New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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1st, M W^JlK © ^BrK y03Cj^:B:'F^^n:t^ VBEArrBXCSAIi REOORDi ^ A«».il i kuii« mw< MT ii i t Tiw t ^ ciiiwit k ikSni mnmL isonaDcw.' . OtaOBA: HdVBB, _ . ^ . i m*1U a^ m Bio«aw»jr, ^onQtuAibt^r jprlatoiB. JOHN BlMPaON, TwwuMt. uwvutSiS.Vtiiaa. ' A. BOSS. Ofl oer. at THE OBiaiNAL WOBIJ>-BSNOWIIU) .. , BETAMTS' MIMBIM ga. '■Tni'SXaELBIOB TBOUra OF THE 710BS3>, wr la compoMd of ttia foUowloa Ulanted Ailtals:— . B ag BEYANT, SHLjmTAKt . mrgn n fniff ppgT.T,, W. W. MEW OOMB, •-.,; ■SUaaS BKIMOUB. „ 0. W. OBmTOj.; B0BB8, O. a FOWLER, J. H. BIVOBL JL ooiibbhs. - o. w. oHABXBs, J. w. Hm row, 'Blik noDnrT j, uobbiboh, i . obi tikqb, r BQUJMiKOWABD, TEAm TifflTiTl!, JXPTIS lUO. ~ ik new Tiiletr^or Boos*. Dancca, BarlaaqoM, PUnUUoi . ie-.ta. nrPutiotiurtaaebUlsofttiediT. • , Tloketa M centa. ST-tt TimwiB BBOTBBRS, PKIOi dt TKO'WBBIDOIl'B OFESi EOUm, BOSZOM, UABS. ma potTilar ertiblli lmant .nUl • oojomd thub mrH ButJiiAB asiflOH UOin>AT BTENINa.ATTO. 4th. f ffoaaa BBOXHEBfl, PELL ft TBOWBSmaE'S UIKSTBELS Oonatetot Owfolloiriiia Oanttamen: U>NHOBBIS,_ IJOIHIAN, BILLT:1I0BBIB, t.o, TBayrs^DSB, «. W. EBE80OIT. , L. aiLBEBT, < .c #. r. BMP BES, , <. AUaDBT BUU-BEluKB,. , .^S. W. BOABDUAN, B. U^OABBOLL, t, QUEEN, F. WlLIUBra, B. JBEDSBICkB, t. 3. im.T.TAWW. s. J. HAaunnns, L. A. ZWISSLEB. JAPANESE TOHUT. 'ilbnagaiiiant. oall ptittorilac noUoa to tha abora dlatln- 'iHdanajofTaleiiL . ' > '; DoketiaSMniai Baavrad Saaia 80 oanta. . ■M4t\-. ; ION M0BBI8, BUsagv, HODUDT'b OFBIRA. Hpt7BBI, BH OOm TlT, riwo '. . cor/OODBT* BEMBEN 8TBEBTB.. •.-^'HOOLKI..... -..A.. .:<. .Bala Piopzlator ana Kaoagar T.y > BENPHBOASr.,.. ■...;..Btaga Uaaaoar ■OTBTATra PEBOr..Tooal mrt/itia raOF,''8IBATTB. >..>Plaiilit and Initrmnantal Sliaotoi • «";! '- HOOIEY'B MINBTBELS.- ' ^Mithrising Qti lUloiriiig >ran known mambeta of iheRofoaaton. -'ABTEUB EVOBES, SLOODM, • qUBIAT Pfl PE BOT, I'W.'H. LEWIS, rV. HONEnUH, .'i^.'BILHT,' AiHh' HHUPEm J,HByAHT. ^lB9'<wIIl''«ppaai nlsbtly Wbliijji'all ttiat aan be indi jomnrr bookeb, T. B. PBEHDESaAST, , ' i, W.'BIMX>N, T. U. HATB, / T. MoNAlLY, . PB OF. S TBAtJB, ' MABTEB EDDIE,.. and ^ B. It HOOLET. , In a nipeilor antarUlnmant, am- uiei in' tba repcriolie of EtUopUn 10lttfNIar.''.'n>rputtaD]an, m piognmmea. ' inat:aX; to eofflmUie6at7J{. 'Tloket9i36c«at8.' n-tt THB QBBIAT ABnBRIOAir UirBIO HAIjL, ' 414 BBOADWAT. BT 'W.' BUTLEB. ..... i.; .PTopriator and Mtnagar K'HxuAo.BUlof UiaHaasea. ■ ■ NO OBSSAIION OP NOVELTIES. Ifee Rattbnil Initttaljon for Exhibition of . .TALENT OF ALL NATIONS. -Bb-mest popnlir Plica, of Amnsamant in the World. We haM''4he Itrgaat'and moat reapa'otabla, moit InteDeotoil and iM^ilail: aadUnoea of any other Place of Amtuament in America. ^-T!p-.. 4 4 * ■ fa iM i^Ir Place of Amnaement of the Und in New Totk. Uan- agvMlilne'ao^t to ilTal iu,bnt they hare aS 'atgnaU; Idled mal'HaUhtH ■ - ■ - • ' . ONE BT ONE vull'fa ua left alone In the field. darbenny rlTiIs might' la weU try to hold a penny'candle to 4be'nml8 to have tried to ImlUts '.^^' Tm ONE—TEE ONLT—THE FIBffP-THE BESI •■'. V ; • ' • CONOEBT HALL IN AMEEIOA, r.' .. : . ;. The QKEAT AMEBIOAH MUfllO HALL. 39- c6iiTiHiiuiT4L mrsio haiiIj, Philadelphia, I.'. : Walnut Street, abm B^th. ' ■■■ Bala Tflfwaa and Proprietor., l. . '.; >.PBED. AIMS. >TtdunreTand.BaaIneaaHinager..J. W. ALUNSON. : > -4t>ga Uanager.. O. MoM ILLAN .' :■ Jieade r of Orphestrs. ;.. ...;:mo. BmEB. - j \:: TEE HAUMOIH UUSIO HALL'OF THE'WOBLD. ' •BHiABOEST Airo MOaT ABTI8 TI0 COBFS OF ' ' - : .^^8T8 EVEB ABSEUBLED'TOOETHEB* JOBS E7A BBBNT, ■ •■• •..^inMSonff Bitd.-of America. . •: ■. ^. 'Ihe Fiemlere Oaneenae of the age. \ ■■ f -„SBE BOLLANDE BBOTHEBS, : , ];.-■:' . The Celebrated Oynmaats. l-tAlAPBIOE, ' DENNE OALLAQHEB, tlBUlUJi BtnOLURFlELD, BAHLONS, . J BOflA SmTH, OHABLIE NEQX, B^JtiMaT NICHOU. J0HNBITEB8, HSS-^AQ huqh:^ 0. W. PABEEB. ' ' . ' HB. OEOBOE BUITH,.. Apd: aw'(>moni Continental Coniade Ballet; together nn- - equllqd andimapprotchable, andaurgeOorpaof ATuUlarlea. : iTKIBBOS, . Itaraoet-'.,....' .....asota. IBeablnPrivateBozoa...soala. ' Oifppptn <)haitB 87Ota. I OaUery.... lOota. Xgl|jarfftTat*BoieB....t8 00 .lOoloredBoiea.... .SSela. ••jmgfitfit'n/le Bbkea... .$3 00 | Oolored GaDeiy. 10 oti, ',1ww> op^ ft, qaaiier before: T o'clock. . -I'.i '. ' Perfonninca wlU commence at 8. iiwtf whnown ability, deairing engagement*, will pleaae ad-' lai^bOTe,;.;.;.;;, BT-tf .. ' BAI/nUOBE, MDJ nte jbere'EitaUiduiienti oarrled'onby'thefoAher Proprietor V.-. ' w ./ NEW TOBK UmODEON, la BOW is the fa ll tlla of BaooeBB,'e ngagln g n'onebntthe meet F wTALENTED PXBE0BHEB8 IN THE PBOFESSION. ' Bltaiiger8,a4Bltora to Baltimore, mut not fdfget til' pay ns a ^iatt WMiiuR 1^ this way, aa they win be enre to meet all the "MEW TOBK POLES." . .BMniBara oftalinV (andnone othera) can get larger Balariea. -al[d<^tietllr Engagemtnta at thia Establiahment, tbon at any 4)oiMtet'Hall in the United Statea. Fare and ttiTeling ezpena'ea . icirt fliiiii iiiij iilimn In tlin TTnltnil nintnn ' . Atoly:bT''letter to Baltimore Uelodeon, Ud., or at 616 Brood. way.WewxotkOity. . . #jUBlitGTOn. TARIBTIKB. » ALBEBT HAUBLIN & 00. Proprietcn. ' ':'^)I.',HERNA1IDEZ.'..'. Aot^Uenlger. AUE8.,PIL0BIM .'.«... .BlagoUaiuaer. , 'hewand beatttfOl temrte of amuaement will be eoD' land '";' ' ' bPENED. FOB THE SEASON, ' '.. BATDBDAT, NOVEUBBR Sth, im . Itar degamM)'and comfort, thla HbH wIH n ot be excelled by aaj^'alinllAr aafablldunent in the conntry, TEBT BUPEBIOB BQ^TAINIIENIIB, embracing Pantomlipea, Ballela, Ethiopian .'Meia, Singing, DanolDg, iol, to., wlU be given. ° Bnt'claaa artlaft deirlrlng engagamenta may addreaa ■ ~ ■','', ':.. . . ; POST omoE BOX, soe, 'Wii^aiov, D. 0., Nov. 1862. .. ^ Sf-tf WUmOBSIA .THXiATRIOAIt AOBmnr—BHEBI- SAN OOBBYN .wooU leapeetfolly inform memben of the dn- wmUei HnaicaL or EtoeBtrun proieaalona, that ho baa eatabUihed m Agenoy in San Franoliee, and la prepared to negotiate engage- a^eua utd tranaact - all ot her bnirnee* pertaining to' the pn>> iHBloa.. Addreaa.:. BHEBIDABOOBBIN, BanF)ranolaoo,au.' .S.'B,—Allletten repairing anawan moat contain a atamp 'to ■c^saytheaame.' - .'4f4m ■ n&Alr fiOOKB, FHOVOffRAPHB of El. Booth, Ed. JmW fctji ■ Leeter Wauiok, W. B.- Blake, UK and Ura. Bofney j^niIuaa,''Ur. and Uis. Florence, alao in oboraoter. Lama ': BeBile, Kata'Bai^man, Utggle Mitchell, Caroline Blehinga, Eoto ; Bedn, Btuan Denln, ae Borneo, -Uatllda Heron, aa Oomlllei 'AdaBX Ifeohen, also ae Uozoppa and Frenoh Spy; Isabol Cabas, ■ '■■" """iraoUiB; Mdlle OaUeio, also in character; Eato Usher, Adl'iwebb, Emma Webb, and all 6ther.oolebrlUes,°3E conia eoob, :«r5fbr|l. Oalalogatsaonton receipt of postage stamp, by ' .: . i;-.'^ri... W. 0.'nEUTflB^ BllH|ji| , 67SBrou(way,NewTorlc ■.ii<ti. ■ . .,:.„ THE IiABGBBT^ gB0W BffiCi PBINTIKa ESTABLISBlCENt IN THE WOBLDI • 'i-s.-.,.:: ■O'LL'&'B.X k BBILZiET,: ' • ' V raacoesiora to John K Btooa.) PBINTBBB AlTD, ENOBATHBS, . jaond 14 Bpmoe Bbeet, New Tork, -ittlngnp all Bnda of .• IHla* BILIB I have on band a large and splendid , „...r._»..of largeandamall M(> , .... .. ^ooB (fnis -;|hltafala fbr Oieosaea, Uenageries, Ethiopian Performen, Oyin* .^pMM^IHflelaaa, Ad^ &o.|>wfilch can be printed in one ormoze :'tHl«Bb(osnltouatomeia. - : - ' - v .' . .;«niAdapaaU raOolMd on aB;Werk ordered. - k ' .3«*den addreasM to ••OLABBT fc'BBlLLBT," Bacoit Prtil». iM.anAjBtagiavlog ebtaUlshmeht^ lyud U Bptiict MmL' New' ata^ WW be Hj^illraMndtd (». • '.'' - ' • ' nit n4 WOOp>«:VDrBT»BI< HAUo - . «U BBOASWAT, Oppoalta the.Bfc NlijlioUs HotaL ^ BENBT WOOD..:. .Bole PionrMor and Ibnager. QBEATEST TBIUUPH OF THE SEASON. .ST BSQDSST. ONE'WEEE UOBE. , Ur. WOOD reapectfOUy anacoBoas that in order to aooommo- data the HANT THOUBANDB who were UNABLE TO OAIH ADUIS8I0N Daring the paat- two weeks, to wltnesa the performanoe of the great AMoan vealOD of Ueyerbeer'a Grand Opera of . . . DINOBAH, ADD TEE dBEAT HOLIDAT PBOOBAUHEi / OTBKUO, Bim maut tats, thz voui wutdbib, to.. It WlU be repeated UONDAT, JANUABT t, and arery avenlsg daring the week. Bt WOOD'S UINBTBBL8. EPH HOBS, 0HABLE7 FOX, FBANK BB OWEB . COOL ■WHITE, HENRI, FB ANE CONTEBflE, ELOBENOE, OLENN, BOHWIOABDI, IBAAOB BBOTHEBS. HASLAU, ' LEIB, L0CKW0OD,.OABATAaUA, LEWIS, to.. In new Bongs, Dances, Plantation Beenea, DINAH -(DINOKAHiV THE PABDON PELL-UELL.. ^Doeia open, at 6K: oommenoe at TK o'doek. Tlcketa 96 centi. No connection with apy-ether Troupe aienming the name of Wood'a Minstrels. ^ 89- mSS^KATB FIBHBR, ^■ THE OELEBBATED ACTBES3 AND EQUESIBIENNE, ' His Jnst Uniahed an engagement of Eight Weeks, at Boaton, in her world-renowned oharacter of UAZEPPA. . ADS TBI GreaVand Original Eanestrlan Drama, in Foot Aots, Written by W. B. EngUab, Es^., entitled' . MTgw. MABTIN, Aa nloyed by her 91 nights to oversowing honses, and ac- 'tnowledged by the Pzesa of Boston to be the most Daring Feats of EoneaMinlsm ever witnessed on any btage. MTH H piSHEB hia the best Trick Horse In the eoontry, the celebrated "ALEXANDSB." Also, the exotaolTe right of- Mr. Emdlah'a aelobratad Drama of the XHBEE FAST MEN. 'MISS FISHEB will appear at TOBOMTO, December 8th, for twoweeka. UinagarawlH pleaae addreaa, care of- OHABl^ B. BEBNABD & Ca,' 486 Broadway, 88- ' comer of Bioome atreet, N. T. AiuunoTON, iiKorr & donnikbr's bun- BTBBIiB, firom 68S Broadway, New Tork, comprising the fol- lowing talented performers r WIJAM ABXINOTON, - Comedian; J. B. DONNIKEB, First 'Violin, and Leader; UABIEB LEON, Dmsenae and Bnrleeqae Prima Donna; EDWIN KELLT, Tenor and Light Comedian; ALBEBT TONES, Comedian; SAMUEL GABDNEB, Baaao, Ute of Matt Peel's; 'WM. BPAULDINO, Harpist; SAUHEL PBIOE, ComeAan; FBANE OABDELLA, Piinlat; FBANK SFOHEB, Comet; JAMES OBANTILLE, 9dTlolln. (mm the Clnclniiatl InODlrer.] lUa splendid troape of minstrels, the beet that has ever ^ted onr city, remains at Smith k Dllaon'i Hall, one week long- er. ' They drew on immense andlenoe at the above bell last nigh\ bTit when wetake Into consideration the mnalcal ability and talent that oomprlse the company, the oiose thereof is fdlly explained," Dae notice will be given of their tetnm East. 3T-3ti* B. L. DINGE8S. AgenL Vabubtibs thbatrs^ LATE BT. LOUIS OPEBA HOUSE; After a most snccesafol seasoo of over Eleven months, la now opisn with the following Compiny: UIS8 LOUISA 'WELU, MISS OLABA BUTLEB,' MISSO. MOBLET. MISS BOSE DE LUCE, MIBSFANNT THOMPSON,MISSMOtinB LANIEB, MLLE ADA LAUBENT, TWT.v.Tf. JTT T.THr rTKj HISS JOHANNA OLDTttBD, MISS FLOBENOE WELLS, MISS UDA HIBBABD,W MLLE FLOBA, MLLE LOUIS E WAL BT, EDWABD BEBB7, 'WM. M. BEEVE. T. H. JEFFEBSON, TOMCONT, GEO. P. JAQUXS, NICE FOSTEB, WU. B. DEBB,. JOHN OONELIN, P. CONELIN, J. BAENET, J. JEBO ME. UtSUE MAT, . FBANE STEELE, A LABOE BALLET TBOUPE. Billet Hester;. SIGNOB CONSTANTINE; . ' Leader of Orohastra. B.'VOQEL. ScenloArtist.. :..THOS. NOXON. Oostsmer HEBE OHUAN. GEO. J. DEAOLE, Lessee. - EDWABD BEBB^, Btogo Manager. , These, with many minor membera consUtute A M0N8TEE COMPANT, ' ' \ . ' Who are nightly drawing crowded hoosrs to witness their CHASTE AND BRIL LIA NT PEB FO »"AT fniai. • - '' 'I 'M K VABUffi'lEH ' IS THE LABGEST, HANDSOMEST, BEST APPOINTED, ASS HOST OOUFOX^SLB UUBIO HALL IN THE COUNTBT. Parties of acknowledged excellence deiirlng engagements, may . Addieaa GEO. J. DEAGLE, Varletlea Theatre, Sltf Bt Lonls, Miisonrl, AOAIH IIT THB FIBI.D. SAM BHABPLETB MINBTBELS AND BBASB BAND. _.Tho Antoorita of Ethlo peml am, THE MODEL TBOUPE OE THE WOBLD, Under the direction of the Great Wit and Homorlat, BAM 8EABPLET,. Alt meeting with great anccesa thronghont ttila atate—every- where greietedby ftulhonses-and their performancea pronoonoed by the Preab, and Poblio inimitable and UnspproaObable. Every- thing NEW, FBE8H, AND OBIGINAL. Hiey will vlBlt all the fMnolpol Oltlea in'the NEW ENGLAND STATES, Ihtiodaelng their OBEAT CHALLENGE PBOQBAMME, . ■ - BI TBB , . ♦ .... T WELVE STABS OF THE PBOFCSSION. THE GREAT ETHIOPEAN "IBON-CLAOS." 0. A. BOTD, Instrumental Leader. J. F, BOWLES, Leader of Brasa Band. BAM SHABPLET, Manager and Proprietor. J. D. NEWOOMB, Advance Agent It Director of PubUcaUons. ;0..D. UHDEBWOOD, GeneralAgent G. W; BAILET|'Property Man. n&iSUIBB'B OPBRA HODSB, 7 BAH FBAHqiSOO, OAL. ;, THOUAB MAGUIBE Proprietor and UAniger, - ' ,H. C0UBTAINE...1 StageMinager,. ,' B, HAROLD Oondactor, J. Ik BOEUITZ., Leider of Oroheatra. i Flfth-Woekofthe ITAXIAN OPEBA TBOUPE. SIGNOBA BIANOm, , BIONOB BIANOHI, MAD. . AGATHA STATES, MISS LIZZIE PABEEB, MISS JENNIE UANDERVILLE, MISS ALICIA MANDEBVILLE, MR. JOHN GBEGG, : SIGNOB 3. GROSSI, BIG. BONOOVEBI, HONS. OHABLES, 'And the Celebrated German Ohome, conalBtlne.of IB voices. ' rnioES ov'Asiaasios. Dress Circle. fl I Orohestra Beata (1 Par^aet. ..60eta | Second drole 36ola Private Boxea.... t6 and 910. Box Office open ttom 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. Se^ta aeonred throe d»s In advance. Stars visiting Oallfbnila ahoold remeiAbeT that hlr. Msgalro la also proprietor of .Ebyea'Park,SanFranol8Co; the Uetropo- lltui Theatre, Bin Frandsoo, Sacramento and Marysvllle. SO-tf i'GOJH.'FOOTB'B TROUPB." 1 SOON TO APPEAB AT . SPALDING & BOGEBS'S MUSEUM, HEW ORLEANS. COM. FOOTE, the most extraordinary pigmy of the contary, has Just rotaraod from WiablngtOD, from a "Convention" of aJl the^ "Utile Men" now Uvlng. 'While In Washington, ho was made the recipient of a ''Gold Medal" for being the smallest and most perfect men of Ms age, now living. He la 11 Inches emsUor than the renowned "Tom Thumb," and II inches smaller than "Oommodore Nalt" He la accompanied by hie companion, i^PS^SSS'^""? i* " wondoriol; also by Mies M. C. BbLOraBB, Plintot ind Voonllst, who is the composer of no less than 80O pieces of mnelo. and by Prof. BBOOES, the blind-boy. pS^SMSSat'''*"*^ Dr'^g'SSN^X-'l^^SSiSr^"'"' "OOI"™'^^ The Troupe wlU open in Now Orloana about the let of January. ' * . ; SMte OOKINTUJAH HAIiIit_ . ROOHESTEB, N. T. Thla long established and popular place of Amosement con. Hnn'as under the sune Management that for 18 years of astldnous attention to the comfort and oonvenlenoe of Its patrons, hoe won for It the reputation of (lelng one of the meet popolor and beat oondaoted places of Amniement in the State, Apply personally, or by letter, to W. A. RE7N0LDS. 314m* SOAroado, Itoohoster,N,T, ^'^MABOWialpHimPlLB^ BOW op en for the accommodation of FIBST CLASS TRAVELTNG 00MPANIB81 has Stage, Dressing Booms, and all the modem Immvements necessary for a Flnt Class Ball Will scat oom* fonaUt UOOpeiBosa. For terms, to., apply to .' . ';/ . " • WBBKrfi, BIATHEWB, ; " ■' '', .'"Agent MaaonloTemple, iMai-■ ■ ^ - ^ ' . LouHvlllcKy. iSIBliO'B OABOBir. -'' Leasee and Manager, WU. WEBATLET, THIBD W EEK. CONTINUED SU00B8S, ■ o» TBa; . ORiSO, BOHUmC, 8PE0TAOULAB DBAKA, - VhVet tSa MABGUSBITE, MB. B. B0BEBT8 AS MEPEISTOPHILES. BVEBT V EVENING UNTIL FUBTHEB NOTICE. The Scenery entirely n ew, by . J.H. BELWIN. New Dresses, by Mens PBILLIPB and Asaiatanta. New Appointments, by GEO. W. LBTZINOEB. Novel Meohanlcal Eirects, by ' BUMTON & DEMILT. And a FULL AND EFFICIENT OHOBUS, under the dlreottos Of EABVET B. DODWOBTH. Dooia open at 7, to commence a quarter before 8 o'clock. With the exception of the Preea, bo free Uai 89- BROOKIiTS ARBUIA, ' RAYMOND STREET, BErWSKH rOIAOM Ain> DB BILB AVBHUBS. Erected at Immense coat by Mr, CALVIN WIITT. Lessee and Manager GRAND OPENING OF THE NEW AMPHITHEATRE, ..S. Q. BTOEES. ••The Arena" has been oonslraoted at an Immense outlay by the proprietor, Mr. Calvin Witty, ae a permanent InaUtaUon, and fortne entertainment of largo and select audiences. The Interior is elegantly and oonmiodlonaly fitted up with dresa circle, upper tier and Palco Boxea, in the most anbstontlal manner. The aadltorlom which partly aorrounds the arena, commands from erenr pointy fan and perfeot view of the BTAOEand BING, In wblon the varlouafeita andrepresentittons 'willbe given. The house labrilllantly llgbted,well ventilated, bealdes belngpleasaut- ly warmed by means of patent alr-heatera placed In the gronnd. The meana of Ingress ana egress areao perfect, that an andlence of two thonsaad epectators may leave the premlaea in the epaee of two mlnates—the doors, both tKont and rear, being ao arranged that they can be at any moment Inatontly thrown open the whole width of ttie opening on two streets. PERF0BHANCE8 UNEXCEPTIONABLE. It la the Intentton of tho prbprietor to give such adaaa and variety ot enterlalnmenta at the "Arena," both in the oirele and upon the stage, aa shall' command the respect and admiration of tho pnbllo, jJedglDg himself to ef elude everything that can be in the sllghteet degree obJaotlosable to. morall^ or good toate. Themoetdlstlngulahed . . '^ BIDERS AND GYMNASTS of the age are attached to this beautlfiil troape. Among the attraOttona of the Arena la . OMABEINGSLET, In his great and inimitable ELLAZOTAEA Act of Horaomanship, .celebrated thionghoat all Europe and this country as the most perfect exhibition of Equestrianism ever witnessed. EQUESTIOAN PAGEANTS AND CAVALCADES, In which Mrs. James M. Nixon, assisted by a troape of , LADT EOUESTBIANS, Will appear in " COMIC PANTOMIMES, BALLETS and BUBLETTAS, FAIRT SCENES, MASQUEBADES, TOUBNAMENTS, ko, Ao, Will bo repreaented with the combined effect of both Stsse and BIng, c<nOolntly, aided by magnificent acenery, costly woidrobe, horse trappings, honainga, and other brilliant acceesoriea. Xeader of Band iVLc. BOBEBTSON. EQUESTRilir MATINEES .. For the convenienco of sohools and fiuuilles, will be given daOy, commencing at half past two o'clock. Evening performances oommenoe at 7. Doors open at dyi o'clock. ^Dreas circle 60 cents, Children 260. Second tier Boxes 26 cents, nUco Boxes may be seoured fOr partlea on application through thedaytlmpattheBoxOffloe. 88- B ROA P'WAT DIBNAOEiRIB AND ZpOLOGIOAI. INSTITUTE, Broadway, below Honston street—L.. B. LENT, Manager.—This elegant and atfrocUve School of Natnral History Is now open dolly from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M., with the moat eplen. did collection of . UVING WILD AlOHALS upon this continent, Inclndlng four Elephants, Lions, Tigers, BouB, Hyenas, &o. Admission 26 cts.; Children under 10, IC cts. Tbe animals wiU be fed at 3 o'clock P.M. SS-tf niBLO'B BAIiOON. GOODWIN WILDER'S POLTMOBAMA, WiU be on Exhibition for the first time, this wcok, WEDNESDAY ATTEBNOON, DEO. 91, And ocntlnas every afternoon (except Friday) aiid every even. Ing (exoept Saturday.) - Beenes from the first DUEAD SIGNAL AT SUMTEB, / Dorm to the last QreatllA^le. ' Also, tho Grand Naval Fight between the MEBRIMAO AND MONITOB. Doors open s't 7 o'clock, Performance at ^ to 8. Afternoons open at 2 o'clock, commence st a past 2. Admission 25 cts; Beserved Boats 60 cts. Children accompanied by.thefr Parents to Beserved Boats, 26 ots. Grand Performances every afternoon at a post 2 o'clock, dur- ing the Holiday Week. No Performance Tuesday and Batnrday nights. Carriages may be* ordered evenings at H of 10 o'clock; altemoons at }i post 4 d'clook, HAV >|IOTIOE—PROFBBBiUNAIiB. , FOB SALE—THE GREAT CABINET t Off ROBERT HELL EBII Toe Celebbitkd PBEsimioiTATsiiB AKD PnnroE of Wi;!abdb, The coat of which WIS over $2000.' It Is to be sold to pay charges on them, at New Orleans, where they are now on storage. , Altogether It Is one of tho ' ' FINES C APPABATUS EVER EXHIBITED, The following Is a List of a few Artloles, as I cm remember them:— L.Wltoh's Card Pole, 9..Maglo01ook,* 3. .Doves and Flowers,* 4..Mysterious Coins, 6. .Arab Chief,* ' .'■ 6..Lucifer's PonohBowl,* 7,.DIceBoxos, - 8,'.Great Cannon Mok, 0,.The Cornucopia,* 10,. Garland of Flowers,* ' 11,. Canary Bfrds, 1J.. Packing Caaes,* 13..Voltlgonr,* 14. .Obedient Dove, 16..Inseparables, 16,. Fan and Cannon Balls, 17..Infernal Medicines, 18..The Cone,* 19..Prolific Hats, 20, ■ Inexhaustible Bottle, 21..Coffee Pot, 22..Ladles Favorite, 28..Great Fiotore Frame, 24..TheCardMllL* 25.. Ohanglna Wine, 26,. Sultan's Port, 27..CaballstloLaundry, 28..Blbbon BotUe, 39..Crystal Caaket, 80..The Chair,* 31..The Cauldron, ' 32..Crystal BnllB, 93..PleceaofMonoy, 34,.Clock and Bell, S6..The Wind Mill,* 88..Tho Orangtf Tree.* S7..TheMaglolan,* 38, .The Hariequin,* 89..Tho Confeotloner,* 40;.BowlsofFish, 41.. Suspension,* 43.. Haglo Drums,* 43..Teloacope, . 44.. Rifle Feat, 46..BaUofTam, to,, Ac, ka,, ko., * Meohanlcal, Tho whole conalsis of over 70 cases, large and small. There are a great many more Trioka that loaimot remember. GUt Tibloa, Chairs, from President's House, property of ex- President Madison; 1 largo OUt Table, small Tables, Chairs, Tripods, to,, covered with Blue Cloth, and worked in Silk Flow- ers ; 1 very large GUt Table, handsomely carved and glided, cost nearly tSOO; Cut Glassware, Silverware, Platedwata, Stage Cur- tains, Carpet, Bmssols, Canvass Boards, Hardware, Tinware, Ac.; and a'great many valuable artldea too numeroua to mention. Those wishing Information as to sale of them, or any'Informa- tion concerning them, plooae address JAMES BOLANDO O'BBTON, corner of 12th and D streets. Washington City, D. 0. Or to JAMES WEST, / ■ No. 113 Bt Charles street, 38-3t* Now Orleans, La. 'WABUIRGTON HAIiL OOHOSIRT BOOU, \rHEELINa, VA., The only Boom in the City suitable for CONOEBTS, THEATBIOUi AVB UnUTnUi PsnFOnHANOBS, Situated In the heart of tho City, COBNEB OF MABEEI AND MONBOB STREETS, Immediately opposite the MoLure House, Easy of Access, < and Unsurpassed for Strength in the United Btotos. . The Boom Is IM feet long by 64 feet wido, 34 feet celling, In- olndlug a Stage 38 by 80 fact, with four Droeslng Rooms, and Scenery; Brlulantly Lighted and furnished with Arm Choirs, Let on accosunodathiD terms. 8e-4t* Washington Hall Building, 'Wheeling, Va. KBW BIBMPIIIS THBATBB.-^hla. popular jlaoo of Amusement la now open for the Sooion, with a rail and Talented Compaor. BTABS wishing Nights will please address 0. T. PAB8L0E, Now Tork, or B. B. MAGINLET, Acting Monogor, 2S.14t Box 410 Memphis, Tenn, - , OHIO. . One Of (he'mObt finished and beantiful almottires InUia Weat. Btan will pleaae addrotia JOHN A. KTiTWiWB, Uaaog^r. 9t< ' maW BOUVBBTTnniBATBB.'-^:• ■ n V r\ BolePrmritto*... ..MB. J.W.LWOAWn'^■ TIONDAY EVENIHa, JANUAET ft ^''- ■ .. ' MB. UNGABD.begi to announce to hla patrons and u.. . genarrily, thathe haa effected an engagement with thffJJS?* jdandunrlvaUedPantomimlst, ■ """»«e«el«»; MONS. MABZETTL For many yean a prinoipol Is the wonderftl Bavol 'iim^ '■ 'V:' ^ ^ '• MONS. tophoff; ''™''>*f,»<iii Principal Dancer and Tantomlmlat: aid - AiADAMB MABZBTTI, Premier Danseiui Aaalatedby a full Corps de Ballet ; MON& MABZEin ' In hta world-renowned and unrivalled character Af ' ' aOOEO, JOCBO. JOOTO. Mobs. Tophoff.....aa....Pepo..|Madame Uaneltl. u' n The gre at Nau tical Drama of •"•••••oen. THE LOljlELT MAS OF TEE OCEAN Mr. O. 0. BonUkce ;aa - , . Mrs, W. G. Jones aa ""'gr , With, for the first time in this country, the last nm t— Storooof ""WLonJaa JACK'S DEUGHT. Ur. G. Bro oke and Ulsa Fm ny Denham. ' POSITIVELY LAST NIGETB Of those popular and dellehtful artists, UB. AND MB& BABNEY 'WILLIAMS, Who wBl appear every eveaing In their ohamingimpersoiuiUg, I ntlSH AND YANKEE OHABAOrEB, And comine nce a n engagement at the WALNUT STREET THEATRE, PBILADELPBU, ^ •MONDAT EVENING, JANUABY 13th. ' mBB OAROVKB BIOHUTOB, AM P MR. PETEB BICBINGS, Have oondaded. .their very suocessfttl engngemeat ot Ui weeks, at . FOBD'S TEEATBE, WASmNOTON, D. C. Theae eminent and popular Artists are now perfbrmlni it UBS. DBEW'B, ABOH STREET THEATRE. ' PHILADELPHIA, Commencing Monday, January (th, 1863. 89.U A. B. PBNNOTEB, AgenL ~THBA?PBICALrTijTBR»^^ EQUESTBIAN AGENCY, 614K Broadway.-WANTED, for ni» CLASS SALOONS, in New Tork, Bo Aon, Philadelphia, Biltimn* and Woalilngton, LADT VOCALISTS, and DAN8EU8E8, ETBi! OPEAN PEBFOBMEBS, AOBOBATS, Ac. Apply to J. CONNOR A 00., 614)1 Broadway, N. 7 P. S.—TO L. M. BAYLE8S, of the Metropolitan, DetnIL Mich.—I have written you the last letter that I intend to wriU yon concerning money, matters. Please answer thia, and aara yourself further trouble. J. CONNOB, Theatrical Agent, 39-lt SljiX Broadw ay, H.T. CUNOBRT BALL, HELENA, ABE. SMITH, UUBPHT k FBEEBBBTHYSGB, Proprietors. £uteilalnmonta every Evening, i BTTBE SABLE HABUONISTS, Comprising the following talented Ethiopian Artlata J. W. SMITH, , J. B. UUBPHT, MABTIN FEEEBEBTHTBEB, £. D. GOODING, , J. H. STOUT, JOHN FBEEBERTHTSER, HENBY.FREEBEBTHTSER, JOHN COLE, OHAB. BANDFOBD, GEO. W. NOBTIS07, In conJUBcUon with , . LA BELLE LOUISE, The charming Donaeusa and Vocalist, ASD MDLLE THEODOBA, The rtiaclDatlng Prima DoDstUN, Artists of recognised merit wiiblng engagements, will tj^ to J. B. UDBPHY, Helena, Ark. Higher Baliriee paid than by any Muiagonlent in the ceiuibT, 38-»tt PBUOB OF WALKS TUBATRB, UVEBPOOL, ENGLAND. This truly elegant and very boautlful theatre la kept opea te* Ing the whole of the year. V SeERIOAN BTABS, of acknowledged poeltlon and talent negotiated with, for long or short ongagemena, aa mutual Interesta may require, ^^^^nsa, ALEX. HENDERSON, 46tt' ' Bole Lessee and Ptoprietai, ATIUUiJSUU, COLUUBUS,, OHIO. This Theatre has undergone extensive alterations and Im- {irovement*. All first class perfomances. Concerts, Ac, caa rait t for nights, or play on sUarcs, by addressing JOHN A. ELLSLEB, Academy otMuslo, Cleveland, OUo, The Dramatto Beason will commence on the 1st of Januiix. Stars will pleaae addreaa as above. 24. CHESTNUT STBEET,. ABOVE SIXTH, PBILADEUHU. Under the Management of B, FOX, late of CAirrEBBUBr Hau, Now York,' The abovo commodious Place of Amusement la now opei ait doing a flnt rate business. ' Performers of acknowledged ablU^can meet with good o^ gagomente byapplylng aa above. . CHBI3 NOBBIS, Treasurer. SIoVIOKER'S THBATRE^-CHIOAGO, ILL.-A "Will- ing Gentleman" can have a permanent ongagement by Inmadl. ato application. Good reference required. ' 38.4t* ' J. B. UcVIOEXB, UPBRA 8HOBS—CIKCVa PUMPS. T. 80MER8, 278 BOWEBY, Second floor, Maker of every etyle of THEATRICAL GAITERS, SLIPPEBft &o„ used by all branchee of tho Profession, superior anlolieip- er than can be had elsewhore. Ordersfrom the cointrypnmp- ly expressed to all parts of tho United States of Americi, A SITUATION OS AGENT with a STAB or TBAVELINO COM- PANY, or as TBEABUBER in a THEATBE, Has a good taof- ledge of the business. Address HABBY OBAEAE, 3Mt Uontroil, Canada Eut mSB UART PROVOST, THE GBEAT VERSATILE ABTWn, Is performing a ;nost succesatol engagement at "QroTor i, Washington, D, C. Business communications should be addressed to SAMUEL COLVniB. 39-8t* Grover's Theatre, WashlngtOTijD|0^ TO THB PRUFBSBION—Being disengaged it |nieit| I offer my services is BUSINESS AGENT or TBEAflUBEB w any theatre, or aa TRAVBLIHG AGENT for any Und of exMW- tlon. Address COL. T. ALL8T0N DKOWM, 80-tf Clipper OOaco, Iftwijju HARRy HAPGOOD-Begs to Inform tho pobllc that M can be found at the "WALTOHIAH," - 869 Broome street under Brookes'Assembly BooBa| ^^Jho^jeetOlgsrSj^^ll^^ BIABTBU 'WILIilB FAPB, PIANINT, • Previous to his departuroforEuro{io,wlU(HV" OBAND CONOEBT AT IBVING HALL, On •WEDNESDAY EVENING, JAN. 7. Assisted by a number of distlngulabed Artisis. ^ Tickets CO ols. Beserved Beats, 60 eta extra. ' ^.Z^ .OARD.-FBIEND QCEEN.-Permlt mo through Uie to retnm my thmka to thetaembors of E. P. k OIBOUS AND MENAGEBIE, for their kindness in «<"'?'|"'-to on my way to Philadelphia; and at tho same Um*'?.'')!'^ retnm my humblo thanks to E. F. ft J. UADIE, for ^^f^ ness to mo from tho time tho acddcnt happened up to tnoFrv ^ period. I think that I am doing no more than BiydntT<<>^ my friends and tho publlo know that the Uahles «f«??^SS4 tlomen, and have always aoted so to no, bow >^?,?^TnF. health. • OEOBOE W. W0ODBW*j PaniABBif niA, January lat, 1888. •W. TOBILIIT, Ooritono and BufTo Vocellst .ftj™ ft.' ftSi alPolyteotaneo" and "Saored Harmonic Bocloty," London, i Ute with Gon. Tom Thumb,) Is now open for •"S'g'S m»l«. Concerts, FesUvols, or short tours, either In <»"M™irAil- (oratorio or secular,) songs, boUods, an* vocal •""""fi.ue dress Box 179, Stratford, Conn. __,,,wv/w>'^>''^ OANTBRDURT MBBIO HAIiI., .^.i, PA. N. W. COB.JIFTH AND CHESTNUT gTSy/'Siiifflorrl- LABOEBT AND MOST TALENTED OOMPAHIDI «- Ladles and gonUemen of Imo^n abmty, wiuwog" BOB'T OABDINEB A HABBY ENOOBB.^^ AORBB BWTHBRLAND. THE BCOTnBE GALE, wUl bo.dleongagod In a few days, nltM cngaiement of four months at Oanterbujjr »'^''JXra& VH 0. anogers deslfous of negoUatlng with her, will »'"^jia atftet, Brooklyn, H.Y.