New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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f)or. ,fri!': ■ 4 NBW T0BIC;^B4PDBDA^, Jj^AET JOi 18B8. — «^ / ■in ; OT ; hjb Binco, Mns. Maijubd, oI Notlok, Uui., ijood by tt« o( a fair roang bo; of some alxteon y«»n, iloh in tl)a !Sf liS»t her IntontlT. mS then whlapetod Triih » .p»lli^ f*iSSfito be dfl8oribfld-"I» that my mothetf " Hto tour aSTo&i H08jlW,'Wa*Inslon, D, 0, fSTloflked at her Intenf SiMOlUeto be dflsprib*- , _^ - . , . H?SSmatonoiiie««daUwhoet<)(jd»ronnatheconohlot««™; : {SKjriiiBT A. Dbmson, TTho vas preaent at the time, ir^t« (]i< .: J^,^ tender Tenea on the Inudant: i.''-. . ; IS THAT MY HOTHBB? ' 'Iat]iatin7motherI>en4<nglaw ■ Vlth her cool hand npon my brow ?. ' And thou my mother's pttyla« eye« ? . , . I dreamed of her bnt now; ' ' . Bweet mother I It U Indeed bnt Joy . :t-. | ■ ' TohaTeyonbleaayoiir^dylngboyl :,y^<^, . :"|, ■■.j{,-iir, ■■:^fbe led rajs of the aettliu son ' - .Ware itreaming'thiough the hall, . And creeping with a fading light , Along uie silent wall, '. ^ers many a biava bout tjirobbfld In ptlni i And pined for home and Uenda again. One soldier boy, a filr yonng lad. The pet of some dear home. Smiled, as a 'gesitlo.fdco bent low. And atkod "Eais:mother.come7" . IiUteiJulm, tho hope, like heaven, the thought Ood-sent^ a i^ipment's bUsa It broogbt She preued Ih^ dinging loolis away From hU yojisg lirow ^nd fair, Bnt tho fUteilnATOloe had ibnohad her heart Too teddttly to boar-^ Hot qoirerlng lips oonld searoely t«U fihe WIS not her he loved so welL . Ah I brave yoong boy, thy preolons dost Enahilnea In memory We'Ukeepforever—a holy trust, . Xhou obUd of liberty I Though thv death'brow in a for off land ISk! ne'er be pressed by a mother's hand. Oh I women, in yoor cheerless hgn'es— . ' Oh I women wan with woe, ' . There's many a motherly footftU heard Where your kind steps would go; ' And many a soldier b6y has died TliinUng his mother by his side. . THE FUGIUSIS AID) THE TmESLAS-, Ob, - new york as it was. A BOKAKCX OF 'BBAL LIFB AHONQ TEE FA^OT. WBIITBK ZXFBESaLT VOB THE RXW TOBX OUnZB,.. :.■•■>..• ,• '. ..!. !. Hn. OUphsnt irM a wpman of in^omltabU Aod oour and prepwed'to Answer (h°e ondons oomUnnuisUon wltk greMMt oomplabenor iasriiiable. •fThe .most impudent fcDow I ettt heard of." Wto' tD shs'ke-. marked, atf she .oosmienoed to indite » rmr. i "111 oool hut dfwn of I ain't Sophia OUphint. that's'plaih^*^". !: Ai she'oohilndea the reepooding missive, shsHhrawdown tbe pen, and r«sd it over, to bAsatUfied that it was worded corteoOT, as she wfs, like most Yankee girls, very ponotiliou in th« matter of "reaffln* on' *«Un'." ' . '" ■ ■ ■ ■ Sub' Ub. Htsmra'HAaiiiiii:—Yom very polite' and. gentlemanly note.waa placed ii^tb vij hands.thls morniog, andl famish yon with snoh reply^ Is most.consistent with my fkd-< iDgs and the dromnstances under whloh you entreat me tp, accede to both of yonr r^ueets. Preserve my secret, and do with m«:'SS you.'wiah; Pleaaercall at my rttldadee at thrdsi o'clock P. H. to-morrow; my liusband will be oat of town, and we can arnnga al^lrS between bs, personally, better and, moie' c4n)iU«Iytlunta>Dote. CUgUfO)- B.0."^ ••I gness" ^ Yankee Invariaiy griesses) "that doonment win' coax a vUltlbom'him, andlf it fklls,! must fay some other method," Blnglng a bellfor the chambermaid, Uie directed the servant to delTver thi letter to "John," and for him to mall it Immediately. - , ' ^nten Dick received the note' addressed <• him by Un. 0., Ha was in eostaolas of passionate delight,'and'straightway pro- acnnoddher a tmmp,*Ud'a bird worth catching:-bdt When he teflwsted upon the oonditlehs of visiting the luy, at'her red-: deaoe, his mind grew tnaasj, u the pr^roecta of' a connter-plit seemedio lay at the bottom of her reouesi' - Oonsultllig with Uadame Orlsn, that Indlvldnia strbngly'ie- eommebded the proposition of the lady, alleging as'^ her urging the «tut,'that the "poor lady would fed diore 'ft eais at her raddence than la sErange places, and' come to propfr terms with him the more easily." • ."That's to my thinking, also," raplled the "Qhooli'' iiX ITlnglladame an extra five dollars, he departed. ' ' I ' At the hornr of three, as appolhted, Slok annonnced himself fs i vldtor at the reeldence of Urs. OUphant, who was awdtlng Us ^meotedpreaenoe In the reception room^. ' ubMndng himself,'torn armmiejlSzB. 0. arose fropi her se^t, and Mmpllmented him with a sweet smile and a gracsful courte- sy.: Seating-himself bedde the lady, he commenced bosiDess at once by placing his arm arcrnnd her rail wdsL ; "'One of obndlUcns to secrecy," said Dick, "Is that I shall eoloy perfect freedomi and a:AMn 'wllh you. 'Uoppyls but a secondary coheideratlon, being that you are snob a voluptuous looking lady, though I must ^ct a- certain amount of the need- ful every week, for I must itocelvta payment as a pecuniary means of support." ■■■I . leni your daily avccAtlon is to spir femdes, as you spied me, so unfortunately, when I visited Uadame Orlsp's reddence t"' "That Is my profesdon," replied'Sick,'adding with an . em phatic strain, • 'profesdon—a noble .one I think, and if not noble, Uissluxuilaas one, when I am retmbmrsed for the dangers I Incur by such a loving oreiktaie'as yon.''. jfxt, oilphant was smiling Mth an admirable affectation, and Dick imagined the lady was 'carried away in admiration of his goodlooks. : >"Bo you have many such victims as I am?" she esaolied, allowing Dick llbertlea with her covered bosom. "° "Sundry ones," he answered, attempting to klM her; "but^ so hard or difficult to manage," and Clckwcrnld'hnva don»S9me- thlng "outrageoua" did he not behold a tall figure standl|igma hln. It was Oliver Bdton. ■..'■| ' He was confnsied and utterly disconcerted. Tlewing tbe iban standing sHentl; before him, the vampire trembled vrW and his Tongue clove to the roof of his mouth. Turning to he- hold a paasase for escape, he was oonltented cn the opposite side by Mr. OUpbant, and shaking with InoreaseM^ar and cow< I'lduvus Bob, but I knswDlsk ss h* went aboard the 'Alk.'" '2^V' vociferated Bob, with an air of dam. '•<Kd«11,!' rdtersted Ben. "Yet see: Bob, I «^ down to the i ff l M i h s, ynapuah, an' busied abouf a slsssaforpl.toudhed jmSnpiimble an' Blahg/an'sseln' M'ow tbe'cops' an'stops VR^ isntt' aronnd, I knew.somethin' waa up, an'l^M low," -^'^d do you think theoflleera discovered him," anxicns)y «inull«d Bob; ss he punished a glass of the liquid before him.'' donno, Bobrforas.Is^edsome cn'em gda' aboard arter- 'ne, I out my lueky, ah' hire I he's." . '■He will escape them,!' muttered; Bobt u reflect. "BenI" he ejaculated suddenly, starting the orossman, who had ate faUeh into a "thinking way,".'•bnt'two flibte ^obsfortis, Aiidwe split," , . • . ''jl thought there was b'nt dnfi. - We'd better end our cross wAys wfth tbe bank robberr that we've got CD hand.'^' "let that be the last Ben 1" •fflev.V . . 1. :. . "Halp'yoursdf to anotlierjloss;".but.Ban .oared little for drlnkjQst then, aad'deDlined.'' "Ben," tMh repeated'Clifford, fiiseyes glaring bright wit^ipaadoh, "Uadame. Ocitp, must be stifled." ' "Well, stifle her,'; Udsd'Be^ tbroiwlsg (me leg over the Uiur at ease in bis chair. , ' ..... . . *{fcu must assist me,-^^en dld you see her lattT" ' ]^e other, night, down to- Kate Xta9«y'«'*t«PPtng-ken.'in waif r street; on 'the pldi-up for a new supply of bone-snorts.'' ■•«teyoubwifet with her?'? • ,. i .'.v-.•'■■'■'"' ,"Some." ^"Theiicoaihertothie'plate." ' . ..<.«HowBn I,todolt,Bob?" >. ' •-,- ; ■'■ ., ""tAt thls'asdsl jfo'ur cunning to devise meuures to trap her," and Clifford placed a few <flver'Ult doSan^ln Ben!a palio, 'luTent some yam or another^o anything, and if, pos< Bible, have herliereio-hlght:"' r„"I'll]tnr. What'eherdoom,B))b?" Clifford pointed at the vault trap. "There; to die by hungry rMo, as did BUI Keman and:Oiliars.V Pouring' out ailbther dnught of the brandy, he continued, "Ben, open the trap; well Ttytheremainsof Reman'aputlnig^vldt." . ..Taking.a light, the two mw descended into the vault, to gaze utKm what Bob supposed was left of the gallant'little pugilist, bpliuo remains were visible. Bats,.dead andmangled, and in the ending stage of anlmd pntrettotlcn, vrere .thlcklj^.stiewed arotmd,' In numbers sufficient to demonstrate how bravely the pug encountered the yoradous animals la the Egyptian- dark- ness of that gloomy vault, f "Some foul,work been' goin' on here,it appAM,''.essayed BeUjWlth more meaning to his words than Bod could guess at. : '•The infemd rats could not have swallowed him, bones and^ aD," remarked Bob, "and Bill must have, had some means of escape. Yetltcculdnotbe, as I heiard him shrieking for hdp as tbe rats were-gnawing at bis .flesh; 'Wonder if he did 'escape?" :^ijEumliiing the different quarters of 4he vault, no dgns of an outlet were manifest, whereby Eeman could have escaped, and' marvelling over the mystery, they withdrew to separate for a' few bours, ope to report to Ully Bdome, the other to seek An^y Black, who was .discharged from the cuatcdrof the fireman.' A)idy was a sUUful bursar, as well as a "knuck," and to secure a small (briune between them, as a vrind-up together. Bob, Ben, and Andy concdved a grand burglary on a hank. ■ BuringWrlglsy's absenoe from Bleecke'r street, Mwk Blake called upon ully for the purpose of Infbrmlng her of the traglo afidr that we have introduced. , . "Do you know, Lilly," he add; "that a relationship exists be- tween Jock Uoreton and William Eeman ?" ' I Of course dis was not aware df such being the case. "Yes,'they arSar iiear as men can be' to e|ic1i other, almost^ ./br.they are half-brothers. Ndther of them have been Inform' ; die said, "I bsve been a wayward iroatt*UHiAr f}5a5»^vr42?ires:issi2^ .the saari0i£*'SS^*r IDS "MaA,"(hesdd, that adorns, my .s«ij ,.^rr™ oahnotb'e male an fcouft woman.'. . Bloke-was about tospe^but she iflsed an ol ccnilnapd: .... ^Iwaa ouce the'piite and Ipnooint Ubdla Oontdol ta* when, my unnatural pusht gave ias. to:<the naidlandurof UadameOabet. for it was to her whom, you alladsd,hem.. signed his child to a viper that taught sin, and now ttat I un sohoolod to fiiamy. by it I sldl llvi} SO nevermore. Mark,Uk tomeofhotesl7." : ! .; i..; ;,t;.. i ; At this Jimoturejjhelr,c«pyer8atlon wa^ Uttatpipted by the as. pearance of Ben Wrldey. - " , - -v- "W^, Wridey," liily eidalmed, "I have been ahead ot yoi. Mark haa tdd me all about FoxwdL We must sendaspedol messenger toBldUBUndlnpnintltfofIMk." I '■ A.'' ."ixut IS I thought," replied Ben, in a gentleipanly manner, as was his onstctti when addreadng ladies that lie'niuse to ba ffK'j252y'oig??'"*^'^*°*!^'?"^^ '•Whatdoesanthismean?'' toter*oi«ie-*'''*'-'-- '' "' ' "Nothing," esssiyed Bdome, "only wtfl wdl, the murderer'of Mr. Oilphant, and j .smdimaveiiglngblbodhonudafterlilin.'.' . .'>,.'> . '^es,", added Beh, "one whs I craslder possalitnHi^^ right to perform aA set that will deprive the iiS^SSnSM."- ••And yon, lpu^k,.must keep our secret, and. noF%Sim one of what we ore doing. A few days and yon will know, slU'^ Ordloe, he Remained motionless, a forlorn picture of miserable; ^ of the discovery, simply because Eeman; haa ibeen- misdng hui^anlty^wlth'Mrs. O.'s merry laugh ringing in his ears like a: Wcc the light, and the mends of Iioth deem it outof place/to death kndL ••Infamous, man I" exclaimed Ddton, gazing disrply at'the baffled "ghoul." "What have you to say ln.your defence?" ■. Ibinhlngthatby aasumlng a bold front he could turn Mnu O.'s laugh to the other side of her mouUi, he veutnted a remsfl^ by the'Way of a reply to Mr. DaltCn. \.{ "Justice to that gentleman," pointing to Mr. Oilphant, "ocoo- doned my vidt here," and glaring flercdy at his supposed vic- tim, he entered into a narrative, criminating Mrs. OUphant in the eyes of bet husband and brother, concluding with a dish of extra events that existed .only in. DioVs iinaginatlon. Holding up the lost handkerchief, with more brass th^ prudence,'he CHAPTER XL Oui Itoxwxui'a Plot to Ertbap Mhs. OLiPBain— Oodhtxb TLOIS— THE .HaRDEBSCHIBF—The "GhOUZ,," AMD thb Jia- Tuis "3. 0.'.'—DiOKOHB His Snrroaxs 'Vicmt— tbb ZiBttbs iSD BBFLT— THE QaUI WoBKS WeU,— TBE OBODL OOB- naED—MuasEB or Mn. OrjpaaBT—Dios EsoArBs-^roB baoBMa Jamestown— DioE m Sisooisb— Orp to Biob- MOID—IBS CbOIS-MAII AaODHD. Borne few weeks irolled by, and BuBlvan, vidted every day by kli Mends, was still an inmate of the hospltsL Madame Cabet n bdl for trial, and Bob Clifford was exertlog his secret influ «goe in her fkvor. Ben Wrlgley and Lllb'Salome were busy, wgrlilng 'Out a plot agdust Olilrord and his gang, while Dlok Tuxwdl was attending to Mrs. Oilphant, aaslsted by Madame Crisp. Let us sea how Sick succeeded. tijlBf bis devoirs one moming to Madame Crisp, be beseech' edhor taslstanee to entrap Mrs. OUphant, saying that Clifford and hlaisdf would reward her handsomely for any part she vouU undertake In dovdoplng their plot to a SBeoeseful issue, . CcnatpUng to uso her power, Slok left her, assured that she vodd hport proceodlnis in a few days. Leaving her addresa, . up toini,'Uadnmo cdlcdfipon Mrs. Oilphant, aad after a length'.. ' eudlnlarviow, took hor departure, highly alatod at her success. When the "Qhoul" made his second visit to Oriqp, she in- (grmedhlm that everything worked to a charm, ana Mrs. Oil- pliant was to visit hor,honse that evening under the tmpresdon •bit >n old lover would be in watting for ner. Slok was delight- «l„liiioniach that he handed Madame an X egoi, as a guarantee d bis eimestnesa in doing the square thing. . "Ton must poit yoursdf near the house," remarked Crisp, "tnd when she les'vcs the house, address her, that she may re- ^cfPlM yon when the blick-mailuig commences," IHok needed no instractions in his art, and. merely add in . iqij:—"I'm much obliged to you, Orlsp, and yon shall have *nry reward compatible with the services rendered. 'What hour leldihepromisetocall?" ';At nEe prcolady-wlthont fdl." "Tery well, I shall be leoldag for her," and waving on adieu, nek sillied forth ,to the street, whistling "I'd be a butterfly, w. .A tow minutes previous to the appointed hour, pick sla- uooedhlmiBelfatthe oppodtedde of the street, and as the flre> Mui announced the hour, a woman 'was seen to approach the ■wuae ol Madame Crisp wlth'a cautions tread, every now and .r'^'MUoB around her, as if apprehandve of being observed; ucendlsglthe high steps leading to the door, she rang the bell, M ii"entered tho houso, Slok espied a handkeroblef on one V tbe iteps, dropped by the lady. Bnnning across the sMet, enquired bf OUphant If he reoogniaed the arUde, ' Ur.OUuhaatsaidhedld. ■■ ■■'^■'.'v'wi.'-jir'ir . "Yciit'^iiHriOtt tbte^'IKe 'S£k''''CrgVt' sfig-'riiieirfta^une Orlsp's, and I found it on the deps of that establishment as your wife disappeared through the door;"' ' "That waa in onr programme," quleUy rejoined Sdtori, ''and you are sold.-. Mrs. Oilphant was neVer at (Map's houbo, as that woman personated Mrs, O,, and led yon to bdleve otherwise, Madame Orlop is Bob OUfford'a sworn enemy, and as you ore his friend, so arc you snbjeot to her wrath. You have made a mess of this Job, Dlfk Foxwell—IJmow. you, and now you must go to prison. Officer!" • '' An officer, that was detailed for the purpose of arrestlDg Sick, appeared from a doset, but before he could lay hands upon the culprit, he doshed for the main door, Mr, OUphant, being near- est to mm, attempted to frustrate his d'eslon of escape, and for his pains received a stab in the region of the heart, that tarml- nated his earthly career befpre mealed dd could be summoned. He died, remembered and regretted by loving friends, and mourned by the poor and needy of our great- dty's community. We 'Will not dweU upon the sorrowing scene that foUowed this act, shnply indicating in a few words, that the murderer escaped from the house, pursued by the pcUceman. Making his way to a safe retreat. Sick feU in with Clifford, and acqualnmie him with what hod happened, Bob advised absence tram the oily; and preparing a suitable disguise, he remained under cover until the salling of the steamship Jamestown, bound for Blohmond, Ta. Thia ahlp wss then new, and about throe weeka on the line. At the time of the breaking out of the exlsUng rebeUion, the Jamestown, commanded by Captain Skin- ner, of. Norfolk, we believe, was seized by the 'Tirglnlaiu at Booketts, an butsUrting ward of Blohmond proper. Subse- quently she was converted into an iron-dad, and Played the part of on auxiliary to tho femous Merrimao, during the memorable attebk upon the Federd vessels of war at anchor in Hampton Botds, off Newport News. The Jamestown at present ifbrms one of the sunken obstractionB in the Jsmes Blver,bdo¥Fort Batllna, ■ . ' > Dick's disguise enabled him to board the vessd'without de- tection, in spite'of tbe vigilance of the detectives, who'were lad- ing around steamboat landings in general, watching for the fa^. tlve. There wis one man, however, whose eyes no disguise of Slbk's could blind. It was Ben Wrlgley. ^ As tbe Jamestown swung around Into the stream, little did Dick imoglno that an avenger of Mr. OUphant'a murder would, by rdl, rcadi Richmond before him, and as the noble desmsr longhod the seas, her head veering southwest after she dssred , indy Hook, Foiwoll bade good-bye to the gay metrcpoUs forever, But was he secure agdnst the law and Justice that his crime in- voked ? "Ah 1 there's the rab," quoted Slok, and he retired to his state-room,' goaded with a consdousness of the enormity of bis act, oxperlendng panga of remoree, equalled in torture only by death, Vk'X— V 0,—what the devil does B mean—Sarah or Sophia'? Httawbatl' know, so that I con address her in her teniae,. i,et me see," and hb'commeaced to ruminate on her y^duaname. "Head or UU,"ho continued, and tossing a S^,* nw feet into the olr, he aaught it and tumed It ever Into '!'£?/>< tlie^llieT hand. "Head it is. I must address her as lihlaOUpbant.'^ He hit the ndl right jWted for'about one half hour, when Mrs, OUphant iNm the.Orlsp,'mansion, and tuned her bourse for oppodte Bldo el I next blobk in a tai 1,1^ —-v-,.uo. A...vui gained a short distance ahead, ;^,P»»nngaUrapianite, ho walked in tho direction of the T5J«l.»Iieot her face to iwe. ^^j°^pBirom the.Orlsp,'mansion,and tuned h .J??*JJ««et, Dlok keoj^ln^ pfuse with her on the o] 'Sii?JIf*,:v^,f"* K«4ed the centre of tho i 'ffi*'£S51>o»h4bd,'tlie.''Ohoul'' gained a short d k^rtSi A"'"' .T*""^' " Imposeible for human eyes IiJS vSl. "17?"?* 0'e»'>n'enanoo, As •• ' " J^j^w.!)'* plantid himself dlr^otly in 1 lfa8o?fi«}5?'i'~^'^'**''y°" *l>e Joys of Venus, M»Z'l»«?i'i''''^*'J''"»'-y»'"''<'l'll''^". »t MadimffCrtap's fcSo. TJI'^* your husband soy if I acquainted him with Ihe 5«o«». vSPfy""? prepared to etavb me off with much Kn^s^SS^irfffii?."'. ""'^ *<» woU- Q?o* ll83dl-bound,appMontly unable to move, *»wW„^7,Kf,t*Pf.=''=? ■'.Sht.sho retreated her steps nJ*,'"?" dollboratlnghowtoaot. itheyap her pat) iltiivff'2]?'"8.ofow Sours after breakfast, Mrs, OUphant was' V.dom1.», ■ ,H„„ 1. ;-ir<»dlDg over the current news of the day nime *'""'B'" *n »letter ■ addreaosd to her, la hor fifl '^Breaklngoponthosoal,itreadasfoUowsi-. ' aeaSiifc °^ Ot'^BJun—Dtar Uaiam: You wUl bring to to thn HLr ^"J^ Important fact that you were detected In a vidt ia««£bidr I ''.'*°'*'b 0' Madanle Citap, for the punose of thus evwv^S'^^e'^dy. a former admirer, Tho writer pcasei :u^rlr°°^ o'^Uofut, and bdds a pocket handkerbUef, < 'hot fow'f^J'f ne la a manner I need not mention hofdn. ' So ln^1^)>"i>8(S00, OS an instalment of the price to be paid ^'^.•»re<)y,.T^ddreML:Withoutdday,';. .. ■ ° ••Uiiuus MAiiiinni, City PostOfflbo."' OHAPTEB Xn. Balohb Aim Waidtisr—OLiFroaD PomHa Up Ahotheb Job-^ Tbb . Tauut—Bob Pmruxzi)— Mabz Blaxe's Btbahob Stobt— MoBETOH AMD Xbbhan, Haij-Bbotbbbs— BEFmna TO BE MAOB an "HOBISI W0IIA»"—a GOOD WOBD ' VOB WaiaLET— Tbb BrBTH-MASs- "Just Ohob Mobb," , - As soon as the lynx-eyed orossman discovered tbe lOgitlvei Sick, boarding the steamer, he was perplexed as. to the cause of Foxwell'a flight, and aware that he associated with Clifford in many acts of Atrodous Villainy, hs pped up West street at a rapid gate, and turned into a dde thoroughfkre leading to' Broadway. Taking a stage, he soon arrived at Bloocker street, and vldong Sdomc, communicated to' her the fiiet of the "ghoul's" mght. The news of Mr; OUphant's murder bad not vet been herdded to U;e pubUo, therefore Bdome end Sick were Igaorant of the matter, and puzzled at the state of affeira, "Yoo must see CUfford/'remarked Lilly, "and find out If he knows 'fcnythlng about Bl(fc" ' Bob was a man that would not tolerate impertuent queries, and Ban 'waa shy to accede to Uily's demand, "Yon Vnust see him," added Lilly, observing a shade of doubt stealing oyer Wrlgley's countenance. "Bee him to-night, and return with an answer." Not daring to hoslUie in his wiUlngness to obey her ii^uno- Hons, Ben left her presence to seek Ollfford. We may remark here, en nutdiW, that Blake had gleaned the full portlanlars of Bdome's experience in the "Silver Ohamber"'fMm Ben, who received permission to serve her, ss she would dlctatb, in order to wredc Jier sbhomes of vengeance upon Bob, and being thus Uoensed to seBOClaU with Lilly, it did not employ many of her blandishments toronder Wrlgley a slavo to ner beauty, and will, ' About dark, Wrlgley traced Bob to tho old den in Anthony street, where he Wss seated done, with a bottle of brandy before him, ."Ben,"sdd Clifford, moUonlng the orossman to sedet hlfu- sdf to some brandy, "you are Just tho man I was priylog for, There's pay, and the brigade is done for,*' Here Bob re' lalcd tho. OUphant murder, with the part Madtme Crisp had '(akonin,lt. . • "I.b?',8sorrylbr you, Bob," said.Ben,'SyihpalheHcaUy, 'liB' sorry for 'Anaomo, Slok, as the morts ueed' t« oaU' ;im; but I ae feued as 'ow.thestopa wlU take the go^ways, an' 'ead '£ttoff atBldimond.''.! ' • ■■ , .. ; , .; • i ; ' • -' "No'dAiigeiir," renUod CUfford. "hU disguisew*l toowbllniia*' up for detbotion," reved iheniatter toMoreton' done, as the' ihfonnatlon wbu^ not prove soOrcs of gratlfloatlon, wheii his' brother Is among - the missing,. Foul-play,'We fear, has been resorted, to br his ^ backers; Who, we know, have been leisued with Bob OUfford.'\ . UUy was astonished at Mark's reveUUon. and tmb to her wo- manly Instinnts,- "asked for more." Blake was of a very accom- modatbg nature, especially with ladles,.ani possessing a fbw hours of IdBure, ne related the followlig etory •'About twenfy-seven years ago, a gentleman-of great wedth,. resldirigat Oambrldge,'Mass., met wltho lody ol dazzling beauty, whom he wedded,'after a, due .'course of happy companionship, and at thb end of one year ahe became o.mother, giving birth to .a boy, who was' caUbd Femandp. at the rwueot of the mother. ^ ''i£i!!^fe'S-^'(5ffi^rtlt'5**'J^'iff'^^ le odBtitvT/or thv uOonTlofCnba. Tbe boy, as he grow to those tender, years when fwd paranlfl deUght to hear, the primitive llspings of inf>Titit« spBMh, baamo the pet and ^arllng of his fkther, whUe the young mother beatbwed It Jittle or no matemd care, a Ybry unnatnid thing for h woman, marrying for love, as did this woman I speak bi; Youarepde, ^^llly." "The atmosphere Is'oppresdve," ehe onowered, going to an open window, as If to Inbde the fteah air. "PIbsse go on, Mark." "Wdl, one day, business of some private lutnre called away the father ftom his home for a fewwedm—and, to be brief, t wlU merdv state, thkt when he returned; It wis but to discover that his wife—the ungrateful mother of bis boy-baby—had fled from his rbot; taking with her oU her Jewels, the boy Induded, whlbh is the brightest emblem of earthly gems that a woman can pcaaeas lednmatdy. Leaving no word behind her, it was but for the trantle fether to coiv)eotiue what destination she Jiad set out for herself; so, pabking up his portmanteauj' after dosing his mandon, he started for new York, In pnrentt of her—not to redalm the erring woman, but to tear from' the bosom of the adultress his idol son. You wiU presume that her Spanish lover seduced the Udy from her husband'a home. Not meeting with tho fhgltlvea.lnlTew York, he took pasa^ge for Ouba'ih tho first ' )aokeC and on his arrivd in Havana he received Information of ihe dopers at the oustom-housb,' the lady being described to him- as dressed in'an azure blue silk diess. They had'gone on to Ma- tanzaa but a few days previous to'hla teaching Havana, and thither he fallowed them. For weeks and' months he endeavor- ed to find them out—not to wreak bib'vengeance on the heads of the disgracefalpalr, but to procure the obUd, and retn^ home, to rear It in iipioranbe of Its mother's Infamy. His pursuit, of the guUtyones vras useless, and if they were secreted In Ma- tanzas, their skUl In' remaining 'undiscovered Ih'their place of conoedmentwvtnlklUble.. Wearyand disgusted with bis fhilt-' less search, the wretched fkther and wronged husband returned to Havana, deploring the droumdances'that robbed himof aU earthly happiness. Vldtlng the United - Stales Consul, at his of- fice, an Eastam.gentleman with whom he dossed at the Caih-' bridge Dniverdty, he deplotad to that offloid the story of his wrongs. Assuming a Uvely interest , in his old college friend, the consul took , it .upon hunself to place the injured man op a fooUng with the purldner of his'good name.' .'■Son Femandcs ds Oonzdes, the 'gay decdver,' 'was knowh to the America cfflcld ss a married gentleman, and the parent of a femde child about two years dd.. Being negleotedi the wife of Son Femandcs could be easily worked upon as a msans of x^taUatlng upon him in the ssme manner that the Spaniard > in. voked disgruse upon the American IntrcduakR the •unhappy ebuple,' It was goon arranged tbat ihe lady should obcompany the American' gentleman to New York, taking with them the chlld of the'deodtfol father; and, as a Ldr exchange 'was no robbery, the i^tleman did not sleep In his hotd that night, ndEher did the lady deep done, ahd the next moming found them aboard a ship bound for New York, bidding adieu, as they passed Moro Ossde, to the sunny shores of the gem of the Antlues, never nlore to return, ■Redding together for the space .of twdve months, in perfect hannbny, a son was bom to the unmarried couple, snd the Utile prattling Isabella, now three years old, possessed a half-brother. Nothing waa ever heard of the runaway wife or - her paramour, untU, one day, a few months subsequent to the buth of the second boy, usbdla was mlssibg, and with her, the Infent, the nursory-mald being found in the nursery, crubUy murdered, ] wlU not tire you, Ully, with a description of the scones tha'i foOawed, suffioe ip to scato that, to the parents, this was evldenU ly the dlabollcd work of Son Fomandci, or some one in his em- ploy. An investigation proved the oatue of the deed. Behig deodved by hls 'xahkee Deputy, who Sed Cuba with aFrenw RenlleOan of wedth and pleasure, to Paris, via New.Tork, a double feeling of remorse .and Jedousy prompted the sensud Spsalard to the aot, by proxy, and after secunng the twooblli dren, he confided the care of theili to a noted famda of tUs dty. who vras at that period themostfkmoni courtezan of tho day. until he should return from Paris, whither he was going lit puN EUit.ofths Frenchman and the'tniant wife, who, before sailing for Franco, left her son in charge of a benevolent Irishrnim, in this city, 'What became of the lapanlard, and the other two, is; to this day. a mystory," 'Then," Utorposed Sdomo, I am related—" ■To Moreton and Eeman, who arb both the sons of OUver Sdton, MoToton Is yonr half brother who la no longer John Moreton, bilt- Blohord' Ddton," Lilly wept as Mark finished Siaklng( "You would know more 1" he added, toUngher bond ecHoaatoiy, She could only sob a reply In the offlnnative, and his heart ached to witness hortcors,for hefdt that she now 'Mr the first tlino cxporlehcod a keen sense of her own degradation, ,' ' , • , ■. "LUty," ho sold, "you'wouldknow of your mbther?" "Yes," repUcd the girl, Buppreaslng hertobsl ."She is sail sUto, exlitlng with the otab hope thM herdaugh- poizing'cf Ben "lf.t(e hadvet heard anytEing of'BUTif^Mii?'' .•acuit trsi^hlmMywIuro, It appears tome as iTSSwi* splnted, away, hut hell turn up some fine day, when he 'irlll^ least expected;" *. * V LOy codded With Ben, who signified his dntreio lsa^^ a UtQe business of 'a prlvato nature. Excusing him, Ben-wlih- > drew to seek Madame Crl«p, with a promise to Sslbme to retniii before midnight. ., ; ,. Alone again, Maijk. Intiodnced the subject of Lilly becomkis an "honeetwbman," bnt In another form. ■ ''Beu'B a good .fdlbw," he said'; "handsome too; it's a pity h» is net,an honest moiL'.'. T~> "'Why oo?" ,' '. . . / •There's many a 'woman would .be proud of Ms personalap* peannce." The remsA gave to,Salome a new idea. > . "Hark, am I worthy of sooh a man I" ., "Whynot?" . , "My mother-" ■ . ; "Would never know of his' real oharBbtar,'and'yon could pro- iionnoo y,enrsetve4 manand wlfa,'aiid be bi^py.' 'I am canVhiGeA that Ben Is capable of Improvement, and WonU'heraly too.Blad to'joln wi(h you."'- •a-Utbliikupto It" .''••;' "So so, Mr, Saltonbasiold ms e. Tcsldlng at Cambridge, and who knoi wlthheryet? "I hope so," re^e'd Lilly, vrith grave doubts, '-Wss' it Mr. Ddton .that told yon Ihe story yon have been reloting to me?" ' "Yes, and he knows tliat you are Issbella Oonzales," "Be does?" • . .,.,.',' '^oubixeablrthmorkonybw^ireast?" ., Lilly bared her boiacm to Uufc, who Idd his'fore-finger apob * luge ata^shaped able, saying; as hs did!. ••If Sdton had' hot detected that in' Ume/yoa and he would have nibde a pretty mesa of afldra." '' "Yes," she repUed, smiling; "and if my mc^er heard .otlt?" "She would Imadne von and Sdton t^p of the slUiest' fbOIs unhung." and Man embnced her, ' ••Why?" .-> ••Fortdllngcf It" As :their embraces were nettlBg warmer, Mark took oceadon to romind her cf: Qie duty she owed to Ban; but being fii^e and. fldieacmei snd toraetful of ererything bnt the man In whosa anna she was locked,' a Ibrvent dgh escaped her Ups, and thlrbw- ing her arms around his neck, kissed him snd remari[ed,"'nst once more," and be kissed ihe bsU Lilly for ihe lost 'tlols on e«f Ih. '.. lo BE oomnniKDi-" „ toitfrnbtb^i* ini yon may be hsjppy . AN klfTMOarFV SUASHIBrO BQLIi. ' . QhrlitmaBisagreatday.bllthe'worldbver. - NewTbr|t{h'^i knocks spots cut of every other dty in their observance Oi 'lH ksy.and.,'.' The boys know the gTeatfestlvd ebmlea bntonoe.a Taii..anA whenU.dooa coma, theygonarally makevtha .moiiM ttv'jnd "mafcb merry,". They^dbn'tdo nothln'i dae/'dd. man. Woll, this Is all right, snd we find no foultwith old round- els, evan lf they hove Indulged in •'a Uttletoo much OhrMmaa," providing they mind their P'l and Q's, and dontfUloilt'Willi their iHends, Some of our TUrty-thJrd street friends haye, it seitms, a different Idea of conducting their fes^vltles, Oii Satur> doy moming, 37tb Inst, at five o'dodt' a pdrof as stdwari^ hardy, and resolute younS sports, fcr'thelr size, as ever cisnohea a fist around these digdngs, soiled off to Hobokcn, for the pui>> lose of settUng,byafelr, manly, stand-up fight a UUle ffuA hat arose between them whUe enjoying their cups on Christ* mas night The gladiators have been, for years, iMends;biitth« [reen'4yea monster, as "Bhskespoke" calla Jedouoy, interfered, md the iormer Samon and Pytluas went bock on each other, ua broke aqnares, Th'bre woo a woman in tiie question, and •■Ihat'a what's the nutter," MeeUng with their friends, in a certain s^ loon on the night referred to. Ugh words arose, and the match was madeoff.hond. Theagree'mentwas, •■Letthemfliihtltout: and when the mill Is over, let there be no hard feelings on dthw dd^e." Ihe contestants bdong to a hardy profesdon. Both sly the ladi (or rather whlpoord) tot their rations, and behig acflve with their, mawleys, and. well matched as to size and struigtb, it wis Bupposod that a very interesting and Uvoly flght would en- sue,. Just as the day was dawning, the pngllisnoJarTlea^<acoom> Sanled by their retpeotlve friends, embarked at the footofllili^* rd street bnd after a brisk puU were landed on tbe "other daa of Hobuok." AU prdtanlnoriea being amicably arranged, tha combatants sUpped, shook hsods, and went at It The vigilant ihhsbltdita of New Jersey were nn'ccnsdbur of tho sport t^t wsis going on, fbr there wis not a soul to Inlermpt the impend- ing batUs. Our conflicting worthies ore known by the cogno- mona of •■Cypress Hills" and "Odvsry," owing to their almost exclndve bnalnesi with those dumping-grounds. "Odvsry" won the Choice of ground, but "Oypreas Hllla" had the best eeo> end. Ttiere waa a greet advantage in thd. If vou don't bdlbv* It 'oakTomElngor JsokMbSonsld. Tlme bebg caUed, they'went, and for forl7-flve minutes, during whlbh time thlr^«. Bbron rounds had been fought they rnsde one ct the most atolH tiorii and determined flghts we have ever wttneased fiom oma- tenra in the fistic oreno, "Cdvary" was the favorite at* hibnoemeht, but his opponent's wrestling abilities bore ao manw* fine points, that poor "Odvory" waS almost book-heded to deolB before the battle ended. Bat etrange thlngo cllen happen, anfl the Auburn boy ptdledhimidf together for the loot effort ' Al- though evidently defaatod, after a brief lapse ■■Richard was him- self agabi;" andnuhlngln,oauAbt'^0ypres8Hills"'wlth^whsek on the Jaw, laying his opponentlat on his back, himself measni^ ing his length from the force of his own blow. In fdllns, r'Cy- press"- "struck a mine" of gqusre flogs, and his second^ undins him ded to dl entreaties to reuse himseli; threw up the apcnm in token of defeat The bottlo over, dl retninedtoNewMfc the oombatants bearing IndelUble marks of broialBg, mutUatloD. and hard Imocks. ... -ter -wHl yet bcreatored to her.'.' i'.- • ,' • ■ ' "Kevor, Mark, never, J atavtop. degroded a wretch to. ever metthtewhocdls meehUa.'." .' i^-. • I -VYoucan bemadeaa hbneat' lrUlBBhi'*' Sdoiab's'dark eyes bright^cfl up with a,flliowXrt«"WM»d: h(nM,>nd tajng them-utfoa'the nobleman that addressed hei^, they grew dim •gain. CAiarpfutiA oAnBiiiDBii. KTffmvf< TO 'isBEST. IHDICTES OAUBLEBS. ' > ' There boa beien quite a time among the gamblers in Ban dsco,lat5ly, and ofrenuoas.efforts bave'been n>»fl;,'<>*'S^f5g angambUngosUbUahments. Recently, a number ofindlotanttlK. wmefoundT.ond on.Saturtoyevening, Not- mOhWBijrtB. ' aMomponled by eight of the poUoe force,- and bddlng "W™ ty-di warrants of .arreit nnder Indlotaimto •€»5»»P«S'{» «unbUng found by the Grand Jury, which had Justda«edl^>- bors, proceeded to the gambUig rooms ne« tte OtM House, whloh from information leodvod, they expected to find In fjm blsat They found no gambUig going on.^nor any of the P«l» named In the warrants, aa the blrda W Wen the dorm »n« flown. FicmthencetheOhlefendhlapartyproceodedtoagam^ bUng room at WEeamy street add to. bo. fcpt by Brown s Cock. Tho outer door to this Tbcm was a very strong .oaj^ through a wicket U> whloh a cdored doorkeeper was dlopMCd *» holdVparley. • He waa peremptorily crd.t«fto open ta^^ of the Uw, or the door would be demoUshed. This Stmpefl M talk, and he prcoeeded to give Ingrees to the Chief and hla vuv- Before doing thia, however. It was noUced that hopulled a rcTfc auppcaed to be a dgnd to the gentry Inalde. ynen theperW' ent«r*d,-*hoy fotmd aome thirteen persona aoated in . Ihe. roOTU quietly omoklng dgora; but no Indloallona of gambUM. wne man. however, was arrested here, »T nune of John » ««•- Tho police then visited (AS Commerold elreet but fonnd n»«" to arrest A man named Robert Edwarda, sold to be one dodets at this place, wos dlerwords """te* S^^JSi ^dl Quito an ozdtement wos created by this ra d on ™Sf' ^Ua iowd aosomblcd at the different places yl»"«d, oinong wnmi ™ ^rt was ftedy drodatedthat the Chief had_beM *o^J> hW attonpt to affect an entrance to the rooms op 2<>*"f:f Ci ame tlat of the peril sofe a'nd sound, hOfireTor, ^th. gnWCm Stives out of tbe-thlrty-sU foif whom *»n»?Jf„'rtntr^^»' ipedV For taelaot two or three days, *?»^'S2d onmdSwtf aSmo ibtons or othor. l,i»vo kept themodw^*^^ thbOralld Jury Bobm, and, as a coatVUa^Ml^.r^j^ town-Uvarious.dlreotlons.^ Itwa*»■iomtdKA,:BUly., the.above waa.writted/a Ihlrd.portj IndW^. ?5S~ g^*^ i- has'been arreated. Bowaanii>w>°» r-^T^B^^nMtedirere BtratlmonandO.H.IrTln, TbcRar««y5»"™V»2daoiebr dso bdled:-Bdwordo by P-P''»?'"f^iSS. ' B. Miles and H.B.Cotey, ibesmonntisfw.