New York Clipper (Nov 1862)

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■'•■.•I II'.,'. o'it .'|J;.*;;;(I'.' -.i: '' ' ■ -.1 •{:(.;■.; i.-vn:- ■ •■; ■ J .. ;... ' ii.; J •;4 ■.' .'■ ■11.1 i .■ij.Or^oi h-: ■ . • - ' iJllg ::• . 1 i,.k.J omJ t J i.'Til , , DElIOira IN HUMAN FORK. ' Ti^k 9]^«da vtCtUl ooDiumlng, pleco-nMil, Um TtBUlaatt (ba' U^^Q^ IMnt^ii^ theu monitan.'la biqlui ibapt, not uUa- 0*1 Mttbttw^iitfarrtheyiuTa'«lic«djddBa tothg mdnoiyof ths iDoat 'lihT* Zuiner, conUnnl) (n tlmlr work of deaMntlei, •sdjdhg tromtliergnToaU 'tiittl* Mtof tbo dead, to ftitthar aoms projeol bj whlob tbey can dutroj tlu Uiliig UcOl^ui. ij^ niBlnVew'ltrtqr Saa Mali proptrto pabUih tothfi'mrlda letUr writttn the late Ooii. Eosrnar, and nbtoli tha lattai p<». aumad vonld bo treated ^nfldoiitlaUr.''lB tryiiig td iqjura HoOIallaii, lUa naa baadiaggod forth ilib'daid 'Eeanieir, and 'Ihaaloltoiilii^aipoaorohi4sodlagnalod aUtraa frlendt oftha 'iato'iiol^torV'u to coopd them to abow up tho nanrrectlonUt If bla traa^irialor, , having beon Intlmatod. t1^ othor Wittan by OaiC^mox, '^oragaUir; to Otb, UoClDllaa, woro In 'Uia^iieatMiloii of Oorllftiidt Parkor, Esq., oCNomrk, N> J., (who -^t%W% !'$^'" coiiflieatlal iiiaai ot the bmontad KoamaT), that gontloman thoug^t'ppifai to puliUah apommunl- M^l^fpithf^ anbjeotirltwas liitimat^ that Ur. Parker hod '^p)|ttad«i0«lii part|pa.topfru9a tha<i9.1«Uora,and that thMti partlaa had Imparted thu lurormatlon they oonlainod to certaUk. onemloa of Oen. UcClcUan. To thla VOc Parker ropUea ak fol-' Iowa:— • : -.^ -■>■'. •■ i'-' S ■ . ■ iiU la traa lhaC daring Oaneral KcsrliaT^ life I mado no ■ aeofat si p«aa«aalna,. letlors from lilm, dlaeuaelDg, to aome (extant, the Oorlla of mSltar; mo«emenU, and that to fme muluai fiioA-, ^ka4'fUi<iit I auld Irmt'ikmtklf Ivnior,! "mado no aooret" fY.farU^f IMie of thon. Bdtl'btg leaTO ioaaythatlt la dot ft» ba pr«aam«d" that I 'wlll at anir tlma "glf a them to the pob- Uj.''|.VolM]^y'«holma«amewlUaTeraf pnu^ - \.JfrrC<>'Mf>)H$*i'vri>a*^^.'>'* mlat<ka.lapermlttlnrn<* ■fmtn <j(J&9ntr''(tp peniae hla priTato co&^tfondenoe,.' Wo pre- aame ho will never givo Ihcm another iooh'. oppbrtonlty! Qan, Keai^rbfd'itaiaat' obJeoHott'td'oeeUic.hlmaelf In print,'and dl Mppui i aJ . erven of having pabllahed otrlaln letlam oontolnlng anggaatloiiaihatmlgh'tbobf gisatpataUaatlllty: hawaa willing the abiuabj abonld hare thetnV bat be did not wish them to coma tht^h ttia preaa. v'lf," contlnnea Ur. barker, •jiucli'waro mj baMlofHond'a-aenUmentaan tho plraipMiify of namjiig bim aa the author of abstraul military'o^lniona, vHlhuluii Kirnr<mdii- Ugnitlai xmUite lut jvut rtMdet Iht jptoMibm <f Utm cM(i)Oi- ^tUefMau'rejiaUnt mSividttoU, bMlitr.'^itin, iw^artei it a friaa, vrithUie conf^danco of man i^t|9^i'u 'lnaadible'>)U- loSJbj'l*'' .'. '(isil ''' "' ' Wutarabiikatfi'iiaiatcaaaild abae^MSinoetad with hint In thapnbjloation of E'carn^y'a private oorieapoudenoe. Ooieral ^oonaj; even ci)utI)iii.od Ralate«^'_»galiisl making pubU4;bla Utl«ra. . Ou tU's point,to. Parker Ijayi:— i' "Diit Ibavo etlll more pointed Uutlmaiy aa to Qua. Eoorcoy.'a aentlmenuon thla matter. Knowlag hla peculiar temporontont Aid hla praVocaUona, and having boen encourafrcd byhlmaelt to^oomuel htm, I took the UIhie^ of oaiilonJiK bIm, In Uay, 1B63, avalnat lolUog too freely, onU ,)ispeolally nrltlng hla opln- Ibha aa to'ihe war loo carelcgaly and,'coulldtDi|l). Onder dato of Hay ST Uat, hi-iopllca thus:—"I most nndoubU'dly h'avo not rb- troinod, as a olUzoa general, from wrlllua aoveral Indignant lot-; ;tei|ito.(t)Vl4k<^>1, howdvar, onlyremembor three :lattaiii-«no, 'jinJqfMml ode, to yuu: another ta|Pet Hohitaad, and thla I rabumwtvrciucatcd tlm to you. Iaskfil Un, as RpiwaaraUva ot many good IMcnds i\t horns, aa evin a friend ot lalMyHiA'OBa who more Immodlately'bualad hlmMf Waah- taftOfi flJ^tliae of my wpolnlmd^^ to maraly afai iwIt tOtBalt. trlenda Jinlna aa followed na^Uiyith iixtan^. t ^^ff!^ Um aoHmftUint « o^, in any ihaT*. ^opHiit; for laawponllllty In ao doing. I anbswaenlly rrqneatad him to aendltto Ton, an41 would Uka you t<i,ohJ»ln It fwmjilm. It la,» (laar aW«r^ 'inaotof whKtlVr«t«|0)oti«t6i«liiuiledly.''. <i J^J-J > . With thoaa'acntlmeiaadfiHifcna barney madrknowiltamv Ithlnknoonacanprtnimeth.'itl wUl no.r clvototbo publloa oorreapondanee couflded to a fHend, ojpresaly Intended on ly tor trlendfy ayea, and whutt wrMar <iBiertalnea'a& abaolnta horror of Ita getting into prinL .My/rirniliMrfor Oie dnd, far »u wWia, mtakiMtion iieredfir minumiiTy (and no man'a private oorrca- poadonoa oonld fUl to l^utc him, ji. publl »}i;d whi le tho poraona ia&toi Aui ft t WJiulCa fff r tJU wtflu >iitUi B-rob}rotaof pnbUo ex- oltamony.miaenioof JniUco to Jilm and thoae.of whom he apeaka,fbrbld'meni(iliapdb{ac . . iii war* lheeatooUve*Wintlilg or loralBBrent, my regard wrM widow and fUnilywoald'prcvenb. The pobUo onahtto know^-t , t la but Jut to Mra. Kaarnejrand the rsl(iUveB of the decaMCd- fiatthoynbtonly dlsapprovcdlhopubUcatlon whioh haa takM plooo, but absolutely, oud previously, in llu tlrauK* te™. a oMilroiweourttV I'am-linftoriitdlo iBborpclralo In t^ oomiponloaUon.tha foJlonnnB loW, i»h|ch vwaa daUvorM^tolJ the ^da ot Ur. BaSaU^ a«viiral dayo, I onderBluid. b^^ta tf a ^^StiB Sn^I^aaW MSndlsifta yeiiftday, aa nd diinbteho lij •ipiained to jon, and impntudiuftn So'vu'itrumt wfiuit la jrwi ■ ■(lamNfaKtoita iiiKMo.aiy ftK* AB»ta«d;« trtfffVi:U.;5aB ad- wfe iss^^nMfd i Jttkerto get the' lottM! 'ohtof ydnr ^pomeaslon. 'MJ Bnsband a reUtlvca are extremely oniloua that no fdrthar dl((ni|tlOD 'jpon tbaaaltarshould laha,]^c«aand woiddj.daam any ppbUplty of the Oenoral'aletter abrcajSSf iaU^^ 99 i-9^Jgfkj<^M "J cameat dcalre that tho lettWlle^bbm.ora,nAiUohM, It the fact thatatpraaeni the cal>udianMittr«iaaanaral'a'etrltitaraa against HcaelUn wonld bo Ill-judged, not patrloUo, To'ebd thla appeal Imuat aoylahoold, dgen^AVB-^f(V*4'*°'"'V4i>>l<=Pt'>^<*<>^ J lielleva I am oorrect In conslderl^b you. Incapable of ^nv aach. With the full asanrance tb«tvtffa.'\rfflgn&t; my raqaeat, believe me'ytan,alnoenly, l!w. y-< !••'. ' •• •'; Tho wldow'a entreaties, however, wort of no dvall, toa thk pdvataand oonfldiuitld'4attora'of Xearsby were publlaAad for .th« pwpoao^of kllllngiieirIfcOlellai). >Thoi«= whiJ' weitfc.lnjit^- 'nutaiu thair pablleaUiia an eerlolbly weltolt^ 'lb aH'&e' a^ illi^ hna gained by the the oxpes^ of tb|k^ilieindry and reputation of the dead, '^por.Eeomoy—ihe^ghouifQ^ diV voojed hkn. . . ■ - . ,/. . How TBET Fine IN BmiA^You wonder whotto 1 tbe regiment flrw raguUrly or ia voUoyB. or whether each I man loads andflrflaaafatt-M heOnn. ThatdRpendgnpoD; I cUcumftttnoe*; but O'nftlly, except' when .the openly; li) ! near at hand, (be reglmeniB Are .only at tbe.commBiid of ' their olBocre. Tou.lieai' »• drop, drop, drop, as a fow ot j the BkltmUbets nre, followed bv a rdtile etd a roll, which; BonndB like the falling of a bulldlog, jual.aB somtr of yo t'. '■ have beard the brloh walle tumble at a lire, Sometlmri I when^a body of the enemy's oavalry are ewecplo^ dow 1 '.apon a regiment, to cot It to plecea, the men forijd'Iiitq t 'radare, with the dffloers aud mnBloleoB In tbe^«eni|r(,. 'Tnelrosit lank etaDdsvUh bavonet cbergcd, wnile th) leeoood one iliee as fast aa It can. 'Somntlmes tbe r ' form in lonr raoke deap^fhe'tffo front ones kneel|fi(',v^lt < baVonet oherged, BO tbaU.f'the eiiemy '6bouId,oa|D4iflpo: ; thorn,they would daiih aga(n«li a picket fence ot baytnet I When they form In this way. the other two taoki l(Ad;hn iBre aafut^ they cab." Then th«'toul:'la tetrll(ii;;fp : mtni iiiifm.M^ flder go '^own b^tote .Ul« t'eRlfio^un !nf,.huU5E;^l'..V^.-.. . ■ ■ ... .Jill.. ■ , .■■..'./: :M'/.i:>\ J fTjaii a:ir y. 8e| ' .•'.nljia tft J! •« Bcliiir:.-: \ C; 1 .: • NAL. .-11 I,:'. : , I,., V ..WaTf -.SUaUIAilY. ,.: V, ,„ t . iu^'?*^y'^?*KiS?" PC^^l:'^''8'"™y Bava ha*. • WfewSSi?/-*!^ •'orma, fogi, and vSoolohmUb^^. *«Sr?g "O"}; toused . w.: ..New-Iork la a Ur.. rfbia Mtlj- pita dncUs an^ vwcathor, a .nrl.«( allcky .mad: ron#g inihe nnoia And on onltm oimblng.eue^pnt a pleaoant eMroliie, Bavanl t)( tM- ^eatita felt tho d6tireialng ctfecta of Iha weoUiar, whllwaifeWi B)kndgod'til p^eeenldVery bold firont - Vow that llis aaatta boa scttlad,'we may look for d reanmp^on of that llTSlr tinilina - VrWoH hM characterized the pieaentaea«6n.;i, , li >i -if • : CwtilotBtime mtiane bo d^vuediby whlohthati«i«*('nalaan<*'< pf disturbing onr and^enoea Jnat bcfona. tha^ctooa of the plar.-i can be abated? We hKve vlalted^^aavoral iheatreiriieoentlT;ODd'J find the bnlaance prevailing in all of lham, WhyMonolMOBW) remain In their scata. until the play la concluded, IveCad of rlsl|ig.ap,and shnffllng aboul,.aavoral mlnntea before thbttnlslsl :n Broadway theairca, na ven< naturally look for aoma Uttl*'!; ihow of mtnnua or decei)t behavior on tlio-part of the ntan ' if thtiao eaUbllabmenta/imt .lioUy, in the .partkalareaaeoom..: ilklned of, they do not .exhibit the dccenqy of a Bowery audi- > aco. What la the oahoa of thla "opTlalng," or'dlataibanMtit tome of thoie who are flral torlaa, do It, no donbt, laMbtiiatt 1 annnd thchi ace that (hy know that t|^e play la nearly cttaMtadtdi ■• pthe^' ahd the greater propQrt]on,:i)o doubt, wlah toctliietaWJ lentlon to tbamaelvea; and waonbonieout In tUa^thsoiWilir 1 hoUdhB that Iheae "early rlsani"h»Taaomelhtag »p(m^S 1 p?l?h they wlah to ahow off.. Thare^ a young lady—for'ttw I Wpihen al« Just u bad aa the mw-^lth a newhAt miW.w^i Sf v**" ^ "'T " ^» flMUMJOlottd 'ribb«B wllh'whlcb her head gear ia otnanunlad. There's onolhar wlik' ' a fur cape on her ahonldera, lU. fiut-appaaruoa thla. aaaaon- 'the wlahaa people to qndaraUad that Atroaiieiasiaiaalia.B«. : pf/ow^nmik tattle. Baia'a a fiJaettv iJtth tljf, ^Miifjr^ ahaklngentherhoopa, and apreading out her dnaa tllMt haa atmoat aaaamed tbe dlmonslons of d amall sited ballooH | - :whatahadoalrea tolmpreaaon tbo nriuds of a "dtacilmlonlloa . : andlenotf' la. tho foot that aha la airing her new dieao. If wo had ••third tiera," aa onoo we had, with aooommodaUnna for tlio frail alaterhood, wo might almoat .Imagine that aome of >lbom had monoged to arangglo themsalvies Into our droaa olrclaa,' The men ,are,4o acerlaJn exlent,.led by the women, aud, like tiOadle dogs;. |foIlowtlA)|lattl4aataof their, jolatresaea, "up atalral anddowq .alalifk aqiiin my lady'a ohambari" although aomo of the inaacu' Une^^ Jdat la eager to ahow tluir,. "new thlnga" as the gentlet I (pniiorva.da from all luei gtntlUty) fax. Bere'e. a ones wllh^ a jaejr'ooatonlilaback; aao now ha wrigglta and squirms , Ion tha' teirmlnatlon of a parfoimanee. Ibeie be .goea, up at |Uat,andatavery InlarcaUng pohitof. the play,. Of co'uiaatha ,nolM.madi^ by tho tallor'a aign,-drawa attention, to (bp new 1 'wore dlpt]^ea;" veti^ely, alter fll, only "one ot ttieni Hya-dol- aoUa.". Thers'a Aether ohap—M'a aee wha^ Aahaa to repfm- I mend hlfn; oh I new kids, of a color aa aoftaa himself i.obaorve , .wlthwhM. eaie and nlcoty he coaiea-them o^—they are, appar ,renUy, ofil)^chcap8ort,aahe certainly could not afford towaiUe I ao mueli tlquiion tnem when It la known that ha la In anch « rcry Ct burn to 'get away.. In foot, we havf ndtlsad that moat, of e "dJati^rbera of tlie public peace" havftsomethlng tpebow, and thla'Jtla that hiduces thepi to leave their aeats befora the play la enilcd. Ton will have obaervad,do^tl^ that thoae who ihua ahow their new thlnga and wantof ,Uis aama time, are among tha Idat to leave the theatre, 'allhoggh vacating :thelrr ■ " -1. . ... i stand idowut , ^ _ [tunlty tq ^ea'tbem "all over.". ^.For goodnaas' uifl, ^t.tbaneM- lancabeabdted. IftboncwthlngamUit1>e'exblbl^l ^ JH^t*<l- I ly, let tho woaren retain their a«a(a, and let vldoavailatTuf labels to be talked on ap tb(Hf'{tfravud .wbb Iwlahto'eihlbltihelrBve-dolIar dnlta and citakin ealijidiotha ' gaze of tha publlo. Juat aa the nuliera plnce tlokets mused "Id- ' ken" on aeata wbloh ore not token, ao let them aUx labola on tho I persona of all vlnlatora of deconcy and good (ncedinn thaa:-r I "nda la a now hat, observe the feather;" "netot aoulo—cip«,i . muff, and oolb-«oattKia; llrat tqipearanaa;" "my new dreaa-^ : pouti da iJkiim;" "bran-new levar ^fatoh—bought of Tiffany—no' ;ob]eotlon to Mys the .tlmo d'Oigf to tUoita wlthoni watchea;"' I "thla enparlofydfyatcloak wdklmpoted from Paris;" "aultof. olothea—iotatora<garmantai'''.<itma yonng lady, dresiied no ex- . qnhdialy. Ia th« dughtcr «f poorImt raaseotable parenta;" and ! BO on to the end of tbe ohapter. I^l ua do iQiythrng, ao that we ' may but keap the noisy rabble from deatroying-tho pleasnre Of : those Isgmmoti patrona of the theatre who go there to ei\|oy thie. ' Hr! IL 0. Campbell Is laboring bard to give our west end.' ifrlcnda a good minstrel antsrtalument ' XM la striving to locate J the Campbell UlnKtreUi, permanently, at Pnloco Uoslo Hall, .' comer of Blilb Avpnue 'and Poarteanth .ntrect. Ur. Campbell' daalgna to gIvo a firat-claaa entertainment, and so (dr be bos done vary wtU. . Ha willimprova aa ho.ileana tba'tastea of b|a i patrona.. Wo have had -■VgceatmAny OaupUU:Hinatrals,;bat vary few l)dv« any right to the title,. Hr. OiCompbell, how- I ever, la oso of tho exceptions, ..Ho la a CampbuU all over; ha la. I one of tbo orlglnala, and haa baen.ln the bunlnesa many ycorf.. Tbero'a agood Joke abont tho •.iCvnpbelVi," which, perhap«,'| Isomaot our readers may have never heard. :8omayoaiaago,' when tho minstrel buslnesa waa in. Its liilaiiey, Luke .Woat took Ihla Campbell Ulostrebi on a trlp.4own ^uth. Re made a atond at a town whore such nperformimoehad never boron bean given. Tba town .waa billed with Inimensa pontersi 011 whIoh waa on- nounced In (Inmlni; lettora—"Tho Campbells aro Coming.?.. This hod been aulQaliiut to carry tha party through in other.placca. I and It w«a thought aulDolent for aooe-horso town, asthlaistand- appeared to bp. Well, the.nlBhtqame,utdlhohallwaaoiowdod/ ' there boing d good many rough alleya .preaeit among the resU Pott first opened'ln the nsnalatjle, with «lngtng. Jokes, sto., by ' theoomponi, In blaok fac^, and wooUyxlffii.: .Iho.ahowwcnfJ ' on, but It waa evident that there waa aomnthing wrong in.froot;. there waS' trouble brewing; dlssatlsfooUon wiia. beginning to be si^fcelid, aud the roughs wore becoming' wry nolay idn^ • domonatratlvo. Luke West did not nndaratand It-^tbe show was as good as usual, and ovoryUilng was going on Uka clock- work, on tbo atego; but tho nolso In front Incrc&snd, whan Weat arcao, and asked what waa tha^auaa ot tha dlsturbaneo—what 1 ■waa tho wish of tho audlonoo, At this a great big burly teUow Icot up, and oold:—"/'II toU'yor what'a the natter-iif^yaT don't Uo off thorn damn iilggora nnd bring on tho oaroilfl, Wh'll tear .yoor wholo mQnagerlo lb places.". It waa lu vain ifi expoMnlatas lhe"daan olggeia" woro alylygot ontthe bask .wsy.' and tho 'jaat iboT bddrd waa—"bringon tbsflomola, bring on tho,oamel«;". 'TaAplekavo become raUior more anllghtentd alueo thoea days, . and Hegro Uldnlrelsy la now on'a.of the moat popnlarBouroaa ot ■ omnaanent we bavo. Oo ace the OamDbcUs. n: .i.-m/' 1 ,monuoaatI».«.4aWSi«i-o!j'lM,5:r^*'^^^^ neis wilTwhan ouM M WtnKlr i'?.P'?,'"Sl21ii^'f SSr,3Swln;SSKt«i» *e,ei«ellcdi-rBon Pelli,-DeMonttbrl, Sm iSlS?, W« A^1owo,;»lorcuUo. thsTlos^^^^ "rr^iTtaVufci^MrlBtffbeentdrodupon a caKrfrrffaihb Josei Ohar1 »rri°;:5d«TBSdwa;«^^^^^^^^^ by a largo clKlo of frtonrts. Tho monumont, w. ""•"•"'f^'g; S-^'ylnMo^ipM"^^^^^ S Uie dead on tbi bank* of tho BchuylkllL «)THB AOTllBBB, ISI doobla oblndm pages, li fpU jMujeT --"lord and iSr the Olronat" '01 0para'|)anoer,;NtOo.|. "Hemolra.of an, Louolr!^ or.lheBolIoloirrsLove,''9l|s.L v.r.r.« "JtUllete Moo«,''MWIlIlat^'' iStofand Actor,-■tto.t'and'while you art oWering, tqliaH' Kn omiTflAjr "Kat»Vaogh,'Mba. emadno; KorauKixM, by ■UW ^l»-n.xadprtoa..o, . .,«>^V4JW' At laatQenorol Tom Thnmb and Commoiloro Nnlt "actlUy'' no to Europe. Tho "guntraot" hiia beoii alenndi oudAlf. Cataly goes with tha party, abont Mow Tear's Dnv. .M ol'li rl V :^:aba ilClKUtlSHIt' HalLiftjftfkelMndtkttoVfc-TwelfUL IlhepbML unalaalBt expast and .wBlibe throan'Opak ito ii&pmVUmtt^ evuiia^litoS«riloT^.ltlh<:.Tha f>Haa»et tdaliM <;~^ fnm54*i*Ufl(ho«aea(i SasOardntrtrilldo^the'daaml , Bea.aaAltatlradMaklaea]abratedniite ' ' ' " ■j±i .OharlarDwivSKwall known In tireal drotea, la •■laas4a«lM« Ufa," <ntia>fla«Ua«ntalllatfa Hdll, Philadttphla.: > r .-1^1^. I ,J. W.Ward, aaodtar -olioas oaWbrtly, l^jiarfoimhg on ft|^ I'dond awing," at(«4i'a;0aalnb, tn phUadelphlm. Tb bbhIV Mia wUl. BO deBbt,i ample7wiiany oirous- ■sjnlajdarlnj ^bfttdogiinnlar. ^Hri<TclX|of:dhbi.UasIno,a4a Mr. W^^ tk»; jOaeoplaiil now by^i. . iIMa la the mandgari'diUiMli aa(l«:thnaqaaatita dlraMsiv ' JteaUln. wltlihl*otNtas;kadbaan 'ateap«9>«n,.Oap»at." .Ooodflopa. .Me.-JJH. Ma>vyB>wlththa;Ohrla» Mindbelajtofc lettarlftE* Ofcnrm, Bearing 4at«a.p« T«wni Bdpii l^wyj;--! I •■mnkUfliua bean htia witbhts olroni,.bat did' pbt matt «Uk. lexIraotdlMiy bBalneaa.' Among hla oomean^M: BtarsaKthoI^. luiiaBtaplmiaLanafaa&Jbtanson-' tl>orJeanitaXs«tdaktayli(i i,im».» I xbM fttal tockt dtlnlbiHat has ruUiad'aa mahyti*-' iManala, tafkat daahlng In tU* hull ot Jeta'a oobstltallea j.iv.»> MoMt/iOUvai* oame bare. Irom Oalostta, with a VranotLClfM^l bttfcwia. eWlaed to proceed np the oountry with bla -bwdp^j* ilha^iatyla orMitanalnmimtla now gettlngaiala oatlnN.> 'I*i . ..n t» ,;in||«. K /-niMii m tbn iHMM h B slna aa .ia nea^nlnej- 'hZiHtm kmbMUtatfdUodwithItUtely.'' -.1' . '.■ : 1 ■■■■■2 !'AeiB^Sralh Amextaaave bava rooelvod glowlnit'aao««flteC IthafUHaeaelSpaUlegfr BogeNyOcain omoik Inniotaalr* ' thar bad.'lPlMiitd bialaaai j attd.avetTconrteaywaaaxtaadadt* JhTjtroiipSiHrw* h«u /that nearly iiCOOO )iad> alraaito .btM, |Mjnittad.t»i«ai«,Tork,lheprofiUof theooBoem alaoalharbaii' .ianunanosdvwtornilac>' At laataoooBsUliiaymieoa board «i 'a aUpiMthalawayto juia, if waramamberthanaaaof lto' 'p(Ma(wmtiilyi>(or wahav»not the latter b/oi,:^ 'oUaaemaiplaaaad.wlth^Uia.reoepUenTtbByban INk.i . iiTwybody and awrythln g-iwariwrktey liar int a kw I' "'Bay View" comes lo hand brigbt'and o^ckr, OB late oa the 38th lOatober, from Ban Francisco, and fnmlahes.ths following gen. Jeral. asaortmmt::-"- ;..__....'..TUoopeuJngof w!i. | tWsOrJat World Clroue at th« pavilion.on Jadupn atrsot, was j FtbdBlgnal'for a great rush, of tho nmnsomont loving public^ Iwhiob batiaed tho "legitimate" dnd moloiInoiiH to lamentably Ian-. iRMoh.' rllUlWoRel lalhoolown, diidan Immense favorite with ; UiepBbUo. Beboatlanls with thU.troupe, aiid m a bart-bookcil lilder. HuneoualedforgracQ Otiddatliie, TUo Maaaoin ^lU prob- ^'ably flontlnno three wcoVa, wtieB, It Is rumoted,'tliay lonva for Centrnland South America Uunlnces at'the'tilolodeons duilsa tho oast week haa bkan dull, aa tbo clrona aud. gambling roUffamonMollteiitliHyptfafl'WUnB popnlnUon.. TlieUulla Union la the only raelodaon tbat tnafattiea to gathdr a corporal's g^lrd. lOUbert' abhoat anllrcly dcsorttd,-and the Jenny LladiU'Oloaed Uayea .Fnrk vaf .opoued.uq Uunday las^ nnder Uialilgli Bounding UUe of OremoruoOordcns, by Measro. Fhclpa fc Pridliam, of dfcua MXirtetf ', tho porfonuance tbu' nad'<.thO. WUlowa want bagging for-patronage nothing in the Interior at prdaenrworth.noUoIng,, 'a good many UdWIdual ahowipen aro.floatlng around trying .to "ff^ia tho )vHnd,"\»hofecitomtoWod with tUe aUBbt«»tbrfeio.„.,',„ 1 Tliore If FnONT STABBT THBATllB, .BAi;iIUOBE,#U> . ' LosfeeandUanagar.iw... aSO. KUMKLB, Anting Uanagtr ...n.'X.J.llOVJtX. Tho Uanagament take pleasura la annonBolng to the Bnbllo that , : .I MIBlf ADAH IBAAOe UEMBSM,.. ' - lapUldnglha'moat auooasafalwgidement avartierfonBed In Baltimore. rHundreda an turned away nlgbtlyi and aholapio- noonced by the Preoa and tha Pabllo aa the ^ OEATEST AOTBE88 OF THE DAT, . ' andinfdoeandfoimaathe. ''- '' .4 ! HOST BEAUTIFDIi WOHAS IN THK WOBLDI ' THIS'WEEK HAZEPPA. .1088 ADAH tn her World-renownad okaiaoloii of Oaselmer sad llaiappa, Inlrodnolng her eduoatad ateed . ."'«,; ' BLAOEEAOLB, tO-lf '-''ByVehnnce'ti/oilVextended tboatrieai anverueemenu,itwID I appoar.-thgtfUaa A:dah laucs Henken-ilnlonda pKidnoli^'"lIa- ; coppu'^'thJiair'ek. %t Iho Frontfllreol^oatro, Ilajuqiore^wlth all |lhV.tlufUlug.fea(s ot']iotsemaiuihlp,.and oharaolertttlo.iatlng, IwBlohliaB-'Biddo'tho t)leee Insendffbid from bor natnc, 'iiu ■-'pMU Of'BalUmtfre entbutloatleally prdtilalDiB'Addb' «th« grntrst !sclcta»Pjt>*l)anlay, andlln. tua'-aaii^ foia, tho moat benBUfdl kwojjaan jn thp world." ; Altar, thuk, jvo can no mdroibnt i.when they bobold IholAdvIn''llazsiipa''-wclli tbry iiiir OMa treat theni'^'The kfiinlen" fl#ilb& ift thla thtttTo Nov; ^TnH I about Detomber lat'wlll .probably eonmenco aHotbSr ptar Vii- i.gagement at Wood's Theatre, Oincinnall. Aflor terminating her ! two weeks nt Wood's, sho wlU rollru. from,tho atagd unUlne^t lagrlofi, orabonlthe.u|ddlnorfdbruary.'; , J . la TBonu.—ttlvavldaat,- tn* Iba 9af(l|ttl?P'l»Ui aUas,thMaile«p*rateeoBl«(t.ia : iltakepluaesitlleraeered aoU ot 'Tlrglhlar and It won'* «i;i|i»Wt.VBlon'foi'okr|b li' '^a\a|lmtnlatr*Uoo Mutl win,.'| d^l yifjpTaj l l d n was an^wi^edwtuiai.onthaBw^tam^ faai Jila plus warn oanftU^mada tn'olnmmvant tha opatatlona' at (ti t^tihj, bnt bb wjH^^wari^' h)i dsidj^'. by 'tbbp'a st | 1^(p(|(igtap,.whO;a(pfQi)i|^ Imow ev(inr'iBova..apo«jth« i ftiataglo and worllko ohewboard. Having rambrad' HoOleltaa ' atsttOM when gfettexpaeUllona Weropladbd npon tlm and hla army. It wlll^of 49, fre da^.'fgr tljeio^dlljlabittlofi .Iq V>**' Uia eoBlng fight Monid tho Union torcoa under Bnrnalds anataUk adafaal, tho connliy will'JI>»l4>'i4«ftd«it.<Iilaeoln and his ad- vl){f^ 1)1^4 foiitul aooound tbey.wUl atliftiaU tha dlsastarto lbs raaem): etiUbOlslUni te tilaMnioval alatliBe wbenantl.dl(M^l Hons ot a great victory atlmulated our troopa lb A vlgorons as-' MT^sjWa: against t&<i.'eUtiny'ji,l)niga, w|lf 'bod alredd^ tieob.. e|ftir|njfa're^^ouii:adf^qf, to Oy. Under .these cit'i entnatanoos, tho govomment must not lose tho approiohlng-oeu- > ftitr. '.BveiyiffortmaatJiaipalibrUi.tbaattalii Buns)da; taiiAj and meana mnal ba glvaif blm Wfih a Idvldb' b^'i;'nbl'tlie O^g^AtiMfBiiaf: t}x^H ;b^''^on>d. 1^' itdq^'iB^kiLB w^.. ^n%o^jRl>4UMt«D,i>r.'theJQnlpaitw ttanf .upon tha, ranll of thaueotlng between the boetlle armies B«w la sight of' aooh oUier,^nj.yirglnhi, I^'jis^'nowaiofo t])dD,^i(() weekf slofe ' baa not got muob nearer to niohmond; in thai time, a "ohuga> of boso" hsi been dvempd neoa)Mfy.;, ond^ new (<!nt<{.f)) t^ojd- iJ^'Uldlnpt .U itUq.prognm'me,. 1 Uipaf iMAll.rJgllt.' ^ Webopa liUi iui It look! a: llttla adept taotlea bow; .<whlob tha adttlnUtHUbn''obndamBtd i^llm'bifcd: bfV^cAellai^ ban go on, howavsr; tha naponalbllliy roata with the aiilnimia- taatlon. If wo SBOoaed, albiwalae Ma<bt loocrdod Prealdeni Unooln and hla fabinati ITwatall.ilMi'qtioaUoas wlU arise, la linaoln fitforthapoalUonjihainomacsupIeaT Oan tba preaent admlnlalratlon keap as from going dawn t ThM qactUaaswUI ; agllata'ttio Kort^ronghoaiUwtwiylanfi'Ojr-^irrllei^^ I fbrtunifal abaU iA' be If oiiifl oom^Sflona dsTtlol foU^lrtboso i4Da<lieai. . But]atns ba.'bbp«fuU> IAt U look fi>r^kfd tb^lha ^evarthrow of,the capital of^a Old Doplnlon, tho )uuilbIlaUon laf lis raballlona army, aira Iho ra^.nlibn of lha.'ttilon aa It ;wai. Vorwdjtii Is sold lb. bo tha woriti^-inoe mofer«nr army 'Wndd prcfaf tf I^IB 'xl <!f t9 |llohnioiid/<ty daa MoOIellen, but .ftoyara Mtljaed.wlUi..B.ii(7|iiilda, aBA.iindM;'|iiaidlraotloBa will repeat Ihoss deeds of valor wliloh gave mob ranoaa lo the |anay ot the Potoooo Ja their eavoo^idiys' 'batilea on the jPaBlntnla. ■'/■.■