New York Clipper (Nov 1862)

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K E W y O J^K O X, I P P E B. .1,^1110 oat k«boap«,Mia (piMdiiwonthar dicif tm It luu ^^^Mmnad Uit dimaaalim* of • muU ilied baUooa; draM. If wthM JKJdiedartMi to taBraw on themtajH of • "i r^iimoa" 1*.ttiafkottbktibaH«Irioghernawdim. umiaa »tvMl tien." onoa wa with uoommodstloiu for the £rtU J^ood, irs Bight. ilm(Sat lnuglne that mmaof them bid !^!aucdtoimiiggIelbemulTealntooordnkiolrdl«i. The man ^Tto •oartaln aitent led by the women, md, like poodle doge, ^airthapettIoo*toof tbalr mlatreuei, "op atiin, and down ud Id m7 ItdT'a ohamberi" ilthongh aome of the miam- hbu trejiut aa eager to ahow Ouir "new thlnga" la the gentler i^an 0* from *11 gentUIt7) aex. Heie'a ■ onia with • J^Jr^osblabBok; aee bow he wrlgglea and aqnlrma Jaatbe> ' fan the tannlnatloD of % perfoimince. ITiere be goea, npat and at» very Intereatlng point of the plv- Of eonrse the £Se mida by tbs tallor'a alga, draws attention to the new TSm olotbv;" Tar; llkelr, after all, only "one of them flve-dol' ^it^'m," nere'aanotherobap—Iet'aaeBwhatkblatoreoom■ 1'''otBdblmiobl new Uda, of a eobraa Boftaa himself; obaerre "'-•iStibatoaie and nloety be ooaxea them on—they are, appa- JaOy, of the oheas aort, aa be certainly umld not afford to waate UqsI^ ttme on them when It lataown that he la In anoh a eery flMthniry toget.away. In (aot, wehaTonotlosd that moet of Km I'dlritrbeie of toe pnbUopeaoe" have aomethlng to ahow, J^JiUaltlathatlndaoea themtoloaTe their aeata before the ^ II elded. You win bave obaerTed.donbtleaa, that tboae who {hSailunr their new thlnga ind want of manners at the aama St^iMamoog the liat to leiTe the theatre, althongh yaoatlDg SS?ieali aome mlnntea ahead of thebnikof thoaepreaeot; they Xgdin the paaaagawaya, or In the lobbies, nntu the oortaln la SonL io thai the dooent and well-bebaTed may have an oppor- tailS to iea thea "all orer." For goodnaas' sake, let the noli' . ^ be abated. If the new things miut be ekhlblted ao pointed' t It 1st the waereis retain their aests, and let the managers pro-' iMiSTariebrof labels to be tasked on all those persons who' _iili{aeiIilD]t their ItTe^oUar salts and calsUn aibleatothe e) of the publlo. Jut u the nahers plaoe tioketa marked "ta- " on Mua whioh are not taken, so let them ilBx libels on the pgnosi of all violators of decenoy and good breeding, thna:— ^lUslaanewbat, obaerre the feather;" "set of sable—«apa, BOff, tndonlBi—ooatlSOO; lint appearance;" "mynewdreas— null da iMora;" "bran-new ISTer watoh—bongbt of Tiffany—no ^eotlon to glTS tbe time o' day to thoae wlthont watcbea;" ■•iUsiaparlor velvet cloak was imported from Parle;" "snltof dolli«-4ot store garments;" "tola yonng lady, dressed ao ex- A^tely.lsthedaaghtorof poor bntreaneotabls parents;" and io CD to the end of the chapter. >Let oa ao anything, so that we Bif bit keep the nolaf rabble Urbm deatioylna the pleaaore of Ihoea legiHaato patrons of the theatre who go Oiere to ei()oy the ''%e Ravel party doaed their entertainments at Htblo's, on the HI Their perfonnaneea bave been largely attended; Indeed, lha engagement has eqoilled any prevlonajy played by the (miM. Setarday night there waa no performanoe at Lanra Eeene a, the theatre being closed to the publlo, for the pnrpoae of having a lehairail of the new fairy apectaols entitled "Blondetto,^ sUehhaabeen gotten op "regardTaaa of eipenae." itlatobepro- diced tot the first time thls<evenlng, Sid Inst Peg WoSngton wu reprodnoed laat week, bat bnalneaa did not exhibit that tree dnralaUon of greenbacks which is ao eaaenUil to the well-being ef all plaoea of pubUo resort However, the new ehow piece wlu give (Mb obarma to Lady Laura's boose, and relnvlgorato tbe n a u i u ces of tbe gentleman who hu charge of the old atocklng. Mr. lOrregi having oonoloded bis Brooklyn engagement on Ike Hit, will re-open this evening at MlUo's. In Brooklyn, whera the people are aapposed to be ttnoiored a little with piety, lbs "aiidlator" waa' announced aa Dr. Bird's tragedy of "Spuv iuoi." Ur.Forrest'alilia-llksportraltnraa oraatnlanlUA'^- fil tor the leiltlmate, and bla performances attracted large Piai jinnnj. TaUdDg about' life-like entertainments, recalls to ntailaveiyextraordliiarylnoldentwhichlarelatedln tbe hli- tsiyof Sweden, written by Dalen. It took place at the rspresBi- tatloD of a myatery of the Passion, under John II, 1618. lut actor who pbrformod the part of Longinns, the aoldler who waa la pierce the Christ on the oroas in the aide, was ao far trans- parted by tbe aplrit of bla acUon, thatbe reuly killed the man who peismited the Christ; who, falling suddenly and with great rioleaot, overthrew the actress who represented ue holy mother. Sng John, who waa present at tbls apeotaele, waa so eiceedlnglv enraged against Longinns, that be leaped on the atage and atruci cS Us head. The ep^fators, who bad been dellgbted with tbe too vldsnt actor, became Utarlated againat their king, fell upon Um In a throng, and maaaaored him. This may stand aa an ei- ample of the power of dramatlo repreeentatlon; but It argnee little In fkror of tbe moderation and aolemnlty inspired by such sacred subjects. Mr. Forrest appears this evening as Uacbeth; and on Tuesday evening Mlaa Heron revives Camllle. During Hr. Forrest's present engagement Dr. Bird's tragedy of the Broker of Bogota la to be brought out This tragedy la conaid- ered one of the moat finished of Dr. Bird's productions. This tragedy, like the Qladlator, Ustamora, Orelooaa, Jack Cade, eto., wu written expreaaly tor Ur. Forrest We predict for it a splen- did run. Hr.'. Iti 0. Omp(ell la laboring hard to give our west end friends a good mmnrel entertainment He la atrlvlng to locate the Oampbell Ulnitrels, permanently, at Palace Uuslo Hall, comer of Blith Avenue and Fourteenth street Ur. Campbell designs'to give a Oiat-claaa enterUnment, andeo tU he has done Tei7 well. He wlU improve as he learns the tastes of bla patrona. We have had a great many Oampbell Ulnstrds, but very few bave any right to the title. Ur. U. 0. Oampbell, how- ever, is one of the exceptions. He is a Oampbell all over ; be Is one of the originals, and baa been in tbe buslneaB many years. Tbeie's a good Joke about the "Oampbells," which, perhaps, aome of our readers may have never heard. Borne yeaia ago, when the minstrel buslnesa waa in its inftooy, Luke West took his Oampbell Minstrels on a trip down South. He made a stand at a town where anoh a performanoe had neverbefore been given. Ihe town vias billed with Immenae posters, on which waa an- nounoed in flaming letters—"Tbe Campbells are Coming." This had been snfflclenttooorry the party through In other places, and It was thought (uDlolent for a one-horse town, aa this stand npeaiedtobe. Well, the night oame, and the ball waa crowded, tiare being a good many rough alleys present among the rest Partflnt opened in tbe usual atyle, with singing. Jokes, eto., by the company. In blaok faces, and wooUyvrlgs. The show went CO, butttwas evident that there was aomeUUng 'wrong In Cront; there was trouble brewing; dlasatlatkctlon iras beginning to be Binlfeated, and tbe roughs were becoming very noisy and demonitrative. Luke West did not understand it—the ehow WMtsgoodas usual, and everything waa going on like clock- work, on the atage; but tbe nolae in front increased, when Weet tnse. and aaked what was the oauae of the disturbanoe—what wu tbe wish of theandlence. At this a great big burly fellow lotip, and said i-'TII tell yor what's thematter-U yer don't ttte off them damn niggera and bring on the oamels, we'll tear % Jpurwhola menagerie to pleoea." Itvreslnvalntoexpostulato: the "damn niggers" were slyly got ontthe back way, and the Unuer heard was—"bring on Iheoamels, bring on the camels." iMidehavB becoiile rather mora etallghtened' since those days, ud Negro Minstrelsy is now one of the most popular aouroea of ^imiiementwebave. Oo see the Oampbells. BjaBnouioement In the dally jpapers vre perceive that"Slg< pw Ocrdovt, tbe world-renowned magician, after mkklng the tourofBurope and America, Is about revisiting New Tork.'^ We canaot bring to mind tbe "world-renowned Cordova," and yet hajajf have performed bore before. ,.*u->nillrs, Barney Williams opened to a splendid bonae at ue Whtar Oarden, on tbe ITIh Inat, and their ontertalnmenis uvs been welt attendiid throughout the week, notwithstanding Ua faulament state of the weather. J^* bave had the foreign element in opera at two hotuaa this °^^'¥ ^'a"aO'>'tbe Academy, and the Dutch at Wallaok^a •utheatre. Of the two, we think tbe Oermans havo made the money, althounh neither will Infiate the banks in stowing '°n>l<>o- Blgnora Lorlnl (Whiting)haabeenaltemat- mg at the Academy with Blgnora Ouerabella, who can bellow to vupote. Next week we are to b^ve a dedded sensation at !Pf„i>^in boaa^ Moyerbeer'a lateat prodnotlon, "Dlnorah, or 't?'a«lon 4a Ploermo1,".belnR announced for the 34tb, when Mgoltoa oordlor will make tor bow to a New York "enllgbt- UM ud dlsorimlnatlng audlenoe." Boom there for AnglolToa; aH™ *o' Uie Cordier. In Dinorah we look for an Immense >™>g: the puff-proparora bave written up the whole afflUr, and 'nue promlaea new eoenery, new dresses, new ohorus, and a The JHhmu la to be repreaented by a "spick and •*™ new drees ooat—mind, dreu coat; none of your vulgar ^.i'r''.'^^'"*" on'o'kTO'to gives big receptiontoBie a«wocrt and the new goat o- -o r iA^' 0'opan. oalla up an incident wbioh la said to bave ^aao at the Academy lutWedneaday evening. The story SfrinXS' *blle Querabella wu rehearsing, with fciS^ii^S'i''* aooomsanlmant on the piano, tho lady, to anow ^flf^iUon oftbe dbnduotor'a ablllUes. remarked thit ehe taurS.H!i*'',';'"B one of bla (Umlo'a) own aompoalUona; think- compUmont the Signer by ao doing. Uucsy looked S*^;7**?*,^.«°»-"»''>P nlght-flniihed the oompoaltton, SndhSS? " '"toy. "aooompanylng" tho hia "ran hippy manner, with a bill for IMoa Querabella wu aa- WatSV-f^^"tte muslo and the !SBii?»„^\8r«>eaback. How Muxsy inu mad. He deter. ^!2n»JJ**. bul,nnllke the "vigorous gjjoontpnof the war," didn't s^ a wirdto a soul as to bis mbb*?.?^"'*' .Vadnesday night oame; Uuziywuinbis •aopy bole u condnot£Fi aniin>u.iu n. >« •■/.. mn. IheSS.' 55,* "S?*' anpposed to have had Us "revenge" on KT?2'.*»"P«lM"gtheeuKmantof the entire-audlenS. If K^2.''*'H"«"'»»'J'>f»»»'<" ^* antlre-audience. If SldiSl^f.!".''*'"'' «"»"> ""Bht to be huaUod out Sf the biJd^'J^'" 'bedleoordantaooompanlmentof aOalithnmnlan bntui i. L?"* Botlty of auch oontomptlble conduct u that aUrl. U^*J»"£.wooia ault batter as t£e engineer of "iimJtoa oSw.i^''** concert saloon than u oonductorof aflrat-olaaa 'HJ,*<*Pa. Muiay must be very small potetoes. Indeed. l«enwJ?f J?"^'"'' Intoreat going on In tbe Boweryi the r$!ff„*^k Of btUb thcatroa are batSung against eachxiKer in fiwwS kaep np a run of aovdUea. Btank (tataStfi-.'l'^ "'>™ J""* ^""^ Peroh^" after be en& vZI*?? v<x">R America. The peribimaUce is aaid to eaeofjv. J'^?' Obariey Vox bu revived "Barbery Allen," &a^Mi"'°"!^'oo°l><'>INO»*>'o' tDoitat or modam Ubm. ■ .'■'■wfalal alBgtng, and laitranaaUl pertomuMi of nre among ths indoeeiaednla for a vlMt to their aplendld Uttle opera bouse. Old and new opmediea continue to aUeimato at Wallaek'a. The "ClandeaUne Martage," "Central Park," eto,, were the attric- tlons last week. Thetonses were as good u the weather would permit. "Jean 7aUean," or "Lea Ulsanbles," la one of theamtudng thlnga recently produced by Bryant?Mlnstrals. Here, too, we have aorObaUp pwformancea by Dan Birant and Melae Seymour, a la Hanlon Brothers. Buslneea is lively here. wiiiS??''w'VS ^""» Musenm, "prior to bis departure for vis"" S^if*^" '••«• M VoOio oonoertla Hew JSlionMuo. Shalaauttlaglrton^ eight year. old. that T 'aotored bare last week, on Onrran, and other slrLi^S <>™*tod a sort of sensation by Ingglog in ^A .IS!f' 'J'manto that won't mix. There wu filsAig paseeSfSS? tor a free fight, but thestonS niiJir™'?/'?.™'" abould endeavor tostear dear of law pro- t^«,S5i5»'''."'"«^' »« «» 'o. The notorle&of SJif^^^J"™, ""janenUlymore Injuricne "than benofldal to JS.T'JSf^.'i* ^ BnPiome Court, on the Ust Inst, appUoa- ^3anon,wlfe of Professor A^ifenon, I'UU, aged respectively 16 and 18 years. ItavDeaied.bvthede- theSigldanaid^fiwe ivS hsS mmllT troubles, and are now living apart from each otfcar. The gSslavo been wllh their fatherTSJESg iS in htofSuo on- to^J.S'S!'™';'' " " be laTbout to toke 2S'„>S2i?l?.?:°.'I^/"*'?»''W to IbeWosl Indies. The AiFth—1._ „,jr„, i »o«iioiH4 uiimiiuvea, wiuioui any iwiL-Tf^i?*^! "S.*'a view to this Arrangement Wha?t^ ,S?'(i*';f"!v""?»^'» litoSnrcourtsT oS5^ ™t *v. ./".n^ 'lotOTCi- Keep the poor oSbSLSSL nf^hif.'"'" '^"t'^Posrtble. Don't dulSoy mpieunru of their yonng lives by law iiroeeBdinm ™n.?SS2: ^ ^T?'• twipeofaorobata, A. Z. Delano, the w^taown agent, hu gone wiuithem.. *" iniMuo, ue tnZ'^'Z^^ ?' Newoombe ft Bnmsey Hinstrela, hu re. STtolSSL^^^ t'^Sr&sweek. . 10 todlTtete aiStton irfter "taking Turkey" on Thinkaglvlng Oil minstrel friends will '^Wke ^'^X^iS^X^^'^^-o'''' »«d'k"own.bnt bm?i,d tt?Srrf2,lr.n'^L*''r'' this week. Inalde and out, the ItaSf tte J£i 2?;?SS!- C<>«>PM«tt'<Jr now, u the buUdlng iJ;Sf S!r "^.■'"lo' dramatlo festtvlty reigns Buprem& por a. T>-^*^li>™8 tune generally, and amusement parUen- —v> iZepeifonnanceaatlUBroadwayareBnre to beinseuon, ' Mbt W. Butler being a great butler in catering f^r tbe public in that way. Thlaweere buslnesa beginswitheeverUfreeh artiste being added to the nanally brilliant company, and the proprie- tors uem determined to inake Ml the leaoing number (In uelr line) on Broadway. lu. J. H. Bumaey, of tbe Bnmsey b Newcombe Itoupe, bu arrived from Surope, and ie announced to appear this (Monday) evening, for the first time, at Palace Muaio HAU, SUth avenue and Fourteenth atreetj with the Oampbell Minabrels.- The always-genial Jamea Pilgrim arrived In town on the after- noon of the 22d, and hu cleared off—or seems to have done ao— the dark douda and unseasonable signa of tbe times, for, after a aharp combat up doft, while people were at ohurch yesterday, wa now have dear and bradng weather. Undo James la enlist- ing recmlte for the Waahington Torietles, a cono m which bu parttee of the highest respecteblllly to anstaln it and any dis- engaged tdent which New York may happen to bave "floating around," could not do better than take James Pilgrim by tbe hand, u be always lovu to take rlalng merit by'the baud. At the Oermon Opera House, the bla. hu now grown to fivo nlgbte per week, and on Thanksgiving Day there wlU be an extra "grand gala" perfotnanoe. "Der Wildaohnetz" (The Poacher) Isthenextnovdty. "A ccmmlaslon of inquiry" now reports that our conespond- entemuat have been mlsteken in supposing snd userUng that J. C. Pray, sometimes "Chester," of this city, is the "John Chest- er" who hu been on the rampage (or the ramparts) at Quebeo, so much to tbe loss of certain ptofeulonals who ore yet engaged in hunting up the real oulnrlL Ur. Pray'will doubtless consider bla own name good enough In all future theatrical busineu. New York Is never betaindband in the matter of rejoicing, and we belleva that nearly all our plaou of amusement offer extra attnoUona by way of observing Thanksgiving Day in a happy and contented frame of mind. fla«*>"HTi>r»ag<iH>i >Tii^ftTi¥»«^Tn^^nfft in our columns. John P. Poole Is setting up something decidedly thrilling snd apeotaoolar for the MewBoweiy. At lutOeneral TOm Thumb and Commodore Nntt "aolIUy" go to Europe. The "guntraot" hu been signed, end Alt Oately goes with the partly, abont Mew Year's Day. fflSS.f?S'-«^S5='W m^JI^ ^ bean reomlting health and studying moreahjuacters,aoMtomake wbatproSilaestobeaeuMeZS M^S; «S™nanotog»'.'*°' Hampton^s,Hartford,on thVl^Deo. »fflr7»vSJ*if' »triumphant tour in Cincinnati, Loula- ^b^ f^A^: About the middle of December our wSt SffiS^*!'^Tb***"- Her agent STy W. .^JKS**?' par adverUsemant at ths head of Ibla dcArtmeni BotoTtS^iS T *¥• •rt"* •» recei^edvAUe SSd'tote^ttaS: Vtcl^on»l tours and trial, on tho I te^ bSS?i'.?^**'' '**"HaaB, Mrs. Wdler glvu as a Hai^et I u a uanilet Her enauamnni •( th* u>h:»w.ii>.- SSli iw^? ""nnSMa "nother engagement, and we fed Sl2;S2Sh^Sf«?r "7?"^".? tndlencM wm be highly pieaacd with witnessing the sterling merite of Bmm. Wallmr wi.'^?"™™*?* *f •<» ^ PJ*"** "Tar the remains of the Ute wm.B. Wood, at LaurdHin Cemetery, Phlladdphla. Ur.Wood Ii.wv'"^.'"' *° <lr«matio profession. He wu connected with tte Philadelphia stage aome fifty yeara, in irtdch tSnehe flayed niany parts," in various depsrtmente, and did the busl- S.^*S?'k.'*'«° €»' etarted In bis profeaslon. In MeftUortugohiraoters lie excelleds-Don Fdlx. De Uonttort Joseph 8ur«jce,Belcour, Benben Glenroy, Bapid, Tangent Sir Oharlea Badcet, Young Uarlowe, UercuUo, ChaStlu de MSor/Bru- SfcJ V About the year 1810 ho entered upon a career of frme wmon carried him through many ensuing years. He continued to perfoim nntu he wu quite en old man, but even In his latter ?» ?' ,7^ "™a pilna-taking, oareful actor, ever ready to asalst where his services would be the most uselUL Ur.Wood aniined a ripe old age, and wu reapected and bdoved to the lut k? !. 8 ■ of Wends. T*e monument, we understand, will be ofaneatandbeautilhl design, and wiU add another to tbe muy moumfd omamento that adorn the romantto reatlns claoe of the dud on tbe banka of the BchuylkllL »i,i^tZ"''5? theafros are preparing aollable entertainmento for ttie approaching hoUdays. and pantomimu and iSf-^SJ^**n our Obristmu fire. ?^llke a good wuutaua pantomime, and we hope this Undof performanoe SSL^hS^^*"""*™"^ than It hu heretofore been. perforainMBl * <*"*''8 afternoon holiday A^SJ^!^* F*^** *a»'b of Mn. (Orlanda UanbaB) Har- aenBnigh, of the Boston Museum, and wife of Frank Harden- 81*4.' aatabllahment Deoeued used to perlbrm at the Boston Theatre and at tbe Howard, when qultaa child, and ahowed rare promise of profeaatonal excellence; but, alul atthe Se stoSTotrnJilfef meueoger" teku her away from eJi?^' 'J?'" ^i^^ dear, u late u the 28th October, from Ban Frandsco, and fomlshea the following oen- em assortment:—"Shice my lost various chsmges hove oc- 26S Lovdfs play of •'lAye'*Bi^ltix^^ni^^'!^^!3'^''S"' santNdghlir,"with Kr. T. P^e^<ft*»'S^'JLw^a Hea- Mr. Homdon wu formerly AdlutS^Sttt^sSl^'i^iw S^m^ V. Be rutitned for "omeTiUn. ttd uS55fe'"P;*« Mmedlari olTthe Norfolk OpinSo,^ T£^J?^fSP^,}S^ Hidden Hand," dramatlaeS from Un siSS^^S"? name. Is annoonced, with Ulss Uildiell u cSSl ISS SJ *^ W. Ooesin u Old Hurricane. From some caSSi^uS*.*^- °' irfter tbe rising of the cortain, the gu InvaiSbw'JStaJlC iS2 candlea are brought Into requlsliron-it to a iSt .WlU Uanageraiennpleue announce the canie?^ annoyance. '■TToublu rarely come atunlr." is an adasa atUm xniM-^ a^i'^JSLiU' "0MS%'em?imed^'i2tt.'SS?2{S? StS.^SlF"''^' ^ through the s^rn.bandofdUtt H.ui wTT'S?"* •""PMted fUb«/ai)d«rthebatUeof^ ^^^ni.^r"''" wu unfortunate toodgh to lose a iL ^ faS«fSS5' together wltfpeounlary nSsfoi hSJi;f*2.ff°''»*' ^ ""ak any iniTdoTO/butjX lJ5^l5lSSw>,S.'^S'*°».?°L''^»"'' P«tt«n<»M« fortitude sSS w^oamcerdy hope that the future wlU make good to him ttl £2torid n'S.SSit"^ in Mmfort and hal&r'u'i'Sll u Sz^vii-'i'*^'''.' ^ reference to the Uto^. Banftnd wa aln^^J^' Cool White fSrSSuS? wlft5«Sf^°aa;^?fJ5.™.?!'y'*'r-"»^' auTOFOBD. fcSd's Oi!S?lli"nSi^"'?:"'' 'all-known proprietor of "Sand^ M i^iSSS^Xu '"'"y yaars past Sta. B. hu acted ?e.SS^«/^..^???!^ Promptort. In.all buai. . , —™ —.^ -w, .•..OUB cnonges nave oc- __—'«.- —^B""*"i * w*vi« jw» uneiuu Ui UIU uorut; o^ea in tbe theatrical world of Ban FTduclsco. J3u>r*iti^ 'Minstrels, and also of our company, their number, names, am Ilieatre having died of ShakeSDeare.wuredn';rT^7S^„ our proposed route. We landed here by the Norman mal rftS»>,.«iniihi^5 steamer, after a fine paaaage, and have now been ahowlnglb ORAMATIO. "Now and Then," writing from Plttaturg h on th'b IBtb, says:- Ur. E. Eddy leaves our toim on Baturdsy night for Cincinnati, where he tarries 'With Jno. Bates for a fortnight All things considered, he bu played a fine engagement here, and with his new version of "Jack Bheppard" omitted entirely, it is believed he would bave done better stUL The 'wltty sayings and the hair-breadth ucapes of a common thief, such u Jadt wu, may go down at the Bowery amqng the multitude of nut crackers, but our pious (T) papulation are too apt to roll up tholr eye-bdia St those nice young men who go to vntnen such performancea, and therefore many remain ootelde who would willingly "go In" were publlo opinion not so over strenuous. Ur. Eddy ran Bheppard three nlgbte, u announced, and then quietly laid it on tne ahd£ Our newspapers neither counseled people to go or stay, but preserved a reepeotful silence, whldi wu doubUeu sp- predate u they have taken occasion, more than once, to speak of Jack in terma more omphatlo than refined. On Uonday night, Ur. Allen, with Lanra Keene's "Peep 0' Day," wUl com- mence his second' atar engagement at the theatre, Lut eeason he wu 'very successfbl here, and big things axe expeoted of him this time. The piece will be produced in aaupAlor manner, and with theexodlant out it la expected to barSBsuooesafui ton. The' Hew Memphis Theatre seems to have the brighteat kind of good tlmee under the managoment of B. B. Uaglnley. Uore "people" are wanted to eettle out there. Major Oen. W. T, Sherman and our troops are great patrona of the Now Uemphle. Bee adverUsement of Quarter-Uaater 0. T. Paieloe, of this dty, on our sixth page of this iasoe. "Sherry Oorbyn," writing ftom San Frandsco, on the 90lh Oct, Bays:-Asmyletlet* to yon have at all timu reodvedthe preference In your oolumna, and u I have at all timea endeavor- ed to give you tbe theatrical news u it is. and without pr^adloe, I think it my duty to set yon right in several matters spoken of bv 'Bay -View' and 'Athens.' 'Bay Tlevr,' in his or her letter of August asth, BITS that Manager Leighton wu oompelled to succumb to hard times, doaa hia theatre, and give up bis leue, Thla is untrue, for Manager Leigbton etill holda the leue of the American, which la now open under bis manaaement vrith J. H, Taylor and Mrs, Leighton u the stars. Next he says thatLelgb. ton la in the mines with a email company of the Joint atook it. rangementt this la also nutme. Ldgbtoh did take a company to the mines, but Instead of being small, Itwu one of tbs best that ever travelled, ipduding Phdps, Andenon, Locke, WoodhnlL Gravea, Uts, Leighton, Urs. Perry, and Mrs. Locke, u prindpals, to whom he pdd salariu, and I cannot find a member of tbe pro- fesdon to whom he Is Indebted one dollar. Tbe next nntmlh is tbe aasdrtlon that Uona. Edward Herman opened at the Uetto- poUtao, under the management of Ur. Andrews. Tom Uagulre engaged Mens. Herman, and made a grand failure withnlm. •Athena,' In his or her letter of the Sd of Sept, aays the house that hu been coining money is the old atand-D;,MsguIre'B Opera House. Tbls la untrue, for the put year, wltn tho exception of three weeks, thla house hu been a losing concern. Buaaey, Smlthiand Uagulro having fdled to make both ends meet, It wu a few days since ro-oponod u au opera honee. but dosed to-day for want of patronage. Ollbert's Udodeon, under the manage- of Sherry Oorbyn, *- '— ' - ment of Sherry Oorbyn, bu not mot with great suocem, this I grant; but it has been kept open, all salaries have been paid, and the manager la very woll contented vrith his bad luok, and hopea It may oonUnuo for only a couple of years, when he means to re- tire and give 'Bay View' and 'Athena' an opportunity of mak- ing thdr pile in the same eetebllsbment, which, when all others foil, will be sure to continue open. Again, tbe same correspond, ent says Tom Magoire hu organiaed a new dramatlo oofaipany, If he bu, it is a aeoret to your oomapondent and the oltliens of San Itanolsoo, u ftom the date of that letter to this hour, no auch company hu appeared. I have taken tho trouble to give you this BUtement.ui order tout your readeia right on thmgs as they are here. "Seneca," writing ftom St Lonla on the IBlb, aass:—Hiu Jane Coombs, during five nlgbte lately, #rew good houaea, ^hlohinoreuednlghtty in number M hsrnmo became more generoL An nnfortunato amtrdempi prevented her recdving adequate support In leading mde parte, which of courstf'chlUed her ardor, and gave no scope for her to show her red power, Olfted in no ordinary degree in voice and person, with soul and intdllgenoe.bcaming in every glance of her eyes, Ules Coomba, ao fkr u we oould Judge, la an aolrou of great merit, and will, .when ttme bu softened down some naw too prominent polote In voice and manner, bave fow peers upon the etege. Ulu Daly commenced an engagement o! one week lut night, In "The Bo hemlanairi." Allow me to aay a fewworda In faVor of Uv. Qriath, "Old man" of the St Louis Theatre company. Bvtr "up in Ua parts," Mr. anffllh la a oarefUl. jidnateUng, relUbl* Mter, who grows nightly in fkvor of the andlence, and whose placa oouia not waUba fiUad. Hr. Sheny and Ur. W. P. Smith ■N gho ftrgdlM ct l«B« tiaiMlag. SwiiMi at lUi houf* ii iSreJ^X^n^eSlo'Ste .^^^ tan nights olOaed-U^—•^^^^'^'^aff for the country, with s/LMBaaatui company. Lost night ha recdved a substantial efit at the Uetrcpolltan Theatre. On this occulon, Julius 0«earwu performed, Buchanan appearing.forthe first time in California in the leading character The American is doaed. I«8t night condnded the season. The administering of contin- ued doaea of poor houaea bu.doneltewcrkattmseateblisb- ment The American is probsbly closed for a long time, to all but thftlerman performancu, which ore given wiCn continued eucceu. J. H. Taylor, the young American tragedian, is far too quiet and "holds the mirror up to nature," when he should tear a patdon to totters to supply the popular demand. Ur. Taylor and a portion of the American company are tranaferred to the Metropolitan, and the Metropolitan will hereafter be under the , olnt management of Messrs. Leighton & Tibbette At the tietropolitan tbe busineu of the.week hu been good. Mrs. Julia Dean Hayne's benefit on Mdav wu a "bumper." With Mrs. Eayne, Urs. Leighton, J. H. Taylor, Ur. Uajo, and others I could name, on the same aame stage, there la a dawn of epros- ^rous UMon for the management Uagulre's Opera House lu got fairly back into its legitimate traces, Euterpe, gentle muse of melody, holding the reins. The re-introductlon of opera with Ulu Parker, Blgnora ni«n''>'i, Uadame Elebs, Uadome Tanker, Big. Biinchl, Big. Qrosd, Uons. Boneovlri, Uons. Cbarlee, and Ur. John tiregg, u prindpals, hu proved a positive and dedded - sicceu. "Bellssario" wu the first opera produced, and it wu produced in a style rarely seen in California, entlrdy new scenery and coetomea. "Habnco" wu also produced during tbe week, with Ulu Parker, Blgnora Biancnl, SIg. Blanohi, and Big. Qroul, in the prlndpd ^lorts. fljgnora Blandil's extreme obesity destroys much of the effect of her slnginf' and acting, and ren- ders her leu acceptebls to the putilb; her vocalization, how- over, in muslo not too florid, la acceptable. Ura. Agatha Statu la announced for Leonora In "B Trovatore;" u she hu been an- nounced for the Bame "role" In three previous operatto eeuons, there may be acme doubt of her appearance thla season. "Don Faaquale and "I* Lombardl,' ore the next operu to be pro- duced, and we eball probably have a good old fuhlcned long succeeeful eeason of opera, under the direction of Uanager Ua- gulre in his "sweet little temple," u sbme poetlcd critic hu denominated the "Opera House." We areahortly to have ta accession to our operaUo force by (be addition of the Lyator Ironpo—Ur. Bonlies, Had, Escot^ Dnrand, Ac, who are now on thdr way to Odlfomla from Austrdla The opening of Wil- son's Great World Circus at the pavilion on Jackson street wu the stgnd for a great rush of the amusement loving publlo, which caused the "legitimate" and melodeons to lamentably Un- Silsb. BUI Worrel la the down, and an Immenee fitvorito with e pobUc Bebutlan is with this troupe, and u a bare-backed rider, is unequded for grace and daring. The eeuon 'will prob- ably continue three weeks, when, it is rumored, they leave for Central and South America Business at the mdodeons during the past week hu been dull, u the'Circus and gambling rooms monopolize nearly aU the floating populatlon. The Bella Vnlon la the only mdodeon that managea to gather a corporal'a guard. OUbert'a is stmost entirely deserted, and the Jenny Lind is dosed Hayu Park wu opened on Sunday last under the high sounding title of Otemome Gardens, by Ussisrs. Phelps & Pridham, of circus notoriety, tbe performance con* dating of acrobatic and gymnastio ftats by a company of ths best per&nneis ever concentrated on this cout The prlndpal feature la UHe BUa Oadla, a pleaalng. and daring periormer on the ontl (aidtie. A perfeot Jam wu present at the inauguratton, and the WiSowe went begging for patronage .There Is nothing in the interior at present worth noticing. A good many IndlTldnd showmen are floating aronnd trying to "raise tbe wind," who fed comforted 'with the dlgbtest breeze. By reference to our extended theatrlcd advertlaemente, it vrlU appear that Ulia Adah Isaacs Uenken intends producing "Un- teppa" this week, at the ftont BtrectTheatre, Baltimore, 'with aU the tbrining feate of .hoaemanihlp and oharacterlatto acting, whldt bu made the piece Inuparable from her name. The preae of BalUmoreienthusIastlcaUy proclaims Adah "the greatest actress of the day, and in fbca and form, tbe most boautlAil woman in ths world." After that we can add no more, but when they behold the lady in "Mazeppa"—well, they tclll see a treat then. "The Menken" finlebu at thla theatre Nov. M, and about December 1st win probably commence anothier atar en- gagement at Wood's niucre, Oinalnnati, After terminatinB her iwo weeks at Wood's, she WlU retire from the stage nntUnext spring, or about the middle of Fiebruary. Owing to indispodtlon, Mr. Davenport 'wu onaUe to continue hia engagement at the Walnut PhUiddphla, the latter part of lut week. Probably the "Black Doctor" dosed him rather more than wu good for bis gesanlhodth. The stock company hu filled up the week. Ur. Davenport iriU probably resume his performances this evening, Tbe Arch, Phlladdphla, oondderlng tbe vntather, did a good buelnoss, vrith J. S. OUarko u the attraction. A new piece "Peter Waxem, The Gentleman of Nature," vras brought ou; lut week, with J. & darke u Peter. Three plecu on one night Is rather heavy busineu for a star, but Ur. tiiarke doesn't seem tomtodit JuUa Daly hu been Induced to nnew her engagement at the Bt Lonla Theatre. J. WilkM Booth conmeuoea an engagement a1 indianapoUa on the ITth. What hai become of John 0. AddamsT We hava not been able to trace him since ho left Callfbtnla for Auatralla, 'Wbere to "that Yankeet" The (eo eaUed) Webb Blaters wound up Ihebr engagement at BnoUand's Theatre Boyd, Uontreal, on the aSd, after great sncauB In "Fanohon," Ulss Emma doing the old iritoh, and Miss Ada the young one. Uanager BncUand ataita cn the Mth for Quebeoi where he stqpB two weeka, and then returns to UonlreaL The Batemon party remain at the Howard, Boston, but we fbnoy that "those alz weeks!' seem very dubious. There la every sign of snoceu about Edwin Booth's opening of tbe Boston Tbulre,oommenolnaon the Mtta. Oompany capital. "Ihe Boston Uusenm produoeda new piece on the 3ltb, oaDad "UagnoUa, Tho Planter's Daughter." Kato Belgndds Is tbe heroine, and that Is enough said, nsuiDy. unleu the atitbonblp Is "loo poor for utterance." "Tbo proof of the pudding la in the eating thereof^" Jea HIu Uary Provost proved it by taking 11,140 u her abare of the reoelpta at the theatre In LontsviUe, during the third week of her cngaaement, at lout, so a very smoU bird wUspored in our ear; and further, that Bha had anbffor from AuatraUaof $20,000 for two hundred nlgbte, which she deolinu to take. " Theaplan," writing from Norfolk, 'Va., on the 20Ui, Icto the daylight "come dear through the lines," flt>m aome of our "wayward dsten." u wen salhe brolhen:—"Ulfs uitcbeU stUl attracte good houaos. Ibla lady la a great favorite here. On Uondily.the UUi Inst, Mr. J. A.Oatu (fbrmarly leadtng gen- tleman cf the Esau Dramatlo AnodaUoo, of Wilinlngton.Del,) mods bis first appearance%a Hlchad Erie, In the play cf thai name, and Sir Wuuam, in the "Bough Diamond," concluding on ~ ' " On Friday evening, the Mtb, "Fdnt Heart poor, who werTthe^SaS XSb 7t hHSn^J' h?Sf members of the profeadon, w^Vuili^^,^ 5.?^,'.^*^ avduablememberof aoolety; and, moat of all. bvher h«r«rtS wife. Hone knew her but to lovo her •uwuioiiai* The curtain of life hu ruuK down Ufe-e drama with thee nSw la™ir- Ulyest then weir in Immortd crown. ♦ ■ Where lorraws can reuh thee no more thS??fS2»hSSteS'^IL.raf^'.rj^ SS^^'l*'"""' baveJuBt'reodv^C_a JlitsmTaBX-vctm£i—Diar sir: Bafbn ^...uBtua,-i'Wrt>{e you about the division in the Christy los, and in mall ... showing fat 'ards of four weeks to splendid business, We have also ed in Simons Town, and SteUenboooh, and next week w« go Port EllEabetb, six hundred miles up the cout Our stey here is very Umitedi u we saU for Odoutta, per eteamer Jaaon, In a few weeks Ur. Parry bu a theatrlcd company at Port EUubeth, and the thuin at Cape Town is nndor the director. ship of Urs. TeUett There is a gr«At want of amusement here, but it is difllcnlt to say what would be moat Ukdy to make a hit, ■a the Inhabltante are mostly Dutch, and retain strong^ their indent prejudices- Tliey are a very eanctlfled lot Our com- pany toclndu A. Nlsb, Joe Brown, J. Bdnford, J. H. Mdvyn, O. Stede, 0. Stewart, and Wuh Norton. I will let yon hear from ni on our route. Youra, J, H. Uft>vn. The CiinTbun^ril^iudevotu nearly a column to an acttoont of one of the performancu given at that place by tbe Ohrlity Minstrels, ft says:—"On Thursday night a grand fiiahionable performance wu given by Christy's Ulnstrds, in the haU of the Oommerdd Exohange, at which his Excellency the Governor, and Urs. Woddiouse, with the clib of Cape aoolety, were preaent nie room wu crowded, every ticket having been taken u early u Tuesday, and the subsequent appUcatlons showed that the popularity of the minstrels wu atlB in the ascendant The pro- gramme wuadmtrablysdected." By the programme, we notloe that Wuh. Morton gave bla "Great Parllamentery Speech, or, Any Other Man;" and Joe Brown danced bis "Silver Bdt Jig." The Argut says:-"The parliamentary speech wu even better than usual, and cue query of the orator 'What the comet latdy diacovered had to do with tho ilorraUon allowance to the dvU eerrioef 'Or any other man,' told with great effoct thedla- tresseddvU aervante themaelvu Joining most heartily in the laughter," , '• - Another -new minatrd company is forming at New Bedford by Bones Bemlngton, which will soon open at Hartford, and'then oome on here. The prlndpal %ambors sre Dones Bemlngton, bonu, Jig dancer, and general performer; L. Dunn, first vlounlst and muucal director; S, Hutdilnaon, aecond vtollnhtand aUo; J. W. Florence, banlclst and middle man; U. B. Levi, bonu, tambourlnlat and Ethiopian comedian; UUterGeo. Bou, balp ladlst and Isl^tenor; 0. A. Hamilton, guitarist and accond tenor; J. B. Edwards, bau viol, vloIonceUo, and bau Singer. Sam Bharpley's Ulnstiels and Brsu Band seem to bo bunting up publlo Cavor vrith a shup prow and "Ethiopian Iron-Olads." For tbe meaning of all this metephor, pleue examine their "eoronger" of an advertlBement It appears that Sam is "sharp ut" on obtaining or extending bis fame smong the New Eng- land Stetu. Go where he may, he certainly bu a tdanted oom- pany, which neod not fear to put forth their "great ohallenm programme" anywhere. In aiddltlon, for talent daays neeos bnalneu protection, Sam hu, around and In advance of blm. aome cf the beatbusineaa artlBto, advisers, and representativsa, a gteat artlat could desire.. No danger for Bam Shornley. - Let flie lovers of comic or sentlmentsl mlatrdsy look out for him. In another paragraph we have mentioned Sam Bharpley's In- tended tour among the New England Stetea; butu Bam bu hoate of friends wherever the "niga" may travd, and espeddly In thoee pUcu where he hu onoe performed, we mnat ohronlcis hia pieaant movemento. He opened at Oswego, N. Y., cn ths lOtb, in a smell balL The weather wu not merdy raldy, but "floody;" and yet the treasurer reported nearly 8100. At ths- aame time. In other parte of that city, two dramatlo enlerfsln^ mente were going on; one had fbnrteen "specked teter*," anA the oUier had alxl On the 3d night 20th, Sam's treasurer hsd a much bigger Job of counting. Oa the 9Ist Uia company did wdl in Dtfca, and "ditto reputo"in Scheneotedy onUe 99d. Oik the 24th and Wtth, Albany hu the honor of glvinB a weloome to euch talented artiste u Sam Shirpley'i MinatAlB, and no doubt "the gooae bangs high." , _ ,^ JL J Lea^tt stage manager of Lea's Udodeon, BdUmore, has .^nthistoot doTOlIke Andrew Jackson" In an advortlflement ^dh may be found on the dxth page of thla taroa. A, jjays that oertam people have been appropriating aome of his pro^ ** HMley's Mluslida, about twenty In number aud dl fint^ arSats. iontlnue to ddlght and astonish our Brooklyn frtendi. ABwho have seen them once, wish to see them agdn, for thdr varieSr of programme Is wondortuL and they aro anre tobe SSltotto dTtoongthe LrfiesTit is nowoonddetedquU* SSSlonrtloto confeuthat onebu "notbeento Hoolojgj" n^tnA^hova. set out the dosha and diawla; and let ua learn bow SSSiy «e"4fl ««" l«''Bb, or sympaUJze with the beaiS?Dlly eentlmental bdlada whldi are so UatofBlly Inter- nMTsiid amouit each and every evening's performance. ^I^Staon awSers are wiung up the pubHomore than avsr uteadiers of the banjo. Sea their advertlsamant. tomuelB.Banford'a father wu burled on the 16lh inst, and hiBwlfe on the J«h. Burdy the minetjpl's heart must ba ' "boweddownby wdgbtof woe," New Bmnswiok, M. J., people are raUier down on Byron Christy »nd Btamk Edwards, who gave an entartdnment there on the 8th, promising at the time to give one-fourth of tbe enUro' ^pti to iheLadlsi'Soldiers'Aid Society. irpto the20tt^e hwlles had not received one centof the money oromlsed. aov»- thia? Charity la net a subleot to be trifled with, boys, Lee & Tree'a Ulnitrels open at WuUngton HoU, WUIIMU- bursh, on Thanksgiving Day. The band conslstB of uventom perfonneis, under the management of Bitehle Uicfc. Iba following comprlM the company:-Bitohle BI»ok and MBj Hooker, end men; Sim Uorton, Pat UcGowon. Jake OyWar. • Tom Pklnter, J. McGrath, J. J. Uyers, Sd Buns, VtA ABsn. Hike UoLanghlln, J. D. UcUahon, W. and J. Lee, A. Flamlag, J. L. Carter, Muter Fted and D. D. Tod. ^ , '. « » At Boston there Is noose in trying to disguise the fact that Horria Brothers, Pell & Trowbridge's Minstrels are WJ most attracUve oompany In thoii'llne of Us. "Sclplo, the bitdligent Monkey," knooks Bdplo Afrioonus Into eeverid oodted hots, Pompoy'e pomposity la nowhere, and Julius Ooaar blma^ would "have ter Uugh," whUe Hannlbd the younger, might get both oyu "wide open tight" wito looking on at the fun, Itatj fun is to come out when this company begin their peouUar aMs ofpaotemlmes, which ■wlU be very soon. In the meantlms,lM "honsu" are such that ttie bolUlog Is not half larce enoughte ths patronage, dthongh quite comfortable for aU who go In good "t! k Hayu took a farewdl bondlt at Hooley'a Opera 5*2?! Brooklyn, on the 22d,and wu honored with a vary Mgartof testimonial to his popularity. T. M. H., wUl now have a diuos to enjoy bis first week of liberty in seven monUis. Asaeiof- danoerltwiUpusdehlmtoflndhisequsL 'm-J-. Uts. Bryant's Female Mlnstod and Burlesque OMfalBBjiBJ - operating in Canada, and tUs oompany o«^Wy ^fjg rarr attraoUve. They wera at Uontred on th» S«fc niuraday nl He»er Won Rht lAir," Ulu Uitchdlmaklog her re-appearanes aa (he Duchess, and the "Married Bako." Saturday evening, "Ito Ikotory Girl" and "The Serious FamOyv"wu presented to tbe fuUeet houu of the seaaon; and Ur. H. Oessln (formerly of the Holiday, BdUmore.) and Ur. ft B, Browne made their flttt appearance, the former u Stephen Plum, In.'Tiie Factory Girl.'' kn4 ObarlM Terrani, In"nia Serioos Ikmlly," the Ut<a u Bir tHbnrl—tnamiffrtt y-^'-rytr*"'' kr^ Browns la aie . - be very attruUve. 22d. Olympic Undo HsIL Baoe street W^»2«'^ftbJS uSSm and™uoms diflloSHor the owner to fd^a hall patronage oenttea now in Obastaiil ■^'Tl'^ailimcilh* Se<KiHne5tal, Oatlno. and aditert)«i7> t»* thsetoamw nm theOonUnentd- PhUadefphia. na WU^'JJ^^^^ advantue^ia.beautlMpleo|^ ,»^^5?5feTttaSie aaoendons on the rope, ftomtta aiag »"J^^jp^ oarnlM ■ SSJfciSiJSSi^S^^SlDSiHiaBtel . ' 'T^ /I.- .'.(;.' I- It- i 1