New York Clipper (Dec 1862)

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r. !>1 tfKEATRIQAI^ itEPORD. I, lan DHnsim om nuxanui* oaooi, ■>•'■ I ~ =?2«i- -rtjtort. JoHNfllMPBOHfTreMnrep. ifAMB Uid BUdBASAK, raben. ^B<»%SS?S;™ nUfi OP TBD OBiaiNAL WOBLD-BHNOWVBD ■'"iC .:thb bzoblsiob tboupb oj ™e wobld. . BBEB 0. OAMPBEUr, W. MEff OOMB , 2inSLB0N BBSMOUB, _g'=;<^FS2£;., /1 Homw, a. 8. TOTOEB. h. gvom . ^'-UDtsn!, ■ J. uoBBiBON, T. Qjgi Tmaa, ■ "H "HOWABD, FBAMK ISSUSt, HTmB'MAXJ. ,' *' ioitw virieiT of Bempi Dtnets, Batlaaqafts, Hantatton " r'AOiiko, ForfuttonlonaeebUlsoftlieiU;. XlekeU 31 oests. / VMt 'JibBBU BHOTHBBS. PBILIi AtnoWBIUDaB't orasi Homi^osTOH. mabb. . ■ r'lM|jimwU» jiAWli^ent win i ig , .. :Moin)AiErainHa,ATro. iut ' . 4inbQlS BB0THSB8, PEUi TBOWB^GE'S UINSIBEU ^T^TTrT^. CoDilitof tliafonowfBS'GeQU«'m«n! Jdoh 'uoi , D. 7. 1. a; .'H. LCOIBIAK,' IC OABSOUi, J, QVEEN,'.' ' 2. HAEDeBIOSlBi t. J. HniT.TABT). JTOMHT. t0\tli6U>0Tedlatl4' tf OBBIfiL UftiugAr. i WftOD'I'BDBTBJBIiiHAXiIi.-.. ■ <a,f < ■■■■^ '■■^ M:- ' ':BBOADWAX,' ' m t - ■ Op5fl€tt« ilM Bt''Hl(iti(ilM.Hot«Lv,. ,5 . I EBSBT WOOD; ...'i..BoIePzotftletorBiUl'Umger. ■ QLOBtOUS IBIUBIP^ ., • ■ I ..OBOTOSD HOTOBS. ': ■ . ■. ■ ; ,-|.; . . CNFBEOEDXirCED SUCCESS.' EnOniltutlonotBtloiiof : < i r. , , .•ff<Joi>'B .HlK£HBBLB, / . HOMSA'X,: BBOEUBBBi It, And «Tti7 eTtnlng .'dulng ilie. msk, . atfn'irN<tU'30II).B0BIIIS0M'aBU80B, OTHBLLO, 1 - voDff^ui/roaESi BiBD HURTBBs, AO., i4,> by EPH EOBM, . > - OEABLEX FOX. BBANK BBOWBB, oooLWHrna, henbt, tbane oontebse; moBEHOB, QLBNNi BOWmUSSDl, ■■ ISAACS BBOTHEBB, HABLAM, . IBIS, 'LO0EWO0D, pABATAOnA, ISWIS, Ao, - Soon op«n at ex; oommenoe'M T)< o'olooL Tloketa as oenlSi . Ko connMtlan lirltti any other Tionpe Miamlna tho name of Vood'aUlnitrela, . > i. se- mSB KATB-FI9HBR, THE CELEBRATED AOTBEBS ASD KQUEflTBIENKE, His Jnet flnlebed an oogMement of Eight Wooks, at Boaton, tn her votld-reno'vned ohoiooiiaT of • I • HAZEPPA, « un> TBM -Great and OrloliiAl Eqnestrlon Siamt, In Fonr Aota, .'- Vrlttm by w7B.'En8llBVE>4.. entitled ■ inXE li^BTIN,' •As ployed by her 31 nights to'orerSowlng bonies, andao- kaowledMdbTtbtPreaiof'Boetontobe'theinoat Dirlng'Feata of Bqnegtrt mmn ever irttneaaed on any atoge. . .HUS FI8HEB''hal the .best Trlok Horse In the ooiintry,the celebrated "ALEXANSBB." AIao, 'the exdaalve right of . Ur, Bngllah'a celebrated Drgni a of the THBHE FAST HEIT. \ •' msS FIBEmB Trin appeal at TOBONTO, December SUi, for twoTraeks.:- " ' Kaniaerawlll pleaaeaddress, oareof ' OHABLeS & BEBNABD <i 00.; 4W Broadway, .' 30- ' . oomerofBroomestreetiN.T. .BOOUBVB OPBSA HOPBBi BROOKIiTir, '<:[' /: ' Oor. COUBT k BEIffiEH 8TBBEI8.. .'KEHWIiEY ......k Sole.Proprietor and Ujinager lig BBMPKBOABT. ..Btsge Uaniger ' 'OTRAVUS SEBOZ.i (..Tooal'Plreotor ,'i8XBAUB..'. nonlatandliistnunental Dlreotor - . H'O.OXETfB MmS.XBiliB. efdllowlng.waUtaiowinnambeisof the profession. .-.ABTBfii&OTaHEB. : .. , ;JOHNNY BOOKEB, : ;;a.,a.:Bi<Qcnif,. ,. t. b. PBENDEBaA^, . .::f«ranrAVIlBj;PEBOTt : f.'W. HILTOM, .;;.':W.'Hi-J«WIB, . : X.H.HAT8, -::SS,'.90SSnUS, ■ .■ . .T. HcNAUiY, ; ■!,-#.tBIIiBY,:; ,• .-PBOP, BIBA.UB, ,u-3i3aaeBS, . . ■ uasxeb eobie, '>,'l-.4'.'fiBZAKT»' . j> and.' B. H. HOQIfl. -.VhRriWlE' appear inJjthO; In a snpeilar. entertainment, em' %nit6«4n.that-osi( be inoliided In .the reptstdre of Ethiopian 9^fi(nify-:>'For9iittaalaiB,seeprognmmes. ... olXvmwpan at eX; io.eosunenee at 7X. vTlokets 26 cents. J^?f"'^ L-t'^ ^ - ^- l ' ■• . ■ 81-tf .• _ v_, MtBBOASWAT. 1IHKBT W. BUTLEB 7.'.~T... .Proprietor and Manaaer neHoalo-HalloltheUasaes. . __\v; r . . _»0 OESaATION OF M07ELTIES. -afesHatlaBal Instltatlon for Exhibition of XAIiEBT OF. ALL JIATI0N8. f most pevnlar Place Amnsameat la the ^7orld. yfa i.tlie lugest.and most respebtable,moat Intellectaal and iol'aiialenaes of ahybtfaor Place of Amnssment InAmerlca. . .■T^-;;-' ' t^ ■ ■ . '' mitai ^biy Han of Amnsement qf Oie Und in Kew York. - Man. ''^^^'^I^esoaght wrifU' to^vbnt .a^ an-signally taQed' ' ^jlBBY OME ^^Bi^ lA (oe.laft ahme In the .'flfOd, ' ' - Ov imihy rivals might !aa iren tty.tb hold a canny candle tt <pyWuiM^have.Wt4 tolmlteta .■ • '•"f-'TrHB OHB^^THB ONLY—THE JffiST—THE BEST ■ /l'','' ■' ■ : .'.OONOE&E HAlX DT AHHIIOA, .'TEE OBEAT AUEBIOAN iroSIO HALL. 33- .. 'Wa]nntBtreet,:abOTe Eighth. ;, MeLaaaee... .............TO. WOLF. . .,.;£aalnees Manager.:. .......FBED.-AIMS. ...-J. W. iLlJNSON; gar.,...: ....y.O. MdUlLLAir. - ■ BBrQTHUD|nOHALt.OFAttEaraA. i^^oa^BKc.:^wm.ow^mcmsEsxmTBz wobld, . llie most finished BadoOlBt Ui ilieoeiuili7. " , ■ JPLLE 32LENB, ' me greatoiit Danyenaa o'f the age." ' ■ sHlsteiB APCroSTA and MABIE, vJIU. BUflWOBTH, ,■'■1 - :: ■ V. :-:V-;:' ■ ■ . ■ - .- ■■ ■ ). ^ ! : .'iBIBIiQ^B.eAIlDBirk,- _-'--i .. > <."■' IttsseeandMaaiagar, ...".i....'\?H..'WHEAXLEx. . - ..': ' iMONDAf K?ENINa^ DEO. If, 1662.. .. J^TineHT BVTTBBBB'OF. ' > • .. i • < . .-.v - . EDWIN FOBBEST... ■When, inoonseanonooolthe .:. • . .; ' . 1 gnthuslaam .wlth.-whloh his Impersonation of ' EUBO, THB BBOKEB, Was recelvod'on the - I.'io - _ ' , ' .JTBST MianT OF EISiBE-APPBABANOE Inthevart .'^ i^ . ■ i ■. ' . ' .^mZB AM^INTEBVAZi OF:EiaHT YBABS, . . ; . THE BBOESB OF.BPOOIA . - .' > fffllborepeated ' ' ■ • '. : .. ■ >' ' •: ■ ' BOB T HE BE OOMD TIME, : ' ^ ON UONDAY EVENINat DEBMBEB 18, 1603, ' With new dresaeaand^apbothtmenta.' - . . > - . TDESDAY.EVENINa. DEa. 16,1863. . ; Last nlgbt bnt 6n»of . . ! • . MATILDA' HEBON, . , Who win appear for the Thlrd Tlme Infher TBIDMPHANTLT BVOOESSFDIi DBAMA OF ' • ■ EDITH; .. . •.^ -oB,' • ■ ■•■I THE BABL'S DAUOHTEB. ' . i Lady Edith .........MATILDA HEBOK; Box Book now open. '| ' TheperformucewUoommenoeatTX; Do6n6^enat f o'^pck.^ AOADBBnr.oF HVB'ic, ' ■ ■ .•.'i'" 'l ST. 0HABLE8 KCBEBT, NBW OBLEANS. .HOB r^oue ^xo .wobu^-bxkowiied ..DtJPBSZ AND.aBSENU . | . , oBloiKat .- : I . . I NEW OBLBAKS ANDiMEXBOFO^JTAN MINBTBEU, To Onoi KS TV WniTEB BusoK. This Talented Company consists of the folloifliig well kno^ Artists:— PBI0- W, B. BCDWOBTH, HABBYLEHLIEi MA IT OEBUa. __, MASIEB raA HB-B DDWOBTIU .^ PIPg. WAtKIHft . ..yoDiroiJDiBi' •, r. If^ymdB finning th^. gniatast. eongresalon of arttstla ezcel- 'i(slb#.«m'enmed in one.establlehinent. " '~~^3Bjl8t flftss- BarfanriaiB desiring engagements, wfll 1^*^ iJSUfB BIEII.ODB9ir^. /^iul' .—• ■ ■. BALTIMORE, MD, ' tlkrro KstaMlHbment, 'carried on by tbe former Proprietor •. NEW YOBK MELODBON, ;'lt B(nr i nth^fa nnde of eneeeas, engaging none bat the most "V -TAIiENIXa) PEBFOBUEBS IN THE FB0FZ8BI0N. ' "AiAiagfr^'vUitors toBaltUnore, ^mnat not'forget'to payns a - ■^Mt.fAentheypass this 'way, as they wUl be sore to meet sU the "^,' - ' "NEW YOBK FOIiKfl." ' •'i T » ltMa »ers of talent (and none others) con get larger Salaries. ..'titf'dsitUi Engsg^manls at this ^Maollshment,'&an at any •- Osu&MUn tn the Untied States. Fare obd traveling expenses liiiUtram: iany place ih the United States.', -'%$p9y by letter t6 Baltimore Uelodeon, Ud,, or' at 616 Broad- —y,.JlewYorkClty. •■- 8^tf ' '^■ilTBalNlUTAlT TAIUETIBB, ..s.:-., ,. : ' - (liAXK ZHZAXBE.) ; ■Ih M.'. BAYtES B... ....Proprlator. ' J. K WHITE. StageMBhager. .. r ^nDl ONLY-FIBST CLABg;PLAOB OF A^BEMQIT IN (■■ '.'.;.'i. .. '...DETBOIT. ...1^; ifU|aEBI'AND BEST. COMPANY IN THE WEST «' ■ i-.:^ '' .■:.T HB BEST .OBOHEBTBA IN THE 'WBBT- ' : THE MOST COMPLETE STAOE AND BOENEBY. ' ^^^,jtii)».ptosiln«nl'fitars'ot this Concert Halls, treated wlUi dn ■nilnisl terms,.. Oommonioatlohs from the Profession sollolted. :::.:^:^Unfi.. L.M.BAYLE88,. ■ IB-' MebopipUtan Varieties, Detroit, Mloh. : ' ' .WASHINGTON, D. 0. ;; : ;OTB MODEL OONOBBT HALL OF THE WOBLD, ' HiB Company now engaged at this popular ploco Is •.. ..ONE oFME BEST IN AMEMOA. ';-;jnr.I>AdlesBnd Oentlemelt'of acknowledged ability wlsblns '«>mi*t>wnts°win'addnss' ; ■ OEO. PEBOIVAL t CO., r . . Washington, D. 0, : [;, XrtZBrt HALLi Alexandria, Va., • •. . . ' . Under the same Management. ^bnolnestlsttonfor both places mnst be dlreatea to Waah- ''-'-n.'D.O." '' . 8j.«1 OAZiIirottSfiA VHBATiuCOAXi .AOBKOY,—SHBBi- ;IKW:.O0BBYN'.wwild respeotfvllyilnfoiTn'mombiars of the. dro- -■MMo^Mnalcal, or Eanestrun profeaadoiu, tbat'he has eatabllshed opa-ytonoy in San Ftahoisco, and Is proparad tp aogbtlate engage- and trai)saot:aU,otlioc bnsuiea4,pertalnJng.,to'tha pro- .MstraL Address - BHEBIDAN.COBByN,.Sivh F)ran61aco,C4. -/.-A. Q.—AU letters, requiring annrers most contain a stamp to . .iWWW.thesame. AMm: !Sl^SI'^:'»mBtNSa,Sbovmm, (ind others, aopplled 'with the :illm^^Kiamme8:0f aU tbePnbUo flaces .of, Amnaemdiit ih ' tt^mYork, forone night, .oh receipt of, 18 cents. BlUs for^the -■.»iJl**iW««nta,jDQiiUodflt8e., Phiy Bpok Qlroulorf aent &6o. .. - .1^ 'M^'^ JAB-^OTpopft n:Nasw ■ ■ li-rc'/yAyy.': ■ ■■'• T HB-ItABQBST ■ .■ . 1 • ■'MOW^.^UJi FBINTINa ESTABLISEMENT'IN TEE WOBLDI v-..,; - ■ OLABBY fc ^BHILLB Y; . ^ ' m B »•« ih ™ n- '. ]!*•*'*•"<'"'*»'obn E. Bacon,) PBINtEJJH AlfD ENdBATEBS. -izl ' =,L^ SSJ " "jrawStreet, New York, (,.-£3 .'5»i^■.l^:(•F.'Alf'0•^-8lH.0 W. -BI LL B ■ • ■ - ';ia!ilr4l»MUii«'^padM,iatid have on hon^ .•.'.•mis.iirj.yi,(iC- ii.T:ii:irras*ortmont of large andsmsU ./ ■wrff.'ffi-'rj) »i uWiOOD OUTS'-'ii HWtaUe ibr (Hnmsses, Uenaaerlos,iBlMoplan:Porfarmer8,X}m<' '"'^^SftSJlffi'kfet In.oneorjnord^ HOSFOIK BIBIiODBOn, LAYS JOHNSON'S HALL, • NorftlhiTai BOB HABT k J, M. ODELL..-. rfBoMFnruletora. LEW filMMONS ;easlness'Manager. BOB HABT. '.Stage Manager. ' The above EaU wlU opon.for the season, TEDB8DAY EVENINa, DEOEMBEB Uth, 1883. . Tbe company conipiluis this foDowlng talented ladles and gentle' men: . -. / Misa AONEB BUTHEBLAND, MIB8 FBANOm LEBOY, : - : MISS CLABA BERCEB, .! MISS.EUHA WHITINa, : UlJiB JENNIE, . . ■' .* -MJiB TyTiT.Aj . ■ , .. MISS BEBTHA.VUITINO, ' MISS HATTIE FBENCH, ' HISS JOSEPHINE BUELL, BOB HABT, • , . LEW SIMMOHB, ' " SAU B7AN, JOBNNY PIEBOE, PIO BUTLEB, . WILIJ6 ABUSTBONa, . OEO. B. DE LOUIS, : ■; MIEE'.UOXENNA, :. • HABBY MOBTIMEB: ' , The above artists aio too wen-known to the imbUo -to need any ■poclal oommendatlon^ The mansgement will spare no pains or ononte to moke this'.- . , - - ' ': TEE BEST-CONOEBT HALL IN AMEBIOA. SliBt class talent win be Uberally dealt-with.! :-. . -'Win sodn^open -nndsr tha some management, . ■.' ■ J^HE^ICTCM^-^M^ ^ ■• 8»7t* ITABIBTIEB THBiiTRE, - ' ' .- ■ LiATH BT. XOUIS OPEBA HOUSi; ; After A most Ba6ee8sfal season of over Eleven months, Is now Opeh with the foBowl flg Oo mpahy;' . • ' ' • ' . ■ ' -MIBSIAUISA''WELLS, -MISS CLABA BUTLEB, ' ' UI8S0.' MOBIiEK ' : - ^tOESBOSEDE LUCE, ' HISSFANNX THOMraON/MlSSMINNnLANIEB, - ■MLLE ADA'LAUBENI',' ''MLnB JUUBIITE,' ' UIBB JOHANNA OLtPFOBD, MIB8 FDOBENCB WELLS, • MISS LIDA HDJBABD, - 'MLIE FLORA. i MUiE LOUIS E WAL BY. EDWABD'BEBBY, 'WM. M. BEEVE. T. H. JEFFEBSON.: lOM'OOKYt :,. GEO. P. JAQUES, NICK FOSTEB, WM.' B. DEBB, . - JOHN CONELIN, P. OONEUN, ' J. BABNEYj J.'JBBO MEj - LESLIE MAY, - - - • FBANK STEELE,' . A LABOE BALLm> TBOUPE. Ballet Master.... .1.BIONOB CONSTANTINE, XeaderefOieheBtia..''.';'.'.B. VOaEL. BoenloArtlst............TH08. NOXON. Ooatamer..'....'.. BEBB OEUAN. ' -OEO. J. DEAOLE, Lessee. ' EDWABD -BEBBY, Btage Manager. ' These, with many nilniir members constitute ■ A MONBTEB COMPANY, Who are nightly drawing crowded honscs to witness fiielr IS THE LABQEST, HANDSOMEST, BEST APPO: -■ / ' ■iwb MOST c oMro TABij; MUSIC HALL IN THE OOUNTBY. rarttoof aoknowleilged exeeUence desiring ebgagements, may ' 'Address -OEO. J, DEAOLE, Tailetles nieatre,^ .'.'.'.'. " St Lonls, Missouri. I AOAlir IN THB VIBLD. I SAU'SBABFLErS MINBTBELS AND BBA8B BAND. . " -' The Aiitoorats of Ethiopeanlam. ' TEE MODEL TBOUPB OE THE WOBtD, Under the direction of the Oreat Wit and Hmnorist,' ' - • SAM SHABPLEY, • - I Are meeting'With neat success throughout this state—every- where gmtid by fiulbonaes--andthelrperformsilc«spr6hoanced by the Press, and Publlo Inimitable and Unspp^^oaohoble; 'Eyery^ thing" ■ ' ■ ■• " '-' ■• • "■' '■ '-• •■' - ■ ■ NEW, FBE8H, AND ORIGINAL. They win Visit aU the PMnoip4XHtlss in thh NEW ENOLAND STATES, ' Introdudhg their ■. ■ ■ > ' OBEAT 'OHALLENGE PBOOBAMME, '! ' ' ' ■ - Bt ' TAjB - ' - ' ■ • T WEL'VE ST ABS o f THE PB0FE8SI0N. ■' THE OBEAT ' ETE^IOPEAN •' IBON-CLADS." ' 0. a: BOYD, Inatrum'tatolXeader.' J.-F.'BOWLES, Leader Of' Bnia Band. - SAM SHABPLEY; Manager and Proprietor. J. D; NEWOOMB,' Advance Agent & Dlreotor of PablTcatlons. O. D, UNDEBWOOD,- GeneriU Agtat 1 Q. W. BAIIiEY, PW^ertyMsnv ; . "WASHiNQTOli'VARXE'tlBBi . ALBE BT'H ^MBTiTN & 00.'........PrdpUdiora. - A.M. HERNANDEZL., Aoftlg' Manager. . JAME8'PIL(}BlM..,':....':....,.;..^tsgaUaha^er. This new and 'beAutlfnl tempw' of amusiamenit .\Hfl bo com- pleted and ._ ' •• '•'' .' " '■ . . . OPENED FbBjTHE SEASON, SATURDAY, NOTBMBER Bth, I88X , .. I For degonoo and comfort thu .EonwUl not 'be enjeOed by any, similar eatabUshmant in the 'country. YEBY SUPEBIOB ENTEBTAINMENTS, edbrodngpantomlmee, BaUots. EtblOol^ Acta, Btaging, Dancing, 4fo., Jio., -wUl be given., , . . i ' First blosaartlsls desiring dngsgeinents may addreab ' ' - « • ■ " TOST OFFICE BOX, M6. i WiSHHOIOK, D, 0., Nov. 1863. . '" ' ■ ^s-tt COBINTHIAK HAI% ' . . ^' BOCHEBTEB,: N. T. ■ This long ostabllshed: and 'popnlar place of Amusement oon- Hnaee under the same Blansgemonttbst for-lS years of asatduous attention to the.comlbrt and'Convontenee of Its patrons, has won for R the reputation of bolng one^of: the moat popular and beat oondnoted places of Amusement In-ttreStatia. . ' Apply personally, or by lettar, to - ' ^ ■ ■ ■ ' ' W.A.BEYNOLDS. :ai.6m* ,- . •■■.B9Aroade,Boohester, N,Y. 0ABTB RBPRX MP8I0 BAJjXt, - ,. N.,W. COB. FIFTH AND CHESTNUT HIS., PBDiAD'A. PA, •LABGE8T.AND MOST TALENTED OOMPANX IN THE OITY, . 49* Ladles and genUomen of known ahlUty, ;WiU addreas BQB'T GARDINEB k HABBY ENOCHS, 32-8m .Proprietors.! ' Wttk, wuibe promjjti "83U ■' FOK BAL.B—AT A BARGAIN. ' . . ANTONIO BB08. lOBEAT WORLD OIBOUB. retire from the business, the Me8sr«..Antonla ofltr £'F.S^?i^*^°^'°'tI>°BataUIehmeBt oonslstlna of BINa odd 2^9?4SS50^8E8i;BAGGAGE WAGONS, OAEBiAGKa,.nAB. NEBS, OANVASS, POLES, SEATS. TBAPMN08, WOafoDroi Aoi, Bvetything complete and ready for tho road. i (.ForportldnlatsMdreas . P. ANTONiO, „.,^ , No. 33 LsBeaum street, 'rS?. • Bt Lonla, Mo^' OANTBanURY nUBIO.&jLlili. : CHICAGO, ILL. • LESSEE AND !IANAQEB.....,......A. J. SniE. ■ . Stsge.Manager.-; /....•...;'...i.-..-...-l,L.Fltoh. - Theo6ntlilned<Bno«oss of this favorite place lOf.reaort for aU olasaes/zhas'lndaoed theiproprlotofiio enlarge-.and iredeooraU the ontlreiestabllahslent', ebnslstlnft of, a, magnlflDent EaU. at. taohod io^rhloh is a- iplendid Bkr. Boom, well i stacked.' wltS aU kinds of-reltesbmontarialsOi'a laige.-anA commodious DINING .SALOON, CW'-Ladles and Gsntlomen,-. .AU reliable; performers I?''^»^^S!f«SP?'"* 't*?"* •WvaHalL wlU address theproprle- tof,,Bot30fil)iChioago;lU. - J..wThabbI80N, Agent. [8Um sbN; 'lkmll,'''iloih4'. : Ohb DbUar.. „. .^„uii <>nn. i off&yoofalitfjr'dll i^eoW^t of 119. WeSh.sS»«.8. ;TehiU illtae^^ite'.' '.4?^Ve^ltt«n Le^. lKm| entlM)y hBVf; smtT'te toy AdUreM oil Veoelpt of 'dohitfjroai^ertlttoflW;»•' - •' i^-- "v.. ^n*'.< E, DOB. J. E. GREEN, . . . OUBTAVB BIDAUX,. ' a H, DUPRBZ. . M. AINBLBY BCOTT, HABBY SLATE, , 0. LATALLEE, j J,.HraiE. J. E. KELLOGO, . ■ G..POND, . ..;.8IQ. LEWIS, r E. HOLMES, .. '>A. 8. PBEHTISS, A.^OONNAIB, .. . JOBNNY CAMPBELL, I MAST. FLOBENCE, F. ADAMS, Jr., W. D.'BENNOn^ . OEO. DUEBAU. Directors, Manager*, and Proprietors, Se-lt* , .DUPBEZ & QBEEN. PAIiAOB OF UnTBIO, > 'MtB StBEBT, 'IRAS 6th AVBBUE. MONDAY EVENING, DEOEMBEB 31, 1862,. and every evening daring the week, ' The Celebrated and Original •-. - BUOELEY'S SEBENADERS, , -' BBASS BAND, ' AFD- 1 BURLESQUE OPEBA-TBODPE, | In conjunction with' • ■ MI8S JUIIA OOTOD, WlU make their flist appearance since -their rotam flram i ENGLAND, - - Under the Management of J.-G. COLLINS. -i3fairlstmss Day, two Performances, ' se-lt* - . Afternoon at 8 o'clock, Evening at TK- ^ OHiijis Si THOSiPSons BCnrsTiisiiS. ■ ' ■ " '. ' GREAT BUOOESa. , '; ' This famous Troupe, 'with which are the'''..,' . 'OBEAT STAB PEBFOBUEBS, D. W; COLLINS, J. W; THOMPSON, - JOE iOHIEDS, and NED PALIQB, | Aie now prOaetiutliig a snccesafol tohr in the South West, to the great delight of the people at Cairo, Ill.,and ViQlnity. Their next Btand wlB be at Bolley Springs. : . 36-3t* . .: OEILDB tc THOMPSON^ Proprietors. «ITBB.>S HAIii;, . , ' SYRACUBE, N. Y. ' -'' This eatabllshment'ls now oconpled by CAL WAGONER'S ETHIOPEAN OPEBA'TBOUPE. and tEf'Tofi Oiii.'r Place or Ahusbueiii ik BnuousErN. Y. The Ti<aDpe consists of the foUowlng FIRST CLASS Artlsis: ■ CAL WA<JONEB, BIO. ABIJAE, ' YANKEE DAN, BEN CUMMINGS, C'BIVEBS, MASTEB GEORGE, G. 'GREEN, and MISS mt FRA NCES . Proprietor, 0. WAGONEB. Stogi Manager, 0. BITERS. P. 8. A good' Banjo player wanted. Address the Proprietor, BrlntnaU's Hotel, S:!Tacuse, N. Y. 36-lt* Al^ DIBS. BABNB;T WIIiUAOIS, THE ORIGINAL ' ntlBH BQY AND YANKEE GAL, ,; Commenced their Annual Seaso n at the < I WINTER garden; , : On MONDAY SVENTNG, NOVEUBEB 17th, . PBIHOBiOF'WAIaBB THHATRB, . .. UTEBPOOIs ENGLAND. This truly elegant and very besntlfBl theatre isltcpt open dm- Ins the whole or the. year. . ! . AMEBICAN STABS, . : of aoknowledged position and- talent negotiated with, for long or short ongogoments, as mutual Inte reata xaj require. Address, . ALEX. HENDEBSON, Mtf Bole Lessee and,Froprlctor, BnSB CABOiaNB RIOHufoBT . AK D. MB. PETER BIOHINaS,! . Are now playing (what bldsialr to be) the moat sneccsBfal en- gagement over playod, at .: FORD'S THEATRE, WABHINGTON, D. C, Sl-tf- A. B. PENNO^ER, Agent : ATUBRfUU, j COLUMBUS, OHIO. . - - ■ i This Theatre hss undergone extenstte alterations and im- provements. An flist^lsHS perfomsnces, ConoartSj ho,, can rent It for nights, or play on shares, by addressing - ,\ JOHN A. .ELI£LEB, Asadsmy of Muale, 1 ■ .'Cleveland,Otilo. I. nie Dramatic Season wm commence on the 1st of January. Stars win plCaae addreas as above.. '>': .. , .24.! ~BOT«b'oA8i£oC'^'^!~T'^~^'^^^ - -^1' CHESTNUT STRERT, ABOVE SIXIHt PEILADELFEIA. Under the Management of'B;.FOX; late ot OAinzBBDBX HaiX, •-NewYork.., . " The above commodiouS'Plaoe of Amosement is now open and doing a flrstnts'business..:: Porformeis of acknowls^ed a]iUltyoa& meet with good en- gagements byapplying as-above.. . . ' FLAT-BOOKS,:PHOTOORAPHa of Ed. Booth. Ed. Forrest, LeMer WalUok,' W; ;it' BlakSi 'Mr; and-Mrs.^ Born^ 'Winioms.'BIr. shd'Mrs. Flonnoo, also In oharooter, Laura Ecene,'EatO'Bateman, Maggie MitcheUI OaroUne Blohings; Kate ^ BEOOHl) WEEK of m OBAND PANTO (i6iai6v^.iiiFkEiiT^ ■■witr 4^1,1^, :r .-SPLBW)m80EHBRY, -'.. '' -;WInS'tbani ■ fT'. .1.1--, «»«?'«iy&JSS: WMi^ijV.?.^''-! -.'. T0NY'■DBNm/-;^.■■M^t7! --BEBHAN^»LL:i- ' .■,GE3BGB.mOK8, . .-. JUIlA'CBWIINE. • '.' -• ;■! Ftat time of the power<nl:dr»ma of totenie In'tenuL ..hi. 1- '. .. COUflTFOOlT^ ,^^ Mr. G. 0. Bonlftoe. i, .as '. ThafJ^^i":! Mis. ,W. G. Jonee.... ,..,ss.i •••.••■"'"iwinrtPod. / SKY BOqEJETS; OB, .FEMALE PlBA'IEfl'' *^ LianUnsnt Hotspur Sky Booiet,. >V ' ,.. ,. w Pitch an d.Tar.......^;...... ... ...... I . SANSTIAHOIBCO, CAL. H.C0UBTA1NE Stage Itaager^^ • ;:■ B.-'HABOLD...^.., -...Oondactor." ■ 9. It. SOHMITZ. .-. .Leader of Orchestra. '. , : . . FlllhWeok olthe . r™"™** ' • .-:•:'( -. ITALIAN, OPERA, TBOUPB. ' . ' : iBIGIlOBA BlAlfCHI,- • . , flIGNOB aiANOHt MAD. AGATHA STATES, . MISS LIZZQI t^sa. '■ KIBS JENHg-MANDHB^flLLE, ,MI8S-A1ICIA. MAN^VHrfi , MB. JOBS GmOG, . BIGNOB J. GB08SI. ^ BIG. RONOOVEBI, . : HONS. 0HABLE8, : ■ And the Celebrates Gtitaian Chorus, eonalstlng of-29 Tolcaa. > - raioBS or ADioaaiaH, I . : Dress Circle ......UI Onshaatra Boats ,,;'. n Parquet.......i,.'..;..'..JIOots IBocCBd-Otrdle m'IS i;: PriVBtoBoxes..'..|SandtlO. . " -BozOfBoeopenftomlO A,U.toAP.M. Beats seoared ifam ' days In'sdvanoe. ' . . ' • • Stars vlslUng California should rsntem'ber that'Ib.lMaaiilie'i. also propMstor . of Esyeis' £aikrflanFranclsoo;.-the Ofetttiu. lltsn Thestoe, San FtanoIaoO; Sacramento and Morysvllls, .,sa¥ MBE OPB ON OOWOBRT HAXili, , , . 166 FIFCB STBEBT, between Morgan (s FTanklln avtmiM. ' ST. LOUIS, MO. ■ ^ NICE WILBEY 6 TOM OSBOBNB...-. .Proprleton. FBANE HOWABD...'. Stage Manager, P..LEE..J .:...Treaan»ir..' The above beautiful place of amnaament Is now Open'for Ike season, .with the foUowing mammoth combination of stars. Measrs. J. W. ANDREWS, OSCAR WILLIS, , IrV.OHADDUCK, J.W.-CORCORAN. FRANK HOWABD, . J. 'S. BERNARD, :W.H. GRIFFIN, . vrW.D. STORY. ■ PROFF. MAVOO, LEON BERGER, and Don SANTIAGO aiBBONOISE. Perfonners of acknowledged Md'Ues ADA LAURENT, - ■ MABION HINKLEI.- • BOPHU WALTON, • .EMMA WI NTHB OP.i NELLIE OUFIDRD; FANNY WEAVEB, ' LIZZIE DAVIS. I. ' JULIA. GRAY, -;. NELLY WELSH,: ■ ' . ANNIE STEVENS, MTT.T.TB -aANDEBS..' ablUly treated with bn Ubtnl terms. "Address 'WILSEY k OSBORNE, St. Lonla, Mo. pe-if EliEOANTRIUBI—^AURA FUPUIiARIB.>' The superb'muscular doVelopmenta—the forms of Ahtaens—Uu sinews of MUo—the bUU of Athletes, are ombodied Ih'tho GREAT BROTHERS ROLLANDE,.' .i' GUILLAIIME and HENRI,' who produce v • ; ' ■ .-.:. ' "ZATAERIODYNAMIOALEXEBOITATION,'"- ' comprehensively IncIndinR oU the correct ond olosslcal'deUiKa. tlona of their ect^BeVcteiUy entitled: r< LE8 DEUX HOMMES DE L'AIB." . ' "L'ATELIEB DE CANOVA," "LOS DOS PAISANOS," AHD "LOB HEBUANOB BEOBEADOB,' being the primogenlal dlVertlasements of theso dlstlsgnlahed te- prosentatlves of ACBOBATIQUE AND GYMNABTIOUErdlTa. slons. M. EDUOND BOLLANDE, Agent, 36-2ta 831 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Fk or 6 for tl. Catalogues senton^ece lptcrf postsge stamp. by~ 86-lt* ' ST6 Broadway, Now York. . MABONIO ,TBMPI«B, .LODISVJLIJb, KY,— This Han is now opisn for the aiccommodotlon of FJBST CLASS TRAVELING COMPANIES; has Stage, Dreiisln4:. Booiha, and an the modem Improvements neoeseary for a Fust Olasi F»" . WlU seat oom- fortably l^ persons. Foriirms;&b„stiply to I BOBEBITO. MATHEWS, _; , . Agent MisOnlo Tempio, .81.8m. ,, ,;. ' LoulsvUlb, By. NBW nanPHIB THSiATRB>>!rhla popular place 'of Amusement la now'open tor the Season, , with a fall and Talented Company; STABS lAablng Nights wlUnlsaae addreaa -I'.-... 0/T..PASaUOB,NewYork, . or B. B. MAGINLBT, Acting Manager, M-Wt Box 410 Memphis, Tenn, Tho undersigned invite attention to the bot that they have ealabUaheda- • :. BAMELE BQOM, ' at 613 Broadway, qppoalte the St NlAoks Hotel . OH^I^'FOX,, ^ , „ , ■ J GEO. F, WU^TNltY, _{UNBTRBL8l WAWTBD.—From.'sU to ton lli^t^gs Mlnsval-performers wanted. For address; coU or aond'ttftii'e fiiJME8.0moE,.NeTf l9f)c, "85-3t' AOADBUV: niVBIO,. . CfLEVZLiXTD, OSIO. ■ -One Of tho-moat flhiahgd and beautlAiI struoturcS In the Woit Stars wUlplease.address ..JQ^ A..ELLSLBB, Uonager.;.' .iUr, lAttpwL;.:' TIED m( .CEtfiSBAi:to m6j|.M|ft;BALLAbl8T, jUdeBlj<oMorengngjng wlftKW.imtfdasa and rospocUble Troupe. ..None others Wdappty.. Addzass ' ■9t^.„ ■ ;;."TJ,^)^^ir,8W4lh,treot.' , MAHAOBIIB' of. OIIujVBBB. SnHBTMLBk^^ ATBE8| and<nUVXUSa(00IiniaEB,'.lb.want of an'etnarl. AtelyJOB OOOA>ffo.i8»Som4«r Ut««t, BalttfflDrt,\Mdir^^O^^ OATBTT nUSIO HAliti ALBANY. Sole Lemee and Proprietor.. COL EARBY HOWABD. Stage Manager JAMES C AMP BELL. ' Bcenlo Artlat .GEORGE WILLIAMS. . Property Maker.... ..JOHN ROBERTS. Leader of Orobeatn J. O, OBESHAM. The chilly plaoe of Amusement In the City. The foUowing Lsdlea and Gentlomen are nowperformtDgal this EstabUshment: _ CHARLEY KANE, HISS'SATE WALTERS, PONY SMITH,; ' MISS J ENNI E JOHNSON, , . CHARLEY PETTENOILL, MISS E8TELLAj_' JAMES. OAJlPfiBtA;- ' .. .. ...-3«.}t(. BANJO AND JIO BANCING TAUGHT, by J. BOaAN 139 First svenue, at 60 cents per lesson. On receipt of tllidll sand three written Leaaoae on the Banjo or Daholng. Sd-lt* j A. B. MORniS, formerly Agent for Reynolds tiEartdl> Select Coneerli, is enqfuircd for by. J. E. HAR^TOL, Medina, N. 7. He has some good news for hlnL'. > .-' ' OUR IiETTBK BOX. 49* We have letters for Miaste Isadora and Victoria Bama; Wn. Kennedy, Lent's CIroaa; C. B. Reynolds; London' letter; J. F. Poolo; Jackaon Haines; -Hsrry CanaUmd; Robert J9^; E. 8. R^msoy, and Johnny Booker. '- ' ITOTIOB TO THB PROFBBBIOir. • : . ,1 chmoistia AMD notwes fsom other papsba ^ ExoEmEST and weU-morltod notice) kai orltlol'sms of parTona. era and performances frequently appo'or in journals whlob mij have sn extensive local olrcidatlon, but which are rardyaaai outaldo of the city where they oro published. Wo.have npfil- edlybeen roquoated to copy snoli notices, In . the Ouirit>,vii gratuitously, but as a matter of buslnaas.' By. giving them'ptik Uclty in the Cuffeb ihoy attain h wider 'and' bore igonoral 'cli^. latlon, both in Europe and AiAerlca; 'We'have oonaldertil.flia matter over, and if our friends desire it, 'we 'wlU prepare a qietltl department In cor Theatrical Becord, in which hotloea (u|dc(Ul< olsnis from other papers wiU be inserted for 'one elLUlIng par Une. Those who may wlah to take advantage' of thU offar, tfll please send along tbelr favors at onoe. ' ...[ ciiitavmsAJKY. • ■ • - ' ' HoMDAT, Deo. U.'IIKI We have the pleasure of recording another week of goMMul- noaa, the theatrea, minstrel holla, and other pieces bavbstlem extreme^ weU attended throughout the week; good umf reach us from other bltlos, too.' niero aeenia to be ^ aorttir^ailenl revlvak the boneflolal effoota of which aro being tt\t aU-^MrUia Northern aectlonof the country, and.-we are uiformadl-iuttM- Ing even to our neighbors over the bordor.^or OanadUs Uiw.. of mg even to our neighbors over the bordor,:or OanadUn Una. Our advertising deportment wUl give the reader 't imftt of many placos of amusement never,- probably,-before kaoinl to ^em. Theaeplaces are scattered aU over; here, th(lre,>Mu. vertlatog UberaUv, the alona ore In favor of o pyoapaAinrtWJ It la odvertlalng that con&lbutes most towards making biaW"; Thin la an vftf, naa-,l» 1 1. -J.J—UnUl ttavKK" .« n.HA umu-iv uvory Dranch of Industry; Until Yoiut CuTrxB took file Initlailve, and brought to tho nW* * the pubUo the names and business of nearly evtoy parfoltM' the country, few outside of the starry Srihament ware WV"? beginner had a rough rood to travel' Now, tHaeaieiJ We took Um.tmvi htfha '>i'i>Ti/i_<ntpAi1nMd him or par to the general pnbUo through the widoJapreod olrCUsUoli.M'tt' OiOTiB. and gave them out support unfe they JS iff it olono," IS they say In the game of ettchro. Many of thaa* tie people are now coming prominently forward Mi»f?*ffS ondnsaotcji and aotressaB o? real merit Wo took brf#.^*^? brmcOiesaUke^lho tragedian, comedlanl knUatiiJ.thfg^ porformer, doncor,' concert-room sidger, tho'stioUW'BffJ ♦h.''i. ■ V j"' uiey cannot d».., , . the larger sheets never had-the eiierri or onVirprl*? t^jr^ Ura; tSe Uttle OMtpxa baa done. . 'Wfiftt is the >wttl»''»«S aS^S?!'S ffoorroapoedents is notbiW J*^fS?^5*** ^0 columns of'the Cttrpsn, btrt'«*««ft S?£!;&!J***'*^°''' » koepB.6nr lunusomentB ondW^ j^°P»?o«ior» *onetanay before thoiinblio; II e*«»^,?5'J, SSteA'""*' "S/when talked'about VktMAfmim^ andhearthem, 'B61tgoei on, Whyi one Of otrfoWM»J2K: fe™»H""'"'"i''*'*» bavofcr obtalnlnrsarli•fla'J'iSSJ; fomaUon regarding the movements and ddlig" "f odrm*^^ wat It actuifiy connived afthe taking of our >*e?.">Kl£,fw S^^*^"""-' *» «i''9°>. w tS^hS^jhtfletrhoid^f^gJ g; ueir own-'DatMn. liafhM ..(x,i«wwilii'Uie .SSK"^-P»I>»"befbre they-hod'obBiarodTn toe tJttWi 'Which the/ w«r4"«rlginaUy. intended by thO' "^^JmiW th6 tomedlato dlsmiaasl of the offon(ffif Pjr^- SSi,JuioS« ^iAfSSfi'o "tace, ItSh'flwatJ T»hat.ox»dl»JJ^ ■woplsrrfi resort.irtMUft'va act the o«j>ttltrK» otmlnotuw