New York Clipper (Dec 1862)

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a 00. ' 'J ' ' ' of tba qaioTUtr (if ^aeiltlM onMdfl of Tbeo. If. iW'uJ'.iM dondooUoriii.'/Tto moit langhaWe. „d Dlaok Pawns at K 5, arid K B Ttt. 'VfiiRo to pla7 and glTe inato In four movea. FROBIiDlI No.. 300. BX JOBK diSOINSB. * T BLA02. Blask to ^1b; and give nutala'fonr moifc OADIB Wo. .3 00.'. ^. . ,.' jbjfcl at the "Uorpby Otieas Booms" botweth ooi oontrlbntor .& HcCalcbeoD and an Amatoor. KTAKB OIHBIT. V Atttek, VoOntolieon. . l:.PtoK4 II.KEt-BS >..KB-B1 (..P-QXtl ,»..P-QUS •..P-Q* T.'.CuUes B..BPXP t..QKt-B3 »..Q-Iier B 4 li;.KtPXB B..P-Q«(*) B..QPXKt ' W..PXKtP + U..()-KO+ ' H..EB-QC ' Sefenco, Attaok, Defance, Amataor. UcOntoIieon. ' Amateni.' PtoK4 lT..QBtbQa <J X Q'B (e) a Et-B 8 1S..B X BP ■. Q-K Ktl + EB-B4 ie..E-lilaBsa Q-Ea; BXEtP ' . 20..QB-Etaa. .Q-lieTB9 B-QB4 ai..EB-QBBq Et-KBS(d) KPXF a3..KB-Q5. ,. .EtVEB PrQ3 28..KBXQ "EtxKB EB-EtS ai-.Q-^berBi EEt-ES ' QB-Kt6. S8..P-QB4 B-Q Btoq Q B X Et (o) -20.: Q-har 5 E-Q B;a Q-EBS 2T..P-QB6 B-QB4 QXQEt 2«..Q-.EtJ+ E-QBq((!) CastliMQB 29..0XBP XB-Esq EXEtaaP 30..QB-Et7 Xt-EBsq E-QEteq 31..QXEtP, and ovantnally P-QB8 tho Attack'woutlie portfe. (/J (a) Up to this point tho gamo la Inoproachably openod bjr liplayera: i.e., It the Attack has decided on adopting Mr. ftmt't varlnUon. . That the jncre In the text is not tho proper ouofprocedare, iho "Fraxls" shows as follovs:—. IT. .EBtoEtt + E to his B sq bolbp Strngglei xin in the yalri liopo thai abmallilDg moj torn ap, (ai Baalgned the oaieof the mille^ and procaedst without moTlDgalSiolal inoaol«, to plaoe the Buoka in proper petition ' . , 04BIIB 'n:a..38.~Vpll X,'.' ' ; Flayed recently In Dnndee, Bootland. .. oomnnnaiTSD bi y»im»aa , QBXKt ]l..Vb><iSlat QB-Et6tcK ll.'.OPXKt EtPXP U.,P-E5{1) QPXP(!J) U.,QXB2dP+QB-Qa U-.Q-taerS QB-ES U..QXEP KB-Q5 doabtcdiy tho 18..QB-B'a,-+ EEt-Ea M..Q-E-4 • EBXEt(ll) 20..QB-QBq Q-herBaq ai..KB-Qt -QBXBv ai.. Q X Et -l-i foUowed by Q B X Q D, and the Attaok haann- hetler game, (1) Better than Q X B ad P +, at onco, as Ur. tziaw recom- :K) IS. .QB to Q 2d, or K 3d, Toold be Inferior to this more. 'Weheto re-produce n most Important and InstnictlTe variation tn ln the "Dime Ohess Instruotor,^' p. 60, itrlth a'nuatorlr eihaxutlTe continuation tcon the "Ohoss Player's Chrom- da.'' .This Defence completely breaks drown Ur. Tob^'b At- tadk; accompanied' as It la by the sacriflc'o of a piece. 113,.QX.QEt K'EtXEt 24.:.QXKtP.. QIMJeqm M..t-E7C8) BX.QP(9) Se.kQB-EtaMKBOKS aT.:|tP.XBMQX.3dQ j8':.,QX EB ^K,Et-E4 B-Etsq . " W;' , QBtoqa (8) •ll.-.gto,horKt8 g HtBlr ■ m„4b'xb + .O.'.Q-taerl . M-.g-lEt 8 M..P-EB n.>&-EB4-|- 'If.'.KEthlaO .;B..FrES U.,QKt-Q6 D..KB-EI Uk a piece E-hls B sq E EV-B'3 EXKB EKt-hl8S(4} E-Etsq. E Et-B 3(B) . QB-E sq • Q Et-B 3 B-Esq,(S)QEt-E'a ~' add a pawn for t)ie KEt-Qa _ .JB-E3 ' B-KBa ai..B-ESt3 . P-EEt3;and )xobange, and dearly on' easily won game. - (8) Bat! It wins q move, which is eventbljig to this Qamblt, r compols the Attaok to ssorUca a piece. .. (1) iai; thougbhe might play'SBtoEsq, otTlng np the fuoe hot retaining hli P, wlu aVeir decent posttfon. (t) If Q to E B sq, the retort IB. .Q to E 4 woidd be IkttL (t) BoUi Attaok and Defence along here aroTOty Ingerilons. _(t) The proper move. If KBtoke Q P, as snggested by Mr. R«mton;26..QBtoEt3 would win-in a fkw moves.. By the noie now glvon, the sei'eric^ hss a'won game, wtiik It how the Atiiekfliay. (8) 'Ur. FNsor Indicates all tho moves to this, Inolnalve. {>) Tho onip jvMe ;' tbreatens mate In two,' and the Attack muit _ me to defend himself. Mr. F. and Mr. B. both appear to have OTtrlooked this almple but Important move.. Xbe Defence has di pltcea to foul;, and can loss butone, and will easily get his S Blitoplay. 0) Tne attack now booomes of tho moai trenchant description, (c) He Is passing through the very fomaca of alfllatlon,and ^oUparOim wcsSonld rt&or get rid of a hostile jpleoe than a P: DUlathia ease the ceteris don't appear to )>aporflnu at all, and ''uould make a foray upon KB ad P. ' 'I How about advancing that centre Pawn ? . . . j what a wretchedly helpless position I:. ,/) Probably; bot the Defeuco now advinoai the oentre P, and w tei<)orces of his position, bad as it Is, are not all exhausted. CHEQUERS OR DRAUGHTS. ' TO pURlUBIBpOinDBIirVB. ' «A:^B.,BaItlkoniMd.—The error to.wftloliyoa tefMred In Position, (v1e: s man on 7 instead oramgg,) witj reoU. 2™ or the author la advance of your noUoe. Ve merely tneu' waiU* la lattloe to our oM and >naaea oontrlbntor, H. L., JJMe tnalytloal powers of Dratag&ls are widely appriolat ' ^ ot thta peculiar oha^aotar are very opt to warp In, to aaaoyanoe of the coinpoiet. ' a.^^y**» FuTCB, Fort Oass,'—'in • 'gme.of Draughts, A has . *V BUD ahd ^ EinA, and B four men: STU <Ur, under any oli> : J^^jtJ^^rA^to change ofleTenf'..... .Tes::and«r any and ;;A^*nOir.->Tbanks. lie more the belW-. Vasballex- cm yon,; ... .l^tfHoi, jj^-^'^jj^TorkvUlk—SeJghbotiBeyniW/ oia tgato. Ye i^iWtaWgh, Ffc-^Wf lufTe ptiwkl: the word to A. L. H. '''"-'oAifcil kA*ir»V-yoL, jt. ■ ... I!'ttmn'AMB'.LiiiT. -■ <> ■■■r ■' ^'•jMooBd intte i^to bet|yk«lt a« two i)oliiil,'foT the ' i. ' '' ; OoiaiilQii)ioatedbK"^I«oka^^' ■■■!»-8 ,.,u •\ndta, ,Mr,'''A.'U . ,-.a» : iX7 I'itf • JS' •■•■" >';in,r ('iirV.: :ff.:}|.,,:'g';'';-:SJ' . as 15 li. u .17.. le Bla«ki.r 18.. U/: 14..11 16;..- ia..i«^' as • .lO.'.ia;!-' 1». 1 , i7..aai!<i B8(t). 18.. a- '■.«• U.. 6 ao..aa ai.ias aai.80 asL-aa-. a44,ai: 19 -M. • n: :.:98' aa: IB'' <mite, ■■ Mr. A. • iT 10 ■ ar • 18 so : • 10 11 r ■ 89 ■; -"SB •• ' 3»- " W(«) It'! la . "u-i e'. - •8-! ■ 4 ^ '|jct«;by"Aio«it«on."-:; :. . „ Blook. 11 to 18 a.. 8.. 8 4-.. a 6.. 8 . .6.. 4 s7-.14 8..18, 9..18 - White. 38 to 18 Black, u..aatoaB m.vs iB.;ia le.jie .18.. 8 ifi.. e 30.. 1 ai,.8i 11..10 (a)' A'more sot laid down-by any author. ao: it- .18 .SO. It aa 81 10 24 . ,V.: ■ Wtdte. Drawn. ■.31' 81 14 IS 18 34 aa SOIiVTIOIV OP FtiBinON ITo. 37—Vol. 1 3..10 «.. 7 'White. 18 to 14 BT Ai L. H. 38 38, and wins. Black. to 18. 18 ar so 27 20 ■ u SOIiOTIOH OF BTUaaBIB'^kOKd FOSITlOir. . •'.White. Blaot l..afi to. 24 aO' to 37 .4^.26 8.. 9 •23 6, and wins. 37 18 MATCH.OABISi;'' .' BETWEEN OBEEH MOtniiCAIN B07 AND ACOEPTANOB, Blaok-O. U.B. e..,8 . 11 4.. 4 ' 8 s..ia 10.. 'White—Acceptance.. :: , 2». -,1. ^ 36' ■ . . -.84. , • 30 -.2*.-. ,32 POSITION Vo. 3»-Vol. X; CMIBBBCTIONOFH.Ii'a 'BT JKO. B. JOt, Of TorkrUIe. BLAOE, POSmOK, Dedicated to U. Thbinpson.* BLAOE.' WHITE. 'White to move and win. . 'WfilTE, White to move and win. * Becelved before the original was published, but too late for insertion. BALL. PLAY. . TEE BASE BALL CONVENTION. Tho Annual Convention of tho National Association of'Base Ball playors, took place on Wednesday evening last, Dec. 10th, In the lecture room of tho MeicantUe Library AssodaHon, Astir Place, Now Tork; which .was^ocorfpled by a nnmercos assem- blage of the fraternity', including d'dogates from thlrty.two clubs. Thfr'Pitsldent, D. MlUlkon, Esq.i occupied the chair, and called the meeting to order at 8 P.M. On calling the roll,' the following dubs wore found to bo represented in the conven- tion, the n'ameB of their delegates also being given:— New 'Tons.—Enlokerbooker—Dr. Adams, W. H, Onnvelll. Gotham—Wv H. 'Van Oott, J. A. Doplgnac. Eagle-W. It. Pease, J. W. Mott. Bmnire-T. Hlller.'W. Oolyer. Baltlo^B. Elngs- land, J. UartlD. .Uetronplltan—E, H. Brown, J. P. Lacout.' Mn- tuaI-P.'8'mltb, i. MoOnmell. Independent-W. V. Byrne, W. Bteel. Henn"E4kford-Dr. Bell, H.-'Dalton. Jelfereon-J. B. Postley. B.'W. Elrbjr;' • ..•■■< BBOOKi.m—Edciord—W. A. Brown.B. EetohODi. Excdsior- Dr. Jones, J. B. Loggatt. Atlantlo-^F. R.'Bonghton, 8. A.iSmlth; Btar^J. Mitchell, T. F. Jones. Charter Oak-J..O. Oswald, T. H. Vanderhbef. 06ntliiehtal-N. B. Law, J. SUsby. Olnnnlo—L.- Feim, H. L.-Hotchklss. Besolnte—F. Cowi)erthwalte, B. 8. Oan- field. Constellation-^. L. Biqlth, J: Fosior.' Brook^^A.' RoV bins. Favoiita—0. W. .Cooper. ' Hamlltcn-0. J. B^en, E. B. Wilbur. ..J. - ' ' ■ WtBT.TO—Harlem.^, w. Thomson,'A. 'Q. Arm our.' T.^ puaenbcrry . E. H. Dawson :.^ W.'.Mfller.'. TnoT.—Victory—B, Oraen, J. Adami .. . ., PnntASELPBiA.—AthIeti6,'T. Fitzgerald, D. W. 0. .Moore. . NewOIiUss.— EeyBtone,'ot.Phlladcilphla-J.'Dufly,''F. A. Fra- zer. Enlbkerbookeri of-Albany—W. V. B. 'Wynne, 0,>Corey. My8Ho,ofIorkvUlei-O.W. Qlovolf,'W.a''Eeny;- The above three clubs Were tavoiablyu^ported on Ihy the. committee on nominations, and -wate'duly elMtM, l&to the asscP elation. ' ■ ■ '" . • : The election of offlcen for the ensuing year resulted in the Bbleotlori'of the following geptlomen—' '- . ' PKsldent—T. Fltzgerud, of the Athletlp; First Vice President W. Dawson, of the Eurefat; Second Vice Presldsnt^F. E. BoughtoD,af the Atlantio; Correspo'ndiodSeoretary—Ji W. WlUeit, of ue Eagle; Recording Secretary—J. R. .Ppslley, of the; Jeffer- son; Treasorer—E. H. Brown, of the Metropolitan. ' The President then announced tho following oopunlttees fbr the ensuing year: '/_ . ' Committee on Soles and Begnlattons—J. B, Jones, w., Canld- well, W. A. Browir, W. H. Orenelle, W. B.-BeO, T. MUler, H. J. Dusenbdrry, J. 8. Mitchell, W. H. Tan Cott Committee on 'Nomlnattons-4. McOonnell, B. Elagiland, A. J, Dupignao. ' ,'......:'?.'... ,|- The elaotlon of Prealdent'Waslptoceeded with in a manner that was highly complimentary to OoL Fltigorald,' imtaiiuoh as he waaohoeen almost by general aBOlatnatlon, there'beltig'no op- posing oandllAle. ■ . ; n 1 ■ >■ , nierewaa qoite an'interesting contest between Messn. Bomth. ton of the- Atlantlo, ohd Adams of the Hudson Blver, ifit the honor of being second Vice Preslderit, tho llrat and iwcond ballots resnltlDg In a tie vote. On', the third,' however, Mr. Bou&ton was chosen. ... Messrs. Brown and Poatley were r»eIeoted, and ■ vot; of thanks passed to thl retiring oSeers^ A oommnnloatlon, from the-Empire dub was reeelved. In leferenoe to oertaln.octloti taken by the Mutoal (dub. This was -refknedto a special committee composed of Messis.'Broim, Dr. Jones, and Mott, their action to be decisive Ih the oaae. < - Dr;-Jones briefly mU«'allusion ito the death of Orelghton, and paid • hlghMbnte to hi*- mimoryrln doing which, he •vaBed hlmsdi'of 'the opportunity to correct a mis-statement that has fbnnd Its way into print in reference to his death being oaused bylnjnrles sustained in a tMse ball miktoh.. This, he said, was act so: the Injury he reeelved in a cricket mateh. ' Mt. Brovni,'ai .the EaUcrd dub, moved that a'comnilttse be araototad to draft a series of rescluUons of condolence mvn his ttmily,and also to express ^le sepseof the convention Inxe- audio the loss the ball playing community had suitaloedln nlsdeath. The Presldenc aflerwords read a paper alluding to the oooldeital death of theoatoherot tho Henry BOhfoiddlub,' a. V. Holt, who was ahot while on picket duty in Virginia, while tttaohed to the ISth Begb of Brooklyn. In the' ootirso of the evening, a paper containing ngtMloBS made In reference to sundry amenoments to the rules that had been prcpe*«d,was read. These suagestlons had previously been endoised by the oouunltleo't put on aocbuni of there having bees no meeting of the same, no ottolal action could be taken upon the eommnnleatlon. It waa read, however, and will be vraofioally carried out next leaaon. The omeadmants suggested ware as followa, and as th«y were approved by the oommittee, we presume they will be prsetteolly oonled out nest season, ]uat as If they bod been embodied tai the played in.flfteen gamas with clubs Ot-olheJclil^, theyhare. wonflve and- lost ton. Thoso thoywon were, one ngahist a picked .nlne'ot the'.aothatn, Eagle, and Knickerbocker dubs, of New TOrk; three sgalnstplchcd qines of the Atlantic,'Enterprise, Exercise, and Star etnba of-Brooklyn, ,andon« against the Mutual olnb of NewTorkj those they lost being ttolr matches with the'players of tho two Newark dubs, ttose^wUh the dubs of the Western and Eastern Dlstriotsof Brooklyn—Atlantic,. Excelsior, Enterprise, BUrc ohtt Werdsoj 9? oi" kud, and 'Eokford, Besolnte, and OonsteUationon. the other-two with the Mutual olub, and three clnb.ganlos and •"».w»5|8'°"''«* nine match with the Eckfordsj the O^ympio Sc.rl'"*'''' "Oh 'Winning k oamb of each other, oind-ths. AtbteUo a match with tho Mutual, the Olympics being defeated In their game with the same olub. . . . The above series of. games, take them allr together, wore the beet series of contests tho PhlUdelphiontf were ever engaged In, and the genarol roenlti though against tUam as tia as tho numl>er of games won and lost is concerned,'reflects great credit on their ability, and/skill in a practical .knowledge' of the game. Comparing their phiy in the game with the Newark clubs in June last with' tboie. played with the Eckford In October, a deddedlmprovoment can be shown to have been thercsulfof their several contests wlthlTew Tork and Brooklyn players, and next season wo have db doubt they will give their now triumjuiant, adversaries of the Empire State, a different story to relate', or else we much mistake their en()rgy and pluck. We trust the games played between tht above- dubs will lead to a series of annual contests-between the two. oltles, or three rather. We onght to have h match vlfew Tork vs. Thlladelpbla," with return gamas,'and also the same between Brooklyn audPblla. ddphlA exdnslve of'thi'odntasia'between dub and olub of those of the three dtles. If thlsoannot be done, let the cham- pion clubs of the dUes of New York, Brooklyn, and Philadelphia, contend^ masteiy; .As isomothlngof the kind will as- suredly take place next seaMn,. we hope the. clubs of the cities nomid will make all due preparation for the some. > Independent of the Interest that such Mntests wbnld keiBt> up In our natiosal gome, these matches would .promote great good feeling and lljendslilp.between thebaBplayers of the two States, as their intercouno this season. sAtlmolorily proves. Bdow are the aversgesrsfgnedto: 9 • bataig tfr 55Snfi'"wsfl».^ * .t!«*tt.yprt teir owonenta mi. ^^NlM innings yieti played'.te but two uktohu iataTthi six '^IjjjOT^fr game play ja- <ioonp^^ four hotttji'and.tfc ehoit- Their first matdi.wa^ played June 38. and thlkir itMOolober 1& ' Omma, vs FnonlrtEBAA mabs^ gams of b4ae bin wu nlavea on3niah]pglvhigD»y,,betweto'tho abbvo naned'lafiior cluta oa theBto Avenue.Oround, wJUoh-resultod InWlher vlctorw for the crystals, as to sco^o,wm slipW^;r^^ •• '• OBTBTAL. BATTINa. Wslsh, o.,.. s Heffero, p i Qulalan, Istb 3 PB«Uey,2d b a B.L. Bims, Onrrea, Sdb.... Olaisey, s s.. Bums, rf... JB«lley,lf.. ...4 ..a ..a ..3 Total. .28 Wnk?y,o., aonnor,.p. PBoylap. l?t.b FBONIIEll,.. iw> sum ..>;} 3 .>i.C >« Donnelly, 33 b.:..,...8 Fitzgerald, Sd b 8 Nicholas, Bs 1 Frost; rf..'.'::. ....:.'.8 Eeeley, If 8 MBoylan,of..........a Total D » 1 1 % 1 I 3 .ii Cmplrer-M.OaIlfghdB,orthBNavTB. . - ' B^orpr for thoErontiers, W. Martin; fortheOrystals, J. BodUb. 34 .-'4 Anapooh .... 8 Ashmud,... 3 Bom(Bliler,T.10 |20' Bomelsler, 0. 7 20 Berkenstock. 8 .18 Croasdale. .. 8 23 Fra2er.-...-.i 3 7. QoskUl. S 12 Gratz.'. a 6 8-0, 2- 0 a-8 a-8 3- 0 Hayhurst Johnson . . EUne Euen Longhery. UcBrldo.. Moore McCauIey. Pratt Paul.. .. 9 .. 3 ..10 9 Frendergast. 3 Blchords. Smith, I... fmith, U.. Stevens WllUns. .. Wood Warner., i. 14 37 8 8 18 14 24 10 38 33 6. .18 10. 10 8 . 34. 14 3-7 18 3-1 8 3-a< 9 2-1 2-4 8-3 a-a 2- 2 3- 4 2-2 2-6 8-1 2-S 2- 6r-19 3- 1 1 8-ar.9 8^3.10 2- 3 S 3- 0 3 2- 0 21 3- 4 8 3-0 4' 3-a 1- 0 3- 3 2- 1 2-3 2-2. 4- 0 1- 4 ari. 2- 0 1- 7 ' 2- 2 1-3 3^ 3- 4 1- 8 ;l-0 2- S a-u jn-a- .1-4 2-:9 1-1 1-0 "iri W. 1-1 ;.7- <a 6 8. .7, 7 4 4 .8 8 .6 3 8 iS 6 -a 0 0 0 »0 1 1 0 .,0 1 0 .0 0 , 0- 0 ,4 . 1 a 1 ■ 1-. 1. V:, 0 0,. 1 1 1 a 0 1 9 3. 9 1 9 0 : .'3 I t a : 0 ' .3., 1 3 Ji .1-' 3 1 ; 8 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0" 0 ! 1' 1 0 iS ' 0 0 1' 0 ■ I 0 From the above it appears that of thoso iriio have played in flveinatdiea and over, Pratt takes the Ioad,'MoBrtdo hdng second, and Louaheiy third, tho latter.gettlng two oloor'scores in his av- erage. Frozer hais a good-^-ln' one sense tbo best—average, bot he only played In two gameis. Bomelsler and Wllklns, too, make agood show. Next season wa shall probably have better data to Judge by, and a different result will be shou n. AVEBAGES .Aab SxiTIStlCS or IBE ENIOEEBBOCSEP BlSE BALI. OiuB, of Albany:— " ' . .rf Bush..:.. Bantbam. Corey.'..'. DeWltti.. Gardner:. Hart..... Lathrop..: Olcott .... Paikd.... .Wassoni., Wlnne The second was to substitute the words "touch." "touched," and "touching," for "made;" "okihe," and "making," In rules 17.18,19. and 31, in order that it ahonid be plainly nnderatood that the bises must be tauAei. .The third wss io Introdace the words, "and shall remain noon them," alter the words, "ana ahall return to thetn,"tn oi^erthat players rnnnlog bases oa foul balls, shall not be allowed to move off their hues after Mtorningto (hem, until tho baUls sotUed in the bands of the Sltoher, aa they do in oases of fly-catohea, when thay are entitled > lBkve the base they have returned, to the popient they tonoh lt,'proTld6d it is BO touched after the baU has been caught TUt every m^h next season will bo pl«y,'!**'*¥I^'*iii*ftl'* aniondmSs, wo hAvo no dOttbf,.fiut Itwould had they Jeen brought to the notice of the oQnuaitteo in time to bav« ajiled upon In .Convention. The A'vebaobs or thb PmLODELPBia Olvbs.— 'We give below r„ . Brpoklin, ...J seaMBt iHUudtog, also, thejhro Aatojes Atiiletto wd Olynpw «lnhh ThoRUtaUI. S-0 .i G 4-0 8 4-8 10 .4^ d '4.^ 6 341 ■ a s-0 19 '4-1 no .V-V. 8 4-0 . 7 8-8 8 4-1 8 ^V-;t» Q ^ Ai>pin:9iuii STAzisncal—The flnt n^e of the ■.•Knlcbt" jTave' layed -ten'club matches,- 'Ave-of which havd been vrith other clubs, and,the other'flve'wore the'ihtaresilng series of matches- b«tween,tbd'bimed.'ah4 tdnglo ainas.' Of Ibe five gamBs -with other dtibB,'iUelB.wimwon'andtwo lost: 'The games wdn<were fwowlfitthe Vtet6fJraioh«fXroy,and one.wlththe Utioa.CInb, Xitlca^.^e gtiinWiaH''bting^onewlth eajhof,the above.hamed dubs. ^^.^■.'.■' ' ■ ■.■^^-.■3^ -;-..y:- -'..^-<.^ -- . ; ,. . The total DumbOT of'Uhings played .I9 the 6 niatches was 43, and the total number of runs 193, glvidg on average or.4 teas taminga, with 31 oVei', or 88 to a'match with 9'ovor. The total number of runffby their opponents to same innings was I|8,-oc 28 to a match, with 3 over. ' i Of the Inntoga pLiyed, there were two to which no runs were made;'thelr opponents betogcharged-with9 to the same innings. The hlnhest score mode to one tontogs was 16, and in a match 74: the hiibeat scores of their opponents, rcsp^Uvdy, 14 and 43., Double figures were scored In stogie tontogs 6 times, their op-' ponents doing the same 3 times. The number of paasM balls to the above games was B9. to IS OB thepartof thdropponentSi . . . The total numboJr oifBy catcher made-wos 73ngalnBt 18 missed. In the above S matches,' the '"Enlcks" were put'outonfoul' bolls 19 times, and their c^oiionls 87. ' The shortest game played occupied 3 hours and 45 mtontes— the longest, 4 hours and 3{ mtootes. .:. Tfaefintmatbh wasplayed qn June's;'the last Nov. 6. : ExosisioB Olxib.— The following are ittie average scores of the members of tlito dub who ha-f e tucen part to flnt-nUe matohes durtog 1868;— ■ ■ imiT, nAiraxms, and thinqb iH<Bwoi.AJf0, WaiREE EXraiSSLT rOB IBE DEW TOBiE OUFIO. ■ ; BX OUB CABIN BOX. IfBW BBBlES—NVtlBBB •tHin^BEtf. NEW AOQTTAINTANCES—OONOEBI^O ADAE I MENSSir^ ALljlOSr A MDSP—TEE PBINCE OF WAliES ^i^BEATBE. ' Clayton Square is one of tho snuggest Utile sqaates' i ever tsw^ It to but two mtontes' walk from BL John's market; and no fur^^ thor firoin ti^e. Boyal Amphltheatra, On one side ore tho)(eptnn» and N9W BronaTiok hotels; on tbe other, Alex,- Benderaon'e theatre, the Prince of Walas. A yopng fellow nomed-ftnersoDr onaoftheBtimsey sodNawcombe troupe, wis with mowhlle ex- plortog this part of the town, and meeting Fred Uoy^ a lively actor up for a ben. at the Colosseum, I was totroduced to"hU. nlbhs, Fred Lloyd," as the mtostrd said. As a matter of course., ws an got talktog about the thefitrea and actors of America, and as lju» very morning a column of natter was devoted to • biography-of Adah Isaacs Menke]! to the Liverpool Jfcmaw, Windtog np -with an edltorld to tho.nffeot that she -was eipeqted soon to moke her ddm/, we got into on argumont about that. I nilgbthavelKen.alittlo too entouslastto, for.-they wouldn't be- lieve half what I said conoemto'g her appearance to an nndres*'^ Tartar costume as Mazeppa, being, lashed to a fiery young horse., and daahtogpellmell op. and down the.fqns of ouflerdiag' theatres.' fOh, yon get out I" spat, out Emeiwiii. '•niat be d—^1" says my now aoquaintan'co, Fred Lloyd.' These wera- Sredsaly the terms used, showing that even old stsgsrswon'tbe> eve any woman ever dare come that stroke, . W(th me, "sedn'a. bellevto'." I've gone one eye on the BhowmysoKand know what I'm talktog about. Why, Lloyd nud I olmostr g<^ Into • miff about It; and,' tuilt' to earnest, half in fOn, Bmeri^h tried t» get us down toPrlneo's Dock to fignt It out, but aa Pted'a boneflt came off that night; he didn't cere to bo thrashed Jof^ at that, partlcnlar'^e,,.(I really theught^I could beat him, 'Captato^ having taken severlal glasses of sodo-and-gto, and. Qius got my coiuagd to tho sUcktog-potot.) Tho only thtog that prevented a sorimmago was Emersonb proposltiqn to adjourn inunhe Nsp> tune. Slid disonss the rnauer 'there, which we dld.'all hanoa erentoolly eomtog to the condualon that, should A.L M. H., or Mrs. Heenon, as thepe'opjehero toslstnponeallto^er,evercoma to' Bbgland and perform (hat character, she'd- sec MK Jhe pe>. ' pla crazy; the Dundreary excitement would be notolSg to com- parison; Fechter couldn't hold a candle to the now sensation: Blondto would have te aucUon'hls ropcand nolo to the hlghesi bidder; Leotard's "leap fbr life" (orfor 1600. aweek^woiudb* more proper), and all the sensations of the day would be im- mediately aqudched when. Adah .L Menken appears in that Tartar undress, "those eyes,'.' and a' that, to doMazeppo. There'* a Bpl9ndld fortune made here by."UaEeppa'' with a lady rider, no matter who goto the start, but particularly to to the- Instance .died, from the popularity and uma whlerhava pre* «dedher to connection -with John 0. Heenan. ..Then, let her come, say I, while the exdtoment to at its highest, "come wher* the nightingale stogs," (how's that, Oaptato 7) where there's n» postage stamps except oh letters, no look of roast beef, or any- thtok else, if one has the bullion to pay for It. Talk about thv h-nndreds.of thousanda making a pilgrimage to seethel«dy- Qodlvaproceoslonat Coventry—it atnt nothln' to whatU-would. be lfHIssMozeppawere'here. 'Whewt Frank, lihtoklsea'em wlthithelr torgnettes roachtog'way over toe sides of the boxes to see her Uttogolona at a four-mtoute gdt np towards the tap. of the theatre, xhare'll'bo a demand for open-glasses fhm boysw and' It wouldn^ be a bad Idea to start a lorgnette shop lights next the theatre; if r^obody heads me off, guess Tm gotog to do It, so don'tbe surprised if you get a big order tit spy glasse» next year. .Howarayou, Mazeppaf Awolto ago I apoke about Alex. Hendar8on'.s toeatre.'^dldn't I ? Well, that. theatre to .one.of .the hattieat, prettiest, andcodest llttto temples in the ^ town. In the entrance-hall {ire several portraito of acton and actresses, todudlng John Brougham,-toa-. tb>i«m.aisten, and others.. Mr. Henderson eipcoto^to be able - these days OS hIs-TihBal!:;:£iitbvUiw>-Mankan!s ' * itheatre,.the .enterpilstog. manogerhar-a bbe. ~ Srtodpls, and makes out tip-top. Icaaui^ys UFFEBheie. Mr.!Phelps .oud iMiss MarU leading arUato at prwevt. |et a peep at 'ipwh ue t^- .7 «.'-v' 11 i Bralnard A.. BroinordH.. Broinord L,-. B^stwlok.... Ordghton .. Cook Oole Flanly Ferguson ... Jerome Leggett Masten...;.. MoEeade... Peamsl...... Polhentos... Bnssdl 'WhiUngO... Tonng, 3-0 3-0 1-1 3-0 0-0 a-8 7- 0 3-a 8-0 3-0 3-1 3-1 3-0 ft^a 8-0 3-4 '94) •-0' ■ST i-« •-0 «-0 4-3' I-l (M) 9-1 9-0 I-« 3-1 0- 0 1- 0 5-l »-l 9-S 0-0 9-4 I. 0 ."B: 8 8 0 4 9 1 5 } < -•. .5. 0 s as 9 4 1 8: 9- 9 9 '.»'■ 1' 4 9 8 a a .9 ■8'. 1 Annmc^aii SiAiDitos.—The Excelsior dnb have placed to six fir«t.ntoe matoVes, 0^ wMohtUey W^n four, lost c'ae, and one wu drawn: ihe dubs they debated beto'g the' Charter Oat, Baw- goto. Til Hounloto and-I|0weU, and Union; the game they lost etog the first ode with the Union, and the drawn game betog that itlth toe BiaroMb, The total number of Inntogs bUyed to the above gamss wss 41. -id the total numbeir bf runs obtdned 133; glylng. ah average of a runs to an inntoga, with 88 oveh or 30 to a match -with 3 ever; Uke totd runb scored by their opponento Ut the same gamea bv ihg78, ahaveragoofona to aa'uinlngakad '80 ovft,'or 19'to'a match. J' ■Of the inntoga played/thete ^ere B to which no null were made, giving ah average of one to en Uillnga with 8 ovtf, toere bdng n chafged to their «ipponahts.^ ..^ 1^. t J The greatest number of Innings to amatdt'tolrhlofa no rtiia Were mada'waa i, tU number on the part Of their opponents were two toatohsi to ;«Udh niu ^i^:'Dade U every '"o^ie flffuie^ were tftf6i«d to'Bh4lB''tonl]igi in one toititi,< nouBbdiif acoredbytotooBbo^ Thehlgnest score oblatoed>toa.atogIe tontogf wasl8,:and,to OIHEB ZEBOMBS-^A 1)10 IT 'IEE' "SITPEBB," mXE.BOHl WHOU> .-: ■ - ■: . (sohb^adviob;'. ■ - '■:'■'■ >!'I The Theatre Boyd, to Williamson Square, li ihe Udeai 4M> - inatto tempto of UverpooL. It U of bnok, but toe'ftodt Is e<:^— etmcted of stone. The bulldtog Was opened to 17T3,>'4ad orlotoi' silly tost about |30,000. When >fnll,'the receipts Ore eausl to 91B00. Professor Anderson, Jr., to oporsttog hers to tolf hosset,. andto sdd to-beftallyeqndto- hla.fathor,the<}roatWtoardor the North, as he used to bo "blllad" when perfonatog at ooe ct the Broadwoiy thsaties, New york. In Christian street, leUngton, whlch branohea-off Lime stneV there to a very snug and commodious little toeatre/qilled th» "Addphl," where the admladon to low to price, but toe qnaUtr ■- jhaiaoter. "MlssBotb' herelaNoven- Madame Odeato'» funous Bensatlch piece,) "Ihe Flowers of the Forest," and "Tha- Boony Fish Wlfe.*^.. On the 38th November, a paityotsnpeis, or amatourB, tendered a complImenUry benefit to Manager Branson, when they made ajegularbotoh of It, these young swells stoltos. thsmsdves the "Qarrlck Club,"and got yelled at andhlsasd Ilk» sixty. I wonder, at Mr. Branson's pennltttog them on the itag*' stall.' Theonlytt4ngthatradeemedtheshowwamthemaasger1r reading, wltomuch akiU and feeltog, an address prepared ex- pKSslyfor the occasion, On the SgthNov,, onolher orowdof nullls, misnamed th^ "Thespian 0nb," tried to pUy, but were a» bad as toe otoeis, and had scarcely a ooipbrd's gnoird' to listen,, dtoongh any quantity of dead-head tiqkota were Issued. Thosa- feUows onght to take Icasons ttom the Chevalier, or Jack Wdteis^ of amatour renown to'yonr otrn dty.' Even I myself cOnU leant. , 'em polnto, "unacouBtomed as I am to pnbllo. spoaktog." But,, hcneally, between oursdves, dear readers (soft eoap toget vonto- cotodde wilhwhat'e gotog to follow—"we're up to your do^gM^'^ somaoftoeroughs'mag " to beoome ptoy actors, < the eoflbe and cake sum . candid oonvictton. If toey want to improve theto lungs, h«re'» every oppbrtnnlty, without maUng damphools of toemsdves. Wlthwhatgustocouldtoeynotholler, "Pickled Featrt'TMltel"- "Plato o'Beanil" "Fried Llverl" and all those' arlatoarati» dlohes so familiar to every New. Tork boy; IH bet yer. Thta the gal».^how much bettor toey'd look, if, instead of Imagining- themsdves Madame Bechela ^ot toe tico and breast enameler bf Bond ataeet, London,) or Bletoito, toey wereto-bnt. I ato't to go baa on the gils, nohow yon can fix It; so yeuH ivTto form your own optolons as to what Oi6r prqpes inhere to. AtthecomerofSchoof-lanoandParodlse-stieet is th« OoUos- seom, a commodious theatre, conneotod wlto extendve vpne and spirit vaults.. Mens, Dnsonl, his talon ted pupils and hto blSUy-. trained moaUcs, are gotog torough their manasuTres at ^hlB house. Fred Uoyd and wife (ahe's another boau^, too,) while they waia - her^ created qutto a/uroretoblood-and-thundor dramas of thiU- Itogandtotensototeiest, of toe Simultaneous Oobborder of meni. •IhWii Just as fond here of heavy tiagedleSjStoge vHIatos, and plltog on the agony, as any trenuenlar of toe Chatham Pit to Eli>> - by'Bdays. Xou ought to send Nnnan out, ' ^ In addition to tho Boyd Amphltooatre. Theabe Boyd, Prtooa. ofWdes, Addphl, and Colosseum, arc wo smallar"afla!n>.to* aon, wlto Addle COHwil, SIg. NappL an.<lT. J. HaUi.M: and M. jiSas Hall, wito tho^temaUonal l*oabadiSnf'J«lotirien» neoro mtoUreU, moke Liverpool not sneh a dull li'^,*5!:JS!r mien, to those fond of droue shows, there ,y»Jff"aLm toe Great Wdlett, QnoenW lostor, eto„ tad Ben's mf^^^' Any town toot can support tiA) <>Ik\ibu it m^^^f^^^FX . tovdepend. New .Vork ilsoU can hardlyBoUutiwftcani" ri5ghfto on and blow about the twoptooy 'SS'^l^^u^^. J^aSck/ but what's thb use? t '<ZJ?a7a!^i^ stanSmel/'toe'reelafiiflBktod''(that take Uis^^^ oSpeb) betogaU'lShedtrki »» "^^.jiiaMd^tS*. Uke a b«U[ seat: iv"Abafl toe Mnnado, ttta|anil wa--fl qmoa about Itl'/i -.J /lit- il-.. ■■.B,\f exoomnonleated by a buu. ary,a£nr 'omoot .uUmt : "he .wm. .. s vl^.'i