprlator 4f the NEW TOBK MELODEON, . Is now In the full tide of sncoesa, engaglhg none bnt the moat TALENTED PEBFOBMEBS INTHEPBOFES8I0M. Strapgais, Tlsltois to BsUmora, most not Corgat to pay na ^ Tlstt when they pass this way, sa they win be sore to meet an the "NEW YOBE FOLKS." ' Performeia of talent (and none othen) oin gat larger SSIailes. and baltar Engagunania at this Establishment, uan at any Oteoert HaU In the United Btatea. Fare and tnTollng eipenasa paldfMra aoyplaoe In the United Blatea. Aprty by letted to Baltimore MeloJeon. Md., or atdM Bread. wvvIiswTorkOlty. ,ai'4t* BOTOB BiY TH BIATM;, ST. LOUIB, MO, ». E. amE B. Propilotor. OHABLEt LEWIS; .Stage Manager. Iba fonowlng Ladleaand Qenfiameaais now peitnmtncat AiabUbUshment: " 11198 OLABA BUnXB, MISS AUDUSIA WALBT, UISB SOPHIA WAI/ION, UIBB BALUB MASON, MISS NELLIE OUFFOBD, MIXE LBONOBA, HISS LUCIE cE mETO P, MIB8 BALUB OUNBIOP, ' M. OIIBINN, W. OBEBNIEB, HABTEB T0MM7, and . •OBEBNIBB'B BILTEB COBNET BAND. lAdlaaandGantlamaa^pplylng winaddieaa '' . /. E. EBHEB, Bt Lottls, U*. . ' kBVHOFOUT'AII VaIrIETIBS, ■ l: Mi BMnmB8..^f;^.^'!!t!??^?...Proprietor; , ■ .f. B. WHITH. ..BlageManager,* . ONLT FIBST CLASB.PLAOE OF AMUBEMtiElT IH • ' J DETBOIT. ■SBB.LABOBBI AND BEST 00 MP ANT IN THE WEST. .. -I HE BEST OBOHHaTKA IN THB WEST. . .l!-! THE MOST COMPLETE STAOB AND SOENEBT. .Au.iha prominent Btaiaof the Concert Halls traated with on .filbeid t^rma, . Oommnnlcatlona from the Proftaalon ■nWnit^ ■ AMieaa L. M. BAYLESS, >»■.;' MstiopoUtanTarlstl«*,Detntt^Ml(aL «ARVBBBinnT HAUL,' f . . . ' . v • WABHraOTON, D. C. . SBB MODEL OONCEBT HALL OF THE WOBLD. ; ''na Oonqiaiv now engaged at thisjpopiilar plaoa la ■ ONE OF THE BEST IN AMElElOA. ' arXadleaand Oanllamen of aoknowladgad ablllly wishing ■ aogMements win addreaa . ^ ry ' OBO. FEBOITAL * 00., 'Washington; d; 0.' UBKBTZrHALL, AI«iandria,Ta.. •n ... '■' Under the aama Management, in bnslneatletteia for both alaoea most be dlMoteTto Wsah- lngtmi,D,C. ■ .'. ■ 81-tf J. T. BOYCE,. 6. & PUBDY, H. H. FnZOEBALD, TBAN g BPB UNO, . OUB PBXEBS, PBE D SHAW, NED.BIL CT, ;W. H.1OBIFFIN. ^XDWABD O BPEN, OBABLEY LEWIS, . HABTEB WALLY, NEW OBLEANB AND METBOPOLITAN MINaiBEIB AND BBASS BAND OF TWELVE PIEOEB OOUBINZD, Prononnoad by the Press and the Pnblls, to battle^ Most OouPLm txo Eai'aaaiva TBaTzuio Biim nt EaiaiMWii, itiaalUng and far superior to sU other Companle*, ObearrethegreatCorpacfdlBtlngiilahed Artists: J. B, OBEUlT OUSTATE BIDAUX. M. AINBLY B0OI% . a LATAIiLE^ J. H. EELLOOO. Bia. LEWIS. TUB ORBAT AUBBIOAS UVBIO HALIi. m BBOADWAT. BCBEBT W. BUTLEB,..-. Proprietor and Manager The Unslo HaU of the Vaaaea. - NO CESSATION OF NOVELTIES. The National InstltaUon for Eihlbltlon of TALENT OF ALL NAIIONa The moat .popnlar Place of Amnsement In the World. We have the largest and moat reepeotable.moet Intelleotaal and oritlatl andienoea of any other Flaaeof.AuTisement In America. 4 4 4 Istheonly Place of Amnsement of the Und In New York. Uan. sgerahaToaoaght tortral na,bat they have an algnaOy bUad tndTanlahed ONE BY OMB nnUl we are left elone In the field. Onr penny rivals might as weU try to hold • penny oandle to the snnaa to have tried to Imita te THE ONE—THB'ONLY—THB FIBBT—THB BEST OONCEBT HALL IN AUEBIOA. THE OBSAT AUEBIOAM MUSIC HALL. . 38. FBOMT srbBBT THBATRB, balhuobe, md. UaaM and Manager. OEO. KUNKLE. Aotlog Manager T. J. MOXLEY. Tha Management take pleaanre In annoondng to the PnbUo that JOBS ADAH IBAAOa MENEEN, Is playing ihe meet suooeafol engagement avar performed In Baltimore. Hondrads are tamed away nightly; and aha la pro- nonnced by the Preas and the PabUo u the OEATBBT AOTBBSa OF THB DAT, and in fkoe and f orm aa th e MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN IN TEE WOBLD I T Hia WEEK MAZEPPA. MISS ADAH In her World-renowned charaoler* of OaaalBer and Uaaappa, Introdaolng her ednottad sloed BLACK BAOLB. S3-lt* A. 8. PBENTI88. JOHNNY CAMPBETJt F. ADAMB, Jr, QEO. SDBBAD. a E. DUPBEZ, wanHT SLATE, J, KMI.W, a. POND, B. H0LUE8, A. CONNAIB. MABT. FLOBENOS; WU. D. BENNOIT, AB onder the Direction of DUPBEZ h OVSES, Manager* and Prcprietoia. The abftre Talented Itenpe win oommenoe their Ninth Anna- al Tonr, by first visiting sll the. prindpsl Oitlas In the New Eng- land States, introdaolng the very OmUM OF mNBTBELBY, Embiaoing a variety of New Borlaaqaes, Tragedies, New Over. tnree, Oparsllo Chorases, New Eocantrleltles, Lan^ble Sayings, New Flintation Songs and Dances, Mnslo, Fim, Frollo, Bapeaior Singing, Mirth, Fancy Danolng, and Irrisltlble Oomto Ethiopian DtUneatton, to snlt the million lovers of the bnmt Cork Insttta- tloiL CHAS. H. DUPBEZ, Manager.- 81-3t* Agent and Boslneas DIreotor, A. B. PBENTIB& .coirannsNTAL kubio ball. Walnut Etraet, above Eighth. Bole Lesaes WH. WOLF. Baslnesa Manager FBED. AIMS. Treasorer J. W. ALUNSON. Btage Manager C. HoMILIiAN. TintMamtiirgMninin iiai.T. np' twEnt nA TUT. OHEAPEBT PLACE OF AMUBBMBNT IN THE WOBLD. E7A BBEHT, ThemoatflnUhadBiIladlstln theconntry. I TT.T.T'. HimgOT ^ The greatest Danaenss of the age, The Slater* AUOUSTA andM ABIR HtL BUDWOBTH. MISS SUSIE SUMUZBFIELD, W. 8. EUDWOBTK HUB JUUA PfilO^ BABBT . UBS ADA TESMAN, MATT OEBUS, MISS BOSA SMITH, HABTEB FBANK BUDWOBTH. MISS LUCY HAUBLIN, DICK WATEINB; . MB. OEOBOE BHTIH, •ad a most beanUfol Oorpa de Ballot of FOBTT YOUNa LADIES. The whole fbrmlng the greateat oongreaslon of artiatle exod- lence ever' engaged in one eetabUshmmt. First daas .Paifbnnera ^««t»<ng engagements, wfll pleaae addieaa aa above. n-tt VABIBTTBS THBATRK, LATE BT. LOUn OPEBA HOUOi; After a most encoeealUl sesson of over Eleven ""Tfl?^ Is low open vrith the fbllowingCompany: MIBS LOUIBA WELU, MISS UZZY WALSEB, MI8SC. UOBLET, . MIBS B08B DE LUCK MISS FANNY THOUFBON, MMSMIN MIB LAN IEB, ULLE ADA LAUBENT, MLLE JULIBCTE, MLLE THEODOBA, MLLE CABQLISTA, MISS LIDA HIBBABD, MLLE FIiO&A, MLUe LOUIS E WAL BY, WM. M. BEETE. T. H. JHFFEB80N, OEO. P. JAQUE8, JOHN OONEUN, J. JEBO ME, FBANE STEELE, A LABOE BALLET XBOUPB. . Banet Master BIONOB aOHSTANTOm ' -Leader of Otohestra, B. TOQEL. Bcenlo Artist THO& NOXOH. Ooatomar bebb OEMAH OEO. J. DEAGLE, LeaMOb BDWABD BEBBT, Stags Manager. These, with many minor memliers coasntnta A UONBTEB COMPANY, Who are nightly drawing crowded honsf s io wltnesi lhaii CHABIE AND BMIJIA NT PEB FOBMANOTB. . THE VAUTTP mB^ IS THB LABOESr, HAND80B1BBT, BEST APPOnTIED, ' ' Aim xoer oomorABLi MUSIC HALL IN THE OOUNTBT. Vaxtles of acknowledged exceUanoe desiring engagemanla. nay Addreaa CUiO. J. DBAOLS; VarieUes flieatre, BIARY PRO'VOBT—havlng conoladed most highly soo eessflil engagements in Clnotnnatl, (two week*,) Lonlsvine, (three weeks,) (where. In the third week of her engagement the prices of admission were raised, and nnmt>ers tnmad away from he doors, nnsble to gain adnllsalon,) and St Lonls, (three weeks,) wUl oommenoe an engagement it Orover'a, Waahlngton, D. 0., on the Mth or a3d Deoember. Manageia will please address, np to that date BAUli OOLVILLE. > Oareof W. H. Paokham, SS-lt* No. 73 Nsaaaa Btr4et. New York. IDWABD BEBBT, TOM OONY, WU. B. DEBB, /r.BABNET,' >NI(X FOBIEB, P. OONEUN, LESLIE HAT, Sltf • V .-, T HBIiABOBBT .. jaOW IBBITINa BSXABUSHMENT IK THE WOBLD! .. OLABBT k BSILLET, fSaooessors to John S. Bacon,) ' >BIHVfcKS AND ENaBATBBB, ' - - i ' 13 and UBpraoe Street, New York,' ■'^,»^^p'WY*°"flW*'"B;?2B , Mc'tanening oompa^ea, and have on hand n large and splendid ~' ~~>'' aabrtmant of large and amaU .K. . , . WOOD OUTS ■giAAi. tot Oioaasa*, Menagerie*, Ethiopian Parfoima*, Oynt- ' lUaglcUas, to., to.,'whloh osn be plntcl inonacrmora Lt6snltenatcmen. J^'dapoaltreqaited on an work ordered, f nden addreaaed to "OLABBY h BEILLEY," Baeon Print- 1 Bngiaving eatsbllshment, U and UBpraoe itreeti New fll be promptly attended to, satf ISOKOfTBlAS HAL^ fTTrTTii BOOl Ml, BOCHBSIEB, N. T. Struts established ind popnlar place of Amnsement oon- HmiM m&t the same Management that for 18 yeara of aaaidnona the comfort and eonvenlenca of ita patrons, baa won ' itatlon of being one of the most popolar and bast ^ of Amnsement In the State. ' V or by letter, to W.A.BEYNOLDB. 9t Arcade, Bocheeter, N, Y. TBBATRIOAIa AGBROT^-BHEBI- %nld teapeotfnny inform member* of the dra- S^Maak^ cc Xaneatrlan proAaslons, that hehaa estabUahed SAma^aSanFWMisop, asdiaprepaiedtonegotlataengaga. |i»fwaiaaaa*. StI.onla.MlBonrL BBTBOFOUTAH THBATRB, Mcnigomary street, BAN FBANOISOO, CAL. : ^OUAB MAOUtBE Proprietors and Managen. ' J. B. BOOTH ,'.,..'.,.., Stage Mainager. GEO. G. E7ANB... UoaloalOondaotor. nioia or 'asHOsios. Drass CInle It I Orchestra Beat* O Pai^oet' <0 ct* I Beoond ClioJa.,..; 38 ala Private Boxes... .18 and 110, BosOffloaopenltomlOA.U.to4P.H. Beats sacaied thiea dm in advance. Btara visiting Osllfomla ihcnld ramembeithatUr.Uagalrela alao proprietor of Uagolra'a Opera Hoasa, and Eayea' Park, Ban ItanolBoo; the HetropoUtan ^eatrs; and Uarys- Wle. WU URB. nr. B. BNOIiIBH'S RAVBL TROITPB. The above named popnlar tronpe are now making the tonr of the Oanadas, and nave Joat flnlahed a highly anooesdu sesson at Sebao, ' Every member of the oompany la a atar In their pro- alon. The oompany Indades MAAIEITA ZABFBETTA. the fhmons SIEaBIST BBOTHEBS, ALEXANDER ZANFBETTA, the Great Violinist. AUGUST MULLBB, MliLB JESSIE DU- PBBZ, U'LLB EL0I8B QBAVEIi MONB. and MAnAMW UON- TABAJEO, SIQNOB OAPOLO, 8ION0B 0. MULLBB, to.' Ac Parformera of aoknowladgad ability wishing angagements. wlU please addreaa MBS. W. B. ENOLIB^ National Theatre, Boston, Ussa. 89-M* WM. W. PBATr. Agent ^WVWN^S'^'^^^ (•TUB A<:TRaBB,"ieidonbIe Mflmnn pages, 18 fuBpage UlaabraUons. SOc.; •■•of the Clrons," 80a; "Olfrord and^e Actress," Sw.; "The Opera Dancer," 80o,t "Memolra of an Aetreaa,"8O0.1 •'MtrieLesaalre, or,theBaUetairl'sLove,"9Bai ;"Parlor, TheaMeals," 710.; "JnlUeta Uoore,"bTWlUla Ware, Author and Actor, iDoj and while jron are ordering, enclose TEN OENTB for "Bate Vaogh," the UnATloil NovRLUm, by Day, ptoonnoed "Bioa, am ua Bioi" by the Fhr* Cent JSmSSji Bend annexed ptioe* to OHAft B. DAT, j It NewEavaniOaBa. OABO PtttMPOORAPHB.—An desorfptlciit aent Mat. pda,to98a«nliMK)h,byJ.H.OOX,84Hti*aait, V.T, (Mt* 8S.It AOAIir IN THB FILD. BAH BHABPLEY'B U1NBTBEL8 AND BBABB BAim The AntooraU of EUJopeanlam. THE MODEL TBOUFB OB THE WOBLD Under the direotlon of the Great Wit and Hnmorist ' SAM BHABPLEY, Are meeting with great ancoeaa throoghont thIa atata—»»« where naeted by tnU bonaes-and their performaaoea imonSi by the Preaa, and Pnblio Inimitable and UnapproMhaUs. Bv«^' N^. FBBBH, AND OBIGINAE, 1. They will vlalt aU the Principal Oitlas in the NEW 2NGLAND BTAIES, Introdaolng their OBEAT CHALLENGE PBOOBAUM^ BT TBB T WELVE ST ABS O F THE PBOFESBION. THE OBEAT ETHIOPEAN " IB0N-4)LAI>8" 0. A; BOYD, Insbomentsl Leader. J. F. BOWLEB, Leader of Brass Band.. BAM BHABPLEY, Wanager and Pranrlalar J. D. KEWOOHB, Advance Agent A DIreotor of PghllMtlttL 0. D, UNDEBWOOD, General Agent """wont G. W. BAUiEY, Property Man. gj^ oavb^tyISubioIhai^ Sole Leasee and Proprietor.. COL HABBT HOWABD Stags Manager :.... JAMES CAMPBELL. Bcenlo Artist OEOBOE WILLIAM& Propoty Maker JOHN B0BEBT8. Leader of Oroheatra J. G, OBESHAU, The <nily place of Amnsement In the City. y ThefoUowlngLadlea and Gantlamen sm nowparformliiaM > thla Bstabhshment; 1 .r—.wnuwg MILLIE FB ANCE S, J. TBEUOIlD, LA PETITE STEIXA, JAMES CAMPBEU^ HISB JENNIE JOHNSON, a TBEUOLLDT^ OHABLET KANE, MAST. DIAMOND. PONT SMITH, • T. PENNINGTON. - BIG. ABUAH, J. BOBEBTS, 88-lts HR. AND MRB. BARKBT WUiLIAHS, THE OBIGINAL IBIBH BOY AND YANKBB GAL, Oonunencad Ihslr An nnalSeaao n at the WINTEB OABDEN, On MONDAY EVXNINa. NOVEMBEB 17th. and appear every evening daring the preaent weak, in their calsbrated impersonations, si-tf UIBB OABOLINB RIOHINQB, tS D MB. PETEB BIOBtNGS, Having eondnded hIgUy saoceasfDl engagemeola In Baiblo and Bocheeter. win perform at POBD'S THEATBE, WABHINOTON, D. C, Oommenolng Monday, Nor. Mth. SO. A. B. PENNOTEB, Agent -WABHINOTON TARIBTIBS. ALBBBT HAUBLIN A 00 Proprietora. A. U. HEBNANDBZ AoOog Manager. JAUES PILOBIM BtagoManager. Thia new and lieantlfal tampls of amassment will be 00m- pleledand OPENED FOB THE SEASON, BATUBOAT, NOVEMBEB 9th, 1881. Fbr eleganoa and oomtbrl, thla HallwiU notba excelled by any ilmllar eatsbllshment In the oonntry. VEST auPEBIOB XNTEBTAINHENTB, embracing Pantomimes, BaUets, Ethiopian Acta, Singing, Danolng, Aa, to., wfll be given. Flnt olaaa artists desiring engagements mnr address POUT OFFIOB BOX, 808, WAaHnoTOS, D. 0., Nov. U8X 31-91 FBINOB OF WAkf S TH BATR B. LrVSBPOOL, ENOLAND. This bnly elegant and vary beantlfBl theatre la kept open dor. lag the whole ol the year. AMEBIOAN STABS, of aohnawledged poaltlon and talent negoUatad wllh, fbr long or abort engagemants, aa mataal interajils may reqnire. li ^ AfiMm, • AI2X. EENDEBSOn, Utf ' Bole Leasee and Pnprtefor. ATUBNAIVBI, OOLUUBUS, OHIO. This Tbaatn has nndergona azianalva alteratlosa and Im- Srovemanla. All first olaaa parfomanoas, Oonoesta, Ac, can rent I {or nights, or play on ahans, by addressing JOHN A. wT.TJir.wn^ Acadamrof Uorio, OlBveland, Ohio. nieDramatla Beaaon wm oomaeneaon thalatof Jannaiy. Btara win plaasa address sa above. u- FO^BOABIRoC 0HE8INUT BTBEn, ABOVE SIXTH, PHILADELPEIA. Under the Wanagemmtof B. FOX, lale ot OAirmimT wit.t., New Tork. The above oommqdlonaPlaoe of Amosamaat ta now open and doing a first rata bnslneaa. Performers of acknowledged ablUtyoan meet with good an- gaiemanta byapplylng aa aboft. »-tf CHBIB N0BBI8, Treasarer. «IiBB MIBBBARIiBB." Usnagera and otbsr* vrlshlng ooplea of W. W. Pratt'a new adap- tation of 'FAHTINE,-" will plsase addreaa WU. W. FBATT, Oare of W. B. Oiglish, «J • Nal^enal Thaafie. Beaton. UABONIO TBUPLBi LOUISVILLE, ET.—Thia EsU la now open for the accommodation of FIB8T CLAB8 TRAVELING a>UPANIES;haa Stage, Dressing Booml, and aU the modean Improvements neocaaary for a Fust dau Esll, Win seat com' foriiblyUOOpenona, Fof terms, to, apply to BOBEBrO. UATBSWB, . Agent Uaaonlo Temple, 814m Lonltvins, Ky, RBW uanFHIB THBlATRB.^nila popular place of Amusement Is now open for the Season, with a ftm and Talented Oompany. BTAB8 wishing NlghtawUI^ietse addreaa oTT. FABBLOB, NewToik, or F. A TANNEHILL, AoUng Uanager, M-tf__ _ Box410Uemphla,T*no. OAHTB RBPRT HUBIO HAIiL, N. W. COB. FIFTH AND CHESTNUT BT8., PHOCAD'AI PA. LABOBBT AND UOSTTALBNTED COUPANT IN TBB CITT. j|9r Ladlea and gentlemen of known ablllly, win address BOBT OABDINEB A HABBT ENOOBB, Jg^ It^«i«toi*, AOADBUT OF B HIBIC . CLEVELAND, OHIO. _Oia of the meet finished and baantital atraetorea In Oie Weat ftui WlU please addreaa JO HN A. KMflI.EB, Manager. 31- . JOBBPH BAHDBRBOir, or any one knowing Us where- ab cnla, wlU confer a favor by sending his prenot address to the OumB. He was fbrmerly oonneotad with the panoiaua of the BnailanWar. sa-tt PIIOTOORAFHB of ^ Booth, LaoiaKeene: Bd.Foneat, Ada Uenken, J. W. Wallaak, Jr., Kate Bateman, Ed. Adams, Car- oline Blohlngs, UaggI* MltohaU. and aU other odebriUes, 08 ota, saob. or 8 for fL Oatalegn ea of Pbotographa and Pby* sent on receipt of a stamp, by W. V. WEUYBB, VIB^roadway, Hew York. 88-lt» TBB OIiADIATSRi HABIIjBT, AHD MBO HBR- ^ gfthsam. XTeryooIlaotorof TrteWoMlfc W. a WEM- i-UH QiiAniA'a-wn, culhujua-, BIIJBB.-The greateftaaileatnrMof ths Cartes da Vlattaahenld halt* «a«, IBB, m Bnadway, Haw Tok, ■BW BOWBflT .THBATRB. Sola Proprietor.. . .MB. J. w. vmotaS). TDBBDAY-and WBDNEBDAT, »n. «i KoT.MthandaSlh, k. THB UY8TEBIE8 OF^IhB LUBLIB BBBO ^^n^^SSSJ^ OOBOBOUS BOENBBT, "AOJnfiojon;. APPonmiENiB and brboib. InAddlUontowhioh,es(ihEvenlaa. A GBAND MELODBAMA^ and a ' BOBBAMINO FABC& ■ I ^ THANEBGima DAT, TWO GBAND BBBFOBMAHOBa- AFrEBNOON,atao'oIoak. EVENING, at 7 o'dock. EIGHT PIECES—Inolodina DBAUA, PANTOMIUE, BUBLESQUE^^ 83-lt* BPEOIAOLE, COMEDY, and FABCK. THB GIFTBD & AOCOBIPIiIBHBD OT>UA8T»- the BOLLANDE BBOTHEBS. OUILLA'UME and HENBI, Universally conceded bran connolsaojns to be most extraertt. nary In their gracefDl, yet daring and intrepid dismays of phynoal power and manaal dexteri&, enUilad: ZATAXBIODYNAMiaALEXEBOITATION,'* Comprising LOB DOS E8PIAN08, » L'ATELIEB DB CANOVA. LA COBDE TENDUE. LOS BEBUANOS BECBEADOI, Are ready to sccept engagemanla for the winter. Uanagaisoa addreas them in care of this offlca. - <4 33.3|e LBA'S MBLUDEUN, BALTIIIURB, BID. TO THE PUBUa—lam the anther of the fcUi sketches:—"The Stranger," "Deaf as a Fost,' Tables," "The Bogged Fatb,'^"Bannlng the Blookade, lowing negi* 'Tanung ua ItadeT^esa Bs- ^ Doagb- not Dick, or the Zoo-Zoo's Beveoge." Also the following aoiwi: "Happy Land ot Canaan," "Sally of the Sawing Uaohina," <<ni* Ball Boad Condaotor," "Ham Fat," "The Pretty Waller Gal," •FMng Ela Ella Too High," "The Catfish Woman," "The Prem- ised Land," and "Tlakfa'Bm in the Bight Place." OhiaM song I have snng over one hundred nlghla. AcoDpleofgripsaA banjo playera who have performed here daring the, aeaaon, not having any bralna of their own, and too mean to pay for aay thing, have stolen it One of them is slngiogllta New York, the other In Philadelpbla. If this don't serve tb'O^C k them , I wB give their names to the pnblio. A. J,',^BAVITr, 11* Btage Manager. A OUUU VlUAiUIIBT 'WANTED—The Carter Zouav* Slalea, who are now doing a eplendld boslneas In the weetom oounC^, and are achnowlaaged by Ibo '-press," &o,, Io be one ot the Iwst shows travelllDg, require a good violin player. Aatha tronpa now do a first rata mlnatrel busineaa (white taoaa), on* who conid aaperinland and lead that put cf the tnialneaa windl be preferred. A weUanallfled, strictly sober, and respeolahla person, wlU receive a fair salary, sore pay, and a permaneal situation. Addreas, with fOU partloulars, to J. HENEAOE OABTKB, Zouave Blstere, Indianapolis, Ind.- N. B.—After DaoemtMr ith. direct letters to the care of Fraak QneeiL !(• her repertoire W. B, Engllah'a Original Eqaeatrian Drama ot "MIKE BIABTIN,"aa olsyad by her at the National Theatr^ Boaton, for npwarda of three weeks, to overflowing houses.' She baa also the best trick Horse In the country, the oelabrated Alexander; also aaveral new Equestrian Dramas, written tt- ptessly fbr her, via.;"The Three Fast Men," "Femala.pyirly Thieves," "Mazeppa," "Margaret Catohpolo," "Fanohon," eta AU letlera addreeaed to the care ot FBANK QUEEN. Cuna Omoi, WlU be attended to. 314t« NOTIOB TO NANAOBRS OP MINBTRBL8 AND FIBST CLASS CONCENT SALOONS.—UASTEB WILLIE BLAH- CHABD, (batter known aa the "Young Scamp,") of the Wastan Concert Saloons, wouldUke to engage with a good mansgar. Tbe foUowlng ta hla Una of boaineaa: SONGB and DANCES, BOP LIGHT LOO, (original,) STAGE DBIVEB, BALLY OF THB SBWINa MACHINE, BOB BIDLEY, UNCLE :BNOW, HAM FAX MAN, and EPHBAIM, in the "Young Scamp." Prefer eagsg- Ingwlth a good Nigger Comedian. Address 88-lt* HABTEB WILLIE BLANOHABD, Baltimora Md. BUAIA -WAL'LBH, the distinguished Trsglo Actress, Will terminate a (so tax) eminently saccesahil engagement at the M^ tropolitan Theatre, Bnilalo, on lUday evening, in the charast« of EAGLET, and oommenoe a aarieaof raprMentaUona atth* Academy of Maslc, Provldonoo, B. L, on Monds y, M th Inst BnflUo, Nov. 17,188J. BANJO T BANJO 11 BANJO 111 InstmcUon on the Baojo, by Prot OEp. 0. D0B60N, the Uaslar Banlolat and Teacher of aU Teaohera. One of Dobaon's odebratsd Banjos aent to any part of the country on the receipt of tlO Toang men fitted tat flie Btoge. 1 89 Woostm street, nT Y. 83-lt» NBW BIBMPHIB THBATRB.—Wsnted Immediately, aLadyfor JnvenUea, Ao.; Walking aenlleman; twoLadiea fo( respectable busineas; two goodUtiUty Genia and 3d Old Man, Ac. Apply to 0. T. PAB8L0E, Oramatlo Agent IS Eaat Eoualon at, House," between Broadway and Oioaby. S»4i* OUR LBTTBH BOX. * JI7 We have letlara for.Messrs. J. W. Whlaton, John NoitOB, vloUnlst, 0. H. O'Hara, John Heneage Carter, T. S. Wolf*, Charloa B. Beynolda, E. Aahlay, and the Miasea nmm^ Webb and Kata Fiaher. OITV BOnHARV. »^_. , - .... ^ MonPAT, Not. M, 1881 _ Saturday olosqd one ot the most gloomy weeks wa have had thia Tear, a sncceaslcn of rain atcrms, fogs, and "Scotch mists;" keeping thepedple pretty weU housed up. New-York is a ter- rible' nasty pUce dnting such weslhor, a aort of aticky mud forming In the. streets and on the walks, that renders pedestrU anism anything elae bnt a pleasant exercise. Several of the thettrea felt the deprasslng alTeols of the weather. TrtJle a few managed to prsaant a Tory bold front Now that the weather haa settled, wa may look for a resumption of that Uvaly busineM whloh has charaoteriaed the present season. Cannot some moans be devised by whloh that neat nnlsanca of distnrbtog our andlonoos Just Wore the clMa of the play, can be abated? We have vialled several theatres recently, and find the nuisance pravalllog in aU of thorn. Wbr cannot peqpl* rainain in their sosts untU the play la conoladed, Insbadet rising up, and ahnflUng about, aevaral mlnulta boforu the finish? In our Broadway theatres, we very naturally look for some UtUa ' ""f^' behavior on the part of the patronf of those estabUabmants, but raaUy, in the partioular case com- plained of, they do not exhibit the decoaoy of a Bowery audi- enoa wnat la the cause of this "uprising," or dlslurbsnos? ?2iS-S'.f*"" "^J «« ''"o. do no doubt to let other* sronnd them soe that Oiqi know that thepUy Is nearly conoladed. Other?, and the greater proporUon, no doubt, vrlsh fo attract at- tenHonto thsmsolvss; and wo are borne out In thla theory by . nouoing that theao "early rlaera" have aomettalng apon ftem which they wish to show off. Tliore'sayoung lady-fW th* womanaiajaataabadaathamea-irlthanewhaton: iA< wants Ue AoMtiui toaeeharnaw&ather, or the flamaoolored ribbon win whloh her head gear la omamentad. There's another with attaroape on her,ahouldias,Us first sppeaianoe thla saaaoai ahe wishes psopla to ntadardand that Asr oap* la nol sable, aea* of yonr mook (artU. Hat*'* » fidgatty Utfl* UJng, pnUlng a^