New York Clipper (Dec 1862)

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. ,' ,■ ■:■■! :) 'niSuJil WOBtD-BKNPl JKBTBgUB. OtPBOKTHKJfO ■ WvW- HBWOOl troDB.' ■ O.-W. H.,OBIH ayi. cBisLsa, . ?. w. Hit' J UOBBISOK', .» T. Qg l'i'Uft . «,*TMlatT of Boim,' DinoM, Bwlmuea,. I)Htt#iin. ■>'40.. io., iorP*rtloiiI»iB*eo t)lD«,pf% d«^. , 'Wolfk fptn 1^ 6KV/|ipmmance tt 7K o'ofodk. Ttdkela Ml.Mn,t|... rJRocoanMU^flJttjUiJr.jr'*^ - ~ . -.^ ■wood'a lUnslnls,.' A^tfl'j^oy.......... ;. .Tttnlsi knd Infttiiiiie&tai KOO !• B Y • B -MIH B T B E t jB: . tlu {dIbi«Ibg.W«D kvAW wmbtM of tb» B HUftHHir v- TOmrHT'BOOB 'fc.'-J.'WwHIIiTOII, • ■ I . -'1^/ al .BOMtlor, onwrfalnniMi tiiA.(j4',tn ,Uw. leje^lie of £tti tlmf!&.i^-S^^\\'.-'- .:. .trojriotpt t^;)I«DMar. ''.'3Mm<>*»BiUofibe' - ... ■ iji •, '. ■ JO DES^TIOH OE MOTpLTJEp.. ■ , 'XheHitlpndljMmllaiifor'EihlblUanpf. -.,,?,.;. ^tK^^-^i^^ ■■. '^%\mSt\TtaM Amnstinviit In ihe/WPiM* . 'hkT* the utgcin uid inDn '.nsp«nt«bIa, most itiMUeotiaaXJnM nttttoal^«^i^l)lHnMi;Bf ..Mgotlior fboegf A]i»TisfmimtinAiBen(W<' ii (Iie4!Dl7^Siu>e of Anosaiv^iit of tlie Und In Ke7 York., VU)-. iVeaoiiglit toilTtl ns, bat'tboyluva all Blgiii)lji^)|l)i9(| OVEBT OKH ; i inji In die field. -TEE OmiT—THE FIBST—THE B£8lS;^i lKOEBT,Hipi W.'AKESTOA;, " . ' OoS'Mj^i'nvSs tnlght ail yim.irj ia hold ft'jB<(pii7,caadla ftfij ^U^ ttTyMwltojmltete ■-V .0 ■■::;( . :fl .nrT7(.,0PEEl.H0DBEt.30SX0M,'-MAB8.j ! v: .ytiUjnpiVT latjWI.liniMit ■rtn : , i I'lfn f -'tl :r40 nvM .'.'MHHEROI THEIB'SIZTH.BKnjLAB BUSOtf ,'i>'l;:.'l , (rfOut.■: . MOM PAT HVEHIMtt, AX19.- *Ui.'i. i ..■ -1 :! ,.> Hi(ynwTT^lrB|fvnTnmg>. pieriT. 2i.TBOWBBlDOE'B'lD^TflQ!BEU9 ' A-K^r-js-Tiii'iCoiulBtdf tlivIbllaMiia aentlamen!'. .t' l~ .;ii:.-IOSiM0aBIB. .. ...v; ■ :^,iOTHIA», -..L'-Jf. '.r.ianX^HdBRISi' I' ' ' ■B.v H.-.<IAto OIJ<, i;|..: ■ l-^tiOSSSi' SHS j, ;- . :■ ' % -.i-. J, fffJSBR, .• .>■■■•■'.','.■ ■ ^ .W.'SBBSaOTT. i.i:;i''.'i.B.'FBEDEBiaKS, '. tggjffyiagmttent. can putioiOir.iiottM .to. ilt^ -. A>im^^$)(ikslaUoanta; B i Mff Ted^Beata SO uvLit, • .ec^ranOTJKT.«i-iiro8io'HAi^ •• .•.«<./' •■?• v/:i-Wali»tSfceo^l*o?6ElglitB; ■ : ' ;i*''«>l*I«B»M:.i..■.;.;..wiVjjt;\ni..W0HP: • ^:' ,li<IBnalae(a''Hina«ar.»vi ..'.. .FBQ>: AJilB.' '■■"ii.ssfaainiap.*...v^v.-;... -.r.: . /i J.-W,' iliUKSOl PJ 'i'OflUrelHkn^erji;..'...'..';S.';',tO;K0HILEA] fi't •V , If HE lUmiOTH UUBIO BALL OV.AUEBTOa^'l SE?';OEEAPEBT PT/AOB OTf-fMnHP.MP.WT Twyrtrp. .«i OBLD/ J BlVA^BBHNT,:." • ■ . . ilji ,-i : •• : M * ' The moat flntehed BaBadtotln the corm ry. .'•■•^ K.T.B HEI^HBi".-'.-'..' ■»' ■■ f'.'"' i:*"' .'T .1 V/' -'tirfu'h ,. 0'. r. V..'. Zba'^nutaat nanaaniia of. the. i gi. ,ti>r|/ViU.,;-' , , , \.'V. ,iU .''trt}'\Kl: 'ii 71 iwiHo HOPttaj;''. .'.?";.■,!/.■ -v B BE80BT 0P WSEn(Bt>, ,; , ■ jOFUIHWMJOT, - ,~: .,(,.i. .„. ; uaax8',i]a) mudu or saoaa un, .v, < At^ppi ttmj etenlng daring ,tti» inak, pt.^niHO, IBB BlOOa, HAIOXT, >. < l^ablaet' Broken, AMoan Oonilsa, Ito., OiflJtEIFOX, . . . FRAS^ IffiSrLOOKWOQD. FRAltk 001 [LESS, ^ , BOEmOABIM Ij^^UM, LEIB, . amTAaTTA. iiEwia. b; jother Troupe .ammmliig the naoM of VABJdBITIBB TBKATIlK,'-.. .. >. . \ ; UTE ST. liODIB OPEBA«HOITSi; 'AAlii4nio«tnic«taatiilKMooot'OfetHleTen inonths,:|ailoi^ c}eoTrttl»th«tOuofflii«<IOBitiany:.1« ' - ■ I IQBS tOmSA wEtU^ UISS'OLABA BTITUa;'I .' . laSSO. HOBLETi i..- 'MIB8B0BE PE UaCSj •-' i' ,vi.lfpSFAinn^0IIP80N, MIS8MDn aB.LAB imt. ■' ,. ,.,.JIia:,B iU>& IiADBQiT,. . HIiLE JIJUEraB, , ■-. I lOBS JOHASKA OLIFFOBD, MISS PLOBENOB ^ffELU, I HJBB UDA 'BIBiBABIh.* MtLLB FLOBA, 1./••'■>.^'iHUS IiOTinE'.WALBY^ '.v ■ ■ '■ ■ * Xfwisaa vEfSs:. . wu. u^^alEm t. h. ns^soM, TOHOOHT, OEOl P.WAQUE8,' fOSTEB, /mblL DEBB^ I'; :JOHN .OOMKLIM, P.tlOlUXJM, ' its BABMffidr-.. I :V7. JEBOKB, .-. i^EBUB HAT, >' •...,: ..;..,...;,',> •■ ■.rFBAMKBTEELB, .-. ''i' . ' ... . A ItABaB BAILEI TBOUPE.. i ' >■ 1 BalletHaater... BIONOB OONBTAKIII^ Leader of OT0heain..:...B. VOaEIi. ' " I''8oeDli)'Aztlati'J........'..;THOS. HOXOH. ' ' ' ^ ' Ooetateat.'iu.':<>>V....^.HEBB OHUAH. ' . - <' ■ ..,.....■1. ': ^'^ilUOEO. DEAaLB,'jMMe. '.^ XDVABD'SEBBri '-fltkabKanageT. '■ c .' . ^•iOite/villiinanymlhormemMn oonantate '. . A VONBTEB OOUPABT, ' ' ' Hw ate nlahtlr dnirtlU'oroMed banana io vltnan their ,11. 0EAgrB AOT "5^T.TA TlT.PE BF0BMAB(aa. ' ' TBB YAlU^nEB -'^ ■ ■ • ■ • IS THE LABOEBT, HANDBOUEST, BE8I ASPOIBTED, ,■'.1 ■ Mtt-MOel O OMIO MB LB • - S'' 'UQHIO'EAIiL IK THE OOUNTBTt Vllntlaa of aaknowladgad ezoailencJ deelrliig engasementL-aiif II ^- . Addiev '/. OEO.7. DSASLE; YarteUea Theato,-'-'"' SLtt-'- "' ' -■■••■i-.-i, 'Bi.Lonla.lCiaodri.' . r ... ,:XOin>AT< siOi'S, leei . ... nSBT.iaaHT OF JOSEPH a jrOfiXEB, Bi4.'i. ' ■ n\it. f^■ aiaad.ObmlaFwtomtmeot v .n; ...;Ki.HABLBQDlKTA<SliinPABD. .' ALL BIOHaSlY OOITBT.' ' Oniid Ueobanloal Obangea., . '' Wondertol THoka and Ttantfonnailon*,' . .,. .V BAIljuiflc«i^Eireot8,.and - . .^ApiMlpriateOoatoiBai. ». THE QBIAX.fAl^Oltilaffi. , , ,.. i>- , ^ - ' T V * TONY DtalBB, i . u Atk Bhenp«rA,'«ft«t«uda OknnL Oeo. Biookeri. .:....u Btae BUn and Pantaloon. Hdnandea Vbatei aa.. Jonathan Wild and Sprite. W, Btanton.'. ....aa'Thamek Dainll andHarlsoiiln. HliiJDliaOHatina ...'.:u WlnlMdWoMandOoIomblne. HB& w. a. joMES..aar^T.... raSUBTBY. Fierioiia to the Pantomime the RatitlctlSianiA of ..„, ..BEH90M.-. : . , . ■ _ . ■ Mr. 0; 0.BoaUko«..;; .aa......<v..... .Ben Bolt Oonelndlii g with the Dta ma of - . ' '; TBB WHITE BOY OF TIPPJKKABX.' , .'"^ . lAOAin.lrtTHB'PpakD. • ^ ' 8AK BEABP|jnr-B VIN8tBEI8.Xin>'BBAfi|} BAHD. ■'" " - Ite Antowfa'tfl.of Ethlo pjam ^ ' THE^ODEL TBOPPE OE THE WOBID, ' ' "Under the dli«otlon of the areai-WH«nd Homortet, , ,, . BAM SHABPIiEY, mee^iig ttltb' neat, ancc^ .throagbon(,-thla: .ataliB-^ni]?. ' iHnO'^byfdUhdnBea^-and'thalipmo bF&en^ Bnd'PnUlid..Iii^ ' ' SfeW.'JfHIHH.AUD OBKHHAl. : ....i. . , q^ey.irin_>riBlf^ ^■^miA:^ otorpiRiEPBOOBAiaii • -.; {'^''}jiWELYEOT ABsjw ^rtlOFESBlOW, .,' ,' 1 '.i^/.'otbV gb^t , BrmMpAN .:;VipoK^i5Ai)a.'' ,•, ^ ;0."i.;^YI>, Inatrtmeattllie^er.. ' . ■' , < = iJ.'"?. fiOJrtjfflj.liiAlBr of'JBrasa.Band. '. .-. , ,' f: ' • ~ " ' BOi BHAltPXSX Vajug^^nd Prcmdatoiff :^US. AdTm& .went;.ft IHjreftor;df PnUfi^ >mWOOD/.aeoenI'A«ent..,. ,, J,. . OBIOIHAL. itieeintho- I STATES,' ]aS8VUIJA''W0K--:'r.-'.; .^^^ jnss ADA'TEsuAB,.: lurr. VSBB BOaA'BHrSH,. ... r f - UABTEBrFBANErBTn^WaBTH,: IQBS XdTOZlHAUBinr; >i .. .'•'SIOEiWATEISS; ..'n^'r: ') . '.■ .fr.vr..........MR^jQEOROBiBMrrHi ; •,' j.M^-. t ■ ■iUtamaBt1)eantlfDd.CoTia4e Ballet of : ■ ,<\ ■•■'{.' ■ .'1 [;-■..FOBIT.lOnHOiWIBS. . ; i-./n ■ .:: '.The irhollufaiming, the. greatest'ooDgicBBlon of aii)stb> oxoet .If^nMSTefcagagOdlnoneestabUahmeiit.; ,-. .. ;.' •!,(.•..,.••:.■. .-i Cr-F)nk'aUBa Peitbcmiis desiring esgagemenia, wQ.'.geue — ^a^ailmrft. . • ■ .-n • '.'t tttfi unA;Bi9mifOPBon^ ■ ' ■■ Ii' 'i .JAI/TIMOBE, MD,-„,, - -i:-, ■ ;):/; 'i' •Ihyabg»ef«t«b1liilinient,'o)>rri^ oabj- the fonttetPtopHel^' .■■*f-lho.".l'.M.'-'i .'. •■ ..... 'J ••- . j.OTW>3rOBK.JIEL0DE0lri- .; : .' tla i6w In the fan tide of aaceeas, eBgaalag none battlM'moet ,;!jaaiE!Him?EBFOJIMW .\ . _ "^IttmorB; • ihifBt nqt fbrge^to, jlaj' «w » -my, «a ther'irin be sue to iaiM iH tbA- .'OTW YOBK.TOLKa" . '' V ■ ^ I of ^ent'(and nolle oihert) caii l{eit1«taei£^ ' gements-at thta\EstaeUBhn(enV.'tBMi'at.an7 Qnlted Slates.' nre and' tiATolliig'ixpknaeB In thvPiUt^d flIatcB. , rto BaltUiota'Uelodeoi^^d..or^«¥tiilijBiroaa.' (tw.-.. ••• mitt ..n wASBMtnroN.'.vABisTiEiii.; .'^LBEBT HAUBUM.k OQ...V'.;..Piopriet<ni . 1 •• iTarimHAJlBE?,.:...'.;..-. Acffig Mmagpr. ' '.^ JAIpCSDMB^.::.'■■■.;..•.^•..■8lage^^ :T1i1s p'ew'abd .bwTitUU'temi^ ,9f an^osement hIU be cdm- ^^^■y^;:- i.opmgp.Foal.^iB seasoh, ^ , , •iBATOBDAT, MOTESdEK 9lh, 1881, Tit ilbgaet md.cbnwrtj.tlila .Han wlB'ti ot .bf '.(tlceellea bj an y nim flu e rtablUJ uiient ui the coohtrr. YEBY SUPEBIO^ Etn^BTAinMENTB, embndngPsntbmlmes,'BUIets, EthlopUn Aals,Slngliig,I>Bnoln^, &o,)ko.,-winbe given. r ' Pint olusartlsls'dealrtng engagemeilla mayaddreas . I.I - • ••n" POST OEFIOE-BOX„00«, ;WiaHiMW)»,i). q.,llor;iBM.-• '^;'' ■ • ai4i Itoil^dnle.'. Pa^Ti^.:. t.Olty; . lepld^Wkt;). afl.pimi>T. M,....; ^,....f...... .'.•%,>.v:.PTopTletOr./.. I<EWIS...' 4>>.i.ij9lageManager. ... jLa4U^,ai!id.>04i^uiBen'aie'i|igw. peifoiniiif at ■iti -.'.T I ■ ■ .; till ..t', *-.■ I BOY0B.I ..•.(.,•• -.JkM.. msa aootbiaiWalby; M > ...UIBS.BOPHIA.'WAi.TCW,,.. '. ■!llIS6('BAIJLTE IIASOY,' '' > .inBS xnoiE (^TBTOP; ^.'iV ■iGsS BALUE OIJKErOP, tr. obeslkieb;- ''^ •JliBTBff lOmiY.'ajid'' ■ ..fl 6ILYEB OOBlfET ; , ttWSBaiiplringjrillAddreis.i ,.. .|, - ' .. .jnt.faHBB,)8t,;i,<!iiivK<>.' : jmTTOPOUTAtl VAIUBTIDA:. -,:;); .'L,iJPOAYmaB;vi ;V. i..'.Pr6priet<)if>' j'li. -,WU'OmY.'.FlBtT. OLABB PLAQB OF'AMUI ;.-to. j =■ ••»1)ETH0IT.'^_' '■•7^; , '■niliWaEKFlAND BEST .OQVlPifn I l>!THH <ff)!il •.HL\ -..iV-XHH HMT.OBOHEBTEA^ffl TEB.'.'ffEBT. ,>jj;<i' MffaosT'eoimiTE'STABH'Aiji) 81 '^JS th«¥tomlli«ht Btarildf'llie OoDoettBaUs ■WMltenfiu^ OoilUiiimiatUmsf^om the Pictteist^") ■:,-,o.Addr«i i.ji,It BAnESS,, - ' v'h I/.,.^ • W'"?:'™:::''' " '^ :..' Hottop«UtanTflriotlii, D^trfj^^Jilotf " .-.■■>;■CAWTBBBUa.T'.'HAIiIr,- i-. of-.. ./ WASmNdTOK, Di'0. • -i i ■ : n-i.'. , - '—LiMODHL' CONOHBT HALL OF THE >?OBJil)."'' Iipanfitovengagedatthispon'iaarpUoel* '>' ';' IV;.:.'-. .TOFH OF THE BEBT IM AMEMOA, ' " < . , hLt^les and Oe&tlsmen of'Ookaowlodtfed ability itfahlilB [epi(Bita>«llladdteiB ■ i. •. .v ■ ' .ABO. PEBiOIYAL'ILOO.i :- ■■• i" ' •■ V • ,J Wflhlngton, 1). 0.1 JtrnXX-HALL, JUeiandria/Ta., . , • lifW?-j- -.'- ■ .■ Undertte.e«i4eMah»gim*nt.'; - .^.L^..^.^ >_ dlrtoteftiOWaalii . r AO ttarinkit letters for bbUi'ilaeea mttit be dlit l4gtoi?B.lJ;''^».*<-.-'':i,■. . • '. . ~ " ..:.0AXiIFOl BiHiOOEBI 'ftaion, Addnas. leotnuiT'fiifortu menuiet^ 6i thi' Sn^ . . meniMt^of ttik' drft^ . Pio|teI(nu,thAths;baa e«(tbUab«d' ■ i,blHBTHlW<»llrtV. ' ,A«lfe«e<<Klustt«il8; flU«^it^i£!'apd^PU ; Blnt«dPro^VamliiM''¥dI.'th«'PUb]fo/2 ,: .Ti(tA/«rM«H<,'ttanidiM«:: tff"''"-' •....'.' ...iB.ei .jr !0o]p Fn^prietoTi. ^llB.J;W.'IjIK<UBI>. : I. j-\ Winf»^- . . .V*»WW.^BJU!8T. ,... (. .;. In Biilw*r'rg»e«i pl^y. bf.i--. ^ ■ ■ ■I •■ ir; ■ :< ■. BKBHUBIT;:''!' BDWIR FOBBIBIM. " ' Adriso de'Uatipnt.. Baiadai.,.'........,.' JoUa...... MmnoAL Udi^^ttQFOkJn'Aif. ■ —' imery sttiee^ iqxTIW}.;',. ,-;v',liiiili>al Ooniloolor. . wv<jaif>t'ii>itmioa.; .^:.. .ll'.:,.i,:.,.tl\ Onheistn Seats.;.... ...^:;..M'«ts Second Oinle...... ,PHyate'BoxeB....Wand»10. .iUf Office liitotem M A. V-16 i P. M. Beats aeomed three dajBDlii«fcq&." .V J '. Stard'TUl^'OUllbrnlA AoQia ienlbmp<^ that Ur. Hagnlr* la ^laopiopriMoTof Uegt^re's.W and HweO'Puck; Ban FiaholBoo;' th0'lUtrppoltHn° xheatM,- Baatamsnio ondUarn- 'i^!':: X.::\ ' . iWf;'; VI. .'...■• <. ...Ji ijJadBiST. IHOV'ifinti'PmjiTraa.'ESIABLIBHUENT IN XHBWOBIJ)! '^i^]^:-VT^' .OL^Jt.n\Xr../k^:»il-hh^ : . . . , 'il., . tfi •; ■h ;., 'lOhKcisaBonto JobnE, Baeoo,) .- ■ . :■ feBIHTEBB ..4lfl>, EHaBAT.BBjB, .. . . . ': a and«Sprn?iptr^t, N«*TflA ^ rarvarttodlar attention to geUng np dl htnda of ' J-'Tv'*'«P;T-'-P^.,w,; Biii:L,B., J, Im trtrdUhg com^anleii, andluVe ok hind'K large and Bjdendld. ''-'. ajBortment of large and small., :<'('.-'• ■:. ■wool*.; ODTS ' '. . ■' , BnitablafarOli^dnsseSi'lI^liBKenes, Bthloplsn Parfonnets, Ojm^ Mst^ Uaglela^'&o,, Ac, vhlob can be' printed In one or mcro oUoiSj tosnltetistomers..'''' f : ;'' "'4^ A'deposit required on an TTorkordered.. '.. ., An orders tdatessod to '"OLABBY A BEITiTiEy," Baomi Print- tug ' and En(jr»vlng eetabUsbmeiit, <3 and lil,6piac« afreet^ Siir '.York, vffljbis'pnihpUT'attended to,; '. ' _ ' S3tt"' laaS ftATB ISHBR, .. .TiEOBLEBRATED'AOTBEBS ASD.EQIIESTBIEntE, Eat lost fLdsheCaaengagement of Eight 'W«^ at Boston, Is he^^r^'.tenoTniedoharaciar of ■. . . .i ^ ■ . UAZEPPA« ARTTEB ' Qrett and Origliial Eqneatrlan Drama, In Four Aoti, . *Written^7'W. K EogUsh, Esii., entitled • •/ . . . UIEB.ILABTIN, • Ai'i>la;ed br her. 91 nights to oyerfl6wlng hionse^'and ae- knovtedged b/ the Pzesa of Boston to be tlte most .Daring Tftia of Bgnewr Ufalam sTarwltnesaed on any stage. . mm FISHEB haa the. best Triok Horse ^ the ooontrr, the celebrated "^tZEZANSBR." Also, the .ezeloslTa right of Mr. XnallBh'A celebrated Drama of the , . , ;. y. THaEBFASr meS. '. , • .'. HISS FISHES vin appoat at TOBONTO, D«|oember Bth, for two WMkfl. ■ 1 ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ ■ :, oated ITBAKK QUEEN, Bsf.. tlLl^FiBpmoBiKsw York. , 8Mt» HOBFOi<K~iiiniiODsioN, . LATE JOHNBOH'ft HALi;. ' , ■ „ NortU^ Tk. . . I . ■ BOB BABT A 7. U. ODELL.. .:.8oIsPzoprietan. . £BW SIMUOMB ...l.,piulnesa'Manager. 'BOB BABT). ....Stage'.Uanager., Ae ibots HaU,\iin open for the seasMi, ' ' THOBSDIy fVENINa^ ^OEHEEB.llth, 18(1 The' companr comprise the fouowug tsTented ladles and gentle- men : . ' . • .-• .■ . .. : UBS AONES BDTHEBLAIID, ' UI8S FRANOm LEBOY. .' lOSB OLARA BEROEB) . MISS EBIMA, 'WHCEtila, ' MT.T.H JBWWTB. . HLLE ELLA,.-; '. . . MISS S^THA WHlTlNa, '. MISS HATTIE FBENOH. vMIBS JOSEPmSE BUELL, 1 BOB BABT.' LEW BPttMOHB, . ' SAM BYAN, ' JOHinrY PIEBOE, PI0. BTTTLEB, ymXI& ABMSTBONa, oeo. R. DE LOUIS. "IDEE ^OEENKA, HABRY MOBTIMEfL The above artists ant too wAQ Uioim .to'the pnblla to need any spedal oommendatlon. I The maiiagyWl'etit ml spare no pains or '^SiSE THIS THE BEST COKOEBT HALL IN AMEBIOA. Tint daas talent win be llbe raMy dealt ^rith.. THE spFFOLE VABIBTIBB vnBBOOb dp()n under the same management.' *! % . . .. 86-71^ ' . Pl'i'l'HBUJlOH.'PA. W. O. BHYTHE...........BoIeLesseeandManageir. - . TRTTTwrrPRAWT BUO0E8B '■ , ■■ OV TBB ■ • ■ ■ ■' • • • .BTAB HUBIO HALL OF AUEBtOA. '.. , The orar^rds that nlghOy throng tbe TarleUes are the best pro<n rthe snperidr peiformanoes we present to oni patront. .'. ''XOOK AT OUB aOUPANT OF BTABB. The Sisters AUaUSr A and MABIB, The Bisters AUQUSTA amd MARIE, J.B. MAFFirr, W. S. BABTBOLEHEW.. J. S. MAPFITT, W.'H. BABTHOLEBiEW. . BENBI BOLLANDE, HUQHEY DOUOHEBTY, ODILLAUME BOLLABDE,' B. B. BA'YMOND, . SAN BUSHMELL, M ' O, F03TBB. JAOESON BAINE8, H. WILSON, H.J. DAVIS. B. H. BBOWN. . lOBB FLORA FIEE; LIZZIE BROWN, UAOOIE RAYMOND, NELLIE HUNTLEY, -AND OORCB DE BALLET. 1 I BtageHanager.......;.F. F. MAOEAT. . ' RdletMaster ...VBABBY LESUB. ■ Musical IHreotoT. OEOROB TEOBOE. 'the prominent Btarsof the Mnslo Halls treated with on .1 . f!mmniiiiln«Ho ns SOUo lttd. .Addresa, , W. a BMYTHi;'nifflbles.Tarietles,' •. ]«tn»;^^^'^. ,^: ',j''.'''.':'..';-,r'' , piti«bni5jh.jpfcr WILL MAEE 'HER FIBST APPEABANOB In the new play of ... . "^""8 ' EDITH; OB^THE BABL'S SAUOHTEB. Wnj, APPEAB FOB TBB,LABI TOO, . in the great Indian T^agedr of ^ .' -.'I- . USIAIIOBA. DmnotloewmbegtTeBor ' \ ■' ..' THE LABT BEPBEBENTATtOH OP BPABTA0U8. '. neveiftimanMWinMmm Soonop ........... ..V....,.,.,. ■■.Mr.L.ft'j DiBBOTOB.V.VVwV.V.iAh"^ • TUESDAY EVENmq. DEO. Sri8S^ ' ?*B ' ■ MATILDA maOH A.OAADp- TO atANAOERS, ACTORS AND AUTHOB& ' The nndendgnetl has reason.tobellere that there Isfaf '. adaptations', or mere^agij^^ nanona and eeenlo arrangements of the Ave act plsv enUiK ••BAST LYNNE, OB TKS ELOPEMENT,'.' adapted fto^^ eald novel, in,Aprll, 18<3, by OlUlon W. Ti^lenre, Esq. of Baltimore liar, eapresaly for the ondeislgned, and the rsoari^ ' tue.snooeas or-^nion nas, pernaps, ^anosa the TreparaUoB^ thatoisthoseplsyawhiahonqaestlonably violate hor legal rlikL ' andtheetlqnatteof theprofeealODandMOlaty. DailiuruureS gagementa of the undersigned, this aeison. she histud l£ honor of performing her plav of "East I^nii*," In BalthnanTta lane assemblages, larrnr than has been -In any theatre hi thu dty for years. And at Grover's Theatre, where she la ao* ' performing, (now In her sixth week.) It has been porfotmed <a»~ i teen times to the most crowded and brllllant.andlences of the ■eason. She had not Imagined that any one wonld be so nopilnp Idpled as to attempt to violate the right goaranteed her by law ■■ by piodnolng spnrions copies of her play; hot now, havtsi' evidence that a party, or parties, are determined to 'deceive the pnbllo, she HP.RF.I).T CAUTIONS all Managers and Aetois, gea. er^, against any Inlringemest on ber right, coveted by the copyright of •'EAST LYNNE, OR THE ELOPEilENT," and promises that snoh infringements wlB bo proeeoated promptly and to the extent ^of the law, against eaph and all of the panles - who'may be resp&slble for the wrong. Grover's Theai^, Washington, D. 0:i Dei i; 1881 """sMt Bespectfolly, lUOIILB WSBIEBH. GOKUromAN HAI4I., ^ ...BYBAOUSE, N. T. "dlila Han, havlbg been greatly Improved and fitted expreaaly io accommodate all kinds of exhibitions. Agents and Manueis win find ii to their interest, (If moderate teirms, aooommodaiUoaaiid; looattoi^'are an al([eot,) to oaU and examine before engaging else- where.. Apply or address ' CHARLES B. WBiaHr,- ' I '. . " ' , No.iaDrinthlanHdL J3-T0 MY FBIENDS IN,THE ESHIfilTION BU8INEBB_ : This certllles that I have used OOBINTHIAN BAIi, In this dty, ; for three days, fbr DoUe Dntton's Leveei. About three thdesud persons have attended her six Leveos hen In three days,'la v very dose times and bad weather. I oheerfUly, and wlthont , lngaaked,bearmyteBtlmonytothepapTilailtyofCorlntblanHiD. .. In traveling In the exhibition bnalness for twelve year's, I have taeverhadmoreattentlon, or promptattendance atsnyhanthia : at Oorlntl]^ HaH Those who have ever Qsed Corinthian Hill, Booheater, N. Y., and received the genUemanly attentions of W. A Beynolds. Esq., proprietor of Oormtblan HaU, Rochester, wfll . knqwjnst what kind of attention they will reoelve here from the 'gentlemanly agent of Corinthian Hall, Mr. Charles B. Wright I, cordially recommend Corinthian HaU to an dsalring % use one at the two fine and popular baila In Syracois. AJUERT NORTON, Managor for DoIUeDottoil. .£. it, EUSTIB, Agent Byraanse, N.'Y.,'Nov. 89; ITO. - 8Mt» ,.', A 'WlRNHO TO TUB TRA'VBLilVO PROFEB- ' BIOR,—Having exhibited at Springfield, (HI.,) my Agent as nsnal, made an aoreement at an Hotel to keep my Troupe at so . mao)iperday; wnen we left, the landlord oftne I'Owen aonae".; chu^ed us BO per cent mori than he agtead to keep us for. M)r ., .1 Agent having gone, and having no wriuan contrast, I paid the . bUL Showioua, uinn the Owen Honse when yon rialb Bpilng- '. .field. . : ' • .«', T J. HENEAOE OABTEB,* Umager Zouave Blateia. .' COBII|T^:^AII.HAI<Ii,_: . .~ I . ' , .., .>.. . ,BOOHESIEB,.Ht Y.' .. . 1^'; ■ Thlslpjiig.'establ^hed and popular plaoe of Amnsettent con- tinues nqder the fame Management that for 18 years of assldoons lattentton to,the oom^rt and-oonv^enoe 1^ Hs patrons, has won tor It the repntat4on.of being one of lit, mwt .popular and Mat aohdRotiMvia««l/ofAfflTiBeqientlntlwfltate^.i. .'.:v .1., ' yivSvV''nmt31j,<>tbsittUt,-io' •. . ■ ; .|.' . . , .;- ' )„■/..'.it .;.'.'. . I i.W.'Al,BBYN0LD8.; .'OS Arcade, BoehesteT^ N.- Y.. OANVBUBBVBTiBtOBIO HAI.I,, 'M.'W; aOB.>Fff]IH ASD CHESTNUT BT8., PHILAD'A, PA' LABAim; AND UOBTTALENTED COMPANY IN THE OITY; > tSr ^odlea and gmtlamen of known abUity, wlU address m'". <mCI: , r.s!.'.BOBTaABDINB? k HABBY ENOQHB, • '. i pr^: „.,.-,-. :\'--:!.k: ■ ■ ' , Jroprieton.. ■ ANTO^O BROS. GREAT world: dBOnsr' !. Wlshliiijto'Mtlre^^m.tud business, the Messrs.'Aatonlo t/fis forHtle tbe whole of theestUfllahment consisting of RINO 'uid' BAOGA&B H0RSfe8:llAaaAaB WAGONS; OABRUbBS, OAB- IfESS, CANVAS^, POLES, SEATS, TBAPPINOB, 'WOOD COTS, ko., evorytblng complete andKildy for'^e road. For pfriloalars address .^Jl'^ . . F,'ANTONld,( . I'■ ■ S ■■ !'i' •■• '.So. SSLa'Boamistrertt-v-.T .8*W .. .'. ,it jLouls, HjO. I! <tTBdbj[:qMiaiM,<> m doable, ooiaiilli iMUes,'18,fDU page. inn.BtotI^;tJ0«™3haU of New YjrJi'/.IJOj "VanpttfAtoesB."'' Mj.^-Mefitfortthe^on6,''4jfi'.'iOUfford imd-tho Aotreelf.wif.; •'MemolTBWjm 4ctress,'',pO(i.j .'.'Ojfei* Dancer,".W.; '^Ouftllne SATBrfr miBIO BAliI>, albant. . Sols Lessee and Proprietor.. COL HABR'ZBOWAaD: . Stage/Manager......... JAMES OAMnELL. t - ' BeraloAru3------.-""-OEORGE WILLIAM& - PropertyMaksr........JOHN ROBBBTB. , v Leader of Oroheetra..........J. G. GBEBHAM. The only pUo»of Amusement In the Olty. .ThefolloVlngLadleB and Gentlemen are nbw peifonhlng at this EatabUshment: ■ ■ ■MiT.r.TP. FRAN0E 8,- J". TREtlOLLD, . ; . ' LA PETnB BtELLA, ' 'JAMES CAMPBELL^ . UIBS JENNIE JOHNSON, 0.\TBEM0LLD, ' OHABLEY KANE, HAST; DIAMOND, : ' ■ PONY^BIDTH, T. PENNINGTON, ; '" sio. ,^ijah, ; . x bobe^, , 88-;it» ', ■ CHI0AaO,'IIiL. ' .. '''' LESSEE AND MANAOEB.;.;.A J. SINK.' , Stage Manager.'. .T. L. Fltoh. ' ' The'-cbntlnaed enccess of this favorite place of resort for aU c]asses,'Uis':Uidaced the proprietor to enlarge and redecorate the entM CLBtablbhment; conslsUng of a magnificent Han; at- taah^d tovrhlohlss splendldr^^'Room, waU stocked with aU kinds of rsftnshments; also, a luge and commodious DINING SALOON, for ladles and Gentlemen. AH reliable performcis lilshlnR engagements at the above Hall, wlU'add^ss the proprie- .tbr,OBox20ai,OhlOBgo, pi. J. W. HABBISON, Agent, [mt* '' am. AND URS. BABKEIT WITiTilAllIB, ' THE OBIGIKAL • . . . , ntlBH BOX AHD YANSEK CL^L, nn nimaTi oed'thdJ Aju nual Beaao n at the ■. WINTER GARDEN, ,1, ■ 1 On MOiiDA'Y EVENING,' NOVEMBEB Hth, , 'and,appear.every Evening during the preaeiit.week, MLP"'' .celebrfkM;ifnp«nK)patians.,' , , .' .• . 82-tf. ™*f ;?f r^^^f* *^^L,-EKGLAND. , This truly elenmt and 'very beinttful theatre la kept' open du^ of aoknowledfed posltlp)i and tilent negotiated vrith; for lohffor '..<'';'Bole Lessse and Proprietor, POX «t aPBlTOBR. ''' The underBlgned laVlte attention to the (kct that they hivo eatabUshed a ' SAMPLE BOOM," at 8ia Broadway, opposite the St NIdholas HoteL , (MaBLEY fox. . : , • GEO. F. WHITNEY, . ' A-'B, BPENOEB. milBTRBUI 'WAHVBD.iiTFxom Biz td ton flr*t«IlN ' Hlnslnl performers wanted. FoiaddMS^ oaU or sMdtotks-' eurosomoB,NewYo^ '" .: BANJO TACQHT IN BBUOKLTNVby OHAS. H. DOB^' SON,'317 Foltoli street Terms moderate. - Twelve Written Lea-, sons,' something entlrdy new, sent 40 'any address on receipt of One Dollar.-. Qm of - Dobeon Bros, cslebiated Baqjoa seat to any' paltof the country on reoelpt of 910. ' ' 8I4t* . ' BBDHA WAIiUDB, THE EMINENT TRAGIC AOIBBSS;' doted a brUh^t engagement at Pnnldene«,'on the eth, andwlU-, give six representaitlons at the People's Thi>atre, Haytf ord, C oan!, . ' commenoing Monday, Deo.'8th. ' .'W. OOWSIk 8M»-_ /. ■ ^ ,-u^; 'yJ,'-l'.'r'^^^-'' W 'ifi^i^^iia^Miu biiioos m Ai^iloaRS,^ FOR SALE,.oneaf the finest Tbeatrea in4heTInltadStates,In. - one of the. threo great dtles. The above establishment ooet -■ (180,000: It has been buUt seven years;i. it now leases for tUt : per weu, There are seven Stores nnde'r.the building, an occur. - pled.' Itcoversl300feetofgroqpd,whlot»l8warthtT.Wperrooti< ^Si^ Si^n!^ Theatrioal Agent, iOUKBroadwag^NW ' .1. IIB,'PffrEE RlOHINaS, Are ilowplAylBg (v«hst bl^'<klrtA'V«l} the most aaooesafal to' Sl-tf .• ' '' "■ ' • A- 8.-PEHN0YEB; Agent Ay™??^. (^,niBUS; omo; This Theatre'hM undergone extenstv« iterations and Im- nrovoments. An flret daaa perfonnnces, Obflcerts; Ma «an real rfV^ri,. hi-iiUvonsharte/btaddressInr • iBNXVRTiTCTiEB, .AoAdi Memoirs Mjmiirtress,vs^^ .<>0peii5 Dancer,".W.; ''au<)lln( i^WiCrtpW 6oad{irtre«S,» 26; f'JUllete Moore," by WU- and Actor,'It; '•Bate Vaugb," the SsiisiTidn W fnWaJI^nege feorepoe," M; "Boxlnfc'.VWj .rtthiOarti,'' as.' -Send khnoxed priooi to , OEAB. H..DAY,HBWHaVto, Oobh. NbVjBjSrwi'by D^M.t%^ BaUet QtWLoVe,'' •a-,"* •Of tte,<Mwns,''6p! .51^ Bomanci blf loTe,:'a«; i'Aiis'ofiBoaiti,''r»- '•-^ — - ''- — .Vduntain' Tricks I'BrttT/ 4|.;';.'-iU>».- ' IHABtiinp TBUPIiBi'.XfOUISvnLB, fcY.—This HaU la now open tor the.iMcommadaUon of FIBBT CLASS TRAVEUNO POMI^NI]^! haa Stage, DroeslJig. Rooms, and aU the .modem 'l>ilpr<rremeDtaii«cesMnrtor a. First Class Han.>.WlU aeat com- fottablyia«^P«i»ni..y«r.terij3s^.*2^»P5lyto , apply to . ■ ' IT 0. MAIH^WS^, Agent Masonlo f^ple... ■ • ■/ /i ■LoiriSTlne.xir' HAH^i JlKlllPHlB THBAVBD^^Is (loptllar tiisea of Amustaneht is now obeta for the Beason.'wlth « Aillihfi Talented OoillpiBy.' 'STABS'Wtshtog'Nlghts win bteaseaddleu e ' I, "TT*, -; w:.'. •. .:3rT,=PAB8LOB, NBWYdrt,' ; i M, '-,:/^B;B,-XAalliiaY/Aiirt]iiftMad«^,~ ■■ ■ jJS-ljft ''.^I'tf; • •.-.' - ;..'•'. •' Boi410M*nipUicTena iJt>Alilg,|CT'OB*.^ MPwq ,-.- -s mios't'flhuu trtt.atf.t*.orpUg»i*1^^ i. f .',',•; ,■ ;.•.,'.... Cisveh^dj^hlo.' TheDranitlo Boasfln ,TriB oommenoeoh'thtllst Af wijiuaryi g(^_4iiMA»H'uTSiMiaaa«aboVe.'' ^'' ' .'!W : iM- ' afkbrij:'^^ BOTB,' PHITiADItrtPHTA'. '< I H HM FH LI A. ETXiUUiry ADV * a> daaau« * sfcsjafBa^iMi^r***^* UBdar'tho Management of B.<FOXi lati if 0«*laBO»». Haix, ^ Now York. ■ Tho abov'boonnMdlouB Place of AJnU8emant U',now op«^ *-ft&;riSfrs'tr^SS& goodi'en; ^ent. byapP^B -I oinii korhis, Tre-irsr. '^Timvf'^aS^mB^tl^l^^^SS^—'WUiML. Ulmedlalaiy, A^HrtoO.T.P "JSIi3iHotiBe,"l oadway, and Crosby'.' PliAT«6bK9, Pfcia*6ok)UPH8^of Bdl^Booih, td. w£iIit^^* tiifcSwaJaoK.'W. ,B. »l»*e. and Mrs,. Barney ^SmL tt, sndlSffi Flimce, alio to dieter, lanra Esffl^BJateBatSSuTMaggleMltfhdl,OaroUno Blohlngs, Eata dSSS* KSm^DSX l%Bom6brM^^ "O^Poj Sh iSSSe^SwMa^ French Spy; Ieabo>0ubas. 'ffl^lJSSDl^iffiialso Ifa dihwofer, Denlni' Bilsan Denlh, , A«?W6b?^ni .Webb,.Md "^iSgi'V^SjSliSffilfc w*?^ 8S-8t* THtDAlmOAIjH.-Wa]nKD, immediately, for Che wleit mani^ in the oountn, -lat old lady and gent; :aIso,.walkliig lady, gent phanbermald, daneenae, eta. Apidy at' 814K Broad- wayjupe^lro^; J. OOHNEB, Agent ■>■ /8MC» • ■odb: usnrTBR Bbx. / ■ ■ \ tg- We have letters for Mlaa BaBle Blthop; W. B. Orawfftrd. . Mlas' JuUa ,Da^, B<B. Mannd, Prof: J. H. Slddons, Miss Oarris ; Knight,. Wm. F. Smith, Warreiy Boardwdl, Oolopd T. AUrioa ; ^wn, Gualave Bldanx, :and aLondon letter .for Tony Danlar. -' ; NOTICE TO t}0BBEBP0)n)E638. . Ovf (riends who wish their favors to appear. In'the Curm ' should beAr in mliia that the most certain method by which lo|. ajtala.t^t end 'ls' to .addl»ei>s',tbelr'lett«it to ••FaiaB ilinA .' Nbw'.. Yobx Oijrbb.". 'When addressed dtuerwlse, or to othac - ' parUes,' who 'ma^ have been, 'or may be' noV'employed In our offloe,'.theie Is a ilbaslblilty^of ^elr'^otng astray.' By siniie SBch.i means, oorrespondenoe wiittMt 'Sapselally. fox the Nbw Yoix^' CtimplM.teoeilUy'fonnaiis'way ltito other papiniswIBltWhleh ' . we.'^jtiave!. no'tlilng' We havel^on measun*!. howerertito stop the, leak) and \tB ask the co-operation of out Mandarin maUfig otir '■iMdUoit imprsgnsbla'' against ihbis.,. "'gmtlsmfj^*'. 6f thii press whpl luve been oonntylng at the theft^ of our anlmunlttoo. Into the fldAof theatrioal or show InteDi'^ g^nM,'>er'nrU6offlk all' hbhorabie potngetltorsi but we ieteat tb* splcis'who sneilk aroilnd ns to' fil&h awajrjbcim us the .Utils bnsl-. n'ess.Yo hafe fairly and honestly built'n^; Tixp preaathiongl'P''^. 'Wooi^tiy.l^'.wUa^meid may<>^o°*°'' pidl frtnn onr.irdl'Stored'aolahmk.:but .ire xespeottnlly:request' that no 'ont'wUibe'ao mean or.sU Utile as'^^'Ure people io'pUfer . «iir|kpeci(al,ipon<f>ap9nd|Uioe be.for«,ll;''haa'Appaared in our «wi^' paper. tblM baa been ddne wltblit the last'two o» thifo« weeks. We trust It'vrm not be' repeated;' If.'b W'JVa«d\tt^ us, and » . [d'npolk those irboi wish tbalr mpv^sfits oi^ronldod In' tha , rirD,.the organ of the ptofessbn. Which'OlroulateswherevM - an aotot; an aetieu, a p1>b«maD, o^ ntlnttf ti hi* a fb6t|og. Oar , eoiMfp^mdende U iaote oxtedslv^ M r«8a^ news, than an othjr papers c«nd>inod>' 'We have the eonfldenof and .the'asali|tanoe M th'e' .prafeMion, and'th^ir .Idb^:npos Ihs ;. OfjMBB.asa directory of (unusemsiiits, and.ofipeoplewho fur-", Ush us wtthamnseihenUt Uid l.whatever Ultftltlhutb meaidtf* reaorteAloby those envldlas, oHibnr'sttcoess, to dlVfirt our oorris-. piindenoe from it proper ohaimel, oannpt but tend to lajnm tfia ^TOfliUlOB^ 'M '<'■'' ' ' ' ■ ■ '■'' ''', '1'.', . 'To 'it'4)a.iii».'ftrU)i<>r il#'oi!%ItJiidrtfened t<j. and to pwvanlpartiM ol*"diiniy/3p«M«rlil la»pe«m»t ftoaJ^P*;. £|WCliwi*;''4Mftc»«»t-'»d»V/Vkw«^^