New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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306 NEW T BA.TDBDAT, JAKUAaT 10, 1868. S' TO VVBSOBIBBBB, ABmiUlU, AHD U Bi^ Mesped'-tiio olMtmUon ct WUB; '«*(ikaBliiM, OAMMTintot Uttextnoidlnuyhigli price of pi^ ''^SuMwinm^M^ilg^i«s wduU renatnlAeian«. For refer- Bdlwirlpttoi^lbr 4 WnliotB'Onr Oliib (it Elghf. •••.^'i.V." lOnthg. 1 . .-.WW ..aooo ' ' BfllNiprtpllon, per aqnQia.l jiiu ,<K)lPv!iTo (in. "iikiaMies'lnaWiBce; y^ynipHVT nii, Hiwntai.par Une foiieMh knd' eripiy iai liiUk^'.dedaotioii, Wlili'bowwar, b* mada fDF<*dT«p IrlMttaip^lOrfhMraMxinoiiQiit^^ ^"^ot i'lie«siyi)f eiikw^k. ' i.' _Jakttinu to iiimire Utantiim inUw Im If.l-i ^f^! >■'^l.^ - —J. jmi • 'BtCMhi>l]l(i(,'a''W--''''<^ tha to of Daoemixir, i A- ' k iBffla for' k-gpkn' bfJiorse*, tnA'pdMtiAaM ^..tlcktt I'otalafe to^MVforfwb <toIUn.' It .ei^'the IilsheH (tka oholoe of,«i)uul*l aMond highest, renkAbig oha.' . Tha If twoMaou'ibTiiw.M'fbTU'gh, ironl^.iiot tha 'Mlirln Ui6'''i«ooti4li«athoiM, and tha two Has A'a(«''Hho''ink,aatltladto'the lint.obolcef >I • betof flTa'^olh^-that^BwIsj) theaatolid hoiM,' to aUda trirjtmr'laolsloD.":.. ^. .Host' panoni, no I^dadda thit'^thertwo M's takathe ttro pilzas; hot M ttkan a dUttifeht view of ndh qnwtrons, xmleai l&r(ta«iat)i|trai«(iMK<^ Ommiam take the iUa'tiM'lS'ayoald eome in fbrhoth.i^ea; meialy . »r dUMn."' tn'tha caia'timafeootlca; tho tloket b»-' Oat the K<iV)( tbdl laka choloi; ncondhlghest, taka ;1i6raa. 'ThalU^i»b'ft£d.w4S:.saraIytheawrfd iotbeM,alflo: It jB,.acoonUiig tothe staiamant, 4f; 'hoiiaa, It M<nalrt<i<tih, la irlih the tWo parties ihtoV' ^^fta'omcsoi'livneai ii -''AfeMt'iw-lwliigtha UgheM' munbar scored; ono hotse.tha xncSt.'Ddon^ to thoaa tii'o, the disposition of which Vaxij can da- -^Ide amoqi thamsalTes; tha saoond highest throw, K, takes the Tliiiii'alilliijliiiirin ' for Uie tloket impUes; on lis &ca,thataftertha M^uthis bad the oholca,. (hero itahoise reinafnOip, for the oiliSd Idghesf;"HUI ltbeen'printed on the ticket that ^a two IdghMt throws ahonld be entitled tother two hones; then tha epM would iMTe been different, and wonld bsTSno show. We rUBMTthll'aA'onr dphiloh, knowing, at'tbe aame tUae, that it Is In eppoaltioil' to tha opinion iX many who are, perhaps, better (gnallfled to'dedde snoli dlspntea tbu we profess to be, Xi. B. t., Boston.—"Win yon please decide the following bet ^ Jn.i3lM;—A.-B, 0. and I>, are shaking dice, eaah one having ^.iggH^ej^- (^beohoof^u}, njnullr;qdled^'jy'ns Ymk Orab: A . ww^pwwaB] don'tsbikeia(fu«Ia!). B takesthe bet,and '■''^C^l^S«fx^>^ 'a>^ttivd\X A laks him If he.wlll leaya -Oat as hla shake, B says no, and shakes igaln, leaving a 6; (for • fhsiiwon probably, that I) had shaken M), B shakes again, ai(d jntir'M^ -'^'">A to inika Jost U.. A asks B if he will leaTe V'>BtiS'MnlB^hue;BeayS'hb,andahakef< again,this time getting 'JU, whloh he ,laaTi)S.<u Vx ami, and claims the money. A con> '''Sads that at the'shake was 'Sea York Qni>,' (wbldh eptltlas the 'sihaker to leave either, the first, second or third shake u Aii.owfU,) 'ttatha (A) 'wllis. Motr please state the cass as herein, and ss;r ■vhowlns. A contends thathadB left either the first or seconit mt, (viz )jO,that B wonll have won: bnt as he did not leave Im'of the.two, as his count,'that B in getting the- last, either —jn o^lasa tbin 19,'loses the bet" .B wlna..^ no doubt, '^'fiwBdad -the 'bat as a catch, bnt it does' h'ot- held good, for. in „.4hroirlng U, B certainly did throw buOat, and thereby.taksa the ' -'Audi PhIlad^hla.—(Aarkr Lynch ibnght three times la this conntry—with noiy Uacarty (the American BplderV, Andy Eell^, ■Dd Barry Xonth (a glove fight). In England he fought Blmon ,, Wnlghty twtofi .'Tonng . Harrington twice, Jack Bnluvan, Dan VrfXhooas, Biny Shaw, andlOeorga Holden, all menot the highest . t^^MUIy. In'moat oases he gave weight awsyj or his wtmnlngs ^ionld^bemnch the mora. Oharlsy now "keeps a hotel" In Lonr |;;.'j||tpiu|ni|^aftai.oarpapeT,andlsdo^ . . i.-. .;B:D.'ratn>J.B.,.Waahlngton.—ihvtipMt,—"Aandp are play.' Jfig draoghts, Ajomps Into the Ung row. Can he JmnpoHt •fftin before B movea, if his man was not a Ung before Jni^dhg Jnto th^ Ung row t' A bets ha can Jump ont again, B bets ho innnot^.ltHo wins}"....'.. B viln^.' (M gelifa% inlb]the Una rowr ' ''^^^^ (inaBt remain nntll a move has been made by the op- y , BmBOiBOo, Boston.—We tender ycm many thanks'for jonr <..'4noiabsadtOtthaexpi«8alonaf yonihindrasstd:, We had al- ji'nadxIh.typesameBostonltems-wtaesyanr'tttttyed: TOTliMIl -i'.iaicehre,inmnnlngyanr eyes over onr different departments, ■ ^ '«at«is:atitarate the varlons Items wis receive, and olasal^ tbem if.'Xndsr Jilpnialate headlngi. We llks short, ajiloegil bits of n^ws. '*< > I^ools.—We have teiservad to cii^Mlvas the privi. - •jilsg e cf caitlii^ down onr oonespondenoe where It is naceaaary. •:!'<irs do not llk4 long letters on'tneatHeal snbjecto. If we were publish ia'defall all the bttets ve receive, It woold' take tw« -T^flifee "OiiiFKas," each week, tohold Ihem. We cannot 'da>' I.;'«mbmi'odr regdlar'Oonne. '';;''XBO'na^aE.^L If a man'ager.pigages a company tor a stated' ..jsUlodi^and at a named salary, he la bonnd to pay them that Jj'Malaq', whether haplays tiumlnqitjror.conntay.' 2. Concehi' lo J&..Miotci:EiSEMdr (or Ui< B«atcn,«f Jhe —Iir'th«;htmtiim "ftf •a7:Breatsr-tadncamants to. brlag-ovt' tha tilehti of;rtonn»rlt«tf;iwB hereby olfcr the snm of Irta Hu*. oBBp I>ou.iBBfpriheithr«e bat^storiaiw^ Inaded ,ln;to\u.1)^Wutb'ofllttcll,'^^ ONro^ind^tita.flflT dol- lars VMS bBjgtvan for the best story, one handredand'fltiyddlars iilr tiiamiit iiixndarof merit, and, enehnndied. doliais for the tUiabekt neymnst bewTltitt'.oiprtiislyfOT our coltunni, and'to inlt the tastes of the readers jofiha OuFm. Ve don't frant aDyWc.<^rt«B.-'aiie stories'must vopan rich" at.onoe, with the laterert oommendng at,the start, aad.cositlBiiliif to the end. The plot most 'be wtililald, aUogetber original, trlth plenty of exdtlngand thrilling in'oidanila—In a word, they must b«[ tut stories, tor a Cist p«opie.; Saoh itory.miiit rnp thirteen 'waeki, to bocapy tha first page, of the'Ouma eaehvttk.' ITe don't want any of those storeotyped, namby pamby storleswhloh are nanatactnied now-a-days by steam, ,i^d sold by the cord, or ton. We want something fiiesh and ^clUng. The fUh^i^ paid to the sDceeastnl competltorB as soon as the deslsloB is ren- dered, whloh[,wlli be in tine to commence the fint 'prlzo story In. the first number ^t the EleveBth 'rylame of fha Ciirixs, commenoing April lib 16(9. The award will be made fair'i«vd:'i|qaara,;rwltb'<>iit the least parttellty or &ToriUam,''ib'd .la' aeeordanca'iKtli^^ wbidligQlded na in avraiding onr first'series of prizes in the year 1809, two of' which wei^ tailan by parttes oti.wbom wa had never'evisn heard befo^, and whose names we dld not seenniu a dedalon hadbeenBads.. The editor of theOuFPrnwlD 'hlm' self dedde the question <)t snpeirtorlty, and hand tha money overtothenicOaasftil'anthors. Storiesnotsnccessfdllytakinga prize, wHl be at onoe refomed' to their owners^ or'pnrohasedat a fUr valnatlOB,' as may be .mnta'aDy agreed npon. This Is a BOKAViDX offer, and, the money wHI be given It bat petitors enter. 'If bnt one ahonld enter, that one win getthe firat prize, be hia story good or bad. An oommnnlcations most be addressed to . ' ' , '7BAKE QUEEN, .' Editorand Fraprietor of th« New Y091 Oliffeb, 39 Ann street. New Tork. New loBi, Jan. B, 1883;' "'Ifng iqfkness, we presnme a manager. haa.the right to make de- .'Ibiotjons, bnt Ibraalngls night's abaemce owing to «inVn«nif, it ^;3iafdly seems ^eroDS^wdedapt. - r . ;)l . 'ilrapn>;nilladelpbla.—Tbankyoiiforter^tliig ont the frani. ■^.'.^ehadaletterihimanllllnolB coilespondent on tti'e sublect, VI tRit.he did notfUnlsh ns the dlreot proof, as yon have Uon£ r\'i](r> Ssari BoUandc tha gymnast, is a base plagiarist and de-! { ^Ter..^We:have rqfbrred to the matter in ear' cUbns'depart- J.J .. uj III r; f Bn VtuM Tna I^VWinl-^^ewheM^dn }ili ,ew«(pabIlsbanao«oaatotN(il^bUasi|^l^thaOtjikB(don- 'ihlp, rafc-at Haokney Wlok, ntar Esndon,"Bng.7 batwfcn-UUa and White, two (kr-timed pedastrlana, in which the fonnor won bxten yat4^ fJtfy, m#e,ias»est Jiae on rawd, yi^l<Vr*^<»i> uj^awifi^wcniii/j Bpanlj^mi^tind afnlftw^i) fom^d. for timnliiB nwes on the eqoare, t- wiSrrjMinirrm AfMnBiaiwi-lWa ire' mBSh gratlfltd to' teun tbAtiyU( Jaa.^f^lsh—befcre the war broke' oat It was pi^ <>j|m Farrlsh"—has been appointed Additional Paymaster, In the tJ. B. Aimy, by^ H'. Btinton, Secretary of War. Therejs' 110 mistake ibont It-^We saW the oaoial 'doonmeats. Hivl^i Parish early inllaied' in defoaosi.of the iTaion, and was oaptahi lnthe7tth(Soottlsh} Beglmantofttiladty- BU regiment wa^&i the battle of Bnll Ban, tend Captain Aurlah was'made a prisoner, and confined.spyaral monthsin Bldimond, . Now tbat you have Itln yoaipcrwer,llaior,sae that the boys In yonr division are not kept oot'of their pay' any longer than may be ootaally necessary. Boom there Ar the UaJor. He wiia tP for his new post dt da^iXoalsvUle, Ky., on the eth. ne portrait of most of the eminent .vv^uuaen in fv-i —^ •»?.P;™lta. yisittte Sporting PiotaTe <i2l^ ^ »wJ?'««J valuaWe additions have r ecentiyboen n ade, bjfiSajSJlf Heator stoeets, Hew York.. The aubacrlbS M^oSKil?* hla friends and acqaalntaneas, that he has taken the io>m!¥°'4 which he opened on Uonday ovenlnir, Jane 9th -iba^^S'^ wwUlbo stpDlieSwlth the <*olce«t Wlnea,»S;oML ^JS* 5 ThePioprl^i'windoevorythlnglnhlapoimtoTriS^lM • 10-tf' ■. • ' I • • - • .. . .ioiSr?nSS5t ^'.^ilt H.'i 8d B. L '7., near lUmontb.-A.' iajipy New Tear to '-XtMa'-and'-yoai 'oompanlons., Olad the Oupfeb reaches yon. oIshMild'';fon'eet np anyspdrting a^ls, w^ahaU be pleased to. pijkaraiheprlwegoof pptUngthemoatherecard. . ". ^!!^iUi^ilmBKB.T«aco^^ To dadds .a wMor,' pleue state 'T'tUllt'E^Mi'a.'n ImttlBg ever,made by nors:Tempk a. What :JU,flUMortliH,tiotttng time on reoordr'...,v;l. lion's bist j'Jjpel«?^flX;.WlUahUialso,thebesttratt^ . " ''vi!f/Hi'6., IIilfoid.-^L ne greatest qnallfloailonl Jnst now, is , ...BoiiUeal lnilnanaai:wlthont which, no matter how soltably <iaaU>' d^MtiaPiherreaieota yoa.mavbeithe ohanoaa' are'an a£»Ust' jljva,!'9r>Wejb«irave ha tppointa his own derki' ' •'(•'iltnoirJiiik—TheFerala'an^ Tanditrbtltjire pkibablyiimong . -(ttafllstaatiteamaUpsto'the world, btkiwecUnotdocldawhlOL .w4a th«'fl{Meetin die world. . \ u«»ub w«,op. ■A *^!^i^;PBi>tn>,.SaIsm, liass.r-l^«'cortoit ilia advertisement for ■■■'^ISP^t'^^^^*^''''^^'^''^ fl;and.tO.oenU foz each ' 'AK^Krij^Jgnmm.^^^ th'eybelongtothat^rtaa-' ' :i«M....^' hUss. A., istha.wliaofUr; J.H. .8; We don't know. '4i)y pf them, if yon posMSS thareqnlalta abUl^,'' •-. ■ kj.'S.yPbnadalphla.—If yon wlU'glve' ns tiie points, with hnni- -'ittt'Of lines'reqnlrM, and enclose cost df advertising, we win ^jatttkeiioat-foryod. • • •;' r',''-7^ .' " . ' *!,v5X''Mi»bami^ B. £—t^rnkpHngwonhlstetilai^ '■•{Ifii'KM PaUfer/ ApHl 1,' 1618, bnt was .himself beaten by Piilib. •ttirf'AagTlst7,'ihe tomiyear. .'' ,'.,.. OoiisriiiTBsanBB.—1. tho date of the Astor Place riot wa 1 Say 10,0819. 9. The fight betifoeQ Awful Oardner and Dnblin Ui&a, took ptate on'them Of Janaii7,'J8<ir | OEa.HiiitaDnno)r,:'Phllad's.—That hook wak' 'properly ad- ./l^nssedaamrllrstlettavtothe «01tyItem'.' oflloe.' ^Bome real .;^liasi'stoIm4lisore.' ,WlUsend;another. . .'• ■ ■ ■ ■/ t'.< imzozBitD','Boston.—We'do not tliiiili Otal ajsh'slore' is boiosi ' ,4tBiiur]>e<tte':long, however. Thahjc'yon.'' we'U 'cohtlnaa to --^va ihem^qnr dost," , 'J^'T^V:'ir.^Wlng'sBteti«n,Har]6ipki^^^ . -ifiit^ ilUirei ^jawing tairget ahciff^ lyAll (tosf. about $20. ...... i;jlu^,l£.—Whatia tha questionVybn-wish to-dedde. Ton .j4fB!t|SU^,the.oasedlearly, - 1 ..." . I>7>jA.'H;, Bpartsi'p. W.-;-SpondaUskl zecdVed;', 'Good for'elght ^ptvMe^rjj,.^,,. . .,. i '•,; MJ^''9'>.0<IJnmt)as,,O.T*'iiay 7^ nevej be in! want of a <' "hot __,,;:3Spsh;f;^;(*gteenb«oJo»....^: : •^.^'-11.'' ■■ . .• ..:' • 'ill«^Mi!il^i?ife?*'-9*5^i^'5?.^^ tartlw'aamsa,' the tronbleyov _ _ _ ^ week. ' ■ . ' i(toiVSa»HW,:ct £,u S. i, Fojtiaaniay,Heb, Teri-WiuJ ^^|r,flC: the prosenl volume. . ■ ■iM .'• Y'iHitp»«T Hanaisom-Wa are aroWdad tHr lebni jiist libw. • •■^tlK'^9i}|#>^rHatoif .'-..vrX'V ■ ■'>., ■ si^'S^ ilijii):Bo6s,0F Biuj^BM, by Htaai^ PhAlaa'asd Btrger, gtf jBttona 'tte lataetjpnljUw^ ooittM but at a tot" tw *lito35l|llaMsareiULtherage.- ilioonialnsabnoalj :,t^l4( ^H*ry to kaow to baaome'an id^ lli tLct . 'l?,T0B?A5r;irp.UlHaiilteitiiej',ju,i^aii,^^ lifsnd ■fO.^lB: to Mem. Pheba and* QtSUMn, , A JUIUiINO UBDIiBT, Things In reference to' the Ohamplonship of England were considerably mixed op Just previous to the Voknbyrn planking the mopuss^.kace, Ooss, Elng, and others, being aU in a heap on the subject' Usee publishes a letter in big Beff, who gets In a big one In' ratiiip'. In the £{f<^ also, is a pbaptar on the subject, Indnding an epistle item one of the. Corinthians, pitching into Usee;' Poor tUtow, he ■wOl soon have to plead for salvation firom hiS'Men^lf he don't look onb We'might have aometblng to say, .wers it not that space forbids, so we wUl "shut up" by giv- ing sueh of the matter as is of interest here:— WBII Uaci BAIB. ■■It having been intimated to me that some gentlemah had staked money on iny behalf bnt without my authority. In answer to a dunenge purporting lo emanate Item Joe Gobs, for talm to fight me at lOat Ifflb,! 'wls'h to Inform Qbes and aU the world, that I will claim for the telt agabuit aU comers, ae. cording to ttu conditions, £900 a aide and at catoV 1^8^ aa I BtUl consider myoelf Champion of Englahd. The condi&onshro that a man who contends for the championship must not bo confined to weight, and Ooas and his friends know that ftoU welL If hawishea fork try, for the championship, let him be on at once for the.bcit, without anymore cavilling. If that does not snit him, I.wlll fight him £«0e to tiW, three months after my next champion fight, be it with floss orany other man breath- ing—that< la,' wtthln nine months after sigidng artldes to fight for the champlonihip of Enghmd. If Qoas means bndneas, let him colne to terma at once, or hold his peace. Years, &o., . JEH Uace, Champion of the.'Wbrld. Deo.19, lUl .1, WHIT BELL BATS. • ' ' ■!llaca Is In error in snptiOBlng any one hu staked money for him. AU the. money staked WU' the ,£20 he: left at our i^ce hifflsell Has Uoce forgotten that a.fortnlght baob we Inserted athls own reaueiit.aduUengato light aoiis,far.'jUIOOasIde, at lOatlOUj or.ldetiaib? His letter above is nOt compatible with this .chaUenge, Ee most dearly make a match .with Gobs,' s<- cordlng'to hla own: challenge. Goes, however, la qnlte wllllnR to take £800 to £10Q. Has he forgotten that be received forfeit froniaouin the spring. when tbalatler wu unable to goon owing to an Ir^ory to his shoulder,. and thla, too, when no articles were algnedt" ■WHAT KIRa'B DAOEZB SaiS. . "Tom Slng> backer wishes qs to say that previous to Etoa's last fiaht, when he 'won the Championship, he bad promised till])A]Uy,.that.wln or loae he should retire from the Blng- and lt,ls Eing^s present intention to.keep that promise. Bhou/d oir sumi^cas ever arise, and Sing be onoe more tempted to thrbw dfwn the gauntlet,'Jem Uace mayrest.assnfed that he shan have the first chance. Tom ]^g wishes to.thsnk his Mends baokers, and the pubUo, for the nnlformi Idhflhess 'he' hu eVar met .with, and bopes, in whatever rphesehe may be'slaeedln to ;neritthp.good,oplnlpn,of aU." ,■ ■ . „■ ■ .TT ," <>WEitC'TBS SFOBmro UTS aa'vs. ('•The-Meads-and baakers of Job Oou are Very wrotli with :Uaee fOr repadlatlng'hls former ohaUiiDgb to the Northamnton man^to:figbt at lOstlOlb: 'We oanhot suppose, IteM what we know of Mace, that'it ooold be hl4 intention'to mislead as-bnt irhy.ha should have .stetod inhls letlei' to ns, last Wednesday that the monev pat down on his behalf; to fight Goes; was 'wlthl out. hU sanation,'we are quite at a loss'to eomUebend. Tha .stakeholder assnres ns tbkt MSoe himself dep'baited £10 for the uprts; potpoae <rf maUns a matoh at lOstlOU): and we arc therefore-sozprlaed that Jem, in his'present blah poalUbn. ■bonldpumasaehacoaiZBe. Unless heflghtaOoaa ocoordlni to the ohaUesBe, which Is now patent emanated from bin tbe £10 down must be forfdted-a tUr precedent for anob a proceed- Ing being found in the.faot that Uaoe. himself reeelTed jfs forfeit fromOoas, when they were matohed, after Jem's first encounter ,Vlth King, and when .Qoas-had injured hla shoolder'with Bvall. Jtiepbig hitherto eqjoycd the confidence and patronage of the pilbUf, and If It doos not s^lt blm ,to fight Oosa, ho had bettor W, and candidly state his reasons. Instead of bacUni oat in amanner certainly beneath a Champion of England.' The sympatUee of the public ore at present largely with Uoce, and h.e wiU' bo actbig most' pr«|ndldally to his own interests If ho does not malhteln his character tor'- straightforwardness and open-dealing,' The business claims of his olrous tnaybeverr important, to blm, in i pecuniary sense, bnt he must not ove^ bole the fkct that pugUlem has madb him what he is, and been the mainspring of his success. We' caution him, for Us own sake, hot to hare too many Irons in thefire^ Belong uhels ambitious of remaining Champion of £ngland,he muat contbrm -sMotly to tbe responslbUltles of his position. Goes and his frtends aro rcaUyaniions to'get on'with their .natoh, and to prove this, they WiUr ^-.•-•-1.- — - . shaU have no oiouee seUdown'to lOet 101b , „_„. „„„ „ fight '^SOO to *UX), three monUis after his next battle for the wXfSJRi??'^'.,'' "^fPJy.pispo'to'OM, u .Qps)!, of course, does rA*?o«MU'or^^^^^^^ a'Sfflte*?,?.'''*''^''^^'^*^^ '. 'WHIT OOSS'S BAOKEB SITS. ' ' ,'■ '1 Mn.very muoh snjprtsed at Jem Mace trying to get S?,t ^ .repeated challenges to, fight Joo, doss at lugt 101b. Mow .Joe Gobs .Is prepared to fight him atlhatwolihl he stetoa some gmlUman ataked for film wtthbnt Us S tloq. ',Ihe pubUo 'weU ktiow;his chaUeage lut week at hu n&b^ benefit, .Jid at th'o werghlngof Dmo?^'d W dod. "When Ooaa offerod to fight at lOat 7U>, he wouU^ fl^t lOat Ulb, and stake £1)00 to MOO.. If he prosnmo to £e ohImKi pnshlp of ths Woridi Wroly he wUl not enUy his tuat in hiSo to gst'out, bnt win g4 OB \Hth the match for £200 a side atlSi^ lOlb) or,JoeshaU light him.on his own torms^otfOOO to lira I am, sir, yonis mapeotfony, ' . • ' Jo^ 'ffUBSBijff, (JoeOose'sBaoker."] There now, atn't that a regular nngb and tnHible of a go, and ala't poor Mate getUhigotat Oonia over hare, Uoce, and fight Bsenaat thara'a moremonayand fimsin It, and byashstter ont ihu catUsg HBOtM abont.OTer tbat UUMe of a twit, u*', :»'•-'.'..';t M.^..'..I...-. .. . . »■-...(.,- ■'. ■'.^ . . COOKING. UAIN BETWEEN NEW YOBS AND TBOY. ■ ' New 'YoBX Wnis, ! ' !rba aaaaon fbr Cochlng sporto hu opened,.and already a v^ Important main—KewYork against xroy—has been fought TUs main took place on Wednesday, Bee 81,1883, at the Dnlim Hotel, on tho road .between Albany and Troy, and wu for (to each battle, and tdOO on the main. A oorreepondont "O- 0.,'' Btvbs us the partlcnlata, remarking that, owing to the crowd and noise, he may be aUghtiy at fault in one or two of the weights, but hu endeavored to be as aoourato u iMsslble. . . - AtnineP. M.>we arrived at the scone of action, andjound oiiito^ asafiiblage of lioyiAlbaiw, and New York sportacol- looted in the bar-room of the Union Hotel, aitoated .on the Troy that something wu up; and accordingly, prdoeeding tUther, we were, for the sum of ono dollar, government oarrenQV, famished with a tloket for the main. We managed to get m with the broM, and took a front seat, the .space of wbicn item outsldo pressure wu soon radaced' to about six Inohea; but we had no time or dlspodtlon to grumble, for u soon u aU were admitted and seated, in came "John". MolhoUand, with a oay cook In hla hand. Ee stated tbat h6 wu a 0-11 bird, the lorgost he had, and that be wu going tofightthe"CqiumbuB"of Troy, weigh- ing 6-2.'' Odds of ton to eight were Inmiedlatdyi offered on the Troy cock, and $10 on the main, The Troy bird wu then brought In—a fine-looking blue red—and, the aport l>egan, after adecilng Mr, So'merindy ke, of New York, u Jnoge. Boond 1. the Tioy bird, fought gamely, bnt wu rapidly get- ting the Trorst of it, when, to the surprise of all, and the chagrin of his bakers, tbe KewYork cock enreased Us djagust with the proceedings by'msMng a rapid exit fiom tho pit, accompanying his flight with sundry aqualb, wUcb certainly were not in tokin of viotory. At this unlocked for termination, the Troy boys be- gan to set noisy: on ebnUltlon,'however, wbloh was promptly checked Dy the referee, and a check.wUch wu final for the eve- ning, and the cooks were brought in for Boond 3. Now York, wUto pUe, 0 fine fowl, 4-11; Troy, black, very active, t-lO. New York wins by sheer gamohcss (being outfonght at every point), after a.very hard batue. Boond 8. New York, blue red; wdght, 6-11: Troy, dark grey, rather fkt, 8-10. Both fowls lost an eye early in tbe figbtand the Tny fowl finally got cra^, and made the most extraordinary leaps, and danced a reel aU ronnd the pit New York wins. In the Interral, a Uttle Irish boy song some patriotio songs In fine style, and quite a lot of ' 'shiners" Xell Into hla hat when ho passed Itround. . . • ' Round 4. At the opening of this mateb, E. BImmonda offered $28 on the Troy bird, which wu not token. .New York, white pile; weight 6-10: Troy, block red, 6-11. This wu a very des- perate fight but the Troy fowl finally packed up his goods and left NewYorkwlns. Botmd 5. New York, pile, 6-4; Tny, red, 6-8. New York wins. Bound 8. New York, dark red; weight, 6-T: Troy, blue red; Weight 6-8. Tbe New York cbck was coupled at tho second fly, god finally cried lustily for quarter, Troy wins. .Bonnd T. Now York, black red, 8-11; Troy,, red, 4-16. Troy had his leg broken after a few dips, and wu soon killed. New Yorkwlnr. Bounds. New York, pile; wekht 6-8: Troy, birch; wdght 6r6. A very , severe fight New York winning tho mateh and main. And thus, at holt-past 3 o'dock, ended the main, at wUdi an orderly company assembled. , Mr. Somorlndyke officiated thnnghont with the most unqucs- tlonablofairoees, to the very generally eipreased aatlsiutlon of all parties. . Two of the New York oooks ran away—the only two matehes that party loM>-^and several of tho Tray cooka played army offi- cer, and got away as safely as poaalblo.^ ' ; The New York cocka for ont-atationed and conditioned the Troy birds, the most of which fought'st from 3 to 6 oonces too much welght- The Troy cocks were, ^dlod by Mr. Jakeway, and tho New York birds bjL John HuUioUandt - ' There.ahonld havb been three mora flghto, bnt Tny refDsed to fight any mon. New Yobe va PBiLii>ELPBU.-^Thls main Is to take place this week. ITAiBSiirOHio.-Wa learn tbat several mains were fought in Cdumbna, OUo, on Clirlstmu day, bx tliOBo beillgcrant birds "eaored to GaUua." . THSl CHABIFIONBHIP OF ENOIiABD. ; AMEBioA ya gbeat britaih. .^iv UNKtrowy after a ace. ' ■ - Is It HEEHAltr Almost even maU that arrives from Europe, startles uawlth one of rumor's bin guns, that conjures up before cur at present war-disturbed vlalons, ponderoua flats, booming cannon, exnlo- ding shells, slssblog sabres, and aU sorts of oioggerated para. phernaUa of fight In fkct, the prow of every vcssefcoming into our huber seems to present ono of tbe two horns of a dilemma, either to fight or be anniUlated. • Fortunately for na, u a natloni tbat big axe' that Enghmd and France have been hdding over as in the vidnlty of Mason and Blxon's Une, hu not yetfoncn. and weare.yetabletotaUt abouttheUnionforevor, ButWehavea rumor, or rather, a second edition of an old one, atettnc that Heenan, adopting the obsoure title of "Unknown," has consented to enter the llsta against Jem Uaca, forthe ChamplontUp. Jem u .OUFFEB: readers waU know, got taken down in the class by Eu>g,:aad bu:got to ber-"> —•■» •-— 'r.^..-. .. Heenan hu.token " the second aeries; ,dOtlbto| t)(Qkm^ ■ j - ■■- t unvo couio KO Land heretofore, and becanse of Ueenad'a emphatio dedaratlbn. •rso TMTt f^iitjor mti" Indeed, the idea of Heenan's taking the jouWmff of "The Unknown'^ to start with, throws cold water on the affair, we think. It may bo so, howe'ver; but we shaB ruerva one eye at lautfor tha other side of the question. Now. it Is possible that this "Unknown" may be the youns "Amerioan sUd catpentar," anuded toJaourlast It Is certain that somo one Is after Mace, for it is stated that Mace's preUmlnonr dopoBlt of £20 ^zmrmTJT'^'?^ no uiu, auu are trying to gaoss wSo'tho mytUcal Indivldnal Is. Bead what tho SpoHing Lffe of Deo. 20tb Boys:- ; -"Uto lut evonlng /Trlday).a.gentleman waited upon tho' usual stakeholder, and covered Maoa'a £20 already down for i ftesh fight for the ChomplonsUp ond £200 or £600 a aide, wUch- ever .Mace may,pleue. They have to meet next Wday, to draw up articles, when."the Unknown" win benamod,and »U Efellminarles arranged. -The Intelligence of this fraah "Un- nown, "wiU.oreate a sensation in pugUlstlo cirdu, and the firat Impreulpn among the talent Is, that the "Unknown," when his name cornea to be dlsdosed, wUl be found in John 0. Heonan^ tho Benlola Boy. On the other hand. It may-bo. BretUe'e Unl mown, that.woa matohed\rith Mace, and who wu "pdd ont'< in order not to Interrupt the negotiation of tha lato mateh ftii' tte Championship,,, In aU probobUlty wo ahaU .be able to Indl- Mte ttio real akme.of the "Unknown" In our next Wednesday's lot our readers stand by for tha dlsoiosnre, bnt don't be In a' hurry to bet that it it the, fienlola Boy. The wlab, in this ouo,' S.^l'fi'?"IS?bo ro)oiood Ht know that Bomethlng hu turned uj to rouse the sporUng world from Ito letbargy. « ■> . Tnap SHborwd in Caluni.— a shooting matoh- at pigeons, J.-®. 'A"P."":^' ^' Ohrlatmu day, for o amoli' phrse,andafi.bystaraupner,tobepaldforbytbeloalngside. It yu M'weon moi&bers of the B. H. B. ShooUng Club, oaoh man toshoptat tf a birds. Betting was a and 8 to 1 in fiivor of Young's, sidpat.flrst, but towards tho veered ronnd-to evens, wUdU'wote.rp^dUy token whenever offered. The foOowlng is- thescore:— ' " - ■wlielo^ anas. His portrdtgaUety has ■"everybody wortt eee^^ bitlan,andJaokdallgbte In explaining them. Fme^S■?„'»»• order, day and night ' ifroiioibi; V. TODKO'S BIDE, Geo. 0, Parkins.,1110101010—8 P. Young 0101000100— 8 B.abklinra 1001000000^ 3 Geo. Welshofer..0110101001— '8' ~ H. JoU ...,..,^100001110— 4 Total. :ao w. XDoaoTmd's.Bins. Wm. Young lOOOOOlOOO- 3 Wm.,,Bsxtor lUOOtlOU— t John.Bennlok8„lU0101100— o' I) Hayes,. OOOlIlllOl— 0 W* Tudsbnig,. ,,1000010000— 3- Total,. .123 Thomas Taylor and Enboh Brown were tha refeteasi and Ur. Jamu Yardlngton, the Umpire. Three of the genttemea engaged., Menrs; Baxter, Parker and 'BenUloks, an open to a ohdlwaa from mr part of Canada for a shootlsg matobi and, aIthou& niatMi, thoaa scores must not be taken U a orlterlon of their abUlties,byaDyaaans. ai ilKty are tekBowMgad to U noalleni shbotm, ' ■ I ton gree, . -i iu iruui la, Jiarcy u a oapiuu leiiow, ana a most' t>S^ caterer, and henoe Us-almost nnpreoedented popnlarltr wf? viae aUwho desire to spend asocial'^ ^t his admbably oonduoted Beatourant and Saloon. ' JBBBT Coma's BEnarrr.—A goodly company atteaflM iv. Shakeapoare Hotel,-last Tuesday, , See, 80,- to give ths iMi Jerry a lift io the world. There oouldnU have mustmd^I less than four bnndred paying subscribers. ButlltUeXS. wu given of the affair, or then might have been mora. SrSi didn't even make us aware of hla InienUbns, and oulv tm aBoUtary blU at tha Eagte Hold, Centre atreet thechuMiS tbat about half would never have heard of It When "ollinn Tovee" don't get to a Mneflt, you may depend BosieUu^ wrong. ■ Father Winiam waa in town; Juat returned fronlnmi Ing hla Chrlstmaa at a fMend's houso'ih Fordhanl; his ntm^' also on the blU—"so was. Harry Eazarus's," you mavuit. for tbat matter. Yos.that's'a'fact, but whan Tovee itmat printer's ink, it's lalshty seldom he goee back on anyhodr h hla obseneo, HUage OomeU, Esq., (good blothea entllfe anv'nu to be an e4quln,'now-a.daya,) acted u U. 0. Wepretnou Bin, because Milage couldn't be heard, benco We are not ablab give over half the names. - Thoao old rounden, and new aaid rente for nnown, who dld^'pnt 'em on," wore u bdcw, netta! getting that Ullage CorncU was master of coremosiea:—StolM ondMalono's Big'Un (Ben Hogen), Alt WaUdf and"Po]B^° (whomBlUyDonneUy got away witb, last week. In BobIoir) Jem OonUIn and Handsome Mike, Dan Eerrlgan and the CanadaM Malono'a BIg'Un and friend, MUsge ComeU and fHesd IM HoUywood and Ondy, AU Walker and a gentleman tnin DnUb Abrahams and another gnUeleu iBneUlo, with Johnny Bodt and ConUln for the wind-up. Thoro wu some first-rate an ring—in faot, tha majority lud welL Ben Hogan, on Irish BitL man, and protege of Ed Malone's, set aU Unda of rumors flilit Some Bay he vante to tackle Mteter Mace; others, that Om Onm'a tbe bov he moatfimdeB, and, among tho thousand aitn- tlons, wo hardly knowwhat to think. Certainly he's big eaooili and handsome enough to demolish ono holt tbe gay boffora-lu he wonts la sdonce, a very Important Item, The stylo In uliltX he dlspoBcd of Btafford and his "fdend," told tolas. SlDi Clarke ought to take him- In tow, and put him up to tho tlnu ^ day, then bring blniout Let Father Malouo see to it Soil- gsn (fint bew since Ue return home) gave Canada such aTto King hit that ho retlted with an the crimson gushing thick ul fast from his comncopta. Well done. Bonny I 'Walker'aaitt with "Pnnch" and "I>ublln,".wu very creditable; also,B%. wood and Grady's. Av coune Mickey Trainer and Jeiry did beoutlftiUy. Wo couldn't learn 'Who MUogo ComcU'a Irlai woe; or might say more of their box. An unknown wu bQtd to wind up with Jerry, who'didn't ehow. Bomobody that a known did, tbongh-^tne ■•urbane and Indol^tlgablo" JoIiut Bocho, of tbe Bowery Oriental, and modo a plaguy sight betltr Bet-to than ony unknown could think of doing. Wo nrotlidio notice Jerry and Johnny have fratemlzod, for, until Ud;, Conklln's sympatUcs were supposed toboAvitb tlie BiooUn folks. When the next exhibition comes off, perhaps tho putb win let us know beforehand.' Wm. TOH Satebs aud Jeu Mace Fiobt ?—It te the^Ial«D of good Judges, who can read tho signs of the tlmea^ Tod Quick Induded, that these two heroes -wlU eventually come 10- gether as ontagonlsta In tho ring. It Is thought that JohaC. [eenan won't fight again, and we don't believe Goes cattsta tackle Moco unleas "at evene." Rather than let tUige get rusty, tbo gallont Tom may take a notion to give Master Jeai Bboko yet, voguo as the chonces look ot the present viIIIdi. Mace may be delighted to get matched with Savors, and ebooU thus tUngs come to pass, look out for one of the grcatcatmllli on record. Step out, Tom, ond have a Jig with the fiddler. A Rival fobDeluohico.- Mr. David BaeUngB, one oftholnl men to volunteer when the war broke out who did good acnln OS a member of the Engineer Corps of tho 8th Regiment, haa ta- ken tl^o lofty and spulooa buliding. No. 26 Ohombers-atrtet, Dta Centre, hod It fitted up trim ond smart, and turned It mto olnt clou bar and lunch roont, under the title of "Tho Exchuie." As a resort for onr loading 11 icratl, actor folks, city fiitbers, Judni, membenof tbe bar, and the better class of sporting meo/ar. Hostlngs' Houu may soon bo as noted ss Ddmonlco's. tt- Uovo tbo Mi\jor boa a partner—a mole portuur, wo mean—who it v/ltbol, a good sort ot rdlow to know. Pan, Clabe as a PanuoAU,—It wlU be news for nasj of the boys to rud of tho conqueror of George Lccae being aellbil down In the midst of a vory Interesting family keeping hotel In Brooklyn. We didn't know of It ourselves untU lately. Boot nlgl^t our steps wlU be turned in thot direction, and fre'll try asd get o list of tbe Brooklyn sporto, tchero they're keeplsg,k«« biz. la going, etc, eto, ^ jjzA'rn OF. Haubx OnntmN's Wife.— By a recent loiter fton Horry to Jack Both, wUoh we ware allowod to peruse, the Dd- oncholy news comos that Mrs. Margaret Grlbbln la no iDore. Bhowu token iU November 20, and died In three dan allep wards, on the 3Sd. To thoao personoBy ocqualnted with m ll^ ceased, this InteUigence win be received with much aadness, while toHany himself tho blow Is'asovoro one Indeed. Hi- Grlbbln baa our sympatUes in his untimely and fepintila loss. PoorMagglel ^ TaoiTBU BnEwmo.—Tbo vindictive manner in which tbo Ctl- Ifornia offlelols are hunting down -the gombnllets, coupled vIUi the lato shooting moteh between two noted sports in Son Fn^ Cisco, may be the means Inddentelly of breaktog off tho nalcli between Johnny Lazama and WAa DoBey. We don't aay It sU, mind yoa, bnt things look Under squaUyat pressDl Bju moons, lat'a see Johnny and Peto at It In tho ring. It'e gelillo create tho blggeat exdtement we've had for yeors. So son 1 Quick, . . '■ Been Siob.— Uttle Mulholland, not the rooste'r fighter, bit "Elcctilo Jimmy," wu laid up with OldBhenmatlz laat weak, unable to moke thb rounds, Ue la now somewhat moio lUnhui' self, though not altogether smart again. Tommy Honiton ti stUl very low, and unless be cote ont In the country, we're a£nU his complaint wiU soon floor blm altogether; ^ BILLIARDS.—Amateun at bUllardS wUlflnd ten tat ch" Phelan TablM at tho corner of Twenty-ninth stroot and Bro^- way. The room Is pleuant and wdl orranned, and is under IM personal supervision of the Proprietor, THOMAS T, STONE, wan known as,one of the oldest and beat blUIard plovera In UK couatrv, who win bo ploosed to receive a visit firom lila,ftleDla, both old ond new. 1 . 1 . . N. B,—Orden received for anything in connection wllh'.tli* trade. . " . si-vf- 3. NOW, we don't boUeve thnt Gossip la right' this Umo In aaj- tog Deeiy Bold so. Maybe, howavar, Deery can dlicbnnt CaM, and m^be Cann can't bo boat ao eaaUy; ao there la a flje Uiamj for a try, A correspondent Informs -na that Cann can be baowo for tbe sum of OiXf doUare, ogainat Deery, to play at SWb» caroms, at-ovens, providing "tha shoot" iaku place ol Oian" Boom, at Newark, N. J. Now. boys, what do you »?-<"«J„; Oou the moteh bo ployed, Doery? Caa .lt Cannf Bhyla yow outon, before a Author rise lakea place In cbalfc. " ' ., Ah Horm ix BttLiABri-Whenevar yon wont onhonr'aMM; fl«o at .the baoutifal and faadnatMg game of bUUatda, Jnn to Thomas T. Stone's aatabliahment corner ol Twenty-slM street and Broadwoy, The apparatua la always Ip er'^f',™;: loon Is Urge and olry, and when we thot it pontahu •«» ot Phelon's tables; that the refrethmouts ore first class, and tpi T. T. Btono Is one of the best atones ln to\vn, nb othet r«o»- mendatlon Is necessary, ByoU means go ond have on ^ov' play with fitone's boUs, eto. ■' - ' BoLuana at Z(aiiesvillb, , 0,—A biUlsrd matoh, for V> •"!*!; was pUyod there on Now Year's Day, botwbon MoMnj; AfJ^ and Don, the htter winning by ton polnte. Another otie law bo ptayed soon, for $76 a sldo, betireen Messrs. Palmer aw Dixon, . ' ^ III moteh wu won by Ohombeis. The foUowlng Is the soore. Ohambere, SO balls 270 pins I OrueweU, 80 bans swr."" The gomo wu played on an alley hopt by Mr. S. Beese, ObioSet ig pHiLAnBiPHiAi^'matoh at orioketwai Pj>^. between the Motana and Somerfl,eld olnba, on the 28d Wj" (,'3,ei«, late in ,tho aauon,} wUoh tho Monroe won by eight'iw^ The Bboru wsrei Monroe, firat innings, 188, second, 44| noi" field, fint IniUngSfSliMooDd, 180.- . "KiOEEDiBa Booa«r.'-'-lfinetrolUngstaIUoa,Batii»d^i lag, died, it la thought, ot long Baor^anto, CaL. ob^ Nov. 1st OallfoiSuns wpesr:to be nnftortanato wiuu^ Imjottedtralttsgslodb-ziraoMWU Imported byBiV-''*'^