New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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,.'1. AMERICAN SPORTING ANI> - tHIlATfla JO^ftljJDi NEW TOBK, SAUVBLAY; JANU^T 8,; 1863. itiaa ova jaoi<HBR.' poOtoWlidy.iotJiMMldo-' -ger ehUdran oie gnws, ind ber irork la dona;. iryne, In their BetVloeberlooka turned gny, - ' ■ ■■ .gut ilioTeh<f»?r»T,Tinimight, alone. ~' ' Ohaher»home,ftrdiio»noy*a mIcv . • • . ■ In tome baok loom, tii om of the way, - : - > ' inieiebartremTdoii>Tolb<CHniotbabeard-<- Italgbt obeok jroni mirih whanfOQ vooU ba mr. ~ ' StdTt to forget bov alia toiled (or jvn, . ' ^d cradled roaoflbn bar loTtDfbieaat— , T«id jroa atorles and Jotnad jovwf,' • ■ Hinr an bonr wban ibja needed test ' I" , . ■ I , -. .. ' Ho natter for thit—bnddle bar off; ' loariHendamlabtwInde atbtrwlttrJeat; Ae la too "Bl*! fuibloned," and apeaka vao plain"— ' (let her ont of tbe 'Ml of the oomlag gntat Once 7oa valned her oheerfnl toIso, - SerbaartjiluuIiandbar merrTaong; - '; Bui to "eara tralite" tber |ue qolte toolond— : ' Her Jokaa too ahaip, hei talea too long. go, poor old Jad;, bnitle her offr^ In her oheerleas toom let her alt alone; ghemnet not iaeet with Tonr gneali'to-nlflbt, ' . For her clilUroni ua grown and her work la den*. .•qgS FtJGILISIS ABS THE riBElLLE; , ^ •:oi». , HBW TOBK AS IT WAS. itgtf OB or BUI iCT Avoaa ths fahot. ./ • .'Br jifl- d POPE. OSUSTBB X. ui(.aiit|uqft' And Axdt buoz— pi'inra ros oim's own Btufurr—;rHB Lornnr TioxeF-^iin>T aiTTKa' Ets koi. lOM.^'Biii, Him^s •L<^as^^-D■aa^i tiiuim g m u m —las mUII-MD'OLITSB DAiaOn~i: lUBFBISE-TaZ nBBUin'a nis-tusure' oabet's— vnAirtt imd thx "looik" buvtt -Mian— THB rtix or tfH;ai^-tHB knir at wou— CUR DRZOTXD FXBDta TBE Bmj>BCg—THB'Bni'nEB OBAH* IB lilD TBB HABES TSCiLZ—SOmCB vs. lUTDBB—A tuimig snaimEas— suiuYam ik a WBEsnjiro icatce—a BUB BLOW—TBBBIBLa DZtlOnBKSNI. Ur ta^ morning, Fiaflk Clerhaon paid a brief Tiait to bla Mur, Andy'Slack, ben^th the floor of hla engine honae, ^liii juA that bolll£iir«nteentleniiinconflnM. Beeeivlng isitaiengor fMm BolllTtn, that morning, of thkpie- ' Tlilt to Madame Oapet'a bagnio, and aaUng bin . to ' In, In Ita demoUtloo, aaa prelude to the niter onnl- \vl^vsi!f^!t^^ii^\^iii^itt»sik. eitaayad to bV^^bT Ohrto.linin»dUteirg|Vn>«dthe battle'raoneronthe evldasoA addaoed in the lemr to thB'tefere^ written'by OUfford; hni Blaka aet forth the fkett of the oaae u preTffinaly laid before the' readaTh' and Ohrta. poaaeiaed not the (qpl-batdlnesa or effrontory to deny the-Ahatgea.Wheienpon the atikos were awar4od to Hoteton.. Samion.dlggiiBtedandore«t-&Uen on tiie dlaoorety of behig made a tool of It Ollffprd, retired, tild waa farerer ban- lahed from the aoelo^ of all tine aportlng men. - ' ' It la proper bete to remark that Ulaa Hetile, who was dla* charged Dy the orer senutlTe police oaptoln on theatrength of a preaentatton of HetHe's offering, that ooat bar nothing,'rerealed to Blake the partlonlan of 011ibrd> Tlalt to the police;. and her evldeneewaa. anbstontlated bythe record of her aneat, at,the Btatlon honae, which wai exhibited to the referee by,an obliging ofBolal, who was "In" with the boys. ' ' The reader can Imagine the aceos thatfolbwed oil the deolalos of the referee being made known to the'frlenda of Uoteton; enf. lice ft (or ns to atate^eTcrybody woa on the looB^and mbiley flew aboat aa If there wai tone of It In atore, "and more, too." - 'When the bar waa pretty weU cleared of the gay throng, Bloka retired to a distant port of the room, to hold a fbw minutes eon. Teraatlen wl(b Olerkson. Besting themselTes at a amall table, Blake said':— "There Is only on« thing ilow that I bare io'see 'tnm np." r «Whai'' <hatl" qnerledFrank, oalllng to^ tote dong ViThBf ^Igt Uoieton l06> at the conrse a tiw i/«eU ago—IrOti teffieitoMr}" _ ' ' ■ T - . ,«X}lat11tt)(Aiip aooaer than yon expeat,"repll«dlrank.lights Inyhlaanleker: "IHbetahstonlt,"headdsd. ' ' • _/my,^do yon know anything of UJ" enquired a tolca at Frnu aback* . . ••UlgUaaUy,'/ answered ^99k,wlthont see the speaker.". . ' - ■ . - . ■ ■ ■ "That la fortnnai^" the apeaker rejoined. "How do yM do, Ur. Blake?" '■How «re yon,'Bolton t" " . f "Diltonl"eiolalmed aierksoB,'Jnmplng from hia seat. . 'OTea—Mr. DUton, Of Boston, my friend," aald Blake,. tUtto^ Hxutni (btt aentlenun to Frank. "Join ns." added Hoit, ind Baltoa aealedblmsolf with the two ohnms. "Mr. Dolton," lald Frank, addreaalng thattndlTldnal In a]6ml- llarway, 'I think! bare got a pleasant aniprlae for yon,*' oqd ^ank expoaed the wallet he procured from Andy Buok td bla "Ibli Is Indeed an agreeable BTirprlie,".ratnzned l>alton,'taklng the article from Frank. "I loet this In a fight with two' mfllona the other night Sow did yon come by lt->-bow did yon know It waa mine l'*^ "Ob! IcanreadwrltUg,can'tI? In It" :■ ■.■ "Tea, that'a a tict," remarked Dalton, looking oyer the eon. tents caretDUy, "ind, by/ore, here's the lottarytlcketl prized gomnoh." ■■ , ' "Let me aeel" exclaimed Blake; "88801 Tniy,that Is the property of Jack Uoreton. Olve It to me." - f'Beg yonr pardon, Hr. Blake; bnt I poaAas a better right to hold 11^" and be wblaperedin UarkM ear aMnethlng that caused him to tnnifale. ' "Oon It be ilcaalble that—" gasped ^lark.looklog 'at the . man aa if itniok "dead," aocordlng at Oe^kson's way of tapfeaslsg amazemtnt •^Breathe It not bete—keep the information as a aeoret ontll i ord^rotherwtae." . 'i Frank was perplexM at ibtf two men "akglng domb" to him, and treated them both with ajook of anzlaua enquiry. . "Can't I be conntedlnf" heoaked, appearing offended «t their wantofconfldeaoelnhim. "What's np now?'' Sallon exchanged a glance wlthBlake, who signified by a wink that ttie aecret wonld be safe with Frank; whereupon the iafior. niatlon was Imparted to the greedy ear* of (be fireman. "Whatl" he ahonted, springing from Ma s^t "Bay thai again." . Ur. Dalton motioned for blm to be aOent, hut Frank was too ImpnlslTe to be checked. "Say tbatogsln. Jaok Uonjton'a—" "HeaTens, air, do not go ont of your bead.' It U as laay.". "Say, Uoreton I" Jack waa at the door eAd of'the bar-room ohattlD-a with Big Hike. "Herel" .- . "Von are not oolng to (all him of Itl" demanded Blake, "con. irary to Ur. Paiton's wiah ?" "Narytlqie. ' Here, Jack, have a dHnk with oa." 'When the, drinks were prepared, Ftonk gareatoaat that was understood by all but Jack, who eren failed to give It more thou a pisalna notloe.. "Well, frlends.V sold Frojik, '.'herB's that when pirtr ">'' y^ ^j ^ P !'^'*^ ^ 'SobV-loddn'/'roosUlr,' aItii;if«r,,'now.t','fiMld the iMtelSe (U'Ti» app'oared ■- " '-i— - — befolre .Andy,'-smoking • xlgar. Btn know w&nt we're going to do with jou,- Anar? I plug to Keep you chained down here for a ihonth; |{ll,oi jetblng but the wdnt of olr, and treat yon to sot Ituff for drink, with cobweb hash to top off with; iMen yon to a Ump-poat on the walk, in ftonl of the eu- ibnie; turn the Orotcu on to you, thrdogh the hose, and miraelandlng; thit'a what our folks are going to do ?rlth I BiillT,alj|t It?" and Frank, aeelngairatprotradlngltahead ikole In the wall, ejected a coplcna atream of tobacco Jnlce betwtm his teeth, causing the rat to retreat, soreamlng 'I reugh," replied Andy. ' on the rat?." .j'onmo." ^\ Didn't that ntacoot thought" - "I*" . ". . . TiO, tht^'a the way yon'll loi>Te after the boys are done with ^aadjnank emllod. "Say, Andy,''he conUnned, "lomeof ntdl.pirly can light, can't they?" Andy did not reply, wbjpoiafight, too." . I jli^ don't waylay their enendes." "^mtiyiAsdy?" Tblswtsialdby way of ohanglng tactics, "i few,''replied Andy, "Olt )cu icme grub, bliaeby, if you'ro got money to nay for it W«|^at Madame OabofssUughter house, Andy ?'^ . 7'SI'w-ewaB In your pookots.?' •nyi tmu were pinioned, and he could not. nsa them or, his SV, lemlndlng the flreman of the (ftct, Olerkaon {ook "owmapohdertai-BliedwaUet, In which, upon opening" •iSMTwedafew dollonlnsllTer; a dirty allp of printed pap wjoao docunonts "of no tsIuo to any one but the owner,'' ^S??^'^yi^^oIbnaklu^, Andy," remarked Frank; "1 h-U did you get thla "ore ticket ?" .. lh!!^7i!ol<'°'"l<>"Iott«rr ticket Andy repUed that he took ^t"Uoko," and therefore detailed to Frank the manner in S^,^«un«bylt,aieaond time. The reader 'will aurmlae ui,.JF.?W<>npoeseaBed the notei when he was attacked by ^airiSr '^■°PW0D. as narrated in a foregoing chapter. '™>einber, Andy, yon gaye mo this paper once, at the &'Jf" that the one?" ' t i^^}, It to Jack Uoreton, who lost it, with his ooat, ,^^l^r^pUienow," sald'Andy; "bntif Uoreton wanla It, be SSSiS'^ Andy, when yon can't help yourself. Now, if iWotikir.?!'''><> <>c two qneeUona iaHy.rilttyand ^t ; the Mwni.WV'.i.'^ and DlokFoxwdl, the'Ohoul,' sometimes '^rt'lffiuilfffi''^'' "Pottlng 'hlgh' blokei,' and 'ahakeiters,' "wrSSl."" after topping then*, Uodama sight more of a raaoal Jinn SS," ^iMMolon of matters, Frank, for the Informa- gjWuSi?^' to free Andy the next day. wllh the "?>^nN flghllBg-.agaliat thoflre Isddlea, he'd j2'*Bb!iS^™!*,r'^?'^.*^»P'»<>«- l'«"'>»14. '■'some of the S2?*'«Uttel?,?HA??? ?•"">. <» »<">»• other semement fie" S?^!?,^^'•» Haaty's, Bo«,-3"« «e Pros ^ ^ j valow Uquon andolgW. JVin reached there, the referee made bla appear- Ill^ »m »mXiIS;S?''*'S?B»*eon and afew frienda. ^}^»^r«S. X ■'MUe and ohansing of aeato aa Ohda entered SSjNOtafc hn??.'.'5!?'?_8 *• BnlllTan, attempted to addreaa to liniav};?« ?»" treated with mlo " ' " ^^le^nah. I look that compelled the I prepared -the.iltiiika. oath, Uokedthe body aa it feO to the floor. Bunalag; to tu open wlndott, he looked below, but .could behdld nothiag, aqd oalllng aloud to Jim. no reaponae was mode, and fewtng thai BnlUTaa;:nsklUed; he ran madJy down the stabs. " ' . Breaktns the ne)fi to FZa^r.a light anddeidy fiaahet thiondk a door leading t(i.the]b*aen(ent . - .. "Some one hM fired the'place I" exeUimed Fniik'boltliig down the auirs. iir time .to 'detect' uadome' OabatdajDljiDg a lighted candle to window curtain:> Beelng tha[S^ini-ahe atiemptM to escape to the yard, but Olerkson t>£ft4-^^'her with a grip that made the wretch fairly lory witU 'A iij'inaka, foltoMngontbehtaU of Frank, instantly toTAdowse^L^' ' and with bis feet extinguished the flam<). - . 7^<i. ~'anutf-^whoat., :Ycn shenleTll," ^tSi Frank, addresalng the W( lemptod to "nail" hlm,'"you are caught In an a«t th«I VIU 'Send yonhlghor'na balloon, sore." ' '•' " -.jiu,;.' ..■ The guilty wcmap:stniggled with'all heratrengai. ta tctrlcate beraeir frpm-fhefirepian's ((raap,but ebemight. at;>rwl have- strugglea agalnat a hannman'a nooSe'entwining her ne^ so firm was ths'Slnitoh of OlerBon. . ..'.'Oopui^osg with me," he addedi,'.'bring thogHmmer. along, Uark; Vfta old bag of feathers bos bod. some deTlilah motlTC 1b' -startln'a- Uaz'e bete.' Kow, donr scratch, my Jail d;Iaken— 'twon't do ^on any good," and he-bbndled*her up. stairs. By the aid ef the candle, Uark dlsooirered the metre, and re- lighting the gaa, Flrank prooeeded'tvlihid Uadama's arms with, her apron, oa a temporary maana of aecuilng her. ' At'Uie door of the ball a girl 'was 'found, apparently lifeless.' It waa. Flank's would-be oasaaatn, the 'fbeadfy in gogslea." aa hadnbbed her. Oalllng In the pplloe, Uadsme was femored: orom the premi^, and In leas thiux' t w eiity mlnutas ah^ dlscoT-' ered herself kn^ln'hate of a cell in the aUUon'house, with Frank'sboauty as the next door neighbor, the former to await a charge of aaon.- ... Examining the premiiea,'Frank aocompinled the peUee np stairs, and as they entered the "ailrer chamber," a eight waa ptoaented to ilew tbat'oau(«atherh to abrlnk back Ih'h'ohbr. Abaaatifu famatt/'saked, lay before them, bound b^da'anll feet to theiinlbmili'conttleanoe already deserlbed; amd a dagger burled deep'ln her bosom."... .,ii,->".: - ^ Frank was the first to recoTer from' the shock of aubh an)e$- tacls, and promptod by a sense of delicacy, covered the fair arm with Ills ooat Life i^as not extUct;' And at the suggestlan of one of the ofBoero preieht, the weapon was allowed to remain In the wound U haf made, until a surtfMp could be caUsd In, who, whed ha examlivd the patient, pronounced death inevitable, shonldil^ instrument be withdrawn or allowed toxemAln, asa hemorrhige would enabe in' the fontaer case; tind mormlcatlon in the latterj and as science had its limits, like everything else,> There's your name .Mttenf he could hot save tbe vital epark. Frank, who considered there'might exists chance of easing the girl's life, said: "Science is one thing, and' Hatute is' another."-1. "Tes,'/^Ued the surgeon. ■ ' ,> . "Well, K Selenoe can't save this 'ere girl, solenoe should aaslst Nsture.' KoW, Mature can't do anything with that'sre thlnft. rtoUn'lntothe-wtwian." '• ' • ■ • " * "Fiaetly ao,"retumed the medical dlidple, "bnt If we extract the knife, a blaed^pg Internally will: follow,'and retard or check the healing (Cottons of Matni«," "Just a«,"respAnded <iis'flraDan,'dateni;ihi«d to force bla! peculiar' jdaiB on the'anbject "If aolence aajs that .to draw that dagger fiMdeatb, and Matbre says she'll try and .heal npihe' wound' u sounco'aeststi, I don't see hq# yon could lend a bud better tban'to'dnnr the steel; It's dsath'snre/tiertaiii, it Iblenoe allowaltto stick Ctore." ."''■,' ,.' . . The.sorgeMianmed at Frank's Md-reasoiilng, and ^ccceptlng the proposition, extricated the weapon;'^elnolnt of Vfhlch WBS foUoweo'bya gtiah of the orlmaon enxir ofllft, w)iIoh;'givlnj{ .an impulse to euspended animation,'the. woun4e4 creature, 'emitted a painful sigh, and opening her,'bye>,.but momentarUy,' went off Into a swoon. Hie wound was not moMoL Qpder the, direcUoMf the surgeon, the pi^a)wn wemon was oonveyed^ to < a bedinanothefaqpuiment, and properly, cared'for. ■' . . ' "TbiS 'Ss a damnable place,"- remorkeil one of t£e oOoers to FAjtk,ac.they stood in the mirrored obainber. .> - "Yes,;* drawled ont Frank. "Iiel'a wbaah thioga;" and &a abattered' one of the costly mlrrora by. aUok—he wore heavy flreboiito;- ■ • . • • "Don'tdo tbat,'*.interposed the policeman. "Hey?'.' grlod Ftank, driving his pooto thi^nuh another miner. "This must not be," put in the officer. -tThla costly ware can be put to A better use." . . . ' . ■ "H0WS9?" . '. . • . -,.'. . .' ■ ''Tbesh^rUlwiUselzethem, andallpKsomethl^gtothepeor 'dtlWBfcSind'Bare.''.'.' ' ' • :l.'' •-. . > .': •' "Tea/ieillie sherup get his paws oit' things rfeimd' here; and BAVT UDS VHBJkTiUB. 8T V ASA&f',' The Theatre. What reoollecttoas de«« -the name ooujue upt, Reeolleotiona of Bcag,e of the brlghtast Ugfata that evor adorSad now.aleep tbe aleep thatknowa no wakistfr sod. -tbaivplaces sf^ bnt unworthily filled fit preaent ^M^«J'^i^^^l<*^etrvvtiA:a» iuiU^' ttt us begin at &?• ^2J5?'?T^'-*".'* ow.waynp.. Herewft,«Wk theivfci ths Wtr-''The-NewsboyB'Parrflse,'* Thesf ent&w^sHgjD^^ the drama wiU often go wtthout dbin( ahd imMtS order to save aabilllngwlthwhlsh tobnyaidttlaket VhapUAndleaa« Is nsually mad? up of boyf from the agea ot asran to aldttesa years, w(th a ellgh^ eprlqUisg of men. An tztlstwenBFWto much Inlereat In studying the variety of eoetamea/irata bgr .these boys. Thew la .an; argument going en. a ihoifc'dlaWiiw from us, between two.pronuung.Bpeolmenaof Tonng ABsalat. One boot ;and,one sho^onTand Iheother bai ••'Udl sized flag of truce Aatlng proudly behind him. The snUset, under dlecuaslon Is; thd reipootlre merlla of Biwln Forrest and J. H. Allen, ss bogedlans. Tha young gentleman with the boot and ahoe ia Allen'.s ohanplOD, whUe the flag of truce sdstecnt doea bat4e:lu behalf Of Forreet Theae ate no oystevJioM crttica; tbelr-minda axe not prejudiced en either sideby leosoB ' of their hav^^MTtaken of chonpagne eunpera. Ho; In'ey glMi their opinions tottestlysnd candidly, and if their langajbe M not elegant, it, a( least, baa the mailt of being vsr) rcielbleTn* dispute waxes louder and lodder, and the dlipitania are oaiiM.. away by ther subjeat At^huit Allen'a chAnplon. reduced ito deepalr, tOivses blOj^lt and makea one loat grand effort "Forreat nialy be •'good actor, but be can't twb) to ^y Tbs Qunmaker of MoBoo)|»MUi Allen." Forrest's man. Is evidently staggered—he psiaes his haul tbf ongh bla hAlr seicralttiikes, seemingly In Bctioh of an lde»r- or Bdmethlng'else—but yet be speaks lioL At this point of tl^' diacoqve, another yonth, with a bat that appotenlly belooged to bis' grandfather, and wm)Me honda are "many a time ua-oV* ' employed on exploring -oipediilons over his outtole, oblmea la vrith the remark, that ^ ' "£ddy U a d—d Sight bqtier than either Forrest or AHen." ^ Now, Forrest's man' having recovered ftam his fomer defaiL mutters somethingabotif Allen playing "Hamlet" atPlttstmia. ' (Eereada'theOLin!Ki,^>[<- ■■ TUsadds'freeh fuel toVie flame. The debaters'again Tesoailk their war of i^ords. A resort to blows seems certain, and a tii- angular flght-a la PetsrSlmpld—Inevltabls. At thla Jimotora^ iMy In front crleaolit— • • - i- . ' ' '"Here^iomea 'Jaok;"(Od a newpeisonage aiipsairi'npon'lhy scene, at whosq approaob every voice la bsskodi' The ."Aui». orat of the Pit" Mo monarch ever'sxenilaed mote abaolpti power than does. Jack.: Tall and heronlsanin form,'few of'to ficeqnentereof this locality care to face blm when he is In anger. The boys, sometlmes,'W'han wearied with the tolla and' teoubba of the day, extend thematlvea along the benehea, and try to WOB . "Tired Matnre'a sweet restorer.'^ " " At suoh' times. Jack, with qUlet, noiseless ■t4>,atMla behind the) sleeper, and,geni]7 raising bla coat tails, deala'blm a gentl* ibveUpwlUi bla rattan. And as the alaeper slaria up sudden^ > wlthaahaiporyof pals, Jack allows a aaraaatlssmlla-tolQqm*' Ills aombre visage bnt for i single instant, and playftUy.reinadH *ing— ■ V '•Ton felt that, did yon,'''sWks off in trininpiL The lights flash .up, «nd the orobeatrs take their placeo. Thew "are welcomed wiib a yell; yet lt aeema but the ghost of (he lyaa ' that uaed to welcome them In (otmer dmea. At last the onraiB tier oaded,^!,^ [diet atfiTaiik:—VlfIwoa^iin^.J'tbat giir =lrtn't get faioolfh -to.jet a.corporatUA: aaffln,.wi(h. - . -• ^ '.' ■ • »Bdeh«idiniUn>iir--^'- —--^■' - rlsee, andthe(>oys'steet the entrance of their favorites witb various degrees of pleasure.' At present the h^vy villain ot tha establiahment bears off the palm In nolay welcome. Ths curta^ falls oh'thb flrst aat, and there Is a general rush to the Pit Bar Yor refresbihents. Beer is the usual drink, sod plga' fMt ths edlblea most called for. Fcinuts were once in great demaqib bnt n7# they are apparently at a discount Pattaapi their poM^ larity didlued 'with the accession of tbe new.'gwlBratlon .of,n!^ Ubya. Abweleavethe Pit.weflnd amanwtandlngatthadocr ready to i^ounce bh' one of bis ofleprioR who baa vtnted thb Ihs^ atre against bla wlabca. Borne one Is'Ukcly to feel mingled pUa BOdpIeasureon thlliitcoaslon. 'Aa eooh asw^xego^ the ald»- - walki we are surrounded by a crowd of boya, whose attire iB-tC . -varloua stsgea of dilapidation, and whose cosalant .cry is— ' "Olve uae chock, miater?"' .''i ••;'■ .. Buddeply.tJu oiowd aoatter, and the Irrepressible JaA appMHii while his blows fall thick and foatupontheonlpTlti, who, as aeoa . OS they reach a aafe dfai^ce, make divsraremarks darogatvo.fv-' ^If^toersonU wpeara)i(»and-clMraetax,of;tbe. (aid:-Jaok»'«l(i^ a/nt undther nie: ''"Tou'd lie down'to'it,'! retorted Frank. ' ■ , 'Taltta, an' you lie when you eay so, Frank." "WhaU" ' '\ . X . "Qet mad now," quickly replied Ulk^ taking up the glasses', 'on' laugh at youreelf aftnorwarda." Letting nlm go, Frank, at the request of Blake, narrated how he becami the poeoeiiBSOMf the tlo|et t9 the astonishment of his listeners. Uoreton was delighted at the aceonnt of the street flgh^ and at the anjggeatlon.of Blake, allowed Ur. Ballon to retain ue lottery tlOket In his eilstody unUI the day of thedxawing. • e^ • *. •,* • •. According to arrangements, our heroes, one and aD, with the exception of Uoreton', visited the Oabet Institute, In Uercer itreet Ur. Bolton did not remabi long, as other business 'jailed him away, and merely gave caution to the boys to look sharp tor themsslves. As the three (rienda wore uahered into tbe> grand parlor, they aeporated intentionally to avoid appearances, Frank being very Ittenllve to a bedaubed beau^r, wboee fasoliuttlens -had~ about as much effect on his fpcllsgs at If be waa made of adamantine.' "Say, my pertained p'eaoockl" said Frank, hailing a belle whose oblique dcoulara wer« fastened on him continually, as he Imagined; "ain't X a pooty boy ?" "Yes," the giri said, "so la a hog." "■■ "Ererything looks hoggish to squint eyes," "You're a loafer." "There's no itee In saving what ym are," and Frank goggled bis evea In mockery of the girl's occularnulformallon. Though rough in his manner of speech, the fireman was possessed of Una feelings, end this tnonmU of raillery, at the n^ph'A degni- datlon, coBjoint with bla' pantomimic allualon to'thedefeotof hereyea,were but in'jeat, albeit the glil eeemed doeplyond aorely offended. ' "ToQ dirty, red ablrt flremon," the girl exdialmed, doubling up her fiata, in a rage, 'If I wasn't a woman, I'd break your jaw; If my Fred was home, he'd make you danoe on nothing. In no time." , ' ■ . . "Qet onti" ejaculated Frank, "he wooldn'tmake s pan-flsb for me." 'He'd stave yonr head in," and the "parlOB, ladv" walked away, as Ohsrley Fox would soy,' "miking snoots" at .the h5)Bett, but blunt spoken fireman, to the' amusement of the lookers on. Frank would have retorted, but bis sttentlon was engaged by Jhn, who signalised hint to look sbsrp. During the scene between Frank and the Uagdalen, Blake waa conversing with the Uadame. Bald be, with muoh impres- elToness, "Ton'can't deny that Uiaa Salome waa dragged to thla honae by Clifford, cr'Bome,of his aatellltesTandwethreoare h'ire to commence a aeareh for her, and if we detect any evidence of her being here; woe unto yon and your oflb,.that'a olL" - "- ' uadame denied, perslsilngly, Ihb charge, but her denlils were ofnoitse;shoeo\m notalaveoff the searoh. Blake algned to Jim to approach blm. "Go," said he, "and tenroh in the building. I'll remain with Oabet, while Frank guards the street door.'* Obeying his Injunelions, Jim winigod his wa;^ up atalra, by ipld flight, Beorobing evory apartment on his way, but he dis- oovered no trooea of the preienoo. of Salomo. Beacbins the ta hi.jr.'V"' '.Hasty slso gave htm the cold shoulder, «i ASifS"*''P "we at him In dlsgutt lora^J?°°^7,>ad wished the matter ended, but being "•B lodn Ir n °™ "oo^int of gall or osiuranoe, he braved ?cognTaant of his villainous plot, BBM^he iirlifi"^^«<>» »'Bo¥oUlford. , Ss** (»lioCS*?'^'tr*'«'f B'»k«iBnlllvan. Jook Uoreton. ^ »tt»dS?J!^'*.i""«)'Stewart, tde referee, tA. ."w»o «f rtaliviho owwd BwaltlDg b^ow. third or top floor, he espied the door leading to the "Silver Chamber," and aa bo was about to take hold of the lock knob, ho was pounced upon by a gigantic block-^ne of the fiends in- troduoea before—nom Dound, who followed faim np the stairs way. A itrnggle enaued. The darkey waa muscular and giant enough to cope with any living man, but being ignorant ot how to employ bis strength to hn advantan with such a man ai Sul- livan, nia bald upon the pugUlat was tut momontary. Slipping from the negro's nand like an eel, Jim got the foUow'a hoaa into obanoery,' and exerolelsg bla mawley on bis ebony mug, ho Hn- iahed the struggle by a oroas-bnttock, and when the aable son ot Af rio opened his eye* again, he discovered himself at the bottom of the atalra, with a alTght touch ot headache. 'When the ••moke" Btmcr on the landltig, Blake, hearing the fall, deserto/1 his posti and Uadame, being free to aot, quickly removed one end ofatofa, obdreaoblogherhandto the metre that waa set in tbo wall, turned off the gaa Instantaneonaly, ud In a moment All was as dark as Erebus. Hearing the tramp ot hnirying (ntlnthspaasago-way, Frank anticipated treaobery ot some kind, and shlfOna bb poalUon, he 'was not an Inatant too aoon, aa ho board the ddU thng of a knife atrlke the door he was gnardtog. Springing forward in the dltocUon ot the aoond,he graaped by the nook a woman, and squeezed hard with both hands, nnUL the wretehod creature sank llfcleas at hii feet Ueantlme, Uark was groping his way up atalra to seek Jim. " • ^ ' - ■ . Mot meeting with Sullivan, Uark halloed his name aeleral tlmea, bnt received no anaweri and llalenlng tore moment bla •are deteet^ the aonnda of .a aculBe eornug flrom the floor abov6. UaUng bla way up,« window at the rear of pie paaaage* way admitted snfDolent light to reveal to him what waa'aotng on. ,Vlth' a yen of osdneaa, ha sprang forward to aave Sullivan from aa impending fata of a terrible gaton; bnt he was too lata, and ootafronUnithe black devil that Jim avalanehed down •taitBitaa burled* koUk deep into bU foul hetit, and wllh «& and they all fistlred to4tis grand pirior. Upon entering that apartinentTranfc was astonished-to^ee Uark Blake and a pollciman atandlng' at aaofk, upon which retted the body ot Sullivan. On another aob waa the body of a young man,stretched fail length, with death printed on bla cheeks. • t •How's this ?" Inquired Frank; "Jim's not dead, la he ?" ■No," returned. Uark, "but I fear he'a next door to It," and he pointed towarda the dead l>ody. How did it oocnrT" Inquired one ot the poUoe.'' I don't know.'exactly,'replied Uark. "I only know that Jim was tambled out of the Uurd story Window by sh Internal nigger, and I knifed him—probably yon found hla body ub atalra?" ' -One ot the ofllcers replied that they did i^ot, and leaving the room, asoencl^ed thb stairs to look after it We must now Io6k sfler Sullivan. Finding hirnself suddenly enveloped In darknees, i^ter. he tumbled the "moke" down the atalra, bis fint thought of action woe to retrace bla path down, but hearing a eore^, aa if from a female In dtitreas, he pro- ceeded In the direction Of the sbund, which led him to the door of t&e "silver chamber." Finding it locked, he began to fomble, in his pockets for a bunch of keys, and UoUiig (he bottom of Uis door OS he\l?iserted tiie key^the door fleiv'open, when he wis confronted by!a man, whom he collared. In a moment, Jim found blmsdf engaged in "teats ot strength" with s man equal to blmtalf.! 'Who the IndlvidnU was, be oculd.not conjectoxe; but as thoy struggled for the maaterr in the darkneag, he knew Umtobeamanof greatproweaa. Sullivan waa an expert wrest- ler, and prided himself In his skill In administering the • 'crook," and in several attimpta to fasten this peculiar hold upon his op- ponent he was foiled by the cunning and 'deiteri^ of "abUt about" displayed by the unknown ahtogonlst, who preserved a strong grip upon (he person of Jlin, After a few "hltchea'^ and "kol&,^'tney paaaed out to thehallway, and ndt until Jim bad -ba<^edblsman..up to the'window, did he esaay-.tbe thorough knowledge of wrealling that Sullivan was fiimous for. Neither man ventured to atrlke a blow or exobanga a word. Holding bis antagonist, by sheer strenth,at arm'a leBgth, Jim dbangedhls Uctlcs, and'wlth crapld change-grip, from oollirto sides, with' « sudden Jerk he brought his man fbrward; whose book was fkdng the. open window, and stepping - back, letting free his bonds, brooed his body, and sending out bis lelt, caught his op. ponentfolr on the head, in tbo. regionortheeyes; Us beds striking the wooden cosing at the bottom or the'wall, he lost his equilibrium, and before Jim could aave jibe-man, be tumbled headlong through th« window to the yard bebw. . Thla event trans pired in a shorter period ot time than It takes us to record 11 Qobigto (he window to look after the fallen man, Snllivan felt bla heela elevated above his head. Some one withld the hall was precipitating him from thewlndow, and the blood coursed through Us veins at sero chilllnaas. It waa impossible .to save himseU; aa be could notemploy bla atfength In the poatllon he was placed, and up, up went bis heele, until bis brain reeled with terror; Tbo fate before him waa awful to contemplate, and as bla hands became weak In their bold upon the atone sUl of (he window; oonsotonsneas almoat deierted blm. Slowly hie fingora relaxed their grip upon the etone, which thoy almoat Indented, and the pugU&t of many battles felt himself, as he Judged, being Jaunotaea into the great ei^anae of eternity. Bown,. down he went, he knew not where, asall waa dark and blodi-before him. Indeed,'twaa Mod: tMhlndhlm, for he was «]octed from the window by the' "mahogany chap" whom he hurlod but a few momenta Iwor* down the atalrway. After aee- lng him off'on hla Jouruey, theJilaok fiend ohackted to himself, and turning away to make hla escape from the house, .by means of a tecMt panel, he met the knife of Bhike, who dlapatched him, as befcio-relatod. 'When Jim returned to oonsolausness, he found hlmsdt. In the old City Hospital, whither he' hsd bMn con'reTed by the police at Btake'a auggeatlon, inalead.of being an inhabitant ot spirit land; bnthe never could render a sufolnet or acoorate account of his mlraculoua escape from Instant death. Viewing the premises In the rear. It would take no gnat pbll- oaophloal'broln to conceive the meona that interposed between thopugiUalonddckth. • Added to the main building, to the light, was a anpor«on< alruMlon, that'Jutted out into the yard. Ihe roof ot this out- bousowuat an elevation of-twenty feet from the ground, and oorueqnently,'more than one-half , the dlatance up towarda the window from which Sullivan waa hurled. The roof was slutlng, with its declivity fronting the left side of the yard, and the gutter, or catch-water plpo, that stretclied along Its shingled base, lay ohuost in o line direct with the centre of the window abovo, In thfftll, Jim's body come In contact with the pipe, iHTTUjlved ttrttat sngnst tndlvifdail iritl^ t~ tempt We enter (he flntll^r, and fhaie'm im^ a.V( •udutace: working girls 'and their beaux predominate. One «C the powers, that be, with light overcoat and glased ttp,penAeS on oneslde'ot his headl and swinging a lUnscansTpaatOs th*. paasago at the ba«k ot the seats loeessantiy, big 'with (be Import tancs of bla mlghtv trust ItwiUbe remarked t}uit the gtrla eflenaltTeryelosetblha men, and that the latter,' in many coses, have (heir arma atatm4 the gins' waists. - Perbsps they place them there ee that if tha females should become exdtM by-the acting; they maybe« ~ which was ot zinc', a very pliable metal, and. parUy jrloldlsg, softened the ooncusalon tnst otherwise would have token place, whereby he expelrlenoed'Uttle or no damage, u he subsequently otBrmed, having derived nosenteofiiOuryuntll the after toll fro^L^e ont-hoBso. SuUlvan'a nredeocaaor in (he "bll ttede" Waa not'ao forlnnate ia the "llttlf arrangonient" of eneotmtering • "friuidte laterpoalUon," auoh u a alno pips, to tun aalds thi stroke (rtdeatb, but, as OloAson jemarked, when he beard tha itoiTi "hlB tinw BROVS, an' he aUd."*^I» b« ocnUaned. bled to hold them in their placea. Here la b party of i "three palra."- -Two conplea are altting dose together, in Oia manner we Jiavebefore described; and of the third, the man !• seemhiRly ."oblivious." He is lying , on the seat, saleep, with his head plOoVred on the glrl'a Ian : one leg ii tbrown over the book of the seat and byreasonof bis uneaay motions, be ImmlneBt danger offUllng to the floor every usttnt. : < Eieaving the first, we aacend A flight otatairs and find onisalvea in the second tier. Here the kndlence Is mostly sailors. 'WhsA ■ luutlcal drama Is being performed, the erlUolsmB npoh (h* which the prlnclpaLl obaracterla portriyed, axe nek' alwaya very complimentary to tha actor Bustatnlng It AA<)bi we go up, rWe are now In the third (Isr. Aa we ttuSt theMpof'the atalts, we find a woman, and a man in dose eon* vanaBob, Tbewomon'a attire abdb^og proclaim what aha Is. The man la aald to. be 0 detective. Farhape the,woman to' betraying her lover to him, for her bro^ are knit,: and fteouaat ~ ly a ourse breaks from her Ilea. 'WlegQ Into (he;tler, anShei* we find a motley gathering of old arid young gamblets, musda* men,' fanoy men, one minister ot the Ooapel, and prcatltutea «C - Jill ages,, from the girl of fifteen, Just entwing on «life of diaf potion, to thf woman ot forty, who baa been on the town lor th*. paattenyears, 'The language that is used in ihia'plaoe Issptof intbeexbeme, : '^ '' •■.'■ ", '" Hark I A wimon's scieom Is heord in the bBMOom,'aDd B. general rush is mode,to leoru the cause. 'WexemalnqnletonA. . wait Boon'tbe oroM return to their eeata, and we ln^lreof>,,4^. rtd-ebirted philoaopher the cause of the dlatorbanse: Stowly.k*i'''i'. drawls for^b his answer ••Billy's woman called blm-iCbardname^ and be % >de bugle."' '\ ' ' He seems to -think beiUng si'woman a matter of po oo u is queneb. The gl^l comes into the tier; one of her eyes is diaod* ered,and^ostolosed. In .answer tooqneitlqn from'OnB,a.. her elsters in Dilteiy, she replies:—.' . . " '.>'^. •■loan'tblame'hlm. leaUed himahaid naiat,aod Itf~stltt me." - .'..'■' That woman wonld sen- the last tUng ah« poaaessedju' tbt' world, perbsps even igives'the bard earned wages of heraUf to support that nion.' Yet,'when in Us ill.nasgs'afav: usee the only available weapon Ood has given hsr—her (ongu»— sheraknookeddown,andbeatenlthoadogDr him whom she wowa' lay down he^ life to servt. Lot'ns take a look hito tha bar-rooMl' The wa49 are cbvered withcrMion paper, ahd a nnmberof ebf^ prints and miserable oil paintings hang uponthe walls. Alone OK extends slong the ftont ot-the room, and at one end there to wfiat iB called an ••eating bar," on wtaldh omeng. other "deUoB^' clea,"ate'dlBplayed the loeritableplga'feet. The bar-tender has . no lack of onatoffl. A girl Is leaning agolnstons end of tbabor-^ - - 0 man enters ond commences'to talk toherr-« girl oppeors ot daa of the doors; and Boys :— "Look out SoUle, Jennie Is going to tookle you." ■ • - •.•I don't core 0 d—^nivrepllesthegtrlatthebar. . ' ' At (bis moment another girl, whoae personal sppeaiansem rather romarkable oy reason of the extreme length of ber'noat^ entera the bar-foom, her eyco flashing fixe. 8hq t^zes tta man by thearm, and endeavora to drag hM awoy .froi^'tl^ ' gill ai (he bar. "•Jaok, I don't want you to talk to that gIrV 8*Ji "he. .' ••rilialk to any one I d—n pleua, Jennie,'* IB the p«Uts ft;. Joinder. " -''•'•*' Then Sallle makea a remark refloMng ri(her Bevettily'uponi(h« chasUty of Jennie, and In tetnm for her UnOnaas, recelvsa* blow la. the tact Itom theoforeaald Jannle.' The'bar-tand* leapa over and olesea the doors, and theperaons in lb*'.. bar-room gather iwund them to wltaess the fight .At It (he? g»- ' Hats, dresaes, feathers, flowers, and every otlite.iiitlole of tows apparel poaolblo to deatroy, are torn to plBoei. ' Vetj' fo* Woji areatruokon either aide, the prinolpd .ol^Mt of each aeenuag to be to Inflict the moet damage on the otbor'a clothing, am - fighting In this mapner a abort time, Jennie cries on^ "Sis, when yon get enough. Just hcdler." _ "I'U never boUcr," replies SalUe, and at it (hey go again, WU- meU. Ko blood flows, and the mim, (?) getting tlr«d qf ImU^ on, aepatate (bam, and each of ttM,oembtttnti li aorroondea iqr a llttte qpowddf sympathisers.' - ; . _ '^ There Is another storm .bwwlng, snd toe ^fS^Sly^^S ■ dosed, and another pair ot pngUlaU stop forth to Jt- Swbother, one is'tbe .gfil"vJlth »heWiM»r-too^^ oallM ';Wblte-headed Brad" by the by»(u><«. «J2.< ifi, toutog. The pair atod UP, ani give and toto ltteme^W- . wKewlth*^tho flaxen BoE"fi »<»» ffffi^Xff •, black eyed betolBfi la borne off to trimifJr. h«™f''"'','T ' foKcttjmhtaaniftinadnllrationjrfh^ V» leavina thij Deacetol •oeoe.wowiu gow»*™* '