New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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318 y MW-K ,ytt) B'.a^- ^- ^ ^ irtQiea :41fi<)00,'uia' gave It to M^StOVMbfcto katp foribem. .H«,' *,n^ftV>BW**''WWl>TO 'nMT«a Ib^trirffir loaaea in jBUfoT,tiiiJ.b«t themob . '^'^ i(rtt,»ild b4iiig inthioe otttiim. Ibkt^eoples i?nslnnooent, a^mptcdto ie«ls(ed nla .stUnpts- to levone-Peoplet, {am'' flrod, Bercralahot* <akliig «ff«ot In and Honii, the doable-bmaSfd J)>iig«r a la Poi^.Dkwtpn., Ochtbfbatj: Hi^'. Oblbi •Hn'on. ll'Jlo. Ann«tM, r.jaL;B<i»mon,_«a HtJqrguii , aiDbonijie, •ad 9)li«tWp{eMlow;Uj^ tBM'Iiitiisini'.ot tai divt 'hax Oouru* < ,lwtmtm^\ ^^^^W^ *fcj—.miy*!. mL-^TT^** < JriSfl^dMlttio plfcn»ft)lka of Boston Trito aconoart to niinitielt^ ThvalwiiS? ■ Ttaii 'BItoib'' MolodM^TrpupoBhoWod "for,t)iwSS«4l»«."S*SSS^*^SS" mth«nth. - - :,t BtrVft BiD, oL6««O...In tho ot^MilnilMfll^'MptBd^ty^'ofBoitOT nig niob Buoooa " Qto.'Pieaplcs Is ln.< thi*e nights": — ^. ■oniewbere tlsa In tbo momlns.Pn Batbrdaj aftarni m&tlnea. We notletnd ferniuo n^mes among ladlostobeJeftontlntbeooldT " „.' .,, Lea's Uelodeon; BalUnaie. keops up Its atin«tll ireA Slgnbr BUbs. the ftdUtioaaan pedestrian who " I tlfwd The Alleghanlkbs, uk the I HanlsbQTg, ' Pa., Ohllstmas, ~ ' I eTtnlngr to good boosts, fXhls ton a«a7 m ' orowded state Dltaon's Hall, Tbb QnEBiO'Hismoiaa di^Beo. 18th. loiao OiiQB opened /or one i>i>i<i — MUUr Of Denrent W«li?."^«}!^ haDgtogJeopleaand downtttras; 8 33ano«,of« feet from tbo gron^*. '"^"*'* att«ndoill ttie*<x*«t Book.'! were the pieces performed. ,ftwotaoo..ndTow. fl«rt Kpp«mnoe. ,tb<>ra.. BO^ I . ———^ -^^HeSmlnae'CIreni TtbnselooatodIn the National BmiUi. negro doltoe^^ I i. ™. <_ iv. T7 .?»W|, ^ h° Mfttlnue to'.do » {ate ahtfo ot bnalnosB. ^oek,'. In SMt, there Is. A boat of froeh talent on (he bUls, and a St the BUteif Bhow«if" waa bKogbt pnt last week;'! yaile^'ot noTelUea'lo i'ih'e little ono^M woU as'thoio ot "larger growth." 1 Qreat success of the salt all tastes. 'aawstais, Jjam Benedict and Mast Besson, riSSSnf S?^'I«SSrSf'M;BlclaB.-' (on the bUls). to I iata«"ur naiV at WeUsfble, OUo, Deo. 81st. ^ ... I tors in the United States and the Oansdas, who Bi Prot Anderson is ont In the London pipen Be sa^a'that he ba« bean anal I'MW-'Bekaialni ;'>'^:V-.fntt*HoTis, I appear at'WeuariuPi uiuOf i/vo. v^Q^ - .luixviuuiu uiukuomimm uuu iuvuujmus, waoprece^MK^a rt?»:f;skWi«ik«ron.« - >» help Indeed"the trtt/lcKtrtfi Qufle a nnmbor jllob. To heaT ot.BnoceBa la Uwaja B'sUgln*. «»"»t}f.j!|y: SSilo wSy bw^ra^ jjood :bdilnoBa at Hatrlsborg, daring glgnora Blslorl was ddlgbtlng the InhabluSa?! Tn^ ^ ' SKKited, and % affate .very weU. ^The to» unde BamT, to 824^ ^"^^""f *?!°»"«SS?*Si£ IhiMr sfi^t SiSf s Ml. ■ They closed there on the lOtii. . . ^aSoas ImpenonaUous of SlUabett^^ Qn^of feiSS^ ins riow eoaprteo tho company engMedat Uita .^um, tfessrsT^^^ J. H. Oarle, 0. J"?" ""f.^SJir^^^ B. Qates'a ootopany. Weto Queen of Boo%. Myrrha, Medea, and Norm-ttS^Si*^ I, Dan Oardner and JohifosterjJali.DoMitt. hrprtron^^ .Miutor H(U*y,Mi8.:0. W.BIako. M'UoBv '^^''^•l;^"£fE?fl^i^Pr; o^tbtt^^ ftom Beranton ttey | J{,°'^^V of that nine-lranahiiod lnt?llS^f„,'fcjWj^ ■B Woods, tt.' ^lng. Her* Ounton, Ohirt. Bhajj O, I atoaatolle, ""' lUl,. Uttle ^Iza, "Sud. OlmlUa,'. addl.Tanng san, ' Uarlbtia I one down; Tho c«lebii«tsd Conkad Brotl}ers opea on kppean at BeUer-s muslo, haH, Detroit,' on the .Wthi sho wui i ww, 5,"'j^.g ^ u^, .<in\a doUvered another ot bis nun-1 . J 'Honday: QthV They.. aio imohs. ^o tiestkyhinAeta in - tho pO' [iv.<' ' iV . ,-.ipiin; ftus, and feathers I" That'" wlwi.-.thoy. ball the force h!< .'(ti^ stipped np for the benefit'of the Uolvlllo Family'of Uablo'e i>>ifii<j».«lnter darden;\Ohlcsga:/ Beo .-tho namc^tr-Dan' OoateUo; the I"./. .'vanlleri-El'Uarks.'^a^My'Jaa. .UelVilla was to Tocallae "for P11;-'!'' this nl&t only/' a^dlSnilsbMelyflle, appeal as danscuu; Messrs. >^ ^ A:'>Bi*ilriMdhil' 'nrhltnM ' B, ifBiwB wuii/<u,t, Queen ot Hooiis, uyrrna, ueaea, ana Morma—th.^i;;,"' Ifth: ftom Beranton they JJijAiera, of that name-lranahitod Into Italian for aUS'l two nights, then tp Dela- ly,, rf,n,u of M. Bonmot, It is said thatrtepiiSiSS? °1 fbot in thi«t tragedy than in the othcTS. Her reeepUmiiT? J l atro Oarignano was enthosliutlo. A good,ppera'coD^^11 oMe rranola coi is Boolely, Ube management of Signer SalTlnl.has Juit opened tt A'.? jnimanded -,tr»*HB a <Ur prospect of Bucceae. r^nn^ A minstrel oompany edllng thiimaelTOS the and managed by'WalWif Bray, were playlngaj; Omz oonnw; Callfaniia.' Hellle Brown, LwB^.nt^W, ;^ SMSirt~^d~WhlSeyweretoapiw ^\^^\^-y.^^'t^l^ii,Xf^' ^ sS'«thtto\£oUooiOTSiJP«U^ ' .Wood'aMln8tr«laYPaUaer.t,C<<.'s>??ereat^^ vttu. Ked rlcs prospect< « -• - - , Mr.flonUietn'^a benellt, at the HaymMkel, LeijjB Switoh oir, Oeorge, and talk common sense.- i' aSd, -wis-a great success, ^e theatre being ailed In eTot^ A large audience assembled at Corintl^ian Hall, Boohester, Another'-accident on tho trapeze occnrred at Ben'ar^ 1 thO'Tth, to see and hiaar John B. aqngh. The Wttlt w^ a aioBie, tlyarpooL on the 2Jd nit, by which Hr. Htm Tantl hadoneofhla'ribs and.'thighs broken bhrUia display. Dele-rantl was going through .the feats ot OIi on ocmplete Buooesa, ■ ■ , The Crawford Glee Olub is the name of a musical orgnnl. „ Ban 'FMnolscQ recently, ^totn Panama, aAd at Bf; Pridhiim to )proceed ta Sew T^rk to engage aatlonlnBoelonr Theyexptotto staitahortlyon their first pr^hJtii.fcnrt of one of the ropes Blliipod,^a he dtoip^'. fSaalonal tonr. ■ ' ' ' _., .'| A wire rope .upon wbloh Mrs. Selayanli perfoimeOrA MaSSSnscttsYAlimteerB. ■ - ' . . | town ArtUlerji 5th 'tiul«riid%9Va&iSiis«hd' two (l^e ahowBtii'tho coming season - ■gtjStaMii^y^''"' •" .''■■■.•■.'■■r -r .' • ' v^, .-. i , - ■ •• ^ — Dri'ttiStUEB^ei whazn -Wehiul oAnsa td speak aoniewhat inttbttaat, 'bigMi'roSaTM.A]»ttf)r.i)xpbuiatory'ot MtjSr-lHth'fbe'lHW'.Soem'^^hlf-- *•' * — «^iiS*^'*hBloom wi-y SJiamis Bulon, Br,, who was IttofiiUr^ilam. imiar'i 'UUh'rtiiBoUonds b: ^behtrenclkgeil in the sam " -^ited th^ poem to Henri; cUlea'fUrtti onr Umlaat idftiUu^aiiK' joteC I&lSanloiv- ithiiri^'b^ acc'onnt, "no'bf'bndlnbaS'in- id an^estedthat Snring the Boeton, Jan.- that olty wert^ notes for '{qtin^ id emaoel^tton Jnblleo, at > Mllipt^ii)i;ti<i>nlar Ethioj ' a«t(a$iaok;:(iAro;li>g tho ~tt4re,irete abet . ,.t>rrSs;tteiiHb3r,. r'shodted "Br^ de losetla. 'Volnnteers,- at Kewbern, TRtet to'; Buwio, aW \ prt;a)iM^it-.aslhotJofl^^ _ ird brcss Praaordnnt Llnkmai'i ;ii-a«IaaiMiWlVf«'<'- '^•WPPW^ __ wOfsionb*ratll»%theprt(olainotton InJAtftWuiar way. ,,. .Bam Bhiurpleys'lOhsttelB stUl onjh) ttagk, doing well at jont Temple, I North Carolina. 4_ _ ^ j i_ i>..v«» oomedlana'of . oaalan S. Dodge and Wm. BUyward-. ooneertlied to Boiibnry, le, and taking Mass., on tho Utt, to an andienetf nnmbeiing nearly one ffioii* ■of the dark aand.' IhU conplo seem to have a "Ught holt" on the afloottons rocepUonof ofthepoopleoftbeEasloTilBtates. . • . Olory nnto ] Little Teresa Canono, P'anlst gave one^oonw^^ta^ faU, or he would haTe enffored eren more leTai^ tktn^i No time -was loat in conveying the nnfortunate'man to northern Hospital, where he now lies in as'tsToraUea wgJL. as might be eipooted. Delevantl tied the rope hJmstlf he conaldered It snfllclently sconro to risk hla lUe sum lLib!l is every probability tbat the knot was good when'he conma ,'Ua ^rfonnanoe. Later on, however, tho atialii, to ' ' l^cffeetof the atmosphere. Most have osuied It hedM the accident, >oe-QhJii8 for ilan comediana , . „ . I*<A]drtage, tho colored tragedian, is BtUl reaping a pla bnt she had (0 do it all over again <m the' 8th, at Boston Unslo | ]iarv«et in Bnssla. ^He was at . mirhoff on Us 10thlea, i t'io <lo it^ fnppoi IM sbmecanse . ^Jig lV'-wnld do them i'profMSloii) Tnr hiving 1" tflotertathatheniv^t 1.-ru.' ^-i, v-*.bj ;tfon was that bf almost eVery plaie whore they appew. Thlswetk; Ilf W5n?*Sifm, but is the pitiqb- wu glvra ITthe^ I pSfd on "Senta'"y^orS'than' isActaally^n Ih ;iit;:iiiit>.ih«HtabMiinc« :of Mr.mlluida'S lotte^. . Enclosed InlVhe t !i?.i':;'.' jg(jtiaNMItl»%ifttal'tMpy of the verses p to him by Mr. ' 'tnunoasKuaon^Br.. Mtheondof thepqem]sthefollowlng:-r r,h-i'': ''>t*mimlM'i)it'Ul boldent Intho prpMnt Auicrlcan'rebelUon. I ibl^tff .m^^ato'iheiippcriiaUtyt)! lU ..)^ ■!ii:\\j^--qlCb ;itf ^p(iM»a^qn-a ; • - dq l&r. BoUuida the' ((jfll t-.-^!| .liojtf Mr:^iWlon4o's:iette»f, w«-(ahdgb „ , "W^V'W^^^ Do.breascd hive, no-Tight to dbobt that Henri JnbUoM Ip honOT of 3*aOTa Lincmi'fl/manclpaal Jvi)d,aBpecl4iiraBbeglveB0B thbnamo over tho cbnnlry. At TJtlca, N. Y., thote weret iejrtwewas prSsenleatt hlpa.' We most memorable Wh o"»nW''»o» »i<^"S*M'„S* ■■- ■ ; ^".'''^^"^oiajiii Hon icf Mr.-Ornmwall; .the other al.Hoohanlo'B. .'."•Hi to «ay tbatOie ^fLtbtfntttaJii . it -was 'sent to -op lto imply aa copied the words quoted aDoveJ fh>m, B latter; in ivhlCh it is stated thBtthblis'es'"wete writtc- ptn,". eWjto. Buppoalng that the poAm.badinewa'j .IniMIn'print, and'oa it-was otveA ttfUitC w an originaltib ^btibBi'h'eiitf^bttWtho^t {bathi) htil>r)ght to.4edleaie it HalL - -. J |tag«rowde4ana arietocratloonaionces,althongh the piinil Oapt' Obarles B. HtD -ls to lecture on «The Sword and toe ^ttittauice to the theatres were, doubled. On Uienliditolli Plow,"' OBthe 11th, at Corinthian Ball, Boobeater, N. T.^' It» e^egt; when he played Kln^Lear, ho was presented, atUieo for the beneStot the BochesterUAlon Grays.' , . .„ of the fourth act, with a beautiful^Teath. entwined «lUi> MoEvoy'a Blbemlconla praised by the Boston press, but it M^^i i^y,g, ty three yonna and bohntUol Udlca, the Pili - • - --"louaes.- . ■ Tronbetskoy, the Princess SondashoT, and the Prlnceac « BoUilnb, of Utlca, had.a select ball at the I ^jq. they banded It to him from their box. On the4th Sec t on the 9th Jannary, which was one of the [ ^ JAvIted to a dhiner given in his .honor by .tbePcbce'u pleasantest affairs of the season. . ''... ^ princess Eondnshbv, at their residence, and out of theIhU, Of alTalni generally in Washington, a oorrospondent In that one persona compoalng the par^ only one was unUlled,oiii oltv. writing oh the 9th, says;—"Business has been v^ good .Qoble, as it is termed in BneelK Among those prtseilvn . . »j.._i^_-iv 'prjnco and Princess Tr6ubetsky,Prlnco and. Prlncca»0jlii4 Prince and Princess OrusolT, Baron and Baroneas Balis, t| Excellenoy the Count do Levcr^, and Prlncoas Ablmeteh. Ait entertainment hie health was proposed and dmnktcomili sllvar^bBsed antlqne.ehapcd goblet, filled with aBasjlmdi. . , ... ,'oallea"qaass," from whicli all the company drank; BSlliii sent. Salaries here ore very good, which Is a capital plaster foc|iggay.],mded to Mr. Aldrldge,witharequeetthattaw<itdir any Uttle Inconvenience one may be ptft to., ; " ' . cept It aa a mark of the klnd^ feeling entertahied ,to«arlsl! Mason Jones Is to deliver his first oration in Boston on the -B|^^jj,ljl,|.^ei,ldge. ,„u .u.,, lath Inst, at Tremont Temple—subject, Jonathan Bwilt, thr . a r^ij^j^Qdoners wore on the rampage with tholr -pantoA. lerjthedlrec- Witty Dean of St Patrick's. \7e proaume the Irish orator will I £y,_f],j|,g^. for the time, had given place to the down, 1 ' r» Umcy 'spread on the Jonathan instead of Dean, to prevent any mlsin- -nin uxi "Colnmlmio." .giving «ecb,a3 I on the fl^^^^llh'NaheT'Whlttaker as the leading ainidt'- \Vbst* lerproUtlon from the similarity between that name and Owen in Spain, tiibihealres were doing a good bnslneaa. .ThaBi , fli^SeWDTB^Lt or Eph Horn to pick npKwisjjiiUes Swift, the British boxer. It would te jMt. a» to m^o a a^„,, v ies "i^TriliS IU lt^S5™^ot;fo*th-e-?ybTi knowithat we mean.^t aroyon, ' -'-'-- » ~ *>•• —*" "W"" ' -• f 1*1 ,"1/ ^-f r;:-: 'I':l.-.'ijhIoh*iSl 1 ha'viilgl)^ oon)pelIe4fo. pullnpBtatceB',at: 01mS;'M'!gTes{er;ecinltilnatton bf attiaotlbns'was pre- 'tA^Blirfiat'^Ss at Us Hlppodrqmatlo.Templa In Aloiandriih ' lud'tb&dqa^ ihreotconpea.U'one. ^AfaioDg those th^V-wete-thi 'fiherwbdd^faibily, Jimmy Beynolds, M^Hai Iskdb^. MonS. Bochille, Vifi Conrad Broth- the'WhilUy fUnllytlli^ Elvira, Eaton BlQp^ and others. -1 iij nHin^ -w: TTMYt.' a^rfantrtari. ilowWithth»Oth H. 1. B. M., Is at -fldla PlainLaddtlig,'VEL.i'enilering from an .LgJUfy tecefvod at . iUebattUbf Tyederidkabttrg, Wo have'a Ut^r Itom'hlm; which is aroii'ded'out thlswedL * ' '"1CrIffli>le's'Varletl'os, Pittsburgh, Pa., bos bean dol^g. 'a.ilno trade Of bte. A' Ohrlstmas pantomime, gotten np for the holl.- daya,&rO^B."9aaUri seems "to have-token well, and has nn, • ^untltyx)! dimes. le benefit for.the sofliarotsiby the'Jatn^is ich.took place qh DWkMi (It-Orpvex'a, .**V(!hl^VfBS,TreJl tSa^mir'Vf *T. olMantly dresaod^.jLM!Mf>9^^ ,411a.caDtcibniy tSUSIla iSuerHnnandea, h^jvinjltaoCiittifl Ui«>- TarletlealTrcrp all reeeived by the oiowded audleoce. who (ft^, M) the more in lending a helping inap.'-"-"' 1 '. U giMtaie at thcllfaishliigton 'V'arieMca. leAr on the 3d and Pth, owing to that teaziir to vo- 'a6^' She nightly performs a xonnd of six char^ in dBEeMnt ijostumea; Miss Eva Brent Is'alao much ad- :' 'tUMMfbrhSf jitfnetand Impaaslonod stylo ot singing, p'artleolarly '''KerrUdolDgM .fhe'UcGregois^ — -., v'l i -'i"!!- Mtts'EljBlltovtt'eM dancer, is engaged'toappear on the ).v.):-iaHjrtm7??ashlng^ ■ 7 .. , K^.^- ~''.''):!::i'}IHekl^ds,'the'clcg ana Jig dancer, has boeaveryBlok, which V'T u'^'fijl'tP^''^^ hlln from appearing ot tho Yarietlee, Waahlngton, ^'C^aoMI 'Mlhe last few weeks. He Is recovering, and will;'itJa hoped, i'^iijfcaVatteara^alB,'■ ioit e&v:i(-.>i<jj|W|tr^oq^.Hial, Washington, la going shcad in the way of got- 0 u ri-t/r'^r'^bMthejj^teiaj.theyliave'caplttahonses'every Itcer- II o1 Ky^HiUiaris a' t^ttp'^lcBr ^IlSsBntherhmd; her alnglng ihnohre- , . . .kind of eensatlon theatre, haabrooght out anew T mistake here aa it was over the water, when "Boz" Waa .giving of nCatherlne H'fwatd," and It had bean well cec«)vtd, laa his Bob Sawyer's party. All the roughs there got the impres- de TorrSLS, recently, a French company of gyonaitsiL eton Charles Dlohenswaato set-to with Tom Sayers,'andwent | goQj,o,d a grand performanoe, In \fhlco, for thctfrt Umli 1 crowds to see their - favorite Utile man of Plmllco, bnt they uadrid, a bdloon ascent was to take. place, wbloh v^aa to is 'didn't see it" When will Jonesey give us hla talk about "The , number of persons. The result^vaa they bad t a Wonder!" . - - , house, a wonderfol thing for this.timo of year, but the bJ Bev. Mr. BDIbnm,'the blind preacher^ lectured before a dli-1 fo^ gn^in-nas a novelty. The'p^drmanfewasawretthedaair^ 'Sanioel 6.-8antbrd brought out T. D. Bice's humorous opera of "Bone Bqiilsh"'for the first tlmo at his Opera House, Hoxris- YtTpoaslbio thit Jtr.Siaiomajj HaiUon, I burg/^, on Wednesday evening, Jan. 7. It proved atojd(;d hMimH) -iiSi^^ to nSSte It Sfererioe to thos^ sucoess. Tho part of Bone BquaA la no ea/^ mattjar to psrfon^ >^''i(hl?' ii> ni«^«M to- Ua'trlonJHanri BoDand* ftom the Immedsb akount of singing to be got thr9i]igh,^yet. thei aev. «ir. nuiinini, ;ioo uunu. vrojvuoj, .™.iu~^.v»» -. ,oj gpuj, ■„„ » hoteiij. 4110. toiuiuuiuw ""•» n""*"! >tn,Iin«s .MPi^."a;"™.»«aL^«^£S"^^ to Dtlca, N.T., on the m The for iVappears the MmBwy.fifibonghittebaUoonto ISSSins^ mi aatte first- Mr. Brown u the Tankco Devil jSrjr^ithy.o< blind poet, Ml«on,w*s his topic for discusalon, ana treated in Urith, but undetstoojnofilng about manarfng it, and;! iniacnons was ' "'^"^^jt. Ho danger ot T. D. Bice's "Uvtw rmr«Wnti2 besntlfiil style. His dsMvery, alW dwura^ for noarlv an hour, they cotOd not makeltticaL tWe"'playlng'Otr-''tadlapoeed," like tho other..BCMb tonora or was none the IM^ ' . . „ J The company cleared nearly £100 by the bauoon gag,-tal tin baneftoneaitilianoa. 'vX! '■ y- ■ The HutohlnsOAFsmlly, of the "Tribe rfAs<mvo^^^^^ The"Wha»Cheor Berenaders recontlygaveaiMilltnt East night on the 12th, at ihe8J)ringOardon^ Very likely all the baUoonlstowlU be miJtlngtrai*, tor Srala. Proriaenco;rortheSol<>ei8'AldBoole^ . '..^ : fjiher Gullck's Old Foto^Concert Tro Bouctfoatlt opened his thMtreJateAeUe^^^^^ Dnnrez & Green's Minstrels, at the Academy,"'ijrBw Orleans, through Pennsylvania. TheywIUbetoThiladelphiai atponcort, Deo., tea-gay and faahionable,"bnt .not very lupasW were dohig a trifle better, bnt .business wos nbt.,gpod. They Hsll, about the Mth of this month. ' . , V. ^ ■:;.„• ence. Mr. Loeson did not sppoar to good advantage..-Allbotjli nve an afternoon performance on tho Ist of Janua^, and the The Woodicffe Glass Blowers axe doing a good bnslntSB it tho I Boudcault advertlacd to produce his new paniomln* on Cbriit. ■ iairoti'a<>d-oiit this week. " • '. receipts fo(rted up over 1200. There.wafl ovldonca of" a largo Assembly BnUdtags, PhlbidBlpto^ , , -.ii.ii 7v''*'^^ |^ isorotiaeaowtmswees. ,• -SSndanoe for the evening, Lavallce and BIdauxh'\4both been Big. BUtz and bis canary Slrds attrartcMwda .tothe am^ attendancelortneevening, -xjavouceananiaauKu.'woguoeea Dig.iuins wiu uj» - . very elok for nearly-two weeks; but were all right ot lastac saloon of the Assembly Buildings, In Philadelphia. The' connts/Jan.'lst, ud'weVe'on ^0 bills again. IliemUistreb holds out welL^ Price's Cbons has gone to Lisbon. The now dress Ihil ml Intendea to have-been built for .OlnlsalU Is nearly.fliiiihil| were giving a'burlesque retMsontatten'of th» recent fight .AtConcert'Hsll,Philaddphlaj£apt WlBUins is holding fo.rth Though smaDerihan the^^^ batwera Tom King and Jom-.Mi«'co,whloh.spepiB to b^ve met nightly with hto r^-ij some atonifbnpd.lnf^'-" *" • i^Serata'ncrt' (!.-T<>-'.K,->.-i.KriiL'asor<" with favor.-' 'Havlng'got mlz{ down-Boulh Apiiekr to tak;,^ by atfatt^ot theprotoaslbn pl(iked up'ftom thedllierent regi- ments now stationed there. Aulong the most prominent iMtr- formers- were the Messrs. 'Whlttemore. of the New-^ork VoL EofltaieerB; Eddie, of the 4)th Conn^; Ohailie Oleason, of the iih Ni'KV formerly, ot UorriH; ilayne (now Cspt Msyne) and A. Rogers.' Oharlla'if big ' ~ - -- Olerk/'-and "Hllt4n He ... They called him cut three times.and tried It agatn,bnt he wished them "a happy new April Fool Day," and they had to let him go. Eddie wlU moke a good man in the "biz." if he keeps on. ^d. Whlttemore Is a pretty b^d singer, and George docs good middle "btz," Gen. Brennah'and Beymore, vrltb their stafb, were present and seemed well pleased. .' . EUUopean oomedy la dolly growing In popnlorlty; so much so, that we have now a star in tho darkey firmament—Mr. John Ilulllgan—and he's a big star, too. See Manager Georgo-I^a'a -oord in reference thereto, among our theatrical advertisements, ;^od'^U.';,:.l wgf Mfa'BriiDt'sppeued'al tho Washington 'Varieties on Mou' 0 fii>-!M^'-y^: ^'' uiawpis miioh applauded in bar exqululto song, oil nn .J.!^iWtin'm^CvQelW<tr'l<< over.''' Ward, the ffloud Swing per- ,trii!4';-<'''i^o'nfi(ir;:«a'n.Dt'pn^ although ho was engaged, ''''^'^na-idtertUef'|tp setfonh.. When a. performer altera-his. mind .ot,cn'.i.'.-f^' ^-.tK/^/KliilteKeMti ila!o>'. iy,lO^'iiipii)t-jo. fflBIIiBe^ ah engagement, the'imager with - wfapm he engages'shbuld bo'lnfonhed, as that 'saves them the ', exmnse of .printing, besides the annoyance of disappointing 'oi'.y; --'I iUii.'ptjblia; B^nTTatos. and Mmllo. Zoe/grdw hlghUyln Civor. cul >>.' i;SBAkIiting,'ifae BudWorth brothere, PaulBerner, Hiss Charles, ■j/)i S[ j' tsUHsVloteiici', Vili'. Geraldlno, la petite Hdolse, all come In ' U'Volli'^ifarthiUfalrshorebr^pplau^.':....KathleenO'Noll andUnole ' ftmai Sllgdm.,are.reheanlnf( acme, soreaiilng Irish pieces, •'-.1 rri.^hlcA'Sre.lobe'sh9^tl)npioducca..'^..'.A.very.laughable fkrco, ■ nij:.;,4ifbnLthepraM'Jam<ie'nigrim',hasbeonrnn^ the week, 'I'n'Iij I'iltis (intluaa Semhts by Ltgeoy," in which J. Budworth ana ,t;v,-Oi'c^ll]sti Oharieii'pUy'tl)o (unny pans'. Buslqosa la tip-top; full lI»^^w r^-i^^||l|rt *vAryUght, ' . , biouii? i^-'-. ingtveatulpleMtlre tohAubf the ntbgross making by those faa)' ..'.i'liWe<akne«irs:>t'Oia^. AUfffistt and Mario. When: we first.saw h'^at^ in'Nbw''Vorh,'we.vrbro favorablylufproesed HMi-tt^ Upi f ^toi ec Bigi4,ablUlle«. ; They rec^tly.concluded a ) mngKmant In ^tt^burgb/and' orb now.siti tho Caniorbnry,' yriSlE&m,''mwOaS appeaVto bb great.favorites. ..TBoy, 'elieut biubt in'tba'Ftolich sbhobl of danclnff, sad arb among ^;b<WAHI«8niitT'onwlrboards.' ' . ,. /' . i Vi uii;(:iiT.><i;'.'£^.B^]j^B'CbhcettHiill, Detroltthoro are now engaged the 000 uM'.'if^Il^iflijg performers:—Misses Flora, Burton, B'arrand.Le Claire, ^/tSUDiwion; Johnny Boyd, Master Farron'd,. Josh H^t T. J. 5>"I'''-vl'-^^G;'Mi,mi'ci.l^dDan;Bna)molL ..'v:' ■tm'n fr««if 'TTitrriiiiSana brother aro In the coriipany attaohed.tOiBel' iiVn i\:u i]^((>.Onieert-Bai, Detrolti'Mlcb. They appear. In solo and '- doobie dances.) nielr engagenuint doses on thsh whentliey 'v' -rStSti to N^NrYrfrk.' Thoy.fihvb'a'aplenjUdwordrobo.and music, •■'-jtniiningta'-irtUkB donee. ' • ''' Dick Porkerr of Porker's 'Varieties, 'Alexandria, 'Vo., bod a bon- - ' «flt afUb(ir^ Hall on Saturday, the 10th. •'ThK'0^^pIb,Phlbdelphia, was opened on ..the lOtli by Her- nan'd6Z,.wlUi the following company: .Mpns.'and Madame Mar- '{VI ■ 'g^ttl.'Monij'Mada^eiindMlss Lehtusq, Mohs, Szolloey, Grosal 1 iri 4^d^1Ie.'Vartlnottl; all members of thoBaveltroupe; Moreete, r.'!':: '':' the^eV'ktloita'horljoDtfl bar.porfl^rmer, Paul Borgcr, Francos ,1-/1-UBby.'^db foil i;#^de'tia)le(. ',lliIons. Thlodoii is musical di- -'-rtator.-'^l'':-'''■'•'^•• '^'^ p'<;-: li . '>>Bte''IiBN'wlfiat.'ilin'' -iomalo loveliness UanogerAlmes .t:-: .g|^g,^-»Jl aroufid jdmat lits nummbtbOontloontslMpslo cr.,',' ■'(.: '.HdLlD PfaUadelAhia:—HIlo.'Hblonb, Misses Julio Prioo, Sualo Sommerfleia, Haggla Nichols, .Boee BuUth, Eato'tfi&hes, Amelia ;el]talre; XatoBwnllton.'Luoy fitotte:(Ah| ari) yoiitGere.Xucy?), '-'(^^•""'^UDltyBogor^; Alloo LbabhI Marlah Smith, Luoy'Hamblln, Oaro- i|]]e<um\'2ile|)t,jth''0urry,> Anno Eldrldgc- Jane WUson, 0. sj. (;fi ;f'-Morton, It jaokflon. Truly a "OOnrt of Beauty.", Among the. sterner aex are John Mulligan,iDoDhy aallagb'or, Andy Leovitt' Tom'Vance, Deb Bntlir, a W.'Porker, J.Blvers, G.W. Smith ^d JohnBjtler. ,BQepnp(heattrac^ons,MendAlmbs, and yon frtukeep.'iip yoorbuameu. The.ContlneniaIisagrcatha]l,and 'nraqli^ a. anutpompapy, and.we areiglod toaeo that the n)an>,. aslr p)ita°^PnnsaohalargaIlal. <' > .1 . . ■ .■ ' ' - ^|!|!nesll^e doFalbU',.lUa3 H.OM«Iaiid«j and Fattle Blowart are amoiiji Utb cblof attrnotlona at iho Ooaliio^Phlladolpbla; ... Bpimiiesllo, rppeAndlsr andpantondmitt hasmadelqulle a i)lt atVnmble'a Tarietlet, Pittabughj where Mia now perform- ,. log, Dorlng the holidays, be walked the ropo from the, top of ft' ■ irfth 'fflfftiTPwiftpwropftoiinoaii'i • , i - ',; ".ili'i,:-,r !Stt(»>,.nb^h-^S^ I r -ry.ii,' .,•71 ,il !.'-ir.,l ■. a- ftlltt ' LIu'oif.t-l I ohmt^ffot He olssinuiflpflight OBCsnsiaM, !laooomsanlmentir ■'->' ■ .'<,*■'■■'• 1 Bob E4wai^io#,'''«iid,wa;md bif Oatety. 19, Pa,,,5n.falf.blasCtwJthJkW*llstof. of,JakeBniai^;Ji$nilw. Stur Eovatd, .'. : ■ ■ s:.■ ■^^■.<l•l!^i^ ■.^l■r^■ e peopia L~&om. Footo and Cot BAall, the' tVlb smdlesL OwA'ili.Jn. tbw j: Mir. ' The Itatetlor, for' jlocora.tton, |cnlpthr.e; ao|l patatUift -< |MuntEy,airivbdatNe*'OrIesiSn,MiS'nd%TbrX,'onthe28tLofT tbeextren^e. Beport aayS: that-Price bltili 10 In' tbe Decamber.and -under tUe dlreotlofl'M Ool. Ellingilr gave. tholr J opeUlng it, while another report aays'Clniselll will doaevUti on New year's Eva, I opening performance in the^naetiih, adjoining the Academy ot I „eat company. The celebrated Mr.andMias B]'aa,vhohin ' Moalo, on tha 81st ot December, to a laij audience. A corres-1 |,g,Qpe^ommtg in tbo'Boyal Teatro, Toledo, the favorite mtit pendent in Now Orleans says they are the greatest curioaitlcs in | town, hove gone to Lisbon, to fulfil an engagement with Irica'i the way of mankind gotten up on a email scale he ever saw. . > . .After showing six nights in Buffalo, N. T., Bobert Heller, with , hlsmagio and moslo, left fof Lookport; thence to WllllJimapoTt en .a, -bonlo solo.~ His '"Dry - Ooodii I and Harrlsburg, bound for Washington, D. C. He opens in Bar- ^ead Bars," took the house by storm, riabnrg on the 13tbi I g^jg]^ ((Oonuit'a PolemoramB opens at the opera nonae, Buf- falo, on the 12th. Mrs. GecUe Bush wlU read stleotlons Item tho poets, in Phi)*- delphis, on the nth lost The Carter Zouave Troupe are doing so well' tlUt^their pro- posed trip to Cuba will bo deferred for a short time.'' They clofud their ntoth entertainment to Harrlsbure,'Pa.;outhelOtti,ana on the 12th, their last nlght -werb. to eolblt fpr thb. b<meU of the Paxton Hose Com'puiy, ' > ■ drous. . Hairy Fox and 0. Bmltb, announced as the "Original Cootn-1 band'Negro Minstrels from Nfw York,'.' ^rere to appear In Bin-1 |'10Rhain,Eng.,Deo. SO. I , The beautlfnl little "Counteas of Oayton," a model <( 11-1 mtontive beauty, waa attracting large audiences to hereattitala; | ments to Nottingham. The Oouhtess -will npset Ults uratitt'i ealenlatlona.- • ■ 1. ■ ■ .' Mr, and Mrs. Adams, equestrians, reached London aflal fearfDl passage in the Tartar from Lisbon. ■■■■r Mr. James Anderson, the celebratod tragedian; hod lebDul to London. . ^ . • ' An Occident happened toMr. Mackney Sr„ comedui, oatta 2lst Deo.v to Lbfidon. He was knookod down by a hnaa ul .Garrett's Museum ituiibolds forth. ai-Mbreton'a BalLPlits- ogft and Unstained several .Very severe injuries. Ahoat Ihitt thelr^jlg diAcer,Frank WlIson,use sud,instead''of wet salt IOonn.;lastweok;bnt havinghoaudfence,dldn'tbloW, 'A;gopd hereafter.' | d>i)matloperformonoe IS inore palatable than atralltlon lectures, Arllngton'BTwlceMarriod-no.thatban'tbe—itisan"ewaw." I Jnatnow. > : ' ; - >,i , We "meant for toBay"that Arlington pbiys to apiece .called I . Professor Harrington, the Bbston'Vehtrllonnlst finished a sue- •■Twtca Manied," In which be has toade a'straight hit, The. ceasfal.tour ot.VennoUilasltog four months,'by "taktogBlchT troupe, Arltogton,Uon,and Dodnlkor'B Minstrels, opened aitlmond'Fonthetth.'''Hetikesaweek'a-resplto atBbkton,abisa., tho Metropolitan, Obicaao;.on the 8th, and cbntlhued ;thr«ngb I while hla agent, E. 'U.LeaUe: is arranging a routo to MaJno,- ., , the week. Ed Eelly'li "Macbeth on the Half Bhell":l* ihAia to Oaalon E. Dodge end Wm. Hayword were adverttsed at Ehai beat oa an "exbavi . . .They hove been tmiiingpeople sway at Morris Brothers, Pell k Trowbridge's MtoslrelB, Boston, sp great has beoh.the rush to see this excellent'tionps. "New .Tear Calls',' mode a capital bit,; and Is kept on the bills this vroek, - "Carriages moy be ordsr^I at0:20." ' 1 ' ' ' ' Hooley's Minstrels are.havtog a good thing, where thalrhaU has been orowaed of late.' E..^ Shaking Quakers'' hlt.'em hard; ap'd tho sketeh ^ . publico" nna also mot with gri;at fsvbr. Booloy's .'la f^i (uatlta- tion to'the City <X Churches, 'and Is well deservtog of paitronagt. WlltoUi HijH.; Ibr the 12thv " '.THE HOLMAN TBOOTE.-^ , tntnOuJ'Ulimflt, (Pa.,) Stating Ohnmidti Jmyi, .' , • The Holmans conclude their engagement at Masonic Hall to- night. To those who have heard them we have nothtog to say. and England. Tho muUato, Minor, .the great bare-Tfackod ridcr,.lied itceilir at Gibraltar, of consumption.'. ■ ' JohnO. Heenan conttonea the'great al^taotlon of .Soves va- oua," The concern wtia still sjiovring in the provinces, Obarica Eean cbnolodea his «ogagemont In Dublln.09 Iheuia of December.' ^ ' ■ ■ ■ j ■ Mr. and Mrs. Howard Paul were at Leeda fbr six Bights, thenweroto gotoMonchetter.. ' <' -'^ ' The Christy Minatrtls (Wlls'om's) were giving aulatWiuMB to Manchester.' G. W. Moorb waa well, received In-hla eon- letllties.' . -'Mr. Boihem has renewed )iia bdgs^bmvit With Hr. ^u^g^ hUas Bailie, the young Prima Donna,' poascaaos tho quallflcatlbns ot future. greato«as, and. la the pride-and hope of those' who have Amerlcain pre-eminence lOt heart She le, todeed, a vooal . wqndor. The graceful, Vttla piquant folrr-Ilke Julio; with her ,.._!ravah.curls and sparkling black eyes, is the pet of the public, fv iI?^9.?Si I 5' Una at ouco enelavea oU hearts.. Alfred, the baritone of the e spirit lond to his | ,|ngg '^ni peat tasto and finish, and drnms-o hlngnlot comblnotton of talent, by tho way—In-a miaivelons manner. The. .. ~ mSOBlEJjASBUVS. Nod Kendall, the groat buglo player, "who ago," baa been Bending a massage from the>splrlt friends to tho earthly form, aa he promised he wouia do tf It -woio poselble. As Eendall was one ot the greatest buglers that ever lived, and as be was widely known, we his friends mlgI)t>not object to read what the Bky through .spiritual media. He rofet8:.t< aiMriilt solo li^'fWbbdTIp," with which he hearcM. This eomindnlcatlon is truly ajaeertod to. have been rebelyed by.acbntcrence of spiritualists, and tho passages to brockets are'the remarks made by the chairman of this confer- ence,.to whom the dead^uslelan is supposed to hove oddreasad tho communication. Bo eayai—"I waa somowhat celebrated. oa a bugler while bore on the earth, and I hove t>eon told by those ■5'^;WZ%1.a'^f^n?!p£» tal Palace. The Leototd feat was faein'K,)H>rform°d ot the .Allumbit, ui- London, by Uoator Itlohord OotiradF' only 16 years oM. ,, Ettle Henderson, it 'ls undorstoo(t wlUsoon appear In Podi|i>< and then perhaps visit London. .. . ' .li_i.ik«. The Viceroy ot Egypt contomplatcs establishing a «f'«»J!r. aire, audthe Paris press is tb bq Invltod to the opallii8 monJf»' On»of the omuscmento with which « J"^ ™>'f','l jj. Ing an ouviable ortlstio: name todaliblg on the public heart' and Imtod;, '..!'.■ ' . , .THE.CABTBR ZOUAVE BIBTEBS; , . J>cmlfeifar7Mww»('f'«>f)i'a**tu*'t''M(on/J'art.'0.' This liavoHto troupe gavoanp^ther of thollr inlmltoble ente;^to- ImenUtoon " '" • ■— hours more, charm the dellcato Frenchmen a "Viceroy" must be a man <;f taato. bijgle,,although they could notaeeme. Notd profosstoretato pqnors Just as good as they .were before deatb,nnd I pro- foss',to bb able, to exercise those poworB,too. If myfrlends conU recognize my todlvidusUty before death, ! know no reason wb^boy should not be objeto do so now. -Wollt see hbro; Sup- pose I have the power to toko the toaCrament and produce a'tbw notes, . [I ehculd think It would be the best proof of yotir Iden- tity and power 03 a spirit that you oould . offer your frlenda to 1 Tvi.'Uir i;i"ii.T .mortsL] Won, I have w<»nar*taohcd myself to a bandiw aplrlt-mnalclaue, who are attendant upon a medium baUed Hits "''?£?^1^'''???? Lord. [Miss Jennie Lord? There aro two .mediums by that rS3?S?Rs??°'^SJ.2?i.^', namo.]Tdon't know.slr, JDoyon moan tho one who Is at S^^J^fiVvi^^,?.?^^ present to Qntooy?) I do. .rthon you have roterenco to Mae I ttO""L».?n8'?>'"»l' ' .Tney_?j Jennie Lord, tho mnaleal medltun.] Well, what I -propose la this.. It my trionds wIU go thai(e and famish me irith a snitsblo Instrument, if I don't make my presence sattsfactorr to them, I'll give up. [I've no doubt batlhot your friends will Improve the opporlnnitybltared them.]' IhopetbeywilL Now thoy most n bvarflowtog hbose last night Wo never' passed two e,plsaiaantlyuan in witneasing the varled-aii^ sklUfUl y„..„.,„„„ccB oftbeso unrivallsd artlatos and listening to,their ei.aulalto music.:. They give another entertainment this, qveoih^i - «Wrt tin .4ni*ti4 will cmuifA^ with A ftlll-linnin.' AA'ikimlil' . "'. 'crocodile hUDt." viceroy" must DO a man qi taste. ■ . ii. The Christy Mtastrebi; unWr.Wllsbm's adrolnlftraUJDjdWw a auocesstnl season ottheBotatdo, DubUo, onD«<l.4^wiwm Moore, Orbokor, and Christian,'were muoh. euloglsea »/»" t)ralB,totiieir respective hot, no^-colorbd roles. - ■"■ . i'^ A'memorial Is being proparbd in Glasgow, SwtlaMi todesd gratllled tolpam, spllolltoiiBponBlonof llOOsytuw''" widow of the lato Bhoridni Knowlcs; wbloh la bolBg «Bt«M«5S Ukomannbr to Belfnstj where the. mnBtriouadeadwraao™J known and so highly eatodmbd. A bandaomo.m^a,^^^,„ about to baoroctec andaa'evldonce of Bisto tbat two of hia Sily eatcomea. a nonaaomo. *">"'-----v^ to his memory to the QIasgo«»f?J!?!; the eplrit evinced in reference to i«iJ™ =~» ,uuv u. ula friends to London, one ot 'iSfor ;the way to attend tho fbnoral. have put down U'*''(or *100eaoh. Wo are glad to know that Mr. B'^S"'''!?'uwa Glasgow, and several of tho leading men In OlasBO?! »r,.. I and no doubt wlU be greeted with a fhU-honsb,' aS Usnst ... '.'.'amathiuk* ateruo?rpXrSSBO^"n.te?iSS«^ ilton, C*W., alter fitting.-np the oia theatre oil John atreet for-' mer^'ocouplediby Uri Nleklnsbn, made their first an>earanoo, to The' Ohrlalj Mtos^, Nish's PH^'j'">''^J{jJ'„2J21'AniWawI iloyed'the' same bill Doe. 12tb> On Monday, ist£, and Fridoy, IDth- tost ' "Whltoboit at Greenwich," a clog' danoe; and " Wator." iWe bolleve it Is their totentlon to keep opon, for two nlgbta a week: during the winter.. Tbo superior orobeabro was oomposed of the Jtrtog band of tho Blfle Brigade, CBAMPtoNemp-BBOoiiRO Miioiiis.—A match '"'^'',^00 .. , , .... , ,plon badge of the Keokuk, lowNShooUngClub.tobltP'^^ be wnung to conform to the condlUona of that oirolo. I think 1^ ^bb EunuA DnauAno TMvra aro.j'up to tho emergqnoyi". Dec. 26. Thb.conditions vTerc to shobtot u^^'/iTf^i^vi^tts thoy are nbt BO rigid but that they ooui eaaily:d0 so. tWould On Christmas Eve they btcolght but Vpbristmas at Home,^'. tor shot 31 yo^dt'rUe, 60 yards bontidaty^ you like ^ur own bugle to nao on that oooasloni] r ahonld, 'ho benefit of'Slok and wounded soldlqrs. DUrtog the oventop score produced:—- .n ..>..'..., r ward . , . ehbuld find this Bplrltuaf Phlloaophy to. bo true, [^ould tbey not reobgolzo — " '—'— — "—'- -~ • Up' Qnlelistop they'll conform' that NoA EbndoU's dd'od, and haan'tpoworto return by thb'Ughl of Modem Splrltuhllsm. WeU, myfrlonda say thoy.deslrelnnt' lind^for pna, prqpqaeto give tbem-aU: i.ban. Good day,'Mr.v So'nilW for the, spiritual'CommnnlcatlO)!! 'How, wo hopethe :.wl)l .b« Blyen ifor tesltog ihU niritoal'bnitotss I -i htlgb jbnglVortheJ^iuWM lEendalL -Berktodlr.dfteisto Mmqdhlsl|orn,'anA .pmmlteftM.'rtiiriathagteUAiiii- Ui'|ftb«>. iVyed It ''to mortal" r W« hopftolAr nirituil fri&Ht, ^,.,^,ji.0<ui...l9ng in aasp«BM,- fbMirkrwlf irttebl'ttUt*' 1. Ohrlat-i itb, (hJah . , , . tenioaward,'DougheUs, Jonvan Bo>oran,.Ilorris Qrealeo (dlatto- gulshod people to queer bo'stnmb)< Prblnao, totoxspersedwUh lUaHettes, tableaux; soUgs, ifeoitatlons,'eto, and. concluded with jjo tearing fkroe of "Odntontmont la pw/ii than Wealth." On Deb. lOih'Uie kalfls bUI ^as brbughl^ut Wth Variations, "Aula | Bobto Orar,''-th<far«e! also7''Baildi&.;'_ .Qnaanurty 1st ^, 0.'Poltorwtf:itft4kea 'blftt'ed{ *(tho:llaildsof the Sbnir*'Dra-1 ma'ileTrobp«/^t Vtl^bb^« "they W))iligbt out the "Qptbroon'' ^ Edwin T. Bowden..'. Jno. Stannue... Jno. Dollery.. .. The day 1 and stroMf; was Bpent-' ,.,11101101-^: -.OlOOlUDl-ff :.10001D101-r< .000011001-8 P.P.Boyoei...••!•""'?" iu--ttM'St&rbiVab*ir«i; the iiss.'Si'.SS*: f; the sport mueh,6rt^>*i63„aBAa. good time au n InthbOTbWBg; ■;..,',;, Oh^NewTeaVb^d^^raleobhf'ew^ ,0bim,toa4e their firstapp«ar«o«e otl r /isuf.. ,7he ;BleQa(l plsyad were an'orlatnal hDdor,' at t^ji blM>.e*blii oh A.Ba»rtiii...;..i.lOl}J00r' J;-Bt^tls.l-.,;>Y: " ..I ^TaSiatv" r" Ifig.'iUHalldi . good'time gtn*iin)r,