New York Clipper (Nov 1862)

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^•imiiiov But be taut teVo«,yoti<lartb«lsw; . yw,yoa'r«TitfywelnM»w; l«a yon, yWM* poor* __ani jtni, flaUatyoiuMu; cihetM yon, yon •» » ta»T«j hitod yon, yon Me t itoTei odlel yon « "fool" to yonr ite»t '■ oalled yon » "t»i»n»" oi,"ioold," ttilnks yon of nliiawi nonld; hnows of yonr units bnt • buna, Qtluof thamtt tb« woild't end;i eUnga'to yonr pnne Uk« * fkwn,] ronDto 1 honnd wh«n ll't bodo; 'a eataa bliDrMd.lromyoniitoM, (gjl yon "s idlatd/ b«ie;".' - (jiadaredyon.-ntnitoarpeBf ' KoMDT M qnlik u yon oaa.. ■■■■■■ Ujili ,(,-.1 1'*;^:'! : AHiiiniiB WITH A 00H7I0I: 'j.A;k^in)m'iiw OF. tbb vita Foiinn. iT TCk m MIS ouffUi BT fOBH F. iGUZiWII. wMildnkoddi^of > fewiMn^ud bett them on thow ^ ' At the pertod of wbloh I vtlie I was merely a boy. or Uut or thkt ikge wbloh ydnngBteis nsw-a^ysoon- ' dteto.bomanhora, vIe., tamlDgBlneteenyean. I wai brought up In the "Bloody Sixth ward," and my life was Iden3fled theiii; ail It has been bLom, to a great degree, lllihItohalillaandinBtltollona. , What boy ever IWed or was reared In tbla great oity I bad a better opportnnity of seeing and knowing the dlff- " erenoe between the good and the bad than one brooght ' Ihe Sbrth Wardt And althongh It haa borne a hard goo-tlde of my life, willing to 41..* th^* ^....rmfthMtdeTaUon and thonght, .' says; haa always been '.'more dnnea egausi \. At the time of which I epeak, and for a few years '■ after, there was sport there—aje, by the gods, and real '' mort, too. Upon certain evenings ot the week It was a !: ounlTsl of fan to step down fh>m Centra street to Fete i'WUllams' when the lamps were ahlaca ■ - There was "life" In Pete Williams', I tell yon, and gay ' Uf^, too, sonny boy. The writer had retnmed from, the ' FneAoademy, had entered his name aaapnpll In one V of the beet gymnaslnms in theoltv, and being of a tmant -.'torn of mmd, and fond of exoltement, he desired no ; Iwtter^elaxatlon than to step dowa (or a few mlnntes in 'the Airenlng and take an uveatory of the ladles and ~ gent^Slsltlng Hotel de WUllams. ' tt Is almoet needless for me to speak to the readers of .tlie OuFFaa of.thewlldand giddy sport that might be '. lodolged In there, and the dangers that might have been • paned If that sport was carried to .extremes. Bnt If any 'S&e bad a llosose for his extravaganoe in that matter, it ?. bertalnly waa a "Sixth Ward boy." 0 . .There Is a wonderful history to be written of that lo- - oality, and espeolally of Pete WlUIamB* bonse. That , waa.iAe IniUtntlonM the "bay," aa it has been more rMjehtly called, and a nnmber of those who ainoe then . have arose to the position of City Fathers, and other Seminent places in onr dty government, have spent air wildest end most bolsterons boors In that celebrated ' V .<'ahantee/' The highest as well aa the lowest clasa of nleln the cl^ of New-Tork f Idted Pete Wllliama'. !«o one, I presnme, wh# knows anything abont the ' plaoe, wiU attempt to deny this. As for my part, I am willing to make my "affldavy" that I have seen some of the biggest bugs in this olWspreakd themselves In Little ' 'Water street. Bnt Fete nsd aa handsome a Creole to u.iieeelvo them, and aa good a bottle of wine to oraok'for ' thenii'as'any other man on thla Island of- Manhattan, ':*%Dd more too.? . " Ob; if the walls of that rongh and nnoonth''orlb" had ■ addlble langnage, what a shriek of dismay aod misery ■ thqy eonld send throngh some '.'brown stone fronts" that I )biOW of now in the Fifth Avenue. .gomnoh for a boy'e Veoolleodon. Those sports who 1 ■ mied to revel in wine and Soothem Creoles, and exbaoet- ed thdr mlrthfalneea and pnrses in the heart of the Five : Points (hard as It mav eonnd,) in thoee days, have become V fltidd and dIgolQed ciUEena. and may be seen every after- ' no<m promenading on the twenty-five cent side ot Broad- , ':lt Is a notorio^s fiiot, that Fete WIllIamB leodved the ■'^iMirt and most InoraUve part of his patronage from those i '^/ha were Ixrand by oonnnUal tiea to home. Bnt slaoe vv.ttote men were of a sporUve dlsposIUon, there certainly V ' .-V'M no plaoe In tbla town where they oonld enloythem- , :' n . advai better. This advantage they aorely Indolged In to ' c.:Uidr<heart'aoontent :^ ., ■ j deolare, it makes my heart light to think of that honae. j Hiany and many a splendid gallopade and reel I've footed . there. Pete's girls weie not only the handsomest speoi- ' fanta of their color In the United States, bnt the most , .aglle.and.beantlfal daooerai'veever seen. Itwaaaterp- .< Korean treat, I tell yon, to see some of 'em "forward tf a" Then when the qnadrllle was finished, Johnny Dl- Sand or Joba gave na a jig, and let me tell yon that "a bwer of itrowns" was not the reward of a fine specimen V. «f:luel-ajid-toe-ology In that bonse, bnt g«iod bright solid : half-dollar pieces and blllB on the "Chemical Bank," In a " ttateh dance. After'.Johnny beat Jaba he beoame a lltUe stiff and mey, and the desire was BO great to see blm "Oirow him- : Vlnlf,'' tbat'we remember Um often to have made his nice ' %tle tMhV-fl^ or fifty eelsklns ont of Williams' Hotel . • If Jqhnny DImond had been wise and temper8te,he wonld i. hsve been a millionaire to-day. Bnt he war ''aa good as (> they made 'em" every time. He was gifted, generoas, ', fond of bis mother. I know this, beoanse f grew np wiih him; and,no matter wherehepsrformed.U Iconldnx 'ba alIow(»d behind the scenes, no Johnny Dlmond wonld '>dBaee theiei.. : S Bnt the Olipperites, who aire generally "tight smart fel- . ^lews," and want to hold on to the thread of a narrative, . will naturally Inquire how abont the "Hour with the Con- ^Tiott" . WoUkIII tell yOu. Just as I left Fete Williams'one !' Bl^t, and carried with me a few glassea of the ruby, ' >I stopped Into O. (exonse me, I don't like to mention pro- . y^ipar'nanies) Brown's mill, I mean. It was about half- ,' 'i ,^t oi^e o'oloo]! in tiie morning. The '.■setters" bad been ' /4'':^«asted, aad the barkeeper waa about "olosing up." I had '■). ! with the Boniface of the establishment, and that was v.^^Qiil nature of my business at that hou In tiia morning, ' ^ .b^'n Aa I was silting quietly, enjoying a very qneatlonable Havana, a human form stepped Into the "mllL" Be I'Vuhtened me, although I am not oonsUtnted that way. ^M^f^'* .me a drink, will ye,'^ said he. In an almost dying '^. iiuhefell prostrate upon the floor. "Gi'emea " Qod d—n yont" he repeated, and his teeth SpU he were look-jawed. * -"lord paused, and looked amaied, for his via- lased almost aa plain as Adam in Eden.. M Um ■ drink I" I exolaimed, "and I will pay Jit's;. ■ Vol pay for itl" liuttered thednmken oonvlot. jia66k bejre," he said, after a half tnubler ftaU of bMbeen gtvan to hlm and poured down while lean- • ig* on mte of hu ell^wfl:. "I've been after, you a long •t->(,The'IandIef4'»«i frlghtMed, ud I, felant^pC'ftiaaof m ^-i ^.^'<■■ i'i■■■■ boy, looked "By Ood I" explalaed the tiadleti, "kt'a got th^deU^ Inmtremenal" „ . . In an. Instant tiu drunken lunatic lelaed a meat axe ost at bis hand, and nslng a superhuman erait, j^e ampedtohls feet ''-^ "Now," he hissed, "I've got yon eomwid. ^Tou pitohed me out of a window, did you. Now^flod; dama ion, I'll take your bralne out on the edge of thii hatohefc" Suiting the aoUon to thewoid, he sprang npon the poor bar keeper, and struck at him with the meat axe. The oonoooUr. oi various drinks wsa himself, however, and meeting the ujinlao with a stout olnb and resolute arm, knocked him senseles to the ioor. , . . The house was In an uproar. I, fearful of the bar keep- er»8 fate, ran out and alarmed the officers of jusHoe, who were singularly loth In interfering with the foulest erimes that had ever been perpetrated In that region. But the oall In this Instance was too Imperative, and the "blufitea" made their appearance In the plural num- ber. This waa certainly a startling ooonrrenoe. One of the most rtnbbom reelstanoes I have ever wit- nessed ensued that night The convict was Insane, and the oBoera were determined to "take him In." The ma- nlao seeming to define his noslllon precisely, put himself on the defensive, and dashing across the counter, seised the obeese-box cover, and iD'aaecond leveled the officer to the floor. In the meantime we were at him (the ba^ keeper and I) like tlgera, and whilst the oflloer recovered his oonsoiouanesi, we had him bound hand and/oot on the *'^Slnforoements, answering the beat of the ofBoer's dub, were qnlokiy preient, and the Insane desperado wa^ like a mad dog, dragged to the city prison. To the sentence aad deouion of the presiding oiDaer be made the eame obstinate resistanae, and, sought, stealthily and vUlalnonsly, a weapon by which he oould Injaro soms one—no matter who it might be. •Captain John Magnus entered the Station Honae at tills period of the prooeedlnts, and exdalmed npon meeting the prisoner'a gane, "Well, well, are you Uvliig yet, Paddy t Why, I thought the worms had dUposed of you years ago. I Im^ed Potter's Fidd had shielded yon, and given yon peace for ever. he oomes. in, Voa make a bargain with far a shot, that's all." ">]1 right, old fellow; give layout hand," aayathe desoon. ... • »• ' "A joke Is a Joke," says Lines. "TTae,th4t's ao, you're right there," replied the dea- oon: and Lines went to wo^k and withdrew a heavy charge of buckshot and powder Urom Bld'a gun, and set It back in the comer, in the eame position as he found it, at the same time giving a signlfloant nod to the deacon, u much aa to echo aU right The hoet treated Lines on the strength of the joke, and he had bat ja»t emptied his fflaeaaa Bld 'otma In, who, aware that Lines was one ahead of him on the drinks, took np Us gun, as If abont to leave, when the deaoon called ont to blm; "I say friend, what did yon say you would jglve me for a shot at them fowls ont there t" A midden grab for a huge Ink bottle, and a dash of the mefortbeCaptalo'ahead, was the convict's response alSTStWHtfl dPonlto ry speedi, and the Insane mlfiin Peace iiilpiil ,|.,,( -n.,, perado was osged, and bolt and bar eonnfiy|J|ii|'^ and longltads to a very contracted area. In the morning, when the eentlnd visited his cell fbr the purpose of aaoertalning bis condition and state of mind, he discovered Mm prostrate npon the floor of the cdl, the wrist of his right arm olaaped In his taath, and bis eyea aglare, and standing watery and fixed linUs head He had bitten hla wrist In delirium through the night, and had died of lootjaw. Thus perished one of the once most Intelligent and respected, but subeeqaently one of the most depraved and obdurate convicts that had ever ouraed the State Prison with hla presence. The niftht allnded to was a night of terror to ms. was comparatively yonng and onsophlstioated, although I was fond of sport, and would be, if possible, where It wbB going on. I got more of that than I wanted on the oooadon referred to. It took the starch out of my collar, and made such an inldUIble liapresslon upon my mind, as to make mere member as long aa I live, that neve^to-be- forgotten "hour with a oonvlot." mLEH orTBOT-OAXTO JLTOL' U aomane bad opeiM 'seath Ua (eet, .It wonld not b*T« axolted mote anrprlie; ane nlmdld lOBM wu HiB'S be bnrned to lueb :: And yet boioaioe bet Hue oonld reoognli^ For FiiDLia, tan and beoUaa—ono« ae vjnA And blr to look npon I Bnt tbtn bar «yen Batalned tbe aaU-aama tellllanoa aa of yore, ' ' / And bar alafortnne made bin lore her moKe I A splendid form, to be eff«otnil,abonld be aet off by a eenivi.. l«n entirely free from tut, traoUea, plmploa, lallewneca, r^tuS' to. In^t,aaUnotwblteneM,pnrlty,emoothneaaMlM«h!r> tnoh aa tbe naa otOOORAUD'S ITALIAM HEDIOATmnift In^tilably prodnoes I Tbla mmellona oomponnd la aa iooSh. tluttisbnta (hoTOTor mnobohafad) areliiitant]yfeitde«n^3i Ue after being watbed Tlth It; and for obafed, chapped, and!!! and tender fleab, K acta Ute a oharm. r.f~.oiKM "Well, if you will get them all togettier up In the cor- ner, and let me have what I kUl the first time, I'll give rou tbree sbilllnga; my gun la loaded, and I'd like to rou laveaolanceat'em.'.' tletely nproots snperSnons^balr from any ntrt ef Ike ymSti OOUBAUD'S InstantaMons LIQUID HAIB DR «n red ar grey balr to abeanUfnl)iro"njwbla^ ttu buSS tody, change "I'll tell you what 'Us, friend, you may pull yonr trig' ler on 'em once, and onoe only, for three shillings, and ^—eiliBt yon kill: but If you miss 'am you must pay a dollar, and I only allow It just for the Am of the li applied, wllbont rtalnlag the aUn. QOXmAUD'S UoniS ^ 31T0B Imparts a beantUal reieate tinge to pale oheeto oAvS dafriig detection, and abaclntaly Immovable eioeptbr witiffi ■' .—I- oorBAlID'S ULTWHITI<litellT«S have, me thing." irith leap and Kater. aoVB&VD'B IilLil WIUTIllttaUT«_ les, redneaa and toagbnaaa, realizing a dtUMti l2(.i^ A THAKKBOimrO Pqin.TBT SHOOT. "This was the wttf of It Ton ate 'Old Lines' and '3ld' started ont just'Wore Thanksgiving, for a shooting match—more common a few years ago, than now—abont six or seven miles from here, off on the Cheshire road. They had but one gnu between them, and they agreed to use it 'jaiftly,' as Captain Cattle would Bay. Well, they got to the place where tbe diootlng match waa to come off and had a few shots each, without any return for the money expended; eltiier because the cbfokens were too farof^ or tbe dderbrandy they bad imbibed, prevented them firom getting good sight at the game. They were determined to have some poultry for Tnanksglving, eome way or other, either by fair means or fbtal, even If they had to blaae away at the tenanta Of some of the numer- ous famhysrds they passed; though that was dangerona^ and might be expenalve bntinesa. After onoe mora re- tting themeelves, a bright ilea presented Itself to the mind of Old Lines, where npon he said to his oompanloa: Sid, I have itl" . Bid waa a little etartled by the abrupt remark, bnt he was oontageous enough to ask, ''Where la Itt" ^■Wherel never yon mind, Sid: you know old Dea- oon Holly keeps a tavern alM»t two miles ttom here. Let's go and t^ some of Us poultry." Now, the reason old Holly waa called "deaoon," was because he mixed so many hard words—sometimes called profane—In his every-day speedi, that Us neighbors, and tha freqdenten of bis tavern, declared him entitled (0 the appellation. Sid agreed to the proposal of his friend, and after arranging who dionld oarry the gun, and wno the ammunition and provUons (the latter most- ly In a wooden bottle,oommon In those days) they started for the "deaoon's." They were jolly oompanions at all times,'bnt the treanent tippling of tiie wooden botUe made them more jolly than usual, and when they got to the deacon's, they felt as if they had been going up hill all the way; but Lines had not disclosed nu project to Sid, and Sid waa not disposed to aak any mora qnestlontf than was neoessary. In their present state of fatigue. Finally, jaet before they reached the house, Llnea saya, "Bid, load your gnu, and load her well I" Bid obeyed orders, and put la a good charge of powder and a oharge of bnok-shot, and announced hlmaeU ^ ready. VNow let me load her," says Lines. "What for t" says Sid, "I tell yon she's already loaded." Sid handed him the gun, and he pnt In about the same quantity of powder and shot '.'Now, Bid, mind you, when we get to the Deacon's, von aak him how mnoh he will oharge you for a shot at hiB ,flook of poultry, end let yon have all yon kill. I know the old outs; he thinks more of his ohlokena and turk^s than he does the rest of bis family, and of oontse he won't let you shoot. Never yoo mind, we. hain't got any game to^ay, and we mnat have Rome for Thanksmv- Ing. If he refaaes to let you fire, wis MU go Into the 0B^ room and have a little "red-eye," and IH manage him. Ton stand your' gnn up In the ooner, carelessly,'and after we have had onr tmg, yon go out Into tbe yard to take an observation. ' Sid oould not appreciate the joke that he knew waa to come, althoogh he felt It was cooing; for old Llnea eel- demfdled. • The deaoon met them at the doer, a not verr oommon occurrence for him at thttt tlm,e of the day, and cordially greeted them. ' " A drink all round made them eongenUl,whenSldoom> menoed his negotlatlonB, as Instaioted by his snpeilor, and finally offered the deaoon three aMlllnga for a shot at his poultry. The deacon felt Indlghant—insulted; ha would not have his poultry fired at for twenW-five dol- lars, and he would shoot anr man that would do It Theee ohlokena and those turkeys ne was flitting for Christmas, and he Would not have one of them klDed before thai tlitae for any amount of monej;. . During the oonvenatlonj Bid stood bis gun up oardess- ly In one' corner, walked to the bar, emptied Us glass, and .BuSdenly walked out at the door. Lines saw hlio {jo„and intimated to the deaoon that the last few drops 0: ttat glass irere too muoh for Bid, and he would play a : JPolnUDR to the gun, ks sail to Ui hoat^ "Deaoon, ss« MN^Ill dntw tks ohaiie. Ml sf lhat en gun, ud whes "Done," says SM.'thats all I want to dolt /or, but you mnst 'shoo' 'em up In the obmer where I oan have a fdr sight at'em." i ^ , 60 ue deacon and old Lines wsnt out Into the yard, and drove tbe ohlokena and tukeys np In the comer of tbe yard, and Bid primed bis gun. It bad an old fllat look, made before perontsdon looks weresooommoo,but be wss not long at It, however, and stepplag ont of the door, rested bis ^ece across a raU fenoe for better aim. As soOn as the word was given, and he oould steady hlmaelf, he pulled the trigger—fiaB-n, It wentibod: bangl Sid, either Crom tbe recoil of the gun, or trem ovet exdt^ ment lay sprawling on the ground, nine-ohlokena and two turkeys were saorifloed, and a geueral scattering took plaoe among the Book. Old Lines expreaaed, In em- phatip words, his sstonlahmeht, and tbe deaooa swore terribly; and when he aoonssd Lines of trickery, his only reply was. "Ton saw me draw the charge, and how In the devil did I know there was another charge In the cursed oldgnnt" As soon Skk Sid recovered his equilibrium, he picked np as muoh of the game as he and Lines could carry, and In- ' ' the host to a drink flrom. the wooden bottle, request- ^r^t^AkManextguesta to a Thanksgiving dinner ftom ttefDmUjriuii uoS^ The Deaoon's expresdon, In relation'^RniM affair, wee so far from being chaste or polite, that from that Umi his appellation among bis acqnalntanoeB was changed from "deaoon" to "parson," by whloh title he Is known by all the frequenters of "Henroost Tavern." The above u given, be It observed, solely on the grounds of morality. Don't cheat lest ye be cheated. "And further deponent sayeth not" How TBBT FiBB ID Battls.— Tou woudsr whether the regiment fires regularly or In volleys, or whether eaoh man loads and fires as fast as he oan.. That depends upon dronmttanoes; bat uenally, except when tha enemy Is hear at hand, the regiments fire only at the command of their officers. Ton hear a drop, drop, drop, as a few of the skirmishers fire, followed bv a rattle and a roll, which sounds like tbe falling of a building, just as some of you have heard the brick walls tumble at a fire. Sometimes, when a body of the enemy's cavalry are swseplng down upon a regiment, to oat It to pieces, the men form Into a eqnare, with the offloers and mudolans In tbe centre. The front rank stands with bavouet charged, while the second one fires as fast as It oan. Sometimes 'they form in four ranks deep—the two front ones kneeling with bayonet charged, so that If the enemy should come upon them.they would dash against a picket fenoe of bayenete. When they form In this way, the other two ranks load and Ire as fast as they can. liien the roar Is terrific, and many a horse and rider go down bdore the terriBo storm of buUets. geapi pelillnahei vUta, BpWASl OV OOiniTEB!ZITB,< Tbe gennlne preparatlMia and esnnetloa ot DB. VUX 001: BAITD oan only be bad gennlne at his 9epot,«$Bmtf» l£ at <T Walker atreet ^ Agents OaBendar ft Oa., Third aad Walnnfca ti eett MiU.' lUa; J.B. Bates, 13* WaaUiwtsB atieet, Boetoa; BM^ -IHE TOUNG AMBBIOA FIRM tm . aiaiEBAL FUBOHABIKa AOENOT, .OONnOOTHD BT EDOAB HOBPET ft CO., atSINaaaanatreet, , New Tork, Are now prepared, iritb Inoreaaed fkcUltlea, to snpply Books, Oarda, frlnts, Photographa of Btateamen, Literary men, Aotors and'Aotreates, Toeallata, Army and Navy Ofllcere, and PngllMs. Kempapen and Uagadnea (foreign and dameatla), Boxing Olovas, Ferftmiery, Jewelery, eie., eta. Blereoieoplo, views. Bong Books, Hoylt'a Qaaes, Boxing Books, Morels, eta LONDON, PABUf, BBDSeEUS, an>. TANKER NOTIONS Send fbr Oatalognea. Bend for Oatalognea. Bend for Oatalognea. Begltter yonr money leitan at onr rlak. • Addreaa as above. rpo FANOIEBS OF THE GAME FOWL AND X. POULIBT BBSEDEBS OENBBALLT. ' IbegtoirnonnoetbatlhaTe on hand for tale, a veiy Sue lot otBtan did Fnllela (bred Itom my Imported Qame Fowls), that wareSatohedlnHaroh, The Btaga are all dnbbed and In good heart, and aa the pnllets are alMnt oommenolng to lay, it wonld be dealrable for pnnhaaers to make eai'ly applloatlon. Bonie af the Stiga are all and a half ponnda already, and would make aoat oapltal oross where alie la dealred. JNO. B. ASBEiOBD, 407 Oanowhin St PmusocRu, Not. M, '61. tS4i 'JUST PUBLISHED—Price fi centB—A New Edition U of ODLYEBWELL'S oelabrated Leotnre on the Erroi* ot lonth; tbelrOonaeanenoea, neatmentandOnre. UaHed, post, paid, oq receipt of ptloe. Also, "OnlTerwell'a OreenBooL on bndaaadUanledlife." MoaSBoento. Addreu »%aa OB.SLIiniftOe.,UTB«ire^,N. Y„Poatbez4m '<piOH, BABE, AND BACT," says tiie "Five Cent XX UcnthlTt'' of "Kan Tivqh," the BEiminov VoTolatte, by Ohas. Henry Say. Single ooplea 10 oenta; 10 for TO oents. "bnjrra Uooaa; or Paalon and Bealltyj" by WUlle Ware, the Anther and Aotor, known to bnrleiqne as, "Sweat William," "Wooden Ware," eto. Ongla copies IB oenta; 10 for 11.20. Either of above Taa br mall on leoelpt of piloe, by OAT, The AnlhorPnbllaher, New Havan, Oonn. ai-Sm A8TEBB0SC0PB, and la Fancy (Jolored Views, sentfree, bymalLforSaeeals. Address VBEDFAB8aj:aftBBO.,Boz9t8SP.O.,K.T.01ty, »«n* Send for a Priced List of the Ooeds yon may want from this dty. Mdteu .VBBD. PABSBUB ft BBO., SMtan* ^ Bos 3085 P,0.,N.T. Oity. SEND FOB A MAMMOTH PAOEAQR containing FoniTaaoy AxUdeai ptloe 9B cents. Also, Bnbber Ckio<S Ibr Oentlemen 8 nse. ftnflriss T IT T*'**^*^'^', If Ann ~ oaarBroadway, N. T. stieel^ 9«>«t BOOKS ON LOVE. ^, Nofrandpiaotued. 39«mx* AS UBUAL^atalognes seat JOHN ATOHlBAN, . M Doane street, New Tork JAMES GOODWIN, Oommledon Paper Dealer, No. lit fOHH BIBSBt, Dear 0114 New Ten. News and Prlnttna PsMc mannfltfttted t* eidac at ahortaat noUoe. «-« N«B L 8 0 N. Uaaa&otater and Dealer In P L ATI N Q . . 0 A ' And an arUoIes used la ' OAKBB OF AUVBBHSHT AND 421 Broadway, New Tork. B D S, OBANOB 71- 17\AN0Y PIGEONS, Bantams, Muscovy Ducks, &o„ for J? sate. Address Box aSOO, P.O., Boston. Haas. 9Mt ■^^ANTBD, a J>drj)f raBRBTS, CLPpn, stamg prlo» eto. naoiiADi TOCBkT, < 131 NimV flIBBBi; Addresa Bdltor 8*«t* la B9LLIABD TABLES aiw ^ ^ , OOHBINATION OTTSHIONB. Fioteetad by Letten Patent dated Feb. U, UHtOet,aLiaiL Sec. e, U8T: Jan. 13^ U5S; Nor. U, Uni kanh », IMi |3 Baplamber 31,1860. ' The recent Inproremants In Iheae Tablaa make ttun amtN paned m tha world.. Ther ate now offered to aolenttfa BOM pinnra aa eomblnlng ipeod wUktntb navar bdmoMattta ^BinUrd table. Alao^ -p" PEELAN'S NEW BOOK—"The Gtmo of BIlliardL'* Ith edition, enlarged, revlted, innatratad with addltlaaal ti^ grami and a portrait on atealotthe author. Price, one l6Ba, degantlf bonnd, sent by M^j^oeta ge fa w,^on wiw te tof prieS 63,61,67, and 6t CMaby itasa Addreaa, Gr A T B* O 0 E Sll NBW. BOOKS! NBW BOOKSil SONT FAIL TO BEND FOB A OATALOOVI, OCB NXW OAXALOaUB NOW BEADT. SENT .FBEB-COBrAaE PAID-ON APPUOIAIIQL XHH 0U> B8ZABUBHHD AND ONLT Ttur.TtDT.w BOO^ ABS SPOBTINa 000S8 AOIIOl mun odais are pieavtly aad ftUhfnily aieonted. Address^ THOHIS OBKaBT, UirUa BoDdbin t ai Naaaaa Btaee^ NtwTaA, OW SELLING UPWARDS OF lOQO COPIES m WBBK. FATHOIiOGT E B P B 0 D U 0 flTE 0„BGAN8, BraSHLL T. TBALU W>. TEB OBOANIBU. JAHEB O. JACKBON, K. S. 8EX¥AL "Hie treatises In thla volnme are npon snbjeota at the Importance In a phyalologlaal point of view. Ihege snUeoti m handled m an able manner. The anthots are medtau Bti Urgt ezpeilenoe; and ihe atvloe wblob they give la aennd, id appUoabie alike to tbe gnldanoe of parenia and to the nuH of the yonng. A peniaal of theworkwlll do mneh to atem healtbymentalandbodUyfOnetlona; while to gnfferlaghBHuHr, Itolbrslodlalona adrlce, which mayaaie many from ooiailM< ting tbeu anfferlsjji by teaorttng to quaok dooton and aapUia treatment"—Boiton Journal. "Shonid be read by all old aaongh to nndentaad K"—Wrilt' Oore JonmaL "It will be the senrce of Dnohgood; beingpreparedwltkotn^ and from abundant knowledge."—Boston TraTeller, "It la a book for the tlaea, and ahonld be In enayfrmily,"- World'a Orlala, Boston. "An boneat effort to dlffoaansefnlinformatlea. Ibatpapilv works on this enbJeot are the rejene of ibl^ and ate mert d-. vartlaementa of qnacka."—Plymcnth Book. "A valnable addition to madlod Uteratnre,"—Boston IHi vilnable book for the afflicted, and for aU whowvold aoll«b. Ita connaela are ^ great Importance to alL"—Boatan Opanp- tlcniUit "Oontalna praotlcd Infinmatlan that ahonld be known and act- ed npon by parents and "MWrt^, the married and alngls, m chapten dented to ohlldran and their managemeotesght tt U read by every mother."—Nnida, (N. T.) News. ■ • ••That thla la a snggeatiTe Tolome mnat be admitted^ we ihU; byollhtraprofeaalonderncn-srofoaalondreadar. Bagigd,!; we are, In adTooatlng a generd reform of onr aoold banHlu oppoitnnlUea for phyatod Improrament, we ball with delight at angatstlve Inflneneea that may be bron^t to bear upon am w TOine'llne of action, come from what qnarter It may. Wa Uwa- fore Uia great plaaaore ia reoommendlng tbe d)OTe volome la • fkir and candid conalderatlen among all classes. BrerT chiflv la Taliuble, and all the eabJocta of those chapten are wall cbaMi. Boston lojreat In aU good worki.'"—N. T. Clipper. Price TBBEE DOLLABB.. Bent to any addreu. L to the publisher, B. LEVEBEriT EMHiaOII, 139 Waahlngtcn street, Beaten,: Foraileln New Tork by O.B.EbSt, 36 Walker atreel BINOX.AIB TOUSET, 131 Naaaaa etreet asdtr ^ rnun atn otheb Book, tbla will teach the reader bi* to prevent, and permanently Oons, xtxbt ronif U aexnil <r ease and derangement, wlihcat feoug or ccnsdktog any ooeW whatever. No other medical book haa ever received nu tan- mendatlons from the Press. On ihb Bier. »* B OOKBI .BOOK 811 BOOK Sill BPOBTINa ABTIOLBB, OABSB AND PBIHTB. „ , J. H. FABBBU„Bockaal]er, UAnnalreeiM. I• Books of every variety, dthtr Foreign or DomealUk '"Pm on application. Partlea desiring books of any daaorlpUoa, n ■enduig addreaa, postpaid, will receive immediate a tteiiwn; - *! Booka, Sporting and Fancy Artlolai yon may aee adiettliMi vh befnrnlinedtoorder. 0»ii>]ognesBcntonappIloattoa._AddiW J. H. FABBELL, dealer la Books and Fancy Artldss, No. UAfa atraet, New Tork. M TTOW TO WIN AT CARD3.-8end yonr address tfl Xl two red atamps to BOWABD H. OBA^ New Tork W Post Oflloe, and he win Inftem yetfof aBUBBinethodof wv ningat ALL the various games. TM it, andgetanasiwei v idnnmalL * o WO B D B N H 0 U S B, flOBNEB OF BOWBBT AND BATABD STBHEn,**>• onatta oan be accommodated wUbBooma by tha dtf or «W| with or without board. OBO.P.WOBDBW.mprieHr. Ha "Tr\0 YOU WANT WmSKBBS OB MOUBW- .. ±J OHEd r'^In 16631 flrrt aaked tbla mmUxm. » was tf; ■weredby nnmerona peoplei and I aak If any of tham f"*JS!» B^On^fnentto fall In doing all I claimed for Iti naaelyi tiwn wonld oomml tbe Beard or Uonataobe lo grow npoo the wfJJ eaUioewMhlnalxwoekafromthellntepplIcalioB.. JUk'fSijr oeaataltoventors, I have had to contend with a boat oftawjff some of whom even go so flr aa to.copymyadvertliBwa* However, tenth la mighty, aad WIU proraU i and yoo. »W "fjS leaa Mtnda, wlU find that my Ongnent la the only thing tliarn* waUyfoioe the Beard to grow, and will HellberatahLorW*" the Abu I aend It to anypart of the oonntry, fr»5i?f. forn. [IS-lt*] B.e.eiUBAl(, No. lt» Naaaaa ak«et,H.i> OnXBAIiAaiHTJOBlSIJnWtOBKOUnBB.' ' tLVtWhiCM, Y LNT^Beduotlon In Price. Our Famon* Bg« A; Fancy Padtage, with "additional attraoHonju" ow»^ 8kdehwJkMrjokas,Taast%FIVa BOOH On(01^;ABB ana • OOLom) mraBATIMa. s«it 40 any addreaa on receipt ai - OentA ' 90 HHUBTra . HDOAB. HOBPET ft OO..,^ 30-lt . glSaaaan BtteeiHewTass. MAHVlf^Mkl**"