New York Clipper (Dec 1862)

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'tife bttwr onwf we to to T»lii. ,;T.^:^,„^.,pna amothMi InlintBrtot o'.iT ^''isilifwii.'- Th» «oa« oft drain their necta bowto, BliiBBortiUthentotJ>MU» If eoli ddlght to oboer their tonli, . SuUBOtfliewMOfiMef HOT olt detb lore deeolTe the htMtT Ii MenditUp »Iwer> tiaAT Tlo bowl eoU no deoelw'e p«rt— iij dilDk, JBJ friend, to yon." I TO OORBBBFORDBiri'S. F. XvomBaninMik.—Ve]I.<ih«t did look Tar- ■«M**^ «f flnUUn' to eat: bnt we wrote ••hew" Uiiteid of "henf," Imt ou ooDpovUot eenUat eee U, henae the metnlngleM tmgnttu Leua Qouaas.—Ve iluU Btre the Sonera, tkeitrt of year bkleli, neit week, "i^woid to the wlie," la. 9, H. Iu>n. Stttolt—Hie moH waleeme nlMeirUse » Mtar ever hod. Sludl grant jen ill BeedfIlltlln^ bmt hope for two or three epeelisaneibottlr. Ur. Bebleelnger'i addreae ie,'•Que A. T.- SUwut A Oo., oor. IMh It end Bnudwtr." Beporta are rife that Horphyhu gone to BuopettoHaTana. The organ of the Fanlien Olab la <• ron ffaui lu BiiiM," net Tory Tslnmlneaa. JoBX BooiMniaKB.—Tow lait at hand and Verj weftome^ Uke Its predeooaeon; none of them wU Adl ef appearance in doe sea> ion. We ooDgraknlate oiuselTea, too, on oor now i fian t 1ii t an f <i . How were jon plaaied with yont lastt ■ y Tl»B.WiiieaCTmH.A., FoBT OJjto, Ta., Mot. ST, USa. , ^' Atom'sar SMhIib fllei and coneit>ondeoM we fMqnently eb. ^irorrlnteraBtlng Items. The foUowisapartlanlan of sdread' . SriMdml which reoently oo^urrod at Baragoma, we may non SMarlbeinthetianalatlonof an English ootatemporary:—"The "^SSawu orowded, the people being aoxlons to behold theteati ' uPtwc) toreadon ot aeoondarr rank, bnt very popular as natiToa ' 'dFthll ait7i named Joaqnln Oil and Feres, who, baring made the SMSmaiy eahite, oifored themaelres to Ull bnlls In honor o( the WMldant and the assembly. TheflntanlmalwBaoIeverlyUllod ' ferMei: the seoond was aTortngaese animal, very Tlolons, oon- jjfuV tnd aliong. He 'reoalved the fatal blow from Oil, bnt at tMiaffle moment he teased theonhappy man in the air,r«- MlTea- blm upon hla horns, whloh entered deep into the body, SSl'threW him to the gronnd eeaseleaa, and then fell dead by the lUe'ef his TlotUB. .The third bnll waa abo a Pertngoese. The tteeadbia were mider a atato of terror dlfflonlt to describe* The ~m would scarcely tonoli him. Fl>ree in the middle W the J, he eeemod to defy the banderllleroi, who at groat risk . two or three flrebtanda to hla ne«k, In order to exdte him. ^ pain and noise ttao bull beeame fOrloiis. The task of UQ. r'hlm (ell to Fares, who advanoed with hesitation, and seemed inaiy able to atrlke feebly with his swoid. The President called tohlllii'and preated to hare the bull's leg ontwlth thedeml- •jnaOVan immense scythe fixed on a pole), bnt Perez refnsed this ' toopeal tlofi, which Is considered to InTolTe dlsgnce to a toroa- 'ior.-^Htietanedto theflfht The boll threw itself npon him; Uraltt hteitstatltthemmettalnredoloth; the boll paid noat- tahtloiito lV and followed him. But he seized tho barrier, and lii'Uaptng oror it, threw hla aword at the bull's head. It stmok '^Bw^oast in tbe'ftee, and by a strsngs fatality rebonndod and ' iMli^iatedthethliflhof thepoor.toreailor, onttuig It to the bone, ^lood ran In torrents from an open artery. Thannhappy -tttal'was carried away, and the deml.lnne waa then employed. JXhH-'Und legs of the beast were cut; bat even then, npon Ita atanpSitt appeued so torrlble that ao one dared approach It -niiaamt.lnne waa again brought, and one of the ftont lets cat 'MB' The beast fell to the grouid, and a stroke frbm the dagger ^fbiihsdhln^ ^nil It be bellered that eren after thla the pabUs ■^iSenai aatlsied, and demanded the rest of the aport, and that ' •'ffie Mthorltles were obliged to give them tloketa for the neit ex- .•UMtlaal The toreador Gil was bailed two days after; the other ' Aap'is in a dangeroos state, and ampntatlon Is to be tried whan 'ks,Miams Urong enongh to bear It" 'L v':-'^ ■'' ' «^ ' .nrr.iviina n jmjKT'S TOBIB. iVmy stranger who goes to Terona Is sure to ha7e hla sympa- •afiymoTod-aitd his cariosityexdted by what,la called "The .<<(s(Db of Jfnllet;" and there is no man who has read Shakeapaaro, \^4faat win not hasten to the apot where It lies, regardless, at the '.'atpmem, whether It be real or not It Is well known that this ' > ntt'oC It^r had (tanilshod to onr Immortal bard the .af'h'tragedy, wliloh,'for all the pathotls details of hapless lore vand derated oonitanoy, atanda nnrlralled in any langnago. And . {.though mnob cf legendary exaggeration Is snperadded to the -, etraoraalancei of the catastrophe, yet the main tkot is attested .cbyilhe local history of Voruna; and therefore the mind Is dis- 1- posed to admit tho probability that tho excaTaled oblong atone, '."whlah la now pointed ont, in the nogltotedmlns of an old Fran- olscan monastery, might haya once oontalned the beaateoos fbnn i nt tbe-nnhsppy Jullot Oonnt Pailsoo, oae of the nattre nobili- ty, who has pabUshod' a Tory Interesting work on the oortoiltles ;.'0f'.Terona, and of the proTlnocs adjacent, thns narrates the mel- anoholy story of Bomoo and Jnllet:—'la the year 1309, or aboot that time, llarthobmew della Soala. belnx; Captain of Uie Veto. naae, Bomeo ds MonUcoli WIS enamo^ of Jullot de CappeUetU, . uk& She of blm, their fuhlllbs being «t that time In btttor enml^ > <^Cr«Uh eaott other on tooonnt of party fendi. As, ttwrefore, - -tatT- oonld not be openly married, a prlrato onion took place be- ''iween'them.' Bhortly afterwards, Boneo harlns. In an affray >' oftha two fictions, killed Tebaldo; the cousin of Juliet he waa 'obliged; to seek for safety In flight, and proceeded to Uantos. Hii mhappy spouse, afflicted beyond measure, aoaght conmls- - ipMttoa'aiid eonnsalftom the Immediate agent of her secret mar- -'ilave, libeiaff' that thiuD'ms jio longer any'hope of s reoondllla^ n.'iim betweealSaiUlaa now still more inoeiued against each other '■■ttunbeton. ThetefbrO^^bya preoonoeitod arroogoment, Jollet '■^lUtognred 'a 'eleeplng draught and shortly after, aooordlngto ->fo(nnmea report, yielded np her life,' Bomoo having been ap- • ''prised of the dire news, banre he heard that ahe waa only apps- '■■ikntly dead, reaolred. In the blttameas of his ansulsb, to ««V'> ; k))oisoB, and die llkewlee. Prorloualy to his doing ao, howsTer, ■ , :tiot eaUrelf despairing of her Ufe, he went to 'Terona, and aTall. ' .^.'4A'hlmaalf of the evening hour to enter the monaotory. Being here assured that his Juliet had been Intenod not long befbre, ■ ■■■ I't/b Swallowed the poison he had with him, and hastened to the ■ 'tomb, where tholr mutual friend pointed out the way by a pas- :' sage beyond that i^hloh waa ready for his return. The Mar won- ':' '■ deied veir much what bad happened to Borneo, uneonsoloos of ' the hard lato that awaited Iilm.' - While he endoarored to assure '/T/iUinself that tho lady was not In reality dead, the poison began : .'/''.^ioopetato, and now, on the very verve of death, he adlsd onlila .1' JnUotMlh a ftlnt voice. Bhe awoke, and aoanely recognised . --:;<'lilih.: 'Borneo expired, and JiUlet breathed for a momentonly to t'^ishatehlshspleasdoom. . ' . ...'-'iV;', .' m • ■■r^a'f ■ •• . THAT "BUBbLb BET." rj;' ' ' A IITTIE FDn ABOOi THE BEIHDEEB" STAXE& .,7?'^^°<'''''' l''°^*^°°t the proper epelilng of the word "Beln- ''''ra4*fl*>"''"*<>*><='*'''>^'P<>*'^'>itof comment In sporUnn circles. . ^vOnieiibllowlngli a capital hit at the proceedings:— .' 'fp.-,. ^iv BsmssKB Btabss.— The ontAee were not snmerons, but ' /V^i^'sb^weU-known "olippem"havlF« aocopted, tborace was looked .:';<2^8nward ,to with unosnal Intorest The Sold consisted of the '. /j/ 'fiollpwlng, owners'riding, somsof w)iom displayed oonalderable < :|i(powerB,of "Jockeying:"— ) ' t. Ja«: R. Btowart'aFhuit ;, .'^'lUaat-Col. Bumaby'a. Blotlon. ;.:..''t3'..','''«y,, . ; ,. ;.:i(r.'Ten Broeck's 'Wager. .';.Al41ral Bbos's InvesUgMtlon^ - Hon. B. Lawley's Oonfesaton. ' Vf'v'IpTOStlgalion and;Wager, were installed favorites, bnt it be- C'./cMmlngknoirothattln rest of tho Held were In one stable, and rvirnpnlng to'sotvo eaoh other, tho "Oonfederocy" took the ilnt . ^;,^Ui«e,:]AvDsllgatlon and Wager belns sUll freew supported. , A.yary uneiual start waa effootod, Phint and Dictionary getUna ' ^'|lnt dOBcly followed bv Investigation, the rest in stragiUog ' .'order, Ur. Ten Broeok'Siyvager being 100 yards in the rear, was :' soonjpnlled up, and left the race to the AdmlraL On.reaching '.' Ilip'fllab, Investigation overhaulod tti« leaders, and, in thosorim- ' ntllge that enaned, scorned in some danger of being foiood over I' tf^e'rails, bat Ur. Lawley's Ooufosalou "/onlloB"tha Confede- /jnuy, enabled the Admiral to slave off his opnohonts, and gave c 'lilm'ai alight advantaae. Tbis he maintained for some distance, ; f)^ on rieaahing PubUcation Ulll, Ur. Stowart come 'with a rash, '. , and made tho running at a atrong pace, supportod by the rest of . ' ,' ;;thbOanfcderaoy,IJent-OoI.Bumabr lying in reserve up to the '.';en(ilosnre,.where ho Joined Ur. Stewart, and the two ilmolta- , ' '.;. tteoualy ohalletiged tho . Admiral at the "Post," who answered ; feamely, and a flno race ensued, tho Plant and Dictionary eventU' THE GAME OHESS. Hon. Oapt Annealey's Defence. Ur, Newton's Assistance. Sir I^dston Newman's Vam- Upon ,. „ to euale, tho winners wore ol^eoted to, aa having '«f6uled"^Ur. Ten Broeck aoon aftw starting, bnt the Stowards! ' .«fter 'hearing a'mass of conflicting evidonoe, overruled the ob. , Jeotlon, and OoL.Borpaby and Ur. Stewart Oivldod the atakes. , "I'LL Kesp 'm AwiZE."—Noar Newark, M. J., lived tttrrvU ' i':(inisfhmiiy, Who bad taken-an orphan to raise, who; by-th^way, .'v'' '-.i]waa rather nndorwltted. De had Imbibed very atrlot views on ':,.' 1' i-mllgloas matten, however, and onoo asked Us adopted mother . jiidtsbe didn't tUnk It.waa wrong liar the old farmers to oome to a ioBUtoh and fill to aloep, paying no bettoncgard to the sarvloe. vi.flie replied she did. Accordingly, before going to church tho ( .I next Bnnday, he filled hla pockets wlfii apples. One bald-headed old man, who Invatiably went to sleep daring the sermon, par* .. Y .tionlarly attraoted hla attention. Seeliur him at last nodding and , T.iMlTtng oanal evidonoe of his being in tho "land of dreomiT" he '■; ■^■'''nanl/i?i off, and took the antoundcd aleepor with an apple, saoaro . /(ienihs top oVils bald pate. The minister and arousetfoongrAga. ,,, v-'>'sun.j kt oqoe turned around, and indignantly gazed at the boy, '' ' EiMttO merely aald to tho preacher, as he took auoiher apple In his ''-liand. with a sober, honest expression of oonntMianoe:—"Ton ■.^i]^teaob;.I11 keep 'vm awake I" :y'i:;Si!i':r , • ' — I. Cttias ■«> BB T2SEi>.-The followlaff Is the latest revenue de- ; ';i:D]ilon:—WiSBMOTOir, Nov. 1—Hon. Thonuii Jefferson Hnmb. ;. -.>:AliMdi'Assessor for. the OUOUSth District of Uasgaohnseits—Slti ta!.l[otirt of the ZOth'nlt was dulr reoUved. The delay in replying . L-v.trss oooialonedbythe difilonlty my clerks had lu deciphering .. 'JiV^pmtf mannsorlpt - The following deoldons are believed to oorer Jl'-the prlnolpal polntol—L'"Arechess" [apellud in your uono'- '^iiaerlpt "oheose'^J "boards tobe taxed aa bUlianl tables?" This . 'ii^ mtM ATOry dUBunlt point to deoldo, and I oouldn'tetop to olpher 0 "inttcmt '8oIOddiand.evonedwithaDcuntorfoIthalfaoUar,wLiob iti'one.Of mr olarka had shoved on. to him, and not being able to ';>.(B<tirldof «thorwiao, "staok" mewlth. 'i^ie dtto waa oddi and ■ . ohMs (If that's what you meant; boards aro to be laxod as bil- .' Iltrd'.tables.' 'Andiif .ybo really toMnt "ohae«o".boBras, I moi ;a.vI;PC(< the dedsion will liava to hold. Tonii, "ABoinWui." EnmHamrm is about to iisaeanewanalyttealtreatlaeoB the openings: it cannot date be of the very higheat exoellence andntHlty. A TovaiUMDiT of a highly spirited and Interesting ohanurter Is new In progress In the 8t James 0. a, London; of whioh flonr- IsUng tKNV Herr Loewaiithal is Prealdant Tax PinuiBt Sohiob Olvb, IBS Bowery, of .which' Asspdatlen onr contributors John Bohlasinger and P. Bugene Uranalngar are respeoHvely Tloe President anf Baoretary, oontompUto JipldlBg a Tournament during the present. seaBsa.:..Va hope the aibir may coma off with the moat perfect suooeu, and eminently to the benefit of this strong and spirited OlDb... ■ RIOBIA No. 85»^ n BIBB X. BBiaiSDf. € 1 i. atQiq, QBt, QB4, QB6, # i i i ESd. stQBt ' QEtS, 'QB0, KSth. Vdilto to phj. and give mato la fire movas, THB CHESS OUNORESS. At length wa ham the report of the Oomralttee of . the Problem Tournament,Iwhe award Sr. Oonrad Beyer the flrst.prlaa; Ur. J. O. OampbeD, the seoond; Herr Plasohutta, the third: and Dr. Novobiy. the fonrth. Ur. Herwits, gets the prlae for Ohess Studies, J. a. OampbeU gets the prlae for best Single Problem, which we reproduee betow, as It appeared In the Farther dctallawill be (Ivanhereafter. Prise of CU for tha best aingile Pioblan, awarded to the anther, Ur. J. O. OampbelL PaOBIiEjjl No. 309. "OUBBUIULUM." BLAOK. • WUl'i'JS. Vmito to play and mato in five mores. GAUB No. 3B0. Onr contributor P. Blohardaon glres L, 'Dalaart the odds of Qaeen's Knight . xBuavLas ormaxs. Attack, Blohardaon. U..EBtoBII Attack. Blohardaon." L.PIaKi 8..<IPXP 4..P-4)D8 5.;KB^3 6..P'-EB4 7..KKt-B3 ^ 8..P-KS >..KEt-<)4 ICCaaties^) ll..P-DEt4 U..BPXB 13..KBPXP Defenoe, Selsart PtoQBS P-K4 Q-BA-f QXKldP KB-B4 Q-Ka («) SKt-BS KXt-<)4 Oastlas P-Q 8 KBX Et gPXP IXEtP 16..QB-Q1 u..Er— BXB 1T..EBXB 18..Q-her Kt 18..B-EBsq 30..Q XKtP Sefenee. Delsart Eto'B sq (e) QB-B8 BPXB §XEB Kt-Ql Q-Ea ESt-Bl ,L.B8 .|-(d) EEt-Esq iB-Et4 QKt-ga IXQB P-QB4 IPXP EtXEP P-Q B 8, aqd the Defence rseigna.. (a) Three moves merely to recover siii' exchanged P is hardly th* style, having the present odds in hand. .' (b) The differunoe in the preoiston of these openings Is almost that of the odds indicated. (c) Weak and timid; ha should hove haaleaed immediately to confront bis adversaiy's aaaaultlng a^uadrons, with his forces now so useless on the Quean's wing. (d) Theaei attacks are pungent and amnalnB. OHEQUEBS OR DRAUGHTS. TO CORBBSPONDjnilTB^ A. L. H., Baltimore, Ud.—H. L. has fbifwarded'a'eerrection of the Position referred to by yoo, which will appear next week, to- gether with hla remarks on the same. H. L., Plttabnn^—See notice to A L. H. ExFBisib New. Tork.—Are you-thereT Thanks'for. games. Will dish ap one of'em next weak.'. A LooznOic, New Tork.—Eeep a looUn' on, and let ns know what's up, if yon please. We like yonr style, DoKLsuDBB.New Tork.-^''On the Sauars" appreciates the honor confeitea upon hito by yonr ohlvalrbas ieft, but raspeoU folly deoUnes engaging at present ' ' GAUB No^se^yoiii 'Suiou ooBSsnj Beeently contested between two Dona at Sraaghts, being the first in a set-to fbr the treat oat of three, th» matoh involving not only the bdnois, bnt the lager.;' , ', ' donunnnlcateil by '"A Looi naoh, Ur.A .11 to IB. ^le aa i WUto, Ut.B. aa to-u as u u.. «' 20.. a ai..i4 aa..u as..IT. a4..a8 3S,.U 20..3S' 71,M aS.';81 a>..aT ao..a4. 3i..a» 8a..u 88.. 8 Whits," Ur.O. Si te 90 81 i J8 1 3 8.. e U 98 28 4.. 4 8 as ai . .' II M 90 6.. 8 la , IT at 7..10 14 34 It 8i. 7 10 83 ar 9.. 0 18 18 . 8 10.. s 14 aa 18 U.. IS 18 » 13.. S 14 10. 15 ia..U 18 .30 . .11 14..18 aa .38 ■ IT' : IS..18 aa 38 : Ufa) lfl..a3 98 : U .. 8' ' i7..aB a» 8 4 , . Notek, l)y"ArookerOn." . 0) Bathes far-ieschioa in effect, when ^on Mek'lntolt 6) Oughttolose. 30to 10 wonlddraw. " > ,0) Begins to admM the flavor of the frM laser; ' ' ' .d) A combination'pfhU forces,' b|!17toffl, wOnld havi ss. oured the game at once. ' ' • "'''•■^, Ue) TherohegoosI Through too cigar'a jpnisnll of the ibe. his "crowned hoad" Is land into a WaU.pltnhed anibosdid^ ^ (/) Qlaslratlon of the maxim, "There's many aaUp.^' ato: Upon rpalislng thefcroc of It, Ur, A commehbed, rangaftul». to re-setthe'non, ',; _^ ^' / BOUVTlbs Oir ITVUGES' lOlgt POSITION. : I °' = ':'^-':;.i.»«^^ a..33 19, s&awiiu. BOIiimOH OF'POBITIOH No.'38-Vol. ,'it*. i. e.t. ' '^''■'Maek.' ' ' ' . 'White. i..ia .to 18 11 to 38 a..» 94 98 18 • 8..W 94 98 at 4..81 U, •Blwtel. BOIiVnON OF POSITION No. 3S—T«l. Z. White. .26 to 99 n A, x. ■.. 9..aa 1.. IT, tad draws.. .Or if: 18 17, and draws. If 'Black. 24 to 18 18 .34 as 0 MATCH OAHE. BHTW^ OBEEH UOClTrAIN HOT AND AOOBPTANCB. Black—O. U. B, Whlle-Aooeptance. 3.. 8 U . , 38 as 4.. 4 8 34 90 5..13 IS POSITION No. 37—Vol. X. ' na.tun., OFiuiinxoBC. BLAOE. ' THB lOfld POSITION OF stuaata. BLAOK. WHIT& 'Whlto to men and win. WBITB, Whlto to aiore and win. ALirsLT NioBi's 'Wonx.—"On Fridiy night 31st ult.," says the Borne SeniM, "p. blackatalth ruuned Uichael UcOirmlok, la the employ of the Borne and ValertownBallroad Company, com. mltted a aerlea of outrages while maddenM by atrong driiik, vnich cannot be too severely reprobated by pubUo opinion, nor too severely pnnbihed by the law. He broke the windows of the Ballroad House, kneckod down the barkeeper, and assaulted Ur. Bertram and hla aoB-ln-law. Ho then went to Btanwlx Uall. and endeavored to assaolt a atranger who took refuge tbore; bnt the door waa fortunately barred In tlmetoexdode him. Next fie went to the American Hotel, and'Uler ralaleg a general dla- tarbanoe, broke out one of the Windows of the bar-room, and let himself down tnm the balcony en to Ur. Bnaa's awning, and thence to the ground.' Thence he went to Father Beecham's honse, and raised a disturbance oulalde of it, but did not force his way in. nicn he returned to the railroad, and meeting Con- stable Ohnmaeht, eavagelv assaulted him, beating him so severe* ly that he haa not been able to leave Us house since. Then, find- ing a olab, he west to the Ballroad Honae, and aaaaulted Ur, Woedmff—Ur. Bettram'a aon-in-law. Altar that he went home and to bed." That fellow beaU Hairy Blake all to pieces. If it's tho custom In Borne to does thoBomans do. they must have pretty lively times op there. Ulke deserves to get plctorlaOylllaslratod, with all the torllUng inoldenU and scenlo cifecta thrown in. HouoBB vr THB XatB EuonoK.—Wending our weary way homeward at a lato hoar one night after the bat bit of "local" copy had been set and the last proofread, we came npon an indl- Tldual clinging affectionately to a lamp-post He was Inebriated, We aakod him what he waa doing there, and he replied, "Waiting for lection'tarns—can't go home till know who'a ,'looted; not ton dollars bet that Be-(nlo)-8owarth 11 beat Wadamoar. uot any turns from (hie) HewbnrgT Not Oneaa Nowbnrg sail right fbr Beworlh (hlo). 'Bah for Bowortht N'ork State '11 go license, snre—N'ork State .'s a good feller—so 'a Seworth—Pm In &vor 'f (hlo) telllngourerTlna stcsers to go in peace—Boworth is, too—ornng alxzers 'a good feuer—don't want to zasperato erring slizers; I'olet '<!m go; so'd Bnvanlonren; so'd Seworth; so'd B«n Wood—bot he would. Les send olive branch to erring (hlo) sis- xcrs. Easy 'nouah to slop tha war; let erring sinerskeep house fbr oi-that's wa'a the matter. 'Bah for Bewerth and for erring slxzeisl Haa leoUon tuma bionght any telegraph officet Haa errlag sla (hlo) slzieis oarxted, any States in New Jeraeyf TeU us the news, can't ys I" , - ^ BuBB EsovaK.—An Irate bid afige onacliiman, deaeanUng npon the relative marlto of the "road" and the "train," thus eipreaaed blmieit: '•If s.stsge coach geta a hnpset or, may be, loses a vheel. vy yon gets a fUl-and bitilses yerscU; or. may be. breaks a Umb—but there yq are: ve sees yer and ve plaka yer op, and conveys yer t'hospital. But them rallwoy concern—meet with a aoddent there, and all I asea Is, vhare are yert" THE TOnNG AUEBIOAFIBM OENEBAL PTmOHASnia AOENOT, COXDDOnD BT EDOAB. UOBPUT k 00., at 81 Naaaau Btreat, New Tork, Are now prepared, with. Increased tuUltles, to supply Books, Cards, Prints, Photographa of Bteteamen, Literary men. Actors ond Aotreases, Teeallals, Army and Navy OOleers, and PnjUlsts. Newspapers and Magaxliea (foreign and demaatto). Boxing Olores, Perfttmery, Jewelry, ete., eta, Stereoeoople Tisws, Bmg Beeks, Hoyle's Qomes, Boxing Books, Novels, ete. LONDON, PABIS, BBUaBELS, IBD .. , . TANEEE NOTIONS. . Send for Oatalognea. . Send for Oataloguea. Bend for Catalogues. . Begtstsr yonr money letters at onr rlik. tf-aS . ..; < EDOAB, UOBPHT & CO "THB HuiUH Faob DTrm." A new eystom of FHTSiooHoiir. Eyes) Ears, .tdps, Uouth, Head, Hair, Neck, Hands, Feet, SUn, with all "BioBS or CatnaoiBB," in THB PHBENOLOaiOAL JOUBNAL AND UFB.njjDBTBATED, FOB 1888, devoted to BtBHOLOOT, PeiaroLOOT, PaasMoioor, PnisiooNoifT, Pbioholoot, and to allthatrelateato tho Intellectual, Bocial, Uoral, and Bplrltoal Nature of Uan. Amplr. illustrated, and adapted to theoompnv benalonof all. Samplea,. 10 cento. New volume. OnlyfLWa year. Addraas, FOWLEB fe WELLS, 808 Broadway, N. Y. Sf-Jt* "rpHB ACTRESS," 191Dooble Column Papes, 13 .JL full pageiflllnstratlve, 80c: "Uemolraof an Aolrfas,"80o: Opera Dancer,''to; "Ollfford.and the Actress," took "New York Naked," SOo: "Orphan Soamst^i," ase; "Caroline Tracy,^'3to: •Fast Life," aso: Loves of Paris," too; "JnUeto Uoore," IBo •Boxing," 13c; ••Eato Taugh," lOo; "Oharley Hnnter,". 11 en- orarings, SBo; "Daring Deeds of Good and Bad.Women," aSo. Our sealed Oircnlar letter, 30. Send above prloea to ' St^tf OHARH. DAT, New Haven, Conn. pAMB FOWL FOB BALE.—JONATHAN DOB- VT WABT, Lancaster,Pa., Importer and Breeder of OAUE FOWIA' Lettois, with 8>cent atamp, rcoelre prompt attcn. Uon. "• • 3S41* THB blDESTAHLffiHED BOdE^AGElirOT. Seild fcraOlroular.. HSMBtrstHPH^S, SS.llaasanst, 'SlVtr.' A8TEBEOB0OPB,';and'18 Fanoy Colored' yieWa, sentfre4 bymalVfir80tents. Address f ' 33.3mT "FBEDPABBBLLS A BBO., OoraOSt P. O.i H. T.'Oity.' Send fot a Prioed List of the. Qoiods 70a may" want , bomtUsoUf , A'''***' NI$I>>.PABSEI£akDBO., . awm* .. . , .. Bex?0MP.O.,N.T. Oily.: FOB A' HAMUOTH PAOKAGIO, ooatelnlrig Fancy'Artidesr price SSeenlA, Alio, BUbbor. Cloods for Qentlemen's use. Address '3, H. FABBBUi^ '18 Ann slreet, near Broadway, N. T. st-tf SEND Fdnrl BOOKS flree. SMaz* ON tOVE. As UBnAL^-Oafalogaes woi He firaod prsctlMl. JOHN ATOmseN, 88 Dnane street, New York. <H>VaACO*B lilBHAliT.OP. BOHAVOB. • BBLSK 0? TBOT-«AHTO 11 Then Htwardt in hla eeitaoy, itrealed A henae so anetent thai its BbUe ^Md"* * Quarteied with Ooeur de Uei»-b»whose ilda His ^alUnt eaoeators had poured, Uke wtnT^ netr rloh blood on the Adds of Palestlnih n» eOslaoy of a woman who finds her tanned. nWi . burnt, firwikled, sallow, blotohed, rongh, ohaptSj Mft** aay) be easier imagined than deeeribST'' i£lS*fr' wonderfni Soap performa nil this, and morei it will bthsr in either hard or sett water, and it ia so aool£S>u.*.^ passage ef even a dull razor over a tendor akin la ■nuSUu^l.?* OO^DD'B POTORE SUBTILE wiU poalUvIy umom!,*'' flueua hair from low foreheads, upper flpe, or anv mh ^S'i!'' human body. QOnilACD'B UQUIDROTOS ifflp%V£lA'> roae stain to pale lips and ohnka, and la the only uSHu^ shooM bo nsod at balla and parties, as It defies delisoSonrkiS abeolntely immovable except by wa ahlng with aoan mS'^Si OOUBAUD'S BAIB BBSTORATITE not only restorei hiblS^ makeaharsb and wiry hair rich, allky and (douy. aoiIlUTin9 LIQUID BAIB DTE ohanges red or grey hair lo a beaoUfidh!!lr or black the Imtant it is applied. -^-I^imowu DEWABE OF 0OUNTEItFEIT& The gennhie preparatlona and cosmetics of DIt FEia ann. BAUD can only be had genuine at Ua Depot 483 BioidBlri!l! ate7Walker8lreefc ";«»wi»,ii|, Agento—Callendar ft Co., ThM and Walnut streela PdOiu ihla; J. B. Bales, 198 Washlagtoa street, Boston) IUIi^^IaJ; pnia; &eM.ta. ▼ ■J ABLE8 am OOUBINATION ODflBIOIIB. «■'- > PlOtsetMby Letters Patent dated Feb. 18,1888) Oct Bl \m.- Deo. 8, US7: Jon. 13, IStS; Nor. Vi, UtSi Uaisli». ifiiS September a», 1880. •""•■i The recent Improvemanti In these Tablep make thea bum.. passed In the world. They are now offered to adentifie^d piayen ascoffibbdng speed with trath navar befbieoblitoilk ^ Billiard table. w"*"^! 1 PlIELAN'S NEW BOOK—"Tbe Game of BQ1lKdi« tth edition, enlarged, revised, UlnatrUed with addlttoullb I grama and a portrait oh stedcf the author. Prlcow ons <o£ I \ : : 83, e8,8T,and8tOiaabyit(M G BEAT B 0 b K 811 NEW BO0E8I NEW BOOEBII DON'T FilL io BEND FOB A OATALOaVI, | OTIB HEW OATALOaUB NOW BBADT. BENT FBEB-POSTAaE FAID-ON APPUOIBDI | XHI 0U> ESXABUSEKD AND ONLY nwr v*v>T-w BOOi AND apoBTma aooss'Aoani, | mm ocdaii an promptly and ftlthftillr exsonted, AOdieM^ TH0U4S OBUBBT, UarUeBnildlaM 1 88 Nassau S^ti Raw Ted NOW SELLINa UPWABDS OF 1000 COPIEBrZS WEEK. PATno~LboT or TBI BEPBODUOTIYB O.B.GANS, BUBSELL T. TBAUi. I£,D. ■ ■XOAIi THE - ; .- -T '.. 0 BOAHIIK, JAUBB a JAOEBON, H.B, - <^e treatises la this vohime are upon subjects ef the lUM I importance In a phyalologlesl point of view. IluiieeublecliMl handled In an aUa manner. The anthers are medioil maill large experience; and the advioa which they give la aesa^ ai I appllcabM alike to the guldanoe ef parents and to the beatlll of the yoong. A peruaol of the work wQl do maoh te eicml hoaltbymentalandbodilyAmctloiui While to suffering tasnaltri I itofferajudloioas advice, whioh may cava many from eoapba-l ting tholr anfferlnga by resorting t* qnaok doctors and ebiUal I treatment"—Boston JonmaL I "Should be read by all eld enough to understand If'-ITila I CureJoumol. . ' I "It'wUlbetheiooroeof ranobtoed; being prepared vtthost I andftamAbandantkuowIedge."r-DoatonTraveUi];. I "It la a book for the times, and ahonld be In every hoBi'' I World'a Crlils, Boston. I • 'An honeat effort to dUtase usefol information: Uoit pepoM I worka on thia snhjoot are the rovona of this, and an men il> I vertlsementa of quocko."—Plymouth Book.' I "A ralnahle addition'to medical Utaratore,"—Boitea'M I valuable book for the afflicted, and forallwhewotddiulta I Ito counsels are of great Importenoe to alL''^Bostoa Oragnp' I tlonallat ^ f "Oontalna pracMoal Information that ahouM be knein tti » I ed upon by psrente and children, the married and slnila 1m I chanters devoted to children and their management onjlii to n I read by everym<ther."—Nunda,(N,T.) News.' • • • "That thla is a suggestive volume muat be admltteA velUn by either a protbsstonol or nou-nrufeaslonal reader, BUMNt'} we'are. In advocating a seuoral reform of onr aoeiol hiblliiN ''opportunities for ph^icu luprovomeat, we hall with dtllgtt lO auteestlve Infinences that may b* brought to btarupoa ep' .vorlte line of action, come ftora what anarter It may, 7e ittn- fore take great pleasure In rsoomuendlng the aboie voloiM ■> fair and candid coualderatlon among all cloaaoa. Eren cup> Is valuable, and all theaubjocteof thOBeoliaptenare«elIoM<A Boston is •great In all good worka.'"—N. T. Clipper. Price THBkB DOLLAB& Bent to any addreii. flttlM*" to the publisher, B. LEVElimT EUEII8O1, 12« Washington street DoitotV For sale In New York by 0. 8. FHLT, 88 Walker street " SINCLAIR TOUBEY,m Naaaau street " m 89- Umukb m oiBU Eoox, thU will teach the law''^ to prevent and permanently Cuna,' evbbt iobk of •*k>7?1 ■ ease and derongeuen^ without feeing or oonsnlllng •afiH^ I whatever. No other medical book has eVer reoeliM'XK*^ I mendatlona ftom the Prexa, 0#r TBI BxR. \' I B OOKSI BOO.Kflll' BOOKJIll BPOBTINa ABTICLE8, OABDB AND PBIHIll , , J. U. FABBELU Bookseller, » AnililMA^ rerr vartetr, either Forelon or Doaiei1l4rt'"i:',l Books of every variety, either Foreign or Doaiu on application. Parties desiring books of any : dtsMipm sendhiig addrea, itostjpald, will reoelve immedisle Books; Sporting and Anoy Articles you miy see •df<"<'K] b'b (nrnlaned to order. OataloguessentonHppllea>IoB.„am ii S.- FABIULL, dealer !■ Books sod nMy4ziio#^^1 stteet,'New. York. .'. '.. ..'.'•...-•.';'.'.-Tf^'-.'-'Kl Post OQoe,'and .he will .Inform you of a SUDE lawa™ ;;i:tr I ningat.ALL the various gomes. Trylt, andg«t*>*^* Uj^Ol.JlTQU. WANT .WHISKBB3 M' ■ ■■ -N-B L' S'^O- N'.' ■ ■■■■ • Uannfiwturer and Dealer in t 1i A Y' 1 N a O A ' 'AndaUarttolMDledln ' aAU'EB OF AUDSaUEN^' 'AND 431 Brojidway, New Ybrk. B'D a, O'^ANOEi '■■■'.'■■■ ■ ,:b6. • ,..,.0'::e:vd- B.'K.\..::':,H; dv:Di.'S,-ii', : ./ eOBNEB CF BOWBEY; AND BAYABD 8TBBBM, N, Y, dnasto ,oan be adoommodated wlth ltooms by tho day or weeki with or without b&ard. : jOEO. P. WOfipEB, l"ropriotir. ^ ''' • ' ' ■ '■ ■'' '• ' rAMKS Goom ffiwM'ilad it ihMtestsoUot. n>tt OB Mo^i; _ OilBS r--In ie(|jiflrrt asked this iuJfBov«»^ sweredbytinmeienspeiopls: and 1 ask if any «them ""^j my OngneuttofaUlndolngaU loUlmod fofrlti nunW^^ wonld compel the Beard or Uooataohe to giowopon^ I <MfacewUbtnsixweekaliromthefirstappllpatioB..ui^|^ ■ oeasfUlilnTeatois, I haychad to contend with a ho>>oi|»-^|| ■ iomk of.whom even go so far aa to oopymyaaion^'j^i However, troth la mighty, and will prevalli I less friends, will find thii my Ongnenl >» the only f^^^ I really fbro? the Beard to grow, ind wU Bellhe«t«bi Ittoonypart of the ooptry,n*«oV^J I B. XtTOTttHAU, No, IM NaisauaW* ^ " ■ the akin.I tend It to any fcrIL (IMiej - TTANOT PIGEONS. T^«^i?^^''''^V^^^vi^ Jj lala. AddrasiTBoi MOO.'P. Q.l Boston, | HIHOfcAIB TODBB'y*'" 1 'Vl„'„_, . ". ■ ■' ." 7^^^ .r--iJlNABBAO STBEBftL • - r I '' ■ ■ ■'"' | | "' -.- Illli^l «.T.anriJui,PBDri«w.«*ASii«*^«"' 1